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       Subject : Science
       Form      : 1

WEEK      LEARNING         LEARNING                LEARNING OUTCOME                       SUGGESTED LEARNING                         T&L                 SCIENTIFIC
            AREA           OBJECTIVE                                                          ACTIVITIES                         APPROACH/TSTS       ATTITUDES & NOBLE

                                                                   Topic 1 : INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE
 1-2       Science is a    Understanding     A student is able to:                  1) Describe examples of natural            Science, Technology    Realising that
             part of       that science is                                              phenomena that students see            & Society               science is a means
          everyday life    part of           1.1 List what he sees around him           around them:                            relating              to understand
                           everyday life.         that is related to science,        i. growth of human from a baby to          comparing and         nature
                                             1.2 Explain the importance of              an adult,                                  contrasting        Having an interest
                                                  science in everyday life.         ii. fall of a ball to the ground,           analysing             and curiosity
                                             1.3 Name some careers in science      iii. melting of ice.                        visualising             towords the
                                                  such as:                          2) Discuss the uses and benefits of                                environment
                                                 i. science teachers,                   science in everyday life.
                                                ii. doctors,                        3) Attend talks on careers in science
 3          The steps      Understanding      A student is able to:                 1) Carry out a scientific                  Inquiry-discovery      Appreciating the
          involved in a    the steps in                                                 inveswtigation/experiment, e.g.         Relating              contribution of
            scienctific    scientific        2. 1 State the steps in scientific         ‘To find out what affect the            Analysing             science and
          investigation    investigation          investigation/experiment,.            number of times the pendulum                                   technology
                                             2.2 Carry out a scientific                 swings back and forth                                         Being honest and
                                                  investigation.                        (oscillations) during a given                                  accurate in
                                                                                        time.’                                                         recording and
                                                                                                                                                       validating data
 4           Physical      Knowing           A student is able to:                   1) Discuss the physical quantities,       Mastery Learning       Appreciating the
          quantities and   physical                                                      their units, the value of their        Attributing           contribution of
            their units    quantities and    3.1 State physical quantities:              prefixes and their symbols.            Analysing             science and
                           their units           length, mass, time, temperature      i. Identify physical quantities           Relating              technology
                                                 and electric current.                   (length, mass, time, temperature       Grouping and         Systematic
                                             3.2 State SI units and their                and electric current), their values     classifying
                                                 corresponding symbols.                  and units found on product             Evaluating
                                             3.3 State symbol and values of              descriptions.
                                                 prefixes for the units eg: mili-,   ii. Find words with the prefixes used
                                                 centi- and kilo-.                       in measurements such as kilo-,
                                                                                         centi-, and milli-
 5         Measuring       Understanding     A student is able to:                   1) Measure the length of straight         Inquiry-discovery      Appreciating the
            Tools          the use of                                                    lines, curves and the diameter of     Contextual Learning     contribution of
                           measuring         4.1 Choose the right tool to                objects using rulers, thread and        Analising            science and
                           tools                 measure length.                         calipers.                               Generating ideas     technology
                                             4.2 Estimate area of regular and        2) Estimate area of regular and
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irregular shapes using graph          irregular shapes using graph                                Being honest and
                                            paper.                                paper.                                                       accurate in
                                        4.3 Choose the right tool to         3)   Measure volume of liquids using                              recording and
                                            measure the volume of liquid.         measuring cylinder, pipette and                              validating data
                                        4.4 Determine the volume of solids        burette.                                                    Systematic
                                            using water displacement         4)   Determine the volume of regular
                                            method.                               and irregular solids using the
                                        4.5 Choose the right tool to              water displacement method.
                                            measure the temperature of a     5)   Measure the body temperature
                                            liquid and body temperature.          and the temperature of water.
6-7    Measuring       Understanding    A student is able to:                1)   Find the weight of different         Inquiry-discovery      Appreciating the
        Tools          the concept of                                             objects using a spring balance.      Contextual Learning     contribution of
                       mass             5.1 Determine the weight of an       2)   Discuss weight as the pull of the      Analising            science and
                                            object,                               earth (gravitational force) on an      Generating ideas     technology
                                        5.2 Explain the concept of weight,        object.                                                     Being honest and
                                        5.3 Explain the concept of mass,     3)   Discuss mass as quantity of                                  accurate in
                                        5.4 Determine the mass of an              matter.                                                      recording and
                                            object,                          4)   Find the mass of different objects                           validating data
                                        5.5 Explain the difference between        using beam/lever balace or lever                            Systematic
                                            mass and weight,                      balance.
                                        5.6 Apply the use of spring and      5)   Discuss the difference between
                                            beam/lever balance in the             mass and weight.
                                            context of an experiment..

8      Measuring       Realising the    A student s able to:                1) Discuss the various units of            Mastery Learning       Appreciating the
        Tools          importance of                                           measurements, e.g. nits for length       Making inference      contribution of
                       standard units   6.1 Give example of problems that      (feet, yard, chain, mile, meter,         Analysing             science and
                       in sveryday      may arise if standard units are not    kilometer), units for                    Relating              technology
                       life             used.                                  weight(pound, ounce, kati, tahil,        Making conclusion    Having a critical
                                                                               gram, kilogram)                                                 and analytical
                                                                            2) Act out a scene to show the                                     thinking.
                                                                               problem caused by not using
                                                                               standard units e.g. buying things
                                                                               at the market.
                                                    Topic 2 : MAN AND THE VARIETY OF LIVING THINGS
9     Cell as a Unit   Understanding    A student is able to:               1) Gather information on living            Mastery Learning       Realising that
         of Life       cells            7.1 Identify that cell is that the     organism and identify the                Attributing           science is a means
                                            basic unit of living things.       smallest living unit that makes up       Classifying           to understand
                       LEARNING         7.2 Prepare slids following the        the organism.                            Comparing and         nature
                       OUTCOME              proper procedurs.               2) Prepare slides of cheek cells and         contasting           Being thankful to
                       7.8 State the    7.3 Use a microscope properly,         onion cells.                                                    God
                       similarities     7.4 Identify the general structures 3) Study the general structure of

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and                   of animal cell and a plant cell,       cheek cells and onion cells under
                       differences       7.5 Draw the general structural of         a microscope, using the correct
                                             an animal cell and plant cell          procedure.
10    Unicellular      Understanding     A student is able to:                   1) Gather information about              Mastery Learning        Realising that
          and          unicellular and                                              unicellular organisms and              Attributing            science is a means
      multicellular    multicellular     3.1 State the meaning of                   multicellular organisms.               Classifying            to understand
       organisms       organisms             unicellular organisms and           2) 2. Provide students with pictures      Comparing and          nature
                                             multicellular organism,                cards, name cards, ‘unicellular’        contasting            Being thankful to
                                         3.2 Give examples of unicellular           and ‘multicellular’ cards.                                     God
                                             organisms and multicellular            Students use reference materials                              Being diligent and
                                             organisms.                             and /or information to match the                               persevering
                                                                                    three cards for each organism.                                Being fair and just
                                                                                 3) 3. Observe examples of
                                                                                    unicellular organisms and
                                                                                    multicellular organisms under a
                                                                         1Sst MID-TERM BREAK
12        Cell         Understanding     A student is able to:                   1) Gather information and discuss        Mastery Learning        Realising that
     organisatian in   that cells form                                              the following:                         Relating               science is a means
       the human       tissues, organs   9.1 Name the different types of             a) Types of human cells,              Attributing            to understand
          body         and system in         human cells,                            b) Functions of different types       Comparing and          nature
                       the human         9.2 State the functions of different            of human cells.                    contrasting           Being thankful to
                       body.                 types of human cells,               2) Use a graphic organizer                Classifying            God
13    Human are        Realising that    A student is able to:                   1) Discuss why human beings are          Mastery Learning        Realising that
       complex         humans are                                                   complex organisms.                     Relating               science is a means
      organism         complex           11.1 Explain why human beings                                                     Analyzing              to understand
                       organisms              are complex organisms.                                                                               nature
                                                                                                                                                  Being thankful to
                                                                  Topic 3 :MATTER IN NATURE
14       Matter        Understanding     A student is able to:                 1) Activity inquiry                        Inquiry-discovery       Realising that
                       matter            12.1State that things have mass and      The basic characteristic of matter        Relating              science is a means
                                             occupy space,                                                                  Making conclusion     to understand
                                         12.2Explain what matter is, relate                                                                        nature
                                             things and matter                                                                                    Being objective
15    The state of     Understanding     A student is able to:                 1) Gather information and discuss          Mastery Learning        Realising that
        matter         the state of      13.1State that matter is made up of      what matter is made up of, the           Making analogies       science is a means
                       matter                particles.                           three states of matter, and                                      to understand
                                         13.2State the three states of matter,    compare the three states of             Inquiry-discovery        nature
                                         13.3State the arrangement of             matter.                                   Visualising          Having a critical
                                             particles in the three states of  2) The arrangement and movement              Predicting            and analytical
                                             matter,                              of particles in a solid, a liquid and
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gas.                                                            thinking.

17-18        Density       Understanding    A student is able to:                  6)      Activity inquiry                  Inquiry-discovery      Being honest and
                           density          3)      Define density,                Density of an object.                       Visualising          accurate in
                                            4)      Explain why some objects       Density of a liquid.                        Predicting           recording and
                                                    and liquids float,                                                         Attributing          validating data.
                                            5)      Solve simple problems                                                      Comparing and       Systematic
                                                    related to density.                                                          contrasting        Having a critical
                                                                                                                               Problem solving      and analytical
          Application of   Knowing the      A student is able to:               9)       Floating and sinking of             Contextual Learning    Realising that
           properties of   application of   7)       Describe how man uses               objects                              relating              science is a means
              matter       properties of             the different states of    10)      Relationship between                 comparing and         to understand
  18                       matter                    matter,                             density and flotation                  contrasting          nature
                                            8)       Describe how man applies                                                 generating ideas.    Being thankful to
                                                     the concept of density.                                                                         God
                                                       TOPIC 4: THE VARIETY OF RESOURCES ON EARTH
           The various     Knowing the      A student is able to:               Gather information about the                 Mastery Learning       Having an interest
           resources on    different        1) List the resources on earth      resources on earth, i.e. water, air, soil,    Comparing and         and curiosity
               earth       resources on         needed to sustain life,         minerals. Fossil fuels and living              contrasting           toward the
                           earth            2) List the resources on earth used things                                        Relating              environment
19-20                                           in everyday life.                                                             Grouping and         Being thankful to
                                                                                                                               classifying           God
                                                                                                                                                    Appreciating the
                                                                                                                                                     balance of nature
21                                                          PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN/OTI1
  24         Elements,  Understanding A student is able to:              1.Gather information and discuss:                   Mastery Learning       Having a critical and
            compounds   elements,     1) State what elements,            a) what elements, compounds and                      Attributing           analytical thinking
           and mixtures compounds         compounds and mixtures are,        mixtures are,                                    Comparing and        Having an interest and
                        and mixtures  2) Give examples of elements,      b) what metals and non-metals are,                     contrasting          curiosity toward the
                                          compounds and mixtures,        c) examples of elements,                             Grouping and          environment
                                      3) State the differences between       compounds, mixtures, metals and                   classifying          Being responsible for
                                          elements, compounds and            non-metals.                                      Making                the safety of oneself,
                                          mixtures,                      2.Compare and contrast the                            generalizations       others and the
                                      4) Carry out activities to compare properties of elements, compounds                                           environment
                                          the properties of different    and mixtures.                                       Inquiry-discovery      Realising that science
                                          metal and non metal,           3.Carry out activaties to compare the                 Comparing and        is a means to
                                      5) Classify element as metals and properties of metals in terms of                         contrasting         understand nature
                                          non-metals based on their      appearance, hardness, conductivity of                                      Being fair and just
                                                                                                                               Attributing
                                          characteristics,               heat and conductivity of electricity.
                                                                                                                               Relating            Being confident and
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6) Give examples of metals and         4.Carry out activities to separate the    Synthesising            independent
                                          non-metals.                         components of mixtures e.g.               Making inferences
                                       7) Carry out activities to separate    a) mixture of iron filings and sulpher    Generating ideas
                                          the components of a mixture.        powder,                                   Predicting
                                                                              b) mixture of sand and salt.              analysing
25        The         Appreciating     A student is able to:                  1) Discuss the importance of earth’s     Mastery Learning       Having an interest and
     importance of    the importance   1) Explain the importance of              resources (water, air, soil,           Relating              curiosity toward the
     the variety of   of the variety       variety of earth’s resources to       minerals, fossil fuels and living      Evaluating            environment
         earth’s      of earth’s           man,                                  things) to man.                        Prioritizing         Realising that science
      resources to    resources to     2) State the meaning of the            2) Draw a concept map to show the                                is a means to
          man         man                  preservation and conservation         relationship between these                                    understand nature
                                           of resources on earth,                resources to the basic needs of                              Being thankful to God
                                       3) State the importance of the            life.                                                        Thinking rationally
                                           preservation and conservation      3) Gather information on the
                                           of resources on earth,                preservation and conservation of
                                                                                 resources on earh.
                                                                   Topic 5 :THE AIR AROUND US
26       The          5.1 Understa     A student is able to:                  Gather information on:                   Mastery Learning       Having an interest and
     composition of       nding        1) State what air is made up of,       a) The composition of air,                attributing           curiosity toward the
          air             what air     2) Explain why air is a                b) The percentage of nitrogen,            comparing and         environment
                          is made            mixture,state the average           oxygen and carbon dioxide in air.        contrasting         Realising that science
                          up of.             percentage of nitrogen, oxygen   Carry out activities to show:             relating              is a means to
                                             and carbon dioxide in air,       a) The percentage of oxygen in air,                              understand nature
                                       3) Carry out activities to show:       b) that air contains water vapour,       Inquiry-discovery      Being thankful to God
                                       i.the percentage of oxygen in air,        microorganisms and dust.                   analyzing        Being fair and just
                                       ii. that air contains water vapour,                                                  attributing      Thinking rationally
                                       microorganisms and dust.
                                                                                                                            making           Being confident and
                                                                                                                                inferences     independent
27   The properties   Understanding    A student is able to:                  Gather information on the properties     Mastery Learning       Having an interest and
     of oxygen and    the properties   1) List the properties of oxygen       of oxygen and carbon dioxide.             attributing           curiosity toward the
     carbon dioxide   of oxygen and        and carbon dioxide,                Carry out activities to show the          comparing and         environment
                      carbon dioxide   2) Identify oxygen and carbon          properties of oxygen and carbon              contrasting        Realising that science
                                           dioxide based on its properties,   dioxide in the following aspects:         relating              is a means to
                                       3) Choose a suitable test for          a) Solubility in water                                           understand nature
                                           oxygen and carbon dioxide          b) Reaction with sodium hydroxide        Inquiry-discovery      Being responsible for
                                                                              c) The effect on: glowing and                 relating          the safety of oneself,
                                                                                  burning wooden splinter, litmus           making            others and the
                                                                                  paper, lime water, bicarbonate                inferences     environment
                                                                                  indicator.                                                  Thinking rationally
                                                                                                                            evaluating
                                                                                                                                              Being confident and

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 Being objective
28     Oxygen is       Understanding     A student is able to:                  Gather information and discuss          Mastery Learning         Having a critical and
       needed for      oxygen is         1) State that energy, carbon           respiration.                             attributing             analytical thinking
       respiration     needed in             dioxide and water vapour are       Carry out an experiment to show that     relating               Realising that science
                       respiration           the products of respiration,       during respiration, living things                                 is a means to
                                         2) Relate that living things uses           a) Use oxygen                      Inquiry-discovery         understand nature
                                             oxygen and give out carbon              b) Give out carbon dioxide           relating              Thinking rationally
                                             doxide during respiration,              c) Inhaled and exhaled air           making inferences     Being confident and
                                         3) Compare and contrast the                                                      predicting             independent
                                             content of oxygen in inhaled                                                                        Being objective
                                                                                                                         comparing and
                                             and exhaled air in human,
                                                                                                                         contextual learning
29     Oxygen is       Understanding     A student is able to:                  Gather information and discuss          Mastery Learning         Having a critical and
      needed for       that oxygen is    1) State what combustion is,           combustion.                              attributing             analytical thinking
      combustion       needed for        2) State that oxygen is needed for     1) Carry out an experiment to:           relating               Realising that science
                       combustion            combustion,                        a) Show that oxygen is needed for                                 is a means to
                       (burning)         3) List the products of                   combustion,                          Inquiry-discovery         understand nature
                                             combustion,                        b) Invertigate the effect of the size    attributing            Thinking rationally
                                         4) Carry out experiments to               of a container on the length of        analyzing             Being confident and
                                             investigate combustion                time a candle burns,                   predicting             independent
                                                                                2) Carry out activity to test for the                            Being fair and just
                                                                                                                          making inferences
                                                                                    products of combustion of
                                                                                    charcoal such as carbon dioxide
                                                                                                                         evaluating             Being responsible for
                                                                                    and water.
                                                                                                                         synthesizing            the safety of oneself,
                                                                                                                         analysing               others and the
30   The effects of    Analyzing the     A student is able to:                  Gather information and discuss:         Inquiry-discovery        Realising that science
      air pollution    effects of air    1) Explain what air pollution is,      1) What air pollution is,                                         is a means to
                       pollution         2) List examples of air pollutants,    2) Examples of air pollutants.                                    understand nature
                                         3) List the sources of air             3) The sources of air pollutants,                                Thinking rationally
                                             pollutants                         4) The effects of air pollution on                               Being cooperative
                                         4) Describe the effects of air             man and the environment,                                     Being confident and
                                             pollutants                         5) The steps needed to control air                                independent
31        The                            A student is able to:                  Gather information and discuss:         Mastery Learning         Having an interest and
     importance of     Realising the     1) Describe how life would be          1) how life would be without clean       relating                curiosity toward the
     keeping the air   importance of         without clean air,                     air,                                 evaluating              environment
         clean         keeping the air   2) Suggest ways to keep the air        2) ways to keep the air clean,           comporing and          Appreciating and
                       clean                 clean,                             3) habits that keep the air clean.          contrasting           practicing clean and
                                         3) Practise habits that keep the air   Carry out activity to show the           predicting              healthy living
                                             clean.                             pollutants in cigarette smoke.          Inquiry-discovery        Realising that science
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 relating               is a means to
                                                                                                                          predicting             understand nature
                                                                                                                          general ideas         Thinking rationally
                                                                      Topic 3 : SOURCES OF ENERGY
32         The various     Understanding    A student is able to:                 Gather information about the various   Mastery Learning        Having an interest and
            forms and      various forms    1) List various forms of energy,      forms and sources of energy and         attributing            curiosity toward the
            sources of     and sources of   2) List various sources of energy,    energy changes.                         relating               environment
              energy       energy           3) Identify energy changes,           Discuss the sun as the primary          grouping and          Being thankful to
                                            4) Identify the sun as the primary    sources of energy.                        classifying           Allah
                                                souce of energy,                  Carry out activity to see the energy                           Realising that science
                                            5) Carry out an activity to           change:                                Inquiry-discovery        is a means to
                                                investigate energy change from 1) From potential to kinetic energy        relating               understand nature
                                                potential to kinetic energy and       for example a ball rolling down      analysing            Thinking rationally
                                                vice versa.                           an inclined slope,                                         Being confident and
                                                                                                                           making inferences
                                                                                  2) From kenitic to potential energy                             independent
33          Renewable      Understanding    A student is able to:                Gather information and discuss the      Contextual learning     Realising that science
             and non-      renewable and    1) Define renewable and non-         meaning of renewable and non-                                    is a means to
            renewable      non-renewable        renewable sources sources of     renewable energy souces.                Mastery Learning         understand nature
          energy sources   energy sources       energy,                          Carry out a project on:                 Inquiry-discovery       Being thankful to
                                            2) Group the various sources of      1) Renewable and non-renewable           Relating               Allah
                                                energy into renewable and non-       energy sources,                      Grouping and          Thinking rationally
                                                renewable                        2) The uses of solar energy,                classifying         Being cooperative
                                            3) Explain why we need to            3) The ways to increase efficient         Comparing and        Being confident and
                                                conserve energy                      use of energy.                          contrasting          independent
                                            4) Suggest ways to use energy                                                  making
                                                efficiently.                                                                 conclusions
35             The       Realizing the  A student is able to:                    Discuss the importance of conserving    Mastery Learning        Having an interest and
          importance of importance of 1) Describe the importance of              energy sources.                          Relating               curiosity toward the
            conserving   conserving         conserving energy sources,                                                    Grouping and           environment
          energy sources energy sources 2) Explain the use and                   Discuss the use and management of          classifying          Being thankful to
                                            management of energy sources.        energy sources.                          Comparing and          Allah
                                                                                                                          evaluating
36            Heat         Understanding    A student is able to:                Carry out activities to show:                                   Realising that science
                           heat as a form   1) State that the sun gives out      1) The sun gives out heat,                                       is a means to
                             of energy          heat,                            2) Ways to produce heat,                                         understand nature
                                            2) State other sources of heat,      3) Heat and temperature are not the                             Being thankful to
                                            3) State that heat is a form of          same,                                                        Allah
                                            4) Give examples of the uses of
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                                       5) State the meaning of
                                       6) State the difference between
                                           haet and temperature.
37       Heat         Understanding    A student is able to:                 Carry out activities to show that heat                           Having an interest and
                      heat flow and    1) State that heat causes solids,     cause solids, liquid and gases to                                 curiosity toward the
                      its effect           liquid and gases to expand and    expand and contract.(ball and ring,                               environment
                                           contract,                         mercury in thermometer and air in                                Realising that science
                                       2) State that heat flows in three     round-bottomed flask)                                             is a means to
                                           different ways (conduction,                                                                         understand nature
                                           convention and radiation),        Carry out activities to show how heat                            Being thankful to
                                       3) State that heat flows from from    flows by conduction, convention and                               Allah
                                           hot to cold,                      radiation,
                                       4) Give examples of heat flow in
                                           natural phenomena,
38    The effect of   Analyzing the    A student is able to:                 Carry out activities to show the          Mastery Learning       Having an interest and
     heat on matter   effect of heat   1) State the change in state of       change in state of matter in physical      Relating              curiosity toward the
                      on matter            matter in physical processes,     processes.                                 Comparing and         environment
                                       2) Explain that change in state of                                                 contrasting         Realising that science
                                           matter involves absorbtion and    Discuss:                                   Making inferences     is a means to
                                           release of heat,                  1) The effects of heat on the state of     Analyzing             understand nature
                                       3) Give examples of daily                 matter                                                       Being thankful to
                                           observations which show a         2) Examples of daily observation          Inquiry-discovery       Allah
                                           change in state of matter.            which shows a change in state of           Analyzing        Thinking rationally
                                                                                 matter.                                                      Being confident and
                                                                                                                            Attributing
39       Heat         Applying the     A student is able to:                 Discuss the uses of expansion and         Mastery Learning       Having an interest and
                      principles of    1) Explain with examples the uses     contraction of matter in the               Relating              curiosity toward the
                      expansion and        of expansion and contraction of   following:                                 Analyzing             environment
                      contraction of       matter in daily life.             1) Mercury in a thermometer,               Comparing and        Realising that science
                      matter           2) Apply principle of expansion       2) The bimetallic strip in a fire            contrasting          is a means to
                                           and contraction of matter in           alarm,                                evaluating            understand nature
                                           solving simple problems.          3) Gaps in railwy track,                                         Being thankful to
                                                                             4) Rollers in steel bridges.                                      Allah
                                                                                                                                              Thinking rationally
                                                                             Discuss the uses of the principle of
                                                                             expansion and contraction of matter
                                                                             to solve simple problems.
40    Absorption      Understanding    A student is able to:                 Carry out experiments to show that:       Inquiry-discovery      Realising that science
     and radiation    hat dark, dull   1) State that dark, dull objects      1) dark, dull objects absorp heat          relating              is a means to
        of heat       objects absorp       absorp heat better rthan white,        better rthan white, shiny objects,    Analyzing             understand nature
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and give out          shiny objects,                     2) dark, dull objects give out heat      Making inferences    Thinking rationally
                           heat better      2) State that dark, dull objects           better than white, shiny objects,                           Being confident and
                                                 give out heat better than white,                                           Inquiry-discovery       independent
                                                 shiny objects,                                                              relating
                                            Carry out experiment to investigate                                              attributing
                                            heat absorption and heat release.                                                Analysing
  41      The benefit of   Appreciating     A student is able to:                   Discuss and put into practice           Mastery Learning       Realising that science
            heat flow      the benefit of   Put into practice the principle of      activities such as opening of windows    Relating              is a means to
                           heat flow        heat low to provide comfortable         in the classroom or laboratory to        Making inferences     understand nature
                                            living.                                 improve air circulation.                 Analyzing            Being thankful to
                                                                                                                                                   Thinking rationally

                                                                                                                                                    RPT Sc form one/ 9

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  • 1. SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN BUKIT GUNTONG Subject : Science Form : 1 WEEK LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED LEARNING T&L SCIENTIFIC AREA OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES APPROACH/TSTS ATTITUDES & NOBLE VALUES Topic 1 : INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE 1-2 Science is a Understanding A student is able to: 1) Describe examples of natural Science, Technology  Realising that part of that science is phenomena that students see & Society science is a means everyday life part of 1.1 List what he sees around him around them:  relating to understand everyday life. that is related to science, i. growth of human from a baby to  comparing and nature 1.2 Explain the importance of an adult, contrasting  Having an interest science in everyday life. ii. fall of a ball to the ground,  analysing and curiosity 1.3 Name some careers in science iii. melting of ice. visualising towords the such as: 2) Discuss the uses and benefits of environment i. science teachers, science in everyday life. ii. doctors, 3) Attend talks on careers in science 3 The steps Understanding A student is able to: 1) Carry out a scientific Inquiry-discovery  Appreciating the involved in a the steps in inveswtigation/experiment, e.g.  Relating contribution of scienctific scientific 2. 1 State the steps in scientific ‘To find out what affect the  Analysing science and investigation investigation investigation/experiment,. number of times the pendulum technology 2.2 Carry out a scientific swings back and forth  Being honest and investigation. (oscillations) during a given accurate in time.’ recording and validating data 4 Physical Knowing A student is able to: 1) Discuss the physical quantities, Mastery Learning  Appreciating the quantities and physical their units, the value of their  Attributing contribution of their units quantities and 3.1 State physical quantities: prefixes and their symbols.  Analysing science and their units length, mass, time, temperature i. Identify physical quantities  Relating technology and electric current. (length, mass, time, temperature  Grouping and  Systematic 3.2 State SI units and their and electric current), their values classifying corresponding symbols. and units found on product  Evaluating 3.3 State symbol and values of descriptions. prefixes for the units eg: mili-, ii. Find words with the prefixes used centi- and kilo-. in measurements such as kilo-, centi-, and milli- 5 Measuring Understanding A student is able to: 1) Measure the length of straight Inquiry-discovery  Appreciating the Tools the use of lines, curves and the diameter of Contextual Learning contribution of measuring 4.1 Choose the right tool to objects using rulers, thread and  Analising science and tools measure length. calipers.  Generating ideas technology 4.2 Estimate area of regular and 2) Estimate area of regular and RPT Sc form one/ 1
  • 2. irregular shapes using graph irregular shapes using graph  Being honest and paper. paper. accurate in 4.3 Choose the right tool to 3) Measure volume of liquids using recording and measure the volume of liquid. measuring cylinder, pipette and validating data 4.4 Determine the volume of solids burette.  Systematic using water displacement 4) Determine the volume of regular method. and irregular solids using the 4.5 Choose the right tool to water displacement method. measure the temperature of a 5) Measure the body temperature liquid and body temperature. and the temperature of water. 6-7 Measuring Understanding A student is able to: 1) Find the weight of different Inquiry-discovery  Appreciating the Tools the concept of objects using a spring balance. Contextual Learning contribution of mass 5.1 Determine the weight of an 2) Discuss weight as the pull of the  Analising science and object, earth (gravitational force) on an  Generating ideas technology 5.2 Explain the concept of weight, object.  Being honest and 5.3 Explain the concept of mass, 3) Discuss mass as quantity of accurate in 5.4 Determine the mass of an matter. recording and object, 4) Find the mass of different objects validating data 5.5 Explain the difference between using beam/lever balace or lever  Systematic mass and weight, balance. 5.6 Apply the use of spring and 5) Discuss the difference between beam/lever balance in the mass and weight. context of an experiment.. 8 Measuring Realising the A student s able to: 1) Discuss the various units of Mastery Learning  Appreciating the Tools importance of measurements, e.g. nits for length  Making inference contribution of standard units 6.1 Give example of problems that (feet, yard, chain, mile, meter,  Analysing science and in sveryday may arise if standard units are not kilometer), units for  Relating technology life used. weight(pound, ounce, kati, tahil,  Making conclusion  Having a critical gram, kilogram) and analytical 2) Act out a scene to show the thinking. problem caused by not using standard units e.g. buying things at the market. Topic 2 : MAN AND THE VARIETY OF LIVING THINGS 9 Cell as a Unit Understanding A student is able to: 1) Gather information on living Mastery Learning  Realising that of Life cells 7.1 Identify that cell is that the organism and identify the  Attributing science is a means basic unit of living things. smallest living unit that makes up  Classifying to understand LEARNING 7.2 Prepare slids following the the organism.  Comparing and nature OUTCOME proper procedurs. 2) Prepare slides of cheek cells and contasting  Being thankful to 7.8 State the 7.3 Use a microscope properly, onion cells. God similarities 7.4 Identify the general structures 3) Study the general structure of RPT Sc form one/ 2
  • 3. and of animal cell and a plant cell, cheek cells and onion cells under differences 7.5 Draw the general structural of a microscope, using the correct an animal cell and plant cell procedure. 10 Unicellular Understanding A student is able to: 1) Gather information about Mastery Learning  Realising that and unicellular and unicellular organisms and  Attributing science is a means multicellular multicellular 3.1 State the meaning of multicellular organisms.  Classifying to understand organisms organisms unicellular organisms and 2) 2. Provide students with pictures  Comparing and nature multicellular organism, cards, name cards, ‘unicellular’ contasting  Being thankful to 3.2 Give examples of unicellular and ‘multicellular’ cards. God organisms and multicellular Students use reference materials  Being diligent and organisms. and /or information to match the persevering three cards for each organism.  Being fair and just 3) 3. Observe examples of unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms under a microscope. 1Sst MID-TERM BREAK 12 Cell Understanding A student is able to: 1) Gather information and discuss Mastery Learning  Realising that organisatian in that cells form the following:  Relating science is a means the human tissues, organs 9.1 Name the different types of a) Types of human cells,  Attributing to understand body and system in human cells, b) Functions of different types  Comparing and nature the human 9.2 State the functions of different of human cells. contrasting  Being thankful to body. types of human cells, 2) Use a graphic organizer  Classifying God 13 Human are Realising that A student is able to: 1) Discuss why human beings are Mastery Learning  Realising that complex humans are complex organisms.  Relating science is a means organism complex 11.1 Explain why human beings  Analyzing to understand organisms are complex organisms. nature  Being thankful to God Topic 3 :MATTER IN NATURE 14 Matter Understanding A student is able to: 1) Activity inquiry Inquiry-discovery  Realising that matter 12.1State that things have mass and The basic characteristic of matter  Relating science is a means occupy space,  Making conclusion to understand 12.2Explain what matter is, relate nature things and matter  Being objective 15 The state of Understanding A student is able to: 1) Gather information and discuss Mastery Learning  Realising that matter the state of 13.1State that matter is made up of what matter is made up of, the  Making analogies science is a means matter particles. three states of matter, and to understand 13.2State the three states of matter, compare the three states of Inquiry-discovery nature 13.3State the arrangement of matter.  Visualising  Having a critical particles in the three states of 2) The arrangement and movement  Predicting and analytical matter, of particles in a solid, a liquid and RPT Sc form one/ 3
  • 4. gas. thinking. 17-18 Density Understanding A student is able to: 6) Activity inquiry Inquiry-discovery  Being honest and density 3) Define density, Density of an object.  Visualising accurate in 4) Explain why some objects Density of a liquid.  Predicting recording and and liquids float,  Attributing validating data. 5) Solve simple problems  Comparing and  Systematic related to density. contrasting  Having a critical  Problem solving and analytical thinking. Application of Knowing the A student is able to: 9) Floating and sinking of Contextual Learning  Realising that properties of application of 7) Describe how man uses objects  relating science is a means matter properties of the different states of 10) Relationship between  comparing and to understand 18 matter matter, density and flotation contrasting nature 8) Describe how man applies  generating ideas.  Being thankful to the concept of density. God TOPIC 4: THE VARIETY OF RESOURCES ON EARTH The various Knowing the A student is able to: Gather information about the Mastery Learning  Having an interest resources on different 1) List the resources on earth resources on earth, i.e. water, air, soil,  Comparing and and curiosity earth resources on needed to sustain life, minerals. Fossil fuels and living contrasting toward the earth 2) List the resources on earth used things  Relating environment 19-20 in everyday life.  Grouping and  Being thankful to classifying God  Appreciating the balance of nature 21 PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN/OTI1 22 - 23 CUTI PERTENGAHAN TAHUN / CUTI TERANCANG 24 Elements, Understanding A student is able to: 1.Gather information and discuss: Mastery Learning  Having a critical and compounds elements, 1) State what elements, a) what elements, compounds and  Attributing analytical thinking and mixtures compounds compounds and mixtures are, mixtures are,  Comparing and  Having an interest and and mixtures 2) Give examples of elements, b) what metals and non-metals are, contrasting curiosity toward the compounds and mixtures, c) examples of elements,  Grouping and environment 3) State the differences between compounds, mixtures, metals and classifying  Being responsible for elements, compounds and non-metals.  Making the safety of oneself, mixtures, 2.Compare and contrast the generalizations others and the 4) Carry out activities to compare properties of elements, compounds environment the properties of different and mixtures. Inquiry-discovery  Realising that science metal and non metal, 3.Carry out activaties to compare the  Comparing and is a means to 5) Classify element as metals and properties of metals in terms of contrasting understand nature non-metals based on their appearance, hardness, conductivity of  Being fair and just  Attributing characteristics, heat and conductivity of electricity.  Relating  Being confident and RPT Sc form one/ 4
  • 5. 6) Give examples of metals and 4.Carry out activities to separate the  Synthesising independent non-metals. components of mixtures e.g.  Making inferences 7) Carry out activities to separate a) mixture of iron filings and sulpher  Generating ideas the components of a mixture. powder,  Predicting b) mixture of sand and salt.  analysing 25 The Appreciating A student is able to: 1) Discuss the importance of earth’s Mastery Learning  Having an interest and importance of the importance 1) Explain the importance of resources (water, air, soil,  Relating curiosity toward the the variety of of the variety variety of earth’s resources to minerals, fossil fuels and living  Evaluating environment earth’s of earth’s man, things) to man.  Prioritizing  Realising that science resources to resources to 2) State the meaning of the 2) Draw a concept map to show the is a means to man man preservation and conservation relationship between these understand nature of resources on earth, resources to the basic needs of  Being thankful to God 3) State the importance of the life.  Thinking rationally preservation and conservation 3) Gather information on the of resources on earth, preservation and conservation of resources on earh. Topic 5 :THE AIR AROUND US 26 The 5.1 Understa A student is able to: Gather information on: Mastery Learning  Having an interest and composition of nding 1) State what air is made up of, a) The composition of air,  attributing curiosity toward the air what air 2) Explain why air is a b) The percentage of nitrogen,  comparing and environment is made mixture,state the average oxygen and carbon dioxide in air. contrasting  Realising that science up of. percentage of nitrogen, oxygen Carry out activities to show:  relating is a means to and carbon dioxide in air, a) The percentage of oxygen in air, understand nature 3) Carry out activities to show: b) that air contains water vapour, Inquiry-discovery  Being thankful to God i.the percentage of oxygen in air, microorganisms and dust.  analyzing  Being fair and just ii. that air contains water vapour,  attributing  Thinking rationally microorganisms and dust.  making  Being confident and inferences independent 27 The properties Understanding A student is able to: Gather information on the properties Mastery Learning  Having an interest and of oxygen and the properties 1) List the properties of oxygen of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  attributing curiosity toward the carbon dioxide of oxygen and and carbon dioxide, Carry out activities to show the  comparing and environment carbon dioxide 2) Identify oxygen and carbon properties of oxygen and carbon contrasting  Realising that science dioxide based on its properties, dioxide in the following aspects:  relating is a means to 3) Choose a suitable test for a) Solubility in water understand nature oxygen and carbon dioxide b) Reaction with sodium hydroxide Inquiry-discovery  Being responsible for c) The effect on: glowing and  relating the safety of oneself, burning wooden splinter, litmus  making others and the paper, lime water, bicarbonate inferences environment indicator.  Thinking rationally  evaluating  Being confident and independent RPT Sc form one/ 5
  • 6.  Being objective 28 Oxygen is Understanding A student is able to: Gather information and discuss Mastery Learning  Having a critical and needed for oxygen is 1) State that energy, carbon respiration.  attributing analytical thinking respiration needed in dioxide and water vapour are Carry out an experiment to show that  relating  Realising that science respiration the products of respiration, during respiration, living things is a means to 2) Relate that living things uses a) Use oxygen Inquiry-discovery understand nature oxygen and give out carbon b) Give out carbon dioxide  relating  Thinking rationally doxide during respiration, c) Inhaled and exhaled air  making inferences  Being confident and 3) Compare and contrast the  predicting independent content of oxygen in inhaled  Being objective  comparing and and exhaled air in human, contrasting  contextual learning 29 Oxygen is Understanding A student is able to: Gather information and discuss Mastery Learning  Having a critical and needed for that oxygen is 1) State what combustion is, combustion.  attributing analytical thinking combustion needed for 2) State that oxygen is needed for 1) Carry out an experiment to:  relating  Realising that science combustion combustion, a) Show that oxygen is needed for is a means to (burning) 3) List the products of combustion, Inquiry-discovery understand nature combustion, b) Invertigate the effect of the size  attributing  Thinking rationally 4) Carry out experiments to of a container on the length of  analyzing  Being confident and investigate combustion time a candle burns,  predicting independent 2) Carry out activity to test for the  Being fair and just  making inferences products of combustion of charcoal such as carbon dioxide  evaluating  Being responsible for and water.  synthesizing the safety of oneself,  analysing others and the environment 30 The effects of Analyzing the A student is able to: Gather information and discuss: Inquiry-discovery  Realising that science air pollution effects of air 1) Explain what air pollution is, 1) What air pollution is, is a means to pollution 2) List examples of air pollutants, 2) Examples of air pollutants. understand nature 3) List the sources of air 3) The sources of air pollutants,  Thinking rationally pollutants 4) The effects of air pollution on  Being cooperative 4) Describe the effects of air man and the environment,  Being confident and pollutants 5) The steps needed to control air independent pollution. 31 The A student is able to: Gather information and discuss: Mastery Learning  Having an interest and importance of Realising the 1) Describe how life would be 1) how life would be without clean  relating curiosity toward the keeping the air importance of without clean air, air,  evaluating environment clean keeping the air 2) Suggest ways to keep the air 2) ways to keep the air clean,  comporing and  Appreciating and clean clean, 3) habits that keep the air clean. contrasting practicing clean and 3) Practise habits that keep the air Carry out activity to show the  predicting healthy living clean. pollutants in cigarette smoke. Inquiry-discovery  Realising that science RPT Sc form one/ 6
  • 7.  relating is a means to  predicting understand nature  general ideas  Thinking rationally Topic 3 : SOURCES OF ENERGY 32 The various Understanding A student is able to: Gather information about the various Mastery Learning  Having an interest and forms and various forms 1) List various forms of energy, forms and sources of energy and  attributing curiosity toward the sources of and sources of 2) List various sources of energy, energy changes.  relating environment energy energy 3) Identify energy changes, Discuss the sun as the primary  grouping and  Being thankful to 4) Identify the sun as the primary sources of energy. classifying Allah souce of energy, Carry out activity to see the energy  Realising that science 5) Carry out an activity to change: Inquiry-discovery is a means to investigate energy change from 1) From potential to kinetic energy  relating understand nature potential to kinetic energy and for example a ball rolling down  analysing  Thinking rationally vice versa. an inclined slope,  Being confident and  making inferences 2) From kenitic to potential energy independent 33 Renewable Understanding A student is able to: Gather information and discuss the Contextual learning  Realising that science and non- renewable and 1) Define renewable and non- meaning of renewable and non- is a means to renewable non-renewable renewable sources sources of renewable energy souces. Mastery Learning understand nature energy sources energy sources energy, Carry out a project on: Inquiry-discovery  Being thankful to 2) Group the various sources of 1) Renewable and non-renewable  Relating Allah energy into renewable and non- energy sources,  Grouping and  Thinking rationally renewable 2) The uses of solar energy, classifying  Being cooperative 3) Explain why we need to 3) The ways to increase efficient  Comparing and  Being confident and conserve energy use of energy. contrasting independent 4) Suggest ways to use energy  making efficiently. conclusions 34 CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL / CUTI TERANCANG 35 The Realizing the A student is able to: Discuss the importance of conserving Mastery Learning  Having an interest and importance of importance of 1) Describe the importance of energy sources.  Relating curiosity toward the conserving conserving conserving energy sources,  Grouping and environment energy sources energy sources 2) Explain the use and Discuss the use and management of classifying  Being thankful to management of energy sources. energy sources.  Comparing and Allah contrasting  evaluating 36 Heat Understanding A student is able to: Carry out activities to show:  Realising that science heat as a form 1) State that the sun gives out 1) The sun gives out heat, is a means to of energy heat, 2) Ways to produce heat, understand nature 2) State other sources of heat, 3) Heat and temperature are not the  Being thankful to 3) State that heat is a form of same, Allah energy, 4) Give examples of the uses of RPT Sc form one/ 7
  • 8. heat, 5) State the meaning of temperature, 6) State the difference between haet and temperature. 37 Heat Understanding A student is able to: Carry out activities to show that heat  Having an interest and heat flow and 1) State that heat causes solids, cause solids, liquid and gases to curiosity toward the its effect liquid and gases to expand and expand and contract.(ball and ring, environment contract, mercury in thermometer and air in  Realising that science 2) State that heat flows in three round-bottomed flask) is a means to different ways (conduction, understand nature convention and radiation), Carry out activities to show how heat  Being thankful to 3) State that heat flows from from flows by conduction, convention and Allah hot to cold, radiation, 4) Give examples of heat flow in natural phenomena, 38 The effect of Analyzing the A student is able to: Carry out activities to show the Mastery Learning  Having an interest and heat on matter effect of heat 1) State the change in state of change in state of matter in physical  Relating curiosity toward the on matter matter in physical processes, processes.  Comparing and environment 2) Explain that change in state of contrasting  Realising that science matter involves absorbtion and Discuss:  Making inferences is a means to release of heat, 1) The effects of heat on the state of  Analyzing understand nature 3) Give examples of daily matter  Being thankful to observations which show a 2) Examples of daily observation Inquiry-discovery Allah change in state of matter. which shows a change in state of  Analyzing  Thinking rationally matter.  Being confident and  Attributing independent 39 Heat Applying the A student is able to: Discuss the uses of expansion and Mastery Learning  Having an interest and principles of 1) Explain with examples the uses contraction of matter in the  Relating curiosity toward the expansion and of expansion and contraction of following:  Analyzing environment contraction of matter in daily life. 1) Mercury in a thermometer,  Comparing and  Realising that science matter 2) Apply principle of expansion 2) The bimetallic strip in a fire contrasting is a means to and contraction of matter in alarm,  evaluating understand nature solving simple problems. 3) Gaps in railwy track,  Being thankful to 4) Rollers in steel bridges. Allah  Thinking rationally Discuss the uses of the principle of expansion and contraction of matter to solve simple problems. 40 Absorption Understanding A student is able to: Carry out experiments to show that: Inquiry-discovery  Realising that science and radiation hat dark, dull 1) State that dark, dull objects 1) dark, dull objects absorp heat  relating is a means to of heat objects absorp absorp heat better rthan white, better rthan white, shiny objects,  Analyzing understand nature RPT Sc form one/ 8
  • 9. and give out shiny objects, 2) dark, dull objects give out heat  Making inferences  Thinking rationally heat better 2) State that dark, dull objects better than white, shiny objects,  Being confident and give out heat better than white, Inquiry-discovery independent shiny objects,  relating Carry out experiment to investigate  attributing heat absorption and heat release.  Analysing 41 The benefit of Appreciating A student is able to: Discuss and put into practice Mastery Learning  Realising that science heat flow the benefit of Put into practice the principle of activities such as opening of windows  Relating is a means to heat flow heat low to provide comfortable in the classroom or laboratory to  Making inferences understand nature living. improve air circulation.  Analyzing  Being thankful to Allah  Thinking rationally 42 - 43 PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 44 - 46 AKTIVITI SELEPAS PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 39-41 KEM / LATIH TUBI INTENSIF RPT Sc form one/ 9