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The younger generation of Angel’s Haven is restless and bored. What do kids usually do
when they’re bored in an Apocalyptic wasteland?
Get into mischief of course…
David: Are you ready sister? We can finally begin our training to eliminate
those cursed Fanged once and for all.
Rachel: I can’t wait.
Nos: I will show you how to make use of the weaponry of the trade David, the
shruiken, the katana, the stake of course, and how to use Holy Water to its
Yuki: I don’t want my children to play with weapons!
Drake: You would rather they be killed by a Fanged? They will receive
weapons training with Nos, and that’s final.
Yuki closed her eyes, wishing to preserve the last few precious moments of her children’s
innocence. They were going to be trained to kill, to take a life and once one takes a life
they can never enter the Holy Father’s kingdom. She wasn’t usually so religious,
preferring to follow the teachings of Budda rather than Christianity. Yuki had learned
to keep those thoughts to herself recently, Drake was getting even more power-mad as
the days counted down before the twins’ birthdays. Isaiah was now an old man and he
still had no idea that her twins were his.
Yuki did not want to cry in front of her children, she felt like she should be showing
more enthusiasm for their birthday like her sister…but she didn’t think she could
knowing what they were going to face next.
David: Now THIS is more like it!!
Rachel: Remind me again why we can’t go buy decent clothes?
Illeira: I’ve been asking the same thing.
David Himura PO/FA
LTW: Be Mayor
Rachel Himura FA/PO
LTW: Be Captain Hero
Hope: Daddy!! Daddy! I got an A+!!
Steven: Way to go baby girl!!
Hope: And it’s my birthday and last day of school!! Today is AWESOME!!
Hope: It’s everyone’s birthday today too.
Joseph: Way to go first brother.
Steven: Gee thanks Joe…
Joseph: Anytime.
Steven: Great, I get to spend my last days in an itchy track suit…
Hope: Haha!! Daddy has to go to gym forever!!
Steven: Even my own kid is getting in on it…
Joseph: Is it too late to call a do-over?
Margaret: We’re triplets Joe, we should all age together like Isaiah.
Joseph: I know…
Hope: Daddy try to smile…
Steven: I’ll try honey.
Joseph: Ready?
Margaret: Ready.
Margaret: OWW!! My back!! Eternal winter is going to be hell on these old
Joseph: Yay. Tweed.
Hope: I made a wish daddy!!
Steven: Good for you baby!!
Hope: At least I kind of match right?
Steven: Better off than me.
Hope Cwik K/PO
LTW: Be Chief of Staff
Margaret: Now that you have no more school you get to spend your days skilling and
preparing for a job. I can help tutor you if you like.
Hope: Great…sounds like a blast.
Joseph: We had to do the same thing at your age kid.
Hope: Doesn’t mean I have to like it Uncle Joe.
Over at the New Angel Base…
Melissa: Why didn’t I find a way to wrestle the Elixer recipe away from that
guy, the one who smells like fish…I think I may miss my eternal Townie-
Cain: You would rather give up having a loving family and money for eternal
youth Mel?
Melissa: I suppose not…but coming from one who has said eternal youth, that
sounds kind of ironic.
Cain: I’ve made my peace with it.
Cain: Loving the track suit Mel!!
Melissa: Shut up.
Isaiah: Two peas in a pod, two birds of a feather, is it any wonder why we
belong together?
Melissa: That was pretty sweet actually…nice rhyme honey.
Esther: Uggh, that house was smelling an awful lot like old people. I’m so glad we got
out of there.
Theresa: Essie, that’s not nice.
Jeremiah: True though.
Esther: Thank you big brother. I’m glad SOMEONE agrees with me.
Theresa: I am the one who has to stay in that house, and I wish my twin sister would be
there with me.
Esther: I was born in that house, I don’t want to die there. As soon as I bring back Music
I’m gone. I need to get out and see the world that I will help to open up again. Maybe
travel, take a much needed breather from the endless winter…
Theresa: I’ll miss you though…
Leah: I have never seen you before, are you new around here?
Vance: I’ve been here long before you were born, helping to protect Angel’s
Haven from the demons.
Leah: But you are a demon though, isn’t that like turning on your own kin?
Vance: Not every demon sides with Lilith and Lucifer…I’m one of them.
Vance: Which begs the question, why are you out in the open like this when they
could take advantage of the opportunity to attack you?
Leah: I’m not here alone, I brought my siblings.
Vance: All of you? Are you crazy?
Leah: ‘Scuse you but I don’t remember you being my father. You don’t get to tell
me what to do.
Vance: No I’m not, but if I was you would all be locked up until the
Apocalypse was over.
Leah: It will never be over if we’re not allowed out to do what needs to be
done. Once I restore the Education system that will get us one step closer to the
Vance: And what happens of the demons kill you all before then? Did you
think of that?
Leah: Well since you’re part of Mimi’s Army, isn’t it your JOB to make sure we’re not
killed off before then?
Vance: You got spunk kid, you remind me of your great-grandmother. She was a spitfire
Leah: I never met her, I don’t even know what she looked like.
Vance: Maybe I’ll tell you about her sometime.
Jeremiah: Theresa…what are you doing?
Theresa: Making friends, Pearl says she knew our great-grandfather, he was a warlock!
Isn’t that cool?
Jeremiah: So?
Theresa: So I want to continue what he started. I’ve asked her to transform me.
Jeremiah: This cat is weird, I can see right through it.
Theresa: She’s a Familiar big brother. They help channel a witch’s power.
Jeremiah: Are you sure about this?
Theresa: Yes, once Leah gets the Education system back on track, I can learn all sorts of
neat spells and charms!
Theresa: Is it supposed to feel like this? I feel squirmy…
Pearl: Magic runs deep in your veins dear child…that is just the sensation of it
coming to the surface again for the first time in three generations.
Theresa: I think I can see something…who…is that?
Ani-Mei: Be safe my son…my precious Castiel.
Castiel: It’s only college mom…what could happen there?
Ani-Mei: Anything…just keep your eyes open alright?
Castiel: Okay, I will. I promise…
Castiel: How did I do that? It’s so…bright and warm…
Pearl: This power…it’s Divine. I had no idea he would be so strong right away!
Theresa: That was my great-grandfather? He had black wings…and was actually kinda cute
too. Trippy…
Jeremiah: Little sis? Are you alright?
Theresa: I’m fine, in fact I’m better than fine; I’m great.
Jeremiah: I hope mom won’t freak out too much over this…
Pearl: I’m glad I was able to bring back the magic for you, Castiel was one of our most
powerful warlocks. It hurt us a lot when he perished before his time.
Theresa: Let me just try that spell I saw him use…
Jeremiah: Please don’t…I think we should be getting home.
Theresa: Spoilsport.
The next day…
Isaiah: Come on Patches, I know you can do it. Speak!
Mary: Baby, I really don’t think you can teach a cat to speak.
Isaiah: It can be done mom, Leah told me how her parents trained their cat
Balin to speak.
Mary: Am I wrong?
Eirene: Mary, cats can be trained. They just take a little longer that’s all.
Mary: Perhaps, I’ve never heard of it being done before.
Eirene: So anyway, I heard you got a new job. How is it?
Mary: It’s hectic, the education system is still in shambles. I’ve been told to clear up
some of the mess for Leah Angel when she’s old enough to take charge. I don’t see why,
I am perfectly suited to do the job myself.
Eirene: When I came here with my parents I was told about how things work here. The
Angel family has been given a Divine mission to help end this Apocalypse and it has to
be one of them who fixes things. I can’t work as well as I used to before I got pregnant
but I’m in the Entertainment field waiting for Theresa Angel to join me. I’m going to
show her the ropes when it’s time.
Mary: Doesn’t that bother you though?
Eirene: No, I’m happy to teach her everything I know.
Mary: Well I can see your point, teaching is what I love and to have the
opportunity to help make a difference here by showing Leah a thing or two
does sound nice.
Eirene: My mom Theia will be waiting for the spouse in the Oceanography
offices when Theresa finds him. I heard that was going to be his contribution to
the restoration effort.
Mary: That sounds like a good idea. I had no idea your family were already in positions
like that.
Eirene: Funny how things work out that way huh?
Mary: Sounds more like Fate to me.
Eirene: Maybe it was…
Isaiah: I would gladly help the Angels if it meant I could stay with Leah.
Mary: There’s no telling if you two will stay together after your birthdays baby
Isaiah: You don’t know that, we could end up together. I like Leah a lot and I
know she likes me too.
Nathan: Let the boy dream Mary.
Mary: I was just saying that you never know…
Nathan: He’s young and in love Mary, the boy won’t hear anything you say.
Mary: It’s not realistic that’s all…
The next day…
Isaiah: Uggh, how come you always win?
Leah: Because I’m awesome that’s why.
Despite what his mom said the other night, Isaiah was determined to stay with Leah. And when he
asks her tonight to be his girlfriend it would all work out.
Isaiah: And he totally didn’t see it coming!
Leah: That’s awesome!! What a dumbass.
Isaiah: Yeah. So anyway Leah I wanted to ask you something…will you be my girlfriend?
Leah: What?
Leah: Isaiah, I’m going to be 18 soon… I have a restriction to lift.
Isaiah: I know, but I really like you. And I want to be your boyfriend.
Leah: I’ll be older than you…and I can’t leave home right away.
Isaiah: I know all that, and I’m willing to wait for you.
Leah: I guess, I mean you’re only young once right?
Isaiah: I’m so glad!! You won’t regret it, I promise.
Leah: I’ll hold you to that Isaiah Gavigan.
Isaiah: I won’t disappoint.
Mary: I hope he knows what he’s getting into…I’m afraid our boy is going to have his
heart broken.
Nathan: Well aren’t you the eternal optimist?
Mary: Not an optimist, a realist. She’s not going to marry her first boyfriend, not many
girls her age do. I didn’t.
Nathan: He’ll have to figure that out himself babe. It’s part of growing up.
Hope: Stupid yoga…how are you supposed to build athletic skills doing weird
things like this? How does that work? But mom says I have to have full Body to
leave the house, have to be able to run away fast enough if I’m being chased by
a demon or zombie or something…what zombies? I’ve never even seen one,
come to think of it, never seen a demon either…who knows if they’re even real?
Hope: Actually this is kinda relaxing…I feel calmer. That’s so weird…mom
said that I could feel like this but I didn’t believe her.
Steven: Should we be worried that our daughter is monologing?
Margaret: She’s fine dear, I did that too when I was her age. Must be a genetic
Steven: What, talking to yourself? That doesn’t sound healthy.
Margaret: Sometimes talking aloud helps you to work through things.
Joseph: Hate to break it to you sis, but when Isaiah and I heard you talking to yourself
we thought you were nuts.
Margaret: Thanks brother, you’re a real pal.
Joseph: That’s what brothers are for. Right Balin?
Steven: Yeah because talking to cats is the definition of normal…
Balin: Batty old fool, I DO NOT like to be bounced and molested!! I should
claw your face off for that!! *haaaccckk* Now where is your sock drawer? I
got a hairball that needs to be released…
Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread:
With generation four on the cusp of adulthood, will the demons be making their big
move to end the Apocalypse? And will the restoration of magic to the bloodline be
enough to stop it if they do?

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Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 15

  • 1.
  • 2. The younger generation of Angel’s Haven is restless and bored. What do kids usually do when they’re bored in an Apocalyptic wasteland? Get into mischief of course…
  • 3. David: Are you ready sister? We can finally begin our training to eliminate those cursed Fanged once and for all. Rachel: I can’t wait.
  • 4. Nos: I will show you how to make use of the weaponry of the trade David, the shruiken, the katana, the stake of course, and how to use Holy Water to its fullest. Yuki: I don’t want my children to play with weapons! Drake: You would rather they be killed by a Fanged? They will receive weapons training with Nos, and that’s final.
  • 5. Yuki closed her eyes, wishing to preserve the last few precious moments of her children’s innocence. They were going to be trained to kill, to take a life and once one takes a life they can never enter the Holy Father’s kingdom. She wasn’t usually so religious, preferring to follow the teachings of Budda rather than Christianity. Yuki had learned to keep those thoughts to herself recently, Drake was getting even more power-mad as the days counted down before the twins’ birthdays. Isaiah was now an old man and he still had no idea that her twins were his.
  • 6. Yuki did not want to cry in front of her children, she felt like she should be showing more enthusiasm for their birthday like her sister…but she didn’t think she could knowing what they were going to face next.
  • 7. David: Now THIS is more like it!! Rachel: Remind me again why we can’t go buy decent clothes? Illeira: I’ve been asking the same thing. David Himura PO/FA Virgo 10/1/9/3/3 LTW: Be Mayor Rachel Himura FA/PO Aries 5/8/6/3/3 LTW: Be Captain Hero
  • 8. Meanwhile… Hope: Daddy!! Daddy! I got an A+!! Steven: Way to go baby girl!! Hope: And it’s my birthday and last day of school!! Today is AWESOME!!
  • 9. Hope: It’s everyone’s birthday today too. Joseph: Way to go first brother. Steven: Gee thanks Joe… Joseph: Anytime.
  • 10. Steven: Great, I get to spend my last days in an itchy track suit… Hope: Haha!! Daddy has to go to gym forever!! Steven: Even my own kid is getting in on it…
  • 11. Joseph: Is it too late to call a do-over? Margaret: We’re triplets Joe, we should all age together like Isaiah. Joseph: I know… Hope: Daddy try to smile… Steven: I’ll try honey.
  • 13. Margaret: OWW!! My back!! Eternal winter is going to be hell on these old bones. Joseph: Yay. Tweed. Hope: I made a wish daddy!! Steven: Good for you baby!!
  • 14. Hope: At least I kind of match right? Steven: Better off than me. Hope Cwik K/PO Cancer 10/8/4/3/8 LTW: Be Chief of Staff
  • 15. Margaret: Now that you have no more school you get to spend your days skilling and preparing for a job. I can help tutor you if you like. Hope: Great…sounds like a blast. Joseph: We had to do the same thing at your age kid. Hope: Doesn’t mean I have to like it Uncle Joe.
  • 16. Over at the New Angel Base… Melissa: Why didn’t I find a way to wrestle the Elixer recipe away from that guy, the one who smells like fish…I think I may miss my eternal Townie- hood.
  • 17. Cain: You would rather give up having a loving family and money for eternal youth Mel? Melissa: I suppose not…but coming from one who has said eternal youth, that sounds kind of ironic. Cain: I’ve made my peace with it.
  • 18. Cain: Loving the track suit Mel!! Melissa: Shut up. Isaiah: Two peas in a pod, two birds of a feather, is it any wonder why we belong together? Melissa: That was pretty sweet actually…nice rhyme honey.
  • 19. Esther: Uggh, that house was smelling an awful lot like old people. I’m so glad we got out of there. Theresa: Essie, that’s not nice. Jeremiah: True though. Esther: Thank you big brother. I’m glad SOMEONE agrees with me.
  • 20. Theresa: I am the one who has to stay in that house, and I wish my twin sister would be there with me. Esther: I was born in that house, I don’t want to die there. As soon as I bring back Music I’m gone. I need to get out and see the world that I will help to open up again. Maybe travel, take a much needed breather from the endless winter… Theresa: I’ll miss you though…
  • 21. Leah: I have never seen you before, are you new around here? Vance: I’ve been here long before you were born, helping to protect Angel’s Haven from the demons. Leah: But you are a demon though, isn’t that like turning on your own kin? Vance: Not every demon sides with Lilith and Lucifer…I’m one of them.
  • 22. Vance: Which begs the question, why are you out in the open like this when they could take advantage of the opportunity to attack you? Leah: I’m not here alone, I brought my siblings. Vance: All of you? Are you crazy? Leah: ‘Scuse you but I don’t remember you being my father. You don’t get to tell me what to do.
  • 23. Vance: No I’m not, but if I was you would all be locked up until the Apocalypse was over. Leah: It will never be over if we’re not allowed out to do what needs to be done. Once I restore the Education system that will get us one step closer to the end. Vance: And what happens of the demons kill you all before then? Did you think of that?
  • 24. Leah: Well since you’re part of Mimi’s Army, isn’t it your JOB to make sure we’re not killed off before then? Vance: You got spunk kid, you remind me of your great-grandmother. She was a spitfire too. Leah: I never met her, I don’t even know what she looked like. Vance: Maybe I’ll tell you about her sometime.
  • 25. Jeremiah: Theresa…what are you doing? Theresa: Making friends, Pearl says she knew our great-grandfather, he was a warlock! Isn’t that cool? Jeremiah: So? Theresa: So I want to continue what he started. I’ve asked her to transform me.
  • 26. Jeremiah: This cat is weird, I can see right through it. Theresa: She’s a Familiar big brother. They help channel a witch’s power. Jeremiah: Are you sure about this? Theresa: Yes, once Leah gets the Education system back on track, I can learn all sorts of neat spells and charms!
  • 27. Theresa: Is it supposed to feel like this? I feel squirmy… Pearl: Magic runs deep in your veins dear child…that is just the sensation of it coming to the surface again for the first time in three generations. Theresa: I think I can see something…who…is that?
  • 28. Ani-Mei: Be safe my son…my precious Castiel. Castiel: It’s only college mom…what could happen there? Ani-Mei: Anything…just keep your eyes open alright? Castiel: Okay, I will. I promise…
  • 29. Castiel: How did I do that? It’s so…bright and warm…
  • 30. Pearl: This power…it’s Divine. I had no idea he would be so strong right away!
  • 31. Theresa: That was my great-grandfather? He had black wings…and was actually kinda cute too. Trippy… Jeremiah: Little sis? Are you alright? Theresa: I’m fine, in fact I’m better than fine; I’m great. Jeremiah: I hope mom won’t freak out too much over this… Pearl: I’m glad I was able to bring back the magic for you, Castiel was one of our most powerful warlocks. It hurt us a lot when he perished before his time.
  • 32. Theresa: Let me just try that spell I saw him use… Jeremiah: Please don’t…I think we should be getting home. Theresa: Spoilsport.
  • 33. The next day… Isaiah: Come on Patches, I know you can do it. Speak! Mary: Baby, I really don’t think you can teach a cat to speak. Isaiah: It can be done mom, Leah told me how her parents trained their cat Balin to speak.
  • 34. Mary: Am I wrong? Eirene: Mary, cats can be trained. They just take a little longer that’s all. Mary: Perhaps, I’ve never heard of it being done before. Eirene: So anyway, I heard you got a new job. How is it? Mary: It’s hectic, the education system is still in shambles. I’ve been told to clear up some of the mess for Leah Angel when she’s old enough to take charge. I don’t see why, I am perfectly suited to do the job myself.
  • 35. Eirene: When I came here with my parents I was told about how things work here. The Angel family has been given a Divine mission to help end this Apocalypse and it has to be one of them who fixes things. I can’t work as well as I used to before I got pregnant but I’m in the Entertainment field waiting for Theresa Angel to join me. I’m going to show her the ropes when it’s time. Mary: Doesn’t that bother you though? Eirene: No, I’m happy to teach her everything I know.
  • 36. Mary: Well I can see your point, teaching is what I love and to have the opportunity to help make a difference here by showing Leah a thing or two does sound nice. Eirene: My mom Theia will be waiting for the spouse in the Oceanography offices when Theresa finds him. I heard that was going to be his contribution to the restoration effort.
  • 37. Mary: That sounds like a good idea. I had no idea your family were already in positions like that. Eirene: Funny how things work out that way huh? Mary: Sounds more like Fate to me. Eirene: Maybe it was…
  • 38. Isaiah: I would gladly help the Angels if it meant I could stay with Leah. Mary: There’s no telling if you two will stay together after your birthdays baby boy. Isaiah: You don’t know that, we could end up together. I like Leah a lot and I know she likes me too.
  • 39. Nathan: Let the boy dream Mary. Mary: I was just saying that you never know… Nathan: He’s young and in love Mary, the boy won’t hear anything you say. Mary: It’s not realistic that’s all…
  • 40. The next day… Isaiah: Uggh, how come you always win? Leah: Because I’m awesome that’s why. Despite what his mom said the other night, Isaiah was determined to stay with Leah. And when he asks her tonight to be his girlfriend it would all work out.
  • 41. Isaiah: And he totally didn’t see it coming! Leah: That’s awesome!! What a dumbass. Isaiah: Yeah. So anyway Leah I wanted to ask you something…will you be my girlfriend? Leah: What?
  • 42. Leah: Isaiah, I’m going to be 18 soon… I have a restriction to lift. Isaiah: I know, but I really like you. And I want to be your boyfriend. Leah: I’ll be older than you…and I can’t leave home right away. Isaiah: I know all that, and I’m willing to wait for you.
  • 43. Leah: I guess, I mean you’re only young once right? Isaiah: I’m so glad!! You won’t regret it, I promise. Leah: I’ll hold you to that Isaiah Gavigan. Isaiah: I won’t disappoint.
  • 44. Mary: I hope he knows what he’s getting into…I’m afraid our boy is going to have his heart broken. Nathan: Well aren’t you the eternal optimist? Mary: Not an optimist, a realist. She’s not going to marry her first boyfriend, not many girls her age do. I didn’t. Nathan: He’ll have to figure that out himself babe. It’s part of growing up.
  • 45. Hope: Stupid yoga…how are you supposed to build athletic skills doing weird things like this? How does that work? But mom says I have to have full Body to leave the house, have to be able to run away fast enough if I’m being chased by a demon or zombie or something…what zombies? I’ve never even seen one, come to think of it, never seen a demon either…who knows if they’re even real? *mutter*
  • 46. Hope: Actually this is kinda relaxing…I feel calmer. That’s so weird…mom said that I could feel like this but I didn’t believe her.
  • 47. Steven: Should we be worried that our daughter is monologing? Margaret: She’s fine dear, I did that too when I was her age. Must be a genetic thing. Steven: What, talking to yourself? That doesn’t sound healthy. Margaret: Sometimes talking aloud helps you to work through things.
  • 48. Joseph: Hate to break it to you sis, but when Isaiah and I heard you talking to yourself we thought you were nuts. Margaret: Thanks brother, you’re a real pal. Joseph: That’s what brothers are for. Right Balin? Steven: Yeah because talking to cats is the definition of normal…
  • 49. Balin: Batty old fool, I DO NOT like to be bounced and molested!! I should claw your face off for that!! *haaaccckk* Now where is your sock drawer? I got a hairball that needs to be released… ******
  • 50. Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread: With generation four on the cusp of adulthood, will the demons be making their big move to end the Apocalypse? And will the restoration of magic to the bloodline be enough to stop it if they do?