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Modelling Learning & Performance:
A Social Networks Perspective

 Walter Ch. Paredes           Kon Shing Kenneth Chung
 Project Management Program   Project Management Program
 The University of Sydney     The University of Sydney
A New Social Scenario

› The role of technology in the learning process and in a more collective
  knowledge construction

 - The unprecedented presence of technology in our lives has had a significant
   impact on how we communicate and collaborate with each other.

 - New ways of collaboration through media channels such us YouTube, Flickr, and
   Twitter (among others) have changed our user expectations and we have made
   many of these platforms an important part of our social interaction.

 - Despite the attractive advantages presented by scholars about the impact of
   technology in the learning process, there is still a lack of understanding of the
   dynamics of social interaction within learning communities.

Research Motivating Questions

› Is there an interplay between social networks, learning and performance?

› If so, what is the role of social learning in the inherent relationship between
  properties of social networks and performance?

› How does one quantify and measure learning within a social context?

› How does one account for social network properties of structure, relations
  and position in modeling learning for the purpose of learning analytics?

Our Proposal

› A theoretical model based on social learning and social network theories to
  understand how knowledge professionals engage in learning and

Conceptual Foundations

› Learning is a highly complex process, which involves cognitive, affective,
  individual and social dimensions [48]

› Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn through the
  observation of the behavior of those they are connected with [2]

› To whom individuals are connected is critical for reaching unexplored
  sources of novel information and then satisfy a determined necessity [14,15]

› There are fundamental contextual factors that affect learning (positively and
  negatively) [32]

› Human and Non-human sources of information and knowledge [46]

Models of Learning

› Situated Learning Theory (SLT) [32]

 - Communities of Practice [52]

 - Legitimate Peripheral Participation

 - SLT presents an interesting perspective to analyze learning from a social
   networks point of view

 - But, it does not consider Non-Relational sources of information such as
   databases, webservers, blogs and discussion forums among others.

Models of Learning

› Connectivism [46]
 - Learning is permanently affected for new conditions in the environment and the
   knowledge that can reside in non-relational repositories

 - But, the importance of dialogues between relational and non-relational sources
   has been just partially covered [42]

 - Dialogues defined as unit of social interaction help us to understand how network
   connections and meaningful content interchange influence individuals’ learning

 - Dialogues persisted in non-relational entities provide a broader contextual
   information for knowledge creation.

Understanding Learning and Performance
                             through Social Networks

› Social Networks Analysis (SNA)
 - Study of social systems from a structural perspective through the identification of
   behavioral patterns based on node and tie attributes [17]

 - An individual’s social structure and its properties can influence the access to
   valuable resources rich on novel information [5, 8, 14, 25, 33]

 - Those new sources can have a direct or indirect impact on the individual’s
   learning and performance [12, 13]

 - It is interesting to examine theories that explain how information is disseminated
   through networks and how network structures can impact learning and

Understanding Learning and Performance
                             through Social Networks

› Strength of Weak Ties Theory [21]
 - Tie is defined as “the combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity,
   the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services which characterize
   the tie” [21]

 - Granovetter’s study [21] shows how professionals found better job opportunities
   through weak ties instead of strong ones

 - The stronger the tie, the more redundant the information becomes

 - The importance of weak ties is that more resources and novel information are
   accessible through them

Understanding Learning and Performance
                              through Social Networks

› Structural Holes Theory [10]
   - The effective and efficient exploitation of an individual’s position in the network
     can provide important informational and control benefits

   - Trade-off between the number of contacts and the novelty of information. The
     more contacts the higher the cost of maintaining relationships

   - The challenge is to maintain efficiently non-redundant connections that
     increase the diversity and then the novelty of the information.

   - The bridging between two or more unrelated cliques (group of contacts closely
     connected within the group) is called a structural hole.

Towards a Social Networks Model for Learning
                               and Performance

› Given the unprecedented advancement in the adoption of social technologies, this
 study provides evidence in the eLearning domain to help understand how networks
 interact with technology to foster learning and performance in an era of digital
 natives [4]

Towards a Social Networks Model for Learning
                        and Performance

Figure 1: Social Networks Model for Understanding Learning and Performance

Context and Methodology

› The e-Learning Environment
 - Online project management course delivered the second semester of 2009 at a leading
   “Group of Eight (Go8)” university in Australia
 - 36 full-time working industry professionals with diverse backgrounds.
 - Students based nationally and overseas
 - Complexities on coordination due to time zone differences
 - Course material included lecture notes, tutorials, laboratory exercises and videos all
   accessible through the university’s eLearning platform WebCT
 - Synchronous (chat) and asynchronous (discussion board) communication channels
 - Public and private discussion forums (Students dialogues)
 - Individual and group assignments. 12 groups each of them with no more of three
 - Virtual collaboration

Context and Methodology

› Data Collection, Storage and Extraction
   - Data collected from the public and private discussion forums

   - 825 public forum messages and 722 private forum messages

   - Unstructured nature of the message logs

   - Preliminary data preparation (Extraction of message attributes from HTML)

   - Information stored in a MySQL database

   - Java application to extract the node and tie data from the database for
     generating the input file for UCINet (statistics) and NetDraw (sociograms)

Context and Methodology

› Message Content Classification
 - A meaningful exchange of dialogues among team members is instrumental for enhancing
   their learning process.

 - By identifying the patterns of communication among team members it is possible to study
   the structural properties of the group’s social network.

 - Those patterns of communication have been categorized in past research according to
   varied dimensions such as length of messages [34], channel of dissemination [34,39], content
   [34,38], and meaning [19], but none of them used a social network perspective.

 - In this study we have defined a classification method based on message content and
   meaning in order to categorize each message sent through the public an private forums.

 - Each category defined has a weight associated which indicates the level of Content
   Richness of the messages classified on it. The higher the value the more significant are the
   messages of the category.

Context and Methodology

› The defined Content Richness categories are:

 • Empty Message: Inexistent content, file exchange without dialogue, greeting messages

 • Team Building Message: Personal introductions and very basic coordination. Final group
   closing activities, congratulations for group achievements and recognition for mutual

 • Dissemination Message: Information about group submissions and notifications about new
   document versions.

 • Coordination Message: Team meetings (critical time zone difference)

 • Collaboration Message: Knowledge creation. Problem solving dialogues. Individual and
   group insights about the course and activities.

Context and Methodology

    Weight  Content Category                           Message Example 
      0     Empty               “Thank you Peter” 
      1     Team Building       “Excellent work team”, “Has been a pleasure working with 
                                you guys” 
      2     Dissemination       “I submitted the last version of our report” 
      3     Coordination        “Lets meet tomorrow at 7pm Sydney time” 
      4     Collaboration       “Dear Peter I think your answer to the question is correct. 
                                However, I found this article in which the authors analyze the 
                                issues from a different perspective. Please consider also …” 

      Table 2: Content categories, their assigned weights, and some examples

Context and Methodology

                               Data Collection

   Empty       Team Building     Dissemination   Coordination     Collaboration

                    Message Content Classification

Data Storage                   Data Extraction                  Data Analysis

           Figure 2: Research methods and processes outlook

Context and Methodology

    Period      From            To         Nº New Messages    Total Nº Messages    Assessment 
      1       27/07/2009    16/08/2009           97                  97                 ‐ 
      2       17/08/2009    06/09/2009           88                 185             Individual 
      3       07/09/2009    27/09/2009           155                340                 ‐ 
      4       28/09/2009    18/10/2009           206                546               Group 
      5       19/10/2009    08/11/2009           288                834            Quiz & Group 
      6       09/11/2009    26/11/2009           11                 845               Exam 
                        Table 1: Periods for progressive learning analysis

                            Group                                                   Program
                            Codification                                            Codification

Context and Methodology

    Period 1
Context and Methodology

    Period 2
Context and Methodology

    Period 3
Context and Methodology

    Period 4
Context and Methodology

    Period 5
Context and Methodology

    Period 6
Context and Methodology

› Measures
 • Measure of Network Structure  Density [45]
 • Measure of Network Position     Efficiency [10]
 • Measures of Engagement         Contribution Index [20]
        & Relationship            External-Internal Index [30]
                                  Content Richness Score
                                  Average Tie Strength [36]
 • Measures of Performance        Course Marks


** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed)
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed)

                       Table 3: Pearson’s Correlation (n=36)


› We argue that rather than performance, social learning is influenced by
  social networks properties such as structure, relations and position.

› The relationship between social networks and performance is mediated by
  social learning.

› Studying how individuals interact and organize themselves (SNA) can be
  useful to improve learning programs and positively influence performance
  during and after the studying period.

› Content Richness was shown to be a good predictor of social learning due
  to the interesting findings that connect the measure with most social
  network properties modeled.


› Size of dataset
 - This was an exploratory study that can not be generalized to the entire population but
   the results are indicative of the power of social networks influencing learning and
   indirectly, performance.

› Message content classification process
 - Is still in an early stage and subject to criticism. We believe that the construction of a
   taxonomy or vocabulary for group communication in studies of linguistics and
   semantic data mining could allow the partial or full automation of the process

› Most of messages took place within groups
 - There was not enough evidence about the interaction among groups. However,
   according with our results, the quality of dialogues within groups was significant.

› Other collaborative tools were not considered
 - A future research could include those interactions through video, chat and voice.


› Development of a theoretical model for understanding the impact of social
  networks in learning and performance

› Construction of a content-based measure called Content Richness which
  provides an approach for measuring the level of engagement of learners in
  social environments.

› Analysis of individual and group communication patterns of students located in
  different cities, countries and time zones.

› Rather than performance, social learning is highly influenced by the learners’
  social network properties.

› Model proposed would allow educators, professional development leaders,
  managers and academics to enhance learning analytics and make informed
  decisions and estimations of learning outcomes


› [2] Bandura, A. Social Learning Theory. General Learning Press, New York, 1977.
› [4] Bennett, S. and Maton, K. Beyong the 'Digital Natives' Debate: Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of
  Students' Technology Experiences. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26,5 (2010), 321-331.
› [5] Borgatti, S. Centrality and network flow. Social Networks, 27 (2005), 55-71.
› [8] Brass, D. Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization. Administrative
  Science Quarterly, 18(2) (1984), 321-344.
› [10] Burt, R.S. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
› [12] Chung, K.S.K. and Hossain, L. Measuring Performance of Knowledge-intensive Workgroups through Social
  Networks. Project Management Journal, 40,2 (2009), 34-58.
› [13] Chung, K.S.K. and Hossain, L. Towards a Social Network Model for Understanding Information and
  Communication Technology use for General Practitioners in Rural Australia. Computers in Human Behavior, 26,4
  (2010), 562-571.
› [14] Coleman, J.S. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. The American Journal of Sociology, 94
  (1988), 95-120.
› [15] Cross, R. and Cummings, J. Tie and network correlates of individual performance in knowledge-intensive
  work. Academy of Management Journal, 47 (2004), 928-937.
› [17] Freeman, L.C. The Development of Social Network Analysis. Empirical Press, Vancouver, 2006.
› [20] Gloor, P., Laubacher, R., Dynes, S. and Zhao, S., Visualization of Communication Patterns in Collaborative
  Innovation Networks: Analysis of dome W3C working groups. in ACM CKIM International Conference.


› [21] Granovetter, M.S. The Strength of Weak Ties. American Journal of Sociology, 78(6) (1973), 1360-1380.
› [25] Ibarra, H. Power, social influence and sense making: Effects of network centrality and proximity on employee
  perceptions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38(2) (1993), 277-303.
› [30] Krackhardt, D. and Stern, R.N. Informal networks and organizational crises: An experimental situation. Social
  Psychology Quarterly, 51 (1988), 123-140.
› [32] Lave, J. and Wenger, E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press,
  Cambridge, 1991.
› [33] Leavitt, H. Some effects of certain communication patterns on group performance. Journal of Abnormal and
  Social Psychology, 46 (1951), 38-50.
› [36] Marsden, P. and Campbell, K.E. Measuring Tie Strength. Social Forces, 63,2 (1984), 482-501.
› [42] Ravenscroft, A. Dialogue and Connectivism: A New Approach to Understanding and Promoting Dialogue-Rich
  Networked Learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3) (2011), 139-160.
› [45] Scott, J. Social Networks Analysis: A Handbook. SAGE Publications, London, 2000.
› [46] Siemens, G. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for a Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional
  Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1) (2004).
› [48] Stewart, M. Learning through research: an introduction to the main theories of learning JMU Learning &
  Teaching Press, James Madison University Press, 2004, 6-14.
› [52] Wenger, E. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge University Press,
  Cambridge, 1998.

Modelling Learning & Performance:
A Social Networks Perspective

 Walter Ch. Paredes           Kon Shing Kenneth Chung
 Project Management Program   Project Management Program
 The University of Sydney     The University of Sydney

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Paredes chung lak12 v4.0

  • 1. Modelling Learning & Performance: A Social Networks Perspective Walter Ch. Paredes Kon Shing Kenneth Chung Project Management Program Project Management Program The University of Sydney The University of Sydney
  • 2. A New Social Scenario › The role of technology in the learning process and in a more collective knowledge construction - The unprecedented presence of technology in our lives has had a significant impact on how we communicate and collaborate with each other. - New ways of collaboration through media channels such us YouTube, Flickr, and Twitter (among others) have changed our user expectations and we have made many of these platforms an important part of our social interaction. - Despite the attractive advantages presented by scholars about the impact of technology in the learning process, there is still a lack of understanding of the dynamics of social interaction within learning communities. 2
  • 3. Research Motivating Questions › Is there an interplay between social networks, learning and performance? › If so, what is the role of social learning in the inherent relationship between properties of social networks and performance? › How does one quantify and measure learning within a social context? › How does one account for social network properties of structure, relations and position in modeling learning for the purpose of learning analytics? 3
  • 4. Our Proposal › A theoretical model based on social learning and social network theories to understand how knowledge professionals engage in learning and performance. 4
  • 5. Conceptual Foundations › Learning is a highly complex process, which involves cognitive, affective, individual and social dimensions [48] › Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn through the observation of the behavior of those they are connected with [2] › To whom individuals are connected is critical for reaching unexplored sources of novel information and then satisfy a determined necessity [14,15] › There are fundamental contextual factors that affect learning (positively and negatively) [32] › Human and Non-human sources of information and knowledge [46] 5
  • 6. Models of Learning › Situated Learning Theory (SLT) [32] - Communities of Practice [52] - Legitimate Peripheral Participation - SLT presents an interesting perspective to analyze learning from a social networks point of view - But, it does not consider Non-Relational sources of information such as databases, webservers, blogs and discussion forums among others. 6
  • 7. Models of Learning › Connectivism [46] - Learning is permanently affected for new conditions in the environment and the knowledge that can reside in non-relational repositories - But, the importance of dialogues between relational and non-relational sources has been just partially covered [42] - Dialogues defined as unit of social interaction help us to understand how network connections and meaningful content interchange influence individuals’ learning process. - Dialogues persisted in non-relational entities provide a broader contextual information for knowledge creation. 7
  • 8. Understanding Learning and Performance through Social Networks › Social Networks Analysis (SNA) - Study of social systems from a structural perspective through the identification of behavioral patterns based on node and tie attributes [17] - An individual’s social structure and its properties can influence the access to valuable resources rich on novel information [5, 8, 14, 25, 33] - Those new sources can have a direct or indirect impact on the individual’s learning and performance [12, 13] - It is interesting to examine theories that explain how information is disseminated through networks and how network structures can impact learning and performance 8
  • 9. Understanding Learning and Performance through Social Networks › Strength of Weak Ties Theory [21] - Tie is defined as “the combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services which characterize the tie” [21] - Granovetter’s study [21] shows how professionals found better job opportunities through weak ties instead of strong ones - The stronger the tie, the more redundant the information becomes - The importance of weak ties is that more resources and novel information are accessible through them 9
  • 10. Understanding Learning and Performance through Social Networks › Structural Holes Theory [10] - The effective and efficient exploitation of an individual’s position in the network can provide important informational and control benefits - Trade-off between the number of contacts and the novelty of information. The more contacts the higher the cost of maintaining relationships - The challenge is to maintain efficiently non-redundant connections that increase the diversity and then the novelty of the information. - The bridging between two or more unrelated cliques (group of contacts closely connected within the group) is called a structural hole. 10
  • 11. Towards a Social Networks Model for Learning and Performance › Given the unprecedented advancement in the adoption of social technologies, this study provides evidence in the eLearning domain to help understand how networks interact with technology to foster learning and performance in an era of digital natives [4] 11
  • 12. Towards a Social Networks Model for Learning and Performance   Figure 1: Social Networks Model for Understanding Learning and Performance 12
  • 13. Context and Methodology › The e-Learning Environment - Online project management course delivered the second semester of 2009 at a leading “Group of Eight (Go8)” university in Australia - 36 full-time working industry professionals with diverse backgrounds. - Students based nationally and overseas - Complexities on coordination due to time zone differences - Course material included lecture notes, tutorials, laboratory exercises and videos all accessible through the university’s eLearning platform WebCT - Synchronous (chat) and asynchronous (discussion board) communication channels - Public and private discussion forums (Students dialogues) - Individual and group assignments. 12 groups each of them with no more of three participants - Virtual collaboration 13
  • 14. Context and Methodology › Data Collection, Storage and Extraction - Data collected from the public and private discussion forums - 825 public forum messages and 722 private forum messages - Unstructured nature of the message logs - Preliminary data preparation (Extraction of message attributes from HTML) - Information stored in a MySQL database - Java application to extract the node and tie data from the database for generating the input file for UCINet (statistics) and NetDraw (sociograms) 14
  • 15. Context and Methodology › Message Content Classification - A meaningful exchange of dialogues among team members is instrumental for enhancing their learning process. - By identifying the patterns of communication among team members it is possible to study the structural properties of the group’s social network. - Those patterns of communication have been categorized in past research according to varied dimensions such as length of messages [34], channel of dissemination [34,39], content [34,38], and meaning [19], but none of them used a social network perspective. - In this study we have defined a classification method based on message content and meaning in order to categorize each message sent through the public an private forums. - Each category defined has a weight associated which indicates the level of Content Richness of the messages classified on it. The higher the value the more significant are the messages of the category. 15
  • 16. Context and Methodology › The defined Content Richness categories are: • Empty Message: Inexistent content, file exchange without dialogue, greeting messages • Team Building Message: Personal introductions and very basic coordination. Final group closing activities, congratulations for group achievements and recognition for mutual cooperation • Dissemination Message: Information about group submissions and notifications about new document versions. • Coordination Message: Team meetings (critical time zone difference) • Collaboration Message: Knowledge creation. Problem solving dialogues. Individual and group insights about the course and activities. 16
  • 17. Context and Methodology Weight  Content Category  Message Example  0  Empty  “Thank you Peter”  1  Team Building  “Excellent work team”, “Has been a pleasure working with  you guys”  2  Dissemination  “I submitted the last version of our report”  3  Coordination  “Lets meet tomorrow at 7pm Sydney time”  4  Collaboration  “Dear Peter I think your answer to the question is correct.  However, I found this article in which the authors analyze the  issues from a different perspective. Please consider also …”    Table 2: Content categories, their assigned weights, and some examples 17
  • 18. Context and Methodology Data Collection Empty Team Building Dissemination Coordination Collaboration Message Content Classification Data Storage Data Extraction Data Analysis + Figure 2: Research methods and processes outlook 18
  • 19. Context and Methodology Period  From  To  Nº New Messages  Total Nº Messages  Assessment  1  27/07/2009  16/08/2009  97  97  ‐  2  17/08/2009  06/09/2009  88  185  Individual  3  07/09/2009  27/09/2009  155  340  ‐  4  28/09/2009  18/10/2009  206  546  Group  5  19/10/2009  08/11/2009  288  834  Quiz & Group  6  09/11/2009  26/11/2009  11  845  Exam    Table 1: Periods for progressive learning analysis Group Program Codification Codification 19
  • 20. Context and Methodology Period 1 20
  • 21. Context and Methodology Period 2 21
  • 22. Context and Methodology Period 3 22
  • 23. Context and Methodology Period 4 23
  • 24. Context and Methodology Period 5 24
  • 25. Context and Methodology Period 6 25
  • 26. Context and Methodology › Measures • Measure of Network Structure  Density [45] • Measure of Network Position  Efficiency [10] • Measures of Engagement  Contribution Index [20] & Relationship  External-Internal Index [30]  Content Richness Score  Average Tie Strength [36] • Measures of Performance  Course Marks 26
  • 27. Results ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed) Table 3: Pearson’s Correlation (n=36) 27
  • 28. Discussion › We argue that rather than performance, social learning is influenced by social networks properties such as structure, relations and position. › The relationship between social networks and performance is mediated by social learning. › Studying how individuals interact and organize themselves (SNA) can be useful to improve learning programs and positively influence performance during and after the studying period. › Content Richness was shown to be a good predictor of social learning due to the interesting findings that connect the measure with most social network properties modeled. 28
  • 29. Limitations › Size of dataset - This was an exploratory study that can not be generalized to the entire population but the results are indicative of the power of social networks influencing learning and indirectly, performance. › Message content classification process - Is still in an early stage and subject to criticism. We believe that the construction of a taxonomy or vocabulary for group communication in studies of linguistics and semantic data mining could allow the partial or full automation of the process › Most of messages took place within groups - There was not enough evidence about the interaction among groups. However, according with our results, the quality of dialogues within groups was significant. › Other collaborative tools were not considered - A future research could include those interactions through video, chat and voice. 29
  • 30. Conclusions › Development of a theoretical model for understanding the impact of social networks in learning and performance › Construction of a content-based measure called Content Richness which provides an approach for measuring the level of engagement of learners in social environments. › Analysis of individual and group communication patterns of students located in different cities, countries and time zones. › Rather than performance, social learning is highly influenced by the learners’ social network properties. › Model proposed would allow educators, professional development leaders, managers and academics to enhance learning analytics and make informed decisions and estimations of learning outcomes 30
  • 31. References › [2] Bandura, A. Social Learning Theory. General Learning Press, New York, 1977. › [4] Bennett, S. and Maton, K. Beyong the 'Digital Natives' Debate: Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of Students' Technology Experiences. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26,5 (2010), 321-331. › [5] Borgatti, S. Centrality and network flow. Social Networks, 27 (2005), 55-71. › [8] Brass, D. Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization. Administrative Science Quarterly, 18(2) (1984), 321-344. › [10] Burt, R.S. Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1992. › [12] Chung, K.S.K. and Hossain, L. Measuring Performance of Knowledge-intensive Workgroups through Social Networks. Project Management Journal, 40,2 (2009), 34-58. › [13] Chung, K.S.K. and Hossain, L. Towards a Social Network Model for Understanding Information and Communication Technology use for General Practitioners in Rural Australia. Computers in Human Behavior, 26,4 (2010), 562-571. › [14] Coleman, J.S. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. The American Journal of Sociology, 94 (1988), 95-120. › [15] Cross, R. and Cummings, J. Tie and network correlates of individual performance in knowledge-intensive work. Academy of Management Journal, 47 (2004), 928-937. › [17] Freeman, L.C. The Development of Social Network Analysis. Empirical Press, Vancouver, 2006. › [20] Gloor, P., Laubacher, R., Dynes, S. and Zhao, S., Visualization of Communication Patterns in Collaborative Innovation Networks: Analysis of dome W3C working groups. in ACM CKIM International Conference. 31
  • 32. References › [21] Granovetter, M.S. The Strength of Weak Ties. American Journal of Sociology, 78(6) (1973), 1360-1380. › [25] Ibarra, H. Power, social influence and sense making: Effects of network centrality and proximity on employee perceptions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 38(2) (1993), 277-303. › [30] Krackhardt, D. and Stern, R.N. Informal networks and organizational crises: An experimental situation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 51 (1988), 123-140. › [32] Lave, J. and Wenger, E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. › [33] Leavitt, H. Some effects of certain communication patterns on group performance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46 (1951), 38-50. › [36] Marsden, P. and Campbell, K.E. Measuring Tie Strength. Social Forces, 63,2 (1984), 482-501. › [42] Ravenscroft, A. Dialogue and Connectivism: A New Approach to Understanding and Promoting Dialogue-Rich Networked Learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3) (2011), 139-160. › [45] Scott, J. Social Networks Analysis: A Handbook. SAGE Publications, London, 2000. › [46] Siemens, G. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for a Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1) (2004). › [48] Stewart, M. Learning through research: an introduction to the main theories of learning JMU Learning & Teaching Press, James Madison University Press, 2004, 6-14. › [52] Wenger, E. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998. 32
  • 33. Modelling Learning & Performance: A Social Networks Perspective Walter Ch. Paredes Kon Shing Kenneth Chung Project Management Program Project Management Program The University of Sydney The University of Sydney

Editor's Notes

  1. So, this motivates our research that is focused on figuring out …
  2. Network Structure: There is a significant negative relationship between network density and CR score, r = -.406, p (one-tailed) < 0.01. In terms of social learning, this result makes sense because is better to have a few high level meaningful dialogues, rather than many meaningless conversations. Given this result, we find support for H1.Network Position: Network efficiency is significantly correlated with CR score, r = .394, p (one-tailed) < 0.01. Highly efficient learners are connected with contacts that are expected to provide good quality of content (high CR), so they can fulfill the informational needs of the learner without having to look for other sources. This result provides us with evidence to support H2.Engagement: There exists a significant positive correlation between CR and CI (r = .344, p (one-tailed) < 0.05), thus lending support to H3a.According to the Gloor’s definition of CI, an optimal contributor would present a balanced rate of messages sent compared to the number of messages received. Therefore, the CI value should tend to be zero for optimal communication. The conclusion that we can make from this result is that learners with higher CR score send more messages than they receive, and as a consequence, there is no reciprocity in terms of meaningful content exchange for social learning. In addition, CR score is significantly negatively correlated to E-I index, r = -.354, p (one-tailed) < 0.05, thus allowing us to reject H3b. In the case of E-I index we are also looking for a balanced rate of internal and external communication [30]. A high E-I index indicates a relatively higher communication by an individual to those outside his group relative to those internal to his group. This is beneficial for avoiding ‘group think’. According to the results obtained, those who communicate more frequently internally within groups relative to externally outside groups are also engaged in higher or richer levels of communication. This can be attributed to the fact that the large number of internal group messages in comparison to the external ones influences the E-I index. In fact, there were more interactions between group members, rather than among external contacts, which indicates that learning as evidenced by content richness took place within groups rather than outside of groups. This result is very likely due to the large number of internal dialogues.Network Ties: There is a significant positive relationship between the average strength of ties and CR score, r = .422, p (one-tailed) < 0.01. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence to reject H3c. The stronger the tie the more frequently the contacts occur. This implication means that contacts with high level of interaction tend to mutually exchange valuable information. These dialogues are rich in content and provide more in depth insights about the topics of learning. Although Granovetter’s theory may not hold true in this circumstance, other researchers have claimed that strong ties are symbol of closeness and trust, which are two determinant components for social learning [29, 32]. Performance: There is a significant positive relationship between CR score and the individual assignment marks, r = .311, as well as between CR score and the quiz mark, r = .341, both p (one-tailed) < 0.05. However the exam result, which has the highest assessment weight in terms of learning outcome, does not seem to be significantly associated with CR score and for none of the engagement measures proposed in this study. Taken altogether, we consider that these results are somewhat indicative enough of how meaningful dialogic exchange among contacts can enhance learners’ performance. Therefore, we find partial support for H4.