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Romancing the Apocalypse Ch. 10 – Something More
                                (Gen 3 - Jake and Mel start their life together. What happens when love may not be enough?)

Welcome back to Romancing the Apocalypse! Episode 9 ended with Melissa Fancey in a panic after her acceptance of Jake's marriage proposal. Will she be
able to overcome her misgivings for marriage and having children? After growing up around parents devoted to each other, will Jake be able to accept
anything less for Mel and himself?

The Apocalypse Challenge can be found at

I'll begin my story when Mel introduced herself at my house on campus.
I had kept a pretty low profile at college. Digging for treasure, classes, and studying took up most of my time, unlike my sister who only came home to
prepare for class, then she was out on yet another date.
"Jake, right? I'm Mel."
"I haven't seen you around here before."
"I met Sullivan...your grandfather, right?...downtown awhile back. He told me about you."
"So you don't go to school here?"
"No, actually, I want to be a Celebrity Chef some day."
I didn't know what to say. My first thought was, Good lift. But it wasn't what we needed.
"Um Jake...could we go inside? It's freezing out here."
There was something about her that made it impossible for me to refuse. "Sorry, come on in."
It was fun to finally be seeing girls. It wasn't love at first sight, but there was something...captivating about Mel. And she could really light up that dingy little
room with her smile.
After all those semesters on my own, I was finally seeing some action and guess who was hovering? After her blow-up with Dad, I didn't have the heart to tell
Ciel to beat it. Then she got this crazy idea and had one last marathon dating session that lasted for days. Yes!...the house was all mine again.
Not that Mel was the only one. It was kind of hard to ignore Ivy when she was busting in all the time.

Then the course of my life changed forever: they had found a Mad Scientist, a female Mad Scientist, which meant I was the heir.

How did I feel about that? I was shocked, and not exactly thrilled. Haley and I had always assumed Ciel was a shoo-in. Over time I got used to the idea, but I
was going to do whatever I pleased before I graduated and the obligations began.
Sometimes Mel would get a distant look in her eyes. On one hand I was curious, and on the other I thought it wouldn't be much longer before I would be
living with the Mad Scientist, so why bother?
Just a few days before graduation, I fell in love with her. I didn't tell her because...well, what was the use? I wouldn't be seeing her after I graduated anyway.

And then came the shocking news that Mel was the Mad Scientist.

I am not a nice person. Of course I was upset on some level, but I was also just so relieved that I wouldn't be facing a future with a total stranger.

My parents were devoted to each other, and their marriage was arranged. I couldn't believe that it could be the same for me and Mel. I told myself I was
going to try to be understanding, try to be...nicer, so I cut her some slack for not telling me the whole truth.
Then I proposed.

All my hopes. All my optimism. All my good intentions. All my stupid, naive, romantic visions of our future. All went flying out the window and were
consumed by that bright red ring...
I felt like I had been punched in the gut. It was all I could do to keep from confronting her right away, but I heard the desperation in her voice when she said
she needed time alone.
It didn't take long for my patience to run out, and I practically pounced on her the following morning.
"Okay, I've given you 'time to take this all in.' What was all that last night?"
"I don't know where to begin..."
"C'mon, Mel, say it. Why didn't you just say no if you didn't want to?"
"I meant it when I said I was falling for you too, Jake. It isn't's me."
"Classic line when you don't want to commit."
"But it is me...and marriage. I'm a...a..."
"I said just say it. Or are you playing games after all?"
"I'm not! I'm a...Romance sim. I couldn't help my reaction when I said yes."
"So you moved in knowing you wouldn't want to settle down. What were you thinking?"
"I know exactly what you and everyone else were thinking. 'Mad Scientist for the move outs.' I told you no one asks Melissa Fancey to move in except for her

"Then why did you move in?"

"I like your family, but I'm under no illusion... I was used for the career lift. And I guess I used your family to get what I want, too."

"What's that? Woo-hoo every guy in the neighborhood? I hate to break the news to you, but they're just about all taken."

"That's unfair! I told you, my dream is to be a Celebrity Chef."

"Fine, I told you to go for your dream job."
"I suppose you have an aversion to having kids, too?"
"I...don't know. And even if I do eventually, you'll get your kids. I knew what I was signing up for."
"Signing up for? How heartwarming. I wish I had known."
"Jake, I'm sorry, I can't help what I am. But you said we were good together..."
"That was before."
"...and I think maybe we can be, too. But I also know you are in no frame of mind right now to be open to that possibility."
"I've pretty much kissed that notion goodbye."
"You're right, I'm not in the mood for this. Don't you have some studying to do?"
I left Mel to her studies, and wished my job was more than one day a week.
I sought out Ciel. Giving her a good ribbing was always good for a little diversion.
"What on earth are you doing, sis?"
"Geez, a little privacy, please?"
"Ah, sorry..."
"Wait! You, um, seem to have a flair for these things. Whad'ya think?"
"For what?"
"You know...a wedding."
"Duh. Unless you and Mel..."
"No, we decided we're...uh...not in any rush."
"So whad'ya think? For a bride, I mean."
"It could be better."

"Are you kidding? The dress was an Apocalypse crapshoot, it doesn't get any better than this."

"Not the dress, dip. Your hair."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's not very...bridelike."

"Yes, bridelike would be nice. You got any bright ideas?"
"I'm loaded with 'em."

"Okay, but no fooling around."

"Oh, the possibilities..."

"I'm serious, Jake."
"Whad'ya think?"

"Well, it is bridelike, but..."

"No likey?"

"Umm...not really?"

"Heheh, I'm just joshin' ya. How about this one...?"
"The gift to you. A nice touch, yes?"

"Jakey! You're a genius!"
It wasn't long before Ciel told us she was moving out.

"Can you believe it, Jake? I'm actually gonna miss you."


"That's it?"


"Be that way. It's not gonna stop me from giving you a little something to remember me by, though."
"What'd I say?"
"Wow, Mom, congrats on the new job and your novel."

"Thanks, honey. It feels so good to be busy again. Not that you kids didn't keep me hopping."

"I bet. Well *sniff*, I guess this is goodbye."

"Give Nemo my best. And I'm available anytime for babysitting...."

"Mom! Don't rush."

"Oh, I'm not rushing you, honey. You just go and enjoy your new life."

"Thanks, Mom. And thanks for always supporting means a lot. *sniff* "

" *sniff* Oh, and I was doing so well. *sniff* Now go on before you really get me going."
"What's this? I can't have my sky girl getting all mushy on us."

"Hehe, stop!"
"Make your dad happy and keep in touch, all right?"

"I will. *sniff* Bye, Dad."
Our childhood together was mostly arguing and noogies, but when the moment came for Ciel to actually leave our home for good, this memory was what
popped into my head. She may have been my arch nemesis growing up, but besides Mom, she was also the one I felt closest to.
I caught her just as her taxi arrived.
"I uh...what I mean is..."
"I know you will."
" one thing for me?"
"Do I feel a setup coming on?"
"No, no joking. thankful you got to choose."
"I am, Jake. Is everything...?"
It was tempting, but in the end, I decided I didn't want to burden her with my problems just as she was starting her new, hopefully happy life.
"Everything's fine. Go on, you don't wanna miss your ride."
"Okay, if you're sure. Bye, Jake. Call if you ever wanna talk."
And then she sprinted down the stairs, humming a little tune.
'And I'd like to tell you more but I've got to rush
I still love the guy with a school girl crush
Nemo Nemo Nemo Honey
Nemo Nemo Nemo'

**A little name substitution in Jonathan Richman's song "Reno"
"The new face of Ghostbusters... I like."

"Ha, this was Lorin's idea. I don't know why we can't take our clothes with us when we move out."

"Wanna go shopping?"

"Heck yeah. But first..."
"I gotta try out these stairs."
And now for a little simself diversion...

"So Nemo, I have to say, Desert Rose is my favorite safehouse aesthetically. But for practicality, I think White Radiance is still the best. You just can't beat
that lower platform for versatility."
Nemo: "Hey Lor, nobody takes more liberties than I do when it comes to how I treat simselves, but even I would think twice before I showed Maxi like this."

Me: "Wha...?"
"...Crap, I'm toast."

*ducks for cover*
Ooh, being a part of the welcome wagon is so fun!
"I hope you don't mind that I moved you out in your Exorcist outfit. It's always been one of my favorites."

"I don't know when I'll possibly wear it, but no biggie... I can go shopping now!"

And speaking of shopping, my simself better do some herself. I love this H&M outfit, and on a skinny body it looks great, but eek, I'm looking a little too much like
the refrigerator repairman in it for my liking.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled Apocalypse...
We put our hopes of lifting the final pet restriction, Security, onto lovely Tiffany.
Dad found her one night after he returned home from work and relentlessly showered her with attention until she couldn't say no to adoption.

*meowww* he hottie
I found out just how patient Gramma could be, since training the little ditz took hours.


*meowww?* where hottie?

"Stor, Tiffany!"
Still, we were proud that she managed to get promoted twice.

In the end, all the training and sacrificing of food were for nothing. On the first workday after her second promotion, she couldn't figure out how to use the
scratching post or her bed which were right next to her as she lay on the cold metal floor. She was so unhappy, she refused to go to work.

Mom said she'd take care of it.
"Kennedy, it's lovely to see you. I'm so sorry things didn't work out with Ciel."

"To tell the truth, I was more attracted to you than either of your girls."

"Oh dear. I'm flattered, but Corey is my one true love. I'm sorry, but I have nothing to offer you. I hope you understand."

"A guy can only hope. Are you sure there's nothing?"

"Well, I do have something to give, but I must warn you..."

"'ll have to potty train her."

Lorin here: Kate did promise Maxi she would be the next recipient of a cat, but after Maxi's earlier appearance, I couldn't add insult to injury and give her the
incredibly dimwitted Tiffany.
Then there was the rather handsome but clueless Moonshine. He couldn't be bothered with catching the carpool his first day on the job.

It seemed our neighborhood had run out of feline geniuses.
As Mel worked her way up Culinary, I became obsessed with getting my gold styling badge. Dad humored me and let me get more practice in. No badge
"I feel nostalgic, Nemo. This is going to be our last game at this table."

"Yeah, we're both moving on. It's a good thing, Kate."

"You tell that daughter of mine to call me. She's just as bad now as when she was in college."

"I will. Stop by anytime, I know your old boy would like to see you."
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I couldn't ask for a better friend *sniff*."

"Me too, Kate, me too."
The rest of the family was getting ready move out, and truthfully, I was ready to be on my own.

"You sure you don't need anyone to stay and help with anything? I've got this cat adoption thing down to a science."

"Nah, Mel and I can handle it. I gotta have something to do on my days off."

"Enjoy it while you can. Once the kids start coming..."

"Uh yeah. Isn't Mom waiting for you?"
Mom had moved out a little earlier to go house hunting, and Dad was right behind her.

Lorin here: I was going to have Corey stay until he adopted another cat (vampire + stray + night = easy adoption), but when I moved out Kate first, he cried, so I
had him follow right after her. The move outs were not easy for me. I've been playing these Sims in this house for over nine months, and it's strange not to play
them anymore. Well, I am still playing them, but it's not the same.
"Are you sure you and Vampa don't want to stay? I feel funny, it is your house."

"No Jake, maybe after the Apocalypse we'll come back. But for now it's yours. We're ready to go and take life a little easy for a change, maybe go on a
vacation soon. And I have lots of friends I need to catch up with. So don't you worry about us."

"Nobody trains cats better than you."

"You'll be surprised how well your kids will do in that regard. Oh dear, look at the time, it'll be dark soon. We're rather anxious to be on our way."

"I'm glad we got to know each other a little, Gramma."

"Me too, Jake. You kids really brighten my days."
When Gramma Ei and Vampa moved out a short time later, it really was just Mel and me.
My dream has come true, and I owe it all to Jake. Hmm, now what do I want? Oh no...put those thoughts right out of your head, Melissa. Get a good night's sleep,
tomorrow is a new day...
"That feels heavenly, Mel."

"I am just so happy, it's the least I can do. I can't thank you enough, Jake."

We hadn't interacted much since the morning after our engagement. It turned out to be a good thing, for the sting of her reaction to my proposal had
lessened a little over time.
It was a good day for us. We dated and played...
...and styled. But still no gold badge.

"Now that's what I think an Ecological Guru should look like."

"I think you're right on, Mel."
And that night she thanked me properly.
Having things good between us again felt too new, too strange, for me to sleep. I couldn't help thinking we were hanging on by the finest of threads.
Ciel called for the first time since moving out.

"We got engaged! I am so happy!"

"Good for you, sis, really. When's the big day?"

"Not sure yet, but...umm...soon, real soon. I'll let you know when I know."

And that wasn't the only news she had.

"We spent the day in town, and you wouldn't believe how everything is growing. It was all around us...the trees and grass and flowers... It was the most
beautiful day ever."

"I'll have to go see for myself. The ground's still too frozen for anything to grow here."

"Bummer. But yes, do go see for yourself. Well, I gotta go. Say hi to Mel for me."
"Jake, you have surpassed yourself. This salad is delicious."

"Coming from Miss Celebrity Chef herself, that's a real compliment. By the way, Ciel called. She and Nemo got engaged. You know she's gonna want us to
go to the wedding."

"I...okay, I'll go with you. Maybe going to her wedding will be good for me. I like Ciel."

I was trying, and it was good to know Mel was, too.
I decided it was time to redecorate the upstairs rec room. I loved my job and felt proud of my accomplishments, and I wanted the room to reflect that.
Besides, there would be nothing I could plant outside until this eternal winter was over.
I redecorated the bedroom too. The Jumbok statue inspired a jungle theme.
We couldn't move the coffins yet, but I didn't want to stare at them everyday either. They became part of the, shall we say, master bathroom?
"Wow, Mel, you're pregnant. You look good."

"Hmmm? Uh, yeah...I just found out this morning. Huh, Sake boy?"

"Jake must be pretty excited."

"I'm sure he is."

"Ee-yah... Are you and Jake okay?"

"Yeah, sure, we're fine. Look, I just stopped by to say hi. I better go..."

"Just a sec! Nemo and I are getting married tomorrow night. Can you tell Jake? I'd really like both of you to be there."

"Sure, I'll tell him. Now I really must be going. Good kitty kitty kitty."

"Thanks for stopping by. Take it easy, Mel."
It so happened that Ciel called and invited us to the wedding on the only day of the week that I was at work, so Mel and I wouldn't be going together after all.
When I returned from work the following morning, that thin little thread had snapped.

"How could you, Jake? I had to go to the wedding all by myself. You know that wasn't easy for me... I really needed you. I tried to call you all freaking day and
you wouldn't answer."

"And just where would I keep a cell phone? I'm open to suggestions."

"Not funny, Jake. When the baby comes, you're going to have to quit your job."

"Oh, no no no. I like my job, and I can still take care of the kid most of the time."

"But I have to go to work that day too!"

"I'm not quitting, Mel."

"Well, I'm not quitting either!"
"Let's not argue, Mel. We'll figure it out when the baby arrives, okay?"

"I don't want to argue either."

"So will you tell me about the wedding?"

"Not a chance."
"Mom, it's good to see you."

"As if I could stay away. I'm so happy I'm going to be a grandma."
"Jake, how could you miss your sister's wedding?"

"I couldn't help it, Mom. I was already at work when she called and invited us."

"Well, you missed something really special."

"So tell me about it."

"Didn't Mel?"

"Mel's, uh, a little ticked that she had to go by herself. She won't tell me anything."

"It was beautiful, of course..."
"Haley and I showed up in the same dress, which was just looked like we were her bridesmaids. And it was a good thing Ciel had eyes only for Nemo,
so she didn't notice that your dad couldn't quite bring himself to watch the exchange of rings."
"Ciel told me you helped with her hair. The flowers were a beautiful touch, honey. I was just so happy and excited. I looked over at Melissa, and she looked
like she was going to be ill. I was hoping talking to her would help her feel better.

'Melissa, everything's beautiful, just beautiful, isn't it?'


'Melissa? Are you all right?'

'I...uh...need to get some air...'

She never did come back."
"Ciel and Nemo looked incredibly sweet together."
"After the ceremony, it was no surprise that Nemo and I hung out..."
"...while Ciel entertained your dad. It didn't take the four of us long to make the wedding party a Roof-Raiser. The only thing missing was cake."
"Eventually we went back to the house where we found Melissa and Haley. I almost panicked when I saw Mel scarfing down a bag of cookies. I didn't want
you guys to get in trouble for breaking Culinary, then I remembered how hungry I used to get when I was pregnant, and I just couldn't bring myself to say

"Don't worry, Mom, Mel has been meditating almost straight through. Those cookies definitely would've been the only meal for the day."
"Your dad was doing anything he could think of to avoid talking to Nemo."
"But they did finally exchange words. I couldn't hear much of their conversation, they kept it pretty low, but I heard snippets like 'drink' and 'helmet' and 'ever
call me Dad'."
"The time just flew by and your dad had to leave rather abruptly. Turned out it was probably a good thing..."
"...because I found out I was going to be a grandma twice in one night!"

"Aha, that's why Ciel wanted the wedding so soon..."

"Yeah, I don't think she could've fit into that beautiful dress even a few hours later."
"She crashed on the bed in exhaustion, and when she woke up long enough to say goodbye, she got her first bump right there! Nemo just looked on with
this goofy grin on his face.

And that, in a nutshell, was your sister's wedding."

"I really am sorry I missed it."

"You should be."
Mel gave birth to a boy we named Mark. He had Mel's nose, eyes and skintone, and no doubt my chin.
Mel was really struggling with the mommy thing.

"Hellooooo, Mark... Jake, what do I do now?"

"I don't know...try playing with him."
I gotta give her credit for trying, but Mark wasn't exactly helping matters.
"Uck, it stinks, I stink. I need a shower... I hate this."
"I can't read your mind, what do you want?"
"Mel, you gotta calm down, just relax a little."

"I can't calm down, the baby doesn't like me. I don't know what I'm doing."

"Neither do I. My sisters got to practice on me, but I was the baby so I don't have a clue."

"I'm just not any good at this, Jake."

"We're two smart people. We'll figure it out."

"I don't think so..."

"We'll talk about it when I get home from work..."
"WHAT?!!! You are not going to work. I'm going to work."

"Listen, it makes sense that I keep my job. You can't beat six days a week at home with the kids."

"I DON'T CARE! Get another job! I'm going to work today."

I'm not really sure, because I do love my job, but perhaps if Mel hadn't been screeching at me, if she had tried to talk reasonably, I might have considered
letting her have her way. But nuh-uh, no way, she wasn't going to demand that I quit. I had the trump card, and I didn't hesitate to play it.

"You can't win, Mel. I go at noon, you go at what, two? three o'clock?"

"....I HATE YOU!!!"
I'm out of control. Why, Jake? I want to love you, but you make me hate you... Why did you have to kill my dream? Wait, now I have another dream...and it won't
interfere with your precious job...
"Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to *sniff* quit. No, I love my job. It's obligations, new baby... I'll miss you guys too. *sniff* "
I hate him.
If it wasn't for the baby, I would have expected her to be long gone the next morning when I returned from work.

"I know it got ugly yesterday morning, but I am sorry you had to give up your job, Mel."

"It was timing, nothing more. You won. I lost. I would've done the same to keep my job."

"So where do we stand? Truce?"

"...All right."

She was freaking blowing my mind. I never in a million years thought she would be this calm and reasonable after yesterday's blow-up.

"Do you mind if I go out? Just for a little while, you know, I've been cooped up here alone with the baby. Just a little time to myself?"

I was so relieved I would have indulged her just about anything.

"Take all the time you need."
Come on, come on, someone, anyone...

"Hey, Melissa Fancey, where you been?"
"Well well, if it isn't Hunter Cho. All right, definitely looking good."

"Long time no see, Melissa. I almost forgot how you can light up a room."

"Only for you, Hunter. You have no idea how good it is to be back again..."

To be continued...

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Romancing the Apocalypse - Chapter 10

  • 1. Romancing the Apocalypse Ch. 10 – Something More (Gen 3 - Jake and Mel start their life together. What happens when love may not be enough?) Welcome back to Romancing the Apocalypse! Episode 9 ended with Melissa Fancey in a panic after her acceptance of Jake's marriage proposal. Will she be able to overcome her misgivings for marriage and having children? After growing up around parents devoted to each other, will Jake be able to accept anything less for Mel and himself? The Apocalypse Challenge can be found at (10/12/2008)
  • 2. I'll begin my story when Mel introduced herself at my house on campus. I had kept a pretty low profile at college. Digging for treasure, classes, and studying took up most of my time, unlike my sister who only came home to prepare for class, then she was out on yet another date. "Jake, right? I'm Mel." "I haven't seen you around here before." "I met Sullivan...your grandfather, right?...downtown awhile back. He told me about you." "So you don't go to school here?" "No, actually, I want to be a Celebrity Chef some day." I didn't know what to say. My first thought was, Good lift. But it wasn't what we needed. "Um Jake...could we go inside? It's freezing out here." There was something about her that made it impossible for me to refuse. "Sorry, come on in."
  • 3. It was fun to finally be seeing girls. It wasn't love at first sight, but there was something...captivating about Mel. And she could really light up that dingy little room with her smile.
  • 4. After all those semesters on my own, I was finally seeing some action and guess who was hovering? After her blow-up with Dad, I didn't have the heart to tell Ciel to beat it. Then she got this crazy idea and had one last marathon dating session that lasted for days. Yes!...the house was all mine again.
  • 5. Not that Mel was the only one. It was kind of hard to ignore Ivy when she was busting in all the time. Then the course of my life changed forever: they had found a Mad Scientist, a female Mad Scientist, which meant I was the heir. How did I feel about that? I was shocked, and not exactly thrilled. Haley and I had always assumed Ciel was a shoo-in. Over time I got used to the idea, but I was going to do whatever I pleased before I graduated and the obligations began.
  • 6. Sometimes Mel would get a distant look in her eyes. On one hand I was curious, and on the other I thought it wouldn't be much longer before I would be living with the Mad Scientist, so why bother?
  • 7. Just a few days before graduation, I fell in love with her. I didn't tell her because...well, what was the use? I wouldn't be seeing her after I graduated anyway. And then came the shocking news that Mel was the Mad Scientist. I am not a nice person. Of course I was upset on some level, but I was also just so relieved that I wouldn't be facing a future with a total stranger. My parents were devoted to each other, and their marriage was arranged. I couldn't believe that it could be the same for me and Mel. I told myself I was going to try to be understanding, try to be...nicer, so I cut her some slack for not telling me the whole truth.
  • 8. Then I proposed. All my hopes. All my optimism. All my good intentions. All my stupid, naive, romantic visions of our future. All went flying out the window and were consumed by that bright red ring...
  • 9. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. It was all I could do to keep from confronting her right away, but I heard the desperation in her voice when she said she needed time alone. It didn't take long for my patience to run out, and I practically pounced on her the following morning. "Okay, I've given you 'time to take this all in.' What was all that last night?" "I don't know where to begin..." "C'mon, Mel, say it. Why didn't you just say no if you didn't want to?" "I meant it when I said I was falling for you too, Jake. It isn't's me." "Classic line when you don't want to commit." "But it is me...and marriage. I'm a...a..." "I said just say it. Or are you playing games after all?" "I'm not! I'm a...Romance sim. I couldn't help my reaction when I said yes." "So you moved in knowing you wouldn't want to settle down. What were you thinking?"
  • 10. "I know exactly what you and everyone else were thinking. 'Mad Scientist for the move outs.' I told you no one asks Melissa Fancey to move in except for her career." "Then why did you move in?" "I like your family, but I'm under no illusion... I was used for the career lift. And I guess I used your family to get what I want, too." "What's that? Woo-hoo every guy in the neighborhood? I hate to break the news to you, but they're just about all taken." "That's unfair! I told you, my dream is to be a Celebrity Chef." "Fine, I told you to go for your dream job."
  • 11. "I suppose you have an aversion to having kids, too?" "I...don't know. And even if I do eventually, you'll get your kids. I knew what I was signing up for." "Signing up for? How heartwarming. I wish I had known." "Jake, I'm sorry, I can't help what I am. But you said we were good together..." "That was before." "...and I think maybe we can be, too. But I also know you are in no frame of mind right now to be open to that possibility." "I've pretty much kissed that notion goodbye." "Jake..." "You're right, I'm not in the mood for this. Don't you have some studying to do?" I left Mel to her studies, and wished my job was more than one day a week.
  • 12. I sought out Ciel. Giving her a good ribbing was always good for a little diversion. "What on earth are you doing, sis?" "Geez, a little privacy, please?" "Ah, sorry..." "Wait! You, um, seem to have a flair for these things. Whad'ya think?" "For what?" "You know...a wedding." "Yours?" "Duh. Unless you and Mel..." "No, we decided we're...uh...not in any rush." "So whad'ya think? For a bride, I mean."
  • 13. "It could be better." "Are you kidding? The dress was an Apocalypse crapshoot, it doesn't get any better than this." "Not the dress, dip. Your hair." "What's wrong with it?" "It's not very...bridelike." "Yes, bridelike would be nice. You got any bright ideas?"
  • 14. "I'm loaded with 'em." "Okay, but no fooling around." "Oh, the possibilities..." "I'm serious, Jake."
  • 15. "Whad'ya think?" "Well, it is bridelike, but..." "No likey?" "Umm...not really?" "Heheh, I'm just joshin' ya. How about this one...?"
  • 16. "The gift to you. A nice touch, yes?" "Jakey! You're a genius!"
  • 17. It wasn't long before Ciel told us she was moving out. "Can you believe it, Jake? I'm actually gonna miss you." "Meh." "That's it?" "Meh." "Be that way. It's not gonna stop me from giving you a little something to remember me by, though."
  • 19. "Wow, Mom, congrats on the new job and your novel." "Thanks, honey. It feels so good to be busy again. Not that you kids didn't keep me hopping." "I bet. Well *sniff*, I guess this is goodbye." "Give Nemo my best. And I'm available anytime for babysitting...." "Mom! Don't rush." "Oh, I'm not rushing you, honey. You just go and enjoy your new life." "Thanks, Mom. And thanks for always supporting means a lot. *sniff* " " *sniff* Oh, and I was doing so well. *sniff* Now go on before you really get me going."
  • 20. "What's this? I can't have my sky girl getting all mushy on us." "Hehe, stop!"
  • 21. "Make your dad happy and keep in touch, all right?" "I will. *sniff* Bye, Dad."
  • 22. Our childhood together was mostly arguing and noogies, but when the moment came for Ciel to actually leave our home for good, this memory was what popped into my head. She may have been my arch nemesis growing up, but besides Mom, she was also the one I felt closest to.
  • 23. I caught her just as her taxi arrived. "I uh...what I mean is..." "I know you will." " one thing for me?" "Do I feel a setup coming on?" "No, no joking. thankful you got to choose." "I am, Jake. Is everything...?" It was tempting, but in the end, I decided I didn't want to burden her with my problems just as she was starting her new, hopefully happy life. "Everything's fine. Go on, you don't wanna miss your ride." "Okay, if you're sure. Bye, Jake. Call if you ever wanna talk." And then she sprinted down the stairs, humming a little tune.
  • 24. 'And I'd like to tell you more but I've got to rush I still love the guy with a school girl crush Nemo Nemo Nemo Honey Nemo Nemo Nemo' **A little name substitution in Jonathan Richman's song "Reno"
  • 25. "The new face of Ghostbusters... I like." "Ha, this was Lorin's idea. I don't know why we can't take our clothes with us when we move out." "Wanna go shopping?" "Heck yeah. But first..."
  • 26. "I gotta try out these stairs."
  • 27. And now for a little simself diversion... "So Nemo, I have to say, Desert Rose is my favorite safehouse aesthetically. But for practicality, I think White Radiance is still the best. You just can't beat that lower platform for versatility."
  • 28. Nemo: "Hey Lor, nobody takes more liberties than I do when it comes to how I treat simselves, but even I would think twice before I showed Maxi like this." Me: "Wha...?"
  • 30. Ooh, being a part of the welcome wagon is so fun!
  • 31. "I hope you don't mind that I moved you out in your Exorcist outfit. It's always been one of my favorites." "I don't know when I'll possibly wear it, but no biggie... I can go shopping now!" And speaking of shopping, my simself better do some herself. I love this H&M outfit, and on a skinny body it looks great, but eek, I'm looking a little too much like the refrigerator repairman in it for my liking. And now, back to our regularly scheduled Apocalypse...
  • 32. We put our hopes of lifting the final pet restriction, Security, onto lovely Tiffany.
  • 33. Dad found her one night after he returned home from work and relentlessly showered her with attention until she couldn't say no to adoption. *meowww* he hottie
  • 34. I found out just how patient Gramma could be, since training the little ditz took hours. "Stor..." *meowww?* where hottie? "Stor, Tiffany!"
  • 35. Still, we were proud that she managed to get promoted twice. In the end, all the training and sacrificing of food were for nothing. On the first workday after her second promotion, she couldn't figure out how to use the scratching post or her bed which were right next to her as she lay on the cold metal floor. She was so unhappy, she refused to go to work. Mom said she'd take care of it.
  • 36. "Kennedy, it's lovely to see you. I'm so sorry things didn't work out with Ciel." "To tell the truth, I was more attracted to you than either of your girls." "Oh dear. I'm flattered, but Corey is my one true love. I'm sorry, but I have nothing to offer you. I hope you understand." "A guy can only hope. Are you sure there's nothing?" "Well, I do have something to give, but I must warn you..." "Yes?"
  • 37. "'ll have to potty train her." Lorin here: Kate did promise Maxi she would be the next recipient of a cat, but after Maxi's earlier appearance, I couldn't add insult to injury and give her the incredibly dimwitted Tiffany.
  • 38. Then there was the rather handsome but clueless Moonshine. He couldn't be bothered with catching the carpool his first day on the job. It seemed our neighborhood had run out of feline geniuses.
  • 39. As Mel worked her way up Culinary, I became obsessed with getting my gold styling badge. Dad humored me and let me get more practice in. No badge though.
  • 40. "I feel nostalgic, Nemo. This is going to be our last game at this table." "Yeah, we're both moving on. It's a good thing, Kate." "You tell that daughter of mine to call me. She's just as bad now as when she was in college." "I will. Stop by anytime, I know your old boy would like to see you."
  • 41. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I couldn't ask for a better friend *sniff*." "Me too, Kate, me too."
  • 42. The rest of the family was getting ready move out, and truthfully, I was ready to be on my own. "You sure you don't need anyone to stay and help with anything? I've got this cat adoption thing down to a science." "Nah, Mel and I can handle it. I gotta have something to do on my days off." "Enjoy it while you can. Once the kids start coming..." "Uh yeah. Isn't Mom waiting for you?"
  • 43. Mom had moved out a little earlier to go house hunting, and Dad was right behind her. Lorin here: I was going to have Corey stay until he adopted another cat (vampire + stray + night = easy adoption), but when I moved out Kate first, he cried, so I had him follow right after her. The move outs were not easy for me. I've been playing these Sims in this house for over nine months, and it's strange not to play them anymore. Well, I am still playing them, but it's not the same.
  • 44. "Are you sure you and Vampa don't want to stay? I feel funny, it is your house." "No Jake, maybe after the Apocalypse we'll come back. But for now it's yours. We're ready to go and take life a little easy for a change, maybe go on a vacation soon. And I have lots of friends I need to catch up with. So don't you worry about us." "Nobody trains cats better than you." "You'll be surprised how well your kids will do in that regard. Oh dear, look at the time, it'll be dark soon. We're rather anxious to be on our way." "I'm glad we got to know each other a little, Gramma." "Me too, Jake. You kids really brighten my days."
  • 45. When Gramma Ei and Vampa moved out a short time later, it really was just Mel and me.
  • 46. My dream has come true, and I owe it all to Jake. Hmm, now what do I want? Oh no...put those thoughts right out of your head, Melissa. Get a good night's sleep, tomorrow is a new day...
  • 47. "That feels heavenly, Mel." "I am just so happy, it's the least I can do. I can't thank you enough, Jake." We hadn't interacted much since the morning after our engagement. It turned out to be a good thing, for the sting of her reaction to my proposal had lessened a little over time.
  • 48. It was a good day for us. We dated and played...
  • 49. ...and styled. But still no gold badge. "Now that's what I think an Ecological Guru should look like." "I think you're right on, Mel."
  • 50. And that night she thanked me properly.
  • 51. Having things good between us again felt too new, too strange, for me to sleep. I couldn't help thinking we were hanging on by the finest of threads.
  • 52. Ciel called for the first time since moving out. "We got engaged! I am so happy!" "Good for you, sis, really. When's the big day?" "Not sure yet, but...umm...soon, real soon. I'll let you know when I know." And that wasn't the only news she had. "We spent the day in town, and you wouldn't believe how everything is growing. It was all around us...the trees and grass and flowers... It was the most beautiful day ever." "I'll have to go see for myself. The ground's still too frozen for anything to grow here." "Bummer. But yes, do go see for yourself. Well, I gotta go. Say hi to Mel for me."
  • 53. "Jake, you have surpassed yourself. This salad is delicious." "Coming from Miss Celebrity Chef herself, that's a real compliment. By the way, Ciel called. She and Nemo got engaged. You know she's gonna want us to go to the wedding." "I...okay, I'll go with you. Maybe going to her wedding will be good for me. I like Ciel." I was trying, and it was good to know Mel was, too.
  • 54. I decided it was time to redecorate the upstairs rec room. I loved my job and felt proud of my accomplishments, and I wanted the room to reflect that. Besides, there would be nothing I could plant outside until this eternal winter was over.
  • 55. I redecorated the bedroom too. The Jumbok statue inspired a jungle theme.
  • 56. We couldn't move the coffins yet, but I didn't want to stare at them everyday either. They became part of the, shall we say, master bathroom?
  • 57. "Wow, Mel, you're pregnant. You look good." "Hmmm? Uh, yeah...I just found out this morning. Huh, Sake boy?" "Jake must be pretty excited." "I'm sure he is." "Ee-yah... Are you and Jake okay?" "Yeah, sure, we're fine. Look, I just stopped by to say hi. I better go..." "Just a sec! Nemo and I are getting married tomorrow night. Can you tell Jake? I'd really like both of you to be there." "Sure, I'll tell him. Now I really must be going. Good kitty kitty kitty." "Thanks for stopping by. Take it easy, Mel."
  • 58. It so happened that Ciel called and invited us to the wedding on the only day of the week that I was at work, so Mel and I wouldn't be going together after all.
  • 59. When I returned from work the following morning, that thin little thread had snapped. "How could you, Jake? I had to go to the wedding all by myself. You know that wasn't easy for me... I really needed you. I tried to call you all freaking day and you wouldn't answer." "And just where would I keep a cell phone? I'm open to suggestions." "Not funny, Jake. When the baby comes, you're going to have to quit your job." "Oh, no no no. I like my job, and I can still take care of the kid most of the time." "But I have to go to work that day too!" "I'm not quitting, Mel." "Well, I'm not quitting either!"
  • 60. "Let's not argue, Mel. We'll figure it out when the baby arrives, okay?" "I don't want to argue either." "So will you tell me about the wedding?" "Not a chance."
  • 61. "Mom, it's good to see you." "As if I could stay away. I'm so happy I'm going to be a grandma."
  • 62. "Jake, how could you miss your sister's wedding?" "I couldn't help it, Mom. I was already at work when she called and invited us." "Well, you missed something really special." "So tell me about it." "Didn't Mel?" "Mel's, uh, a little ticked that she had to go by herself. She won't tell me anything." "It was beautiful, of course..."
  • 63. "Haley and I showed up in the same dress, which was just looked like we were her bridesmaids. And it was a good thing Ciel had eyes only for Nemo, so she didn't notice that your dad couldn't quite bring himself to watch the exchange of rings."
  • 64. "Ciel told me you helped with her hair. The flowers were a beautiful touch, honey. I was just so happy and excited. I looked over at Melissa, and she looked like she was going to be ill. I was hoping talking to her would help her feel better. 'Melissa, everything's beautiful, just beautiful, isn't it?' '.......' 'Melissa? Are you all right?' 'I...uh...need to get some air...' She never did come back."
  • 65. "Ciel and Nemo looked incredibly sweet together."
  • 66. "After the ceremony, it was no surprise that Nemo and I hung out..."
  • 67. "...while Ciel entertained your dad. It didn't take the four of us long to make the wedding party a Roof-Raiser. The only thing missing was cake."
  • 68. "Eventually we went back to the house where we found Melissa and Haley. I almost panicked when I saw Mel scarfing down a bag of cookies. I didn't want you guys to get in trouble for breaking Culinary, then I remembered how hungry I used to get when I was pregnant, and I just couldn't bring myself to say anything." "Don't worry, Mom, Mel has been meditating almost straight through. Those cookies definitely would've been the only meal for the day."
  • 69. "Your dad was doing anything he could think of to avoid talking to Nemo."
  • 70. "But they did finally exchange words. I couldn't hear much of their conversation, they kept it pretty low, but I heard snippets like 'drink' and 'helmet' and 'ever call me Dad'."
  • 71. "The time just flew by and your dad had to leave rather abruptly. Turned out it was probably a good thing..."
  • 72. "...because I found out I was going to be a grandma twice in one night!" "Aha, that's why Ciel wanted the wedding so soon..." "Yeah, I don't think she could've fit into that beautiful dress even a few hours later."
  • 73. "She crashed on the bed in exhaustion, and when she woke up long enough to say goodbye, she got her first bump right there! Nemo just looked on with this goofy grin on his face. And that, in a nutshell, was your sister's wedding." "I really am sorry I missed it." "You should be."
  • 74. Mel gave birth to a boy we named Mark. He had Mel's nose, eyes and skintone, and no doubt my chin.
  • 75. Mel was really struggling with the mommy thing. "Hellooooo, Mark... Jake, what do I do now?" "I don't know...try playing with him."
  • 76. I gotta give her credit for trying, but Mark wasn't exactly helping matters.
  • 77. "Uck, it stinks, I stink. I need a shower... I hate this."
  • 78. "I can't read your mind, what do you want?"
  • 79. "Mel, you gotta calm down, just relax a little." "I can't calm down, the baby doesn't like me. I don't know what I'm doing." "Neither do I. My sisters got to practice on me, but I was the baby so I don't have a clue." "I'm just not any good at this, Jake." "We're two smart people. We'll figure it out." "I don't think so..." "We'll talk about it when I get home from work..."
  • 80. "WHAT?!!! You are not going to work. I'm going to work." "Listen, it makes sense that I keep my job. You can't beat six days a week at home with the kids." "I DON'T CARE! Get another job! I'm going to work today." I'm not really sure, because I do love my job, but perhaps if Mel hadn't been screeching at me, if she had tried to talk reasonably, I might have considered letting her have her way. But nuh-uh, no way, she wasn't going to demand that I quit. I had the trump card, and I didn't hesitate to play it. "You can't win, Mel. I go at noon, you go at what, two? three o'clock?" "....I HATE YOU!!!"
  • 81. I'm out of control. Why, Jake? I want to love you, but you make me hate you... Why did you have to kill my dream? Wait, now I have another dream...and it won't interfere with your precious job...
  • 82. "Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to *sniff* quit. No, I love my job. It's obligations, new baby... I'll miss you guys too. *sniff* "
  • 84. If it wasn't for the baby, I would have expected her to be long gone the next morning when I returned from work. "I know it got ugly yesterday morning, but I am sorry you had to give up your job, Mel." "It was timing, nothing more. You won. I lost. I would've done the same to keep my job." "So where do we stand? Truce?" "...All right." She was freaking blowing my mind. I never in a million years thought she would be this calm and reasonable after yesterday's blow-up. "Do you mind if I go out? Just for a little while, you know, I've been cooped up here alone with the baby. Just a little time to myself?" I was so relieved I would have indulged her just about anything. "Take all the time you need."
  • 85. Come on, come on, someone, anyone... "Hey, Melissa Fancey, where you been?"
  • 86. "Well well, if it isn't Hunter Cho. All right, definitely looking good." "Long time no see, Melissa. I almost forgot how you can light up a room." "Only for you, Hunter. You have no idea how good it is to be back again..." ....... To be continued...