SlideShare a Scribd company logo
# Ignore the build directory
# Ignore any executables
# Ignore Mac specific files
# Script adapted from
CC :=
SRCDIR = src
BUILDDIR = build
TARGET = bin/cache_sim
# Handle debug case
DEBUG ?= 1
ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1)
CFLAGS += -g -Wall
SRCEXT = cpp
SOURCES = $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name
OBJECTS = $(patsubst
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-
LIB += -pthread
@echo "Linking..."
@echo " $(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS)";
$(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS)
@mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
@echo " $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o [email protected]
$<"; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o [email protected] $<
@echo "Cleaning...";
@echo " $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) $(TARGET)"; $(RM) -r
.PHONY: clean
==This is a simple tracefile for testing purposes L 08 L 808 L
1006 L 08 S 1805 L 1002 L 808 M 1806 L 1008 S 1005 S 1808
L 808 M 08 M 04 L 2804 M 808
finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/resources/testco nfig
Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
usingnamespace std;
CacheController::CacheController(CacheInfo ci, string tracefile
// store the configuration info
this->ci = ci;
this->inputFile = tracefile;
this->outputFile =this->inputFile +".out";
// compute the other cache parameters
this->ci.numByteOffsetBits = log2(ci.blockSize);
this->ci.numSetIndexBits = log2(ci.numberSets);
// initialize the counters
this->globalCycles =0;
this->globalHits =0;
this->globalMisses =0;
this->globalEvictions =0;
// create your cache structure
// ...
// manual test code to see if the cache is behaving properly
// will need to be changed slightly to match the function prototy
cacheAccess(false, 0);
cacheAccess(false, 128);
cacheAccess(false, 256);
cacheAccess(false, 0);
cacheAccess(false, 128);
cacheAccess(false, 256);
Starts reading the tracefile and processing memory operations
cout <<"Input tracefile: "<< inputFile << endl;
cout <<"Output file name: "<< outputFile << endl;
// process each input line
string line;
// define regular expressions that are used to locate commands
regex commentPattern("==.*");
regex instructionPattern("I .*");
regex loadPattern(" (L )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
regex storePattern(" (S )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
regex modifyPattern(" (M )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$");
// open the output file
ofstream outfile(outputFile);
// open the output file
ifstream infile(inputFile);
// parse each line of the file and look for commands
while(getline(infile, line)){
// these strings will be used in the file output
string opString, activityString;
smatch match;// will eventually hold the hexadecimal addr
ess string
unsignedlongint address;
// create a struct to track cache responses
CacheResponse response;
// ignore comments
if(std::regex_match(line, commentPattern)|| std::regex_match(li
ne, instructionPattern)){
// skip over comments and CPU instructions
}elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, loadPattern)){
cout <<"Found a load op!"<< endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)<
< match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response,false, address, stoi(match.str(4)
}elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, storePattern)){
cout <<"Found a store op!"<< endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)<
< match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response,true, address, stoi(match.str(4))
}elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, modifyPattern)){
cout <<"Found a modify op!"<< endl;
istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
// first process the read operation
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)<
< match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response,false, address, stoi(match.str(4)
outfile << endl;
// now process the write operation
hexStream >> std::hex >> address;
outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)<
< match.str(4);
cacheAccess(&response,true, address, stoi(match.str(4))
throw runtime_error("Encountered unknown line format in trace
outfile << endl;
// add the final cache statistics
outfile <<"Hits: "<< globalHits <<" Misses: "<< globalMisse
s <<" Evictions: "<< globalEvictions << endl;
outfile <<"Cycles: "<< globalCycles << endl;
Report the results of a memory access operation.
voidCacheController::logEntry(ofstream& outfile,CacheRespons
e* response){
outfile <<" "<< response->cycles;
if(response->hits >0)
outfile <<" hit";
if(response->misses >0)
outfile <<" miss";
if(response->evictions >0)
outfile <<" eviction";
Calculate the block index and tag for a specified address.
unsignedlongint address){
AddressInfo ai;
// this code should be changed to assign the proper index and ta
return ai;
This function allows us to read or write to the cache.
The read or write is indicated by isWrite.
address is the initial memory address
numByte is the number of bytes involved in the access
voidCacheController::cacheAccess(CacheResponse* response,b
ool isWrite,unsignedlongint address,int numBytes){
// determine the index and tag
AddressInfo ai = getAddressInfo(address);
cout <<"tSet index: "<< ai.setIndex <<", tag: "<< ai.tag << e
// your code should also calculate the proper number of cycles t
hat were used for the operation
response->cycles =0;
// your code needs to update the global counters that track the n
umber of hits, misses, and evictions
if(response->hits >0)
cout <<"Operation at address "<< std::hex << address <<"
caused "<< response->hits <<" hit(s)."<< std::dec << endl;
if(response->misses >0)
cout <<"Operation at address "<< std::hex << address <<"
caused "<< response-
>misses <<" miss(es)."<< std::dec << endl;
cout <<"-----------------------------------------"<< endl;
Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
#include "CacheStuff.h"
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
class CacheController {
struct AddressInfo {
unsigned long int tag;
unsigned int setIndex;
unsigned int globalCycles;
unsigned int globalHits;
unsigned int globalMisses;
unsigned int globalEvictions;
std::string inputFile, outputFile;
CacheInfo ci;
// function to allow read or write access to the cache
void cacheAccess(CacheResponse*, bool, unsigned
long int, int);
// function that can compute the index and tag
matching a specific address
AddressInfo getAddressInfo(unsigned long int);
// function to add entry into output file
void logEntry(std::ofstream&, CacheResponse*);
CacheController(CacheInfo, std::string);
void runTracefile();
Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
usingnamespace std;
This function creates the cache and starts the simulator.
Accepts core ID number, configuration info, and the name of
the tracefile to read.
void initializeCache(int id,CacheInfo config, string tracefile){
CacheController singlecore =CacheController(config, tracefile);
This function accepts a configuration file and a trace file on t
he command line.
The code then initializes a cache simulator and reads the requ
ested trace file(s).
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
CacheInfo config;
if(argc <3){
cerr <<"You need two command line arguments. You shoul
d provide a configuration file and a trace file."<< endl;
// determine how many cache levels the system is using
unsignedint numCacheLevels;
// read the configuration file
cout <<"Reading config file: "<< argv[1]<< endl;
ifstream infile(argv[1]);
unsignedint tmp;
infile >> numCacheLevels;
infile >> config.memoryAccessCycles;
infile >> config.numberSets;
infile >> config.blockSize;
infile >> config.associativity;
infile >> tmp;
config.rp =static_cast<ReplacementPolicy>(tmp);
infile >> tmp;
config.wp =static_cast<WritePolicy>(tmp);
infile >> config.cacheAccessCycles;
// Examples of how you can access the configuration file inform
cout <<"System has "<< numCacheLevels <<" cache(s)."<< e
cout << config.numberSets <<" sets with "<< config.blockSiz
e <<" bytes in each block. N = "<< config.associativity << endl;
if(config.rp ==ReplacementPolicy::Random)
cout <<"Using random replacement protocol"<< endl;
cout <<"Using LRU protocol"<< endl;
if(config.wp ==WritePolicy::WriteThrough)
cout <<"Using write-through policy"<< endl;
cout <<"Using write-back policy"<< endl;
// start the cache operation...
string tracefile(argv[2]);
initializeCache(0, config, tracefile);
Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins
Oregon State University
Spring Term 2021
#ifndef _CACHESTUFF_H_
#define _CACHESTUFF_H_
enum class ReplacementPolicy {
enum class WritePolicy {
// structure to hold information about a particular cache
struct CacheInfo {
unsigned int numByteOffsetBits;
unsigned int numSetIndexBits;
unsigned int numberSets; // how many sets are in the cache
unsigned int blockSize; // size of each block in bytes
unsigned int associativity; // the level of associativity (N)
ReplacementPolicy rp;
WritePolicy wp;
unsigned int cacheAccessCycles;
unsigned int memoryAccessCycles;
// this structure can filled with information about each memory
struct CacheResponse {
int hits; // how many caches did this memory operation
int misses; // how many caches did this memory operation
int evictions; // did this memory operation involve one or
more evictions?
int dirtyEvictions; // were any evicted blocks marked as
dirty? (relevant for write-back cache)
unsigned int cycles; // how many clock cycles did this
operation take?
For a long time, implementation of social welfare policy was
considered a rather mechanistic and apolitical activity. Early
theories and models of decision-making and policy formulation
were straightforward and top-down: Administrators were
expected to carry out the policies as formulated by political or
other types of leaders. The underlying paradigms were often
adopted without reflection. However, more recently the causal
relationship between paradigms and changes caused by policy
implementation has led to a range of outcomes, such as the
· Reformulation of policies
· Adoption of conflicting paradigms
· Unexpected outcomes
· Outright failure
One clear lesson to be learned is that if policy objectives
informed by social welfare paradigms are too ambiguous, street-
level bureaucrats will be given room for adaptation of
objectives to suit their clients’ or their own preferences.
Nowadays, scholars are aware of the fact that implementation is
not an easy task. For one, it has no clear starting point and no
clear ending. Actors at multiple levels have their own needs,
interests, and resources to exert influence on the
implementation of social policy. As a result, we see social
policy migrating toward implementation from the federal to
local level and, through the organization of advocacy groups,
from the local level to the federal level.
Prior to developing your discussion analysis and the associated
paradigms, theories, and ideologies, review your textbook and
required reading materials. Pay particular attention to Chapter
Three’s exploration of the following foundational paradigms of
the social welfare system:
· Social constructivism
· Critical analysis
· Models of justice
· Strengths based model
· Social empathy
First, using a minimum of two Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and
Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.), research one
of the areas of interest below. It is suggested that you begin
your research in the Ashford University Library using
[email protected] for initial searches. For additional information
on legislative history, use the Westlaw database via the Journal
Articles button in the Ashford University Library homepage.
Utilize the paradigms, theories, and ideologies found in your
text to understand your state’s and local community’s positions
and responses. Support your position with information from
another credible source other than the text. This could include
websites of organizations, including social media, that support
your state or community. However, be sure to identify the
paradigm underlying that organization’s approach to a social
Some suggested topics are noted below. Other topics are
possible with instructor approval:
· Family violence: The Family Violence Prevention and
Services Act (FVPSA), first authorized in 1984, is the only
federal funding source dedicated directly to domestic violence
shelters and programs. After FVPSA expired in 2008, the
National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) led the
effort with domestic violence advocates to reauthorize this vital
legislation. On November 10, 2010, Congress passed a bill to
reauthorize FVPSA as part of the Child Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Act (CAPTA) reauthorization through fiscal year
2015. The bill was signed into law by the President on
December 20, 2010. How has your state and local municipality
responded to these national agendas?
· Same sex couples: The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that
states cannot ban same-sex marriage, thereby requiring all states
to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. How is your
state and local community responding to this change? Is it
considered a moral or human rights issue?
· Immigration reform: A deadlocked Supreme Court has
effectively squashed any chance of significant immigration
reform before President Obama leaves office in January. On
June 23, a 4–4 vote by the justices left in place an injunction
blocking Obama’s plan to shield from deportation millions of
undocumented immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens or
legal residents. The plan would also have allowed those
immigrants to apply for work permits. Given these changes led
by Supreme Court rulings, how is your state responding to the
immigration issue.
Next, find a federal social welfare program meant to address
your chosen issue. Consider what paradigms are employed by
the program to your chosen topic. In your initial post of 300
words, briefly describe a federal social welfare program meant
to address one particular issue. Address the following in your
initial post:
· What paradigm is assumed or debated in regard to your chosen
· What systems of ideas (theories) to approaching your chosen
social issue are influenced the paradigm you have identified?
· How do those theories then result in a federal approach to the
issue of your choosing ideologies?
Be sure the influence of federal positions in the development of
a local response is the major focus of your initial post. (Your
discussion post can use the following structures: Federal
Program Paradigm Theory Ideology, Local Ideology, and state
how they are linked to a state or local community program).
Guided Response: Please provide substantive and thoughtful
replies of at least 150 words each, responding to at least two
peers. In your replies, ask specific questions of your colleagues
about their reflections to encourage further conversation. In
replies, you might discuss how they responded in similar
fashion or dissimilar ways to your own.
· Using your peer’s analysis and paradigm, how does it compare
to your state or local community in terms of the paradigm it
· Make at least one suggestion that enhances your classmate’s
analysis. Support your rationale.
· Please be sure to respond to all those who would respond to
your original post or your own responses to peers to develop a
true dialogue
Sample Testing/multi_sample1_config
Sample Testing/multi_sample1_trace
==multi_sample1_config has an L1 with 16 bytes (13 cycles),
L2 with 32 bytes (40 cycles), RAM is 230 cycles
L 0,4
L 80,8
L 10,4
L 102,6
L 2,6
==The following store involves a "fetch on write" operation
because we had to fetch the original block first
S 180,5
L 100,2
==Note that the following load is spread across two blocks:
L 4,20
L 100,2
L 80,8
M 180,6
L 100,8
S 100,5
S 180,8
L 80,8
M 0,8
M 0,4
L 280,4
M 80,8
Sample Testing/
multi_sample1_trace.outL 04 286 L1 miss L2 missL 808 286 L1
miss L2 missL 104 53 L1 miss L2 hitL 1026 286 L1 miss L2
missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 572 L1 miss eviction L2 miss hitL
1002 13 L1 hitL 420 26 L1 hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 808 53 L1
miss eviction L2 hitM 1806 53 L1 miss eviction L2 hitM 1806
286 L1 hit L2 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005 286 L1 hit L2 hitS
1808 286 L1 hit L2 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 53 L1 miss eviction
L2 hitM 08 286 L1 hit L2 hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 286 L1 hit L2
hitL 2804 286 L1 miss eviction L2 missM 808 13 L1 hitM 808
286 L1 hit L2 hitL1 Cache: Hits:15 Misses:9 Evictions:5L2
Cache: Hits:11 Misses:5 Evictions:0Cycles:3761 Reads:16
Sample Testing/multi_sample2_config
Sample Testing/multi_sample2_trace
== multi_sample2_configuration
== L1: 16 bytes/block, 8 sets, associativity N=3, LRU, 13
== L2: 32 bytes/block, 8 sets, associativity N=2, LRU, 40
== L3: 32 bytes/block, 32 sets, associativity N=3, LRU, 110
== RAM: 230 cycles
L 474,1
L 460,8
S 47c,16
M 7,8
L c7e,2
== this store will hit L2 while fetching:
S c68,8
L 864,10
L 460,8
== the following load is more complex due to multiple cache
L 60,4
Sample Testing/
L 474,1 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss
L 460,8 53 L1 miss L2 hit
S 47c,16 959 L1 miss hit L2 miss hit L3 miss hit
M 7,8 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss
M 7,8 396 L1 hit L2 hit L3 hit
L c7e,2 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss
S c68,8 449 L1 miss L2 hit L3 hit
L 864,10 396 L1 miss L2 miss eviction L3 miss
L 460,8 13 L1 hit
L 60,4 396 L1 miss eviction L2 miss eviction L3 miss eviction
L1 Cache: Hits:3 Misses:8 Evictions:1
L2 Cache: Hits:6 Misses:6 Evictions:2
L3 Cache: Hits:4 Misses:6 Evictions:1
Cycles:3850 Reads:7 Writes:3
Sample Testing/sample1_config
Sample Testing/sample1_trace
==Note that sample1_config is designed to hold only 8 bytes
per block
L 0,4
L 80,8
L 10,4
L 102,6
L 2,6
==The following store involves a "fetch on write" operation
because we had to fetch the original block first
S 180,5
L 100,2
==Note that the following load is spread across three blocks
== (see next command)
==Blocks 0 and 2 are still in the cache, but block 1 has never
been loaded
==Technically this causes an L1 "hit miss hit" but it is fine if
your output file just indicates
==that there was at least one hit and miss ("L1 miss hit" or "L1
hit miss"). The ordering does not matter as long as
==you correctly indicate their presence.
==The important thing is that ALL block hits and misses are
reflected in the statistics that are printed at the
==very end of the output file.
L 4,20
L 100,2
L 80,8
M 180,6
L 100,8
S 100,5
S 180,8
L 80,8
M 0,8
M 0,4
L 280,4
M 80,8
Sample Testing/
sample1_trace.outL 04 243 L1 missL 808 243 L1 missL 104 243
L1 missL 1026 243 L1 missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 486 L1 miss
evictionL 1002 13 L1 hitL 420 269 L1 miss hitL 1002 13 L1
hitL 808 243 L1 miss evictionM 1806 243 L1 miss evictionM
1806 243 L1 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005 243 L1 hitS 1808 243
L1 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 243 L1 miss evictionM 08 243 L1
hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 243 L1 hitL 2804 243 L1 miss evictionM
808 13 L1 hitM 808 243 L1 hitL1 Cache: Hits:15 Misses:10
Evictions:5Cycles:4248 Reads:16 Writes:7
Sample Testing/sample2_config
Sample Testing/sample2_trace==Note that sample2_config is
designed to hold 32 bytes per block==This has several effects
one of which is that the RAM requires (230+1+1+1) cycles to
fetch a 32 byte block.==Another side effect is that the blocks do
not all fall into the same index (hence the lack of evictions). L
04 L 808 L 104 L 1026 L 26 S 1805 L 1002 L 420 L 1002 L 808
M 1806 L 1008 S 1005 S 1808 L 808 M 08 M 04 L 2804 M 808
Sample Testing/
sample2_trace.outL 04 246 L1 missL 808 246 L1 missL 104 13
L1 hitL 1026 246 L1 missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 492 L1 missL
1002 13 L1 hitL 420 13 L1 hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 808 13 L1
hitM 1806 13 L1 hitM 1806 246 L1 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005
246 L1 hitS 1808 246 L1 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 13 L1 hitM 08
246 L1 hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 246 L1 hitL 2804 246 L1 missM
808 13 L1 hitM 808 246 L1 hitL1 Cache: Hits:18 Misses:5
Evictions:0Cycles:3108 Reads:16 Writes:7
Sample Testing/sample3_config
Sample Testing/sample3_trace
== Note that sample3_config is designed to hold 32 bytes per
== Demonstrate the RAM buffering behavior
L 0,4
L 1f,1
L 20,1
Sample Testing/
L 0,4 246 L1 miss
L 1f,1 13 L1 hit
L 20,1 17 L1 miss
L1 Cache: Hits:1 Misses:2 Evictions:0
Cycles:276 Reads:3 Writes:0
2021/6/2 Final Project
14826 1/13
Final Project
Due Jun 10 by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a file upload
File Types pdf and tar Available after May 13 at 12am
Start Assignment
ECE/CS 472/572 Final Exam Project
Submit your final project to Canvas by Thursday June 10th, at
Late submissions will be penalized 15 points per day.
Remember to check the errata section (at the very bottom of the
page) for updates.
Your submission should be comprised of two items: a .pdf file
containing your written report and
a .tar file containing a directory structure with your C or C++
source code. Your grade will be reduced
if you do not follow the submission instructions.
All written reports (for both 472 and 572 students) must be
composed in MS Word, LaTeX, or some
other word processor and submitted as a PDF file.
Please take the time to read this entire document. If you have
questions there is a high likelihood that
another section of the document provides answers.
In this final project you will implement a cache simulator. Your
simulator will be configurable and will
be able to handle caches with varying capacities, block sizes,
levels of associativity, replacement
policies, and write policies. The simulator will operate on trace
files that indicate memory access
properties. All input files to your simulator will follow a
specific structure so that you can parse the
contents and use the information to set the properties of your
After execution is finished, your simulator will generate an
output file containing information on the
number of cache misses, hits, and miss evictions (i.e. the
number of block replacements). In addition,
the file will also record the total number of (simulated) clock
cycles used during the situation. Lastly,
the file will indicate how many read and write operations were
requested by the CPU.
It is important to note that your simulator is required to make
several significant assumptions for the
sake of simplicity.
1. You do not have to simulate the actual data contents. We
simply pretend that we copied data from
main memory and keep track of the hypothetical time that would
have elapsed.
2021/6/2 Final Project
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2. Accessing a sub-portion of a cache block takes the exact
same time as it would require to access
the entire block. Imagine that you are working with a cache that
uses a 32 byte block size and has
an access time of 15 clock cycles. Reading a 32 byte block from
this cache will require 15 clock
cycles. However, the same amount of time is required to read 1
byte from the cache.
3. In this project assume that main memory RAM is always
accessed in units of 8 bytes (i.e. 64 bits
at a time).
When accessing main memory, it's expensive to access the first
unit. However, DDR memory
typically includes buffering which means that the RAM can
provide access to the successive
memory (in 8 byte chunks) with minimal overhead. In this
project we assume an overhead of 1
additional clock cycle per contiguous unit.
For example, suppose that it costs 255 clock cycles to access
the first unit from main memory.
Based on our assumption, it would only cost 257 clock cycles to
access 24 bytes of memory.
4. Assume that all caches utilize a "fetch-on-write" scheme if a
miss occurs on a Store operation.
This means that you must always fetch a block (i.e. load it)
before you can store to that location (if
that block is not already in the cache).
Additional Resources
Sample trace files
Students are required to simulate the instructor-provided trace
files (although you are welcome to
simulate your own files in addition).
Trace files are available on Flip in the following directory:
You should test your code with all three tracefiles in that
directory (gcc, netpath, and openssl).
Starter Code
In order to help you focus on the implementation of the cache
simulator, starter code is provided
(written in C++) to parse the input files and handle some of the
file I/O involved in this assignment.
You are not required to use the supplied code (it's up to you).
Note that you will need to adapt this
code to work with your particular design.
The starter code is available here: nal
Basic-Mode Usage (472 & 572 students)
L1 Cache Simulator
All students are expected to implement the L1 cache simulator.
Students who are enrolled in 472 can
ignore the sections that are written in brown text. Graduate
students will be simulating a multiple-level
cache (an L1 cache, an L2 cache, and even an L3 cache).
2021/6/2 Final Project
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Input Information
Your cache simulator will accept two arguments on the
command line: the file path of a configuration
file and the file path of a trace file containing a sequence of
memory operations. The cache simulator
will generate an output file containing the simulation results.
The output filename will have “.out”
appended to the input filename. Additional details are provided
# example invocation of cache simulator
cache_sim ./resources/testconfig ./resources/simpletracefile
Output file written to ./resources/simpletracefile.out
The first command line argument will be the path to the
configuration file. This file contains
information about the cache design. The file will contain only
numeric values, each of which is on a
separate line.
Example contents of a configuration file:
1 <-- this line will always contain a "1" for 472 students
230 <-- number of cycles required to write or read a unit from
main memory
8 <-- number of sets in cache (will be a non-negative power of
16 <-- block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of 2)
3 <-- level of associativity (number of blocks per set)
1 <-- replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement, 1
for LRU)
1 <-- write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write-back)
13 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from
the cache (consider this to be the
access time per block)
Here is another example configuration file specifying a direct-
mapped cache with 64 entries, a 32
byte block size, associativity level of 1 (direct-mapped), least
recently used (LRU) replacement policy,
write-through operation, 26 cycles to read or write data to the
cache, and 1402 cycles to read or write
data to the main memory. CS/ECE472 projects can safely ignore
the first line.
The second command line argument indicates the path to a trace
file. This trace file will follow the
format used by Valgrind (a memory debugging tool). The file
consists of comments and memory
access information. Any line beginning with the ‘=’ character
should be treated as a comment and
==This is a comment and can safely be ignored.
==An example snippet of a Valgrind trace file
I 04010173,3
I 04010176,6
S 04222cac,1
I 0401017c,7
L 04222caf,8
I 04010186,6
I 040101fd,7
L 1ffefffd78,8
M 04222ca8,4
I 04010204,4
2021/6/2 Final Project
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Memory access entries will use the following format in the trace
[space]operation address,size
Lines beginning with an ‘I’ character represent an instruction
load. For this assignment, you can
ignore instruction read requests and assume that they are
handled by a separate instruction
Lines with a space followed by an ‘S’ indicate a data store
operation. This means that data needs
to be written from the CPU into the cache or main memory
(possibly both) depending on the write
Lines with a space followed by an ‘L’ indicate a data load
operation. Data is loaded from the cache
into the CPU.
Lines with a space followed by an ‘M’ indicate a data modify
operation (which implies a special
case of a data load, followed immediately by a data store).
The address is a 64 bit hexadecimal number representing the
address of the first byte that is being
requested. Note that leading 0's are not necessarily shown in the
file. The size of the memory
operation is indicated in bytes (as a decimal number).
If you are curious about the trace file, you may generate your
own trace file by running Valgrind on
arbitrary executable files:
valgrind --log-fd=1 --log-file=./tracefile.txt --tool=lackey --
trace-mem=yes name_of_executable_t
Cache Simulator Output
Your simulator will write output to a text file. The output
filename will be derived from the trace
filename with “.out” appended to the original filename. E.g. if
your program was called using the
invocation “cache_sim ./dm_config ./memtrace” then the output
file would be written to
(S)tore, (L)oad, and (M)odify operations will each be printed to
the output file (in the exact order that
they were read from the Valgrind trace file). Lines beginning
with “I” should not appear in the output
since they do not affect the operation of your simulator.
Each line will have a copy of the original trace file instruction.
There will then be a space, followed by
the number of cycles used to complete the operation. Lastly,
each line will have one or more
statements indicating the impact on the cache. This could be one
or more of the following: miss, hit,
or eviction.
Note that an eviction is what happens when a cache block needs
to be removed in order to make
space in the cache for another block. It is simply a way of
indicating that a block was replaced. In our
simulation, an eviction means that the next instruction cannot
be executed until after the existing
cache block is written to main memory. An eviction is an
expensive cache operation.
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It is possible that a single memory access has multiple impacts
on the cache. For example, if a
particular cache index is already full, a (M)odify operation
might miss the cache, evict an existing
block, and then hit the cache when the result is written to the
The general format of each output line (for 472 students) is as
follows (and will contain one or more
cache impacts):
operation address,size <number_of_cycles> L1
<cache_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...>
The final lines of the output file are special. They will indicate
the total number of hits, misses, and
evictions. The last line will indicate the total number of
simulated cycles that were necessary to
simulate the trace file, as well as the total number of read and
write operations that were directly
requested by the CPU.
These lines should exactly match the following format (with
values given in decimal):
L1 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions>
Cycles:<number of total simulated cycles> Reads:<# of CPU
read requests> Writes:<# of CPU write r
In order to illustrate the output file format let’s look at an
example. Suppose we are simulating a
direct-mapped cache operating in write-through mode. Note that
the replacement policy does not
have any effect on the operation of a direct-mapped cache.
Assume that the configuration file told us
that it takes 13 cycles to access the cache and 230 cycles to
access main memory. Keep in mind that
a hit during a load operation only accesses the cache while a
miss must access both the cache and
the main memory. For this scenario, assume that memory access
is aligned to a single block and
does not straddle multiple cache blocks.
In this example the cache is operating in write-through mode so
a standalone (S)tore operation takes
243 cycles, even if it is a hit, because we always write the block
into both the cache and into main
memory. If this particular cache was operating in write-back
mode, a (S)tore operation would take
only 13 cycles if it was a hit (since the block would not be
written into main memory until it was
The exact details of whether an access is a hit or a miss is
entirely dependent on the specific cache
design (block size, level of associativity, number of sets, etc).
Your program will implement the code
to see if each access is a hit, miss, eviction, or some
Since the (M)odify operation involves a Load operation
(immediately followed by a Store operation), it
is recorded twice in the output file. The first instance represents
the load operation and the next line
will represent the store operation. See the example below...
==For this example we assume that addresses 04222cac,
04222caf, and 04222ca8 are all in the same
block at index 2
==Assume that addresses 047ef249 and 047ef24d share a block
that also falls at index 2.
==Since the cache is direct-mapped, only one of those blocks
can be in the cache at a time.
==Fortunately, address 1ffefffd78 happens to fall in a different
block index (in our hypothetical
==Side note: For this example a store takes 243 cycles (even if
it was a hit) because of the writ
e-through behavior.
==The output file for our hypothetical example:
S 04222cac,1 486 L1 miss <-- (243 cycles to fetch the block and
write it to L1) + (243 cycles to
update the cache & main memory)
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L 04222caf,8 13 L1 hit
M 1ffefffd78,8 243 L1 miss <-- notice that this (M)odify has a
miss for the load and a hit for th
e store
M 1ffefffd78,8 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of
the modify operation
M 04222ca8,4 13 L1 hit <-- notice that this (M)odify has two
hits (one for the load, one for the
M 04222ca8,4 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of
the modify operation
S 047ef249,4 486 L1 miss eviction <-- 486 cycles for miss, no
eviction penalty for write-through
L 04222caf,8 243 L1 miss eviction
M 047ef24d,2 243 L1 miss eviction <-- notice that this (M)odify
initially misses, evicts the bloc
k, and then hits
M 047ef24d,2 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of the
modify operation
L 1ffefffd78,8 13 L1 hit
M 047ef249,4 13 L1 hit
M 047ef249,4 243 L1 hit
L1 Cache: Hits:8 Misses:5 Evictions:3
Cycles:2725 Reads:7 Writes:6 <-- total sum of simulated cycles
(from above), as well as the numbe
r of reads and writes that were requested by the CPU
NOTE: The example above is assuming that the cache has a
block size of at least 8 bytes. Simulating
a cache with a smaller blocksize would affect the timing and
could also lead to multiple evictions in a
single cache access. For example, if the blocksize was only 4
bytes it's possible that an 8 byte load
might evict 3 different blocks. This happens because the data
might straddle two or more blocks
(depending on the starting memory address).
Sample Testing Information
Some students have asked for additional test files with "known"
results that they can compare
against. I've created my own implementation of the cache
simulator and provided students with the
following files (and results).
Note: These files are not an exhaustive representation of the
testing that your cache will undergo. It is
your job to independently test your code and verify proper
Sample 1
Sample 2
Facts and Questions (FAQ):
Your "random" cache replacement algorithm needs to be
properly seeded so that multiple runs of
the same tracefile will generate different results.
download?download_frd=1 458?
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I will never test your simulator using a block size that is smaller
than 8 bytes.
During testing, the cache will not contain more than 512
For our purposes the level of associativity could be as small as
N=1 (direct mapped) or as large
as N=64.
The last line of your output will indicate the total number of
simulated cycles that were necessary
to simulate the trace file, as well as the total number of read and
write operations that were
directly requested by the CPU. In other words, this is asking
how many loads and stores the CPU
directly requested (remember that a Modify operation counts as
both a Load and a Store).
572 students: For our purposes an L2 cache will always have a
block size that is greater than or
equal to the L1 block size. The L3 block size will be greater
than or equal to the L2 block size.
Implementation Details
You may use either the C or the C++ programming language.
Graduate students will have an
additional component to this project.
In our simplified simulator, increasing the level of associativity
has no impact on the cache access
time. Furthermore, you may assume that it does not take any
additional clock cycles to access non-
data bits such as Valid bits, Tags, Dirty Bits, LRU counters, etc.
Your code must support the LRU replacement scheme and the
random replacement scheme. For the
LRU behavior, a block is considered to be the Least Recently
Used if every other block in the cache
has been read or written after the block in question. In other
words, your simulator must implement a
true LRU scheme, not an approximation.
You must implement the write-through cache mode. You will
receive extra credit if your code correctly
supports the write-back cache mode (specified in the
configuration file).
Acceptable Compiler Versions
The flip server provides GCC 4.8.5 for compiling your work.
Unfortunately, this version is from 2015
and may not support newer C and C++ features. If you call the
program using “gcc” (or “g++”) this is
the version you will be using by default.
If you wish to use a newer compiler version, I have compiled a
copy of GCC 10.3 (released April 8,
2021). You may write your code using this compiler and you’re
allowed to use any of the compiler
features that are available. The compiler binaries are available
in the path:
For example, in order to compile a C++ program with GCC
10.3, you could use the following
command (on a single terminal line):
/nfs/farm/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/bin/g++ -
ocache_sim -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/farm/class
es/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/lib64 my_source_code.cpp
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If you use the Makefile that is provided in the starter code, it is
already configured to use GCC 10.3.
L2/L3 Cache Implementation (required for CS/ECE 572
Implement your cache simulator so that it can support up to 3
layers of cache. You can imagine that
these caches are connected in a sequence. The CPU will first
request information from the L1 cache.
If the data is not available, the request will be forwarded to the
L2 cache. If the L2 cache cannot fulfill
the request, it will be passed to the L3 cache. If the L3 cache
cannot fulfill the request, it will be
fulfilled by main memory.
It is important that the properties of each cache are read from
the provided configuration file. As an
example, it is possible to have a direct-mapped L1 cache that
operates in cohort with an associative
L2 cache. All of these details will be read from the
configuration file. As with any programming project,
you should be sure to test your code across a wide variety of
scenarios to minimize the probability of
an undiscovered bug.
Cache Operation
When multiple layers of cache are implemented, the L1 cache
will no longer directly access main
memory. Instead, the L1 cache will interact with the L2 cache.
During the design process, you need to
consider the various interactions that can occur. For example, if
you are working with three write-
through caches, than a single write request from the CPU will
update the contents of L1, L2, L3, and
main memory!
++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
| | | | | | | | | |
| CPU | <----> | L1 Cache | <----> | L2 Cache | <----> | L3
Cache | <----> | Main Memory |
| | | | | | | | | |
++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
Note that your program should still handle a configuration file
that specifies an L1 cache (without any
L2 or L3 present). In other words, you can think of your project
as a more advanced version of the
472 implementation.
572 Extra Credit
By default, your code is only expected to function with write-
through caches. If you want to earn extra
credit, also implement support for write-back caches.
In this situation, you will need to track dirty cache blocks and
properly handle the consequences of
evictions. You will earn extra credit if your write-back design
works with simple L1 implementations.
You will receive additional extra credit if your code correctly
handles multiple layers of write-back
caches (e.g. the L1 and L2 caches are write-back, but L3 is
write-through) .
Simulator Operation
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Your cache simulator will use a similar implementation as the
single-level version but will parse the
configuration file to determine if multiple caches are present.
Input Information
The input configuration file is as shown below. Note that it is
backwards compatible with the 472
The exact length of the input configuration file will depend on
the number of caches that are specified.
3 <-- this line indicates the number of caches in the simulation
(this can be set to a maximum of
230 <-- number of cycles required to write or read a block from
main memory
8 <-- number of sets in L1 cache (will be a non-negative power
of 2)
16 <-- L1 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of
4 <-- L1 level of associativity (number of blocks per set)
1 <-- L1 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement,
1 for LRU)
1 <-- L1 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write-
13 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from
the L1 cache (consider this to be
the access time)
8 <-- number of sets in L2 cache (will be a non-negative power
of 2)
32 <-- L2 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of
4 <-- L2 level of associativity (number of blocks per set)
1 <-- L2 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement,
1 for LRU)
1 <-- L2 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write-
40 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from
the L2 cache (consider this to be
the access time)
64 <-- number of sets in L3 cache (will be a non-negative power
of 2)
32 <-- L3 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of
8 <-- L3 level of associativity (number of blocks per set)
0 <-- L3 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement,
1 for LRU)
0 <-- L3 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write-
110 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from
the L3 cache (consider this to be
the access time)
Cache Simulator Output
The output file will contain nearly the same information as in
the single-level version (see the general
description provided in the black text). However, the format is
expanded to contain information about
each level of the cache.
The general format of each output line is as follows (and can
list up to 2 cache impacts for each level
of the cache):
operation address,size <total number_of_cycles> L1
<cache_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> L2 <cach
e_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> L3 <cache_impact1>
<cache_impact2> <...>
The exact length of each line will vary, depending how many
caches are in the simulation (as well as
their interaction). For example, imagine a system that utilizes
an L1 and L2 cache.
If the L1 cache misses and the L2 cache hits, we might see
something such as the following:
L 04222caf,8 53 L1 miss L2 hit
In this scenario, if the L1 cache hits, then the L2 cache will not
be accessed and does not appear in
the output.
L 04222caf,8 13 L1 hit
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Suppose L1, L2, and L3 all miss (implying that we had to access
main memory):
L 04222caf,8 393 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss
(M)odify operations are the most complex since they involve
two sub-operations... a (L)oad
immediately followed by a (S)tore.
M 1ffefffd78,8 163 L1 miss eviction L2 miss L3 hit <-- notice
that the Load portion of this (M)od
ify operation caused an L1 miss, L2 miss, and L3 hit
M 1ffefffd78,8 13 L1 hit <-- this line belongs to the store
portion of the (M)odify operation
The final lines of the output file are special. They will indicate
the total number of hits, misses, and
evictions for each specific cache. The very last line will
indicate the total number of simulated cycles
that were necessary to simulate the trace file, as well as the
total number of read and write operations
that were directly requested by the CPU.
These lines should exactly match the following format (with
values given in decimal):
L1 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions>
L2 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions>
L3 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions>
Cycles:<number of total simulated cycles> Reads:<# of CPU
read requests> Writes:<# of CPU write r
Project Write-Up
Note: Any chart or graphs in your written report must have
labels for both the vertical and horizontal
Undergraduates (CS/ECE 472)
Part 1: Summarize your work in a well-written report. The
report should be formatted in a professional
format. Use images, charts, diagrams or other visual techniques
to help convey your information to
the reader.
Explain how you implemented your cache simulator. You should
provide enough information that a
knowledgeable programmer would be able to draw a reasonably
accurate block diagram of your
What data structures did you use to implement your design?
What were the primary challenges that you encountered while
working on the project?
Is there anything you would implement differently if you were
to re-implement this project?
How do you track the number of clock cycles needed to execute
memory access instructions?
Part 2: There is a general rule of thumb that a direct-mapped
cache of size N has about the same
miss rate as a 2-way set associative cache of size N/2.
Your task is to use your cache simulator to conclude whether
this rule of thumb is actually worth
using. You may test your simulator using instructor-provided
trace files (see the sample trace files
section) or you may generate your own trace files from Linux
executables (“wget”,
“ls”, “hostid”, “cat /etc/motd”, etc). Simulate at least three trace
files and compare the miss rates for a
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direct-mapped cache versus a 2-way set associative cache of
size N/2. For these cache simulations,
choose a block size and number of indices so that the direct-
mapped cache contains 64KiB of data.
The 2-way set associative cache (for comparison) should then
contain 32KiB of data. You are
welcome to experiment with different block sizes/number of
indices to see how your simulation results
are affected. You could also simulate additional cache sizes to
provide more comparison data. After
you have obtained sufficient data to support your position, put
your simulation results into a graphical
plot and explain whether you agree with the aforementioned
rule of thumb. Include this information in
your written report.
Part 3: If you chose to implement any extra credit tasks, be sure
to include a thorough description of
this work in the report.
Graduate Students (CS/ECE 572)
Part 1: Summarize your work in a well-written report. The
report should be formatted in a professional
format. Use images, charts, diagrams or other visual techniques
to help convey your information to
the reader.
Explain how you implemented your cache simulator. You should
provide enough information that a
knowledgeable programmer would be able to draw a reasonably
accurate block diagram of your
What data structures did you use to implement your multi-level
cache simulator?
What were the primary challenges that you encountered while
working on the project?
Is there anything you would implement differently if you were
to re-implement this project?
How do you track the number of clock cycles needed to execute
memory access instructions?
Part 2: Using trace files provided by the instructor (see the
sample trace files section), how does the
miss rate and average memory access time (in cycles) vary when
you simulate a machine with
various levels of cache? Note that you can compute the average
memory access time by considering
the total number of read and write operations (requested by the
CPU), along with the total number of
simulated cycles that it took to fulfill the requests.
Research a real-life CPU (it must contain at least an L2 cache)
and simulate the performance with L1,
L2, (and L3 caches if present). You can choose the specific
model of CPU (be sure to describe your
selection in your project documentation). This could be an Intel
CPU, an AMD processor, or some
other modern product. What is the difference in performance
when you remove all caches except the
L1 cache? Be sure to run this comparison with each of the three
instructor-provided trace files.
Provide written analysis to explain any differences in
performance. Also be sure to provide graphs or
charts to visually compare the difference in performance.
Part 3: If you chose to implement any extra credit tasks, be sure
to include a thorough description of
this work in the report.
Submission Guidelines
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You will submit both your source code and a PDF file
containing the typed report.
Any chart or graphs in your written report must have labels for
both the vertical and horizontal axis!
For the source code, you must organize your source code/header
files into a logical folder structure
and create a tar file that contains the directory structure. Your
code must be able to compile on If your code does not compile on the
engineering servers you should
expect to receive a 0 grade for all implementation portions of
the grade.
Your submission must include a Makefile that can be used to
compile your project from source code.
It is acceptable to adapt the example Makfile from the starter
code. If you need a refresher, please
see this helpful page
efiles.html) . If
the Makefile is written correctly, the grader should be able to
download your TAR file, extract it, and
run the “make” command to compile your program. The
resulting executable file should be named:
Grading and Evaluation
CS/CE 472 students can complete the 572 project if they prefer
(and must complete the 572 write-up,
rather than the undergraduate version). Extra credit will be
awarded to 472 students who choose to
complete this task.
Your source code and the final project report will both be
graded. Your code will be tested for proper
functionality. All aspects of the code (cleanliness, correctness)
and report (quality of writing, clarity,
supporting evidence) will be considered in the grade. In short,
you should be submitting professional
quality work.
You will lose points if your code causes a segmentation fault or
terminates unexpectedly.
The project is worth 200 points (100 points for the written
report and 100 points for the the C/C++
Extra Credit Explanation
The extra credit is as follows. Note that in order to earn full
extra credit, the work must be well
documented in your written report.
ECE/CS 472 Extra Credit Opportunities
10 points - Implement and document write-back cache support.
30 points - Implement and document the 572 project instead of
the 472 project. All 572 expectations
must be met.
ECE/CS 572 Extra Credit Opportunities
10 points - Implement and document write-back cache support
for a system that contains only an L1
10 points (additional) - Extend your implementation so that it
works with multiple layers of write-back
caches. E.g. if a dirty L1 block is evicted, it should be written
to the L2 cache and the corresponding
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L2 block should be marked as dirty. Assuming that the L2 cache
has sufficient space, the main
memory would not be updated (yet).
This section of the assignment will be updated as changes and
clarifications are made. Each entry
here should have a date and brief description of the change so
that you can look over the errata and
easily see if any updates have been made since your last review.
May 13th - Released the project guidelines.
May 15th - Added note about fetch-on-write behavior for all
caches. Added link to the starter code
(written in C++).
May 16th - Refined explanation to clarify that "fetch-on-write"
only comes into play when the CPU
tries to store a block that is not currently contained in the
May 31st - Added some additional configuration files that
students can use while they are verifying
their cache behavior. Updated information regarding GCC 10.3
(dropped GCC 11.1 because Valgrind
wasn't entirely compatible). Added a "FAQ" section to clarify
other details based on student questions.
June 1st - The last line of the output file reflects the number of
Load and Store operations (with a
Modify counting as one of each) that the CPU directly
requested. For clarification, even if a Load
operation affects multiple cache blocks, it still counts as a
single CPU read request. A similar
reasoning applies to the CPU write counter.

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finalprojtemplatev5finalprojtemplate.gitignore# Ignore the b

  • 1. finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/.gitignore # Ignore the build directory build # Ignore any executables bin/* # Ignore Mac specific files .DS_Store finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/Makefile # Script adapted from simple-c-plus-plus-project-structure/ CC := /usr/local/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/bin/g++ STRIPUTIL = strip SRCDIR = src BUILDDIR = build TARGET = bin/cache_sim # Handle debug case DEBUG ?= 1 ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -g -Wall
  • 2. else CFLAGS += -DNDEBUG -O3 endif SRCEXT = cpp SOURCES = $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name *.$(SRCEXT)) OBJECTS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(SOURCES:.$(SRCEXT)=.o)) LDFLAGS += -Wl,- rpath,/usr/local/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/lib64 LIB += -pthread INC += -I $(SRCDIR) $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) @echo "Linking..." @echo " $(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS)"; $(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$(SRCEXT) @mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) @echo " $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o [email protected] $<"; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o [email protected] $< clean: @echo "Cleaning..."; @echo " $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) $(TARGET)"; $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) $(TARGET) .PHONY: clean finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/resources/simpletracefile ==This is a simple tracefile for testing purposes L 08 L 808 L 1006 L 08 S 1805 L 1002 L 808 M 1806 L 1008 S 1005 S 1808 L 808 M 08 M 04 L 2804 M 808
  • 3. finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/resources/testco nfig 1 230 8 16 3 1 0 13 finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheController.cppfi nalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheController.cpp/* Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins Oregon State University Spring Term 2021 */ #include"CacheController.h" #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<regex> #include<cmath> usingnamespace std; CacheController::CacheController(CacheInfo ci, string tracefile ){ // store the configuration info this->ci = ci; this->inputFile = tracefile; this->outputFile =this->inputFile +".out"; // compute the other cache parameters this->ci.numByteOffsetBits = log2(ci.blockSize); this->ci.numSetIndexBits = log2(ci.numberSets);
  • 4. // initialize the counters this->globalCycles =0; this->globalHits =0; this->globalMisses =0; this->globalEvictions =0; // create your cache structure // ... // manual test code to see if the cache is behaving properly // will need to be changed slightly to match the function prototy pe /* cacheAccess(false, 0); cacheAccess(false, 128); cacheAccess(false, 256); cacheAccess(false, 0); cacheAccess(false, 128); cacheAccess(false, 256); */ } /* Starts reading the tracefile and processing memory operations . */ voidCacheController::runTracefile(){ cout <<"Input tracefile: "<< inputFile << endl; cout <<"Output file name: "<< outputFile << endl; // process each input line string line; // define regular expressions that are used to locate commands regex commentPattern("==.*"); regex instructionPattern("I .*");
  • 5. regex loadPattern(" (L )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$"); regex storePattern(" (S )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$"); regex modifyPattern(" (M )(.*)(,)([[:digit:]]+)$"); // open the output file ofstream outfile(outputFile); // open the output file ifstream infile(inputFile); // parse each line of the file and look for commands while(getline(infile, line)){ // these strings will be used in the file output string opString, activityString; smatch match;// will eventually hold the hexadecimal addr ess string unsignedlongint address; // create a struct to track cache responses CacheResponse response; // ignore comments if(std::regex_match(line, commentPattern)|| std::regex_match(li ne, instructionPattern)){ // skip over comments and CPU instructions continue; }elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, loadPattern)){ cout <<"Found a load op!"<< endl; istringstream hexStream(match.str(2)); hexStream >> std::hex >> address; outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)< < match.str(4); cacheAccess(&response,false, address, stoi(match.str(4) )); logEntry(outfile,&response); }elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, storePattern)){ cout <<"Found a store op!"<< endl; istringstream hexStream(match.str(2));
  • 6. hexStream >> std::hex >> address; outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)< < match.str(4); cacheAccess(&response,true, address, stoi(match.str(4)) ); logEntry(outfile,&response); }elseif(std::regex_match(line, match, modifyPattern)){ cout <<"Found a modify op!"<< endl; istringstream hexStream(match.str(2)); // first process the read operation hexStream >> std::hex >> address; outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)< < match.str(4); cacheAccess(&response,false, address, stoi(match.str(4) )); logEntry(outfile,&response); outfile << endl; // now process the write operation hexStream >> std::hex >> address; outfile << match.str(1)<< match.str(2)<< match.str(3)< < match.str(4); cacheAccess(&response,true, address, stoi(match.str(4)) ); logEntry(outfile,&response); }else{ throw runtime_error("Encountered unknown line format in trace file."); } outfile << endl; } // add the final cache statistics outfile <<"Hits: "<< globalHits <<" Misses: "<< globalMisse s <<" Evictions: "<< globalEvictions << endl; outfile <<"Cycles: "<< globalCycles << endl; infile.close();
  • 7. outfile.close(); } /* Report the results of a memory access operation. */ voidCacheController::logEntry(ofstream& outfile,CacheRespons e* response){ outfile <<" "<< response->cycles; if(response->hits >0) outfile <<" hit"; if(response->misses >0) outfile <<" miss"; if(response->evictions >0) outfile <<" eviction"; } /* Calculate the block index and tag for a specified address. */ CacheController::AddressInfoCacheController::getAddressInfo( unsignedlongint address){ AddressInfo ai; // this code should be changed to assign the proper index and ta g return ai; } /* This function allows us to read or write to the cache. The read or write is indicated by isWrite. address is the initial memory address numByte is the number of bytes involved in the access */ voidCacheController::cacheAccess(CacheResponse* response,b ool isWrite,unsignedlongint address,int numBytes){
  • 8. // determine the index and tag AddressInfo ai = getAddressInfo(address); cout <<"tSet index: "<< ai.setIndex <<", tag: "<< ai.tag << e ndl; // your code should also calculate the proper number of cycles t hat were used for the operation response->cycles =0; // your code needs to update the global counters that track the n umber of hits, misses, and evictions if(response->hits >0) cout <<"Operation at address "<< std::hex << address <<" caused "<< response->hits <<" hit(s)."<< std::dec << endl; if(response->misses >0) cout <<"Operation at address "<< std::hex << address <<" caused "<< response- >misses <<" miss(es)."<< std::dec << endl; cout <<"-----------------------------------------"<< endl; return; } finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheController.h /* Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins Oregon State University Spring Term 2021
  • 9. */ #ifndef _CACHECONTROLLER_H_ #define _CACHECONTROLLER_H_ #include "CacheStuff.h" #include <string> #include <fstream> class CacheController { private: struct AddressInfo { unsigned long int tag; unsigned int setIndex; }; unsigned int globalCycles; unsigned int globalHits; unsigned int globalMisses;
  • 10. unsigned int globalEvictions; std::string inputFile, outputFile; CacheInfo ci; // function to allow read or write access to the cache void cacheAccess(CacheResponse*, bool, unsigned long int, int); // function that can compute the index and tag matching a specific address AddressInfo getAddressInfo(unsigned long int); // function to add entry into output file void logEntry(std::ofstream&, CacheResponse*); public: CacheController(CacheInfo, std::string); void runTracefile(); };
  • 11. #endif //CACHECONTROLLER finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheSimulator.cppfi nalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheSimulator.cpp/* Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins Oregon State University Spring Term 2021 */ #include"CacheSimulator.h" #include"CacheStuff.h" #include"CacheController.h" #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<thread> usingnamespace std; /* This function creates the cache and starts the simulator. Accepts core ID number, configuration info, and the name of the tracefile to read. */ void initializeCache(int id,CacheInfo config, string tracefile){ CacheController singlecore =CacheController(config, tracefile); singlecore.runTracefile(); } /* This function accepts a configuration file and a trace file on t he command line.
  • 12. The code then initializes a cache simulator and reads the requ ested trace file(s). */ int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ CacheInfo config; if(argc <3){ cerr <<"You need two command line arguments. You shoul d provide a configuration file and a trace file."<< endl; return1; } // determine how many cache levels the system is using unsignedint numCacheLevels; // read the configuration file cout <<"Reading config file: "<< argv[1]<< endl; ifstream infile(argv[1]); unsignedint tmp; infile >> numCacheLevels; infile >> config.memoryAccessCycles; infile >> config.numberSets; infile >> config.blockSize; infile >> config.associativity; infile >> tmp; config.rp =static_cast<ReplacementPolicy>(tmp); infile >> tmp; config.wp =static_cast<WritePolicy>(tmp); infile >> config.cacheAccessCycles; infile.close(); // Examples of how you can access the configuration file inform ation cout <<"System has "<< numCacheLevels <<" cache(s)."<< e ndl; cout << config.numberSets <<" sets with "<< config.blockSiz e <<" bytes in each block. N = "<< config.associativity << endl;
  • 13. if(config.rp ==ReplacementPolicy::Random) cout <<"Using random replacement protocol"<< endl; else cout <<"Using LRU protocol"<< endl; if(config.wp ==WritePolicy::WriteThrough) cout <<"Using write-through policy"<< endl; else cout <<"Using write-back policy"<< endl; // start the cache operation... string tracefile(argv[2]); initializeCache(0, config, tracefile); return0; } finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheSimulator.h /* Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins Oregon State University Spring Term 2021 */ #ifndef _CACHESIMULATOR_H_ #define _CACHESIMULATOR_H_
  • 14. #endif //CACHESIMULATOR finalprojtemplatev5/finalprojtemplate/src/CacheStuff.h /* Cache Simulator (Starter Code) by Justin Goins Oregon State University Spring Term 2021 */ #ifndef _CACHESTUFF_H_ #define _CACHESTUFF_H_ enum class ReplacementPolicy { Random, LRU }; enum class WritePolicy {
  • 15. WriteThrough, WriteBack }; // structure to hold information about a particular cache struct CacheInfo { unsigned int numByteOffsetBits; unsigned int numSetIndexBits; unsigned int numberSets; // how many sets are in the cache unsigned int blockSize; // size of each block in bytes unsigned int associativity; // the level of associativity (N) ReplacementPolicy rp; WritePolicy wp; unsigned int cacheAccessCycles; unsigned int memoryAccessCycles; }; // this structure can filled with information about each memory
  • 16. operation struct CacheResponse { int hits; // how many caches did this memory operation hit? int misses; // how many caches did this memory operation miss? int evictions; // did this memory operation involve one or more evictions? int dirtyEvictions; // were any evicted blocks marked as dirty? (relevant for write-back cache) unsigned int cycles; // how many clock cycles did this operation take? }; #endif //CACHESTUFF For a long time, implementation of social welfare policy was considered a rather mechanistic and apolitical activity. Early theories and models of decision-making and policy formulation were straightforward and top-down: Administrators were expected to carry out the policies as formulated by political or other types of leaders. The underlying paradigms were often adopted without reflection. However, more recently the causal relationship between paradigms and changes caused by policy implementation has led to a range of outcomes, such as the
  • 17. following: · Reformulation of policies · Adoption of conflicting paradigms · Unexpected outcomes · Outright failure One clear lesson to be learned is that if policy objectives informed by social welfare paradigms are too ambiguous, street- level bureaucrats will be given room for adaptation of objectives to suit their clients’ or their own preferences. Nowadays, scholars are aware of the fact that implementation is not an easy task. For one, it has no clear starting point and no clear ending. Actors at multiple levels have their own needs, interests, and resources to exert influence on the implementation of social policy. As a result, we see social policy migrating toward implementation from the federal to local level and, through the organization of advocacy groups, from the local level to the federal level. Prior to developing your discussion analysis and the associated paradigms, theories, and ideologies, review your textbook and required reading materials. Pay particular attention to Chapter Three’s exploration of the following foundational paradigms of the social welfare system: · Social constructivism · Critical analysis · Models of justice · Strengths based model · Social empathy First, using a minimum of two Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.), research one of the areas of interest below. It is suggested that you begin your research in the Ashford University Library using [email protected] for initial searches. For additional information on legislative history, use the Westlaw database via the Journal Articles button in the Ashford University Library homepage. Utilize the paradigms, theories, and ideologies found in your text to understand your state’s and local community’s positions
  • 18. and responses. Support your position with information from another credible source other than the text. This could include websites of organizations, including social media, that support your state or community. However, be sure to identify the paradigm underlying that organization’s approach to a social issue. Some suggested topics are noted below. Other topics are possible with instructor approval: · Family violence: The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), first authorized in 1984, is the only federal funding source dedicated directly to domestic violence shelters and programs. After FVPSA expired in 2008, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) led the effort with domestic violence advocates to reauthorize this vital legislation. On November 10, 2010, Congress passed a bill to reauthorize FVPSA as part of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) reauthorization through fiscal year 2015. The bill was signed into law by the President on December 20, 2010. How has your state and local municipality responded to these national agendas? · Same sex couples: The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot ban same-sex marriage, thereby requiring all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. How is your state and local community responding to this change? Is it considered a moral or human rights issue? · Immigration reform: A deadlocked Supreme Court has effectively squashed any chance of significant immigration reform before President Obama leaves office in January. On June 23, a 4–4 vote by the justices left in place an injunction blocking Obama’s plan to shield from deportation millions of undocumented immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens or legal residents. The plan would also have allowed those immigrants to apply for work permits. Given these changes led by Supreme Court rulings, how is your state responding to the immigration issue. Next, find a federal social welfare program meant to address
  • 19. your chosen issue. Consider what paradigms are employed by the program to your chosen topic. In your initial post of 300 words, briefly describe a federal social welfare program meant to address one particular issue. Address the following in your initial post: · What paradigm is assumed or debated in regard to your chosen program? · What systems of ideas (theories) to approaching your chosen social issue are influenced the paradigm you have identified? · How do those theories then result in a federal approach to the issue of your choosing ideologies? Be sure the influence of federal positions in the development of a local response is the major focus of your initial post. (Your discussion post can use the following structures: Federal Program Paradigm Theory Ideology, Local Ideology, and state how they are linked to a state or local community program). Guided Response: Please provide substantive and thoughtful replies of at least 150 words each, responding to at least two peers. In your replies, ask specific questions of your colleagues about their reflections to encourage further conversation. In replies, you might discuss how they responded in similar fashion or dissimilar ways to your own. · Using your peer’s analysis and paradigm, how does it compare to your state or local community in terms of the paradigm it uses? · Make at least one suggestion that enhances your classmate’s analysis. Support your rationale. · Please be sure to respond to all those who would respond to your original post or your own responses to peers to develop a true dialogue Sample Testing/multi_sample1_config 2 230
  • 20. 8 16 3 1 0 13 8 32 3 1 0 40 Sample Testing/multi_sample1_trace ==multi_sample1_config has an L1 with 16 bytes (13 cycles), L2 with 32 bytes (40 cycles), RAM is 230 cycles L 0,4 L 80,8 L 10,4 L 102,6 L 2,6 ==The following store involves a "fetch on write" operation because we had to fetch the original block first S 180,5 L 100,2 ==Note that the following load is spread across two blocks: L 4,20 L 100,2 L 80,8 M 180,6 L 100,8 S 100,5 S 180,8 L 80,8 M 0,8
  • 21. M 0,4 L 280,4 M 80,8 Sample Testing/ multi_sample1_trace.outL 04 286 L1 miss L2 missL 808 286 L1 miss L2 missL 104 53 L1 miss L2 hitL 1026 286 L1 miss L2 missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 572 L1 miss eviction L2 miss hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 420 26 L1 hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 808 53 L1 miss eviction L2 hitM 1806 53 L1 miss eviction L2 hitM 1806 286 L1 hit L2 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005 286 L1 hit L2 hitS 1808 286 L1 hit L2 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 53 L1 miss eviction L2 hitM 08 286 L1 hit L2 hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 286 L1 hit L2 hitL 2804 286 L1 miss eviction L2 missM 808 13 L1 hitM 808 286 L1 hit L2 hitL1 Cache: Hits:15 Misses:9 Evictions:5L2 Cache: Hits:11 Misses:5 Evictions:0Cycles:3761 Reads:16 Writes:7 Sample Testing/multi_sample2_config 3 230 8 16 3 1 0 13 8 32 2 1 0 40 32
  • 22. 32 3 1 0 110 Sample Testing/multi_sample2_trace == multi_sample2_configuration == L1: 16 bytes/block, 8 sets, associativity N=3, LRU, 13 cycles == L2: 32 bytes/block, 8 sets, associativity N=2, LRU, 40 cycles == L3: 32 bytes/block, 32 sets, associativity N=3, LRU, 110 cycles == RAM: 230 cycles L 474,1 L 460,8 S 47c,16 M 7,8 L c7e,2 == this store will hit L2 while fetching: S c68,8 L 864,10 L 460,8 == the following load is more complex due to multiple cache impacts... L 60,4 Sample Testing/ multi_sample2_trace.out L 474,1 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss L 460,8 53 L1 miss L2 hit S 47c,16 959 L1 miss hit L2 miss hit L3 miss hit M 7,8 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss
  • 23. M 7,8 396 L1 hit L2 hit L3 hit L c7e,2 396 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss S c68,8 449 L1 miss L2 hit L3 hit L 864,10 396 L1 miss L2 miss eviction L3 miss L 460,8 13 L1 hit L 60,4 396 L1 miss eviction L2 miss eviction L3 miss eviction L1 Cache: Hits:3 Misses:8 Evictions:1 L2 Cache: Hits:6 Misses:6 Evictions:2 L3 Cache: Hits:4 Misses:6 Evictions:1 Cycles:3850 Reads:7 Writes:3 Sample Testing/sample1_config 1 230 8 8 3 1 0 13 Sample Testing/sample1_trace ==Note that sample1_config is designed to hold only 8 bytes per block L 0,4 L 80,8 L 10,4 L 102,6 L 2,6 ==The following store involves a "fetch on write" operation because we had to fetch the original block first S 180,5 L 100,2 ==Note that the following load is spread across three blocks
  • 24. == (see next command) ==Blocks 0 and 2 are still in the cache, but block 1 has never been loaded ==Technically this causes an L1 "hit miss hit" but it is fine if your output file just indicates ==that there was at least one hit and miss ("L1 miss hit" or "L1 hit miss"). The ordering does not matter as long as ==you correctly indicate their presence. ==The important thing is that ALL block hits and misses are reflected in the statistics that are printed at the ==very end of the output file. L 4,20 L 100,2 L 80,8 M 180,6 L 100,8 S 100,5 S 180,8 L 80,8 M 0,8 M 0,4 L 280,4 M 80,8 Sample Testing/ sample1_trace.outL 04 243 L1 missL 808 243 L1 missL 104 243 L1 missL 1026 243 L1 missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 486 L1 miss evictionL 1002 13 L1 hitL 420 269 L1 miss hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 808 243 L1 miss evictionM 1806 243 L1 miss evictionM 1806 243 L1 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005 243 L1 hitS 1808 243 L1 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 243 L1 miss evictionM 08 243 L1 hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 243 L1 hitL 2804 243 L1 miss evictionM 808 13 L1 hitM 808 243 L1 hitL1 Cache: Hits:15 Misses:10 Evictions:5Cycles:4248 Reads:16 Writes:7
  • 25. Sample Testing/sample2_config 1 230 8 32 3 1 0 13 Sample Testing/sample2_trace==Note that sample2_config is designed to hold 32 bytes per block==This has several effects one of which is that the RAM requires (230+1+1+1) cycles to fetch a 32 byte block.==Another side effect is that the blocks do not all fall into the same index (hence the lack of evictions). L 04 L 808 L 104 L 1026 L 26 S 1805 L 1002 L 420 L 1002 L 808 M 1806 L 1008 S 1005 S 1808 L 808 M 08 M 04 L 2804 M 808 Sample Testing/ sample2_trace.outL 04 246 L1 missL 808 246 L1 missL 104 13 L1 hitL 1026 246 L1 missL 26 13 L1 hitS 1805 492 L1 missL 1002 13 L1 hitL 420 13 L1 hitL 1002 13 L1 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 1806 13 L1 hitM 1806 246 L1 hitL 1008 13 L1 hitS 1005 246 L1 hitS 1808 246 L1 hitL 808 13 L1 hitM 08 13 L1 hitM 08 246 L1 hitM 04 13 L1 hitM 04 246 L1 hitL 2804 246 L1 missM 808 13 L1 hitM 808 246 L1 hitL1 Cache: Hits:18 Misses:5 Evictions:0Cycles:3108 Reads:16 Writes:7 Sample Testing/sample3_config 1 230 8 32
  • 26. 3 1 0 13 Sample Testing/sample3_trace == Note that sample3_config is designed to hold 32 bytes per block == Demonstrate the RAM buffering behavior L 0,4 L 1f,1 L 20,1 Sample Testing/ sample3_trace.out L 0,4 246 L1 miss L 1f,1 13 L1 hit L 20,1 17 L1 miss L1 Cache: Hits:1 Misses:2 Evictions:0 Cycles:276 Reads:3 Writes:0 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 1/13 Final Project Due Jun 10 by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a file upload File Types pdf and tar Available after May 13 at 12am
  • 27. Start Assignment ECE/CS 472/572 Final Exam Project Submit your final project to Canvas by Thursday June 10th, at 11:59pm Late submissions will be penalized 15 points per day. Remember to check the errata section (at the very bottom of the page) for updates. Your submission should be comprised of two items: a .pdf file containing your written report and a .tar file containing a directory structure with your C or C++ source code. Your grade will be reduced if you do not follow the submission instructions. All written reports (for both 472 and 572 students) must be composed in MS Word, LaTeX, or some other word processor and submitted as a PDF file. Please take the time to read this entire document. If you have questions there is a high likelihood that another section of the document provides answers. Introduction In this final project you will implement a cache simulator. Your simulator will be configurable and will be able to handle caches with varying capacities, block sizes, levels of associativity, replacement policies, and write policies. The simulator will operate on trace files that indicate memory access properties. All input files to your simulator will follow a specific structure so that you can parse the contents and use the information to set the properties of your simulator.
  • 28. After execution is finished, your simulator will generate an output file containing information on the number of cache misses, hits, and miss evictions (i.e. the number of block replacements). In addition, the file will also record the total number of (simulated) clock cycles used during the situation. Lastly, the file will indicate how many read and write operations were requested by the CPU. It is important to note that your simulator is required to make several significant assumptions for the sake of simplicity. 1. You do not have to simulate the actual data contents. We simply pretend that we copied data from main memory and keep track of the hypothetical time that would have elapsed. 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 2/13 2. Accessing a sub-portion of a cache block takes the exact same time as it would require to access the entire block. Imagine that you are working with a cache that uses a 32 byte block size and has an access time of 15 clock cycles. Reading a 32 byte block from this cache will require 15 clock cycles. However, the same amount of time is required to read 1 byte from the cache.
  • 29. 3. In this project assume that main memory RAM is always accessed in units of 8 bytes (i.e. 64 bits at a time). When accessing main memory, it's expensive to access the first unit. However, DDR memory typically includes buffering which means that the RAM can provide access to the successive memory (in 8 byte chunks) with minimal overhead. In this project we assume an overhead of 1 additional clock cycle per contiguous unit. For example, suppose that it costs 255 clock cycles to access the first unit from main memory. Based on our assumption, it would only cost 257 clock cycles to access 24 bytes of memory. 4. Assume that all caches utilize a "fetch-on-write" scheme if a miss occurs on a Store operation. This means that you must always fetch a block (i.e. load it) before you can store to that location (if that block is not already in the cache). Additional Resources Sample trace files Students are required to simulate the instructor-provided trace files (although you are welcome to simulate your own files in addition). Trace files are available on Flip in the following directory: /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/tracefiles You should test your code with all three tracefiles in that directory (gcc, netpath, and openssl). Starter Code In order to help you focus on the implementation of the cache
  • 30. simulator, starter code is provided (written in C++) to parse the input files and handle some of the file I/O involved in this assignment. You are not required to use the supplied code (it's up to you). Note that you will need to adapt this code to work with your particular design. The starter code is available here: nal ( Basic-Mode Usage (472 & 572 students) L1 Cache Simulator All students are expected to implement the L1 cache simulator. Students who are enrolled in 472 can ignore the sections that are written in brown text. Graduate students will be simulating a multiple-level cache (an L1 cache, an L2 cache, and even an L3 cache). 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 3/13 Input Information Your cache simulator will accept two arguments on the command line: the file path of a configuration file and the file path of a trace file containing a sequence of
  • 31. memory operations. The cache simulator will generate an output file containing the simulation results. The output filename will have “.out” appended to the input filename. Additional details are provided below. # example invocation of cache simulator cache_sim ./resources/testconfig ./resources/simpletracefile Output file written to ./resources/simpletracefile.out The first command line argument will be the path to the configuration file. This file contains information about the cache design. The file will contain only numeric values, each of which is on a separate line. Example contents of a configuration file: 1 <-- this line will always contain a "1" for 472 students 230 <-- number of cycles required to write or read a unit from main memory 8 <-- number of sets in cache (will be a non-negative power of 2) 16 <-- block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of 2) 3 <-- level of associativity (number of blocks per set) 1 <-- replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement, 1 for LRU) 1 <-- write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write-back) 13 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from the cache (consider this to be the access time per block) Here is another example configuration file specifying a direct- mapped cache with 64 entries, a 32 byte block size, associativity level of 1 (direct-mapped), least recently used (LRU) replacement policy,
  • 32. write-through operation, 26 cycles to read or write data to the cache, and 1402 cycles to read or write data to the main memory. CS/ECE472 projects can safely ignore the first line. 1 1402 64 32 1 1 0 26 The second command line argument indicates the path to a trace file. This trace file will follow the format used by Valgrind (a memory debugging tool). The file consists of comments and memory access information. Any line beginning with the ‘=’ character should be treated as a comment and ignored. ==This is a comment and can safely be ignored. ==An example snippet of a Valgrind trace file I 04010173,3 I 04010176,6 S 04222cac,1 I 0401017c,7 L 04222caf,8 I 04010186,6 I 040101fd,7 L 1ffefffd78,8 M 04222ca8,4 I 04010204,4
  • 33. 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 4/13 Memory access entries will use the following format in the trace file: [space]operation address,size Lines beginning with an ‘I’ character represent an instruction load. For this assignment, you can ignore instruction read requests and assume that they are handled by a separate instruction cache. Lines with a space followed by an ‘S’ indicate a data store operation. This means that data needs to be written from the CPU into the cache or main memory (possibly both) depending on the write policy. Lines with a space followed by an ‘L’ indicate a data load operation. Data is loaded from the cache into the CPU. Lines with a space followed by an ‘M’ indicate a data modify operation (which implies a special case of a data load, followed immediately by a data store). The address is a 64 bit hexadecimal number representing the address of the first byte that is being requested. Note that leading 0's are not necessarily shown in the file. The size of the memory operation is indicated in bytes (as a decimal number).
  • 34. If you are curious about the trace file, you may generate your own trace file by running Valgrind on arbitrary executable files: valgrind --log-fd=1 --log-file=./tracefile.txt --tool=lackey -- trace-mem=yes name_of_executable_t o_trace Cache Simulator Output Your simulator will write output to a text file. The output filename will be derived from the trace filename with “.out” appended to the original filename. E.g. if your program was called using the invocation “cache_sim ./dm_config ./memtrace” then the output file would be written to “./memtrace.out” (S)tore, (L)oad, and (M)odify operations will each be printed to the output file (in the exact order that they were read from the Valgrind trace file). Lines beginning with “I” should not appear in the output since they do not affect the operation of your simulator. Each line will have a copy of the original trace file instruction. There will then be a space, followed by the number of cycles used to complete the operation. Lastly, each line will have one or more statements indicating the impact on the cache. This could be one or more of the following: miss, hit, or eviction. Note that an eviction is what happens when a cache block needs to be removed in order to make space in the cache for another block. It is simply a way of indicating that a block was replaced. In our simulation, an eviction means that the next instruction cannot
  • 35. be executed until after the existing cache block is written to main memory. An eviction is an expensive cache operation. 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 5/13 It is possible that a single memory access has multiple impacts on the cache. For example, if a particular cache index is already full, a (M)odify operation might miss the cache, evict an existing block, and then hit the cache when the result is written to the cache. The general format of each output line (for 472 students) is as follows (and will contain one or more cache impacts): operation address,size <number_of_cycles> L1 <cache_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> The final lines of the output file are special. They will indicate the total number of hits, misses, and evictions. The last line will indicate the total number of simulated cycles that were necessary to simulate the trace file, as well as the total number of read and write operations that were directly requested by the CPU. These lines should exactly match the following format (with values given in decimal):
  • 36. L1 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions> Cycles:<number of total simulated cycles> Reads:<# of CPU read requests> Writes:<# of CPU write r equests> In order to illustrate the output file format let’s look at an example. Suppose we are simulating a direct-mapped cache operating in write-through mode. Note that the replacement policy does not have any effect on the operation of a direct-mapped cache. Assume that the configuration file told us that it takes 13 cycles to access the cache and 230 cycles to access main memory. Keep in mind that a hit during a load operation only accesses the cache while a miss must access both the cache and the main memory. For this scenario, assume that memory access is aligned to a single block and does not straddle multiple cache blocks. In this example the cache is operating in write-through mode so a standalone (S)tore operation takes 243 cycles, even if it is a hit, because we always write the block into both the cache and into main memory. If this particular cache was operating in write-back mode, a (S)tore operation would take only 13 cycles if it was a hit (since the block would not be written into main memory until it was evicted). The exact details of whether an access is a hit or a miss is entirely dependent on the specific cache design (block size, level of associativity, number of sets, etc). Your program will implement the code to see if each access is a hit, miss, eviction, or some combination.
  • 37. Since the (M)odify operation involves a Load operation (immediately followed by a Store operation), it is recorded twice in the output file. The first instance represents the load operation and the next line will represent the store operation. See the example below... ==For this example we assume that addresses 04222cac, 04222caf, and 04222ca8 are all in the same block at index 2 ==Assume that addresses 047ef249 and 047ef24d share a block that also falls at index 2. ==Since the cache is direct-mapped, only one of those blocks can be in the cache at a time. ==Fortunately, address 1ffefffd78 happens to fall in a different block index (in our hypothetical example). ==Side note: For this example a store takes 243 cycles (even if it was a hit) because of the writ e-through behavior. ==The output file for our hypothetical example: S 04222cac,1 486 L1 miss <-- (243 cycles to fetch the block and write it to L1) + (243 cycles to update the cache & main memory) 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 6/13 L 04222caf,8 13 L1 hit M 1ffefffd78,8 243 L1 miss <-- notice that this (M)odify has a
  • 38. miss for the load and a hit for th e store M 1ffefffd78,8 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of the modify operation M 04222ca8,4 13 L1 hit <-- notice that this (M)odify has two hits (one for the load, one for the store) M 04222ca8,4 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of the modify operation S 047ef249,4 486 L1 miss eviction <-- 486 cycles for miss, no eviction penalty for write-through cache L 04222caf,8 243 L1 miss eviction M 047ef24d,2 243 L1 miss eviction <-- notice that this (M)odify initially misses, evicts the bloc k, and then hits M 047ef24d,2 243 L1 hit <-- this line represents the Store of the modify operation L 1ffefffd78,8 13 L1 hit M 047ef249,4 13 L1 hit M 047ef249,4 243 L1 hit L1 Cache: Hits:8 Misses:5 Evictions:3 Cycles:2725 Reads:7 Writes:6 <-- total sum of simulated cycles (from above), as well as the numbe r of reads and writes that were requested by the CPU NOTE: The example above is assuming that the cache has a block size of at least 8 bytes. Simulating a cache with a smaller blocksize would affect the timing and could also lead to multiple evictions in a single cache access. For example, if the blocksize was only 4 bytes it's possible that an 8 byte load might evict 3 different blocks. This happens because the data might straddle two or more blocks (depending on the starting memory address).
  • 39. Sample Testing Information Some students have asked for additional test files with "known" results that they can compare against. I've created my own implementation of the cache simulator and provided students with the following files (and results). Note: These files are not an exhaustive representation of the testing that your cache will undergo. It is your job to independently test your code and verify proper behavior. Sample 1 sample1_config ( /download? download_frd=1) sample1_trace ( /download? download_frd=1) sample1_trace.out ( /download?download_frd=1) Sample 2 sample2_config ( /download? download_frd=1) sample2_trace ( /download? download_frd=1) sample2_trace.out ( /download?download_frd=1)
  • 40. Facts and Questions (FAQ): Your "random" cache replacement algorithm needs to be properly seeded so that multiple runs of the same tracefile will generate different results. wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 458? wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 wrap=1 download?download_frd=1 2021/6/2 Final Project
  • 41. 14826 7/13 I will never test your simulator using a block size that is smaller than 8 bytes. During testing, the cache will not contain more than 512 indexes. For our purposes the level of associativity could be as small as N=1 (direct mapped) or as large as N=64. The last line of your output will indicate the total number of simulated cycles that were necessary to simulate the trace file, as well as the total number of read and write operations that were directly requested by the CPU. In other words, this is asking how many loads and stores the CPU directly requested (remember that a Modify operation counts as both a Load and a Store). 572 students: For our purposes an L2 cache will always have a block size that is greater than or equal to the L1 block size. The L3 block size will be greater than or equal to the L2 block size. Implementation Details You may use either the C or the C++ programming language. Graduate students will have an additional component to this project. In our simplified simulator, increasing the level of associativity has no impact on the cache access time. Furthermore, you may assume that it does not take any additional clock cycles to access non- data bits such as Valid bits, Tags, Dirty Bits, LRU counters, etc. Your code must support the LRU replacement scheme and the random replacement scheme. For the
  • 42. LRU behavior, a block is considered to be the Least Recently Used if every other block in the cache has been read or written after the block in question. In other words, your simulator must implement a true LRU scheme, not an approximation. You must implement the write-through cache mode. You will receive extra credit if your code correctly supports the write-back cache mode (specified in the configuration file). Acceptable Compiler Versions The flip server provides GCC 4.8.5 for compiling your work. Unfortunately, this version is from 2015 and may not support newer C and C++ features. If you call the program using “gcc” (or “g++”) this is the version you will be using by default. If you wish to use a newer compiler version, I have compiled a copy of GCC 10.3 (released April 8, 2021). You may write your code using this compiler and you’re allowed to use any of the compiler features that are available. The compiler binaries are available in the path: /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/bin For example, in order to compile a C++ program with GCC 10.3, you could use the following command (on a single terminal line): /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/bin/g++ - ocache_sim -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/farm/class es/eecs/spring2021/cs472/public/gcc/lib64 my_source_code.cpp
  • 43. 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 8/13 If you use the Makefile that is provided in the starter code, it is already configured to use GCC 10.3. L2/L3 Cache Implementation (required for CS/ECE 572 students) Implement your cache simulator so that it can support up to 3 layers of cache. You can imagine that these caches are connected in a sequence. The CPU will first request information from the L1 cache. If the data is not available, the request will be forwarded to the L2 cache. If the L2 cache cannot fulfill the request, it will be passed to the L3 cache. If the L3 cache cannot fulfill the request, it will be fulfilled by main memory. It is important that the properties of each cache are read from the provided configuration file. As an example, it is possible to have a direct-mapped L1 cache that operates in cohort with an associative L2 cache. All of these details will be read from the configuration file. As with any programming project, you should be sure to test your code across a wide variety of scenarios to minimize the probability of an undiscovered bug. Cache Operation When multiple layers of cache are implemented, the L1 cache
  • 44. will no longer directly access main memory. Instead, the L1 cache will interact with the L2 cache. During the design process, you need to consider the various interactions that can occur. For example, if you are working with three write- through caches, than a single write request from the CPU will update the contents of L1, L2, L3, and main memory! ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ | | | | | | | | | | | CPU | <----> | L1 Cache | <----> | L2 Cache | <----> | L3 Cache | <----> | Main Memory | | | | | | | | | | | ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ Note that your program should still handle a configuration file that specifies an L1 cache (without any L2 or L3 present). In other words, you can think of your project as a more advanced version of the 472 implementation. 572 Extra Credit By default, your code is only expected to function with write- through caches. If you want to earn extra credit, also implement support for write-back caches. In this situation, you will need to track dirty cache blocks and properly handle the consequences of evictions. You will earn extra credit if your write-back design works with simple L1 implementations. You will receive additional extra credit if your code correctly handles multiple layers of write-back caches (e.g. the L1 and L2 caches are write-back, but L3 is write-through) .
  • 45. Simulator Operation 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 9/13 Your cache simulator will use a similar implementation as the single-level version but will parse the configuration file to determine if multiple caches are present. Input Information The input configuration file is as shown below. Note that it is backwards compatible with the 472 format. The exact length of the input configuration file will depend on the number of caches that are specified. 3 <-- this line indicates the number of caches in the simulation (this can be set to a maximum of 3) 230 <-- number of cycles required to write or read a block from main memory 8 <-- number of sets in L1 cache (will be a non-negative power of 2) 16 <-- L1 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of 2) 4 <-- L1 level of associativity (number of blocks per set) 1 <-- L1 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement, 1 for LRU)
  • 46. 1 <-- L1 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write- back) 13 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from the L1 cache (consider this to be the access time) 8 <-- number of sets in L2 cache (will be a non-negative power of 2) 32 <-- L2 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of 2) 4 <-- L2 level of associativity (number of blocks per set) 1 <-- L2 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement, 1 for LRU) 1 <-- L2 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write- back) 40 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from the L2 cache (consider this to be the access time) 64 <-- number of sets in L3 cache (will be a non-negative power of 2) 32 <-- L3 block size in bytes (will be a non-negative power of 2) 8 <-- L3 level of associativity (number of blocks per set) 0 <-- L3 replacement policy (will be 0 for random replacement, 1 for LRU) 0 <-- L3 write policy (will be 0 for write-through, 1 for write- back) 110 <-- number of cycles required to read or write a block from the L3 cache (consider this to be the access time) Cache Simulator Output The output file will contain nearly the same information as in the single-level version (see the general description provided in the black text). However, the format is expanded to contain information about
  • 47. each level of the cache. The general format of each output line is as follows (and can list up to 2 cache impacts for each level of the cache): operation address,size <total number_of_cycles> L1 <cache_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> L2 <cach e_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> L3 <cache_impact1> <cache_impact2> <...> The exact length of each line will vary, depending how many caches are in the simulation (as well as their interaction). For example, imagine a system that utilizes an L1 and L2 cache. If the L1 cache misses and the L2 cache hits, we might see something such as the following: L 04222caf,8 53 L1 miss L2 hit In this scenario, if the L1 cache hits, then the L2 cache will not be accessed and does not appear in the output. L 04222caf,8 13 L1 hit 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 10/13 Suppose L1, L2, and L3 all miss (implying that we had to access
  • 48. main memory): L 04222caf,8 393 L1 miss L2 miss L3 miss (M)odify operations are the most complex since they involve two sub-operations... a (L)oad immediately followed by a (S)tore. M 1ffefffd78,8 163 L1 miss eviction L2 miss L3 hit <-- notice that the Load portion of this (M)od ify operation caused an L1 miss, L2 miss, and L3 hit M 1ffefffd78,8 13 L1 hit <-- this line belongs to the store portion of the (M)odify operation The final lines of the output file are special. They will indicate the total number of hits, misses, and evictions for each specific cache. The very last line will indicate the total number of simulated cycles that were necessary to simulate the trace file, as well as the total number of read and write operations that were directly requested by the CPU. These lines should exactly match the following format (with values given in decimal): L1 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions> L2 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions> L3 Cache: Hits:<hits> Misses:<misses> Evictions:<evictions> Cycles:<number of total simulated cycles> Reads:<# of CPU read requests> Writes:<# of CPU write r equests> Project Write-Up Note: Any chart or graphs in your written report must have labels for both the vertical and horizontal axis.
  • 49. Undergraduates (CS/ECE 472) Part 1: Summarize your work in a well-written report. The report should be formatted in a professional format. Use images, charts, diagrams or other visual techniques to help convey your information to the reader. Explain how you implemented your cache simulator. You should provide enough information that a knowledgeable programmer would be able to draw a reasonably accurate block diagram of your program. What data structures did you use to implement your design? What were the primary challenges that you encountered while working on the project? Is there anything you would implement differently if you were to re-implement this project? How do you track the number of clock cycles needed to execute memory access instructions? Part 2: There is a general rule of thumb that a direct-mapped cache of size N has about the same miss rate as a 2-way set associative cache of size N/2. Your task is to use your cache simulator to conclude whether this rule of thumb is actually worth using. You may test your simulator using instructor-provided trace files (see the sample trace files section) or you may generate your own trace files from Linux executables (“wget”, “ls”, “hostid”, “cat /etc/motd”, etc). Simulate at least three trace files and compare the miss rates for a
  • 50. 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 11/13 direct-mapped cache versus a 2-way set associative cache of size N/2. For these cache simulations, choose a block size and number of indices so that the direct- mapped cache contains 64KiB of data. The 2-way set associative cache (for comparison) should then contain 32KiB of data. You are welcome to experiment with different block sizes/number of indices to see how your simulation results are affected. You could also simulate additional cache sizes to provide more comparison data. After you have obtained sufficient data to support your position, put your simulation results into a graphical plot and explain whether you agree with the aforementioned rule of thumb. Include this information in your written report. Part 3: If you chose to implement any extra credit tasks, be sure to include a thorough description of this work in the report. Graduate Students (CS/ECE 572) Part 1: Summarize your work in a well-written report. The report should be formatted in a professional format. Use images, charts, diagrams or other visual techniques to help convey your information to the reader. Explain how you implemented your cache simulator. You should provide enough information that a
  • 51. knowledgeable programmer would be able to draw a reasonably accurate block diagram of your program. What data structures did you use to implement your multi-level cache simulator? What were the primary challenges that you encountered while working on the project? Is there anything you would implement differently if you were to re-implement this project? How do you track the number of clock cycles needed to execute memory access instructions? Part 2: Using trace files provided by the instructor (see the sample trace files section), how does the miss rate and average memory access time (in cycles) vary when you simulate a machine with various levels of cache? Note that you can compute the average memory access time by considering the total number of read and write operations (requested by the CPU), along with the total number of simulated cycles that it took to fulfill the requests. Research a real-life CPU (it must contain at least an L2 cache) and simulate the performance with L1, L2, (and L3 caches if present). You can choose the specific model of CPU (be sure to describe your selection in your project documentation). This could be an Intel CPU, an AMD processor, or some other modern product. What is the difference in performance when you remove all caches except the L1 cache? Be sure to run this comparison with each of the three instructor-provided trace files. Provide written analysis to explain any differences in performance. Also be sure to provide graphs or charts to visually compare the difference in performance.
  • 52. Part 3: If you chose to implement any extra credit tasks, be sure to include a thorough description of this work in the report. Submission Guidelines 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 12/13 You will submit both your source code and a PDF file containing the typed report. Any chart or graphs in your written report must have labels for both the vertical and horizontal axis! For the source code, you must organize your source code/header files into a logical folder structure and create a tar file that contains the directory structure. Your code must be able to compile on If your code does not compile on the engineering servers you should expect to receive a 0 grade for all implementation portions of the grade. Your submission must include a Makefile that can be used to compile your project from source code. It is acceptable to adapt the example Makfile from the starter code. If you need a refresher, please see this helpful page (
  • 53. efiles.html) . If the Makefile is written correctly, the grader should be able to download your TAR file, extract it, and run the “make” command to compile your program. The resulting executable file should be named: “cache_sim”. Grading and Evaluation CS/CE 472 students can complete the 572 project if they prefer (and must complete the 572 write-up, rather than the undergraduate version). Extra credit will be awarded to 472 students who choose to complete this task. Your source code and the final project report will both be graded. Your code will be tested for proper functionality. All aspects of the code (cleanliness, correctness) and report (quality of writing, clarity, supporting evidence) will be considered in the grade. In short, you should be submitting professional quality work. You will lose points if your code causes a segmentation fault or terminates unexpectedly. The project is worth 200 points (100 points for the written report and 100 points for the the C/C++ implementation). Extra Credit Explanation The extra credit is as follows. Note that in order to earn full extra credit, the work must be well documented in your written report. ECE/CS 472 Extra Credit Opportunities
  • 54. 10 points - Implement and document write-back cache support. 30 points - Implement and document the 572 project instead of the 472 project. All 572 expectations must be met. ECE/CS 572 Extra Credit Opportunities 10 points - Implement and document write-back cache support for a system that contains only an L1 cache. 10 points (additional) - Extend your implementation so that it works with multiple layers of write-back caches. E.g. if a dirty L1 block is evicted, it should be written to the L2 cache and the corresponding files.html 2021/6/2 Final Project 14826 13/13 L2 block should be marked as dirty. Assuming that the L2 cache has sufficient space, the main memory would not be updated (yet). Errata This section of the assignment will be updated as changes and clarifications are made. Each entry here should have a date and brief description of the change so that you can look over the errata and easily see if any updates have been made since your last review.
  • 55. May 13th - Released the project guidelines. May 15th - Added note about fetch-on-write behavior for all caches. Added link to the starter code (written in C++). May 16th - Refined explanation to clarify that "fetch-on-write" only comes into play when the CPU tries to store a block that is not currently contained in the cache. May 31st - Added some additional configuration files that students can use while they are verifying their cache behavior. Updated information regarding GCC 10.3 (dropped GCC 11.1 because Valgrind wasn't entirely compatible). Added a "FAQ" section to clarify other details based on student questions. June 1st - The last line of the output file reflects the number of Load and Store operations (with a Modify counting as one of each) that the CPU directly requested. For clarification, even if a Load operation affects multiple cache blocks, it still counts as a single CPU read request. A similar reasoning applies to the CPU write counter.