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Chapter 5
“Electrons in Atoms”
Section 5.1
   Models of the Atom

• Identify the inadequacies
 in the Rutherford atomic
Section 5.1
   Models of the Atom

• Identify the new proposal
 in the Bohr model of the
Section 5.1
    Models of the Atom

• Describe the energies and
 positions of electrons
 according to the quantum
 mechanical model.
Section 5.1
   Models of the Atom
• Describe how the shapes
 of orbitals related to
 different sublevels differ.
Ernest Rutherford’s Model
Discovered dense positive
piece at the center of the
atom- “nucleus”
Electrons would surround and
move around it, like planets
around the sun
Atom is mostly empty space
It did not explain the chemical
properties of the elements – a
better description of the
electron behavior was needed
Niels Bohr’s Model
Why don’t the electrons fall into the
Move like planets around the sun.
In specific circular paths, or
 orbits, at different levels.
An amount of fixed energy
 separates one level from another.
The Bohr Model of the Atom
             I pictured the
             electrons orbiting
             the nucleus much
             like planets
             orbiting the sun.
             However, electrons
             are found in
             specific circular
             paths around the
             nucleus, and can
             jump from one
Niels Bohr   level to another.
Bohr’s model
Energy level of an electron
 • analogous to the rungs of a ladder
The electron cannot exist between
energy levels, just like you can’t
stand between rungs on a ladder
A quantum of energy is the amount
of energy required to move an
electron from one energy level to
The Quantum Mechanical
Energy is “quantized” - It comes in chunks.
A quantum is the amount of energy
needed to move from one energy level to
Since the energy of an atom is never “in
between” there must be a quantum leap in
In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger derived an
equation that described the energy and
position of the electrons in an atom
Schrodinger’s Wave Equation
                          h d ψ +V ψ
                          2    2

                     −                   = Eψ
                       8 π m dx
                          2        2

                     Equation for the
                     probability of a single
                     electron being found
Erwin Schrodinger
 Erwin Schrodinger   along a single axis (x-axis)
The Quantum Mechanical
Things that are very small
behave differently from
things big enough to see.
The quantum mechanical
model is a mathematical
It is not like anything you
can see (like plum pudding!)
The Quantum Mechanical

Has energy levels for electrons.
Orbits are not circular.
It can only tell us the probability of
finding an electron a certain
distance from the nucleus.
The Quantum Mechanical
The atom is found
inside a blurry
“electron cloud”
An area where
there is a chance
of finding an
Think of fan blades
Atomic Orbitals
Principal Quantum Number (n) = the
energy level of the electron: 1, 2, 3, etc.
Within each energy level, the complex
math of Schrodinger’s equation
describes several shapes.
These are called atomic orbitals (coined
by scientists in 1932) - regions where there is
a high probability of finding an electron.
Sublevels- like theater seats arranged
in sections: letters s, p, d, and f
Principal Quantum Number
Generally symbolized by “n”, it denotes
the shell (energy level) in which the
electron is located.

 Maximum number
 of electrons that
 can fit in an
 energy level is:
How many e- in level 2? 3?
     # of
    shapes       Maximum     Starts at
    (orbitals)   electrons   energy level
s     1             2            1

p     3            6             2

d     5            10            3

f     7            14            4
By Energy Level
First Energy Level   Second Energy
Has only s orbital   Level
only 2 electrons     Has s and p
                     orbitals available
                     2 in s, 6 in p
                     8 total electrons
By Energy Level
Third energy level    Fourth energy
Has s, p, and d       level
orbitals              Has s, p, d, and f
2 in s, 6 in p, and   orbitals
10 in d               2 in s, 6 in p, 10
                      in d, and 14 in f
18 total electrons    4s24p64d104f14
                      32 total electrons
By Energy Level
 Any  more than         The orbitals do
 the fourth and not      not fill up in a
 all the orbitals will   neat order.
 fill up.                The energy levels
 You simply run          overlap
 out of electrons        Lowest energy fill
Section 5.2
Electron Arrangement in Atoms

 • Describe how to write the
   electron configuration for
   an atom.
Section 5.2
Electron Arrangement in Atoms

 • Explain why the actual
   electron configurations for
   some elements differ from
   those predicted by the aufbau
7p            6d
                    7s      6p                            5f
                    6s      5p                            4f
Increasing energy

                    4s                    3d
                          aufbau diagram - page 133
                    1s   Aufbau is German for “building up”
Electron Configurations…
   …are the way electrons are arranged
   in various orbitals around the nuclei
   of atoms. Three rules tell us how:
1) Aufbau principle - electrons enter the
   lowest energy first.
  • This causes difficulties because of
      the overlap of orbitals of different
      energies – follow the diagram!
2) Pauli Exclusion Principle - at most 2
   electrons per orbital - different spins
Pauli Exclusion Principle

                 No two electrons in an
                 atom can have the same
                 four quantum numbers.

                 To show the different
                 direction of spin, a pair
                 in the same orbital is
                 written as:
Wolfgang Pauli
Quantum Numbers
     Each electron in an atom has a
     unique set of 4 quantum numbers
     which describe it.
1)   Principal quantum number
2)   Angular momentum quantum number
3)   Magnetic quantum number
4)   Spin quantum number
Electron Configurations
3) Hund’s Rule- When electrons
   occupy orbitals of equal energy,
   they don’t pair up until they have
   Let’s write the electron
   configuration for Phosphorus
   We need to account for all 15
      electrons in phosphorus
7p          6d
                    7s   6p                        5f
                    6s   5p                        4f
Increasing energy

                    4s               3d
                         3p   The first two electrons
                              go into the 1s orbital
                    2s        Notice the opposite
                              direction of the spins
                              only 13 more to go...
7p         6d
                    7s   6p                        5f
                    6s   5p                        4f
Increasing energy

                    4s              3d
                         2p   The next electrons
                    2s        go into the 2s orbital
                              only 11 more...
7p          6d
                    7s   6p                        5f
                    6s   5p                        4f
Increasing energy

                    4s               3d
                         2p   • The next electrons
                    2s          go into the 2p orbital
                              • only 5 more...
7p          6d
                    7s   6p                        5f
                    6s   5p                        4f
Increasing energy

                    4s               3d
                         2p   • The next electrons
                    2s          go into the 3s orbital
                              • only 3 more...
7p          6d
                    7s      6p                          5f
                    6s      5p                          4f
Increasing energy

                    4s                   3d
                            3p • The last three electrons
                    3s          go into the 3p orbitals.
                            2p They each go into
                    2s          separate shapes (Hund’s)
                              • 3 unpaired electrons
                    1s   notation
                                    = 1s22s22p63s23p3
An internet program about electron
configurations is:

       Electron Configurations

  (Just click on the above link)
Orbitals fill in an order
Lowest energy to higher energy.
Adding electrons can change the
energy of the orbital. Full orbitals
are the absolute best situation.
However, half filled orbitals have
a lower energy, and are next best
• Makes them more stable.
• Changes the filling order
Write the electron configurations
       for these elements:
Titanium - 22 electrons
  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d2
Vanadium - 23 electrons
  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3
Chromium - 24 electrons
  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d4 (expected)
 But this is not what happens!!
Chromium is actually:
This gives us two half filled
orbitals (the others are all still full)
Half full is slightly lower in energy.
The same principal applies to
Copper’s electron
Copper has 29 electrons so we
expect: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9
But the actual configuration is:
This change gives one more filled
orbital and one that is half filled.
Remember these exceptions: d4,         d9
Irregular configurations of Cr and Cu
Chromium steals a 4s electron to
make its 3d sublevel HALF FULL
                         Copper steals a 4s electron
                         to FILL its 3d sublevel
Valence Electrons
Only certain electrons, called valence
electrons, determine the chemical
properties of an element
Valence Electrons – electrons in in
the atom’s outermost orbitals –
generally those orbitals associated
with the atom’s highest principal
energy level
Valence Electrons
For example sulfur contains 16
electrons, only six of which occupy
the outermost 3s and 3p orbitals
S = 1s22s22p63s23p4
S [Ne] 3s23p4
Valence Electrons
Although a Cesium atom contains 55
electrons, it has only one valence
Cs [Xe]6s1
Francium, which belongs to the same
group also has one valence electron
Fr [Rn]7s1
Electron-dot structures
aka – Lewis Dot Structures
Because valaence electrons are involved
with forming bonds, chemists represent
them visually using an electron-dot
structure diagram
Electron-dot structure – consists of the
element’s symbol, which represents the
atomic nucleus and inner-level electrons
surrounded by dots representing the
atom’s valence electrons
How to write an electron-dot
Place dots representing valence
electrons one at a time on the four
sides of the symbol (they may be
placed in any sequence)
Then pair up electrons until all are
Element    Atomic #   Electron Config. e- Dot-diagram
Lithium    3          1s22s1                 Li

Berylium   4          1s22s2                 Be

Boron      5          1s22s22p1              B

Carbon     6          1s22s22p2              C

Nitrogen   7          1s22s22p3              N

Oxygen     8          1s22s22p4              O

Flourine   9          1s22s22p5              F

Neon       10         1s22s22p6              Ne
     Draw electron-dot structures for atoms of
     the following elements.
a.   Magnesium
b.   Sulfur
c.   Bromine
d.   Rubidium
e.   Thallium
f.   Xenon
g.   Tin
Section 5.3
Physics and the Quantum
   Mechanical Model
• Describe the relationship
 between the wavelength
 and frequency of light.
Section 5.3
Physics and the Quantum
   Mechanical Model
• Identify the source of
 atomic emission spectra.
Section 5.3
 Physics and the Quantum
    Mechanical Model
• Explain how the
 frequencies of emitted light
 are related to changes in
 electron energies.
Section 5.3
Physics and the Quantum
   Mechanical Model
• Distinguish between
 quantum mechanics and
 classical mechanics.
The study of light led to the development
of the quantum mechanical model.
Light is a kind of electromagnetic
Electromagnetic radiation includes many
types: gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves…
Speed of light = 2.998 x 108 m/s, and is
abbreviated “c”
All electromagnetic radiation travels at this
same rate when measured in a vacuum
- Page 139

                “R O Y   G   B I   V”

Frequency Increases

Wavelength Longer
Parts of a wave


Electromagnetic radiation propagates through
space as a wave moving at the speed of light.

c =λν

  c = speed of light, a constant (2.998 x 108 m/s)
  λ (lambda) = wavelength, in meters
  ν (nu) = frequency, in units of hertz (hz or sec-1)
Wavelength and Frequency
Are inversely related
• As one goes up the other goes
Different frequencies of light are
different colors of light.
There is a wide variety of frequencies
The whole range is called a spectrum
- Page 140

Use Equation: c =λν
Low                                High
Energy                             Energy

 Radio Micro Infrared    Ultra- X-    Gamma
 waves waves .           violet Rays Rays
  Low                                 High
Frequency                           Frequency
  Long                             Short
Wavelength       Visible Light Wavelength
                 Wavelength Table
Low Frequency

High Frequency
Atomic Spectra
White light is
made up of all
the colors of the
Passing it
through a prism
separates it.
If the light is not white
By heating a gas
with electricity we
can get it to give
off colors.
Passing this light
through a prism
does something
Atomic Spectrum
Each element
gives off its own
Can be used to
identify the atom.
This is how we
know what stars
are made of.
• These are called
  the atomic
• Unique to each
  element, like
• Very useful for
Light is a Particle?
Energy is quantized.
Light is a form of energy.
Therefore, light must be quantized
These smallest pieces of light are
called photons.
Photoelectric effect? Albert Einstein
Energy & frequency: directly related.
The energy (E ) of electromagnetic
radiation is directly proportional to the
frequency (ν) of the radiation.

       Equation:     E = hν
E = Energy, in units of Joules (kg·m2/s2)
  (Joule is the metric unit of energy)
h = Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J·s)
ν = frequency, in units of hertz (hz, sec-1)
The Math in Chapter 5

                 There are 2

            1)   c = λν
            2)   E = hν
             Know these!
1) What is the wavelength of blue
   light with a frequency of 8.3 x
   1015 hz?
2) What is the frequency of red
   light with a wavelength of 4.2 x
   10-5 m?
3) What is the energy of a photon
   of each of the above?
Explanation of atomic spectra
When we write electron
configurations, we are writing the
lowest energy.
The energy level, and where the
electron starts from, is called it’s
ground state - the lowest energy
Changing the energy
Let’s look at a hydrogen atom, with
only one electron, and in the first
energy level.
Changing the energy
Heat, electricity, or light can move the
electron up to different energy levels.
The electron is now said to be “excited”
Changing the energy
As the electron falls back to the ground
state, it gives the energy back as light
Experiment #6, page 49-
Changing the energy
They may fall down in specific steps
Each step has a different energy
Ultraviolet   Visible   Infrared
The further they fall, more energy is
released and the higher the
This is a simplified explanation!
The orbitals also have different
energies inside energy levels
All the electrons can move around.
What is light?
Light is a particle - it comes in chunks.
Light is a wave - we can measure its
wavelength and it behaves as a wave
If we combine E=mc2 , c=λν, E = 1/2
mv2 and E = hνthen we can get:
λ = h/mv         (from Louis de Broglie)
called de Broglie’s equation
Calculates the wavelength of a particle.
Wave-Particle Duality
J.J. Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the
electron as a particle.
His son, George Thomson won the Nobel prize for
describing the wave-like nature of the electron.

                The        The electron
             electron is   is an energy
             a particle!       wave!
Confused? You’ve Got Company!
          “No familiar conceptions can be
            woven around the electron;
           something unknown is doing
               we don’t know what.”

           Physicist Sir Arthur Eddington
          The Nature of the Physical World
The physics of the very small
Quantum mechanics explains
how very small particles behave
 • Quantum mechanics is an
   explanation for subatomic
   particles and atoms as waves
Classical mechanics describes
the motions of bodies much
larger than atoms
Heisenberg Uncertainty
It is impossible to know exactly the
location and velocity of a particle.
The better we know one, the less
we know the other.
Measuring changes the properties.
True in quantum mechanics, but
not classical mechanics
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
                    “One cannot simultaneously
                    determine both the position
                    and momentum of an

                    You can find out where the
                    electron is, but not where it is
                    You can find out where the
                    electron is going, but not where
Werner Heisenberg   it is!
It is more obvious with the
        very small objects
To measure where a electron
is, we use light.
But the light energy moves the
And hitting the electron
changes the frequency of the
Before                       After
     Photon            wavelength

Moving                 Electron
Electron               velocity changes
            Fig. 5.16, p. 145
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Chemistry - Chp 5 - Electrons In Atoms - Powerpoint

  • 2. Section 5.1 Models of the Atom OBJECTIVES: • Identify the inadequacies in the Rutherford atomic model.
  • 3. Section 5.1 Models of the Atom OBJECTIVES: • Identify the new proposal in the Bohr model of the atom.
  • 4. Section 5.1 Models of the Atom OBJECTIVES: • Describe the energies and positions of electrons according to the quantum mechanical model.
  • 5. Section 5.1 Models of the Atom OBJECTIVES: • Describe how the shapes of orbitals related to different sublevels differ.
  • 6. Ernest Rutherford’s Model Discovered dense positive piece at the center of the atom- “nucleus” Electrons would surround and move around it, like planets around the sun Atom is mostly empty space It did not explain the chemical properties of the elements – a better description of the electron behavior was needed
  • 7. Niels Bohr’s Model Why don’t the electrons fall into the nucleus? Move like planets around the sun. In specific circular paths, or orbits, at different levels. An amount of fixed energy separates one level from another.
  • 8. The Bohr Model of the Atom I pictured the electrons orbiting the nucleus much like planets orbiting the sun. However, electrons are found in specific circular paths around the nucleus, and can jump from one Niels Bohr level to another.
  • 9. Bohr’s model Energy level of an electron • analogous to the rungs of a ladder The electron cannot exist between energy levels, just like you can’t stand between rungs on a ladder A quantum of energy is the amount of energy required to move an electron from one energy level to another
  • 10. The Quantum Mechanical Model Energy is “quantized” - It comes in chunks. A quantum is the amount of energy needed to move from one energy level to another. Since the energy of an atom is never “in between” there must be a quantum leap in energy. In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger derived an equation that described the energy and position of the electrons in an atom
  • 11. Schrodinger’s Wave Equation h d ψ +V ψ 2 2 − = Eψ 8 π m dx 2 2 Equation for the probability of a single electron being found Erwin Schrodinger Erwin Schrodinger along a single axis (x-axis)
  • 12. The Quantum Mechanical Model Things that are very small behave differently from things big enough to see. The quantum mechanical model is a mathematical solution It is not like anything you can see (like plum pudding!)
  • 13. The Quantum Mechanical Model Has energy levels for electrons. Orbits are not circular. It can only tell us the probability of finding an electron a certain distance from the nucleus.
  • 14. The Quantum Mechanical Model The atom is found inside a blurry “electron cloud” An area where there is a chance of finding an electron. Think of fan blades
  • 15. Atomic Orbitals Principal Quantum Number (n) = the energy level of the electron: 1, 2, 3, etc. Within each energy level, the complex math of Schrodinger’s equation describes several shapes. These are called atomic orbitals (coined by scientists in 1932) - regions where there is a high probability of finding an electron. Sublevels- like theater seats arranged in sections: letters s, p, d, and f
  • 16. Principal Quantum Number Generally symbolized by “n”, it denotes the shell (energy level) in which the electron is located. Maximum number of electrons that can fit in an energy level is: 2n2 How many e- in level 2? 3?
  • 17. Summary # of shapes Maximum Starts at (orbitals) electrons energy level s 1 2 1 p 3 6 2 d 5 10 3 f 7 14 4
  • 18. By Energy Level First Energy Level Second Energy Has only s orbital Level only 2 electrons Has s and p orbitals available 1s2 2 in s, 6 in p 2s22p6 8 total electrons
  • 19. By Energy Level Third energy level Fourth energy Has s, p, and d level orbitals Has s, p, d, and f 2 in s, 6 in p, and orbitals 10 in d 2 in s, 6 in p, 10 in d, and 14 in f 3s23p63d10 18 total electrons 4s24p64d104f14 32 total electrons
  • 20. By Energy Level  Any more than The orbitals do the fourth and not not fill up in a all the orbitals will neat order. fill up. The energy levels You simply run overlap out of electrons Lowest energy fill first.
  • 21. Section 5.2 Electron Arrangement in Atoms OBJECTIVES: • Describe how to write the electron configuration for an atom.
  • 22. Section 5.2 Electron Arrangement in Atoms OBJECTIVES: • Explain why the actual electron configurations for some elements differ from those predicted by the aufbau principle.
  • 23. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p 3s 2p 2s aufbau diagram - page 133 1s Aufbau is German for “building up”
  • 24. Electron Configurations… …are the way electrons are arranged in various orbitals around the nuclei of atoms. Three rules tell us how: 1) Aufbau principle - electrons enter the lowest energy first. • This causes difficulties because of the overlap of orbitals of different energies – follow the diagram! 2) Pauli Exclusion Principle - at most 2 electrons per orbital - different spins
  • 25. Pauli Exclusion Principle No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers. To show the different direction of spin, a pair in the same orbital is written as: Wolfgang Pauli
  • 26. Quantum Numbers Each electron in an atom has a unique set of 4 quantum numbers which describe it. 1) Principal quantum number 2) Angular momentum quantum number 3) Magnetic quantum number 4) Spin quantum number
  • 27. Electron Configurations 3) Hund’s Rule- When electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, they don’t pair up until they have to. Let’s write the electron configuration for Phosphorus  We need to account for all 15 electrons in phosphorus
  • 28. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p The first two electrons 3s go into the 1s orbital 2p 2s Notice the opposite direction of the spins only 13 more to go... 1s
  • 29. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p 3s 2p The next electrons 2s go into the 2s orbital only 11 more... 1s
  • 30. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p 3s 2p • The next electrons 2s go into the 2p orbital • only 5 more... 1s
  • 31. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p 3s 2p • The next electrons 2s go into the 3s orbital • only 3 more... 1s
  • 32. 7p 6d 7s 6p 5f 5d 6s 5p 4f 4d 5s 4p Increasing energy 4s 3d 3p • The last three electrons 3s go into the 3p orbitals. 2p They each go into 2s separate shapes (Hund’s) • 3 unpaired electrons Orbital 1s notation = 1s22s22p63s23p3
  • 33. An internet program about electron configurations is: Electron Configurations (Just click on the above link)
  • 34. Orbitals fill in an order Lowest energy to higher energy. Adding electrons can change the energy of the orbital. Full orbitals are the absolute best situation. However, half filled orbitals have a lower energy, and are next best • Makes them more stable. • Changes the filling order
  • 35. Write the electron configurations for these elements: Titanium - 22 electrons  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d2 Vanadium - 23 electrons  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3 Chromium - 24 electrons  1s22s22p63s23p64s23d4 (expected) But this is not what happens!!
  • 36. Chromium is actually: 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5 Why? This gives us two half filled orbitals (the others are all still full) Half full is slightly lower in energy. The same principal applies to copper.
  • 37. Copper’s electron configuration Copper has 29 electrons so we expect: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9 But the actual configuration is: 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10 This change gives one more filled orbital and one that is half filled. Remember these exceptions: d4, d9
  • 38. Irregular configurations of Cr and Cu Chromium steals a 4s electron to make its 3d sublevel HALF FULL Copper steals a 4s electron to FILL its 3d sublevel
  • 39. Valence Electrons Only certain electrons, called valence electrons, determine the chemical properties of an element Valence Electrons – electrons in in the atom’s outermost orbitals – generally those orbitals associated with the atom’s highest principal energy level
  • 40. Valence Electrons For example sulfur contains 16 electrons, only six of which occupy the outermost 3s and 3p orbitals S = 1s22s22p63s23p4 S [Ne] 3s23p4
  • 41. Valence Electrons Although a Cesium atom contains 55 electrons, it has only one valence electron Cs [Xe]6s1 Francium, which belongs to the same group also has one valence electron Fr [Rn]7s1
  • 42. Electron-dot structures aka – Lewis Dot Structures Because valaence electrons are involved with forming bonds, chemists represent them visually using an electron-dot structure diagram Electron-dot structure – consists of the element’s symbol, which represents the atomic nucleus and inner-level electrons surrounded by dots representing the atom’s valence electrons
  • 43. How to write an electron-dot structure Place dots representing valence electrons one at a time on the four sides of the symbol (they may be placed in any sequence) Then pair up electrons until all are used
  • 44. Element Atomic # Electron Config. e- Dot-diagram Lithium 3 1s22s1 Li Berylium 4 1s22s2 Be Boron 5 1s22s22p1 B Carbon 6 1s22s22p2 C Nitrogen 7 1s22s22p3 N Oxygen 8 1s22s22p4 O Flourine 9 1s22s22p5 F Neon 10 1s22s22p6 Ne
  • 45. Practice Draw electron-dot structures for atoms of the following elements. a. Magnesium b. Sulfur c. Bromine d. Rubidium e. Thallium f. Xenon g. Tin
  • 46. Section 5.3 Physics and the Quantum Mechanical Model OBJECTIVES: • Describe the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of light.
  • 47. Section 5.3 Physics and the Quantum Mechanical Model OBJECTIVES: • Identify the source of atomic emission spectra.
  • 48. Section 5.3 Physics and the Quantum Mechanical Model OBJECTIVES: • Explain how the frequencies of emitted light are related to changes in electron energies.
  • 49. Section 5.3 Physics and the Quantum Mechanical Model OBJECTIVES: • Distinguish between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.
  • 50. Light The study of light led to the development of the quantum mechanical model. Light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation includes many types: gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves… Speed of light = 2.998 x 108 m/s, and is abbreviated “c” All electromagnetic radiation travels at this same rate when measured in a vacuum
  • 51. - Page 139 “R O Y G B I V” Frequency Increases Wavelength Longer
  • 52. Parts of a wave Crest Wavelength Amplitude Origin Trough
  • 53. Electromagnetic radiation propagates through space as a wave moving at the speed of light. Equation: c =λν c = speed of light, a constant (2.998 x 108 m/s) λ (lambda) = wavelength, in meters ν (nu) = frequency, in units of hertz (hz or sec-1)
  • 54. Wavelength and Frequency Are inversely related • As one goes up the other goes down. Different frequencies of light are different colors of light. There is a wide variety of frequencies The whole range is called a spectrum
  • 55. - Page 140 Use Equation: c =λν
  • 56. Low High Energy Energy Radio Micro Infrared Ultra- X- Gamma waves waves . violet Rays Rays Low High Frequency Frequency Long Short Wavelength Visible Light Wavelength
  • 57. Long Wavelength Wavelength Table = Low Frequency = Low ENERGY Short Wavelength = High Frequency = High ENERGY
  • 58. Atomic Spectra White light is made up of all the colors of the visible spectrum. Passing it through a prism separates it.
  • 59. If the light is not white By heating a gas with electricity we can get it to give off colors. Passing this light through a prism does something different.
  • 60. Atomic Spectrum Each element gives off its own characteristic colors. Can be used to identify the atom. This is how we know what stars are made of.
  • 61. • These are called the atomic emission spectrum • Unique to each element, like fingerprints! • Very useful for identifying elements
  • 62. Light is a Particle? Energy is quantized. Light is a form of energy. Therefore, light must be quantized These smallest pieces of light are called photons. Photoelectric effect? Albert Einstein Energy & frequency: directly related.
  • 63. The energy (E ) of electromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to the frequency (ν) of the radiation. Equation: E = hν E = Energy, in units of Joules (kg·m2/s2) (Joule is the metric unit of energy) h = Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J·s) ν = frequency, in units of hertz (hz, sec-1)
  • 64. The Math in Chapter 5 There are 2 equations: 1) c = λν 2) E = hν Know these!
  • 65. Examples 1) What is the wavelength of blue light with a frequency of 8.3 x 1015 hz? 2) What is the frequency of red light with a wavelength of 4.2 x 10-5 m? 3) What is the energy of a photon of each of the above?
  • 66. Explanation of atomic spectra When we write electron configurations, we are writing the lowest energy. The energy level, and where the electron starts from, is called it’s ground state - the lowest energy level.
  • 67. Changing the energy Let’s look at a hydrogen atom, with only one electron, and in the first energy level.
  • 68. Changing the energy Heat, electricity, or light can move the electron up to different energy levels. The electron is now said to be “excited”
  • 69. Changing the energy As the electron falls back to the ground state, it gives the energy back as light
  • 71. Changing the energy They may fall down in specific steps Each step has a different energy
  • 72. { { {
  • 73. Ultraviolet Visible Infrared The further they fall, more energy is released and the higher the frequency. This is a simplified explanation! The orbitals also have different energies inside energy levels All the electrons can move around.
  • 74. What is light? Light is a particle - it comes in chunks. Light is a wave - we can measure its wavelength and it behaves as a wave If we combine E=mc2 , c=λν, E = 1/2 mv2 and E = hνthen we can get: λ = h/mv (from Louis de Broglie) called de Broglie’s equation Calculates the wavelength of a particle.
  • 75. Wave-Particle Duality J.J. Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the electron as a particle. His son, George Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the wave-like nature of the electron. The The electron electron is is an energy a particle! wave!
  • 76. Confused? You’ve Got Company! “No familiar conceptions can be woven around the electron; something unknown is doing we don’t know what.” Physicist Sir Arthur Eddington The Nature of the Physical World 1934
  • 77. The physics of the very small Quantum mechanics explains how very small particles behave • Quantum mechanics is an explanation for subatomic particles and atoms as waves Classical mechanics describes the motions of bodies much larger than atoms
  • 78. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle It is impossible to know exactly the location and velocity of a particle. The better we know one, the less we know the other. Measuring changes the properties. True in quantum mechanics, but not classical mechanics
  • 79. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle “One cannot simultaneously determine both the position and momentum of an electron.” You can find out where the electron is, but not where it is going. OR… You can find out where the electron is going, but not where Werner Heisenberg it is!
  • 80. It is more obvious with the very small objects To measure where a electron is, we use light. But the light energy moves the electron And hitting the electron changes the frequency of the light.
  • 81. Before After Photon Photon wavelength changes Moving Electron Electron velocity changes Fig. 5.16, p. 145