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    Intelligent Wireless Traffic Signal Controller

    Why Dig Roads
    If you can install them in air?
    C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram has deployed Wi-TraC, a wireless traffic signal controller developed by it, at one of the
    busy junctions in Thiruvanthapuram on a trial basis. If this proves successful, the problems posed by the conventional
    traffic signal controllers might become a thing of the past.

                                     -DAC Thiruvananthapuram has developed a           2’x 2’x 3’ pedestal on the pavement. This normally
                                     Wireless Traffic Signal Controller (Wi-TraC)      obstructs pedestrian movement. Further, in a con-
                                     with distinct advantages over conventional        ventional traffic controller all the signal lamps or
                             traffic signal controllers. The impetus for developing    poles are physically linked to the control electronics
                             the Wi-TraC has been the increasing problems with         through copper cables. This requires digging one-
                             conventional controllers. Due to the tremendous in-       foot wide and one-and-a-half foot deep ducts across
                             crease in vehicles, number of roads and the number        the road from the traffic controller equipment to
                             of road intersections, the need for traffic controllers   the signal poles, installing Hume pipes in the ducts
                             is increasing every day. But installing conventional,     and pulling multi-core armoured cable through the
                             wired traffic controllers is difficult for the agencies   pipes. Often, this process damages good roads, se-
                             involved.                                                 riously affecting their life span. Disturbance to road
                                                                                       users, both drivers and pedestrians, and possibil-
                                The traditional way of installing conventional traf-
                                                                                       ity of damaging other utilities such as telephone
                             fic controllers is to mount the controller box on a
                                                                                       cables, electric cables and water lines are other

2   TrafficInfraTech • December ’11 - January ’12 •

                                                                                                               Hume Pipe


                                                                                                                                     Figure 3: Traditional
                                                                                                                                     way of installing Traffic
                                                                                                                                     Signal Controllers
Figure 1: Conventional Traffic Signal Controller installed on the pavement

hazards. Added to this is the fact that                     The Wi-TraC wireless traffic controller,        features, energy efficiency and size.
digging of roads during monsoon is often                 developed with funding from Department             Since it is small and pole mountable, it
very difficult, if not impossible. Acquiring             of Technology (DIT), eliminates most of            does not occupy any space on the pave-
permissions from various local authorities               these problems. It is an Area Traffic Con-         ment. It is in fact a cost effective solution
for digging the roads is another hurdle. A               trol System (ATCS) compatible Vehicle              for all the issues listed above – no dig-
principal reason for the high cost of install-           Actuated (VA) road traffic signal control-         ging, no Hume pipes and no armoured
ing conventional traffic signal controllers is           ler, the most sophisticated of its class. It       cables. The Wi-TraC is designed to oper-
the extensive digging and cable work re-                 has many advantages over conventional              ate on solar power. It has GPS enabled
quired.                                                  traffic controllers in terms of functional         Real-time Clock (RTC) for distributed
                                                                                                             time synchronisation. The result is easy
                                                                                                             installation, high availability (no cable
Figure 2: Wi-TraC Master and Slave Controller installed on signal poles
                                                                                                             faults or RTC corruption) and less cost
                                                                                                             of installation.
                                                                                                                The Wi-TraC is a 32-bit microcontroller-
                                                                                                             based intelligent road traffic controller
                                                                                                             with a distributed architecture. It consists
                                                                                                             of a master controller and a number of
                                                                                                             slave controllers. The traffic junction plan
                                                                                                             resides in the master controller. Every is-
                                                                                                             land or signal pole has a slave controller.
                                                                                                             The signal lamps are driven from the mas-
                                                                                                             ter controller and the slave controller of
                                                                                                             the respective signal poles. The number of
                                                                                                             slave controllers required depends on the
                                                                                                             junction geometry, e.g. for a four-arm traf-
                                                                                                             fic intersection, one master controller and
                                                                                                             three slave controllers will be required. The
                                                                                                             Wi-TraC can support up to 16 slave con-
                                                                                                             trollers. The master-slave communication
                                                                                                             is done on the 2.4 GHz license-free band.
                                                                                                             In situations where signals are jammed on
                                                                                                             the 2.4GHz band, the Wi-TraC automati-
                                                                                                             cally switches to the backup frequency of
                                                                                                             868MHz that is also license-free.

                                                                    • December ’11 - January ’12 • TrafficInfraTech            3

                                                                            Figure 4: Damaged
                                                                                                     The Wi-TraC user interface contains a
                                                                            pavement due to       20x4 LCD display and a 5x4 keypad. Traf-
                                                                            traffic signal        fic plan data is entered through the user
                                                                                                  interface or with a laptop or, if networked
                                                                                                  to the traffic monitoring centre, down-
                                                                                                  loaded from the remote computer. Wi-TraC
                                                                                                  has 16 optically isolated vehicle detector
                                                                                                  interfaces compatible with both inductive
                                                                                                  loop detection and camera based virtual
                                                                                                  loop detection – the most common meth-
                                                                                                  ods of vehicle detection. The GPS enabled
                                                                                                  RTC ensures accurate real-time clock to
                                                                                                  synchronise with the adjacent intersec-
                                                                                                  tion controller. Police personnel can use
                                                                                                  the wireless police panel interface to put
                                                                                                  the traffic lights at the intersection in flash
                                                                                                  mode, manual mode and hurry call mode
                                                                                                  or they can even turn off the lights with
                                                                                                  a hand-held remote control. The Wi-TraC
                                                                                                  supports PC interface for reading and writ-
                                                                                                  ing plans and configurations. It is also pos-
                                                                                                  sible to do the plan editing remotely from
                                                                                                  the ATCS.
                                                                                                     The Wi-TraC consumes significantly less
                                                                                                  power than solar powered conventional traf-
                                                                                                  fic controllers too because it operates on 12V
                                                                                                  DC whereas conventional controllers operate
                                                                                                  on 24V DC. The size of the Wi-TraC panel
                                                                                                  is also much smaller as a consequence. An-
                                                                                                  other important feature of the Wi-TraC is its
                                                                                                  ability to control intensity of the signal lamps
                                                                                                  through Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
                                                                                                  Luminosity designed for daytime, operation
                                                                                                  of signal lamps can be quite disturbing for
                                                                                                  motorists during night. But with the Wi-
                                                                                                  TraC, the intensity of the signal lamps can
                                                                                                  be decreased during night as they can be
                                                                                                  programmed to operate with different signal
                                                                                                  intensities depending on the ambient light.
                                                                                                  This also helps in saving a significant amount
                                                                                                  of power. Moreover, since Wi-TraC does not
                                                                                                  use armoured cable for interconnecting the
                                                                                                  master controller and the signal heads, an
                                                                                                  average saving of 30% to 40% in civil work,
    Figure 5: Wireless                                                                            and laying of cables, pipes and conduits has
    Traffic Controller
                                                                                                  been envisaged compared to the convention-
                                                                                                  al traffic signal installation.
       For switching the signal lamps, the mas-   packets, the master controller retransmits
                                                                                                  Modes of Operation
    ter controller establishes communication      the commands. When the master control-
    link with the slave controllers by sending    ler fails, all slaves go into Flashing Yellow    The Wi-TraC supports the following
    wireless ping commands. An acknowledge-       mode after a preset time-out period. In         modes of operation
    ment received from the slave controller in-   case of failure of any slave controller, all
                                                                                                    Fixed: The input signals from the vehicle
    dicates that the link has been established.   other slaves and the master go into Flash-
                                                                                                  detection system are ignored in this mode.
    The master controller then sends informa-     ing Yellow mode and this information is
                                                                                                  The controller will operate with fixed time
    tion of the lamp outputs to the slave con-    logged locally as well as sent to the remote
                                                                                                  periods from the timetable. The controller
    troller whenever a stage change occurs.       server (if linked to the traffic monitoring
                                                                                                  always starts from Stage 1 on restart.
    The slave controller decodes the logic and    centre) for taking action. All packets of
    switches on the lamp as per the pattern       communication are encrypted by 128 bit             Vehicle Actuated: The Vehicle Actuated
    of commands received. In case of dropped      AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).             strategy allocates green time to a running

4   TrafficInfraTech • December ’11 - January ’12 •

phase within the constraints of a fixed mini-         The Vehicle phase contains three signal      plan time or on hardware failure will force
mum and maximum green time setting for             aspects, viz. red, amber and green. The         the signals into Flashing Amber.
the phase. This depends on the real-time           termination of vehicle phase is always with
                                                                                                     Start Amber Plan: The Start Amber is a
demand reported by the vehicle detectors.          amber. The sequence of signal switching
                                                                                                   programmable interval for a period of five
With fully actuated control, all signal phases     is red-green-amber-red. The Pedestrian
                                                                                                   to 10 seconds. The Start Amber executes
are actuated and all signalised movements          phase contains two signal aspects, viz.
                                                                                                   the Flashing signal for the programmed
require detection.                                 red and green. The termination of pedes-
                                                                                                   interval followed by All Red when the Wi-
                                                   trian phase can be either red flash or green
  ATCS: The controller will execute the sig-                                                       TraC powers up.
                                                   flash. The sequence of signal switching is
nal timing proposed by the ATCS server.
                                                   red-green-red flash or green flash-red.            Red Extension Plan: When a right-of-
  Coordinated (Cable-less): The Cable-                                                             way is terminated, opening of the next right-
                                                      The Filter green phase provides signal
less Linking Facility allows a method of co-                                                       of-way is delayed by a time period called
                                                   for the right turning traffic. When linked
ordinating traffic signals along a route and/                                                      Red Extension. With no continuing phase,
                                                   with a vehicle phase the termination of fil-
or in an area using timing information. The                                                        this gives an effect of all red between stage
                                                   ter green is blackout. Otherwise, it flashes
Distributed Time Synchronisation (DTS) is                                                          changes. The Red Extension gives an ad-
                                                   for a few seconds before termination. The
achieved by GPS enabled Real-time Clock                                                            ditional clearance time after the Amber. The
                                                   Indicative green phase is a continuously
in the controller.                                                                                 Red Extension is a programmable period of
                                                   flashing signal which provides signal for
                                                                                                   zero to five seconds.
  Manual: Manual operation of the traffic          the left turning traffic. The termination of
signal stage sequence is required to cater         indicative green is always blackout.              The Wi-TraC keeps an error log and reports
to situations such as abnormal congestion,                                                         error like lamp failure, output short circuit,
                                                      Dummy Phase is a filter to manage the
accidents, breakdowns and other special                                                            green-green conflict, detector failure, com-
                                                   lane change at the detection zone in Ve-
occasions. In Manual mode the stages ap-                                                           munication failure and power failure. Both
                                                   hicle Actuated mode of signal operation.
pear in the order specified in the timetable                                                       Master and Slave controllers are pole mount-
                                                   This is not associated with any signal lamp
with time periods defined by the person                                                            able in IP65 compliant cabinet. The system
                                                   but the signal timing is based on the detec-
manning the junction.                                                                              provides easy access to the user interface
                                                   tion input to the Dummy phase.
                                                                                                   and control electronics for enhanced service-
  Hurry Call: The purpose of Hurry Call is
                                                      32 – Stage Plan: A stage can primar-         ability. Provision to house vehicle detectors
to give prioritised right of way to certain
                                                   ily be considered as a condition of traffic     inside the cabinet is also available.
vehicles on demand. A maximum of four
                                                   lights during a period of the cycle, which
hurry calls can be predefined in the sys-                                                            The trial results have been favourable
                                                   gives right-of-way to one or more traffic
tem, and are activated through switches                                                            and satisfactory for using Wi-TraC in 24x7
on the police control panel.                                                                       operations. C-DAC also plans to install Wi-
                                                    24 - Cycle Plan: Cycle is a scheme in          TraC at Pune in the near future.
  Flash Mode: In the Flash mode, selected
                                                   which stages are given some fixed order.
lamps are made to flash. The lamps can
be amber, red or a combination of both.               20 - Day Plan: Day Plan is the distribu-
This mode can be selected either through           tion of cycle plans for a particular day.
timetable or by control switch.
                                                     4 - Week Plan: Week Plan is the distri-
Signal Plans                                       bution of available day plans for a week.
  The Wi-TraC supports various signal                20 - Special Day plan: Holidays fall-
                                                                                                                P Ravikumar
plans as listed below:                             ing on normal weekdays can be treated
                                                                                                          Joint Director, CDAC
                                                   as special days and can have a different
  32 - Phase Plan: A Phase is a right-of-                                                                 Thiruvananthapuram
                                                   day plan, selected from the available day
way signal that is defined by one, two or
three signal lights.
                                                      All Red Plan: A condition when only
 S.   Phase        Symbol No. of                   red aspects are displayed. The All Red is
 No   Type                Lamps                    executed when an abrupt signal change                           R Prakash
 1    Vehicle      V      3        ×    ×      ×
                                                   is required (e.g. power up, flash-to-signal,
                                                                                                        Senior Engineer, CDAC
                                                   manual-to-auto, hurry call-to-auto, etc).
                                                   This is a programmable interval from 0 to              Thiruvananthapuram
 2    Pedes-       P      2        ×    ×
      trian                                        5 seconds.
 3    Filter       F      1        ×                  Conflict Plan: Any two phases that are          (The authors wish to acknowledge the valu-
      Green                                                                                        able help received from the Department of In-
                                                   not allowed simultaneously are defined as       formation Technology, Ministry of Communica-
 4    Indicative   I      1        ×               conflicting phases. The Conflict plan is a      tions & Information Technology, Govt. of India,
      Green                                        listing of all conflicting groups. The system   Traffic Signals Division, KELTRON, Trivandrum
                                                   supports listing of all possible conflicting    and Thiruvananthapuram Road Development
 5    Dummy        D      0
                                                                                                   Company Limited (TRDCL) in the development
                                                   phases. A conflict detected either at the       of Wi-TraC).

                                                       • December ’11 - January ’12 • TrafficInfraTech             5

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Wireless traffic controller

  • 1. NEW TECHNOLOGY Intelligent Wireless Traffic Signal Controller Why Dig Roads If you can install them in air? C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram has deployed Wi-TraC, a wireless traffic signal controller developed by it, at one of the busy junctions in Thiruvanthapuram on a trial basis. If this proves successful, the problems posed by the conventional traffic signal controllers might become a thing of the past. C -DAC Thiruvananthapuram has developed a 2’x 2’x 3’ pedestal on the pavement. This normally Wireless Traffic Signal Controller (Wi-TraC) obstructs pedestrian movement. Further, in a con- with distinct advantages over conventional ventional traffic controller all the signal lamps or traffic signal controllers. The impetus for developing poles are physically linked to the control electronics the Wi-TraC has been the increasing problems with through copper cables. This requires digging one- conventional controllers. Due to the tremendous in- foot wide and one-and-a-half foot deep ducts across crease in vehicles, number of roads and the number the road from the traffic controller equipment to of road intersections, the need for traffic controllers the signal poles, installing Hume pipes in the ducts is increasing every day. But installing conventional, and pulling multi-core armoured cable through the wired traffic controllers is difficult for the agencies pipes. Often, this process damages good roads, se- involved. riously affecting their life span. Disturbance to road users, both drivers and pedestrians, and possibil- The traditional way of installing conventional traf- ity of damaging other utilities such as telephone fic controllers is to mount the controller box on a cables, electric cables and water lines are other 2 TrafficInfraTech • December ’11 - January ’12 •
  • 2. NEW TECHNOLOGY Controller Hume Pipe Armoured Cable Figure 3: Traditional way of installing Traffic Signal Controllers Figure 1: Conventional Traffic Signal Controller installed on the pavement hazards. Added to this is the fact that The Wi-TraC wireless traffic controller, features, energy efficiency and size. digging of roads during monsoon is often developed with funding from Department Since it is small and pole mountable, it very difficult, if not impossible. Acquiring of Technology (DIT), eliminates most of does not occupy any space on the pave- permissions from various local authorities these problems. It is an Area Traffic Con- ment. It is in fact a cost effective solution for digging the roads is another hurdle. A trol System (ATCS) compatible Vehicle for all the issues listed above – no dig- principal reason for the high cost of install- Actuated (VA) road traffic signal control- ging, no Hume pipes and no armoured ing conventional traffic signal controllers is ler, the most sophisticated of its class. It cables. The Wi-TraC is designed to oper- the extensive digging and cable work re- has many advantages over conventional ate on solar power. It has GPS enabled quired. traffic controllers in terms of functional Real-time Clock (RTC) for distributed time synchronisation. The result is easy installation, high availability (no cable Figure 2: Wi-TraC Master and Slave Controller installed on signal poles faults or RTC corruption) and less cost of installation. The Wi-TraC is a 32-bit microcontroller- based intelligent road traffic controller with a distributed architecture. It consists of a master controller and a number of slave controllers. The traffic junction plan resides in the master controller. Every is- land or signal pole has a slave controller. The signal lamps are driven from the mas- ter controller and the slave controller of the respective signal poles. The number of slave controllers required depends on the junction geometry, e.g. for a four-arm traf- fic intersection, one master controller and three slave controllers will be required. The Wi-TraC can support up to 16 slave con- trollers. The master-slave communication is done on the 2.4 GHz license-free band. In situations where signals are jammed on the 2.4GHz band, the Wi-TraC automati- cally switches to the backup frequency of 868MHz that is also license-free. • December ’11 - January ’12 • TrafficInfraTech 3
  • 3. NEW TECHNOLOGY Figure 4: Damaged The Wi-TraC user interface contains a pavement due to 20x4 LCD display and a 5x4 keypad. Traf- traffic signal fic plan data is entered through the user installation interface or with a laptop or, if networked to the traffic monitoring centre, down- loaded from the remote computer. Wi-TraC has 16 optically isolated vehicle detector interfaces compatible with both inductive loop detection and camera based virtual loop detection – the most common meth- ods of vehicle detection. The GPS enabled RTC ensures accurate real-time clock to synchronise with the adjacent intersec- tion controller. Police personnel can use the wireless police panel interface to put the traffic lights at the intersection in flash mode, manual mode and hurry call mode or they can even turn off the lights with a hand-held remote control. The Wi-TraC supports PC interface for reading and writ- ing plans and configurations. It is also pos- sible to do the plan editing remotely from the ATCS. The Wi-TraC consumes significantly less power than solar powered conventional traf- fic controllers too because it operates on 12V DC whereas conventional controllers operate on 24V DC. The size of the Wi-TraC panel is also much smaller as a consequence. An- other important feature of the Wi-TraC is its ability to control intensity of the signal lamps through Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Luminosity designed for daytime, operation of signal lamps can be quite disturbing for motorists during night. But with the Wi- TraC, the intensity of the signal lamps can be decreased during night as they can be programmed to operate with different signal intensities depending on the ambient light. This also helps in saving a significant amount of power. Moreover, since Wi-TraC does not use armoured cable for interconnecting the master controller and the signal heads, an average saving of 30% to 40% in civil work, Figure 5: Wireless and laying of cables, pipes and conduits has Traffic Controller Architecture been envisaged compared to the convention- al traffic signal installation. For switching the signal lamps, the mas- packets, the master controller retransmits Modes of Operation ter controller establishes communication the commands. When the master control- link with the slave controllers by sending ler fails, all slaves go into Flashing Yellow The Wi-TraC supports the following wireless ping commands. An acknowledge- mode after a preset time-out period. In modes of operation ment received from the slave controller in- case of failure of any slave controller, all Fixed: The input signals from the vehicle dicates that the link has been established. other slaves and the master go into Flash- detection system are ignored in this mode. The master controller then sends informa- ing Yellow mode and this information is The controller will operate with fixed time tion of the lamp outputs to the slave con- logged locally as well as sent to the remote periods from the timetable. The controller troller whenever a stage change occurs. server (if linked to the traffic monitoring always starts from Stage 1 on restart. The slave controller decodes the logic and centre) for taking action. All packets of switches on the lamp as per the pattern communication are encrypted by 128 bit Vehicle Actuated: The Vehicle Actuated of commands received. In case of dropped AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). strategy allocates green time to a running 4 TrafficInfraTech • December ’11 - January ’12 •
  • 4. NEW TECHNOLOGY phase within the constraints of a fixed mini- The Vehicle phase contains three signal plan time or on hardware failure will force mum and maximum green time setting for aspects, viz. red, amber and green. The the signals into Flashing Amber. the phase. This depends on the real-time termination of vehicle phase is always with Start Amber Plan: The Start Amber is a demand reported by the vehicle detectors. amber. The sequence of signal switching programmable interval for a period of five With fully actuated control, all signal phases is red-green-amber-red. The Pedestrian to 10 seconds. The Start Amber executes are actuated and all signalised movements phase contains two signal aspects, viz. the Flashing signal for the programmed require detection. red and green. The termination of pedes- interval followed by All Red when the Wi- trian phase can be either red flash or green ATCS: The controller will execute the sig- TraC powers up. flash. The sequence of signal switching is nal timing proposed by the ATCS server. red-green-red flash or green flash-red. Red Extension Plan: When a right-of- Coordinated (Cable-less): The Cable- way is terminated, opening of the next right- The Filter green phase provides signal less Linking Facility allows a method of co- of-way is delayed by a time period called for the right turning traffic. When linked ordinating traffic signals along a route and/ Red Extension. With no continuing phase, with a vehicle phase the termination of fil- or in an area using timing information. The this gives an effect of all red between stage ter green is blackout. Otherwise, it flashes Distributed Time Synchronisation (DTS) is changes. The Red Extension gives an ad- for a few seconds before termination. The achieved by GPS enabled Real-time Clock ditional clearance time after the Amber. The Indicative green phase is a continuously in the controller. Red Extension is a programmable period of flashing signal which provides signal for zero to five seconds. Manual: Manual operation of the traffic the left turning traffic. The termination of signal stage sequence is required to cater indicative green is always blackout. The Wi-TraC keeps an error log and reports to situations such as abnormal congestion, error like lamp failure, output short circuit, Dummy Phase is a filter to manage the accidents, breakdowns and other special green-green conflict, detector failure, com- lane change at the detection zone in Ve- occasions. In Manual mode the stages ap- munication failure and power failure. Both hicle Actuated mode of signal operation. pear in the order specified in the timetable Master and Slave controllers are pole mount- This is not associated with any signal lamp with time periods defined by the person able in IP65 compliant cabinet. The system but the signal timing is based on the detec- manning the junction. provides easy access to the user interface tion input to the Dummy phase. and control electronics for enhanced service- Hurry Call: The purpose of Hurry Call is 32 – Stage Plan: A stage can primar- ability. Provision to house vehicle detectors to give prioritised right of way to certain ily be considered as a condition of traffic inside the cabinet is also available. vehicles on demand. A maximum of four lights during a period of the cycle, which hurry calls can be predefined in the sys- The trial results have been favourable gives right-of-way to one or more traffic tem, and are activated through switches and satisfactory for using Wi-TraC in 24x7 movements. on the police control panel. operations. C-DAC also plans to install Wi- 24 - Cycle Plan: Cycle is a scheme in TraC at Pune in the near future. Flash Mode: In the Flash mode, selected which stages are given some fixed order. lamps are made to flash. The lamps can be amber, red or a combination of both. 20 - Day Plan: Day Plan is the distribu- This mode can be selected either through tion of cycle plans for a particular day. timetable or by control switch. 4 - Week Plan: Week Plan is the distri- Signal Plans bution of available day plans for a week. The Wi-TraC supports various signal 20 - Special Day plan: Holidays fall- P Ravikumar plans as listed below: ing on normal weekdays can be treated Joint Director, CDAC as special days and can have a different 32 - Phase Plan: A Phase is a right-of- Thiruvananthapuram day plan, selected from the available day way signal that is defined by one, two or plans. three signal lights. All Red Plan: A condition when only S. Phase Symbol No. of red aspects are displayed. The All Red is Group No Type Lamps executed when an abrupt signal change R Prakash 1 Vehicle V 3 × × × is required (e.g. power up, flash-to-signal, Senior Engineer, CDAC manual-to-auto, hurry call-to-auto, etc). This is a programmable interval from 0 to Thiruvananthapuram 2 Pedes- P 2 × × trian 5 seconds. 3 Filter F 1 × Conflict Plan: Any two phases that are (The authors wish to acknowledge the valu- Green able help received from the Department of In- not allowed simultaneously are defined as formation Technology, Ministry of Communica- 4 Indicative I 1 × conflicting phases. The Conflict plan is a tions & Information Technology, Govt. of India, Green listing of all conflicting groups. The system Traffic Signals Division, KELTRON, Trivandrum supports listing of all possible conflicting and Thiruvananthapuram Road Development 5 Dummy D 0 Company Limited (TRDCL) in the development phases. A conflict detected either at the of Wi-TraC). • December ’11 - January ’12 • TrafficInfraTech 5