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Self Observation Essay
Mike Zimmerman
Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper
I observed my study habits for п¬Ѓve days for my self observation. I was interest in this subject
because school is very important to me, and I wanted to see how much I actually do study, and
possibly increase it. My research was pretty easy to do, and in the following report I wanted to
explain the process and outcome of that data. I donКјt think the К»Hawthorne effectКј affected the
outcome of my data. I did not change any study habits, and simply recorded the data after the study
session was complete. I study because of the positive reinforcement associated with achieving good
grades. Achieving good grades is a of course a secondary reinforcer, because the better grades I more content...
Video is a really easy class with not too much to do, most of this time (55 min) was spent thinking
about an upcoming skit that I need to write. 2D drawing I only spent a hour and a half on, although
I really should have spent more time, because of its lagging grade.
Mike Zimmerman
Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper
Date 4/6/11 4/6/11 4/7/11 4/8/11 4/9/11 4/10/11 4/11/11 4/12/11 4/12/11 4/13/11
Activity Screen Writing Class 2D Drawing Video 1 2D Drawing 2D DrawingPsychology Video 1
Psychology Screen Writing Class Psychology
Duration (Minutes) 60 40 25 40 15 30 30 60 72 25
You can clearly see in this table the date, amount of time and the subject studied. This was one the
the positive outcomes of using the spread sheet. I measured the behavior through out the course of
the day. I was somewhat happy with the results, and my grades do reflect the amount of time I
spend which totaled about six and a half hours.
M i n u e t s
(Spent studying) 0 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13
Mike Zimmerman
Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper
The behavior stayed about the same through out the week, spiking on Wednesday and Tuesday. IК
surprised that it didnКјt spike on Monday because, thatКјs usually when IКјm studying for a few
hours in between classes. In light of this data, IКјve started spending more time on 2D drawing class.
IКјve been slacking
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Observation Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to examine an aspect of one child's development based on a series
of observations you have made. In addition to informing your own understanding of development
and learning, you can also consider how your findings can help you to identify ways of supporting
the child's development.
This report will look at Observations within a Haringey Early Years setting and on one Child. I will
make five various observations over a period of time. I will examine the observations through
elements of her development and learning's and how my findings can support this learning. I will
also discuss and analysis the observation techniques focusing on theoretical theories and I will focus
on the six areas more content...
Article 13 children have the right to share and receive information as long as the information is not
damaging to them. Article 16 (Right of privacy) Children have the right to privacy. The law should
protect the child's, family and family home. (
When considering observations, they should be skilful and well planned; though it suggests
'That practitioners should document children's progress and performance in writing, photographs
and/or on video/audio tape.' (Siraj–Blatchford, 2002)
Children are observed in a number of situations to gain a holistic view of their development.
Observations can be planned or spontaneous. There are two types of observation types, participant
and non–participant.
Participant observation are carried out while you are playing and working with a child, spontaneous
are where you would notice something happening which shows an interest, and some will be planned
(non–participant) with there are no interaction and practitioners will stand back and observe.
Within the non–participant observations this includes narrative, check list tracking, target child and
time–sampling. Narrative observations are common observation techniques used within early year
settings. Narrative observations were chosen based on the detailed information that can be taken
through a timescales. This type of observation is common within the setting as a written record of an
event. As this method records everything from a child's emotion, dialogue
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Participant Observation Essay
Naturally, I found that participant observation and interviews generated different types of
information. Participant observation generated information, outlined previously in the essay, that
was subjective. Interviews, on the contrary, gave me a relatively in–depth insight into my
informants' lives, these insights will be explained later in the essay. Interviews allowed me to
combine my informants' views with my own academic theories. Having multiple sources of
information further allowed me to answer my original question, 'Are public spaces fully public?'.
This section of the essay is my ethnography in its final form.
I first met Sarah during my initial
participant observation. The library was quiet as it was a Tuesday, and, as it was my
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Child Observation Essay examples
For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16,
2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The
park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with
jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well.
I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine
motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41 pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little
shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that
her height is in the normal range for kids her more content...
She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time
she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and she eventually gave up and refused to return to the
jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far or
accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as
ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb trees and over things, and catch a ball
( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but
she did pick up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started
drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble, fold paper, draw vertical lines and
manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp
pencils like a grown adult, and copy complex shapes (
I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When
observing Faustine, I realized that she is one extremely talkative child. She would talk about
everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while
playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private
speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves, either silently or out
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Student Observation Report Essay
The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and
the child.
Student's Name : Calvin
Sex : Male
Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool.
Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day.
General View :
The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books,
games, a computer and so on )
It was a pretty large group in the class, 13 children were there and the teacher was present as well.
It was an engaged class, where the students were actively engaged in learning. Activities Observed :
Class discussion
Individual seat work more content...
Erikson tells us that for the children this age, it is a time for play not for formal education.
Aspect: Social / Emotional
The boy did not want to share controlling the
'mouse' with his peer.
Erikson tells us children in the intuitive phase (4 to
7 years) like him has a tendency to focus attention on one aspect of object while ignoring others.
Aspect: Cognitive
I tried to influence the boy so that he wants to share controlling the
'mouse' with his peer.
Piaget tells us that the children in the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) are unaware of another
person's perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought.
Aspect: Social / Emotional
The boy interacted with his peer about the letters.
The Kennedy Krieger
Institute tells us that the children this age enjoy friendships, but these are generally one way
friendships. Aspect: Motor / Sensory Skill
The boy left the computer and moved to play puzzle. Comment
The Kennedy Krieger
Institute again tells us in its Developmental
Milestones that the children this age can put together multi piece
Aspect: Health / Physical
Observation I saw the boy losing some of his teeth.
According to The
Kennedy Krieger
Institute, the children 4 to
6 years old begin to loose their primary teeth and
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My Observation Paper
Writing an observation paper on myself is kind of difficult for me. I did learn a lot over this past
five weeks in this course. The assessment test helped me out to understand what type of team
member I am in the workplace and also with my group. The reef and heart transplant exercise was
very thought provoking and you really have to take your time with understanding what you
considered important with the surviving a ship wreak and also who would think it would be
important as far as getting a heart transplant.
For the Team Player Assessment, my personality type is Amiable and I can see as that. I can also
see myself as analytic. At my current job I am analytic pretty much all day. If a problem arises I
have to find out what caused the problem and if it could have been avoided. I can see effective
personal communication to enhance the communication between group members with email,
discussion post and text. I think that our team does a great job with communicating and I also try my
best to communicate with them as well.
I also did observation of team from my job and how we worked together to solve a problems. One
observation was when my job brought out and merged another more content...
You seem to be content letting others take charge and make all the decisions. Although there's
nothing wrong with taking a back seat every once in a while, letting others take control too often
leaves you open to being taken advantage of. It is important that you assert yourself when necessary
and realize that being in command of a situation won't make you a control freak. As long as you're
willing to hear others out and be open to their opinions, there's nothing wrong with taking the lead
sometimes. Remember that wielding power effectively requires the ability and willingness to take
control when necessary. By working on your self–confidence and assertiveness, you'll be more at
ease when taking control of a
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Essay on Classroom Observation Report
Classroom Observation
I use to believe that being a teacher was going to be eight hours of teaching and being with
children. Being a teacher seemed to be the easiest career choice out there for me. After viewing the
students of all ages and levels, I have changed my opinion of teaching. There is an unknown side to
the world that can only be seen when inside a classroom. Watching the students have made me
realize that being a teacher will carry some difficulties. Observing has made me realize that there is
more to teaching, the classroom, and what goes on inside.
Over the more content...
The teachers made the room feel welcoming to the students. The teacher placed pillows, plants, and
posters around the room to make the room more inviting. The students seem to love the room and
teacher. In the intermediate school, the classrooms had only a minor difference from the
elementary. The teacher had her classroom set up in groups and also had the safe feeling to it.
The only difference was that both teachers I observed had different college information placed in
their rooms. Both teachers had college posters and memorabilia around the room. I felt that the
teachers were sending a positive message about furthering her student's information. In the middle
school however, students sat two to a table. The room felt bland without having any posters or
decorations of any kind. The room did not have the warm inviting feeling to it as did the elementary
and intermediate schools. In high school, the room had the same uninviting feeling to it. The
students in the classroom sat at a desk all to themselves. They were placed in rows making it hard
for any talking to occur. The room had no posters and no decorations of any sort. As the ages of the
students grew, I noticed the rooms changed with them. While in elementary school, teachers made
their rooms inviting. Teachers wanted to get their students to feel welcome. However in high school,
students did not have the same
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Science Observation Essay
The scientific method, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is the observation,
identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena
(Shrake, 2006). More specifically the scientific method has lead us to answer questions as to why an
apple hits the ground after falling from a tree or observing similarities between electricity and
lightening. Scientists have used the scientific method to develop experiments dating back to Ancient
Greece and now other individuals can experience firsthand more than 450 scientific exhibits at the
Museum of Science and Industry located in Tampa Florida. Wanting to experience this personally I
visited the Museum of Science and Industry on Wednesday 9/28/ more content...
I found my thoughts racing asking what kind of dinosaurs are they? How long ago did they roam
this earth? What kind of food did they eat? With every new exhibit and room my mind expanded
with new knowledge and ideas. As I walked pass the dinosaur fossils onto the second floor,
immediately in front of me was a 3D printing exhibit. In this exhibit I saw items such as pieces of
art, toys, a human heart, a duck prosthetic limb, car models and parts, weapons, plates, and
utensils to eat with. We as a human race have gone from having to spend hours, days, weeks,
months or even years to complete projects and now we can simply upload a program into a
computer hooked up to a 3D printer in a matter of minutes complete a project. With the ongoing
advancements in technology it begs the question how far are we from being able to print organic
materials such as organs. It was truly a marvel to be able to see how far we have come but also
extremely humbling to think how much further we can go. There is still so much more to
discover because the MOSI sits four stories tall with each floor exploring the enormous
possibilities science has to offer. The MOSI is also home to one of few IMAX theaters in
Florida. Upon entering the theater, you quickly realize it is not the traditional design you may
find at your local mall to watch Angry Birds or Finding Dory. The screen is in the shape of a
giant eye ball verses it being flat like a board. Sitting in angled seats watching any of the 5 choices
of films the theater plays is an experience. The screen itself covers your entire field of view
immersing yourself into the film and making you feel as you are a part of it. More specifically
during the presentation of A Beautiful Planet you felt as though you were gliding along the rivers
feeling the movements of the waves crashing along the shore
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Writing Observation Paper
Over the last three decades, there has been a major change in the way that writing is taught and
assessed in schools. This shift has mainly been motivated by insights derived from grassroots teacher
movements and research. Today, there are numerous trends in writing research, writing instruction
and writing assessment as a learning activity.
Early trends in writing were characterized by conflicting views about the impacts of writing on
learning. Students were mainly instructed on how to write essays by using forms of exposition,
narration, description or arguments. Teachers mainly dealt with contemporary textbooks and taught
and assessed students on the ideal written products. The main assessment tool was the final product
that the more content...
One important lesson learned from using the writing observation framework is that it enhances an
understanding of the learning process. As stated, earlier models of teaching writing emphasized on
assessing the product. Teachers could easily analyze the understanding of students using the essays
they wrote. However, the advent of the new model had no clear method of how student
understanding can be checked. The Writing Observation Framework solves this problem by
providing a simplified and standard tool that guides how teachers can instruct and observe writing in
The writing observation framework places more emphasis on teaching students how to write to learn.
Its models emphasizes on the process that enable students to learn new ideas and concepts while
enhancing their writing skills. In the past, students were mainly taught how to write as the major
focus. During assessment, test scores were used to analyze whether students have understood how to
write. However, apart from analyzing only the writing style, the writing observational framework
emphasizes on additional elements such as background of the topic under study and relevance of the
content provided is also
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Observation Assignment Essay example
The purpose of this observation assignment was to investigate and interpret the different types of
interactions between the individuals and groups present, as well as the environment in which these
interactions take place. The various power relationships and sense of hierarchy in addition to the
status and authority among the different individuals are also extremely pertinent to this assignment,
as the dissection of such interactions and relationships may implicate certain socially constructed
gender roles placed on these individuals and society as a whole. The field observation was
conducted at the restaurant Pancakes on the Rocks in Sydney. The role adopted, was that of observer
as participant. Group structures more content...
The seemingly intimate couples observed were quite interesting. Instead of being seated opposite
each other, most couples chose to sit next to each other so as to be within closer proximity of one
another. The couples that did sit opposite each other spent much of their time bent over or leaning
across the table so as to whisper or talk in a more secretive and intimate manner with their partner.
The observed body language of these couples was that of an inclusive "please do not bother us"
attitude. Their behavior compared to the rest of the occupants in the restaurant was very subdued
and much more private. The amount of bodily contact was also much greater than in other groups of
participants. Other than their initial glances around the restaurant when they were first seated,
almost none of the couples made a habit of surveying the restaurant, as were observed quite
frequently with the other members of the study. Also noted was the tendency for the females within
the younger–adult relationships to take leave to the toilet almost as soon as the couple was seated.
In some cases, the male ordered the female's drink while she was still in the toilet. Almost always,
no matter the age of the couple, alcoholic beverages were preferred to order. During the meal the
couples were much more inclined to share food as well, picking at each other's food. The cases in
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Writing An Observation Essay

  • 1. Self Observation Essay Mike Zimmerman Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper I observed my study habits for п¬Ѓve days for my self observation. I was interest in this subject because school is very important to me, and I wanted to see how much I actually do study, and possibly increase it. My research was pretty easy to do, and in the following report I wanted to explain the process and outcome of that data. I donКјt think the К»Hawthorne effectКј affected the outcome of my data. I did not change any study habits, and simply recorded the data after the study session was complete. I study because of the positive reinforcement associated with achieving good grades. Achieving good grades is a of course a secondary reinforcer, because the better grades I more content... Video is a really easy class with not too much to do, most of this time (55 min) was spent thinking about an upcoming skit that I need to write. 2D drawing I only spent a hour and a half on, although I really should have spent more time, because of its lagging grade. Mike Zimmerman Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper Date 4/6/11 4/6/11 4/7/11 4/8/11 4/9/11 4/10/11 4/11/11 4/12/11 4/12/11 4/13/11 Activity Screen Writing Class 2D Drawing Video 1 2D Drawing 2D DrawingPsychology Video 1 Psychology Screen Writing Class Psychology Duration (Minutes) 60 40 25 40 15 30 30 60 72 25 You can clearly see in this table the date, amount of time and the subject studied. This was one the the positive outcomes of using the spread sheet. I measured the behavior through out the course of the day. I was somewhat happy with the results, and my grades do reflect the amount of time I spend which totaled about six and a half hours. 150 M i n u e t s 112.5 75
  • 2. 37.5 (Spent studying) 0 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 Days Mike Zimmerman Intro to Psyc 1010 Self Observation Paper The behavior stayed about the same through out the week, spiking on Wednesday and Tuesday. IК јm surprised that it didnКјt spike on Monday because, thatКјs usually when IКјm studying for a few hours in between classes. In light of this data, IКјve started spending more time on 2D drawing class. IКјve been slacking Get more content on
  • 3. Observation Essay The purpose of this assignment is to examine an aspect of one child's development based on a series of observations you have made. In addition to informing your own understanding of development and learning, you can also consider how your findings can help you to identify ways of supporting the child's development. Abstract This report will look at Observations within a Haringey Early Years setting and on one Child. I will make five various observations over a period of time. I will examine the observations through elements of her development and learning's and how my findings can support this learning. I will also discuss and analysis the observation techniques focusing on theoretical theories and I will focus on the six areas more content... Article 13 children have the right to share and receive information as long as the information is not damaging to them. Article 16 (Right of privacy) Children have the right to privacy. The law should protect the child's, family and family home. ( When considering observations, they should be skilful and well planned; though it suggests 'That practitioners should document children's progress and performance in writing, photographs and/or on video/audio tape.' (Siraj–Blatchford, 2002) Children are observed in a number of situations to gain a holistic view of their development. Observations can be planned or spontaneous. There are two types of observation types, participant and non–participant. Participant observation are carried out while you are playing and working with a child, spontaneous are where you would notice something happening which shows an interest, and some will be planned (non–participant) with there are no interaction and practitioners will stand back and observe. Within the non–participant observations this includes narrative, check list tracking, target child and time–sampling. Narrative observations are common observation techniques used within early year settings. Narrative observations were chosen based on the detailed information that can be taken through a timescales. This type of observation is common within the setting as a written record of an event. As this method records everything from a child's emotion, dialogue Get more content on
  • 4. Participant Observation Essay Naturally, I found that participant observation and interviews generated different types of information. Participant observation generated information, outlined previously in the essay, that was subjective. Interviews, on the contrary, gave me a relatively in–depth insight into my informants' lives, these insights will be explained later in the essay. Interviews allowed me to combine my informants' views with my own academic theories. Having multiple sources of information further allowed me to answer my original question, 'Are public spaces fully public?'. This section of the essay is my ethnography in its final form.
I first met Sarah during my initial participant observation. The library was quiet as it was a Tuesday, and, as it was my Get more content on
  • 5. Child Observation Essay examples For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, 2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well. I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41 pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that her height is in the normal range for kids her more content... She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and she eventually gave up and refused to return to the jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far or accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb trees and over things, and catch a ball ( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but she did pick up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble, fold paper, draw vertical lines and manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp pencils like a grown adult, and copy complex shapes ( I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When observing Faustine, I realized that she is one extremely talkative child. She would talk about everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves, either silently or out Get more content on
  • 6. Student Observation Report Essay Confidential The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child. Student's Name : Calvin Sex : Male Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool. Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day. General View : The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on ) It was a pretty large group in the class, 13 children were there and the teacher was present as well. It was an engaged class, where the students were actively engaged in learning. Activities Observed : Class discussion Individual seat work more content... Comment Erikson tells us that for the children this age, it is a time for play not for formal education. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy did not want to share controlling the 'mouse' with his peer. Comment Erikson tells us children in the intuitive phase (4 to 7 years) like him has a tendency to focus attention on one aspect of object while ignoring others. Aspect: Cognitive Observation I tried to influence the boy so that he wants to share controlling the 'mouse' with his peer. Comment
  • 7. Piaget tells us that the children in the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) are unaware of another person's perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy interacted with his peer about the letters. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute tells us that the children this age enjoy friendships, but these are generally one way friendships. Aspect: Motor / Sensory Skill The boy left the computer and moved to play puzzle. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute again tells us in its Developmental Milestones that the children this age can put together multi piece puzzles. Aspect: Health / Physical Observation I saw the boy losing some of his teeth. Comment According to The Kennedy Krieger Institute, the children 4 to 6 years old begin to loose their primary teeth and Get more content on
  • 8. My Observation Paper Writing an observation paper on myself is kind of difficult for me. I did learn a lot over this past five weeks in this course. The assessment test helped me out to understand what type of team member I am in the workplace and also with my group. The reef and heart transplant exercise was very thought provoking and you really have to take your time with understanding what you considered important with the surviving a ship wreak and also who would think it would be important as far as getting a heart transplant. For the Team Player Assessment, my personality type is Amiable and I can see as that. I can also see myself as analytic. At my current job I am analytic pretty much all day. If a problem arises I have to find out what caused the problem and if it could have been avoided. I can see effective personal communication to enhance the communication between group members with email, discussion post and text. I think that our team does a great job with communicating and I also try my best to communicate with them as well. I also did observation of team from my job and how we worked together to solve a problems. One observation was when my job brought out and merged another more content... You seem to be content letting others take charge and make all the decisions. Although there's nothing wrong with taking a back seat every once in a while, letting others take control too often leaves you open to being taken advantage of. It is important that you assert yourself when necessary and realize that being in command of a situation won't make you a control freak. As long as you're willing to hear others out and be open to their opinions, there's nothing wrong with taking the lead sometimes. Remember that wielding power effectively requires the ability and willingness to take control when necessary. By working on your self–confidence and assertiveness, you'll be more at ease when taking control of a Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Classroom Observation Report Classroom Observation I use to believe that being a teacher was going to be eight hours of teaching and being with children. Being a teacher seemed to be the easiest career choice out there for me. After viewing the students of all ages and levels, I have changed my opinion of teaching. There is an unknown side to the world that can only be seen when inside a classroom. Watching the students have made me realize that being a teacher will carry some difficulties. Observing has made me realize that there is more to teaching, the classroom, and what goes on inside. Over the more content... The teachers made the room feel welcoming to the students. The teacher placed pillows, plants, and posters around the room to make the room more inviting. The students seem to love the room and teacher. In the intermediate school, the classrooms had only a minor difference from the elementary. The teacher had her classroom set up in groups and also had the safe feeling to it. The only difference was that both teachers I observed had different college information placed in their rooms. Both teachers had college posters and memorabilia around the room. I felt that the teachers were sending a positive message about furthering her student's information. In the middle school however, students sat two to a table. The room felt bland without having any posters or decorations of any kind. The room did not have the warm inviting feeling to it as did the elementary and intermediate schools. In high school, the room had the same uninviting feeling to it. The students in the classroom sat at a desk all to themselves. They were placed in rows making it hard for any talking to occur. The room had no posters and no decorations of any sort. As the ages of the students grew, I noticed the rooms changed with them. While in elementary school, teachers made their rooms inviting. Teachers wanted to get their students to feel welcome. However in high school, students did not have the same Get more content on
  • 10. Science Observation Essay The scientific method, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena (Shrake, 2006). More specifically the scientific method has lead us to answer questions as to why an apple hits the ground after falling from a tree or observing similarities between electricity and lightening. Scientists have used the scientific method to develop experiments dating back to Ancient Greece and now other individuals can experience firsthand more than 450 scientific exhibits at the Museum of Science and Industry located in Tampa Florida. Wanting to experience this personally I visited the Museum of Science and Industry on Wednesday 9/28/ more content... I found my thoughts racing asking what kind of dinosaurs are they? How long ago did they roam this earth? What kind of food did they eat? With every new exhibit and room my mind expanded with new knowledge and ideas. As I walked pass the dinosaur fossils onto the second floor, immediately in front of me was a 3D printing exhibit. In this exhibit I saw items such as pieces of art, toys, a human heart, a duck prosthetic limb, car models and parts, weapons, plates, and utensils to eat with. We as a human race have gone from having to spend hours, days, weeks, months or even years to complete projects and now we can simply upload a program into a computer hooked up to a 3D printer in a matter of minutes complete a project. With the ongoing advancements in technology it begs the question how far are we from being able to print organic materials such as organs. It was truly a marvel to be able to see how far we have come but also extremely humbling to think how much further we can go. There is still so much more to discover because the MOSI sits four stories tall with each floor exploring the enormous possibilities science has to offer. The MOSI is also home to one of few IMAX theaters in Florida. Upon entering the theater, you quickly realize it is not the traditional design you may find at your local mall to watch Angry Birds or Finding Dory. The screen is in the shape of a giant eye ball verses it being flat like a board. Sitting in angled seats watching any of the 5 choices of films the theater plays is an experience. The screen itself covers your entire field of view immersing yourself into the film and making you feel as you are a part of it. More specifically during the presentation of A Beautiful Planet you felt as though you were gliding along the rivers feeling the movements of the waves crashing along the shore Get more content on
  • 11. Writing Observation Paper Over the last three decades, there has been a major change in the way that writing is taught and assessed in schools. This shift has mainly been motivated by insights derived from grassroots teacher movements and research. Today, there are numerous trends in writing research, writing instruction and writing assessment as a learning activity. Early trends in writing were characterized by conflicting views about the impacts of writing on learning. Students were mainly instructed on how to write essays by using forms of exposition, narration, description or arguments. Teachers mainly dealt with contemporary textbooks and taught and assessed students on the ideal written products. The main assessment tool was the final product that the more content... One important lesson learned from using the writing observation framework is that it enhances an understanding of the learning process. As stated, earlier models of teaching writing emphasized on assessing the product. Teachers could easily analyze the understanding of students using the essays they wrote. However, the advent of the new model had no clear method of how student understanding can be checked. The Writing Observation Framework solves this problem by providing a simplified and standard tool that guides how teachers can instruct and observe writing in students. The writing observation framework places more emphasis on teaching students how to write to learn. Its models emphasizes on the process that enable students to learn new ideas and concepts while enhancing their writing skills. In the past, students were mainly taught how to write as the major focus. During assessment, test scores were used to analyze whether students have understood how to write. However, apart from analyzing only the writing style, the writing observational framework emphasizes on additional elements such as background of the topic under study and relevance of the content provided is also Get more content on
  • 12. Observation Assignment Essay example Objectives The purpose of this observation assignment was to investigate and interpret the different types of interactions between the individuals and groups present, as well as the environment in which these interactions take place. The various power relationships and sense of hierarchy in addition to the status and authority among the different individuals are also extremely pertinent to this assignment, as the dissection of such interactions and relationships may implicate certain socially constructed gender roles placed on these individuals and society as a whole. The field observation was conducted at the restaurant Pancakes on the Rocks in Sydney. The role adopted, was that of observer as participant. Group structures more content... Results The seemingly intimate couples observed were quite interesting. Instead of being seated opposite each other, most couples chose to sit next to each other so as to be within closer proximity of one another. The couples that did sit opposite each other spent much of their time bent over or leaning across the table so as to whisper or talk in a more secretive and intimate manner with their partner. The observed body language of these couples was that of an inclusive "please do not bother us" attitude. Their behavior compared to the rest of the occupants in the restaurant was very subdued and much more private. The amount of bodily contact was also much greater than in other groups of participants. Other than their initial glances around the restaurant when they were first seated, almost none of the couples made a habit of surveying the restaurant, as were observed quite frequently with the other members of the study. Also noted was the tendency for the females within the younger–adult relationships to take leave to the toilet almost as soon as the couple was seated. In some cases, the male ordered the female's drink while she was still in the toilet. Almost always, no matter the age of the couple, alcoholic beverages were preferred to order. During the meal the couples were much more inclined to share food as well, picking at each other's food. The cases in which Get more content on