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Assignment RubricUnits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assignment grading
Instructors: Enter total available points in cell H2, and values
between 0 and 4 in the yellow cells in the Score column.
Total available points =Content
WeightFinal Score0 - 1.92 - 2.93 - 3.94Content
QualitySubmission does not address most of the assignment
requirements and/or indicates no understanding of critical
concepts.Includes some of the assignment requirements.
Opinions and ideas may indicate misconceptions or little
understanding of some critical concepts.Includes all assignment
requirements with minor errors/omissions, supports opinions
and ideas creatively, clearly, and correctly. Displays
understanding of most critical concepts.Includes all assignment
requirements, supports opinions and ideas creatively, clearly,
and correctly with details and examples where appropriate.
Displays complete understanding of critical
concepts.90%0.00ResourcesDoes not include any resources (0)
or sources utilized are not relevant and credible sources of
information(1).Not all sources utilized are relevant and/or
credible and/or does not meet the required number of
sources.Supports many opinions and ideas with relevant and
credible sources of information; meets the required number and
types of resources.Supports opinions and ideas with relevant
and credible sources of information; meets or exceeds the
required number and types of resources.10%0.00Content
Score0Writing Deduction Rubric (everyone starts with 4's = no
coreWeightFinal Score0-1234Grammar & PunctuationThe
overall meaning of the paper is difficult to understand. Sentence
structure, subject verb agreement errors, missing prepositions,
and missing punctuation make finding meaning difficult.Several
confusing sentences or 1 to 2 confusing paragraphs make
understanding parts of the paper difficult, but the overall paper
meaning is clear. Many subject verb agreement errors, run-on
sentences, etc. cause confusion.A few confusing sentences make
it difficult to understand a small portion of the paper. However,
the overall meaning of a paragraph and the paper are intact.
There may be a few subject verb agreement errors or some
missing punctuation.There are one or two confusing sentences,
but the overall sentence and paragraph meanings are clear.
There are a few minor punctuation errors such as comma splices
or run-on sentences.435%1.40SpellingThe many misspelled
words and incorrect words choices significantly interfere with
the readability.Many typos, misspelled words, or the use of
incorrect words making understanding difficult in a few
places.Some misspelled words or the misuse of words such as
confusing then/than. However, intent is still clear.A few
misspelled words normally caught by spellcheckers are present
but do not significantly interfere with the overall readability of
the paper.435%1.40Order of Ideas & Length RequirementPaper
has some good information or research, but it does not follow
assignment directions and is lacking in overall organization and
content.The order of information is confusing in several places
and this organization interferes with the meaning or intent of
the paper. However, the paper has a generally discernible
purpose and follows assignment directions overall.The order of
information is confusing in a few places and the lack of
organization interferes with the meaning or intent of the paper
in a minor way.The overall order of the information is clear and
contributes to the meaning of assignment. There is one
paragraph or a sentence or two that are out of place or other
minor organizational issues. A few sentences may be long and
hard to understand. Meets length
requirements.420%0.80APAThere is some attempt at APA
formatting and citing. There are one or more missing parts such
as the cover page or references list. Citation information may be
missing. Citation mistakes make authorship unclear.This is an
attempt use APA formatting and citing. There are both in-text
citations and reference listings. Citation information may be
missing or incorrect (i.e. Websites listed as in-text or reference
citations). There is an attempt to cite all outside sources in at
least one place. Authorship is generally clear.There is an overall
attempt at APA formatting and citation style. All sources appear
to have some form of citation both in the text and on a reference
list. There are some formatting and citation errors. Citations
generally make authorship clear.There is a strong attempt to cite
all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors such
as a misplaced running head or margins may occur. Minor in-
text citation errors such as a missing page number or a
misplaced date may occur. Quotation marks and citations make
authorship clear.410%0.40Writing Deduction0Final
&"Arial,Bold"&18MN551 Assignment/Project Rubric
Unit 2 Assignment (160 points)
MN551-2: Apply knowledge of tissue and organ structure and
function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the
cause and effect relationship in response to disease.
Select one of the case studies below. In your discussion be sure
to include evidence of your knowledge of tissue and organ
structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and
analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease.
1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been
2. Cite at least three sources—journal articles, textbooks, or
evidenced-based websites—to support the content.
3. All sources must have been written within five years.
4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your
Case Study 1
Mechanisms of Infectious Disease
Thirty-two–year-old Jason is a general laborer, who fell ill
shortly after working on a job digging up old water pipes for the
town he lived in. The task involved working around shallow
pools of stagnant water. Ten days after the contract ended,
Jason developed a fever and aching muscles. He also had
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Jason’s friend took him to his
physician who listened carefully to Jason’s history. She told
him she suspected West Nile fever and ordered serological
testing. Jason went home to recover and was feeling better by
the end of the week.
1. Jason’s physician ordered serological tests. How would
antibody titers assist the doctor in confirming his diagnosis?
2. When Jason was feeling at his worst, he had extreme malaise,
vomiting, and diarrhea. What stage of the illness was he
experiencing at that time? What are the physiological
mechanisms that give rise to the signs and symptoms of
infectious illness?
3. West Nile virus has a single-stranded RNA genome. How
does this virus replicate? In general terms, what are the various
effects viruses can have on host cells?
Case Study 2
Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Melissa is a 15-year-old high school student. Over the last
week, she had been feeling tired and found it difficult to stay
awake in class. By the time the weekend had arrived, she
developed a sore throat that made it difficult to eat and even
drink. Melissa was too tired to get out of bed, and she said her
head ached. On Monday morning, her mother took her to her
doctor. Upon completing the physical exam, he told Melissa the
lymph nodes were enlarged in her neck and she had a fever. He
ordered blood tests and told Melissa he thought she had
mononucleosis, a viral infection requiring much bed rest.
1. Innate and adaptive immune defenses work collectively in
destroying invasive microorganisms. What is the interaction
between macrophages and T lymphocytes during the
presentation of antigen?
2. Melissa’s illness is caused by a virus. Where are type I
interferons produced, and why are they important in combating
viral infections?
3. Humoral immunity involves the activation of B lymphocytes
and production of antibodies. What are the general mechanisms
of action that make antibodies a key component of an immune
Case Study 3
Disorders of the Immune Response
Ahmed has worked as a phlebotomist in the local hospital for
the last 7 years. Last year, he began to complain of watery,
nasal congestion and wheezing whenever he went to work. He
suspected he was allergic to something at the hospital because
his symptoms abated when he was at home over the weekends.
One day he arrived at work for the morning shift and put on his
gloves. Within minutes, he went into severe respiratory distress
requiring treatment in the emergency ward. It was determined at
that time his allergic response was due to latex exposure.
1. Ahmed experienced a type I, IgE-mediated hypersensitivity
response. How can this be determined by his signs and
symptoms? How might another type of latex hypersensitivity
reaction present?
2. How do T2H cells, mast cells, and eosinophils function to
produce the signs and symptoms typical of a type I
hypersensitivity disorder?
3. How is it that someone who does not come into direct contact
with latex can still have a hypersensitivity response to the
material? What do food allergies have to do with latex
Case Study 4
Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing
Carlton, a six-year-old boy, was playing on a sandy beach with
his mother. He began to run along the shoreline when he
stepped on the sharp edge of a shell, giving himself a deep cut
on his foot. His mother washed his foot in the lake and put on
his running shoe to take him home. One day later, Carlton’s foot
looked worse. The gash was red and painful. The foot was warm
to touch and appeared swollen. Carlton’s mom put some gauze
over the wound and prepared to take him to the local community
health clinic.
1. What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to
become red, hot, swollen, and painful? How is this different
than the inflammatory response that might occur in an internal
2. What are the immunologic events that are happening at the
local level during Carlton’s acute inflammatory response?
3. Nutrition plays an important factor in wound healing. What
stages of wound healing would be affected by a deficiency in
vitamins A and C?
Case Study 5
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Patience is 29 years old and has been HIV positive for nine
years. She has remained asymptomatic and is not taking
antiretroviral medication. Recently she was at the drop-in clinic
to talk to a public health nurse about having a baby through
artificial insemination. She said she had met a man who wanted
to marry her and have children with her, but she was concerned
about the baby contracting HIV. Her latest blood tests indicated
her CD4+ count was 380/µL. The PCR test indicated her viral
load was 850. The nurse referred her to the physician to discuss
antiretroviral therapy during her pregnancy.
1. What are the factors that increase the chance of HIV
transmission from mother to infant, and how the transmission
2. Patience was told that after she became pregnant, she would
begin HAART therapy. Describe what this therapy is and what
particular antiretroviral medication would be particularly useful
to her during her pregnancy. What concern is there about
administering certain antiretrovirals early in the pregnancy?
3. Individuals with HIV are prone to contracting opportunistic
infections. What are opportunistic infections and the risk factors
that leave an individual with HIV particularly prone to
contracting this type of illness?
Case Study 6
Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System
Charlie is a 53-year-old man with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. His
treatment has been only modestly successful in delaying the
progression of the disease, and he has recently relapsed. His
medical team decided to administer aggressive chemotherapy.
Knowing that the intensive treatment would have a destructive
effect on Charlie’s bone marrow, they removed stem cells from
his blood before the chemotherapy began. Afterward, the stem
cells were returned by IV to reestablish his bone marrow
1. What are the therapeutic advantages of an autologous stem
cell transplant on Charlie’s bone marrow and immune system?
2. Before harvesting stem cells, a cytokine growth factor is
administered to the patient. What is the benefit of this
3. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a disease involving B and T
lymphocytes. What aspects of the immune response are these
cells responsible for?
4. When considering erythrocytes, how is the body able to meet
hematopoietic demand in conditions such as hemolytic anemia
or blood loss?
Case Study 7
Disorders of Hemostasis
Leona is 52 years old and smokes. She is also overweight and
has atherosclerosis. When she was given a two-week vacation
from work, she packed up her bags and flew from Minnesota to
Sydney, Australia, for the trip she always wanted to take.
Unfortunately, just three days after she arrived, she was
hospitalized when her left calf became inflamed, causing her
considerable pain. The physician attending to her told her she
developed a deep vein thrombosis.
1. Explain, using your knowledge of hypercoagulability, why
the trip to Australia contributed to Leona’s DVT? Why was
Leona already at risk for thrombus development?
2. How does Leona’s atherosclerosis affect platelet function?
Conversely, what is the effect of increased platelet activity on
the development of atherosclerosis?
3. How do atherosclerosis and immobility promote changes in
blood coagulation?
4. When Leona was in hospital, she received heparin therapy.
Explain why this course of action was taken to treat her DVT.
Why was she not given heparin tablets to take back to the hotel
with her?
Case Study 8
Disorders of Red Blood Cells
Henry is 77 years old and lives with his daughter and son-in-
law. He has chronic renal failure, but likes to get out whenever
he can to work in his daughter’s backyard garden. Over the last
few months, he began to go outside less often. He said he was
feeling unusually tired and he was running out of breath doing
the simplest of tasks. He also said his head ached and he often
felt dizzy. His daughter took him to his doctor who performed a
complete physical examination and diagnosed Henry with
1. From what you know of Henry’s history, what type of anemia
do you suspect he has? How would Henry’s red blood cells
appear on a peripheral blood smear?
2. What is the physiological basis that would explain why
Henry’s anemia would cause him to have the symptoms he is
3. Predict the cellular adaptations erythrocytes undergo when
chronic hypoxia is present. How would this be evident on an
oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Case Study 9
Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues
Max is a 60-year-old living in Iowa. For the 27 years, he has
been working in the agricultural industry, particularly in the
management of corn production. Recently he began to feel weak
during work and tired easily. During the night he woke up
sweating, and he often felt unusually warm during the day. Max
was also surprised that, in spite of eating regularly, his weight
was declining and his work pants were now too large for him.
Upon physical examination, his physician noted his inguinal
lymph nodes were swollen although Max said they were not
sore. Subsequent laboratory tests confirmed follicular, non-
Hodgkin lymphoma. Chemotherapy in conjunction with
rituximab was immediately initiated.
1. What are the key cellular differences between non-Hodgkin
lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma?
2. The early manifestations of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and
Hodgkin lymphoma in lymphatic tissue appear differently. In
terms of lymphatic presentation, how would these two diseases
appear clinically?
3. What are the pharmacologic properties of rituximab, and
what is its mechanism of action on malignant cells?
4. Outline the structure of lymph node parenchyma including
the areas where B and T lymphocytes reside. Where did Max’s
lymphoma arise?
Assignment Requirements:
Before finalizing your work, you should:
· Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages.
· be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as
displayed above);
· consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make
sure you have included everything necessary; and
· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
· follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct
grammar, punctuation, etc.);
· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and
· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics;
· use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA
Progression Ladder.
How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight
on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the
Dropbox tab and select this unit's basket from the dropdown
menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the
Assignment you submit. Please be sure to confirm that your file
uploaded correctly.

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  • 1. Assignment RubricUnits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assignment grading rubric. Instructors: Enter total available points in cell H2, and values between 0 and 4 in the yellow cells in the Score column. Total available points =Content RubricIntroductoryEmergentPracticedProficient/MasteredScore WeightFinal Score0 - 1.92 - 2.93 - 3.94Content QualitySubmission does not address most of the assignment requirements and/or indicates no understanding of critical concepts.Includes some of the assignment requirements. Opinions and ideas may indicate misconceptions or little understanding of some critical concepts.Includes all assignment requirements with minor errors/omissions, supports opinions and ideas creatively, clearly, and correctly. Displays understanding of most critical concepts.Includes all assignment requirements, supports opinions and ideas creatively, clearly, and correctly with details and examples where appropriate. Displays complete understanding of critical concepts.90%0.00ResourcesDoes not include any resources (0) or sources utilized are not relevant and credible sources of information(1).Not all sources utilized are relevant and/or credible and/or does not meet the required number of sources.Supports many opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information; meets the required number and types of resources.Supports opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information; meets or exceeds the required number and types of resources.10%0.00Content Score0Writing Deduction Rubric (everyone starts with 4's = no deductions)IntroductoryEmergentPracticedProficient/MasteredS coreWeightFinal Score0-1234Grammar & PunctuationThe overall meaning of the paper is difficult to understand. Sentence structure, subject verb agreement errors, missing prepositions, and missing punctuation make finding meaning difficult.Several confusing sentences or 1 to 2 confusing paragraphs make
  • 2. understanding parts of the paper difficult, but the overall paper meaning is clear. Many subject verb agreement errors, run-on sentences, etc. cause confusion.A few confusing sentences make it difficult to understand a small portion of the paper. However, the overall meaning of a paragraph and the paper are intact. There may be a few subject verb agreement errors or some missing punctuation.There are one or two confusing sentences, but the overall sentence and paragraph meanings are clear. There are a few minor punctuation errors such as comma splices or run-on sentences.435%1.40SpellingThe many misspelled words and incorrect words choices significantly interfere with the readability.Many typos, misspelled words, or the use of incorrect words making understanding difficult in a few places.Some misspelled words or the misuse of words such as confusing then/than. However, intent is still clear.A few misspelled words normally caught by spellcheckers are present but do not significantly interfere with the overall readability of the paper.435%1.40Order of Ideas & Length RequirementPaper has some good information or research, but it does not follow assignment directions and is lacking in overall organization and content.The order of information is confusing in several places and this organization interferes with the meaning or intent of the paper. However, the paper has a generally discernible purpose and follows assignment directions overall.The order of information is confusing in a few places and the lack of organization interferes with the meaning or intent of the paper in a minor way.The overall order of the information is clear and contributes to the meaning of assignment. There is one paragraph or a sentence or two that are out of place or other minor organizational issues. A few sentences may be long and hard to understand. Meets length requirements.420%0.80APAThere is some attempt at APA formatting and citing. There are one or more missing parts such as the cover page or references list. Citation information may be missing. Citation mistakes make authorship unclear.This is an attempt use APA formatting and citing. There are both in-text
  • 3. citations and reference listings. Citation information may be missing or incorrect (i.e. Websites listed as in-text or reference citations). There is an attempt to cite all outside sources in at least one place. Authorship is generally clear.There is an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style. All sources appear to have some form of citation both in the text and on a reference list. There are some formatting and citation errors. Citations generally make authorship clear.There is a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors such as a misplaced running head or margins may occur. Minor in- text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur. Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear.410%0.40Writing Deduction0Final Score0PercentageERROR:#DIV/0!Feedback: &"Arial,Bold"&18MN551 Assignment/Project Rubric Unit 2 Assignment (160 points) MN551-2: Apply knowledge of tissue and organ structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease. Select one of the case studies below. In your discussion be sure to include evidence of your knowledge of tissue and organ structure and function to physiologic alterations in systems and analyze the cause and effect relationship in response to disease. Requirements 1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed. 2. Cite at least three sources—journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites—to support the content. 3. All sources must have been written within five years. 4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your
  • 4. sources. Case Study 1 Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Thirty-two–year-old Jason is a general laborer, who fell ill shortly after working on a job digging up old water pipes for the town he lived in. The task involved working around shallow pools of stagnant water. Ten days after the contract ended, Jason developed a fever and aching muscles. He also had nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Jason’s friend took him to his physician who listened carefully to Jason’s history. She told him she suspected West Nile fever and ordered serological testing. Jason went home to recover and was feeling better by the end of the week. 1. Jason’s physician ordered serological tests. How would antibody titers assist the doctor in confirming his diagnosis? 2. When Jason was feeling at his worst, he had extreme malaise, vomiting, and diarrhea. What stage of the illness was he experiencing at that time? What are the physiological mechanisms that give rise to the signs and symptoms of infectious illness? 3. West Nile virus has a single-stranded RNA genome. How does this virus replicate? In general terms, what are the various effects viruses can have on host cells? Case Study 2 Innate and Adaptive Immunity Melissa is a 15-year-old high school student. Over the last week, she had been feeling tired and found it difficult to stay awake in class. By the time the weekend had arrived, she developed a sore throat that made it difficult to eat and even drink. Melissa was too tired to get out of bed, and she said her head ached. On Monday morning, her mother took her to her doctor. Upon completing the physical exam, he told Melissa the lymph nodes were enlarged in her neck and she had a fever. He ordered blood tests and told Melissa he thought she had
  • 5. mononucleosis, a viral infection requiring much bed rest. 1. Innate and adaptive immune defenses work collectively in destroying invasive microorganisms. What is the interaction between macrophages and T lymphocytes during the presentation of antigen? 2. Melissa’s illness is caused by a virus. Where are type I interferons produced, and why are they important in combating viral infections? 3. Humoral immunity involves the activation of B lymphocytes and production of antibodies. What are the general mechanisms of action that make antibodies a key component of an immune response? Case Study 3 Disorders of the Immune Response Ahmed has worked as a phlebotomist in the local hospital for the last 7 years. Last year, he began to complain of watery, nasal congestion and wheezing whenever he went to work. He suspected he was allergic to something at the hospital because his symptoms abated when he was at home over the weekends. One day he arrived at work for the morning shift and put on his gloves. Within minutes, he went into severe respiratory distress requiring treatment in the emergency ward. It was determined at that time his allergic response was due to latex exposure. 1. Ahmed experienced a type I, IgE-mediated hypersensitivity response. How can this be determined by his signs and symptoms? How might another type of latex hypersensitivity reaction present? 2. How do T2H cells, mast cells, and eosinophils function to produce the signs and symptoms typical of a type I hypersensitivity disorder? 3. How is it that someone who does not come into direct contact with latex can still have a hypersensitivity response to the material? What do food allergies have to do with latex allergies?
  • 6. Case Study 4 Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing Carlton, a six-year-old boy, was playing on a sandy beach with his mother. He began to run along the shoreline when he stepped on the sharp edge of a shell, giving himself a deep cut on his foot. His mother washed his foot in the lake and put on his running shoe to take him home. One day later, Carlton’s foot looked worse. The gash was red and painful. The foot was warm to touch and appeared swollen. Carlton’s mom put some gauze over the wound and prepared to take him to the local community health clinic. 1. What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to become red, hot, swollen, and painful? How is this different than the inflammatory response that might occur in an internal organ? 2. What are the immunologic events that are happening at the local level during Carlton’s acute inflammatory response? 3. Nutrition plays an important factor in wound healing. What stages of wound healing would be affected by a deficiency in vitamins A and C? Case Study 5 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Patience is 29 years old and has been HIV positive for nine years. She has remained asymptomatic and is not taking antiretroviral medication. Recently she was at the drop-in clinic to talk to a public health nurse about having a baby through artificial insemination. She said she had met a man who wanted to marry her and have children with her, but she was concerned about the baby contracting HIV. Her latest blood tests indicated her CD4+ count was 380/µL. The PCR test indicated her viral load was 850. The nurse referred her to the physician to discuss antiretroviral therapy during her pregnancy. 1. What are the factors that increase the chance of HIV transmission from mother to infant, and how the transmission occurs?
  • 7. 2. Patience was told that after she became pregnant, she would begin HAART therapy. Describe what this therapy is and what particular antiretroviral medication would be particularly useful to her during her pregnancy. What concern is there about administering certain antiretrovirals early in the pregnancy? 3. Individuals with HIV are prone to contracting opportunistic infections. What are opportunistic infections and the risk factors that leave an individual with HIV particularly prone to contracting this type of illness? Case Study 6 Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System Charlie is a 53-year-old man with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. His treatment has been only modestly successful in delaying the progression of the disease, and he has recently relapsed. His medical team decided to administer aggressive chemotherapy. Knowing that the intensive treatment would have a destructive effect on Charlie’s bone marrow, they removed stem cells from his blood before the chemotherapy began. Afterward, the stem cells were returned by IV to reestablish his bone marrow function. 1. What are the therapeutic advantages of an autologous stem cell transplant on Charlie’s bone marrow and immune system? 2. Before harvesting stem cells, a cytokine growth factor is administered to the patient. What is the benefit of this procedure? 3. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a disease involving B and T lymphocytes. What aspects of the immune response are these cells responsible for? 4. When considering erythrocytes, how is the body able to meet hematopoietic demand in conditions such as hemolytic anemia or blood loss? Case Study 7 Disorders of Hemostasis Leona is 52 years old and smokes. She is also overweight and
  • 8. has atherosclerosis. When she was given a two-week vacation from work, she packed up her bags and flew from Minnesota to Sydney, Australia, for the trip she always wanted to take. Unfortunately, just three days after she arrived, she was hospitalized when her left calf became inflamed, causing her considerable pain. The physician attending to her told her she developed a deep vein thrombosis. 1. Explain, using your knowledge of hypercoagulability, why the trip to Australia contributed to Leona’s DVT? Why was Leona already at risk for thrombus development? 2. How does Leona’s atherosclerosis affect platelet function? Conversely, what is the effect of increased platelet activity on the development of atherosclerosis? 3. How do atherosclerosis and immobility promote changes in blood coagulation? 4. When Leona was in hospital, she received heparin therapy. Explain why this course of action was taken to treat her DVT. Why was she not given heparin tablets to take back to the hotel with her? Case Study 8 Disorders of Red Blood Cells Henry is 77 years old and lives with his daughter and son-in- law. He has chronic renal failure, but likes to get out whenever he can to work in his daughter’s backyard garden. Over the last few months, he began to go outside less often. He said he was feeling unusually tired and he was running out of breath doing the simplest of tasks. He also said his head ached and he often felt dizzy. His daughter took him to his doctor who performed a complete physical examination and diagnosed Henry with anemia. 1. From what you know of Henry’s history, what type of anemia do you suspect he has? How would Henry’s red blood cells appear on a peripheral blood smear? 2. What is the physiological basis that would explain why Henry’s anemia would cause him to have the symptoms he is
  • 9. experiencing? 3. Predict the cellular adaptations erythrocytes undergo when chronic hypoxia is present. How would this be evident on an oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve? Case Study 9 Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues Max is a 60-year-old living in Iowa. For the 27 years, he has been working in the agricultural industry, particularly in the management of corn production. Recently he began to feel weak during work and tired easily. During the night he woke up sweating, and he often felt unusually warm during the day. Max was also surprised that, in spite of eating regularly, his weight was declining and his work pants were now too large for him. Upon physical examination, his physician noted his inguinal lymph nodes were swollen although Max said they were not sore. Subsequent laboratory tests confirmed follicular, non- Hodgkin lymphoma. Chemotherapy in conjunction with rituximab was immediately initiated. 1. What are the key cellular differences between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma? 2. The early manifestations of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma in lymphatic tissue appear differently. In terms of lymphatic presentation, how would these two diseases appear clinically? 3. What are the pharmacologic properties of rituximab, and what is its mechanism of action on malignant cells? 4. Outline the structure of lymph node parenchyma including the areas where B and T lymphocytes reside. Where did Max’s lymphoma arise? Assignment Requirements: Before finalizing your work, you should: · Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages. · be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • 10. · consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and · utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors. · follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); · be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; · display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and · use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder. How to Submit Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit. When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the Dropbox tab and select this unit's basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit. Please be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.