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Orbit anatomy
-Dr. Prajakta Matey.
-(resident at BJGMC)
īƒ Orbit is the anatomical space bounded:
*Superiorly-Anterior cranial fossa
*Medially – Nasal cavity & Ethmoidal air cells
*Inferiorly –Maxillary sinus
*Laterally-Middle cranial fossa
īƒ Made up of 7 bones :
īƒ˜ Derived from above –mesenchyme that encircles the optic vessicle
below & laterally – maxillary processes
medially - fronto nasal process
behind – orbitosphenoid.
īƒ˜ Developes by īƒ  Enchondral ossification
(part derived from base of skull)
īƒ  Membrenous ossification
(rest all)
īƒ˜ By 6 -7 th month laying down of bone starting with maxillary process
īƒ˜ During this time optic vesicles which are 170 ÍĻ apart are
rotated anteriorly.
īƒ˜ At birth – hemispherical
īƒ˜ Growth corresponds to eyeball till puberty
Congenital anamolies
īą Craniosynostosis – premature closure of skull sutures
â€ĸ Crouzon syndrome –
- short AP diameter of skull
- mid facial hypoplasia
- prominent lower jaw
- shallow orbit
- hypertelorism
- V exotropia
â€ĸ Apert syndrome
-Beaked nose
-low set ears
-Developmental delay
-Shallow orbit
â€ĸ Pfeiffer syndrome
īą Dermoid cyst
-MC orbital cystic lession
-Origin īƒ pouches of ectoderm
trapped in bony sutures
īƒ  MC site –frontozygomatic suture.
īą Cephalocoele
-Reflects orbital entrapment of
-MC site- Frontal & Ethmoid
- pathology-herniaton of brain
parenchyma into orbit.
īą Fibrous dysplasia
-Benign developmental fibro-oscious lesion
-Origin-arrest in maturation at woven bone stage
- Pathology –bone is replaced by fibrous tissue.
Gross anatomy
īą Dimensions
ī‚§ Depth ≈ 42 mm along medial wall
≈ 50 mm along lateral wall
ī‚§ Intraorbital width – distance between medial margins of both
orbits ≈ 25 mm
ī‚§ Extraorbital width – distance between lateral margins of both
orbits ≈ 100 mm
ī‚§ Orbital index = (height / width) ×100
>89 – megasenes (orientals)
83 – 89 – mesosenes (caucasian)
< 83 – microsenes (nigros)
ī‚§ Volume ≈ 30ml
-volume of orbit : volume of eyeball = 4.5:1
ī‚§ Angulations – Between lateral wall & sagital plain ≈ 45˚
- Between visual axis & orbital axis ≈ 23˚
- Medial wall of both orbits are parallel to each
- Lateral wall of both orbits bears an angle of 90˚
īą Contents of orbit:
īƒ Eyeball : 1/5 of orbit
īƒ Muscles : 4 Recti , 2 Oblique , LPS , Muller’s muscle
īƒ Nerves :II , III ,IV , VI , V1 (Lacrimal , frontal , nasociliary)
V2 (Infraorbital & zygomatic)
īƒ  Vessels :Ophthalmic artery & its br
infraorbital vessels
br of middle meningial artery
sup & inf ophthalmic vein
īƒ Orbital fat & reticular tissue& orbital Fascia
īƒ  Lacrimal Gland & Sac
īą Walls of orbit :
i)Medial wall: a)Frontal process of maxilla
īƒ Quadranular b)Lacrimal bone
īƒ Made up of c)Orbital plate of ethmoid
d)Body of sphinoid
īƒ In anterior part
lacrimal fossa
bounded by
(d) (c) (b)
Anterior Posterior
lacrimal lacrimal (a)
crest crest
(maxilla) (lacrimal bone)
īƒ Attachments behind post lacrimal crest are
* Horners muscle
* Septum orbitale
* Check lig of MR
īƒ Relations a)Anterior ethmoid sinus
Medially b)Middle meatus
c)Middle ethmoid sinus
d)Posterior ethmoid sinus
Orbital surface related to SO & MR ,in between two lies
â€ĸ Ant & post ethmoidal nerve
â€ĸ Intratrochlear nerve
â€ĸ Terminal br of ophthalmic artery
īƒ Clinical application:
-Thinnest wall
-Ethmoiditis is commonest cause of orbital cellulitis due to
erosion of this wall especially in children.
-It is commonly erroded by chronic inflammatory lesion, cysts
and neoplasms originsting in adjuscent air sinuses.
-Injury to this wall causes troublesome haemorrhages d/t injury
to ethmoidal vessles.
-Easily fractured during injuries or orbitotomy operations.
-Medial wall is easily visualised in PA view of radiograph of skull
ii)Inferior wall
a) Medially - maxillary bone
-Made up of b) Laterally - zygomatic bone
c)Posteriorly -Palatine bone
-Inferior orbital fissure separates posterior part of floor from
-Fissure īƒ  groove īƒ  canal īƒ Infraorbital foramena
(Infraorbital nerve & vessels)
Below īƒ  maxillary & palatine air sinuses
Above īƒ Inferior oblique & rectus muscle & nerve to IO.
-Clinical application:
* Commonly involved in blow out # & easily invaded by
tumours of maxillary antrum.
* Orbital floor can be appraoched by inferior orbitotomy i.e
antral approach.
* Blow out # - Infraorbital nerves & vessels are involved
- clinically īƒ  diplopia, restricted movements in up
parasthesis & enophthalmos.
iii)Lateral wall :
- Made up of Anteriorly –(a) Zygomatic bone
Posteriorly –(b)Greater wing of sphenoid
-Spina recti lateralis – Bony projection on posterior part of
īƒ gives attachment to some fibres of LR
-Lateral orbital tubercle of whitnall - Bony projection on
anterior part of wall īƒ  gives attachment to check lig of LR
-Separated from roof by sup orbital fissure
& from floor by
inferior orbital fissure.
Laterally in anterior part īƒ  temporal fossa
In posterior part īƒ  middle cranial fossa
Medially - LR , Lacrimal nerve & vessels , zygomatic nerve
& their communication.
-Clinical application :
*Lateral wall protects only post ÂŊ of eyeball , anterior ÂŊ is not
covered with bone .
*So , palpation of retroorbital tumours easier from lateral side
than nasal side.
*This wall is almost devoid of foramina , so its anterior ortion
can be easily broached without serious haemorrhages.
*Because of its advantageous anatomical position lateral orbital
surgical approach is popullar .
* Zygomatico-sphenoid suture is most important landmark on
creating a flap in Kronlein’s operation . Once this flap has been
turned , there is direct access to superolateral , inferolateral &
retrobulbar quadrants of orbit.
iv)Superior wall /Roof :
-Made up of Anteriorly –(a)Frontal bone
Posteriorly – (b)Laser wing of sphinoid
-Separates orbit from frontal sinus & anterior cranial fossa.
-Fossa for lacrimal gland –present in anterolateral part of roof
-Trochlear Fossa – present in medial part ,
- attachment for pulley of SO
-Relations :
Above īƒ Frontal lobe & meninges
Below īƒ Periorbita , frontal nerve , trochlear nerve,
LPS , SR , SO & Lacrimal gland
-Ant & post Ethmoidal canals: present at junction of roof &
medial wall
-Clinical significance:
* A sharp object injury through upper lid penetrates the roof &
may damage frontal lobe.
* Orbital roof anamolies or fractures can lead to pulsatile
* Since roof is neither perforated by major nerves nor vessels , it
can be easily nibbed away in transfrontal orbitotomy.
īą Base of orbit:
- anterior open end of orbit.
- bounded by orbital margins i.e. ring of compact bone which
gives attachment to orbital septum.
- Divided into 4 margins (frontal)
i) Superior orbital margin:
- Formed by frontal bone.
- Lateral 2/3 is sharp & medial 1/3 is rounded.
- At this junction lies supraorbital notch transmiting
supraorbital nerves & vessels.
- About 10 mm medial to supraorbital notch is supratrochlear
transmitting supratrochlear nerve & artery.
ii)Lateral orbital margin:
-Formed by zygomatic process of frontal bone & zygomatic
-It does not reach as anteriorly as medial margins.
iii)Inferior orbital margin:
-Formed by laterally īƒ  zygomatic bone
medially īƒ  maxilla
- Medially it continues with anterior lacrimal crest.
- 4-5cm below orbital margin in line with supraorbital notch
lies infraorbital foramena transmitting infraorbital nerve &
iv)Medial orbital margin:
- Formed by below īƒ anterior lacrimal crest (maxilla)
above īƒ frontal bone
frontal bone
īą Appertures at the base of orbit:
- Base of orbit is closed partly by globe , extraocular muscles
& their fascial expansions.
- These fascial expansions & sup and inferior oblique muscles
bound 5 orifices between them & orbital margins .
-These are the communications between orbital cavity & deep
portion of eyelid.
- Through them blood & pus passes out of orbit . Further
spread in lid is prevented by orbital septum.
i) superior apperture:
-comma shaped
-lies between roof & upper surface
of LPS
-Fat from superomedial lobe may
herniate through this apperture.
ii) Superomedial apperture:
-Vertically oval
-Lies between reflected tendon of superior oblique & medial
check ligament
-It transmits īƒ  Infratrochlear nerve ,
īƒ dorsal nasal artery
īƒ angular vein.
-Heniation of fat through this space is common cause of
lobulated prominence in old people.
iii) Inferomedial apperture:
-Vertically oval
-lies between medial check ligament & inferior oblique and
Lacrimal sac.
iv) Inferior apperture:
-Bounded by inferior oblique , arcuate expansion of inf
oblique & floor of orbit.
v) InferoLateral apperture:
-Vertically oval
-Lies between arcuate expansion of inf oblique ,Inf oblique
muscle & Lateral check ligament.
īą Apex of orbit:
-Posterior end of orbit.
-Has 2 orifices
i)Optic canal:
- Connects orbit to middle cranial fossa.
-Transmits Optic nerve & surrounding meninges
Ophthalmic artery.
-Normal adult dimensions are attended by 4-5 yrs.
-Length ≈ 6-11mm
-Orbital end is vertically oval
Centre is circular
Cranial end is horizontally oval
- Optic nerve glioma & meningioma causes unilateral
enlargement of optic canal.
ii)Superior orbital fissure:
-Comma shaped
-Bounded by greater & lesser wing of
-Fissure is divided into upper middle &
lower part by common tendinous
ring .
Structures Passing
Upper Middle Lower
-Superior ophthal. V. -Nasociliary Nerve (V1) -Inferior
-Lacrimal nerve (V1) - Oculomotor Nerve Vein
- Frontal nerve (V1) - Abducent Nerve -Sympathetic
- Trochlear nerve
-Reccurent br of
-Periosteum lining orbital bones.
-Loosely adherant except at orbital margins, sup & inf orbital
fissures , optic canal, lacrimal fossa & at sutures.
-In optic canal dural sheath is adherant to periorbita.
-Arcus marginale: -thickened periorbita at orbital margins
-gives attachment to orbital septum.
-Lacrimal fascia: - periorbita at post lacrimal crest splits into 2
layers īƒ reunits at anterior lacrimal crest to enclose Lacrimal
-Tendinous ring of zinn:- Thickened periorbita at orbital apex
which gives attachment to 4 recti muscles.
īą Orbital fascia:
-Thin connective tissue membrane lining various intraorbital
-Described under following structures
i)Fascia bulbi :
-Envelopes globe from from limbus to optic disc.
-Outer surface lies in contact with orbital fat posteriorly &
subconjunctival tissue anteriorly with which it merges at
-Tenon’s capsule is seperated from sclera by Episcleral space
/ tenon’s space .
-Lower part of fascia bulbi is thickened forming asling on
which the globe rest k/a suspensory ligament of lockhood.
which extends from posterior lacrimal crest to lateral orbital
-stuctures piercing tenons capsule:
o Optic nerve - posteriorly
o Ciliary nerve & vessels -posteriorly
o Venae vorticosae –just behind equator
o Extraocular muscles - anteriorly ; where it becomes
conteneous with fascial sheaths of
ii)Fascial sheaths of extraocular muscles:
-At a point where fascia bulbi is pierced by muscles , it sends
tubular reflections which clothes the muscle & continues as
iii)Fascial expansions of extraocular muscles:
īƒ˜ Lateral & medial check ligament:- Expansions of lateral &
medial rectus are strong & are attached to tubercles on
Zygomatic & Lacrimal bone respectively.
īƒ˜ Expansion of Superior Rectus is attached to LPS īƒ 
ensures synergestic action of two muscles.
Hence when SR makes eye to look up , the upper lid
is also raised.
In maximal levetor resection for ptosis surgery ,
hypotropia can be induced if these connections are not
īƒ˜ Expansion of Inferior rectus is attached to
capsulopalpabral fascia.
īƒ˜ Expansion from Superior oblique passes to trochlea.
īƒ˜ Expansion from Inferior oblique passes to lateral part of
roof & floor.
īƒ˜ Superior transverse ligament of whitnall:
-Condensation of superior sheath of
LPS & reflected tendon of superior
-Extends from trochlear pulley to
lacrimal gland fossa.
- True check ligament of LPS.
īƒ˜ Suspensory ligament of fornices..(Sup & inf)
-Superior suspensory Lig īƒ  During ptosis surgery if this lig is
cut fornix conjuntiva can prolapse,
īƒ˜ Orbital septa.
-passes from periorbita to fascia bulbi.
-These provides specific channels for ophthalmic veins.
iv) Intermuscular septa / membrane:
-It is a Sheath of all 4 recti muscles are joined to each other by
facial membrane.
-It has divided orbital cavity & orbital fat into central &
peripheral part.
īą Surgical spaces in orbit:
- Orbit is divided into 4 surgical spaces
- Importance of these spaces is that most of the orbital
tumours tends to remain with in a space in which they are
formed (unless they are large or malignant or represents
an infiltrative process such as pseudotumour )
1.Subperiosteal space.
2. Peripheral orbital space.
3.Central orbital space.
4. Subtenon’s space
1. Subperiosteal space:
-Lies between orbital bone & periorbita.
-Tumours arising from bone separates periorbita from bone .
-Here periorbita acts as a effective barrier against spread of
tumour to eye.
-Tumours in this space are: īƒ  Dermoid cyst
īƒ Epidermoid cyst
īƒ Mucocoele
īƒ Subperiosteal abscess
īƒ  Myeloma
īƒ  Osteomatous tumour
īƒ  Hematoma
īƒ Fibrous dysplasia
2.Peripheral orbital space:
- Lies between - periorbita at periphery
- extraocular muscles & their intermuscular septa
- orbital septum anteriorlly.
-Posteriorly it merges with central space.
- Contents īƒ  Periorbital fat
īƒ SO , IO , LPS
īƒ  Lacrimal , frontal , trochlear, ant & post ethmoidal
īƒ  superior & inferior ophthalmic vein
īƒ  Lacrimal gland & Lateral ÂŊ of lacrimal sac.
-Tumours in this space are: īƒ Malignant lymphoma
īƒ  Capillary haemangioma of
īƒ  Intrinsic neoplasm of lacrimal
īƒ Pseudotumours
-Tumours in this space are usually approached by anterior
orbitotomy & sometimes by lateral orbitotomy.
-Tumours in this space produce eccentric proptosis.
3. Central orbital space:
- k/a muscle cone / retro-orbital space / posterior space.
- Bounded by - anteriorly tenon’s capsule
-posteriorly by 4 recti & intermuscular septa
- In posterior part ,space becomes continuous with peripheral
-Content :
a) Nerves: -Optic nerve with meninges
- Sup & inf division of oculomotor nerve.
- Abducent nerve
- Nasociliary nerve
- Cilliary ganglion
b) Artery - Ophthalmic artery
c) Vein - Sup ophthalmic vein
d) Central orbital fat.
- Tumours of this space: īƒ Cavernous haemangioma of
īƒ  Solitary neurofibroma
īƒ Neurolemoma
īƒ  Nodular orbital meningiomas
īƒ Optic nerve glioma
-Produces axial proptosis
-Tumours are approached through lateral orbitotomy.
4. Subtenon’s space:
- Space around eyeball between sclera & tenon’s capsule
- Pus collection in this space is drained by incision on tenon’s
capsule through conjunctiva.
īą Orbital fat & reticular tissue:
-It is divided by intermuscular septa into
*Central part *Peripheral part
- 4 lobules
īƒ superomedial
īƒ inferomedial
īƒ  superotemporal
īƒ inferotemporal
-Both becomes continuous with each other postereriorly.
-Benign encapsulated tumours do not alter the normal articular
of reticular tissue except these are under great pressure.
-Malignant & infiltrative lesions like pseudotumours & endocrine
exophthalmos , this basic matrix may alter depending on
nature &
duration of lesion.
Thank you .....

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anatomy of orbital

  • 1. Orbit anatomy -Dr. Prajakta Matey. -(resident at BJGMC)
  • 2. Introduction īƒ Orbit is the anatomical space bounded: *Superiorly-Anterior cranial fossa *Medially – Nasal cavity & Ethmoidal air cells *Inferiorly –Maxillary sinus *Laterally-Middle cranial fossa īƒ Made up of 7 bones : -Ethmoid -Frontal -Lacrimal -Maxillary -Palatine -Spenoid -Zygomatic
  • 3. Embryology īƒ˜ Derived from above –mesenchyme that encircles the optic vessicle below & laterally – maxillary processes medially - fronto nasal process behind – orbitosphenoid. īƒ˜ Developes by īƒ  Enchondral ossification (part derived from base of skull) īƒ  Membrenous ossification (rest all) īƒ˜ By 6 -7 th month laying down of bone starting with maxillary process
  • 4. īƒ˜ During this time optic vesicles which are 170 ÍĻ apart are rotated anteriorly. īƒ˜ At birth – hemispherical īƒ˜ Growth corresponds to eyeball till puberty
  • 5. Congenital anamolies īą Craniosynostosis – premature closure of skull sutures â€ĸ Crouzon syndrome – - short AP diameter of skull - mid facial hypoplasia - prominent lower jaw - shallow orbit - hypertelorism - V exotropia
  • 6. â€ĸ Apert syndrome -Oxycephaly -Syndactyly -Beaked nose -low set ears -Developmental delay -Shallow orbit -Proptosis -hypertelorism â€ĸ Pfeiffer syndrome
  • 7. īą Dermoid cyst -MC orbital cystic lession -Origin īƒ pouches of ectoderm trapped in bony sutures īƒ  MC site –frontozygomatic suture. īą Cephalocoele -Reflects orbital entrapment of neuroectoderm -MC site- Frontal & Ethmoid - pathology-herniaton of brain parenchyma into orbit.
  • 8. īą Fibrous dysplasia -Benign developmental fibro-oscious lesion -Origin-arrest in maturation at woven bone stage - Pathology –bone is replaced by fibrous tissue.
  • 9. Gross anatomy īą Dimensions ī‚§ Depth ≈ 42 mm along medial wall ≈ 50 mm along lateral wall ī‚§ Intraorbital width – distance between medial margins of both orbits ≈ 25 mm ī‚§ Extraorbital width – distance between lateral margins of both orbits ≈ 100 mm ī‚§ Orbital index = (height / width) ×100 >89 – megasenes (orientals) 83 – 89 – mesosenes (caucasian) < 83 – microsenes (nigros) ī‚§ Volume ≈ 30ml -volume of orbit : volume of eyeball = 4.5:1
  • 10. ī‚§ Angulations – Between lateral wall & sagital plain ≈ 45˚ - Between visual axis & orbital axis ≈ 23˚ - Medial wall of both orbits are parallel to each other - Lateral wall of both orbits bears an angle of 90˚
  • 11. īą Contents of orbit: īƒ Eyeball : 1/5 of orbit īƒ Muscles : 4 Recti , 2 Oblique , LPS , Muller’s muscle īƒ Nerves :II , III ,IV , VI , V1 (Lacrimal , frontal , nasociliary) V2 (Infraorbital & zygomatic) īƒ  Vessels :Ophthalmic artery & its br infraorbital vessels br of middle meningial artery sup & inf ophthalmic vein īƒ Orbital fat & reticular tissue& orbital Fascia īƒ  Lacrimal Gland & Sac
  • 12. īą Walls of orbit : i)Medial wall: a)Frontal process of maxilla īƒ Quadranular b)Lacrimal bone īƒ Made up of c)Orbital plate of ethmoid bone d)Body of sphinoid īƒ In anterior part lacrimal fossa bounded by (d) (c) (b) (b) Anterior Posterior lacrimal lacrimal (a) crest crest (maxilla) (lacrimal bone)
  • 13. īƒ Attachments behind post lacrimal crest are * Horners muscle * Septum orbitale * Check lig of MR īƒ Relations a)Anterior ethmoid sinus Medially b)Middle meatus c)Middle ethmoid sinus d)Posterior ethmoid sinus
  • 14. Orbital surface related to SO & MR ,in between two lies â€ĸ Ant & post ethmoidal nerve â€ĸ Intratrochlear nerve â€ĸ Terminal br of ophthalmic artery īƒ Clinical application: -Thinnest wall -Ethmoiditis is commonest cause of orbital cellulitis due to erosion of this wall especially in children. -It is commonly erroded by chronic inflammatory lesion, cysts and neoplasms originsting in adjuscent air sinuses. -Injury to this wall causes troublesome haemorrhages d/t injury to ethmoidal vessles. -Easily fractured during injuries or orbitotomy operations. -Medial wall is easily visualised in PA view of radiograph of skull
  • 15. ii)Inferior wall -Triangular -Shortest a) Medially - maxillary bone -Made up of b) Laterally - zygomatic bone c)Posteriorly -Palatine bone
  • 16. -Inferior orbital fissure separates posterior part of floor from lateral wall. -Fissure īƒ  groove īƒ  canal īƒ Infraorbital foramena (Infraorbital nerve & vessels) -Relations: Below īƒ  maxillary & palatine air sinuses Above īƒ Inferior oblique & rectus muscle & nerve to IO.
  • 17. -Clinical application: * Commonly involved in blow out # & easily invaded by tumours of maxillary antrum. * Orbital floor can be appraoched by inferior orbitotomy i.e antral approach. * Blow out # - Infraorbital nerves & vessels are involved - clinically īƒ  diplopia, restricted movements in up gaze, parasthesis & enophthalmos.
  • 18. iii)Lateral wall : -Triangular - Made up of Anteriorly –(a) Zygomatic bone Posteriorly –(b)Greater wing of sphenoid (b) (a) -Spina recti lateralis – Bony projection on posterior part of wall īƒ gives attachment to some fibres of LR
  • 19. -Lateral orbital tubercle of whitnall - Bony projection on anterior part of wall īƒ  gives attachment to check lig of LR -Separated from roof by sup orbital fissure & from floor by inferior orbital fissure. -Relations: Laterally in anterior part īƒ  temporal fossa In posterior part īƒ  middle cranial fossa Medially - LR , Lacrimal nerve & vessels , zygomatic nerve & their communication.
  • 20. -Clinical application : *Lateral wall protects only post ÂŊ of eyeball , anterior ÂŊ is not covered with bone . *So , palpation of retroorbital tumours easier from lateral side than nasal side. *This wall is almost devoid of foramina , so its anterior ortion can be easily broached without serious haemorrhages. *Because of its advantageous anatomical position lateral orbital surgical approach is popullar . * Zygomatico-sphenoid suture is most important landmark on creating a flap in Kronlein’s operation . Once this flap has been turned , there is direct access to superolateral , inferolateral & retrobulbar quadrants of orbit.
  • 21. iv)Superior wall /Roof : -Triangular -Made up of Anteriorly –(a)Frontal bone Posteriorly – (b)Laser wing of sphinoid (a) (b)
  • 22. -Separates orbit from frontal sinus & anterior cranial fossa. -Fossa for lacrimal gland –present in anterolateral part of roof -Trochlear Fossa – present in medial part , - attachment for pulley of SO
  • 23. -Relations : Above īƒ Frontal lobe & meninges Below īƒ Periorbita , frontal nerve , trochlear nerve, LPS , SR , SO & Lacrimal gland -Ant & post Ethmoidal canals: present at junction of roof & medial wall
  • 24. -Clinical significance: * A sharp object injury through upper lid penetrates the roof & may damage frontal lobe. * Orbital roof anamolies or fractures can lead to pulsatile exophthalmos. * Since roof is neither perforated by major nerves nor vessels , it can be easily nibbed away in transfrontal orbitotomy.
  • 25. īą Base of orbit: - anterior open end of orbit. - bounded by orbital margins i.e. ring of compact bone which gives attachment to orbital septum. - Divided into 4 margins (frontal) i) Superior orbital margin: - Formed by frontal bone. - Lateral 2/3 is sharp & medial 1/3 is rounded. - At this junction lies supraorbital notch transmiting supraorbital nerves & vessels. - About 10 mm medial to supraorbital notch is supratrochlear groove transmitting supratrochlear nerve & artery.
  • 26. ii)Lateral orbital margin: -Strongest -Formed by zygomatic process of frontal bone & zygomatic bone. -It does not reach as anteriorly as medial margins. iii)Inferior orbital margin: -Formed by laterally īƒ  zygomatic bone medially īƒ  maxilla - Medially it continues with anterior lacrimal crest. - 4-5cm below orbital margin in line with supraorbital notch lies infraorbital foramena transmitting infraorbital nerve & vessels
  • 27. iv)Medial orbital margin: - Formed by below īƒ anterior lacrimal crest (maxilla) above īƒ frontal bone frontal bone (maxilla)
  • 28. īą Appertures at the base of orbit: - Base of orbit is closed partly by globe , extraocular muscles & their fascial expansions. - These fascial expansions & sup and inferior oblique muscles bound 5 orifices between them & orbital margins . -These are the communications between orbital cavity & deep portion of eyelid. - Through them blood & pus passes out of orbit . Further spread in lid is prevented by orbital septum.
  • 29. i) superior apperture: -comma shaped -lies between roof & upper surface of LPS -Fat from superomedial lobe may herniate through this apperture. ii) Superomedial apperture: -Vertically oval -Lies between reflected tendon of superior oblique & medial check ligament -It transmits īƒ  Infratrochlear nerve , īƒ dorsal nasal artery īƒ angular vein.
  • 30. -Heniation of fat through this space is common cause of lobulated prominence in old people. iii) Inferomedial apperture: -Vertically oval -lies between medial check ligament & inferior oblique and Lacrimal sac. iv) Inferior apperture: -Triangular -Bounded by inferior oblique , arcuate expansion of inf oblique & floor of orbit.
  • 31. v) InferoLateral apperture: -Vertically oval -Lies between arcuate expansion of inf oblique ,Inf oblique muscle & Lateral check ligament.
  • 32. īą Apex of orbit: -Posterior end of orbit. -Has 2 orifices i)Optic canal: - Connects orbit to middle cranial fossa. -Transmits Optic nerve & surrounding meninges Ophthalmic artery. -Normal adult dimensions are attended by 4-5 yrs. -Length ≈ 6-11mm -Orbital end is vertically oval Centre is circular Cranial end is horizontally oval - Optic nerve glioma & meningioma causes unilateral enlargement of optic canal.
  • 33. ii)Superior orbital fissure: -Comma shaped -Bounded by greater & lesser wing of sphinoid. -Fissure is divided into upper middle & lower part by common tendinous ring .
  • 34. Structures Passing Upper Middle Lower -Superior ophthal. V. -Nasociliary Nerve (V1) -Inferior ophthalmic -Lacrimal nerve (V1) - Oculomotor Nerve Vein - Frontal nerve (V1) - Abducent Nerve -Sympathetic Plexus - Trochlear nerve -Reccurent br of
  • 35. īąPeriorbita: -Periosteum lining orbital bones. -Loosely adherant except at orbital margins, sup & inf orbital fissures , optic canal, lacrimal fossa & at sutures. -In optic canal dural sheath is adherant to periorbita. -Arcus marginale: -thickened periorbita at orbital margins -gives attachment to orbital septum.
  • 36. -Lacrimal fascia: - periorbita at post lacrimal crest splits into 2 layers īƒ reunits at anterior lacrimal crest to enclose Lacrimal sac. -Tendinous ring of zinn:- Thickened periorbita at orbital apex which gives attachment to 4 recti muscles.
  • 37. īą Orbital fascia: -Thin connective tissue membrane lining various intraorbital structures. -Described under following structures i)Fascia bulbi : -Envelopes globe from from limbus to optic disc. -Outer surface lies in contact with orbital fat posteriorly & subconjunctival tissue anteriorly with which it merges at limbus. -Tenon’s capsule is seperated from sclera by Episcleral space / tenon’s space . -Lower part of fascia bulbi is thickened forming asling on which the globe rest k/a suspensory ligament of lockhood. which extends from posterior lacrimal crest to lateral orbital wall.
  • 38.
  • 39. -stuctures piercing tenons capsule: o Optic nerve - posteriorly o Ciliary nerve & vessels -posteriorly o Venae vorticosae –just behind equator o Extraocular muscles - anteriorly ; where it becomes conteneous with fascial sheaths of muscles. ii)Fascial sheaths of extraocular muscles: -At a point where fascia bulbi is pierced by muscles , it sends tubular reflections which clothes the muscle & continues as perimysium.
  • 40. iii)Fascial expansions of extraocular muscles: īƒ˜ Lateral & medial check ligament:- Expansions of lateral & medial rectus are strong & are attached to tubercles on Zygomatic & Lacrimal bone respectively. īƒ˜ Expansion of Superior Rectus is attached to LPS īƒ  ensures synergestic action of two muscles. Hence when SR makes eye to look up , the upper lid is also raised. In maximal levetor resection for ptosis surgery , hypotropia can be induced if these connections are not severed. īƒ˜ Expansion of Inferior rectus is attached to capsulopalpabral fascia. īƒ˜ Expansion from Superior oblique passes to trochlea. īƒ˜ Expansion from Inferior oblique passes to lateral part of roof & floor.
  • 41. īƒ˜ Superior transverse ligament of whitnall: -Condensation of superior sheath of LPS & reflected tendon of superior oblique. -Extends from trochlear pulley to lacrimal gland fossa. - True check ligament of LPS. īƒ˜ Suspensory ligament of fornices..(Sup & inf) -Superior suspensory Lig īƒ  During ptosis surgery if this lig is cut fornix conjuntiva can prolapse, īƒ˜ Orbital septa. -passes from periorbita to fascia bulbi. -These provides specific channels for ophthalmic veins.
  • 42. iv) Intermuscular septa / membrane: -It is a Sheath of all 4 recti muscles are joined to each other by facial membrane. -It has divided orbital cavity & orbital fat into central & peripheral part.
  • 43. īą Surgical spaces in orbit: - Orbit is divided into 4 surgical spaces - Importance of these spaces is that most of the orbital tumours tends to remain with in a space in which they are formed (unless they are large or malignant or represents an infiltrative process such as pseudotumour ) 1.Subperiosteal space. 2. Peripheral orbital space. 3.Central orbital space. 4. Subtenon’s space
  • 44. 1. Subperiosteal space: -Lies between orbital bone & periorbita. -Tumours arising from bone separates periorbita from bone . -Here periorbita acts as a effective barrier against spread of tumour to eye. -Tumours in this space are: īƒ  Dermoid cyst īƒ Epidermoid cyst īƒ Mucocoele īƒ Subperiosteal abscess īƒ  Myeloma īƒ  Osteomatous tumour īƒ  Hematoma īƒ Fibrous dysplasia .
  • 45. 2.Peripheral orbital space: - Lies between - periorbita at periphery - extraocular muscles & their intermuscular septa internally - orbital septum anteriorlly. -Posteriorly it merges with central space. - Contents īƒ  Periorbital fat īƒ SO , IO , LPS īƒ  Lacrimal , frontal , trochlear, ant & post ethmoidal nerve. īƒ  superior & inferior ophthalmic vein īƒ  Lacrimal gland & Lateral ÂŊ of lacrimal sac.
  • 46. -Tumours in this space are: īƒ Malignant lymphoma īƒ  Capillary haemangioma of childhood īƒ  Intrinsic neoplasm of lacrimal gland īƒ Pseudotumours -Tumours in this space are usually approached by anterior orbitotomy & sometimes by lateral orbitotomy. -Tumours in this space produce eccentric proptosis.
  • 47. 3. Central orbital space: - k/a muscle cone / retro-orbital space / posterior space. - Bounded by - anteriorly tenon’s capsule -posteriorly by 4 recti & intermuscular septa - In posterior part ,space becomes continuous with peripheral space. -Content : a) Nerves: -Optic nerve with meninges - Sup & inf division of oculomotor nerve. - Abducent nerve - Nasociliary nerve - Cilliary ganglion b) Artery - Ophthalmic artery c) Vein - Sup ophthalmic vein d) Central orbital fat.
  • 48. - Tumours of this space: īƒ Cavernous haemangioma of adults īƒ  Solitary neurofibroma īƒ Neurolemoma īƒ  Nodular orbital meningiomas īƒ Optic nerve glioma -Produces axial proptosis -Tumours are approached through lateral orbitotomy.
  • 49. 4. Subtenon’s space: - Space around eyeball between sclera & tenon’s capsule - Pus collection in this space is drained by incision on tenon’s capsule through conjunctiva.
  • 50. īą Orbital fat & reticular tissue: -It is divided by intermuscular septa into *Central part *Peripheral part - 4 lobules īƒ superomedial īƒ inferomedial īƒ  superotemporal īƒ inferotemporal
  • 51. -Both becomes continuous with each other postereriorly. -Benign encapsulated tumours do not alter the normal articular structure of reticular tissue except these are under great pressure. -Malignant & infiltrative lesions like pseudotumours & endocrine exophthalmos , this basic matrix may alter depending on nature & duration of lesion.