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The Civil War & Reconstruction
 To date we have seen the rise of the Confederacy and
  the Union’s efforts to vanquish the CSA go unrealized.
 This presentation spans the years 1863 and 1864 where
  we see the development of a national emancipation
  plan, the authorization of black soldiers, and the
  Union begin to gain an edge in the fighting of the war.
 Some of the campaigns covered include
  Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, the
  Wilderness, Shenandoah, and Sherman’s March.
 Students may rely on the readings to get a sense of
  soldiers’ lives and developments on the home front.
 This is a critical year of the war.
 The Emancipation Proclamation (with its manumission of
    Confederate slaves and its authorization of black men’s
    enlistment) goes into effect.
   The USA’s Congress authorizes conscription for Union
   Rebellion by civilians (over conscription &impressment)
    and by runaway slaves forces the CSA to fight the war on
    multiple fronts.
   A growing peace movement led by northern Democrats
    forces Lincoln to fight on multiple fronts.
   The tide slowly starts to turn in favor of the USA with
    measurable victories at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and
 Although slavery was at the heart of the Confederacy’s
  campaign for independence, white men on both sides went
  into the war confident that the war was for USA advocates
  to preserve the Union and for the CSA to establish an
  independent country to protect their “way of life”  the
  foundation of which was slavery.
 Neither side expected slavery to be touched by the war.
  Both thought that enslaved people would stay put and that
  free African Americans would stay out of the issue.
 This thinking reflecting much of the racial attitudes of 19th
  century America that the USA (and by extension the CSA)
  was a “white man’s government.”
 Enslaved and free blacks rejected this argument. Many
  enslaved people fled their masters and many free blacks
  called on Lincoln to end slavery and authorize black
  military service.
Lincoln, Slavery
and the War
Lincoln is unwavering in
his determination to
preserve the Union.

He doesn’t want to
provoke the remaining
slaveholding Border
States to leave the
Union and he wants to
return the seceded
states to the Union.

Any policies that
protected or abolished
slavery were less
significant to Lincoln
than returning the
seceded states to the
Lincoln, Slavery,
and the War
Indeed, because the
Constitution protected
property rights
(including enslaved
people), Lincoln
doesn’t believe that he
can simply abolish

He can, however, use
the U.S. military to
return the seceded
states to the Union
and convince Congress
to pass an amendment
to change the
Lincoln, Slavery, a
nd the War

The president’s
thinking reflected
that of most of the
Republican Party and
the overwhelming
majority of white
Frederick Douglass

To fight against
without fighting
against slavery, is
but a half-hearted
business, and
paralyzes the hand
engaged in it…Fire
must be met with
water…War for the
destruction of
liberty must be
met with war for
the destruction of
 The president’s position infuriated abolitionists and
  free African Americans.
 They argued that Lincoln should use the rebellion as
  cause to strike at the institution and to command the
  labor of enslaved people.
 Enslaved people had different ideas. They understood
  that the outcome of the war would determine the fate
  of slavery and many decided to do whatever they could
  to escape bondage and to help the Union.
The Anglo-African, New York Newspaper
 African Americans rejected the idea that the U.S.
  was “a white man’s country” and that the Civil War
  did not involve them.
 Rather than stay put, many enslaved people took
  flight from farms, plantations, stores, businesses,
  and homes, seeking Union forces.
 Over time, their actions would play a critical role
  in prompting Union generals, members of
  Congress, and the president to support
 The president’s and the Congress’s initial failure to
  establish policy re: runaway slaves forced generals to
  cobble together policies to advance the war effort when
  they encountered enslaved people.
   African Americans flooded Union camps and
    institutions, most of them were ready to work or fight
    for the Union by supplying intelligence on CSA troop
    movement or the landscape of the South, growing food,
Contraband of
In 1861, When
enslaved people
arrive at Fortress
(VA), General
Benjamin Butler
labels them
“contraband of war,”
which simply means
enemy property.

He provides
sanctuary for
runaway slaves and
does not return them
to their masters.

The legal fate of these
people still hung in
the balance.
John C. Frémont

In 1861, General John
C. Frémont declared
martial law in
Missouri and
declared free people
enslaved by the CSA.

Lincoln rescinded
the order & removed
Frémont from
David Hunter

In 1862, General
David Hunter issued
an order freeing
persons in
Georgia, Florida, and
South Carolina.

Lincoln overruled
the order.
 In 1861, Congress passed the Confiscation Act, which
    mandated that when the CSA used enslaved people in the
    war effort, they forfeited their claim to them.
   In 1862, Congress passed another Confiscation Act, which
    moved the nation closer to emancipation by declaring that
    enslaved people being used in the CSA war effort would be
    “forever free.”
   In 1862, Congress passed the Military Act which freed
    slaves and their families owned by the enemy.
   In 1862, Congress abolished slavery in Washington, D.C.
   Although there were some abolitionists in Congress, the
    majority of supporters of this legislation saw emancipation
    as a way to win the war.
Abraham Lincoln,
                                                                                My paramount
                                                                       to save
                                                                                the Union, and is not
                                                                                either to save or
                                                                                destroy slavery. If I
                                                                                could save the Union
                                                                                without freeing any
                                                                                slave I would do it;
                                                                                and if I could save it
                                                                                by freeing all the
                                                                                slaves, I would do it;
                                                                                and if I could do it by
                                                                                freeing some and
                                                                                leaving others
                                                                                alone, I would do that
Lincoln famously wrote this in response to Horace Greeley’s “Prayer of Twenty
Millions” criticism of his failure to use the war to end slavery
 As the war continues, as slaves flee
  plantations, Lincoln’s ideas and policies evolve.
 Lincoln tries to develop a plan for compensating
  slaveholders for manumitting their slaves but
  Confederates reject this.
 To address white Americans’ fears of interracial
  sex, racial equality, and economic competition
  between blacks and whites, he tries to develop a plan
  to repatriate free blacks in Haiti or in Liberia.
Lincoln, 1862

Your race suffer
greatly, many of
them, living among
us, while ours suffer
greatly from your

We should be

But for your race
among us there could
not be war…
Robert Purvis
The majority of
African Americans
opposed this idea.

They reject the idea
that the war is
somehow the fault of
black people.

Robert Purvis’s
statement reflects
black people’s

Sir, this is our country
as much as it is yours
and we will not leave
Lincoln met with his cabinet on July 22, 1862 for the first reading of a draft of the
                         Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln

We know how to save
the Union...In giving
freedom to the
slave, we assure
freedom to the free—
honorable alike in
what we give, and
what we preserve. We
shall nobly save, or
meanly lose, the last
best hope of earth.
Other means may
succeed; this could
not fail.
 As a strategic decision to use the Confederates’ most
  valuable weapon (their slaves and their dependence on
  their labor) against them, Lincoln issues the
  Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in the fall of
  1862. Read the text of this document at the National
  Archives site.
 Lincoln hopes that this warning shot will make the
  Confederates put down their arms to protect their
  institution. However, they dismiss this war measure.
  The Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect.
 Lincoln issues declaration that on January 1, 1863, the slaves of
  masters who were still in rebellion would be “forever free.”
    He wants to give Confederates 100 days to stop fighting with the
     promise that they can keep their slaves.
 Document reiterated Lincoln’s support for the colonization of
  freed blacks to some place outside the U.S.
 White northerners were divided.
    Abolitionists favored it as did people who thought attacking slavery
     would help to end the bloody war.
    Northern Democrats thought it was unconstitutional and an abuse
     of power.
    Although they were exempted, Union supporting slaveholders in
     the Border States worried that they would lose their slaves too.
 White southerners were outraged
 Free and enslaved African Americans rejoiced but they were
  opposed to colonization.
 The Proclamation only freed enslaved people in the
  states and the part of states that were still in rebellion
  (people who were enslaved in the Border States, the
  states that never left the Union, or in the areas already
  controlled by Union forces are not included). More
  than 800,000 people still enslaved.
 It authorized the full enlistment of black soldiers in
  the Army & Navy.
 It marked the beginning of slavery’s legal end in the
   It is only the beginning because as long as the war goes
    on, slaveholders won’t release their slaves.

The proclamation
excluded more than
800,000 enslaved
people living in the
Border States and in
the parts of the
controlled by Union
troops (the areas of
the map marked in
 Effect in the USA: redefined the war. Generals free to
  free slaves and recruit men into military service.
 Generals also provide food and shelter for freedpeople
  in return for work either for the Union army—
  barbers, cooks, laundresses, mechanics, officers’
  personal servants, laborers, nurses, cultivating food
  and cotton.
 Effect in the CSA: reduced chances of international support
  (Britain could no longer count on cotton for its textile mills
  and withdraws promise of financial and military support)
  & increased the number runaway slaves (see
  Berlin, Foner, and Kolchin).
 Slaveholders in the interior move roughly 150,000 enslaved
  people to Texas, away from Union lines.
 Others simply refuse to acknowledge the proclamation and
  continue to hold people in bondage.
 Slavery remains legal in non-Confederate areas until the
  war ends in 1865 and when the Thirteenth Amendment is
  issued and goes into effect.
April 1861           Fort Sumter attacked; Civil War begins
May 1861             General Benjamin Butler refuses to return escaped “contrabands” to slavery

August 1861          General John Frémont orders emancipation of slaves in Missouri; Lincoln
                     countermands him
August 1861          First Confiscation Act frees captured slaves used by Confederate Army

April 1862           Congress provides funds for compensated emancipation; border states
                     spurn proposal
May 1862             General David Hunter issues order abolishing slavery in South Carolina,
                     Georgia, and Florida & Lincoln revokes it

July 1862            Second Confiscation Act frees all people enslaved by Confederates

Summer 1862          Lincoln concludes that Union victory requires emancipation

September 22, 1862   Lincoln issues Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation after Antietam

January 1, 1863      Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
December 1865        Thirteenth Amendment ratified
Lincoln met with his cabinet on July 22, 1862 for the first reading of a draft of the
                         Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation

Also authorizes the
enlistment of black
 Generals who were desperate for manpower and for men to fight
    did not wait for Lincoln or the Congress to authorize enlistment.
   In 1862, General David Hunter organized one of the first
    unofficially organized regiments of black troops when he
    mobilized former slaves from Georgia, Florida, and South
   General John Phelps mobilized five black regiments to help
    command Louisiana.
   General Benjamin Butler authorized free “colored” Louisiana
    militia men to volunteer.
   In 1862, the War Department sanctioned the recruitment of
    black soldiers.
   The Emancipation Proclamation removes many of the barriers.
State/District                  Number of Army Recruits
Kentucky                        23,703
Missouri                        8,766
Maryland                        8,718
Pennsylvania                    8,612
Ohio                            5,092
New York                        4,125
District of Columbia            3,269
Massachusetts                   2,966
Rhode Island                    1,837
Illinois                        1,811         Most black men served
Other*                          110,076       in the Army. Roughly
Union Total                     178,975       9500 men served in the
*From the Confederacy & other
 Most African American men served as laborers while much
  smaller numbers actually took up arms against the CSA.
   Deeply engrained ideas about black racial inferiority made
    many Union soldiers object to arming black men.
   Very few of these men, especially enslaved men, had
    experience with weaponry.
 Serving in the Union Army gave both freed and free black
  men an even greater sense of urgency in helping to secure
  freedom once and for all by helping the Union to win the
 It also allowed them to claim and express their patriotism
  and manhood.
 Although white Unionists eventually came to accept black
    military service, deep racial prejudices influenced the
    treatment black men received.
   Black soldiers were required to be commanded by whites.
    Black officers were officially opposed but 100 black men
    held commissions.
   Black men experienced discrimination in
    pay, bonuses, medical services (leading to high casualties).
   Their lack of training with the weaponry of war and the
    difficulty of learning on the fly endangered many men.
   They also faced greater threats of retaliation at the hands of
    Confederates. The CSA estd a policy allowing black
    prisoners of war to be executed or reenslaved.
Fort Pillow

One example of the
brutality they faced
was at Fort Pillow
when CSA general
Nathan Bedford
Forrest’s forces
massacred several
hundred black
prisoners of war in
 Slavery still existed after the Emancipation
  Proclamation. More than 800,000 enslaved people not
  covered by the proclamation. CSA slaveholders did not
  acknowledge the proclamation. Finally, the war was
  not yet over.
 Only the conclusion of the war with a Union victory,
  state laws, and a constitutional amendment would
  finally end the peculiar institution.
 West Virginia estd a gradual abolition law as a
    condition for joining the Union in 1863.
   Maryland & Tennessee abolished slavery by
    constitutional amendment in 1864 and 1865.
   Missouri abolished slavery by state convention in 1865.
   Congressional Republicans had tried to abolish slavery
    earlier on but they were overruled.
   It is not until January 1865 that Congress passed the
    Thirteenth Amendment.
“Neither slavery nor involuntary
servitude, except as a punishment
for crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted, shall exist
within the United States, or any
place subject to their jurisdiction.”
Source: Donald et al eds., The
                                             Civil War and Reconstruction,

 In July 1862, the USA called for more volunteers for military
  service but still found itself fighting a war with no end in
  sight and doing so with an army that was short by several
  hundred thousand men.
 During the late winter of 1863, Congress passed a national
  conscription law that held that all male citizens between
  20-45 were liable for service. Some exemptions were
  possible for men with disabilities, elected officials, and
  men who were the only sons of widows and men with sick
 Conscripted men could be called for up to 3 years of
 If men were called to serve, some avoid service by finding a
  substitute or paying a fee.
Source: Donald et al eds., The
                                        Civil War and Reconstruction,

 From 1863-1865, more than 750,000 men were enrolled
  but only 46,347 entered the army as draftees, 73,607
  found substitutes, 86,724 paid a fee, and others
  avoided the draft by volunteering.
 The exemptions of the law benefitted the middle class
  and elite and stoked anger and anxiety among the
  working class, particularly the newly arrived
  immigrants who had not yet managed to accumulate
 Outraged men attacked the draft offices and rioted on
  communities throughout the USA.
New York Draft
New York City was
the site of the
largest draft riot.

The riot grew from a
convergence of
conflict between
CSA sympathizers v.
Democrats v.
Republicans; the
poor v. middle
class/elite; blacks v.
whites; immigrants
v. native born Ams.
New York City
Draft Riot
Democrats, who
dominated NY
politics opposed
Lincoln and his
handling of the
war, objected strongly
to the draft.

This image shows the
mob attacking the
New York Tribune.
New York City
Draft Riot

Like other locales
where riots
occurred, there was
great opposition to
the Emancipation
Proclamation and
great racial hostility
toward African
New York City
Draft Riot

Rioters moved from
attacking draft
offices to venting
their frustrations on
African American
individuals and
New York City
Draft Riot

One mob attacked
the Colored Orphan
Asylum on Fifth

They burned it to
the ground and the
children barely
New York Draft

Army units from
New York returned
from Gettysburg to
suppress the

119 New Yorkers
died, hundreds of
African Americans
were wounded, and
thousands fled the
Despite some opposition and frustrations with the
commutations and exemptions, more 1 million men were
              enlisted from 1863-1865.
CSA                             USA
 Robert E. Lee                  Joseph Hooker
 Army of Northern               Army of the Potomac
  Virginia                       133,868 soldiers
 60,892 soldiers                  17,197 casualties
   13,303 casualties                 1,606 killed
      1,665 killed                   9,672 wounded
      9,081 wounded                  5,919 captured/missing
      2,018 captured/missing

 Victor-Confederacy
Battle of

                                                               Hailed as a strategic
                                                               win for Lee, despite
                                                               high casualty figures
                                                               (similar results
                                                               would eventually
                                                               make it harder for
                                                               the CSA to fight).

                                                               Claimed the life of
                                                               Stonewall Jackson.

                                                               Lincoln removed
                                                               Hooker from
Kurz and Allison image depicts the wounding of Robert E. Lee
CSA                          USA
 Robert E. Lee               George G. Meade
 71,699 soldiers             93,921 soldiers
 23,231 casualties           23,055 casualties
   4,708 killed                3,155 killed
   12,693 wounded              1,4531 wounded
   5,830 captured/missing      5,369 captured/missing
                              Victor—Union

                                                        Lee invaded the
                                                        North in PA.

                                                        Meade (who
                                                        replaced Hooker)
                                                        held the line but
                                                        failed to vanquish

                                                        The CSA & USA
                                                        clashed over three
                                                        days and the Union
                                                        won a decisive
Currier and Ives image depicts events of July 3, 1863   victory.
 In 1863, the USA was still trying to control the entire
  Mississippi (they gained control of the upper part of
  the river in 1862 via victories at Forts Henry and
  Donelson and at Shiloh).
 The USA focused on Chattanooga and Vicksburg.
   Chattanooga was vital because it was the center of
    railroad lines that delivered troops and supplies to the
   Taking Vicksburg would give the USA access to and
    control of the lower river as well as control over railroad
    lines heading to Texas.
CSA                           USA
 John C. Pemberton            Ulysses S. Grant
 Army of Vicksburg            Army of the Tennessee
 33,000 soldiers              77,000 soldiers
   3,202 killed or wounded      4,835 casualties
   29,495 captured            Victor—Union
Siege at
                                                                                 Union forces tried
                                                                                 several times to take

                                                                                 Grant moved above
                                                                                 Vicksburg (at
                                                                                 Milliken’s Bend)
                                                                                 where he
                                                                                 coordinated with
                                                                                 the navy and then
                                                                                 crossed the river
                                                                                 and took the area
                                                                                 around the city.

Siege of Vicksburg--13, 15, & 17 Corps, Commanded by Gen. U.S. Grant, assisted
by the Navy under Admiral Porter--Surrender, July 4, 1863, by Kurz and Allison

The siege lasted for
6 weeks before

This victory
coincided with the
victory at

It boosted civilian
and military morale
in the USA.
 There were a total of three battles for control over
  Chattanooga. In the 1862 campaigns, CSA forces led by
  John Hunt Morgan and Nathan Bedford Forrest
  managed to disperse Union forces in what were
  indecisive outcomes.
 It was not until 1863 that Bragg evacuated the city
  (August) and Grant finally defeated Bragg (November)
  that Union forces could claim victory in
  Chattanooga, only to face defeat at Chickamauga.
CSA                          USA
 Braxton Bragg               William Rosecrans
 Army of Tennessee           Army of the Cumberland
 65,000 soldiers             60,000 soldiers
 18,454 casualties           16,710 casualties
   2,312 killed                1,657 killed
   14,674 wounded              9,756 wounded
   1,468 captured/missing      4,757 captured/missing
 Victor—Confederacy

                                           Some historians
                                           argue that the
                                           casualty rates here
                                           rival those at
                                           Gettysburg and

                                           The CSA went on
                                           surround the USA in

                                           Grant and Sherman’s
                                           forces vanquished
                                           Bragg’s army at
                                           Lookout Mountain
Kurz and Allison’s Battle of Chickamauga   Chattanooga), leavin
                                           g TN in Union hands.
 With victories in Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and
  Chattanooga, the Union started to deplete the economic
  and military forces of the CSA.
 Though most in the USA still wanted the war to end
  quickly, the successes boosted morale to continue fighting.
 This morale boost was needed because despite suffering
  significant losses, the CSA was no where near ready to
  surrender. Their victory in Chancellorsville proved their
  ability to continue waging war and exacting high Union
 At the same time, the loss of such generals as Stonewall
  Jackson and the CSA’s own very high casualty rates will
  start to catch up with them as will a growing revolt among
  the white civilian and enslaved populations.
 This year will be marked by:
 The cumulative effect of the USA’s blockade on the
    CSA’s ability to provide for the civilian and soldier
   The CSA’s nearly insurmountable problem of making
    their states’ rights doctrine fit into the federal
    government’s desperate need for authorization to
    mobilize all resources to wage war.
   Grant’s stunning defeat at Cold Harbor.
   The 1864 election.
   Sherman’s capture of Atlanta.
   High desertion in the CSA.
 Both the CSA and the USA struggled for control of
  northern Virginia and Union forces continued their
  mission to claim Richmond.
 Butler failed to take Richmond when he had the
  chance but Grant was determined to capture Lee and
  take the city. After multiple skirmishes, the CSA
  continued to command Richmond & Petersburg.
 Union forces responded by constructing a mine
  underneath CSA works, filling it with powder, and
  lighting it on July 30.
Battle of the
The Union’s
explosion of the mine
created huge crater.

In the battle that
ensued, Union
soldiers piled into the
crater and fought it
out with
Confederates who
also surrounded the
crater & fired into it.

The Union lost 4000
men and the CSA lost

Of the Union’s 450
men from the USCT,
322 were lost.
CSA                          USA
 Robert E. Lee               Ulysses S. Grant &
 Army of Northern             George G. Meade
  Virginia                    Army of the Potomac
 61,025 soldiers             101,895 soldiers
 11,125 casualties           17,666 casualties
   1,495 killed                2,246 killed
   7,928 wounded               12,037 wounded
   1,702 captured/missing      3,383 captured/missing
Battle of the
                                                                   Grant’s forces met
                                                                   Lee’s in the
                                                                   wilderness, instead
                                                                   of the open area.

                                                                   In bloody
                                                                   campaign, Grant
                                                                   refused to retreat
                                                                   and pushed on to
                                                                   Cold Harbor where
                                                                   Lee delivered
                                                                   stunning defeat that
                                                                   bolstered the peace
Kurz and Allison’s Battle of the Wilderness - Desperate Fight on
the Orange C.H. Plank, near Todd’s Tavern, May 6, 1864             Campaign also
                                                                   noted for the deadly
                                                                   brush fires.

The “Dictator” siege
mortar at

The figure in the
foreground on the
right is Henry J.
Hunt, chief of
artillery of the Army
of the Potomac.
 Union forces continued their mission to take Richmond
  the the CSA continued to defend the city.
 While Grant was working through the Wilderness
  campaign, Philip Sheridan moved toward the Confederate
 Rather than take a city his forces could not hold, Sheridan
  destroyed the CSA’s provisions and munitions and
  disrupted its supply lines by breaking up railroad lines.
 He moved from there to continue severing CSA lines.
  Confederates civilians retaliated which elicited Sheridan’s
  ire and increased his willingness to wage war by any means
  against disloyal civilians who targeted Union soldiers.
Philip Sheridan’s
Campaign in the
Shenandoah Valley
Sheridan’s forces met
resistance at
Winchester and at
Fisher’s Hill but they
continued fighting
their way south
through the valley.

One feature of this
campaign, in addition
to the attacks on CSA
forces was Sheridan’s
destruction of civilian
property—burning of
houses and barns,
destroying food, and
removing enslaved
people—which some
called total war or
hard war.
Sheridan’s Valley

Grant sent Sheridan
into the
Shenandoah Valley
to vanquish the
CSA’s Jubal Early
who had staged a
raid on
Washington, D.C.
that Union forces
put down and
retaliation burned
Chambersburg, PA.
Sheridan’s Valley

Frank Leslie’s
Campaign in the
Valley of the
Shenandoah – Battle
of Summit
Point, August
21, 1864.
William T.

Sherman gained
national and
historical fame for
his “March to the
Sea,” in which he led
his forces from
Tennessee to Atlanta
and on a scorched
earth campaign
throughout Georgia
and the Carolinas.
 In Georgia, Sherman confronted the CSA’s Joseph Johnston
  with Grant’s command to destroy Johnston’s army, capture
  Atlanta, and advance as far into CSA territory as
  possible, inflicting as much damage as possible.
 Sherman’s campaign was no easy one. He was in enemy
  territory and he faced a highly skilled enemy in Johnston
  who destroyed bridges and railway tracks to make sure the
  USA couldn’t use them, kept Sherman’s men moving in
  pursuit, and fought as much as possible behind
  entrenchments. Despite Johnston’s ability to match
  Sherman, the CSA government replaced him with John
 Sherman captured Atlanta on September 2, 1864 and
  burned the city.
 In November, Sherman began his famous “march to the
  sea” to assert Union dominance over Georgia and then the
 Sherman is said to have wanted to “make Georgia howl,” by
  waging a relentless war against not only the soldiers but
  also the civilian population through the destruction of
  their property.
 This relentless war was motivated by the conviction that all
  Confederates need to bear the costs of waging war.
 For 163 days, Sherman advanced from Atlanta to
  Raleigh, foraging on CSA goods, destroying
  houses, barns, farms, crops, roads, bridges, and municipal
 Sheridan and Sherman wrought hell in their
 Lincoln wins the election despite a strong campaign by
  his Republican and Democratic opponents to halt his
 With such significant losses, Jefferson Davis finds it
  harder to maintain support for continuing the war, as
  civilians start to withdraw support and his armies melt
  away under high casualty and desertion rates.
 Neither side is quite ready to thrown in the towel but
  looking back on this year, we can see that 1864 was the
  beginning of the end.
 David Hunter:
   Declaring Contraband:
   John C. Fremont:
   Philip Sheridan:
   William T. Sherman:
   David Hunter:
   Emancipation Proclamation portrait:
   Emancipation Proclamation Map:
   NYDR Attacking NY Tribune:
   NYDR First Avenue:
   “Hanging and Burning”:
   NYDR Mob attacking African American:
   Colored Orphan Asylum:
   NY Draft Riot Morgue:
   Chancellorsville:
   Gettysburg:,_by_Currier_and_Ives.png.
   Vicksburg:,_Kurz_and_Allison.png
   Chickamauga:
   Battle of the Wilderness:
   Dictator at Petersburg:
   Battle of the Crater:
   Sheridan Crossing River:
   Frank Leslie’s Valley of the Shenandoah:
 Confederate and Union Home Fronts.
   Women
   Civilian Life
   Political Culture
 The Eastern Campaigns.
 Lincoln’s Assassination.
 The Collapse of the Confederacy.

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Emancipation Proclamation to Total War

  • 1. The Civil War & Reconstruction
  • 2.  To date we have seen the rise of the Confederacy and the Union’s efforts to vanquish the CSA go unrealized.  This presentation spans the years 1863 and 1864 where we see the development of a national emancipation plan, the authorization of black soldiers, and the Union begin to gain an edge in the fighting of the war.  Some of the campaigns covered include Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, the Wilderness, Shenandoah, and Sherman’s March.  Students may rely on the readings to get a sense of soldiers’ lives and developments on the home front.
  • 3.  This is a critical year of the war.  The Emancipation Proclamation (with its manumission of Confederate slaves and its authorization of black men’s enlistment) goes into effect.  The USA’s Congress authorizes conscription for Union forces.  Rebellion by civilians (over conscription &impressment) and by runaway slaves forces the CSA to fight the war on multiple fronts.  A growing peace movement led by northern Democrats forces Lincoln to fight on multiple fronts.  The tide slowly starts to turn in favor of the USA with measurable victories at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga.
  • 4.  Although slavery was at the heart of the Confederacy’s campaign for independence, white men on both sides went into the war confident that the war was for USA advocates to preserve the Union and for the CSA to establish an independent country to protect their “way of life”  the foundation of which was slavery.  Neither side expected slavery to be touched by the war. Both thought that enslaved people would stay put and that free African Americans would stay out of the issue.  This thinking reflecting much of the racial attitudes of 19th century America that the USA (and by extension the CSA) was a “white man’s government.”  Enslaved and free blacks rejected this argument. Many enslaved people fled their masters and many free blacks called on Lincoln to end slavery and authorize black military service.
  • 5. Lincoln, Slavery and the War Lincoln is unwavering in his determination to preserve the Union. He doesn’t want to provoke the remaining slaveholding Border States to leave the Union and he wants to return the seceded states to the Union. Any policies that protected or abolished slavery were less significant to Lincoln than returning the seceded states to the Union.
  • 6. Lincoln, Slavery, and the War Indeed, because the Constitution protected property rights (including enslaved people), Lincoln doesn’t believe that he can simply abolish slavery. He can, however, use the U.S. military to return the seceded states to the Union and convince Congress to pass an amendment to change the Constitution.
  • 7. Lincoln, Slavery, a nd the War The president’s thinking reflected that of most of the Republican Party and the overwhelming majority of white Unionists.
  • 8. Frederick Douglass To fight against slaveholders without fighting against slavery, is but a half-hearted business, and paralyzes the hand engaged in it…Fire must be met with water…War for the destruction of liberty must be met with war for the destruction of slavery.
  • 9.  The president’s position infuriated abolitionists and free African Americans.  They argued that Lincoln should use the rebellion as cause to strike at the institution and to command the labor of enslaved people.  Enslaved people had different ideas. They understood that the outcome of the war would determine the fate of slavery and many decided to do whatever they could to escape bondage and to help the Union.
  • 10. The Anglo-African, New York Newspaper
  • 11.  African Americans rejected the idea that the U.S. was “a white man’s country” and that the Civil War did not involve them.  Rather than stay put, many enslaved people took flight from farms, plantations, stores, businesses, and homes, seeking Union forces.  Over time, their actions would play a critical role in prompting Union generals, members of Congress, and the president to support emancipation.
  • 12.  The president’s and the Congress’s initial failure to establish policy re: runaway slaves forced generals to cobble together policies to advance the war effort when they encountered enslaved people.  African Americans flooded Union camps and institutions, most of them were ready to work or fight for the Union by supplying intelligence on CSA troop movement or the landscape of the South, growing food, etc.
  • 13. Contraband of War In 1861, When enslaved people arrive at Fortress Monroe (VA), General Benjamin Butler labels them “contraband of war,” which simply means enemy property. He provides sanctuary for runaway slaves and does not return them to their masters. The legal fate of these people still hung in the balance.
  • 14. John C. Frémont In 1861, General John C. Frémont declared martial law in Missouri and declared free people enslaved by the CSA. Lincoln rescinded the order & removed Frémont from command.
  • 15. David Hunter In 1862, General David Hunter issued an order freeing persons in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Lincoln overruled the order.
  • 16.  In 1861, Congress passed the Confiscation Act, which mandated that when the CSA used enslaved people in the war effort, they forfeited their claim to them.  In 1862, Congress passed another Confiscation Act, which moved the nation closer to emancipation by declaring that enslaved people being used in the CSA war effort would be “forever free.”  In 1862, Congress passed the Military Act which freed slaves and their families owned by the enemy.  In 1862, Congress abolished slavery in Washington, D.C.  Although there were some abolitionists in Congress, the majority of supporters of this legislation saw emancipation as a way to win the war.
  • 17. Abraham Lincoln, 1862 My paramount to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would do that also. Lincoln famously wrote this in response to Horace Greeley’s “Prayer of Twenty Millions” criticism of his failure to use the war to end slavery
  • 18.  As the war continues, as slaves flee plantations, Lincoln’s ideas and policies evolve.  Lincoln tries to develop a plan for compensating slaveholders for manumitting their slaves but Confederates reject this.  To address white Americans’ fears of interracial sex, racial equality, and economic competition between blacks and whites, he tries to develop a plan to repatriate free blacks in Haiti or in Liberia.
  • 19. Abraham Lincoln, 1862 Your race suffer greatly, many of them, living among us, while ours suffer greatly from your presence… We should be separated… But for your race among us there could not be war…
  • 20. Robert Purvis The majority of African Americans opposed this idea. They reject the idea that the war is somehow the fault of black people. Robert Purvis’s statement reflects black people’s thinking: Sir, this is our country as much as it is yours and we will not leave it.
  • 21. Lincoln met with his cabinet on July 22, 1862 for the first reading of a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation
  • 22. Abraham Lincoln We know how to save the Union...In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free— honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail.
  • 23.  As a strategic decision to use the Confederates’ most valuable weapon (their slaves and their dependence on their labor) against them, Lincoln issues the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in the fall of 1862. Read the text of this document at the National Archives site.  Lincoln hopes that this warning shot will make the Confederates put down their arms to protect their institution. However, they dismiss this war measure. The Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect.
  • 24.  Lincoln issues declaration that on January 1, 1863, the slaves of masters who were still in rebellion would be “forever free.”  He wants to give Confederates 100 days to stop fighting with the promise that they can keep their slaves.  Document reiterated Lincoln’s support for the colonization of freed blacks to some place outside the U.S.  White northerners were divided.  Abolitionists favored it as did people who thought attacking slavery would help to end the bloody war.  Northern Democrats thought it was unconstitutional and an abuse of power.  Although they were exempted, Union supporting slaveholders in the Border States worried that they would lose their slaves too.  White southerners were outraged  Free and enslaved African Americans rejoiced but they were opposed to colonization.
  • 25.  The Proclamation only freed enslaved people in the states and the part of states that were still in rebellion (people who were enslaved in the Border States, the states that never left the Union, or in the areas already controlled by Union forces are not included). More than 800,000 people still enslaved.  It authorized the full enlistment of black soldiers in the Army & Navy.  It marked the beginning of slavery’s legal end in the U.S.  It is only the beginning because as long as the war goes on, slaveholders won’t release their slaves.
  • 26. Emancipation Proclamation The proclamation excluded more than 800,000 enslaved people living in the Border States and in the parts of the Confederacy controlled by Union troops (the areas of the map marked in teal).
  • 27.  Effect in the USA: redefined the war. Generals free to free slaves and recruit men into military service.  Generals also provide food and shelter for freedpeople in return for work either for the Union army— barbers, cooks, laundresses, mechanics, officers’ personal servants, laborers, nurses, cultivating food and cotton.
  • 28.  Effect in the CSA: reduced chances of international support (Britain could no longer count on cotton for its textile mills and withdraws promise of financial and military support) & increased the number runaway slaves (see Berlin, Foner, and Kolchin).  Slaveholders in the interior move roughly 150,000 enslaved people to Texas, away from Union lines.  Others simply refuse to acknowledge the proclamation and continue to hold people in bondage.  Slavery remains legal in non-Confederate areas until the war ends in 1865 and when the Thirteenth Amendment is issued and goes into effect.
  • 29. April 1861 Fort Sumter attacked; Civil War begins May 1861 General Benjamin Butler refuses to return escaped “contrabands” to slavery August 1861 General John Frémont orders emancipation of slaves in Missouri; Lincoln countermands him August 1861 First Confiscation Act frees captured slaves used by Confederate Army April 1862 Congress provides funds for compensated emancipation; border states spurn proposal May 1862 General David Hunter issues order abolishing slavery in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida & Lincoln revokes it July 1862 Second Confiscation Act frees all people enslaved by Confederates Summer 1862 Lincoln concludes that Union victory requires emancipation September 22, 1862 Lincoln issues Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation after Antietam January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation takes effect December 1865 Thirteenth Amendment ratified
  • 30. Lincoln met with his cabinet on July 22, 1862 for the first reading of a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation
  • 33.  Generals who were desperate for manpower and for men to fight did not wait for Lincoln or the Congress to authorize enlistment.  In 1862, General David Hunter organized one of the first unofficially organized regiments of black troops when he mobilized former slaves from Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.  General John Phelps mobilized five black regiments to help command Louisiana.  General Benjamin Butler authorized free “colored” Louisiana militia men to volunteer.  In 1862, the War Department sanctioned the recruitment of black soldiers.  The Emancipation Proclamation removes many of the barriers.
  • 34.
  • 35. State/District Number of Army Recruits Kentucky 23,703 Missouri 8,766 Maryland 8,718 Pennsylvania 8,612 Ohio 5,092 New York 4,125 District of Columbia 3,269 Massachusetts 2,966 Rhode Island 1,837 Illinois 1,811 Most black men served Other* 110,076 in the Army. Roughly Union Total 178,975 9500 men served in the Navy. *From the Confederacy & other states
  • 36.  Most African American men served as laborers while much smaller numbers actually took up arms against the CSA.  Deeply engrained ideas about black racial inferiority made many Union soldiers object to arming black men.  Very few of these men, especially enslaved men, had experience with weaponry.  Serving in the Union Army gave both freed and free black men an even greater sense of urgency in helping to secure freedom once and for all by helping the Union to win the war.  It also allowed them to claim and express their patriotism and manhood.
  • 37.  Although white Unionists eventually came to accept black military service, deep racial prejudices influenced the treatment black men received.  Black soldiers were required to be commanded by whites. Black officers were officially opposed but 100 black men held commissions.  Black men experienced discrimination in pay, bonuses, medical services (leading to high casualties).  Their lack of training with the weaponry of war and the difficulty of learning on the fly endangered many men.  They also faced greater threats of retaliation at the hands of Confederates. The CSA estd a policy allowing black prisoners of war to be executed or reenslaved.
  • 38. Fort Pillow One example of the brutality they faced was at Fort Pillow when CSA general Nathan Bedford Forrest’s forces massacred several hundred black prisoners of war in 1864.
  • 39.  Slavery still existed after the Emancipation Proclamation. More than 800,000 enslaved people not covered by the proclamation. CSA slaveholders did not acknowledge the proclamation. Finally, the war was not yet over.  Only the conclusion of the war with a Union victory, state laws, and a constitutional amendment would finally end the peculiar institution.
  • 40.  West Virginia estd a gradual abolition law as a condition for joining the Union in 1863.  Maryland & Tennessee abolished slavery by constitutional amendment in 1864 and 1865.  Missouri abolished slavery by state convention in 1865.  Congressional Republicans had tried to abolish slavery earlier on but they were overruled.  It is not until January 1865 that Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment.
  • 41. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
  • 42. Source: Donald et al eds., The Civil War and Reconstruction, 229-230.  In July 1862, the USA called for more volunteers for military service but still found itself fighting a war with no end in sight and doing so with an army that was short by several hundred thousand men.  During the late winter of 1863, Congress passed a national conscription law that held that all male citizens between 20-45 were liable for service. Some exemptions were possible for men with disabilities, elected officials, and men who were the only sons of widows and men with sick parents.  Conscripted men could be called for up to 3 years of service.  If men were called to serve, some avoid service by finding a substitute or paying a fee.
  • 43. Source: Donald et al eds., The Civil War and Reconstruction, 229-230.  From 1863-1865, more than 750,000 men were enrolled but only 46,347 entered the army as draftees, 73,607 found substitutes, 86,724 paid a fee, and others avoided the draft by volunteering.  The exemptions of the law benefitted the middle class and elite and stoked anger and anxiety among the working class, particularly the newly arrived immigrants who had not yet managed to accumulate wealth.  Outraged men attacked the draft offices and rioted on communities throughout the USA.
  • 44. New York Draft Riot New York City was the site of the largest draft riot. The riot grew from a convergence of longstanding conflict between CSA sympathizers v. Unionists; Democrats v. Republicans; the poor v. middle class/elite; blacks v. whites; immigrants v. native born Ams.
  • 45. New York City Draft Riot Democrats, who dominated NY politics opposed Lincoln and his handling of the war, objected strongly to the draft. This image shows the mob attacking the Lincoln-supporting New York Tribune.
  • 46. New York City Draft Riot Like other locales where riots occurred, there was great opposition to the Emancipation Proclamation and great racial hostility toward African Americans.
  • 47. New York City Draft Riot Rioters moved from attacking draft offices to venting their frustrations on African American individuals and institutions.
  • 48. New York City Draft Riot One mob attacked the Colored Orphan Asylum on Fifth Avenue. They burned it to the ground and the children barely escaped.
  • 49. New York Draft Riot Army units from New York returned from Gettysburg to suppress the fighting. 119 New Yorkers died, hundreds of African Americans were wounded, and thousands fled the city.
  • 50. Despite some opposition and frustrations with the commutations and exemptions, more 1 million men were enlisted from 1863-1865.
  • 51. CSA USA  Robert E. Lee  Joseph Hooker  Army of Northern  Army of the Potomac Virginia  133,868 soldiers  60,892 soldiers  17,197 casualties  13,303 casualties  1,606 killed  1,665 killed  9,672 wounded  9,081 wounded  5,919 captured/missing  2,018 captured/missing  Victor-Confederacy
  • 52. Battle of Chancellorsville Hailed as a strategic win for Lee, despite high casualty figures (similar results would eventually make it harder for the CSA to fight). Claimed the life of Stonewall Jackson. Lincoln removed Hooker from command. Kurz and Allison image depicts the wounding of Robert E. Lee
  • 53. CSA USA  Robert E. Lee  George G. Meade  71,699 soldiers  93,921 soldiers  23,231 casualties  23,055 casualties  4,708 killed  3,155 killed  12,693 wounded  1,4531 wounded  5,830 captured/missing  5,369 captured/missing  Victor—Union
  • 54. Gettysburg Lee invaded the North in PA. Meade (who replaced Hooker) held the line but failed to vanquish Lee. The CSA & USA clashed over three days and the Union won a decisive Currier and Ives image depicts events of July 3, 1863 victory.
  • 55.  In 1863, the USA was still trying to control the entire Mississippi (they gained control of the upper part of the river in 1862 via victories at Forts Henry and Donelson and at Shiloh).  The USA focused on Chattanooga and Vicksburg.  Chattanooga was vital because it was the center of railroad lines that delivered troops and supplies to the CSA.  Taking Vicksburg would give the USA access to and control of the lower river as well as control over railroad lines heading to Texas.
  • 56. CSA USA  John C. Pemberton  Ulysses S. Grant  Army of Vicksburg  Army of the Tennessee  33,000 soldiers  77,000 soldiers  3,202 killed or wounded  4,835 casualties  29,495 captured  Victor—Union
  • 57. Siege at Vicksburg Union forces tried several times to take Vicksburg. Grant moved above Vicksburg (at Milliken’s Bend) where he coordinated with the navy and then crossed the river and took the area around the city. Siege of Vicksburg--13, 15, & 17 Corps, Commanded by Gen. U.S. Grant, assisted by the Navy under Admiral Porter--Surrender, July 4, 1863, by Kurz and Allison
  • 58. Vicksburg Blockade The siege lasted for 6 weeks before Pemberton surrendered. This victory coincided with the victory at Gettysburg. It boosted civilian and military morale in the USA.
  • 59.  There were a total of three battles for control over Chattanooga. In the 1862 campaigns, CSA forces led by John Hunt Morgan and Nathan Bedford Forrest managed to disperse Union forces in what were indecisive outcomes.  It was not until 1863 that Bragg evacuated the city (August) and Grant finally defeated Bragg (November) that Union forces could claim victory in Chattanooga, only to face defeat at Chickamauga.
  • 60. CSA USA  Braxton Bragg  William Rosecrans  Army of Tennessee  Army of the Cumberland  65,000 soldiers  60,000 soldiers  18,454 casualties  16,710 casualties  2,312 killed  1,657 killed  14,674 wounded  9,756 wounded  1,468 captured/missing  4,757 captured/missing  Victor—Confederacy
  • 61. Chickamauga Some historians argue that the casualty rates here rival those at Gettysburg and Antietam. The CSA went on surround the USA in Chattanooga. Grant and Sherman’s forces vanquished Bragg’s army at Lookout Mountain (above Kurz and Allison’s Battle of Chickamauga Chattanooga), leavin g TN in Union hands.
  • 62.  With victories in Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga, the Union started to deplete the economic and military forces of the CSA.  Though most in the USA still wanted the war to end quickly, the successes boosted morale to continue fighting.  This morale boost was needed because despite suffering significant losses, the CSA was no where near ready to surrender. Their victory in Chancellorsville proved their ability to continue waging war and exacting high Union casualties.  At the same time, the loss of such generals as Stonewall Jackson and the CSA’s own very high casualty rates will start to catch up with them as will a growing revolt among the white civilian and enslaved populations.
  • 63.  This year will be marked by:  The cumulative effect of the USA’s blockade on the CSA’s ability to provide for the civilian and soldier population.  The CSA’s nearly insurmountable problem of making their states’ rights doctrine fit into the federal government’s desperate need for authorization to mobilize all resources to wage war.  Grant’s stunning defeat at Cold Harbor.  The 1864 election.  Sherman’s capture of Atlanta.  High desertion in the CSA.
  • 64.  Both the CSA and the USA struggled for control of northern Virginia and Union forces continued their mission to claim Richmond.  Butler failed to take Richmond when he had the chance but Grant was determined to capture Lee and take the city. After multiple skirmishes, the CSA continued to command Richmond & Petersburg.  Union forces responded by constructing a mine underneath CSA works, filling it with powder, and lighting it on July 30.
  • 65. Battle of the Crater The Union’s explosion of the mine created huge crater. In the battle that ensued, Union soldiers piled into the crater and fought it out with Confederates who also surrounded the crater & fired into it. The Union lost 4000 men and the CSA lost 1500. Of the Union’s 450 men from the USCT, 322 were lost.
  • 66. CSA USA  Robert E. Lee  Ulysses S. Grant &  Army of Northern George G. Meade Virginia  Army of the Potomac  61,025 soldiers  101,895 soldiers  11,125 casualties  17,666 casualties  1,495 killed  2,246 killed  7,928 wounded  12,037 wounded  1,702 captured/missing  3,383 captured/missing
  • 67. Battle of the Wilderness Grant’s forces met Lee’s in the wilderness, instead of the open area. In bloody campaign, Grant refused to retreat and pushed on to Cold Harbor where Lee delivered stunning defeat that bolstered the peace movement. Kurz and Allison’s Battle of the Wilderness - Desperate Fight on the Orange C.H. Plank, near Todd’s Tavern, May 6, 1864 Campaign also noted for the deadly brush fires.
  • 68. Petersburg The “Dictator” siege mortar at Petersburg. The figure in the foreground on the right is Henry J. Hunt, chief of artillery of the Army of the Potomac.
  • 69.  Union forces continued their mission to take Richmond the the CSA continued to defend the city.  While Grant was working through the Wilderness campaign, Philip Sheridan moved toward the Confederate capitol.  Rather than take a city his forces could not hold, Sheridan destroyed the CSA’s provisions and munitions and disrupted its supply lines by breaking up railroad lines.  He moved from there to continue severing CSA lines. Confederates civilians retaliated which elicited Sheridan’s ire and increased his willingness to wage war by any means against disloyal civilians who targeted Union soldiers.
  • 70. Philip Sheridan’s Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley Sheridan’s forces met resistance at Winchester and at Fisher’s Hill but they continued fighting their way south through the valley. One feature of this campaign, in addition to the attacks on CSA forces was Sheridan’s destruction of civilian property—burning of houses and barns, destroying food, and removing enslaved people—which some called total war or hard war.
  • 71. Sheridan’s Valley Campaign Grant sent Sheridan into the Shenandoah Valley to vanquish the CSA’s Jubal Early who had staged a raid on Washington, D.C. that Union forces put down and retaliation burned Chambersburg, PA.
  • 72. Sheridan’s Valley Campaign Frank Leslie’s “Sherman’s Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah – Battle of Summit Point, August 21, 1864.
  • 73. William T. Sherman Sherman gained national and historical fame for his “March to the Sea,” in which he led his forces from Tennessee to Atlanta and on a scorched earth campaign throughout Georgia and the Carolinas.
  • 74.  In Georgia, Sherman confronted the CSA’s Joseph Johnston with Grant’s command to destroy Johnston’s army, capture Atlanta, and advance as far into CSA territory as possible, inflicting as much damage as possible.  Sherman’s campaign was no easy one. He was in enemy territory and he faced a highly skilled enemy in Johnston who destroyed bridges and railway tracks to make sure the USA couldn’t use them, kept Sherman’s men moving in pursuit, and fought as much as possible behind entrenchments. Despite Johnston’s ability to match Sherman, the CSA government replaced him with John Hood.  Sherman captured Atlanta on September 2, 1864 and burned the city.
  • 75.  In November, Sherman began his famous “march to the sea” to assert Union dominance over Georgia and then the Carolinas.  Sherman is said to have wanted to “make Georgia howl,” by waging a relentless war against not only the soldiers but also the civilian population through the destruction of their property.  This relentless war was motivated by the conviction that all Confederates need to bear the costs of waging war.  For 163 days, Sherman advanced from Atlanta to Raleigh, foraging on CSA goods, destroying houses, barns, farms, crops, roads, bridges, and municipal buildings.
  • 76.  Sheridan and Sherman wrought hell in their campaigns.  Lincoln wins the election despite a strong campaign by his Republican and Democratic opponents to halt his reelection.  With such significant losses, Jefferson Davis finds it harder to maintain support for continuing the war, as civilians start to withdraw support and his armies melt away under high casualty and desertion rates.  Neither side is quite ready to thrown in the towel but looking back on this year, we can see that 1864 was the beginning of the end.
  • 77.  David Hunter: David_Hunter.jpg/200px-David_Hunter.jpg  Declaring Contraband:  John C. Fremont: 3%A9mont.jpg  Philip Sheridan: Philip_Sheridan_1-restored.jpg/220px-Philip_Sheridan_1- restored.jpg  William T. Sherman: Tecumseh-Sherman.jpg
  • 78. David Hunter: David_Hunter.jpg  Emancipation Proclamation portrait:  Emancipation Proclamation Map:  NYDR Attacking NY Tribune:  NYDR First Avenue:  “Hanging and Burning”:  NYDR Mob attacking African American:  Colored Orphan Asylum:  NY Draft Riot Morgue:  Chancellorsville:  Gettysburg:,_by_Currier_and_Ives.png.  Vicksburg:,_Kurz_and_Allison.png  Chickamauga:  Battle of the Wilderness:  Dictator at Petersburg:  Battle of the Crater:  Sheridan Crossing River: valley-campaign.htm  Frank Leslie’s Valley of the Shenandoah:
  • 79.  Confederate and Union Home Fronts.  Women  Civilian Life  Political Culture  The Eastern Campaigns.  Lincoln’s Assassination.  The Collapse of the Confederacy.

Editor's Notes

  1. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  2. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  3. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  4. HIS 5040/7040: The Civil War & Reconstruction
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  8. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  12. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  13. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  14. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  15. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  16. The first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the cabinet / painted by F.B. Carpenter ; engraved by A.H. Ritchie. Source: American Memory. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  17. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  18. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  20. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  21. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  22. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  23. The first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the cabinet / painted by F.B. Carpenter ; engraved by A.H. Ritchie. Source: American Memory. Civil War and Reconstruction
  24. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  25. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  26. James Ciment, Atlas of African-American History, 79. The Civil War and Reconstruction
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  28. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  29. Date accessed: 6/626/2012.
  30. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  31. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  32. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  33. Source: David Herbert Donald et al eds., 229-230. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  34. Source: David Herbert Donald et al eds., 229-230. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  35. Date accessed: 6/24/2012.The Civil War and Reconstruction
  36. Date accessed: 6/24/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  37. Date accessed: 6/24/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  38. Date accessed: 6/24/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  39. Date accessed: 6/24/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  40. Date accessed: 6/24/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  41. Source: David Herbert Donald et al eds., 229-230. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  42. Date accessed 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  43. Date accessed 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  44. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  45.,_by_Currier_and_Ives.png. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
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  47. Date accessed: 6/16/2012.The Civil War and Reconstruction
  48.,_Kurz_and_Allison.png. Date accessed 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  49. accessed 6/5/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  50. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  51. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  52. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
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  54. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  55. Date accessed 6/17/2012.The Civil War and Reconstruction
  56. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  57. Date accessed: 6/16/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  58. Date accessed 6/17/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  59. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  61. Date accessed 6/17/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  62. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  63. Date accessed 6/5/2012. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  64. The Civil War and Reconstruction
  65. The Civil War and Reconstruction