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Front End Workshops
EmberJS - In Depth
Marc Torrent & Mario García
In previous workshops of
Remember the
ember-cli Router
Ember Data - Adapters &
Ember Data
Can be thought as a read-through cache
Single store - Central repository of models in your application
Beware of cache-backend desynchronization!
Ember Data
Communication with backend
How we access data
As of Ember Data 2.0, the default Adapter and Serializer follow JSON API format.
Ember Data
Format of the data
JSON API Specification
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Top level attribute “data”
Attribute names are dasherized
Attribute “type” should be pluralized
It’s about the data...
JSON API Specification
..but also about the end points!
Action HTTP Verb URL Response status*
Find GET /articles/123
200 - Successful
404 - Not found
Find All GET /articles
200 - Successful
404 - Not found
Update PATCH /articles/123
200 - Successful
204 - No Content
Create POST /articles
201 - Created
204 - No Content
Delete DELETE /articles/123
200 - Successful
204 - No Content
*More response statuses are possible. See the complete specification at
Extend/build your own adapters to fit your needs!
Priority rules apply between adapters!
How to communicate with backend
Customize your adapter (1 of 3)
// app/adapters/application.js
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: '',
namespace: 'api/v1'
store.findRecord('post', 1) GET request to
Host customization - Endpoint path customization
store.findAll('person') GET request to
store.findAll('user-profile') GET request to
Customize your adapter (2 of 3)
Type path customization
// app/adapters/application.js
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
pathForType(type) {
return Ember.String.underscore(type);
store.findRecord('post', 1) GET request to /post/1
store.findAll('person') GET request to /person
store.findAll('user-profile') GET request to /user_profile
Headers customization
// app/adapters/application.js
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
headers: {
'API_KEY': 'secret key',
'ANOTHER_HEADER': 'Some header value'
Customize your adapter (3 of 3)
Pluralization customization
Ember Inflector at your rescue!
Allows definition of irregular and uncountable pluralizations
Our API REST serves at the following endpoints:
➔ /formulae (instead of the regular form /formulas)
➔ /advice (instead of the pluralized form /advices) we have a PROBLEM?
Extend/build your own serializers to fit your needs!
Priority rules apply between serializers!
Define the format of the data
Serializing data sent to backend
Customize your serializer (1 of 4)
// JSON generated by Ember Data
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": "Product",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "SEK"
"type": "product"
// But server expects...
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": "Product",
"cost": {
"amount": 100,
"currency": "SEK"
"type": "product"
Change the format of the data sent to backend with the serialize() hook.
Normalizing data received from backend
Customize your serializer (2 of 4)
// Server response
"id": "1",
"body": "A comment!",
"date": {
"offset": "GMT+0200 (CEST)",
"value": "Tue Apr 05 2016"
// But Ember Data expects...
"id": "1",
"body": "A comment!",
"offset": "GMT+0200 (CEST)",
"value": "Tue Apr 05 2016"
Change the format of the data received from backend with the
normalizeResponse() hook.
Customize your serializer (3 of 4)
Specify your resource identifier key
through primaryKey property
export default DS.JSONSerializer.extend({
primaryKey: '_id'
Attribute names
If the JSON payload does not match your Ember model attribute names...
// app/models/person.js
export default DS.Model.extend({
lastName: DS.attr('string')
// app/serializers/person.js
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
attrs: {
lastName: 'lastNameOfPerson'
Custom transforms
Customize your serializer (4 of 4)
Use custom transforms if the server sends data that does not fit any Ember Data
built-in attributes (string, number, boolean and date)
A custom transform should implement the serialize() and deserialize()
Once implemented, it can be used as a regular type of attribute
Routing and Navigation
Routing - Implicit routes
ember g route users
ember g route users/edit
users users-error
*All routes have its .hbs associated templates
Routing - Serve more than one model
Promises, promises, promises!
Ember.RSVP.hash resolves when all its promises parameters resolve
Be extra careful when using hash in the model() hook in cases where the hook
is not executed*
Alternatively, you can use route nesting to load multiple models
More info in
Routing - Rendering a specific template
// app/routes/posts/new.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate() {
It is possible to render a specific template through the renderTemplate()
*Don’t Repeat Yourself
// app/routes/posts/edit.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate() {
Routing - Preventing and retrying transitions
Invoke transition.abort() to immediately abort the current transition
Store the transition object and re-attempt invoking transition.retry()
Every transition attempt fires the willTransition action on the current active
routes, starting with the leaf-most route
Ember Router passes a transition object to various hooks on the involved routes
export default Ember.Route.extend({
beforeModel(transition) {},
model(params, transition) {},
afterModel(model, transition) {}
Routing - Loading routes
When navigating to /users route, Ember will try to find loading templates*:
loading or application-loading
The router pauses transitions until the promises returned from beforeModel,
model and afterModel hooks fulfill
An intermediate transition into a loading substate happens immediately
The URL won’t be updated on the loading transition
A loading event will be fired on that route
Routing - Error routes
When an error occurs navigating to /users, Ember will try to find templates*:
error or application-error
Analogous approach to loading substates in the case of errors
An intermediate transition into an error substate happens in case of thrown
error or rejected promise
The URL won’t be updated on the error transition
An error event will be fired on that route
Routing - Query params
{{#link-to "episodes" (query-params filter="simp")}}Episodes{{/link-to}}
transitionTo('episodes', { queryParams: { filter: 'simp' }});
Query params are declared on route-driven controllers
Use controller’s queryParams property to bind query params and URL
Query params to backend
Query params in frontend
link-to helper
store.query('episodes', { filter: 'simp' });
➢ Data Binding in template attributes
➢ Links
➢ Actions
➢ Input Helpers
➢ Write your own helpers
Data Binding in Templates
Controller’s Properties
<div class=”_tomster”>
<img src={{tomster.img}}
DOM Attributes
<div class=”_tomster”>
<input type=”checkbox”
<img src={{tomster.img}}
{{#each cartoons as |cartoon|}}
<div class=”_cartoon”>
<input type=”checkbox”
<img src={{cartoon.img}}
Links: {{#link-to }}
A helper for links in our application without the need of using anchors and
href. function() {
this.route(‘cartoons’, function() {
this.route(‘cartoon’, {path: ‘/:cartoon_id’});
{{#each model as |cartoon|}}
<li>{{#link-to "cartoons.cartoon"
<li><a href="/cartoon/1">Columbus Tomster</a></li>
<li><a href="/cartoon/2">LTS Tomster</a></li>
Links: {{#link-to }} - Multiple Segments
We pass the model to the most inner nested route. The model() hook won’t be
called on routes where we specify the model through the link-to. function() {
this.route(‘cartoons’, function() {
this.route(cartoon, {path: ‘/:cartoon_id’},
function() {
this.route(‘spec’, {path: ‘/specs/:
{{#each cartoons as |cartoon|}}
{{#each cartoon.specs as |spec|}}
<li>{{#link-to "cartoons.cartoon.
spec" spec}}{{}}{{/link-to}}
Links: The Route that went away… (I)
Be careful with the structure of the templates and routes and beware of
models that you pass into the routes
Links: The Route that went away… (II)
Be careful with the structure of the templates and routes and beware of
models that you pass into the routes
Keep an eye on how you distribute your outlets and the relation between
index.hbs and the current template in our nested route.
Let’s see it in action!
Now you tell me what should I
place in the router - routes -
templates and link-to
1. Template helper for binding a DOM Event with a
2. It can accept parameters such as Ember.Objects, Models or basic data
3. You can also specify the type of event by using the “on” option
4. By default, actions prevent the default browser action on a DOM Element.
To turn down this behavior, pass the option preventDefault=false
Input Helpers {{input}} {{textarea}}
1. Template helper for <input> and <textarea> DOM Elements.
2. Forget about actions with inputs and use the the input helpers as EmberJS
provides out of the box 2-way data-binding
3. Pass HTML and HTML5 attributes
4. Use it also with radio and checkboxes
Write Your Own Helpers
Custom template helpers for your own needs. Keep an eye on addons to see if
someone else has already written the helper you need.
ember generate helper
That file should export a function
wrapped with Ember.Helper.
The function receives a bundle
destination as string as the first
parameter (params[0]) and the key
to look for as the second parameter
To pass multiple arguments to a
helper, add them as a space-
separated list after the helper name
Use named Parameters to make
behavior of helpers configurable
export function i18n([bundle, key], {lang,
toUpperCase}) {
let resource = dictionary[bundle][key],
translation = lang? resource[lang] :
return toUpperCase? translation.
toUpperCase() : translation;
export default Ember.Helper.helper(i18n);
<p>{{i18n "catalog" "category"
<p>{{i18n "catalog" "category"}}</p>
<p>{{i18n "catalog" "category"}}</p>
<p>{{i18n "catalog" "product"
Persistent Object that can be
accessed for all the application
modules though:
Services - For What?
Services are useful for features that require shared state or persistent connections.
User/session authentication
Web Sockets
Server-sent events or notifications
Server-backed API calls that may
not fit Ember Data
Third-party APIs
Services - and How can I use it?
Create the Service:
ember generate service i18n
Services must extend the
Ember.Service base class:
Basic Service Advanced Service
Use the service in an Ember Object or
i18n: Ember.inject.service()
The Service will be injected by the same
name we are assigning to a variable (i18n)
Components: Definition
➢ A reusable partial view (template with Handlebars) with controller that
can be combined with other components and contain other components.
❖ Components are used in route templates.
❖ They have a specific life cycle and can handle actions of their template and
also pass actions to their containing components, routes and controllers.
❖ At this moment components are not routable but soon they will become
routable and then, controllers will disappear.
❖ At this moment, EmberJS 2.4.0, All components need to be included inside
a template route that, by definition, has a Shim Controller.
❖ You can think of Components as widgets that are reusable through all our
application and that expose a template helper per usage.
ember generate component my-component
→ components/my-component.js
→ templates/my-component.hbs
Components: Passing Properties
➢ Pass Properties TOP - DOWN to components. Always from route
templates or other components to the destination component.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
{{#each model as |actor|}}
<li>{{actor-component actor=actor}}</li>
<div>{{}}<span {{action "toggleSection"}} style="margin-left: 5px;">{{more}}
{{#if showImage}}
<div><img src="{{actor.img}}" width="200px"></div>
Components: Wrapping Content
➢ Let the developer use your component by passing custom content into it.
○ The template using your component will pass an html block inside the
○ The component MUST define the {{yield}} expression in its template
○ The component MUST be used in block form: {{#my-component}}...
<div>{{yield}}<span {{action
{{#if showImage}}
<img src="{{actor.img}}" width="200px">
{{#each model as |actor|}}
<li>{{#actor-component actor=actor}}
Components: LifeCycle
➢ Access to hooks when the component is going to be rendered or
➢ It enables you to:
○ Direct DOM manipulation
○ Listening and responding to browser events
○ Using 3rd party JavaScript libraries in your Ember app
Initial Rendering:
1 init
2 didReceiveAttrs
3 willRender
4 didInsertElement
5 didRender
1 didUpdateAttrs
2 didReceiveAttrs
3 willUpdate
4 willRender
5 didUpdate
Component Destroy:
1 willDestroyElement
2 willClearRender
3 didDestroyElement
6 didRender
Components: Data Down - Actions Up
➢ Keep the idea that state (properties) always travels in one direction:
➢ Instead, event handling (actions) always travel in the opposite direction:
➢ Components and Controllers can handle actions from their contained
Components. See it as a data synchronization hub.
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
toggleSection() {
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
sectionShown(selectedActor) {
this.set('selectedActor', selectedActor);
{{actor-component actor=actor onSelected=(action "sectionShown")}}
Components: Transversal Communication
➢ In some situations components can not be on the same parent.
➢ We need a data-layer and a BUS using Pub-Sub
➢ For this purpose, use a Service extending Ember.Evented
export default Ember.Component.extend({
Appointment: Ember.inject.service(),
actions: {
complete() {
export default Ember.Component.extend({
appointment: Ember.inject.service(),
willRender() {
this, ‘onComplete’);
onComplete() {
// Do Something
Integration with 3rd party
Integrate into the Ember using the asset manifest file ember-cli-build.js
Integration with 3rd party libraries
If an Ember addon exists... Install via Ember CLI and you are ready to go!
Front-end dependencies can be installed through Bower Package Manager
Other assets can (and should) just be placed in the vendor folder of the project
development: 'bower_components/moment.js',
production: 'bower_components/moment.min.js'
app.import('vendor/amd.js', {
exports: {
'amd': ['raw', 'request']
Globals AMD Modules
Remember the
ember-cli Router
Routes Models
Thanks for your time!
Do you have any questions?
Workshop 17: EmberJS parte II

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Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVCWorkshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Visual Engineering
Workshop 7: Single Page Applications
Workshop 7: Single Page ApplicationsWorkshop 7: Single Page Applications
Workshop 7: Single Page Applications
Visual Engineering
Workshop 6: Designer tools
Workshop 6: Designer toolsWorkshop 6: Designer tools
Workshop 6: Designer tools
Visual Engineering
Workshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testingWorkshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testing
Visual Engineering
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
Visual Engineering

More from Visual Engineering (18)

Workshop 27: Isomorphic web apps with ReactJS
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Workshop 27: Isomorphic web apps with ReactJS
Workshop iOS 4: Closures, generics & operators
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Workshop iOS 3: Testing, protocolos y extensiones
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Workshop iOS 2: Swift - Structures
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Workshop iOS 2: Swift - Structures
Workhop iOS 1: Fundamentos de Swift
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Workhop iOS 1: Fundamentos de Swift
Workshop 24: React Native Introduction
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Workshop 24: React Native Introduction
Workshop 22: ReactJS Redux Advanced
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Workshop 22: ReactJS Redux Advanced
Workshop 21: React Router
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Workshop 21: React Router
Workshop 18: CSS Animations & cool effects
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Workshop 18: CSS Animations & cool effects
Workshop 15: Ionic framework
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Workshop 12: AngularJS Parte I
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Workshop 12: AngularJS Parte I
Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping
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Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping
Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6
Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6
Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6
Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVCWorkshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Workshop 9: BackboneJS y patrones MVC
Workshop 7: Single Page Applications
Workshop 7: Single Page ApplicationsWorkshop 7: Single Page Applications
Workshop 7: Single Page Applications
Workshop 6: Designer tools
Workshop 6: Designer toolsWorkshop 6: Designer tools
Workshop 6: Designer tools
Workshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testingWorkshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 5: JavaScript testing
Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.
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Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.

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Workshop 17: EmberJS parte II

  • 1. Front End Workshops EmberJS - In Depth Marc Torrent & Mario García
  • 2. In previous workshops of EmberJS...
  • 3. Remember the BIG PICTURE ember-cli Router Routes application.js Models Templates Components Ember-Data Controllers S E R V I C E S
  • 4. Ember Data - Adapters & Serializers
  • 5. Ember Data Application Route/Controller/Component Can be thought as a read-through cache Single store - Central repository of models in your application Beware of cache-backend desynchronization! Ember Data
  • 6. Communication with backend How we access data DS.Adapter DS.Serializer As of Ember Data 2.0, the default Adapter and Serializer follow JSON API format. REST API Ember Ember Data Format of the data
  • 7. JSON API Specification Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json Top level attribute “data” Attribute names are dasherized Attribute “type” should be pluralized It’s about the data...
  • 8. JSON API Specification ..but also about the end points! Action HTTP Verb URL Response status* Find GET /articles/123 200 - Successful 404 - Not found Find All GET /articles 200 - Successful 404 - Not found Update PATCH /articles/123 200 - Successful 204 - No Content Create POST /articles 201 - Created 204 - No Content Delete DELETE /articles/123 200 - Successful 204 - No Content *More response statuses are possible. See the complete specification at
  • 9. Adapters Extend/build your own adapters to fit your needs! Priority rules apply between adapters! DS.Adapter DS.JSONAPIAdapter DS.RESTAdapter How to communicate with backend
  • 10. Customize your adapter (1 of 3) // app/adapters/application.js export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({ host: '', namespace: 'api/v1' }); store.findRecord('post', 1) GET request to Host customization - Endpoint path customization store.findAll('person') GET request to store.findAll('user-profile') GET request to
  • 11. Customize your adapter (2 of 3) Type path customization // app/adapters/application.js export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({ pathForType(type) { return Ember.String.underscore(type); } }); store.findRecord('post', 1) GET request to /post/1 store.findAll('person') GET request to /person store.findAll('user-profile') GET request to /user_profile Headers customization // app/adapters/application.js export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({ headers: { 'API_KEY': 'secret key', 'ANOTHER_HEADER': 'Some header value' } });
  • 12. Customize your adapter (3 of 3) Pluralization customization Ember Inflector at your rescue! Allows definition of irregular and uncountable pluralizations Houston... Our API REST serves at the following endpoints: ➔ /formulae (instead of the regular form /formulas) ➔ /advice (instead of the pluralized form /advices) we have a PROBLEM?
  • 13. Serializers DS.Serializer DS.JSONAPISerializer DS.JSONSerializer DS.RESTSerializer Extend/build your own serializers to fit your needs! Priority rules apply between serializers! Define the format of the data
  • 14. Serializing data sent to backend Customize your serializer (1 of 4) // JSON generated by Ember Data { "data": { "attributes": { "name": "Product", "amount": 100, "currency": "SEK" }, "type": "product" } } // But server expects... { "data": { "attributes": { "name": "Product", "cost": { "amount": 100, "currency": "SEK" } }, "type": "product" } } Change the format of the data sent to backend with the serialize() hook.
  • 15. Normalizing data received from backend Customize your serializer (2 of 4) // Server response { "id": "1", "body": "A comment!", "date": { "offset": "GMT+0200 (CEST)", "value": "Tue Apr 05 2016" } } // But Ember Data expects... { "id": "1", "body": "A comment!", "offset": "GMT+0200 (CEST)", "value": "Tue Apr 05 2016" } Change the format of the data received from backend with the normalizeResponse() hook.
  • 16. Identifier Customize your serializer (3 of 4) Specify your resource identifier key through primaryKey property export default DS.JSONSerializer.extend({ primaryKey: '_id' }); Attribute names If the JSON payload does not match your Ember model attribute names... // app/models/person.js export default DS.Model.extend({ lastName: DS.attr('string') }); // app/serializers/person.js export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({ attrs: { lastName: 'lastNameOfPerson' } });
  • 17. Custom transforms Customize your serializer (4 of 4) Use custom transforms if the server sends data that does not fit any Ember Data built-in attributes (string, number, boolean and date) A custom transform should implement the serialize() and deserialize() Once implemented, it can be used as a regular type of attribute
  • 19. Routing - Implicit routes ember g route users ember g route users/edit application application-loading application-error index index-loading index-error users users-error users/index users-loading users/edit *All routes have its .hbs associated templates loading error users/edit-error users/edit-loading users/index-loading users/index-error users/loading users/error
  • 20. Routing - Serve more than one model Promises, promises, promises! Ember.RSVP.hash resolves when all its promises parameters resolve Be extra careful when using hash in the model() hook in cases where the hook is not executed* *See Alternatively, you can use route nesting to load multiple models More info in
  • 21. Routing - Rendering a specific template // app/routes/posts/new.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('posts/form'); } }); It is possible to render a specific template through the renderTemplate() hook. DRY*!!!!! *Don’t Repeat Yourself // app/routes/posts/edit.js export default Ember.Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('posts/form'); } });
  • 22. Routing - Preventing and retrying transitions Invoke transition.abort() to immediately abort the current transition Store the transition object and re-attempt invoking transition.retry() Every transition attempt fires the willTransition action on the current active routes, starting with the leaf-most route Ember Router passes a transition object to various hooks on the involved routes export default Ember.Route.extend({ beforeModel(transition) {}, model(params, transition) {}, afterModel(model, transition) {} });
  • 23. Routing - Loading routes When navigating to /users route, Ember will try to find loading templates*: users-loading loading or application-loading The router pauses transitions until the promises returned from beforeModel, model and afterModel hooks fulfill An intermediate transition into a loading substate happens immediately The URL won’t be updated on the loading transition *See A loading event will be fired on that route
  • 24. Routing - Error routes When an error occurs navigating to /users, Ember will try to find templates*: users-error error or application-error Analogous approach to loading substates in the case of errors An intermediate transition into an error substate happens in case of thrown error or rejected promise The URL won’t be updated on the error transition *See An error event will be fired on that route
  • 25. Routing - Query params {{#link-to "episodes" (query-params filter="simp")}}Episodes{{/link-to}} transitionTo('episodes', { queryParams: { filter: 'simp' }}); Query params are declared on route-driven controllers Use controller’s queryParams property to bind query params and URL Query params to backend Query params in frontend transitionTo link-to helper store.query('episodes', { filter: 'simp' });
  • 27. ➢ Data Binding in template attributes ➢ Links ➢ Actions ➢ Input Helpers ➢ Write your own helpers
  • 28. Data Binding in Templates Controller’s Properties <div class=”_tomster”> <img src={{tomster.img}} width=100> </div> DOM Attributes <div class=”_tomster”> <input type=”checkbox” disabled={{tomster.disabled}}> <img src={{tomster.img}} width=100> </div> Collections {{#each cartoons as |cartoon|}} <div class=”_cartoon”> <input type=”checkbox” disabled={{cartoon.disabled}}> <img src={{cartoon.img}} width=100> </div> {{/each}}
  • 29. Links: {{#link-to }} A helper for links in our application without the need of using anchors and href. function() { this.route(‘about’); this.route(‘cartoons’, function() { this.route(‘cartoon’, {path: ‘/:cartoon_id’}); }); }); <ul> {{#each model as |cartoon|}} <li>{{#link-to "cartoons.cartoon" cartoon}}{{}}{{/link-to}} </li> {{/each}} </ul> <ul> <li><a href="/cartoon/1">Columbus Tomster</a></li> <li><a href="/cartoon/2">LTS Tomster</a></li> </ul>
  • 30. Links: {{#link-to }} - Multiple Segments We pass the model to the most inner nested route. The model() hook won’t be called on routes where we specify the model through the link-to. function() { this.route(‘cartoons’, function() { this.route(cartoon, {path: ‘/:cartoon_id’}, function() { this.route(‘specs’); this.route(‘spec’, {path: ‘/specs/: spec_id’}); }); }); }); <ul> {{#each cartoons as |cartoon|}} {{#each cartoon.specs as |spec|}} <li>{{#link-to "cartoons.cartoon. spec" spec}}{{}}{{/link-to}} </li> {{/each}} {{/each}} </ul>
  • 31. Links: The Route that went away… (I) Be careful with the structure of the templates and routes and beware of models that you pass into the routes
  • 32. Links: The Route that went away… (II) Be careful with the structure of the templates and routes and beware of models that you pass into the routes Keep an eye on how you distribute your outlets and the relation between index.hbs and the current template in our nested route. Let’s see it in action! Now you tell me what should I place in the router - routes - templates and link-to
  • 33. Actions 1. Template helper for binding a DOM Event with a Controller/Route/Component. 2. It can accept parameters such as Ember.Objects, Models or basic data structures. 3. You can also specify the type of event by using the “on” option 4. By default, actions prevent the default browser action on a DOM Element. To turn down this behavior, pass the option preventDefault=false
  • 34. Input Helpers {{input}} {{textarea}} 1. Template helper for <input> and <textarea> DOM Elements. 2. Forget about actions with inputs and use the the input helpers as EmberJS provides out of the box 2-way data-binding 3. Pass HTML and HTML5 attributes 4. Use it also with radio and checkboxes
  • 35. Write Your Own Helpers Custom template helpers for your own needs. Keep an eye on addons to see if someone else has already written the helper you need. ember generate helper i18n That file should export a function wrapped with Ember.Helper. helper() The function receives a bundle destination as string as the first parameter (params[0]) and the key to look for as the second parameter (params[1]) To pass multiple arguments to a helper, add them as a space- separated list after the helper name Use named Parameters to make behavior of helpers configurable export function i18n([bundle, key], {lang, toUpperCase}) { let resource = dictionary[bundle][key], translation = lang? resource[lang] : resource[DEFAULT_LANG]; return toUpperCase? translation. toUpperCase() : translation; } export default Ember.Helper.helper(i18n); <p>{{i18n "catalog" "category" lang="es"}}</p> <p>{{i18n "catalog" "category"}}</p> <p>{{i18n "catalog" "category"}}</p> <p>{{i18n "catalog" "product" toUpperCase="true"}}</p>
  • 37. Routes Controllers Components Helpers ... Service Persistent Object that can be accessed for all the application modules though: Ember.inject.service()
  • 38. Services - For What? Services are useful for features that require shared state or persistent connections. User/session authentication Geolocation Web Sockets Server-sent events or notifications Server-backed API calls that may not fit Ember Data Third-party APIs Logging Internationalization
  • 39. Services - and How can I use it? Create the Service: ember generate service i18n Services must extend the Ember.Service base class: Ember.Service.extend({}); Basic Service Advanced Service Use the service in an Ember Object or inherited: i18n: Ember.inject.service() The Service will be injected by the same name we are assigning to a variable (i18n) USE YOUR IMAGINATION, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
  • 42. Components: Definition ➢ A reusable partial view (template with Handlebars) with controller that can be combined with other components and contain other components. ❖ Components are used in route templates. ❖ They have a specific life cycle and can handle actions of their template and also pass actions to their containing components, routes and controllers. ❖ At this moment components are not routable but soon they will become routable and then, controllers will disappear. ❖ At this moment, EmberJS 2.4.0, All components need to be included inside a template route that, by definition, has a Shim Controller. ❖ You can think of Components as widgets that are reusable through all our application and that expose a template helper per usage. ember generate component my-component → components/my-component.js → templates/my-component.hbs <ul> <li>{{my-component}}</li> </ul>
  • 43. Components: Passing Properties ➢ Pass Properties TOP - DOWN to components. Always from route templates or other components to the destination component. export default Ember.Route.extend({ model() { return'actor'); } }); <ul> {{#each model as |actor|}} <li>{{actor-component actor=actor}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> <div>{{}}<span {{action "toggleSection"}} style="margin-left: 5px;">{{more}} </span></div> {{#if showImage}} <div><img src="{{actor.img}}" width="200px"></div> {{/if}}
  • 44. Components: Wrapping Content ➢ Let the developer use your component by passing custom content into it. ○ The template using your component will pass an html block inside the component ○ The component MUST define the {{yield}} expression in its template ○ The component MUST be used in block form: {{#my-component}}... {{/my-component}} <div>{{yield}}<span {{action "toggleSection"}}>{{more}}</span> </div> {{#if showImage}} <div> <img src="{{actor.img}}" width="200px"> </div> {{/if}} <ul> {{#each model as |actor|}} <li>{{#actor-component actor=actor}} <p>{{}}</p> {{/actor-component}} </li> {{/each}} </ul>
  • 45. Components: LifeCycle ➢ Access to hooks when the component is going to be rendered or destroyed. ➢ It enables you to: ○ Direct DOM manipulation ○ Listening and responding to browser events ○ Using 3rd party JavaScript libraries in your Ember app Initial Rendering: 1 init 2 didReceiveAttrs 3 willRender 4 didInsertElement 5 didRender Re-Rendering: 1 didUpdateAttrs 2 didReceiveAttrs 3 willUpdate 4 willRender 5 didUpdate Component Destroy: 1 willDestroyElement 2 willClearRender 3 didDestroyElement 6 didRender
  • 46. Components: Data Down - Actions Up ➢ Keep the idea that state (properties) always travels in one direction: TOP - DOWN. ➢ Instead, event handling (actions) always travel in the opposite direction: BOTTOM-UP. ➢ Components and Controllers can handle actions from their contained Components. See it as a data synchronization hub. export default Ember.Component.extend({ actions: { toggleSection() { this.toggleProperty('showImage'); this.get('onSelected')(this); } } export default Ember.Controller.extend({ actions: { sectionShown(selectedActor) { this.set('selectedActor', selectedActor); } } }); {{actor-component actor=actor onSelected=(action "sectionShown")}}
  • 47. Components: Transversal Communication ➢ In some situations components can not be on the same parent. ➢ We need a data-layer and a BUS using Pub-Sub ➢ For this purpose, use a Service extending Ember.Evented export default Ember.Component.extend({ Appointment: Ember.inject.service(), actions: { complete() { this.get(‘appointment’).trigger(‘complete’); } } }); export default Ember.Component.extend({ appointment: Ember.inject.service(), willRender() { this.get(‘appoinment’).on(‘complete’, this, ‘onComplete’); }, onComplete() { // Do Something } });
  • 48. Integration with 3rd party libraries
  • 49. Integrate into the Ember using the asset manifest file ember-cli-build.js Integration with 3rd party libraries If an Ember addon exists... Install via Ember CLI and you are ready to go! Front-end dependencies can be installed through Bower Package Manager Other assets can (and should) just be placed in the vendor folder of the project app.import({ development: 'bower_components/moment.js', production: 'bower_components/moment.min.js' }); app.import('vendor/amd.js', { exports: { 'amd': ['raw', 'request'] } }); Globals AMD Modules
  • 50.
  • 51. Remember the BIG PICTURE ember-cli Router Routes Models Templates Components Ember-Data Controllers S E R V I C E S
  • 52.
  • 53. Thanks for your time! Do you have any questions?