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WIPAC MONTHLYThe Monthly Update from Water Industry Process Automation & Control										Issue 7/2020- July 2020
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In this Issue
WIPAC Monthly is a publication of the Water Industry Process Automation & Control Group. It is produced by the group
manager and WIPAC Monthly Editor, Oliver Grievson. This is a free publication for the benefit of the Water Industry and please
feel free to distribute to any who you may feel benefit. However due to the ongoing costs of WIPAC Monthly a donation website
has been set up to allow readers to contribute to the running of WIPAC & WIPAC Monthly, For those wishing to donate then
please visit all donations will be used solely for the benefit and development of WIPAC.
All enquires about WIPAC Monthly, including those who want to publish news or articles within these pages, should be directed 	
to the publications editor, Oliver Grievson at
From the editor............................................................................................................. 3
Industry news..............................................................................................................
Highlights of the news of the month from the global water industry centred around the successes of a few
of the companies in the global market.
4 - 11
Controlling the activated sludge process.......................................................................
In a follow up article to this month’s 5th WIPAC Webinar our feature article attempts to cover the key points
discussed. These include understanding the principles of activated sludge plant control using a model-based
approach and utilising this to deliver innovations in treatment works design and all the way to using monitoring
innovations deliver both energy and environmental efficiency
IoT remote monitoring takes asset management to new heights.................................
In this article, which was originally published in Water Online, the technology company - Trimble Water takes
a look at Digital Transformation solutions for remote asset management and performance monitoring across a
water company’s estate.
16 - 19
In this reprint of this case study from a couple of year’s ago we look into the Cookstown case study that is mentioned
in this month’s WIPAC Webinar by Michael Dooley and look at the energy savings that were made as a result of the
installation of advanced control of the activated sludge process.
Workshops, conferences & seminars............................................................................
The highlights of the conferences and workshops in the coming months. 23-24
Page 3
From the Editor
This month has been month which has been interesting for a number of reasons. It started with me hosting a Sensors
for Water Interest Group (SWIG) on Water Resources, a subject that is not normally within my area of interest, but
has become one after sitting down in a hole in the ground listening to a client talk about the strains of agricultural water
resources. At that moment I realised that some cross-industry collaboration was what was needed. Fast forward six
months or more and moving to an online platform the need for a collaboration was highlighted even more. The potential
for Digital Transformation in Agriculture and water resources very real and a clear push towards it. The barrier acting
against it is the cost of something that isn’t within the normal day to day life and so it is of course seen as something
unnecessary. However, it has been well published in recent months the potential future shortage of water resources so
as supplies dwindle and the cost of water goes up maybe the necessity will grown. The need for Digital Transformation
and potential water resource trading is one of the first potential uses for blockchain that I’ve seen within the wider water
industry although understandably it maybe seen as a technological step too far. The potential for data as a service (DaaS)
is also a possibility that is more real in this application that I personally think it is in the “traditional” water industry. There
is a large potential for collaboration in this area in even more detail than is currently thought.
This month also saw the Smart Water Networks Conference which was another event that was forced to go on line but with the various pre-conference
workshops and the main conference was stronger than ever. I was lucky enough to take part in two of the pre-conference workshops with the first being
the Rising Smart Water Professionals (RiSWP). It was fantastic to see such a large group of dedicated professionals within the water industry who were
interest in the technical side of the industry and implementing real-world solutions. The panel that I was on of course concentrating on the practical side of
implementation, something that those who know me know that I am passionate about. The skills shortage within the global water industry, especially with
the technically-minded aspect to their career, will be plugged with these Rising Smart Water professionals so it was fantastic to see such dedication amongst
those present.
This wasn’t the last of the workshops and a week later (the night before the SWAN conference started) it was great to take part in the Digital Twin Workshop
and to lead a panel on instrumentation in Digital Twins. To my horror the workshop started with the Digital Twin diagram which considered instrumentation
something that isn’t intrinsically linked to the Digital Twin concept which made the panel that I was leading somewhat of a moot point. To me this is something
in both Digital Twins and the larger Digital Transformation concept that I struggle with. What I tend to see is a lot of operators concentrating on what is defined
as Level 4 and Level 5 of the SWAN Layers, the de-facto structural standard for Digital Transformation in the Water Industry. For those of you who are not
familiar Level 4 is about visualisation and Level 5 about analytics. What most people forget is that the visualisation and the analytics are fundamentally created
from the data which comes, in the main, from the instrumentation.....Garbage In/Garbage Out anyone. The problem being that the base instrumentation isn’t
the “attractive” and “novel” part of Digital Transformation and so, in the main isn’t concentrated on. However, take some of the most successful concepts that
have delivered, such as the Digital Twin in Valencia which was built by Global Ominium and Idrica, you find that the Twin that was built was constructed on a
very firm base of knowing exactly what the weaknesses in the instrumentation is and how reliable the data is. If you know the limitations then you know the
limits of the decisions that you can make.
Although I would say that instrumentation is vital so are all of the other elements which includes visualisation. It is something that a lot of people are doing
a lot of very good things with. I was lucky enough to speak to Pablo Calabuig this GoAigua US about the work that has been done for sewer detection in the
sewer environments using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE). One of the keys to the fantastic solution that has been put in place is the visualisation that
has been put together allowing governmental decision makers to understand the situation quickly. This has not been the only time visualisation has come up
this month and in the 5th WIPAC Webinar on Activated Sludge Plant Control we heard the subject of visualisation come up again within the discussions. It is
clear that as the industry changes we have to take a close look at the User Experience (UX) point of view from not only at a corporate level with internal teams
but also the customer point of view too.
Have a good month and of course stay safe,
Highly successful 5th
WIPAC Webinar sheds new light on ASP
The 5th WIPAC Webinar took place this month on 23rd
July and attendees were treated to a specially extended webinar with 5 presenters each looking at a
different aspect of activated sludge plant control. The webinar included:
•	 Live Rieger who is CEO of inCTRL Solutions talking about understanding the fundamentals of Activated Sludge Plant Control and using it to
improve control models.
•	 Stuart Ainsworth of Hach discussing the use of models and real time control to apply a swing-zone approach to the activated sludge plant
•	 Michael Dooley of Strathkelvin Instruments looking at the use of specific oxygen utilisation rate (SOUR) to control the process and save
energy and manage compliance
•	 Mikkel Holmen Andersen of Unisense discussing how the use of nitrous oxide sensing can improve the holistic environmental performance
of the activated sludge process
•	 Jordan Schmidt of Luminultra looking at the use of ATP monitoring to detect the levels of viable bacterial mass and improve the control of
the F:M ratio
The feature article this month attempts to distil the two and half hour webinar down to few short pages but for those who want to watch the recording then
please do go to the Water Industry Process Automation & Control page on YouTube or go straight to the webinar by clicking here or clicking the graphic below.
Call for presentations - Future
WIPAC Webinar programme
Looking forward over the next few months there will be more WIPAC Webinar
happening before the end of the year including the WIPAC Flow Forum which
will be replaced with a virtual WIPAC Flow Forum which should have been taking
place at the Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring Conference.
As a replacement the Virtual Flow Forum will be taking place on the date that it
would have been happening live this year, which is 11th
November. This will be a
taster to the WIPAC Flow Forum that will be happening live at WWEM 2021 on
May 2021.
Not all the themes are set as yet but there will be an update from the water
companies around the current flow to full treatment programme happening
within England and Wales at the current time and it is likely that there will be
both technology and O&M elements to this virtual WIPAC Flow Forum.
For those interested in getting involved and presenting then please contact
myself, Oliver Grievson, either through LinkedIn or at my email address,
In addition to the virtual Flow Forum in November we will be running more
WIPAC Webinar events. Suggestions are always welcome as to what members
would like to see covered.
IWA Digital Water Summit
delayed until November 2021
The International Water Association and the organisers of the Digital
Water Summit which was at first delayed until November 2020 have
announced this month that the Digital Water Summit will now be taking
place in November 2021.
This decision was taken due to primarily the current Coronavirus
outbreak (which also delayed the conference initially) and the impact
that it is going to have on the venue. In short the restrictions put in
place to ensure everyone’s safety would not allow for the summit to
take place in an effective manner and so the decision was taken to
delay it until 2021.
In the meantime the programme committee and the IWA executive
have been working extremely hard to bring together content for public
consumption that will keep the whole Digital Water initiative within the
global water industry going. This includes a number of webinars and
white papers including the latest white paper on Artificial Intelligence
and future white papers on instrumentation and digital twins coming
up in the coming months.
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Industry News
Major role for wastewater epidemiology
in tackling Covid-19
Webinar Highlights
this month
To say that webinars are popular at the moment is
somewhat of an understatement so what I’ve done
is put a selection of this month’s webinars together.
Click on the link or the graphic to access the webinars
WIPAC Webinar No.5 - Activated Sludge
Plant Control
ABB - Tech Talks - Different Flow Meters and
where to use them
inCTRL Solutions - Sensors driving you mad?
Rising Smart Water Professionals
Roundtable -pre SWAN Conference Event
Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has a significant part to play in identifying ‘silent’ Covid-19
cases in the community, research presented at the latest Water Action Platform webinar demonstrates.
The regular webinars, which are open to all, are hosted by Isle chairman Dr Piers Clark and look at the
new coronavirus and global pandemic through a water industry lens.
Insights from academia and the experiences of utilities around the world are shared, along with expert
analysis providing insight into broader developments in science and technology bringing change in the
world of water and wastewater. Here is a round-up of learnings from the fifteenth Water Action Platform
webinar, which took place on 23 July. Some of the key learnings from the last webinar include:
Wastewater epidemiology has major role in identifying ‘silent’ cases
The latest research showing the risk posed by “silent transmission” of Covid-19 from asymptomatic
and pre-symptomatic infections also helps make the case for WBE. An academic paper from four
universities in Canada and the USA, featured on the Water Action Platform, demonstrates that the
majority of Covid-19 infections may be attributable to silent transmission from pre-symptomatic and
asymptomatic cases. Pre-symptomatic stage and asymptomatic infections together account for over
50% of transmission. Consequently, even immediate isolation of all symptomatic cases is insufficient
to achieve control. Symptom-based isolation needs to be supplemented by testing that identifies
asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases to control the spread of the disease. Dr Clark says, “This
research indicates more strongly than ever before that the current symptom-based isolation approach
adopted by many countries has to be supplemented by a rapid track-and-trace system. This is exactly
where a WBE system that can give an early warning of an outbreak has a major part to play. We must
keep working to make this a reality.”
Flushed PPE putting pressure on sewage works
Increased use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the last few months has meant a massive
increase in unsuitable items being flushed. These are blocking sewers and collecting at the heads of
sewage works around the world, creating a range of problems. In Zahgreb, the capital of Croatia, a
public appeal was made after the central water treatment system became clogged with a large quantity
of unflushable items including disinfectant wipes, respiratory masks and latex gloves. “To make matters
worse,” said Piers Clark, “the workers had to clean the purifier by hand, thus exposing themselves to
further risk. The importance of flush-it campaigns is now more important than ever.”
Self-powered sensors could revolutionise condition monitoring
Asset monitoring technology company 8Power, a spinout from the University of Cambridge, has
developed a sensor that can monitor industrial assets using vibration energy harvesting (VEH). In a
world where remote monitoring is becoming ever more important, these fit-and-forget devices that
self-power both the sensor and the wireless communications for at least ten years, have no need for
battery changes or other energy sources. Dataflows from equipment such as motors and pumps can
be picked up and analysed on a mobile phone, alerting operators early on to potential issues with
equipment. Research with one UK water company shows that 8Power’s devices can save up to 10%
of a utility’s reactive maintenance budget, which can represent £millions for some organisations. Paul
Egan, chief executive of Power8 says, “Sensors are only going to get smarter so they’re going to need
more power. Bigger batteries are not the answer, so it has to be a change - we believe that’s going to
be energy harvesting. Removing the problem of having to change batteries is going to accelerate the
adoption of these kinds of technologies.”
Gamification can encourage 10% water savings
A collaborative European SmartH2O project has reported on a gamification trial that shows how
household water consumption can be reduced by adopting a playful approach. Gamification is the use
of computer game design elements in non-gaming concepts and in this study people were encouraged
to compete to save water using comparative visualisations and water-saving tips with rewards attached.
The results showed an initial peak of water-saving activity that eventually settled down to a constant
level, which, after adjusting for seasonal variations, represented a saving of around 10 per cent. “As we
enter into the summer drought months, solutions like this may prove to be very cost effective,” said Dr
Clark. A link to the paper can be found in the artificial intelligence and digital knowledge hub on the
Water Action platform.
The 30-minute Water Action Platform webinar and links to the academic references can be viewed
at The online network, initially set up by consultancy Isle as
part of the water industry’s response to Covid-19, is growing rapidly and now boasts 960 members
and over 472 organisations from 69 countries, with Guatemala, Croatia and Egypt being the latest to
be represented. The next webinar takes place twice on Thursday 6 August and is open to utilities,
organisations and companies across the water sector. There are two time slots to accommodate time
differences - 7:30am and 4:30 pm BST (UTC+1). Register here
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Thames Water to invest £55m+ in Guildford water network
Thames Water is set to invest more than £55 million over the next five years to upgrade Guildford’s water supply and ensure it can meet increased demand
from thousands of new homes.
The announcement comes during the ongoing £1.8m upgrade of Netley Mill water treatment works which supplies 8,500 properties in Cranleigh and the
surrounding villages via Hurtwood, Alderbrook and Lambswood reservoirs. The work will increase the resilience of the site and reduced the risk of supply
Looking ahead, more than 8,000 new homes are planned for the Guildford area in the next five years. This will put added pressure on demand for water at a
time when climate change is impacting its availability from the natural environment.
Gareth Parry, head of water production at Thames Water, said:
“Water is life’s essential service so making sure our customers have access to a reliable and safe supply is a top priority for us. It’s vital we keep investing in our
network, particularly in and around Guildford where we heavily rely on a relatively small number of treatment sites and reservoirs to meet the needs of tens of
thousands of homes.
“Space for new reservoirs is almost impossible to come by so we have to ensure those sites we do have are upgraded regularly to meet the increasing demand
for water as the population grows.”
Future projects to be funded from Thames Water’s £55.7m investment pot will include improvements at Ladymead water works, to the north of Guildford, to
increase the volume of water it can treat by up to six million extra litres per day. New pipework for villages including Cranleigh and Dunsfold will also be installed
to accommodate growth, while protecting supplies for existing homes.
Guildford’s water supply network is currently made up of 1,343km of pipes and plans are in place to replace 14km of it in the next two years.
A new 10km pipe is also planned to connect the water supply systems for east and west Guildford, which are currently not linked. This will enable water to be
moved from one area to another to keep more taps flowing during operational incidents.
Guildford MP, Angela Richardson, said:
“Guildford is a beautiful, dynamic, and constantly-changing place. As our way of life evolves, so does our demand for water. The historic nature of our local area
greatly limits the construction of new water infrastructure, which is why I am delighted to welcome the £55.7 m investment from Thames Water into upgrading
the existing water supply, with a view to making it more sustainable and reliable. This will ensure that Guildford, Cranleigh, and our villages will be some of the
best places to live in the UK, with a water system fit for the 21st century.”
Thames Water also plans to install more smart water meters and aims to have the majority of the homes it supplies across Guildford on meters by 2025. Meters
put customers in control of how much water they use and enables suppliers to better detect leaks and monitor demand to inform future plans. The company
has committed to reducing leakage by 20 per cent by 2025 following an industry-leading 15 per cent reduction over the last 12 months.
During lockdown, and particularly during a spell of hot weather in late May and early June, Thames Water saw demand for water in Guildford rise by up to 20
per cent, leaving some customers in Haslemere with lower than normal water pressure or periods with no water at all. Outdoor use such as paddling pools,
sprinklers and hosepipes were shown to be the main cause of the unprecedented level of demand.
Essex & Suffolk Water uses lightweight drone for two reservoir
Essex & Suffolk Water is using an lightweight drone to enhance safety inspections of some of its larger reservoirs, and to overcome the Covid-19 challenges
around social distancing in confined space areas. The water company - which supplies water to 1.8 million customers across its operational areas - adapted
quickly during lockdown to find another way of safely undertaking the essential planned inspections to ensure the continued safety of its reservoir sites.
Essex & Suffolk Water worked with commercial drone provider, Coptrz, to source the lightweight drone to undertake the two programmed reservoir inspections.
The inspections included assessing the dams, underground pipework and the buildings deep below the surface of the water. The Elios II is specifically designed
for confined spaces and dark, cold environments. It is equipped with high powered lights and thermal sensors for detecting any structural cracks or issues.
Greg Barrett, Project Engineer at Essex & Suffolk Water, said:
“As an innovative company, we’re always trying to do things better and more efficiently for our customers.
“This is the first time we’ve used a drone to do an internal inspection of a reservoir and we’re delighted with the results. Because of this new approach, we
now have a better insight into the condition of our structures, so much so that this has now formed part of our ongoing maintenance schedule.
“While this new innovative tool won’t stop us getting boots on the ground, it will continue to be a valuable tool in helping us better look after our reservoirs
and ensure their continued safe operation.
“We hope this new approach might become industry standard, as it’s given us a fantastic new insight that we’ve never had before.”
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Israeli Company Uses Sewage to Find COVID-19 Hot Spots
While the world waits for vaccines, Kando hopes that by collecting and analyzing sewage samples, it can help government isolate problem areas to more
effectively and precisely contain COVID-19.
What happens when a country lacks the ability to thoroughly identify and isolate people who have become infected with the coronavirus, and therefore can’t
contain the spread of COVID-19?
But what if, while the world waits for scientists to create vaccines and other treatments, governments could more precisely target lockdowns to only problem
That would require a way to quickly find those problem areas. And the way to do that, as it happens, might be through the sewers.
A company from Israel, Kando, is gearing up to start selling sensors and services to governments around the world to make it happen.
The idea, according to Kando Vice President of Product and Marketing Yaniv Shoshan, is to put hardware into wastewater pipes that will capture samples on
their own, then send out people to collect those samples and deliver them to labs where they can be analysed to find out how much, if any, of the virus is in it.
“We sample the wastewater in the right time and the right place to [get] the best results, and those samples are going to a laboratory which analyses the amount
of [virus],” Shoshan said. “We developed a module that takes all the parameters of the wastewater and the structure of the city, the size of the population and
the flow of the water, etc., etc., etc., and it calculates the … size of the infected population upstream of the unit.”
With that information, he said, the company can move its sensors down the pipelines to “zoom in” on more specific areas. Eventually a government could find
a neighbourhood — perhaps even a single street — where the virus is coming from.
“We call it hot spots, so you can pinpoint a hot spot and then you can intervene with a smaller population size, and like if you are going to do a lockdown, you
don’t have to do a lockdown for the full city, but only for a neighbourhood or a smaller area,” he said.
For a few months now, the company has been testing out the concept in the pipes below Ashkelon, a city in Israel just north of Gaza, in order to calibrate its
models. Shoshan said it will release results from that project soon.
An American company, Biobot Analytics, has been doing similar work since March. In a recent article, the Boston Globe reported that Biobot has now worked
with about 400 facilities in 42 different states.
while Kando has pointed its sampling toward pollution. Any number of pollutants — oils, fats, salts, fuels, acids — can enter wastewater on its way to treatment
plants, which can harm those facilities as well as consumers of wastewater such as agricultural operations.
“If a factory discharges something, a pollutant or materials, into the sewage which are not permitted or which the wastewater treatment plant is not planned to
treat, all kind of things can happen,” Shoshan said. “The simplest things are clogs, they can cause overflows in the city, and you can go all the way to corrosion
that harms the pipes … you can go to all kinds of upsets for the wastewater treatment plant, so its performance will [be] damaged.”
But the issue of the moment — the year, really — is the coronavirus. And Kando is looking to expand its monitoring program to help contain the virus to as many
places as it can.
“Humanity has to have some kind of monitoring which is fast and doesn’t harm privacy,” he said. “This solution doesn’t harm privacy, it doesn’t harm the
population’s way of life. We don’t have to approach people and test them personally. It’s something that is constant, under the ground. Nobody sees it, it doesn’t
interfere with the city or way of life. So yeah, we are eager to help every city in the world.”
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Xylem Water Solutions launches new OEM Centre of Excellence
for Europe
Leading global water technology company Xylem Water Solutions has invested in an OEM European Centre of Excellence (CoE), based from its UK facility in
The Axminster CoE will be the centre of Xylem’s OEM innovation, expanding the group’s current offering through an innovative and customised “plug and play”
solutions range. A most recent example is Xylem’s premium GHVR reduced footprint booster set.
The Axminster CoE creates a focussed team of experts with decades of experience in understanding Xylem customers’ specific requirements and providing OEM
added-value bespoke products. The new development will take Xylem’s customer support to the next level in terms of the customisation of solutions, based on
each customer’s requirements, all configured and shipped within expedited timescales to give a true partnership experience.
Paul Winnett, General Manager, OEM & Building Services, Xylem Water Solutions, explained:
“Our Axminster facility is committed to meeting customer demand and consistently delivers high quality, efficient products and best-in-class service. We are
delighted it is now recognised as a Centre of Excellence which enables Xylem to increase its high performance and high engagement with customers.
“Customers can make significant efficiency gains and cost savings by outsourcing their processes to Xylem: what could take 7 to14 days in a factory, or at their
own facilities, Xylem can now turn around and ship within 1 to 2 days. This is even more important in these extraordinary times, where building owners, including
hospitals, NHS facilities and care homes, need to have confidence in critical systems. The ability for products to be shipped the same day in an emergency,
dramatically reduces the downtime of facilities, which can be vital. Distributors and other customers can equally benefit tremendously from working with Xylem
as a one-stop-shop for their packaged solutions.
“It is an exciting and important step towards our continued objective of being the partner of choice for OEM solutions, whether that be from a standard product
range, or engineered to order, special solutions.”
Xylem’s Axminster CoE will enable full local assembly and a dedicated team of engineers who will work on prototypes and, when approved, full production
models. Specialist facilities will ensure all OEM configured products are fully tested whilst qualified technical engineers will be dedicated to OEM quoting,
including drawings, specifications, order entry and constructing Bills of materials. Xylem’s internal sales team, highly skilled in managing complex OEM call of
orders, will ensure just in time models run by OEM’s run smoothly to maximise production capacity for customer.
This is one of several investments Xylem is making in European Centres of Excellence focused on specific markets and innovative solutions to bring together
unique expertise across Europe.
The SWAN Forum Holds Largest, Global Virtual Smart Water
The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) recently held its 10th Annual Conference from July 22-24, 2020 focused on the theme, “Moving Beyond Data to
Value Creation.” The event drew in over 400 participants from 32 different countries with 64 unique utilities in attendance and featured four keynotes and
eight cutting-edge panels on topics such as “Bridging IT/OT,” “Next Generation Wastewater Management,” and “Digital Sustainability and Resilience in the New
Normal.” It also included two, different interactive roundtable sessions led by utility and industry experts, as well as a global networking breakout session.
Commenting on the monumental event, Amir Cahn, Executive Director of the SWAN Forum, stated, “By going virtual, we were pleased to walk the walk when it
comes to adopting digital solutions. In these critical times, we found a great yearning for the latest information on data-driven solutions that can greatly assist
water and wastewater operators and benefit the public at large.”
All SWAN 2020 Conference Attendees will receive a link to the full presentations with audience questions, panel and keynote video recordings, roundtable
recordings with key takeaways, as well as their own virtual Swag Bag with cutting-edge reports and raffle prizes. These items will also be available soon for
purchase on demand.
Before the Conference began, SWAN held three pre-Conference events including a Young Professional Workshop on July 14th hosted by SWAN’s Rising Smart
Water Professionals (RiSWP), which featured interactive roundtable discussions and a keynote address by Joone Lopez, General Manager of Moulton Niguel
Water District (US). On July 21st, SWAN partnered with +ADD Strategy for a Cybersecurity ideaLAB and later hosted its 3rd Digital Twin Workshop where a
collaborative “Digital Twin Architecture” and a new Lifecycle Assessment Subgroup were unveiled to address the growing interest in Digital Twin solutions.
A link to the 3rd SWAN Digital Twin Workshop presentations and video recording can be found here:
About SWAN Forum: The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) is the leading global hub for the smart water sector, accelerating the awareness and adoption
of data-driven technologies in water and wastewater networks worldwide. A nonprofit organisation, SWAN brings together key players in the water sector to
collaborate and share knowledge while offering access to cutting-edge research, global networking opportunities, and the ability to proactively influence the
future of the water industry. Learn more at:
Page 8
Southern Water in world first mass roll out of new IoT leak
detection technology
Southern Water has started the world’s first mass roll out of a ground-breaking
new ‘Internet of Things’ leak detection system in Southampton.
Some 700 new Gutermann ZONESCAN NB-IoT devices will be fitted around the city.
Southern Water has pioneered the use of acoustic logger technology in the UK and
the latest devices will massively increase the utility’s ability to detect leaks before
they become bursts.
Southern Water said the devices are a crucial tool to support both long and short-
term challenges. Water use has soared by as much as 20 per cent in lockdown
and hot weather is further driving demand, making it a challenge for water to be
treated and pumped enough to maintain pressure.
The water company has committed to reducing leaks from its network by 15 per
cent over the next five years.
Southampton has been chosen for the first wave of devices to support the ten
year ‘Water for Life: Hampshire’ resource plan. Hampshire must reduce its reliance
on water taken from the iconic chalk streams of the Rivers Test and Itchen. The
plan includes massive resource development including the construction of a new
reservoir in Havant Thicket in collaboration with Portsmouth Water as well as
supporting customers to reduce the amount of water they use through the Target
100 campaign.
Phil Tapping, Southern Water’s Regional Demand Manager, commented:
“Building new water resources can never be the whole answer to the challenges of population growth and climate change.”
“Demand reduction and cuts to leakage from our network will be key. And we need to find new ways of tackling leakage - bringing technology to bear is crucial.
I’m very proud Southern Water is leading the way.”
Previously, leakage data was either collected manually or by driving past the device or by relying on 2G/3G cellular coverage. 2G/3G was primarily designed for
use with mobile phones so has never been an optimum way of transferring small packages of data. “It was like delivering a pizza in a lorry” said Paul Chandler,
Gutermann’s Southampton-based UK Sales Manager.
The new devices rely on industry proven Gutermann leak detection hardware and software and the use of the latest NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things)
cellular technology to reliably ensure Southern Water receives its leakage data every day. This negates the need for manual or “Drive-By” collections therefore
reducing Southern Water’s carbon footprint.
The acoustic loggers ‘listen’ at night to the sound of water in the network. The acoustic signatures are wirelessly transmitted to Gutermann’s ZONESCAN Net
cloud based service where the files are analysed searching for the tell-tale traces of water being forced through a split or hole in the pipe.
Every morning a detailed report is sent to Southern Water’s team of Leak Technicians who collate the data and prioritise teams to make repairs.
Southern Water is already using 6,000 “Mobile” leak detection devices throughout its region to help with the reduction of leakage.
Narrow Band-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a standards-based low power wide area (LPWA) technology developed to enable a wide range of new IoT devices and
services. NB-IoT cuts power consumption of devices and improves communication connectivity, especially in deep chambers like fire hydrants or valves, making
it perfect for this type of installation.
Page 9
Yorkshire Water appoints Artesia Consulting and i20 Water for
A collaboration between Artesia Consulting and i20 Water has been appointed to work on Yorkshire Water’s supply interruption detection services (SIDS). As part
of the partnership, i2O’s ‘event detection’ module in its iNet advanced analytics solution is used in conjunction with Artesia’s eVader software.
eVader builds a model of what ‘normal’ is, based on a year of historical data, and then checks new data as it is received against the model, identifying whether
it is ‘normal’, ‘suspect’, or ‘unusual’.
i2O’s solution runs the eVader software, sends emails to clients to highlight events, and makes the data and insights available through graphs, tables, dashboards,
and maps.
This allows the collaboration’s clients to become aware of network events sooner, to diagnose them more effectively and to make interventions to resolve them
before they escalate.
Yorkshire Water innovation programme manager Sam Bright said: “We have recently run a trial of the eVader system across six supply zones and compared it
with other anomaly detection technologies.
“We found it to be the most promising solution and are in the process of now extending this to the entire network. We are excited about the potential of the
system to identify network issues as they happen, which will allow us to resolve them much more quickly.”
Artesia Consulting director Dene Marshallsay said: “We have been able to meet Yorkshire Water’s requirements more cost-effectively through our partnership
with i2O, and the iNet solution offers the client the opportunity to scale up from an initial pilot based on a limited number of locations to network-wide.”
David Kenny, head of sales at i2O, added: “Yorkshire Water has used i2O Advanced Pressure Management for a number of years. We are delighted to be able to
extend the range of services that we provide to them through the partnership with Artesia Consulting.”
Endress+Hauser Expands Digital Service Experience For
Digital commissioning application and Netilion turnover package provides
added value services to ensure projects stay on time, on-budget, and up to date
on project steps.
Endress+Hauser expands end users’ digital experience on instrument projects
with the release of their digital commissioning application and Netilion projects
digital turnover package. These new capabilities empower the plant startup
team to mitigate project risks while staying on time and budget, and to track
progress in real time.
The digital service experience enables users to digitize projects for efficiency,
eliminating time consuming manual coding and progress reports. Users are able
to see project work progress across the field devices startup phases in real-
time and can flag any potential issues on the commissioning app. Visibility to
issues enables users to reallocate resources to keep the project on time. The
web-based application workflow is tailor built to field technician and project
manager user’s needs for greater productivity.
Instead of manual loop folders, documentation is generated digitally and stored in the Netilion Library digital service application. This paperless storage eliminates
manual retrieval to facilitate development of a turnover package complying with project deliverable requirements.
Netilion Library helps users organize asset records, drawings, pictures, files, and turnover package documents. It is a file sharing and data management service
for the complete life cycle of an instrument. This saves significant time when carrying out maintenance or engineering activities since the often-tedious search
for information is eliminated.
Project benefits include:
•	 Real time visibility and insights of work progress, issues and completion
•	 Efficient project setup, automatic data sheet, tag lists and template uploads for improved work planning
•	 Collaborative, dynamic digital guide for work process execution
•	 Intuitive, easy app for all techs and supervisors to learn, use and enjoy
•	 Evergreen digital turnover package powered by Netilion IIoT connected services
Page 10
Yorkshire Water uses BT’s NB-IoT solution in smart network pilot
deploying 4000 loggers and flow meters
Yorkshire Water and its partners are nearing completion of the
deployment of almost 4000 acoustic, flow, pressure and water quality
monitors in what is the UK’s largest smart water network pilot.
Final installations of the latest NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things)
pilot technology are underway, thanks to the BT, Yorkshire Water and
Stantec collaboration, after BT switched on its first upgraded masts in
the UK, as part of the project.
If the pilot is successful, the smart water network will revolutionise
the way leaks and interruptions to supply are managed in the future.
The project will utilise state-of-the-art technologies and BT’s NB-IoT
network, which was brought to the area as part of this initiative. BT’s
NB-IoT solution has the potential to deliver significant improvements
in data quality and battery life, enabling Yorkshire Water to identify
and prevent leaks and network incidents more accurately than ever
The Smart Water Network Pilot will integrate the rich data from multiple new and existing sources and present it in a single visualisation platform which will
include a digital twin of the water network. The platform will use AI to cluster data sets, and remove false positives, to accurately inform asset and operational
decision making.
Yorkshire Water’s chief strategy and regulation officer, Nevil Muncaster, said:
“We recognise that on top of our commitments to our customers and the environment, we need to play our part in regional development where we can -
perhaps even more so than ever in these challenging times.
“It’s great that through this innovative pilot we’ve been able to accelerate the introduction of NB-IoT to the area in Sheffield. NB-IoT has the potential to provide
greater access for local businesses to take advantage of the advancement in IoT technology, which can only be a good thing for economic growth within the
As part of the Smart Water Network Pilot, Gutermann acoustic loggers, Technolog pressure loggers and Honeywell flow meters will utilise the NB-IoT network
to transmit their data.
Sarah Walker, director for BT’s Enterprise business in the North of England said the partnership marked an exciting milestone for the company;
“The pilot deployment of NB-IoT signals a move to a more data driven world enabling millions of connected devices to send and receive data, transforming the
way we live and work in the future.”
“We are continually looking at how we deliver innovative and next generation connectivity for our customers. We already offer our customers UK’s biggest and
fastest mobile network, and we were first to the market with 5G in the UK. Partnering with Yorkshire Water on the Smart Water Network Pilot and enabling our
NB-IoT network for the first time reinforces our commitment to lean into and embrace all network technologies to support these exciting trials with data driven
Yorkshire Water’s multi-stakeholder collaboration includes Itron, Sensus, Arqiva, HWM, ATi, Inflowmatix, Syrinix, Invenio, Ovarro (formerly Primayer & Servelec
Technologies), Temetra, Technolog, Gutermann, Elster (Honeywell), BT, Stantec and Xylem utilise the NB-IoT network to transmit their data.
Sarah Walker, director for BT’s Enterprise business in the North of England said the partnership marked an exciting milestone for the company;
“The pilot deployment of NB-IoT signals a move to a more data driven world enabling millions of connected devices to send and receive data, transforming the
way we live and work in the future.”
“We are continually looking at how we deliver innovative and next generation connectivity for our customers. We already offer our customers UK’s biggest and
fastest mobile network, and we were first to the market with 5G in the UK. Partnering with Yorkshire Water on the Smart Water Network Pilot and enabling our
NB-IoT network for the first time reinforces our commitment to lean into and embrace all network technologies to support these exciting trials with data driven
Yorkshire Water’s multi-stakeholder collaboration includes Itron, Sensus, Arqiva, HWM, ATi, Inflowmatix, Syrinix, Invenio, Ovarro (formerly Primayer & Servelec
Technologies), Temetra, Technolog, Gutermann, Elster (Honeywell), BT, Stantec and Xylem
Page 11
This month saw the fifth webinar from the Water Industry Process Automation & Control Group shared with the membership this time concentrating on
control the activated sludge process. Five companies from the supply chain both presented and debated some of the solutions for controlling the activated
sludge process. Now you’d expect most companies to present and explain why their technology was the best on the market and the only thing to use and
having five companies present would be a recipe for disaster. In fact the opposite was true and the technologies presented were mostly complimentary. In the
following article we’ll look at why we need to provide advanced control of the activated sludge process and what is available for companies to utilise within the
Why do we need to control the activated sludge process?
The activated sludge process has been around for well over 100 years and in that time it has developed in both complexity and it has been intensified greatly.
The pressures on the process performance is greater than ever with environmental permits tightening to the extent where variations on the theme of activated
sludge plants are needed to remove ammonia levels to less than 1mg/L, phosphorus consents to as low as 0.2mg/L and total nitrogen consents. These of course
cause more environmental impacts, the use of ever increasing coagulants to remove phosphorus on top of enhanced biological phosphorus removal. This drives
up the environmental impact of the activated sludge plant through increased power use and increased emissions of green house gases such us nitrous oxide
(N20) due to increasing load and stress on the bacteriological population.
All of this is one of the reasons that the water industry needs to look at tighter control of the wastewater treatment plant and is why the five presenters showed
those gathered such innovative presentations. For the rest of this article we will look at the five solutions that were presented in the 5th WIPAC Webinar which
•	 The fundamentals of activated sludge plant control and how understanding of the system leads to better control systems.
•	 Applying dynamic swing zones using a model-based approach
•	 Advanced Real Time Control of the Activated Sludge Process
•	 Potentials for N2
0 sensor measurement & control
•	 Using ATP in Activated Sludge F:M Control
The fundamentals of activated sludge plant control and using them
The most basic control system in any activated sludge plant is to control the oxygen levels in the plant. Most basic control systems measure it and turn blowers or
rotors off and on. It is a relatively crude system that in general is limited to only the smaller systems where a more advanced control system does not financially
make sense. Once a treatment works gets bigger then standard control methodologies will bring a pressurised header into the control mix which works by
maintaining the header pressure whilst the dissolved oxygen probes that measure within the activated sludge plant open and close to maintain a certain level.
As a pressurised header system is used this enables zoning within the activated sludge plant and allows the operator to select desired oxygen levels.
Feature Article:
Controlling the
Activated Sludge Process
Page 12
This can be trimmed using a number of different target parameters and control loops. Figure 1 shows a typical system.
Figure 1 – A typical activated sludge plant control system (courtesy of Leiv Rieger -inCTRL Solutions)
A pretty standard control system is to add ammonia based aeration control (ABAC) to this system using either feed-forward control used by measuring ammonia
on the entrance to the activated sludge plant and/or feed-back control on the effluent of the plant. The most basic ABAC is feedback control which measures
the ammonia exiting the treatment works and fine tunes the dissolved oxygen setpoint to achieve the desired ammonia concentration. Layering on top of this
is feed-forward control that utilises a model to look at the disturbances in the process and how to control the treatment works to get the best process outcome
based upon the process control. The advantages of this approach is that it has a fast reaction time to controlling the activated sludge plant but also has the
disadvantage of being more complex. The important point to make is that feedback control is sufficient.
The key to any control system is to ensure that the operators can see what is going on, in this case the visualisation of the control system performance is key.
Of course, in reality there are different parts of the control system including the:
•	 Ammonia control system
•	 Dissolved oxygen control system
•	 Blower control system
•	 Sludge retention time control systems
As the complexity of the system increase then lends itself to a model-based control system either from a design up front of any construction of the activated
sludge plant or an active operational model too.
The key factor is to look at what are the process goals which allows
a definition of the control goals too. An example of this is shown in
figure 2
In understanding the fundamentals of what wants to be achieve we
can understand what needs to be done in the process and what the
process constraints are.
An example of this was presented in the second presentation of the
webinar insofar as a practical example of process constraints limiting
what can be done with a existing wastewater treatment works. In
the case study that was presented a site which had traditionally been
carbonaceous only required a total nitrogen consent of 9.2mg/L on a
site with very limited space. There were additional problems with air
entrainment in the return activated sludge which would reduce the effectiveness of the anoxic zone.
Figure 2 Process Goals leading to control goals (courtesy of Leiv Rieger - inCTRL Solutions)
Figure 3 – A control system incorporating a swing zone approach to come up with an innovative solution to limited space to achieve a total nitrogen consent
Page 13
The activated sludge plant was modified in line with the Modified Ludzack and Ettinger variant of activated sludge and an anoxic zone put in place. However
there was a challenge in the size of the anoxic zone and this is where the use of swing zones were put in place. In this way, when the treatment performance
allowed the anoxic zone could be extended and the aeration zone minimised to achieve acceptable compliance without making major changes in the activated
sludge plant physical footprint which the treatment works did not have space for.
The solution, shown if figure 3, of course had to be modelled to ensure that the treatment objectives could actually be achieved in the limited space that was
What this meant in this situation is that models allied to real time process data open up a whole new level of plant performance and understanding.
More generally the key to achieving process objectives is to know what is needed in advance and then modelled to achieve the control objectives.
Controlling with different methodologies
So far we have spoken about model-based approaches that are used to both design and operate wastewater treatment works but there is more detail that we
can use to fine tune the activated sludge process using differing sensing techniques. These are:
•	 Respirometric techniques using the specific oxygen utilization rate.
•	 Nitrous oxide techniques that give an indication of biological performance and the stress levels that the biology is experiencing
•	 The use of ATP to provide a measure of control of the F:M ratio
The first control method has been around in activated sludge plants
for the best part of 50 years with the major problem being that the
reliability and complexity of the instrumentation has meant that it
has been difficult for operators to actively use it. The principle is to
actually measure the specific oxygen utilization rate (SOUR) that the
wastewater treatment works needs and deliver the exact amount
that is needed plus a small allowance as a safety factor. What this
approach will firstly do is limit the amount of energy that is consumed
by over-aeration. It will also quickly react to any sudden increase in
load due to disturbances in the process but will also diagnose any
toxicity entering the plant. This can be seen in figure 4 which shows
a large spike in the oxygen utilization rate which was likely cause by
an illegal discharge within the sewer network. This allows a rapid
reaction to the pollution event that specifically maintains treatment
objectives which in a plant that doesn’t have this approach would
be dealt with by adding as much dissolved oxygen to the treatment
works as possible but only after the situation has had the impact on
the plant if a feedback controller is utilized in the control system.
The use of specific oxygen utilization rates allows a finer control and
has been shown to reduce the amount of aeration utilized by using a
real-time control process by greater than 15% in some situations and
significantly more in others. A case study from Cookstown in Ireland
saw a pre RTC implementation energy consumption of 5388 kWh/day reduced to 2588 kWh/day post implementation.
The use of specific oxygen utilization rate is one way of reducing the energy cost and environmental impact of the activated sludge process but the use of N20
sensors are another.
The measurement of nitrous oxide within activated sludge plants is relatively new but it has brought about knowledge of some worrying practices within
wastewater treatment works operation. Energy savings, if done inappropriately, puts additional stress on the activated sludge plant which increase the nitrous
oxide emissions due to bacteriological stress. As nitrous oxide is over 250 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide it is important for global
objectives that nitrous oxide emissions are kept under control as they represent about 1% of the global total of greenhouse gas emissions. In short what is shown
is that a higher MLSS results in a lower nitrous oxide emission. This is basically saying that higher sludge ages are better for the environment despite consuming
more energy. This is related to the ammonia loading rate through the process that should be kept below 200mg per gram of volatile suspended solids to limit
the nitrous oxide impact. In reality there is a balance between energy consumption and nitrous oxide emissions.
So, from a control perspective nitrous oxide sensing can provide a trim on the sludge age control system to control the environmental impact of the activated
sludge process. There is also the potential for carbon dosing to mitigate the impact of nitrous oxide.
The water industry as a whole is seeking the minimization of its environmental impact and is heading towards net zero carbon. It seem that nitrous oxide control
is one way of many in achieving that goal.
Figure 4 – The advantages of utilising specific oxygen utilisation rate in the activated sludge process
Page 14
While good enterprise asset management programs help decision makers maximize asset life and prioritize long-term capital investments,
The last potential method is again related and is all about using ATP to control F/M ratio which is of course the inverse of the sludge age. ATP testing can be used to
identify the amount of live or volatile biomass within the bacteriological population. It is split into the total ATP (tATP) Cellular ATP (cATP) or live bacteria and the
dissolved ATP (dATP) which represents the dead biomass. In terms
of measurement both the total and dissolved ATP are measured
which by deduction can give the amount of live bacteria in the
process. In this way the operators can control the Kd factor which
indicates the amount of dead bacteria with the activated sludge
process and maximises the efficacy of the wastewater treatment
works. In practice the use of ATP measurement can allow the
operator to maximise the efficacy of the wastewater treatment
works by controlling the amount of live bacteria that is held within
the treatment works. High dATP would indicate that the works has
either being toxically shocked, or the process is starting to fail.
Figure 5 shows a graph of live bacteria versus the amount of carbon
removal showing an optimal range of true F/M which is utilising
DOC versus the live bacteria which is measured using the ATP. Now
these are ratios are higher than normally expected as DOC has
been used rather than BOD but this would indicate a higher sludge
age is better up to a point as past that point the Kd factor increases
as does the non-volatile MLSS affecting the removal percentages.
In short by using online monitoring the bacterial health can be
measured allowing a refinement of sludge age control to maximise
the efficacy of the activated sludge process.
What does all of this actually mean?
In the presentation we saw five presentations and we learnt about the importance of:
•	 Modelling the activated sludge process to achieve treatment goals which in turn will allow the definition of control goals.
•	 By understanding the control goals the industry can achieve intensification of the activated process which will by allowing control it can
maximise the performance of the existing processes by using real time control.
•	 There is a balance though as maximizing performance in the water fraction should not intensify the process too far as the negative impact
will be down to higher nitrous oxide emissions affecting the climate change agenda.
•	 This impact can be limited by controlling by maximizing the sludge age but balancing it so that the death rate of the bacteria is minimized
which can be detected by measuring both the ATP and the specific oxygen utilization rate within the process
Traditionally, the activated sludge plant has had a routine set of instrumentation that has been used including dissolved oxygen, ammonia and air flow. What
this shows is that in instrumentation design of activated sludge plants, especially the larger wastewater treatment works, the industry should be looking to
both monitor and control to a new set of parameters and methodologies so that both the energy and the environmental impact are limited. With the industry
heading towards a net zero carbon approach then all of these methods of limiting the environmental impact through the use of both modelling and real-time
control needs to be considered.
Figure 5 Volatile Mixed Liquor versus DOC Removal
Page 15
the programs are only as good as the systems and data supporting them. Discover how water and wastewater utilities are employing Internet of Things (IoT)
continuous data collection and monitoring capabilities with enterprise asset management (EAM) systems to move from reactive maintenance, based on
periodic inspections or failure, to proactive asset management for better asset performance, reliability, and resilience.
Why Asset Management, Why IoT, Why Now?
Stewardship and management of critical infrastructure require awareness of current asset conditions, risks and performance across treatment plants,
distribution and collection systems, and customer locations. In the case of water and wastewater treatment plants, these facilities have long used electronic
instruments to monitor and manage water volume and quality. As digital systems evolved, the data collected in those environments have been applied to
increasingly sophisticated software programs to better manage asset performance, optimize maintenance activities, and plan capital expenditures. Yet, even
as in-plant distributed control and SCADA systems became more sophisticated, aging water distribution and wastewater collection infrastructure outside the
plant boundaries typically lagged behind in terms of real-time data collection or interactive control. Even the earliest uses of automatic meter reading (AMR)
and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology at customer locations left miles and miles of distribution and collection infrastructure out of the
automated data capture loop, a digital “blind spot”.
In recent years, cost-effective IoT technologies for capturing real-time data and automatically transmitting it to centralized EAM systems have made significant
advances, enabling improved management of district metered areas (DMAs), pump and lift station efficiency, pressure control and leak detection, and reduction
in non-revenue water (NRW) throughout the infrastructure. Today, integrated solutions that combine battery-powered IoT smart-sensor technologies, wireless
communication over secure, virtual private networks, and advanced analytical software tools support a continuous approach to managing entire water and
wastewater infrastructure systems — from treatment plants to individual customer connections. The benefits include the ability to:
•	 Use real-time insights into asset performance to improve infrastructure reliability and resilience by enabling quick, effective responses to
equipment problems, extreme weather events, or natural disasters.
•	 Be proactive about managing assets instead of simply reacting to repair needs. This can help to reduce asset failure rates and business
risk through planned maintenance, user configurable alarms, and early detection and response ─ which is especially important when
dealing with aging infrastructure.
•	 Enhance overall asset management productivity, including control over water losses due to leaks, and flooding due to sewer blockages
and overflows.
•	 Prioritize new investment in high-risk areas based on asset operational behaviour, probability of failure, consequence of failure, and
business risk exposure. This helps to support capital improvement planning and avoid premature infrastructure replacement.
•	 Improve safety and security of workers and critical infrastructure by using remote monitoring of critical assets to avoid sending workers
to unnecessary field visits and hazardous locations.
Keys To Implementation
Gaining access to critical IoT data from throughout a water distribution or wastewater collection system starts with matching resources to suit the data
demands of the application and the physical conditions of the operating environment. Key considerations include:
•	 Comprehensive Capabilities. Look for solutions that provide a broad spectrum of capabilities in terms of water and wastewater industry
applications for both the tactical aspects of remote data collection and the strategic aspects of analytical decision-making support. Because
so much of utility asset management revolves around specific locations of customer connections, physical configuration and operating
(e.g., flow, pressure) and environmental conditions (e.g., distance, elevation, terrain) compatibility with GIS capabilities is critical.
•	 GIS-Centric Features. Be sure to choose an asset management solution that adheres to industry interoperability standards and works
seamlessly with industry resources such as Esri ArcGIS solutions. Good GIS-centric asset management capabilities will be able to capitalize
on a utility’s existing GIS data and the GIS features of other software tools already in use.
•	 IoT Data Collection. Whatever the asset management objective, there are wireless, battery-powered IoT devices to record data and trigger
user-specified alarms for a variety of inputs — pressures, water levels, flow rates and volumes, leak detection, impulse monitoring of water
hammer events, rain gauges, and more. Be sure to choose devices designed for the specific needs of each data collection environment
(e.g., underground vaults, exposed to the elements, in public places, etc.), for the communications networks available, and for the desired
data collection and transmission intervals. That includes cellular, LoRaWAN IoT units, or direct-download units as demanded by the task
at hand.
•	 Task-Specific Analytics. Part of ensuring optimal utility operation and infrastructure maintenance is having the data to address known
historical problems (e.g., leakage, excessive pressure or impulses, combined sewer overflows (CSOs), inflow and infiltration, etc.). Choosing
an asset management solution that integrates well with other specialty applications (e.g., acoustic sensing, hydraulic modelling, machine
learning, etc.) can marry detailed data analysis with overall project management to make optimal infrastructure changes easier to achieve.
IoT Remote Monitoring Takes Asset
Management To New Heights
Page 16
•	 Real-World Support. Technical resources such as instruments and software systems are critical parts of good EAM solutions. But it is also
important to consider practical aspects — ease of deployment, application support, mobile tools for employee real-time access in the field,
and documented water utility performance — as indispensable for maximizing the value of any EAM investment in real-world applications.
The Importance Of Taking A Holistic Approach
For utility management considering a move to comprehensive real-time asset management, it is important to recognize the value of a well-integrated total EAM
and IoT solution for optimizing asset performance, field productivity, and compliance while enhancing safety, sustainability, and quality of service.
Even if the building blocks for that solution come from multiple hardware and software vendors (Figure 1), be sure to evaluate their compatibility with multiple
facets of physical performance and their synergy with operational insights across these key areas of functionality:
A Strong System of Record. With so much utility infrastructure buried
underground, GIS is an important system of record for identifying, classifying,
and mapping assets. Look for tools that offer the accuracy needed (Figure
2) and software that provides compatibility across many tiers of monitoring
capabilities. Doing so will help to avoid one of the biggest roadblocks to timely
response in a wide range of situations from routine maintenance, emergency
situations, multi-user collaboration, and analytical modelling. Something as
resource in an emergency can become very difficult without a well-established
single source system of record.
In the bigger scheme of things, EAM and IoT capabilities built around industry-
accepted resources such as the Esri ArcGIS platform enable streamlined
integration with other compatible resources without having to develop
separate interfaces for each pair of applications. This breaks down barriers of
in sharing GIS-related data across multiple utility or municipal organizations.
It enables utilities to take advantage of existing information instantly, with
confidence in the consistency of that data.
For example, it can help identify locations of electric or gas utility underground
infrastructure adjacent to water or wastewater pipelines or help coordinate
the scheduling of pipeline maintenance and road resurfacing in the same
geographic area.
Real-Time Performance Through a System of Automation. Recognize variables in the real-time communication needs of different applications and choose
IoT resources accordingly. Capturing pressure-transient events that stress older infrastructure — whether triggered by rapid pump start/stop cycling or by
malfunctioning pumps or valves — involves collecting and transmitting a high volume of data in a relatively short period of time (Figure 3). That is much different
than monitoring flow rates on 15-minute cycles and transmitting data four times a day.
Comprehensive Data Management. EAM resources that are built on application programming interfaces (APIs) and cloud-based web services make it easy to
share data from a wide variety of IoT sensors with other utility applications. It also makes it easier to take advantage of resources such as machine learning or
digital twin technologies to enhance forward-thinking decisions within the utility.
Figure 1. Assembling compatible EAM and IoT resources from multiple sources enables utility decision makers to cover the full spectrum of management needs — from real-time system
monitoring, to responsive operational efficiency, to long-term strategic planning. (Courtesy of Trimble Water)
Figure 2. For mapping infrastructure components, choose from a range of Global Navigation
Satellite System (GNSS) receivers that can provide the GIS accuracy needed — from fractions
of an inch with real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning up to a 10-foot radius with a cellphone
or other mobile device. (Courtesy of Trimble Water)
Page 17
Analytics From a System of Insights. The ability to model infrastructure
operations against a series of variables and compare outcomes to
historical performance provides the insight needed to improve current
and future decision-making for optimum efficiency. For example, with
the right asset management software, pipeline information classified by
criteria such as material age, construction, or soil-type can be used to
help predict the likelihood and consequences of future failures in the
same GIS area. This can help to prioritize maintenance or replacement
strategies developed through risk-based assessments.
Collaboration and Engagement From the Office to the Field and
Customers. Having all relevant data about work crews and emerging
infrastructure needs in one automated system makes it easier for
managers to exercise their judgment on scheduling priorities. An asset
management system that is automatically updated with new demands
or indicators of flagging performance enhances the manager’s ability
to modify assignments based on highest priority locations, geographic
convenience, scheduling efficiency, or other pressing considerations. Be
sure to consider features that help to share relevant data, management,
and analytical system outputs with workers in the field. They include:
•	 the ability to build upon historical data, customizable data formats, step-by-step wizards, and drag-and-drop interfaces for building custom
dashboards (Figure 4),
•	 two-way communication to control infrastructure settings automatically in response to changing conditions in the field, and
•	 mobile tools to improve communication and efficiency among work crews in the field.
The benefits of timely data access are not limited to communicating with work crews, either. They can also help to keep customers informed through notifications
of planned outages, emergency alerts, advisories on hydrant flushing, or notifications of local repair efforts.
Putting Automation Into Practice
How can adding IoT functionality into an EAM solution help to pay for itself? One of the biggest benefits is the immediacy of IoT access to operational data that
can guide reactions to emerging problems on the way to seeking more cost-effective long-term options. The possibilities are practically endless:
•	 Monitor real-time data as events unfold and build on correlations to historical data as a way to exercise better pipeline management
conditions. Rather than sudden infrastructure failures, continuous monitoring may provide insights to those impending failures. This could
impact better CSO prevention, based on knowledge of earlier comparable snow-melt or storm-water flows and current sanitary sewer
•	 Provide greater insights into the impacts of system management activities in real time. Real-time insights can create time to fine-tune pump
operation or adjust pressures in related areas of a distribution pipeline.
•	 Trigger immediate inspections based on condition readings from the field. Doing so as a result of rising temperatures in a pump housing
Figure 3. Be sure to match both IoT instrumentation and communications decisions to the specific needs of
each application. The importance of capturing transient pressure readings at up to 256 samples per second
demands different infrastructure than traditional flow measurements. (Courtesy of Trimble Water)
Figure 4. Look for EAM solutions that support a wide range of data comparisons and GIS display options for infrastructure and IoT assets but still allow for customizable dashboard displays
that let all users format their most relevant metrics in configurations that are most helpful to them.(Courtesy of Cityworks)
Page 18
could make the difference between lubricating or changing a bearing and replacing the entire pump.
•	 Schedule preventive maintenance work orders based on runtime hours, which represent true equipment wear, rather than a calendar-
based maintenance schedule. Doing so can prevent delays of critical maintenance for over-utilized equipment and avoid wasteful premature
maintenance on underutilized equipment.
•	 Provide engineering professionals with data to do hydraulic modelling and capacity planning to assure optimum performance or plan for
new infrastructure growth.
•	 Combine key performance indicators and asset condition information to assess parts of the infrastructure that exhibit the greatest risk of
failure or warrant higher priority for capital investment projects.
Some experienced asset management system users have even described their investment as an ongoing way of life, not just a one-and-done investment in
hardware and software. That is because as new capabilities pay for themselves in terms of reducing lost revenue or enhancing energy-efficient productivity, new
opportunities to capitalize further on those results are revealed in turn.
Finnish Utility Trials Asset Investment Planning Software
Finnish multi-utility Alva is the first in Scandinavia to trial Ovarro’s PIONEER asset investment planning (AIP) software. The six-month trial, which started in
May focuses on Alva’s water distribution network, but will also assess the potential benefits of optimal investment planning right across its asset base.
Alva serves the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland and its surrounding area and, along with its subsidiaries, generates and distributes electricity and produces,
sells and distributes heat and water in the networks they own. PIONEER is a web-based decision support platform that can optimise asset management
planning and operational strategies. Kimmo Järvinen, head of Alva’s asset management programme said, “As a frontrunner in utility asset management in
Nordic countries, Alva is excited by this proof of concept. The aim of the trial is to assess our readiness in terms of data; we also have an important requirement
for the tool to improve Alva’s long-term, risk-based investment planning.”
George Heywood, technical director, Ovarro said, “We are very excited to be working with a visionary utility like Alva that can see the potential of our platform
across water and non-water assets. PIONEER has the potential to help the company carry out renewals across the asset base, supporting the coordination of
programmes of works in power and water together, to minimise the total number of excavations.
“Alva is also our first customer to benefit from the recently developed PIONEER Express interface, which makes it easier for non-specialists to use PIONEER’s
powerful planning capability. We are currently rolling it out to our existing clients too.”
The simplified functionality of the Express interface was developed at Ovarro’s data analytics centre in Reigate, UK, over the last 12 months. It is designed
to be used by operatives with varying levels of technical expertise, speeding up decision-making on investment plans. Alva’s bespoke PIONEER software
environment has been deployed via Microsoft’s Azure cloud service in a very short period of time, to meet the customer’s ambitious schedule and programme
of works. It can be used for all utility network asset types including potable water and heat distribution mains, sewers and electrical cabling, as well as point
assets such as pumping stations, treatment works and transformers.
Heywood said, “Given the timing, this project has not been without challenges. Our plans to travel to Finland were disrupted by Covid-19 and training had to
be provided remotely via Teams. We will continue to provide close support throughout the trial.” PIONEER has been in use in the UK for over 10 years, with
six water companies making use of the platform, including United Utilities, Southern Water and Northern Ireland Water.
Industry Standards Will Be ‘Extremely Important’ In The
A survey of automation engineering professionals conducted by the International Society of Automation (ISA) found that most respondents believe standards
will play a big role in the industry’s future. The International Society of Automation (ISA) recently surveyed 290 people in the automation engineering field to
discover their thoughts on industry standards. The survey shows that 63 percent of respondents believe that standards will be “extremely important” in the
Conducted in June 2020, the online survey received 290 responses from automation engineering professionals, primarily from the United States, Europe,
and Canada. 42 percent of respondents described themselves as engineers, 21 percent as consultants, 15 percent as managers, and 8 percent as executives.
The remaining 14 percent reported as a mix of technicians, operators, salespeople, marketers, or other roles. Survey respondents most commonly worked
at system integrators (35 percent), asset owners (30 percent), or automation providers (22 percent). Most survey respondents (77 percent) said they are ISA
members. 41 percent of respondents said they have more than 30 years of experience in their field; 26 percent said they have 20 to 30 years of experience; 21
percent said they have 10 to 20 years; 12 percent said they have 0 to 10 years.
Key findings include:
•	 An overwhelming majority of survey respondents believe that, in the future, standards will be “extremely important” (63 percent) or
“important” (33 percent).
•	 Most respondents (87 percent) believe that industry standards make processes and facilities safer.
•	 Most respondents (81 percent) believe that industry standards help companies prove compliance to regulations.
•	 Most respondents (67 percent) believe that industry standards make it easier to train and cross-train people in technical jobs.
•	 Most respondents (63 percent) believe that industry standards make processes and facilities more cyber-secure.
The findings of the ISA survey confirm that automation engineering professionals rely on industry standards. Survey respondents suggested that standards are
essential to maintaining excellence in their work. In general, respondents have a positive outlook about standards, and they believe that standards will continue
to be just as critical, if not more so, in the future. “In creating this survey, ISA wanted to demonstrate the value of standards to the automation community,”
said Dr. Maurice J. Wilkins, executive advisor at Yokogawa Marketing HQ, ISA Fellow, former vice president of ISA’s Standards and Practices Department, current
co-chair of the ISA101 Human-Machine Interfaces Standard Committee, and member of the ISA Executive Board’s Industry Reach & Awareness work group.
“We are grateful to the many automation engineering professionals who took the time to tell us how standards are helping them, their employees, and their
Page 19
Introduction – A history of the treatment works at Cookstown
The Wastewater Treatment works at Cookstown in Northern Ireland is a treatment works that has a long and extensive history. It was originally commissioned
in 1965 by the district’s local authority. Situated on the edge of the highly-respected Ballinderry River, the original works was designed to cater for an
equivalent population of 11,500. Within a relatively short period of the old works being commissioned (and following the establishment of Water Service
in 1973), it became apparent that the systems installed - although modern in their day - were not going to be able to deal effectively with the sewage from
the town as well as the surge in volume of effluent being produced from the area’s rapidly expanding pork industry. The trade effluent was extremely high in
strength due to the quantities of blood and fat associated with pig processing and was subsequently putting unprecedented pressure on the works.
By the 1980s Cookstown’s population had increased beyond 24,000, and while the existing works had been extended to cope with the growing domestic
and trade pressures, it was clear by the mid 1990s the sewage plant was operating well beyond its initial capacity. In addition, many of the tanks required
unpleasant and labour - intensive operational procedures to maintain them; whilst other items of plant, such as the detritor. had become ineffective.
Operational problems, such as blockages, were also frequently encountered.
Despite the processes being well maintained, the fact remained that the works was substantially overloaded both hydraulically and biologically. As a result, the
works had failed on a number of occasions to meet consent standards which meant that fines by the EC were imminent.
During the 1990s, extensive studies were carried out in relation to the building of a new sewage treatment works in Cookstown. The planning authority ruled
out the existing site for a bigger works on the grounds that it was too close to housing and that any development of the site would inhibit further residential
expansion in that area of the town.
Overall a total of seven sites were considered for the location of the new works with Environmental Impact Assessments drawn up for each option. An extensive
public consultation exercise was undertaken to present the various sites to key stakeholders but all options were deemed unacceptable.
Having exhausted all avenues, Water Service’s designers went back to looking in greater detail at ways in which they could overcome the constraints posed by
the existing works site.
The main problem with the site surrounded the restricted footprint that was available for introducing new infrastructure. However research showed that by
utilising more modern treatment processes, Water Service would be able to incorporate a new higher capacity works within a much smaller area. From an
environmental point of view, we knew that careful planting and screening of the new works would overcome any visual objections and that by introducing
robust odour control systems, the tightest of standards would be satisfied.
With this option offering the most economically advantageous option, Water Service proceeded with a design to replace the existing Cookstown WwTW with
a modern new plant on the same site. Five alternative treatment processes were economically and practically appraised for their construction within the
confines of the existing works site.
The most suitable option deemed for the new Cookstown Works was a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) process- a compact footprint plant which did not require
a separate secondary settlement stage (an element that would take up additional valuable space on site).
Case Study:
Optimisation of a SBR
using Enhanced Control
Figure 1: Cookstown WwTW
Page 20
Also, because the SBR process could be integrated into the existing works and operate without a short-term requirement for primary treatment, it eliminated
the need for the provision of a significant temporary treatment plant
In terms of whole life costs, the SBR option proved to be the most economically viable solution to produce high quality effluent.
Working within the confines of the existing site footprint, coupled with the need to keep the existing works live was probably the biggest challenge that faced
the construction team. Logistically the storing of materials also proved to be a significant problem and while ‘just time’ deliveries were scheduled as far as
possible to maximize space, NI Water were keen to reuse as much of the excavated spoil as possible. To enable this to happen, stockpiles of rock and indigenous
landscaping were created in the area just above the works itself.
Much of this existing material was used during phase one of the construction programme (building of the SBR tanks and the inlet works) when much of the
river improvement work was also undertaken.
River improvements Prior to construction work getting underway, NI Water’s Engineering & Procurement team, set up a special river improvement workshop
to offer a common platform for all those with an interest in the river to come together to discuss their concerns and put forward ideas for enhancing the river
quality and its long-term protection.
During the initial workshop, NI Water highlighted how the design of the works had been developed with cognisance of the adjacent Ballinderry River. To
improve the conditions in the river and protect it from construction work in the short term, NI Water took the decision to carry out ancillary upgrades to the
existing plant to temporarily raise the quality of the treatment process until the new works was brought on line and compiled with current discharge consents.
The first meeting proved a most valuable exercise and from the outset of the scheme, provided a crucial stepping stone to building strategic links with some key
project stakeholders. The knowledge gleaned from the Ballinderry River Enhancement Association (BREA) was fundamental in introducing the most effective
river improvement methods to ensure minimal disturbance to the existing fish or invertebrate life.
To the delight of the NI Water team, their joint venture contractors for the new works wholeheartedly bought into the idea of improving the river. Ahead of
construction, all river banks were strengthened to prevent future erosion and a total of six weirs and groynes lying above and below the works were repaired
using indigenous stone. A boom downstream of the works was introduced so that any silt or debris from the working site was caught and removed and a
number of gravel spawning beds were introduced at agreed locations for the migrating fish such as salmon and dollaghan.
The timing of the works was also taken into account with all construction work in the river undertaken to coincide with the migration of fish.
Moving forward to today – Advanced ASP Control
More recently the works at Cookstown was struggling to hydraulically treat all of the flows that it was receiving from the network with the storm tanks
regularly filling as the sequencing batch reactor cycles were proving to be insufficient to complete treatment before flows were fully treated as such flows
passing to storm tanks. In order to resolve this situation a solution was sought to improve the works control using an advanced activated sludge control system
from Strathkelvin Instruments, the ASP-CON.
The ASP-CON is a multi-parameter Activated Sludge Plant controller that is designed to measure up
to 20 key Activated Sludge Plant parameters that are used to control the Activated Sludge Process.
At its heart it is a respirometer that measures the Oxygen Utilisation rate and the health of the ASP
process but the multiple measurement techniques that utilises allows a greater degree of control of
the process (figure 2)
The ASP-Con system measures basic parameters such as Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia, MLSS, pH &
Temperature as well as additional basic parameters such as Potassium, Conductivity, Settlement and
TSS – Predicted as well as Advanced WwTW Control Parameters such as OUR and SOUR,. With these
parameters fed to PLC there is a complete control of the ASP system.
This unique access to all of the WWTP information allows the Operational Teams to decide how
to deploy scarce operational resource. The in-situ eliminates the need for Operators to go out on
plant and grab MLSS ASP-Con (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid) and settlement samples. Depending
on site size and layout this can save up to 2 hours of valuable time and ensuring consistent sampling
techniques and measurement practises. If an issue occurs the ASP-Con can be programmed to grab
another sample or programmed to collect samples more frequently, regardless of the time of day,
day of the week, holiday schedule and regardless of adverse weather conditions. The samples are
then tested in-situ – so avoiding the requirement to send off to the lab and wait a week on results,
not knowing how well samples are stored and for how long before a lab technician is free to test
any particular sample – results are Real-Time. The ASP-Con will also cut down the requirement of
operator time for routine cleaning of ASP-Con probes. All the probes are on one instrument, that
runs through a cleaning and calibration programme as dictated by the Operations Team. Cleaning is
built-in to the normal operating procedures of the instrument. This also can be altered if and when
required, by the Site Team. The demand on an Operator’s time for Maintenance of numerous probes
on a site is huge. The fouling and ragging of “old generation” probes is a significant health and safety
issue. The sheer physical requirement at times, to lift some probes out of the treatment plant due
to excessive ragging should not be under-estimated. In contrast, the ASP-Con’s Self-Cleaning regime
eliminates ragging completely. The regular cleaning regime automatically implemented significantly
reduces fouling, improving accuracy reliability and repeatability of measures. Also health & safety
risks to Operators in cold, wet and lone working conditions are significantly reduced.
Figure 2: ASP-CON System
Page 21
About the Author
Michael Dooley is a chartered Mechanical Engineer with 24 years experience in Process Equipment Design,
Operation and maintenance. He has been Managing Director and part owner of Strathkelvin Instruments
Limited and is considered one of the foremost experts in Biological Wastewater treatment in the UK and Ireland.
He regularly consults for companies such as Calachem, Northern Ireland Water, Veolia, Scottish Water and many
others. He specialises in reducing aeration energy costs of wastewater treatment.
Strathkelvin Instruments was founded in 1981, to develop instruments based upon precision dissolved
oxygen measurement, for use in the biomedical research field. This remains a significant part of the company’s
instrumentation range.
What this means at the wastewater treatment works at Cookstown was that the completion of the sequencing batch reactor cycles could be more accurately
managed by using the ASP-Con system to measure when the Biodegradable load (by measuring Oxygen Uptake Rate – OUR and Ammonium) is completely
removed during each aeration cycle. Once this has been confirmed as complete the ASP-Con system takes a sample to measure the MLSS and then the SVI in
each basin. The SBR control software for the basin is then stepped on to complete the settle and decant phases before being allowed to idle until the level in
the Anoxic basin requires the fill/aerate cycle to restart.
The SBR basins were optimised by
•	 Ensuring biodegradable load is completely removed during each aeration cycle.
•	 Avoiding excessive energy consumption by avoiding overtreatment of wastewaters.
•	 Maximising hydraulic throughput by maximising treatment basin availability.
•	 Monitoring biological measures of performance to avoid long term issues.
This can be seen in figure 3:
What this meant, from a hydraulic point of view, was that the number of SBR cycles could be increased by decreasing the SBR cycle time so that 12 fixed
volume cycles could be treated each week. This increased the hydraulic throughput in the plant by 50% ensuring that spills to the storm tanks could be limited
to genuine storm events and not due to hydraulic overload of the treatment process.
However, this was not the only benefit of the ASP-CON system at Cookstown as the plant worked on the principle of a Surge Anoxic Mix SBR. This has meant
a large decrease in the amount of energy that is required to treat the wastewater to standard as can be seen in figure 4
Over a one month period there was a 50% reduction in the amount of energy
that was consumed by the treatment process. All of these benefits also result
in an increased stability of the treatment process which means overall the
treatment works is more stable.
By utilising advanced monitoring and control using the ASP-CON
system at Cookstown WwTW there has been a large improvement in
environmental quality by increasing the hydraulic capacity of the works and
decreasing the energy consumption. This is a double benefit that the water
industry is seeking insofar more is being achieved, quite literally for less. This
sort of system is usually reserved for larger works where there is a larger
potential for savings. However Cookstown WwTW at a relatively small design
population of 24,000 shows that advanced control systems are available on
treatment works a lot smaller than has been traditionally considered for
advanced ASP control systems. In a time where the water industry is looking
to deliver more for less the ASP-CON system gives the industry a potential
solution to realise the efficiencies that it needs to through instrumentation
and control.
Figure 3: Cookstown unoptmised (left) and optimised (right)
Figure 4: Energy Savings at Cookstown utilising the ASP-CON System
Page 22
Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring Conference & Exhibition
- 26th
May 2021 - Telford International Exhibition Centre, Telford, United Kingdom
The biennial WWEM conference & exhibition is the premium instrumentation & monitoring conference in the UK Calendar and is an
event that WIPAC gets heavily involved in. This year there will be the WIPAC Flow Forum, a joint Digital Transformation Conference
with the SWAN Forum as well as a the Instrumentation Apprentice Competition and a new and improved Learning & Development
Zone with some of the UK’s leading professional institutes including CIWEM, the Institute of Measurement & Control, the Future
Water Association and British Water.
International Water Association Digital Water Summit
November - 3rd
December 2020 -Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao, Spain
In 2020, the first edition of the IWA Digital Water Summit will take place under the tag-line “Join the transformation journey”
designed to be the reference in digitalisation for the global water sector. The Summit has a focus on business and industry, while
technology providers and water utilities will be some of the key participants that will discuss and shape the agenda of the Summit.
The programme includes plenary sessions, interactive discussions, side events, exhibition, technical visits, and social events
Sensor for Water Interest Group Workshops
September - Water & Health
October - Coagulation Control
The Sensors for Water Interest Group has moved their workshops for the foreseeable future online. The next workshop on 30th
September is free for SWIG Members to try out the concept.
Future of Utilities Summit
Dates to be confirmed - Bishopsgate, London, United Kingdom
Future of Utilities Summit brings top-level energy and water executives together to transform business models and adapt to the
disruption in the market. Learn from board-level executives from EDF Energy, Thames Water and SP Energy Networks, and join
senior representatives from every important industry player to exchange ideas, raise your profile, unlock solutions and accelerate
industry change.
Water & Wastewater Treatment
August 2020 - Asset Management 2020
January 2021 - Wastewater 2021
WWT put on some of the leading conferences in the UK. In the calendar at the moment is the asset management conference in
August 2020 and the Wastwater Conference in January 2021.
Page 23
Conferences, Events,
Seminars & Studies
Conferences, Seminars & Events
2020 Conference Calendar
Due to the current international crisis there has been a large amount of disruption in the conference calendar. A lot of workshops have
moved online at least in the interim and a lot of organisations are using alternative means of getting the knowledge out there such as
webinars popping up at short notice. Do check your regular channels about information and events that are going on. Also do check on
the dates provided here as they are the best at the time of publishing but as normal things are subject to change.
Follow us: @WWEM_Exhibition
Tel: +44 (0)1727 858840
Over 100 Free workshops,
over 140 Exhibitors and
a Focussed Conference,
WWEM is the specialist
event for monitoring,
testing and analysis of
water, wastewater and
environmental samples.
MAY 2021
MAY 2021
The 9th International
Conference & Exhibition
Telford, UK
Secure Your Stand
A great source
of information
and networking
Environment Agency
A fantastic opportunity
to network, experience
first-hand innovative
techniques in monitoring
West Sussex County Council
Supporting Trade Associations
A great event, not to be
missed by anyone involved
in water wastewater and
environmental monitoring
United Utilities
WWEM 2020 Advert.indd 1 29/04/2020 10:54
Page 24

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WIPAC Monthly July 2020

  • 1. WIPAC MONTHLYThe Monthly Update from Water Industry Process Automation & Control Issue 7/2020- July 2020
  • 2. Page 2 In this Issue WIPAC Monthly is a publication of the Water Industry Process Automation & Control Group. It is produced by the group manager and WIPAC Monthly Editor, Oliver Grievson. This is a free publication for the benefit of the Water Industry and please feel free to distribute to any who you may feel benefit. However due to the ongoing costs of WIPAC Monthly a donation website has been set up to allow readers to contribute to the running of WIPAC & WIPAC Monthly, For those wishing to donate then please visit all donations will be used solely for the benefit and development of WIPAC. All enquires about WIPAC Monthly, including those who want to publish news or articles within these pages, should be directed to the publications editor, Oliver Grievson at From the editor............................................................................................................. 3 Industry news.............................................................................................................. Highlights of the news of the month from the global water industry centred around the successes of a few of the companies in the global market. 4 - 11 Controlling the activated sludge process....................................................................... In a follow up article to this month’s 5th WIPAC Webinar our feature article attempts to cover the key points discussed. These include understanding the principles of activated sludge plant control using a model-based approach and utilising this to deliver innovations in treatment works design and all the way to using monitoring innovations deliver both energy and environmental efficiency 12-15 IoT remote monitoring takes asset management to new heights................................. In this article, which was originally published in Water Online, the technology company - Trimble Water takes a look at Digital Transformation solutions for remote asset management and performance monitoring across a water company’s estate. 16 - 19 OptimisationofaSBRusingadvancedcontrol.................................................................. In this reprint of this case study from a couple of year’s ago we look into the Cookstown case study that is mentioned in this month’s WIPAC Webinar by Michael Dooley and look at the energy savings that were made as a result of the installation of advanced control of the activated sludge process. 20-22 Workshops, conferences & seminars............................................................................ The highlights of the conferences and workshops in the coming months. 23-24
  • 3. Page 3 From the Editor This month has been month which has been interesting for a number of reasons. It started with me hosting a Sensors for Water Interest Group (SWIG) on Water Resources, a subject that is not normally within my area of interest, but has become one after sitting down in a hole in the ground listening to a client talk about the strains of agricultural water resources. At that moment I realised that some cross-industry collaboration was what was needed. Fast forward six months or more and moving to an online platform the need for a collaboration was highlighted even more. The potential for Digital Transformation in Agriculture and water resources very real and a clear push towards it. The barrier acting against it is the cost of something that isn’t within the normal day to day life and so it is of course seen as something unnecessary. However, it has been well published in recent months the potential future shortage of water resources so as supplies dwindle and the cost of water goes up maybe the necessity will grown. The need for Digital Transformation and potential water resource trading is one of the first potential uses for blockchain that I’ve seen within the wider water industry although understandably it maybe seen as a technological step too far. The potential for data as a service (DaaS) is also a possibility that is more real in this application that I personally think it is in the “traditional” water industry. There is a large potential for collaboration in this area in even more detail than is currently thought. This month also saw the Smart Water Networks Conference which was another event that was forced to go on line but with the various pre-conference workshops and the main conference was stronger than ever. I was lucky enough to take part in two of the pre-conference workshops with the first being the Rising Smart Water Professionals (RiSWP). It was fantastic to see such a large group of dedicated professionals within the water industry who were interest in the technical side of the industry and implementing real-world solutions. The panel that I was on of course concentrating on the practical side of implementation, something that those who know me know that I am passionate about. The skills shortage within the global water industry, especially with the technically-minded aspect to their career, will be plugged with these Rising Smart Water professionals so it was fantastic to see such dedication amongst those present. This wasn’t the last of the workshops and a week later (the night before the SWAN conference started) it was great to take part in the Digital Twin Workshop and to lead a panel on instrumentation in Digital Twins. To my horror the workshop started with the Digital Twin diagram which considered instrumentation something that isn’t intrinsically linked to the Digital Twin concept which made the panel that I was leading somewhat of a moot point. To me this is something in both Digital Twins and the larger Digital Transformation concept that I struggle with. What I tend to see is a lot of operators concentrating on what is defined as Level 4 and Level 5 of the SWAN Layers, the de-facto structural standard for Digital Transformation in the Water Industry. For those of you who are not familiar Level 4 is about visualisation and Level 5 about analytics. What most people forget is that the visualisation and the analytics are fundamentally created from the data which comes, in the main, from the instrumentation.....Garbage In/Garbage Out anyone. The problem being that the base instrumentation isn’t the “attractive” and “novel” part of Digital Transformation and so, in the main isn’t concentrated on. However, take some of the most successful concepts that have delivered, such as the Digital Twin in Valencia which was built by Global Ominium and Idrica, you find that the Twin that was built was constructed on a very firm base of knowing exactly what the weaknesses in the instrumentation is and how reliable the data is. If you know the limitations then you know the limits of the decisions that you can make. Although I would say that instrumentation is vital so are all of the other elements which includes visualisation. It is something that a lot of people are doing a lot of very good things with. I was lucky enough to speak to Pablo Calabuig this GoAigua US about the work that has been done for sewer detection in the sewer environments using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE). One of the keys to the fantastic solution that has been put in place is the visualisation that has been put together allowing governmental decision makers to understand the situation quickly. This has not been the only time visualisation has come up this month and in the 5th WIPAC Webinar on Activated Sludge Plant Control we heard the subject of visualisation come up again within the discussions. It is clear that as the industry changes we have to take a close look at the User Experience (UX) point of view from not only at a corporate level with internal teams but also the customer point of view too. Have a good month and of course stay safe, Oliver
  • 4. Highly successful 5th WIPAC Webinar sheds new light on ASP control The 5th WIPAC Webinar took place this month on 23rd July and attendees were treated to a specially extended webinar with 5 presenters each looking at a different aspect of activated sludge plant control. The webinar included: • Live Rieger who is CEO of inCTRL Solutions talking about understanding the fundamentals of Activated Sludge Plant Control and using it to improve control models. • Stuart Ainsworth of Hach discussing the use of models and real time control to apply a swing-zone approach to the activated sludge plant • Michael Dooley of Strathkelvin Instruments looking at the use of specific oxygen utilisation rate (SOUR) to control the process and save energy and manage compliance • Mikkel Holmen Andersen of Unisense discussing how the use of nitrous oxide sensing can improve the holistic environmental performance of the activated sludge process • Jordan Schmidt of Luminultra looking at the use of ATP monitoring to detect the levels of viable bacterial mass and improve the control of the F:M ratio The feature article this month attempts to distil the two and half hour webinar down to few short pages but for those who want to watch the recording then please do go to the Water Industry Process Automation & Control page on YouTube or go straight to the webinar by clicking here or clicking the graphic below. Call for presentations - Future WIPAC Webinar programme Looking forward over the next few months there will be more WIPAC Webinar happening before the end of the year including the WIPAC Flow Forum which will be replaced with a virtual WIPAC Flow Forum which should have been taking place at the Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring Conference. As a replacement the Virtual Flow Forum will be taking place on the date that it would have been happening live this year, which is 11th November. This will be a taster to the WIPAC Flow Forum that will be happening live at WWEM 2021 on 25th May 2021. Not all the themes are set as yet but there will be an update from the water companies around the current flow to full treatment programme happening within England and Wales at the current time and it is likely that there will be both technology and O&M elements to this virtual WIPAC Flow Forum. For those interested in getting involved and presenting then please contact myself, Oliver Grievson, either through LinkedIn or at my email address, In addition to the virtual Flow Forum in November we will be running more WIPAC Webinar events. Suggestions are always welcome as to what members would like to see covered. IWA Digital Water Summit delayed until November 2021 The International Water Association and the organisers of the Digital Water Summit which was at first delayed until November 2020 have announced this month that the Digital Water Summit will now be taking place in November 2021. This decision was taken due to primarily the current Coronavirus outbreak (which also delayed the conference initially) and the impact that it is going to have on the venue. In short the restrictions put in place to ensure everyone’s safety would not allow for the summit to take place in an effective manner and so the decision was taken to delay it until 2021. In the meantime the programme committee and the IWA executive have been working extremely hard to bring together content for public consumption that will keep the whole Digital Water initiative within the global water industry going. This includes a number of webinars and white papers including the latest white paper on Artificial Intelligence and future white papers on instrumentation and digital twins coming up in the coming months. Page 4 Industry News
  • 5. Major role for wastewater epidemiology in tackling Covid-19 Webinar Highlights this month To say that webinars are popular at the moment is somewhat of an understatement so what I’ve done is put a selection of this month’s webinars together. Click on the link or the graphic to access the webinars WIPAC Webinar No.5 - Activated Sludge Plant Control ABB - Tech Talks - Different Flow Meters and where to use them inCTRL Solutions - Sensors driving you mad? Rising Smart Water Professionals Roundtable -pre SWAN Conference Event Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has a significant part to play in identifying ‘silent’ Covid-19 cases in the community, research presented at the latest Water Action Platform webinar demonstrates. The regular webinars, which are open to all, are hosted by Isle chairman Dr Piers Clark and look at the new coronavirus and global pandemic through a water industry lens. Insights from academia and the experiences of utilities around the world are shared, along with expert analysis providing insight into broader developments in science and technology bringing change in the world of water and wastewater. Here is a round-up of learnings from the fifteenth Water Action Platform webinar, which took place on 23 July. Some of the key learnings from the last webinar include: Wastewater epidemiology has major role in identifying ‘silent’ cases The latest research showing the risk posed by “silent transmission” of Covid-19 from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infections also helps make the case for WBE. An academic paper from four universities in Canada and the USA, featured on the Water Action Platform, demonstrates that the majority of Covid-19 infections may be attributable to silent transmission from pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic cases. Pre-symptomatic stage and asymptomatic infections together account for over 50% of transmission. Consequently, even immediate isolation of all symptomatic cases is insufficient to achieve control. Symptom-based isolation needs to be supplemented by testing that identifies asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases to control the spread of the disease. Dr Clark says, “This research indicates more strongly than ever before that the current symptom-based isolation approach adopted by many countries has to be supplemented by a rapid track-and-trace system. This is exactly where a WBE system that can give an early warning of an outbreak has a major part to play. We must keep working to make this a reality.” Flushed PPE putting pressure on sewage works Increased use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the last few months has meant a massive increase in unsuitable items being flushed. These are blocking sewers and collecting at the heads of sewage works around the world, creating a range of problems. In Zahgreb, the capital of Croatia, a public appeal was made after the central water treatment system became clogged with a large quantity of unflushable items including disinfectant wipes, respiratory masks and latex gloves. “To make matters worse,” said Piers Clark, “the workers had to clean the purifier by hand, thus exposing themselves to further risk. The importance of flush-it campaigns is now more important than ever.” Self-powered sensors could revolutionise condition monitoring Asset monitoring technology company 8Power, a spinout from the University of Cambridge, has developed a sensor that can monitor industrial assets using vibration energy harvesting (VEH). In a world where remote monitoring is becoming ever more important, these fit-and-forget devices that self-power both the sensor and the wireless communications for at least ten years, have no need for battery changes or other energy sources. Dataflows from equipment such as motors and pumps can be picked up and analysed on a mobile phone, alerting operators early on to potential issues with equipment. Research with one UK water company shows that 8Power’s devices can save up to 10% of a utility’s reactive maintenance budget, which can represent £millions for some organisations. Paul Egan, chief executive of Power8 says, “Sensors are only going to get smarter so they’re going to need more power. Bigger batteries are not the answer, so it has to be a change - we believe that’s going to be energy harvesting. Removing the problem of having to change batteries is going to accelerate the adoption of these kinds of technologies.” Gamification can encourage 10% water savings A collaborative European SmartH2O project has reported on a gamification trial that shows how household water consumption can be reduced by adopting a playful approach. Gamification is the use of computer game design elements in non-gaming concepts and in this study people were encouraged to compete to save water using comparative visualisations and water-saving tips with rewards attached. The results showed an initial peak of water-saving activity that eventually settled down to a constant level, which, after adjusting for seasonal variations, represented a saving of around 10 per cent. “As we enter into the summer drought months, solutions like this may prove to be very cost effective,” said Dr Clark. A link to the paper can be found in the artificial intelligence and digital knowledge hub on the Water Action platform. The 30-minute Water Action Platform webinar and links to the academic references can be viewed at The online network, initially set up by consultancy Isle as part of the water industry’s response to Covid-19, is growing rapidly and now boasts 960 members and over 472 organisations from 69 countries, with Guatemala, Croatia and Egypt being the latest to be represented. The next webinar takes place twice on Thursday 6 August and is open to utilities, organisations and companies across the water sector. There are two time slots to accommodate time differences - 7:30am and 4:30 pm BST (UTC+1). Register here contact Page 5
  • 6. Thames Water to invest £55m+ in Guildford water network upgrade Thames Water is set to invest more than £55 million over the next five years to upgrade Guildford’s water supply and ensure it can meet increased demand from thousands of new homes. The announcement comes during the ongoing £1.8m upgrade of Netley Mill water treatment works which supplies 8,500 properties in Cranleigh and the surrounding villages via Hurtwood, Alderbrook and Lambswood reservoirs. The work will increase the resilience of the site and reduced the risk of supply interruptions. Looking ahead, more than 8,000 new homes are planned for the Guildford area in the next five years. This will put added pressure on demand for water at a time when climate change is impacting its availability from the natural environment. Gareth Parry, head of water production at Thames Water, said: “Water is life’s essential service so making sure our customers have access to a reliable and safe supply is a top priority for us. It’s vital we keep investing in our network, particularly in and around Guildford where we heavily rely on a relatively small number of treatment sites and reservoirs to meet the needs of tens of thousands of homes. “Space for new reservoirs is almost impossible to come by so we have to ensure those sites we do have are upgraded regularly to meet the increasing demand for water as the population grows.” Future projects to be funded from Thames Water’s £55.7m investment pot will include improvements at Ladymead water works, to the north of Guildford, to increase the volume of water it can treat by up to six million extra litres per day. New pipework for villages including Cranleigh and Dunsfold will also be installed to accommodate growth, while protecting supplies for existing homes. Guildford’s water supply network is currently made up of 1,343km of pipes and plans are in place to replace 14km of it in the next two years. A new 10km pipe is also planned to connect the water supply systems for east and west Guildford, which are currently not linked. This will enable water to be moved from one area to another to keep more taps flowing during operational incidents. Guildford MP, Angela Richardson, said: “Guildford is a beautiful, dynamic, and constantly-changing place. As our way of life evolves, so does our demand for water. The historic nature of our local area greatly limits the construction of new water infrastructure, which is why I am delighted to welcome the £55.7 m investment from Thames Water into upgrading the existing water supply, with a view to making it more sustainable and reliable. This will ensure that Guildford, Cranleigh, and our villages will be some of the best places to live in the UK, with a water system fit for the 21st century.” Thames Water also plans to install more smart water meters and aims to have the majority of the homes it supplies across Guildford on meters by 2025. Meters put customers in control of how much water they use and enables suppliers to better detect leaks and monitor demand to inform future plans. The company has committed to reducing leakage by 20 per cent by 2025 following an industry-leading 15 per cent reduction over the last 12 months. During lockdown, and particularly during a spell of hot weather in late May and early June, Thames Water saw demand for water in Guildford rise by up to 20 per cent, leaving some customers in Haslemere with lower than normal water pressure or periods with no water at all. Outdoor use such as paddling pools, sprinklers and hosepipes were shown to be the main cause of the unprecedented level of demand. Essex & Suffolk Water uses lightweight drone for two reservoir inspections Essex & Suffolk Water is using an lightweight drone to enhance safety inspections of some of its larger reservoirs, and to overcome the Covid-19 challenges around social distancing in confined space areas. The water company - which supplies water to 1.8 million customers across its operational areas - adapted quickly during lockdown to find another way of safely undertaking the essential planned inspections to ensure the continued safety of its reservoir sites. Essex & Suffolk Water worked with commercial drone provider, Coptrz, to source the lightweight drone to undertake the two programmed reservoir inspections. The inspections included assessing the dams, underground pipework and the buildings deep below the surface of the water. The Elios II is specifically designed for confined spaces and dark, cold environments. It is equipped with high powered lights and thermal sensors for detecting any structural cracks or issues. Greg Barrett, Project Engineer at Essex & Suffolk Water, said: “As an innovative company, we’re always trying to do things better and more efficiently for our customers. “This is the first time we’ve used a drone to do an internal inspection of a reservoir and we’re delighted with the results. Because of this new approach, we now have a better insight into the condition of our structures, so much so that this has now formed part of our ongoing maintenance schedule. “While this new innovative tool won’t stop us getting boots on the ground, it will continue to be a valuable tool in helping us better look after our reservoirs and ensure their continued safe operation. “We hope this new approach might become industry standard, as it’s given us a fantastic new insight that we’ve never had before.” Page 6
  • 7. Israeli Company Uses Sewage to Find COVID-19 Hot Spots While the world waits for vaccines, Kando hopes that by collecting and analyzing sewage samples, it can help government isolate problem areas to more effectively and precisely contain COVID-19. What happens when a country lacks the ability to thoroughly identify and isolate people who have become infected with the coronavirus, and therefore can’t contain the spread of COVID-19? But what if, while the world waits for scientists to create vaccines and other treatments, governments could more precisely target lockdowns to only problem areas? That would require a way to quickly find those problem areas. And the way to do that, as it happens, might be through the sewers. A company from Israel, Kando, is gearing up to start selling sensors and services to governments around the world to make it happen. The idea, according to Kando Vice President of Product and Marketing Yaniv Shoshan, is to put hardware into wastewater pipes that will capture samples on their own, then send out people to collect those samples and deliver them to labs where they can be analysed to find out how much, if any, of the virus is in it. “We sample the wastewater in the right time and the right place to [get] the best results, and those samples are going to a laboratory which analyses the amount of [virus],” Shoshan said. “We developed a module that takes all the parameters of the wastewater and the structure of the city, the size of the population and the flow of the water, etc., etc., etc., and it calculates the … size of the infected population upstream of the unit.” With that information, he said, the company can move its sensors down the pipelines to “zoom in” on more specific areas. Eventually a government could find a neighbourhood — perhaps even a single street — where the virus is coming from. “We call it hot spots, so you can pinpoint a hot spot and then you can intervene with a smaller population size, and like if you are going to do a lockdown, you don’t have to do a lockdown for the full city, but only for a neighbourhood or a smaller area,” he said. For a few months now, the company has been testing out the concept in the pipes below Ashkelon, a city in Israel just north of Gaza, in order to calibrate its models. Shoshan said it will release results from that project soon. An American company, Biobot Analytics, has been doing similar work since March. In a recent article, the Boston Globe reported that Biobot has now worked with about 400 facilities in 42 different states. COVID-19aside,the“classic”workofBiobotandKandoarefairlydifferent.Biobotfocusedonusingsewageforpublichealthconcerns,chieflyopioidconsumption, while Kando has pointed its sampling toward pollution. Any number of pollutants — oils, fats, salts, fuels, acids — can enter wastewater on its way to treatment plants, which can harm those facilities as well as consumers of wastewater such as agricultural operations. “If a factory discharges something, a pollutant or materials, into the sewage which are not permitted or which the wastewater treatment plant is not planned to treat, all kind of things can happen,” Shoshan said. “The simplest things are clogs, they can cause overflows in the city, and you can go all the way to corrosion that harms the pipes … you can go to all kinds of upsets for the wastewater treatment plant, so its performance will [be] damaged.” But the issue of the moment — the year, really — is the coronavirus. And Kando is looking to expand its monitoring program to help contain the virus to as many places as it can. “Humanity has to have some kind of monitoring which is fast and doesn’t harm privacy,” he said. “This solution doesn’t harm privacy, it doesn’t harm the population’s way of life. We don’t have to approach people and test them personally. It’s something that is constant, under the ground. Nobody sees it, it doesn’t interfere with the city or way of life. So yeah, we are eager to help every city in the world.” Page 7
  • 8. Xylem Water Solutions launches new OEM Centre of Excellence for Europe Leading global water technology company Xylem Water Solutions has invested in an OEM European Centre of Excellence (CoE), based from its UK facility in Axminster. The Axminster CoE will be the centre of Xylem’s OEM innovation, expanding the group’s current offering through an innovative and customised “plug and play” solutions range. A most recent example is Xylem’s premium GHVR reduced footprint booster set. The Axminster CoE creates a focussed team of experts with decades of experience in understanding Xylem customers’ specific requirements and providing OEM added-value bespoke products. The new development will take Xylem’s customer support to the next level in terms of the customisation of solutions, based on each customer’s requirements, all configured and shipped within expedited timescales to give a true partnership experience. Paul Winnett, General Manager, OEM & Building Services, Xylem Water Solutions, explained: “Our Axminster facility is committed to meeting customer demand and consistently delivers high quality, efficient products and best-in-class service. We are delighted it is now recognised as a Centre of Excellence which enables Xylem to increase its high performance and high engagement with customers. “Customers can make significant efficiency gains and cost savings by outsourcing their processes to Xylem: what could take 7 to14 days in a factory, or at their own facilities, Xylem can now turn around and ship within 1 to 2 days. This is even more important in these extraordinary times, where building owners, including hospitals, NHS facilities and care homes, need to have confidence in critical systems. The ability for products to be shipped the same day in an emergency, dramatically reduces the downtime of facilities, which can be vital. Distributors and other customers can equally benefit tremendously from working with Xylem as a one-stop-shop for their packaged solutions. “It is an exciting and important step towards our continued objective of being the partner of choice for OEM solutions, whether that be from a standard product range, or engineered to order, special solutions.” Xylem’s Axminster CoE will enable full local assembly and a dedicated team of engineers who will work on prototypes and, when approved, full production models. Specialist facilities will ensure all OEM configured products are fully tested whilst qualified technical engineers will be dedicated to OEM quoting, including drawings, specifications, order entry and constructing Bills of materials. Xylem’s internal sales team, highly skilled in managing complex OEM call of orders, will ensure just in time models run by OEM’s run smoothly to maximise production capacity for customer. This is one of several investments Xylem is making in European Centres of Excellence focused on specific markets and innovative solutions to bring together unique expertise across Europe. The SWAN Forum Holds Largest, Global Virtual Smart Water Event The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) recently held its 10th Annual Conference from July 22-24, 2020 focused on the theme, “Moving Beyond Data to Value Creation.” The event drew in over 400 participants from 32 different countries with 64 unique utilities in attendance and featured four keynotes and eight cutting-edge panels on topics such as “Bridging IT/OT,” “Next Generation Wastewater Management,” and “Digital Sustainability and Resilience in the New Normal.” It also included two, different interactive roundtable sessions led by utility and industry experts, as well as a global networking breakout session. Commenting on the monumental event, Amir Cahn, Executive Director of the SWAN Forum, stated, “By going virtual, we were pleased to walk the walk when it comes to adopting digital solutions. In these critical times, we found a great yearning for the latest information on data-driven solutions that can greatly assist water and wastewater operators and benefit the public at large.” All SWAN 2020 Conference Attendees will receive a link to the full presentations with audience questions, panel and keynote video recordings, roundtable recordings with key takeaways, as well as their own virtual Swag Bag with cutting-edge reports and raffle prizes. These items will also be available soon for purchase on demand. Before the Conference began, SWAN held three pre-Conference events including a Young Professional Workshop on July 14th hosted by SWAN’s Rising Smart Water Professionals (RiSWP), which featured interactive roundtable discussions and a keynote address by Joone Lopez, General Manager of Moulton Niguel Water District (US). On July 21st, SWAN partnered with +ADD Strategy for a Cybersecurity ideaLAB and later hosted its 3rd Digital Twin Workshop where a collaborative “Digital Twin Architecture” and a new Lifecycle Assessment Subgroup were unveiled to address the growing interest in Digital Twin solutions. A link to the 3rd SWAN Digital Twin Workshop presentations and video recording can be found here: workshop/ About SWAN Forum: The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) is the leading global hub for the smart water sector, accelerating the awareness and adoption of data-driven technologies in water and wastewater networks worldwide. A nonprofit organisation, SWAN brings together key players in the water sector to collaborate and share knowledge while offering access to cutting-edge research, global networking opportunities, and the ability to proactively influence the future of the water industry. Learn more at: Page 8
  • 9. Southern Water in world first mass roll out of new IoT leak detection technology Southern Water has started the world’s first mass roll out of a ground-breaking new ‘Internet of Things’ leak detection system in Southampton. Some 700 new Gutermann ZONESCAN NB-IoT devices will be fitted around the city. Southern Water has pioneered the use of acoustic logger technology in the UK and the latest devices will massively increase the utility’s ability to detect leaks before they become bursts. Southern Water said the devices are a crucial tool to support both long and short- term challenges. Water use has soared by as much as 20 per cent in lockdown and hot weather is further driving demand, making it a challenge for water to be treated and pumped enough to maintain pressure. The water company has committed to reducing leaks from its network by 15 per cent over the next five years. Southampton has been chosen for the first wave of devices to support the ten year ‘Water for Life: Hampshire’ resource plan. Hampshire must reduce its reliance on water taken from the iconic chalk streams of the Rivers Test and Itchen. The plan includes massive resource development including the construction of a new reservoir in Havant Thicket in collaboration with Portsmouth Water as well as supporting customers to reduce the amount of water they use through the Target 100 campaign. Phil Tapping, Southern Water’s Regional Demand Manager, commented: “Building new water resources can never be the whole answer to the challenges of population growth and climate change.” “Demand reduction and cuts to leakage from our network will be key. And we need to find new ways of tackling leakage - bringing technology to bear is crucial. I’m very proud Southern Water is leading the way.” Previously, leakage data was either collected manually or by driving past the device or by relying on 2G/3G cellular coverage. 2G/3G was primarily designed for use with mobile phones so has never been an optimum way of transferring small packages of data. “It was like delivering a pizza in a lorry” said Paul Chandler, Gutermann’s Southampton-based UK Sales Manager. The new devices rely on industry proven Gutermann leak detection hardware and software and the use of the latest NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things) cellular technology to reliably ensure Southern Water receives its leakage data every day. This negates the need for manual or “Drive-By” collections therefore reducing Southern Water’s carbon footprint. The acoustic loggers ‘listen’ at night to the sound of water in the network. The acoustic signatures are wirelessly transmitted to Gutermann’s ZONESCAN Net cloud based service where the files are analysed searching for the tell-tale traces of water being forced through a split or hole in the pipe. Every morning a detailed report is sent to Southern Water’s team of Leak Technicians who collate the data and prioritise teams to make repairs. Southern Water is already using 6,000 “Mobile” leak detection devices throughout its region to help with the reduction of leakage. Narrow Band-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a standards-based low power wide area (LPWA) technology developed to enable a wide range of new IoT devices and services. NB-IoT cuts power consumption of devices and improves communication connectivity, especially in deep chambers like fire hydrants or valves, making it perfect for this type of installation. Page 9
  • 10. Yorkshire Water appoints Artesia Consulting and i20 Water for SIDS A collaboration between Artesia Consulting and i20 Water has been appointed to work on Yorkshire Water’s supply interruption detection services (SIDS). As part of the partnership, i2O’s ‘event detection’ module in its iNet advanced analytics solution is used in conjunction with Artesia’s eVader software. eVader builds a model of what ‘normal’ is, based on a year of historical data, and then checks new data as it is received against the model, identifying whether it is ‘normal’, ‘suspect’, or ‘unusual’. i2O’s solution runs the eVader software, sends emails to clients to highlight events, and makes the data and insights available through graphs, tables, dashboards, and maps. This allows the collaboration’s clients to become aware of network events sooner, to diagnose them more effectively and to make interventions to resolve them before they escalate. Yorkshire Water innovation programme manager Sam Bright said: “We have recently run a trial of the eVader system across six supply zones and compared it with other anomaly detection technologies. “We found it to be the most promising solution and are in the process of now extending this to the entire network. We are excited about the potential of the system to identify network issues as they happen, which will allow us to resolve them much more quickly.” Artesia Consulting director Dene Marshallsay said: “We have been able to meet Yorkshire Water’s requirements more cost-effectively through our partnership with i2O, and the iNet solution offers the client the opportunity to scale up from an initial pilot based on a limited number of locations to network-wide.” David Kenny, head of sales at i2O, added: “Yorkshire Water has used i2O Advanced Pressure Management for a number of years. We are delighted to be able to extend the range of services that we provide to them through the partnership with Artesia Consulting.” Endress+Hauser Expands Digital Service Experience For Projects Digital commissioning application and Netilion turnover package provides added value services to ensure projects stay on time, on-budget, and up to date on project steps. Endress+Hauser expands end users’ digital experience on instrument projects with the release of their digital commissioning application and Netilion projects digital turnover package. These new capabilities empower the plant startup team to mitigate project risks while staying on time and budget, and to track progress in real time. The digital service experience enables users to digitize projects for efficiency, eliminating time consuming manual coding and progress reports. Users are able to see project work progress across the field devices startup phases in real- time and can flag any potential issues on the commissioning app. Visibility to issues enables users to reallocate resources to keep the project on time. The web-based application workflow is tailor built to field technician and project manager user’s needs for greater productivity. Instead of manual loop folders, documentation is generated digitally and stored in the Netilion Library digital service application. This paperless storage eliminates manual retrieval to facilitate development of a turnover package complying with project deliverable requirements. Netilion Library helps users organize asset records, drawings, pictures, files, and turnover package documents. It is a file sharing and data management service for the complete life cycle of an instrument. This saves significant time when carrying out maintenance or engineering activities since the often-tedious search for information is eliminated. Project benefits include: • Real time visibility and insights of work progress, issues and completion • Efficient project setup, automatic data sheet, tag lists and template uploads for improved work planning • Collaborative, dynamic digital guide for work process execution • Intuitive, easy app for all techs and supervisors to learn, use and enjoy • Evergreen digital turnover package powered by Netilion IIoT connected services Page 10
  • 11. Yorkshire Water uses BT’s NB-IoT solution in smart network pilot deploying 4000 loggers and flow meters Yorkshire Water and its partners are nearing completion of the deployment of almost 4000 acoustic, flow, pressure and water quality monitors in what is the UK’s largest smart water network pilot. Final installations of the latest NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things) pilot technology are underway, thanks to the BT, Yorkshire Water and Stantec collaboration, after BT switched on its first upgraded masts in the UK, as part of the project. If the pilot is successful, the smart water network will revolutionise the way leaks and interruptions to supply are managed in the future. The project will utilise state-of-the-art technologies and BT’s NB-IoT network, which was brought to the area as part of this initiative. BT’s NB-IoT solution has the potential to deliver significant improvements in data quality and battery life, enabling Yorkshire Water to identify and prevent leaks and network incidents more accurately than ever before. The Smart Water Network Pilot will integrate the rich data from multiple new and existing sources and present it in a single visualisation platform which will include a digital twin of the water network. The platform will use AI to cluster data sets, and remove false positives, to accurately inform asset and operational decision making. Yorkshire Water’s chief strategy and regulation officer, Nevil Muncaster, said: “We recognise that on top of our commitments to our customers and the environment, we need to play our part in regional development where we can - perhaps even more so than ever in these challenging times. “It’s great that through this innovative pilot we’ve been able to accelerate the introduction of NB-IoT to the area in Sheffield. NB-IoT has the potential to provide greater access for local businesses to take advantage of the advancement in IoT technology, which can only be a good thing for economic growth within the region.” As part of the Smart Water Network Pilot, Gutermann acoustic loggers, Technolog pressure loggers and Honeywell flow meters will utilise the NB-IoT network to transmit their data. Sarah Walker, director for BT’s Enterprise business in the North of England said the partnership marked an exciting milestone for the company; “The pilot deployment of NB-IoT signals a move to a more data driven world enabling millions of connected devices to send and receive data, transforming the way we live and work in the future.” “We are continually looking at how we deliver innovative and next generation connectivity for our customers. We already offer our customers UK’s biggest and fastest mobile network, and we were first to the market with 5G in the UK. Partnering with Yorkshire Water on the Smart Water Network Pilot and enabling our NB-IoT network for the first time reinforces our commitment to lean into and embrace all network technologies to support these exciting trials with data driven outcomes.” Yorkshire Water’s multi-stakeholder collaboration includes Itron, Sensus, Arqiva, HWM, ATi, Inflowmatix, Syrinix, Invenio, Ovarro (formerly Primayer & Servelec Technologies), Temetra, Technolog, Gutermann, Elster (Honeywell), BT, Stantec and Xylem utilise the NB-IoT network to transmit their data. Sarah Walker, director for BT’s Enterprise business in the North of England said the partnership marked an exciting milestone for the company; “The pilot deployment of NB-IoT signals a move to a more data driven world enabling millions of connected devices to send and receive data, transforming the way we live and work in the future.” “We are continually looking at how we deliver innovative and next generation connectivity for our customers. We already offer our customers UK’s biggest and fastest mobile network, and we were first to the market with 5G in the UK. Partnering with Yorkshire Water on the Smart Water Network Pilot and enabling our NB-IoT network for the first time reinforces our commitment to lean into and embrace all network technologies to support these exciting trials with data driven outcomes.” Yorkshire Water’s multi-stakeholder collaboration includes Itron, Sensus, Arqiva, HWM, ATi, Inflowmatix, Syrinix, Invenio, Ovarro (formerly Primayer & Servelec Technologies), Temetra, Technolog, Gutermann, Elster (Honeywell), BT, Stantec and Xylem Page 11
  • 12. Introduction This month saw the fifth webinar from the Water Industry Process Automation & Control Group shared with the membership this time concentrating on control the activated sludge process. Five companies from the supply chain both presented and debated some of the solutions for controlling the activated sludge process. Now you’d expect most companies to present and explain why their technology was the best on the market and the only thing to use and having five companies present would be a recipe for disaster. In fact the opposite was true and the technologies presented were mostly complimentary. In the following article we’ll look at why we need to provide advanced control of the activated sludge process and what is available for companies to utilise within the marketplace. Why do we need to control the activated sludge process? The activated sludge process has been around for well over 100 years and in that time it has developed in both complexity and it has been intensified greatly. The pressures on the process performance is greater than ever with environmental permits tightening to the extent where variations on the theme of activated sludge plants are needed to remove ammonia levels to less than 1mg/L, phosphorus consents to as low as 0.2mg/L and total nitrogen consents. These of course cause more environmental impacts, the use of ever increasing coagulants to remove phosphorus on top of enhanced biological phosphorus removal. This drives up the environmental impact of the activated sludge plant through increased power use and increased emissions of green house gases such us nitrous oxide (N20) due to increasing load and stress on the bacteriological population. All of this is one of the reasons that the water industry needs to look at tighter control of the wastewater treatment plant and is why the five presenters showed those gathered such innovative presentations. For the rest of this article we will look at the five solutions that were presented in the 5th WIPAC Webinar which included: • The fundamentals of activated sludge plant control and how understanding of the system leads to better control systems. • Applying dynamic swing zones using a model-based approach • Advanced Real Time Control of the Activated Sludge Process • Potentials for N2 0 sensor measurement & control • Using ATP in Activated Sludge F:M Control The fundamentals of activated sludge plant control and using them The most basic control system in any activated sludge plant is to control the oxygen levels in the plant. Most basic control systems measure it and turn blowers or rotors off and on. It is a relatively crude system that in general is limited to only the smaller systems where a more advanced control system does not financially make sense. Once a treatment works gets bigger then standard control methodologies will bring a pressurised header into the control mix which works by maintaining the header pressure whilst the dissolved oxygen probes that measure within the activated sludge plant open and close to maintain a certain level. As a pressurised header system is used this enables zoning within the activated sludge plant and allows the operator to select desired oxygen levels. Feature Article: Controlling the Activated Sludge Process Page 12
  • 13. This can be trimmed using a number of different target parameters and control loops. Figure 1 shows a typical system. Figure 1 – A typical activated sludge plant control system (courtesy of Leiv Rieger -inCTRL Solutions) A pretty standard control system is to add ammonia based aeration control (ABAC) to this system using either feed-forward control used by measuring ammonia on the entrance to the activated sludge plant and/or feed-back control on the effluent of the plant. The most basic ABAC is feedback control which measures the ammonia exiting the treatment works and fine tunes the dissolved oxygen setpoint to achieve the desired ammonia concentration. Layering on top of this is feed-forward control that utilises a model to look at the disturbances in the process and how to control the treatment works to get the best process outcome based upon the process control. The advantages of this approach is that it has a fast reaction time to controlling the activated sludge plant but also has the disadvantage of being more complex. The important point to make is that feedback control is sufficient. The key to any control system is to ensure that the operators can see what is going on, in this case the visualisation of the control system performance is key. Of course, in reality there are different parts of the control system including the: • Ammonia control system • Dissolved oxygen control system • Blower control system • Sludge retention time control systems As the complexity of the system increase then lends itself to a model-based control system either from a design up front of any construction of the activated sludge plant or an active operational model too. The key factor is to look at what are the process goals which allows a definition of the control goals too. An example of this is shown in figure 2 In understanding the fundamentals of what wants to be achieve we can understand what needs to be done in the process and what the process constraints are. An example of this was presented in the second presentation of the webinar insofar as a practical example of process constraints limiting what can be done with a existing wastewater treatment works. In the case study that was presented a site which had traditionally been carbonaceous only required a total nitrogen consent of 9.2mg/L on a site with very limited space. There were additional problems with air entrainment in the return activated sludge which would reduce the effectiveness of the anoxic zone. Figure 2 Process Goals leading to control goals (courtesy of Leiv Rieger - inCTRL Solutions) Figure 3 – A control system incorporating a swing zone approach to come up with an innovative solution to limited space to achieve a total nitrogen consent Page 13
  • 14. The activated sludge plant was modified in line with the Modified Ludzack and Ettinger variant of activated sludge and an anoxic zone put in place. However there was a challenge in the size of the anoxic zone and this is where the use of swing zones were put in place. In this way, when the treatment performance allowed the anoxic zone could be extended and the aeration zone minimised to achieve acceptable compliance without making major changes in the activated sludge plant physical footprint which the treatment works did not have space for. The solution, shown if figure 3, of course had to be modelled to ensure that the treatment objectives could actually be achieved in the limited space that was available. What this meant in this situation is that models allied to real time process data open up a whole new level of plant performance and understanding. More generally the key to achieving process objectives is to know what is needed in advance and then modelled to achieve the control objectives. Controlling with different methodologies So far we have spoken about model-based approaches that are used to both design and operate wastewater treatment works but there is more detail that we can use to fine tune the activated sludge process using differing sensing techniques. These are: • Respirometric techniques using the specific oxygen utilization rate. • Nitrous oxide techniques that give an indication of biological performance and the stress levels that the biology is experiencing • The use of ATP to provide a measure of control of the F:M ratio The first control method has been around in activated sludge plants for the best part of 50 years with the major problem being that the reliability and complexity of the instrumentation has meant that it has been difficult for operators to actively use it. The principle is to actually measure the specific oxygen utilization rate (SOUR) that the wastewater treatment works needs and deliver the exact amount that is needed plus a small allowance as a safety factor. What this approach will firstly do is limit the amount of energy that is consumed by over-aeration. It will also quickly react to any sudden increase in load due to disturbances in the process but will also diagnose any toxicity entering the plant. This can be seen in figure 4 which shows a large spike in the oxygen utilization rate which was likely cause by an illegal discharge within the sewer network. This allows a rapid reaction to the pollution event that specifically maintains treatment objectives which in a plant that doesn’t have this approach would be dealt with by adding as much dissolved oxygen to the treatment works as possible but only after the situation has had the impact on the plant if a feedback controller is utilized in the control system. The use of specific oxygen utilization rates allows a finer control and has been shown to reduce the amount of aeration utilized by using a real-time control process by greater than 15% in some situations and significantly more in others. A case study from Cookstown in Ireland saw a pre RTC implementation energy consumption of 5388 kWh/day reduced to 2588 kWh/day post implementation. The use of specific oxygen utilization rate is one way of reducing the energy cost and environmental impact of the activated sludge process but the use of N20 sensors are another. The measurement of nitrous oxide within activated sludge plants is relatively new but it has brought about knowledge of some worrying practices within wastewater treatment works operation. Energy savings, if done inappropriately, puts additional stress on the activated sludge plant which increase the nitrous oxide emissions due to bacteriological stress. As nitrous oxide is over 250 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide it is important for global objectives that nitrous oxide emissions are kept under control as they represent about 1% of the global total of greenhouse gas emissions. In short what is shown is that a higher MLSS results in a lower nitrous oxide emission. This is basically saying that higher sludge ages are better for the environment despite consuming more energy. This is related to the ammonia loading rate through the process that should be kept below 200mg per gram of volatile suspended solids to limit the nitrous oxide impact. In reality there is a balance between energy consumption and nitrous oxide emissions. So, from a control perspective nitrous oxide sensing can provide a trim on the sludge age control system to control the environmental impact of the activated sludge process. There is also the potential for carbon dosing to mitigate the impact of nitrous oxide. The water industry as a whole is seeking the minimization of its environmental impact and is heading towards net zero carbon. It seem that nitrous oxide control is one way of many in achieving that goal. Figure 4 – The advantages of utilising specific oxygen utilisation rate in the activated sludge process Page 14
  • 15. While good enterprise asset management programs help decision makers maximize asset life and prioritize long-term capital investments, The last potential method is again related and is all about using ATP to control F/M ratio which is of course the inverse of the sludge age. ATP testing can be used to identify the amount of live or volatile biomass within the bacteriological population. It is split into the total ATP (tATP) Cellular ATP (cATP) or live bacteria and the dissolved ATP (dATP) which represents the dead biomass. In terms of measurement both the total and dissolved ATP are measured which by deduction can give the amount of live bacteria in the process. In this way the operators can control the Kd factor which indicates the amount of dead bacteria with the activated sludge process and maximises the efficacy of the wastewater treatment works. In practice the use of ATP measurement can allow the operator to maximise the efficacy of the wastewater treatment works by controlling the amount of live bacteria that is held within the treatment works. High dATP would indicate that the works has either being toxically shocked, or the process is starting to fail. Figure 5 shows a graph of live bacteria versus the amount of carbon removal showing an optimal range of true F/M which is utilising DOC versus the live bacteria which is measured using the ATP. Now these are ratios are higher than normally expected as DOC has been used rather than BOD but this would indicate a higher sludge age is better up to a point as past that point the Kd factor increases as does the non-volatile MLSS affecting the removal percentages. In short by using online monitoring the bacterial health can be measured allowing a refinement of sludge age control to maximise the efficacy of the activated sludge process. What does all of this actually mean? In the presentation we saw five presentations and we learnt about the importance of: • Modelling the activated sludge process to achieve treatment goals which in turn will allow the definition of control goals. • By understanding the control goals the industry can achieve intensification of the activated process which will by allowing control it can maximise the performance of the existing processes by using real time control. • There is a balance though as maximizing performance in the water fraction should not intensify the process too far as the negative impact will be down to higher nitrous oxide emissions affecting the climate change agenda. • This impact can be limited by controlling by maximizing the sludge age but balancing it so that the death rate of the bacteria is minimized which can be detected by measuring both the ATP and the specific oxygen utilization rate within the process Traditionally, the activated sludge plant has had a routine set of instrumentation that has been used including dissolved oxygen, ammonia and air flow. What this shows is that in instrumentation design of activated sludge plants, especially the larger wastewater treatment works, the industry should be looking to both monitor and control to a new set of parameters and methodologies so that both the energy and the environmental impact are limited. With the industry heading towards a net zero carbon approach then all of these methods of limiting the environmental impact through the use of both modelling and real-time control needs to be considered. Figure 5 Volatile Mixed Liquor versus DOC Removal Page 15
  • 16. the programs are only as good as the systems and data supporting them. Discover how water and wastewater utilities are employing Internet of Things (IoT) continuous data collection and monitoring capabilities with enterprise asset management (EAM) systems to move from reactive maintenance, based on periodic inspections or failure, to proactive asset management for better asset performance, reliability, and resilience. Why Asset Management, Why IoT, Why Now? Stewardship and management of critical infrastructure require awareness of current asset conditions, risks and performance across treatment plants, distribution and collection systems, and customer locations. In the case of water and wastewater treatment plants, these facilities have long used electronic instruments to monitor and manage water volume and quality. As digital systems evolved, the data collected in those environments have been applied to increasingly sophisticated software programs to better manage asset performance, optimize maintenance activities, and plan capital expenditures. Yet, even as in-plant distributed control and SCADA systems became more sophisticated, aging water distribution and wastewater collection infrastructure outside the plant boundaries typically lagged behind in terms of real-time data collection or interactive control. Even the earliest uses of automatic meter reading (AMR) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology at customer locations left miles and miles of distribution and collection infrastructure out of the automated data capture loop, a digital “blind spot”. In recent years, cost-effective IoT technologies for capturing real-time data and automatically transmitting it to centralized EAM systems have made significant advances, enabling improved management of district metered areas (DMAs), pump and lift station efficiency, pressure control and leak detection, and reduction in non-revenue water (NRW) throughout the infrastructure. Today, integrated solutions that combine battery-powered IoT smart-sensor technologies, wireless communication over secure, virtual private networks, and advanced analytical software tools support a continuous approach to managing entire water and wastewater infrastructure systems — from treatment plants to individual customer connections. The benefits include the ability to: • Use real-time insights into asset performance to improve infrastructure reliability and resilience by enabling quick, effective responses to equipment problems, extreme weather events, or natural disasters. • Be proactive about managing assets instead of simply reacting to repair needs. This can help to reduce asset failure rates and business risk through planned maintenance, user configurable alarms, and early detection and response ─ which is especially important when dealing with aging infrastructure. • Enhance overall asset management productivity, including control over water losses due to leaks, and flooding due to sewer blockages and overflows. • Prioritize new investment in high-risk areas based on asset operational behaviour, probability of failure, consequence of failure, and business risk exposure. This helps to support capital improvement planning and avoid premature infrastructure replacement. • Improve safety and security of workers and critical infrastructure by using remote monitoring of critical assets to avoid sending workers to unnecessary field visits and hazardous locations. Keys To Implementation Gaining access to critical IoT data from throughout a water distribution or wastewater collection system starts with matching resources to suit the data demands of the application and the physical conditions of the operating environment. Key considerations include: • Comprehensive Capabilities. Look for solutions that provide a broad spectrum of capabilities in terms of water and wastewater industry applications for both the tactical aspects of remote data collection and the strategic aspects of analytical decision-making support. Because so much of utility asset management revolves around specific locations of customer connections, physical configuration and operating (e.g., flow, pressure) and environmental conditions (e.g., distance, elevation, terrain) compatibility with GIS capabilities is critical. • GIS-Centric Features. Be sure to choose an asset management solution that adheres to industry interoperability standards and works seamlessly with industry resources such as Esri ArcGIS solutions. Good GIS-centric asset management capabilities will be able to capitalize on a utility’s existing GIS data and the GIS features of other software tools already in use. • IoT Data Collection. Whatever the asset management objective, there are wireless, battery-powered IoT devices to record data and trigger user-specified alarms for a variety of inputs — pressures, water levels, flow rates and volumes, leak detection, impulse monitoring of water hammer events, rain gauges, and more. Be sure to choose devices designed for the specific needs of each data collection environment (e.g., underground vaults, exposed to the elements, in public places, etc.), for the communications networks available, and for the desired data collection and transmission intervals. That includes cellular, LoRaWAN IoT units, or direct-download units as demanded by the task at hand. • Task-Specific Analytics. Part of ensuring optimal utility operation and infrastructure maintenance is having the data to address known historical problems (e.g., leakage, excessive pressure or impulses, combined sewer overflows (CSOs), inflow and infiltration, etc.). Choosing an asset management solution that integrates well with other specialty applications (e.g., acoustic sensing, hydraulic modelling, machine learning, etc.) can marry detailed data analysis with overall project management to make optimal infrastructure changes easier to achieve. Article: IoT Remote Monitoring Takes Asset Management To New Heights Page 16
  • 17. • Real-World Support. Technical resources such as instruments and software systems are critical parts of good EAM solutions. But it is also important to consider practical aspects — ease of deployment, application support, mobile tools for employee real-time access in the field, and documented water utility performance — as indispensable for maximizing the value of any EAM investment in real-world applications. The Importance Of Taking A Holistic Approach For utility management considering a move to comprehensive real-time asset management, it is important to recognize the value of a well-integrated total EAM and IoT solution for optimizing asset performance, field productivity, and compliance while enhancing safety, sustainability, and quality of service. Even if the building blocks for that solution come from multiple hardware and software vendors (Figure 1), be sure to evaluate their compatibility with multiple facets of physical performance and their synergy with operational insights across these key areas of functionality: A Strong System of Record. With so much utility infrastructure buried underground, GIS is an important system of record for identifying, classifying, and mapping assets. Look for tools that offer the accuracy needed (Figure 2) and software that provides compatibility across many tiers of monitoring capabilities. Doing so will help to avoid one of the biggest roadblocks to timely response in a wide range of situations from routine maintenance, emergency situations, multi-user collaboration, and analytical modelling. Something as simpleasidentifyingtheexactlocationofashut-offvalveorotherunderground resource in an emergency can become very difficult without a well-established single source system of record. In the bigger scheme of things, EAM and IoT capabilities built around industry- accepted resources such as the Esri ArcGIS platform enable streamlined integration with other compatible resources without having to develop separate interfaces for each pair of applications. This breaks down barriers of informationsiloedindifferentsystemsofrecordandcanevenpaybigdividends in sharing GIS-related data across multiple utility or municipal organizations. It enables utilities to take advantage of existing information instantly, with confidence in the consistency of that data. For example, it can help identify locations of electric or gas utility underground infrastructure adjacent to water or wastewater pipelines or help coordinate the scheduling of pipeline maintenance and road resurfacing in the same geographic area. Real-Time Performance Through a System of Automation. Recognize variables in the real-time communication needs of different applications and choose IoT resources accordingly. Capturing pressure-transient events that stress older infrastructure — whether triggered by rapid pump start/stop cycling or by malfunctioning pumps or valves — involves collecting and transmitting a high volume of data in a relatively short period of time (Figure 3). That is much different than monitoring flow rates on 15-minute cycles and transmitting data four times a day. Comprehensive Data Management. EAM resources that are built on application programming interfaces (APIs) and cloud-based web services make it easy to share data from a wide variety of IoT sensors with other utility applications. It also makes it easier to take advantage of resources such as machine learning or digital twin technologies to enhance forward-thinking decisions within the utility. Figure 1. Assembling compatible EAM and IoT resources from multiple sources enables utility decision makers to cover the full spectrum of management needs — from real-time system monitoring, to responsive operational efficiency, to long-term strategic planning. (Courtesy of Trimble Water) Figure 2. For mapping infrastructure components, choose from a range of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers that can provide the GIS accuracy needed — from fractions of an inch with real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning up to a 10-foot radius with a cellphone or other mobile device. (Courtesy of Trimble Water) Page 17
  • 18. Analytics From a System of Insights. The ability to model infrastructure operations against a series of variables and compare outcomes to historical performance provides the insight needed to improve current and future decision-making for optimum efficiency. For example, with the right asset management software, pipeline information classified by criteria such as material age, construction, or soil-type can be used to help predict the likelihood and consequences of future failures in the same GIS area. This can help to prioritize maintenance or replacement strategies developed through risk-based assessments. Collaboration and Engagement From the Office to the Field and Customers. Having all relevant data about work crews and emerging infrastructure needs in one automated system makes it easier for managers to exercise their judgment on scheduling priorities. An asset management system that is automatically updated with new demands or indicators of flagging performance enhances the manager’s ability to modify assignments based on highest priority locations, geographic convenience, scheduling efficiency, or other pressing considerations. Be sure to consider features that help to share relevant data, management, and analytical system outputs with workers in the field. They include: • the ability to build upon historical data, customizable data formats, step-by-step wizards, and drag-and-drop interfaces for building custom dashboards (Figure 4), • two-way communication to control infrastructure settings automatically in response to changing conditions in the field, and • mobile tools to improve communication and efficiency among work crews in the field. The benefits of timely data access are not limited to communicating with work crews, either. They can also help to keep customers informed through notifications of planned outages, emergency alerts, advisories on hydrant flushing, or notifications of local repair efforts. Putting Automation Into Practice How can adding IoT functionality into an EAM solution help to pay for itself? One of the biggest benefits is the immediacy of IoT access to operational data that can guide reactions to emerging problems on the way to seeking more cost-effective long-term options. The possibilities are practically endless: • Monitor real-time data as events unfold and build on correlations to historical data as a way to exercise better pipeline management conditions. Rather than sudden infrastructure failures, continuous monitoring may provide insights to those impending failures. This could impact better CSO prevention, based on knowledge of earlier comparable snow-melt or storm-water flows and current sanitary sewer flows. • Provide greater insights into the impacts of system management activities in real time. Real-time insights can create time to fine-tune pump operation or adjust pressures in related areas of a distribution pipeline. • Trigger immediate inspections based on condition readings from the field. Doing so as a result of rising temperatures in a pump housing Figure 3. Be sure to match both IoT instrumentation and communications decisions to the specific needs of each application. The importance of capturing transient pressure readings at up to 256 samples per second demands different infrastructure than traditional flow measurements. (Courtesy of Trimble Water) Figure 4. Look for EAM solutions that support a wide range of data comparisons and GIS display options for infrastructure and IoT assets but still allow for customizable dashboard displays that let all users format their most relevant metrics in configurations that are most helpful to them.(Courtesy of Cityworks) Page 18
  • 19. could make the difference between lubricating or changing a bearing and replacing the entire pump. • Schedule preventive maintenance work orders based on runtime hours, which represent true equipment wear, rather than a calendar- based maintenance schedule. Doing so can prevent delays of critical maintenance for over-utilized equipment and avoid wasteful premature maintenance on underutilized equipment. • Provide engineering professionals with data to do hydraulic modelling and capacity planning to assure optimum performance or plan for new infrastructure growth. • Combine key performance indicators and asset condition information to assess parts of the infrastructure that exhibit the greatest risk of failure or warrant higher priority for capital investment projects. Some experienced asset management system users have even described their investment as an ongoing way of life, not just a one-and-done investment in hardware and software. That is because as new capabilities pay for themselves in terms of reducing lost revenue or enhancing energy-efficient productivity, new opportunities to capitalize further on those results are revealed in turn. Finnish Utility Trials Asset Investment Planning Software Finnish multi-utility Alva is the first in Scandinavia to trial Ovarro’s PIONEER asset investment planning (AIP) software. The six-month trial, which started in May focuses on Alva’s water distribution network, but will also assess the potential benefits of optimal investment planning right across its asset base. Alva serves the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland and its surrounding area and, along with its subsidiaries, generates and distributes electricity and produces, sells and distributes heat and water in the networks they own. PIONEER is a web-based decision support platform that can optimise asset management planning and operational strategies. Kimmo Järvinen, head of Alva’s asset management programme said, “As a frontrunner in utility asset management in Nordic countries, Alva is excited by this proof of concept. The aim of the trial is to assess our readiness in terms of data; we also have an important requirement for the tool to improve Alva’s long-term, risk-based investment planning.” George Heywood, technical director, Ovarro said, “We are very excited to be working with a visionary utility like Alva that can see the potential of our platform across water and non-water assets. PIONEER has the potential to help the company carry out renewals across the asset base, supporting the coordination of programmes of works in power and water together, to minimise the total number of excavations. “Alva is also our first customer to benefit from the recently developed PIONEER Express interface, which makes it easier for non-specialists to use PIONEER’s powerful planning capability. We are currently rolling it out to our existing clients too.” The simplified functionality of the Express interface was developed at Ovarro’s data analytics centre in Reigate, UK, over the last 12 months. It is designed to be used by operatives with varying levels of technical expertise, speeding up decision-making on investment plans. Alva’s bespoke PIONEER software environment has been deployed via Microsoft’s Azure cloud service in a very short period of time, to meet the customer’s ambitious schedule and programme of works. It can be used for all utility network asset types including potable water and heat distribution mains, sewers and electrical cabling, as well as point assets such as pumping stations, treatment works and transformers. Heywood said, “Given the timing, this project has not been without challenges. Our plans to travel to Finland were disrupted by Covid-19 and training had to be provided remotely via Teams. We will continue to provide close support throughout the trial.” PIONEER has been in use in the UK for over 10 years, with six water companies making use of the platform, including United Utilities, Southern Water and Northern Ireland Water. Industry Standards Will Be ‘Extremely Important’ In The Future A survey of automation engineering professionals conducted by the International Society of Automation (ISA) found that most respondents believe standards will play a big role in the industry’s future. The International Society of Automation (ISA) recently surveyed 290 people in the automation engineering field to discover their thoughts on industry standards. The survey shows that 63 percent of respondents believe that standards will be “extremely important” in the future. Conducted in June 2020, the online survey received 290 responses from automation engineering professionals, primarily from the United States, Europe, and Canada. 42 percent of respondents described themselves as engineers, 21 percent as consultants, 15 percent as managers, and 8 percent as executives. The remaining 14 percent reported as a mix of technicians, operators, salespeople, marketers, or other roles. Survey respondents most commonly worked at system integrators (35 percent), asset owners (30 percent), or automation providers (22 percent). Most survey respondents (77 percent) said they are ISA members. 41 percent of respondents said they have more than 30 years of experience in their field; 26 percent said they have 20 to 30 years of experience; 21 percent said they have 10 to 20 years; 12 percent said they have 0 to 10 years. Key findings include: • An overwhelming majority of survey respondents believe that, in the future, standards will be “extremely important” (63 percent) or “important” (33 percent). • Most respondents (87 percent) believe that industry standards make processes and facilities safer. • Most respondents (81 percent) believe that industry standards help companies prove compliance to regulations. • Most respondents (67 percent) believe that industry standards make it easier to train and cross-train people in technical jobs. • Most respondents (63 percent) believe that industry standards make processes and facilities more cyber-secure. The findings of the ISA survey confirm that automation engineering professionals rely on industry standards. Survey respondents suggested that standards are essential to maintaining excellence in their work. In general, respondents have a positive outlook about standards, and they believe that standards will continue to be just as critical, if not more so, in the future. “In creating this survey, ISA wanted to demonstrate the value of standards to the automation community,” said Dr. Maurice J. Wilkins, executive advisor at Yokogawa Marketing HQ, ISA Fellow, former vice president of ISA’s Standards and Practices Department, current co-chair of the ISA101 Human-Machine Interfaces Standard Committee, and member of the ISA Executive Board’s Industry Reach & Awareness work group. “We are grateful to the many automation engineering professionals who took the time to tell us how standards are helping them, their employees, and their organizations.” Page 19
  • 20. Introduction – A history of the treatment works at Cookstown The Wastewater Treatment works at Cookstown in Northern Ireland is a treatment works that has a long and extensive history. It was originally commissioned in 1965 by the district’s local authority. Situated on the edge of the highly-respected Ballinderry River, the original works was designed to cater for an equivalent population of 11,500. Within a relatively short period of the old works being commissioned (and following the establishment of Water Service in 1973), it became apparent that the systems installed - although modern in their day - were not going to be able to deal effectively with the sewage from the town as well as the surge in volume of effluent being produced from the area’s rapidly expanding pork industry. The trade effluent was extremely high in strength due to the quantities of blood and fat associated with pig processing and was subsequently putting unprecedented pressure on the works. By the 1980s Cookstown’s population had increased beyond 24,000, and while the existing works had been extended to cope with the growing domestic and trade pressures, it was clear by the mid 1990s the sewage plant was operating well beyond its initial capacity. In addition, many of the tanks required unpleasant and labour - intensive operational procedures to maintain them; whilst other items of plant, such as the detritor. had become ineffective. Operational problems, such as blockages, were also frequently encountered. Despite the processes being well maintained, the fact remained that the works was substantially overloaded both hydraulically and biologically. As a result, the works had failed on a number of occasions to meet consent standards which meant that fines by the EC were imminent. During the 1990s, extensive studies were carried out in relation to the building of a new sewage treatment works in Cookstown. The planning authority ruled out the existing site for a bigger works on the grounds that it was too close to housing and that any development of the site would inhibit further residential expansion in that area of the town. Overall a total of seven sites were considered for the location of the new works with Environmental Impact Assessments drawn up for each option. An extensive public consultation exercise was undertaken to present the various sites to key stakeholders but all options were deemed unacceptable. Having exhausted all avenues, Water Service’s designers went back to looking in greater detail at ways in which they could overcome the constraints posed by the existing works site. The main problem with the site surrounded the restricted footprint that was available for introducing new infrastructure. However research showed that by utilising more modern treatment processes, Water Service would be able to incorporate a new higher capacity works within a much smaller area. From an environmental point of view, we knew that careful planting and screening of the new works would overcome any visual objections and that by introducing robust odour control systems, the tightest of standards would be satisfied. With this option offering the most economically advantageous option, Water Service proceeded with a design to replace the existing Cookstown WwTW with a modern new plant on the same site. Five alternative treatment processes were economically and practically appraised for their construction within the confines of the existing works site. The most suitable option deemed for the new Cookstown Works was a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) process- a compact footprint plant which did not require a separate secondary settlement stage (an element that would take up additional valuable space on site). Case Study: Optimisation of a SBR using Enhanced Control Figure 1: Cookstown WwTW Page 20
  • 21. Also, because the SBR process could be integrated into the existing works and operate without a short-term requirement for primary treatment, it eliminated the need for the provision of a significant temporary treatment plant In terms of whole life costs, the SBR option proved to be the most economically viable solution to produce high quality effluent. Working within the confines of the existing site footprint, coupled with the need to keep the existing works live was probably the biggest challenge that faced the construction team. Logistically the storing of materials also proved to be a significant problem and while ‘just time’ deliveries were scheduled as far as possible to maximize space, NI Water were keen to reuse as much of the excavated spoil as possible. To enable this to happen, stockpiles of rock and indigenous landscaping were created in the area just above the works itself. Much of this existing material was used during phase one of the construction programme (building of the SBR tanks and the inlet works) when much of the river improvement work was also undertaken. River improvements Prior to construction work getting underway, NI Water’s Engineering & Procurement team, set up a special river improvement workshop to offer a common platform for all those with an interest in the river to come together to discuss their concerns and put forward ideas for enhancing the river quality and its long-term protection. During the initial workshop, NI Water highlighted how the design of the works had been developed with cognisance of the adjacent Ballinderry River. To improve the conditions in the river and protect it from construction work in the short term, NI Water took the decision to carry out ancillary upgrades to the existing plant to temporarily raise the quality of the treatment process until the new works was brought on line and compiled with current discharge consents. The first meeting proved a most valuable exercise and from the outset of the scheme, provided a crucial stepping stone to building strategic links with some key project stakeholders. The knowledge gleaned from the Ballinderry River Enhancement Association (BREA) was fundamental in introducing the most effective river improvement methods to ensure minimal disturbance to the existing fish or invertebrate life. To the delight of the NI Water team, their joint venture contractors for the new works wholeheartedly bought into the idea of improving the river. Ahead of construction, all river banks were strengthened to prevent future erosion and a total of six weirs and groynes lying above and below the works were repaired using indigenous stone. A boom downstream of the works was introduced so that any silt or debris from the working site was caught and removed and a number of gravel spawning beds were introduced at agreed locations for the migrating fish such as salmon and dollaghan. The timing of the works was also taken into account with all construction work in the river undertaken to coincide with the migration of fish. Moving forward to today – Advanced ASP Control More recently the works at Cookstown was struggling to hydraulically treat all of the flows that it was receiving from the network with the storm tanks regularly filling as the sequencing batch reactor cycles were proving to be insufficient to complete treatment before flows were fully treated as such flows passing to storm tanks. In order to resolve this situation a solution was sought to improve the works control using an advanced activated sludge control system from Strathkelvin Instruments, the ASP-CON. The ASP-CON is a multi-parameter Activated Sludge Plant controller that is designed to measure up to 20 key Activated Sludge Plant parameters that are used to control the Activated Sludge Process. At its heart it is a respirometer that measures the Oxygen Utilisation rate and the health of the ASP process but the multiple measurement techniques that utilises allows a greater degree of control of the process (figure 2) The ASP-Con system measures basic parameters such as Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia, MLSS, pH & Temperature as well as additional basic parameters such as Potassium, Conductivity, Settlement and TSS – Predicted as well as Advanced WwTW Control Parameters such as OUR and SOUR,. With these parameters fed to PLC there is a complete control of the ASP system. This unique access to all of the WWTP information allows the Operational Teams to decide how to deploy scarce operational resource. The in-situ eliminates the need for Operators to go out on plant and grab MLSS ASP-Con (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid) and settlement samples. Depending on site size and layout this can save up to 2 hours of valuable time and ensuring consistent sampling techniques and measurement practises. If an issue occurs the ASP-Con can be programmed to grab another sample or programmed to collect samples more frequently, regardless of the time of day, day of the week, holiday schedule and regardless of adverse weather conditions. The samples are then tested in-situ – so avoiding the requirement to send off to the lab and wait a week on results, not knowing how well samples are stored and for how long before a lab technician is free to test any particular sample – results are Real-Time. The ASP-Con will also cut down the requirement of operator time for routine cleaning of ASP-Con probes. All the probes are on one instrument, that runs through a cleaning and calibration programme as dictated by the Operations Team. Cleaning is built-in to the normal operating procedures of the instrument. This also can be altered if and when required, by the Site Team. The demand on an Operator’s time for Maintenance of numerous probes on a site is huge. The fouling and ragging of “old generation” probes is a significant health and safety issue. The sheer physical requirement at times, to lift some probes out of the treatment plant due to excessive ragging should not be under-estimated. In contrast, the ASP-Con’s Self-Cleaning regime eliminates ragging completely. The regular cleaning regime automatically implemented significantly reduces fouling, improving accuracy reliability and repeatability of measures. Also health & safety risks to Operators in cold, wet and lone working conditions are significantly reduced. Figure 2: ASP-CON System Page 21
  • 22. About the Author Michael Dooley is a chartered Mechanical Engineer with 24 years experience in Process Equipment Design, Operation and maintenance. He has been Managing Director and part owner of Strathkelvin Instruments Limited and is considered one of the foremost experts in Biological Wastewater treatment in the UK and Ireland. He regularly consults for companies such as Calachem, Northern Ireland Water, Veolia, Scottish Water and many others. He specialises in reducing aeration energy costs of wastewater treatment. Strathkelvin Instruments was founded in 1981, to develop instruments based upon precision dissolved oxygen measurement, for use in the biomedical research field. This remains a significant part of the company’s instrumentation range. What this means at the wastewater treatment works at Cookstown was that the completion of the sequencing batch reactor cycles could be more accurately managed by using the ASP-Con system to measure when the Biodegradable load (by measuring Oxygen Uptake Rate – OUR and Ammonium) is completely removed during each aeration cycle. Once this has been confirmed as complete the ASP-Con system takes a sample to measure the MLSS and then the SVI in each basin. The SBR control software for the basin is then stepped on to complete the settle and decant phases before being allowed to idle until the level in the Anoxic basin requires the fill/aerate cycle to restart. The SBR basins were optimised by • Ensuring biodegradable load is completely removed during each aeration cycle. • Avoiding excessive energy consumption by avoiding overtreatment of wastewaters. • Maximising hydraulic throughput by maximising treatment basin availability. • Monitoring biological measures of performance to avoid long term issues. This can be seen in figure 3: What this meant, from a hydraulic point of view, was that the number of SBR cycles could be increased by decreasing the SBR cycle time so that 12 fixed volume cycles could be treated each week. This increased the hydraulic throughput in the plant by 50% ensuring that spills to the storm tanks could be limited to genuine storm events and not due to hydraulic overload of the treatment process. However, this was not the only benefit of the ASP-CON system at Cookstown as the plant worked on the principle of a Surge Anoxic Mix SBR. This has meant a large decrease in the amount of energy that is required to treat the wastewater to standard as can be seen in figure 4 Over a one month period there was a 50% reduction in the amount of energy that was consumed by the treatment process. All of these benefits also result in an increased stability of the treatment process which means overall the treatment works is more stable. Conclusions By utilising advanced monitoring and control using the ASP-CON system at Cookstown WwTW there has been a large improvement in environmental quality by increasing the hydraulic capacity of the works and decreasing the energy consumption. This is a double benefit that the water industry is seeking insofar more is being achieved, quite literally for less. This sort of system is usually reserved for larger works where there is a larger potential for savings. However Cookstown WwTW at a relatively small design population of 24,000 shows that advanced control systems are available on treatment works a lot smaller than has been traditionally considered for advanced ASP control systems. In a time where the water industry is looking to deliver more for less the ASP-CON system gives the industry a potential solution to realise the efficiencies that it needs to through instrumentation and control. Figure 3: Cookstown unoptmised (left) and optimised (right) Figure 4: Energy Savings at Cookstown utilising the ASP-CON System Page 22
  • 23. Water, Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring Conference & Exhibition 25th - 26th May 2021 - Telford International Exhibition Centre, Telford, United Kingdom The biennial WWEM conference & exhibition is the premium instrumentation & monitoring conference in the UK Calendar and is an event that WIPAC gets heavily involved in. This year there will be the WIPAC Flow Forum, a joint Digital Transformation Conference with the SWAN Forum as well as a the Instrumentation Apprentice Competition and a new and improved Learning & Development Zone with some of the UK’s leading professional institutes including CIWEM, the Institute of Measurement & Control, the Future Water Association and British Water. International Water Association Digital Water Summit 30th November - 3rd December 2020 -Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao, Spain In 2020, the first edition of the IWA Digital Water Summit will take place under the tag-line “Join the transformation journey” designed to be the reference in digitalisation for the global water sector. The Summit has a focus on business and industry, while technology providers and water utilities will be some of the key participants that will discuss and shape the agenda of the Summit. The programme includes plenary sessions, interactive discussions, side events, exhibition, technical visits, and social events Sensor for Water Interest Group Workshops 30th September - Water & Health 21st October - Coagulation Control The Sensors for Water Interest Group has moved their workshops for the foreseeable future online. The next workshop on 30th September is free for SWIG Members to try out the concept. Future of Utilities Summit Dates to be confirmed - Bishopsgate, London, United Kingdom Future of Utilities Summit brings top-level energy and water executives together to transform business models and adapt to the disruption in the market. Learn from board-level executives from EDF Energy, Thames Water and SP Energy Networks, and join senior representatives from every important industry player to exchange ideas, raise your profile, unlock solutions and accelerate industry change. Water & Wastewater Treatment 4th -5th August 2020 - Asset Management 2020 21st January 2021 - Wastewater 2021 WWT put on some of the leading conferences in the UK. In the calendar at the moment is the asset management conference in August 2020 and the Wastwater Conference in January 2021. Page 23 Conferences, Events, Seminars & Studies Conferences, Seminars & Events 2020 Conference Calendar Due to the current international crisis there has been a large amount of disruption in the conference calendar. A lot of workshops have moved online at least in the interim and a lot of organisations are using alternative means of getting the knowledge out there such as webinars popping up at short notice. Do check your regular channels about information and events that are going on. Also do check on the dates provided here as they are the best at the time of publishing but as normal things are subject to change.
  • 24. Follow us: @WWEM_Exhibition Tel: +44 (0)1727 858840 email: Over 100 Free workshops, over 140 Exhibitors and a Focussed Conference, WWEM is the specialist event for monitoring, testing and analysis of water, wastewater and environmental samples. 26 MAY 2021 25 MAY 2021 th th The 9th International Conference & Exhibition Telford, UK WWEM 2021 WATER, WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Secure Your Stand T oday! A great source of information and networking opportunity Environment Agency A fantastic opportunity to network, experience first-hand innovative techniques in monitoring West Sussex County Council Supporting Trade Associations N EW D A TES A great event, not to be missed by anyone involved in water wastewater and environmental monitoring United Utilities WWEM 2020 Advert.indd 1 29/04/2020 10:54 Page 24