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Jasmin Santiago, Mark Yanoschik, Cody Phillips
Interview with Willie
C- Cody
J- Jasmin
M- Mark
C: I would like to start by asking, ah, what do you think about during a typical day? Like
a normal day.
W: A normal day, I think about is getting something to eat
C: Getting something to eat?
W: yea, and I go to salvation army.
C: ok
W: and, saint luke church to get something to eat.
C: ok, do you, uh, do they usually have pretty good food?
W: oh yea, the food great!
C: the food is great?
W: yea, its donations. The people that recognize homeless people.
C: ok, so what else do you think about once you get a full belly from there?
W: going to the next place
C: ok, and uh, like, during a typical day where would that be? Do you have a daily
routine or you just kinda…
W: well we normally have a daily routine, going to the salvation army at 5 o’clock
C: ok
W: in the afternoon and then going to saint luke cause they give us out a bag, uh um, to
get you through in the morning time
C: mmhmm, what is that’s bag? What do they have?
W: its water, a soda, uh, a sandwich.
C: a sandwich? Ok. So uh, you said you’re going fishing today?
W: oh yea.
C: is that something you normally do?
W: its something that I normally do, its something that most homeless people do, it make
the day go by
C: mmhmm
W: to uhh, to go back to get something to eat.
C: I love fishing, yall go fish on the river?
W: oh yea.
C: ok well, what do yall fish for normally?
W: anything that bite! Normally people that don’t eat fish, they love to fish ad they
donate them to the community.
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:17 AM
Comment [1]: The	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:18 AM
Comment [2]: Unlike	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:19 AM
Comment [3]: Willie	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:20 AM
Comment [4]: Willie	
C: ok, what do you normally catch? Catfish or..
W: catfish this time of the season
C: catfish, I love fishing catfish. You know you got a big one on there when you can
barely even real one in.
W: that fun to me!
C: umm, so what is the highest level of education that you have obtained?
W: uhhh, well my highest is.. I graduated from highschool
C: from highschool?
W: but I went to the military
C: ok
W: I’m a Vietnam veteran.
C: ok, well thank you for your service, we really appreciate it! Uhh, how do you feel,
uhh, your highschool education has helped you in life?
W: well……, it, it, it, it helped me…. By……. I just got a (mumbles) but when I became
homeless, and messing with drugs, it brought me down to the bottom level. That’s how I
became homeless
C: that’s after the military?
W: that was after the military
C: after the military
W: yea, yea, involved with the wrong people
C: mmhmm
W: so I made myself homeless, I lost my family, and (sigh) I lost them for about 15 years
C: and you said that was 15 years ago?
W: yea
C: umm
J: how long were you in the military?
W: uhh, 11 years
C: 11 years is a long time
W: yea, it’s a long time, but now im retired, and what got me out from being homeless
now is by me getting my military VA.
J: that’s good, I was gonna ask about that, yea
C: alright, umm, my next question is: how do you value knowledge?
W: I value knowledge very, beacuase without your highschool diploma, you aint got
C: mmhmm
W: you cant even get a job working for the city driving a garbage truck
C: yea , yea
W: you know, even dumping garbage without your high school diploma, that’s very
C: you cant even go into the military
W: you cant even go into the military without a highschool diploma now
J: have you had any like jobs on the side?
(we get interrupted)
J: have you had any like little jobs on the side?
W: oh yea, on catch-out corner
J: oh, what is that?
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:22 AM
Comment [5]: It	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:24 AM
Comment [6]: Willie	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:26 AM
Comment [7]: It	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:27 AM
Comment [8]: This	
Mark Yanoschik 2/27/15 1:09 AM
Comment [9]: Willie	
W: It’s down by Salvation Army, that’s where everyone is now.
J: oh ok, what did you do?
W: anything that came up need to be done
J: you did it?
W: did it.
C: ok, so, uh, ok, sounds good, uh, so how would you define education? Would you just
define it as going to school, or do you say you’re always getting educated?
W: that’s the first step is going to school. Get your high school diploma and you can go
further. Without that high school diploma, you stuck homeless.
C: yea, umm, so I would think that you would feel your education continued when you
were in the military? You know, they probably taught you some stuff. How do you feel
that, what they taught you there has helped you since then?
W. it well, number one it helped to to survive while being homeless, and (smacks lips)
C: what kind of skills did they teach you to help you survive?
W: jungle
C: jungle skills?
W: yea, ive been in Vietnam, and it taught me how to survive
C: ok, how to live off the land?
W: how to live off the land, yea
C: alright, umm
J: can you tell me a little bit more about that?
W: oh yea, now I used to have a hut r-r-right in the back of here
J: yea
W: a tent that I used to live in
C: ok
W: and, but they moved us from there, they moved us down right behind the (mumbles)
maybe about on the park back here, I stayed in the bathroom for about 5 months.
C: ok
W: yea, and from there I went up under the bridge and stayed for about, maybe about two
C: how many other people were there with you?
W: ohhh, my God
J: a lot?
W: imam say over 40
C: over 40 people? All at the same time or in and out?
W: at the same time
C: well uh, what would you say that most of those peoples education were, had most of
them gone through high school?
W: they were very educated, but the point is with their background and record, it’s hard
for them to get a job.
C: ok, so they have some sort of criminal record or drug record that’s keeping them from
getting a job?
W: right,
C: so, its doesn’t really matter if they have a education, they could have a college degree,
if they have dru.. if they’ve been through drugs or some kind of criminal record, the
companies don’t care about that.
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:33 AM
Comment [10]: This	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:37 AM
Comment [11]: The	
W: that’s right
C: even if they’ve gotten cleaned up it still stays on the record.
W: still, still is on their record
C: ok, wow
W: you got people that’s homeless down there. Two dentists you even got
C: dentist?
W: yeah! You even got people down there homeless got very education. Dentists,
lawyers that’s been homeless from drugs. They all fall back to the same category, like the
rest of them they no more than, than the people that’s down there
C: how do those people feel, knowing that they’ve been through, like all the way through
college, and you know, maybe even graduate school, and now they’re homeless. What do
they say about that? Have they ever talked about it?
W: yea, they made the wrong mistake messing with drugs like I did.
J: that’s how you feel?
W: that’s how I feel
C: are any of them, are they trying to get out of that or are some of them still messing
with drugs?
W: oh yea, they’re trying very hard to get out of it, but its hard. Once you get attached to
something, it’s very hard to get out of it. You know, it’s like living up under the bridge.
Most of them, when they go to work, they usually try to use their money (mumbles)
trying to buy drugs.
C: yea
W: cause they stuck in that category
C: yea, they’re just stuck in that loop
W: what I was told happened to the VA, I was able to go to drug school, uhh, to get off of
C: ok, good. That’s good
J: what do you do now, to I guess continue your education?
W: right now, well I’m 64 years old
C: haha
J: well there’s nothing wrong with that.
W: so education really don’t mean knowledge to me no more
C: mmhmm
W: but because I’m doing good now. A little bit better than I was.
C: so when you weren’t doing good, did you feel like you needed to learn ways to..
W: oh yea, yea..
C: umm, what did you feel like you needed to learn to get out of that?
W: to go, and get in some drug program, to get myself out of the situation
C: so how, learn how to cope with what you were going through.
W: yeah, where I can get me a better job and do better for myself
J: what do you miss most about being in school? Or like being in the military and
everything. What do you miss the most about it?
W: Miss, uhhh……. Well, the military was a good life. I wish I could go back in.
(everyone laughs)
W: that’s hard to, that’s hard to.. well what I really miss is going overseas. I want to get
away from the United States. Yeah for a while. I want to go back to cultures that I’ve
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:39 AM
Comment [12]: Arguably	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:40 AM
Comment [13]: Willie’s	
been through. Thailand, Vietnam, I really want to go back. I got the money to go back
C: yea
W: yea, I just, like sometimes now I work around, I try to help my friends out there sill
shooting bad, you know like I was, cause I’ve been down that road.
C: so, are you trying to educate your friends that are in the same place?
W: oh yea.
C: what do you try to teach them? What do you want them to learn from you?’
W: the mistakes that I’ve made. Umm, to try to get in any program that you can that
gonna help you. Such as, such as, just start here. Homeless task force. They do all they
can for you.
C: mmhmm
W: and, just go to classes, try to get you in a drug program. Just go from there.
C: so do you..
W: the main thing is to find you a new playground!
J: laughs
C: what do you mean by that exactly?
W: to get out from around the ones that you’ve been around that’s holding you down
that’s on drugs and stuff. You get away from them, you’re life will do better
C: so, you tell them to start hanging out with you, who has gotten better since then.
W: well, not me
C: haha not you
J: just better people?
W: yea, just better people. You know, you know. When you go through the program, it’s
the best to find you a new playground. You know, stop going to the places that you’ve
been to. Find you some new people to hang around. People that going to more help you.
C: so do you almost feel like an educator, since you’ve been where these people are and
you’ve come out of that you’re educating them, do you feel like their teacher?
W: yeah
C: ok, well that’s pretty cool
J: what else do you guys talk about?
W: if I can see someone you know, lost friends, I can try to show them where to go to to
C: ok
W: where to get your start from
C: gotcha.
W: but the main thing is that you’ve got to leave your old friends alone because they
gonna keep you down. They usually gonna keep you locked down. Yeah
J: what else do you guys talk about, do yall talk about like reminiscing on other things
books, whatever. Umm, what else do you guys talk about?
W: we talk about, we mostly talk about food, someplace to eat. Yeah food. Where to go .
you know, where can we go to get this at?
C: ok, so it’s all about the survival?
W: right, survival.
C: how would you define ignorance?
W: well I would define ignorance as doing stupid stuff
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:42 AM
Comment [14]: It	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:45 AM
Comment [15]: Willie	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:45 AM
Comment [16]: This	
C: knowing stupid stuff?
W: yea, and you know it’s wrong
C: and you still do it.
W: like, yeah, like when you go to work for 8 hours for 7 dollars and hour, you know
worked all day, come home, or come back to catch out corner like everybody do, and
take your money and buy drugs. Instead of food. Like you know you can go to the
salvation army and eat.
C: so you would say ignorance is knowing what you should do right, but not doing it?
W: right
C: ok, so, um, how can people change that?
W: the only way that they can change that sitation is find a new playground. Go to
another part of town and try to work you out a program where they already done, you
J: how did you value education when you were growing up? When you were younger.
Like thinking back when you were a kid
W: well… I shot hookie a lot
C: hahaha, well I think we all did that a little bit
W: but right now today, I value education very seriously, and they only way you can get
somewhere is to go to school and finish your education. Get your high school diploma,
go to college or whatever you want to do. You got places that will help you do that if you
homeless. Whatever you want to do, you gotta a whole lot of places around here that will
help you.
C: so looking back, would you have done something different when it comes to
W: looking back yes I would have.
C: what would you have done differently? Specifically.
W: I would have went to college.
C: what would you have wanted to be if you went to college?
W: hmm, well what I really wanted to be was a pilot.
C: pilot?
W: yea, but my school records were too low. So I became infantry
C: ok
J: my dads in the infantry.. so.
C: umm, so how has your perspective on changed education since you’ve been homeless?
W: oh ive been studying. You know if my education studying. I still read. I go to the
library I take my kids to the library. I teach my grandkids not to follow my footsteps.
C: what do you normally like to read? What do you like to read?
W: any type of material right now.
C: anything?
W: yeah
C: ok, so you just want to get a broad perspective?
(we get interrupted, and have a brief, irrelevant conversation)
C: so, uhh. Where do you see yourself in the future?
W: hmm, at 64 years old, I’m doing better than I was. (sighs)
C: have you found ways to do better than you’re doing right now?
W: yeah, I’ve found ways
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:46 AM
Comment [17]: Once	
Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:50 AM
Comment [18]: For	
(we get interrupted again)
W: I’ve found wayyys, but I don’t like to do it. Such as right now is… (smacks lips)
ummm…. Lets bypass that one.
C: ok, well it sounds like you need to go. You did great though. I feel like we got a lot of
useful information..

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Willie transcript coded

  • 1. Jasmin Santiago, Mark Yanoschik, Cody Phillips Transcipts Interview with Willie C- Cody J- Jasmin M- Mark W-Willie C: I would like to start by asking, ah, what do you think about during a typical day? Like a normal day. W: A normal day, I think about is getting something to eat C: Getting something to eat? W: yea, and I go to salvation army. C: ok W: and, saint luke church to get something to eat. C: ok, do you, uh, do they usually have pretty good food? W: oh yea, the food great! C: the food is great? W: yea, its donations. The people that recognize homeless people. C: ok, so what else do you think about once you get a full belly from there? W: going to the next place C: ok, and uh, like, during a typical day where would that be? Do you have a daily routine or you just kinda… W: well we normally have a daily routine, going to the salvation army at 5 o’clock C: ok W: in the afternoon and then going to saint luke cause they give us out a bag, uh um, to get you through in the morning time C: mmhmm, what is that’s bag? What do they have? W: its water, a soda, uh, a sandwich. C: a sandwich? Ok. So uh, you said you’re going fishing today? W: oh yea. C: is that something you normally do? W: its something that I normally do, its something that most homeless people do, it make the day go by C: mmhmm W: to uhh, to go back to get something to eat. C: I love fishing, yall go fish on the river? W: oh yea. C: ok well, what do yall fish for normally? W: anything that bite! Normally people that don’t eat fish, they love to fish ad they donate them to the community. Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:17 AM Comment [1]: The  first  thing  he  mentions   is  food,  a  basic  human  necessity  that  we   take  for  granted.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:18 AM Comment [2]: Unlike  Dana,  Willie  openly   acknowledges  that  he  is  a  homeless   individual,  has  been  for  a  long  time,  and  will   probably  stay  that  way.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:19 AM Comment [3]: Willie  really  does  view   them  as  his  literal  salvation.  They  give  him  a   little  hope  each  day.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:20 AM Comment [4]: Willie  absolutely  loves   fishing  and  so  does  Cody.  This  common   interest  helped  get  rid  of  the  divide  between   the  interviewers  and  Willie.  
  • 2. C: ok, what do you normally catch? Catfish or.. W: catfish this time of the season C: catfish, I love fishing catfish. You know you got a big one on there when you can barely even real one in. W: that fun to me! C: umm, so what is the highest level of education that you have obtained? W: uhhh, well my highest is.. I graduated from highschool C: from highschool? W: but I went to the military C: ok W: I’m a Vietnam veteran. C: ok, well thank you for your service, we really appreciate it! Uhh, how do you feel, uhh, your highschool education has helped you in life? W: well……, it, it, it, it helped me…. By……. I just got a (mumbles) but when I became homeless, and messing with drugs, it brought me down to the bottom level. That’s how I became homeless C: that’s after the military? W: that was after the military C: after the military W: yea, yea, involved with the wrong people C: mmhmm W: so I made myself homeless, I lost my family, and (sigh) I lost them for about 15 years C: and you said that was 15 years ago? W: yea C: umm J: how long were you in the military? W: uhh, 11 years C: 11 years is a long time W: yea, it’s a long time, but now im retired, and what got me out from being homeless now is by me getting my military VA. J: that’s good, I was gonna ask about that, yea C: alright, umm, my next question is: how do you value knowledge? W: I value knowledge very, beacuase without your highschool diploma, you aint got nothing C: mmhmm W: you cant even get a job working for the city driving a garbage truck C: yea , yea W: you know, even dumping garbage without your high school diploma, that’s very important C: you cant even go into the military W: you cant even go into the military without a highschool diploma now J: have you had any like jobs on the side? (we get interrupted) J: have you had any like little jobs on the side? W: oh yea, on catch-out corner J: oh, what is that? Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:22 AM Comment [5]: It  is  a  stereotype  that   plenty  of  homeless  people  are  veterans.  It   would  have  been  interesting  to  ask  him  how   many  other  homeless  veterans  he  knows.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:24 AM Comment [6]: Willie  clearly  blames  drugs   for  his  homelessness,  but  he  still  uses  his   experience  to  educate  others  so  they  do  not   make  the  same  mistake  that  he  did.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:26 AM Comment [7]: It  was  never  explicitly   explained  what  his  current  contact  is  with   his  family,  but  they  clearly  do  not  do  much   with  him  most  likely  due  to  the  drug  history.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:27 AM Comment [8]: This  is  case  where  he  does   get  literal  with  defining  education.  Since   there  are  more  people  in  society  now  more   than  ever  this  statement  is  probably  very   true.     Mark Yanoschik 2/27/15 1:09 AM Comment [9]: Willie  has  a  lot  of  pride  in   his  military  career.  Despite  spending  such  a   long  time  homeless,  he  does  have  this   period  in  his  life  where  he  did  achieve   something  noticeable.    
  • 3. W: It’s down by Salvation Army, that’s where everyone is now. J: oh ok, what did you do? W: anything that came up need to be done J: you did it? W: did it. C: ok, so, uh, ok, sounds good, uh, so how would you define education? Would you just define it as going to school, or do you say you’re always getting educated? W: that’s the first step is going to school. Get your high school diploma and you can go further. Without that high school diploma, you stuck homeless. C: yea, umm, so I would think that you would feel your education continued when you were in the military? You know, they probably taught you some stuff. How do you feel that, what they taught you there has helped you since then? W. it well, number one it helped to to survive while being homeless, and (smacks lips) C: what kind of skills did they teach you to help you survive? W: jungle C: jungle skills? W: yea, ive been in Vietnam, and it taught me how to survive C: ok, how to live off the land? W: how to live off the land, yea C: alright, umm J: can you tell me a little bit more about that? W: oh yea, now I used to have a hut r-r-right in the back of here J: yea W: a tent that I used to live in C: ok W: and, but they moved us from there, they moved us down right behind the (mumbles) maybe about on the park back here, I stayed in the bathroom for about 5 months. C: ok W: yea, and from there I went up under the bridge and stayed for about, maybe about two years. C: how many other people were there with you? W: ohhh, my God J: a lot? W: imam say over 40 C: over 40 people? All at the same time or in and out? W: at the same time C: well uh, what would you say that most of those peoples education were, had most of them gone through high school? W: they were very educated, but the point is with their background and record, it’s hard for them to get a job. C: ok, so they have some sort of criminal record or drug record that’s keeping them from getting a job? W: right, C: so, its doesn’t really matter if they have a education, they could have a college degree, if they have dru.. if they’ve been through drugs or some kind of criminal record, the companies don’t care about that. Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:33 AM Comment [10]: This  is  a  literal  example   of  the  saying,  “Beggars  can’t  be  choosers”   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:37 AM Comment [11]: The  first  3  things   highlighted  on  this  page  are  really  about  the   negative  atmosphere  that  homelessness   entails.    
  • 4. W: that’s right C: even if they’ve gotten cleaned up it still stays on the record. W: still, still is on their record C: ok, wow W: you got people that’s homeless down there. Two dentists you even got C: dentist? W: yeah! You even got people down there homeless got very education. Dentists, lawyers that’s been homeless from drugs. They all fall back to the same category, like the rest of them they no more than, than the people that’s down there C: how do those people feel, knowing that they’ve been through, like all the way through college, and you know, maybe even graduate school, and now they’re homeless. What do they say about that? Have they ever talked about it? W: yea, they made the wrong mistake messing with drugs like I did. J: that’s how you feel? W: that’s how I feel C: are any of them, are they trying to get out of that or are some of them still messing with drugs? W: oh yea, they’re trying very hard to get out of it, but its hard. Once you get attached to something, it’s very hard to get out of it. You know, it’s like living up under the bridge. Most of them, when they go to work, they usually try to use their money (mumbles) trying to buy drugs. C: yea W: cause they stuck in that category C: yea, they’re just stuck in that loop W: what I was told happened to the VA, I was able to go to drug school, uhh, to get off of it. C: ok, good. That’s good J: what do you do now, to I guess continue your education? W: right now, well I’m 64 years old C: haha J: well there’s nothing wrong with that. W: so education really don’t mean knowledge to me no more C: mmhmm W: but because I’m doing good now. A little bit better than I was. C: so when you weren’t doing good, did you feel like you needed to learn ways to.. W: oh yea, yea.. C: umm, what did you feel like you needed to learn to get out of that? W: to go, and get in some drug program, to get myself out of the situation C: so how, learn how to cope with what you were going through. W: yeah, where I can get me a better job and do better for myself J: what do you miss most about being in school? Or like being in the military and everything. What do you miss the most about it? W: Miss, uhhh……. Well, the military was a good life. I wish I could go back in. (everyone laughs) W: that’s hard to, that’s hard to.. well what I really miss is going overseas. I want to get away from the United States. Yeah for a while. I want to go back to cultures that I’ve Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:39 AM Comment [12]: Arguably  one  of  the  most   important  quotes  in  the  interview  because  it   goes  against  the  stereotype  of  all  homeless   people  being  uneducated.  Willie  clearly   looks  back  on  his  past  with  deep  regret.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:40 AM Comment [13]: Willie’s  wisdom  from  age   serves  as  an  excellent  reminder  that   education  can  come  from  experiences,  not   just  a  degree.  
  • 5. been through. Thailand, Vietnam, I really want to go back. I got the money to go back with. C: yea W: yea, I just, like sometimes now I work around, I try to help my friends out there sill shooting bad, you know like I was, cause I’ve been down that road. C: so, are you trying to educate your friends that are in the same place? W: oh yea. C: what do you try to teach them? What do you want them to learn from you?’ W: the mistakes that I’ve made. Umm, to try to get in any program that you can that gonna help you. Such as, such as, just start here. Homeless task force. They do all they can for you. C: mmhmm W: and, just go to classes, try to get you in a drug program. Just go from there. C: so do you.. W: the main thing is to find you a new playground! J: laughs C: what do you mean by that exactly? W: to get out from around the ones that you’ve been around that’s holding you down that’s on drugs and stuff. You get away from them, you’re life will do better C: so, you tell them to start hanging out with you, who has gotten better since then. W: well, not me C: haha not you J: just better people? W: yea, just better people. You know, you know. When you go through the program, it’s the best to find you a new playground. You know, stop going to the places that you’ve been to. Find you some new people to hang around. People that going to more help you. C: so do you almost feel like an educator, since you’ve been where these people are and you’ve come out of that you’re educating them, do you feel like their teacher? W: yeah C: ok, well that’s pretty cool J: what else do you guys talk about? W: if I can see someone you know, lost friends, I can try to show them where to go to to start. C: ok W: where to get your start from C: gotcha. W: but the main thing is that you’ve got to leave your old friends alone because they gonna keep you down. They usually gonna keep you locked down. Yeah J: what else do you guys talk about, do yall talk about like reminiscing on other things books, whatever. Umm, what else do you guys talk about? W: we talk about, we mostly talk about food, someplace to eat. Yeah food. Where to go . you know, where can we go to get this at? C: ok, so it’s all about the survival? W: right, survival. C: how would you define ignorance? W: well I would define ignorance as doing stupid stuff Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:42 AM Comment [14]: It  is  hard  to  imagine  why   any  veteran  would  want  to  go  back  to   Vietnam.  The  most  likely  explanation  is  that   here  he  has  nothing  to  live  for,  at  least  when   he  was  there  he  was  fighting  for  a  moral   cause.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:45 AM Comment [15]: Willie  made  it  sound  like   he  uses  this  personal  quote  a  lot  to  educate   others  on  how  to  find  success  where  he   failed.  It  is  an  excellent  figure  of  speech.   Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:45 AM Comment [16]: This  is  an  interesting   description  of  how  it  feels  to  be  addicted  to   drugs.  
  • 6. C: knowing stupid stuff? W: yea, and you know it’s wrong C: and you still do it. W: like, yeah, like when you go to work for 8 hours for 7 dollars and hour, you know worked all day, come home, or come back to catch out corner like everybody do, and take your money and buy drugs. Instead of food. Like you know you can go to the salvation army and eat. C: so you would say ignorance is knowing what you should do right, but not doing it? W: right C: ok, so, um, how can people change that? W: the only way that they can change that sitation is find a new playground. Go to another part of town and try to work you out a program where they already done, you know. J: how did you value education when you were growing up? When you were younger. Like thinking back when you were a kid W: well… I shot hookie a lot C: hahaha, well I think we all did that a little bit W: but right now today, I value education very seriously, and they only way you can get somewhere is to go to school and finish your education. Get your high school diploma, go to college or whatever you want to do. You got places that will help you do that if you homeless. Whatever you want to do, you gotta a whole lot of places around here that will help you. C: so looking back, would you have done something different when it comes to education? W: looking back yes I would have. C: what would you have done differently? Specifically. W: I would have went to college. C: what would you have wanted to be if you went to college? W: hmm, well what I really wanted to be was a pilot. C: pilot? W: yea, but my school records were too low. So I became infantry C: ok J: my dads in the infantry.. so. C: umm, so how has your perspective on changed education since you’ve been homeless? W: oh ive been studying. You know if my education studying. I still read. I go to the library I take my kids to the library. I teach my grandkids not to follow my footsteps. C: what do you normally like to read? What do you like to read? W: any type of material right now. C: anything? W: yeah C: ok, so you just want to get a broad perspective? (we get interrupted, and have a brief, irrelevant conversation) C: so, uhh. Where do you see yourself in the future? W: hmm, at 64 years old, I’m doing better than I was. (sighs) C: have you found ways to do better than you’re doing right now? W: yeah, I’ve found ways Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:46 AM Comment [17]: Once  again,  he  brings  up   the  “playground”  quote.  It  really  seemed  like   it  meant  a  lot  to  him  to  give  this  piece  of   advice  to  three  young  people.     Mark Yanoschik 11/4/14 7:50 AM Comment [18]: For  him  personally,  Willie   views  education  as  him  passing  his  wisdom   off  to  younger  people.  In  regards  to  young   people,  Willie  views  education  as  earning  a   degree  which  provides  a  means  for  a  better   life.  
  • 7. (we get interrupted again) W: I’ve found wayyys, but I don’t like to do it. Such as right now is… (smacks lips) ummm…. Lets bypass that one. C: ok, well it sounds like you need to go. You did great though. I feel like we got a lot of useful information..