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Introduction to Manufacturing Systems /
Operations Research
What is Operations Research? Management Science?
Operations research is concerned with scientifically deciding
how to best design and operate man-machine systems, usually
under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.
(Operations Research Society of America, 1976).
What is Operations Research? Management Science?
Management Science is the application of a scientific approach
to solving management problems in order to help managers
make better decisions. (Introduction to Management Science,
B.W.Taylor III, 1999).
OR is the abstraction of real world problems into mathematical
models, and the development of techniques to optimally (or
attempt to optimally) solve these problems. The application of
OR is using the models and methods to aid decision makers
(Schultz, 2002).
History of MS/OR
Origins in World War II
- radar deployment policies
- anti-aircraft fire control
- fleet convoy sizing
- detection of enemy submarine
Early MS/OR Efforts - Large Industries
- automotive
- oil&gas
- airlines
Additional MS/OR sectors
- telecommunications
- financial planning
- health care
- public service
Nature of OR / Approach to Problem Solving
- observe situation
- define / formulate the problem
- construct a model that attempts to sufficiently
represent the situation
- solve / validate the model
- apply the model (aid decision maker)
Types of models
- Math programming (Linear, Integer, non-Linear)
- Network
- Queueing
- MDP (Markov Decision Processes)
- Regression
- Forecasting
- Inventory
- Dynamic programming
- Simulation
Introduction to Optimization
and Linear Programming
Chapter 2
 We all face decision about how to use limited
resources such as:
 Oil in the earth
 Land for dumps
 Time
 Money
 Workers
Mathematical Programming...
 MP is a field of management science that finds the
optimal, or most efficient, way of using limited
resources to achieve the objectives of an individual of a
 Optimization
Applications of Optimization
 Determining Product Mix
 Manufacturing
 Routing and Logistics
 Financial Planning
Characteristics of Optimization
 Decisions
 Constraints
 Objectives
General Form of an Optimization Problem
MAX (or MIN): f0(X1, X2, …, Xn)
Subject to: f1(X1, X2, …, Xn)<=b1
fk(X1, X2, …, Xn)>=bk
fm(X1, X2, …, Xn)=bm
Note: If all the functions in an optimization are
linear, the problem is a Linear Programming (LP)
Example LP Problem
Blue Ridge Hot Tubs produces two types of hot
tubs: Aqua-Spas & Hydro-Luxes.
There are 200 pumps, 1566 hours of labor, and
2880 feet of tubing available.
Aqua-Spa Hydro-Lux
Pumps 1 1
Labor 9 hours 6 hours
Tubing 12 feet 16 feet
Unit Profit $350 $300
5 Steps In Formulating LP Models:
1. Understand the problem.
2. Identify the decision variables.
X1=number of Aqua-Spas to produce
X2=number of Hydro-Luxes to produce
3. State the objective function as a linear
combination of the decision variables.
MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
5 Steps In Formulating LP Models
4. State the constraints as linear combinations of
the decision variables.
1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 } pumps
9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 } labor
12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 } tubing
5. Identify any upper or lower bounds on the
decision variables.
X1 >= 0
X2 >= 0
MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200
9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566
12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880
X1 >= 0
X2 >= 0
Solving LP Problems:An Intuitive Approach
 Idea: Each Aqua-Spa (X1) generates the highest unit
profit ($350), so let’s make as many of them as
 How many would that be?
 Let X2 = 0
 1st constraint: 1X1 <= 200
 2nd constraint: 9X1 <=1566 or X1 <=174
 3rd constraint: 12X1 <= 2880 or X1 <= 240
 If X2=0, the maximum value of X1 is 174 and the total
profit is $350*174 + $300*0 = $60,900
 This solution is feasible, but is it optimal?
 No!
MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200
9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566
12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880
X1 >= 0
X2 >= 0
Solving LP Problems:An Intuitive Approach
 Idea: Hydro-Lux (X2) generates the highest unit profit
($300), so let’s make as many of them as possible!
 How many would that be?
 Let X1 = 0
 1st constraint: 1X2 <= 200
 2nd constraint: 6X2 <=1566 X2 <=261
 3rd constraint: 16X2 <= 2880 or X2 <= 180
 If X1=0, the maximum value of X2 is 261 and the total
profit is $300*180 + $350*0 = $54,000
 This solution is feasible, but is it optimal?
 No!
MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200
9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566
12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880
X1 >= 0
X2 >= 0
Solving LP Problems: A Graphical Approach
 The constraints of an LP problem defines its
feasible region.
 The best point in the feasible region is the optimal
solution to the problem.
 For LP problems with 2 variables, it is easy to plot
the feasible region and find the optimal solution.
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 200)
(200, 0)
boundary line of pump constraint
X1 + X2 = 200
Plotting the First Constraint
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 261)
(174, 0)
boundary line of labor constraint
9X1 + 6X2 = 1566
Plotting the Second Constraint
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 180)
(240, 0)
boundary line of tubing constraint
12X1 + 16X2 = 2880
Feasible Region
Plotting the Third Constraint
Plotting A Level Curve of the
Objective Function
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 116.67);100/300*350
(100, 0)
objective function
350X1 + 300X2 = 35000
A Second Level Curve of the Objective FunctionX2
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 175);=150/300*350
(150, 0)
objective function
350X1 + 300X2 = 35000 objective function
350X1 + 300X2 = 52500
Using A Level Curve to Locate
the Optimal SolutionX2
0 50 100 150 200 250
objective function
350X1 + 300X2 = 35000
objective function
350X1 + 300X2 = 52500
optimal solution
Calculating the Optimal Solution
• The optimal solution occurs where the “pumps” and
“labor” constraints intersect.
• This occurs where:
X1 + X2 = 200 (1)
and 9X1 + 6X2 = 1566 (2)
• From (1) we have, X2 = 200 -X1 (3)
• Substituting (3) for X2 in (2) we have,
9X1 + 6 (200 -X1) = 1566
which reduces to X1 = 122
• So the optimal solution is,
X1=122, X2=200-X1=78
Total Profit = $350*122 + $300*78 = $66,100
Enumerating The Corner Points
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 180)
(174, 0)
(122, 78)
(80, 120)
(0, 0)
obj. value = $54,000
obj. value = $64,000
obj. value = $66,100
obj. value = $60,900
obj. value = $0
Note: This technique will not
work if the solution is
Graphical LP Solution Procedure
1) Formulate the LP problem
2) Plot the constraints on a graph
3) Identify the feasible solution region
4) Plot two objective function lines
5) Determine the direction of improvement
6) Find the most attractive corner
7) Determine the coordinates of the MAC
8) Find the value of the objective function
Exercise 3.1.1
A farmer can plant up to 8 acres of land with wheat and barley. He can earn
$5,000 for every acre he plants with wheat and $3,000 for every acre he plants
with barley. His use of a necessary pesticide is limited by federal regulations
to 10 gallons for his entire 8 acres. Wheat requires 2 gallons of pesticide for
every acre planted and barley requires just 1 gallon per acre.
What is the maximum profit he can make?
Exercise 3.1.2
let x = the number of acres of wheat ; let y = the number of acres of barley.
since the farmer earns $5,000 for each acre of wheat and $3,000 for each acre of barley, then the total profit the
farmer can earn is 5000*x + 3000*y.
let p = total profit that can be earned. your equation for profit becomes: p = 5000x + 3000y ; that's your objective
function. it's what you want to maximize
the constraints are:
number of acres has to be greater than or equal to 0, number of acres has to be less than or equal to 8.; amount of
pesticide has to be less than or equal to 10.; your constraint equations are: x >= 0, y >= 0;
x + y <= 8 ; 2x + y <= 10
to graph these equations, solve for y in those equations that have y in them and then graph the equality portion of
those equations. ; x >= 0; y >= 0 ; y <= 8-x; y <= 10 - 2x
x = 0 is a vertical line that is the same line as the y-axis. ; y = 0 is a horizontal line that is the same line as the x-
the area of the graph that satisfies all the constraints is the region of feasibility.
the maximum or minimum solutions to the problem will be at the intersection points of the lines that bound the
region of feasibility.
the graph of your equations looks like this:
y = 8 – x ; y = 10 - 2x
subtract the first equation from the second equation and you get: 0 = 2
– x add x to both sides of this equation and you get: x = 2 ; substitute 2
for x in either equation to get y = 6.
that makes the intersection point (x,y) = (2,6).
the objective equation is: p = 5000x + 3000y
profit will be maximum at the intersection points of the region of
feasibility on the graph.
the profit equation is evaluated at each of these points as shown in the
following table.
intersection point of (x,y) p
(0,0) $0
(0,8) $24,000
(2,6) $28,000 *****
(5,0) $25,000
A painter has exactly 32 units of yellow dye and 54 units of green
dye. He plans to mix as many gallons as possible of color A and
color B. Each gallon of color A requires 4 units of yellow dye and
1 unit of green dye. Each gallon of color B requires 1 unit of
yellow dye and 6 units of green dye.
Find the maximum number of gallons he can mix.
The Bead Store sells material for customers to make their
own jewelry. Customer can select beads from various bins.
Grace wants to design her own Halloween necklace from
orange and black beads. She wants to make a necklace that
is at least 12 inches long, but no more than 24 inches long.
Grace also wants her necklace to contain black beads that
are at least twice the length of orange beads. Finally, she
wants her necklace to have at least 5 inches of black beads.
Find the constraints, sketch the problem and find the
vertices (intersection points)
x >= 0 is there because the number of inches of black beads can't be negative.
y >= 0 is there because the number of inches of orange beads can't be negative.
x + y >= 12 is there because the total length of the necklace has to be greater than or
equal to 12 inches.
x + y <= 24 is there because the total length of the necklace has to be less than or
equal to 24 inches.
x >= 2y is there because the length of the black beads has to be greater than or equal
to twice the length of the orange beads.
x >= 5 is there because the number of inches of black beads has to be greater than or
equal to 5.
to graph these equations, we have to solve for y in each equation that has y in it and
then graph the equality portion of each of them.
your equations for graphing are:
x >= 0; y >= 0 ; y >= 12 – x ; y <= 24 – x ; y <= x/2 ; x >= 5
A garden shop wishes to prepare a supply of special fertilizer at a
minimal cost by mixing two fertilizers, A and B.
The mixture is to contain:
at least 45 units of phosphate
at least 36 units of nitrate
at least 40 units of ammonium
Fertilizer A costs the shop $.97 per pound.
Fertilizer B costs the shop $1.89 per pound.
fertilizer A contains 5 units of phosphate and 2 units of nitrate and 2
units of ammonium.
fertilizer B contains 3 units of phosphate and 3 units of nitrate and 5
units of ammonium.
how many pounds of each fertilizer should the shop use in order to
minimize their cost.
the objective function becomes:
c = .97x + 1.89y
the constraint equations are:
x >= 0
y >= 0
5x + 3y >= 45 ; 2x + 3y >= 36 ; 2x + 5y >= 40
the equations to be graphed are:
x >= 0 ; y >= 0 ; y >= (45-5x)/3 ; y >= (36 - 2x)/3 ; y >= (40-2x)/5
intersection points (x,y) c = .97x + 1.89y minimum solution
(0,15) 28.35
(3,10) 21.81
(15,2) 18.33 *****
(20,0) 19.40
the table suggests that we have a minimum cost solution when the value of x is equal
to 15 and the value of y is equal 2.
when x = 15 and y = 2, the number of pounds of potassium, nitrates, and ammonium
phosphate = 5x + 3y = 5*15 + 3*2 = 75 + 6 = 81
nitrate = 2x + 3y = 2*15 + 3*2 = 30 + 6 = 36
ammonium = 2x + 5y = 2*15 + 5*2 = 30 + 10 = 40
all the constraints associated with the minimum cost objective have been met.
An elementary school wants to send children on a field trip to a
museum. The museum staff has informed the school that tours can
be scheduled for no more than 50 total people and the school must
provide at least one adult chaperone for every 9 students.
Make a list of constraints.
graph the feasible region.
calculate and label the vertices.
A group of artists has decided to produce hand-drawn cards for
Valentine's Day and donate the money generated to charity.
The artists will produce ink drawings and watercolors.
They have volunteered to spend at most 120 hours for preparation of
the cards and a maximum of 60 hours for packaging the cards.
The preparation of an ink drawing takes 0.3 hours and the
preparation of a watercolor takes 0.5 hours.
The packaging of each requires 0.2 hours.
Make a list of the constraints and sketch the feasible region and label
the vertices.
A company produces 2 portable CD players.
They are called the Shuffle Man and the Walk On.
The profits per unit are $20 for the Shuffle Man and $15 for the Walk On.
The product time (in hours) for one unit of each product is given in the chart.
The company has at most 750 worker-hours of manufacturing time available and
200 worker-hours of shipping time available each day.
At least 300 Shuffle Man players and 500 Walk On players must be produced each
Write the profit function to be maximized.
How many of each product should be produced each day?
What will the profit be?
If the profits for each Shuffle Man falls to $16 per unit, how many of each product
should be produced?
What will the new total profit be?
Simplex Method
Chapter 3
Simplex Method
Blue Ridge Hot Tubs produces two types of hot
tubs: Aqua-Spas & Hydro-Luxes.
There are 200 pumps, 1566 hours of labor, and
2880 feet of tubing available.
Aqua-Spa Hydro-Lux
Pumps 1 1
Labor 9 hours 6 hours
Tubing 12 feet 16 feet
Unit Profit $350 $300
Exercise 3.1.1
Exercise 3.2?gm
Resource Unit Requirements Amount
Table Chair
Wood 30 20 300
Labor 5 10 110
6 8
Let: XT = number of tables produced
XC = number of chairs produced
MAX Z = 6 XT + 8 XC
s.t. 30 XT + 20 XC < 300
5 XT + 10 XC < 110
where: XT, XC > 0
Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX +
Hours Required to Produce One Unit
Hours This
$7 $5
( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX
)(carpentry2403 21 + XX
Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX +
Hours Required to Produce One Unit
Hours This
$7 $5
( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX
)(carpentry24034 21 + XX
Redwood Furniture Problem
XT = 4 tables
XC = 9 chairs
P = 6(4) + 8(9) = 96
Summary of Graphical Solution
to LP Problems
1. Plot the boundary line of each constraint
2. Identify the feasible region
3. Locate the optimal solution by either:
a. Plotting level curves
b. Enumerating the extreme points
Special Conditions in LP Models
 A number of anomalies can occur in LP problems:
 Alternate Optimal Solutions
 Redundant Constraints
 Unbounded Solutions
 Infeasibility
Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX +
Hours Required to Produce One Unit
Hours This
$7 $5
( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX
)(carpentry24034 21 + XX
0 20 40 60 80 100 X
Number of Tables
B = (0,80)
C = (30,40)
D = (50,0)
24034 21 + XX
10012 11 + XX
Simplex Steps for Maximization
1. Choose the variable with the greatest positive
Cj - Zj to enter the solution.
2. Determine the row to be replaced by selecting
that one with the smallest (non-negative)
quantity-to-pivot-column ratio.
3. Calculate the new values for the pivot row.
4. Calculate the new values for the other row(s).
5. Calculate the Cj and Cj - Zj values for this
tableau. If there are any Cj - Zj values greater
than zero, return to Step 1.
Simplex Steps for Minimization
1. Choose the variable with the greatest negative Cj - Zj to enter
the solution.
2. Determine the row to be replaced by selecting that one with
the smallest (non-negative) quantity-to-pivot-column ratio.
3. Calculate the new values for the pivot row.
4. Calculate the new values for the other row(s).
5. Calculate the Cj and Cj - Zj values for this tableau. If there
are any Cj - Zj values less than zero, return to Step 1.
Simplex Method
Ex 2.16.5
Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX +
Hours Required to Produce One Unit
Hours This
$7 $5
( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX
)(carpentry24034 21 + XX
(painting and Varnishing )10012 21
+ XX
(carpentry )24034 21
+ XX
Constraints with Slack Variables
57 XX +
Objective Function
Objective Function with Slack Variables
0057 SSXX +++
(painting and Varnishing )
(carpentry )
Column Prod.
Real Variables
Slack Variables
Columns Constant
X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity
$7 $5 $0 $0
unit row
2 1 1 0
4 3 0 1
$0 $0 $0 $0
$7 $5 $0 $0
Cj - Zj
X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity
$7 $5 $0 $0
2 1 1 0
4 3 0 1
$0 $0 $0 $0
$7 $5 $0 $0
Cj - Zj
Pivot number
Pivot column
Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity
$7 $5 $0 $0
1 1/2 1/2 0
0 1 -2 1
$7 $7/2 $7/2 $0
$0 $3/2 -$7/2 $0
Cj - Zj
Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity
$7 $5 $0 $0
1 1/2 1/2 0
0 1 -2 1
$7 $7/2 $7/2 $0
$0 $3/2 -$7/2 $0
Cj - Zj
Pivot number
Pivot column
= - x1
= - x
= - x
= - x
= - x
Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity
$7 $5 $0 $0
1 0 3/2 -1/2
0 1 -2 1
$7 5 $1/2 $3/2
$0 $0 -$1/2 -$3/2
Cj - Zj
Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex
Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex
Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex
Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex
Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex
Exercise-13 - 17
Exercise-18 - 21
Exercise- 22 - 25
Exercise-26 - 31
Exercise-32 - 35
Exercise-36- 37
Exercise-38 - 39
Simplex Method – Big M method
0 50 100 150 200 250
(0, 180)
(240, 0)
boundary line of tubing constraint
12X1 + 16X2 = 2880
Feasible Region
MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200
9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566
12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880
X1 >= 0
X2 >= 0
Simplex Method : Big ‘M’ Method
Example 06
Surplus & Artificial Variables
Constraints-Surplus & Artificial Variables
Objective Function
321 795 XXX ++:Min
211321 0795 MAMASXXX +++++:Min
Objective Function-Surplus & Artificial Variables
Special Cases
02M+21M-31200Cj - Zj
Special Cases
Pivot Column
Cj 6 9 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
X1 -1 1 2 0 30
S1 -2 0 -1 1 10
Zj -9 9 18 0 270
Cj - Zj 15 0 -18 0
Special Cases
Pivot Column
C j 5 8 2 0 0 0
X 1 X 2 X 3 S 1 S 2 S 3 Qty
8 X 2 1/4 1 1 -2 0 0 10
0 S 2 4 0 1/3 -1 1 0 20
0 S 3 2 0 2 2/5 0 1 10
Z j 2 8 8 16 0 0 80
C j -Z j 3 0 6 16 0 0
Special Cases
Multiple Optima
Cj 3 2 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
2 X1 3/2 1 1 0 6
0 S2 1 0 1/2 1 3
Zj 3 2 2 0 12
Cj - Zj 0 0 -2 0
Sensitivity Analysis
High Note Sound Company
Sensitivity Analysis
High Note Sound Company
Simplex Solution
High Note Sound Company
Cj 50 120 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
120 X2 1/2 1 1/4 0 20
0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40
Zj 60 120 30 0 2400
Cj - Zj -10 0 -30 0
Nonbasic Objective Function
Cj 50 120 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
120 X2 1/2 1 1/4 0 20
0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40
Zj 60 120 30 0 2400
Cj – Zj -10 0 -30 0
Basic Objective Function Coefficients
Cj 50 120 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
X1 1/2 1 1/4 0 20
0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40
Zj 60+ /2 120+  30+ /4 0 2400+20
Cj - Zj -10- /2 0 -30- /4 0
Simplex Solution
High Note Sound Company
Objective increases by 30 if 1 additional
hour of electricians time is available.
Cj 50 120 0 0
X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty
X1 ½ 1 1/4 0 20
S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40
Zj 60 120 30 0 40
Cj - Zj 0 0 -30 0 2400
Shadow Prices
 Shadow Price: Value of One Additional Unit of a
Scarce Resource
 Found in Final Simplex Tableau in C-Z Row
 Negatives of Numbers in Slack Variable Column
Steps to Form the Dual
To form the Dual:
 If the primal is max., the dual is min., and vice versa.
 The right-hand-side values of the primal constraints become
the objective coefficients of the dual.
 The primal objective function coefficients become the right-
hand-side of the dual constraints.
 The transpose of the primal constraint coefficients become
the dual constraint coefficients.
 Constraint inequality signs are reversed.
Subject to:
Subject to:
12050 21 + XX:Max 6080 21 + UU:Min
Subject to:
Subject to:
12050 21 + XX:Max 6080 21 + UU:Min
Primal & Dual
Primal: Dual
Subject to:
Subject to:
12050 21 + XX:Max 6080 21 + UU:Min
Comparison of the Primal and Dual Optimal
Cj - Zj
X1 X2 S1 S2
$50 $120 $0 $0
1/2 1 1/4 0
5/2 0 -1/4 1
60 120 30 0
-10 0 -30 0
Cj - Zj
X1 X2 S1 S2
80 60 $0 $0
1 1/4 0 -1/4
0 -5/2 1 -1/2
80 20 0 -20
$0 40 0 20
A1 A2
0 1/2
-1 1/2
0 40
M M-40
Maximize z = -4x1 - 2x2
subject to
3x1 + x2 ≥ 27
x1 + x2 ≥ 21
x1 + 2x2 ≥ 30
x1, x2 ≥ 0
Maximize z = -4x1 - 2x2 + 0x3 + 0x4 + 0x5 – MA1 – MA2 – MA3
3x1 + x2 - x3 + A1 = 27
x1 + x2 - x4 + A2 = 21
x1 + 2x2 - x5 + A3 = 30
x1 ,x2, x3, x4, x5, A1, A2 ≥ 0
x and x are surplus variables
Introduction to Operations Research/ Management Science
Introduction to Operations Research/ Management Science

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Introduction to Operations Research/ Management Science

  • 1. Introduction to Manufacturing Systems / Operations Research What is Operations Research? Management Science? Operations research is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best design and operate man-machine systems, usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources. (Operations Research Society of America, 1976).
  • 2. What is Operations Research? Management Science? Management Science is the application of a scientific approach to solving management problems in order to help managers make better decisions. (Introduction to Management Science, B.W.Taylor III, 1999). OR is the abstraction of real world problems into mathematical models, and the development of techniques to optimally (or attempt to optimally) solve these problems. The application of OR is using the models and methods to aid decision makers (Schultz, 2002).
  • 3. History of MS/OR Origins in World War II - radar deployment policies - anti-aircraft fire control - fleet convoy sizing - detection of enemy submarine Early MS/OR Efforts - Large Industries - automotive - oil&gas - airlines Additional MS/OR sectors - telecommunications - financial planning - health care - public service
  • 4. Nature of OR / Approach to Problem Solving - observe situation - define / formulate the problem - construct a model that attempts to sufficiently represent the situation - solve / validate the model - apply the model (aid decision maker)
  • 5. Types of models - Math programming (Linear, Integer, non-Linear) - Network - Queueing - MDP (Markov Decision Processes) - Regression - Forecasting - Inventory - Dynamic programming - Simulation
  • 6. Introduction to Optimization and Linear Programming Chapter 2
  • 7. Introduction  We all face decision about how to use limited resources such as:  Oil in the earth  Land for dumps  Time  Money  Workers
  • 8. Mathematical Programming...  MP is a field of management science that finds the optimal, or most efficient, way of using limited resources to achieve the objectives of an individual of a business.  Optimization
  • 9. Applications of Optimization  Determining Product Mix  Manufacturing  Routing and Logistics  Financial Planning
  • 10. Characteristics of Optimization Problems  Decisions  Constraints  Objectives
  • 11. General Form of an Optimization Problem MAX (or MIN): f0(X1, X2, …, Xn) Subject to: f1(X1, X2, …, Xn)<=b1 : fk(X1, X2, …, Xn)>=bk : fm(X1, X2, …, Xn)=bm Note: If all the functions in an optimization are linear, the problem is a Linear Programming (LP) problem
  • 12. Example LP Problem Blue Ridge Hot Tubs produces two types of hot tubs: Aqua-Spas & Hydro-Luxes. There are 200 pumps, 1566 hours of labor, and 2880 feet of tubing available. Aqua-Spa Hydro-Lux Pumps 1 1 Labor 9 hours 6 hours Tubing 12 feet 16 feet Unit Profit $350 $300
  • 13. 5 Steps In Formulating LP Models: 1. Understand the problem. 2. Identify the decision variables. X1=number of Aqua-Spas to produce X2=number of Hydro-Luxes to produce 3. State the objective function as a linear combination of the decision variables. MAX: 350X1 + 300X2
  • 14. 5 Steps In Formulating LP Models (continued) 4. State the constraints as linear combinations of the decision variables. 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 } pumps 9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 } labor 12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 } tubing 5. Identify any upper or lower bounds on the decision variables. X1 >= 0 X2 >= 0
  • 15. MAX: 350X1 + 300X2 S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 X1 >= 0 X2 >= 0 Example-01
  • 16. Solving LP Problems:An Intuitive Approach  Idea: Each Aqua-Spa (X1) generates the highest unit profit ($350), so let’s make as many of them as possible!  How many would that be?  Let X2 = 0  1st constraint: 1X1 <= 200  2nd constraint: 9X1 <=1566 or X1 <=174  3rd constraint: 12X1 <= 2880 or X1 <= 240  If X2=0, the maximum value of X1 is 174 and the total profit is $350*174 + $300*0 = $60,900  This solution is feasible, but is it optimal?  No! MAX: 350X1 + 300X2 S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 X1 >= 0 X2 >= 0
  • 17. Solving LP Problems:An Intuitive Approach  Idea: Hydro-Lux (X2) generates the highest unit profit ($300), so let’s make as many of them as possible!  How many would that be?  Let X1 = 0  1st constraint: 1X2 <= 200  2nd constraint: 6X2 <=1566 X2 <=261  3rd constraint: 16X2 <= 2880 or X2 <= 180  If X1=0, the maximum value of X2 is 261 and the total profit is $300*180 + $350*0 = $54,000  This solution is feasible, but is it optimal?  No! MAX: 350X1 + 300X2 S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 X1 >= 0 X2 >= 0
  • 18. Solving LP Problems: A Graphical Approach  The constraints of an LP problem defines its feasible region.  The best point in the feasible region is the optimal solution to the problem.  For LP problems with 2 variables, it is easy to plot the feasible region and find the optimal solution.
  • 19. X2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 200) (200, 0) boundary line of pump constraint X1 + X2 = 200 Plotting the First Constraint
  • 20. X2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 261) (174, 0) boundary line of labor constraint 9X1 + 6X2 = 1566 Plotting the Second Constraint
  • 21. X2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 180) (240, 0) boundary line of tubing constraint 12X1 + 16X2 = 2880 Feasible Region Plotting the Third Constraint
  • 22. X2 Plotting A Level Curve of the Objective Function X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 116.67);100/300*350 (100, 0) objective function 350X1 + 300X2 = 35000
  • 23. A Second Level Curve of the Objective FunctionX2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 175);=150/300*350 (150, 0) objective function 350X1 + 300X2 = 35000 objective function 350X1 + 300X2 = 52500
  • 24. Using A Level Curve to Locate the Optimal SolutionX2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 objective function 350X1 + 300X2 = 35000 objective function 350X1 + 300X2 = 52500 optimal solution
  • 25. Calculating the Optimal Solution • The optimal solution occurs where the “pumps” and “labor” constraints intersect. • This occurs where: X1 + X2 = 200 (1) and 9X1 + 6X2 = 1566 (2) • From (1) we have, X2 = 200 -X1 (3) • Substituting (3) for X2 in (2) we have, 9X1 + 6 (200 -X1) = 1566 which reduces to X1 = 122 • So the optimal solution is, X1=122, X2=200-X1=78 Total Profit = $350*122 + $300*78 = $66,100
  • 26. Enumerating The Corner Points X2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 180) (174, 0) (122, 78) (80, 120) (0, 0) obj. value = $54,000 obj. value = $64,000 obj. value = $66,100 obj. value = $60,900 obj. value = $0 Note: This technique will not work if the solution is unbounded.
  • 27. Graphical LP Solution Procedure 1) Formulate the LP problem 2) Plot the constraints on a graph 3) Identify the feasible solution region 4) Plot two objective function lines 5) Determine the direction of improvement 6) Find the most attractive corner 7) Determine the coordinates of the MAC 8) Find the value of the objective function
  • 29.
  • 30. A farmer can plant up to 8 acres of land with wheat and barley. He can earn $5,000 for every acre he plants with wheat and $3,000 for every acre he plants with barley. His use of a necessary pesticide is limited by federal regulations to 10 gallons for his entire 8 acres. Wheat requires 2 gallons of pesticide for every acre planted and barley requires just 1 gallon per acre. What is the maximum profit he can make? Exercise
  • 32. let x = the number of acres of wheat ; let y = the number of acres of barley. since the farmer earns $5,000 for each acre of wheat and $3,000 for each acre of barley, then the total profit the farmer can earn is 5000*x + 3000*y. let p = total profit that can be earned. your equation for profit becomes: p = 5000x + 3000y ; that's your objective function. it's what you want to maximize the constraints are: number of acres has to be greater than or equal to 0, number of acres has to be less than or equal to 8.; amount of pesticide has to be less than or equal to 10.; your constraint equations are: x >= 0, y >= 0; x + y <= 8 ; 2x + y <= 10 to graph these equations, solve for y in those equations that have y in them and then graph the equality portion of those equations. ; x >= 0; y >= 0 ; y <= 8-x; y <= 10 - 2x x = 0 is a vertical line that is the same line as the y-axis. ; y = 0 is a horizontal line that is the same line as the x- axis. the area of the graph that satisfies all the constraints is the region of feasibility. the maximum or minimum solutions to the problem will be at the intersection points of the lines that bound the region of feasibility. the graph of your equations looks like this:
  • 33.
  • 34. y = 8 – x ; y = 10 - 2x subtract the first equation from the second equation and you get: 0 = 2 – x add x to both sides of this equation and you get: x = 2 ; substitute 2 for x in either equation to get y = 6. that makes the intersection point (x,y) = (2,6). the objective equation is: p = 5000x + 3000y profit will be maximum at the intersection points of the region of feasibility on the graph. the profit equation is evaluated at each of these points as shown in the following table. intersection point of (x,y) p (0,0) $0 (0,8) $24,000 (2,6) $28,000 ***** (5,0) $25,000
  • 35. A painter has exactly 32 units of yellow dye and 54 units of green dye. He plans to mix as many gallons as possible of color A and color B. Each gallon of color A requires 4 units of yellow dye and 1 unit of green dye. Each gallon of color B requires 1 unit of yellow dye and 6 units of green dye. Find the maximum number of gallons he can mix. Exercise-02
  • 36.
  • 37. The Bead Store sells material for customers to make their own jewelry. Customer can select beads from various bins. Grace wants to design her own Halloween necklace from orange and black beads. She wants to make a necklace that is at least 12 inches long, but no more than 24 inches long. Grace also wants her necklace to contain black beads that are at least twice the length of orange beads. Finally, she wants her necklace to have at least 5 inches of black beads. Find the constraints, sketch the problem and find the vertices (intersection points) Exercise-03
  • 38. x >= 0 is there because the number of inches of black beads can't be negative. y >= 0 is there because the number of inches of orange beads can't be negative. x + y >= 12 is there because the total length of the necklace has to be greater than or equal to 12 inches. x + y <= 24 is there because the total length of the necklace has to be less than or equal to 24 inches. x >= 2y is there because the length of the black beads has to be greater than or equal to twice the length of the orange beads. x >= 5 is there because the number of inches of black beads has to be greater than or equal to 5. to graph these equations, we have to solve for y in each equation that has y in it and then graph the equality portion of each of them. your equations for graphing are: x >= 0; y >= 0 ; y >= 12 – x ; y <= 24 – x ; y <= x/2 ; x >= 5
  • 39.
  • 40. A garden shop wishes to prepare a supply of special fertilizer at a minimal cost by mixing two fertilizers, A and B. The mixture is to contain: at least 45 units of phosphate at least 36 units of nitrate at least 40 units of ammonium Fertilizer A costs the shop $.97 per pound. Fertilizer B costs the shop $1.89 per pound. fertilizer A contains 5 units of phosphate and 2 units of nitrate and 2 units of ammonium. fertilizer B contains 3 units of phosphate and 3 units of nitrate and 5 units of ammonium. how many pounds of each fertilizer should the shop use in order to minimize their cost. Exercise-04
  • 41. the objective function becomes: c = .97x + 1.89y the constraint equations are: x >= 0 y >= 0 5x + 3y >= 45 ; 2x + 3y >= 36 ; 2x + 5y >= 40 the equations to be graphed are: x >= 0 ; y >= 0 ; y >= (45-5x)/3 ; y >= (36 - 2x)/3 ; y >= (40-2x)/5
  • 42.
  • 43. intersection points (x,y) c = .97x + 1.89y minimum solution (0,15) 28.35 (3,10) 21.81 (15,2) 18.33 ***** (20,0) 19.40 the table suggests that we have a minimum cost solution when the value of x is equal to 15 and the value of y is equal 2. when x = 15 and y = 2, the number of pounds of potassium, nitrates, and ammonium are: phosphate = 5x + 3y = 5*15 + 3*2 = 75 + 6 = 81 nitrate = 2x + 3y = 2*15 + 3*2 = 30 + 6 = 36 ammonium = 2x + 5y = 2*15 + 5*2 = 30 + 10 = 40 all the constraints associated with the minimum cost objective have been met.
  • 44. An elementary school wants to send children on a field trip to a museum. The museum staff has informed the school that tours can be scheduled for no more than 50 total people and the school must provide at least one adult chaperone for every 9 students. Make a list of constraints. graph the feasible region. calculate and label the vertices. Exercise-05
  • 45. A group of artists has decided to produce hand-drawn cards for Valentine's Day and donate the money generated to charity. The artists will produce ink drawings and watercolors. They have volunteered to spend at most 120 hours for preparation of the cards and a maximum of 60 hours for packaging the cards. The preparation of an ink drawing takes 0.3 hours and the preparation of a watercolor takes 0.5 hours. The packaging of each requires 0.2 hours. Make a list of the constraints and sketch the feasible region and label the vertices. Exercise-06
  • 46. A company produces 2 portable CD players. They are called the Shuffle Man and the Walk On. The profits per unit are $20 for the Shuffle Man and $15 for the Walk On. The product time (in hours) for one unit of each product is given in the chart. The company has at most 750 worker-hours of manufacturing time available and 200 worker-hours of shipping time available each day. At least 300 Shuffle Man players and 500 Walk On players must be produced each day. Write the profit function to be maximized. How many of each product should be produced each day? What will the profit be? If the profits for each Shuffle Man falls to $16 per unit, how many of each product should be produced? What will the new total profit be? Exercise-07
  • 48. Simplex Method Blue Ridge Hot Tubs produces two types of hot tubs: Aqua-Spas & Hydro-Luxes. There are 200 pumps, 1566 hours of labor, and 2880 feet of tubing available. Aqua-Spa Hydro-Lux Pumps 1 1 Labor 9 hours 6 hours Tubing 12 feet 16 feet Unit Profit $350 $300
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. Exercise Resource Unit Requirements Amount Available Table Chair Wood 30 20 300 Labor 5 10 110 Unit Profit 6 8
  • 60. Solution Let: XT = number of tables produced XC = number of chairs produced MAX Z = 6 XT + 8 XC s.t. 30 XT + 20 XC < 300 5 XT + 10 XC < 110 where: XT, XC > 0
  • 61. Exercise 9-65 Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX + Hours Required to Produce One Unit Department X1 Tables X2 Chairs Available Hours This Week Carpentry Painting/Varnishing 4 2 3 1 240 100 Profit/unit Constraints: $7 $5 ( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX )(carpentry2403 21 + XX
  • 62. Exercise 9-66 Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX + Hours Required to Produce One Unit Department X1 Tables X2 Chairs Available Hours This Week Carpentry Painting/Varnishing 4 2 3 1 240 100 Profit/unit Constraints: $7 $5 ( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX )(carpentry24034 21 + XX
  • 63. Redwood Furniture Problem XT = 4 tables XC = 9 chairs P = 6(4) + 8(9) = 96 dollars
  • 64. Summary of Graphical Solution to LP Problems 1. Plot the boundary line of each constraint 2. Identify the feasible region 3. Locate the optimal solution by either: a. Plotting level curves b. Enumerating the extreme points
  • 65. Special Conditions in LP Models  A number of anomalies can occur in LP problems:  Alternate Optimal Solutions  Redundant Constraints  Unbounded Solutions  Infeasibility
  • 66. Example-02 9-70 Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX + Hours Required to Produce One Unit Department X1 Tables X2 Chairs Available Hours This Week Carpentry Painting/Varnishing 4 2 3 1 240 100 Profit/unit Constraints: $7 $5 ( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX )(carpentry24034 21 + XX
  • 67. 9-71 NumberofChairs 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 X X2 Number of Tables B = (0,80) C = (30,40) D = (50,0) Feasible Region 24034 21 + XX 10012 11 + XX
  • 68. Simplex Steps for Maximization 1. Choose the variable with the greatest positive Cj - Zj to enter the solution. 2. Determine the row to be replaced by selecting that one with the smallest (non-negative) quantity-to-pivot-column ratio. 3. Calculate the new values for the pivot row. 4. Calculate the new values for the other row(s). 5. Calculate the Cj and Cj - Zj values for this tableau. If there are any Cj - Zj values greater than zero, return to Step 1. 9-72
  • 69. Simplex Steps for Minimization 1. Choose the variable with the greatest negative Cj - Zj to enter the solution. 2. Determine the row to be replaced by selecting that one with the smallest (non-negative) quantity-to-pivot-column ratio. 3. Calculate the new values for the pivot row. 4. Calculate the new values for the other row(s). 5. Calculate the Cj and Cj - Zj values for this tableau. If there are any Cj - Zj values less than zero, return to Step 1. 9-73
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 78.
  • 79. 9-83 Maximize:Objective: 21 57 XX + Hours Required to Produce One Unit Department X1 Tables X2 Chairs Available Hours This Week Carpentry Painting/Varnishing 4 2 3 1 240 100 Profit/unit Constraints: $7 $5 ( painting & Varnishing)10012 21 + XX )(carpentry24034 21 + XX Example-03
  • 80. 9-84 (painting and Varnishing )10012 21 + XX (carpentry )24034 21 + XX Constraints: Constraints with Slack Variables 10012 24034 221 121 =++ =++ SXX SXX 21 57 XX + Objective Function Objective Function with Slack Variables 2121 0057 SSXX +++ (painting and Varnishing ) (carpentry )
  • 81. 9-85 Profit per Unit Column Prod. Mix Column Real Variables Columns Slack Variables Columns Constant Column Cj Solution Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity $7 $5 $0 $0 Profit per unit row 2 1 1 0 4 3 0 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7 $5 $0 $0 $0 $0 S1 S2 Zj Cj - Zj 100 240 $0 $0 Constraint equation rows Gross Profit row Net Profit row
  • 82. 9-86 Cj Solution Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity $7 $5 $0 $0 2 1 1 0 4 3 0 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7 $5 $0 $0 $0 $0 S1 S2 Zj Cj - Zj 100 240 $0 $0 Pivot row Pivot number Pivot column
  • 83. 9-87 Cj Solution Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity $7 $5 $0 $0 1 1/2 1/2 0 0 1 -2 1 $7 $7/2 $7/2 $0 $0 $3/2 -$7/2 $0 $7 $0 X1 S2 Zj Cj - Zj 50 40 $350
  • 84. 9-88 Cj Solution Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity $7 $5 $0 $0 1 1/2 1/2 0 0 1 -2 1 $7 $7/2 $7/2 $0 $0 $3/2 -$7/2 $0 $7 $0 X1 S2 Zj Cj - Zj 50 40 $350 (Total Profit) Pivot row Pivot number Pivot column
  • 85. 9-89 = - x1 0 3/2 -1/2 30 1 1/2 1/2 0 50 (1/2) (1/2) (1/2) (1/2) (1/2) (0) (1) (-2) (1) (40) = - x = - x = - x = - x                                                       =           rowX newin number ingCorrespond number pivot above Number rowX oldin Number RowX Newin Number ii
  • 86. 9-90 Cj Solution Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity $7 $5 $0 $0 1 0 3/2 -1/2 0 1 -2 1 $7 5 $1/2 $3/2 $0 $0 -$1/2 -$3/2 $7 $5 X1 X2 Zj Cj - Zj 30 40 $410
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex Method Answer Exercise-08
  • 93. Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex Method Answer Exercise-09
  • 94. Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex Method Answer Exercise-10
  • 95. Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex Method Answer Exercise-11
  • 96. Solve the following LP using Graphical method and Simplex Method Answer Exercise-12
  • 110. Simplex Method – Big M method
  • 111. X2 X1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (0, 180) (240, 0) boundary line of tubing constraint 12X1 + 16X2 = 2880 Feasible Region BOUNDED REGION MAX: 350X1 + 300X2 S.T.: 1X1 + 1X2 <= 200 9X1 + 6X2 <= 1566 12X1 + 16X2 <= 2880 X1 >= 0 X2 >= 0
  • 113. Simplex Method : Big ‘M’ Method Example 06
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 117.
  • 120. Surplus & Artificial Variables 9-124 Constraints Constraints-Surplus & Artificial Variables 9003025 2108105 21 321 =+ ++ XX XXX 9003025 2108105 221 11321 =++ =+++ AXX ASXXX Objective Function 321 795 XXX ++:Min 211321 0795 MAMASXXX +++++:Min Objective Function-Surplus & Artificial Variables
  • 121. Special Cases Infeasibility 9-125 02M+21M-31200Cj - Zj 1800+2 M 0-21-M31-M-285Zj 201-1-1000A2M 1000-12110X28 2000-13-201X15 QtyA2A1 S2S1X2X1Sol Mix MM0085Cj
  • 122. Special Cases Unboundedness 9-126 Pivot Column Cj 6 9 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty X1 -1 1 2 0 30 S1 -2 0 -1 1 10 Zj -9 9 18 0 270 Cj - Zj 15 0 -18 0
  • 123. Special Cases Degeneracy 9-127 Pivot Column C j 5 8 2 0 0 0 Solution Mix X 1 X 2 X 3 S 1 S 2 S 3 Qty 8 X 2 1/4 1 1 -2 0 0 10 0 S 2 4 0 1/3 -1 1 0 20 0 S 3 2 0 2 2/5 0 1 10 Z j 2 8 8 16 0 0 80 C j -Z j 3 0 6 16 0 0
  • 124. Special Cases Multiple Optima 9-128 Cj 3 2 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty 2 X1 3/2 1 1 0 6 0 S2 1 0 1/2 1 3 Zj 3 2 2 0 12 Cj - Zj 0 0 -2 0
  • 125. Sensitivity Analysis High Note Sound Company 9-129 6013 8042 12050 21 21 21 + + + XX XX XX :toSubject :Max
  • 126. Sensitivity Analysis High Note Sound Company 9-130
  • 127. Simplex Solution High Note Sound Company 9-131 Cj 50 120 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty 120 X2 1/2 1 1/4 0 20 0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40 Zj 60 120 30 0 2400 Cj - Zj -10 0 -30 0
  • 128. Nonbasic Objective Function Coefficients 9-132 Cj 50 120 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty 120 X2 1/2 1 1/4 0 20 0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40 Zj 60 120 30 0 2400 Cj – Zj -10 0 -30 0
  • 129. Basic Objective Function Coefficients 9-133 Cj 50 120 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty 120+  X1 1/2 1 1/4 0 20 0 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40 Zj 60+ /2 120+  30+ /4 0 2400+20  Cj - Zj -10- /2 0 -30- /4 0
  • 130. Simplex Solution High Note Sound Company 9-134 Objective increases by 30 if 1 additional hour of electricians time is available. Cj 50 120 0 0 Sol Mix X1 X2 S1 S2 Qty X1 ½ 1 1/4 0 20 S2 5/2 0 -1/4 1 40 Zj 60 120 30 0 40 Cj - Zj 0 0 -30 0 2400
  • 131. Shadow Prices  Shadow Price: Value of One Additional Unit of a Scarce Resource  Found in Final Simplex Tableau in C-Z Row  Negatives of Numbers in Slack Variable Column 9-135
  • 132. Steps to Form the Dual To form the Dual:  If the primal is max., the dual is min., and vice versa.  The right-hand-side values of the primal constraints become the objective coefficients of the dual.  The primal objective function coefficients become the right- hand-side of the dual constraints.  The transpose of the primal constraint coefficients become the dual constraint coefficients.  Constraint inequality signs are reversed. 9-136
  • 135. Primal & Dual 9-139 Primal: Dual 6013 8042 21 21 + + XX XX Subject to: 12014 5032 21 21 + + UU UU Subject to: 12050 21 + XX:Max 6080 21 + UU:Min
  • 136. Comparison of the Primal and Dual Optimal Tableaus 9-140 Primal’sOptimalSolution Dual’sOptimalSolution Cj Solution Mix Quantity $7 $5 X2 S2 Zj Cj - Zj 20 40 $2,400 X1 X2 S1 S2 $50 $120 $0 $0 1/2 1 1/4 0 5/2 0 -1/4 1 60 120 30 0 -10 0 -30 0 Cj Solution Mix Quantity $7 $5 U1 S1 Zj Cj - Zj 30 10 $2,400 X1 X2 S1 S2 80 60 $0 $0 1 1/4 0 -1/4 0 -5/2 1 -1/2 80 20 0 -20 $0 40 0 20 A1 A2 M M 0 1/2 -1 1/2 0 40 M M-40
  • 137. Maximize z = -4x1 - 2x2 subject to 3x1 + x2 ≥ 27 x1 + x2 ≥ 21 x1 + 2x2 ≥ 30 x1, x2 ≥ 0 Answer: Maximize z = -4x1 - 2x2 + 0x3 + 0x4 + 0x5 – MA1 – MA2 – MA3 3x1 + x2 - x3 + A1 = 27 x1 + x2 - x4 + A2 = 21 x1 + 2x2 - x5 + A3 = 30 x1 ,x2, x3, x4, x5, A1, A2 ≥ 0 Where: x and x are surplus variables