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   Japón Lider en capación constante para los docentes

Curso de Formación Docente sobre TIC y Educación – Especialización.
  Módulo 7: TIC y aprender a aprender
Unidad 3: Las TIC como herramientas para desarrollar la competencia para
aprender a aprender. El papel del docente y del alumno. Unidad 3 Actividad 3

Topic: Simple Past Tense
Students can understand in a practical way “Simple Past Tense”, it
will be an easy and ludic way to learn and practice English.
Students will get the difference between regular verbs, its
pronuntiation according to the phonetic rules, and irregular verbs
with its right pronuntiation.
Students will be surfing different web pages where they will be
able to do exercises by him/herself in order to get confidence
about his/her understanding about
real events occurred in the past. These activities
are focused in order to develop listening, reading,
 writing , and speaking skills.
Fase 1        Objetivo            Metodología     Dedicación      Producto
Exploración   Activar e           Profesor         temporal       Canción
Escuchar e     introducir los     desarrolla a                     online,
Identificar    conocimientos      través de una   En la primera    debidamente
acciones en    previos del        actividad de     sesión de la    terminada de
pasado         alumno sobre       listening on-    clase           acuerdo con
               acciones del       line para que                    la actividad
               pasado, favore-    individual y                     de escucha
               ciendo e           grupalmente                      realizada en
               incentivando su    reconozcan                       clase con
               comprensión e      acciones del                     ayuda del
               interprentaciónd   pasado así                       video y guia
               el texto leído y   como                             de trabajo.
               escuchado.         vocabulario
Fase 2           Objetivo         Metodología     Dedicación      Producto
Comprender       Comprensión de   Profesor         temporal       Introducción a
la actividad a    vocabulario y   explica los                     eventos
realizar por      desarrollar     objetivos, la   En la primera   reales, acaeci
parte del         habilidad de    actividad de     segunda        dos en el
estudiante.       listening       listening on-    sesión de la   pasado,
                                  line para que    clase
                                  individual y
                                  acciones del
                                  pasado así
Fase 3        Objetivo         Metodología       Dedicación      Producto
Búsqueda de   Búscar páginas   Los                temporal       Listado con
la             web             estudiantes se                     ejercicios,
información    relacionadas    organizan         tres sesiones    vocabulario y
en internet    sobre eventos   individualment     de clase        quizes
               del pasado,     e para realizar                    referentes a
               teniendo en     la actividad en                    la temática
               cuenta el uso   las páginas                        del pasado
               de verbos       debidamente                        simple.
               regulares e     seleccionadas
               irregulares.    acerca de
                               pasado simple.
Fase 4         Objetivo.         Metodología       Dedicación      Producto
Selección de   Leer texto para   El profesor        temporal
libro de        ser narrado      expone                            Presentación
lectura e       en pasado        modelos de        Tres sesiones   en power
información     simple, para     presentaciones,    de clase       point como
en internet     prácticar y      luego organiza                    ayuda
                redactar         organiza                          didáctica de
                eventos del      grupos de tres                    la exposión
                pasado.          estudiantes                       oral, que
                                 para realizar                     realizan los
                                 mapas                             estudiantes,h
                                 mentales o                        aciendo uso
                                 conceptuales                      de páginas
                                 del texto                         web,
                                 leído, en power                   programas de
                                 point, o                          widows,
                                 prezi, narrando                   herramientas
                                 la historia en                    como el
                                 pasado simple.                    portatil,
                                                                   proyector y/o
                                                                   video beam,
Fase 5           Objetivo.          Metodología       Dedicación   Producto
Síntesis de la   Identificar idea   Los grupos         temporal    Presentación
información       principal e       realizan su                    del libro leído
                  ideas             presentación      tres         frente al grupo
                  secundarias.      en la sala de      sesiones    y el profesor.
                                    bilingüismo, de    de clase    Los estudiantes
                                    acuerdo con el                  crearan su
                                    orden de la                     slideshare para
                                    revisión                        subir la
                                    realizado por                   presentación
                                    el docente                      realizada en
                                    previamente.                    clase, luego
                                                                    crearan su
                                                                    propio blog.
Fase 6         Objetivo.           Metodología       Dedicación     Producto
Analisis del   Autoevaluación      Los grupos         temporal      Presentación
trabajo         de la actividad    realizan su                      del libro leído
realizado       realizada, así     presentación      Dos sesiones   frente al grupo
                como su            en la sala de      de clase      y el profesor.
                participación en   bilingüismo, de                  Los estudiantes
                el desarrollo de   acuerdo con el                    crearan su
                la actividad.      orden de la                       slideshare para
                                   revisión                          subir la
                                   realizado por                     presentación
                                   el docente                        realizada en
                                   previamente.                      clase, luego
                                                                     crearan su
                                                                     propio blog.

Mi labor como docente en el área de Idiomas, considero que debo optimizar la
  revisión de las evaluaciones y presentaciones cuando los estudiantes las
  envían al correo, a pesar de revisarlas antes que las diseñen en power point
  o prezi, siempre hay que volverlas a leer, acumulándose una gran cantidad
  de trabajo, lo cual toma bastante tiempo corregirlas nuevamente. Además,
  cumplir estrictamente con la planeación depende también de las actividades
  que se presentan a última hora.
Amo mi profesión, el Inglés, considero que tengo un muy buen dominio del
  Idioma Inglés, y manejo de grupo, siempre estoy capacitándome y
  actualizándome en mi área. Me gusta innovar en mis clases, trato al
  máximo que trabajen en la sala de bilingüismo, donde refuerzan con el CD
  Room del libro de clase, páginas wet que les selecciono con anticipación
  para reforzar los temas ya explicados en clase. Asi mismo, los estudiantes
  diseñan sus presentaciones elaborando mapas mentales o conceptuales de
  los libros de lectura.
En mi área, las TIC son imprescindibles de los contrario sería una clase
  monótona e interminable, ya que es complejo el dominio Inglés para
  algunos estudiantes y mas los que no llevan el proceso que se imparte en el
  Colegio. Me gustan las baladas en inglés y estoy al tanto de las canciones
  que les gustan a los estudiantes para trabajarla en las clases, lo cual es una
  ventaja con los muchachos, razón por la cual en el English Day, ellos
  organizan el “Talen Contest con gran dinamismo y creatividad.
Mi objetivo como docente es una capacitación constante para un
  mejoramiento continuo, fortalecer la implementación de TIC, buscar nuevas
  estrategias, materiales, para impartir clases, donde los estudiantes crezcan
  académicamente,        como  personas    y   como     futuros   profesionales,
  incentivarlos a aprender inglés como medio de comunicación y aprendizaje
  frente a otros países y medio de encontrar mejores alternativas laborales.

   Let´s enjoy listening, reading and singing in order to
    improve your pronunciation
Yellow “Coldplay”                    I drew a line
 Look at the stars, look how they    I ___________ a line for you      Fill in the gaps
                                     Oh what a thing to do                    with
shine for you                                                           the following
and everything you do yeah they      And it was all yellow                   words
_________ all yellow
I ___________ along                  Your skin                             came
I ___________ a song for you         Oh yeah your skin and bones
And all the things you do            Turn into something beautiful         bleed
And it was __________ yellow         D´ you know                           drew
So then I _____________ my turn      for you I _________ myself             took
Oh all the things I´ve done           dry (2)
And it __________ all yellow....
                                     It's true                              was
Your skin                            Look how they shine for
Oh yeah your skin and bones          you(5)                                wrote
Turn into something beautiful        Look how they shine
D´ you know you know I love you so
                                     Look at the stars look how
You know I love you so               they __________ for you               swam
                                     And all the things that you do.
I ___________ across                                                      jumped
I ____________ across for you
Oh all the things you do                                                   called
Cause you were all yellow
  Hello everybody! My name is Past Simple Boy
I am very nostalgic and I always talk about the past.
This is an old picture of me. I was sixteen in this picture.
  It was thirteen years ago.
I studied at University at that time. I lived with my friends
   Paco and Javi in a big and old flat. We didn't study much
   and we enjoyed our life. Every weekend we went to the
   disco and met new girls. I remember I had a girlfriend
   called Margarita.
I finished my studies in 1995. A year later I started to work as
   a Language teacher in a Secondary school. Life is not too
   bad, but those days were fantastic!
Do you know about your parents' life when they were young?


   Sounds in English

   Endings “ED”

   Voiced
    Vocal cords vibrate
   It is pronounced /d/.
   loved

   Unvoiced “Vocal cords do not vibrate”
   (p, f, k, s, ss, ch, sh, x ). It is pronounced /t/. worked


 GROUP 3: INFINITIVE + / id /
 The-ed ending for verbs whose infinitive ends
 in a vowel sound or voiced consonant is
 pronounced /d/. loved

 The -ed ending for verbs whose infinitive form
 ends      in     an     unvoiced      consonant
 (p, f, k, s, ss, ch, sh, x ), is pronounced /t/.

 The -ed ending for verbs whose infinitive ends
 in the letters d and t is pronounced /id/.
        Wanted / needed
1)    allowed           11)shaved           21)included
    2)    asked             12)slipped          22)jailed
    3)    cracked           13)stopped          23)killed
    4)    cried                                 24)landed
    5)    damaged           15)visited          25)Loved
    6)    decided           16)wasted           26) missed
    7)    encourage                             27)mixed
                            18)watched          28)pasted
    8)    ended
                            19)welcomed         29)relaxed
    9)    flooded
    10)   guessed           20)yawned           30)repeated

            Simple Past Tense    /   Regular Verbs
   Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below.
   There are ten answers for each column
   Simple Past Tense       /     Regular Verbs
   Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below.

           /d/                    /t/                 / id /
    1. _killed_____       1. _watched__        1. _included__
    2. ____________       2. ____________      2. ____________
    3. ____________       3. ____________      3. ____________
    4. ____________       4. ____________      4. ____________
    5. ____________       5. ____________      5. ____________
    6. ____________       6. ____________      6. ____________
    7. ____________       7. ____________      7. ____________
    8. ____________       8. ____________      8. ____________
    9. ____________       9. ____________      9. ____________
    10.____________       10.____________      10.____________
Answer the following questions

Did you create your facebook last year?
Did you kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend yesterday?

Did you practice English yesterday?

 Did you listen rock music last night?

   What did you read last night?

     Where did go last Saturday?

      What time did you get up last week?

         Why did you send me the information

          by mail?
Let´s Improve your
   Let´s write a short biography
    about your favourite singer/actor or actress
                   Carolina calderón
              Laura Camila castro gil
                 Angie milena castro
                      Grade 901 J.T.
 Saturday July 2th
Dear Diary
she went to a party with his parents at Greenhill, her
parents wanted to go and live there because they
were tired of traffic and pollution.
 Dear Diary
Val wrote in his diary about her birthday, she said
she wanted a pair of rollerblades
but she did not receive them, and she had a birthday
party either, because his friends were on the beach.
 Sunday July 3th
Dear Diary
Val s family arrived in Greenhill, there was
no place she liked, there were a church, a store of
clothes and shoes, a small bar to drink and eat.
Her brother Jason liked a perfect tree to make a
home on it.
Jason's father helped him to build the house, Val was
only interested in staying in her room.

 Monday july 4th
Dear Diary
Val liked her small house, but hated that there was
no phone. She thought she couldn´t live there. Her
father had a garden where he planted tomatoes,
potatoes, carrots, lettuce. she hated her, she thought
her neighbors were very stupid, and his
brother was an idiot.
 Tuesday, july 5th
Dear Diary
Mrs. Perry is Val s neighbor, she
believed, it's unbearable, cause she went to
her house all the time.
One day his father was scared when
the doorbell rang and Mrs. Perry was at the door.
Val expressed how disgusted was her for her
family, her father felt embarrassed.
 Wednesday July 6th
Dear Diary
Val found in her mailbox an invitation to the annual
fair of the village club. That showed series of games.
Family got the fair was located on the corner of the
store. Val's father thought he could win the
Val was angry ´cause there was no phone to talk
to Sally, besides sally was out with her brothers.
 Thursday   July 7th
Dear Diary
Val´s father stayed the second place in the
game and Dr. Smollett won the competition.
He had two children, Val first met so upsetting, and
pretended to be ill, his father felt embarrassed in front
of the cute boy.
Val was anxious to see Luke again.

 Friday July 8th
 Dr. Smollett and his son won the cooking
contests with their delicious cakes. His mother was
angry with Dad because they would realize that he
was lying, to see this hidden val.
 Saturday July 9th
Dear Diary
Val was desperate.
She and her dad went to buy a cake because
otherwise her mother would not go.
Her dad decided to ask for help with Mrs. Perry,
she was delighted Val wanted to help him,
she decided to prepare the fruit flan, because her
mother mentioned.
   Sunday july 10th

Dear diary
Next day Val got up at seven in the morning, she went
to the store to buy the ingredients, the store
was full, she heard a voice behind, it was Luke,
she felt so embarrassed because she was covered
with cream
 Monday july 11th
Dear diary
Val's father woke up again at the same time.
prepared the cake with Mrs. Perry quickly.
They baked tow cakes for a small breakfast.
 later

Val was so happy, everyone said that her
mother cooked very delicious, but nobody knew
that Mrs. Perry had baked the cake her mother
felt very embarrassed.
Val found a note in her pocket, it was a date
with Luke in the lake.
   Tuesday July 12th

    Dear diary
    in her mail that morning, she had an invitation to
    drink tea in Lord Greenhill.
    Val's mom was very excited!.
    Val did not want to go because he wanted to be
    with Luke
   Wednesday July 13

   Early Afternoon

    Val will be one that their parents will go
    to the reunion.
    her mother was looking for a dress to go on
    the meeting, she decided to wear her aunt´s
    garment, her brother wore a jacket, they looked
    really ridiculous!.
    Val was very nervous because she could see
    Luke and she didn´t decide what to wear.
   In the afternoon

   Luke and Val went to the lake with his friends.
    while they swam under water, they kissed!
    Val took too much water, she nearly drowned.
    Val was very nervous and told him to call her but
    after that she thought she was a total idiot
    because she had no phone.
    Thursday 14 July

    Val thought her life was upside down.
     her parents went to look for a house in Greenhill,
     but she preferred her old home, Val wanted sally,
     her best friend, to call because it was far away
     and she did not want to lose her
     friendship. Val wanted to be a fashion
     designer, Sally wanted to be a policewoman or a
     Val didn´t agree what she wanted to be when she
     grew up.
   10 pm

   Her parents decided to come back to the city
    Val did not want to return, she was confused.
    She did not know what to do with Luke, and she did
    not want to lose her best friend Sally in the city, she
    decided to drop a note to Luke with her address
    and phone number and they would continue talking.
    she said she had many things to tell sally
   was: fue                    Holiday: fiesta
   Disaster: desastre          Middle: medio
   Wanted: querido             Tired: cansado
   Rollerblades: patines       Polltion: polución
   Hiking boots: botas de      Rocksack:mochila
    montaña                     Packed: lleno
   Countryside: campo          Put: poner
   Opened: abierto             Hammer: martillo
   Seaside: playa              Nails: uñas
   Abroad: extranjero          Rope: cuerda
   Yunger: menor               Blanked: manta
   Gave: dio
   Bored: aburrido
   Awful: horrible
   Blanked: manta              Shouting: gritos
   Fed: alimentados            Treehouse: casa del arbol
   Silly: tonto                Disturb: molestar
   Nobody: nadie               Temper: genio
   Bedroom: dormitorio         Discovered: descubierto
   Certainly: ciertamente      Beetroot: remolacha
   Means: medio                Burst: explosión
   Church: iglesia             Plant: planta
   Under: bajo                 Onions: cebolla
   Kind: tipo                  Lettuce: lechuga
   Moon: luna                  Hardworking: trabajador
   Lake: lago                  Spring: primavera
   Soon: pronto                Pick: recoger
   Arrived: llego              Pet: mascota
   Garden: jardin
 Past: pasado              Mentioned: mencionar
 Nothing: nada             Sure: seguro

 Must: debe                Mind: mente

 Pale: palido              Win: ganar

 Wonderful: maravilloso    Least: menos

 Healthy: saludable        Cards: tarjetas

 Rosy: rosado              Humillated: humillado

 Behalf: favor             Fault: culpa

 Refreshments: refresco    Handsome: guapo

 Meeting: reunión          Course: grupo

 Details: detalles         Delighted: encantado

 Town: ciudad              Cakes: torta

 Located: ubicado          Lying: tendido

 Corner: esquina           Scarse: escaso
 Better: mejor         Worm: gusano
 Great: grandioso      Exclameid: exclamo
 Joy: alegria          Fruit: fruta
 Wont: constumbre      Everyone: todo el
 Baking: coccion        mundo
 Recipe: receta        Embarrassed:
 Each: cada
                        Poor: pobre
 Pocket: bolsillo
                        Whole: todo
 Bring: llevar
                        Evening: tarde
 During: durante
                        Note: nota
 Choice: eleccion
                        Village: pueblo
 Walnuts: nueces
                        Come: venir
 Heard: oido
 Around: entorno a.
 Catches: capturas
 Date: fecha              Centre: centro

 Manor: señorio           Sitting: sentado

 Even: incluso            Desk: escritorio

 Aunt: tia                Poliwoman: mujer

 Wedding: boda             policia
 Told: dijo               Puzzle: rompecabezas

 Went: fue                Settle: resolver

 Underwater: submarino  Anyway: de todos
 Drowned: ahogado
                           Wrote: escribio
 Meet: satisfacer
                           Sally: salida
 Strangely: extrañamente
                           Pastry: pasteles
 Happening: pasando

 Opposite: opuesto

 Aspect: aspecto
 Bakeries: panaderia        Patronised: patrocinado
 Rarely: rara vez           Barnaby: bernabe

 Force: forzado             Bleak: desolado

 Pointing: señalando        Square: plaza

 Patients: los pacientes    Raisin – spotted: uvas

 Otherwise: de otra          pasas
 Spices: especias

 Eaten: comido

 Florentine: florentino

 Denmark: dinamarca

 Origin: origen

 Museum: museo

 Penny: centavo
                      MR.                MRS.
JASON                ROWE               ROWEL
                       L                  L
   is                  is

12 Years                  her
   old               father, he
                        takes      Her mother
                       them to      wants to
  He is              live in the   live in the
  Vals´brother,        country     countrysid
  he loves the             for      e forever.
  countryside         summer
  and buys a             time.
  diary to Val for
  her birthay.

  L                                             HOW VAL
                  LL            ACTED?          ACTED?
                 is a tiny
Val and her   village, there                    She went
   family       wasn´t a          He began       into the
 arrived at    cinema and       jumping and     house to
 Greenhill,     fast food          shouting      find her
Jason and      restaurant,     , and thought    bedroom
his parents    there were        “the garden   and put up
are happy,       only ten        was perfect         a
  except        houses, a         to make a     “DO NOT
     Val      church and         treehouse”.   DISTURB”
                 one bar.                      sign in her

Her father woke   Mrs. Perry cooked
up at 7 o’clock   to               her
                  family   fruit flan,
                  they loved it

 she wanted
  to return to
her town soon     Val found in her
        .         pocket a Luke´s
                   note inviting
                  her to fish in the
                  lake of the club
Val and Luke         Val´s life w
   kissed                                    but Val
                    as complica
     each                                   preferred
 other, she                                the house i
                     by the kiss
  was very                                  n the city
                      she gave
 confused               Luke
   by this

                         Val's                  Val
                     parents took
     Val's            her home
 family acted           over of
 very strange          dreams
                                        went to
                     in Greenhill
                                      meet her
                                    friend out in
                                    a small shop

  Sally told Val                  Val´s mom
       that                        Told her
  She wanted                    things she was
     to be a                         afraid
 detective when
  she grow up

                                  Val told her
 Val thought
                                that they would
  she would
                                   move back
 change her
mind when she
   grew up

 Mrs. Perry                           Thursday,
                                       july 7Th

 went to the fair.                  She came back
  She couldn´t                      to them at half
 speak to Sally                     past seven.
because she was
  out with her
   last night r
Val´s Diary

              She felt so humillated and angy she was sure her
               face was every coloured under the sun. Luke
                 probably thought she was a sort of U.F.O.
Chapter 3
Who´s a good Cook?

                     Her dad went out in the morning
                         to buy a newspaper and
                            he met Mr. Smollett!
                     They made an appointment for
                       dinner at Val´s dad house!
                      ´We´ll expect you on Monday
                               night at about
                       7 o´clock, Val´s dad said, if
                       you´re free of course, said
                              Doctor Smollett

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. CAPACITACION CONTANTE  Japón Lider en capación constante para los docentes
  • 4. Curso de Formación Docente sobre TIC y Educación – Especialización. Módulo 7: TIC y aprender a aprender Unidad 3: Las TIC como herramientas para desarrollar la competencia para aprender a aprender. El papel del docente y del alumno. Unidad 3 Actividad 3 Topic: Simple Past Tense Justification: Students can understand in a practical way “Simple Past Tense”, it will be an easy and ludic way to learn and practice English. Students will get the difference between regular verbs, its pronuntiation according to the phonetic rules, and irregular verbs with its right pronuntiation. Students will be surfing different web pages where they will be able to do exercises by him/herself in order to get confidence about his/her understanding about real events occurred in the past. These activities are focused in order to develop listening, reading, writing , and speaking skills.
  • 5. Fase 1 Objetivo Metodología Dedicación Producto Exploración Activar e Profesor temporal Canción Escuchar e introducir los desarrolla a online, Identificar conocimientos través de una En la primera debidamente acciones en previos del actividad de sesión de la terminada de pasado alumno sobre listening on- clase acuerdo con acciones del line para que la actividad pasado, favore- individual y de escucha ciendo e grupalmente realizada en incentivando su reconozcan clase con comprensión e acciones del ayuda del interprentaciónd pasado así video y guia el texto leído y como de trabajo. escuchado. vocabulario nuevo.
  • 6. Fase 2 Objetivo Metodología Dedicación Producto Comprender Comprensión de Profesor temporal Introducción a la actividad a vocabulario y explica los eventos realizar por desarrollar objetivos, la En la primera reales, acaeci parte del habilidad de actividad de segunda dos en el estudiante. listening listening on- sesión de la pasado, line para que clase individual y grupalmente reconozcan acciones del pasado así como vocabulario nuevo.
  • 7. Fase 3 Objetivo Metodología Dedicación Producto Búsqueda de Búscar páginas Los temporal Listado con la web estudiantes se ejercicios, información relacionadas organizan tres sesiones vocabulario y en internet sobre eventos individualment de clase quizes del pasado, e para realizar referentes a teniendo en la actividad en la temática cuenta el uso las páginas del pasado de verbos debidamente simple. regulares e seleccionadas irregulares. acerca de pasado simple.
  • 8. Fase 4 Objetivo. Metodología Dedicación Producto Selección de Leer texto para El profesor temporal libro de ser narrado expone Presentación lectura e en pasado modelos de Tres sesiones en power información simple, para presentaciones, de clase point como en internet prácticar y luego organiza ayuda redactar organiza didáctica de eventos del grupos de tres la exposión pasado. estudiantes oral, que para realizar realizan los mapas estudiantes,h mentales o aciendo uso conceptuales de páginas del texto web, leído, en power programas de point, o widows, prezi, narrando herramientas la historia en como el pasado simple. portatil, proyector y/o video beam, etc.
  • 9. Fase 5 Objetivo. Metodología Dedicación Producto Síntesis de la Identificar idea Los grupos temporal Presentación información principal e realizan su del libro leído ideas presentación tres frente al grupo secundarias. en la sala de sesiones y el profesor. bilingüismo, de de clase Los estudiantes acuerdo con el crearan su orden de la slideshare para revisión subir la realizado por presentación el docente realizada en previamente. clase, luego crearan su propio blog.
  • 10. Fase 6 Objetivo. Metodología Dedicación Producto Analisis del Autoevaluación Los grupos temporal Presentación trabajo de la actividad realizan su del libro leído realizado realizada, así presentación Dos sesiones frente al grupo como su en la sala de de clase y el profesor. participación en bilingüismo, de Los estudiantes el desarrollo de acuerdo con el crearan su la actividad. orden de la slideshare para revisión subir la realizado por presentación el docente realizada en previamente. clase, luego crearan su propio blog.
  • 11. REFLEXION Mi labor como docente en el área de Idiomas, considero que debo optimizar la revisión de las evaluaciones y presentaciones cuando los estudiantes las envían al correo, a pesar de revisarlas antes que las diseñen en power point o prezi, siempre hay que volverlas a leer, acumulándose una gran cantidad de trabajo, lo cual toma bastante tiempo corregirlas nuevamente. Además, cumplir estrictamente con la planeación depende también de las actividades que se presentan a última hora. Amo mi profesión, el Inglés, considero que tengo un muy buen dominio del Idioma Inglés, y manejo de grupo, siempre estoy capacitándome y actualizándome en mi área. Me gusta innovar en mis clases, trato al máximo que trabajen en la sala de bilingüismo, donde refuerzan con el CD Room del libro de clase, páginas wet que les selecciono con anticipación para reforzar los temas ya explicados en clase. Asi mismo, los estudiantes diseñan sus presentaciones elaborando mapas mentales o conceptuales de los libros de lectura. En mi área, las TIC son imprescindibles de los contrario sería una clase monótona e interminable, ya que es complejo el dominio Inglés para algunos estudiantes y mas los que no llevan el proceso que se imparte en el Colegio. Me gustan las baladas en inglés y estoy al tanto de las canciones que les gustan a los estudiantes para trabajarla en las clases, lo cual es una ventaja con los muchachos, razón por la cual en el English Day, ellos organizan el “Talen Contest con gran dinamismo y creatividad. Mi objetivo como docente es una capacitación constante para un mejoramiento continuo, fortalecer la implementación de TIC, buscar nuevas estrategias, materiales, para impartir clases, donde los estudiantes crezcan académicamente, como personas y como futuros profesionales, incentivarlos a aprender inglés como medio de comunicación y aprendizaje frente a otros países y medio de encontrar mejores alternativas laborales.
  • 12. LET´S PRACTICE YOUR PRONUNCIATION  Let´s enjoy listening, reading and singing in order to improve your pronunciation
  • 13. Yellow “Coldplay” I drew a line Look at the stars, look how they I ___________ a line for you Fill in the gaps Oh what a thing to do with shine for you the following and everything you do yeah they And it was all yellow words _________ all yellow I ___________ along Your skin came I ___________ a song for you Oh yeah your skin and bones And all the things you do Turn into something beautiful bleed And it was __________ yellow D´ you know drew So then I _____________ my turn for you I _________ myself took Oh all the things I´ve done dry (2) shine And it __________ all yellow.... It's true was Your skin Look how they shine for Oh yeah your skin and bones you(5) wrote Turn into something beautiful Look how they shine D´ you know you know I love you so were Look at the stars look how You know I love you so they __________ for you swam And all the things that you do. I ___________ across jumped I ____________ across for you Oh all the things you do called Cause you were all yellow
  • 14. SIMPLE PAST TENSE  Hello everybody! My name is Past Simple Boy I am very nostalgic and I always talk about the past. This is an old picture of me. I was sixteen in this picture. It was thirteen years ago. I studied at University at that time. I lived with my friends Paco and Javi in a big and old flat. We didn't study much and we enjoyed our life. Every weekend we went to the disco and met new girls. I remember I had a girlfriend called Margarita. I finished my studies in 1995. A year later I started to work as a Language teacher in a Secondary school. Life is not too bad, but those days were fantastic! Do you know about your parents' life when they were young?
  • 16. SIMPLE PAST TENSE IRREGULAR VERBS Blog   ature=related  eature=related
  • 17. SIMPLE PAST REGULAR VERBS  Sounds in English  Endings “ED”  Voiced  Vocal cords vibrate  It is pronounced /d/.  loved  Unvoiced “Vocal cords do not vibrate”  (p, f, k, s, ss, ch, sh, x ). It is pronounced /t/. worked
  • 18.  GROUP 1: INFINITIVE + / d /  group1.htm  GROUP 2: INFINITIVE + / t /  group2.htm  GROUP 3: INFINITIVE + / id /  group3.htm
  • 19.  The-ed ending for verbs whose infinitive ends in a vowel sound or voiced consonant is pronounced /d/. loved  The -ed ending for verbs whose infinitive form ends in an unvoiced consonant (p, f, k, s, ss, ch, sh, x ), is pronounced /t/. worked  The -ed ending for verbs whose infinitive ends in the letters d and t is pronounced /id/. Wanted / needed
  • 20. 1) allowed 11)shaved 21)included 2) asked 12)slipped 22)jailed 3) cracked 13)stopped 23)killed 4) cried 24)landed 14)Tasted 5) damaged 15)visited 25)Loved 6) decided 16)wasted 26) missed 7) encourage 27)mixed 17)washed d 18)watched 28)pasted 8) ended 19)welcomed 29)relaxed 9) flooded 10) guessed 20)yawned 30)repeated  Simple Past Tense / Regular Verbs  Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below.  There are ten answers for each column
  • 21. Simple Past Tense / Regular Verbs  Place the verbs in the box into the correct columns below. /d/ /t/ / id / 1. _killed_____ 1. _watched__ 1. _included__ 2. ____________ 2. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 3. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 4. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 5. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 6. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 7. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 8. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 9. ____________ 9. ____________ 10.____________ 10.____________ 10.____________
  • 23. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Answer the following questions Did you create your facebook last year? Did you kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend yesterday? Did you practice English yesterday? Did you listen rock music last night? What did you read last night?  Where did go last Saturday? What time did you get up last week? Why did you send me the information by mail?
  • 24. Let´s Improve your pronunciation
  • 25. SIMPLE PAST TENSE  Let´s write a short biography about your favourite singer/actor or actress
  • 26.
  • 28. VAL´S DIARY Carolina calderón Laura Camila castro gil Angie milena castro Grade 901 J.T.
  • 29.  Saturday July 2th Dear Diary she went to a party with his parents at Greenhill, her parents wanted to go and live there because they were tired of traffic and pollution.
  • 30. CHAPTER 1 SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY  Dear Diary Val wrote in his diary about her birthday, she said she wanted a pair of rollerblades but she did not receive them, and she had a birthday party either, because his friends were on the beach.
  • 31.  Sunday July 3th Dear Diary Val s family arrived in Greenhill, there was no place she liked, there were a church, a store of clothes and shoes, a small bar to drink and eat. Her brother Jason liked a perfect tree to make a home on it. Jason's father helped him to build the house, Val was only interested in staying in her room.
  • 32. CHAPTER 2 A SURPRISE MEETING.  Monday july 4th Dear Diary Val liked her small house, but hated that there was no phone. She thought she couldn´t live there. Her father had a garden where he planted tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, lettuce. she hated her, she thought her neighbors were very stupid, and his brother was an idiot.
  • 33.  Tuesday, july 5th Dear Diary Mrs. Perry is Val s neighbor, she believed, it's unbearable, cause she went to her house all the time. One day his father was scared when the doorbell rang and Mrs. Perry was at the door. Val expressed how disgusted was her for her family, her father felt embarrassed.
  • 34.  Wednesday July 6th Dear Diary Val found in her mailbox an invitation to the annual fair of the village club. That showed series of games. Family got the fair was located on the corner of the store. Val's father thought he could win the competition. Val was angry ´cause there was no phone to talk to Sally, besides sally was out with her brothers.
  • 35.  Thursday July 7th Dear Diary Val´s father stayed the second place in the game and Dr. Smollett won the competition. He had two children, Val first met so upsetting, and pretended to be ill, his father felt embarrassed in front of the cute boy. Val was anxious to see Luke again.
  • 36. CHAPTER 3 WHO´S A GOOD COOK?  Friday July 8th Dr. Smollett and his son won the cooking contests with their delicious cakes. His mother was angry with Dad because they would realize that he was lying, to see this hidden val.
  • 37.  Saturday July 9th Dear Diary Val was desperate. She and her dad went to buy a cake because otherwise her mother would not go. Her dad decided to ask for help with Mrs. Perry, she was delighted Val wanted to help him, she decided to prepare the fruit flan, because her mother mentioned.
  • 38. Sunday july 10th Dear diary Next day Val got up at seven in the morning, she went to the store to buy the ingredients, the store was full, she heard a voice behind, it was Luke, she felt so embarrassed because she was covered with cream
  • 39. CHAPTER 4 VAL´S FIRST DATE  Monday july 11th Dear diary Val's father woke up again at the same time. prepared the cake with Mrs. Perry quickly. They baked tow cakes for a small breakfast.  later Val was so happy, everyone said that her mother cooked very delicious, but nobody knew that Mrs. Perry had baked the cake her mother felt very embarrassed. Val found a note in her pocket, it was a date with Luke in the lake.
  • 40. Tuesday July 12th Dear diary in her mail that morning, she had an invitation to drink tea in Lord Greenhill. Val's mom was very excited!. Val did not want to go because he wanted to be with Luke
  • 41. Wednesday July 13  Early Afternoon Val will be one that their parents will go to the reunion. her mother was looking for a dress to go on the meeting, she decided to wear her aunt´s garment, her brother wore a jacket, they looked really ridiculous!. Val was very nervous because she could see Luke and she didn´t decide what to wear.
  • 42. In the afternoon  Luke and Val went to the lake with his friends. while they swam under water, they kissed! Val took too much water, she nearly drowned. Val was very nervous and told him to call her but after that she thought she was a total idiot because she had no phone.
  • 43. CHAPTER 5 ALL´S WELL THAT ENDS WELL  Thursday 14 July 5pm  Val thought her life was upside down. her parents went to look for a house in Greenhill, but she preferred her old home, Val wanted sally, her best friend, to call because it was far away and she did not want to lose her friendship. Val wanted to be a fashion designer, Sally wanted to be a policewoman or a detective. Val didn´t agree what she wanted to be when she grew up.
  • 44. 10 pm  Her parents decided to come back to the city Val did not want to return, she was confused. She did not know what to do with Luke, and she did not want to lose her best friend Sally in the city, she decided to drop a note to Luke with her address and phone number and they would continue talking. she said she had many things to tell sally
  • 45. VOCABULARY:  was: fue  Holiday: fiesta  Disaster: desastre  Middle: medio  Wanted: querido  Tired: cansado  Rollerblades: patines  Polltion: polución  Hiking boots: botas de  Rocksack:mochila montaña  Packed: lleno  Countryside: campo  Put: poner  Opened: abierto  Hammer: martillo  Seaside: playa  Nails: uñas  Abroad: extranjero  Rope: cuerda  Yunger: menor  Blanked: manta  Gave: dio  Bored: aburrido  Awful: horrible
  • 46. Blanked: manta  Shouting: gritos  Fed: alimentados  Treehouse: casa del arbol  Silly: tonto  Disturb: molestar  Nobody: nadie  Temper: genio  Bedroom: dormitorio  Discovered: descubierto  Certainly: ciertamente  Beetroot: remolacha  Means: medio  Burst: explosión  Church: iglesia  Plant: planta  Under: bajo  Onions: cebolla  Kind: tipo  Lettuce: lechuga  Moon: luna  Hardworking: trabajador  Lake: lago  Spring: primavera  Soon: pronto  Pick: recoger  Arrived: llego  Pet: mascota  Garden: jardin
  • 47.  Past: pasado  Mentioned: mencionar  Nothing: nada  Sure: seguro  Must: debe  Mind: mente  Pale: palido  Win: ganar  Wonderful: maravilloso  Least: menos  Healthy: saludable  Cards: tarjetas  Rosy: rosado  Humillated: humillado  Behalf: favor  Fault: culpa  Refreshments: refresco  Handsome: guapo  Meeting: reunión  Course: grupo  Details: detalles  Delighted: encantado  Town: ciudad  Cakes: torta  Located: ubicado  Lying: tendido  Corner: esquina  Scarse: escaso
  • 48.  Better: mejor  Worm: gusano  Great: grandioso  Exclameid: exclamo  Joy: alegria  Fruit: fruta  Wont: constumbre  Everyone: todo el  Baking: coccion mundo  Recipe: receta  Embarrassed: avergonzado  Each: cada  Poor: pobre  Pocket: bolsillo  Whole: todo  Bring: llevar  Evening: tarde  During: durante  Note: nota  Choice: eleccion  Village: pueblo  Walnuts: nueces  Come: venir  Heard: oido  Around: entorno a.  Catches: capturas
  • 49.  Date: fecha  Centre: centro  Manor: señorio  Sitting: sentado  Even: incluso  Desk: escritorio  Aunt: tia  Poliwoman: mujer  Wedding: boda policia  Told: dijo  Puzzle: rompecabezas  Went: fue  Settle: resolver  Underwater: submarino  Anyway: de todos modos  Drowned: ahogado  Wrote: escribio  Meet: satisfacer  Sally: salida  Strangely: extrañamente  Pastry: pasteles  Happening: pasando  Opposite: opuesto  Aspect: aspecto
  • 50.  Bakeries: panaderia  Patronised: patrocinado  Rarely: rara vez  Barnaby: bernabe  Force: forzado  Bleak: desolado  Pointing: señalando  Square: plaza  Patients: los pacientes  Raisin – spotted: uvas  Otherwise: de otra pasas manera  Spices: especias  Eaten: comido  Florentine: florentino  Denmark: dinamarca  Origin: origen  Museum: museo  Penny: centavo
  • 51. CHAPTER 1: HER FAMILY MR. MRS. JASON ROWE ROWEL L L is is is 12 Years her old father, he takes Her mother them to wants to He is live in the live in the Vals´brother, country countrysid he loves the for e forever. countryside summer and buys a time. diary to Val for her birthay.
  • 52. IN THE COUNTRYSIDE ARRIVA GREENHI HOW JASON L HOW VAL LL ACTED? ACTED? is a tiny Val and her village, there She went family wasn´t a He began into the arrived at cinema and jumping and house to Greenhill, fast food shouting find her Jason and restaurant, , and thought bedroom his parents there were “the garden and put up are happy, only ten was perfect a except houses, a to make a “DO NOT Val church and treehouse”. DISTURB” one bar. sign in her door.
  • 53. MONDAY “JULY” Her father woke Mrs. Perry cooked up at 7 o’clock to her family fruit flan, they loved it she wanted to return to her town soon Val found in her . pocket a Luke´s note inviting her to fish in the lake of the club
  • 54. DEAR DIARY Val and Luke Val´s life w kissed but Val as complica each preferred ted other, she the house i by the kiss was very n the city she gave confused Luke by this Val's Val parents took Val's her home family acted over of very strange dreams went to in Greenhill meet her friend out in a small shop
  • 55. DEAR DIARY Sally told Val Val´s mom that Told her She wanted things she was to be a afraid detective when she grow up Val told her Val thought that they would she would move back change her mind when she grew up
  • 56. TUESDAY, JULY 5TH Mrs. Perry Thursday, july 7Th went to the fair. She came back She couldn´t to them at half speak to Sally past seven. because she was out with her brother last night r
  • 57. Val´s Diary She felt so humillated and angy she was sure her face was every coloured under the sun. Luke probably thought she was a sort of U.F.O.
  • 58. Chapter 3 Who´s a good Cook? Her dad went out in the morning to buy a newspaper and he met Mr. Smollett! They made an appointment for dinner at Val´s dad house! ´We´ll expect you on Monday night at about 7 o´clock, Val´s dad said, if you´re free of course, said Doctor Smollett