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Write message.cpp and priorityq.cpp. The code in message.cpp and priorityq.cpp doesn't need
any input or output statements.
Do not modify priorityq.h, message.h, or main.cpp.
#include iostream
#include fstream
#include new
#include cstddef
#include "priorityq.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ifstream inputs; // Input file for commands
char op; // Hold operation
int n; // Integer input from file
PriorityQ* ptr = NULL; // Will point to priority queue object
Message msg; // Assembled message
Priorities p; // Message priority
char c; // Message priority input from file
string s; // Message string from file
// Output usage message if one input file name is not provided
if (argc != 2)
cout << "Usage: project03  ";
return 1;
// Attempt to open input file -- terminate if file does not open[1]);
if (!inputs)
cout << "Error - unable to open input file" << endl;
return 1;
// Process commands from input file
getline(inputs, s); // Input comment line
cout << s << endl; // Echo comment line
inputs >> op; // Attempt to input first command
while (inputs)
switch (op) // Identify and perform operation input from file
case '#': // Echo Comment
getline(inputs, s);
cout << "-------- " << op << s << endl;
case 'c': // Constructor
cout << endl << "Constructor()";
ptr = new PriorityQ;
cout << endl;
catch ( std::bad_alloc )
cout << "Failed : Terminating now..." << endl;
return 1;
case '+': // Enqueue
inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file
inputs.ignore(100, ' '); // Skip one space
getline(inputs,s); // Input rest of line as the message
cout << "Enqueue(" << c << " '" << s << "'" << ")";
switch (c)
case 'H': msg.SetPriority(HIGH); break;
case 'M': msg.SetPriority(MEDIUM); break;
case 'L': msg.SetPriority(LOW); break;
catch (FullPQ)
cout << " -- Failed Full PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case '-': // Dequeue
cout << "Dequeue() -- ";
cout << "Successful";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'x': // Purge
inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file
cout << "Purge(" << c << ")";
switch (c)
case 'H': ptr->Purge(HIGH); break;
case 'M': ptr->Purge(MEDIUM); break;
case 'L': ptr->Purge(LOW); break;
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << " -- Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case '?': // Peek
inputs >> n;
cout << "Peek(" << n << ") -- ";
catch (InvalidPeekPQ)
cout << "Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'f': // Front
cout << "Front() -- ";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'r': // Rear
cout << "Rear() -- ";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'p': // Print PriorityQ
cout << "Print() -- ";
cout << endl;
case 's': // Size of PriorityQ
cout << "Size() -- " << ptr->Size() << endl;
case 'm': // Make PriorityQ Empty but ready for use
cout << "MakeEmpty()" << endl;
case 'd': // Destructor
delete ptr;
ptr = NULL;
cout << "Destructor()" << endl << endl;
default: // Error
cout << "Error - unrecognized operation '" << op << "'" << endl;
cout << "Terminating now..." << endl;
return 1;
inputs >> op; // Attempt to input next command
return 0;
} // End main()
#include iostream
#include "message.h"
using namespace std;
// Exception classes for PriorityQ
class EmptyPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for empty PriorityQ condition
class FullPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for full PriorityQ condition
class InvalidPeekPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for invalid PriorityQ peek
// Priority Queue Node Structure
struct Node // Linked priority queue node structure
Message data; // Field for storing data in the priority queue node
Node* nextPtr; // Points to next priority queue node
Node* previousPtr; // Points to previous priority queue node
// PriorityQ class declaration
class PriorityQ // Double linked queue of messages sorted by priority
Node* frontPtr; // Points to front node of priority queue
Node* rearPtr; // Points to rear node of priority queue
int count; // Number of values stored in priority queue
/********** Start of functions you must implement for PriorityQ **************/
// Implement the following nine public functions in the file named priorityq.cpp
// PriorityQ()
// Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes
// No memory leak allowed
void MakeEmpty();
// MakeEmpty()
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state
// No memory leak allowed
void Enqueue(Message msg);
// Enqueue()
// Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count.
// Duplicates are allowed.
// Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue
// Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue
// Add AFTER messages of similar priority
// If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception.
void Dequeue();
// Dequeue()
// Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count.
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
void Purge(Priorities p);
// Purge()
// Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
Message Front() const;
// Front()
// Returns message at front of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
Message Rear() const;
// Rear()
// Returns message at rear of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
Message Peek(int n) const;
// Peek()
// Returns message n positions from front of priority queue
// If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ
bool IsFull() const;
// IsFull()
// Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE
bool IsEmpty() const;
// IsEmpty()
// Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE
int Size() const;
// Size()
// Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY
/*********** End of functions you must implement for PriorityQ ***************/
void Print() const
// Prints contents of priority queue without modifying its contents
Node* tempPtr = frontPtr;
// Prints queue nodes Front-to-Rear order
cout << "Front { ";
while (tempPtr != NULL)
//cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' ';
cout << ' ';
tempPtr = tempPtr->nextPtr;
cout << "} Rear Rear { ";
// Prints queue nodes Rear-to-Front order
tempPtr = rearPtr;
while (tempPtr != NULL)
//cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' ';
cout << ' ';
tempPtr = tempPtr->previousPtr;
cout << "} Front";
} // End Print()
#ifndef MESSAGE_H
#define MESSAGE_H
#include iostream
using namespace std;
// Define enumerated Priorities type
enum Priorities {UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH};
// Message class declaration
class Message // Models a single message with priority
Priorities priority; // Stores message priority
string message; // Stores message contents
/********** Start of functions you must implement for Message **************/
// Implement the following five public functions in the file named message.cpp
Message(); // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority
void SetPriority(Priorities p); // Sets priority equal to p
void SetMessage(string msg); // Sets message equal to msg
Priorities GetPriority() const; // Returns priority value without modification
string GetMessage() const; // Returns message contents without modification
/*********** End of functions you must implement for Message ***************/
cout << "[";
if (priority == HIGH)
cout << "H";
else if (priority == MEDIUM)
cout << "M";
else if (priority == LOW)
cout << "L";
cout << "U";
cout << ", " << message << "]";
} // End Print() const
# p04input1.txt -- Test: PriorityQ(), Enqueue(), Dequeue(), ~PriorityQ()
# Test adding messages H to L (add at rear)
+ H Cat Food
+ M Goat Chow
+ L Dog Walk
# Test adding messages L to H (add at front)
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Cat Food
# Test adding messages (add in between)
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
# Test adding messages with same priorities
+ H Cat Food
+ H Dog Kibble
+ H Fish Food
+ H Cat Food
# Test adding messages (arbitrary)
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
+ L Dog Walk
# Test Dequeue normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
# Test Dequeue error handling
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
# p04input2.txt -- Test: Size(), Front(), Rear(), MakeEmpty()
# Test Size()
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
# Test Front() and Rear()
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
# Test MakeEmpty normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
# Test MakeEmpty error handling
# p04input3.txt -- Test: Peek(), Purge()
# Test Peek() normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
? 0
? 1
? 2
? 0
? 1
? 0
? 1
? 2
? 3
? 5
? 0
? 1
? 2
? 3
? 5
# Test Peek() error handling
? 0
? 1
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
? 1
? 3
? 5
? 1
? 2
? 3
? 5
# Test Purge(HIGH) normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
x H
# Test Purge(MEDIUM) normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
x M
# Test Purge(LOW) normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
x L
# Test Purge() normal operation
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
x H
x M
x L
+ H Cat Food
+ L Dog Walk
+ M Goat Chow
+ H Horse Oats
+ L Rabbit Food
+ M Zebra Stripes
+ H Bird Seed
x L
x M
x H
# Test Purge() error handling
x L
x M
x H
__ Complete the provided partial C++ program that will implement a Priority Queue ADT
(abstract data type) in which the internal representation of the priority queue is a double linked
series of dynamically allocated nodes. The Priority Queue will be used to store text messages
read from an input file. Each message has a priority (H for High, M for Medium, L for Low).
When input from the file by the main function, the message and priority information are stored
within an object of the type Message. The text message is stored as a string attribute, and the
message priority is represented by an attribute with type Priorities, an enumerated type provided.
Priority Queue Rules of operation: (1) If the Priority Queue contains messages which have
different priority levels, then the highest priority messages must be removed from the FRONT of
the Priority Queue before any lower priority messages are removed whenever the Dequeue 0
method is invoked HINT: The priority queue is sorted by Priority Level (highest to lowest) as it
is being constructed by Enqueue in much the same way as we discussed with the implementation
of a sorted linked list. (2) Given two messages of the same priority level, the message that has
been in the Priority Queue for the longest time has the highest priority. (FIFo operation within a
priority level)
Given below are the complete set of files for the question. The output tested with the 3 input
file's is shown... Please don;t forget to rate the answer if it helped. Thank you.
#ifndef MESSAGE_H
#define MESSAGE_H
using namespace std;
// Define enumerated Priorities type
enum Priorities {UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH};
// Message class declaration
class Message // Models a single message with priority
Priorities priority; // Stores message priority
string message; // Stores message contents
/********** Start of functions you must implement for Message **************/
// Implement the following five public functions in the file named message.cpp
Message(); // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority
void SetPriority(Priorities p); // Sets priority equal to p
void SetMessage(string msg); // Sets message equal to msg
Priorities GetPriority() const; // Returns priority value without modification
string GetMessage() const; // Returns message contents without modification
/*********** End of functions you must implement for Message ***************/
cout << "[";
if (priority == HIGH)
cout << "H";
else if (priority == MEDIUM)
cout << "M";
else if (priority == LOW)
cout << "L";
cout << "U";
cout << ", " << message << "]";
} // End Print() const
#include "message.h"
Message::Message() // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority
message = "";
priority = UNKNOWN;
void Message::SetPriority(Priorities p) // Sets priority equal to p
priority = p;
void Message::SetMessage(string msg) // Sets message equal to msg
message = msg;
Priorities Message::GetPriority() const // Returns priority value without modification
return priority;
string Message::GetMessage() const // Returns message contents without modification
return message;
#include "message.h"
using namespace std;
// Exception classes for PriorityQ
class EmptyPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for empty PriorityQ condition
class FullPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for full PriorityQ condition
class InvalidPeekPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for invalid PriorityQ peek
// Priority Queue Node Structure
struct Node // Linked priority queue node structure
Message data; // Field for storing data in the priority queue node
Node* nextPtr; // Points to next priority queue node
Node* previousPtr; // Points to previous priority queue node
// PriorityQ class declaration
class PriorityQ // Double linked queue of messages sorted by priority
Node* frontPtr; // Points to front node of priority queue
Node* rearPtr; // Points to rear node of priority queue
int count; // Number of values stored in priority queue
/********** Start of functions you must implement for PriorityQ **************/
// Implement the following nine public functions in the file named priorityq.cpp
// PriorityQ()
// Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes
// No memory leak allowed
void MakeEmpty();
// MakeEmpty()
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state
// No memory leak allowed
void Enqueue(Message msg);
// Enqueue()
// Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count.
// Duplicates are allowed.
// Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue
// Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue
// Add AFTER messages of similar priority
// If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception.
void Dequeue();
// Dequeue()
// Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count.
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
void Purge(Priorities p);
// Purge()
// Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
Message Front() const;
// Front()
// Returns message at front of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
Message Rear() const;
// Rear()
// Returns message at rear of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
Message Peek(int n) const;
// Peek()
// Returns message n positions from front of priority queue
// If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ
bool IsFull() const;
// IsFull()
// Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY
bool IsEmpty() const;
// IsEmpty()
// Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE
int Size() const;
// Size()
// Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY
/*********** End of functions you must implement for PriorityQ ***************/
void Print() const
// Prints contents of priority queue without modifying its contents
Node* tempPtr = frontPtr;
// Prints queue nodes Front-to-Rear order
cout << "Front { ";
while (tempPtr != NULL)
//cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' ';
cout << ' ';
tempPtr = tempPtr->nextPtr;
cout << "} Rear Rear { ";
// Prints queue nodes Rear-to-Front order
tempPtr = rearPtr;
while (tempPtr != NULL)
//cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' ';
cout << ' ';
tempPtr = tempPtr->previousPtr;
cout << "} Front";
} // End Print()
#include "priorityq.h"
// PriorityQ()
// Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue
frontPtr = NULL;
rearPtr = NULL;
count = 0;
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes
// No memory leak allowed
void PriorityQ::MakeEmpty()
// MakeEmpty()
// Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state
// No memory leak allowed
Node *temp;
while(frontPtr != NULL)
temp = frontPtr->nextPtr;
delete frontPtr;
frontPtr = temp;
frontPtr = NULL;
rearPtr = NULL;
count = 0;
void PriorityQ::Enqueue(Message msg)
// Enqueue()
// Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count.
// Duplicates are allowed.
// Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue
// Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue
// Add AFTER messages of similar priority
// If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception.
Node *n = new Node;
n->data = msg;
n->nextPtr = NULL;
n->previousPtr = NULL;
frontPtr = rearPtr = n;
Node *curr = rearPtr;
while(curr != NULL && msg.GetPriority() > curr->data.GetPriority())
curr = curr->previousPtr;
if(curr == NULL) //need to insert as first node
n->nextPtr = frontPtr;
frontPtr ->previousPtr = n;
frontPtr = n;
n->nextPtr = curr->nextPtr;
n->previousPtr = curr;
curr->nextPtr = n;
if(n->nextPtr != NULL)
n->nextPtr->previousPtr = n;
rearPtr = n;
void PriorityQ::Dequeue()
// Dequeue()
// Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count.
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
throw EmptyPQ();
Node *next = frontPtr->nextPtr;
if(next != NULL)
next->previousPtr = NULL;
delete frontPtr;
frontPtr = next;
if(frontPtr == NULL)
rearPtr = NULL;
void PriorityQ::Purge(Priorities p)
// Purge()
// Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception
// No memory leak allowed
throw EmptyPQ();
//search from backwards the 1st message matching priority.
Node *curr = rearPtr;
while(curr != NULL)
if(curr->data.GetPriority() == p) //found matching
Node *delnode = curr;
Node *saved;
Node *next = curr->nextPtr;
//delete all nodes from the found node till we see a node which does not match
while(delnode!= NULL && delnode->data.GetPriority() == p)
saved = delnode->previousPtr;
delete delnode;
delnode = saved;
count --;
if(delnode == NULL)
frontPtr = next;
delnode->nextPtr = next;
if(frontPtr == NULL)
rearPtr = NULL;
if(next != NULL)
next->previousPtr = delnode;
rearPtr = delnode;
else if(curr->data.GetPriority() > p)
curr = curr->previousPtr;
Message PriorityQ::Front() const
// Front()
// Returns message at front of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
throw EmptyPQ();
return frontPtr->data;
Message PriorityQ::Rear() const
// Rear()
// Returns message at rear of priority queue
// If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ
throw EmptyPQ();
return rearPtr->data;
Message PriorityQ::Peek(int n) const
// Peek()
// Returns message n positions from front of priority queue
// If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ
if(IsEmpty() || n < 0 || n >= count)
throw InvalidPeekPQ();
Node *curr = frontPtr;
for(int p = 0; p < n; p++)
curr = curr->nextPtr;
return curr->data;
bool PriorityQ::IsFull() const
// IsFull()
// Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY
return false;
bool PriorityQ::IsEmpty() const
// IsEmpty()
// Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE
return count == 0;
int PriorityQ::Size() const
// Size()
// Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY
return count;
#include "priorityq.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ifstream inputs; // Input file for commands
char op; // Hold operation
int n; // Integer input from file
PriorityQ* ptr = NULL; // Will point to priority queue object
Message msg; // Assembled message
Priorities p; // Message priority
char c; // Message priority input from file
string s; // Message string from file
// Output usage message if one input file name is not provided
if (argc != 2)
cout << "Usage: project03  ";
return 1;
// Attempt to open input file -- terminate if file does not open[1]);
if (!inputs)
cout << "Error - unable to open input file" << endl;
return 1;
// Process commands from input file
getline(inputs, s); // Input comment line
cout << s << endl; // Echo comment line
inputs >> op; // Attempt to input first command
while (inputs)
switch (op) // Identify and perform operation input from file
case '#': // Echo Comment
getline(inputs, s);
cout << "-------- " << op << s << endl;
case 'c': // Constructor
cout << endl << "Constructor()";
ptr = new PriorityQ;
cout << endl;
catch ( std::bad_alloc )
cout << "Failed : Terminating now..." << endl;
return 1;
case '+': // Enqueue
inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file
inputs.ignore(100, ' '); // Skip one space
getline(inputs,s); // Input rest of line as the message
cout << "Enqueue(" << c << " '" << s << "'" << ")";
switch (c)
case 'H': msg.SetPriority(HIGH); break;
case 'M': msg.SetPriority(MEDIUM); break;
case 'L': msg.SetPriority(LOW); break;
catch (FullPQ)
cout << " -- Failed Full PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case '-': // Dequeue
cout << "Dequeue() -- ";
cout << "Successful";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'x': // Purge
inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file
cout << "Purge(" << c << ")";
switch (c)
case 'H': ptr->Purge(HIGH); break;
case 'M': ptr->Purge(MEDIUM); break;
case 'L': ptr->Purge(LOW); break;
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << " -- Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case '?': // Peek
inputs >> n;
cout << "Peek(" << n << ") -- ";
catch (InvalidPeekPQ)
cout << "Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'f': // Front
cout << "Front() -- ";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'r': // Rear
cout << "Rear() -- ";
catch (EmptyPQ)
cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ";
cout << endl;
case 'p': // Print PriorityQ
cout << "Print() -- ";
cout << endl;
case 's': // Size of PriorityQ
cout << "Size() -- " << ptr->Size() << endl;
case 'm': // Make PriorityQ Empty but ready for use
cout << "MakeEmpty()" << endl;
case 'd': // Destructor
delete ptr;
ptr = NULL;
cout << "Destructor()" << endl << endl;
default: // Error
cout << "Error - unrecognized operation '" << op << "'" << endl;
cout << "Terminating now..." << endl;
return 1;
inputs >> op; // Attempt to input next command
return 0;
} // End main()
amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ g++ message.cpp priorityq.cpp main.cpp
amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input1.txt
# p04input1.txt -- Test: PriorityQ(), Enqueue(), Dequeue(), ~PriorityQ()
# Test adding messages H to L (add at rear)
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
# Test adding messages L to H (add at front)
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
# Test adding messages (add in between)
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
# Test adding messages with same priorities
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(H 'Dog Kibble')
Enqueue(H 'Fish Food')
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Dog Kibble] [H, Fish Food] [H, Cat Food] } Rear
Rear { [H, Cat Food] [H, Fish Food] [H, Dog Kibble] [H, Cat Food] } Front
# Test adding messages (arbitrary)
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H,
Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
# Test Dequeue normal operation
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog
Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit
Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] }
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
# Test Dequeue error handling
Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog
Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit
Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] }
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input2.txt
# p04input2.txt -- Test: Size(), Front(), Rear(), MakeEmpty()
# Test Size()
Size() -- 0
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Size() -- 1
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Size() -- 2
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 3
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Size() -- 2
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Size() -- 1
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
# Test Front() and Rear()
Front() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Rear() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [H, Cat Food]
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk]
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk]
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk]
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Front() -- [H, Cat Food]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Front() -- [H, Horse Oats]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog
Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Front() -- [H, Bird Seed]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit
Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] }
Dequeue() -- Successful
Front() -- [M, Goat Chow]
Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food]
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
# Test MakeEmpty normal operation
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
# Test MakeEmpty error handling
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input3.txt
# p04input3.txt -- Test: Peek(), Purge()
# Test Peek() normal operation
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Peek(0) -- [H, Cat Food]
Peek(1) -- [M, Goat Chow]
Peek(2) -- [L, Dog Walk]
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Peek(0) -- [M, Goat Chow]
Peek(1) -- [L, Dog Walk]
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Peek(0) -- [L, Dog Walk]
Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Dequeue() -- Successful
Peek(0) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
# Test Peek() error handling
Peek(0) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Peek(1) -- [M, Goat Chow]
Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Dequeue() -- Successful
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Peek(1) -- [L, Dog Walk]
Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear
Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
# Test Purge(HIGH) normal operation
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 7
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Size() -- 4
# Test Purge(MEDIUM) normal operation
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 7
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food]
} Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 5
# Test Purge(LOW) normal operation
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 7
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] } Rear
Rear { [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] }
Size() -- 5
# Test Purge() normal operation
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Size() -- 7
Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front
Size() -- 4
Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front
Size() -- 2
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
Enqueue(H 'Cat Food')
Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk')
Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow')
Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats')
Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes')
Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed')
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear
Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H,
Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra
Stripes] } Rear
Rear { [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] }
Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] } Rear
Rear { [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
# Test Purge() error handling
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Purge(L) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
Purge(M) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
Purge(H) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
Print() -- Front { } Rear
Rear { } Front
Size() -- 0
amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$

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  • 1. Write message.cpp and priorityq.cpp. The code in message.cpp and priorityq.cpp doesn't need any input or output statements. Do not modify priorityq.h, message.h, or main.cpp. main.cpp _____________________________________________________________________________ __ #include iostream #include fstream #include new #include cstddef #include "priorityq.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ifstream inputs; // Input file for commands char op; // Hold operation int n; // Integer input from file PriorityQ* ptr = NULL; // Will point to priority queue object Message msg; // Assembled message Priorities p; // Message priority char c; // Message priority input from file string s; // Message string from file // Output usage message if one input file name is not provided if (argc != 2) { cout << "Usage: project03 "; return 1; } // Attempt to open input file -- terminate if file does not open[1]); if (!inputs) { cout << "Error - unable to open input file" << endl;
  • 2. return 1; } // Process commands from input file getline(inputs, s); // Input comment line cout << s << endl; // Echo comment line inputs >> op; // Attempt to input first command while (inputs) { switch (op) // Identify and perform operation input from file { case '#': // Echo Comment getline(inputs, s); cout << "-------- " << op << s << endl; break; case 'c': // Constructor cout << endl << "Constructor()"; try { ptr = new PriorityQ; cout << endl; } catch ( std::bad_alloc ) { cout << "Failed : Terminating now..." << endl; return 1; } break; case '+': // Enqueue inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file inputs.ignore(100, ' '); // Skip one space getline(inputs,s); // Input rest of line as the message cout << "Enqueue(" << c << " '" << s << "'" << ")"; try { switch (c) {
  • 3. case 'H': msg.SetPriority(HIGH); break; case 'M': msg.SetPriority(MEDIUM); break; case 'L': msg.SetPriority(LOW); break; } msg.SetMessage(s); ptr->Enqueue(msg); } catch (FullPQ) { cout << " -- Failed Full PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case '-': // Dequeue cout << "Dequeue() -- "; try { ptr->Dequeue(); cout << "Successful"; } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'x': // Purge inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file cout << "Purge(" << c << ")"; try { switch (c) { case 'H': ptr->Purge(HIGH); break; case 'M': ptr->Purge(MEDIUM); break; case 'L': ptr->Purge(LOW); break;
  • 4. } } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << " -- Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case '?': // Peek inputs >> n; cout << "Peek(" << n << ") -- "; try { ptr->Peek(n).Print(); } catch (InvalidPeekPQ) { cout << "Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'f': // Front cout << "Front() -- "; try { ptr->Front().Print(); } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'r': // Rear cout << "Rear() -- "; try
  • 5. { ptr->Rear().Print(); } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'p': // Print PriorityQ cout << "Print() -- "; ptr->Print(); cout << endl; break; case 's': // Size of PriorityQ cout << "Size() -- " << ptr->Size() << endl; break; case 'm': // Make PriorityQ Empty but ready for use cout << "MakeEmpty()" << endl; ptr->MakeEmpty(); break; case 'd': // Destructor delete ptr; ptr = NULL; cout << "Destructor()" << endl << endl; break; default: // Error cout << "Error - unrecognized operation '" << op << "'" << endl; cout << "Terminating now..." << endl; return 1; break; }
  • 6. inputs >> op; // Attempt to input next command } return 0; } // End main() _____________________________________________________________________________ __ priorityq.h _____________________________________________________________________________ __ #ifndef PRIORITYQ_H #define PRIORITYQ_H #include iostream #include "message.h" using namespace std; // // Exception classes for PriorityQ // class EmptyPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for empty PriorityQ condition class FullPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for full PriorityQ condition class InvalidPeekPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for invalid PriorityQ peek condition // // Priority Queue Node Structure // struct Node // Linked priority queue node structure { Message data; // Field for storing data in the priority queue node Node* nextPtr; // Points to next priority queue node Node* previousPtr; // Points to previous priority queue node }; // // PriorityQ class declaration //
  • 7. class PriorityQ // Double linked queue of messages sorted by priority { private: Node* frontPtr; // Points to front node of priority queue Node* rearPtr; // Points to rear node of priority queue int count; // Number of values stored in priority queue public: /********** Start of functions you must implement for PriorityQ **************/ // Implement the following nine public functions in the file named priorityq.cpp PriorityQ(); // PriorityQ() // Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue ~PriorityQ(); //~PriorityQ() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes // No memory leak allowed void MakeEmpty(); // MakeEmpty() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state // No memory leak allowed void Enqueue(Message msg); // Enqueue() // Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count. // Duplicates are allowed. // Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue // Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue // Add AFTER messages of similar priority // If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception. void Dequeue(); // Dequeue() // Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count.
  • 8. // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed void Purge(Priorities p); // Purge() // Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed Message Front() const; // Front() // Returns message at front of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ Message Rear() const; // Rear() // Returns message at rear of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ Message Peek(int n) const; // Peek() // Returns message n positions from front of priority queue // If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ bool IsFull() const; // IsFull() // Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE bool IsEmpty() const; // IsEmpty() // Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE int Size() const; // Size() // Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE /*********** End of functions you must implement for PriorityQ ***************/
  • 9. void Print() const // Print() -- DO NOT MODIFY OR RELOCATE THIS FUNCTION // Prints contents of priority queue without modifying its contents { Node* tempPtr = frontPtr; // Prints queue nodes Front-to-Rear order cout << "Front { "; while (tempPtr != NULL) { //cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' '; tempPtr->data.Print(); cout << ' '; tempPtr = tempPtr->nextPtr; } cout << "} Rear Rear { "; // Prints queue nodes Rear-to-Front order tempPtr = rearPtr; while (tempPtr != NULL) { //cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' '; tempPtr->data.Print(); cout << ' '; tempPtr = tempPtr->previousPtr; } cout << "} Front"; } // End Print() }; #endif _____________________________________________________________________________ __ message.h
  • 10. _____________________________________________________________________________ __ #ifndef MESSAGE_H #define MESSAGE_H #include iostream using namespace std; // // Define enumerated Priorities type // enum Priorities {UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}; // // Message class declaration // class Message // Models a single message with priority { private: Priorities priority; // Stores message priority string message; // Stores message contents public: /********** Start of functions you must implement for Message **************/ // Implement the following five public functions in the file named message.cpp Message(); // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority void SetPriority(Priorities p); // Sets priority equal to p void SetMessage(string msg); // Sets message equal to msg Priorities GetPriority() const; // Returns priority value without modification string GetMessage() const; // Returns message contents without modification /*********** End of functions you must implement for Message ***************/ void Print() const // DO NOT MODIFY OR RELOCATE THIS FUNCTION { cout << "[";
  • 11. if (priority == HIGH) cout << "H"; else if (priority == MEDIUM) cout << "M"; else if (priority == LOW) cout << "L"; else cout << "U"; cout << ", " << message << "]"; } // End Print() const }; #endif _____________________________________________________________________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________ __ # p04input1.txt -- Test: PriorityQ(), Enqueue(), Dequeue(), ~PriorityQ() # Test adding messages H to L (add at rear) c + H Cat Food + M Goat Chow + L Dog Walk p d # Test adding messages L to H (add at front) c + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Cat Food p d # Test adding messages (add in between) c + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk
  • 12. + M Goat Chow p d # Test adding messages with same priorities c + H Cat Food + H Dog Kibble + H Fish Food + H Cat Food p d # Test adding messages (arbitrary) c + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed + L Dog Walk p d # Test Dequeue normal operation c + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow p - p - p - p + H Cat Food
  • 13. + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p - p - p - p - p - p - p - p d # Test Dequeue error handling c - + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p - p
  • 15. - p s - p s d # Test Front() and Rear() c f r + H Cat Food f r + L Dog Walk f r + M Goat Chow f r + H Horse Oats f r + L Rabbit Food f r + M Zebra Stripes f r + H Bird Seed f r p - f
  • 16. r p - f r p - f r p d # Test MakeEmpty normal operation c + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p m p + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow p m p d # Test MakeEmpty error handling c p m p
  • 17. d _____________________________________________________________________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________ __ # p04input3.txt -- Test: Peek(), Purge() # Test Peek() normal operation c + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow p ? 0 ? 1 ? 2 p - ? 0 ? 1 p - ? 0 ? 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 5 p - ? 0 ? 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 5 d # Test Peek() error handling
  • 18. c ? 0 ? 1 + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow p ? 1 ? 3 ? 5 - p ? 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 5 p d # Test Purge(HIGH) normal operation c p + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p s x H p s d # Test Purge(MEDIUM) normal operation c
  • 19. p + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p s x M p s d # Test Purge(LOW) normal operation c p + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p s x L p s d # Test Purge() normal operation c p + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow
  • 20. + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p s x H p s x M p s x L p s + H Cat Food + L Dog Walk + M Goat Chow + H Horse Oats + L Rabbit Food + M Zebra Stripes + H Bird Seed p x L p x M p x H p d # Test Purge() error handling c p x L p s
  • 21. x M p s x H p s d _____________________________________________________________________________ __ Complete the provided partial C++ program that will implement a Priority Queue ADT (abstract data type) in which the internal representation of the priority queue is a double linked series of dynamically allocated nodes. The Priority Queue will be used to store text messages read from an input file. Each message has a priority (H for High, M for Medium, L for Low). When input from the file by the main function, the message and priority information are stored within an object of the type Message. The text message is stored as a string attribute, and the message priority is represented by an attribute with type Priorities, an enumerated type provided. Priority Queue Rules of operation: (1) If the Priority Queue contains messages which have different priority levels, then the highest priority messages must be removed from the FRONT of the Priority Queue before any lower priority messages are removed whenever the Dequeue 0 method is invoked HINT: The priority queue is sorted by Priority Level (highest to lowest) as it is being constructed by Enqueue in much the same way as we discussed with the implementation of a sorted linked list. (2) Given two messages of the same priority level, the message that has been in the Priority Queue for the longest time has the highest priority. (FIFo operation within a priority level) Solution Given below are the complete set of files for the question. The output tested with the 3 input file's is shown... Please don;t forget to rate the answer if it helped. Thank you. message.h #ifndef MESSAGE_H #define MESSAGE_H #include using namespace std; // // Define enumerated Priorities type //
  • 22. enum Priorities {UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH}; // // Message class declaration // class Message // Models a single message with priority { private: Priorities priority; // Stores message priority string message; // Stores message contents public: /********** Start of functions you must implement for Message **************/ // Implement the following five public functions in the file named message.cpp Message(); // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority void SetPriority(Priorities p); // Sets priority equal to p void SetMessage(string msg); // Sets message equal to msg Priorities GetPriority() const; // Returns priority value without modification string GetMessage() const; // Returns message contents without modification /*********** End of functions you must implement for Message ***************/ void Print() const // DO NOT MODIFY OR RELOCATE THIS FUNCTION { cout << "["; if (priority == HIGH) cout << "H"; else if (priority == MEDIUM) cout << "M"; else if (priority == LOW) cout << "L"; else cout << "U";
  • 23. cout << ", " << message << "]"; } // End Print() const }; #endif message.cpp #include "message.h" Message::Message() // Initializes message to empty string with UNKNOWN priority { message = ""; priority = UNKNOWN; } void Message::SetPriority(Priorities p) // Sets priority equal to p { priority = p; } void Message::SetMessage(string msg) // Sets message equal to msg { message = msg; } Priorities Message::GetPriority() const // Returns priority value without modification { return priority; } string Message::GetMessage() const // Returns message contents without modification { return message; } priorityq.h #ifndef PRIORITYQ_H #define PRIORITYQ_H #include #include "message.h" using namespace std; // // Exception classes for PriorityQ //
  • 24. class EmptyPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for empty PriorityQ condition class FullPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for full PriorityQ condition class InvalidPeekPQ { /* No additional code */ }; // Exception class for invalid PriorityQ peek condition // // Priority Queue Node Structure // struct Node // Linked priority queue node structure { Message data; // Field for storing data in the priority queue node Node* nextPtr; // Points to next priority queue node Node* previousPtr; // Points to previous priority queue node }; // // PriorityQ class declaration // class PriorityQ // Double linked queue of messages sorted by priority { private: Node* frontPtr; // Points to front node of priority queue Node* rearPtr; // Points to rear node of priority queue int count; // Number of values stored in priority queue public: /********** Start of functions you must implement for PriorityQ **************/ // Implement the following nine public functions in the file named priorityq.cpp PriorityQ(); // PriorityQ() // Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue ~PriorityQ(); //~PriorityQ() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes // No memory leak allowed
  • 25. void MakeEmpty(); // MakeEmpty() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state // No memory leak allowed void Enqueue(Message msg); // Enqueue() // Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count. // Duplicates are allowed. // Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue // Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue // Add AFTER messages of similar priority // If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception. void Dequeue(); // Dequeue() // Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count. // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed void Purge(Priorities p); // Purge() // Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed Message Front() const; // Front() // Returns message at front of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ Message Rear() const; // Rear() // Returns message at rear of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ Message Peek(int n) const; // Peek() // Returns message n positions from front of priority queue // If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ
  • 26. bool IsFull() const; // IsFull() // Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE bool IsEmpty() const; // IsEmpty() // Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE int Size() const; // Size() // Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE /*********** End of functions you must implement for PriorityQ ***************/ void Print() const // Print() -- DO NOT MODIFY OR RELOCATE THIS FUNCTION // Prints contents of priority queue without modifying its contents { Node* tempPtr = frontPtr; // Prints queue nodes Front-to-Rear order cout << "Front { "; while (tempPtr != NULL) { //cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' '; tempPtr->data.Print(); cout << ' '; tempPtr = tempPtr->nextPtr; } cout << "} Rear Rear { "; // Prints queue nodes Rear-to-Front order tempPtr = rearPtr; while (tempPtr != NULL)
  • 27. { //cout << '(' << tempPtr->data.GetMessage() << ')' << ' '; tempPtr->data.Print(); cout << ' '; tempPtr = tempPtr->previousPtr; } cout << "} Front"; } // End Print() }; #endif priorityq.cpp #include "priorityq.h" PriorityQ::PriorityQ() // PriorityQ() // Initializes all private variables to indicate an empty priority queue { frontPtr = NULL; rearPtr = NULL; count = 0; } PriorityQ::~PriorityQ() //~PriorityQ() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes // No memory leak allowed { MakeEmpty(); } void PriorityQ::MakeEmpty() // MakeEmpty() // Deallocates all priority queue nodes and returns priority queue to empty ready-to-use state // No memory leak allowed { Node *temp;
  • 28. while(frontPtr != NULL) { temp = frontPtr->nextPtr; delete frontPtr; frontPtr = temp; } frontPtr = NULL; rearPtr = NULL; count = 0; } void PriorityQ::Enqueue(Message msg) // Enqueue() // Adds value to priority queue in correct position and increments count. // Duplicates are allowed. // Highest priority messages must always be at front of queue // Lowest priority messages must always be at rear of queue // Add AFTER messages of similar priority // If queue is already full, throws FullPQ exception. { Node *n = new Node; n->data = msg; n->nextPtr = NULL; n->previousPtr = NULL; if(IsEmpty()) frontPtr = rearPtr = n; else { Node *curr = rearPtr; while(curr != NULL && msg.GetPriority() > curr->data.GetPriority()) { curr = curr->previousPtr; } if(curr == NULL) //need to insert as first node { n->nextPtr = frontPtr; frontPtr ->previousPtr = n;
  • 29. frontPtr = n; } else { n->nextPtr = curr->nextPtr; n->previousPtr = curr; curr->nextPtr = n; if(n->nextPtr != NULL) n->nextPtr->previousPtr = n; else rearPtr = n; } } count++; } void PriorityQ::Dequeue() // Dequeue() // Removes highest priority message from front of priority queue and decrements count. // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed { if(IsEmpty()) throw EmptyPQ(); Node *next = frontPtr->nextPtr; if(next != NULL) next->previousPtr = NULL; delete frontPtr; frontPtr = next; if(frontPtr == NULL) rearPtr = NULL; count--; } void PriorityQ::Purge(Priorities p) // Purge() // Removes all messages of priority p from queue leaving all other messages in priority queue
  • 30. // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ exception // No memory leak allowed { if(IsEmpty()) throw EmptyPQ(); //search from backwards the 1st message matching priority. Node *curr = rearPtr; while(curr != NULL) { if(curr->data.GetPriority() == p) //found matching { Node *delnode = curr; Node *saved; Node *next = curr->nextPtr; //delete all nodes from the found node till we see a node which does not match while(delnode!= NULL && delnode->data.GetPriority() == p) { saved = delnode->previousPtr; delete delnode; delnode = saved; count --; } if(delnode == NULL) frontPtr = next; else delnode->nextPtr = next; if(frontPtr == NULL) rearPtr = NULL; if(next != NULL) next->previousPtr = delnode;
  • 31. else rearPtr = delnode; break; } else if(curr->data.GetPriority() > p) break; else curr = curr->previousPtr; } } Message PriorityQ::Front() const // Front() // Returns message at front of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ { if(IsEmpty()) throw EmptyPQ(); return frontPtr->data; } Message PriorityQ::Rear() const // Rear() // Returns message at rear of priority queue // If queue is empty, throws EmptyPQ { if(IsEmpty()) throw EmptyPQ(); return rearPtr->data; } Message PriorityQ::Peek(int n) const // Peek() // Returns message n positions from front of priority queue // If position n does not exist, throws InvalidPeekPQ {
  • 32. if(IsEmpty() || n < 0 || n >= count) throw InvalidPeekPQ(); Node *curr = frontPtr; for(int p = 0; p < n; p++) curr = curr->nextPtr; return curr->data; } bool PriorityQ::IsFull() const // IsFull() // Returns true if queue is full. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE { return false; } bool PriorityQ::IsEmpty() const // IsEmpty() // Returns true if queue is empty. Returns false otherwise. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE { return count == 0; } int PriorityQ::Size() const // Size() // Returns number of items stored in priority queue. DOES NOT MODIFY THE PRIORITY QUEUE { return count; } main.cpp #include #include #include #include #include "priorityq.h"
  • 33. using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ifstream inputs; // Input file for commands char op; // Hold operation int n; // Integer input from file PriorityQ* ptr = NULL; // Will point to priority queue object Message msg; // Assembled message Priorities p; // Message priority char c; // Message priority input from file string s; // Message string from file // Output usage message if one input file name is not provided if (argc != 2) { cout << "Usage: project03 "; return 1; } // Attempt to open input file -- terminate if file does not open[1]); if (!inputs) { cout << "Error - unable to open input file" << endl; return 1; } // Process commands from input file getline(inputs, s); // Input comment line cout << s << endl; // Echo comment line inputs >> op; // Attempt to input first command while (inputs) { switch (op) // Identify and perform operation input from file { case '#': // Echo Comment getline(inputs, s);
  • 34. cout << "-------- " << op << s << endl; break; case 'c': // Constructor cout << endl << "Constructor()"; try { ptr = new PriorityQ; cout << endl; } catch ( std::bad_alloc ) { cout << "Failed : Terminating now..." << endl; return 1; } break; case '+': // Enqueue inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file inputs.ignore(100, ' '); // Skip one space getline(inputs,s); // Input rest of line as the message cout << "Enqueue(" << c << " '" << s << "'" << ")"; try { switch (c) { case 'H': msg.SetPriority(HIGH); break; case 'M': msg.SetPriority(MEDIUM); break; case 'L': msg.SetPriority(LOW); break; } msg.SetMessage(s); ptr->Enqueue(msg); } catch (FullPQ) { cout << " -- Failed Full PriorityQ"; } cout << endl;
  • 35. break; case '-': // Dequeue cout << "Dequeue() -- "; try { ptr->Dequeue(); cout << "Successful"; } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'x': // Purge inputs >> c; // Input message priority from file cout << "Purge(" << c << ")"; try { switch (c) { case 'H': ptr->Purge(HIGH); break; case 'M': ptr->Purge(MEDIUM); break; case 'L': ptr->Purge(LOW); break; } } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << " -- Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case '?': // Peek inputs >> n; cout << "Peek(" << n << ") -- "; try
  • 36. { ptr->Peek(n).Print(); } catch (InvalidPeekPQ) { cout << "Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'f': // Front cout << "Front() -- "; try { ptr->Front().Print(); } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'r': // Rear cout << "Rear() -- "; try { ptr->Rear().Print(); } catch (EmptyPQ) { cout << "Failed Empty PriorityQ"; } cout << endl; break; case 'p': // Print PriorityQ cout << "Print() -- ";
  • 37. ptr->Print(); cout << endl; break; case 's': // Size of PriorityQ cout << "Size() -- " << ptr->Size() << endl; break; case 'm': // Make PriorityQ Empty but ready for use cout << "MakeEmpty()" << endl; ptr->MakeEmpty(); break; case 'd': // Destructor delete ptr; ptr = NULL; cout << "Destructor()" << endl << endl; break; default: // Error cout << "Error - unrecognized operation '" << op << "'" << endl; cout << "Terminating now..." << endl; return 1; break; } inputs >> op; // Attempt to input next command } return 0; } // End main() output amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ g++ message.cpp priorityq.cpp main.cpp amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input1.txt # p04input1.txt -- Test: PriorityQ(), Enqueue(), Dequeue(), ~PriorityQ() -------- # Test adding messages H to L (add at rear) Constructor()
  • 38. Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test adding messages L to H (add at front) Constructor() Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test adding messages (add in between) Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test adding messages with same priorities Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(H 'Dog Kibble') Enqueue(H 'Fish Food') Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Dog Kibble] [H, Fish Food] [H, Cat Food] } Rear Rear { [H, Cat Food] [H, Fish Food] [H, Dog Kibble] [H, Cat Food] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test adding messages (arbitrary)
  • 39. Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test Dequeue normal operation Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food')
  • 40. Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Destructor() -------- # Test Dequeue error handling Constructor() Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ
  • 41. Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front
  • 42. Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Destructor() amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input2.txt # p04input2.txt -- Test: Size(), Front(), Rear(), MakeEmpty() -------- # Test Size() Constructor() Size() -- 0 Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Size() -- 1 Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Size() -- 2 Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 3 Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Size() -- 2 Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front Size() -- 1 Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Dequeue() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Destructor() --------
  • 43. # Test Front() and Rear() Constructor() Front() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Rear() -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [H, Cat Food] Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk] Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk] Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Dog Walk] Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Front() -- [H, Cat Food] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Front() -- [H, Horse Oats] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Print() -- Front { [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] } Front
  • 44. Dequeue() -- Successful Front() -- [H, Bird Seed] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Print() -- Front { [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Front() -- [M, Goat Chow] Rear() -- [L, Rabbit Food] Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test MakeEmpty normal operation Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front MakeEmpty() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front MakeEmpty()
  • 45. Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Destructor() -------- # Test MakeEmpty error handling Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front MakeEmpty() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Destructor() amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$ ./a.out input3.txt # p04input3.txt -- Test: Peek(), Purge() -------- # Test Peek() normal operation Constructor() Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Peek(0) -- [H, Cat Food] Peek(1) -- [M, Goat Chow] Peek(2) -- [L, Dog Walk] Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Peek(0) -- [M, Goat Chow] Peek(1) -- [L, Dog Walk] Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Peek(0) -- [L, Dog Walk] Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ
  • 46. Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] } Front Dequeue() -- Successful Peek(0) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Destructor() -------- # Test Peek() error handling Constructor() Peek(0) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(1) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Cat Food] } Front Peek(1) -- [M, Goat Chow] Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Dequeue() -- Successful Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Peek(1) -- [L, Dog Walk] Peek(2) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(3) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Peek(5) -- Failed Invalid Peek PriorityQ Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [L, Dog Walk] } Rear Rear { [L, Dog Walk] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Destructor() -------- # Test Purge(HIGH) normal operation
  • 47. Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 7 Purge(H) Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Size() -- 4 Destructor() -------- # Test Purge(MEDIUM) normal operation Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front
  • 48. Size() -- 7 Purge(M) Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 5 Destructor() -------- # Test Purge(LOW) normal operation Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 7 Purge(L) Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Rear Rear { [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 5 Destructor() -------- # Test Purge() normal operation Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front
  • 49. Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Size() -- 7 Purge(H) Print() -- Front { [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] } Front Size() -- 4 Purge(M) Print() -- Front { [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] } Front Size() -- 2 Purge(L) Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Enqueue(H 'Cat Food') Enqueue(L 'Dog Walk') Enqueue(M 'Goat Chow') Enqueue(H 'Horse Oats') Enqueue(L 'Rabbit Food') Enqueue(M 'Zebra Stripes') Enqueue(H 'Bird Seed') Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] [L, Dog Walk] [L, Rabbit Food] } Rear Rear { [L, Rabbit Food] [L, Dog Walk] [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Purge(L)
  • 50. Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] [M, Goat Chow] [M, Zebra Stripes] } Rear Rear { [M, Zebra Stripes] [M, Goat Chow] [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Purge(M) Print() -- Front { [H, Cat Food] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Bird Seed] } Rear Rear { [H, Bird Seed] [H, Horse Oats] [H, Cat Food] } Front Purge(H) Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Destructor() -------- # Test Purge() error handling Constructor() Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Purge(L) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Purge(M) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Purge(H) -- Failed Empty PriorityQ Print() -- Front { } Rear Rear { } Front Size() -- 0 Destructor() amoeba-2:priorityQ raji$