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Who Jesus Christ Is Essay example
Who Jesus Christ Is
When this question is personalized, it becomes the most important question one will ever be asked or answer. Who is Jesus Christ to YOU? Jesus
said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10, NKJV). In 1 John 5:11–13 we are told that if we
have the son in our life we can KNOW that we have eternal life. Jesus is the only way for us to live an abundant life here on earth, or receive eternal
life in fellowship with God. Jesus died on the cross to take the punsihment for our sins so that we could be sinless in the eyes of God. If we do not
receive the free gift of eternal life by experiencing the forgiveness achieved by Jesus, then we will receive the punishment more content...
Jesus was declared to be the Mighty God and Everlasting Father long before he was ever conceived in the womb of Mary. The Everlasting Father
became the child and son born in the manger. Therefore Jesus truly is Immanuel, God with us. Jesus is Almighty God become a man.
Isaiah 40:3 –– A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God (Prophecy).
John 1:23––John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'" (Isaiah
40:3 prophecy fulfilled).
The word LORD, spelled with all captial letters is the name of God, Jehovah. For more information about God's name go to the article titled "LORD,
Hebrew Tetragrammaton." In prophecy, John the baptist was to prepare the world to receive God Almighty. In reality, John prepared the world for
Jesus, preaching the message of repentance. John did not make a mistake, he knew that Jesus was Jehovah God joining the human race.
Isaiah 45:23 –– Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear (Prophecy).
Philippians 2:9–11 –– Prophecy fulfilled: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at
the name of
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Essay on The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
No other event in history has been the object of as much scrutiny and criticism as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the basis
upon which all Christianity stands. If the resurrection never happened, then there would be no Christianity, as the Apostle Paul says in 1
Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." This is why opponents of the Christian
faith have tried to attempt to discredit the Biblical account of the resurrection. Of the many theories of the resurrection, the Biblical account is the only
historically reliable and possible explanation of the more content...
Louis Gottschalk, former professor of history at the University of Chicago, states the ability of the writer to tell the truth is helpful in determining
credibility. The "ability to tell the truth" is related in two ways. They are the witness's nearness chronologically and geographically
(McDowell 51–52). The
New Testament accounts were written by men who were eyewitnesses or related the story from eyewitness accounts. Chronologically speaking, the
Gospels were all written while people, other than Christians, who had been eyewitnesses to the life of Christ were still alive. For the most part the
non–Christian eyewitnesses were opponents of the faith. The resulting effect of this would be the necessity for the disciples to relate the life of Christ
accurately due to the fact that any inaccuracies would have allowed opponents to discredit
Christianity right from the beginning (McDowell 52–53).
The third test to prove historical reliability is that of exterior evidence. Gottschalk defines external evidence as "conformity or agreement with
other known historical or scientific facts...(McDowell 54)." Other writers are a great source of exterior evidence. The writings of historian
Eusebius, and
Iraneous, Bishop of Lyons, have confirmed the writings of the Apostle John.
These men did their historical writing between 130 and 180 AD. They researched scrolls from the time of
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The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
In the book that I have read for religion class I learned many things about God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I learned although the
common person would think God is one person he is really three people in one body. Being humans we do not know the full story of God nor will
we ever, it is a mystery and this is the base of our Catholic faith; believing that God has enlightened us with and believing in the mystery of God. Also,
in being human we ask ourselves many questions. Why is Jesus the most qualified to come back to earth? Why are humans so self centered? Why
was salvation needed in the first place? I will be answering these questions and many more in my paper. The first point I would like to address is
why Jesus was the most qualified to come back to earth. Jesus is our savior and will always be our savior no matter what the situation. "The renewal
of the creation has been wrought by the self same word who made it in the beginning"(athanasius 2). This statement is support that Jesus is the most
qualified to come back. Jesus is also the most qualified for many other reasons, one being that Jesus is God and what better person is there than the
own creator of our earth?
My second question is why are humans so self centered? Why do humans routinely do what is best for themselves before thinking of others? I,
personally, struggle with this. I am often so focused on what is most beneficial for me rather than asking myself, does this benefit anyone other than
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I knew without a shadow of a doubt from a young age that God exists. I was blessed with a Christian family and grew up learning from my parents,
my pastor and my church family, the biblical truths that shape my life. My personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ began at age seven and my
journey to know Him better continues every day. I cannot imagine my life without God, and without God my principles would be very shallow. The
choice to live for the Lord and base my decisions on His plan and His desires for me is my deepest, most fundamental principle. Certainly, all of my
core principles are based on my faith.
I try to serve the Lord in many ways and keep my faith genuine each day. At my church, I enjoy teaching Sunday School, being on the drama team
and helping in Children's Church. I also volunteered at a Christian camp and served on their Sweat Team and Service Crew. I attended camp there
for a total of 12 years. It was a blessing to me and in my small way, I wanted to give something back. When I read my Bible, I learn more each day
about the kind of person God wants me to be; a person of integrity, honesty and optimism. Integrity, honesty and optimism; these are principles that I
try to manifest in my life. Being an honest man and a man of integrity means doing the right things even when it may be easier to do the wrong
things; like skipping class to play video games and telling the teacher the next day you were sick. My honesty and integrity are
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The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ Essay
The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ
When we talk about Jesus as a leader, we may imply two different forms: Jesus as the only Son of God, God of the universe, or the risen Christ as
being one with God; or Jesus as the 1 st century flesh and blood human being, the historical figure. Since the purpose of studying leadership is to
improve one's own leadership skills, it makes sense to analyze Jesus' applicable traits, actions, and accomplishments as a good leader–in his historical
role–so his leadership skills can be feasibly related to ourselves as human beings. I will attempt to analyze, using modern leadership criteria, how Jesus
of Nazareth, the Jew and carpenter's son, was an effective spiritual leader of his time.
Let us more content...
Jesus gave a frank opinion about his purpose when he said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matt. 5:17). Cronin adds, "Leaders are people who know who they are and know where they are going. . . . [They]
must be self–reliant individuals with great tenacity and stamina" (36). So aside from the common interpretations that Jesus was the Son of God or
the Messiah (sent to earth to be king and deliverer of the Jews), Jesus was an intelligent man, who usually knew what to say and when to say it. N.T.
Wright writes, "Jesus spoke of himself as a prophet, he behaved as a prophet, and when others referred to him in this way he did not correct them" (33).
Before we can explain how Jesus articulated his vision, we must first examine what his vision was. Wright writes, "Jesus was a first–century Jewish
prophet announcing God's kingdom. This was the very center of his mission and message" (33). Most likely, Jesus would say his goal was to do
God's will in order to fulfill the prophecies (as predicted in the Old Testament) and save the "lost" (Matt. 18:11, Luke 19:10). Since he was sent to earth
as a means for people to get to heaven, his vision was that people could develop
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The Teaching of Jesus Essay
Will the teachings of Jesus Christ be able to survive the 3rd millennium? Jesus emphasized the actions and teachings of God by using his life as an
example of God's ways. He was an exact representation of God which made him God as well. Jesus referred to the history of God in his teachings. He
used the basis of God's teachings that God demonstrated through Adam, Abraham and David.
There were approximately 4000 years between the start of man up to the time of Christ's birth. Then for the last 2000 years after Christ, the church has
risen steadily. So, in total, that is 6000 years of Jesus' teachings or the basis of his teachings, which have become more popular now then when they first
started out at the beginning 6000 years ago. So more content...
Look at Mother Teresa as another example of someone who was inspired by the teachings of Jesus. She has even gone so far as to impact the
whole world and leave a lasting impression of the love Jesus has for us through her actions. Secondly, as we enter into the next millennium, every
human is searching for love, acceptance, and security, which are, the three major needs of the human soul. Now imagine for a second what it would
be like if all the bad things that are predicted about our future were to come true. Just imagine if all the computers really did crash or even if the world
really did end.
Well, we don't have to fear about these things because, like I said, we are all searching for love, acceptance, and security and we can find all of these
needs through Jesus and his teachings. Mark 3:34–35 is a great example of how accepting Jesus is. "Then he looked at those around him and said,
"these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does God's will id my brother and sister and mother." This is simply saying that Jesus
accepts everybody as his family as long as they believe in God. Jesus wants us all to feel secure.
Psalm 46:1–5 is an excellent verse showing why we can feel secure with the basis of Jesus' teachings: "God is our refuge and strength, always
ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into to sea. Let the oceans roar and
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Humanity and Divinity of Christ Essays
Joshua Norman
Short Essay #2
Short Essay on the Humanity and Divinity of Jesus Christ
The discussion regarding the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ has been a matter of debate since the earliest days of Christianity. The
post–apostolic church became plagued by different heresies, some of which continue to this day. Generations of scholars have attempted to make sense
of the human and divine natures coexisting in Jesus, some claiming that He could not be truly a man, others claiming He could not truly be God;
however, the Bible tells us that the people closest to Jesus, the apostles, were convinced that he was truly God and truly man; their evidence was what
Jesus said of Himself, what the prophecies more content...
Early heresies arose as some scholars attempted to answer these questions, some saying that Jesus wasn't fully God, and others stating He wasn't fully
man. For example, Apollinaris (ca. 300–315) believed that Jesus was indeed a man, but instead of possessing a soul, as we do, He was possessed by
logos. Arius (ca. 250) felt that since God was immutable, there could be no way that the substance of God could be communicated or shared with
another being; therefore, Christ was a created being and was not pre–existent. These ideas were dangerous in either overemphasizing or denying the
God–man's attributes. Jesus had to be both God and man; otherwise, His sacrifice would have been insufficient or null. If He were a man with logos
instead of a soul, as Apollinaris suggested, Jesus' death would not have saved our souls. If He were not truly God, made flesh, then His sacrifice
would not have saved our flesh. Jesus, therefore, had to be both, to satisfy the demands of a perfect sacrifice and have the power to judge and forgive
sins. The ideas that Jesus was anything less than a perfectly joined union of God and man were countered by the Fourth Ecumenical Council in
Chalcedon, located in what is now Turkey, in A.D. 451. This council was convened with the purpose of defining the hypostatic union of Jesus' humanity
and divinity and established the Chalcedonian Creed. Hypostatic union is roughly defined as the inseparable union between Jesus' human and
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The Life of Jesus Christ Essay
The Life of Jesus Christ
Ever since Jesus was born, he has always been perfect. There have never been any flaws that had to do with him. He had many different characteristics
and qualities that w ere unique about himincluding holiness, purity, faithfulness, mercifulness, grac e, righteousness, love, integrity, divinity, and
courageousness.ГђThere is nothin g that is more powerful than that of the triunity, which consists of God the Fat her, God the Holy
Spirit, and God the Son. This report deals mostly with God th e Son, which is Jesus. Jesus has all these qualities and we are supposed to be f ollowing
in His footsteps. Most Christians try as hard to have these great chara cteristics, but there is no possible way that we more content...
Very often when people think of
Love, they think of Jesus. In John 4:8,16 it says that God is love. This i s a paraphrase but it is still stating something that is very important.
That v erse shows that Jesus had (and still does) mercy and compassion for us.Another v erse that shows that God's love as apparent is John 3:16,"For
God so loved the w orld that he gave his only begotten son that who believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.".He has so much l ove for
us that he even gives us life. He could just let us Christians live our own life but, He helps us out with His great grace. Grace is part of the wh ole
effect of God's love. Basically what grace is, is way that
God deals with u s. It has nothing to do with what we deserve or basis of merit, but it is givin g out by how much we need. God deals with them
according to his goodness and ge nerosity. That seems similar to benevolence, but it isn't. Jesus' grace is real ly shown in the New
Testament. In Exodus 34:6it says "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious...". In Ephesians 2:7©9 it says, "For it is by grace you have been
saved, through faith©and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of
God©not by works, so that no one can boast. In those verses it Е’is saying that God is allowing us to be saved. He doesn't have to save us; He could
just let u s all go to hell, but he gives each and everyone of us a chance to accept Him. The list
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Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Essay
In this report we will deal with Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. This report we'll have as bible text the gospel of Matthew 27:32–50, and these
verses will be analyzed verse by verse. It's very great to observe that all gospels talk about Jesus' Crucifixion in a larger section than others events from
his life. There is a great reason: for Jesus this last part of his work means the finishing God's plan of salvation. Paul says he humbled himself, and
become obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross (Philippians 2:8). So we will observe the following of event as Matthew wrote in his gospel.
27:32–34: 32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cy–re'na, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross, 33 They were come unto more content...
This word Calvary comes from the Latin Vulgate, where calvaria is the regular translation of the Greek kranion writes Earle Ralph in Beacome Bible
Commentary. They came to the execution place; probably the common place of execution, the soldiers in charge with execution of Jesus Christ gave
him vinegar to drink with gall. That drink was usually offered to convicts that their pain to be improved. But Jesus didn't drink this drink, he refused it
because he wanted to "drink all undiluted bitterness". 27:35–38: 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them and upon my vesture did they cost lots. 36 And sitting down they
watched him there. 37 And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38 Then were there two thieves
crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. Jesus was crucified, his hands and foot were mailed to the cross, and then reared it
up and him hanging on it; because that was the manner of Romans to crucify. Henry Matthew writes in his commentary next thing: "The barbarous
and abusive treatment they gone him, in which their wit and malice vied which should excel. As if death, so great a death were not bad enough, they
contrived to add to the bitterness and terror of it." The sufferings of Jesus intensified as he drew near to the cross. In Matt. 26:38 Jesus
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Christ Is Our Savior And Redeemer
Christ is our savior and redeemer he sacrificed everything so that we may live. We should at least know where he came from and what he did. Here
are only some of the accounts what and how Jesus lived through his time on earth. Throughout this essay we will also answer some common questions.
But first here is a little bit of his background.
Matthew 1 and Luke 3 lay the genealogies of Jesus. They both are different. So you may ask how Jesus can come from two genealogies. Well there
are many theories the two main theories are that One goes all the way back to God while the other goes back to Abraham and the other is that one is
Mary's and the other is Joseph's.
When Jesus was a little boy he was the perfect child, when he turned twelve it was his right to enter the temple for Passover. While there he asked
very insightful questions even some of the priest were impressed with. While he was sitting and talking in the temple the time came for Jesus's
mother and father to leave. When they left to go home they had assumed Jesus was with some friend or family. When in reality he was sitting and
talking with the priests. When Joseph and Mary realized that Jesus was not with any family or friends they began to worry. When they finally found
Him, He was still talking with the priests! When his parents saw him, they were very jubilant but also a little upset. His mother said to him, In Luke
4:48–52 "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously
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Reflection Paper On Jesus Christ
I believe Jesus Christ is the son of god, the man who died for our sins; Jesus has given me the freedom to be the person who I am today. If it wasn't for
his sacrifice, we as people would not be forgiven. I can look to Jesus for love even when I have not necessarily shown it to Him, He cares for me in my
darkest of times and has shed light without me needing to ask. Jesus has a presence that can be felt if you allow him to stand beside you, He is someone
who is not comparable to anyone else. I have decided to become a follower of Jesus Christ (again) because I have drifted away from the kind hearted
girl that I used to know, the girl who read her bible like a chapter book again and again, watching her Jesus VHS tapes on the small TV in her room.
However, I have learned that Jesus forgives. Jesus has allowed to me live the life that I love without consequences, I can love Jesus without
attending church every Sunday. The biggest reason that I decided to become a follower of Jesus was because I needed to get back in touch with
myself and my own personal beliefs, I have reached out to him for guidance but felt bad because I have not been serving him in the way that I
should. I want to spread love and share the word of the Bible in the way that He deserves. My spiritual journey began as a young girl who attended
Vacation Bible School for a few summers which consisted of singing songs and making bible themed crafts. It was a wonderful experience but I did
not truly understand
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Reflective Essay On Jesus Christ
Of all the incredible divine qualities Jesus Christ exemplifies, the one I love most is His constancy. He is the same "yesterday, today, and forever,"
and as Moroni teaches us, from Him cometh "every good gift." Because Jesus Christ is constant, all of God's children who have ever lived or ever
will live on the Earth can look to the scriptures and prophets to identify patterns of obedience by which they may obtain every one of these good
gifts, This is in accordance with that law decreed in heaven, that "when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it
was predicated." President Uchtdorf said, "The great miracle of the Restoration was not just that it corrected false ideas and corrupt doctrines–though it
certainly did that–but that it flung open the curtains of heaven and initiated a steady downpour of new light and knowledge that has continued to this
day." The miracle of personal revelation is indeed one of the sweetest blessings of the Gospel; and as such, obtaining it must naturally be predicated
upon obedience to key commandments. Through scriptural accounts as well as by the mouth of prophets, Jesus Christ has established a pattern of
commandment–keeping that allows us to receive truth and direction from Heavenly Father. I believe that pattern is as follows: 1) Prepare your heart
and mind, 2) Study diligently, 3) Ask of God, 4) Listen to the Holy Ghost, and 5) Act. Joseph Smith's example can teach us much about being prepared
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Christology; the Two Nature of Jesus Essay
An angel appeared before a woman named Mary and stated to her that she would give birth to a son. She would name her son Jesus. Mary being a
virgin gave birth to a child, conceived by God through his Spirit. Jesus being conceived in a supernatural manner became man and God in one creation.
God became incarnate in this child who became known by the name of Jesus (Mathew 1:18–25) . Jesus was a Palestinian Jew, born in a town south of
Jerusalem, raised in Nazareth in a small village in Galilee. Jesus was not any ordinary child. Jesus was the son of the living God. Not only was He
the son of Mary, He was foremost the Son of God. He was incarnated sent to us for the redemption of all mankind. So how do we handle the
incarnation of God? more content...
However, the concept incarnation is at work in the New Testament. The Greek equivalent of incarnate is found in scripture. The Greek equivalent
of incarnate is in carne (en sarki) meaning that God came in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 4:2; 2 John 7). Jesus took on the form of man so
that he might bridge the gap between human creation and His father. God sent Jesus as a child to a lost and dying world. Jesus came to us as
human. He did not lay down his divinity and pick up humanity. He came to us as both divine and human. Through this act God was revealed in a
personal way to humankind, and therefore in a way which is more adequate for a personal God to interact with his creation. God now was an
advocate to his people. He no longer had to communicate his words through prophets, lawgivers, or even wise men. It allowed God to be united with
humanity, so that he might be able to bear their sins, and make atonement for them in one act of sacrifice and reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19 – 21).
What humanity itself could not do was done in human beings by the Son of God (Romans 5:8) .
Historical Views The two natures of Jesus refers to the doctrine that the one person Jesus has two natures, (Divine and Human). In theology this is
called "the doctrine of the hypostatic union. " it derives its meaning from the Greek word hypostasis (which is also
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The Life of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ means numerous things to people: the Son of God, Savior, the Messiah, etc. But many might still not know what happened during Jesus's
life. There are numerous stories in the Bible. His story starts in the New Testament, though the prophecies about Him are in the Old Testament. Through
the Bible, people have been able to decipher the Messianic prophecies, Jesus's death and resurrection, and Jesus's return.
The Messianic Prophecies are prophecies about the Messiah. He will end the dark times, and bring joy (Isaiah 9: 1–7). God will make this possible by
giving us Jesus, His Son (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus, who not only is the Son of God, but also God, will bring peace. He will be the king. This will happen
because God loves us all so much. God then goes on to talk about how His Son will bring justice, and will not stick out in a crowd (Isaiah 42: 1–7).
There was nothing particularly striking about Jesus, in appearance or demeanor (Isaiah 53:2). Because of others' suffering, Jesus felt their sadness
(Isaiah 53:4). God wanted Jesus to suffer in His life so that humans can be saved; though Jesus never complained. Jesus was the sacrifice. He died for
our sins. But He succeeded in what was needed to be done. Afterward, He would have a remarkable spot in heaven (Isaiah 53:11–12).
Jesus's death is one of the biggest events in the Bible. Judas, who was one of Jesus's apostles, betrayed Him and gave Him over to the Jews who had
been planning to kill Him in exchange for money (Luke
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Research Paper On Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Time and events as we know have been tracked by B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (in the year of our Lord). In the Old Testament, prophecies point to
the coming of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, Jesus came to earth, died and rose again. There are many questions to be answered aboutJesus. Who
is He? What did he do while he was alive? What was Jesus called? The answers to these questions are very clear. According to the Christian faith,
Jesus Christ is the second person in the trinity of God. He is God in human form, the Son. He is God in the flesh. He is known as the God–man. He
was fully human, yet fully God. (Theology for Today, Towns, 155) He experienced all of the trials, temptation, pain, suffering of being confined to a
human body. Even so, Jesus was God almighty. By the word of His mouth he could perform miracles never seen before. There more
Christ is His official title (Bere128). The name Christ shows Jesus as a prophet, priest, and a king. (Bere 128) He also called Himself the Son of
God. This name indicates Jesus' position in the trinity. It also emphasizes His deity. The Gospel of John clarifies that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of God. (Bere 129) Son of Man is another name given to Jesus. He used this name when He was talking about Himself. Because He was born to a
man, He was fully a man. Luke uses this name for Jesus many time in his Gospel. The Son of Man emphasizes the humiliation Christ suffered while
living on the earth, and ultimately dying. To show His position as the Master and King, another name of Jesus is LORD. This name depicts that
Jesus should be given utmost respect and obedience. It is equal to the Old Testament name "God". It means "Savior" or "Salvation". (Bere 129) Other
names given to Jesus were Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Life. All of these names reflect the power,
sovereignty, and sacrifice of Jesus
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Life Of Jesus Christ Essay
The life of Jesus Christ is a very emotional yet religious topic to explain about. His birth was miraculous, the way he lived was very sin free and
religious and his death changed people's lives forever. The innocence and loyalty that Jesus portrayed was still not enough for the Roman Empire. He
was just too over powering for the government and other peoples lives and was considered a risky individual.
The birth of Jesus was said to be on December 25 yet in the bible there was no set date on which he was born. Jesus was born in Jerusalem 200 years
ago to a young woman named Mary. Mary was a virgin who had been visited by angels and had been explained about this miraculous birth that was
going to take place. It was said that Joseph more content...
He just lived his life like any other normal jewish individual would.
Jesus had healed hundreds of people from sickness and desiese on several occasions and he also raised people from physical death. People had saw
the amount of power that Jesus had withheld and people knew he was a great religious leader. In his thirties, Jesus began public teaching and display
of public miracles. From all the teachings and healing he had done, he had never travelled more than 200 miles from his birthplace. After thress years
of his teachings, his reputation has spread worldwide and people all around the world were studying his teachings.
>From all of the radical claims he had made, this had attracted thousands. The authorities had decided that they had to do something about this before
he took over too much power. The Roman Empire were afraid that they would lose power to Jesus.
The authorities had decided that something had to be done about this religious leader. Pilate, which was the head of the Roman authorities didn't want
to kill Jesus because he knew he was innocent. In order to keep up his reputation, Pilate had sentanced him to execution because he didn't want the
people in the community and society to hate on him. Pilate had ordered that he'd be beaten so he could be restless when hung up on the cross. It was
said around noon, Jesus had been executed around 12:00 pm. Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his
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Who Is Jesus Christ? Essay
The name Jesus Christ spawns multiple feelings throughout cultures. Jesus Christ is also a name that has impacted everyone in a monumental way and
is impacting all aspects of society. No matter how you feel about Jesus Christ, it is insurmountable to deny the fact that he is not an impactful figure in
the world we live in today. The question that is frequently asked about this ponderous figure is "who is Jesus". This question does not hold only one
individual answer, but withholds multiple answers. Depending on the culture, country, time, place, and especially who you ask, you will receive
answers that all hold uniqueness. In less of an opinionated stance, the Holy Bible holds the answer to who exactly he is and why is such a conspicuous
figure. To understand Jesus Christ and formulate an opinion on him, we must interpret the Holy Bible and construe his impact in not only today's
society, but history. There is no denying that the upbringing of a religious figure has caused mountainous affects in history; both positively and
negatively. The destruction and saving of man has inevitably been a result of multiple religions throughout the world. Whether you fathom a mindset of
acceptance or denial, Jesus Christ is one of the world's most notable figures.
Although previously noted, the importance of understanding Jesus Christ is essential. So in a historical context, who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is
considered the son of God and the messiah who sacrificed his own life in
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Essay Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesus Christ Superstar, a rock–opera, emerged from the imagination of Andrew Lloyd Webber (music) and Time Rice (lyrics),which was later brought
to life on the big screen by director Norman Jewison in 1973. Filmed on location in Israel, the movie is centred around the last seven days of Christ's
life, from the time he arrived in Jerusalem up until his crucifixion. The movie is truly from the point of view of Judas Iscariot, one of the most infamous
of all the 12 apostles. In the film, Judas portrays Jesus, not as a miracle worker, but as a real human being with faults, doubts, and most importantly, a
superstar edge. "The play is a baroque fusion of styles, rock rhythm with ballad narrative, dramatic characterization with more
A good example of Jesus's confrontation with the chief priest's business is when Jesus clears the temple. Jesus had arrived at the temple for prayer
during Passover, only to find that his fathers home was being used to sell oxen, sheep, and patrons conducting business. "When he had made a whip of
cords, he drove them all out the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables."Ві Jesus then
exclaimed to the crowd, "Take these things away! Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise!"( John 2:16) Acts like these led the
Sadducees to begin planning out Jesus' betrayal and murder..
The final days of Jesus's life were at hand. He had foreseen the betrayal and denial of two of his apostles, and he made it known to them at his
noteworthy last supper. During the last super, Jesus proclaims that one of his "faithful" disciples will deny him three times, and another would lead
to betray him. Judas, an apostle, then asked Jesus, "Is It I Rabbi?" Jesus then replies, "Thou hast said it." Judas then gave Jesus a kiss, in which
Jesus's response was, "Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"(Luke 22:48) It is after this encounter that Judas Iscariot took
the initiative to go to the chief priests in order to betray Jesus. They offer Judas a reward, thirty pieces of silver, which he took willingly. "And
Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of
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Who Jesus Christ Is Essay Example

  • 1. Who Jesus Christ Is Essay example Who Jesus Christ Is When this question is personalized, it becomes the most important question one will ever be asked or answer. Who is Jesus Christ to YOU? Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10, NKJV). In 1 John 5:11–13 we are told that if we have the son in our life we can KNOW that we have eternal life. Jesus is the only way for us to live an abundant life here on earth, or receive eternal life in fellowship with God. Jesus died on the cross to take the punsihment for our sins so that we could be sinless in the eyes of God. If we do not receive the free gift of eternal life by experiencing the forgiveness achieved by Jesus, then we will receive the punishment more content... Comment: Jesus was declared to be the Mighty God and Everlasting Father long before he was ever conceived in the womb of Mary. The Everlasting Father became the child and son born in the manger. Therefore Jesus truly is Immanuel, God with us. Jesus is Almighty God become a man. Isaiah 40:3 –– A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God (Prophecy). John 1:23––John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'" (Isaiah 40:3 prophecy fulfilled). Comment: The word LORD, spelled with all captial letters is the name of God, Jehovah. For more information about God's name go to the article titled "LORD, Hebrew Tetragrammaton." In prophecy, John the baptist was to prepare the world to receive God Almighty. In reality, John prepared the world for Jesus, preaching the message of repentance. John did not make a mistake, he knew that Jesus was Jehovah God joining the human race. Isaiah 45:23 –– Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear (Prophecy). Philippians 2:9–11 –– Prophecy fulfilled: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of
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  • 3. Essay on The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ The Resurrection of Jesus Christ No other event in history has been the object of as much scrutiny and criticism as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the basis upon which all Christianity stands. If the resurrection never happened, then there would be no Christianity, as the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." This is why opponents of the Christian faith have tried to attempt to discredit the Biblical account of the resurrection. Of the many theories of the resurrection, the Biblical account is the only historically reliable and possible explanation of the more content... Dr. Louis Gottschalk, former professor of history at the University of Chicago, states the ability of the writer to tell the truth is helpful in determining credibility. The "ability to tell the truth" is related in two ways. They are the witness's nearness chronologically and geographically (McDowell 51–52). The New Testament accounts were written by men who were eyewitnesses or related the story from eyewitness accounts. Chronologically speaking, the Gospels were all written while people, other than Christians, who had been eyewitnesses to the life of Christ were still alive. For the most part the non–Christian eyewitnesses were opponents of the faith. The resulting effect of this would be the necessity for the disciples to relate the life of Christ accurately due to the fact that any inaccuracies would have allowed opponents to discredit Christianity right from the beginning (McDowell 52–53). The third test to prove historical reliability is that of exterior evidence. Gottschalk defines external evidence as "conformity or agreement with other known historical or scientific facts...(McDowell 54)." Other writers are a great source of exterior evidence. The writings of historian Eusebius, and Iraneous, Bishop of Lyons, have confirmed the writings of the Apostle John. These men did their historical writing between 130 and 180 AD. They researched scrolls from the time of Get more content on
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  • 5. I knew without a shadow of a doubt from a young age that God exists. I was blessed with a Christian family and grew up learning from my parents, my pastor and my church family, the biblical truths that shape my life. My personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ began at age seven and my journey to know Him better continues every day. I cannot imagine my life without God, and without God my principles would be very shallow. The choice to live for the Lord and base my decisions on His plan and His desires for me is my deepest, most fundamental principle. Certainly, all of my core principles are based on my faith. I try to serve the Lord in many ways and keep my faith genuine each day. At my church, I enjoy teaching Sunday School, being on the drama team and helping in Children's Church. I also volunteered at a Christian camp and served on their Sweat Team and Service Crew. I attended camp there for a total of 12 years. It was a blessing to me and in my small way, I wanted to give something back. When I read my Bible, I learn more each day about the kind of person God wants me to be; a person of integrity, honesty and optimism. Integrity, honesty and optimism; these are principles that I try to manifest in my life. Being an honest man and a man of integrity means doing the right things even when it may be easier to do the wrong things; like skipping class to play video games and telling the teacher the next day you were sick. My honesty and integrity are Get more content on
  • 6. The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ Essay The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ When we talk about Jesus as a leader, we may imply two different forms: Jesus as the only Son of God, God of the universe, or the risen Christ as being one with God; or Jesus as the 1 st century flesh and blood human being, the historical figure. Since the purpose of studying leadership is to improve one's own leadership skills, it makes sense to analyze Jesus' applicable traits, actions, and accomplishments as a good leader–in his historical role–so his leadership skills can be feasibly related to ourselves as human beings. I will attempt to analyze, using modern leadership criteria, how Jesus of Nazareth, the Jew and carpenter's son, was an effective spiritual leader of his time. Let us more content... Jesus gave a frank opinion about his purpose when he said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matt. 5:17). Cronin adds, "Leaders are people who know who they are and know where they are going. . . . [They] must be self–reliant individuals with great tenacity and stamina" (36). So aside from the common interpretations that Jesus was the Son of God or the Messiah (sent to earth to be king and deliverer of the Jews), Jesus was an intelligent man, who usually knew what to say and when to say it. N.T. Wright writes, "Jesus spoke of himself as a prophet, he behaved as a prophet, and when others referred to him in this way he did not correct them" (33). Before we can explain how Jesus articulated his vision, we must first examine what his vision was. Wright writes, "Jesus was a first–century Jewish prophet announcing God's kingdom. This was the very center of his mission and message" (33). Most likely, Jesus would say his goal was to do God's will in order to fulfill the prophecies (as predicted in the Old Testament) and save the "lost" (Matt. 18:11, Luke 19:10). Since he was sent to earth as a means for people to get to heaven, his vision was that people could develop Get more content on
  • 7. The Teaching of Jesus Essay Will the teachings of Jesus Christ be able to survive the 3rd millennium? Jesus emphasized the actions and teachings of God by using his life as an example of God's ways. He was an exact representation of God which made him God as well. Jesus referred to the history of God in his teachings. He used the basis of God's teachings that God demonstrated through Adam, Abraham and David. There were approximately 4000 years between the start of man up to the time of Christ's birth. Then for the last 2000 years after Christ, the church has risen steadily. So, in total, that is 6000 years of Jesus' teachings or the basis of his teachings, which have become more popular now then when they first started out at the beginning 6000 years ago. So more content... Look at Mother Teresa as another example of someone who was inspired by the teachings of Jesus. She has even gone so far as to impact the whole world and leave a lasting impression of the love Jesus has for us through her actions. Secondly, as we enter into the next millennium, every human is searching for love, acceptance, and security, which are, the three major needs of the human soul. Now imagine for a second what it would be like if all the bad things that are predicted about our future were to come true. Just imagine if all the computers really did crash or even if the world really did end. Well, we don't have to fear about these things because, like I said, we are all searching for love, acceptance, and security and we can find all of these needs through Jesus and his teachings. Mark 3:34–35 is a great example of how accepting Jesus is. "Then he looked at those around him and said, "these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does God's will id my brother and sister and mother." This is simply saying that Jesus accepts everybody as his family as long as they believe in God. Jesus wants us all to feel secure. Psalm 46:1–5 is an excellent verse showing why we can feel secure with the basis of Jesus' teachings: "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into to sea. Let the oceans roar and Get more content on
  • 8. Humanity and Divinity of Christ Essays Joshua Norman THEO_201_D16_201330 Short Essay #2 Short Essay on the Humanity and Divinity of Jesus Christ The discussion regarding the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ has been a matter of debate since the earliest days of Christianity. The post–apostolic church became plagued by different heresies, some of which continue to this day. Generations of scholars have attempted to make sense of the human and divine natures coexisting in Jesus, some claiming that He could not be truly a man, others claiming He could not truly be God; however, the Bible tells us that the people closest to Jesus, the apostles, were convinced that he was truly God and truly man; their evidence was what Jesus said of Himself, what the prophecies more content... Early heresies arose as some scholars attempted to answer these questions, some saying that Jesus wasn't fully God, and others stating He wasn't fully man. For example, Apollinaris (ca. 300–315) believed that Jesus was indeed a man, but instead of possessing a soul, as we do, He was possessed by logos. Arius (ca. 250) felt that since God was immutable, there could be no way that the substance of God could be communicated or shared with another being; therefore, Christ was a created being and was not pre–existent. These ideas were dangerous in either overemphasizing or denying the God–man's attributes. Jesus had to be both God and man; otherwise, His sacrifice would have been insufficient or null. If He were a man with logos instead of a soul, as Apollinaris suggested, Jesus' death would not have saved our souls. If He were not truly God, made flesh, then His sacrifice would not have saved our flesh. Jesus, therefore, had to be both, to satisfy the demands of a perfect sacrifice and have the power to judge and forgive sins. The ideas that Jesus was anything less than a perfectly joined union of God and man were countered by the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon, located in what is now Turkey, in A.D. 451. This council was convened with the purpose of defining the hypostatic union of Jesus' humanity and divinity and established the Chalcedonian Creed. Hypostatic union is roughly defined as the inseparable union between Jesus' human and Get more content on
  • 9. The Life of Jesus Christ Essay The Life of Jesus Christ Ever since Jesus was born, he has always been perfect. There have never been any flaws that had to do with him. He had many different characteristics and qualities that w ere unique about himincluding holiness, purity, faithfulness, mercifulness, grac e, righteousness, love, integrity, divinity, and courageousness.ГђThere is nothin g that is more powerful than that of the triunity, which consists of God the Fat her, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. This report deals mostly with God th e Son, which is Jesus. Jesus has all these qualities and we are supposed to be f ollowing in His footsteps. Most Christians try as hard to have these great chara cteristics, but there is no possible way that we more content... Very often when people think of Love, they think of Jesus. In John 4:8,16 it says that God is love. This i s a paraphrase but it is still stating something that is very important. That v erse shows that Jesus had (and still does) mercy and compassion for us.Another v erse that shows that God's love as apparent is John 3:16,"For God so loved the w orld that he gave his only begotten son that who believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.".He has so much l ove for us that he even gives us life. He could just let us Christians live our own life but, He helps us out with His great grace. Grace is part of the wh ole effect of God's love. Basically what grace is, is way that God deals with u s. It has nothing to do with what we deserve or basis of merit, but it is givin g out by how much we need. God deals with them according to his goodness and ge nerosity. That seems similar to benevolence, but it isn't. Jesus' grace is real ly shown in the New Testament. In Exodus 34:6it says "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious...". In Ephesians 2:7©9 it says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith©and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God©not by works, so that no one can boast. In those verses it Е’is saying that God is allowing us to be saved. He doesn't have to save us; He could just let u s all go to hell, but he gives each and everyone of us a chance to accept Him. The list Get more content on
  • 10. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Essay In this report we will deal with Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. This report we'll have as bible text the gospel of Matthew 27:32–50, and these verses will be analyzed verse by verse. It's very great to observe that all gospels talk about Jesus' Crucifixion in a larger section than others events from his life. There is a great reason: for Jesus this last part of his work means the finishing God's plan of salvation. Paul says he humbled himself, and become obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross (Philippians 2:8). So we will observe the following of event as Matthew wrote in his gospel. 27:32–34: 32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cy–re'na, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross, 33 They were come unto more content... This word Calvary comes from the Latin Vulgate, where calvaria is the regular translation of the Greek kranion writes Earle Ralph in Beacome Bible Commentary. They came to the execution place; probably the common place of execution, the soldiers in charge with execution of Jesus Christ gave him vinegar to drink with gall. That drink was usually offered to convicts that their pain to be improved. But Jesus didn't drink this drink, he refused it because he wanted to "drink all undiluted bitterness". 27:35–38: 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them and upon my vesture did they cost lots. 36 And sitting down they watched him there. 37 And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38 Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. Jesus was crucified, his hands and foot were mailed to the cross, and then reared it up and him hanging on it; because that was the manner of Romans to crucify. Henry Matthew writes in his commentary next thing: "The barbarous and abusive treatment they gone him, in which their wit and malice vied which should excel. As if death, so great a death were not bad enough, they contrived to add to the bitterness and terror of it." The sufferings of Jesus intensified as he drew near to the cross. In Matt. 26:38 Jesus Get more content on
  • 11. Christ Is Our Savior And Redeemer Christ is our savior and redeemer he sacrificed everything so that we may live. We should at least know where he came from and what he did. Here are only some of the accounts what and how Jesus lived through his time on earth. Throughout this essay we will also answer some common questions. But first here is a little bit of his background. Matthew 1 and Luke 3 lay the genealogies of Jesus. They both are different. So you may ask how Jesus can come from two genealogies. Well there are many theories the two main theories are that One goes all the way back to God while the other goes back to Abraham and the other is that one is Mary's and the other is Joseph's. When Jesus was a little boy he was the perfect child, when he turned twelve it was his right to enter the temple for Passover. While there he asked very insightful questions even some of the priest were impressed with. While he was sitting and talking in the temple the time came for Jesus's mother and father to leave. When they left to go home they had assumed Jesus was with some friend or family. When in reality he was sitting and talking with the priests. When Joseph and Mary realized that Jesus was not with any family or friends they began to worry. When they finally found Him, He was still talking with the priests! When his parents saw him, they were very jubilant but also a little upset. His mother said to him, In Luke 4:48–52 "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Jesus Christ I believe Jesus Christ is the son of god, the man who died for our sins; Jesus has given me the freedom to be the person who I am today. If it wasn't for his sacrifice, we as people would not be forgiven. I can look to Jesus for love even when I have not necessarily shown it to Him, He cares for me in my darkest of times and has shed light without me needing to ask. Jesus has a presence that can be felt if you allow him to stand beside you, He is someone who is not comparable to anyone else. I have decided to become a follower of Jesus Christ (again) because I have drifted away from the kind hearted girl that I used to know, the girl who read her bible like a chapter book again and again, watching her Jesus VHS tapes on the small TV in her room. However, I have learned that Jesus forgives. Jesus has allowed to me live the life that I love without consequences, I can love Jesus without attending church every Sunday. The biggest reason that I decided to become a follower of Jesus was because I needed to get back in touch with myself and my own personal beliefs, I have reached out to him for guidance but felt bad because I have not been serving him in the way that I should. I want to spread love and share the word of the Bible in the way that He deserves. My spiritual journey began as a young girl who attended Vacation Bible School for a few summers which consisted of singing songs and making bible themed crafts. It was a wonderful experience but I did not truly understand Get more content on
  • 13. Reflective Essay On Jesus Christ Of all the incredible divine qualities Jesus Christ exemplifies, the one I love most is His constancy. He is the same "yesterday, today, and forever," and as Moroni teaches us, from Him cometh "every good gift." Because Jesus Christ is constant, all of God's children who have ever lived or ever will live on the Earth can look to the scriptures and prophets to identify patterns of obedience by which they may obtain every one of these good gifts, This is in accordance with that law decreed in heaven, that "when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it was predicated." President Uchtdorf said, "The great miracle of the Restoration was not just that it corrected false ideas and corrupt doctrines–though it certainly did that–but that it flung open the curtains of heaven and initiated a steady downpour of new light and knowledge that has continued to this day." The miracle of personal revelation is indeed one of the sweetest blessings of the Gospel; and as such, obtaining it must naturally be predicated upon obedience to key commandments. Through scriptural accounts as well as by the mouth of prophets, Jesus Christ has established a pattern of commandment–keeping that allows us to receive truth and direction from Heavenly Father. I believe that pattern is as follows: 1) Prepare your heart and mind, 2) Study diligently, 3) Ask of God, 4) Listen to the Holy Ghost, and 5) Act. Joseph Smith's example can teach us much about being prepared to Get more content on
  • 14. Christology; the Two Nature of Jesus Essay An angel appeared before a woman named Mary and stated to her that she would give birth to a son. She would name her son Jesus. Mary being a virgin gave birth to a child, conceived by God through his Spirit. Jesus being conceived in a supernatural manner became man and God in one creation. God became incarnate in this child who became known by the name of Jesus (Mathew 1:18–25) . Jesus was a Palestinian Jew, born in a town south of Jerusalem, raised in Nazareth in a small village in Galilee. Jesus was not any ordinary child. Jesus was the son of the living God. Not only was He the son of Mary, He was foremost the Son of God. He was incarnated sent to us for the redemption of all mankind. So how do we handle the incarnation of God? more content... However, the concept incarnation is at work in the New Testament. The Greek equivalent of incarnate is found in scripture. The Greek equivalent of incarnate is in carne (en sarki) meaning that God came in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 4:2; 2 John 7). Jesus took on the form of man so that he might bridge the gap between human creation and His father. God sent Jesus as a child to a lost and dying world. Jesus came to us as human. He did not lay down his divinity and pick up humanity. He came to us as both divine and human. Through this act God was revealed in a personal way to humankind, and therefore in a way which is more adequate for a personal God to interact with his creation. God now was an advocate to his people. He no longer had to communicate his words through prophets, lawgivers, or even wise men. It allowed God to be united with humanity, so that he might be able to bear their sins, and make atonement for them in one act of sacrifice and reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19 – 21). What humanity itself could not do was done in human beings by the Son of God (Romans 5:8) . Historical Views The two natures of Jesus refers to the doctrine that the one person Jesus has two natures, (Divine and Human). In theology this is called "the doctrine of the hypostatic union. " it derives its meaning from the Greek word hypostasis (which is also Get more content on
  • 15. The Life of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ means numerous things to people: the Son of God, Savior, the Messiah, etc. But many might still not know what happened during Jesus's life. There are numerous stories in the Bible. His story starts in the New Testament, though the prophecies about Him are in the Old Testament. Through the Bible, people have been able to decipher the Messianic prophecies, Jesus's death and resurrection, and Jesus's return. The Messianic Prophecies are prophecies about the Messiah. He will end the dark times, and bring joy (Isaiah 9: 1–7). God will make this possible by giving us Jesus, His Son (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus, who not only is the Son of God, but also God, will bring peace. He will be the king. This will happen because God loves us all so much. God then goes on to talk about how His Son will bring justice, and will not stick out in a crowd (Isaiah 42: 1–7). There was nothing particularly striking about Jesus, in appearance or demeanor (Isaiah 53:2). Because of others' suffering, Jesus felt their sadness (Isaiah 53:4). God wanted Jesus to suffer in His life so that humans can be saved; though Jesus never complained. Jesus was the sacrifice. He died for our sins. But He succeeded in what was needed to be done. Afterward, He would have a remarkable spot in heaven (Isaiah 53:11–12). Jesus's death is one of the biggest events in the Bible. Judas, who was one of Jesus's apostles, betrayed Him and gave Him over to the Jews who had been planning to kill Him in exchange for money (Luke Get more content on
  • 16. Research Paper On Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Time and events as we know have been tracked by B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (in the year of our Lord). In the Old Testament, prophecies point to the coming of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, Jesus came to earth, died and rose again. There are many questions to be answered aboutJesus. Who is He? What did he do while he was alive? What was Jesus called? The answers to these questions are very clear. According to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the second person in the trinity of God. He is God in human form, the Son. He is God in the flesh. He is known as the God–man. He was fully human, yet fully God. (Theology for Today, Towns, 155) He experienced all of the trials, temptation, pain, suffering of being confined to a human body. Even so, Jesus was God almighty. By the word of His mouth he could perform miracles never seen before. There more content... Christ is His official title (Bere128). The name Christ shows Jesus as a prophet, priest, and a king. (Bere 128) He also called Himself the Son of God. This name indicates Jesus' position in the trinity. It also emphasizes His deity. The Gospel of John clarifies that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. (Bere 129) Son of Man is another name given to Jesus. He used this name when He was talking about Himself. Because He was born to a man, He was fully a man. Luke uses this name for Jesus many time in his Gospel. The Son of Man emphasizes the humiliation Christ suffered while living on the earth, and ultimately dying. To show His position as the Master and King, another name of Jesus is LORD. This name depicts that Jesus should be given utmost respect and obedience. It is equal to the Old Testament name "God". It means "Savior" or "Salvation". (Bere 129) Other names given to Jesus were Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Life. All of these names reflect the power, sovereignty, and sacrifice of Jesus Get more content on
  • 17. Life Of Jesus Christ Essay The life of Jesus Christ is a very emotional yet religious topic to explain about. His birth was miraculous, the way he lived was very sin free and religious and his death changed people's lives forever. The innocence and loyalty that Jesus portrayed was still not enough for the Roman Empire. He was just too over powering for the government and other peoples lives and was considered a risky individual. The birth of Jesus was said to be on December 25 yet in the bible there was no set date on which he was born. Jesus was born in Jerusalem 200 years ago to a young woman named Mary. Mary was a virgin who had been visited by angels and had been explained about this miraculous birth that was going to take place. It was said that Joseph more content... He just lived his life like any other normal jewish individual would. Jesus had healed hundreds of people from sickness and desiese on several occasions and he also raised people from physical death. People had saw the amount of power that Jesus had withheld and people knew he was a great religious leader. In his thirties, Jesus began public teaching and display of public miracles. From all the teachings and healing he had done, he had never travelled more than 200 miles from his birthplace. After thress years of his teachings, his reputation has spread worldwide and people all around the world were studying his teachings. >From all of the radical claims he had made, this had attracted thousands. The authorities had decided that they had to do something about this before he took over too much power. The Roman Empire were afraid that they would lose power to Jesus. The authorities had decided that something had to be done about this religious leader. Pilate, which was the head of the Roman authorities didn't want to kill Jesus because he knew he was innocent. In order to keep up his reputation, Pilate had sentanced him to execution because he didn't want the people in the community and society to hate on him. Pilate had ordered that he'd be beaten so he could be restless when hung up on the cross. It was said around noon, Jesus had been executed around 12:00 pm. Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his Get more content on
  • 18. Who Is Jesus Christ? Essay The name Jesus Christ spawns multiple feelings throughout cultures. Jesus Christ is also a name that has impacted everyone in a monumental way and is impacting all aspects of society. No matter how you feel about Jesus Christ, it is insurmountable to deny the fact that he is not an impactful figure in the world we live in today. The question that is frequently asked about this ponderous figure is "who is Jesus". This question does not hold only one individual answer, but withholds multiple answers. Depending on the culture, country, time, place, and especially who you ask, you will receive answers that all hold uniqueness. In less of an opinionated stance, the Holy Bible holds the answer to who exactly he is and why is such a conspicuous figure. To understand Jesus Christ and formulate an opinion on him, we must interpret the Holy Bible and construe his impact in not only today's society, but history. There is no denying that the upbringing of a religious figure has caused mountainous affects in history; both positively and negatively. The destruction and saving of man has inevitably been a result of multiple religions throughout the world. Whether you fathom a mindset of acceptance or denial, Jesus Christ is one of the world's most notable figures. Although previously noted, the importance of understanding Jesus Christ is essential. So in a historical context, who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is considered the son of God and the messiah who sacrificed his own life in Get more content on
  • 19. Essay Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar, a rock–opera, emerged from the imagination of Andrew Lloyd Webber (music) and Time Rice (lyrics),which was later brought to life on the big screen by director Norman Jewison in 1973. Filmed on location in Israel, the movie is centred around the last seven days of Christ's life, from the time he arrived in Jerusalem up until his crucifixion. The movie is truly from the point of view of Judas Iscariot, one of the most infamous of all the 12 apostles. In the film, Judas portrays Jesus, not as a miracle worker, but as a real human being with faults, doubts, and most importantly, a superstar edge. "The play is a baroque fusion of styles, rock rhythm with ballad narrative, dramatic characterization with more content... A good example of Jesus's confrontation with the chief priest's business is when Jesus clears the temple. Jesus had arrived at the temple for prayer during Passover, only to find that his fathers home was being used to sell oxen, sheep, and patrons conducting business. "When he had made a whip of cords, he drove them all out the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables."Ві Jesus then exclaimed to the crowd, "Take these things away! Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise!"( John 2:16) Acts like these led the Sadducees to begin planning out Jesus' betrayal and murder.. The final days of Jesus's life were at hand. He had foreseen the betrayal and denial of two of his apostles, and he made it known to them at his noteworthy last supper. During the last super, Jesus proclaims that one of his "faithful" disciples will deny him three times, and another would lead to betray him. Judas, an apostle, then asked Jesus, "Is It I Rabbi?" Jesus then replies, "Thou hast said it." Judas then gave Jesus a kiss, in which Jesus's response was, "Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"(Luke 22:48) It is after this encounter that Judas Iscariot took the initiative to go to the chief priests in order to betray Jesus. They offer Judas a reward, thirty pieces of silver, which he took willingly. "And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of Get more content on