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Last time, Reias, Solan, Hex, and the Adriels fought against Xylen and his Dark
Triad and won. Xylen managed to escape with Pellas but in the process, he lost
     all three of his Dark Triad pieces. In the aftermath of the battle, feelings
   between Dalen and Aiden got heated when they had taken refuge in an old
 hunting cabin in the woods of Hidden City. Dalen was trying to make amends
 with his son even though Aiden was still feeling betrayed by him. Atalanta had
found out where Ilea was and that she was in the temple of Thanatos. The first
    of generation eight was born to Ilea and Thanatos, a pale skinned, dark
  haired, blue-eyed baby boy that his father had named Virgil. While Thanatos
      was satisfied with his first born son, Ilea had asked for another child.
         Elsewhere, more members of generation eight began to pop up…
Diamos had brought Minos into the Astral Realm, he had to explain to the young man
                what it would mean for him to marry his daughter.

                  Diamos: Do you know why you’re here Minos?

                               Minos: Not exactly…

                   Diamos: Do you want to marry my daughter?

                   Minos: Yes, more than anything in the world.
Diamos: I see. Then you must be aware of what that will mean for you and how it
                  forever change your life from this point on.

           Minos: What will it mean? Do I have to die or something?

 Diamos: No, but we should discuss this inside with Seiya present, if you don’t

                            Minos: No, I don’t mind.
Minos: Wanna run that by me again?

    Seiya: It’s just what it sounds like Min, to be with me you would have to give up your
mortality and become a god like us. It’s the only way that you can still see your family and be
                                   with me at the same time.

 Minos: Become a god…I had never thought about that once in my entire life. Are you sure
        you can just go around making gods without some sort of consequences?

Seiya: There was, I mean when Dalen and Talia were still on Xylen’s side. But all gods have
                their own ambrosia to use. And my father is no exception.
Part of him wanted to jump on the chance to become a god, it made sense to
him after all, his grandfather was now a god but he had been a half god before
   he was born. Another part of him worried that godhood would make him a
 target for Xylen. He carried the power of his grandmother’s world with him as
well as that of his own. Wouldn’t using that to become a god be like disturbing a
hornet’s nest? He loved Seiya, he knew that without a doubt and he wanted to
          marry her and start a family. But is the cost of that too high?
Minos: I’ll have to think about that. Do you mind if I take some time?

Seiya: Of course not honey, take all you need. We will be here whenever you

Diamos: You don’t have to choose right now, Seiya is right, take some time to
           think about it. I will not force you if you’re not ready.

                    Minos: I appreciate that. Thank you.
Diamos: Besides, don’t you two have a wedding to plan anyway? There’s no reason why
   you can’t get married now while you think it over Minos. I would really like to see
everyone again. I believe I can manage to have them here for it, it’ll be a challenge but I
                                     can swing it.

                         Seiya: Really? You can do that daddy?

 Diamos: Yes, but only for a short time. Some of the guests such as your grandmother
     and parents, Minos, may find it difficult to be here for a long period of time.
Minos: What’s it like to be a god?

Seiya: What’s it like? Actually I was born one so I’ve never known anything but it. At times it
 can be fun, you can go wherever you want, take on all sorts of forms and things, and you
                   can be in several places at once. It’s kinda cool actually.

  Minos: Do you like, hear all sorts of things all at once? Like a cacophony of sounds and
                                noises all hitting you at once?

Seiya: Sometimes, if you have a temple or followers who pray to you. It can overwhelm you
                               if you’re not prepared for it.
Minos: Do you have a temple and followers?

                       Seiya: No, only my parents did. I never did.

Minos: No one has ever offered me godhood and immortality before, I honestly don’t know
what to do with the offer. Something like that is bound to have its drawbacks and I am not
        sure I could handle it. I kinda got used to the fact that my life was limited.

 Seiya: It can have drawbacks, if you were part of the main pantheon for sure. You don’t
 know how much you truly influence the mortals if you’re part of the main pantheon, until
                              you look at it from outside.
Diamos was right when he said it would be difficult to have everyone here in the
Astral Realm. He only saw Bell and his uncle Xenon, Ilea wasn’t here, nor was
 Aeson. But his parents and grandparents were and that made him feel better.
When he saw his bride to be, all his anxieties came rushing back. She looked
  simply stunning. The air around them seemed to dance and flow along with
their feelings, he swore he could hear singing somewhere that wasn’t from the
stereo. But he put it aside and paid attention to the beautiful woman in front of
Icarus: Nice party Dee, very nice.

Diamos: Thank you. She looks so beautiful doesn’t she?

Icarus: Reminds me of Cammy back on our wedding day.
Aegina: Lucky you for having such a nice party for your wedding. I couldn’t wait
                   to marry Eddie so we just rushed into it.

            Ambrosia: I hope you can come to my wedding Seiya.

                     Seiya: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Minos: Why would you want to rush such an important thing Gina?

                          Aegina: I am impatient.

  Bell: Best not to question the women Min; might be bad for you later on.

Aegina: So will you be having kids soon? I can’t tell you how excited we were
                         when I gave birth to twins.
Seiya: You had twins?

Aegina: Oh yes, a boy and a girl. Eddie was so shocked he nearly fell over.

                      Minos: What are their names?
Aegina: I have a boy and a girl, we called our son Borias and our daughter Ephiny.
 They are so cute. Borias has blond hair and blue eyes. Though little Ephiny may
                       have darker hair, we can’t really tell.

  Bell: Yeah I know what you mean. Keiko and I have our own little bundle of joy
Bell: She has mom’s red hair, my little Alcmene. She has dad’s eyes too. Feels
      kinda strange being a father though, I wonder if I’d be any good at it.

                   Aegina: I think you’ll be great at it Bell.

        Bell: Well thanks. Let’s hope I can live up to that expectation.
Always trust triple-bolt stalkers to give a Roof Raiser party every time…

      Solan: Our grandson is married Ginny. Can you believe it?

                      Ginny: Oh I feel so old now.

 Solan: You look the same as you did the day I married you. Beautiful.

                            Ginny: Flatterer.

             Solan: I prefer Romantic, but that’s good too.
Ginny: I love you so much Solan.

                           Solan: And I love you more Ginny.

Ginny: How about one of these days you tell my how it is that I am still young and we’re

Solan: I am a god lover, I can do anything I want. And that includes keeping you safe and

                            Ginny: You made me immortal?

                                  Solan simply smiled.
It didn’t seem real to Atalanta; the fact that she was here had to be a dream. She knew
where Ilea had been this whole time but she figured she would never see her daughter in
                    person. There she stood, her baby girl, her heiress.

                           Atalanta: Ilea…you’re really here.

                     Ilea: Yes, mom I am. Really. I had to see you.

                               Atalanta: Are you alright?

                                  Ilea: I’m fine mom.
She met her son-in-law inside the house, apparently he preferred not being
outside in the sun. And judging from his pale, almost pure white skin, he never had
    seen any sunlight. He gave the saying ‘deathly pale’ a real meaning. Atalanta
   knew he was Thanatos, the personification of death and she thought that when
she met him, she’d be overwhelmed with a sense of dread and fear; but in truth he
  looked rather lonely. Whenever Ilea would come into the room she would see his
 face light up; and then she knew. He really loved her daughter and she made him
   happy. If Ilea was happy then she could forgive him for keeping her away for so
Atalanta: Welcome to the family son.

   Thanatos: This is not what I was expecting from a mortal.

Atalanta: You obviously have not met many mortals like me then.

    Thanatos: No I have not. You would be right about that.
Ilea: You see? I told you my mom wouldn’t hate you. She likes you.

       Thanatos: Alright my love; you were correct. I was wrong.

Ilea: Next time, let’s bring the kids. I know they would love to meet their

                    Thanatos: As you wish my love.
Iolaus still could not believe he was seeing the God of Death smiling and holding
   on to his child. Where he came from, Thanatos was hated and reviled by the
    mortals and being touched by him meant instant death. But here stood his
   daughter, alive and well, and with no signs of being drained of her life force.
Iolaus had to figure that the stories about Thanatos were greatly exaggerated. Or
    maybe this Thanatos was different from the one he knew back in Ancient
Aegina: It’s nice to finally meet you brother. I’ve never had a brother before. My name is
                                  Aegina; Ilea’s little sister.

Thanatos: Yes, I can see the resemblance. I am pleased that you do not fear me either.

 Aegina: My sister loves you and she would never give her love to someone she never
                               thought was worthy of it.

                                 Thanatos: Thank you.
Aegina: You look confused.

Thanatos: I am, I came here expecting to be received with hostility and not at all like a member of the family.
                 I was the one who told her she could not see you while she was pregnant.

 Aegina: I guess you really don’t know much about us modern mortals do you? Hidden City is about being
tolerant of those who are different because this city is filled with half gods and they all have unique powers
                                             from their parents.

                   Thanatos: So you are not angry at me for keeping her away from you?

       Aegina: At first we were, but when we saw how happy your guys were we began to accept it.
Aegina: You did it to protect her. Our family’s guardian Reias told us how difficult
it is for you death gods to have living children. He was born on Olympus because
his father is Hades. If he had been born in the Underworld he would have died at
                      birth along with his mother Persephone.

Thanatos: I was no aware of that…if I was I would never have kept her from you.
                    I would have told you where she was.

           Aegina: We have a saying, ‘Live and Learn.’ Now you know.
Ilea: You’re Roxie right? Solan’s mom?

                         Roxie: Yes. I am also Eddie’s older sister.

                  Ilea: Were you ever afraid that Solan would die at birth?

Roxie: You mean because of who his father and grandfather are? Yes, I was afraid that he
 would die at birth. But as you know it’s possible to have a living child with a father who is
directly tied to death. However, I think Thanatos may be slightly different than Reias in that
Ilea: We should be getting back to the temple, I’m sure Morpheus would like a
                            break from babysitting.

  Iolaus: Alright, don’t be a stranger baby girl. Bring the kids by some time.

                       Ilea: We will. Don’t worry daddy.

                               Iolaus: Be safe.
Thanatos was getting concerned about her, before she had left with him to see her
parents she had just recently given birth to their second child. A baby girl with her
 father’s skin, mother’s eyes and blond hair. Little Eve was not that much younger
           than her big brother Virgil whose birthday was coming up soon.
His son Virgil grew up well but as soon as he did, he began to fuss uncontrollably.
Thanatos was worried that something might be wrong so he took him upstairs to
 change his diaper and dress him in the new clothing that Ilea had purchased for
As it turned out, it was not a dirty diaper; the little boy had been born with a
beautiful set of raven-black wings that were hurting him because they were trapped
   in under his shirt. Once Thanatos had torn a slot in the clothing for his wings,
                                Virgil’s crying stopped.

                                    Virgil Reed

                        Little devil… >_< Adorable though.
Over at Bell’s place, another little one was about the join the terrible twos.

Bell: So did you hear? Your cousin Virgil has wings just like your daddy Alcmene.
                                Isn’t that great?

                               Alcmene: *burbles*

                   Bell: Someone’s birthday is tonight isn’t it?
Bell had the honour of tossing the baby. She didn’t have the wings like her father
        did, which disappointed him but she had her grandmother’s hair.

                               Alcmene Morana

 You can tell her grandmother is the Streaker, or as good a copy as I could make
for an NPC like that. But why so mean?? >_< Good to see Bliss’s brown eyes live
                                    on though.
For this generation, it was nice to see that everyone was so close in age. Even
 Aegina and Eddie could not believe their twins were already growing up. This
                  generation had a good mix of their parents.
Borias had an adorable head of peach fuzz and Ephiny took after her mother.

             Borias Reed                         Ephiny Reed
                 Leo                                 Aries
               6/10/5/4/5                          6/8/5/3/8

At least I will not be completely surrounded by mean outgoing pranksters this
                                 generation. ^_^
Elsewhere, over at Ambrosia and Castor’s place, their son Evander was about to
            join his cousins in the wonderful world of toddlerhood.

                                Evander Nova

I knew he’d be so cute coming from these two. It’s nice to have one child each
 that have one of every hair colour: blond, brown, black, and red hair this time.
Variety is nice. ^_^ Though I think somehow Ephiny ended up with custom hair,
                    probably from recreating Aegina in CAS…
Part B:

  While things were moving along smoothly for most of generation eight, there is
one still for whom time has stopped. His world was shattered when Xylen went on
   his killing spree of everyone he could get to using the blood of Reias, the last
 remaining member of his generation. He chose to stay with his family rather than
get to know any of his sister’s children he had thought that his little world was just
perfect…until he saw them all die. He was spared by some miraculous twist of fate
                            and friends from another star…
Count Helios: Why do you want join our legion of darkness young one?

Perseus: I saw my grandfather die…and I never want to go through that myself.

          Count Helios: So you wish to become one of the Undead?

                           Perseus: Yes…please.

     Dark High Witch: And you also desire to protect yourself with magic?

                                Perseus: Yes.
Count Helios: Welcome to the dark side, Perseus Reed, use your new found
                            immortality well.
Perseus: This is perfect!! The Expello Mortis spell will really help me protect
                     the ones I love from ever dying…
Steph: I love supernaturals…did I ever tell you that?

Perseus: N—No…but I am a warlock and a vampire.

     Steph: You’re adorable when you stutter.

            Perseus: *blushes furiously*
Perseus: I can’t believe you agreed to marry me!!

 Steph: I love you idiot; of course I would agree.

    Perseus: This is the best day of my life.
Perseus: You want me to what?

Diamos: I am asking you if you would agree to host my essence in the Mortal
Realm. I have no physical form there anymore and I have to save Reias from
Perseus: Quadruplets…I can’t believe this…I’ve never been so happy.

         Steph: That’s it, no more, five is more than enough.

                         Perseus: Yes dear.
Aeridane: Very well mother; I shall go to Earth and be their Sun God until Apollo
                                has been found.

Ani-Mei: Thank you my child. This is of the greatest importance to the future of
                       the Quest. I am proud of you.
Reias: You don’t understand; it’s you we need back, not your powers.

Diamos: I can’t come back; you know that old friend. But at least I can save you
                        from Chaos while I am here.
Ani-Mei: I see so you brought Perseus here with you Aeridane.

Aeridane: He really has no one else left there. He never knew any of his nieces
and nephews and he is all alone. His sisters are gone, and I was worried about
 his mental state if he were left back on Earth. He has truly become my best
Adahy: I see. But you do know that here on Elvendia we do not have such a
thing as a vampire. And there is no telling what kind of effect that will have on

Ani-Mei: That is a problem. He fears death so much it would be wrong to take
                         away his protection from it.

               Adahy: I am at a loss as to what to do with him.
Maaya: Great Father if I may offer a suggestion?

                                  Adahy: Yes?

    Maaya: As Goddess of the Moon all creatures of the night are under my
jurisdiction and I can remove his vampiric nature and still allow him to keep his
                               immortality intact.

                 Adahy: What do you suggest dear daughter?
Maaya: I can turn him into one of my Night Dancers. He will not be allowed to go
to the surface of the planet however, his undeniable power of attraction will make
far too much trouble for the mortals. As such I do not allow more than five to exist
at once. I have only other Night Dancer at my command; far too many wars have
                        been fought over my Night Dancers.

                         Adahy: That is an excellent idea.
Araka: Ah yes, those wars over her Night Dancers were some of my best works;
                    bloody and violent, just how I like them.

  Aeridane: Only the Goddess of War would revel in the loss of innocent lives.

Ani-Mei: Araka…there will be NO wars started over Perseus. Do you understand

                       Araka: Fine…ruin my fun mother.
Ishea: Sister, are you sure about this? He is not an Elvendian there is no telling
           what may happen if you change him into a Night Dancer.

                 Perseus: I’d like to try it. What do I have to do?

Maaya: Nothing. All I do is touch you and remove your vampiric nature. It will not

                                 Perseus: Alright.
Perseus listened to them discuss his future here on Allocarre. They had asked
  him to do something else while he was here as well, but that made him more
nervous that losing his vampiric nature. He was still not sure that he could do it.
It would be chance to help the Quest when the final battle with Xylen came. He
    wanted to have a purpose here on Allocarre, to contribute in some way.
Maaya: My Lady Mother has found a purpose for you on Allocarre. I think you will
                         like what she has in store.

                               Perseus: What is it?

Maaya: We received a message about two weeks ago from Terrenon, the message
 has asked for Diamos. As you know, Chaos was severely weakened when Reias
 broke apart his Dark Triad. Terrenon is where he will go to recharge and prepare
  for the final battle and his revenge on your family. We need someone who can
    contact him in the Astral Realm who has had firsthand experience with him.
Perseus: But he has no physical body anymore, how can we contact him from
                          here in the Astral Realm?

Maaya: We can reach him through our Eternity; the Afterlife. But we need a sort
      of amplifier to reach that far and you are it. We can give him his body
back, however, he will only be able to use it here on Elvendia. On Earth he is still
                     banned from the Mortal Realm by Chaos.

                      Perseus: I see, so when do we start?
Maaya glanced at her parents who gave her their approval. She placed her
hands on his face and stroked it. He felt his cold skin begin to warm up again as
 his blood returned. When his blood began to pump again he felt a new power
 awaken inside him; his latent godly blood rushed to the surface. Maaya pulled
    her hands off his face and shielded her eyes as Perseus erupted with a
  blinding, yellow light that lit up the entire throne chamber. The power of his
              transformation nearly blew everyone off their feet…
Maaya: What in the gods’ names?

              Aeridane: By the gods…Maaya what have you done?

  Adahy: My children; relax and be at ease. It is alright. We have all just been
 witness to the birth of a new god. Perseus has the blood of Diamos in him and
                       once Maaya touched that it erupted.

                       Perseus: What??!! I’m a god now?


     He suddenly saw everything in a new light; his mind soared over incredible
    distances and he could feel every single mortal life down on the planet; small
little beacons blinking and twinkling merrily. He could hear their thoughts and see
the dreams of the ones who were sleeping. It all hit him at once and he could not
stop the overload. Perseus was overwhelmed by everything and the last thing he
            remembered was seeing the floor rush up to meet his face.

                          End of Entry Forty-Three. 
This idea comes from my NaNo, Shadow Sealer. I had thought about finding a way to make
things more interesting for the upcoming final battle with Xylen. Of course, the tenth heir will
still be the one to fight him; but I think this little surprise addition of characters that have only
 been mentioned casually in this legacy so far will make it even better. Now for some name

 Virgil: Son of Joxer and Meg (Xena clone). He appears in the fifth/sixth seasons of
Xena after they are awakened from their 25 year “cryogenic sleep” that Ares put Xena
and Gabrielle in when he thought the gods had killed them after Xena had gained the
                                 power to kill gods.

  Eve: The name of Xena’s daughter who made it possible for her to kill gods. Solan
told Xena to name his sister Eve after she visited him the Underworld when she found
           out he was not in the Elysian Fields like she had thought he was.

   Ephiny: An Amazon warrior who married the centaur prince Phantes and had a
 son, Xenon. Named after Xena who helped Ephiny give birth to him in the season 1

Borias: Xena’s lover and father of her son Solan. Killed by his own men before Solan
                                      was born.

                             Alcmene: Hercules’s mortal mother.

  Evander: Son of Ares and Nemesis, has the power to make anything he imagines
                        become real as well as telekinesis.

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The Quest for Peace: Chapter 4.75

  • 1.
  • 2. Last time, Reias, Solan, Hex, and the Adriels fought against Xylen and his Dark Triad and won. Xylen managed to escape with Pellas but in the process, he lost all three of his Dark Triad pieces. In the aftermath of the battle, feelings between Dalen and Aiden got heated when they had taken refuge in an old hunting cabin in the woods of Hidden City. Dalen was trying to make amends with his son even though Aiden was still feeling betrayed by him. Atalanta had found out where Ilea was and that she was in the temple of Thanatos. The first of generation eight was born to Ilea and Thanatos, a pale skinned, dark haired, blue-eyed baby boy that his father had named Virgil. While Thanatos was satisfied with his first born son, Ilea had asked for another child. Elsewhere, more members of generation eight began to pop up…
  • 3. Diamos had brought Minos into the Astral Realm, he had to explain to the young man what it would mean for him to marry his daughter. Diamos: Do you know why you’re here Minos? Minos: Not exactly… Diamos: Do you want to marry my daughter? Minos: Yes, more than anything in the world.
  • 4. Diamos: I see. Then you must be aware of what that will mean for you and how it forever change your life from this point on. Minos: What will it mean? Do I have to die or something? Diamos: No, but we should discuss this inside with Seiya present, if you don’t mind. Minos: No, I don’t mind.
  • 5. Minos: Wanna run that by me again? Seiya: It’s just what it sounds like Min, to be with me you would have to give up your mortality and become a god like us. It’s the only way that you can still see your family and be with me at the same time. Minos: Become a god…I had never thought about that once in my entire life. Are you sure you can just go around making gods without some sort of consequences? Seiya: There was, I mean when Dalen and Talia were still on Xylen’s side. But all gods have their own ambrosia to use. And my father is no exception.
  • 6. Part of him wanted to jump on the chance to become a god, it made sense to him after all, his grandfather was now a god but he had been a half god before he was born. Another part of him worried that godhood would make him a target for Xylen. He carried the power of his grandmother’s world with him as well as that of his own. Wouldn’t using that to become a god be like disturbing a hornet’s nest? He loved Seiya, he knew that without a doubt and he wanted to marry her and start a family. But is the cost of that too high?
  • 7. Minos: I’ll have to think about that. Do you mind if I take some time? Seiya: Of course not honey, take all you need. We will be here whenever you decide. Diamos: You don’t have to choose right now, Seiya is right, take some time to think about it. I will not force you if you’re not ready. Minos: I appreciate that. Thank you.
  • 8. Diamos: Besides, don’t you two have a wedding to plan anyway? There’s no reason why you can’t get married now while you think it over Minos. I would really like to see everyone again. I believe I can manage to have them here for it, it’ll be a challenge but I can swing it. Seiya: Really? You can do that daddy? Diamos: Yes, but only for a short time. Some of the guests such as your grandmother and parents, Minos, may find it difficult to be here for a long period of time.
  • 9. Minos: What’s it like to be a god? Seiya: What’s it like? Actually I was born one so I’ve never known anything but it. At times it can be fun, you can go wherever you want, take on all sorts of forms and things, and you can be in several places at once. It’s kinda cool actually. Minos: Do you like, hear all sorts of things all at once? Like a cacophony of sounds and noises all hitting you at once? Seiya: Sometimes, if you have a temple or followers who pray to you. It can overwhelm you if you’re not prepared for it.
  • 10. Minos: Do you have a temple and followers? Seiya: No, only my parents did. I never did. Minos: No one has ever offered me godhood and immortality before, I honestly don’t know what to do with the offer. Something like that is bound to have its drawbacks and I am not sure I could handle it. I kinda got used to the fact that my life was limited. Seiya: It can have drawbacks, if you were part of the main pantheon for sure. You don’t know how much you truly influence the mortals if you’re part of the main pantheon, until you look at it from outside.
  • 11. Diamos was right when he said it would be difficult to have everyone here in the Astral Realm. He only saw Bell and his uncle Xenon, Ilea wasn’t here, nor was Aeson. But his parents and grandparents were and that made him feel better.
  • 12. When he saw his bride to be, all his anxieties came rushing back. She looked simply stunning. The air around them seemed to dance and flow along with their feelings, he swore he could hear singing somewhere that wasn’t from the stereo. But he put it aside and paid attention to the beautiful woman in front of him.
  • 13.
  • 14. Icarus: Nice party Dee, very nice. Diamos: Thank you. She looks so beautiful doesn’t she? Icarus: Reminds me of Cammy back on our wedding day.
  • 15. Aegina: Lucky you for having such a nice party for your wedding. I couldn’t wait to marry Eddie so we just rushed into it. Ambrosia: I hope you can come to my wedding Seiya. Seiya: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  • 16. Minos: Why would you want to rush such an important thing Gina? Aegina: I am impatient. Bell: Best not to question the women Min; might be bad for you later on. Aegina: So will you be having kids soon? I can’t tell you how excited we were when I gave birth to twins.
  • 17. Seiya: You had twins? Aegina: Oh yes, a boy and a girl. Eddie was so shocked he nearly fell over. Minos: What are their names?
  • 18. Aegina: I have a boy and a girl, we called our son Borias and our daughter Ephiny. They are so cute. Borias has blond hair and blue eyes. Though little Ephiny may have darker hair, we can’t really tell. Bell: Yeah I know what you mean. Keiko and I have our own little bundle of joy now.
  • 19. Bell: She has mom’s red hair, my little Alcmene. She has dad’s eyes too. Feels kinda strange being a father though, I wonder if I’d be any good at it. Aegina: I think you’ll be great at it Bell. Bell: Well thanks. Let’s hope I can live up to that expectation.
  • 20. Always trust triple-bolt stalkers to give a Roof Raiser party every time… Solan: Our grandson is married Ginny. Can you believe it? Ginny: Oh I feel so old now. Solan: You look the same as you did the day I married you. Beautiful. Ginny: Flatterer. Solan: I prefer Romantic, but that’s good too.
  • 21. Ginny: I love you so much Solan. Solan: And I love you more Ginny. Ginny: How about one of these days you tell my how it is that I am still young and we’re grandparents. Solan: I am a god lover, I can do anything I want. And that includes keeping you safe and young. Ginny: You made me immortal? Solan simply smiled.
  • 22. It didn’t seem real to Atalanta; the fact that she was here had to be a dream. She knew where Ilea had been this whole time but she figured she would never see her daughter in person. There she stood, her baby girl, her heiress. Atalanta: Ilea…you’re really here. Ilea: Yes, mom I am. Really. I had to see you. Atalanta: Are you alright? Ilea: I’m fine mom.
  • 23. She met her son-in-law inside the house, apparently he preferred not being outside in the sun. And judging from his pale, almost pure white skin, he never had seen any sunlight. He gave the saying ‘deathly pale’ a real meaning. Atalanta knew he was Thanatos, the personification of death and she thought that when she met him, she’d be overwhelmed with a sense of dread and fear; but in truth he looked rather lonely. Whenever Ilea would come into the room she would see his face light up; and then she knew. He really loved her daughter and she made him happy. If Ilea was happy then she could forgive him for keeping her away for so long.
  • 24. Atalanta: Welcome to the family son. Thanatos: This is not what I was expecting from a mortal. Atalanta: You obviously have not met many mortals like me then. Thanatos: No I have not. You would be right about that.
  • 25. Ilea: You see? I told you my mom wouldn’t hate you. She likes you. Thanatos: Alright my love; you were correct. I was wrong. Ilea: Next time, let’s bring the kids. I know they would love to meet their grandchildren. Thanatos: As you wish my love.
  • 26. Iolaus still could not believe he was seeing the God of Death smiling and holding on to his child. Where he came from, Thanatos was hated and reviled by the mortals and being touched by him meant instant death. But here stood his daughter, alive and well, and with no signs of being drained of her life force. Iolaus had to figure that the stories about Thanatos were greatly exaggerated. Or maybe this Thanatos was different from the one he knew back in Ancient Greece.
  • 27. Aegina: It’s nice to finally meet you brother. I’ve never had a brother before. My name is Aegina; Ilea’s little sister. Thanatos: Yes, I can see the resemblance. I am pleased that you do not fear me either. Aegina: My sister loves you and she would never give her love to someone she never thought was worthy of it. Thanatos: Thank you.
  • 28. Aegina: You look confused. Thanatos: I am, I came here expecting to be received with hostility and not at all like a member of the family. I was the one who told her she could not see you while she was pregnant. Aegina: I guess you really don’t know much about us modern mortals do you? Hidden City is about being tolerant of those who are different because this city is filled with half gods and they all have unique powers from their parents. Thanatos: So you are not angry at me for keeping her away from you? Aegina: At first we were, but when we saw how happy your guys were we began to accept it.
  • 29. Aegina: You did it to protect her. Our family’s guardian Reias told us how difficult it is for you death gods to have living children. He was born on Olympus because his father is Hades. If he had been born in the Underworld he would have died at birth along with his mother Persephone. Thanatos: I was no aware of that…if I was I would never have kept her from you. I would have told you where she was. Aegina: We have a saying, ‘Live and Learn.’ Now you know.
  • 30. Ilea: You’re Roxie right? Solan’s mom? Roxie: Yes. I am also Eddie’s older sister. Ilea: Were you ever afraid that Solan would die at birth? Roxie: You mean because of who his father and grandfather are? Yes, I was afraid that he would die at birth. But as you know it’s possible to have a living child with a father who is directly tied to death. However, I think Thanatos may be slightly different than Reias in that regard.
  • 31. Ilea: We should be getting back to the temple, I’m sure Morpheus would like a break from babysitting. Iolaus: Alright, don’t be a stranger baby girl. Bring the kids by some time. Ilea: We will. Don’t worry daddy. Iolaus: Be safe.
  • 32. Thanatos was getting concerned about her, before she had left with him to see her parents she had just recently given birth to their second child. A baby girl with her father’s skin, mother’s eyes and blond hair. Little Eve was not that much younger than her big brother Virgil whose birthday was coming up soon.
  • 33. His son Virgil grew up well but as soon as he did, he began to fuss uncontrollably. Thanatos was worried that something might be wrong so he took him upstairs to change his diaper and dress him in the new clothing that Ilea had purchased for him.
  • 34. As it turned out, it was not a dirty diaper; the little boy had been born with a beautiful set of raven-black wings that were hurting him because they were trapped in under his shirt. Once Thanatos had torn a slot in the clothing for his wings, Virgil’s crying stopped. Virgil Reed Gemini 6/7/9/3/1 Little devil… >_< Adorable though.
  • 35. Over at Bell’s place, another little one was about the join the terrible twos. Bell: So did you hear? Your cousin Virgil has wings just like your daddy Alcmene. Isn’t that great? Alcmene: *burbles* Bell: Someone’s birthday is tonight isn’t it?
  • 36. Bell had the honour of tossing the baby. She didn’t have the wings like her father did, which disappointed him but she had her grandmother’s hair. Alcmene Morana Gemini 0/10/9/5/1 You can tell her grandmother is the Streaker, or as good a copy as I could make for an NPC like that. But why so mean?? >_< Good to see Bliss’s brown eyes live on though.
  • 37. For this generation, it was nice to see that everyone was so close in age. Even Aegina and Eddie could not believe their twins were already growing up. This generation had a good mix of their parents.
  • 38. Borias had an adorable head of peach fuzz and Ephiny took after her mother. Borias Reed Ephiny Reed Leo Aries 6/10/5/4/5 6/8/5/3/8 At least I will not be completely surrounded by mean outgoing pranksters this generation. ^_^
  • 39. Elsewhere, over at Ambrosia and Castor’s place, their son Evander was about to join his cousins in the wonderful world of toddlerhood. Evander Nova Aries 4/8/6/5/6 I knew he’d be so cute coming from these two. It’s nice to have one child each that have one of every hair colour: blond, brown, black, and red hair this time. Variety is nice. ^_^ Though I think somehow Ephiny ended up with custom hair, probably from recreating Aegina in CAS…
  • 40. Part B: While things were moving along smoothly for most of generation eight, there is one still for whom time has stopped. His world was shattered when Xylen went on his killing spree of everyone he could get to using the blood of Reias, the last remaining member of his generation. He chose to stay with his family rather than get to know any of his sister’s children he had thought that his little world was just perfect…until he saw them all die. He was spared by some miraculous twist of fate and friends from another star…
  • 41. Count Helios: Why do you want join our legion of darkness young one? Perseus: I saw my grandfather die…and I never want to go through that myself. Count Helios: So you wish to become one of the Undead? Perseus: Yes…please. Dark High Witch: And you also desire to protect yourself with magic? Perseus: Yes.
  • 42. Count Helios: Welcome to the dark side, Perseus Reed, use your new found immortality well.
  • 43. Perseus: This is perfect!! The Expello Mortis spell will really help me protect the ones I love from ever dying…
  • 44. Steph: I love supernaturals…did I ever tell you that? Perseus: N—No…but I am a warlock and a vampire. Steph: You’re adorable when you stutter. Perseus: *blushes furiously*
  • 45. Perseus: I can’t believe you agreed to marry me!! Steph: I love you idiot; of course I would agree. Perseus: This is the best day of my life.
  • 46. Perseus: You want me to what? Diamos: I am asking you if you would agree to host my essence in the Mortal Realm. I have no physical form there anymore and I have to save Reias from Chaos…
  • 47. Perseus: Quadruplets…I can’t believe this…I’ve never been so happy. Steph: That’s it, no more, five is more than enough. Perseus: Yes dear.
  • 48. Aeridane: Very well mother; I shall go to Earth and be their Sun God until Apollo has been found. Ani-Mei: Thank you my child. This is of the greatest importance to the future of the Quest. I am proud of you.
  • 49. Reias: You don’t understand; it’s you we need back, not your powers. Diamos: I can’t come back; you know that old friend. But at least I can save you from Chaos while I am here.
  • 50. Ani-Mei: I see so you brought Perseus here with you Aeridane. Aeridane: He really has no one else left there. He never knew any of his nieces and nephews and he is all alone. His sisters are gone, and I was worried about his mental state if he were left back on Earth. He has truly become my best friend.
  • 51. Adahy: I see. But you do know that here on Elvendia we do not have such a thing as a vampire. And there is no telling what kind of effect that will have on him. Ani-Mei: That is a problem. He fears death so much it would be wrong to take away his protection from it. Adahy: I am at a loss as to what to do with him.
  • 52. Maaya: Great Father if I may offer a suggestion? Adahy: Yes? Maaya: As Goddess of the Moon all creatures of the night are under my jurisdiction and I can remove his vampiric nature and still allow him to keep his immortality intact. Adahy: What do you suggest dear daughter?
  • 53. Maaya: I can turn him into one of my Night Dancers. He will not be allowed to go to the surface of the planet however, his undeniable power of attraction will make far too much trouble for the mortals. As such I do not allow more than five to exist at once. I have only other Night Dancer at my command; far too many wars have been fought over my Night Dancers. Adahy: That is an excellent idea.
  • 54. Araka: Ah yes, those wars over her Night Dancers were some of my best works; bloody and violent, just how I like them. Aeridane: Only the Goddess of War would revel in the loss of innocent lives. Ani-Mei: Araka…there will be NO wars started over Perseus. Do you understand me? Araka: Fine…ruin my fun mother.
  • 55. Ishea: Sister, are you sure about this? He is not an Elvendian there is no telling what may happen if you change him into a Night Dancer. Perseus: I’d like to try it. What do I have to do? Maaya: Nothing. All I do is touch you and remove your vampiric nature. It will not hurt. Perseus: Alright.
  • 56. Perseus listened to them discuss his future here on Allocarre. They had asked him to do something else while he was here as well, but that made him more nervous that losing his vampiric nature. He was still not sure that he could do it. It would be chance to help the Quest when the final battle with Xylen came. He wanted to have a purpose here on Allocarre, to contribute in some way.
  • 57. Maaya: My Lady Mother has found a purpose for you on Allocarre. I think you will like what she has in store. Perseus: What is it? Maaya: We received a message about two weeks ago from Terrenon, the message has asked for Diamos. As you know, Chaos was severely weakened when Reias broke apart his Dark Triad. Terrenon is where he will go to recharge and prepare for the final battle and his revenge on your family. We need someone who can contact him in the Astral Realm who has had firsthand experience with him.
  • 58. Perseus: But he has no physical body anymore, how can we contact him from here in the Astral Realm? Maaya: We can reach him through our Eternity; the Afterlife. But we need a sort of amplifier to reach that far and you are it. We can give him his body back, however, he will only be able to use it here on Elvendia. On Earth he is still banned from the Mortal Realm by Chaos. Perseus: I see, so when do we start?
  • 59. Maaya glanced at her parents who gave her their approval. She placed her hands on his face and stroked it. He felt his cold skin begin to warm up again as his blood returned. When his blood began to pump again he felt a new power awaken inside him; his latent godly blood rushed to the surface. Maaya pulled her hands off his face and shielded her eyes as Perseus erupted with a blinding, yellow light that lit up the entire throne chamber. The power of his transformation nearly blew everyone off their feet…
  • 60. Maaya: What in the gods’ names? Aeridane: By the gods…Maaya what have you done? Adahy: My children; relax and be at ease. It is alright. We have all just been witness to the birth of a new god. Perseus has the blood of Diamos in him and once Maaya touched that it erupted. Perseus: What??!! I’m a god now? ****** He suddenly saw everything in a new light; his mind soared over incredible distances and he could feel every single mortal life down on the planet; small little beacons blinking and twinkling merrily. He could hear their thoughts and see the dreams of the ones who were sleeping. It all hit him at once and he could not stop the overload. Perseus was overwhelmed by everything and the last thing he remembered was seeing the floor rush up to meet his face. End of Entry Forty-Three. 
  • 61. This idea comes from my NaNo, Shadow Sealer. I had thought about finding a way to make things more interesting for the upcoming final battle with Xylen. Of course, the tenth heir will still be the one to fight him; but I think this little surprise addition of characters that have only been mentioned casually in this legacy so far will make it even better. Now for some name origins: Virgil: Son of Joxer and Meg (Xena clone). He appears in the fifth/sixth seasons of Xena after they are awakened from their 25 year “cryogenic sleep” that Ares put Xena and Gabrielle in when he thought the gods had killed them after Xena had gained the power to kill gods. Eve: The name of Xena’s daughter who made it possible for her to kill gods. Solan told Xena to name his sister Eve after she visited him the Underworld when she found out he was not in the Elysian Fields like she had thought he was. Ephiny: An Amazon warrior who married the centaur prince Phantes and had a son, Xenon. Named after Xena who helped Ephiny give birth to him in the season 1 finale. Borias: Xena’s lover and father of her son Solan. Killed by his own men before Solan was born. Alcmene: Hercules’s mortal mother. Evander: Son of Ares and Nemesis, has the power to make anything he imagines become real as well as telekinesis.