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)f'go,n Q2.
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, Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination Septembe,f,r'29?7' , I . I
' (CBCS Scheme) ' j ''.-,r''' " ,l i,i!
Time: 3 Hours Max'{trx$<s: {$t'ylarks
Sub: Engineering Mathematics [Y
Q P Code: 60401
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
, 2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper,
5. Write Legibly
Module-l , "
a State and prove Cauchy's Riemann equation Polar form .. tt..: i
b ( r-2 ( rz
Show rhat f(z=l r+{- lcosd +il r-!- lsind, r*0isanalyticandhence isaregular
( r, ( r)
function of z = re" ,Alsofind. f'(z). t. ,l
c Construct the analytic function whose real part is u = togt'J*T'yz
,,,1q 'ir I
Find the analytic function /(z)whose imaginprylpaftiis'v = e-'(xcos y + ys:ra y)
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
as the 7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
is z : 12 cosZa
"'{r'-1"",' Module - 2
Find the bilinear transformdtion which maps 21 = !, Z2 : t, Zs: -i into @L = 2,wz = i
ws = -2 respectivelyi"'oili, '
Evaluate l r= d, "alongithJ straight line fromz = Oto3 + i.
State and provU iCauchy's integral formula.
a DisCus thd transformati on. a : 22
i:; r $:t'::;
,.! i
1 . ,n
o Vefifu the Cauchy's theorem for the
L -D'-
Evaluate l: "
d=overC : lzl = f.
functionf(z)=ze-' over the unit circle with origin
Module - 3
a Derive the mean and standard deviation of Poisson distribution.
b The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 0.1. If 12 such pens
are selected at random, find the probability that
(i) exactly two pens wil1be defective
(ii) at most two pens are defective
(iii) None will be defective
If x is an exponential variate with mean 3 find (i)P(x > 1) (ii)P(x <3)
Find the Mean and Standard deviation of Normal distribution.
The probability that a news reader commits no mistakes in reading the news _1
Find the probability that on a particular news broadcast he commits
(ii)at most three mistakes
Find the constant k such that I (x) = {
[0 , otherwise i;
7 marks
I. 1 marKs
.,r. !,i sl::i::
ir** e, .::::::
'r::1 t] 'l; l
'*, t '&
r.l+:r . '2.i.
N! :+. t
,'*'1i,,ill' ,,4'
..,.1i 6 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
I Also find (rX1< x <2) (ii)P(x < 1) (iii)P(x > 1)
Module - 4
Find the correlation co efficient and equation ofregression for t$q"fdl
rli! .'
',.'ir.'.1. i
Obtain the lines of regression and hence find the iblefficient of correlation for the data
r 'I"t",','i'
.,, 11,
i'i -,
'11;, ''
Compute I ,y and r from the'foltrowihg equation of the lines.
2x * 3y * 1 : Qi'*4p,$r 6y' - 4 = 0
":: Il
:i:' : !:
Fit a curve of the foijrr y = qxz * bx * c for the data
b Fit,4,curve of the form ! = exb from the following data
c Fit a curve of the form ! : qx * b for the data given
x I 2 -1 4 '}i6 7
v 9 8 10 t2 dIl 13 I4
x I 3 4 2 5
Y .,8 j'
6 10 8 t2
x I 2 J 4 5
v 10 l2 13 t6 19
x 1 2 3 4 5 6
v 2.98 4.26 5.21 6.1 6.8 7.5
x I 2 J 4 5
v 2 5 J 8 7
6 marks
Time: 3 Hours
Sub: Additional Mathematics - II
Q P Code: 604A7
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one fuIl question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
N'Iodule - 1
a From the following table find the number of students who have*obtained
a) less than 45 marks (b) between 40 and 45 marks
Marks 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70, 70-80
No. of students 31 42 51 35 31 .
b Use Lagrange's interpolation formula to find y (2).
:,ll ,,,.,.
ji''i h .,tt"
6 marks
7 marks
tr# using Simpror', f, *J: Uv ruk*ig 7 ordinates.
a (4Da - BD3 - 7D2 + 11D * 6)y = g.
b Solve:(Dz + 4)y = sinzx.
" sol.r.'$- 6++ 9y - 5e-2*.
dx. dx
Fit an interpolating polynomial fefthp',#ta. Uro : 355, uo = -5, us = -21,
ur = -14, a = -125 by usr*@W*&ton's divided difference formula
7 malks
6 marks
7 rnarks
find the real root of the equation xsinx * cosx : 0 7 marks
Module - 2
6 marks
7 marks
7 malks
6 marks
7 inarks
7 marks
b Using Lagrange's interpolation formula, find y at x :4, for the given data:
Ix l0l1l21';
Using Newton -:"(gphson method
nearx:Tt. I i I
Solv_,eqt"D&.,1 4D * 3)y = sx.
,Z-- r--
sploe;i$ - 4Y* 4y: s2x.
.;'.,,qx' ox
''- a2-- r--
Solve:$ - 4Y * 4y =.cos2x.
dxz dx
x 0 1 J
v L2 0 6
x 0 1
.fil. ,
f(x) 2
J :tL2
Module - 3
Form the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary constants z = (x + a)(y + b).
o2z .. ,., dz
Sohe;1 == sinx.siny forwhich
i,: -zrrnywhenx:0 & z:0tf y is anodd
mnltiple oti.o, [z = O ify - (2n + 1);]
For-rn the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary function
0(xy+22, x*y*z)=0.
Fonn the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary functions z - eax+bv .f (ax - by).
Soltc:ff':zgiventhatwhenY = 0, z = ex&K="-"
Solre {L == *. using the substitution
#.: u.
dxdv ctx'
Modure - 4
Define the follorving with examples (i) Probability (ii) Conditional Probability, ,,!'
Solre**:cos(2x+3y). ,,,.,,, '
civen. p(A)=3f
4, p(B)=1/5, ord" P(Ans):1/zo findtherjtto*lrg
p(A u B),['(A n B),P(A n B),P(A/B),P(B /A). ii"; ,,
Three nrachines A, B and C produce respectively 6gdk;,:3}q 10% of the total number of
item so Iactory. The percentages of defective ou o.f'these machines are respectively
2o,',,,3ah. and 4oh. An item is selected at randorn,and1s,found defective. Find the probability
that the item rvas produced by a machine C ",.,,,,
Prove the lollowing (i) P(0) = O (ii) P(/) : ! - P(A) where A is the compliment of A
' tiirt, P(,4 u n) = 7
/g, P(A i B) = 1f
11' A and B are events::: ,
P(A) = ,tlu,f ,no P(A),P(B) d;n p'U n B)
', "
12 3 4l
Find tlrc 'ank of the matrix A = l-1 2 3l
Lr s 7l
Find thc valnes of 7 and trr such that the system of equations
x +y * z =6,x* 2y *32 = 10,x-l2y +72 = lt mayhaveuniquesolution.
Solve thersystem of equations x + y * z = 9,x * 2y * 3z :8, 2x * y - z = 3 byGauss
elimination method.
Find the largest eigen value and correspanding eigen vector of the matrix
t25 1 21
4 : | .,. 3 0 | by using power method taking the initial eigen vector [1 ,0 ,0]'.
I :,- o -41
Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Seidel iteration method 20x * ! - 2z =
1.7 ,3x + 20y - z: -LB and2x -3y *202 =25CarryoutThreeiterations
Reduce ti:e inatrix o : l:; 1] -. diagonal form
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
//i>'/ . .'o.
Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 202p-i
{' ..*,1-:'',,', ',": i
(CBCS Scheme) -l
Time: 3 Hours Max Mart<s: $Q-m1$s'
Sub: Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Q P Code: 60402
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. ,
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - 1
a Explain Asymptotic notations with examples 10 marks
b For each of the following functions indicate how much the functions value will change if its 10 marks
arguments increase four fold. i) C(n):Il2n*n-1 ii) logzn ', ,iii) n3 iv)2" v) n2
Design the algorithm and analysis to find maximum of n elements' and obtain its time 10 marks
complexity in how to check whether the elementS of a given anay arc unique or not in
mathematical analysis of non recursive algorithms.
Prove the following theorem if fl(n) [ O(gl,(n)) and f2(n)EO(e2(n)) then f1(n)+f2(") [ 10 marks
- 2
Design an algorithm forperfoffiifurnerge sort. Analyze its time efficiency. Apply the same 10 marks
to sortthe following set of nemb€is 4,9,0,6, -1,8, 9,2,3,12.
Apply topological so4'oq the following graph using DFS based methods. 10 marks
i '1.-. .
' .;f' ' .t'
a''1, Define Divide and conquer. Design an iterative algorithm for binary search with example.
b Obtain the time complexity of finding minimum and maximum algorithm that uses divide
and Conquer aPProach'
Modure - 3
a Construct the Huffrnan tree and resulting code word for the following set of values?
Character A B C D
Probability 0.4 0.1 o.2 0.15 0.15
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
Encode ABACABAD and Decode the encoded txt: 100010111001010
8 a Apply warshal Algorithm to compute transitive cl$yre for the given graph.
t optimal Binary search ffee for t
Items A ,li,,u B C D
Probability ,,'o.1 0.2 0.4 0.3
Module - 5
Write the steps to,Construct the state space tree for a given instance of the sum of subset
problem? Construct the state space tree for sum of subset the given data W:{3 ,5,6,7} and
m- l).
Apply Branch and Bound method for knapsack problem. C:10.
Items 1 2 J 4
Weight 4 7 5 3
Values Sao 542 52s 5tz
is the procedure to find the Hamiltonian circuit 10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
Find the optimal solution using greedy for job s€quencing with dead line problem with 10 marks
following value s?. n:5 . Profit= {20, 1 5, 1 0, 5, 1 }, Dead hne- {2,2,1,3,3 }
Define minimum spanning tree. Write prim's algorithrn to find minimum spanning tree. 10 marks
Find the time complexity of the algorithm.
Apply greedy method to obtain an optimal solution to knapsack problem given rtvl5, n:7 . 10 marks
P: { 1 0,5, 1 5,7,6,18,3, W : {2,3,5,7,1,4,1} Find total profit earned.
Module - 4
., .
7 a Obtain the shortest cost path from 1 to !2 rnthe following multi
I it-
n t,,,,
Fie. Q.7 (a) :
b Design the Floyd algorithm to flnd the short distances from'$l,iiti-&es
And find the complexity. ,*'1u,*l-r:*.'"'
Or ',
.. 11
stage graph using forwar{jif; ;-',11
0 :marks
r;:' '6 ',:t
._:,:.*j .:,. l
{ l},
ir*, r,, 1'
to all other nodes.
the following
What is Hamiltonian circuit problem? What
of the graph?
Explain the P, NP-Hard and NP-Complete.
:: r-{. r-ll "^-i'1,
Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 20tr!2,-- '
Time: 3 Hours
Q P Code: 60403
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - 1
a With s5mtax, explain control transfer instructions.
i) Conditional transfer ii) Unconditional Transfer.
b Develop an assembly language program to calculate the sum of 5 words of data.
0r .""'.
a Explain Flag registers in detail.
b With an example distinguish between physief.laddress, logical address and offset address.
If cS:2200H, DS:3000H, ES:1000H,1.,,,91:2220H, BX:2340H, Bp:0030H. Find
physical addiess, logical address"',,, and offset address for i) MOV AL, tBP]
ii) MOV CX, [BX]. , 'r' ,
Module - 2
a Write an ALP to convertfrom,$SC[ to packed BCD
b Write ALP using IN,T,l0Ld to draw horizontal and vertical lines.
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
i0 rnarks
l0 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
a Explain p4r$ilslpction in detail. 10 marks
b With form4t explain rotate instructions, given by example to rotate rightb by 2 bit and 10 marks
rotate Ietrt 4 bit.
t,:t"'" Module - 3
.i::1 :n::;:
ax-*Explain the following instruction with example
i) CBW ii) CWD iii) IDIV iv) SAR v) CMP
b Write an ALP to find average temperature.
a Draw control word reg of 8255.
b With neat diagram, explain the following.
i) NAND gate address decoder
ii) 74LS138 as address decoder
Module - 4
a Differentiate between CISC and RISC and also explain the RISC design philosophy.
b Explain how pipelining mechanisim with speed up execution. Illuskate with example.
c With the help of bit layout diagram explain current program status register in detail.
a What is the operational and non-operational quality attributes of an embedded systems.
b Explain the different types of serial interface bus used in Automotive Communication.
c Design FSM model for tealcoffee vending machine.
Ilodule - 5
a Explain how stack operands can be carried out using load -store
ARM architecture.
b Explain multiple register transfer instruction.
10 a With an example, explain the following instructions. ,
i) MfN ,,,.
ii) Banel Shifter ,**,,.,uf,;,u"*.
b Explain the following comparison instruction with example.i''
i) cMN
ii) cMP
iii) rEQ
iv) TST
.iii. .a ..
I i: :i:'
u"..', iiu'
''1 ,.,
*i'"'n :
"S*t{ so 'jii&P
multiple insuu,,$t{lri1 in
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
10 marks
4 marks
j,.o !
10 marks
10 marks
l0 marks
10 marks
..', ,:
.. lr.
it 1!r
,i"""'' lil u, 'iu
. ':i,...-r'i' '"'
i. ,j::,
Time: 3 Hours
Semester BE Degree Examination September
(CBCS Scheme)
Sub: Object Oriented Programming with C++
Q P Code: 60404
!i Or
t ''i tu'
a Define Data Abstraction? Illustrate the working of Data Abstraction using access specifiers
also6ive advantages of Data Abstraction.
b ,W$,,t,_qtample,
explain ftiend function and friend class.
, .:t:i .
i t;-':: :.
a!i. Explain constructors and destructors. Give an example of overloaded constructor.
b What are parameterrzed constructors? Create a class with the following parameters brand,
model and yeap aJtributes, and a constructor with different parameters. lnside the constructor
set the attributes equal to the constructor parameters (brand:x, etc). When constructor is
called the, pass parameters to the constructor, which will set the value of the corresponding
attributes to the same.
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appeff in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly ,
t, ,
Module - 1 ,
a What is Object Oriented Programming System? Also discuss abbut console input and
console output in C++ with an example. , ,. ,,,i., '..
b Explain the necessity of Function Prototyping in C++ with an example.
a Explain method of passing arguments to functions dn:d returning values from functioqs.
b Write a prog1am i) To add two numbers in,O*+;
'ii) To check whether a number is prime
or not in C--+. :
,' ":,,MQdule,- 2
a What are classes and Objects?rflrffe a program to create the Room class and its object
rooml to palculate the area and volnme of a room and the functions calculate Area 0 and
calculate Volume 0 to perfoggn the necessary ialculations. Note the use of the keyr,vord
public in the progrurn.
' 'r r, r rri:li,
b Explain passing functions and arrays as objects.
l0 marks
10 marks
[0 marks
l0 marks
l0 rnarks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
Explain with example overloading of unary operator '-' using class function and friend
b Illustrate ttre working of zero-argument constillctor and copy eonstructor with an example
for each.
Module - 4
Define Destructor. Explain the invocation of destructor in Inheritance.
With an example, explain the overriding member functions and scope resolution with
overridden functions.
With an example, explain virtual functions in C++.
What is Multilevel Inheritance? Write a C++ program to implement Multilevel
Module - 5
Explain c** streams and stream classes with an example.
Discuss fundamentals of Exception handling.
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
i,;, !
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
10 marks
* ...,r
b Write a program to create the data to a text file tesd6-titqfxt'hnd then reading the data from
F*. s{! "l
the file using C++ File Stream programming. {*i},'*l}'t''+'
*r.-.iF"+* .J::ro
l;,rr 1
i +rl ::':'
rtl.U "f[.* .l
lr, .i
l;:l :r:: r:-:ri :
'lr, i
iij*u 't'''"i""'+
What are Manipulators? Explain different type of manipulators'in C++.
) Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 2022
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 90 minutes Max Marks: 50 marks
Sub: Soft Skill Development Il
0 P Code: 60406
lnstructions: 1. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
2. Darken the circle of correct answer by black ball pen on OM R Sheet.
Question Paper Vetslon - B

Answer all the questions
Complete the sentence by choosing the correct forqr Of the verb given in trrackets
I She will (get) you a new pail ofjeans on yoirr birthday. i'
A)got B)gotten C)get , D)getting
2 I would have (fall) down from the wildow, as I was feelipgrysp-y {i77y
A)falling BXell C) fall .ri. : D)fallen
3 The wind
(blow) heavily yesterday. . ='-'" ' i'
A)'blow B) had blew C)blown
D)was blowing
zf It was pitch dark; however, there
. A) was
(be) a ra11 ofli.g t that came from the farmer's hut.
O)can be D) could be
He was _ (bite) by a snake. ; , ' 11,..- '
A)bitten B)bite '1 r
(drink) milk is good for health.
A) Drunl B) Drinks
I have never (be) to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal.
A) be 8) bedn
C) biting
C) Drank
C) beins
D) bit
D)had been
D) forgets
I don't know how the money I kQt in my wallet got _ (steal).
A)stolen B) steal C) stole
These days. Rahul _ (forget) his homeworli, r,ery often-
A) forgotted B) forgot Cforget
10 Dou't forget to give nre a call when you _ (go) to the gym.
A),gone B)have gone C) went D)go
Karuna scored 649'o nrarks in his Class 12 exaurinations and she is knorvn to be a science graduate with
5O7o"marks. She passed her M.Sc. rvith 49% rnarks. She also has a certificate iu cornputer science. Her
daie of binlr is I 2. I 2. I 990
A) llthe case rvill be rcferred to Faculty Head.
B) lfcase is to hc rcfcncd to l)cpartnrcnt l lcad.
(1) lfthe candidate would bc selected
D) If the cardidatc rvou't be selected
E) Iflhe given infonnation is insufficient to ansu,er the question
Abhay is a B.A. passed his BA in 1 st class rvith 637o marks. He had passed his class I 2 exaurs scoring
15'h.Hc had studied an addilional subject of computer science in his B.A. His date of birth is23.9.1992.
A) lfthc casc rvill bc rcfcrrcd to Faculty Hcad.
l|) lf casc is to bc rcfcncd to Dcpartmcnt Hcad.
C) lfthc candidate would bc selcctcd.
D) If thc candidato won'1 bc sclcctcd.
13 A scrics offigures arc givcn which can bc groupcd into classes. Selcct the groups into which thc figrrcs
can bc classificd.
A) 1.4. 9
2,6, I
B) r,4, 5
3,6, 8
c) r,4,6
D) 1,3,6
lf"+" means "minus", "x" means "divided by", "+" means "plus" and '-" means "multiplied by", then 81
x9r t0 6:5=e
A) 46 B) 46 c)-4s D) 47
A boy is sitting on the back-seat ofthe car. When the driver ofthe car starts it suddenly, the boy bends
towards the backside
A) Always B) Generally C.1 Sornetimes D) Never
Look carefully at the sequence of syr.rbols to fird tlr" putt"tr. Selecr conect pattetrt
'l'? -+'u'l ir" ?
{:r, i?} {r} 14}
L)4 B)1 c)2 D)3
17 Look carefully a6[he sequerrce of symbols to find the pattenl. Select conect pattem.
r;lr r. t | /:.. -Cr. r21. n. : tl
!J i4' U I IItj|'iir.; 11 2
',-/ Ll
l':ii { i i
A)3 B)2 c)l
I 8 Look carefully at the sequence ofsylbols to fmd the patteflr. Select correcJ
f , I,e ,-
lrelr,.+ltl*. I 2
il I Linl I
i* &6 t? ?
L * I{ *[
t r: {fi i;ii {.1?
A)4 B)3 " C)l
19 Look carcfully at tlic scqucncc ofsymbols to find thc pattcrn. Sclect col'rcct pattcm
A)4 B)2 C)l D)3
20 If "#" means "subtraction", "&" rncans "divjsion", "@" means "addition" and "o/n" mcans "multiplication"
then 516 & 6 # tl (A 50% 4 ='!
A2ts ts) 2s0
21 If(3)2@ I * 7:98 and(4)2@2 * 16: 178, then(5)2 @3+ 9 -?
A) 218 B) 253 cl 2s9 D)262
c)210 D274
B)A+D:B+C C)A+C:2D D)A+C:28
22 IfA+B:2CandC+ D:2A,then
23 Which one of the following is always in 'Sentiment'?
A) Cruclty B) Insight
24 A pen always has
A) Tube B) Cap
25 Fron1 thc following choose the altemative that conectly represents the water iilage ol'the word N U C L
(! ) gvErCUH (?! l4l"lclFVU
A)l B)2 a)r , , Dt4
26 Frulr the options given below. choose lhe oDe that represents tlre correct water image of E I t 4 e 9 C
tl) x8 r $s*s t?} rs | &c*3
(33 3g{}a6C (4} EBt{€3C
Bt4 (')3 D)2
2.1 Which arr.rongthe followingillustrations specifies thecorrectmirrorimageof P E RI- E C'l'I O N?
C) Ncuh'ality
C) Holder
&; ftFffi€I1*&l
td] €sFr.r*r*il
D) Etlotion
D) Nib
A)a B)d C)b D)c
28 What is the number of triaugles in the followilg figure?
A)r4 B)I5 c)17 D)18
29 What is the nunrbcr of triangles in thc fbllou,ilg ligure?
I)irections for questions 30 to 34: Study thc inlbrrnation givcn be)ow carclully and answcr thc
following questions:
Following arc thc conditions for adr,ritting students for a Program in Afts.
Given below are a set ofconditions which are rcquired to admit a student in the program ofArts.
i. The candidate should have obtained an age of 25 ycars of agc as ort 1.12.2017.
ii. The candidate must be a post graduate in any discipline with a minirnum of 55oln marks.
iii. He/She should have passed the written test with a minimum of 60% marks.
ir'. Hc/Shc should havc havc workcd for a min. of6 months after contplcting his post graduation.
In case of an applicanl who fulfills all other conditions excepl:
(ii) above, but has completed M Sc. degree, her/his case is io be referred to Class Teacher.
(iii) above, but has work experience ofmore than 2 years, her/his case is to be refered to HOD.
Mridul got secured 73% rnarks in post-graduation and has been with a finn for over 5 years after post-
graduation. He was born on 12.04.1988.
A) If the case will be refened to HOD.
R) If thc casc will be rcferrcd to Class Teachcr.
C1 Ilapplicanr will be adnri{ted.
D) lf applicant will not be admitted.
E) lfthe given piece ofinfonnation is inadequate
Anu has been wording in lnfosys for 2 years after completing her MSc. degree. She was bom on 1 I - I l-
1990. She got 60%o rnarks in the written test and had 47% rnarks in her post grzduation.
A) If the case will be referred to IIOD.
B) Ifthe case will be referred to Class Teacher.
C1 Ilapplicant will be admitted.
D) If applicant will not be admitted.
E) If the given piece of infomration is imdequate
Renu lras completed her post-graduation with 667o rnarks. She got 53% marks in flte written test. She
worked in TCS for 6 years after her post graduation. Slre was bom on 08.08.198 I .
A) lf the case will be lef'ered to HOD.
B) Ifthe case will be referred to Class Teacher.
C1 If applicaut will be adrnined.
D) If applicant rvill not be admitted.
E) lf the giveo piece of iufon'nation is inadequate
Viileet got 51o/o and 63%o urarks iu post-graduation (MSc.) and the r"ritten test respectively. He has heen
teaching sirrce 4 years after his edncation was conrpleted and he took birth on 1 5.1 2. l97l .
A) lf the case will be referred to HOD.
B) lfthe case will be referred to Class Teaclrer.
C) If applicant will be admitted.
D) If applicant rvill lot be admitted.
E) Ifthe given piece ofiilfomration is iuadequatc
34 Vishaktra was bom on 1 5-04- 1986 and got 87% in Lhc writtcn and 57o/o narks in her post-graduatiou.
She has been working u,ith bullseye lor the past 1 ycar.
A) l1'the case rvill be ref'erred to HOD,
R) Ifthc casc will bc rcfcrrcd 1o fllass Tcachcr.
(') If applicant u,ill be admittctl-
D) lf applicant rvill not bc admillcd..
E) I1'1he given piece ofinlbmration is inadequate
35 I im worricd ilrc cxarn.
,' A). in ts). about C). on D). of
36 Nafeesa is afraid- spi<Iers.
Afiom B)in C) about D)of
37 He looks upset, I think he turk the criticism_ heart.
A) to B) about C) in D) of
38 I arn envious_ them.
A)of B)about C)in D) on
39 He confided me.
A)about B)irr C)on D)of
40 They decided the grey sofa.
A)about B)on C)in D)of
41 She suffels a heafl diseasc.
A) about B)in C) frorn Dlon
42 The tcacher set some homcwork__ the end ofthe lesson.
A) about B) in C) of D) at
43 I am good 1smis.
44 He is interested- history.
A)about B) of C) in. :: ,. D)on
45 Green pepper is very rich_ vitamin C.
A)of B)about Clon D) in
46 She cares . the environmenl.
A)on B)in C)of Dlabout
47 What is Paragraph?
A) Made up of only olte senlence
B) A series of sentences that talk about a partiiular subject
C) A series of sentences drat talk about different subject
D) None ofthese
48 What are transilions?
A) The sentences that express the rrain point. or idea, ofa paragraph
B) Reasons. exarnples. and other details that suppon dte main point ofthe paragraph
C) Signal words that help organize a paraggaph. using tirne order or listing order
D ) A series of sentelrces about one ntain idea, or point
49 Wrat is an essay?
A) A series ofparagraphs about one main idca, thene or point.
B) The lusl stage irr tltc rvriling prrrcess
l) 'lhe seutence which qxpresses the ntain point
D) Nonc of these
50 A Paragraph dealing with one central idea deserves to be called aS
. A) Short Paragraph
B) Long Paragraph
C) Unity of order
D) Unity of thouglrt

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  • 1. )f'go,n Q2. .'7 - "En, ''i.-.. ADIcHuNcHANAGIRI uNIVERSITY ,,*74ffiW+, 'l--I '',.i , Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination Septembe,f,r'29?7' , I . I ' (CBCS Scheme) ' j ''.-,r''' " ,l i,i! Time: 3 Hours Max'{trx$<s: {$t'ylarks ie.rgl,' Sub: Engineering Mathematics [Y Q P Code: 60401 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. , 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper, 5. Write Legibly Module-l , " a State and prove Cauchy's Riemann equation Polar form .. tt..: i b ( r-2 ( rz Show rhat f(z=l r+{- lcosd +il r-!- lsind, r*0isanalyticandhence isaregular ( r, ( r) function of z = re" ,Alsofind. f'(z). t. ,l c Construct the analytic function whose real part is u = togt'J*T'yz ,,,1q 'ir I 0r r'Ir'r'r'i a b Find the analytic function /(z)whose imaginprylpaftiis'v = e-'(xcos y + ys:ra y) l 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks as the 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 1ffiq,:eel$art is z : 12 cosZa "'{r'-1"",' Module - 2 3a b Find the bilinear transformdtion which maps 21 = !, Z2 : t, Zs: -i into @L = 2,wz = i ws = -2 respectivelyi"'oili, ' t.. Evaluate l r= d, "alongithJ straight line fromz = Oto3 + i. c State and provU iCauchy's integral formula. 0r .,, ** *'*,,. a DisCus thd transformati on. a : 22 i:; r $:t'::; ,.! i 1 . ,n o Vefifu the Cauchy's theorem for the centre. L -D'- Evaluate l: " d=overC : lzl = f. tl a functionf(z)=ze-' over the unit circle with origin Module - 3 a Derive the mean and standard deviation of Poisson distribution. PTO
  • 2. 6a b b The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 0.1. If 12 such pens are selected at random, find the probability that (i) exactly two pens wil1be defective (ii) at most two pens are defective (iii) None will be defective If x is an exponential variate with mean 3 find (i)P(x > 1) (ii)P(x <3) 0rl Find the Mean and Standard deviation of Normal distribution. ,1 The probability that a news reader commits no mistakes in reading the news _1 Find the probability that on a particular news broadcast he commits (ii)at most three mistakes lkr'.0<x<3 Find the constant k such that I (x) = { [0 , otherwise i; 7 marks .. I. 1 marKs 3 .,r. !,i sl::i:: ir** e, .:::::: 'r::1 t] 'l; l '*, t '& ''{ir r.l+:r . '2.i. N! :+. t ,'*'1i,,ill' ,,4' ..,.1i 6 marks i,'' 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 'tl 11 t{il l I Also find (rX1< x <2) (ii)P(x < 1) (iii)P(x > 1) Module - 4 '"*tt' Find the correlation co efficient and equation ofregression for t$q"fdl rli! .' ',.'ir.'.1. i Obtain the lines of regression and hence find the iblefficient of correlation for the data r 'I"t",','i' .,, 11, i'i -, '11;, '' Compute I ,y and r from the'foltrowihg equation of the lines. 2x * 3y * 1 : Qi'*4p,$r 6y' - 4 = 0 ":: Il :i:' : !: Fit a curve of the foijrr y = qxz * bx * c for the data b Fit,4,curve of the form ! = exb from the following data c Fit a curve of the form ! : qx * b for the data given x I 2 -1 4 '}i6 7 v 9 8 10 t2 dIl 13 I4 x I 3 4 2 5 Y .,8 j' 6 10 8 t2 x I 2 J 4 5 v 10 l2 13 t6 19 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 v 2.98 4.26 5.21 6.1 6.8 7.5 x I 2 J 4 5 v 2 5 J 8 7 6 marks
  • 3. tr F" .t- Time: 3 Hours Sub: Additional Mathematics - II Q P Code: 604A7 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one fuIl question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly N'Iodule - 1 a From the following table find the number of students who have*obtained a) less than 45 marks (b) between 40 and 45 marks Marks 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70, 70-80 No. of students 31 42 51 35 31 . b Use Lagrange's interpolation formula to find y (2). :,ll ,,,.,. ji''i h .,tt" 6 marks 7 marks Evaluate tr# using Simpror', f, *J: Uv ruk*ig 7 ordinates. r' /- a (4Da - BD3 - 7D2 + 11D * 6)y = g. b Solve:(Dz + 4)y = sinzx. " sol.r.'$- 6++ 9y - 5e-2*. dx. dx :;i,.ri, iir=,,O" Fit an interpolating polynomial fefthp',#ta. Uro : 355, uo = -5, us = -21, ur = -14, a = -125 by usr*@W*&ton's divided difference formula 7 malks 6 marks 7 rnarks find the real root of the equation xsinx * cosx : 0 7 marks Module - 2 6 marks 7 marks 7 malks 6 marks 7 inarks 7 marks PTO b Using Lagrange's interpolation formula, find y at x :4, for the given data: ru", Ix l0l1l21'; Using Newton -:"(gphson method !:lil nearx:Tt. I i I ,1 ti Solv_,eqt"D&.,1 4D * 3)y = sx. .: ,Z-- r-- sploe;i$ - 4Y* 4y: s2x. .;'.,,qx' ox tt ''- a2-- r-- Solve:$ - 4Y * 4y =.cos2x. dxz dx a b 0r x 0 1 J v L2 0 6 x 0 1 .fil. , f(x) 2 a J :tL2
  • 4. 5a b 6a b b c a b Module - 3 Form the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary constants z = (x + a)(y + b). o2z .. ,., dz Sohe;1 == sinx.siny forwhich i,: -zrrnywhenx:0 & z:0tf y is anodd mnltiple oti.o, [z = O ify - (2n + 1);] For-rn the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary function 0(xy+22, x*y*z)=0. Or Fonn the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary functions z - eax+bv .f (ax - by). Soltc:ff':zgiventhatwhenY = 0, z = ex&K="-" dy Solre {L == *. using the substitution #.: u. dxdv ctx' Modure - 4 Define the follorving with examples (i) Probability (ii) Conditional Probability, ,,!' Solre**:cos(2x+3y). ,,,.,,, ' civen. p(A)=3f 4, p(B)=1/5, ord" P(Ans):1/zo findtherjtto*lrg p(A u B),['(A n B),P(A n B),P(A/B),P(B /A). ii"; ,, , Or," Three nrachines A, B and C produce respectively 6gdk;,:3}q 10% of the total number of item so Iactory. The percentages of defective ou o.f'these machines are respectively 2o,',,,3ah. and 4oh. An item is selected at randorn,and1s,found defective. Find the probability that the item rvas produced by a machine C ",.,,,, " Prove the lollowing (i) P(0) = O (ii) P(/) : ! - P(A) where A is the compliment of A ' tiirt, P(,4 u n) = 7 /g, P(A i B) = 1f n,and 11' A and B are events::: , P(A) = ,tlu,f ,no P(A),P(B) d;n p'U n B) ', " Module-5 12 3 4l Find tlrc 'ank of the matrix A = l-1 2 3l Lr s 7l Find thc valnes of 7 and trr such that the system of equations x +y * z =6,x* 2y *32 = 10,x-l2y +72 = lt mayhaveuniquesolution. Solve thersystem of equations x + y * z = 9,x * 2y * 3z :8, 2x * y - z = 3 byGauss elimination method. Or Find the largest eigen value and correspanding eigen vector of the matrix t25 1 21 4 : | .,. 3 0 | by using power method taking the initial eigen vector [1 ,0 ,0]'. I :,- o -41 Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Seidel iteration method 20x * ! - 2z = 1.7 ,3x + 20y - z: -LB and2x -3y *202 =25CarryoutThreeiterations Reduce ti:e inatrix o : l:; 1] -. diagonal form *{.*<** 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks tI 7 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 10a
  • 5. .,r:#r-::?)x ADICHUNCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY ,7.ut1.8€&1(Ctr //i>'/ . .'o. Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 202p-i {' ..*,1-:'',,', ',": i (CBCS Scheme) -l ".,,j;'' Time: 3 Hours Max Mart<s: $Q-m1$s' Sub: Analysis and Design of Algorithms ic-ig-';!r. Q P Code: 60402 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. , 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - 1 a Explain Asymptotic notations with examples 10 marks b For each of the following functions indicate how much the functions value will change if its 10 marks arguments increase four fold. i) C(n):Il2n*n-1 ii) logzn ', ,iii) n3 iv)2" v) n2 Design the algorithm and analysis to find maximum of n elements' and obtain its time 10 marks complexity in how to check whether the elementS of a given anay arc unique or not in mathematical analysis of non recursive algorithms. Prove the following theorem if fl(n) [ O(gl,(n)) and f2(n)EO(e2(n)) then f1(n)+f2(") [ 10 marks ,,.,-0,,,, iModule - 2 Design an algorithm forperfoffiifurnerge sort. Analyze its time efficiency. Apply the same 10 marks to sortthe following set of nemb€is 4,9,0,6, -1,8, 9,2,3,12. Apply topological so4'oq the following graph using DFS based methods. 10 marks O(max{g1(n),92(n)}) :,j] Fig:3.b Or i '1.-. . ' .;f' ' .t' a''1, Define Divide and conquer. Design an iterative algorithm for binary search with example. b Obtain the time complexity of finding minimum and maximum algorithm that uses divide and Conquer aPProach' Modure - 3 : a Construct the Huffrnan tree and resulting code word for the following set of values? Character A B C D Probability 0.4 0.1 o.2 0.15 0.15 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks PTO Encode ABACABAD and Decode the encoded txt: 100010111001010
  • 6. 8 a Apply warshal Algorithm to compute transitive cl$yre for the given graph. t optimal Binary search ffee for t Items A ,li,,u B C D Probability ,,'o.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 Module - 5 Write the steps to,Construct the state space tree for a given instance of the sum of subset problem? Construct the state space tree for sum of subset the given data W:{3 ,5,6,7} and m- l). 'l Apply Branch and Bound method for knapsack problem. C:10. Items 1 2 J 4 Weight 4 7 5 3 Values Sao 542 52s 5tz Or is the procedure to find the Hamiltonian circuit 10 marks 10 marks I I 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 6a b Find the optimal solution using greedy for job s€quencing with dead line problem with 10 marks following value s?. n:5 . Profit= {20, 1 5, 1 0, 5, 1 }, Dead hne- {2,2,1,3,3 } Oy Define minimum spanning tree. Write prim's algorithrn to find minimum spanning tree. 10 marks Find the time complexity of the algorithm. Apply greedy method to obtain an optimal solution to knapsack problem given rtvl5, n:7 . 10 marks P: { 1 0,5, 1 5,7,6,18,3, W : {2,3,5,7,1,4,1} Find total profit earned. Module - 4 ., . 7 a Obtain the shortest cost path from 1 to !2 rnthe following multi I it- ' n t,,,, ' Fie. Q.7 (a) : b Design the Floyd algorithm to flnd the short distances from'$l,iiti-&es And find the complexity. ,*'1u,*l-r:*.'"' Or ', r&,,, .. 11 stage graph using forwar{jif; ;-',11 0 :marks r;:' '6 ',:t ._:,:.*j .:,. l { l}, 1, ir*, r,, 1' "r"r;: ,;r .,.,,,i to all other nodes. i"Fig:8.a 1l the following 10a b Construc What is Hamiltonian circuit problem? What of the graph? Explain the P, NP-Hard and NP-Complete. x{<{<d<r<
  • 7. -4rry>t*,- :: r-{. r-ll "^-i'1, ADICHUNCHANAGI RI U NIVERSITY +,tiE#sai i/;r'r' Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 20tr!2,-- ' Time: 3 Hours Q P Code: 60403 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - 1 a With s5mtax, explain control transfer instructions. i) Conditional transfer ii) Unconditional Transfer. b Develop an assembly language program to calculate the sum of 5 words of data. 0r .""'. a Explain Flag registers in detail. b With an example distinguish between physief.laddress, logical address and offset address. If cS:2200H, DS:3000H, ES:1000H,1.,,,91:2220H, BX:2340H, Bp:0030H. Find physical addiess, logical address"',,, and offset address for i) MOV AL, tBP] ii) MOV CX, [BX]. , 'r' , Module - 2 a Write an ALP to convertfrom,$SC[ to packed BCD b Write ALP using IN,T,l0Ld to draw horizontal and vertical lines. 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks i0 rnarks l0 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks PTO 0r a Explain p4r$ilslpction in detail. 10 marks b With form4t explain rotate instructions, given by example to rotate rightb by 2 bit and 10 marks ,rt] rotate Ietrt 4 bit. 'j.,,. t,:t"'" Module - 3 .i::1 :n::;: ax-*Explain the following instruction with example :: i) CBW ii) CWD iii) IDIV iv) SAR v) CMP b Write an ALP to find average temperature. 0r a Draw control word reg of 8255. b With neat diagram, explain the following. i) NAND gate address decoder ii) 74LS138 as address decoder
  • 8. -I t- Module - 4 a Differentiate between CISC and RISC and also explain the RISC design philosophy. b Explain how pipelining mechanisim with speed up execution. Illuskate with example. c With the help of bit layout diagram explain current program status register in detail. Or a What is the operational and non-operational quality attributes of an embedded systems. b Explain the different types of serial interface bus used in Automotive Communication. c Design FSM model for tealcoffee vending machine. Ilodule - 5 a Explain how stack operands can be carried out using load -store ARM architecture. b Explain multiple register transfer instruction. Or --1 10 a With an example, explain the following instructions. , "'t: i) MfN ,,,. l-',,,.,,," ii) Banel Shifter ,**,,.,uf,;,u"*. b Explain the following comparison instruction with example.i'' i) cMN ii) cMP iii) rEQ iv) TST :' .iii. .a .. I i: :i:' ',ri,,. u"..', iiu' ''1 ,., q&., *i'"'n : fqn "S*t{ so 'jii&P multiple insuu,,$t{lri1 in -{g!i, .tt:' ,..u. fl -ii;u,d, 'u '' 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 10 marks 4 marks ,ffnitx*t, j,.o ! 10 marks 10 marks l0 marks 10 marks ..', ,: l I .. lr. it 1!r dt"I:!' {' ,i"""'' lil u, 'iu . ':i,...-r'i' '"' ,i i. ,j::, #t*#x
  • 9. Fourth Time: 3 Hours ADICHUNCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY Semester BE Degree Examination September (CBCS Scheme) Max Sub: Object Oriented Programming with C++ Q P Code: 60404 !i Or t ''i tu' ' a Define Data Abstraction? Illustrate the working of Data Abstraction using access specifiers also6ive advantages of Data Abstraction. b ,W$,,t,_qtample, explain ftiend function and friend class. , .:t:i . i t;-':: :. a!i. Explain constructors and destructors. Give an example of overloaded constructor. b What are parameterrzed constructors? Create a class with the following parameters brand, model and yeap aJtributes, and a constructor with different parameters. lnside the constructor set the attributes equal to the constructor parameters (brand:x, etc). When constructor is called the, pass parameters to the constructor, which will set the value of the corresponding attributes to the same. Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appeff in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly , ,, t, , 'i Module - 1 , a What is Object Oriented Programming System? Also discuss abbut console input and console output in C++ with an example. , ,. ,,,i., '.. b Explain the necessity of Function Prototyping in C++ with an example. orl t" a Explain method of passing arguments to functions dn:d returning values from functioqs. b Write a prog1am i) To add two numbers in,O*+; 'ii) To check whether a number is prime or not in C--+. : ,' ":,,MQdule,- 2 a What are classes and Objects?rflrffe a program to create the Room class and its object rooml to palculate the area and volnme of a room and the functions calculate Area 0 and calculate Volume 0 to perfoggn the necessary ialculations. Note the use of the keyr,vord public in the progrurn. ' ' 'r r, r rri:li, .;;r:l b Explain passing functions and arrays as objects. l0 marks 10 marks [0 marks l0 marks l0 rnarks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks PTO
  • 10. 7a b 8a b 9a b l:'ti,tr ,rl.:i 0r : Explain with example overloading of unary operator '-' using class function and friend function. b Illustrate ttre working of zero-argument constillctor and copy eonstructor with an example for each. Module - 4 Define Destructor. Explain the invocation of destructor in Inheritance. With an example, explain the overriding member functions and scope resolution with overridden functions. Or With an example, explain virtual functions in C++. What is Multilevel Inheritance? Write a C++ program to implement Multilevel Module - 5 Explain c** streams and stream classes with an example. Discuss fundamentals of Exception handling. Or ti 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks *?:*' i,;, ! 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks * ...,r :n'.'. t;1uiq,t' l0a b Write a program to create the data to a text file tesd6-titqfxt'hnd then reading the data from F*. s{! "l the file using C++ File Stream programming. {*i},'*l}'t''+' i *r.-.iF"+* .J::ro +*,$*'! e ',';{ii,,#if t ;ilu'";i" ' ,:,,inn l;,rr 1 i +rl ::':' ,,r rtl.U "f[.* .l lr, .i ,1,$ l;:l :r:: r:-:ri : 'lr, i iij*u 't'''"i""'+ What are Manipulators? Explain different type of manipulators'in C++.
  • 11. ADICHUNCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY I8SSD49 ) Fourth Semester BE Degree Examination September 2022 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 90 minutes Max Marks: 50 marks Sub: Soft Skill Development Il 0 P Code: 60406 lnstructions: 1. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 2. Darken the circle of correct answer by black ball pen on OM R Sheet. Question Paper Vetslon - B 50X1*50 Answer all the questions Complete the sentence by choosing the correct forqr Of the verb given in trrackets I She will (get) you a new pail ofjeans on yoirr birthday. i' A)got B)gotten C)get , D)getting 2 I would have (fall) down from the wildow, as I was feelipgrysp-y {i77y A)falling BXell C) fall .ri. : D)fallen 3 The wind - (blow) heavily yesterday. . ='-'" ' i' A)'blow B) had blew C)blown , D)was blowing zf It was pitch dark; however, there . A) was (be) a ra11 ofli.g t that came from the farmer's hut. O)can be D) could be B)is He was _ (bite) by a snake. ; , ' 11,..- ' A)bitten B)bite '1 r - (drink) milk is good for health. A) Drunl B) Drinks I have never (be) to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal. A) be 8) bedn C) biting C) Drank C) beins D) bit D)Drinking D)had been D)stealed D) forgets I don't know how the money I kQt in my wallet got _ (steal). A)stolen B) steal C) stole These days. Rahul _ (forget) his homeworli, r,ery often- A) forgotted B) forgot Cforget ll 10 Dou't forget to give nre a call when you _ (go) to the gym. A),gone B)have gone C) went D)go Karuna scored 649'o nrarks in his Class 12 exaurinations and she is knorvn to be a science graduate with 5O7o"marks. She passed her M.Sc. rvith 49% rnarks. She also has a certificate iu cornputer science. Her daie of binlr is I 2. I 2. I 990 A) llthe case rvill be rcferred to Faculty Head. B) lfcase is to hc rcfcncd to l)cpartnrcnt l lcad. (1) lfthe candidate would bc selected D) If the cardidatc rvou't be selected E) Iflhe given infonnation is insufficient to ansu,er the question Abhay is a B.A. passed his BA in 1 st class rvith 637o marks. He had passed his class I 2 exaurs scoring 15'h.Hc had studied an addilional subject of computer science in his B.A. His date of birth is23.9.1992. A) lfthc casc rvill bc rcfcrrcd to Faculty Hcad. l|) lf casc is to bc rcfcncd to Dcpartmcnt Hcad. C) lfthc candidate would bc selcctcd. D) If thc candidato won'1 bc sclcctcd. t1 13 A scrics offigures arc givcn which can bc groupcd into classes. Selcct the groups into which thc figrrcs can bc classificd. A) 1.4. 9 2,6, I ?7 B) r,4, 5 3,6, 8 )70 c) r,4,6 )14 15q D) 1,3,6 2,4,1 5,8.q lf"+" means "minus", "x" means "divided by", "+" means "plus" and '-" means "multiplied by", then 81 x9r t0 6:5=e A) 46 B) 46 c)-4s D) 47 A boy is sitting on the back-seat ofthe car. When the driver ofthe car starts it suddenly, the boy bends towards the backside A) Always B) Generally C.1 Sornetimes D) Never Look carefully at the sequence of syr.rbols to fird tlr" putt"tr. Selecr conect pattetrt 'l'? -+'u'l ir" ? R.+*'i+ {:r, i?} {r} 14} L)4 B)1 c)2 D)3 17 Look carefully a6[he sequerrce of symbols to find the pattenl. Select conect pattem. r;lr r. t | /:.. -Cr. r21. n. : tl !J i4' U I IItj|'iir.; 11 2 t4 l5 l6 {} J.: A {: r1 ',-/ Ll l':ii { i i A)3 B)2 c)l I 8 Look carefully at the sequence ofsylbols to fmd the patteflr. Select correcJ f , I,e ,- lrelr,.+ltl*. I 2 il I Linl I i* &6 t? ? L * I{ *[ t r: {fi i;ii {.1? A)4 B)3 " C)l
  • 12. 19 Look carcfully at tlic scqucncc ofsymbols to find thc pattcrn. Sclect col'rcct pattcm A)4 B)2 C)l D)3 20 If "#" means "subtraction", "&" rncans "divjsion", "@" means "addition" and "o/n" mcans "multiplication" then 516 & 6 # tl (A 50% 4 ='! A2ts ts) 2s0 21 If(3)2@ I * 7:98 and(4)2@2 * 16: 178, then(5)2 @3+ 9 -? A) 218 B) 253 cl 2s9 D)262 c)210 D274 B)A+D:B+C C)A+C:2D D)A+C:28 22 IfA+B:2CandC+ D:2A,then A)A+C:B+D 23 Which one of the following is always in 'Sentiment'? A) Cruclty B) Insight 24 A pen always has A) Tube B) Cap {elH&?CHFE&P f*llt{Y;ilS{f{Ss 25 Fron1 thc following choose the altemative that conectly represents the water iilage ol'the word N U C L EAR. (! ) gvErCUH (?! l4l"lclFVU (J) HIJC' IVB (4} HflCT EVE A)l B)2 a)r , , Dt4 26 Frulr the options given below. choose lhe oDe that represents tlre correct water image of E I t 4 e 9 C A)l tl) x8 r $s*s t?} rs | &c*3 (33 3g{}a6C (4} EBt{€3C Bt4 (')3 D)2 2.1 Which arr.rongthe followingillustrations specifies thecorrectmirrorimageof P E RI- E C'l'I O N? C) Ncuh'ality C) Holder &; ftFffi€I1*&l td] €sFr.r*r*il D) Etlotion D) Nib A)a B)d C)b D)c 28 What is the number of triaugles in the followilg figure? A)r4 B)I5 c)17 D)18 29 What is the nunrbcr of triangles in thc fbllou,ilg ligure? R)16 30 I)irections for questions 30 to 34: Study thc inlbrrnation givcn be)ow carclully and answcr thc following questions: Following arc thc conditions for adr,ritting students for a Program in Afts. Given below are a set ofconditions which are rcquired to admit a student in the program ofArts. i. The candidate should have obtained an age of 25 ycars of agc as ort 1.12.2017. ii. The candidate must be a post graduate in any discipline with a minirnum of 55oln marks. iii. He/She should have passed the written test with a minimum of 60% marks. ir'. Hc/Shc should havc havc workcd for a min. of6 months after contplcting his post graduation. In case of an applicanl who fulfills all other conditions excepl: (ii) above, but has completed M Sc. degree, her/his case is io be referred to Class Teacher. (iii) above, but has work experience ofmore than 2 years, her/his case is to be refered to HOD. Mridul got secured 73% rnarks in post-graduation and has been with a finn for over 5 years after post- graduation. He was born on 12.04.1988. A) If the case will be refened to HOD. R) If thc casc will be rcferrcd to Class Teachcr. C1 Ilapplicanr will be adnri{ted. D) lf applicant will not be admitted. E) lfthe given piece ofinfonnation is inadequate Anu has been wording in lnfosys for 2 years after completing her MSc. degree. She was bom on 1 I - I l- 1990. She got 60%o rnarks in the written test and had 47% rnarks in her post grzduation. A) If the case will be referred to IIOD. B) Ifthe case will be referred to Class Teacher. C1 Ilapplicant will be admitted. D) If applicant will not be admitted. E) If the given piece of infomration is imdequate Renu lras completed her post-graduation with 667o rnarks. She got 53% marks in flte written test. She worked in TCS for 6 years after her post graduation. Slre was bom on 08.08.198 I . A) lf the case will be lef'ered to HOD. B) Ifthe case will be referred to Class Teacher. C1 If applicaut will be adrnined. D) If applicant rvill not be admitted. E) lf the giveo piece of iufon'nation is inadequate Viileet got 51o/o and 63%o urarks iu post-graduation (MSc.) and the r"ritten test respectively. He has heen teaching sirrce 4 years after his edncation was conrpleted and he took birth on 1 5.1 2. l97l . A) lf the case will be referred to HOD. B) lfthe case will be referred to Class Teaclrer. C) If applicant will be admitted. D) If applicant rvill lot be admitted. E) Ifthe given piece ofiilfomration is iuadequatc 34 Vishaktra was bom on 1 5-04- 1986 and got 87% in Lhc writtcn and 57o/o narks in her post-graduatiou. She has been working u,ith bullseye lor the past 1 ycar. A) l1'the case rvill be ref'erred to HOD, R) Ifthc casc will bc rcfcrrcd 1o fllass Tcachcr. (') If applicant u,ill be admittctl- D) lf applicant rvill not bc admillcd.. E) I1'1he given piece ofinlbmration is inadequate 3l 32
  • 13. 35 I im worricd ilrc cxarn. ,' A). in ts). about C). on D). of 36 Nafeesa is afraid- spi<Iers. Afiom B)in C) about D)of 37 He looks upset, I think he turk the criticism_ heart. A) to B) about C) in D) of 38 I arn envious_ them. A)of B)about C)in D) on 39 He confided me. A)about B)irr C)on D)of 40 They decided the grey sofa. A)about B)on C)in D)of 41 She suffels a heafl diseasc. A) about B)in C) frorn Dlon 42 The tcacher set some homcwork__ the end ofthe lesson. A) about B) in C) of D) at 43 I am good 1smis. 44 He is interested- history. A)about B) of C) in. :: ,. D)on 45 Green pepper is very rich_ vitamin C. A)of B)about Clon D) in 46 She cares . the environmenl. A)on B)in C)of Dlabout 47 What is Paragraph? A) Made up of only olte senlence B) A series of sentences that talk about a partiiular subject C) A series of sentences drat talk about different subject D) None ofthese 48 What are transilions? A) The sentences that express the rrain point. or idea, ofa paragraph B) Reasons. exarnples. and other details that suppon dte main point ofthe paragraph C) Signal words that help organize a paraggaph. using tirne order or listing order D ) A series of sentelrces about one ntain idea, or point 49 Wrat is an essay? A) A series ofparagraphs about one main idca, thene or point. B) The lusl stage irr tltc rvriling prrrcess l) 'lhe seutence which qxpresses the ntain point D) Nonc of these 50 A Paragraph dealing with one central idea deserves to be called aS . A) Short Paragraph B) Long Paragraph C) Unity of order D) Unity of thouglrt