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Elizabeth Character Traits
Natalia Arizmendi 19 January, 2016 ENG–2323 Moreland Final Draft of Elizabeth Character traits essay Pride and Prejudice contains a variety of
characters with personalities very distinct from each other. Many of the character's personalities either clash or fit perfectly with one another. These
differences in personalities are due to diverse characteristics in each character. Elizabeth Bennet has one of these personalities that both attracts and
repels certain characters. Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel who amidst her uncivilized family is observant, prejudiced, and overall
spirited. Elizabeth is observant throughout and this leads her to make very educated and thought through decisions and judgments. At the introduction of more content...
When Elizabeth speaks with Wickham of what Darcy has done to him she says, '"How abominable! I wonder that the very pride of this Mr. Darcy
has not made him just to you!"'(50). In this moment Elizabeth judged Darcy intensely, and has made the distinction between Darcy and Wickham.
She now views Wickham as a victim and a wonderful person, whereas she sees Darcy as a prideful individual who takes from others. Later in the
novel after reading the letter from Darcy, "After Elizabeth rejects Darcy's proposal, his explanatory letter causes her to recognize her own
headstrong errors" (Anderson 371). As Anderson says Elizabeth now realized all of her mistakes. She also realizes Darcy isn't the devil she
previously sees him as. When she thinks back on the events that led her to this prejudiced conclusion Elizabeth's feelings are explained, "Of
neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think without feeling she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd" (122). Elizabeth now realizes just
how prejudiced she's been and how unfair towards Darcy she has felt. Her prejudice changes here once she is revealed all of the facts. When
Darcy asks Mr. Bennet for Elizabeth's hand in marriage, her father is very skeptic because all of the time she has known Darcy, she has completely
hated him. When questioned, Elizabeth answers, "I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride... You do not know what he really is; then pray do
not pain me by speaking of him in such terms" (219). At this point in her life Elizabeth has finally realized that all of her feelings of hate were
misplaced and that she completely misjudged Darcy. Now that she realizes this she has to deflect the same judgments that she had once made herself.
She realizes what a wonderful person he is and how in love she truly is with him. All of the time she has known him she has spent speaking
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What Does It Mean To Have Good Character Traits?
Imagine yourself getting a job based upon your appearance? The employer could care less about what type of person one is and only consider the
person with the right appearance for the job. In reality, looking good are not as important then having good character traits. What does it mean to have
good character traits? The character of a person is the decisions one makes when no one is watching. In my opinion, character is more important than
your appearance because having good character demonstrates the person within yourself, using discipline the right way and having the ability to
educate the next generation and pass on these good character traits. Character is important especially when you have made a commitment to do what is
right, even
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Traits of a Leader Essay
The basic premise for leadership is the process of influencing other people to follow your lead in order to accomplish a goal. It is about the
relationship between the leader and the followers. A good leader tries to motivate people to bring about positive changes revealing a common objective
without using coercion or manipulation. Leadership is not about control, but permitting interaction and communication between the leader and the
individual followers. With empowering others, leaders build a foundation of collaborative thinking and encourage an atmosphere of personal
involvement; a leader can strengthen the respect and loyalty of his or her followers. Leaders can affect this process by applying their own personal
characteristics, more content...
The importance placed on the follower's opinions and capabilities acknowledges the value of his or her contribution by leadership. It motivates people
to do their best and achieve the necessary goal(s). This empowerment by leadership therefore promotes a beneficial message between leaders and
followers allowing for future communication when difficult circumstances might arise. President Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great
Communicator." Personal thoughts are that Reagan was one of the great leaders of modern times. The former president was able to change the status
quo of government policies and public opinion through effective communication. As a leader, Reagan was guided by qualities of passion and genuine
concern for the people always speaking from the heart. It was Reagan's sincere desire to serve the country through his leadership bringing about
economic growth with needed adjustments to government spending. Reagan's ability to speak with conviction and authority helped people to
understand the need for change. Using communication skills is an aspect of leadership that can make a difference in whether individuals are motivated
to follow or resist. There are several behaviors that determine the effectiveness of leadership especially in business. A good leader will have the
qualities of motivating, organizing, problem solving, listening, managing conflicts, informing, supporting, delegating, empowering, and implementing
a plan of action.
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Bad Character Traits
My traits are I'm a little talkative and also kind of funny but not normally. Along with the fact that I have very bad anger issues. That's normally
when someone makes me mad. That's when it mostly shows. Also I have a learning disability so it's hard for me to learn and pay attention. Myself
thought my mom thought that I'm a hard worker because I have a job and get paid 10 dollars an hour. My mom wants me to have a great experience
because she didn't have one. My mom spoke of her dropping out because she required help and struggles a lot. She vocalizes that her fear is that I will
get behind in school. That is because I often got behind. I thought that she said that I have a loud mouth.That he has a good time.That I would get
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Essential Character Traits
Based on my answers to the previous question, I believe teachers can provide numerous opportunities for children to learn these essential character
traits. In order to help pupils become more attentive, educators can require students to stand, make eye contact, and ask specific questions when
discussing topics. Teaching compassion could be demonstrated by having students help one another with difficult assignments or when they are
hurting. It is also important that students learn to listen and discuss issues that stress the importance of being empathetic towards others. Integrity can
be demonstrated through the use of games that force people to play by specific rules. Cheating to win is dishonest and has consequences, which is a
valuable lesson
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My Most Dominant Traits Of My Personality
One thing that I find very intriguing is that every person has a unique personality made of different basic traits: extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect. Some may have the same dominant traits as others but each individual has their own very
special personality. In the following essay I will be writing about my most dominant traits of my personality which are agreeableness,
conscientious and intellect. Over the last 10 years or so I have grown to be more friendly and kind than I have ever been. I think this is because of
my level maturity I have reached and the experiences I have had within those years. In my mid teen years I recall being a very moody and
somewhat mean young woman. At the time I did not know better but to act the way I did. I was part of a popular clique in school, so therefore I
was considered popular. Thinking about those days then, I come to the conclusion that I must have thought that I was better than some of the
other people in school because I was in that clique, which was foolish of me. I was unkind to people I did not even know. Makes me sad to realize
how superficial I was then. Nevertheless, I have grown to be a very kind and friendly person to everyone. People other than my friends and family
have told me that I am very nice and friendly. My intentions are always meant to be good. Frankly, life is too short to be unkind and also, you never
know what other people are going through. A simple and kind
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Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right? I like to look
at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady. I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard
to get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of my life. I care more for some others than I do
myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at
life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and improve what you did wrong if it's possible. more content...
I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family
because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is
shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums
up my personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that.
Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs
conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents differently. His study
was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to
see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different approaches can be brought
together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen
(2010). Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work
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Three Character Traits
Have you ever wondered what three character traits would describe you? In our own words would you describe yourself differently they your friends
and family. If I had to describe myself in three ways I would say I'm athletic, intelligent, and faithful.
First, I would describe myself as athletic. For school I play three sports. I play volleyball in the fall, cheer in the winter, and track in the spring. Outside
of school sports I love to snow ski and do lots of water sports such as slalom skiing and wake surfing. I have done sports ever since I was three years
old snow skiing and five years old water skiing. Sports are a big part of my life because they are super fun and I love to play them.
Second I would describe myself as Intelligent.
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Important Character Traits
There are a lot of characters traits that assist me to meeting challenges in my life. The three most important characters traits help me when I have
challenges are having courage, patience, and self–confidence. These characters traits are the three most reasons overcome my challenges. Also, these
characters traits are very important for me because I do not want to give up in front of my challenges. Having courage when I am facing challenges
are like weapons. Also, having courage is the best characters traits that I have because it is assist me to overcome challenges. Furthermore, having
courage is the main reason to success opposite challenges. Moreover, challenges are like tests in the life and to pass all those tests I should have courage
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Three Most Important Character Traits
I think the three most important character traits are kindness, intelligence, and trust. I think these are important because I think these are important
in a friend. These are also traits I try to achieve in myself.Kindness is a big factor in the people I call friends. Kindness is a trait that allows one to
respect and be nice to any one regardless of the conditions of that one person. Kindness is important to me because it accepts all sorts of people.
Intelligence is also very important. It is always nice to be around a smart person who could help you out in your time of need. I try to achieve this
myself because I like the sense of people depend on me. Trust is the most important. Without trust you have an awkward mess. Even I try to achieve
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Mark Twain Character Traits
Mark Twain, a well–known American writer, had many character traits. He was Funny, self–deprecating, forgiving, honest, and skillful. Of course, he
had others too, and it would be impossible to fully and completely describe a person in one essay. He was a very important writer in American history,
and has brought many good stories to people all over the country.
A sense of humor, a very useful thing in life, is something that Mark Twain definitely had. In the chapters form his autobiography, it says that the
publishing house had told Mark Twain that his book had lots of humor in it. It would be hard to write a book with humor in it if you didn't have a
sense of humor yourself. Also, when a publisher wouldn't publish one of his stories, Twain would imagine killing him over and over in his head in
very cruel ways. This was probably not funny at more content...
In his autobiography, Twain writes that the publisher who refused to publish his book later said that it was the biggest mistake of his life. That
implies that it must have been a really great book to have made the publisher change his mind so drastically. Also in his auto biography, Twain says
that the publishing house who published his book was brought out of debt by the sales of his fantastic book. That is very impressive considering that
debts can get very big, especially for a big company like that. Just the sales of his book alone to be the thing that brings them out of debt must mean
that it was the most superb of books.
Lastly, Mark Twain was Honest and forgiving. Mark Twain forgave the aforementioned publisher who would not publish his book. This shows that
Twain understands that people make mistakes and that they need to be forgiven. He is also Honest. When he accidentally plagiarized that poem, he
wrote a letter as an apology to make up for it and said that the poet could plagiarize his work any time he
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Easy Going Character Traits
A character trait that describes the character is easy going. I chose this character trait because even though a character in the story named Griffin
stole Cheyennes car and took her her home she still decided to connect with him. The character trait lasts through half of the story. Another reason
why I would say she's easy going is that, in the story, Cheyenne tried to defend Roy from getting in trouble. Cheyenne did not want Griffin to be
fatherless. Last reason, is when they were at court Cheyenne felt so bad that Roy might be going to jail, so when the judge will ask her questions
about Roy, Cheyenne would say " I don't know" and will start crying. Six months ago a boy named Griffin Sawyer stole a car but he did not mean to
steal Cheyenne.
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Essay On Character Traits
There are many character traits that make someone successful in life. Some traits you are born with, other traits are mindsets. There are a few
character traits that coaches, teachers, bosses, or any other significant figure looks for in particular. One of the most important character traits is a
hard–working attitude. You aren't born with a hard–working attitude. It is a mindset. You may not be the best employee, but an employer will be more
willing to work with someone that works hard than someone that can do the job but is lazy. Although I am not the best at everything, I give 100%
effort in everything that I do and believe that working hard is the most important trait a person can possess. As a child, the phrase, "Do your best," was more content...
I knew that in order to be starting, I needed to be the hardest worker on the team. With all my hard work came a starting position. The biggest
lesson that my father taught me was in seventh grade. It was a normal day of basketball practice and we were scrimmaging. During a particular
play, I ran the wrong route. He made me run around the gym for forgetting what to do. I decided that I was too tired to sprint around the gym.
Because of my decision, he chose to kick me out of practice. I knew at that point that I could take no breaks. While I was taking breaks, other
people were getting better. Chances to improve were very slim, so I needed to take advantage of them whenever possible. Although this was a very
inconvenient way for me to learn this lesson, he definitely got his point across and I now work hard every chance that I get. Everyone wants to have
a successful career. The first step to a successful career is to obtain the job that you want. Obviously you need the education level for this occupation,
but what else is going to give you a leg up on the competition? As a Sophomore in high school, I had the opportunity to job shadow a manager of
engineers at an engineering firm. One of his responsibilities was going through the hiring process. As a prospective future employee, I was curious as
to what he looked for most in an employee. He did not say education. He did not say experience. He said that they needed a hard working
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Three Character Traits
The three character traits I possess are, Understanding, Loyalty, and Respect. I understand what some people go through like when you feel left
out. I know what it feels like to be in a Foster care home. I get in trouble and have grounded. I also understand how someone may feel. I think that
it's a good feeling to know that you have someone who can understand what you go through. I am loyal to everyone ( My peers, family and friends)
if someone is having a bad day I will be there to cheer them up. I make sure everyone feels welcome. When someone is loyal they feel safe and that
is how I want people to feel around me. I know that some people may not trust me fully yet but I feel like I should let them know i'm there for
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Character Trait
I the most important character trait that I have is confused since Chase woke up with no memory of who he was or were he came from. He woke
up on a bed and a person was standing next to him saying, "Who are you. How'd you get past the fence?" He didn't know anything and right before
he black out he said, "Guide the star!" When he awoke he still didn't remember anything and he was told he was saved by a boy name Parker and
he was on the planet Taras. Chase is confused because he doesn't remember anything and doesn't know how he got on Taras and who Parker is. Type
character trait #2 paragraph here The second most important character trait is bravery because Chase stood up for his friend, Parker, against some big
goons. Chase and Parker are
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Personal Characteristics Essay
There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and
adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn't. As I spend more and more time as a
professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These
characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What
are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the
table? more content...
This characteristic will motivate me to grow better in my future career as well. I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them
to think out of the box to identify as issue and find the solution. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get
it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine–tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This
creativity has steadily driven my ambitions through the organization. Today the world is changing so rapidly and the way it has changed in last few
decades, it hasn't changed in last few hundred years. So adaptability has become the need of the hour. I believe that adaptability is the most important
quality of all, particularly if one is in technology industry. There have been times when this adaptability has changed the nomenclature of day and night
but it has also given me rewards at the appropriate times. Adaptability, personally, has created a far–reaching international outlook and I was able to
spend time, living outside my country of origin, working for UK retails giants and this stay not only diversified my work experience but also my
cultural experience. It has improved my exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels of complexity and this exposure has increased my
eagerness for new challenges. It has instigated a feeling in me that there
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Key Character Traits
The more you desire your goal the greater your mindset become which will help you develop key character traits to succeed not only in the gym
but in life. If a person is just lifting for fun then it's no different than a regular hobby. On the other hand, though, if someone truly wants to achieve a
really challenging physical goal he will start developing important character traits. One example is determination. This will allow him to be willing
to push himself to finish his last 2 repetitions till he drops. He will also develop perseverance and resilience which will help him not give up if he
has slow progress, and as a result he will change or improve something, like a better diet. Lastly, in my opinion the greatest trait a person can develop
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My Values And Personal Character Traits
When I read this essay question what it made me think about was how my values and personal character traits contribute to my profession. No one
patient is the same and the type of care I provide is not only based on their physical needs, it is focused on their psychosocial security. As nurses I
believe that it is expected of us to add value to the work that we do by applying our nursing skills coupled with a warm bedside manner. When I
reach my goal of becoming a registered nurse my strengths and personal qualities will continue to do just that. My values define who am I am as a
person, but more importantly they shape how I show up in the world. As a nurse the core values I embody allow me come to from a place of love and
compassion more content...
The population I am specifically responsible for are patients who are discharged from hospital admissions, emergency room visits or short–term
rehabilitation centers. This type of nursing care is all about communication, mainly via telephone with very minimal face–face interaction. It is here
that my personal character traits really come to light. With this patient base I have a limited amount of time to engage them and create a rapport with
them. My personality is what captures these patients granting me the ability to move forward with providing the education they need. I have one
particular patient that comes to mind when I think about what I have done to contribute to nursing. She is a middle aged women with uncontrolled
diabetes and a tumultuous living environment. When I was assigned to her care she was going to the emergency room an average of 4–5 times a
month with at least one of those visits turning into an admission. I began to get to know her and developed a connection with her. I found that she
didn't understand how to stay away from the foods that were causing hyperglycemia in her. She was under the impression that it was just sweet things
that she had to stay away from, but I explained how processed
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Character Traits
Have you ever had a character trait that is a hindrance to achieving your goal?An example of a character trait that is a hindrance is being a
procrastinator.A procrastinator is someone that waits until the last minute to do something.This is a hindrance for someone that wants to be a
teacher.A teacher cannot wait till the last minute to put in grades or else not all the grades will be put in.A character trait that has been a hindrance
to me is that I would rather do things by myself. First, I would rather do work by myself.This is a hindrance because I would like to be a chemical
engineer,so I will have to the work with people.If I try to work with people I get fed up with people.I just think people are idiots,and that they should
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Elizabeth Character Traits

  • 1. Elizabeth Character Traits Natalia Arizmendi 19 January, 2016 ENG–2323 Moreland Final Draft of Elizabeth Character traits essay Pride and Prejudice contains a variety of characters with personalities very distinct from each other. Many of the character's personalities either clash or fit perfectly with one another. These differences in personalities are due to diverse characteristics in each character. Elizabeth Bennet has one of these personalities that both attracts and repels certain characters. Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel who amidst her uncivilized family is observant, prejudiced, and overall spirited. Elizabeth is observant throughout and this leads her to make very educated and thought through decisions and judgments. At the introduction of more content... When Elizabeth speaks with Wickham of what Darcy has done to him she says, '"How abominable! I wonder that the very pride of this Mr. Darcy has not made him just to you!"'(50). In this moment Elizabeth judged Darcy intensely, and has made the distinction between Darcy and Wickham. She now views Wickham as a victim and a wonderful person, whereas she sees Darcy as a prideful individual who takes from others. Later in the novel after reading the letter from Darcy, "After Elizabeth rejects Darcy's proposal, his explanatory letter causes her to recognize her own headstrong errors" (Anderson 371). As Anderson says Elizabeth now realized all of her mistakes. She also realizes Darcy isn't the devil she previously sees him as. When she thinks back on the events that led her to this prejudiced conclusion Elizabeth's feelings are explained, "Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think without feeling she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd" (122). Elizabeth now realizes just how prejudiced she's been and how unfair towards Darcy she has felt. Her prejudice changes here once she is revealed all of the facts. When Darcy asks Mr. Bennet for Elizabeth's hand in marriage, her father is very skeptic because all of the time she has known Darcy, she has completely hated him. When questioned, Elizabeth answers, "I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride... You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms" (219). At this point in her life Elizabeth has finally realized that all of her feelings of hate were misplaced and that she completely misjudged Darcy. Now that she realizes this she has to deflect the same judgments that she had once made herself. She realizes what a wonderful person he is and how in love she truly is with him. All of the time she has known him she has spent speaking Get more content on
  • 2. What Does It Mean To Have Good Character Traits? Imagine yourself getting a job based upon your appearance? The employer could care less about what type of person one is and only consider the person with the right appearance for the job. In reality, looking good are not as important then having good character traits. What does it mean to have good character traits? The character of a person is the decisions one makes when no one is watching. In my opinion, character is more important than your appearance because having good character demonstrates the person within yourself, using discipline the right way and having the ability to educate the next generation and pass on these good character traits. Character is important especially when you have made a commitment to do what is right, even Get more content on
  • 3. Traits of a Leader Essay The basic premise for leadership is the process of influencing other people to follow your lead in order to accomplish a goal. It is about the relationship between the leader and the followers. A good leader tries to motivate people to bring about positive changes revealing a common objective without using coercion or manipulation. Leadership is not about control, but permitting interaction and communication between the leader and the individual followers. With empowering others, leaders build a foundation of collaborative thinking and encourage an atmosphere of personal involvement; a leader can strengthen the respect and loyalty of his or her followers. Leaders can affect this process by applying their own personal characteristics, more content... The importance placed on the follower's opinions and capabilities acknowledges the value of his or her contribution by leadership. It motivates people to do their best and achieve the necessary goal(s). This empowerment by leadership therefore promotes a beneficial message between leaders and followers allowing for future communication when difficult circumstances might arise. President Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator." Personal thoughts are that Reagan was one of the great leaders of modern times. The former president was able to change the status quo of government policies and public opinion through effective communication. As a leader, Reagan was guided by qualities of passion and genuine concern for the people always speaking from the heart. It was Reagan's sincere desire to serve the country through his leadership bringing about economic growth with needed adjustments to government spending. Reagan's ability to speak with conviction and authority helped people to understand the need for change. Using communication skills is an aspect of leadership that can make a difference in whether individuals are motivated to follow or resist. There are several behaviors that determine the effectiveness of leadership especially in business. A good leader will have the qualities of motivating, organizing, problem solving, listening, managing conflicts, informing, supporting, delegating, empowering, and implementing a plan of action. Get more content on
  • 4. Bad Character Traits My traits are I'm a little talkative and also kind of funny but not normally. Along with the fact that I have very bad anger issues. That's normally when someone makes me mad. That's when it mostly shows. Also I have a learning disability so it's hard for me to learn and pay attention. Myself thought my mom thought that I'm a hard worker because I have a job and get paid 10 dollars an hour. My mom wants me to have a great experience because she didn't have one. My mom spoke of her dropping out because she required help and struggles a lot. She vocalizes that her fear is that I will get behind in school. That is because I often got behind. I thought that she said that I have a loud mouth.That he has a good time.That I would get Get more content on
  • 5. Essential Character Traits Based on my answers to the previous question, I believe teachers can provide numerous opportunities for children to learn these essential character traits. In order to help pupils become more attentive, educators can require students to stand, make eye contact, and ask specific questions when discussing topics. Teaching compassion could be demonstrated by having students help one another with difficult assignments or when they are hurting. It is also important that students learn to listen and discuss issues that stress the importance of being empathetic towards others. Integrity can be demonstrated through the use of games that force people to play by specific rules. Cheating to win is dishonest and has consequences, which is a valuable lesson Get more content on
  • 6. My Most Dominant Traits Of My Personality One thing that I find very intriguing is that every person has a unique personality made of different basic traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect. Some may have the same dominant traits as others but each individual has their own very special personality. In the following essay I will be writing about my most dominant traits of my personality which are agreeableness, conscientious and intellect. Over the last 10 years or so I have grown to be more friendly and kind than I have ever been. I think this is because of my level maturity I have reached and the experiences I have had within those years. In my mid teen years I recall being a very moody and somewhat mean young woman. At the time I did not know better but to act the way I did. I was part of a popular clique in school, so therefore I was considered popular. Thinking about those days then, I come to the conclusion that I must have thought that I was better than some of the other people in school because I was in that clique, which was foolish of me. I was unkind to people I did not even know. Makes me sad to realize how superficial I was then. Nevertheless, I have grown to be a very kind and friendly person to everyone. People other than my friends and family have told me that I am very nice and friendly. My intentions are always meant to be good. Frankly, life is too short to be unkind and also, you never know what other people are going through. A simple and kind Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady. I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and improve what you did wrong if it's possible. more content... I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work Get more content on
  • 8. Three Character Traits Have you ever wondered what three character traits would describe you? In our own words would you describe yourself differently they your friends and family. If I had to describe myself in three ways I would say I'm athletic, intelligent, and faithful. First, I would describe myself as athletic. For school I play three sports. I play volleyball in the fall, cheer in the winter, and track in the spring. Outside of school sports I love to snow ski and do lots of water sports such as slalom skiing and wake surfing. I have done sports ever since I was three years old snow skiing and five years old water skiing. Sports are a big part of my life because they are super fun and I love to play them. Second I would describe myself as Intelligent. Get more content on
  • 9. Important Character Traits There are a lot of characters traits that assist me to meeting challenges in my life. The three most important characters traits help me when I have challenges are having courage, patience, and self–confidence. These characters traits are the three most reasons overcome my challenges. Also, these characters traits are very important for me because I do not want to give up in front of my challenges. Having courage when I am facing challenges are like weapons. Also, having courage is the best characters traits that I have because it is assist me to overcome challenges. Furthermore, having courage is the main reason to success opposite challenges. Moreover, challenges are like tests in the life and to pass all those tests I should have courage Get more content on
  • 10. Three Most Important Character Traits I think the three most important character traits are kindness, intelligence, and trust. I think these are important because I think these are important in a friend. These are also traits I try to achieve in myself.Kindness is a big factor in the people I call friends. Kindness is a trait that allows one to respect and be nice to any one regardless of the conditions of that one person. Kindness is important to me because it accepts all sorts of people. Intelligence is also very important. It is always nice to be around a smart person who could help you out in your time of need. I try to achieve this myself because I like the sense of people depend on me. Trust is the most important. Without trust you have an awkward mess. Even I try to achieve Get more content on
  • 11. Mark Twain Character Traits Mark Twain, a well–known American writer, had many character traits. He was Funny, self–deprecating, forgiving, honest, and skillful. Of course, he had others too, and it would be impossible to fully and completely describe a person in one essay. He was a very important writer in American history, and has brought many good stories to people all over the country. A sense of humor, a very useful thing in life, is something that Mark Twain definitely had. In the chapters form his autobiography, it says that the publishing house had told Mark Twain that his book had lots of humor in it. It would be hard to write a book with humor in it if you didn't have a sense of humor yourself. Also, when a publisher wouldn't publish one of his stories, Twain would imagine killing him over and over in his head in very cruel ways. This was probably not funny at more content... In his autobiography, Twain writes that the publisher who refused to publish his book later said that it was the biggest mistake of his life. That implies that it must have been a really great book to have made the publisher change his mind so drastically. Also in his auto biography, Twain says that the publishing house who published his book was brought out of debt by the sales of his fantastic book. That is very impressive considering that debts can get very big, especially for a big company like that. Just the sales of his book alone to be the thing that brings them out of debt must mean that it was the most superb of books. Lastly, Mark Twain was Honest and forgiving. Mark Twain forgave the aforementioned publisher who would not publish his book. This shows that Twain understands that people make mistakes and that they need to be forgiven. He is also Honest. When he accidentally plagiarized that poem, he wrote a letter as an apology to make up for it and said that the poet could plagiarize his work any time he Get more content on
  • 12. Easy Going Character Traits A character trait that describes the character is easy going. I chose this character trait because even though a character in the story named Griffin stole Cheyennes car and took her her home she still decided to connect with him. The character trait lasts through half of the story. Another reason why I would say she's easy going is that, in the story, Cheyenne tried to defend Roy from getting in trouble. Cheyenne did not want Griffin to be fatherless. Last reason, is when they were at court Cheyenne felt so bad that Roy might be going to jail, so when the judge will ask her questions about Roy, Cheyenne would say " I don't know" and will start crying. Six months ago a boy named Griffin Sawyer stole a car but he did not mean to steal Cheyenne. Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Character Traits There are many character traits that make someone successful in life. Some traits you are born with, other traits are mindsets. There are a few character traits that coaches, teachers, bosses, or any other significant figure looks for in particular. One of the most important character traits is a hard–working attitude. You aren't born with a hard–working attitude. It is a mindset. You may not be the best employee, but an employer will be more willing to work with someone that works hard than someone that can do the job but is lazy. Although I am not the best at everything, I give 100% effort in everything that I do and believe that working hard is the most important trait a person can possess. As a child, the phrase, "Do your best," was more content... I knew that in order to be starting, I needed to be the hardest worker on the team. With all my hard work came a starting position. The biggest lesson that my father taught me was in seventh grade. It was a normal day of basketball practice and we were scrimmaging. During a particular play, I ran the wrong route. He made me run around the gym for forgetting what to do. I decided that I was too tired to sprint around the gym. Because of my decision, he chose to kick me out of practice. I knew at that point that I could take no breaks. While I was taking breaks, other people were getting better. Chances to improve were very slim, so I needed to take advantage of them whenever possible. Although this was a very inconvenient way for me to learn this lesson, he definitely got his point across and I now work hard every chance that I get. Everyone wants to have a successful career. The first step to a successful career is to obtain the job that you want. Obviously you need the education level for this occupation, but what else is going to give you a leg up on the competition? As a Sophomore in high school, I had the opportunity to job shadow a manager of engineers at an engineering firm. One of his responsibilities was going through the hiring process. As a prospective future employee, I was curious as to what he looked for most in an employee. He did not say education. He did not say experience. He said that they needed a hard working Get more content on
  • 14. Three Character Traits The three character traits I possess are, Understanding, Loyalty, and Respect. I understand what some people go through like when you feel left out. I know what it feels like to be in a Foster care home. I get in trouble and have grounded. I also understand how someone may feel. I think that it's a good feeling to know that you have someone who can understand what you go through. I am loyal to everyone ( My peers, family and friends) if someone is having a bad day I will be there to cheer them up. I make sure everyone feels welcome. When someone is loyal they feel safe and that is how I want people to feel around me. I know that some people may not trust me fully yet but I feel like I should let them know i'm there for Get more content on
  • 15. Character Trait I the most important character trait that I have is confused since Chase woke up with no memory of who he was or were he came from. He woke up on a bed and a person was standing next to him saying, "Who are you. How'd you get past the fence?" He didn't know anything and right before he black out he said, "Guide the star!" When he awoke he still didn't remember anything and he was told he was saved by a boy name Parker and he was on the planet Taras. Chase is confused because he doesn't remember anything and doesn't know how he got on Taras and who Parker is. Type character trait #2 paragraph here The second most important character trait is bravery because Chase stood up for his friend, Parker, against some big goons. Chase and Parker are Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Characteristics Essay There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn't. As I spend more and more time as a professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the table? more content... This characteristic will motivate me to grow better in my future career as well. I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them to think out of the box to identify as issue and find the solution. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine–tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This creativity has steadily driven my ambitions through the organization. Today the world is changing so rapidly and the way it has changed in last few decades, it hasn't changed in last few hundred years. So adaptability has become the need of the hour. I believe that adaptability is the most important quality of all, particularly if one is in technology industry. There have been times when this adaptability has changed the nomenclature of day and night but it has also given me rewards at the appropriate times. Adaptability, personally, has created a far–reaching international outlook and I was able to spend time, living outside my country of origin, working for UK retails giants and this stay not only diversified my work experience but also my cultural experience. It has improved my exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels of complexity and this exposure has increased my eagerness for new challenges. It has instigated a feeling in me that there Get more content on
  • 17. Key Character Traits The more you desire your goal the greater your mindset become which will help you develop key character traits to succeed not only in the gym but in life. If a person is just lifting for fun then it's no different than a regular hobby. On the other hand, though, if someone truly wants to achieve a really challenging physical goal he will start developing important character traits. One example is determination. This will allow him to be willing to push himself to finish his last 2 repetitions till he drops. He will also develop perseverance and resilience which will help him not give up if he has slow progress, and as a result he will change or improve something, like a better diet. Lastly, in my opinion the greatest trait a person can develop Get more content on
  • 18. My Values And Personal Character Traits When I read this essay question what it made me think about was how my values and personal character traits contribute to my profession. No one patient is the same and the type of care I provide is not only based on their physical needs, it is focused on their psychosocial security. As nurses I believe that it is expected of us to add value to the work that we do by applying our nursing skills coupled with a warm bedside manner. When I reach my goal of becoming a registered nurse my strengths and personal qualities will continue to do just that. My values define who am I am as a person, but more importantly they shape how I show up in the world. As a nurse the core values I embody allow me come to from a place of love and compassion more content... The population I am specifically responsible for are patients who are discharged from hospital admissions, emergency room visits or short–term rehabilitation centers. This type of nursing care is all about communication, mainly via telephone with very minimal face–face interaction. It is here that my personal character traits really come to light. With this patient base I have a limited amount of time to engage them and create a rapport with them. My personality is what captures these patients granting me the ability to move forward with providing the education they need. I have one particular patient that comes to mind when I think about what I have done to contribute to nursing. She is a middle aged women with uncontrolled diabetes and a tumultuous living environment. When I was assigned to her care she was going to the emergency room an average of 4–5 times a month with at least one of those visits turning into an admission. I began to get to know her and developed a connection with her. I found that she didn't understand how to stay away from the foods that were causing hyperglycemia in her. She was under the impression that it was just sweet things that she had to stay away from, but I explained how processed Get more content on
  • 19. Character Traits Have you ever had a character trait that is a hindrance to achieving your goal?An example of a character trait that is a hindrance is being a procrastinator.A procrastinator is someone that waits until the last minute to do something.This is a hindrance for someone that wants to be a teacher.A teacher cannot wait till the last minute to put in grades or else not all the grades will be put in.A character trait that has been a hindrance to me is that I would rather do things by myself. First, I would rather do work by myself.This is a hindrance because I would like to be a chemical engineer,so I will have to the work with people.If I try to work with people I get fed up with people.I just think people are idiots,and that they should Get more content on