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The Onset of Quantum theory:
by Dr. Robert D. Craig, Ph.D.
In 1934, Schrödinger lectured at Princeton University; he was
offered a permanent position there, but did not accept it (just
like “Will Hunting!!!)

What does this remind You of???
Let’s begin
I Claim . . . . .
Today’s Agenda

•   More on Schrodinger (Who was He?
•   Use other power point for history@@@
•   More about his Cat!
•   More Quantum numbers
•   Hund’s Rule
•   Pauli Exclusion principle
•   Aufbah principle
We all make final together-2 questions

     I have a sample with me!!!!
. Dr Poget – said you may see him!
• Dr Poget is free after this class-in office!!
• Would like to here from students after this
Much of what we know now!!!
    Gold nanoparticles
• In 1934, Schrödinger lectured at
  Princeton University; he was offered a
  permanent position there, but did not accept
  it (just like “Will Hunting!!!)

• Let’s look at what was going on at the time!
• Principle quantum number (n)
  Azimuthal quantum number (l)
  Magnetic quantum number (m)
  Spin quantum number (s)
• Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
• Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2
• Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
Pauli Exclusion Principle

• Pauli Exclusion Principle
• The second major fact to keep in mind is the
  Pauli Exclusion Principle which states that no two
  electrons can have the same four quantum
  numbers. The first three (n,l, and ml) may be
  similar but the fourth quantum number must be
  different. We are aware that in one orbital a
  maximum of two electrons can be found and the
  two electrons must have opposing spins.
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• That means one would spin up ( +1/2) and the
  other would spin down (-1/2). This tells us
  that each subshell has double the electrons
  per orbital. The s subshell has 1 orbital that
  can hold to 2 electrons, the p subsheel has 3
  orbitals that can hold up to 6 electrons, the d
  subshell has 5 oribtals that hold up to 10
•   Electron 1:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 2:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 4:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 1:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 2:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=1, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
• Because the 1s and 2s orbitals are filled the
  fifth electron has to be assigned to a p-orbital
Elements 3A to 8A- p block
Carbon is sp hybridized
               last time!!!
•   Electron 1:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 2:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 4:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 5:   N =2, L=1, Ml= 1 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 6:   N =2, L=1, Ml= -1 , Ms = +1/2
Some thing interesting now happens
Orbitals mix to lower energy
• An explaination is that the s and 3 p atomic
  orbitals have "mixed" to form 4 new hybrid
Lower energy system-all ns2 np2
    elements can do this
SO –IS NITROGEN- ns2 nsp3
         it follows Hunds rule
• Hund's rule: every orbital in a subshell is
  singly occupied with one electron before any
  one orbital is doubly occupied, and all
  electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the
  same spin
•   Electron 1:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 2:   N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2
•   Electron 3:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 4:   N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 5:   N =2, L=1, Ml= 1 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 6:   N =2, L=1, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
•   Electron 7:   N =2, L=1, Ml= -1 , Ms = +1/2
• . Atoms at ground states tend to have as many
  unpaired electrons as possible.
As far apart as possible and lined up
• When visualizing this processes, think about
  how electrons are exhibiting the same
  behavior as the same poles on a magnet
  would if they came into contact;

• as the negatively charged electrons fill
  orbitals they first try to get as far as possible
  from each other before having to pair up.

• If we look at the correct electron
  configuration of Nitrogen (Z = 7), a very
  important element in the biology of plants: 1s2
  2s2 2p3
In ammonia-the molecular shape is
• Oxygen (Z = 8) its electron configuration is: 1s2
  2s2 2p4
• Oxygen has one more electron than Nitrogen
  and as the orbitals are all half filled the
  electron must pair up
The Aufbau Process

• Aufbau comes from the German word
  "Aufbauen" which means "to build". When
  writing electron configurations, we are
  building up electron orbitals as we proceed
  from atom to atom.
• However, there are some exceptions to this

• If we follow the pattern across a period from B
  (Z=5) to Ne (Z=10) the number of electrons
  increase and the subshells are filled.

• Here we are focusing on the p subshell in
  which as we move towards Ne, the p subshell
  becomes filled.
In order
•   B (Z=5) configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p1
•   C (Z=6) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p2
•   N (Z=7) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p3
•   O (Z=8) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p4
•   F (Z=9) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p5
•   Ne (Z=10) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p6
Aufbah order
True picture is orbital levels adjust
   themselves- due to sheilding
Rules for Assigning Electron Orbitals

• The order of levels filled would look like this:
• 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f,
  5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, and 7p
Exceptions to Electron Configuration
• The reason these exceptions occur is because
  some elements are more stable with less
  electrons in some subshells and more
  electrons within others. A list of the
  exceptions to the Aufbau process can be
  found below
Period 4:

• Chromium: Z:24 [Ar] 3d54s1
• Copper: Z:27 [Ar] 3d104s1

• Chromium: Z:24 [Ar] 3d54s1
• Copper: Z:27 [Ar] 3d104s1
• Example: In the following configuration,
• Cu: [Ar]4s23d9, copper's d shell is just one away
  from stability, and therefore, one electron
  from the s shell jumps into the d shell:
  [Ar]4s13d10. This way, the d shell is full, and is
  therefore stable, and the s shell is half full,
  and is also stable.
The more stable configuration
     this is less stable!!
Most stable configurations####
• Chromium has a configuration of [Ar]4s13d5,
• The stability rule applies to atoms in the same
  group as chromium and copper.
• If one of these atoms has been ionized, that is,
  it loses an electron, it will come from the s
  orbital rather than the d orbital.
• the configuration of Cu+ is [Ar]4s03d10.
Loss of outer electrons
• If one of these atoms has been ionized, that is,
  it loses an electron, it will come from the s
  orbital rather than the d orbital. For instance,
  the configuration of Cu+ is [Ar]4s03d10. If more
  electrons are removed, they will come from
  the d orbital
On final
• The spin of an electron creates a magnetic
  field (albeit ridiculously weak), so unpaired
  electrons create a small magnetic field. Paired
  electrons have opposite spin, so the magnetic
  fields cancel each other out, leading to
3 terms on final
• Diamagnetism is actually a very weak repulsion to
  magnetic fields. All elements have diamagnestism to
  some degree. It occurs when there are pair electrons.
• Paramagnetism is an attraction to external magnetic
  fields. It is also very weak. It occurs whenever there is
  an unpaired electron in an orbital.
• Ferromagnetism is the permanent magnetism that we
  encounter in our daily lives. It only occurs with three
  elements: iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co).
Period 5:

•   Niobium: Z:41 [Kr] 5s1 4d4
•   Molybdenum: Z:42 [Kr] 5s1 4d5
•   Ruthenium: Z:44 [Kr] 5s1 4d7
•   Rhodium: Z:45 [Kr] 5s1 4d8
•   Palladium: Z:46 [Kr] 4d10
Writing Electron Configurations

• When writing the electron configuration we
  first write the energy level (the period) then
  the subshell to be filled and the superscript,
  which is the number of electrons in that
  subshell. The total number of electrons as
  mentioned before is the atomic number, Z.
  Using the rules from above, we can now start
  writing the electron configurations for all the
  elements in the periodic table.

• There are three main methods used to write
  electron configurations: orbital diagrams, spdf
  notation, and noble gas notation. Each
  method has its own purpose and each has its
  own drawbacks.
Orbital Diagrams

• As seen in some examples above, the orbital
  diagram is a visual way to reconstruct the
  electron configuration by showing each of the
  separate orbitals and the spins on the
  electrons. This is done by first determining the
  subshell (s,p,d, or f) then drawing in each
  electron according to the stated rules above.

• Electron configuration for aluminum.
• If we look at the periodic table we can see
  that its in the p-block as it is in group 13. Now
  we shall look at the orbitals it will fill: 1s, 2s,
  2p, 3s, 3p. We know that aluminum
  completely fills the 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s orbitals
  because mathematically this would be

• The block that the atom is in (in the case for
  aluminum: 3p) is where we will count to get
  the number of electrons in the last subshell
  (for aluminum this would be one electron
  because its the first element in the period 3 p-
Aluminum system
• From this we can construct the following:
• Note that in the orbital diagram
• Note that in the orbital diagram
• Note that in the orbital diagram, the two
  opposing spins of the electron can be seen.
  This is why it is sometimes useful to think
  about electron configuration in terms of the
Filling orbitals: In action
Electron Notation using spdf

• 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d1
Electron Notation using spdf

• This is a much simpler and efficient way to
  portray electron configuration of an atom. A
  logical way of thinking about it is that all we
  have to do is to fill orbitals as we move across
  a period and through orbital blocks
Electron Notation using spdf

• As we move across we simply count how
  many elements fall in each block. We know
  that yttrium is the first element in the fourth
  period d-block, thus this corresponds to one
  electron in the that energy level. To check our
  answer we would just add all the superscripts
  to see if we get the atomic number. In this
  case 2+2+6+2+6+2+10+6+2+1= 39 and Z=39
  thus we have the correct answer.
Electron Notation using spdf

• Example
• Vanadium (V, Z=23) lies in the transition metals
  at the four period in the fifth group. The noble
  gas before it is argon, (Ar, Z=18) and knowing
  that vanadium has filled those orbitals before it,
  we will use argon as our reference noble gas. We
  denote the noble gas in the configuration as the
  symbol, E, in brackets: [E] configuration:
• Vanadium, V: [Ar] 4s2 3d3
Electron Configurations of Ions
• Writing electron configurations for ions,
  whether it be cation or anion, is basically
  exactly the same as writing them for normal
  elements. All the same rules apply, except you
  must take into account the gained or lost
  electrons. For instance, when Potassium (K)
  loses an electron it becomes K+ and has the
  noble gas configuration of [Ar].
electron configuration
• K ([Ar]4s1) --> K+([Ar]) + e-
  Therefore, the electron configuration for the
  K+ ion is simply [Ar]
• When an atom, such as Chlorine (Cl) gains an
  electron, it becomes Cl- and also has the
  electron configuration of [Ar].
• Cl ([Ne]3s23p5) + e- --> Cl- ([Ar])
  Yet again, the electron configuration is [Ar]
• For more complex ionic electron configurations, such
  as an ion from the transition metals, the answer isn't
  always a noble gas. Take Iron (Fe). The most common
  irons for Iron are Fe2+ and Fe3+. Lets focus on Fe2+.
• Fe ([Ar]3d64s2) --> Fe2+ ([Ar]3d6) - 2e-
  Here Iron loses two electrons. So thats two less electrons to fill orbitals. When you backtrack two electrons in Fe's original electron configuration you

    [Ar]3d6 as Fe2+'s new configuration

• When writing the electron configuration for ions, treat
  it like any normal element. Just remember to simply
  add or subtract the gained or lost electrons when
  filling out shells.
7.4 an 7.5
• Finish electron config of ions
• Put power point in portal
  for home work
• Give problems to collect
Sec 7.5
• Atomic properties and periodic trends
• 7.3, 7.6, 7.7, 7.11, 7.17, 7.19****
• Please sytop here
For next week
• 7.37, 7.40***
• 7.43,m7.44,
• 3 topics

• Atomic radius
• Ionic radius
• Ionization energy
Chapter 7 schrodinger2003

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Chapter 7 schrodinger2003

  • 1. . The Onset of Quantum theory: by Dr. Robert D. Craig, Ph.D. In 1934, Schrödinger lectured at Princeton University; he was offered a permanent position there, but did not accept it (just like “Will Hunting!!!) •!
  • 2. What does this remind You of???
  • 4. I Claim . . . . .
  • 5. Today’s Agenda • More on Schrodinger (Who was He? • Use other power point for history@@@ • More about his Cat! • More Quantum numbers • Hund’s Rule • Pauli Exclusion principle • Aufbah principle
  • 6. We all make final together-2 questions I have a sample with me!!!!
  • 7. . Dr Poget – said you may see him! • Dr Poget is free after this class-in office!! • Would like to here from students after this class!
  • 8. Much of what we know now!!! Gold nanoparticles
  • 9. . • In 1934, Schrödinger lectured at Princeton University; he was offered a permanent position there, but did not accept it (just like “Will Hunting!!!) • Let’s look at what was going on at the time!
  • 11. FOR OUR PURPOSES • Principle quantum number (n) Azimuthal quantum number (l) Magnetic quantum number (m) Spin quantum number (s)
  • 12. LITHIUM SYSTEM • Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
  • 13. Pauli Exclusion Principle • Pauli Exclusion Principle • The second major fact to keep in mind is the Pauli Exclusion Principle which states that no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers. The first three (n,l, and ml) may be similar but the fourth quantum number must be different. We are aware that in one orbital a maximum of two electrons can be found and the two electrons must have opposing spins.
  • 14. Pauli Exclusion Principle • That means one would spin up ( +1/2) and the other would spin down (-1/2). This tells us that each subshell has double the electrons per orbital. The s subshell has 1 orbital that can hold to 2 electrons, the p subsheel has 3 orbitals that can hold up to 6 electrons, the d subshell has 5 oribtals that hold up to 10 electro
  • 15. BERYLLIUM • Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 4: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
  • 16. BORON • Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=1, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2
  • 17. BORON • Because the 1s and 2s orbitals are filled the fifth electron has to be assigned to a p-orbital
  • 18. Elements 3A to 8A- p block
  • 19. Carbon is sp hybridized 3
  • 20. CARBON –IS THE MOST INTERESTING last time!!! • Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 4: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 5: N =2, L=1, Ml= 1 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 6: N =2, L=1, Ml= -1 , Ms = +1/2
  • 21. Some thing interesting now happens
  • 22. Orbitals mix to lower energy • An explaination is that the s and 3 p atomic orbitals have "mixed" to form 4 new hybrid orbitals
  • 23. Lower energy system-all ns2 np2 elements can do this
  • 24. SO –IS NITROGEN- ns2 nsp3 it follows Hunds rule • Hund's rule: every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the same spin
  • 25. Nitrogen • Electron 1: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 2: N =1, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = -1/2 • Electron 3: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 4: N =2, L=0, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 5: N =2, L=1, Ml= 1 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 6: N =2, L=1, Ml= 0 , Ms = +1/2 • Electron 7: N =2, L=1, Ml= -1 , Ms = +1/2
  • 26. Nitrogen • . Atoms at ground states tend to have as many unpaired electrons as possible.
  • 27. As far apart as possible and lined up • When visualizing this processes, think about how electrons are exhibiting the same behavior as the same poles on a magnet would if they came into contact; • as the negatively charged electrons fill orbitals they first try to get as far as possible from each other before having to pair up.
  • 28. Example • If we look at the correct electron configuration of Nitrogen (Z = 7), a very important element in the biology of plants: 1s2 2s2 2p3
  • 30. Oygen • Oxygen (Z = 8) its electron configuration is: 1s2 2s2 2p4 • Oxygen has one more electron than Nitrogen and as the orbitals are all half filled the electron must pair up
  • 31. The Aufbau Process • Aufbau comes from the German word "Aufbauen" which means "to build". When writing electron configurations, we are building up electron orbitals as we proceed from atom to atom. • However, there are some exceptions to this rule
  • 32. *Examples • If we follow the pattern across a period from B (Z=5) to Ne (Z=10) the number of electrons increase and the subshells are filled. • Here we are focusing on the p subshell in which as we move towards Ne, the p subshell becomes filled.
  • 33. In order • B (Z=5) configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p1 • C (Z=6) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p2 • N (Z=7) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p3 • O (Z=8) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p4 • F (Z=9) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p5 • Ne (Z=10) configuration:1s2 2s2 2p6
  • 35. True picture is orbital levels adjust themselves- due to sheilding
  • 36. Rules for Assigning Electron Orbitals • The order of levels filled would look like this: • 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, and 7p
  • 37. Exceptions to Electron Configuration Trends • The reason these exceptions occur is because some elements are more stable with less electrons in some subshells and more electrons within others. A list of the exceptions to the Aufbau process can be found below
  • 38. Period 4: • Chromium: Z:24 [Ar] 3d54s1 • Copper: Z:27 [Ar] 3d104s1
  • 40. Copper • Copper: Z:27 [Ar] 3d104s1 • Example: In the following configuration, • Cu: [Ar]4s23d9, copper's d shell is just one away from stability, and therefore, one electron from the s shell jumps into the d shell: [Ar]4s13d10. This way, the d shell is full, and is therefore stable, and the s shell is half full, and is also stable.
  • 41. The more stable configuration this is less stable!!
  • 42. Most stable configurations#### • Chromium has a configuration of [Ar]4s13d5, • The stability rule applies to atoms in the same group as chromium and copper. • If one of these atoms has been ionized, that is, it loses an electron, it will come from the s orbital rather than the d orbital. • the configuration of Cu+ is [Ar]4s03d10.
  • 43. Loss of outer electrons • If one of these atoms has been ionized, that is, it loses an electron, it will come from the s orbital rather than the d orbital. For instance, the configuration of Cu+ is [Ar]4s03d10. If more electrons are removed, they will come from the d orbital
  • 45. On final • The spin of an electron creates a magnetic field (albeit ridiculously weak), so unpaired electrons create a small magnetic field. Paired electrons have opposite spin, so the magnetic fields cancel each other out, leading to diamagnetism.
  • 46. 3 terms on final • Diamagnetism is actually a very weak repulsion to magnetic fields. All elements have diamagnestism to some degree. It occurs when there are pair electrons. • Paramagnetism is an attraction to external magnetic fields. It is also very weak. It occurs whenever there is an unpaired electron in an orbital. • Ferromagnetism is the permanent magnetism that we encounter in our daily lives. It only occurs with three elements: iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co).
  • 47. Period 5: • Niobium: Z:41 [Kr] 5s1 4d4 • Molybdenum: Z:42 [Kr] 5s1 4d5 • Ruthenium: Z:44 [Kr] 5s1 4d7 • Rhodium: Z:45 [Kr] 5s1 4d8 • Palladium: Z:46 [Kr] 4d10
  • 48. Writing Electron Configurations • When writing the electron configuration we first write the energy level (the period) then the subshell to be filled and the superscript, which is the number of electrons in that subshell. The total number of electrons as mentioned before is the atomic number, Z. Using the rules from above, we can now start writing the electron configurations for all the elements in the periodic table.
  • 49. Methods • There are three main methods used to write electron configurations: orbital diagrams, spdf notation, and noble gas notation. Each method has its own purpose and each has its own drawbacks.
  • 50. Orbital Diagrams • As seen in some examples above, the orbital diagram is a visual way to reconstruct the electron configuration by showing each of the separate orbitals and the spins on the electrons. This is done by first determining the subshell (s,p,d, or f) then drawing in each electron according to the stated rules above.
  • 51. Example • Electron configuration for aluminum. • If we look at the periodic table we can see that its in the p-block as it is in group 13. Now we shall look at the orbitals it will fill: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p. We know that aluminum completely fills the 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s orbitals because mathematically this would be 2+2+6+2=12.
  • 52. Example • The block that the atom is in (in the case for aluminum: 3p) is where we will count to get the number of electrons in the last subshell (for aluminum this would be one electron because its the first element in the period 3 p- block).
  • 53. Aluminum system • From this we can construct the following: • Note that in the orbital diagram
  • 54. • Note that in the orbital diagram • Note that in the orbital diagram, the two opposing spins of the electron can be seen. This is why it is sometimes useful to think about electron configuration in terms of the diagram
  • 55. Filling orbitals: In action • try/Filling_Electron_Shells
  • 56. Electron Notation using spdf • 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d1
  • 57. Electron Notation using spdf • This is a much simpler and efficient way to portray electron configuration of an atom. A logical way of thinking about it is that all we have to do is to fill orbitals as we move across a period and through orbital blocks
  • 58. Electron Notation using spdf • As we move across we simply count how many elements fall in each block. We know that yttrium is the first element in the fourth period d-block, thus this corresponds to one electron in the that energy level. To check our answer we would just add all the superscripts to see if we get the atomic number. In this case 2+2+6+2+6+2+10+6+2+1= 39 and Z=39 thus we have the correct answer.
  • 59. Electron Notation using spdf • Example • Vanadium (V, Z=23) lies in the transition metals at the four period in the fifth group. The noble gas before it is argon, (Ar, Z=18) and knowing that vanadium has filled those orbitals before it, we will use argon as our reference noble gas. We denote the noble gas in the configuration as the symbol, E, in brackets: [E] configuration: • Vanadium, V: [Ar] 4s2 3d3
  • 60. .
  • 61. Electron Configurations of Ions • Writing electron configurations for ions, whether it be cation or anion, is basically exactly the same as writing them for normal elements. All the same rules apply, except you must take into account the gained or lost electrons. For instance, when Potassium (K) loses an electron it becomes K+ and has the noble gas configuration of [Ar].
  • 62. electron configuration • K ([Ar]4s1) --> K+([Ar]) + e- Therefore, the electron configuration for the K+ ion is simply [Ar] • When an atom, such as Chlorine (Cl) gains an electron, it becomes Cl- and also has the electron configuration of [Ar]. • Cl ([Ne]3s23p5) + e- --> Cl- ([Ar]) Yet again, the electron configuration is [Ar]
  • 63. • For more complex ionic electron configurations, such as an ion from the transition metals, the answer isn't always a noble gas. Take Iron (Fe). The most common irons for Iron are Fe2+ and Fe3+. Lets focus on Fe2+. • Fe ([Ar]3d64s2) --> Fe2+ ([Ar]3d6) - 2e- Here Iron loses two electrons. So thats two less electrons to fill orbitals. When you backtrack two electrons in Fe's original electron configuration you [Ar]3d6 as Fe2+'s new configuration get • When writing the electron configuration for ions, treat it like any normal element. Just remember to simply add or subtract the gained or lost electrons when filling out shells.
  • 64. 7.4 an 7.5 • Finish electron config of ions
  • 65. • Put power point in portal for home work • Give problems to collect monday
  • 66. Sec 7.5 • Atomic properties and periodic trends
  • 67. H.W • 7.3, 7.6, 7.7, 7.11, 7.17, 7.19**** • Please sytop here
  • 68. For next week • 7.37, 7.40*** • 7.43,m7.44,
  • 69. AGO TO TEXT BOOK • 3 topics • Atomic radius • Ionic radius • Ionization energy