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I totally mislabeled my stuff on the old LJ blog post…it confused me. This chapter
shows off the L, P, R kids which is generation 2 because I did it differently back then.
Now that I’ve unconfused myself, let’s carry on shall we?
Oohh, shiny....
Ahem, well here we are the next part of Generation Orchid where the kidlets can finally
be born now that the Quad Pod is out of the house. But before we get to the L, P and R
babies let's just see what the Quad Pod has been up to....
I built them their own green house-house since they're plants and need sun. Here's proof of the
completed challenge, four Slacker career rewards. I cured their vampirism since it was killing
them during the day and I wasn't about to lose all of them. Orchid gave them all a Vampirocilian
D and a Plantropic C if they decide to cure themselves. It was hard times let me tell you, red
Aspiration bars left, right and center since none of them wanted to be in the Slacker career. I never
told you what they were did I? Well Paisley rolled Fortune/Grilled Cheese and LTW to be Media
Magnate, Phoenix rolled Family/Pleasure with a LTW to Be Education Minister so pretty much
every day he brought Bacchus home with him. Plum rolled Knowledge/Family with a LTW to Be
Chief of Staff and Petunia got Family/Knowledge with the LTW to Marry off Six Kids, I
think...can't remember since I didn't write it down.
Petunia married Nicholas Mamumayck if you read my last legacy, pre-new computer
this is the same guy that Etoile married in it. He's a Sagittarius Knowledge sim with
the LTW to Max Seven Skills.
Plum married Blond Downtownie guy I forget his name right now. And he was also a
Knowledge Sagittarius with the LTW to Be Hall of Famer, his LTW is broken, that is not
a Knowledge want. But anyway he earned enough points to use Summon Aliens and
here is the result of that.
Twin boys, Pisces and Sagittarius. Unique names I know, I wasn't going to name them
in the mythology scheme since they are spares of spares so they get Astrological names
instead. So yeah, they won't even show up on the family tree.
Phoenix: Hurray!! Face Time!! She remembered!!
Yes...I did. How I hate the Family Sims crowing...
Bacchus: When are you coming back to my place?
Umm....after generation two goes to college...
He is a Perma-Plat Romance sim so I can choose to ignore him with little consequence. He
married Natasha Una by the way and had twins. But more on them later.
Plum: I am officially the Plant Doctor now!!
Yay.... *waves tiny flag*
Plum: Ouch, where's the love Creator person?
Family Sim crowing, hate...or did you not hear me?
Anyway, back to the main lot for the much anticipated L, P and R babies.
But first...
Diamos: Is this really necessary?
Unfortunately Dee, that’s the price of mortality.
Diamos: *cracks wrist* I can feel the arthritis settling in already.
I'm going to miss your hotness my precious God of Peace... *sigh*
Diamos: Are you sure this has to happen?
Ani-Mei: I'm sorry hon...
Diamos: .....
Ani-Mei: Don't worry, you're still hot Dee.
Diamos: And I can still dance too.
Mags: I'll just go change now...and fix my hair.
And now, for the main point of this chapter, the babies!! I took no birth shots since I still have the
Special Events camera on but Orchid had twin boys, the green one with Mags is Leto. Leto is
named after the mother of Artemis and Apollo, also she is the one who asked that Orion be placed
in the sky as a constellation. I believe I told you about her last time so I won't review here, but if
you insist, when the heir shots are ready I will tell you all about her then. And his twin, Lachesis
in Dee's arms is also named after a female. Lachesis is one of the three Fates she is the middle
sister and the one responsible for measuring the life line of morals. There were no male L names so
let's hope the boys won't care too much about being named after girls. Leto got the green skin and
black alien eyes, I was so happy that the custom genetics can be overcome...let's hope he doesn't
get Neil's nose though....
Close up of the newly toddlerized twins. Complete with hovering blocks.
Lachesis is a Sagittarius 4/5/10/6/5 and Leto is a Gemini 5/10/10/7/3 so he's a naked
hottubber with a mean streak. Lovely. >.< But he's green so it's a plus. ^.^ But we still
have two more babies to get this generation so let's hope they are just as unique.
Leto: Time to gwo brudda!!
Lacheis: Hehe, then me play with some mortal lives...
Let's hope he doesn't figure out how to work the Tombstone....
Leto: Whee!! Dancing is fun!!
Lachesis: I--can't--stop--dancing....
Well it keeps him away from the Tombstone at least. It must be Apollo working his
magic on him... ^.^ I waited for a bit before getting the P babies, let's see them now.
No birth she went and had twins again!!! This time we have another
green baby!! Squee!! His name is Poseidon, named after the God of the Sea. Poseidon
was known to be quite the man whore, harsh but true. He had so many affairs and
illegitimate kids he could rival Zeus...he got the alien black eyes and skin tone too just
in case you forgot that Orchid is half alien. In Neil's arms is Persephone, the daughter
of Demeter and consort of Hades, and also Reias's mother from Hidden City. The story
of Persephone is interesting, and when the heir shots are ready I'll tell you all about it
there. Now by this time there were eight in the house so I couldn't have baby R right
away.... which left me with a heartbreaking decision to make...someone had to die....
As you know the Apartment Life challenge states that over the course of the challenge
there has to be a good, neutral and evil witch and once the evil witch reached maximum
wickedness they had to use the zombie that would mean that we need someone
to die. And stargazing has a dangerous foot note attached to it....
Satellites can fall from the sky and well, squash you. And unfortunately that poor
victim had be Mags. She was no longer related to anyone in the house except Dee since
Orchid is an abduction triplet so she was the only choice. It broke my heart to kill the
one Dee loved but it was required for the challenge and to make room for Baby R...
*insert sad violin music here*
Lachesis: Oh...non-Grandma....
Leto: I wonder how much that hunk of junk is worth?
Orchid: Poor, Earth-mother....
Neil: I called her mom....
Diamos: Why!!??? Creator...I loved her...
Oh Dee honey, I'm so sorry...I didn't want to do it....
Diamos: What'll I do? Who will I spend my golden years with now?
*feels bad*
Wait a's daylight why are you haunting?
Mags: You killed me, I didn't like it. Hades told me to come back and bug you for it.'re out 24 hours a day now?
Mags: Yep. And I can scare all the Knowledge sims now....hehe.
At least until the generation three witch zombifies you....
Mags: Hello? Knowledge sims? They love zombies.
Damn. >.< You win this time Mags...anyway her death left room for baby R, let's see what we get.
Ta-da!! Baby R is a girl named Rhea. Rhea was the wife of Cronus and his sister, she
was also the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera. They were the
six original Olympian gods, she is the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, the gods of the sky
and earth. I'll tell you the rest of her story later on. Her stats, she's another Gemini
7/8/10/1/2 so she's a super serious, active, outgoing meanie. And the stats for Poseidon,
Sagittarius 1/10/10/10/4 truly a unique one but also a slob...*sighs* can't win them all I
suppose. His twin, however is a different story, she's a Scorpio 10/7/9/5/4 so she'll clean
up after her messy brother and only complain a little about it. So now that we've met all
the generation 2 kids, let's see who they grow up to be.
Persy: Ha-ha!! I beat you brother!!
Poseidon: No fair!!
Diamos: Now kids, it's not a race. Why don't you two go get changed while we
wait for your brothers to grow up.
Lachesis: Guess it's our turn now huh? One step closer to having control over
the mortals!!
Leto: Yeah. Hello teenage freedom!!
Poseidon: What are they talking about?
Persy: *shrugs*
Nice pic of the four of them. Well they were fairly close in age so a few days later it was
time for Rhea to join them. Lachesis rolled Fortune/Family with the LTW to Be
World Class Ballet Dancer. And Leto rolled Knowledge/Pleasure and his LTW to
Be Game Designer.
Diamos: One more...
Persy: Why so sad Gramps?
Diamos: Nostalgia child, I remember when your mommy was growing up, it
was in this same room I believe.
Mags: BOO!! Happy Birthday kid!!
Mags, that was mean...
Rhea: Holy Olympian!!
Orchid: What happened?
Rhea: Ghost....strange ghost....
Persy: Non-grandma got her good.
Leto: And I missed it??!! Damn....
Just a few more, though I missed the picture for Rhea's teening, it's time for the heir shots since
this is getting close to the end.
Sorry bout the mode was not
being nice to me. On the left is Lachesis and his
twin Leto. This was taken in front of the Greek
House that their mother and siblings started,
Annya Var Cham. It was easy to get them all in,
Willow was the placeholder for it and the
siblings already had an amazing relationship
before so it was a piece of cake. Next chapter we
will visit Orion's household since part of the
Apartment Life challenge states that his house
must have equal play time with the main one.
On the left is Persy, posing with the lovely hair
ad model look, middle is her twin Poseidon,
looking suave and sexy, and on the end is the
baby of the family Rhea. Background info and
stats review will be posted on Boolprop
Who will bring in the last generation and be
destined to become the Evil One? You decide...
See Y’all then!

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A Godly OWBC: Chapter 2

  • 1.
  • 2. I totally mislabeled my stuff on the old LJ blog post…it confused me. This chapter shows off the L, P, R kids which is generation 2 because I did it differently back then. Now that I’ve unconfused myself, let’s carry on shall we?
  • 3. Oohh, shiny.... Ahem, well here we are the next part of Generation Orchid where the kidlets can finally be born now that the Quad Pod is out of the house. But before we get to the L, P and R babies let's just see what the Quad Pod has been up to....
  • 4. I built them their own green house-house since they're plants and need sun. Here's proof of the completed challenge, four Slacker career rewards. I cured their vampirism since it was killing them during the day and I wasn't about to lose all of them. Orchid gave them all a Vampirocilian D and a Plantropic C if they decide to cure themselves. It was hard times let me tell you, red Aspiration bars left, right and center since none of them wanted to be in the Slacker career. I never told you what they were did I? Well Paisley rolled Fortune/Grilled Cheese and LTW to be Media Magnate, Phoenix rolled Family/Pleasure with a LTW to Be Education Minister so pretty much every day he brought Bacchus home with him. Plum rolled Knowledge/Family with a LTW to Be Chief of Staff and Petunia got Family/Knowledge with the LTW to Marry off Six Kids, I think...can't remember since I didn't write it down.
  • 5. Petunia married Nicholas Mamumayck if you read my last legacy, pre-new computer this is the same guy that Etoile married in it. He's a Sagittarius Knowledge sim with the LTW to Max Seven Skills.
  • 6. Plum married Blond Downtownie guy I forget his name right now. And he was also a Knowledge Sagittarius with the LTW to Be Hall of Famer, his LTW is broken, that is not a Knowledge want. But anyway he earned enough points to use Summon Aliens and here is the result of that.
  • 7. Twin boys, Pisces and Sagittarius. Unique names I know, I wasn't going to name them in the mythology scheme since they are spares of spares so they get Astrological names instead. So yeah, they won't even show up on the family tree.
  • 8. Phoenix: Hurray!! Face Time!! She remembered!! Yes...I did. How I hate the Family Sims crowing... Bacchus: When are you coming back to my place? Umm....after generation two goes to college... He is a Perma-Plat Romance sim so I can choose to ignore him with little consequence. He married Natasha Una by the way and had twins. But more on them later.
  • 9. Plum: I am officially the Plant Doctor now!! Yay.... *waves tiny flag* Plum: Ouch, where's the love Creator person? Family Sim crowing, hate...or did you not hear me? Anyway, back to the main lot for the much anticipated L, P and R babies.
  • 10. But first... Diamos: Is this really necessary? Unfortunately Dee, that’s the price of mortality. Diamos: *cracks wrist* I can feel the arthritis settling in already. I'm going to miss your hotness my precious God of Peace... *sigh*
  • 11. Diamos: Are you sure this has to happen? Ani-Mei: I'm sorry hon... Diamos: .....
  • 12. Ani-Mei: Don't worry, you're still hot Dee. Diamos: And I can still dance too. Mags: I'll just go change now...and fix my hair.
  • 13. And now, for the main point of this chapter, the babies!! I took no birth shots since I still have the Special Events camera on but Orchid had twin boys, the green one with Mags is Leto. Leto is named after the mother of Artemis and Apollo, also she is the one who asked that Orion be placed in the sky as a constellation. I believe I told you about her last time so I won't review here, but if you insist, when the heir shots are ready I will tell you all about her then. And his twin, Lachesis in Dee's arms is also named after a female. Lachesis is one of the three Fates she is the middle sister and the one responsible for measuring the life line of morals. There were no male L names so let's hope the boys won't care too much about being named after girls. Leto got the green skin and black alien eyes, I was so happy that the custom genetics can be overcome...let's hope he doesn't get Neil's nose though....
  • 14. Close up of the newly toddlerized twins. Complete with hovering blocks. Lachesis is a Sagittarius 4/5/10/6/5 and Leto is a Gemini 5/10/10/7/3 so he's a naked hottubber with a mean streak. Lovely. >.< But he's green so it's a plus. ^.^ But we still have two more babies to get this generation so let's hope they are just as unique.
  • 15. Leto: Time to gwo brudda!! Lacheis: Hehe, then me play with some mortal lives... Let's hope he doesn't figure out how to work the Tombstone....
  • 16. Leto: Whee!! Dancing is fun!! Lachesis: I--can't--stop--dancing.... Well it keeps him away from the Tombstone at least. It must be Apollo working his magic on him... ^.^ I waited for a bit before getting the P babies, let's see them now.
  • 17. No birth she went and had twins again!!! This time we have another green baby!! Squee!! His name is Poseidon, named after the God of the Sea. Poseidon was known to be quite the man whore, harsh but true. He had so many affairs and illegitimate kids he could rival Zeus...he got the alien black eyes and skin tone too just in case you forgot that Orchid is half alien. In Neil's arms is Persephone, the daughter of Demeter and consort of Hades, and also Reias's mother from Hidden City. The story of Persephone is interesting, and when the heir shots are ready I'll tell you all about it there. Now by this time there were eight in the house so I couldn't have baby R right away.... which left me with a heartbreaking decision to make...someone had to die....
  • 18. As you know the Apartment Life challenge states that over the course of the challenge there has to be a good, neutral and evil witch and once the evil witch reached maximum wickedness they had to use the zombie that would mean that we need someone to die. And stargazing has a dangerous foot note attached to it....
  • 19. Satellites can fall from the sky and well, squash you. And unfortunately that poor victim had be Mags. She was no longer related to anyone in the house except Dee since Orchid is an abduction triplet so she was the only choice. It broke my heart to kill the one Dee loved but it was required for the challenge and to make room for Baby R...
  • 20. *insert sad violin music here* Lachesis: Oh...non-Grandma.... Leto: I wonder how much that hunk of junk is worth? Orchid: Poor, Earth-mother.... Neil: I called her mom....
  • 21. Diamos: Why!!??? Creator...I loved her... Oh Dee honey, I'm so sorry...I didn't want to do it.... Diamos: What'll I do? Who will I spend my golden years with now? *feels bad*
  • 22. Wait a's daylight why are you haunting? Mags: You killed me, I didn't like it. Hades told me to come back and bug you for it.'re out 24 hours a day now? Mags: Yep. And I can scare all the Knowledge sims now....hehe. At least until the generation three witch zombifies you.... Mags: Hello? Knowledge sims? They love zombies. Damn. >.< You win this time Mags...anyway her death left room for baby R, let's see what we get.
  • 23. Ta-da!! Baby R is a girl named Rhea. Rhea was the wife of Cronus and his sister, she was also the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera. They were the six original Olympian gods, she is the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, the gods of the sky and earth. I'll tell you the rest of her story later on. Her stats, she's another Gemini 7/8/10/1/2 so she's a super serious, active, outgoing meanie. And the stats for Poseidon, Sagittarius 1/10/10/10/4 truly a unique one but also a slob...*sighs* can't win them all I suppose. His twin, however is a different story, she's a Scorpio 10/7/9/5/4 so she'll clean up after her messy brother and only complain a little about it. So now that we've met all the generation 2 kids, let's see who they grow up to be.
  • 24. Persy: Ha-ha!! I beat you brother!! Poseidon: No fair!! Diamos: Now kids, it's not a race. Why don't you two go get changed while we wait for your brothers to grow up.
  • 25. Lachesis: Guess it's our turn now huh? One step closer to having control over the mortals!! Leto: Yeah. Hello teenage freedom!! Poseidon: What are they talking about? Persy: *shrugs*
  • 26. Nice pic of the four of them. Well they were fairly close in age so a few days later it was time for Rhea to join them. Lachesis rolled Fortune/Family with the LTW to Be World Class Ballet Dancer. And Leto rolled Knowledge/Pleasure and his LTW to Be Game Designer.
  • 27. Diamos: One more... Persy: Why so sad Gramps? Diamos: Nostalgia child, I remember when your mommy was growing up, it was in this same room I believe.
  • 28. Mags: BOO!! Happy Birthday kid!! Mags, that was mean... Rhea: Holy Olympian!!
  • 29. Orchid: What happened? Rhea: Ghost....strange ghost.... Persy: Non-grandma got her good. Leto: And I missed it??!! Damn.... Just a few more, though I missed the picture for Rhea's teening, it's time for the heir shots since this is getting close to the end.
  • 30. Sorry bout the mode was not being nice to me. On the left is Lachesis and his twin Leto. This was taken in front of the Greek House that their mother and siblings started, Annya Var Cham. It was easy to get them all in, Willow was the placeholder for it and the siblings already had an amazing relationship before so it was a piece of cake. Next chapter we will visit Orion's household since part of the Apartment Life challenge states that his house must have equal play time with the main one. On the left is Persy, posing with the lovely hair ad model look, middle is her twin Poseidon, looking suave and sexy, and on the end is the baby of the family Rhea. Background info and stats review will be posted on Boolprop momentarily. Who will bring in the last generation and be destined to become the Evil One? You decide... See Y’all then!