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psychology motivation emot17 srdp2011 srdp2010 srdp2013 socialpsychology7125 srdp srdp2012 emotion me2010 socialpsychology me me2011 psy102 srdp2014 me2013 7124 71242010 questionnaires surveys mlr emot16 outdoor education research statistics motem13 needs introduction howto review self personality surveydesign anova regession emot srdp2017 unconscious emot15 me2014 wikipedia multiple linear regression graphing program evaluation self-efficacy control feedback goal setting goals surveyresearch exercise moodle design environment environmental environmentalpsychology personalitytraits individualdifferences personalitytypes groups leadership aggression altruism factoranalysis power compassion empathy schadenfreude triumph pride embarrassment guilt shame contempt sadness disgust anger fear mindsets self-determination theory intrinsicmotivation extrinsicmotivation program development adventure therapy program design me2015 screenr screencast why mooc openeducation 71242013 academic integrity reliability descriptives confidence interval effect size publication bias correlation spss linear regression green exercise regression psy101 visualization visualisation wellness cartoons open academia open education open access opnenness opened drawings open personal growth self-actualisation humanistic psychology positive psychology screencasting open textbooks hh2 personal control motiviation mastery self-concept 7124 7124 71242010 hunger sex thirst wikiversity brain physiology oric theory openacademia openaccess openlicensing openformats measurement instruments tests validity qualitative analysis qualitative research qualitative research methods science quotes experientiallearning web20 technology oeit outdooreducation summary last lecture final lecture cognitive psychology conformity conflict group decion-making social psychology resistance peace obedience group dynamics social influence pro-social behaviour intelligence psychometrics nature green anxiety greenexercise stress naturalenvironments cognition linking html social relationships lecture violence prosocialbehaviour prosocial helping cooperation influence persuasion attributions bias survey effectsizes researchmethods
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