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By : Aya Yakout Abas Alkhamese
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Ibrahim
• According to Stephen, Maeve & Philips (2007), in a traditional sense, a Library is a large
collection of books, and can refer to the place in which the collection is housed. Today, the term
can refer to any collection, including digital sources, resources, and services. The collections
can be of print, audio, and visual materials in numerous formats, including maps, prints, and
documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, video games, e-books, audio books
and many other electronic resources. The places where this material is stored can range from
public libraries, subscription libraries, private libraries, and can also be in digital form, stored
on computers or accessible over the internet.
• As technology is the faster growing trends, computers now a days are being part of human life.
Through computers business, organizations, schools, companies and etc. can transact to their
clients in a convenient way using advance technologies and specially the application software,
The application software is created for library functions through this “Library Management
System” librarian can lessen their errors and efforts in every book processing and transactions
and in making reports.
Library Management System (LMS)
• Function
LMS is a network of computers that uses a certain program to facilitate technical functions of the library. One
such function is electronic cataloguing. With LMS, library users can trace desired items electronically without
going through shelves. LMS also facilitates the lending process by keeping records of items lent and borrowers'
information. LMS supports other administrative tasks such as inventory and data processing.
• Advantages
1. Keeping Stock
2. Building a Collection
3. Customer Service
• Disadvantages
Libraries may need to change their LMS every now and then to avoid lagging behind the technology. Although a
library management system's end goals include cutting costs, setting up a new system initially requires a
substantial amount of money and resources. Libraries not only pay for the software but may also spend for new
computers, installations, hosting and maintenance. In addition, libraries must hire or train an IT support team As
LMS becomes more sophisticated and costly, there may be less need for traditional library staff, leading to a
decrease in employment opportunities in the industry.
Library Management System (LMS)
• The project titled Library Management System (LMS) is Library management software for
monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project “Library Management
System” is developed in Visual Basic .net 2008, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a
library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books
and members and facility to borrow and return books. The system will be used to be able to
help Library to make their transactions faster .
Solution overview
The phases of
SDLC (System
development life
cycle) :
System planning
and Selection.
System Design.
and Operation.
• Identifies the need for a new or enhanced system.
• Investigate the system and determine the proposed system’s scope.
• Studies the organization’s current procedures and the information systems
• Study the requirements and structure them according to their interrelationships, eliminating
any redundancies.
• Uses the information collected earlier to accomplish the logical design of the
information system. (input and output screens, reports, databases, computer processes).
• Turn system specifications into a working system that is tested and then put into use.
The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a common methodology for systems development
in many organizations.
System Analysis : Objectives
1. Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system.
2. Develop a database which stores user details & items details.
3. Build an advanced search that can help for the best handling of user queries, this search should handle different
search types like searching by author, title, publisher, department, section or topic. The search result should contain
information about the exact location of the book
4. Administrator, librarian & users should have separate logins.
5. Create an easy to understand user friendly environment.
6. Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users.
7. Develop the system documentation with detailed UML specifications.
8. record every transaction in computerized system so that problem such as record file missing won’t happen again
9. develop a system that will record the items borrowed
10. To produce technical report that documents the phases, tasks and deliverables in the project
11. provides security (i.e. only the administrator can update any information to the database)
System Analysis : Scope
3. Borrow Item Module
This module allows Member to Borrow
item from the Library
5. Report Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Rental Report can view the rental report .
Return Report can view the return report .
Book Report can view all the items in library .
Member Report can view all the members of library .
Log Activities Report can view the login and the logout Activities.
4. Return Item Module
This module allows Member to
Return item to the Library
1. Search Module
In this module, the user can search
Library items
2. Security Module
In this module, the user need to login so
that able to our system
System Analysis : Scope
7. Member Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search members by member
Delete can delete member information
8. Autor Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search Autor by Autor name
Add can register a new Autor
Edit can edit the Autor information
Delete can delete Autor information
9. Publisher Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search Publisher by Publisher name
Add can register a new Publisher
Edit can edit the Publisher information
Delete can delete Publisher information
6. Item Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search Item by Item name
Add can register a new Item
Edit can edit the Item information
Delete can delete Item information
System Analysis : Scope
10. Department Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search departments by department name
Add can register a new department
Edit can edit the department information
Delete can delete department information
12. Topic Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search Topic by Topic name
Add can register a new topic
Edit can edit the topic information
Delete can delete topic information
11. Section Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search Sections by Section name
Add can register a new section
Edit can edit the section information
Delete can delete section information
13. Shelf Management Module
This module allows Librarian to:-
Search can search shelves by shelf name
Add can register a new shelf associated to section
Edit can edit the department information
Delete candeletedepartment information
System Analysis : Context Diagram
Library Management Syatem
Manage Library Contents
View Report
View Reports
Seach Book
Get Book Information
Request Book
Get Information
Search Book
• The first step in constructing a set of DFDs is to draw a context diagram.
• A context diagram is a top-level view of an information system that shows the system’s boundaries and scope.
• Data stores are not shown in the context diagram because they are contained within the system and remain hidden until
more detailed diagrams are created
System Analysis : Level – 0 Diagram
Update Reservation Information
Member Information
Member Id
Member Information
Search Item
List of Items
itemsThe requested Item/s
Guest Information
Member name
Member id Item
Item Information
Item Id, Member Id
Update Reservation Information
Item Id
Update Item Information
Produce report
Request report
Log ActivitiesMember
Info of item to modify
Update item Information
Enter Library
Enter data
Modify data
Update data
requried data
Item requried
Info of item to search
Item requried
Shows all the processes that comprise the overall system. Shows how information moves from and to
each process. Adds data stores.
System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs
1. Member Registration 2.Search
Guest information
Guset Verify Guest
Member name
Guest information
Member information
thelist GuestListofresults
System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs
 3.Management Library Contents
key of search
Item infomation
itemsThe requested Item/s
Item Id
Produce report
Request report
Log ActivitiesMember
Info of item to modify
Enter Library
Enter data
Modify data
Update data
requried data
Item requried
Info of item to search
Item requried
SearchKey of search
Search Librarian
List of results
List of results
Get needed
Get item meeded
Modify item
from database
Delete item
from database
Item to be modify
Item to be delete
Item delete
item Update odified data
System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs
4. Return Item 5. Reports
Request report
Format report
Issued items
Log activities
Members informations
Items information
Issued item information
Log activities information
Itemand member
Delete item from
issued items
Item id
Return item
Issued items
Member id
Update issued items
System Design : Introduction to Database
• Database:
• An organized collection of logically related data.
• A database consists of a number of interrelated tables.
• Each table has a number of records which are used to represent real world objects.
• Each record has a number of fields which are data items used to specify a characteristic of the record.
• A Database Management System, or DBMS:
is a computer application that allows you to work with databases on a computer.
A database management system allows you to easily...
– Create / Delete tables
– Modify tables: (e.g., adding, deleting, editing and rearranging records, changing the table structure)
– Retrieve data from a table or a number of tables: (e.g., finding and displaying an individual record).
– Create reports:
System Design : Introduction to Database
• Database keys
• Primary key :Value unique for each record in a table. This value can not be used twice
• Foreign keys : Used to create relationships between tables
• Relation between primary and foreign keys : Same format and Same values
System Design : Table Relationships
One-To-Many Relationships
• In this type of relationship, a row in table A
can have many matching rows in table B, but
a row in table B can have only one matching
row in table A.
• For example, the Publishers and Titles tables
have a one-to-many relationship: each
publisher produces many titles, but each title
comes from only one publisher.
Many-To-Many Relationships
• In a many-to-many relationship, a row
in table A can have many matching
rows in table B, and vice versa. You
create such a relationship by defining
a third table, called a junction
table, whose primary key consists of
the foreign keys from both table A and
table B.
• For example, the Authors table and
the Titles table have a many-to-many
relationship that is defined by a one-
to-many relationship from each of
these tables to the TitleAuthors table.
The primary key of the TitleAuthors
table is the combination of the au_id
column (the authors table’s primary
key) and the title_id column (the
Titles table’s primary key).
One-To-One Relationships
• In a one-to-one relationship, a row in
table A can have no more than one
matching row in table B, and vice
versa. A one-to-one relationship is
created if both of the related columns
are primary keys or have unique
Table Relationships : In a relational database, relationships enable you to prevent redundant data.
There are three types of relationships between tables. The type of relationship that is created depends on how the
related columns are defined.
System Design : Entity Relationship 'ER' Diagram
 An entity-relationship Diagram is an abstract conceptual representation of structured data.
System Design : Coding
System Design : Coding
System Design : Coding
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure is Main form of library, by it user can search library items, login to library to
benefits with its features and get information about library system and also can send questions
to librarians
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure is Search Form that allows you to
search all library items by item name and the result
will show in listview.
 The next figure is Search Form that allows you to
search all library items by item name only or by
item name and topic name and the result will
show in listview.
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure is Login Form shows that each user has to enter his username and password to
enter the system
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure is Forget Password Form that allows user to enter his name to obtain his
password by sending it to email associated to user name stored in database
System Implementation : User Manuals
The next two figures allow you to register to library system by entering name, Email, password, confirm
password and other information. After user enter his information correctly, message box appeared told
user that registration done and then login form ( as the second figure) will appear to allow user enter
name and password again to be abled to enter library system.
System Implementation : User Manuals
• The next three figures allow user to change his password by entering the old password , the new password and
confirm password. if the new password and its confirmation are not same, message box will appear that bold user that
new password and its confirmation did not same to retupe them again(as the second figure). And after user enter them
correctly, a message box will appear that told password changed successfully (as the third figure).
System Implementation : User Manuals
• The next four figures allow user to edit his information by filling the following textboxes( as in first figure), after
user his information (as in second figure), a message box will appear to ask user if he really want to edit his
information, and if user click 'Ok', user information will edit and update in database and an message box will appear
that told user that user information has been updated successfully..
System Implementation : User Manuals
The four next figures allow user to borrow library item by enter item id and name or choose item by clicking 'List',
form with library items will appear(as second figure), user choose item from listview in form and then click 'Ok', and
then id and name of selecting item will appear in itemid and item name in request item form(as third figure). After
user complete information correctly and click 'Ok' , message box will appear that told user that item borrowed
successfully to him(as fourth figure).
System Implementation : User Manuals
• The two next figures allow user to return borrowed item by selecting item he want to return from listview in form (
as first figure) and then click 'Ok'. And then a message will appear that told user that item returned and the item
remove from listview (as second figure).
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure is the home page to Librarian that provides bottons that allow Librarian to carry out many
function as search, manage(items, Departments, Sections, Topics, Autors and Publishers) and generate
reports when click on them, This form provide information about Librarian, and this form provides
functions that allow Librarian to change his password, edit his information, show borrowed items by him
and logout of library system.
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure allows user to manage library item by allowing librarian to search, add, delete and edit
library item information. in the following form user can search library item by name only (enter item
name and check 'Only by Name' radio botton) or by name and key name (enter item name, check any key
and item key name) , user press search, and then result will show in listview.
System Implementation : User Manuals
 The next figure allows user to add new item by entering its information in the following textboxes.
System Implementation : User Manuals
The three next figures allow user to enter autor of new item and this is done by enter new autor information in
textboxes in 'Enter New Autor's Information:' tab, or choose exist autor from database by click 'Choose Exist Autor'
, and click 'List', form will loaded contain all autor stored in database (as second figure) then user choose autor from
listview in forn and then click 'Ok' this form will close and information of choosed autor will appear in textboxes
in'Choose Exist Autor' tab (as third figure).
System Implementation : User Manuals
The three next figures allow user to enter publisher of new item and this is done by enter new publisher information
in textboxes in 'Enter New Publisher's Information:' tab, or choose exist publisher from database by click 'Choose
Exist Publisher' , and click 'List', form will loaded contain all publisher stored in database (as second figure) then
user choose publisher from listview in form and then click 'Ok' this form will close and information of choosed
publisher will appear in textboxes in 'Choose Exist Publisher' tab (as third figure).

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Library Management System

  • 1. LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM By : Aya Yakout Abas Alkhamese Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Ibrahim
  • 2. Library • According to Stephen, Maeve & Philips (2007), in a traditional sense, a Library is a large collection of books, and can refer to the place in which the collection is housed. Today, the term can refer to any collection, including digital sources, resources, and services. The collections can be of print, audio, and visual materials in numerous formats, including maps, prints, and documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, video games, e-books, audio books and many other electronic resources. The places where this material is stored can range from public libraries, subscription libraries, private libraries, and can also be in digital form, stored on computers or accessible over the internet. • As technology is the faster growing trends, computers now a days are being part of human life. Through computers business, organizations, schools, companies and etc. can transact to their clients in a convenient way using advance technologies and specially the application software, The application software is created for library functions through this “Library Management System” librarian can lessen their errors and efforts in every book processing and transactions and in making reports.
  • 3. Library Management System (LMS) • Function LMS is a network of computers that uses a certain program to facilitate technical functions of the library. One such function is electronic cataloguing. With LMS, library users can trace desired items electronically without going through shelves. LMS also facilitates the lending process by keeping records of items lent and borrowers' information. LMS supports other administrative tasks such as inventory and data processing. • Advantages 1. Keeping Stock 2. Building a Collection 3. Customer Service • Disadvantages Libraries may need to change their LMS every now and then to avoid lagging behind the technology. Although a library management system's end goals include cutting costs, setting up a new system initially requires a substantial amount of money and resources. Libraries not only pay for the software but may also spend for new computers, installations, hosting and maintenance. In addition, libraries must hire or train an IT support team As LMS becomes more sophisticated and costly, there may be less need for traditional library staff, leading to a decrease in employment opportunities in the industry.
  • 4. Library Management System (LMS) • The project titled Library Management System (LMS) is Library management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project “Library Management System” is developed in Visual Basic .net 2008, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books. The system will be used to be able to help Library to make their transactions faster .
  • 5. Solution overview The phases of SDLC (System development life cycle) : System planning and Selection. System Analysis. System Design. System Implementation and Operation. • Identifies the need for a new or enhanced system. • Investigate the system and determine the proposed system’s scope. • Studies the organization’s current procedures and the information systems • Study the requirements and structure them according to their interrelationships, eliminating any redundancies. • Uses the information collected earlier to accomplish the logical design of the information system. (input and output screens, reports, databases, computer processes). • Turn system specifications into a working system that is tested and then put into use. The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a common methodology for systems development in many organizations.
  • 6. System Analysis : Objectives 1. Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system. 2. Develop a database which stores user details & items details. 3. Build an advanced search that can help for the best handling of user queries, this search should handle different search types like searching by author, title, publisher, department, section or topic. The search result should contain information about the exact location of the book 4. Administrator, librarian & users should have separate logins. 5. Create an easy to understand user friendly environment. 6. Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users. 7. Develop the system documentation with detailed UML specifications. 8. record every transaction in computerized system so that problem such as record file missing won’t happen again 9. develop a system that will record the items borrowed 10. To produce technical report that documents the phases, tasks and deliverables in the project 11. provides security (i.e. only the administrator can update any information to the database)
  • 7. System Analysis : Scope 3. Borrow Item Module This module allows Member to Borrow item from the Library 5. Report Module This module allows Librarian to:- Rental Report can view the rental report . Return Report can view the return report . Book Report can view all the items in library . Member Report can view all the members of library . Log Activities Report can view the login and the logout Activities. 4. Return Item Module This module allows Member to Return item to the Library 1. Search Module In this module, the user can search Library items 2. Security Module In this module, the user need to login so that able to our system
  • 8. System Analysis : Scope 7. Member Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search members by member name Delete can delete member information 8. Autor Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search Autor by Autor name Add can register a new Autor Edit can edit the Autor information Delete can delete Autor information 9. Publisher Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search Publisher by Publisher name Add can register a new Publisher Edit can edit the Publisher information Delete can delete Publisher information 6. Item Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search Item by Item name Add can register a new Item Edit can edit the Item information Delete can delete Item information
  • 9. System Analysis : Scope 10. Department Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search departments by department name Add can register a new department Edit can edit the department information Delete can delete department information 12. Topic Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search Topic by Topic name Add can register a new topic Edit can edit the topic information Delete can delete topic information 11. Section Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search Sections by Section name Add can register a new section Edit can edit the section information Delete can delete section information 13. Shelf Management Module This module allows Librarian to:- Search can search shelves by shelf name Add can register a new shelf associated to section Edit can edit the department information Delete candeletedepartment information
  • 10. System Analysis : Context Diagram Library Management Syatem User Manage Library Contents View Report View Reports Seach Book Get Book Information Admin Member Member Request Book Get Information Search Book Admin • The first step in constructing a set of DFDs is to draw a context diagram. • A context diagram is a top-level view of an information system that shows the system’s boundaries and scope. • Data stores are not shown in the context diagram because they are contained within the system and remain hidden until more detailed diagrams are created
  • 11. System Analysis : Level – 0 Diagram SearchGuest Update Reservation Information Data Member Information Member Id Guest Member Member Information Search Item Admin List of Items itemsThe requested Item/s Reservation Information Verify Membership Guest Information Member name Member id Item Transaction Reservation Item Information Members Registeration items Item Id, Member Id Update Reservation Information Item Transaction Reservation Item Id items Update Item Information Produce report Request report report item Reservation Information Log ActivitiesMember Info of item to modify Data Update item Information Admin Enter Library Data Enter data Admin Admin Modify data Update data Search requried data Item requried Info of item to search Admin Item requried Shows all the processes that comprise the overall system. Shows how information moves from and to each process. Adds data stores.
  • 12. System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs 1. Member Registration 2.Search Guest information Guset Verify Guest information Member name Guest information register Members Member information SearchGuest ItemInformation Listofresults DataTherequestedItem/s Determine keyofsearch Keyof searchas topic Delivering thelist GuestListofresults
  • 13. System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs  3.Management Library Contents Determine key of search Librarian Data Item infomation Admin itemsThe requested Item/s Reservation Item Id Produce report Request report report item Reservation Information Log ActivitiesMember Info of item to modify DataAdmin Enter Library Data Enter data Admin Admin Modify data Update data Search requried data Item requried Info of item to search Admin Item requried SearchKey of search Search Librarian List of results List of results Get needed item Get item meeded Modify item from database Delete item from database Item to be modify Item to be delete Item delete item Update odified data
  • 14. System Analysis : Lower Levels of DFDs 4. Return Item 5. Reports Librarian Request report Format report Members report Issued items Log activities data Members informations Items information Issued item information Log activities information Itemand member information Member Delete item from issued items table Item id Return item Issued items Member id Update issued items
  • 15. System Design : Introduction to Database • Database: • An organized collection of logically related data. • A database consists of a number of interrelated tables. • Each table has a number of records which are used to represent real world objects. • Each record has a number of fields which are data items used to specify a characteristic of the record. • A Database Management System, or DBMS: is a computer application that allows you to work with databases on a computer. A database management system allows you to easily... – Create / Delete tables – Modify tables: (e.g., adding, deleting, editing and rearranging records, changing the table structure) – Retrieve data from a table or a number of tables: (e.g., finding and displaying an individual record). – Create reports:
  • 16. System Design : Introduction to Database • Database keys • Primary key :Value unique for each record in a table. This value can not be used twice • Foreign keys : Used to create relationships between tables • Relation between primary and foreign keys : Same format and Same values
  • 17. System Design : Table Relationships One-To-Many Relationships • In this type of relationship, a row in table A can have many matching rows in table B, but a row in table B can have only one matching row in table A. • For example, the Publishers and Titles tables have a one-to-many relationship: each publisher produces many titles, but each title comes from only one publisher. • • Many-To-Many Relationships • In a many-to-many relationship, a row in table A can have many matching rows in table B, and vice versa. You create such a relationship by defining a third table, called a junction table, whose primary key consists of the foreign keys from both table A and table B. • For example, the Authors table and the Titles table have a many-to-many relationship that is defined by a one- to-many relationship from each of these tables to the TitleAuthors table. The primary key of the TitleAuthors table is the combination of the au_id column (the authors table’s primary key) and the title_id column (the Titles table’s primary key). One-To-One Relationships • In a one-to-one relationship, a row in table A can have no more than one matching row in table B, and vice versa. A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the related columns are primary keys or have unique constraints. Table Relationships : In a relational database, relationships enable you to prevent redundant data. There are three types of relationships between tables. The type of relationship that is created depends on how the related columns are defined.
  • 18. System Design : Entity Relationship 'ER' Diagram  An entity-relationship Diagram is an abstract conceptual representation of structured data.
  • 19. System Design : Coding
  • 20. System Design : Coding
  • 21. System Design : Coding
  • 22. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure is Main form of library, by it user can search library items, login to library to benefits with its features and get information about library system and also can send questions to librarians
  • 23. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure is Search Form that allows you to search all library items by item name and the result will show in listview.  The next figure is Search Form that allows you to search all library items by item name only or by item name and topic name and the result will show in listview.
  • 24. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure is Login Form shows that each user has to enter his username and password to enter the system
  • 25. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure is Forget Password Form that allows user to enter his name to obtain his password by sending it to email associated to user name stored in database
  • 26. System Implementation : User Manuals The next two figures allow you to register to library system by entering name, Email, password, confirm password and other information. After user enter his information correctly, message box appeared told user that registration done and then login form ( as the second figure) will appear to allow user enter name and password again to be abled to enter library system.
  • 27. System Implementation : User Manuals • The next three figures allow user to change his password by entering the old password , the new password and confirm password. if the new password and its confirmation are not same, message box will appear that bold user that new password and its confirmation did not same to retupe them again(as the second figure). And after user enter them correctly, a message box will appear that told password changed successfully (as the third figure).
  • 28. System Implementation : User Manuals • The next four figures allow user to edit his information by filling the following textboxes( as in first figure), after user his information (as in second figure), a message box will appear to ask user if he really want to edit his information, and if user click 'Ok', user information will edit and update in database and an message box will appear that told user that user information has been updated successfully..
  • 29. System Implementation : User Manuals The four next figures allow user to borrow library item by enter item id and name or choose item by clicking 'List', form with library items will appear(as second figure), user choose item from listview in form and then click 'Ok', and then id and name of selecting item will appear in itemid and item name in request item form(as third figure). After user complete information correctly and click 'Ok' , message box will appear that told user that item borrowed successfully to him(as fourth figure).
  • 30. System Implementation : User Manuals • The two next figures allow user to return borrowed item by selecting item he want to return from listview in form ( as first figure) and then click 'Ok'. And then a message will appear that told user that item returned and the item remove from listview (as second figure).
  • 31. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure is the home page to Librarian that provides bottons that allow Librarian to carry out many function as search, manage(items, Departments, Sections, Topics, Autors and Publishers) and generate reports when click on them, This form provide information about Librarian, and this form provides functions that allow Librarian to change his password, edit his information, show borrowed items by him and logout of library system.
  • 32. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure allows user to manage library item by allowing librarian to search, add, delete and edit library item information. in the following form user can search library item by name only (enter item name and check 'Only by Name' radio botton) or by name and key name (enter item name, check any key and item key name) , user press search, and then result will show in listview.
  • 33. System Implementation : User Manuals  The next figure allows user to add new item by entering its information in the following textboxes.
  • 34. System Implementation : User Manuals The three next figures allow user to enter autor of new item and this is done by enter new autor information in textboxes in 'Enter New Autor's Information:' tab, or choose exist autor from database by click 'Choose Exist Autor' , and click 'List', form will loaded contain all autor stored in database (as second figure) then user choose autor from listview in forn and then click 'Ok' this form will close and information of choosed autor will appear in textboxes in'Choose Exist Autor' tab (as third figure).
  • 35. System Implementation : User Manuals The three next figures allow user to enter publisher of new item and this is done by enter new publisher information in textboxes in 'Enter New Publisher's Information:' tab, or choose exist publisher from database by click 'Choose Exist Publisher' , and click 'List', form will loaded contain all publisher stored in database (as second figure) then user choose publisher from listview in form and then click 'Ok' this form will close and information of choosed publisher will appear in textboxes in 'Choose Exist Publisher' tab (as third figure).