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Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Speaker-Dependent Based Speech Recognition
Lilik Untari1
SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo2
Nur Asiyah3
Muhammad Zainal
IAIN Surakarta
This is the first part of the two parts of a qualitative focused R&D research aimed at
designing an application to assist students with visual impairment (VI) in learning English
writing and reading skills. The designed application was a speaker-dependent based speech
recognition. Conducting alpha and beta testings, it was revealed that MAKTUM, the name of
the application, exposed weaknesses on the selection of Ogden‘s Basic English as the
linguistic resources for the application and on the recording complexities. On the other hand,
MAKTUM displayed strengths in individualized pronunciation and simple interfaces to
Key Words: MAKTUM, Speech Recognition, Visual Impairment
Penelitian pengembangan dengan fokus pada aspek kualitatif ini adalah penelitian tahap
pertama dari dua tahap penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi
berbasis speech recognition untuk membantu mahasiswa tunanetra dalam mempelajari
bahasa Inggris khususnya keahlian menulis dan membaca. Setelah melakukan alpha dan beta
testing, terungkap bahwa MAKTUM memiliki kelemahan pada pemilihan Basic English oleh
Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta
Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta
Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta
Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta
They can be reached at
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Ogden dan kompleksitas perekaman individual. Sementara itu kelebihan MAKTUM terlihat
pada sistem pelafalan personal yang dimilikinya dan menu antar muka yang mudah
Kata kunci: MAKTUM, Speech Recognition, Mahasiswa Tunanetra.
The absence of linguistics based learning aid for visually impaired (VI) students is
one of the basic problems universities face and the same problem occurs in the Faculty of
Islamic Studies and Teacher Training at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta (IAIN Surakarta).
In its fourth year of inclusive education, the faculty static in developing any electronic or
digital aid to sustain its visually impaired students in enhancing their learning experiences
and achievements. In the scope of English Department student, one student with visual
impairment suffers visual acuteness of 20/70 or classified as partial visual impairment
(Berger and Constance, 1970). In WHO scale, 20/70 is classified into severe visual
impairment (SVI) or low vision (Freeman, 2007).
The PVI category the student suffers from, in the context of linguistics, triggers a high
susceptibility toward the declination of linguistic proficiency (Galiano and Portelie, 2011).
The linguistic profiencies the student suffers from are dominantly in reading and writing
skills. This condition is perceptible from the necessity for the student to require a reading
assistant when a test is in progress. In English language, abridging this condition, simplified
English (SE) is designed (Kashdan and Barnes, 2002). This consideration to adopt simplified
English is not yet taken into account when deciding to accept students with VI and thereby it
triggers the feeling of social isolation (Webb, 2006), in the case of the student of English
Department, the feeling emerges in reading and writing class. The social isolation is
perceivable from the fact that the student is required to alter her reading and writing
experiences into listening and speaking experiences exercised for reading and writing
purposes. Therefore, an assistive technology to bridge these experiences is of necessity to
assist the student in her reading and writing class. Text-to-speech technologies, like stylus
pen (Zworykin and Flory, 1947), talking book pen, Kurzweil Reading Machine (KRM)
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
(Dorman, 1995), The Reading Edge (Dorman, 1995) and Kindle. Meanwhile writing skills,
the focus of this research, are abridgedable by speech-to-text technology. Microsoft Word,
Dragon Nuance, Speakonia and other speech-to-text technologies are few to name.
The aforementioned speech recognition software and applications, due to its global
nature, are operated based on speech following to the English pronunciation standards. This
fact evokes a problem in the context of English as Foreign Language (EFL), a problem linked
to the standardization of English pronunciation. The presence of English pronunciation
standard on the speech recognition technologies indicates that the technologies are
dominantly intended for English native speakers. This is problematic if connected to the
problem faced by the VI student as aforementioned before. Students with VI possesses a
misunderstanding and an incomplete comprehension of a sound (Wild, Wilson, and Hobson,
2013) from which language expressions of the students are limited especially in reading and
writing skills. Therefore, speech-to-text technologies with standardized pronuciation are
assumed to hinder non-native students, especially students with VI, when they attempt to
learn reading and writing skills. Departing from this assumption and the fact for the need of
speech-to-text technology abridgable for the VI student to use, this research and development
inquiry with qualitative focus attempts to design speech-to-text technology friendly to VI
To design the technology, the first step taken was to adopt a concept of mother tongue
related foreign language inspired from MT-Based MLE (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education), a language instruction involving the use of mother tongue along with other
languages used in a classroom (Malone, 2007). The incorporation of MT-Based MLE is
expected to open a possibility to record voices and writings adjusted to the pronunciation
standardization of the users. Thereby, it is expected the problems evoked from English
pronunciation standardization in designing a speech recognition application are solved.
Departing from aforementioned logical sequence, this research focused on
constructing a reciprocal design between student and lecturer. The following illustration
might help explain the intended reciprocal design:
Exercise making
by lecturers using
the text-to-speech
Assessing the
answers, and
discussing them
with the student
Answering the
exercises by the
student using
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
MT-Based MLE
The reciprocality of the application is perceptible from the interactions between the lecturer
and the student with the designed applicaition abridging them. The initiation of this
reciprocality starts by the inputs executed by the lecturers to the student in writing skill
exercises through text-to-speech technology. Utilizing this feature, the text composed by the
lecturers is converted into a speech. Through the technology, the student performs an exercise
by responding to the exercises given by the lecturer. The response is in the form of pseech by
the student which is converted into a text by the application.
Completing the exercises, the exercise will be downloaded as a text to which the
lecturers examine the answers and discuss the answers with the student. This cycle is
expected to generate a meta experience, an experience resulting from thought and feelings
toward the mood (Mayer and Gaschke, 1988), for the VI student. Regarding to writing skills
for VI students, meta experience is visible from the writing engagement process executed
through speech recognition technology. The following illustration depicts the relationship
between the designed speech recognition application with the expected meta experience:
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Opertion, functionality, interactivity, and accessibility are a union defining a program or
an application. Operation refers to the mechanical capabilities a program or an application
has. Functionality denotes the usabilities or benefits the program or the application has
toward the users. Interactivity signifies the level and form of communication appearing
between the users and the program or the application (HCI/Human Computer Interaction).
Accessibility refers to the capabilities a program or an application has for an access by
various types of users. Those four elements establish a meta-experience generated from the
four elements the program or application has. For instance, the application this research
attempts to design. The application aimed at assisting students with VI in learning English
especially writing skill and thereby this application is expected to endow a real learning
experience as that of non VI students. This application is expected to endow the users a
situated and simulated learning, digital and virtual paedagogical presentation aligned to the
real world (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, Gee, 2004). Therefore, it is an expectation that the
students with VI possess meta-experience presented through situated and simulated learning
generated from this English linguistics aid.
This research resulting in an application called MAKTUM focused, first, on writing skill
as the primary focus of the skill and reading as the secondary focus. The primary focus of the
object was the VI student and the secondary was the lecturer. Secondary focus emerged due
to reciprocality owned by MAKTUM. Second, MAKTUM was a fusion of text-to-speech and
speech-to-text with the former still under development. Third, MAKTUM was targeted for
students with VI with categorization and clarification by Berger and Kautz of which the
relationship between language acquisition and visual impairment is perceptible. Fourth,
MAKTUM design related to speech recognition was limited to identification technology, sub
technology linked to word recognition uttered by verification technology, sub technology
designed to verify the uttered word accuracy. Fifth, MAKTUM did not incorporate NLG
(Natural Language Generator), natural language verifier since MAKTUM utilized MT-Based
Research Objective
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The purposes of this research were first, to reveal the weakness MAKTUM has in
assisting writing skill learning by the VI student of English Department at IAIN Surakarta.
Second was to unveil the strength MAKTUM has in assisting the writing skill learning, and
third was to obtain responses from the VI student toward MAKTUM.
Research Methodology
This research was a research and development focusing not on product comparison but on
response intakes toward the designed product in alpha and beta testing scope. The primary
objective of this research was to design an application implemented to assist students with VI
of English Department at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta in learning writing and reading
This research was executed through three steps or triple helix (Mahdjoubi, 2009) namely
preliminary research, design, and application. The preliminary research was aimed at
revealing the negative impacts students with VI in the English Department without the
presence of an assistive technology helping the students qualitatively. The result obtained
from this preliminary research was utilized as an input to guide the researchers in designing
MAKTUM. After the design was completed, the next phase was to acquire the responses
toward MAKTUM from the student and the lecturers purposively.
The data validation utilized in this research was content-scale validation from Garcia-
Valderrama and Mulero-Mendigorri. Content-scale validation specifically designed to
validate research and development was executed through three phases namely selection,
consultation, and scalation (2005). Selection revolves around qualitative and quantitative
aspect selection assumed to possess the most crucial roles in developing a product. This
selection was undergone by performing extensive reviews on related literature.
Consultation concerns on consultation to the experts regarding with the qualitative and
quantitave aspects of the products. Scalation operates around employing scale design to
imply the conjunction of qualitative and quantitative aspects. In the context of MAKTUM,
qualitative aspects include interface and interactivity discussed through literary reviews
discussing both aspects. The consultation of MAKTUM was executed by cooperating with I
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
After Smile studio and the scalation was undergone by combining table structurization by
Spradley intended to reveal the connection between interface and interactivity.
The research procedures were (1) observing the student with VI in English
Department regarding with the level of VI and English writing and reading competences (2)
interviewing the student regarding with the difficulties faced in English writing and reading
skills (3) designing the alpha version of MAKTUM based on the obsevation and the
interview (4) performing an alpha testing on MAKTUM involving the experts from I After
Smile Studio (5) redesigning MAKTUM based on the result of alpha testing (6) performing a
beta testing involving the student and the lecturers of reading and writing (7) uploading to and Google Play.
The Description of MAKTUM
MAKTUM yang bisa diunduh untuk android melalui atau bisa diakses
online melalui
ini didesain dengan menggunakan pendekatan koneksionis dan karakterisasi ASR (Automatic
Speech Recognition) (Boulard and Morgan, 2012) untuk fitur speech recognition-nya dan
pendekatan pola (pattern) untuk menu antar mukanya. Pendekatan koneksionis yang
digabungkan dengan ASR menghasilkan aplikasi speech recognition yang bersifat speaker-
dependent, berkosa kata khusus, dalam kasus ini adalah Basic English, dan tuturannya
bersifat isolatif.
MAKTUM is downloadable for Android application via or accessible via
online from was
designed using a connectionist approach and characterization of ASR (Automatic Speech
Recognition) for its speech recognition feature, and pattern approach for the inter-face menu.
Connectionist approach combined with ASR produced speaker-dependent speech recognition
application having special vocabularies, in this case Basic English, and isolative speech.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The resulting design from the aforementioned approach and characterization is a
reflection of the special linguistic needs for students with visual impairment. The underlying
assumption is that those who have disabilities, although inclusive in domain, require special
assistance also both in terms of operationalization and content of a linguistic aid application.
This assumption is in line with the concept of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in the
perspective of the pattern approach, which stresses the specificity of the needs of the
technology users (Borchers, 2001). In the context of an application intended for users with
special needs, the interface of MAKTUM was designed with a minimalistic number of menu
and simple functionality. The visually impaired student from whom MAKTUM was designed
has low vision so that the menu design applies bright colors in order to be easy to read. The
example of menu presented in MAKTUM is as follows:
Chart 1 The Display of MAKTUM
The combination of connectionist approach, ASR characteristics, and pattern approach
in the context of linguistic need for those with special needs produces in the application that
is in linearity with the user, or in simple words, user-friendly.
MAKTUM consists of three main menus, namely Start, Clear, and Save. The Start
Menu is to start the recognition, CLEAR is to delete the text resulted from the recognition,
and Save is to save and download the text. In addition to the operational menu, there are also
descriptive menus which describe the status of the spoken utterances; Interim Result and
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Final Result menus. Interim Result Menu displays the text version of the utterances that can
still be corrected while Final result Menu displays the final result of the utterances.
Alpha and Beta Testing Result
The Alpha and Beta Testing implemented in this research covers the alpha testing for
content and operationalization as suggested in the concept of usability by Craig and Jaskiel
(2002). Through the Alpha Testing from the language application design expert in I After
Smile studio, MAKTUM is claimed to have two strengths and two weaknesses. The first
strength is that MAKTUM incorporates individual-based pronunciation which minimizes the
basic problem in pronunciation, International standard pronunciation. This strength, however,
comes with a weakness, the complexity of the recording.
The complexity comes to appear as the user has to record around 1500 words covered
in Charles Kay Ogaden‘s theory of Basic English. From linguistic perspective, the decision to
use this Basic English is considered less appropriate as this theory, in addition to the fact that
it is too classic to use, does not have the linguistic and philosophical accuracy in defining the
meaning of Basic and English as disclosed by Flesch (1944), and the trend of free to speech
in syntactical context which in turn lead to grammatical confusion for Basic English has
different grammar from the English language in general (1994).
The linguistic weakness of Basic English, as mentioned previously, is based more on
the structural perspective. From the functional perspective in the context of disabilities, as
discussed by oleh Pena (1967), Becker (1977), Templer (2006), dan Templer (2009), it is
revealed that English simplification is needed for those with special needs. The problems that
arise in the context of language simplification lies in the question whether or not the
simplification of the language includes all language units or only one of them such as
phonetic (Santa Ana, 1991) or lexica; (Spacia, Jauhar, Mihalcea, 2012) simplification.
The decision to choose Ogden‘s Basic English is in relation to the holistification of
English simplification which covers not only word-based lexical simplification with high
frequency of use but also the restructuring of English grammar though the implementation in
MAKTUM becomes redundant. The redundancy comes to appear as the grammatical
structure does not become the main focus in its design. MAKTUM which function as a
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
speech recognition based linguistic aid application has the purpose of transferring the user‘s
voice into a physical lexical form so that third parties such as lecturers or teachers can, in the
context of writing or grammar lectures, read the work of MAKTUM user, in this case the
The basic function, as described previously, does not require grammatical
construction as formulated by Ogden. The separation of frequent vocabularies from the
grammar in MAKTUM is because the design of MAKTUM was based on the connectionist
approach, ASR characteristics, and pattern approach which emphasize on specific design for
specific user.
The second strength, as revealed from the Alpha and Beta Testing, in the context of
the user interface of the speech recognition designed based on pattern approach is that
MAKTUM has simple user interface resulting in the easy operation by the user. In the
perspective of speech recognition with speaker-dependent characteristic, the simple user
interface menu designed based on the specificity of the user has fulfilled the criteria of being
user-friendly. However, in the perspective of speaker-dependent speech-recognition and the
perspective of users with special needs in overall context, the user interface displayed in
MAKTUM does not meet the criteria of being user-friendly.
This claim is based on the perspective of correlation of the menus at the user interface
categorized as collection, a relationship among objects (menus) directly related to the
operationalization of a menu without affecting other objects in the interface (Gallitz, 2007).
In this perspective of collection, the expert team in I After Smile consider, MAKTUM should
maximize the user interface menu for all levels of the visually impaired people by
implementing voice-recognition or motion sensors to the interface menu operationalization
which basically emphasizes on the ergonomics of menu.
By means of applying the Alpha Testing from the language application design expert
in I After Smile studio, MAKTUM is claimed to have two strengths and two weaknesses. The
first strength is that MAKTUM incorporates individual-based pronunciation which minimizes
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
the basic problem in pronunciation, International standard pronunciation. This strength,
however, comes with a weakness, the complexity of the recording.
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literacy in social practice: A reader, 1-10.
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Pena, A. A. (1967). A Comparative Study of Selected Syntactical Structures of the Oral
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Santa Ana, A. (1991). Phonetic simplification processes in the* English of the Barrio:
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Semantic Evaluation (pp. 347-355). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Templer, B. (2006). Revitalizing'Basic English'in Asia: New directions in English as a lingua
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Templer, B. (2009). A two-tier model for a more simplified and sustainable English as an
international language. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 7(2), 187-216.
Webb, Sue. (2006). Can ICT Reduce Social Exclusion? The Case of an Adults‟ English
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2006, pp.481-507.
Wild, T. A., Hilson, M. P., & Hobson, S. M. (2013). The Conceptual Understanding of Sound
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107(2), 107-116
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Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Apr. 5, 1947), pp.
Indonesian and English Lexical Metaphoric Expressions
Used In Online Competition News Text
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Siti Tarwiyah
FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang
The subject of this article deals with discourse semantics. The focus of its description is
metaphoric expressions used to express competition news in online media. Based on some
theories about metaphor, the writer tries to search for kinds of metaphoric expressions used
and the reasons behind the use of the expressions. The result shows that English and
Indonesian language use lexical metaphors with three specifications, i.e. anthropomorphic,
animal, and synesthetic. The choice of specific lexical metaphoric expressions is related to
situational and cultural aspects.
Key words: Metaphor, Online Media News, Cultural Aspects
Subyek artikel ini berhubungan dengan semantik wacana. Fokus deskripsinya ialah ekspresi
metaforis yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan berita kompetisi di media online.
Didasarkan pada beberapa teori tentang metafora, penulis mencoba untuk mencari jenis
ekspresi metaforis yang digunakan dan alasan di balik penggunaan ekspresi tersebut. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan metafora
leksikal dengan tiga spesifikasi, yaitu metafora antropomorfik, metafora binatang dan
metafora sinestetik. Pilihan ekspresi metaforis leksikal tertentu berkaitan dengan aspek situasi
dan budaya.
Kata Kunci: Metafora, Berita Media Online, Aspek Budaya
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Every nation or community has its own ways to express information, thought, idea,
attitude, and stand point. This is in line with Saussure opinion (in Crystal, 1993:407) that the
relationship between signifier (form) and signified (meaning) is arbitrary. This arbitrariness
mainly depends on culture of the society and how they see phenomena around them. Javanese
people consider their interlocutors in choosing which speech level to use, Ngoko, Kromo, or
Basa. English people see the importance of time through the use of tenses. Eskimo
differentiate five kinds of snow represented by five terms. Indonesian people see the
difference among padi, beras, and nasi which are called rice in English.
On the other hand, language also influences choices of interpretation to things around
the language users. Sapir (in Hodge and Gunther, 1993:210) said, ―... language habits of our
community predisposes certain choices of interpretation. In Indonesian language padi is
different from beras and nasi. All of which are called rice in English. This results in an
interpretation that all those three things are different that must be treated differently in
accordance with their functions.
Metaphor, as one of figurative languages may be seen as another example of the
difference in language use. Every speech community often has distinctive symbols to refer to
certain referents. English people may say dr. Yusuf is a butcher, pass with flying colors, feel
blue, which cannot be found in Indonesian language.
The definitions of metaphor from some experts seem varied. Metaphor or figure of
speech is ―a word or phrase which is used for special effect, and which does not have its
usual or literal meaning‖ (Richards, 1990: 105). The Greek translation of metaphor simply
means ‗transfer‘. It is a transfer because it replaces a certain word which cannot fully express
the writer‘s mind. Johnson (1972:26) defines metaphor as ―carry beyond‖. It is an expression
that literally denotes one thing but at the same time it is used to refer to something else. The
changing of the referent is influenced by its context. Metaphor is based on perception of
similarities between two references, i.e., thing which is being talked and which is being
compared (Ullmann, 1972:213). It is a normal thing that we see some same metaphoric
expressions in many languages as far as they have clear analogies (1972:238)
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Metaphor is a variation of language which can be found in any language. Lakoff and
Johnson in Metaphors We Live By admits this phenomenon. They say that metaphors is used
both in literature and in daily language in any language and dialect (in Hatch and Cheryl,
1995:87). Some examples of universal metaphors are analogizing darkness with sadness or
bad luck (Cirlot in Abdul Wahab, 1991:15), catch or grab means understand (Ullmann,
1972:238), assuming heat as anger (Lakoff and Johnson in Hatch and Cheryl, 1995:96).
Meanwhile, Harimurti says that is the use of a certain word or expression for another
object or concept based on analogy or similarities (1983:106). Metaphor is an analogy that
compares two things directly (Gorys Keraf, 1987:139 and Anton M. Moeliono, 1988:580).
Abdul Wahab, an Indonesian linguist who has observed metaphoric problems, defines
metaphor as an expression whose meaning cannot be grasped directly from its form because
the meaning is predicated on the expression. The meaning is formulated based on
understanding and experience of the thing meant to refer something else (1995:72).
Metaphor is a creative power of language. It may give the freshness in language, avoid
boredom, revive dead things (language), and actualize things (language) which are paralyzed.
That is why metaphoric expressions are mainly used in literature with the creativity of men of
letters in processing language (Edi Soebroto, 1986:46).
Metaphoric concept is actually based on relativism paradigm that is figured by Edward
Sapir (1921) and Whorf (1956). According to this school, meaning is the result of mental
processes. This is due to unseparated relationship between human and their society, which
influences human‘s thought about their life (Sapir in Sampson, 1980:82-83).
Metaphor is an important in our conceptual system. It may also reinforce social values
of its user. ―Metaphors are fundamental parts of our conceptual system. We could not
eliminate them from our vocabulary or our press.‖ (Nelson in Pangestuti, 1997:183) ―… By
framing an issue in a particular way, metaphors reinforce certain social values….‖
(1997:182) some rude or taboo expressions tend to be metaphorized in order to be more
polite or cultured. Indonesian people prefer using pekerja seks komersial to cabul, keluarga
pra-sejahtera to keluarga miskin that are more euphemistic.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Every nation or language community has different ways of expressing information,
idea, attitude and stand. Saussure said that the relationship between form (signifier) and
meaning (signified) is arbitrary (Crystal, 1993:407). This difference depends on the culture of
the community and the way they view phenomena around them. Javanese people often take
the status of their interlocutor into account, which is then used as consideration whether to
use krama or ngoko. The use of tense in English asserts the importance of time within
English people. People in Eskimo have more than five words to refer to different snow.
Indonesian people have padi, gabah, and beras, while English people only have rice. All
these expressions and norms of speech are tightly related to the view of each people on the
realities around them.
The principle of arbitrary can also be seen in the use of metaphor. Besides its universal
every language community often has different symbol to refer to a certain referent. English
people has no cry over the spilt milk, which is expressed as nasi sudah menjadi bubur in
Indonesian language. Chagga speakers see a sexy woman as lilya ‗oven‘ but Indonesian
people see this woman as a guitar.
As a kind of creativity of language use, metaphors are interesting to be observed. In
which domain it should be looked? Searle claimed that metaphor is an utterance meaning
rather than sentence meaning and should be investigated pragmatically (Morgan, 1980:139).
Abdul Wahab asserted that social and cultural context, human perception, comprehension,
and sometimes myth and symbolism should be taken into account when we discuss metaphor
(1995:93). This is to say that enough knowledge about this world is highly recommended in
the discussion.
Metaphor has something to do with human perception system of this universe and
feeling (Hatch and Cheryl, 1995:95). Suggesting the similar argument, George Lakoff and
Mark Johnson (1980) say,
―… Metaphor is not just a matter of language, that is, of mere words. We shall argue
that …. Human thought processes are largely metaphoric. This is what we mean when
we say that human conceptual system is metaphorically structured and defined.‖ (In
Abdul Wahab, 1995:76)
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Lexical metaphor is identified from the use of a certain word that denotes a certain
thing or reality to refer to another thing or reality. The word flooded in in the protest flooded
in is an example of lexical metaphor. Flooded usually refers to a large quantity of water
covering an area that is usually dry. The congruent expressions to describe a big protest are
Protest were received in large quantities and even very many people protested.
Research Methodology
a. Object of the study
The object of this study is online competition news text uploaded from October to
December 2014.
b. Unit of Analysis
This research is focused on metaphoric expressions used to express competition news.
The analysis involves lexemes in its context or grammar. It is realized at the lexico-grammar
strata. According to Eggins (1994: 82), if the stratum of language to be analyzed is lexico-
grammar, the unit of analysis is clause.
c. Technique of Data Collection
The data of this study was collected by downloading online competition news text uploaded
from October to December 2014.
d. Technique of Data Analysis
The data was analyzed by using the following steps:
a. Reading the news
b. Segmenting the news into clauses
c. Identifying the metaphoric expressions
d. Identifying semantic relations between symbol (metaphoric expressions) and referents.
e. Interpreting the influence of cultural aspects toward the use of symbols.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
1. Anthropomorphic Metaphors
The tables below shows Indonesian and English lexical metaphors used in
Indonesian online competition news.
Table 1
Indonesian Anthropomorphic Metaphors
No. Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. singkirkan unggulan
pertama (Ib1)
opponent/people 
unused thing
2. menyingkirkan unggulan
pertama (Ib3)
opponent/people 
unused thing
3. mengukuhkan provinsi
ibu kota negara (Id2)
winning  title decide as the winnerl
4. menggeser dominasi
Jateng (Id3)
opponent/people  thing outdo
5. membabat semua
kategori (Ia4)
cathegory  grass win
6. menyabet 29 emas (Ia5) medal  people/things win
7. kejutan besar ditorehkan
winning  latex, sap got
Table 2
English Anthropomorphic Metaphors
No. Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. societal shift (Ea6) people  thing slight change
2. a push toward gender
quality (Ea7)
quality  concrete thing motivation
3. give himself a shot (Eb1) game  battle play
4. shot up the ranking (Eb3) game  battle get higher rank
5. It was neck and neck nerveous  human body nervous
6. maiden World Sperseries
event  people First event
7. edged past Denmark‘
Mads Pieler (Eb15)
people  thing outdo
8. a stunning performance game  fight good
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
9. by sweeping their ...
opponent/people 
unused thing
10. the other wins came
winning 
win the game
11. they moved to second
winning  place become the second
12. on the provisional
winning  position winning
Non-metaphoric expressions (in meaning column) describe the semantic relationship
between referent and symbol clearer. The meanings are drawn based on the context of each
expression and the shared semantic features between metaphoric and non-metaphoric
expressions or symbol and referent as shown in the following examples:
(1) menyingkirkan unggulan pertama (Ib3) (2) defeating the seed no 1
―Getting rid of the seed no 1‖
- Throwing something away - giving no chance to play in the next round
- Done with effort - done with effort
- The thing moves from the previous place - the team leave the next round
Menyingkirkan ―getting rid of‖ is said to symbolize defeating because of those similar
semantic features.
Opponent/people  thing dominates symbolization of metaphors of this kind. The
symbol used are singkirkan (Ib1), menyingkirkan (Ib3), menggeser (Id3). The meaning
conveyed is to defeat/to outdo/to win. Again, the defeated team is seen as the victim. The
same symbolization is also often used in English. The used symbols are societal (Ea6), edged
past (Eb15), and sweeping (Ec3).
The symbols which may be typical are membabat (Ia4), menyabet (Ia5), ditorehkan
(Ib2). This is due to the relationship between all those expressions with agricultural setting of
community life, which is still dominant in Indonesia. Meanwhile, some English metaphoric
expressions are closed to their modern tradition. It can be seen from the use of shot (Eb1) and
shot up (Eb3) which employ such modern tool as gun. The same symbols are not found in
Indonesian online compettition news.
2. Animal Metaphors
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Metaphors of this kind can be seen from the examples in table 3 and 4 below:
Table 3: Indonesian Animal Metaphors
No. Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. menunjukkan taringnya
team  animal good play
2. taring itu ditunjukkan (Ia2) team  animal good play
3. mengincar kemenangan
winning  prey pursue
4. jadi incaran (Ia7) winning  prey pursue
5. memburu nomor individual
winning  prey pursue
Table 4
English Animal Metaphors
No. Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. flying regionally (Ed2) team  animal play
2. a hawk in flight (Ed3) team  animal team
From the data in the two tables, it may also be concluded that Indonesian animal
metaphors are dominantly pertaining to hunting. Such symbols as taring (Ia2)/taringnya
(Ia1), mengincar (Ia6)/incaran (Ia7), memburu (Ic6) are closed to the natural way of live.
Meanwhile, English has fly (Ed2) and hawk (Ed3), cooccured with flight (Ed3) which are
may be seen as having correlation with technology or modern way of life.
3. Synesthetic Metaphors
Table 5 and 6 below summarize synaesthetic metaphors that express game processes
and results in online competition news.
Table 5
Indonesian Synaesthetic Metaphors
No Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. pertandingan digelar (Ia3,
competition  mat held
2. menundukkan pasangan no. to defeat  to nod defeat
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
1 (Ib4)
3. lolos dari pasangan
Tiongkok (Ib5)
to win  to save from
4. diserang/menyerang (Ib6,
competition  battle play
5. ajang Word Military
Parachuting Championship
event  place event
6. merebut medali emas (Ic3) to compete  to fight
7. medali dipersembahkan
medal  offering given
8. Ni Putu mencatat ketepatan
0,57 cm (Ic5)
to parachute  to note to parachute to 0,57
9. mengumpulkan medali (Ic7) medal  common
10. merebut gelar juara (Id4) to compete  to fight
11. kegembiraan terpancar (Id5) happiness  light happy for the
12. mendulang 8 medali (Id6) winning  gold win
Table 6
English Synesthetic Metaphors
No Expression The Change from
Referent  Symbol
1. earned a medal (Ea1,3,4,5) winning  earning got
2. takes second place (Ea2) winning  position becomes the second
3. entering the men‘s single
final (Eb2)
game  room/place Playing
4. stunned no 4 seed (Eb4) to compete  to fight
5. trailled for much of (Eb5) event  place/road played
6. he stepped it up (Eb6) winning  ladder won
7. to take the next six points
winning  concrete
to win
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
8. shot past his opponent (Eb9) competition  battle outdo
9. quelled Kento Moonota
competition  battle outdo
10. lost his way (Eb11) play  track played badly
11. earned a shot (Eb12) competition  battle play
12. a title clash with (Eb14) to compete  to fight
13. Indonesia beats Armenia
to compete  to fight
14. their latest victim (Ec4) to compete  to fight
15. Indonesia pounded 4-0
to compete  to fight
16. true test came in the third
round (Ec9)
play  test good play
17. beating Romania (Ec10) opponent  victim outdoing
18. the lead up to the third
round (Ec11)
competition  track play
19. given the opponent‘s line up
competition  track chance
20. Medina was outstanding
over Foisor (Ec13)
winning  reputation win over
21. taking three wins (Ec14) winning  concrete
22. the team challenged China
to compete  to fight
23. first place honour (Ed1) winning  place becomes the first
24. a top place to be for ....
winning  place becomes the first
25. KU team placed first in ....
winning  place won
26. a first place award (Ed6) winning  place winning
Most of metaphoric expressions found both in Indonesian and English online
competition news are antropomorphic. The symbolization of competition as fighting or
battle is dominant in those two languages. It is shown by 42% of Indonesian and 42.3% of
English metaphors. The symbols used are lolos (Ib5), diserang/menyerang (Ib6, Ib7),
merebut (Ic3, Id4), stunned (Eb4), shot (Eb9, Eb12), quelled (Eb10), clash (Eb 14), beats
(Ec1), victim (Ec4), pounded (Ec8), challenged (Ec15).
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The conclusions may be made based on the data analysis in the previous part are: (1)
metaphoric expressions are used to intensify meaning, to represent the writer‘s sense of
things being described, (2) metaphoric expressions used in the online competition news
falls into three cathegories, i.e. Anthropomorphic, animal, and synesthetic metaphor, (3)
metaphoric expressions used in the online competition news are tightly related to the way
the writer sees the phenomenon, which is influenced by cultural aspects of the writer.
Crystal, David. 1993. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Deddy Mulyana dan Rakhmat Jalaluddin. 1996. Komunikasi Antarbudaya. Bandung: Penerbit
PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Edi Subroto, D. 1986. Semantik Leksikal I. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Eggins, Suzanne.1994. An Introduction to Systematic Functional Linguistics. London: Pinter
Fairclough, Norman. 1989. Language and Power. New York: Longman Group Ltd.
Hatch, Evelyn dan Cheryl Brown. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hodge, Robert dan Gunther Kress. Language as Ideologi. London: Routledge.
Johnson, Wendell Stacy. 1972. Words, Things and Celebrations. Harcourt Brace Javanovich
Mansoer Pateda. 1998. Semantik Leksikal (ed. kedua). Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
Morgan, Jeffy L. 1980. ―Observations on the Pragmatics of Metaphor‖, dalam Metaphor and
Thought (ed. Andrew Ortony). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pangestuti Wiedarti. 1997. ―Ragam Bahasa Jurnalistik dalam Rubrik Konsultasi Seksualitas‖,
dalam Ragam Jurnalistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia (ed. Sudaryanto dan
Sulistiyo). Semarang: Citra Almamater.
Richards, Jack, John Platt and Heidi Weber. 1990. Longman Dictionary of Applied
Linguistics. Harlow: Longman Group Limited.
Sampson, Geoffrey. 1980. School of Linguistics. London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Code-Mixing and Code Switching in The Process of Learning
Diyah Atiek Mustikawati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
This study aimed to describe a form of code switching and code mixing specific form
found in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as well as determining factors
influencing events stand out that form of code switching and code mixing in question.
Form of this research is descriptive qualitative case study which took place in Al
Mawaddah Boarding School Ponorogo. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been
stated in the previous chapter that the form of code mixing and code switching learning
activities in Al Mawaddah Boarding School is in between the use of either language Java
language, Arabic, English and Indonesian, on the use of insertion of words, phrases, idioms,
use of nouns, adjectives, clauses, and sentences. Code mixing deciding factor in the learning
process include: Identification of the role, the desire to explain and interpret, sourced from
the original language and its variations, is sourced from a foreign language. While deciding
factor in the learning process of code, includes: speakers (O1), partners speakers (O2), the
presence of a third person (O3), the topic of conversation, evoke a sense of humour, and just
prestige. The significance of this study is to allow readers to see the use of language in a
multilingual society, especially in AL Mawaddah boarding school about the rules and
characteristics variation in the language of teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
Furthermore, the results of this research will provide input to the ustadz / ustadzah and
students in developing oral communication skills and the effectiveness of teaching and
learning strategies in boarding schools.
Keywords: Multilingualism, Bilingualism, Mixing Code and Switching Code.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud alih kode dan wujud campur kode
tertentu yang ditemukan dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas serta faktor penentu menonjol yang
mempengaruhi peristiwa wujud alih kode dan campur kode dimaksud.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan studi kasus yang mengambil lokasi
di pesantren Al Mawaddah Kabupaten Ponorogo. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang telah
dikemukakan di bab sebelumnya bahwa wujud campur kode dan alih kode kegiatan pembelajaran di
PP Al Mawaddah adalah peralihan penggunaaan bahasa baik bahasa Jawa, bahasa Arab, bahasa
inggris, dan bahasa Indonesia, pada penggunaan penyisipan kata, frasa, idiom, penggunaan kata
benda, kata sifat, klausa, dan kalimat. Faktor penentu campur kode dalam proses pembelajaran
meliputi: Identifikasi peranan, keinginan untuk menjelaskan dan menafsirkan, bersumber dari bahasa
asli beserta variasinya, bersumber dari bahasa asing. Sedangkan faktor penentu alih kode dalam
proses pembelajaran, meliputi: penutur(O1), mitra tutur (O2), hadirnya orang ketiga (O3), topik
pembicaraan, membangkitkan rasa humor, dan sekedar gengsi. Signifikansi dari penelitian ini adalah
memungkinkan pembaca mengetahui pemakaian bahasa dalam masyarakat multilingual, khususnya di
pesantren Al Mawaddah tentang kaidah dan karakteristik variasi bahasa dalam kegiatan belajar-
mengajar di kelas. Lebih jauh, hasil penelitian ini akan menjadi bahan masukan bagi ustadz/ustadzah
dan santri dalam mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi lisan dan efektivitas strategi belajar-
mengajar di lingkungan pesantren.
Kata Kunci: Multilingualisme, Bilingualisme, Campur Kode dan Alih Kode
Language is not something rare to hear. However, not all people understand about the
understanding of the language. Most people know that language is one of the communication
tools used by humans to perform activities of daily living. In communicating, sometimes
people do not just use one language. An interesting phenomenon is now often the case that
many people make the transition (alternation) code, both of code (code switching) and code
mixing (mixing code) in communicating with others. The phenomenon of code switching and
code mixing can be seen either through electronic media and print media. In fact, if we
examined closely, often occurrence of code switching and code mixes between speaker and
partner speaker in an environment of our daily lives, either in writing or orally.
The role of code switching and code mixing in the community is very important, in
conjunction with the use of language variation by a person or group of people, especially in
the use of language in bilingual or multilingual communities, for example in boarding school.
Boarding can be said is unique in relation to the use of code switching and code-mixing.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Boarding school is unique, because institutionally can be incorporated in the form of non-
formal institutions but can also be referred to as formal education, because it has its own
education program organized. In the boarding school there is no clear separation between the
school and the environment. Boarding schools are generally unified and organized in a
systematic way so as to double as a formal school environment in the form of classes and
trying to grow a certain lifestyle that make up a subculture in a general population.
Boarding school as a subculture of society tent to have a certain culture and norms
were used as pattern and the agreement rules in their social interactions. In terms of language
contact members of the boarding school community ( students and the teacher ) many of
which have the capability / control of more than one language ( Indonesian, English, Arabic,
and local) that allows the so-called bilingualism and multilingualism with a wide variety of
events, including over code and code-mixing.
In the event of oral communication, community schools perform a variety of
communication in different events and for the purpose as well as different interests. Based on
the tendency of language use at such events, researchers have tried to focus on events of
teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the learning process or learning activities in
select based on the consideration that variations may appear and the languages , including in
this case are the events over code and code-mixing. Teacher and students will try to
understand the science they learned, by utilizing variations in language that is easily
understood by both the Ustadz and Ustadzah.
Communication activities in the process of teaching and learning activities in
modern pesantren Al Mawaddah always involve two or three languages. Consequently, a
speaker (students and teacher) sociologically cannot escape from the communication strategy,
both for acceptance from the perspective of anthropology and sociology religious education.
Strategies that used by the speakers at the Al Mawaddah boarding school harness the
potential variation of the language as a medium for knowledge transfer (transfer of
knowlegde) covering religious science and general science. Religious Studies involving
transcendental consciousness, while general science involves the rational consciousness in
communication. That is, the Arabic language on one side feels more acceptable in religious
contexts for students or teacher at the boarding school to cultivate the field knowledge of
Islam is dominated by the use of the Arabic language.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
While on the other hand, the appreciation of the English language that relate to modern
science and technology was stressed. As a further consequence of contact between languages
language that has been dominated by the language that dominated later, both because of the
encouragement of academic environment and non-academic chance of the emergence of
language variations, including code switching and code-mixing (code switching and code
The use of code switching and code-mixing in boarding schools Al Mawaddah is
interesting to study. The tendency of language use, especially in the use of oral
communication, both formal and informal show consistency and form a kind of specific
patterns and norms. Since Al Mawaddah boarding school was founded by KH. Ahmad Sahal,
two foreign languages, namely English and Arabic to learn and use together, either in the
hostel and outside the hostel, both in formal situations (teaching and learning activities) and
non-formal (care system), in addition to the local language (Java) and Indonesian. Even the
tendency of foreign language use is increasingly apparent consistency of the user after
modern pesantren Al Mawaddah proclaimed as modern boarding international program. The
core curriculum and language of instruction, namely Arabic and English applied actively as
the language of instruction lessons (in the process of teaching and learning activities),
everyday conversation, discussion, writing, and so forth. This study reviews the form of
code-mixing and code switching found in the learning process in modern Al Mawaddah
Boarding School and what factors caused it.
Bilingual, Contacts Culture, and Contacts Languages
The study of code switching and code-mixing is inseparable from the study of
bilingual, bilingualitas, and bilingualism. Someone who is bilingual is a person who has the
ability to use two or more languages with others (Nababan, 1984: 27). One's ability to use
two or more languages may include the ability receptive (reading, listening) or productive
capabilities (speaking, writing) or both.
Bilingualitas is the willingness or ability to bilingual (bilingual), while bilingualism is
used to the habit of a person or a society in two languages (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001).
Bilingual can occur in a person or a group of people. A group of bilingual people are in the
community when there are individuals who are bilingual.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The first occurred bilingualism for their cultural contacts (in the broad sense) between
the two groups of speakers of different languages. Cultural contacts between the two different
groups of speakers that can occur in the field of religion, trade, science and politics, the arts,
economics and social activities. In such interactions will be mutual influence in the cultural
field so that in one speaker will result cultural contacts.
Bilingualism occurs because of the cultural contact (in the broad sense) between the
two groups of speakers of different languages. Cultural contacts between the two different
groups of speakers that can occur in the field of religion, trade, science and politics, the arts,
economics and social activities. In its interactions will be mutual influence in the cultural
field so in the speaker will occur cultural contacts.
As a result of these contacts will influence either language within a bilingual or within
a group of people. Language contact between two different languages either in person or
bilingual speakers between two different groups of speakers that will result in the interplay
between the two languages, or a code switching and code-mixing, including the mutual use
and interference occurs.
Mackey, as cited by Fishman (1968: 23) gives an idea of bilingualism as a symptom
of substitutions. Bilingualism, according to him, cannot be considered as a system.
Bilingualism is not a characteristic feature of the code but the disclosure; not a social nature
but as individual. Therefore bilingualism regarded as characteristic of language use, namely
the practice of language usage alternately conducted by speakers. Substitution in the use of it
is motivated and determined by the situation and the conditions faced by speakers in action
speak (Kunjana Rahardi, 2001: 14).
Suwito (1985: 39) has shown that where there are two or more languages are used
interchangeably by the same speaker will pass the language contact. Contact event that
language could lead to a change in the language (language change). Effect of changes in
language directly it can be clearly seen the used of the lexicon of a language from the
language that contact each other. These conditions can result in the existence of the symbiotic
relationship between one languages to another language at such a speech community. That is,
never be possible for a speaker in the speech community that such would only use one
language in a pure, unaffected by another language that already exists within the speaker. It
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
can cause symptoms of interest in the study sociolinguistics are referred to as symptoms of
code switching and code-mixing.
Code Mixing and Code Switching
Code switching is the event of the transition from one code to another code. If a
speaker originally used the code A (e.g. Indonesian), then move onto the B code (e.g. Java
language), the use of language switching events like this are called code switching (Suwito,
1985: 68). Rather the code can be code switching styles, types, and variations of other
As disclosed Myers & Scotton (1993: 1-2)
―Code switching is the term used to identify alternations of linguistic varieties within the
same conversation. The linguistic varieties participating in code switching maybe different
languages, or dialects or styles of the same language‖.
Code switching is a term alternation lingual variation in the same conversations.
Variations lingual which is taking part in code switching can be different languages, dialects,
or a wide - variety of the same language.
Code switching based on Appel (in Abdul Chaer and Leonie Augustine, 1995: 141-
142) is a "transitional phenomenon of language usage because of the changing situation". In
contrast to Appel that said code switching that occurred between languages, then Hymes
states over the code was not only occur between languages, but can also occur between a
wide - variety or styles contained in one language:" Code switching has Become a common
term for alternates of two or more language varieties of language, or even speech styles".
Code switching can also be defined by switching or transfer of a form of speech from
one language into another language, or from one variation to another variation, or from one
dialect to another dialect (Edi Subroto et al, 2002: 11). Code switching is conscious or
deliberate generally occurs due to a certain reason and motivation.
Suwito (1985: 68) mentions that the event of switching code is the transition from one
code to another code. So when someone speakers initially using a code and then switch to
using code B, the intermediate code as it is referred to as code switching.
The Form of Code Switching
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
In line which expressed by Suwito is a restriction posed by Dell Hymes (1975 : 103 )
(in Rahardi Kunjana, 2001: 20), that the code switching is a general term used to mention the
alternation use of two or more languages, some variation from one language, or even some
styles of a variety. He also referred to what he called intern code switching (internal code
switching), which happened between regional languages in a national language areas, inter-
regional dialects in one language, or between several styles and styles that are present in a
dialect. As is the external switching code (external code switching) is a language transition
that occurs between the base language (base language) with a foreign language.
Supomo Poedjosoedarmo (1978: 46) explains that someone is often replaced the code
language when conversing. Its substitution can be realized or even possibly not realized by
the speakers. Symptoms of this kind of code arises because of the language component are
manifold. Furthermore, he also mentioned the term code switching transient (temporary code
switching), namely the change of code language used by a speaker whose for a moment or
temporary. In addition, he also mentions the permanent code switching (permanent switching
code). Said that because the language switching that occurs takes place permanently,
although in fact it is not easy to do. Rather latter code switching is usually associated also
with an attitude shift the relationship between speaker and opponents said in a society.
The Cause of Code Switching
Declared by Appel, Hubers, and Meijer that there is a close relationship between the
form of the language used and the situations in which the language is used (1976: 99) (in Edi
Subroto et al, 2002: 14). On the one hand the situation affect the form of the language used,
in terms of other language users choose a form of language that fits the situation. When the
situation changed language use, the form of the language used is also changing. Thus, the
situation of language usage greatly affected the transfer of the code.
Suwito (1985: 72-73) states that the language of code is an event caused by factors
outside of language, especially the factors that are socio - situational. Several factors are
usually the cause of the code switching as follows.
1) Speakers (O1)
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The speaker sometimes consciously trying to switch to code against an opponent he
said because there was intent. For example, if an employee is facing his boss in the
office (in a formal situation), they should speak Indonesian. But in reality it is not.
2) Partner Speakers (O2)
Each speaker in general is looking to the language used by the partner he said. In a
multilingual society a speaker may have switched the code to customize the hearer
faces. In this case the hearer can be divided into two groups, namely: (a) O2 the same
linguistic background with speakers, and (b) O2 the different linguistic backgrounds
with speakers. Thus the hearer role is important in the event of code.
3) The third speaker presence
Two people from the same ethnic group are generally interacted with the language of
their ethnic group. But when a third person is present in the discussions, and have a
different language background, usually two people who first turning the code into a
language that is controlled by a third person. This was done to neutralize the situation
and at the same time respecting the presence of a third person.
4) The subject of conversation (topic)
The subject is a dominant factor in determining the switching code. The subject is
divided into two, the subject of formal and informal. The talking points also play an
important role occurrence of switching code, because usually the speaker tends to
express desires, ideas, and his opinions are based principal ongoing talks (formal or
5) To generate a sense of humour
Switching code often used by teachers, leaders meeting, jokers to evoke a sense of
humor. This switching code is switching variant, switching style, or switching
speaking style.
6) For prestige
Most speakers there are switching codes just for prestige. This occurs when both
factors of the situation, the speaker, topic, and factors other socio-situational actually
not required to switching codes. Speakers tend to switching code to be wilderness by
the hearer is more commanding and honorable.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Thus, the six factors that cause over the switching code are essential in
assessing the control of the code, because it focuses on the six factors that will shape
the language used by the speaker and the situation faced by the speaker and hearer.
A study of code switching is empirical, is necessary to identify changes in a
language or a language or code to other code based on the specific causative factors.
The switching code can be seen from the element word, phrase or group of words,
greeting words used, sentence intonation, and even certain forms of speech. (Edi
Subroto et al, 2002: 14).
Code Mixing
Mixing code is the use of language units from one language to another to expand the
style or variety of languages, including the use of words, clauses, idioms, greetings and so
forth (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001). An example, when referring to the mixing in
communication developed by a bilingual or multilingual speakers, it involves the use of
language elements in an utterance language X Y, there will be a code-mixing events. If
speakers choose between language X and language Y in the same speech it will caused the
mixing code. These elements can be lexical, syntactic or semantic. Talking about the concept
of code-mixing, will close relation to the concept of interference, they are deviations from the
norm in any language due to the closeness between the two languages. However, mixing
(mixing) it was not an interference event, however, the expression of a specific strategy for
bilingual speakers (Hammers Hablanc F.H. & M, 1986: 36)
According to Grosjean, (in Hamers 1986: 35) bilingual speakers use the model of a
bilingual with bilingual speech of others who share the language and with whom they can
mix the language (code switching, code-mixing and borrowing). So, code-mixing is produced
by a bilingual speaker or in a bilingual society.
According to Swain & Wesche et, al., Cited by Hamers (1986: 36) a majority of
mixing code is lexical, with nouns as words that are most often replaced. Many mixing a
lexical reduplication or spontaneous translation when the translation is equivalent to that
associated with synonyms. Translation spontaneous it could indicate that the speaker is aware
of the mixing is done carelessly as a communication strategy, and when the situation allows,
acting as translator.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Suwito (1985: 75) describes this aspect of interdependence (language dependency) in
a multilingual society is the occurrence of code-mixing. If the code switching function within
the context and relevance of the situation are the traits of dependency, then in code-mixing
traits characterized by dependence of the reciprocal relationship between the roles and
functions of language. Mixed code is happen without a clear motivation and clear causal
factors as well. Mixed codes generally occur in a relaxed atmosphere or occur because of
Causes of the Occurrence of Mixed Code
According Suwito (1985: 77), behind the two types of code-mixing are (1)
background on attitudes, (2) linguistic background. Both are interdependent and often
overlap. On that basis, can be identified reasons for the mixed code, namely: (1)
identification of the role, (2) identification of the variance, and (3) the desire to explain and
Mixed into the code will appear for instance when a speaker to insert elements of
regional languages in the national language (in this case Indonesian), elements of dialects into
regional languages. The language event may also indicate the identification of a particular
role in the identification of specific registers or desire and certain interpretation. In other
words, code-mixing that occurs because of the interrelationship between the role of speaker,
language form and language function. The speaker who tend to prefer forms of interference
specific code to support specific functions have a certain social background.
Mixed code in maximum condition is the convergence of language (linguistic
convergence) whose elements from several languages, each of which has let its functions and
support functions of language inserted. These elements can be divided into two, namely: (1)
derived from the native language along with its variations, and (2) sourced from a foreign
language. The first can be called mixed code into the (inner code mixing), the second one can
be called a code-mixing to the outside (outer code mixing) (Suwito, 1985: 76).
The Form of Code-Mixing
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Judging from the lingual form, part of a language derived from other languages can
be a word, but it can also be a phrase or units of language larger. Form of code-mixing can be
distinguished based on linguistic elements involved (Suwito, 1985: 79), namely:
1) The word element inserted.
 Antum boleh percaya boleh tidak, you boleh percaya boleh tidak, sampeyan boleh
percaya boleh tidak:
(‗anda boleh percaya atau tidak‘)
2) The phrase inserted.
 Nah karena saya kadung apik sama dia, ya takteken:
(‗Nah karena saya sudah terlanjur baik dengan dia, ya saya tanda tangani)
3) The Bastar form inserted.
 Banyak klap malam yang harus ditutup.
4) The repetition of words inserted
 Saya sih bolah-boleh saja, asal dia tidak tonya-tanya lagi.
5) The expression or idiom that is inserted
 Yah apa boleh buat, better late than never.
(‗Yah apa boleh buat, lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali‘)
6) The clauses that is inserted
 Pemimpin yang bijaksana akan selalu bertindak ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya
mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. ‗ (di depan memberi teladan, di tengah memberi
semangat, di belakang mengawasi).
In understanding code-mixing, researchers must identify the speaker basically speak
the native language (base language), then the language possessed elements of other
languages. Mixed code can be regarded as part of the variation of a particular language
speaker consciously and fundamentally by using elements of other languages that do as well
as the communication strategy in order to explain or translate. Thus the choice of words in
the form of code-mixing was received by the audience. Part languages derived from other
languages that can be words, but can also be a phrase or units of language larger.
Research Methodology
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
This research is a qualitative descriptive study, while the research strategy using a case
study approach rooted, because the problems and the focus of research has been determined
in the proposal before the researchers conducting the study.
The location of this research is "Al Mawaddah Modern Boarding School". The
boarding school has a tendency to open towards positive values progress of the times and has
participated in shaping the values of life in society, particularly with respect to the use of
foreign languages (Arabic and English). The location was chosen because of the community
is in a social and educational institution that has a characteristics and motivation of the public
image of Indonesia in the rural areas. In particular, the location of this study was MTs and
MA in class IV and V in the process of teaching and learning activities carried out by
students and teachers, in the event of oral communication. The type of learning activities
focused on the initial activities, the core and the end of formal learning in certain subjects.
This study will be conducted from February through December 2014.
The target in this research is focused on the students and the teacher. Taking into
account the effectiveness of data mining, in this study were used as informants about 30
people. This restriction is because the focus of the research is in the class. So, the researchers
tried to find the informant who adequately represent and reliable in limited quantities. Object
of study is the main focus of this research are: first, a form of code switching in teaching and
learning activities focused on a form of code switching language (base language) Indonesian.
Rather code from Indonesian to English, Arabic, and region (Java) that occurs in the event of
an oral communication. Second, a form of mixing code in teaching and learning activities in
the classroom. Third, the determinant factors that will affect the use of code switching and
code-mixing in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom which is focused on non
- lingual factors.
The data in the study were classified into two kinds, namely (1) the primary data and
(2) secondary data. Primary data was intended as data obtained from various events or scenes
that are said in boarding schools " AL Mawaddah", related to the teaching and learning
activities in the classroom which performed by students and the teacher. As is as secondary
data is data obtained from interviews and a statement informant about everything related to
the problem form of code switching and code-mixing in the teaching and learning activities in
the classroom.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Data collection method used is a cakap method and simak methods. In a conversation
method, widely used fishing techniques as basic technique and recording technique that
ensue. Refer to the method used in many of tapping techniques as basic technique, and
technical notes and recording technique as the technique continuation (Sudaryanto: 2001:
133-140). To obtain data on a form of code switching and code-mixing, simak method was
used, which access data by listening to the use of language in the teaching-learning process in
the classroom used by a religious teacher and students in the learning process. This technique
was applied in the technical notes, see, and recording technique.
Participation of researchers in obtaining oral communication data, in this case can be
active, that is by start the conversations, and be passive, that is by listening to the discussions.
In-depth interviews (in -depth interviews) are used by researchers to find data on the
determinants that affect prominent event code switching and code-mixing in the process of
teaching and learning in the classroom in "Al Mawaddah" Boarding school. Interviews
conducted after the researchers obtained data on a form of code switching and code-mixing
uttered by the informant in question. So, the interview material adapted to code uttered by the
Over the researchers conducted interviews with informants, in addition to recording
that need, the researchers also noted the matters raised by the informant, because this way
help- if the recording equipment as well as accelerate the process disturbed transcripts made
after the interview is completed . Once the data is deemed sufficient, the researchers quickly
move into the computer and classified (categorization) by type and group in the data card.
Observations are not conducted by researchers because of the data that it is difficult
for researchers to get it, because consideration of local norms and regulations, researchers
using research assistants, namely ustadzah who previously had been trained and given
sufficient insight about the main focus of research and methods of obtaining the necessary
In this study, we will use two triangulation, namely triangulation methodology and
data sources. First, triangulation method is done by collecting similar data but using the
techniques or different methods of data collection. Here the emphasis is on the use of
different data collection methods, and even more clearly the effort leads to the same data
source to test the stability of his informant. In this case the researchers used data collection
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
methods questioner then conducted in-depth interviews on the same informant, and the
results were tested with similar data collection using observation techniques. Second, the
triangulation of data sources used to clarify the questionable data, researchers conducted a
triangulation with different sources.
In this study, the data analysis is done by using an interactive model (Miles &
Huberman, 1984). The three components of the analysis in the analysis models are data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion or verification during the data collection process
takes place.
Methods of data analysis conducted on the determinants of prominent influence the
events of code switching and code-mixing is by using padan method (Sudaryanto, 2001: 13),
as a tool determinants are beyond language form sociological context surrounding the events
code switching and code mixing the teaching-learning process in Al Mawaddah boarding
school. In the process of data reduction is accompanied by the identification, coding and
categorization, researchers try to compare or classify the data that appears based on the shape,
type, circumstances and determinants that affect the use of code switching and code-mixing is
Furthermore, the activity data presentation, information that is composed will give the
possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. In drawing conclusions, the final
conclusions are not considered as data collection ends, but is part of the activities of the
configuration intact. The conclusions also verified during the study.
The data in this study also uses contextual approach, in particular by using the
concept of speech as a base component design. Said component concept in question is
presented by Dell Hymes (S P E A K I N G). It was intended to find answers to the
determinants that influence the events of code switching and code-mixing which is more
focused on non- linguistic factors.
Discussion & Research Finding
The findings of the subject in this study stated that there are eight types of the use of
language variation which is a form of code-mixing when communicating in the learning
process in Al Mawaddah boarding school are mixed code that is not only involves the use of
one or two languages only, but the use of foreign languages such as Arabic and English in the
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
learning process. As for the form of Mixed Code boarding school in the learning process is
described as follows:
Mixed code between Indonesian with English
The form of code-mixing encountered in the use of Indonesian into English as the end
of learning in class. At the time this data was taken by ustadzah by announcing their
muhadharah activities to be held. In this first speech, ustadzah initially use the Indonesian
language but leave switch to using English words are concerned, joke. It can be listened to in
the following speech:
Ustadzah : Dalam mukadharah kamu seharusnya concern, walaupun anak-anak sekarang
ini lebih banyak melakukan joke-nya.
The quotation of speech above showed that a ustadzah want to emphasize to all female
students who followed muhadharah must be seriously and reduce joking when
following muhadharah activities. Furthermore, the speech below showed the
code mixing that also occurs marked by the use of phrase in conversation
between ustadzah and female students in teaching learning process.
Ustadzah : Pak Amin Rais itu adalah the first man di Indonesia yang
melakukan the brave of reform sebelum orang-orang lain
Female Student : Saya setuju, ustadzah. Pada beliau itu (Amin Rais) Saya mau
positive thinking saja.
The speech above showed the occurrence of the use of phrase infixation in the word
‗the first man‟, „the brave of reform‘, and ‗positive thinking‘. It meant that the figure of Amin
Rais was the first man who was brave to encourage, to do reformation for deposing New
Order government from its leadership. A female student then expressed her opinion about her
agreement with ustadzah statement by saying that she agree and want to be ‗positive
thingking‘ or assume good faith on what has been done by Mr. Amin Rais. Then in this
following speech, code mixing also occurs in the use of idioms, this happens at the end of
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Ustadzah : Perlu saya umumkan, bahwa kelas ini menurut catatan language centre
banyak santri yang came late dalam setiap acara mukhadhoroh. Untuk itu
mohon diperhatikan dan tidak diulang lagi. Kelas ini harus ada ketua yang bisa
the right man and the right place dalam mukhadloroh, jadi tidak asal tunjuk.
The use of idioms above were the idioms that have been become the words that are
familiar for the female students, e.g. ‗language centre‘, ‗came late‘, ‗the right man in the right
place‘. Therefore, when a ustadzah expressed these idioms the listeners or female students
can follow and understand about ustadzah said. Furthermore, code mixing also happened in
the end of lessons when ustadzah would end and close the meeting at that time.
Code Mixing of the use of English into Indonesian
Code mixing of the use of English into Indonesian encountered when ustadzah would
close or end the teaching and learning process in class. In that speech, ustadzah used English
clauses, and then switched to Indonesian clause. It was intended for all female students in
class one could understand what ustadzah said.
Ustadzah : Ok. Any question? In order to be clear my explanation, anda bisa
membacanya lagi dan merumuskan tentang definisi yang ada dalam buku
tersebut. I think time is up. See You.
In the speech above, there were clauses of ‗ok‘, ‗any question‘, ‗in order to be clear
my explanation, ‗I think time is up‘, ‗see you‘. Basically, the use of these clauses aimed to
provide information for female students, when that clauses were spoken, then the learning
process would end soon and just waited for some questions about the topic at that time, if
there were any questions from the female students. In addition, it was beneficial for the
female students as the habbit of using English as the communication tool from the beginning
to the end of teaching and learning process.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Code Mixing between Arabic and English
A form of code mixing in this following speech is the transition from Arabic into the
usage of English words. It can be seen in the following data :
Female Student : Ya, fi al-haqiqoh lahu handphone, lakin HP li la yastathi‟, qod
intahay al-waqt hatt a tarih sab‟a „asyar, walam asytarii voucher
(Ya, sebenarnya ia punya telpon genggam, tapi HP punyaku tidak
bisa dipakai, masa pakainya sudah habis sampai tanggal tujuh belas,
dan saya belum membeli voucher)
The word ‗handphone‘, ‗voucher‘ in the above speech are basically the words from
English. But, these words have been popular and familiar as uptake language in Indonesian
speech, then when the words used or the speaker suddenly switched to using those words, the
listener will have no difficulties for understanding the meaning of speech. In addition, the
form of code mixing from Arabic into English also occurs in this following speech:
Female Student : ―........Ustadzah repeat......‖
The quotation of speech above was encountered in the collaboration activity of
teaching and learning process when a female student asked to ustadzah for repeating what has
been said. This is done because at that moment, the listener not so understanding towards the
material that has been delivered.
Code Mixing from English into Arabic
These speech is taken around the end of teaching learning process, when a ustadzah
before closing the learning activities at that day giving reflection and conclusion for what has
been learned before. It can be seen in the following data :
Ustadzah : The last, WA amma al-lughotu al-injilinziyyah as an international
language, muhimmatun…wa idza ja‟a adh-dhuyuf matsalan, la budd an
tatakallamu biha.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
(Terakhir, adapun bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional. Sangat
penting, jika ada tamu misalnya anda harus berbicara dengan bahasa
The use of the word ‗the last‘ that has meaning ‗end‘, then followed by a sentence that
is a conclusion from the main language that has been delivered. In those speech, the
beginning of teaching and learning process, ustadzah taught using English then switched
using Arabic, both languages were often used by ustadzah in teaching and learning process.
Code Mixing from Arabic into Indonesian
The events of code mixing in the use of Arabic into Indonesian were also found in
some of the following speech :
Ustadzah : … mutanawwi‟ah, macem-macem
Ahya : Ba‟din nasytariy idaam fiy kantin mubasyaroh
Anna : Limaadza kok qolil ya attho‟am?
Layla : kan ba‟da maghrib?
Ahya : al waqt nahnu tadarusan…
Layla : dzalik tu ilaa basalia faqot
In the above speech, it was found the use of the word macem, kantin, kok, suffix -an,
which those words are derived from Indonesian vocabulary. Furthermore, code mixing also
found in the below speech. It can be seen in the word delapan dua, delapan tiga, when the
learning process took place with the subject of arithmetic. Code mixing was also happened
when ustadzah who asked in Arabic, while the female students answered using Indonesian.
Ustadzah : Tamrin kam?
Female Student 1 : Tamrin delapan dua Tadz,…
Female Student 2 : Delapan tiga…
Female Student 3 : Delapan dua,
Hereinafter, the use of idiom was also found in the data below. In this speech,
ustadzah asked question using Arabic while the female student answered by using idiom, it
was kapal selam.
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Ustadzah : Alghowaashu, assafiinatu fiy daakhili l maa’, maadza?
Female Student : Kapal selam…
Furthermore, code mixing in the learning process also encountered in the use of verbs
such as mencincang, bersuci, and so on. In that speech, ustadzah asked questions using
Arabic but female student who did not know what was meant, then she answered by using
Indonesian but ustadzah previously gave a clue about what was being asked.
Ustadzah : Maa ma‟naa ufarrimu? Mencin…
Female Student : Mencincang
Ustadzah : Wa laakin tajdiid…?
Female Student : Memperbaharui,
Ustadzah : Maa ma’naa thoharoh?
Female Student : Bersuci…
The next findings were the use of adjective and noun. The speech below indicates the
code mixing but it was in adjective such as the word : alyadu (hand), yumna (right), yusro
(left), al ashoobi‟a (fingers), al wustho (middle finger), jadidun (new), and, and shoghirotun
(small). Here are the snippets of the speech :
Ustadzah : Kalau ustadzah bilang Alyadu…
Ustadzah : Alyadu..
Female Student : Tangan…
Ustadzah : Yumnaa
Female Student : Kanan…
Ustadzah : Yusroo...
Female Student : Kiri…
Ustadzah : Al ashoobi’a,
Female Student : Jari-jari
Ustadzah : Jari tengah… jari tengah bahasa arabnya
Female Student : Alwusthoo…
The next....
Ustadzah : Jadiidun ma’nahu
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Female Student : Baruu
The next....
Ustadzah : Maa ma’naa shogiirotan?
Female Student : Kecil…
Data of speech above was taken in the learning process at Grade 1 Madrasah
Tsanawiyah or as well as junior high school level. The female students at this level are not
fully understood when ustadzah using intermediate language both Arabic and English.
Code Mixing from Indonesia into Javanese and Arabic
The main findings regarding code mixing in this research is the use of three languages
at once in a speech such as Javanese, Indonesian and Arabic. The speech of code mixing can
be seen as follows :
Ustadzah 1 : Kalo tidak ada bisa dipangku, maa ma’na dipangku? Santriwati
Di taruh diatas ini…
Ustadzah 1 : Di taruh di paha.
Ustadzah 1 : Fatimah di kucir jadi 3 rambutnya, yang dua ditaruh kiri kanan
yang satunya adalah naashiyatuhaa, kalau sempat, rambutnya sudah
lurus enak di klabang juga boleh.
The next data :
Ustadzah 2 : Misalkan lo, kita tasyakuran punya anak, terus orang Jawa
membikin itu iwel – iwel ya ndak? Iwel-iwel ini sebenernya dari kata
wali waalidayniy, ya ndak?
Female Student : Oalaah, hahaha iwel-iwel.
Ustadzah 2 : Tapi orang Jawa tidak bisa bilang syahadatayn, akhirnya bilang
Female Student : Sekaten…
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Besides Arabic words and phrases using Indonesian there were some words using
Javanese such as iwel-iwel, sekaten, which they have not switched word in Indonesia, so
ustadzah still used the original words to avoid misunderstandings.
Code Mixing from Indonesian into Javanese
The next findings is code mixing from Indonesian into Javanese such as the word
mbah-mbah (grandmother), dibuntel (wrapped). The data of speech can be seen below :
Ustadzah 1 : … kalo jaman mbah – mbah saya nggak ada sarung tangan
seperti itu…
Ustadzah 1 : Kalau di rumah sakit, kalau sudah tidak bisa ya dibuntel plastic.
Code Mixing from Indonesian into Arabic
The last findings regarding the code mixing is on the use of Indonesian and then
switched into Arabic. This happens in the exploration activity in teaching and learning
process when ustadzah reviewing the previous lesson, with the aim that the female students
always remember and understand about the material that has been received. The speech can
be seen as follows:
Ustadzah 2 : Seperti kemaren sudah diajarkan to, fiy ghoslil imamah dan
mashul imamah iya kan?
In the above speech, there were the word fi ghoslil imamah and mashul imamah, both
sentences are the title of materials that have been taught in the previous meeting.
Code Switching in the Teaching and Learning Process
A form of code switching that is found in this research is the use of four variations of
code switching at the exploration activity, elaboration activity and the confirmation activity
in the teaching and learning process. The description of code switching can be stated as
Code Switching from English into Indonesia
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
The first form of code switching was occurred in the exploration activity in teaching
and learning process. At the beginning, ustadzah opened the learning activity using English,
but when she started delivering the material then switching to use Indonesian. For more
details, it can be seen in this data of speech:
Ustadzah : Good morning, and how are you today?
Female Student : Good morning, sir. I am fine
Ustadzah : So, so. Ok. I would like to explain about tenses.
Please open your book page number 23.
Silahkan diperhatikan tentang definisi tenses, kemudian tulis
kembali rumus yang ada dalam buku tersebut. Buatlah contoh
dalam bentuk simple present tense (1)
Code Switching from Indonesian into English
The second form of code switching was in the elaboration activity of learning
process. On that occasion, the female student asked about the functions of ‗to be‘ by using
Indonesian, but ustadzah giving explanations by using English. It was done in order to make
a habit for the female students using English during learning process, when at that time the
subject are being delivered was English. For more details can be seen in the following data:
Female Student : Ustadzah, tolong dijelaskan kembali mengenai fungsi to be
Ustadzah : Ok. Thanks. Actually you can open your book page 25. to be it
means function as, ‗help‘… to help sentence in order to stand and
have meaning. So, to be is very important in sentence…… for
example …..(2)
Code Switching from English into Arabic
The third was a form of code switching from English into Arabic. It was found in the
confirmation activity of learning process. At that time, previously ustadzah also gave the
conclusion about the material. Her speech can be seen in the following data :
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
Ustadzah : Ok. Student, I think time is up, antum, should be study English
everytime… Wa amma al-lughotu al-injilinziyah as an international
language, muhimmatun… Wa idza ja‟a adh-dhunyuf matsalan, la
budd an tatakallamu biha. (Baiklah anak-anak, saya kira waktunya
sudah habis. Kamu semua, harus belajar bahasa Inggris setiap
waktu. Adapun bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional, sangat
penting, jika ada tamu misalnya anda harus berbicara dengan
bahasa itu).
Code Switching from Arabic into Indonesia
The last form of code switching was occurred in the exploration activity of learning
process. Ustadzah used Indonesian to provide confirmation of what was delivered. Her
speech as follows :
Ustadzah : Anniyatu juz-un minal wuduu’, fa idzan laabud fiyl wuduu’
binniyat. Jadi kalau wudluu‟ harus niat
Ustadzah : Ijtihad haadza mashdar min ijtahada, yajtahidu, ijtihaad.
Ijtihaad itu perbuatannya,
Determinants of Code Mixing and Code Switching in Teaching and Learning Process
The teaching and learning process in classroom whether ustadzah or female students
often used Arabic as intermediate language. However, English was also frequently used in
the learning process. In other words, the process of learning used two languages or
bilingualism and even multilingualism.
Determinants of Code Mixing in Teaching and Learning Process
Identification of the role
A speaker will use language as a communication tool based on his/her role. Similarly,
an ustadzah in the learning process especially in Al Mawaddah Boarding School an
ustadzah will tend to use Arabic as a communication tool when teaching. This is
already as a rule in boarding school when the learning process must use Arabic and
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
English. Furthermore, ustadzah uses her role in explaining the material, giving
assignments, giving motivation, and guiding her female students, so ustadzah must
use both foreign languages as a communication tool. As well as the female students,
based on their role that mostly still on beginner level who are not fully accustomed
using Arabic and English during learning process. This was proved when the learning
process took place, they were also asked using Indonesian.
The Desire to explain and interpret
When starting from the purpose of speech in every process of communication, it will
have a purpose why the speech happened. Language switching in the form of code
mixing and code switching has the purpose to explain about what was discussed so
that the communication in the learning process can run fluently and acceptable.
Sourced from the Native Language and it variations
The event of code mixing and code switching was also affected by the acquisition
and the use of native language or mother tongue. The female students who were
studying at Al Mawaddah Boarding School came from different areas around
Indonesia and foreign countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and other
countries. Thus, it will carry over during the learning process in the boarding school.
Sourced from Foreign Languages
The differences of concept, structure, variation, and meaning in a foreign language is
automatically different from the local language, the national language will affect the
use of foreign language. The use of foreign and local vocabulary that is mixed in the
process of comunication will lead the event of code mixing and code switching. More
mixed langsuages between foreign language, national language and local language
that are used by speaker, it will increase the opportunity for the use of language
Determinants of Code Switching in Teaching and Learning Process
a. Speaker (O1) and Listener (O2)
The referred speakers in this research were ustadzah, administrators, academicians‘
boarding school, and female students. In interact both formally in the classroom and
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017
internal conditions outside the classroom will automatically affect how to speak and
communication patterns that done by speakers.
b. The Presence of Third Person (O3)
The presence of third person in the conversation will affect the ongoing conversation.
An ustadzah who speak using local language and national language, but suddenly
there are female students who came from different country, directly the process of
conversation switched to another language even used Arabic or English.
c. The Topic of Conversation
In the learning process, as the focus in this research, every speech in the
communication process must have a purpose. Learning in the classroom has a goal to
transfer of education and knowledge to female students that has been brokendown
into various types of teaching materials that was delivered on a daily basis.
d. Stimulating the Sense of Humor
The use of two languages or code mixing and code switching simultaneously does not
necessarily aim to reveal the seriousness and scientifics of the speakers and the
listener. It also intends to show a sense of humor as the ice breaker when learning
process took place. It can be known through video that has been recorded in the
learning process, when ustadzah switched to use the vocabulary of another language,
at once the female students laugh because it was funny for them and as a refresher in
the classroom.
e. Just for Prestige
The event of code mixing and code switching was often influenced by the factor of
prestige. This happened when an informal atmosphere outside the classroom, the
researcher encountered female students who intentionally used two languages
simultaneously only for the prestige. Even the use of sentence structure mixed with
other language structures ensued. They considered this as a common thing without
any effort to fix it.
The form of code mixing that was analyzed in this research is both in and out code
mixing that involved Indonesian, Arabic, English and local language (Javanese) in the form
of insertion elements of Indonesian to elements of foreign languages (Arabic and English)
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
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3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga
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3. 7 article june edition vol 9 no 1 2016 register journal iain salatiga

  • 1. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 1 Speaker-Dependent Based Speech Recognition Lilik Untari1 SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo2 Nur Asiyah3 Muhammad Zainal Muttaqien4 IAIN Surakarta Abstract This is the first part of the two parts of a qualitative focused R&D research aimed at designing an application to assist students with visual impairment (VI) in learning English writing and reading skills. The designed application was a speaker-dependent based speech recognition. Conducting alpha and beta testings, it was revealed that MAKTUM, the name of the application, exposed weaknesses on the selection of Ogden‘s Basic English as the linguistic resources for the application and on the recording complexities. On the other hand, MAKTUM displayed strengths in individualized pronunciation and simple interfaces to operate. Key Words: MAKTUM, Speech Recognition, Visual Impairment Abstrak Penelitian pengembangan dengan fokus pada aspek kualitatif ini adalah penelitian tahap pertama dari dua tahap penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi berbasis speech recognition untuk membantu mahasiswa tunanetra dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris khususnya keahlian menulis dan membaca. Setelah melakukan alpha dan beta testing, terungkap bahwa MAKTUM memiliki kelemahan pada pemilihan Basic English oleh 1 Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta 2 Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta 3 Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta 4 Teaching staff in English Letters Department IAIN Surakarta They can be reached at
  • 2. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 2 Ogden dan kompleksitas perekaman individual. Sementara itu kelebihan MAKTUM terlihat pada sistem pelafalan personal yang dimilikinya dan menu antar muka yang mudah dioperasikan. Kata kunci: MAKTUM, Speech Recognition, Mahasiswa Tunanetra. Introduction The absence of linguistics based learning aid for visually impaired (VI) students is one of the basic problems universities face and the same problem occurs in the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Teacher Training at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta (IAIN Surakarta). In its fourth year of inclusive education, the faculty static in developing any electronic or digital aid to sustain its visually impaired students in enhancing their learning experiences and achievements. In the scope of English Department student, one student with visual impairment suffers visual acuteness of 20/70 or classified as partial visual impairment (Berger and Constance, 1970). In WHO scale, 20/70 is classified into severe visual impairment (SVI) or low vision (Freeman, 2007). The PVI category the student suffers from, in the context of linguistics, triggers a high susceptibility toward the declination of linguistic proficiency (Galiano and Portelie, 2011). The linguistic profiencies the student suffers from are dominantly in reading and writing skills. This condition is perceptible from the necessity for the student to require a reading assistant when a test is in progress. In English language, abridging this condition, simplified English (SE) is designed (Kashdan and Barnes, 2002). This consideration to adopt simplified English is not yet taken into account when deciding to accept students with VI and thereby it triggers the feeling of social isolation (Webb, 2006), in the case of the student of English Department, the feeling emerges in reading and writing class. The social isolation is perceivable from the fact that the student is required to alter her reading and writing experiences into listening and speaking experiences exercised for reading and writing purposes. Therefore, an assistive technology to bridge these experiences is of necessity to assist the student in her reading and writing class. Text-to-speech technologies, like stylus pen (Zworykin and Flory, 1947), talking book pen, Kurzweil Reading Machine (KRM)
  • 3. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 3 (Dorman, 1995), The Reading Edge (Dorman, 1995) and Kindle. Meanwhile writing skills, the focus of this research, are abridgedable by speech-to-text technology. Microsoft Word, Dragon Nuance, Speakonia and other speech-to-text technologies are few to name. The aforementioned speech recognition software and applications, due to its global nature, are operated based on speech following to the English pronunciation standards. This fact evokes a problem in the context of English as Foreign Language (EFL), a problem linked to the standardization of English pronunciation. The presence of English pronunciation standard on the speech recognition technologies indicates that the technologies are dominantly intended for English native speakers. This is problematic if connected to the problem faced by the VI student as aforementioned before. Students with VI possesses a misunderstanding and an incomplete comprehension of a sound (Wild, Wilson, and Hobson, 2013) from which language expressions of the students are limited especially in reading and writing skills. Therefore, speech-to-text technologies with standardized pronuciation are assumed to hinder non-native students, especially students with VI, when they attempt to learn reading and writing skills. Departing from this assumption and the fact for the need of speech-to-text technology abridgable for the VI student to use, this research and development inquiry with qualitative focus attempts to design speech-to-text technology friendly to VI users. To design the technology, the first step taken was to adopt a concept of mother tongue related foreign language inspired from MT-Based MLE (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education), a language instruction involving the use of mother tongue along with other languages used in a classroom (Malone, 2007). The incorporation of MT-Based MLE is expected to open a possibility to record voices and writings adjusted to the pronunciation standardization of the users. Thereby, it is expected the problems evoked from English pronunciation standardization in designing a speech recognition application are solved. Departing from aforementioned logical sequence, this research focused on constructing a reciprocal design between student and lecturer. The following illustration might help explain the intended reciprocal design: Exercise making by lecturers using the text-to-speech technology Assessing the answers, and discussing them with the student Answering the exercises by the student using speech-to-text technology
  • 4. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 4 MT-Based MLE The reciprocality of the application is perceptible from the interactions between the lecturer and the student with the designed applicaition abridging them. The initiation of this reciprocality starts by the inputs executed by the lecturers to the student in writing skill exercises through text-to-speech technology. Utilizing this feature, the text composed by the lecturers is converted into a speech. Through the technology, the student performs an exercise by responding to the exercises given by the lecturer. The response is in the form of pseech by the student which is converted into a text by the application. Completing the exercises, the exercise will be downloaded as a text to which the lecturers examine the answers and discuss the answers with the student. This cycle is expected to generate a meta experience, an experience resulting from thought and feelings toward the mood (Mayer and Gaschke, 1988), for the VI student. Regarding to writing skills for VI students, meta experience is visible from the writing engagement process executed through speech recognition technology. The following illustration depicts the relationship between the designed speech recognition application with the expected meta experience: FUNCTIONALITY META-EXPERIENCE INTERACTIVITYOPERATION ACCESSIBILITY
  • 5. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 5 Opertion, functionality, interactivity, and accessibility are a union defining a program or an application. Operation refers to the mechanical capabilities a program or an application has. Functionality denotes the usabilities or benefits the program or the application has toward the users. Interactivity signifies the level and form of communication appearing between the users and the program or the application (HCI/Human Computer Interaction). Accessibility refers to the capabilities a program or an application has for an access by various types of users. Those four elements establish a meta-experience generated from the four elements the program or application has. For instance, the application this research attempts to design. The application aimed at assisting students with VI in learning English especially writing skill and thereby this application is expected to endow a real learning experience as that of non VI students. This application is expected to endow the users a situated and simulated learning, digital and virtual paedagogical presentation aligned to the real world (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, Gee, 2004). Therefore, it is an expectation that the students with VI possess meta-experience presented through situated and simulated learning generated from this English linguistics aid. This research resulting in an application called MAKTUM focused, first, on writing skill as the primary focus of the skill and reading as the secondary focus. The primary focus of the object was the VI student and the secondary was the lecturer. Secondary focus emerged due to reciprocality owned by MAKTUM. Second, MAKTUM was a fusion of text-to-speech and speech-to-text with the former still under development. Third, MAKTUM was targeted for students with VI with categorization and clarification by Berger and Kautz of which the relationship between language acquisition and visual impairment is perceptible. Fourth, MAKTUM design related to speech recognition was limited to identification technology, sub technology linked to word recognition uttered by verification technology, sub technology designed to verify the uttered word accuracy. Fifth, MAKTUM did not incorporate NLG (Natural Language Generator), natural language verifier since MAKTUM utilized MT-Based MLE. Research Objective
  • 6. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 6 The purposes of this research were first, to reveal the weakness MAKTUM has in assisting writing skill learning by the VI student of English Department at IAIN Surakarta. Second was to unveil the strength MAKTUM has in assisting the writing skill learning, and third was to obtain responses from the VI student toward MAKTUM. Research Methodology This research was a research and development focusing not on product comparison but on response intakes toward the designed product in alpha and beta testing scope. The primary objective of this research was to design an application implemented to assist students with VI of English Department at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta in learning writing and reading skills. This research was executed through three steps or triple helix (Mahdjoubi, 2009) namely preliminary research, design, and application. The preliminary research was aimed at revealing the negative impacts students with VI in the English Department without the presence of an assistive technology helping the students qualitatively. The result obtained from this preliminary research was utilized as an input to guide the researchers in designing MAKTUM. After the design was completed, the next phase was to acquire the responses toward MAKTUM from the student and the lecturers purposively. The data validation utilized in this research was content-scale validation from Garcia- Valderrama and Mulero-Mendigorri. Content-scale validation specifically designed to validate research and development was executed through three phases namely selection, consultation, and scalation (2005). Selection revolves around qualitative and quantitative aspect selection assumed to possess the most crucial roles in developing a product. This selection was undergone by performing extensive reviews on related literature. Consultation concerns on consultation to the experts regarding with the qualitative and quantitave aspects of the products. Scalation operates around employing scale design to imply the conjunction of qualitative and quantitative aspects. In the context of MAKTUM, qualitative aspects include interface and interactivity discussed through literary reviews discussing both aspects. The consultation of MAKTUM was executed by cooperating with I
  • 7. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 7 After Smile studio and the scalation was undergone by combining table structurization by Spradley intended to reveal the connection between interface and interactivity. The research procedures were (1) observing the student with VI in English Department regarding with the level of VI and English writing and reading competences (2) interviewing the student regarding with the difficulties faced in English writing and reading skills (3) designing the alpha version of MAKTUM based on the obsevation and the interview (4) performing an alpha testing on MAKTUM involving the experts from I After Smile Studio (5) redesigning MAKTUM based on the result of alpha testing (6) performing a beta testing involving the student and the lecturers of reading and writing (7) uploading to and Google Play. The Description of MAKTUM MAKTUM yang bisa diunduh untuk android melalui atau bisa diakses online melalui ini didesain dengan menggunakan pendekatan koneksionis dan karakterisasi ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) (Boulard and Morgan, 2012) untuk fitur speech recognition-nya dan pendekatan pola (pattern) untuk menu antar mukanya. Pendekatan koneksionis yang digabungkan dengan ASR menghasilkan aplikasi speech recognition yang bersifat speaker- dependent, berkosa kata khusus, dalam kasus ini adalah Basic English, dan tuturannya bersifat isolatif. MAKTUM is downloadable for Android application via or accessible via online from was designed using a connectionist approach and characterization of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) for its speech recognition feature, and pattern approach for the inter-face menu. Connectionist approach combined with ASR produced speaker-dependent speech recognition application having special vocabularies, in this case Basic English, and isolative speech.
  • 8. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 8 The resulting design from the aforementioned approach and characterization is a reflection of the special linguistic needs for students with visual impairment. The underlying assumption is that those who have disabilities, although inclusive in domain, require special assistance also both in terms of operationalization and content of a linguistic aid application. This assumption is in line with the concept of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in the perspective of the pattern approach, which stresses the specificity of the needs of the technology users (Borchers, 2001). In the context of an application intended for users with special needs, the interface of MAKTUM was designed with a minimalistic number of menu and simple functionality. The visually impaired student from whom MAKTUM was designed has low vision so that the menu design applies bright colors in order to be easy to read. The example of menu presented in MAKTUM is as follows: Chart 1 The Display of MAKTUM The combination of connectionist approach, ASR characteristics, and pattern approach in the context of linguistic need for those with special needs produces in the application that is in linearity with the user, or in simple words, user-friendly. MAKTUM consists of three main menus, namely Start, Clear, and Save. The Start Menu is to start the recognition, CLEAR is to delete the text resulted from the recognition, and Save is to save and download the text. In addition to the operational menu, there are also descriptive menus which describe the status of the spoken utterances; Interim Result and
  • 9. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 9 Final Result menus. Interim Result Menu displays the text version of the utterances that can still be corrected while Final result Menu displays the final result of the utterances. Alpha and Beta Testing Result The Alpha and Beta Testing implemented in this research covers the alpha testing for content and operationalization as suggested in the concept of usability by Craig and Jaskiel (2002). Through the Alpha Testing from the language application design expert in I After Smile studio, MAKTUM is claimed to have two strengths and two weaknesses. The first strength is that MAKTUM incorporates individual-based pronunciation which minimizes the basic problem in pronunciation, International standard pronunciation. This strength, however, comes with a weakness, the complexity of the recording. The complexity comes to appear as the user has to record around 1500 words covered in Charles Kay Ogaden‘s theory of Basic English. From linguistic perspective, the decision to use this Basic English is considered less appropriate as this theory, in addition to the fact that it is too classic to use, does not have the linguistic and philosophical accuracy in defining the meaning of Basic and English as disclosed by Flesch (1944), and the trend of free to speech in syntactical context which in turn lead to grammatical confusion for Basic English has different grammar from the English language in general (1994). The linguistic weakness of Basic English, as mentioned previously, is based more on the structural perspective. From the functional perspective in the context of disabilities, as discussed by oleh Pena (1967), Becker (1977), Templer (2006), dan Templer (2009), it is revealed that English simplification is needed for those with special needs. The problems that arise in the context of language simplification lies in the question whether or not the simplification of the language includes all language units or only one of them such as phonetic (Santa Ana, 1991) or lexica; (Spacia, Jauhar, Mihalcea, 2012) simplification. The decision to choose Ogden‘s Basic English is in relation to the holistification of English simplification which covers not only word-based lexical simplification with high frequency of use but also the restructuring of English grammar though the implementation in MAKTUM becomes redundant. The redundancy comes to appear as the grammatical structure does not become the main focus in its design. MAKTUM which function as a
  • 10. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 10 speech recognition based linguistic aid application has the purpose of transferring the user‘s voice into a physical lexical form so that third parties such as lecturers or teachers can, in the context of writing or grammar lectures, read the work of MAKTUM user, in this case the student. The basic function, as described previously, does not require grammatical construction as formulated by Ogden. The separation of frequent vocabularies from the grammar in MAKTUM is because the design of MAKTUM was based on the connectionist approach, ASR characteristics, and pattern approach which emphasize on specific design for specific user. The second strength, as revealed from the Alpha and Beta Testing, in the context of the user interface of the speech recognition designed based on pattern approach is that MAKTUM has simple user interface resulting in the easy operation by the user. In the perspective of speech recognition with speaker-dependent characteristic, the simple user interface menu designed based on the specificity of the user has fulfilled the criteria of being user-friendly. However, in the perspective of speaker-dependent speech-recognition and the perspective of users with special needs in overall context, the user interface displayed in MAKTUM does not meet the criteria of being user-friendly. This claim is based on the perspective of correlation of the menus at the user interface categorized as collection, a relationship among objects (menus) directly related to the operationalization of a menu without affecting other objects in the interface (Gallitz, 2007). In this perspective of collection, the expert team in I After Smile consider, MAKTUM should maximize the user interface menu for all levels of the visually impaired people by implementing voice-recognition or motion sensors to the interface menu operationalization which basically emphasizes on the ergonomics of menu. Conclusion By means of applying the Alpha Testing from the language application design expert in I After Smile studio, MAKTUM is claimed to have two strengths and two weaknesses. The first strength is that MAKTUM incorporates individual-based pronunciation which minimizes
  • 11. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 11 the basic problem in pronunciation, International standard pronunciation. This strength, however, comes with a weakness, the complexity of the recording. References Becker, W. (1977). Teaching reading and language to the disadvantaged—What we have learned from field research. Harvard Educational Review, 47(4), 518-543. Berger, Allen dan Constance R. Kautz. (1970). Sources of Information and Materials for Blind and Visually Limited Pupils. Elementary English, Vol. 47, No. 8 (December, 1970), pp. 1097-1105. Borchers, J. O. (2001). A pattern approach to interaction design. Ai & Society,15(4), 359-376. Bourlard, H. A., & Morgan, N. (2012). Connectionist speech recognition: a hybrid approach (Vol. 247). Springer Science & Business Media. Craig, R. D., & Jaskiel, S. P. (2002). Systematic software testing. Artech House. Dorman, David. (1995). Technically Speaking: Products for the Blind and Visually Impaired. American Libraries, Vol. 26, No. 11 (Dec., 1995), pp. 1143-1144. Flesch, R. (1944). How Basic is Basic English?. Harper‟s Magazine, 188(1126), 339-343. Freeman et. al. (2007). Care of the Patient with Visual Impairment (Low Vision Rehabilitation). American Optometric Association. Galiano, Anna. R dan Serge Portalier. (2011). Language and Visual Impairment: Literature Review. International Psychology: Practice and Research. Vol. 2. Galitz, W. O. (2007). The essential guide to user interface design: an introduction to GUI design principles and techniques. John Wiley & Sons. Garcia-Valderrama, Teresa dan Eva Mulero-Mendigorri. (2005). R&D Management 35, 3, 2005. Blackwell Publishing. Kashdan, Sylvie dan Robby Barnes. (2002). Teaching English as a New Language to Visually Impaired and Blind ESL Students: Problems and Possibilities. Kaizen Program for New English Learners with Visual Limitations. Mahdjoubi, Darius. (2009). Four Types of R&D. Presentation Paper. University of St. Edward. Texas Malinowski, B. (1994). The problem of meaning in primitive languages.Language and
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  • 13. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 13 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Apr. 5, 1947), pp. 139-142. Indonesian and English Lexical Metaphoric Expressions Used In Online Competition News Text
  • 14. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 14 Siti Tarwiyah FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang Abstract The subject of this article deals with discourse semantics. The focus of its description is metaphoric expressions used to express competition news in online media. Based on some theories about metaphor, the writer tries to search for kinds of metaphoric expressions used and the reasons behind the use of the expressions. The result shows that English and Indonesian language use lexical metaphors with three specifications, i.e. anthropomorphic, animal, and synesthetic. The choice of specific lexical metaphoric expressions is related to situational and cultural aspects. Key words: Metaphor, Online Media News, Cultural Aspects Abstrak Subyek artikel ini berhubungan dengan semantik wacana. Fokus deskripsinya ialah ekspresi metaforis yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan berita kompetisi di media online. Didasarkan pada beberapa teori tentang metafora, penulis mencoba untuk mencari jenis ekspresi metaforis yang digunakan dan alasan di balik penggunaan ekspresi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan metafora leksikal dengan tiga spesifikasi, yaitu metafora antropomorfik, metafora binatang dan metafora sinestetik. Pilihan ekspresi metaforis leksikal tertentu berkaitan dengan aspek situasi dan budaya. Kata Kunci: Metafora, Berita Media Online, Aspek Budaya Introduction
  • 15. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 15 Every nation or community has its own ways to express information, thought, idea, attitude, and stand point. This is in line with Saussure opinion (in Crystal, 1993:407) that the relationship between signifier (form) and signified (meaning) is arbitrary. This arbitrariness mainly depends on culture of the society and how they see phenomena around them. Javanese people consider their interlocutors in choosing which speech level to use, Ngoko, Kromo, or Basa. English people see the importance of time through the use of tenses. Eskimo differentiate five kinds of snow represented by five terms. Indonesian people see the difference among padi, beras, and nasi which are called rice in English. On the other hand, language also influences choices of interpretation to things around the language users. Sapir (in Hodge and Gunther, 1993:210) said, ―... language habits of our community predisposes certain choices of interpretation. In Indonesian language padi is different from beras and nasi. All of which are called rice in English. This results in an interpretation that all those three things are different that must be treated differently in accordance with their functions. Metaphor, as one of figurative languages may be seen as another example of the difference in language use. Every speech community often has distinctive symbols to refer to certain referents. English people may say dr. Yusuf is a butcher, pass with flying colors, feel blue, which cannot be found in Indonesian language. The definitions of metaphor from some experts seem varied. Metaphor or figure of speech is ―a word or phrase which is used for special effect, and which does not have its usual or literal meaning‖ (Richards, 1990: 105). The Greek translation of metaphor simply means ‗transfer‘. It is a transfer because it replaces a certain word which cannot fully express the writer‘s mind. Johnson (1972:26) defines metaphor as ―carry beyond‖. It is an expression that literally denotes one thing but at the same time it is used to refer to something else. The changing of the referent is influenced by its context. Metaphor is based on perception of similarities between two references, i.e., thing which is being talked and which is being compared (Ullmann, 1972:213). It is a normal thing that we see some same metaphoric expressions in many languages as far as they have clear analogies (1972:238)
  • 16. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 16 Metaphor is a variation of language which can be found in any language. Lakoff and Johnson in Metaphors We Live By admits this phenomenon. They say that metaphors is used both in literature and in daily language in any language and dialect (in Hatch and Cheryl, 1995:87). Some examples of universal metaphors are analogizing darkness with sadness or bad luck (Cirlot in Abdul Wahab, 1991:15), catch or grab means understand (Ullmann, 1972:238), assuming heat as anger (Lakoff and Johnson in Hatch and Cheryl, 1995:96). Meanwhile, Harimurti says that is the use of a certain word or expression for another object or concept based on analogy or similarities (1983:106). Metaphor is an analogy that compares two things directly (Gorys Keraf, 1987:139 and Anton M. Moeliono, 1988:580). Abdul Wahab, an Indonesian linguist who has observed metaphoric problems, defines metaphor as an expression whose meaning cannot be grasped directly from its form because the meaning is predicated on the expression. The meaning is formulated based on understanding and experience of the thing meant to refer something else (1995:72). Metaphor is a creative power of language. It may give the freshness in language, avoid boredom, revive dead things (language), and actualize things (language) which are paralyzed. That is why metaphoric expressions are mainly used in literature with the creativity of men of letters in processing language (Edi Soebroto, 1986:46). Metaphoric concept is actually based on relativism paradigm that is figured by Edward Sapir (1921) and Whorf (1956). According to this school, meaning is the result of mental processes. This is due to unseparated relationship between human and their society, which influences human‘s thought about their life (Sapir in Sampson, 1980:82-83). Metaphor is an important in our conceptual system. It may also reinforce social values of its user. ―Metaphors are fundamental parts of our conceptual system. We could not eliminate them from our vocabulary or our press.‖ (Nelson in Pangestuti, 1997:183) ―… By framing an issue in a particular way, metaphors reinforce certain social values….‖ (1997:182) some rude or taboo expressions tend to be metaphorized in order to be more polite or cultured. Indonesian people prefer using pekerja seks komersial to cabul, keluarga pra-sejahtera to keluarga miskin that are more euphemistic.
  • 17. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 17 Every nation or language community has different ways of expressing information, idea, attitude and stand. Saussure said that the relationship between form (signifier) and meaning (signified) is arbitrary (Crystal, 1993:407). This difference depends on the culture of the community and the way they view phenomena around them. Javanese people often take the status of their interlocutor into account, which is then used as consideration whether to use krama or ngoko. The use of tense in English asserts the importance of time within English people. People in Eskimo have more than five words to refer to different snow. Indonesian people have padi, gabah, and beras, while English people only have rice. All these expressions and norms of speech are tightly related to the view of each people on the realities around them. The principle of arbitrary can also be seen in the use of metaphor. Besides its universal every language community often has different symbol to refer to a certain referent. English people has no cry over the spilt milk, which is expressed as nasi sudah menjadi bubur in Indonesian language. Chagga speakers see a sexy woman as lilya ‗oven‘ but Indonesian people see this woman as a guitar. As a kind of creativity of language use, metaphors are interesting to be observed. In which domain it should be looked? Searle claimed that metaphor is an utterance meaning rather than sentence meaning and should be investigated pragmatically (Morgan, 1980:139). Abdul Wahab asserted that social and cultural context, human perception, comprehension, and sometimes myth and symbolism should be taken into account when we discuss metaphor (1995:93). This is to say that enough knowledge about this world is highly recommended in the discussion. Metaphor has something to do with human perception system of this universe and feeling (Hatch and Cheryl, 1995:95). Suggesting the similar argument, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980) say, ―… Metaphor is not just a matter of language, that is, of mere words. We shall argue that …. Human thought processes are largely metaphoric. This is what we mean when we say that human conceptual system is metaphorically structured and defined.‖ (In Abdul Wahab, 1995:76)
  • 18. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 18 Lexical metaphor is identified from the use of a certain word that denotes a certain thing or reality to refer to another thing or reality. The word flooded in in the protest flooded in is an example of lexical metaphor. Flooded usually refers to a large quantity of water covering an area that is usually dry. The congruent expressions to describe a big protest are Protest were received in large quantities and even very many people protested. Research Methodology a. Object of the study The object of this study is online competition news text uploaded from October to December 2014. b. Unit of Analysis This research is focused on metaphoric expressions used to express competition news. The analysis involves lexemes in its context or grammar. It is realized at the lexico-grammar strata. According to Eggins (1994: 82), if the stratum of language to be analyzed is lexico- grammar, the unit of analysis is clause. c. Technique of Data Collection The data of this study was collected by downloading online competition news text uploaded from October to December 2014. d. Technique of Data Analysis The data was analyzed by using the following steps: a. Reading the news b. Segmenting the news into clauses c. Identifying the metaphoric expressions d. Identifying semantic relations between symbol (metaphoric expressions) and referents. e. Interpreting the influence of cultural aspects toward the use of symbols.
  • 19. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 19 Discussion 1. Anthropomorphic Metaphors The tables below shows Indonesian and English lexical metaphors used in Indonesian online competition news. Table 1 Indonesian Anthropomorphic Metaphors No. Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. singkirkan unggulan pertama (Ib1) opponent/people  unused thing defeat 2. menyingkirkan unggulan pertama (Ib3) opponent/people  unused thing defeating 3. mengukuhkan provinsi ibu kota negara (Id2) winning  title decide as the winnerl 4. menggeser dominasi Jateng (Id3) opponent/people  thing outdo 5. membabat semua kategori (Ia4) cathegory  grass win 6. menyabet 29 emas (Ia5) medal  people/things win 7. kejutan besar ditorehkan (Ib2) winning  latex, sap got Table 2 English Anthropomorphic Metaphors No. Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. societal shift (Ea6) people  thing slight change 2. a push toward gender quality (Ea7) quality  concrete thing motivation 3. give himself a shot (Eb1) game  battle play 4. shot up the ranking (Eb3) game  battle get higher rank 5. It was neck and neck nerveous  human body nervous 6. maiden World Sperseries (Eb13) event  people First event 7. edged past Denmark‘ Mads Pieler (Eb15) people  thing outdo 8. a stunning performance game  fight good
  • 20. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 20 (Ec2) 9. by sweeping their ... (Ec3) opponent/people  unused thing outdo 10. the other wins came (Ec5) winning  human/animal win the game 11. they moved to second place winning  place become the second winner 12. on the provisional standing winning  position winning Non-metaphoric expressions (in meaning column) describe the semantic relationship between referent and symbol clearer. The meanings are drawn based on the context of each expression and the shared semantic features between metaphoric and non-metaphoric expressions or symbol and referent as shown in the following examples: (1) menyingkirkan unggulan pertama (Ib3) (2) defeating the seed no 1 ―Getting rid of the seed no 1‖ - Throwing something away - giving no chance to play in the next round - Done with effort - done with effort - The thing moves from the previous place - the team leave the next round Menyingkirkan ―getting rid of‖ is said to symbolize defeating because of those similar semantic features. Opponent/people  thing dominates symbolization of metaphors of this kind. The symbol used are singkirkan (Ib1), menyingkirkan (Ib3), menggeser (Id3). The meaning conveyed is to defeat/to outdo/to win. Again, the defeated team is seen as the victim. The same symbolization is also often used in English. The used symbols are societal (Ea6), edged past (Eb15), and sweeping (Ec3). The symbols which may be typical are membabat (Ia4), menyabet (Ia5), ditorehkan (Ib2). This is due to the relationship between all those expressions with agricultural setting of community life, which is still dominant in Indonesia. Meanwhile, some English metaphoric expressions are closed to their modern tradition. It can be seen from the use of shot (Eb1) and shot up (Eb3) which employ such modern tool as gun. The same symbols are not found in Indonesian online compettition news. 2. Animal Metaphors
  • 21. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 21 Metaphors of this kind can be seen from the examples in table 3 and 4 below: Table 3: Indonesian Animal Metaphors No. Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. menunjukkan taringnya (Ia1) team  animal good play 2. taring itu ditunjukkan (Ia2) team  animal good play 3. mengincar kemenangan (Ia6) winning  prey pursue 4. jadi incaran (Ia7) winning  prey pursue 5. memburu nomor individual (Ic6) winning  prey pursue Table 4 English Animal Metaphors No. Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. flying regionally (Ed2) team  animal play 2. a hawk in flight (Ed3) team  animal team From the data in the two tables, it may also be concluded that Indonesian animal metaphors are dominantly pertaining to hunting. Such symbols as taring (Ia2)/taringnya (Ia1), mengincar (Ia6)/incaran (Ia7), memburu (Ic6) are closed to the natural way of live. Meanwhile, English has fly (Ed2) and hawk (Ed3), cooccured with flight (Ed3) which are may be seen as having correlation with technology or modern way of life. 3. Synesthetic Metaphors Table 5 and 6 below summarize synaesthetic metaphors that express game processes and results in online competition news. Table 5 Indonesian Synaesthetic Metaphors No Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. pertandingan digelar (Ia3, Ib8) competition  mat held 2. menundukkan pasangan no. to defeat  to nod defeat
  • 22. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 22 1 (Ib4) 3. lolos dari pasangan Tiongkok (Ib5) to win  to save from siege win 4. diserang/menyerang (Ib6, Ib7) competition  battle play 5. ajang Word Military Parachuting Championship (Ic1) event  place event 6. merebut medali emas (Ic3) to compete  to fight over win 7. medali dipersembahkan (Ic4) medal  offering given 8. Ni Putu mencatat ketepatan 0,57 cm (Ic5) to parachute  to note to parachute to 0,57 cm 9. mengumpulkan medali (Ic7) medal  common collection win 10. merebut gelar juara (Id4) to compete  to fight over win 11. kegembiraan terpancar (Id5) happiness  light happy for the winning 12. mendulang 8 medali (Id6) winning  gold win Table 6 English Synesthetic Metaphors No Expression The Change from Referent  Symbol Meaning 1. earned a medal (Ea1,3,4,5) winning  earning got 2. takes second place (Ea2) winning  position becomes the second winner 3. entering the men‘s single final (Eb2) game  room/place Playing 4. stunned no 4 seed (Eb4) to compete  to fight over played 5. trailled for much of (Eb5) event  place/road played 6. he stepped it up (Eb6) winning  ladder won 7. to take the next six points (Eb7) winning  concrete thing to win
  • 23. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 23 8. shot past his opponent (Eb9) competition  battle outdo 9. quelled Kento Moonota (Eb10) competition  battle outdo 10. lost his way (Eb11) play  track played badly 11. earned a shot (Eb12) competition  battle play 12. a title clash with (Eb14) to compete  to fight over play 13. Indonesia beats Armenia (Ec1) to compete  to fight over outdoes 14. their latest victim (Ec4) to compete  to fight over opponent 15. Indonesia pounded 4-0 (Ec8) to compete  to fight over won 16. true test came in the third round (Ec9) play  test good play 17. beating Romania (Ec10) opponent  victim outdoing 18. the lead up to the third round (Ec11) competition  track play 19. given the opponent‘s line up (Ec12) competition  track chance 20. Medina was outstanding over Foisor (Ec13) winning  reputation win over 21. taking three wins (Ec14) winning  concrete thing getting 22. the team challenged China (Ec15) to compete  to fight over played 23. first place honour (Ed1) winning  place becomes the first winner 24. a top place to be for .... (Ed4) winning  place becomes the first winner 25. KU team placed first in .... (Ed5) winning  place won 26. a first place award (Ed6) winning  place winning Most of metaphoric expressions found both in Indonesian and English online competition news are antropomorphic. The symbolization of competition as fighting or battle is dominant in those two languages. It is shown by 42% of Indonesian and 42.3% of English metaphors. The symbols used are lolos (Ib5), diserang/menyerang (Ib6, Ib7), merebut (Ic3, Id4), stunned (Eb4), shot (Eb9, Eb12), quelled (Eb10), clash (Eb 14), beats (Ec1), victim (Ec4), pounded (Ec8), challenged (Ec15). Conclusion
  • 24. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 24 The conclusions may be made based on the data analysis in the previous part are: (1) metaphoric expressions are used to intensify meaning, to represent the writer‘s sense of things being described, (2) metaphoric expressions used in the online competition news falls into three cathegories, i.e. Anthropomorphic, animal, and synesthetic metaphor, (3) metaphoric expressions used in the online competition news are tightly related to the way the writer sees the phenomenon, which is influenced by cultural aspects of the writer. References Crystal, David. 1993. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Deddy Mulyana dan Rakhmat Jalaluddin. 1996. Komunikasi Antarbudaya. Bandung: Penerbit PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Edi Subroto, D. 1986. Semantik Leksikal I. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret. Eggins, Suzanne.1994. An Introduction to Systematic Functional Linguistics. London: Pinter Publisher. Fairclough, Norman. 1989. Language and Power. New York: Longman Group Ltd. Hatch, Evelyn dan Cheryl Brown. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hodge, Robert dan Gunther Kress. Language as Ideologi. London: Routledge. Johnson, Wendell Stacy. 1972. Words, Things and Celebrations. Harcourt Brace Javanovich Inc. Mansoer Pateda. 1998. Semantik Leksikal (ed. kedua). Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta. Morgan, Jeffy L. 1980. ―Observations on the Pragmatics of Metaphor‖, dalam Metaphor and Thought (ed. Andrew Ortony). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pangestuti Wiedarti. 1997. ―Ragam Bahasa Jurnalistik dalam Rubrik Konsultasi Seksualitas‖, dalam Ragam Jurnalistik dan Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia (ed. Sudaryanto dan Sulistiyo). Semarang: Citra Almamater. Richards, Jack, John Platt and Heidi Weber. 1990. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Harlow: Longman Group Limited. Sampson, Geoffrey. 1980. School of Linguistics. London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd.
  • 25. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 25 Code-Mixing and Code Switching in The Process of Learning Diyah Atiek Mustikawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
  • 26. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 26 Abstract This study aimed to describe a form of code switching and code mixing specific form found in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as well as determining factors influencing events stand out that form of code switching and code mixing in question. Form of this research is descriptive qualitative case study which took place in Al Mawaddah Boarding School Ponorogo. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been stated in the previous chapter that the form of code mixing and code switching learning activities in Al Mawaddah Boarding School is in between the use of either language Java language, Arabic, English and Indonesian, on the use of insertion of words, phrases, idioms, use of nouns, adjectives, clauses, and sentences. Code mixing deciding factor in the learning process include: Identification of the role, the desire to explain and interpret, sourced from the original language and its variations, is sourced from a foreign language. While deciding factor in the learning process of code, includes: speakers (O1), partners speakers (O2), the presence of a third person (O3), the topic of conversation, evoke a sense of humour, and just prestige. The significance of this study is to allow readers to see the use of language in a multilingual society, especially in AL Mawaddah boarding school about the rules and characteristics variation in the language of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Furthermore, the results of this research will provide input to the ustadz / ustadzah and students in developing oral communication skills and the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies in boarding schools. Keywords: Multilingualism, Bilingualism, Mixing Code and Switching Code. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud alih kode dan wujud campur kode tertentu yang ditemukan dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas serta faktor penentu menonjol yang mempengaruhi peristiwa wujud alih kode dan campur kode dimaksud.
  • 27. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 27 Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan studi kasus yang mengambil lokasi di pesantren Al Mawaddah Kabupaten Ponorogo. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang telah dikemukakan di bab sebelumnya bahwa wujud campur kode dan alih kode kegiatan pembelajaran di PP Al Mawaddah adalah peralihan penggunaaan bahasa baik bahasa Jawa, bahasa Arab, bahasa inggris, dan bahasa Indonesia, pada penggunaan penyisipan kata, frasa, idiom, penggunaan kata benda, kata sifat, klausa, dan kalimat. Faktor penentu campur kode dalam proses pembelajaran meliputi: Identifikasi peranan, keinginan untuk menjelaskan dan menafsirkan, bersumber dari bahasa asli beserta variasinya, bersumber dari bahasa asing. Sedangkan faktor penentu alih kode dalam proses pembelajaran, meliputi: penutur(O1), mitra tutur (O2), hadirnya orang ketiga (O3), topik pembicaraan, membangkitkan rasa humor, dan sekedar gengsi. Signifikansi dari penelitian ini adalah memungkinkan pembaca mengetahui pemakaian bahasa dalam masyarakat multilingual, khususnya di pesantren Al Mawaddah tentang kaidah dan karakteristik variasi bahasa dalam kegiatan belajar- mengajar di kelas. Lebih jauh, hasil penelitian ini akan menjadi bahan masukan bagi ustadz/ustadzah dan santri dalam mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi lisan dan efektivitas strategi belajar- mengajar di lingkungan pesantren. Kata Kunci: Multilingualisme, Bilingualisme, Campur Kode dan Alih Kode Introduction Language is not something rare to hear. However, not all people understand about the understanding of the language. Most people know that language is one of the communication tools used by humans to perform activities of daily living. In communicating, sometimes people do not just use one language. An interesting phenomenon is now often the case that many people make the transition (alternation) code, both of code (code switching) and code mixing (mixing code) in communicating with others. The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing can be seen either through electronic media and print media. In fact, if we examined closely, often occurrence of code switching and code mixes between speaker and partner speaker in an environment of our daily lives, either in writing or orally. The role of code switching and code mixing in the community is very important, in conjunction with the use of language variation by a person or group of people, especially in the use of language in bilingual or multilingual communities, for example in boarding school. Boarding can be said is unique in relation to the use of code switching and code-mixing.
  • 28. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 28 Boarding school is unique, because institutionally can be incorporated in the form of non- formal institutions but can also be referred to as formal education, because it has its own education program organized. In the boarding school there is no clear separation between the school and the environment. Boarding schools are generally unified and organized in a systematic way so as to double as a formal school environment in the form of classes and trying to grow a certain lifestyle that make up a subculture in a general population. Boarding school as a subculture of society tent to have a certain culture and norms were used as pattern and the agreement rules in their social interactions. In terms of language contact members of the boarding school community ( students and the teacher ) many of which have the capability / control of more than one language ( Indonesian, English, Arabic, and local) that allows the so-called bilingualism and multilingualism with a wide variety of events, including over code and code-mixing. In the event of oral communication, community schools perform a variety of communication in different events and for the purpose as well as different interests. Based on the tendency of language use at such events, researchers have tried to focus on events of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, the learning process or learning activities in select based on the consideration that variations may appear and the languages , including in this case are the events over code and code-mixing. Teacher and students will try to understand the science they learned, by utilizing variations in language that is easily understood by both the Ustadz and Ustadzah. Communication activities in the process of teaching and learning activities in modern pesantren Al Mawaddah always involve two or three languages. Consequently, a speaker (students and teacher) sociologically cannot escape from the communication strategy, both for acceptance from the perspective of anthropology and sociology religious education. Strategies that used by the speakers at the Al Mawaddah boarding school harness the potential variation of the language as a medium for knowledge transfer (transfer of knowlegde) covering religious science and general science. Religious Studies involving transcendental consciousness, while general science involves the rational consciousness in communication. That is, the Arabic language on one side feels more acceptable in religious contexts for students or teacher at the boarding school to cultivate the field knowledge of Islam is dominated by the use of the Arabic language.
  • 29. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 29 While on the other hand, the appreciation of the English language that relate to modern science and technology was stressed. As a further consequence of contact between languages language that has been dominated by the language that dominated later, both because of the encouragement of academic environment and non-academic chance of the emergence of language variations, including code switching and code-mixing (code switching and code mixing). The use of code switching and code-mixing in boarding schools Al Mawaddah is interesting to study. The tendency of language use, especially in the use of oral communication, both formal and informal show consistency and form a kind of specific patterns and norms. Since Al Mawaddah boarding school was founded by KH. Ahmad Sahal, two foreign languages, namely English and Arabic to learn and use together, either in the hostel and outside the hostel, both in formal situations (teaching and learning activities) and non-formal (care system), in addition to the local language (Java) and Indonesian. Even the tendency of foreign language use is increasingly apparent consistency of the user after modern pesantren Al Mawaddah proclaimed as modern boarding international program. The core curriculum and language of instruction, namely Arabic and English applied actively as the language of instruction lessons (in the process of teaching and learning activities), everyday conversation, discussion, writing, and so forth. This study reviews the form of code-mixing and code switching found in the learning process in modern Al Mawaddah Boarding School and what factors caused it. Bilingual, Contacts Culture, and Contacts Languages The study of code switching and code-mixing is inseparable from the study of bilingual, bilingualitas, and bilingualism. Someone who is bilingual is a person who has the ability to use two or more languages with others (Nababan, 1984: 27). One's ability to use two or more languages may include the ability receptive (reading, listening) or productive capabilities (speaking, writing) or both. Bilingualitas is the willingness or ability to bilingual (bilingual), while bilingualism is used to the habit of a person or a society in two languages (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001). Bilingual can occur in a person or a group of people. A group of bilingual people are in the community when there are individuals who are bilingual.
  • 30. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 30 The first occurred bilingualism for their cultural contacts (in the broad sense) between the two groups of speakers of different languages. Cultural contacts between the two different groups of speakers that can occur in the field of religion, trade, science and politics, the arts, economics and social activities. In such interactions will be mutual influence in the cultural field so that in one speaker will result cultural contacts. Bilingualism occurs because of the cultural contact (in the broad sense) between the two groups of speakers of different languages. Cultural contacts between the two different groups of speakers that can occur in the field of religion, trade, science and politics, the arts, economics and social activities. In its interactions will be mutual influence in the cultural field so in the speaker will occur cultural contacts. As a result of these contacts will influence either language within a bilingual or within a group of people. Language contact between two different languages either in person or bilingual speakers between two different groups of speakers that will result in the interplay between the two languages, or a code switching and code-mixing, including the mutual use and interference occurs. Mackey, as cited by Fishman (1968: 23) gives an idea of bilingualism as a symptom of substitutions. Bilingualism, according to him, cannot be considered as a system. Bilingualism is not a characteristic feature of the code but the disclosure; not a social nature but as individual. Therefore bilingualism regarded as characteristic of language use, namely the practice of language usage alternately conducted by speakers. Substitution in the use of it is motivated and determined by the situation and the conditions faced by speakers in action speak (Kunjana Rahardi, 2001: 14). Suwito (1985: 39) has shown that where there are two or more languages are used interchangeably by the same speaker will pass the language contact. Contact event that language could lead to a change in the language (language change). Effect of changes in language directly it can be clearly seen the used of the lexicon of a language from the language that contact each other. These conditions can result in the existence of the symbiotic relationship between one languages to another language at such a speech community. That is, never be possible for a speaker in the speech community that such would only use one language in a pure, unaffected by another language that already exists within the speaker. It
  • 31. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 31 can cause symptoms of interest in the study sociolinguistics are referred to as symptoms of code switching and code-mixing. Code Mixing and Code Switching Code switching is the event of the transition from one code to another code. If a speaker originally used the code A (e.g. Indonesian), then move onto the B code (e.g. Java language), the use of language switching events like this are called code switching (Suwito, 1985: 68). Rather the code can be code switching styles, types, and variations of other languages. As disclosed Myers & Scotton (1993: 1-2) ―Code switching is the term used to identify alternations of linguistic varieties within the same conversation. The linguistic varieties participating in code switching maybe different languages, or dialects or styles of the same language‖. Code switching is a term alternation lingual variation in the same conversations. Variations lingual which is taking part in code switching can be different languages, dialects, or a wide - variety of the same language. Code switching based on Appel (in Abdul Chaer and Leonie Augustine, 1995: 141- 142) is a "transitional phenomenon of language usage because of the changing situation". In contrast to Appel that said code switching that occurred between languages, then Hymes states over the code was not only occur between languages, but can also occur between a wide - variety or styles contained in one language:" Code switching has Become a common term for alternates of two or more language varieties of language, or even speech styles". Code switching can also be defined by switching or transfer of a form of speech from one language into another language, or from one variation to another variation, or from one dialect to another dialect (Edi Subroto et al, 2002: 11). Code switching is conscious or deliberate generally occurs due to a certain reason and motivation. Suwito (1985: 68) mentions that the event of switching code is the transition from one code to another code. So when someone speakers initially using a code and then switch to using code B, the intermediate code as it is referred to as code switching. The Form of Code Switching
  • 32. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 32 In line which expressed by Suwito is a restriction posed by Dell Hymes (1975 : 103 ) (in Rahardi Kunjana, 2001: 20), that the code switching is a general term used to mention the alternation use of two or more languages, some variation from one language, or even some styles of a variety. He also referred to what he called intern code switching (internal code switching), which happened between regional languages in a national language areas, inter- regional dialects in one language, or between several styles and styles that are present in a dialect. As is the external switching code (external code switching) is a language transition that occurs between the base language (base language) with a foreign language. Supomo Poedjosoedarmo (1978: 46) explains that someone is often replaced the code language when conversing. Its substitution can be realized or even possibly not realized by the speakers. Symptoms of this kind of code arises because of the language component are manifold. Furthermore, he also mentioned the term code switching transient (temporary code switching), namely the change of code language used by a speaker whose for a moment or temporary. In addition, he also mentions the permanent code switching (permanent switching code). Said that because the language switching that occurs takes place permanently, although in fact it is not easy to do. Rather latter code switching is usually associated also with an attitude shift the relationship between speaker and opponents said in a society. The Cause of Code Switching Declared by Appel, Hubers, and Meijer that there is a close relationship between the form of the language used and the situations in which the language is used (1976: 99) (in Edi Subroto et al, 2002: 14). On the one hand the situation affect the form of the language used, in terms of other language users choose a form of language that fits the situation. When the situation changed language use, the form of the language used is also changing. Thus, the situation of language usage greatly affected the transfer of the code. Suwito (1985: 72-73) states that the language of code is an event caused by factors outside of language, especially the factors that are socio - situational. Several factors are usually the cause of the code switching as follows. 1) Speakers (O1)
  • 33. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 33 The speaker sometimes consciously trying to switch to code against an opponent he said because there was intent. For example, if an employee is facing his boss in the office (in a formal situation), they should speak Indonesian. But in reality it is not. 2) Partner Speakers (O2) Each speaker in general is looking to the language used by the partner he said. In a multilingual society a speaker may have switched the code to customize the hearer faces. In this case the hearer can be divided into two groups, namely: (a) O2 the same linguistic background with speakers, and (b) O2 the different linguistic backgrounds with speakers. Thus the hearer role is important in the event of code. 3) The third speaker presence Two people from the same ethnic group are generally interacted with the language of their ethnic group. But when a third person is present in the discussions, and have a different language background, usually two people who first turning the code into a language that is controlled by a third person. This was done to neutralize the situation and at the same time respecting the presence of a third person. 4) The subject of conversation (topic) The subject is a dominant factor in determining the switching code. The subject is divided into two, the subject of formal and informal. The talking points also play an important role occurrence of switching code, because usually the speaker tends to express desires, ideas, and his opinions are based principal ongoing talks (formal or informal) 5) To generate a sense of humour Switching code often used by teachers, leaders meeting, jokers to evoke a sense of humor. This switching code is switching variant, switching style, or switching speaking style. 6) For prestige Most speakers there are switching codes just for prestige. This occurs when both factors of the situation, the speaker, topic, and factors other socio-situational actually not required to switching codes. Speakers tend to switching code to be wilderness by the hearer is more commanding and honorable.
  • 34. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 34 Thus, the six factors that cause over the switching code are essential in assessing the control of the code, because it focuses on the six factors that will shape the language used by the speaker and the situation faced by the speaker and hearer. A study of code switching is empirical, is necessary to identify changes in a language or a language or code to other code based on the specific causative factors. The switching code can be seen from the element word, phrase or group of words, greeting words used, sentence intonation, and even certain forms of speech. (Edi Subroto et al, 2002: 14). Code Mixing Mixing code is the use of language units from one language to another to expand the style or variety of languages, including the use of words, clauses, idioms, greetings and so forth (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001). An example, when referring to the mixing in communication developed by a bilingual or multilingual speakers, it involves the use of language elements in an utterance language X Y, there will be a code-mixing events. If speakers choose between language X and language Y in the same speech it will caused the mixing code. These elements can be lexical, syntactic or semantic. Talking about the concept of code-mixing, will close relation to the concept of interference, they are deviations from the norm in any language due to the closeness between the two languages. However, mixing (mixing) it was not an interference event, however, the expression of a specific strategy for bilingual speakers (Hammers Hablanc F.H. & M, 1986: 36) According to Grosjean, (in Hamers 1986: 35) bilingual speakers use the model of a bilingual with bilingual speech of others who share the language and with whom they can mix the language (code switching, code-mixing and borrowing). So, code-mixing is produced by a bilingual speaker or in a bilingual society. According to Swain & Wesche et, al., Cited by Hamers (1986: 36) a majority of mixing code is lexical, with nouns as words that are most often replaced. Many mixing a lexical reduplication or spontaneous translation when the translation is equivalent to that associated with synonyms. Translation spontaneous it could indicate that the speaker is aware of the mixing is done carelessly as a communication strategy, and when the situation allows, acting as translator.
  • 35. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 35 Suwito (1985: 75) describes this aspect of interdependence (language dependency) in a multilingual society is the occurrence of code-mixing. If the code switching function within the context and relevance of the situation are the traits of dependency, then in code-mixing traits characterized by dependence of the reciprocal relationship between the roles and functions of language. Mixed code is happen without a clear motivation and clear causal factors as well. Mixed codes generally occur in a relaxed atmosphere or occur because of habit. Causes of the Occurrence of Mixed Code According Suwito (1985: 77), behind the two types of code-mixing are (1) background on attitudes, (2) linguistic background. Both are interdependent and often overlap. On that basis, can be identified reasons for the mixed code, namely: (1) identification of the role, (2) identification of the variance, and (3) the desire to explain and interpret. Mixed into the code will appear for instance when a speaker to insert elements of regional languages in the national language (in this case Indonesian), elements of dialects into regional languages. The language event may also indicate the identification of a particular role in the identification of specific registers or desire and certain interpretation. In other words, code-mixing that occurs because of the interrelationship between the role of speaker, language form and language function. The speaker who tend to prefer forms of interference specific code to support specific functions have a certain social background. Mixed code in maximum condition is the convergence of language (linguistic convergence) whose elements from several languages, each of which has let its functions and support functions of language inserted. These elements can be divided into two, namely: (1) derived from the native language along with its variations, and (2) sourced from a foreign language. The first can be called mixed code into the (inner code mixing), the second one can be called a code-mixing to the outside (outer code mixing) (Suwito, 1985: 76). The Form of Code-Mixing
  • 36. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 36 Judging from the lingual form, part of a language derived from other languages can be a word, but it can also be a phrase or units of language larger. Form of code-mixing can be distinguished based on linguistic elements involved (Suwito, 1985: 79), namely: 1) The word element inserted.  Antum boleh percaya boleh tidak, you boleh percaya boleh tidak, sampeyan boleh percaya boleh tidak: (‗anda boleh percaya atau tidak‘) 2) The phrase inserted.  Nah karena saya kadung apik sama dia, ya takteken: (‗Nah karena saya sudah terlanjur baik dengan dia, ya saya tanda tangani) 3) The Bastar form inserted.  Banyak klap malam yang harus ditutup. 4) The repetition of words inserted  Saya sih bolah-boleh saja, asal dia tidak tonya-tanya lagi. 5) The expression or idiom that is inserted  Yah apa boleh buat, better late than never. (‗Yah apa boleh buat, lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali‘) 6) The clauses that is inserted  Pemimpin yang bijaksana akan selalu bertindak ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. ‗ (di depan memberi teladan, di tengah memberi semangat, di belakang mengawasi). In understanding code-mixing, researchers must identify the speaker basically speak the native language (base language), then the language possessed elements of other languages. Mixed code can be regarded as part of the variation of a particular language speaker consciously and fundamentally by using elements of other languages that do as well as the communication strategy in order to explain or translate. Thus the choice of words in the form of code-mixing was received by the audience. Part languages derived from other languages that can be words, but can also be a phrase or units of language larger. Research Methodology
  • 37. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 37 This research is a qualitative descriptive study, while the research strategy using a case study approach rooted, because the problems and the focus of research has been determined in the proposal before the researchers conducting the study. The location of this research is "Al Mawaddah Modern Boarding School". The boarding school has a tendency to open towards positive values progress of the times and has participated in shaping the values of life in society, particularly with respect to the use of foreign languages (Arabic and English). The location was chosen because of the community is in a social and educational institution that has a characteristics and motivation of the public image of Indonesia in the rural areas. In particular, the location of this study was MTs and MA in class IV and V in the process of teaching and learning activities carried out by students and teachers, in the event of oral communication. The type of learning activities focused on the initial activities, the core and the end of formal learning in certain subjects. This study will be conducted from February through December 2014. The target in this research is focused on the students and the teacher. Taking into account the effectiveness of data mining, in this study were used as informants about 30 people. This restriction is because the focus of the research is in the class. So, the researchers tried to find the informant who adequately represent and reliable in limited quantities. Object of study is the main focus of this research are: first, a form of code switching in teaching and learning activities focused on a form of code switching language (base language) Indonesian. Rather code from Indonesian to English, Arabic, and region (Java) that occurs in the event of an oral communication. Second, a form of mixing code in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Third, the determinant factors that will affect the use of code switching and code-mixing in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom which is focused on non - lingual factors. The data in the study were classified into two kinds, namely (1) the primary data and (2) secondary data. Primary data was intended as data obtained from various events or scenes that are said in boarding schools " AL Mawaddah", related to the teaching and learning activities in the classroom which performed by students and the teacher. As is as secondary data is data obtained from interviews and a statement informant about everything related to the problem form of code switching and code-mixing in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
  • 38. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 38 Data collection method used is a cakap method and simak methods. In a conversation method, widely used fishing techniques as basic technique and recording technique that ensue. Refer to the method used in many of tapping techniques as basic technique, and technical notes and recording technique as the technique continuation (Sudaryanto: 2001: 133-140). To obtain data on a form of code switching and code-mixing, simak method was used, which access data by listening to the use of language in the teaching-learning process in the classroom used by a religious teacher and students in the learning process. This technique was applied in the technical notes, see, and recording technique. Participation of researchers in obtaining oral communication data, in this case can be active, that is by start the conversations, and be passive, that is by listening to the discussions. In-depth interviews (in -depth interviews) are used by researchers to find data on the determinants that affect prominent event code switching and code-mixing in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom in "Al Mawaddah" Boarding school. Interviews conducted after the researchers obtained data on a form of code switching and code-mixing uttered by the informant in question. So, the interview material adapted to code uttered by the informant. Over the researchers conducted interviews with informants, in addition to recording that need, the researchers also noted the matters raised by the informant, because this way help- if the recording equipment as well as accelerate the process disturbed transcripts made after the interview is completed . Once the data is deemed sufficient, the researchers quickly move into the computer and classified (categorization) by type and group in the data card. Observations are not conducted by researchers because of the data that it is difficult for researchers to get it, because consideration of local norms and regulations, researchers using research assistants, namely ustadzah who previously had been trained and given sufficient insight about the main focus of research and methods of obtaining the necessary data. In this study, we will use two triangulation, namely triangulation methodology and data sources. First, triangulation method is done by collecting similar data but using the techniques or different methods of data collection. Here the emphasis is on the use of different data collection methods, and even more clearly the effort leads to the same data source to test the stability of his informant. In this case the researchers used data collection
  • 39. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 39 methods questioner then conducted in-depth interviews on the same informant, and the results were tested with similar data collection using observation techniques. Second, the triangulation of data sources used to clarify the questionable data, researchers conducted a triangulation with different sources. In this study, the data analysis is done by using an interactive model (Miles & Huberman, 1984). The three components of the analysis in the analysis models are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion or verification during the data collection process takes place. Methods of data analysis conducted on the determinants of prominent influence the events of code switching and code-mixing is by using padan method (Sudaryanto, 2001: 13), as a tool determinants are beyond language form sociological context surrounding the events code switching and code mixing the teaching-learning process in Al Mawaddah boarding school. In the process of data reduction is accompanied by the identification, coding and categorization, researchers try to compare or classify the data that appears based on the shape, type, circumstances and determinants that affect the use of code switching and code-mixing is relevant. Furthermore, the activity data presentation, information that is composed will give the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. In drawing conclusions, the final conclusions are not considered as data collection ends, but is part of the activities of the configuration intact. The conclusions also verified during the study. The data in this study also uses contextual approach, in particular by using the concept of speech as a base component design. Said component concept in question is presented by Dell Hymes (S P E A K I N G). It was intended to find answers to the determinants that influence the events of code switching and code-mixing which is more focused on non- linguistic factors. Discussion & Research Finding The findings of the subject in this study stated that there are eight types of the use of language variation which is a form of code-mixing when communicating in the learning process in Al Mawaddah boarding school are mixed code that is not only involves the use of one or two languages only, but the use of foreign languages such as Arabic and English in the
  • 40. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 40 learning process. As for the form of Mixed Code boarding school in the learning process is described as follows: Mixed code between Indonesian with English The form of code-mixing encountered in the use of Indonesian into English as the end of learning in class. At the time this data was taken by ustadzah by announcing their muhadharah activities to be held. In this first speech, ustadzah initially use the Indonesian language but leave switch to using English words are concerned, joke. It can be listened to in the following speech: Ustadzah : Dalam mukadharah kamu seharusnya concern, walaupun anak-anak sekarang ini lebih banyak melakukan joke-nya. The quotation of speech above showed that a ustadzah want to emphasize to all female students who followed muhadharah must be seriously and reduce joking when following muhadharah activities. Furthermore, the speech below showed the code mixing that also occurs marked by the use of phrase in conversation between ustadzah and female students in teaching learning process. Ustadzah : Pak Amin Rais itu adalah the first man di Indonesia yang melakukan the brave of reform sebelum orang-orang lain melakukannya. Female Student : Saya setuju, ustadzah. Pada beliau itu (Amin Rais) Saya mau positive thinking saja. The speech above showed the occurrence of the use of phrase infixation in the word ‗the first man‟, „the brave of reform‘, and ‗positive thinking‘. It meant that the figure of Amin Rais was the first man who was brave to encourage, to do reformation for deposing New Order government from its leadership. A female student then expressed her opinion about her agreement with ustadzah statement by saying that she agree and want to be ‗positive thingking‘ or assume good faith on what has been done by Mr. Amin Rais. Then in this following speech, code mixing also occurs in the use of idioms, this happens at the end of lessons.
  • 41. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 41 Ustadzah : Perlu saya umumkan, bahwa kelas ini menurut catatan language centre banyak santri yang came late dalam setiap acara mukhadhoroh. Untuk itu mohon diperhatikan dan tidak diulang lagi. Kelas ini harus ada ketua yang bisa the right man and the right place dalam mukhadloroh, jadi tidak asal tunjuk. The use of idioms above were the idioms that have been become the words that are familiar for the female students, e.g. ‗language centre‘, ‗came late‘, ‗the right man in the right place‘. Therefore, when a ustadzah expressed these idioms the listeners or female students can follow and understand about ustadzah said. Furthermore, code mixing also happened in the end of lessons when ustadzah would end and close the meeting at that time. Code Mixing of the use of English into Indonesian Code mixing of the use of English into Indonesian encountered when ustadzah would close or end the teaching and learning process in class. In that speech, ustadzah used English clauses, and then switched to Indonesian clause. It was intended for all female students in class one could understand what ustadzah said. Ustadzah : Ok. Any question? In order to be clear my explanation, anda bisa membacanya lagi dan merumuskan tentang definisi yang ada dalam buku tersebut. I think time is up. See You. In the speech above, there were clauses of ‗ok‘, ‗any question‘, ‗in order to be clear my explanation, ‗I think time is up‘, ‗see you‘. Basically, the use of these clauses aimed to provide information for female students, when that clauses were spoken, then the learning process would end soon and just waited for some questions about the topic at that time, if there were any questions from the female students. In addition, it was beneficial for the female students as the habbit of using English as the communication tool from the beginning to the end of teaching and learning process.
  • 42. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 42 Code Mixing between Arabic and English A form of code mixing in this following speech is the transition from Arabic into the usage of English words. It can be seen in the following data : Female Student : Ya, fi al-haqiqoh lahu handphone, lakin HP li la yastathi‟, qod intahay al-waqt hatt a tarih sab‟a „asyar, walam asytarii voucher (Ya, sebenarnya ia punya telpon genggam, tapi HP punyaku tidak bisa dipakai, masa pakainya sudah habis sampai tanggal tujuh belas, dan saya belum membeli voucher) The word ‗handphone‘, ‗voucher‘ in the above speech are basically the words from English. But, these words have been popular and familiar as uptake language in Indonesian speech, then when the words used or the speaker suddenly switched to using those words, the listener will have no difficulties for understanding the meaning of speech. In addition, the form of code mixing from Arabic into English also occurs in this following speech: Female Student : ―........Ustadzah repeat......‖ The quotation of speech above was encountered in the collaboration activity of teaching and learning process when a female student asked to ustadzah for repeating what has been said. This is done because at that moment, the listener not so understanding towards the material that has been delivered. Code Mixing from English into Arabic These speech is taken around the end of teaching learning process, when a ustadzah before closing the learning activities at that day giving reflection and conclusion for what has been learned before. It can be seen in the following data : Ustadzah : The last, WA amma al-lughotu al-injilinziyyah as an international language, muhimmatun…wa idza ja‟a adh-dhuyuf matsalan, la budd an tatakallamu biha.
  • 43. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 43 (Terakhir, adapun bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional. Sangat penting, jika ada tamu misalnya anda harus berbicara dengan bahasa itu). The use of the word ‗the last‘ that has meaning ‗end‘, then followed by a sentence that is a conclusion from the main language that has been delivered. In those speech, the beginning of teaching and learning process, ustadzah taught using English then switched using Arabic, both languages were often used by ustadzah in teaching and learning process. Code Mixing from Arabic into Indonesian The events of code mixing in the use of Arabic into Indonesian were also found in some of the following speech : Ustadzah : … mutanawwi‟ah, macem-macem Ahya : Ba‟din nasytariy idaam fiy kantin mubasyaroh Anna : Limaadza kok qolil ya attho‟am? Layla : kan ba‟da maghrib? Ahya : al waqt nahnu tadarusan… Layla : dzalik tu ilaa basalia faqot In the above speech, it was found the use of the word macem, kantin, kok, suffix -an, which those words are derived from Indonesian vocabulary. Furthermore, code mixing also found in the below speech. It can be seen in the word delapan dua, delapan tiga, when the learning process took place with the subject of arithmetic. Code mixing was also happened when ustadzah who asked in Arabic, while the female students answered using Indonesian. Ustadzah : Tamrin kam? Female Student 1 : Tamrin delapan dua Tadz,… Female Student 2 : Delapan tiga… Female Student 3 : Delapan dua, Hereinafter, the use of idiom was also found in the data below. In this speech, ustadzah asked question using Arabic while the female student answered by using idiom, it was kapal selam.
  • 44. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 44 Ustadzah : Alghowaashu, assafiinatu fiy daakhili l maa’, maadza? Female Student : Kapal selam… Furthermore, code mixing in the learning process also encountered in the use of verbs such as mencincang, bersuci, and so on. In that speech, ustadzah asked questions using Arabic but female student who did not know what was meant, then she answered by using Indonesian but ustadzah previously gave a clue about what was being asked. Ustadzah : Maa ma‟naa ufarrimu? Mencin… Female Student : Mencincang Ustadzah : Wa laakin tajdiid…? Female Student : Memperbaharui, Ustadzah : Maa ma’naa thoharoh? Female Student : Bersuci… The next findings were the use of adjective and noun. The speech below indicates the code mixing but it was in adjective such as the word : alyadu (hand), yumna (right), yusro (left), al ashoobi‟a (fingers), al wustho (middle finger), jadidun (new), and, and shoghirotun (small). Here are the snippets of the speech : Ustadzah : Kalau ustadzah bilang Alyadu… Ustadzah : Alyadu.. Female Student : Tangan… Ustadzah : Yumnaa Female Student : Kanan… Ustadzah : Yusroo... Female Student : Kiri… Ustadzah : Al ashoobi’a, Female Student : Jari-jari Ustadzah : Jari tengah… jari tengah bahasa arabnya Female Student : Alwusthoo… The next.... Ustadzah : Jadiidun ma’nahu
  • 45. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 45 Female Student : Baruu The next.... Ustadzah : Maa ma’naa shogiirotan? Female Student : Kecil… Data of speech above was taken in the learning process at Grade 1 Madrasah Tsanawiyah or as well as junior high school level. The female students at this level are not fully understood when ustadzah using intermediate language both Arabic and English. Code Mixing from Indonesia into Javanese and Arabic The main findings regarding code mixing in this research is the use of three languages at once in a speech such as Javanese, Indonesian and Arabic. The speech of code mixing can be seen as follows : Ustadzah 1 : Kalo tidak ada bisa dipangku, maa ma’na dipangku? Santriwati Di taruh diatas ini… Ustadzah 1 : Di taruh di paha. Ustadzah 1 : Fatimah di kucir jadi 3 rambutnya, yang dua ditaruh kiri kanan yang satunya adalah naashiyatuhaa, kalau sempat, rambutnya sudah lurus enak di klabang juga boleh. The next data : Ustadzah 2 : Misalkan lo, kita tasyakuran punya anak, terus orang Jawa membikin itu iwel – iwel ya ndak? Iwel-iwel ini sebenernya dari kata wali waalidayniy, ya ndak? Female Student : Oalaah, hahaha iwel-iwel. Ustadzah 2 : Tapi orang Jawa tidak bisa bilang syahadatayn, akhirnya bilang apa? Female Student : Sekaten…
  • 46. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 46 Besides Arabic words and phrases using Indonesian there were some words using Javanese such as iwel-iwel, sekaten, which they have not switched word in Indonesia, so ustadzah still used the original words to avoid misunderstandings. Code Mixing from Indonesian into Javanese The next findings is code mixing from Indonesian into Javanese such as the word mbah-mbah (grandmother), dibuntel (wrapped). The data of speech can be seen below : Ustadzah 1 : … kalo jaman mbah – mbah saya nggak ada sarung tangan seperti itu… Ustadzah 1 : Kalau di rumah sakit, kalau sudah tidak bisa ya dibuntel plastic. Code Mixing from Indonesian into Arabic The last findings regarding the code mixing is on the use of Indonesian and then switched into Arabic. This happens in the exploration activity in teaching and learning process when ustadzah reviewing the previous lesson, with the aim that the female students always remember and understand about the material that has been received. The speech can be seen as follows: Ustadzah 2 : Seperti kemaren sudah diajarkan to, fiy ghoslil imamah dan mashul imamah iya kan? In the above speech, there were the word fi ghoslil imamah and mashul imamah, both sentences are the title of materials that have been taught in the previous meeting. Code Switching in the Teaching and Learning Process A form of code switching that is found in this research is the use of four variations of code switching at the exploration activity, elaboration activity and the confirmation activity in the teaching and learning process. The description of code switching can be stated as follows: Code Switching from English into Indonesia
  • 47. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 47 The first form of code switching was occurred in the exploration activity in teaching and learning process. At the beginning, ustadzah opened the learning activity using English, but when she started delivering the material then switching to use Indonesian. For more details, it can be seen in this data of speech: Ustadzah : Good morning, and how are you today? Female Student : Good morning, sir. I am fine Ustadzah : So, so. Ok. I would like to explain about tenses. Please open your book page number 23. Silahkan diperhatikan tentang definisi tenses, kemudian tulis kembali rumus yang ada dalam buku tersebut. Buatlah contoh dalam bentuk simple present tense (1) Code Switching from Indonesian into English The second form of code switching was in the elaboration activity of learning process. On that occasion, the female student asked about the functions of ‗to be‘ by using Indonesian, but ustadzah giving explanations by using English. It was done in order to make a habit for the female students using English during learning process, when at that time the subject are being delivered was English. For more details can be seen in the following data: Female Student : Ustadzah, tolong dijelaskan kembali mengenai fungsi to be Ustadzah : Ok. Thanks. Actually you can open your book page 25. to be it means function as, ‗help‘… to help sentence in order to stand and have meaning. So, to be is very important in sentence…… for example …..(2) Code Switching from English into Arabic The third was a form of code switching from English into Arabic. It was found in the confirmation activity of learning process. At that time, previously ustadzah also gave the conclusion about the material. Her speech can be seen in the following data :
  • 48. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 48 Ustadzah : Ok. Student, I think time is up, antum, should be study English everytime… Wa amma al-lughotu al-injilinziyah as an international language, muhimmatun… Wa idza ja‟a adh-dhunyuf matsalan, la budd an tatakallamu biha. (Baiklah anak-anak, saya kira waktunya sudah habis. Kamu semua, harus belajar bahasa Inggris setiap waktu. Adapun bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional, sangat penting, jika ada tamu misalnya anda harus berbicara dengan bahasa itu). Code Switching from Arabic into Indonesia The last form of code switching was occurred in the exploration activity of learning process. Ustadzah used Indonesian to provide confirmation of what was delivered. Her speech as follows : Ustadzah : Anniyatu juz-un minal wuduu’, fa idzan laabud fiyl wuduu’ binniyat. Jadi kalau wudluu‟ harus niat Ustadzah : Ijtihad haadza mashdar min ijtahada, yajtahidu, ijtihaad. Ijtihaad itu perbuatannya, Determinants of Code Mixing and Code Switching in Teaching and Learning Process The teaching and learning process in classroom whether ustadzah or female students often used Arabic as intermediate language. However, English was also frequently used in the learning process. In other words, the process of learning used two languages or bilingualism and even multilingualism. Determinants of Code Mixing in Teaching and Learning Process Identification of the role A speaker will use language as a communication tool based on his/her role. Similarly, an ustadzah in the learning process especially in Al Mawaddah Boarding School an ustadzah will tend to use Arabic as a communication tool when teaching. This is already as a rule in boarding school when the learning process must use Arabic and
  • 49. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 49 English. Furthermore, ustadzah uses her role in explaining the material, giving assignments, giving motivation, and guiding her female students, so ustadzah must use both foreign languages as a communication tool. As well as the female students, based on their role that mostly still on beginner level who are not fully accustomed using Arabic and English during learning process. This was proved when the learning process took place, they were also asked using Indonesian. The Desire to explain and interpret When starting from the purpose of speech in every process of communication, it will have a purpose why the speech happened. Language switching in the form of code mixing and code switching has the purpose to explain about what was discussed so that the communication in the learning process can run fluently and acceptable. Sourced from the Native Language and it variations The event of code mixing and code switching was also affected by the acquisition and the use of native language or mother tongue. The female students who were studying at Al Mawaddah Boarding School came from different areas around Indonesia and foreign countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and other countries. Thus, it will carry over during the learning process in the boarding school. Sourced from Foreign Languages The differences of concept, structure, variation, and meaning in a foreign language is automatically different from the local language, the national language will affect the use of foreign language. The use of foreign and local vocabulary that is mixed in the process of comunication will lead the event of code mixing and code switching. More mixed langsuages between foreign language, national language and local language that are used by speaker, it will increase the opportunity for the use of language variation. Determinants of Code Switching in Teaching and Learning Process a. Speaker (O1) and Listener (O2) The referred speakers in this research were ustadzah, administrators, academicians‘ boarding school, and female students. In interact both formally in the classroom and
  • 50. REGISTER Journal Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 50 internal conditions outside the classroom will automatically affect how to speak and communication patterns that done by speakers. b. The Presence of Third Person (O3) The presence of third person in the conversation will affect the ongoing conversation. An ustadzah who speak using local language and national language, but suddenly there are female students who came from different country, directly the process of conversation switched to another language even used Arabic or English. c. The Topic of Conversation In the learning process, as the focus in this research, every speech in the communication process must have a purpose. Learning in the classroom has a goal to transfer of education and knowledge to female students that has been brokendown into various types of teaching materials that was delivered on a daily basis. d. Stimulating the Sense of Humor The use of two languages or code mixing and code switching simultaneously does not necessarily aim to reveal the seriousness and scientifics of the speakers and the listener. It also intends to show a sense of humor as the ice breaker when learning process took place. It can be known through video that has been recorded in the learning process, when ustadzah switched to use the vocabulary of another language, at once the female students laugh because it was funny for them and as a refresher in the classroom. e. Just for Prestige The event of code mixing and code switching was often influenced by the factor of prestige. This happened when an informal atmosphere outside the classroom, the researcher encountered female students who intentionally used two languages simultaneously only for the prestige. Even the use of sentence structure mixed with other language structures ensued. They considered this as a common thing without any effort to fix it. The form of code mixing that was analyzed in this research is both in and out code mixing that involved Indonesian, Arabic, English and local language (Javanese) in the form of insertion elements of Indonesian to elements of foreign languages (Arabic and English)