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A Greater Than Report

                                                                              Döbelnsgatan 65
                                                                             113 52 Stockholm

                   Analysis of the European Road Freight Market
                 Business Models and Driving Forces Influencing its Carbon Footprint

                 The haulage industry operates with slim profit margins. Could this be why it does
                 not prioritise fuel savings? This is perhaps a somewhat paradoxical question but
                 upon a closer analysis, the market is more complex than anticipated. However
                 the solution is simple.

                                                                      Sten Forseke, Founder

Contents        Conclusions
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Conclusions                  -)$)&&("8' 9#):' $.-&#;<7+.-=' >' 6(<' +-' *"+,+-6'
                             <)"9.";(-$)' *#)' 7.' 75)' 9($7' 75(7' 75)' <".$)&&'
                                                  $.;<("+&.-' 7.' ?5(7' .75)"'
Introduction                 +-*#&7"+)&'(")'*.+-6@!
Why profit margins are low           A)$(#&)' $#"")-7' B#&+-)&&' ;.*):&' *)1
Environmental consequences
Validity and Comments
                             B#&+-)&&' $.-$)"-' 7.' 5(#:+)"&' (-*' FGHI&=' !.'
A Solution                   &(9)6#("*' $#"")-7' 9(,.#"(B:)' B#&+-)&&' ;.*):&E'
                                     G".,+*)' (' <".$)&&' ?+75' &7(7)' .9' 75)' ("7'

                                 !5)' B#8)"&' 5.:*' 75)' %)8' 7.' +;<".,);)-7&' .9'
                                     >**")&&' 75)' 6(<' +-' <)"9.";(-$)' (-*'



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                             9#):' $.&7O' +7' +&' .-:8' 75);' 75(7' $(-' $5(-6)' 75+&'
                             7")-*=' !5+&' $(-' B)' *.-)' B8' &#$5' (' &+;<:)'
                             ;)(&#")' (&' 7.' ")P#+")' 75)' <".$)&&' .?-)"'

                             '                                    '

Introduction                                       Why profit margins are low
 !5)' ".(*' 5(#:(6)' +-*#&7"8' 5(&' +-' ;(-8'       K-)' ;(+-'$(#&)' (-*'.-)' +-9:#)-$+-6'9($7."' (")'
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  '                                                 !5)' ;(+-' $(#&)' $.-$)"-&' 75)' B#&+-)&&' ;.*):E'
 89% operate without profitability targets          75)' $#&7.;)"=' C#):' $.-&#;<7+.-' +&' $(:$#:(7)*'
 98% operate without cost saving targets            75".#65')M<)"+)-$)'(-*'75)'<"+$)'+&'B(&)*'#<.-'
 92% don´t prioritize fuel savings                  (-' +-*)MO' (' *+")$7' $.-&)P#)-$)' .9' 75+&' +&' 75(7'
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)99+$+)-$8' +-' 75)' $.&7' $.-7".:=' !5)'          '
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!5)'&)$.-*'+-9:#)-$+-6'9($7."'+&'75)'              <".,+*)"&' -.7' <"+."+7+&+-6' 9#):' &(,+-6&' (")' 5("*'
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7.--)&' 5+65)"' 75(-' -)$)&&("8=' N-' ."*)"'
Q/3=333%;' (-*' F0:^/33%;RE' //' -)?'                "#$%!&'!%#(!)&**(+(,-(!.(%"((,!%#$%!$,)!$!
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Validity and Comments
;.*):&=' K#"' +-7)-7+.-' +&' 7.' <.+-7' .#7'
5.?' ,("+.#&';("%)7' 9($7."&'$.::(B."(7)'
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)-,+".-;)-7(:' +&&#)&' B(&)*' #<.-' 75+&'
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A Solution
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?5+$5' ?+::' $")(7)' ),)-' ?."&)-+-6'

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Why there is 15% unnecessary co2 emissions in road transport

  • 1. A Greater Than Report Döbelnsgatan 65 113 52 Stockholm Sweden Analysis of the European Road Freight Market Business Models and Driving Forces Influencing its Carbon Footprint The haulage industry operates with slim profit margins. Could this be why it does not prioritise fuel savings? This is perhaps a somewhat paradoxical question but upon a closer analysis, the market is more complex than anticipated. However the solution is simple. Sten Forseke, Founder 2011-04-11
  • 2. Contents Conclusions !"#$%&' (")' *"+,)-' .-' (' /01234' 5+65)"' 75(-' Conclusions -)$)&&("8' 9#):' $.-&#;<7+.-=' >' 6(<' +-' *"+,+-6' <)"9.";(-$)' *#)' 7.' 75)' 9($7' 75(7' 75)' <".$)&&' Summary $.;<("+&.-' 7.' ?5(7' .75)"' Introduction +-*#&7"+)&'(")'*.+-6@! Why profit margins are low A)$(#&)' $#"")-7' B#&+-)&&' ;.*):&' *)1 +-$)-7+,+&)'9#):'&(,+-6&=! Environmental consequences C#):'+&'(';(D."'$.&7'+7);'B#7'+-'")(:+78E'(';+-."' Validity and Comments B#&+-)&&' $.-$)"-' 7.' 5(#:+)"&' (-*' FGHI&=' !.' A Solution &(9)6#("*' $#"")-7' 9(,.#"(B:)' B#&+-)&&' ;.*):&E' 75)8';#&7@' G".,+*)' (' <".$)&&' ?+75' &7(7)' .9' 75)' ("7' 9#):=' !5)' B#8)"&' 5.:*' 75)' %)8' 7.' +;<".,);)-7&' .9' 75)'&)$7."&'JK2'<".B:);@' >**")&&' 75)' 6(<' +-' <)"9.";(-$)' (-*' $.-7".:'B8')-*&'(-*'-.7';)(-&=' Summary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
  • 3. Introduction Why profit margins are low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hy 92% fail to prioritise fuel savings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operate without profitability targets 75)' $#&7.;)"=' C#):' $.-&#;<7+.-' +&' $(:$#:(7)*' 98% operate without cost saving targets 75".#65')M<)"+)-$)'(-*'75)'<"+$)'+&'B(&)*'#<.-' 92% don´t prioritize fuel savings (-' +-*)MO' (' *+")$7' $.-&)P#)-$)' .9' 75+&' +&' 75(7'
  •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nvironmental Consequences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