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Table of Contents
Introduction........................................	pg. 3	
Purchase Behavior Metrics.............	pg. 4 - 5
Mobile Metrics....................................	pg. 6 - 7
Subscriber Activity Metrics.............	pg. 7 - 8
Subscriber Tenure Metrics..............	pg. 8 - 10
Standard Metrics................................	pg. 11
Recommendations............................	pg. 12
Resources.............................................	pg. 13
Glossary................................................	pg. 14

pg. 2

With the holiday season upon us, marketers are more focused than ever on the value their
marketing efforts bring to the table and how they are able to meet and exceed projections.
To cater to marketers’ ever-growing demand for conversion metrics, this edition of
Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass report zooms in on purchase behavior data, which
lends further insight into consumers’ interactions with email and their propensity to make
a purchase.


Purchase Behavior:

Marketers know their success relies on strong KPIs. However, when it comes to conversion
metrics and purchase behavior, finding the right benchmarks often poses a challenge.
Yesmail used After-the-Click tracking* to measure online conversion and cross referenced
it with mobile data for additional insight into the way mobile affects purchase behavior.
Across all industries, over 16% of sales driven by email happen on a mobile device, with
56% of those mobile sales being completed on a tablet and 44% on a smartphone. Average
order value on a mobile device is almost $10 lower than that on a desktop across all
industries and only a little over $2 lower for retail.
*After-the-Click tracking is Yesmail’s proprietary technology providing tracking of purchases by device-type.


Smartphones and tablets continue to gain dominance for the consumption of marketing
messages. More subscribers are responding to marketing communications on-the-go. In
only the last three months, the number of email subscribers who view emails exclusively
on their mobile device has grown by almost 50%, while the number of hybrid users
viewing email on a combination of desktop and mobile, has decreased at the same rate.

Subscriber Activity:

In Q3, the number of active subscribers across all industries increased by almost 5%
quarter-over-quarter, while the average number of emails per subscriber remained
essentially unchanged. This rise in active subscribers could be a result of several potential
drivers, including strong summer promotions, better targeting, and an improved mobile
experience. As marketers round the corner into the final stretch of the year, these three
factors will remain essential for a successful holiday season.

Subscriber Tenure:
This report is based
on 5.4 billion emails
sent out in Q3.

In many industries, the maturity and activity level of a marketer’s database are key
factors in measuring email program performance. Higher subscriber activity tends to
translate into a better ROI. Since newer subscribers are generally most active, ensuring
a consistent flow of new opt-ins largely contributes to high activity. On average, a little
over 5% of subscribers across all industries have opted into a marketer’s program within
90 days, with 20% of those subscribers being active (opened/clicked in the last 90 days).
Interestingly, over 30% of consumers who have subscribed 3 to 12 months ago have been
active within the last year, pointing to a potentially longer window of opportunity for
marketers to engage them.


Standard metrics like delivery, open, click, and unsubscribe rates remain key components
in assessing email program performance. Moreover, they greatly contribute to identifying
and putting in perspective enhanced email performance metrics, such as subscriber
tenure and consumer purchase behavior. Both total and unique click rates decreased
by 5% quarter-over-quarter while deliverability rates remained consistent at 97%. For
insight into the divergence between the growth in subscriber activity rate and decrease in
unique click rate, refer to the Standard Metrics section of the report.

pg. 3

Email can be leveraged to achieve many objectives such as strengthening consumer
engagement, fostering brand loyalty, establishing thought leadership, and, of course,
generating revenue. Marketers who rely on email as a primary driver of revenue must
consider the growing influence of mobile on their bottom lines.

Avg. Order Value

Purchase Behavior


All Industries



Mobile 15% | Desktop 85%

Number of






All Industries



Mobile 16% | Desktop 84%









All Industries








* Android Tablet 0.3%

•	 On average, across all industries, mobile revenue accounts for 15% of the total revenue
	 generated through email, while for the retail industry, it accounts for 18%.
•	 Generally, 16% of all orders driven by email are completed on a mobile device. This
	 number is 19% for the retail industry.
•	 Across all industries, the average order value was almost $10 less on a mobile
	 device than on a desktop. However, this gap is considerably smaller for retail, at a
	 little over $2.
•	 Tablets come out slightly ahead of smartphones as the preferred mobile purchase
	 device with 56% of all mobile orders.
•	 Over 99% of all tablet purchases are completed on an iPad.
•	 Android continues to close the gap. In Q3, 41% of smartphone purchases came from
	 an Android device while 59% came from an iPhone.
•	 Across all industries, conversion rate (number of orders divided by unique clicks) is
	 3.7% for desktop and	 1.3% for mobile.
pg. 4
Purchase Behavior Findings:

Even though desktop revenue still outweighs mobile at a rate of almost 6-to-1, the
conversion rate, defined here as number of orders over unique clicks, reflects a much
closer race. The desktop-to-mobile conversion rate is less than 3-to-1 and the desktopto-mobile average order value is almost 1-to-1, pointing to a continually closing gap
between the two.
The Mobile Path-to-Purchase
For the retail industry, average order value for desktop vs. mobile is very close ($61 vs. $59),
suggesting that consumers are growing increasingly comfortable with purchasing on
their mobile device.
Purchase Behavior

Because a mobile device stays with the shopper throughout the day, and can be accessed
on demand, a marketing email is more likely to reach mobile subscribers at the right place
and time. Consequently, a mobile click can have a better chance for conversion. While
desktop conversion rate is still more than double that of mobile, the narrowing gap in
average order value demonstrates consumers’ increased confidence in the mobile pathto-purchase.

Desktop Mobile

Desktop: 5.1%
Mobile: 5.0%


Avg. order
(retail only)

Conversion Rate
(retail only)

Repeat Purchaser Rate




Conversion Rate
(retail only)

Additionally, an established path-to-purchase is always easier to follow; once consumers
complete their first purchase on a mobile device, they are more likely to revisit that path.
As per the graphic to the left, subscribers who have purchased on a mobile device are just
as likely as desktop purchasers to buy again. In fact, the likelihood of next conversion may
be higher for mobile shoppers because the device is generally with them at all times, so the
marketer’s opportunity to present the right offer at the right time is much greater via the
mobile channel.
Capitalizing on the On-the-Go Shopper
Let’s put mobile shoppers in perspective – they are growing in numbers, they are equally
likely to be repeat purchasers, and when they click on an email, they seem to be closer to
purchasing than are desktop shoppers. Revenue per mobile click is almost double that
of a desktop click, suggesting that even though emails opened on a mobile device have
considerably lower click-to-open rates, mobile clicks lead to purchases more frequently
than desktop clicks.


All Industries
pg. 5

Value of Mobile Click







(Mobile Rev/Mobile Clicks)





(Desktop Rev/Desktop Clicks)


Value of Desktop Click

All Industries

Mobile is the Millennial Swiss Army Knife, so it comes as no surprise that the use of
mobile devices continues to trend upwards at an impressive pace. Assuming these trends
continue into Q4, busy shoppers will seek convenience when tackling their holiday
shopping lists, thus giving mobile an ever-growing role in purchase decisions.


•	 Mobile opens now account for over 52% of all email opens, an 8% growth over Q2
	 of 2013.
•	 Mobile email clicks grew by 11% in Q3 and now account for 35% of all email clicks.
•	 Overall, desktop and mobile click-to-open rates remained fairly consistent; desktop
	 click-to-open rates continue to be more than double those of mobile.
•	 The number of subscribers who view emails on desktop and mobile devices
	 interchangeably, without consistent preference for one over the other, dropped
	 by more than 50% in Q3. Within the same timeframe, mobile-only email viewership
	 grew by almost the same percentage.


of all email
opens and clicks
continue to happen
on Apple devices*

(all Industries)


% Mobile Events


% Mobile Open



% Change
Q3 vs. Q2



of all
mobile opens
49% and clicks


of opens
and clicks
on a tablet

% Mobile Click
*Some of Apple’s large share of mobile opens and clicks may be attributed to10.93% variations between
Apple and Android in images-off mode.
% CTO Desktop




Mobile Findings: Mobile

The Ongoing Mobile Revolution
Consumers % Desktopto relyUsers and more on mobile for their daily digital activities.
continue Only more
Over 52% of all email opens and clicks now happen on a mobile device, an impressive 8%
% Mobile Only Users
increase quarter-over-quarter. This implies that a plateau in mobile adoption is still to
come, as the rate of mobile growth has not slowed. Mobile clicks have jumped by 11% in
% Hybrid Users
one quarter, implying that perhaps more marketers30% beginning to incorporate mobileare
friendly design in their mailings.
Email Click-to-Open By Industry

pg. 6




Consumer Services
Financial Services




*of all email opens
A Shift Away from Desktop?
In Q2, across all industries, 45% of active subscribers were hybrid viewers. In Q3, however,
this number fell to 14%, indicating that consumers are increasingly relying on a single
device. This significant shift substantiates our earlier claim: consumers are becoming
increasingly comfortable with shopping on their tablets and smartphones and, as a result,
don’t switch as often from mobile to desktop while on their path-to-purchase.
An additional potential factor in this shift to mobile-only email viewership is the growing
adoption of tablets and their increased use as the preferred type of device at home, a role
traditionally occupied by the desktop computer.
Email Viewership Preference By Industry

Subscriber Activity

Consumer Services
Financial Services








Subscriber activity remains an important determinant of email program success. It’s
an even larger factor as the holiday season goes into full swing. At this critical time, it is
imperative for marketers to carefully examine their mailing volume, subscriber activity,
and number of average opens and clicks in order to capitalize on this seasonal revenue
•	 On average, across all industries, active subscriber rate (has opened/clicked in the
	 last 90 days) increased by 5% from Q2 to Q3 of 2013.
•	 Average number of opens per opener was 7, the same as Q2.
•	 Clicks per clicker also remained consistent at 3 over the course of the quarter.
•	 Marketers who sent between 3 and 7 emails per week continued to maintain the
	 highest active subscriber rates .
Active Subscriber Rate by Number of Emails They
Receive Weekly
Less than one
Between one and two
Up to three
Between three and seven
Seven or more
pg. 7





Active Subscriber Rate (opened/clicked in the last 90 days)

Subscriber Activity Findings:
There, we said it! Higher frequency is not your enemy.
In Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass from last quarter, we identified a correlation
between the number of emails marketers send per week and the percentage of active
subscribers they have in their database. This correlation is further substantiated by this
quarter’s data. The percentage of active subscribers for marketers who mail between 3 and
7 times a week continues to grow.
The retail industry’s Q3 data further supports this observation. The number of retail
emails per active subscriber sent in Q3 increased by 6%, and the average number of
active subscribers in retailers’ databases grew by 4%. Three factors that could potentially
contribute to this concurrent growth are better mobile experience, better offers, and better

Subscriber Activity
Subscriber Tenure

Interestingly, the overall number of email opens and clicks has not increased to reflect
the growth in active subscribers. This could mean that active consumers, though opening
and/or clicking, may be doing so less frequently in the span of a quarter, pointing to the
need for more consistently engaging campaigns.
Industry Database Metrics

Consumer Services
Financial Services


Avg. # Emails
per Opener

Avg. Opens
per Opener

Avg. Clicks
per Clicker





There are many contributing factors to the number of active subscribers in a marketer’s
database. It’s important to assess this metric after considering segmentation strategies,
database maturity, and mailing frequency. When marketers employ segmentation and
targeting strategies, such as mailing only to subscribers with specific activity levels,
purchase behavior, or tenure, they are consistently mailing to only a subset of their
database, thus failing to harness its full potential.


Enhanced database metrics like subscriber activity based on subscriber tenure (time
since they opted into the database) can provide additional insight into the rate at which
marketers acquire new contacts. These metrics also show how engaged marketers manage
to keep those subscribers once they have been in the database for a month, three months,
a year, or longer.

pg. 8
•	 Consumers who have subscribed most recently (within
	 90 days) have the highest active subscriber rate at
	 almost 20%.

Avg. Database

	 Note: Active Subscriber Rate is defined as opens/clicks in the last 90 days.

•	 On average, 30% of consumers who have been
	 subscribed for 3 - 12 months have opened or clicked on
	 an email in the last 12 months.
•	 About 79% of subscribers have been subscribed for over a
	 year which implies that the majority of marketers have
	 been cultivating their email databases for years.
•	 In Q3, the average annual database growth was 27%.

Subscriber Tenure


Subscriber Tenure Findings:
Putting Database in Perspective
As important as database metrics can be
in determining email program strategy,
it is imperative not to assess them in
a vacuum. A large portion of mature
databases contains subscribers who had
joined many years ago but have either
never been active or have not been
active in years. Though it is sometimes
beneficial to keep those records and
attempt to re-engage them through late
activation campaigns, many of them
could have become dead or turned into
spam traps. Mailing to these records can
result in serious deliverability issues like
excessive bulking, high bounce rates,
and blacklisting which, in turn, can
translate into hundreds of thousands of
dollars in lost revenue.

Across all industries, over 78% of all subscribers
who have opened/clicked in the last 12 months
have been subscribed for over a year. Don’t
let those subscribers fall through the cracks –
implement campaigns to keep them engaged!


To take full advantage of industry and individual database metrics, it is imperative that
marketers maintain a clean database by detecting and removing spam traps, long-inactive
or never-active records, and dead accounts. The most effective way to achieve this is by
performing frequent data hygiene, incorporating real-time subscriber verification into the
opt-in process, and proactively monitoring deliverability prior to each email deployment.
12 Is the New Black
Since 20% of new subscribers are active, consistent flow of recent opt-ins is undoubtedly
an important factor when it comes to database activity. This is why ensuring new
subscribers are properly engaged from the moment they opt into a marketer’s email
program could greatly contribute to a higher long-term active subscriber rate and
program ROI.
In addition, 30% of opt-ins who have been subscribed for 3 to 12 months have been active
in the last year. Since these subscribers make up about 16% of the average database, it
is important for marketers to develop programs that continually engage this database
segment. These metrics suggest that marketers have a year to engage their subscribers
and positively affect their database activity rate through timely, well-planned messaging.
pg. 9
Subscriber Tenure by Industry

Subscribed within
last 90 days

Subscribed 3-12
months ago

Subscribed over
a year ago




Consumer Services
Financial Services

Subscriber Tenure

Email Me Maybe?
On average, across all industries, databases grew by more than 25% year-over-year. Email
remains among the most preferred channels for brand interaction: consumers continue to
opt in at consistently high rates despite the rise of social and mobile. Email shows no signs
of slowing down as a relevant marketing channel that speaks directly to consumers and
provides value that drives opt-ins.
Subscriber Activity by Industry

Consumer Services
Financial Services


Last opened/clicked
within last 90 days

Last opened/clicked
3-12 months ago

Last opened/clicked
over a year





In the CPG, B2B, Insurance, and Financial Services industries, subscribers tend to opt into
email programs at the time of requesting a quote, entering a sweepstakes, registering
for a free trial/demo, etc. Since the purchase cycle in those industries tends to be longer,
subscribers may become active much longer after they opt in.
Not surprisingly, the Hospitality/Travel industry garners the highest percentage of active
subscribers and the lowest rate of inactive ones. This is most likely a result of the industry’s
business model, which relies on the sense of urgency communicated through limited-time
offers. The travel industry, in particular, is well known for delivering highly relevant email
content based on subscribers’ search criteria and search history. Relevance is king when it
comes to keeping an audience engaged.
pg. 10

Standard metrics such as delivery, open, click, and unsubscribe rates are key to assessing
overall performance of a marketer’s email program and identifying areas of improvement
that may require additional program components.

• Overall delivery rate remained consistent at over 97%.
•	 Overall open rate* remained consistent at 15% quarter-over-quarter.
•	 Total and Unique click rates decreased by about 5%.
	 *Yesmail does not count multiple opens and/or clicks as part of an email’s open rate.
	 Open rate is calculated solely based on unique opens.

Standard Findings:
Addressing the Shortening Consumer Attention Span
A few factors can be at play for the interesting contrast between the lower click rates and
fairly consistent open rates registered in Q3 of 2013.

One potential reason for this disparity could be a lack of relevant, personalized content
to compel the consumer to respond to a call-to-action. Another reason could be that
some marketers’ emails are not optimized for mobile, which leads to subscribers opening,
but not clicking through. When email creative is not optimized for the small screen, the
calls-to-action are often not easily identifiable and clickable when an email is viewed on a
mobile device.
In a similar fashion, the disparity between growing active subscriber rates and
unchanging open rates could be a result of the same factors. While more subscribers are
opening, thus raising the overall active rate, each subscriber is opening fewer messages
(perhaps due to lack of personalized content and mobile-optimization), which accounts
for a consistent, not increasing open rate, quarter-over-quarter.



Click Rate

Click Rate

Click to
Open Rate










Consumer Services
























Financial Services

































































*Yesmail does not count multiple opens and/or clicks as part of an email’s open rate. Open rate is calculated
solely based on unique opens.

pg. 11
Purchase Behavior:
	 •	 Deploy timely communications adapted for mobile viewership in order to capitalize on
		 the on-the-go shopper who values convenience first and foremost.
	 •	 Develop strategies to increase mobile clicks since completing a call-to-action on a
		 mobile could bring shoppers closer to opting for the mobile path-to-purchase.

Subscriber Activity and Subscriber Tenure:
	 •	 Since almost 1/3 of subscribers who have opted into a database 3-12 months ago
		 remain active within a year, marketers should develop early and mid-activation
		 campaigns to engage those subscribers consistently throughout their first year in
		 the database.
	 •	 Determine the optimal email frequency through testing. Depending on the industry,
		 sending 3 to 7 emails a week may be a good start in establishing what works best.
	 •	 Perform pre-flight testing before each email deployment to determine inbox
		 placement for emails intended for different subscriber segments.


	 •	 Update email templates to feature scalable and responsive design, especially as users
		 seem to shift from desktop to tablet as their primary devices not only on-the-go, but
		 also at home.
	 •	 Carry out creative rendering tests prior to campaign deployment to ensure the email
		 renders correctly in all web clients and environments.
	 •	 Optimize websites for mobile, especially around the holidays when ecommerce
		 is booming and it is the right time to promote the mobile path-to-purchase for
		 convenience-driven shoppers.

	 •	 Use quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year standard metrics to assess overall
		 program performance and identify trends, areas of opportunity, and performance gaps
		 (e.g. subscribers opening but not clicking).

pg. 12

Yesmail Interactive is dedicated to helping brands remain on top of the changing digital
marketing landscape by providing proprietary research on industry-defining trends and
actionable recommendations on how marketers can improve their programs and achieve
higher ROI. But don’t believe what we have to say, check out these resources to learn how
to get the most out of your marketing efforts.
Mobile Optimization & Design:

Mobile-First Email
Strategies: Thinking
Beyond Just Design

Mobile Email Design:
Marketing Fit for the
Small Screen

Mobile Email Strategies for
the Holiday Season

Segmentation 101

You’ve Segmented your
Database, Now What?

Database Segmentation:


Ready, Set, Segment! Using
Email Behavioral Data to Target
Customers and Drive Engagement
Email Deliverability & List Hygiene:

End the Nightmares!
10 Email Deliverability
Myths Debunked

Dirty Database: the Flat
Tire on the Road Trip
to Deliverability

Email Programs:

pg. 13

Turbocharge Your Email
Marketing through Better
Transactional Messages

Today’s Challenges
to Customer
Lifecycle Engagement


Turning the Right
Cliche into Action in
the Customer Lifecycle
Purchase Behavior:

%	Desktop Revenue = $ Desktop Revenue/$ Total Revenue
%	Mobile Revenue = $ Mobile Revenue/$ Total Revenue
%	Desktop Orders = Number of Desktop Orders/Total Number of Orders
%	Mobile Orders = Number of Mobile Orders/Total Number of Orders
Desktop Conversion Rate = Number of Desktop Orders/Number of Clicks on Desktop
Mobile Conversion Rate = Number of Mobile Orders/Number of Clicks on Mobile
Repeat Purchaser Rate Desktop = (Number of Desktop Orders-Number of Desktop
Purchasers)/Number of Desktop Purchasers
Repeat Purchaser Rate Mobile = (Number of Mobile Orders-Number of Mobile
Purchasers)/Number of Mobile Purchasers
Desktop Avg Order Value = $ Desktop Revenue/Number of Desktop Orders
Mobile Avg Order Value = $ Mobile Revenue/Number of Mobile Orders
%	Orders Smartphone = Number of Smartphone Orders/Number of Mobile Orders
%	Orders Tablet = Number of Tablet Orders/Number of Mobile Orders




% Mobile Opens = Mobile Opens/Total Opens
% CTO Desktop = Unique Clicked Desktop/Opened Desktop
% CTO Mobile = Unique Clicked Mobile/Opened Mobile
% Desktop Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used desktop to interact
with email
% Mobile Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used mobile to interact
with email
% Hybrid = Proportion of email viewers who switched between mobile and desktop
to interact with email

Subscriber Activity:

% Mailable Database = Total Mailable Users/Total Users
% Active Subscribers = Proportion of database subscribers with opens clicks in the
last 90 days
Avg # Emails per Opener = Number of emails an active subscriber received in
the last 90 days
Opens per Opener = Number of opens per active subscriber in the last 90 days
Clicks per Clicker = Number of clicks per active subscriber in the last 90 days


pg. 14

Open Rate = Opened/Delivered
Total Click Rate = Total Clicks/Delivered
Click-to-Open Rate = Unique Clicks/Opened
Unsubscribe Rate = Unsubscribe/Delivered
We power intelligent customer interactions. We give you the insights
to recognize and understand your customer to deliver contextually
relevant digital communications – while respecting their preferences
and privacy. We help marketers evolve their customer relationships
through intelligent interactions via technology, insights, and services
in a near real-time multichannel environment. We help you compete
in the age of the customer.

For more information, visit

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Yesmail's Email Marketing Compass: Consumer Purchase Behavior

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction........................................ pg. 3 Purchase Behavior Metrics............. pg. 4 - 5 Mobile Metrics.................................... pg. 6 - 7 Subscriber Activity Metrics............. pg. 7 - 8 Subscriber Tenure Metrics.............. pg. 8 - 10 Standard Metrics................................ pg. 11 Recommendations............................ pg. 12 Resources............................................. pg. 13 Glossary................................................ pg. 14 pg. 2
  • 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: With the holiday season upon us, marketers are more focused than ever on the value their marketing efforts bring to the table and how they are able to meet and exceed projections. To cater to marketers’ ever-growing demand for conversion metrics, this edition of Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass report zooms in on purchase behavior data, which lends further insight into consumers’ interactions with email and their propensity to make a purchase. KEY FINDINGS: Introduction Purchase Behavior: Marketers know their success relies on strong KPIs. However, when it comes to conversion metrics and purchase behavior, finding the right benchmarks often poses a challenge. Yesmail used After-the-Click tracking* to measure online conversion and cross referenced it with mobile data for additional insight into the way mobile affects purchase behavior. Across all industries, over 16% of sales driven by email happen on a mobile device, with 56% of those mobile sales being completed on a tablet and 44% on a smartphone. Average order value on a mobile device is almost $10 lower than that on a desktop across all industries and only a little over $2 lower for retail. *After-the-Click tracking is Yesmail’s proprietary technology providing tracking of purchases by device-type. Mobile: Smartphones and tablets continue to gain dominance for the consumption of marketing messages. More subscribers are responding to marketing communications on-the-go. In only the last three months, the number of email subscribers who view emails exclusively on their mobile device has grown by almost 50%, while the number of hybrid users viewing email on a combination of desktop and mobile, has decreased at the same rate. Subscriber Activity: In Q3, the number of active subscribers across all industries increased by almost 5% quarter-over-quarter, while the average number of emails per subscriber remained essentially unchanged. This rise in active subscribers could be a result of several potential drivers, including strong summer promotions, better targeting, and an improved mobile experience. As marketers round the corner into the final stretch of the year, these three factors will remain essential for a successful holiday season. Subscriber Tenure: This report is based on 5.4 billion emails sent out in Q3. In many industries, the maturity and activity level of a marketer’s database are key factors in measuring email program performance. Higher subscriber activity tends to translate into a better ROI. Since newer subscribers are generally most active, ensuring a consistent flow of new opt-ins largely contributes to high activity. On average, a little over 5% of subscribers across all industries have opted into a marketer’s program within 90 days, with 20% of those subscribers being active (opened/clicked in the last 90 days). Interestingly, over 30% of consumers who have subscribed 3 to 12 months ago have been active within the last year, pointing to a potentially longer window of opportunity for marketers to engage them. Standard: Standard metrics like delivery, open, click, and unsubscribe rates remain key components in assessing email program performance. Moreover, they greatly contribute to identifying and putting in perspective enhanced email performance metrics, such as subscriber tenure and consumer purchase behavior. Both total and unique click rates decreased by 5% quarter-over-quarter while deliverability rates remained consistent at 97%. For insight into the divergence between the growth in subscriber activity rate and decrease in unique click rate, refer to the Standard Metrics section of the report. pg. 3
  • 4. PURCHASE BEHAVIOR METRICS: Email can be leveraged to achieve many objectives such as strengthening consumer engagement, fostering brand loyalty, establishing thought leadership, and, of course, generating revenue. Marketers who rely on email as a primary driver of revenue must consider the growing influence of mobile on their bottom lines. Avg. Order Value Purchase Behavior Desktop Mobile Revenue All Industries $88.32 $78.96 $0 Mobile 15% | Desktop 85% Number of Orders $10 $20 $30 $40 44% All Industries $50 Orders Smartphone Mobile 16% | Desktop 84% $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 56% Orders Tablet Devices All Industries 26% iPhone 56% iPad 18% Android Phone 0%* Android Tablet * Android Tablet 0.3% • On average, across all industries, mobile revenue accounts for 15% of the total revenue generated through email, while for the retail industry, it accounts for 18%. • Generally, 16% of all orders driven by email are completed on a mobile device. This number is 19% for the retail industry. • Across all industries, the average order value was almost $10 less on a mobile device than on a desktop. However, this gap is considerably smaller for retail, at a little over $2. • Tablets come out slightly ahead of smartphones as the preferred mobile purchase device with 56% of all mobile orders. • Over 99% of all tablet purchases are completed on an iPad. • Android continues to close the gap. In Q3, 41% of smartphone purchases came from an Android device while 59% came from an iPhone. • Across all industries, conversion rate (number of orders divided by unique clicks) is 3.7% for desktop and 1.3% for mobile. pg. 4
  • 5. Purchase Behavior Findings: Even though desktop revenue still outweighs mobile at a rate of almost 6-to-1, the conversion rate, defined here as number of orders over unique clicks, reflects a much closer race. The desktop-to-mobile conversion rate is less than 3-to-1 and the desktopto-mobile average order value is almost 1-to-1, pointing to a continually closing gap between the two. The Mobile Path-to-Purchase For the retail industry, average order value for desktop vs. mobile is very close ($61 vs. $59), suggesting that consumers are growing increasingly comfortable with purchasing on their mobile device. Purchase Behavior Because a mobile device stays with the shopper throughout the day, and can be accessed on demand, a marketing email is more likely to reach mobile subscribers at the right place and time. Consequently, a mobile click can have a better chance for conversion. While desktop conversion rate is still more than double that of mobile, the narrowing gap in average order value demonstrates consumers’ increased confidence in the mobile pathto-purchase. Desktop Mobile Desktop: 5.1% Mobile: 5.0% $59 Avg. order value (retail only) Desktop Conversion Rate (retail only) Repeat Purchaser Rate $ $61 2.8% 1.1% Mobile Conversion Rate (retail only) Additionally, an established path-to-purchase is always easier to follow; once consumers complete their first purchase on a mobile device, they are more likely to revisit that path. As per the graphic to the left, subscribers who have purchased on a mobile device are just as likely as desktop purchasers to buy again. In fact, the likelihood of next conversion may be higher for mobile shoppers because the device is generally with them at all times, so the marketer’s opportunity to present the right offer at the right time is much greater via the mobile channel. Capitalizing on the On-the-Go Shopper Let’s put mobile shoppers in perspective – they are growing in numbers, they are equally likely to be repeat purchasers, and when they click on an email, they seem to be closer to purchasing than are desktop shoppers. Revenue per mobile click is almost double that of a desktop click, suggesting that even though emails opened on a mobile device have considerably lower click-to-open rates, mobile clicks lead to purchases more frequently than desktop clicks. $3.26 All Industries pg. 5 Value of Mobile Click $7.14 1 1 1 1 1 (Mobile Rev/Mobile Clicks) 1 1 1 1 (Desktop Rev/Desktop Clicks) 1 Value of Desktop Click All Industries
  • 6. MOBILE METRICS: Mobile is the Millennial Swiss Army Knife, so it comes as no surprise that the use of mobile devices continues to trend upwards at an impressive pace. Assuming these trends continue into Q4, busy shoppers will seek convenience when tackling their holiday shopping lists, thus giving mobile an ever-growing role in purchase decisions. Mobile • Mobile opens now account for over 52% of all email opens, an 8% growth over Q2 of 2013. • Mobile email clicks grew by 11% in Q3 and now account for 35% of all email clicks. • Overall, desktop and mobile click-to-open rates remained fairly consistent; desktop click-to-open rates continue to be more than double those of mobile. • The number of subscribers who view emails on desktop and mobile devices interchangeably, without consistent preference for one over the other, dropped by more than 50% in Q3. Within the same timeframe, mobile-only email viewership grew by almost the same percentage. 82% of all email opens and clicks continue to happen on Apple devices* Metric (all Industries) iPhone Q3 2013 % Mobile Events 50% % Mobile Open Q2 2013 iPad 52% % Change Q3 vs. Q2 25%8.34% 46% of all mobile opens 49% and clicks 7.85% 99% of opens and clicks on a tablet % Mobile Click 35% 32% *Some of Apple’s large share of mobile opens and clicks may be attributed to10.93% variations between reporting Apple and Android in images-off mode. % CTO Desktop 22% 23% -1.56% % CTO Mobile Findings: Mobile 11% 11% -1.25% The Ongoing Mobile Revolution 40% 39% 2.76% Consumers % Desktopto relyUsers and more on mobile for their daily digital activities. continue Only more Over 52% of all email opens and clicks now happen on a mobile device, an impressive 8% % Mobile Only Users 45% 30% 49.27% increase quarter-over-quarter. This implies that a plateau in mobile adoption is still to come, as the rate of mobile growth has not slowed. Mobile clicks have jumped by 11% in % Hybrid Users 14% -53.27% one quarter, implying that perhaps more marketers30% beginning to incorporate mobileare friendly design in their mailings. Email Click-to-Open By Industry Industry pg. 6 Mobile Open* CTO Desktop CTO Mobile B2B Consumer Services CPG Entertainment Financial Services Healthcare Hospitality/Travel Insurance Marketing/Advertising Publishing Retail/Wholesale Technology 45.9% 56.8% 49.3% 49.8% 54.8% 38.8% 56.9% 57.9% 36.3% 40.5% 55.8% 49.7% 17.6% 31.0% 26.6% 23.9% 11.5% 39.2% 22.6% 48.3% 16.2% 30.8% 20.4% 10.8% 7.0% 18.7% 10.6% 10.5% 2.0% 17.4% 9.4% 30.7% 5.1% 16.3% 10.7% 3.4% *of all email opens
  • 7. A Shift Away from Desktop? In Q2, across all industries, 45% of active subscribers were hybrid viewers. In Q3, however, this number fell to 14%, indicating that consumers are increasingly relying on a single device. This significant shift substantiates our earlier claim: consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with shopping on their tablets and smartphones and, as a result, don’t switch as often from mobile to desktop while on their path-to-purchase. An additional potential factor in this shift to mobile-only email viewership is the growing adoption of tablets and their increased use as the preferred type of device at home, a role traditionally occupied by the desktop computer. Email Viewership Preference By Industry Mobile Subscriber Activity Industry B2B Consumer Services CPG Entertainment Financial Services Healthcare Hospitality/Travel Insurance Marketing/Advertising Publishing Retail/Wholesale Technology Desktop Only Mobile Only Hybrid 47.6% 36.0% 45.6% 39.8% 42.7% 54.6% 35.1% 43.4% 50.6% 45.8% 36.6% 45.4% 50.3% 45.1% 43.2% 44.6% 54.5% 37.2% 47.6% 50.7% 34.1% 37.7% 49.5% 40.5% 2.1% 18.9% 11.2% 15.6% 2.8% 8.2% 17.3% 5.9% 15.3% 16.5% 13.9% 14.1% SUBSCRIBER ACTIVITY METRICS: Subscriber activity remains an important determinant of email program success. It’s an even larger factor as the holiday season goes into full swing. At this critical time, it is imperative for marketers to carefully examine their mailing volume, subscriber activity, and number of average opens and clicks in order to capitalize on this seasonal revenue opportunity. • On average, across all industries, active subscriber rate (has opened/clicked in the last 90 days) increased by 5% from Q2 to Q3 of 2013. • Average number of opens per opener was 7, the same as Q2. • Clicks per clicker also remained consistent at 3 over the course of the quarter. • Marketers who sent between 3 and 7 emails per week continued to maintain the highest active subscriber rates . Active Subscriber Rate by Number of Emails They Receive Weekly Less than one Between one and two Up to three Between three and seven Seven or more 0% pg. 7 5% 10% 15% 20% Active Subscriber Rate (opened/clicked in the last 90 days) 25%
  • 8. Subscriber Activity Findings: There, we said it! Higher frequency is not your enemy. In Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass from last quarter, we identified a correlation between the number of emails marketers send per week and the percentage of active subscribers they have in their database. This correlation is further substantiated by this quarter’s data. The percentage of active subscribers for marketers who mail between 3 and 7 times a week continues to grow. The retail industry’s Q3 data further supports this observation. The number of retail emails per active subscriber sent in Q3 increased by 6%, and the average number of active subscribers in retailers’ databases grew by 4%. Three factors that could potentially contribute to this concurrent growth are better mobile experience, better offers, and better targeting. Subscriber Activity Subscriber Tenure Interestingly, the overall number of email opens and clicks has not increased to reflect the growth in active subscribers. This could mean that active consumers, though opening and/or clicking, may be doing so less frequently in the span of a quarter, pointing to the need for more consistently engaging campaigns. Industry Database Metrics Industry B2B Consumer Services CPG Entertainment Financial Services Healthcare Hospitality/Travel Insurance Marketing/Advertising Publishing Retail/Wholesale Technology Active Subscribers Avg. # Emails per Opener Avg. Opens per Opener Avg. Clicks per Clicker 1.4% 7.2% 5.9% 7.4% 6.7% 16.0% 21.3% 3.0% 3.4% 15.2% 11.1% 7.3% 15 113 24 30 13 16 32 7 80 53 59 18 1 14 4 4 3 3 6 2 6 8 8 4 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 1 There are many contributing factors to the number of active subscribers in a marketer’s database. It’s important to assess this metric after considering segmentation strategies, database maturity, and mailing frequency. When marketers employ segmentation and targeting strategies, such as mailing only to subscribers with specific activity levels, purchase behavior, or tenure, they are consistently mailing to only a subset of their database, thus failing to harness its full potential. SUBSCRIBER TENURE METRICS: Enhanced database metrics like subscriber activity based on subscriber tenure (time since they opted into the database) can provide additional insight into the rate at which marketers acquire new contacts. These metrics also show how engaged marketers manage to keep those subscribers once they have been in the database for a month, three months, a year, or longer. pg. 8
  • 9. • Consumers who have subscribed most recently (within 90 days) have the highest active subscriber rate at almost 20%. Q3 Avg. Database Growth Note: Active Subscriber Rate is defined as opens/clicks in the last 90 days. • On average, 30% of consumers who have been subscribed for 3 - 12 months have opened or clicked on an email in the last 12 months. • About 79% of subscribers have been subscribed for over a year which implies that the majority of marketers have been cultivating their email databases for years. • In Q3, the average annual database growth was 27%. Subscriber Tenure 27% Subscriber Tenure Findings: Putting Database in Perspective As important as database metrics can be in determining email program strategy, it is imperative not to assess them in a vacuum. A large portion of mature databases contains subscribers who had joined many years ago but have either never been active or have not been active in years. Though it is sometimes beneficial to keep those records and attempt to re-engage them through late activation campaigns, many of them could have become dead or turned into spam traps. Mailing to these records can result in serious deliverability issues like excessive bulking, high bounce rates, and blacklisting which, in turn, can translate into hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Across all industries, over 78% of all subscribers who have opened/clicked in the last 12 months have been subscribed for over a year. Don’t let those subscribers fall through the cracks – implement campaigns to keep them engaged! 78.6% To take full advantage of industry and individual database metrics, it is imperative that marketers maintain a clean database by detecting and removing spam traps, long-inactive or never-active records, and dead accounts. The most effective way to achieve this is by performing frequent data hygiene, incorporating real-time subscriber verification into the opt-in process, and proactively monitoring deliverability prior to each email deployment. 12 Is the New Black Since 20% of new subscribers are active, consistent flow of recent opt-ins is undoubtedly an important factor when it comes to database activity. This is why ensuring new subscribers are properly engaged from the moment they opt into a marketer’s email program could greatly contribute to a higher long-term active subscriber rate and program ROI. In addition, 30% of opt-ins who have been subscribed for 3 to 12 months have been active in the last year. Since these subscribers make up about 16% of the average database, it is important for marketers to develop programs that continually engage this database segment. These metrics suggest that marketers have a year to engage their subscribers and positively affect their database activity rate through timely, well-planned messaging. pg. 9
  • 10. Subscriber Tenure by Industry Industry Subscribed within last 90 days Subscribed 3-12 months ago Subscribed over a year ago 14.8% 3.8% 2.8% 3.4% 15.5% 6.2% 7.0% 8.3% 5.0% 6.3% 6.7% 2.9% 20.0% 11.6% 8.7% 13.8% 42.6% 19.5% 19.6% 24.6% 11.1% 23.9% 22.0% 12.5% 65.2% 84.6% 88.5% 82.8% 41.9% 74.3% 73.4% 67.1% 83.9% 69.8% 71.3% 84.6% B2B Consumer Services CPG Entertainment Financial Services Healthcare Hospitality/Travel Insurance Marketing/Advertising Publishing Retail/Wholesale Technology Subscriber Tenure Email Me Maybe? On average, across all industries, databases grew by more than 25% year-over-year. Email remains among the most preferred channels for brand interaction: consumers continue to opt in at consistently high rates despite the rise of social and mobile. Email shows no signs of slowing down as a relevant marketing channel that speaks directly to consumers and provides value that drives opt-ins. Subscriber Activity by Industry Industry B2B Consumer Services CPG Entertainment Financial Services Healthcare Hospitality/Travel Insurance Marketing/Advertising Publishing Retail/Wholesale Technology Never opened/clicked Last opened/clicked within last 90 days Last opened/clicked 3-12 months ago Last opened/clicked over a year 86.3% 78.1% 72.6% 61.2% 77.5% 47.5% 39.4% 71.4% 78.6% 58.6% 66.5% 75.3% 1.4% 7.0% 5.0% 11.4% 4.4% 13.8% 33.8% 3.0% 3.3% 14.9% 9.6% 7.3% 3.5% 5.2% 8.2% 10.4% 9.1% 15.8% 15.0% 7.5% 3.2% 10.6% 11.3% 5.9% 8.8% 9.7% 14.2% 17.0% 9.0% 22.9% 11.8% 18.1% 14.9% 15.9% 12.6% 11.5% In the CPG, B2B, Insurance, and Financial Services industries, subscribers tend to opt into email programs at the time of requesting a quote, entering a sweepstakes, registering for a free trial/demo, etc. Since the purchase cycle in those industries tends to be longer, subscribers may become active much longer after they opt in. Not surprisingly, the Hospitality/Travel industry garners the highest percentage of active subscribers and the lowest rate of inactive ones. This is most likely a result of the industry’s business model, which relies on the sense of urgency communicated through limited-time offers. The travel industry, in particular, is well known for delivering highly relevant email content based on subscribers’ search criteria and search history. Relevance is king when it comes to keeping an audience engaged. pg. 10
  • 11. STANDARD METRICS: Standard metrics such as delivery, open, click, and unsubscribe rates are key to assessing overall performance of a marketer’s email program and identifying areas of improvement that may require additional program components. • Overall delivery rate remained consistent at over 97%. • Overall open rate* remained consistent at 15% quarter-over-quarter. • Total and Unique click rates decreased by about 5%. *Yesmail does not count multiple opens and/or clicks as part of an email’s open rate. Open rate is calculated solely based on unique opens. Standard Findings: Addressing the Shortening Consumer Attention Span A few factors can be at play for the interesting contrast between the lower click rates and fairly consistent open rates registered in Q3 of 2013. Standard One potential reason for this disparity could be a lack of relevant, personalized content to compel the consumer to respond to a call-to-action. Another reason could be that some marketers’ emails are not optimized for mobile, which leads to subscribers opening, but not clicking through. When email creative is not optimized for the small screen, the calls-to-action are often not easily identifiable and clickable when an email is viewed on a mobile device. In a similar fashion, the disparity between growing active subscriber rates and unchanging open rates could be a result of the same factors. While more subscribers are opening, thus raising the overall active rate, each subscriber is opening fewer messages (perhaps due to lack of personalized content and mobile-optimization), which accounts for a consistent, not increasing open rate, quarter-over-quarter. Delivery Rate Bounce Rate Open Rate* Unique Click Rate Total Click Rate Click to Open Rate Unsubscribe Rate B2B 72.2% 27.8% 13.7% 1.2% 1.7% 8.4% 0.5% Consumer Services 97.4% 2.6% 12.9% 2.2% 3.1% 17.4% 0.0% CPG 97.7% 2.3% 18.0% 2.2% 3.4% 12.2% 0.1% Entertainment 95.6% 4.4% 15.7% 1.7% 2.7% 10.6% 0.1% Financial Services 93.0% 7.0% 21.8% 0.8% 1.4% 3.8% 0.1% Healthcare 90.3% 9.7% 17.9% 3.8% 5.5% 21.0% 0.1% Hospitality/Travel 98.0% 2.0% 17.7% 2.0% 2.7% 11.1% 0.0% Insurance 97.5% 2.5% 27.0% 7.3% 10.3% 27.1% 0.3% Marketing/Advertising 88.2% 11.8% 8.7% 0.7% 1.1% 8.4% 0.1% Publishing 96.7% 3.3% 16.1% 3.0% 4.3% 18.3% 0.0% Retail/Wholesale 97.8% 2.2% 13.5% 1.5% 2.0% 11.2% 0.1% Technology 98.8% 1.2% 23.0% 1.2% 1.7% 5.0% 0.1% Industry *Yesmail does not count multiple opens and/or clicks as part of an email’s open rate. Open rate is calculated solely based on unique opens. pg. 11
  • 12. RECOMMENDATIONS: Purchase Behavior: • Deploy timely communications adapted for mobile viewership in order to capitalize on the on-the-go shopper who values convenience first and foremost. • Develop strategies to increase mobile clicks since completing a call-to-action on a mobile could bring shoppers closer to opting for the mobile path-to-purchase. Subscriber Activity and Subscriber Tenure: • Since almost 1/3 of subscribers who have opted into a database 3-12 months ago remain active within a year, marketers should develop early and mid-activation campaigns to engage those subscribers consistently throughout their first year in the database. • Determine the optimal email frequency through testing. Depending on the industry, sending 3 to 7 emails a week may be a good start in establishing what works best. • Perform pre-flight testing before each email deployment to determine inbox placement for emails intended for different subscriber segments. Mobile: Recommendations • Update email templates to feature scalable and responsive design, especially as users seem to shift from desktop to tablet as their primary devices not only on-the-go, but also at home. • Carry out creative rendering tests prior to campaign deployment to ensure the email renders correctly in all web clients and environments. • Optimize websites for mobile, especially around the holidays when ecommerce is booming and it is the right time to promote the mobile path-to-purchase for convenience-driven shoppers. Standard: • Use quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year standard metrics to assess overall program performance and identify trends, areas of opportunity, and performance gaps (e.g. subscribers opening but not clicking). pg. 12
  • 13. WHY STOP HERE? Yesmail Interactive is dedicated to helping brands remain on top of the changing digital marketing landscape by providing proprietary research on industry-defining trends and actionable recommendations on how marketers can improve their programs and achieve higher ROI. But don’t believe what we have to say, check out these resources to learn how to get the most out of your marketing efforts. Mobile Optimization & Design: [WEBINAR] Mobile-First Email Strategies: Thinking Beyond Just Design [WHITEPAPER] Mobile Email Design: Marketing Fit for the Small Screen [INFOGRAPHIC] Mobile Email Strategies for the Holiday Season [BLOG POST] Customer Segmentation 101 [BLOG POST] You’ve Segmented your Database, Now What? Database Segmentation: Resources [WEBINAR] Ready, Set, Segment! Using Email Behavioral Data to Target Customers and Drive Engagement Email Deliverability & List Hygiene: [WHITEPAPER] End the Nightmares! 10 Email Deliverability Myths Debunked [BLOG POST] Dirty Database: the Flat Tire on the Road Trip to Deliverability Email Programs: pg. 13 [WHITEPAPER] Turbocharge Your Email Marketing through Better Transactional Messages [BLOG POST] Today’s Challenges to Customer Lifecycle Engagement [BLOG POST] Turning the Right Cliche into Action in the Customer Lifecycle
  • 14. GLOSSARY: Purchase Behavior: % Desktop Revenue = $ Desktop Revenue/$ Total Revenue % Mobile Revenue = $ Mobile Revenue/$ Total Revenue % Desktop Orders = Number of Desktop Orders/Total Number of Orders % Mobile Orders = Number of Mobile Orders/Total Number of Orders Desktop Conversion Rate = Number of Desktop Orders/Number of Clicks on Desktop Mobile Conversion Rate = Number of Mobile Orders/Number of Clicks on Mobile Repeat Purchaser Rate Desktop = (Number of Desktop Orders-Number of Desktop Purchasers)/Number of Desktop Purchasers Repeat Purchaser Rate Mobile = (Number of Mobile Orders-Number of Mobile Purchasers)/Number of Mobile Purchasers Desktop Avg Order Value = $ Desktop Revenue/Number of Desktop Orders Mobile Avg Order Value = $ Mobile Revenue/Number of Mobile Orders % Orders Smartphone = Number of Smartphone Orders/Number of Mobile Orders % Orders Tablet = Number of Tablet Orders/Number of Mobile Orders Mobile: Glossary % Mobile Opens = Mobile Opens/Total Opens % CTO Desktop = Unique Clicked Desktop/Opened Desktop % CTO Mobile = Unique Clicked Mobile/Opened Mobile % Desktop Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used desktop to interact with email % Mobile Only = Proportion of email viewers who only used mobile to interact with email % Hybrid = Proportion of email viewers who switched between mobile and desktop to interact with email Subscriber Activity: % Mailable Database = Total Mailable Users/Total Users % Active Subscribers = Proportion of database subscribers with opens clicks in the last 90 days Avg # Emails per Opener = Number of emails an active subscriber received in the last 90 days Opens per Opener = Number of opens per active subscriber in the last 90 days Clicks per Clicker = Number of clicks per active subscriber in the last 90 days Standard: pg. 14 Open Rate = Opened/Delivered Total Click Rate = Total Clicks/Delivered Click-to-Open Rate = Unique Clicks/Opened Unsubscribe Rate = Unsubscribe/Delivered
  • 15. We power intelligent customer interactions. We give you the insights to recognize and understand your customer to deliver contextually relevant digital communications – while respecting their preferences and privacy. We help marketers evolve their customer relationships through intelligent interactions via technology, insights, and services in a near real-time multichannel environment. We help you compete in the age of the customer. For more information, visit