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Chapter 9
Squirtle welcomes you came to the NEW Pokémon
Legacy! Where we’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg
for Pokémon names.
A lot happened last chapter, Anna managed to put an end
to the Charrie and Rizzi feud before passing away the next
day. And Ivy woke up to a room well full of ivy. Could this
be the mysterious powers Pony was talking about?
“I call this League of Totally Awesome Simselves to
“Totally Awesome? Pony can’t we be Completely
Mysterious?” Mia asked.
“No. Totally Awesome is way better.” Pony said quickly,
wishing she had come up with Mia’s idea. “Anyways our
first task on the agenda is to welcome the new simselves
to the League.”
“Everybody welcome Shannyj, Miri, and Jenny to our
humble home!”
“Welcome to Laguna Isle!” The simselves cheered and
“It’s very nice to meet everyone.” Miri said blushing a
“Moving on” Pony continue after the cheers quieted,” Let’s discuss Ivy’s
plant problem.”
“It’s only a little problem, Pony. You didn’t have to gather everyone.”
“Of course she did, she likes to makes us do as much of her work as
possible.” Mia quipped brightly.
Pony stuck her tongue out, “I just want to keep you all involved, why else
would I bring you here?”
“Ivy do notice the plants growing at any particular
“I never see them grow, they’re just there every time I
turn around. It’s driving Venu nuts.”
“Look behind her, it’s happening now!” Miri cried out in
“You’d think having enough simselves around would
damper the effect.” Shanny said her voice a little shaky.
“See the plants are just magically there.”
“Magically? Hm…” Keika said, “What about when your
practicing your witchcraft?”
“Well the other day when I was making regents. The plants exploded into
the hall. Before that they seemed to be confined to my room.”
“Pony, I haven’t heard of such a thing, what if it spreads
to Mel and Venu. Plants are one thing but Mel's named
after a fire pokémon, her son could be in danger.”
“That’s what I’m worried about..” Pony agreed, “there
must be someway to curb the effect.”
“I got it!” Gabie exclaimed, “What if Ivy channel the
power into something useful, like planting a garden?”
“That’s excellent, Gabie!” Thai said, “She’s right, if Ivy
channels the power if might not leech out and cause
random plants to grow every where.”
“Come on, guys you know how much work planting and
maintaining a large garden is?” Ivy whined.
“I kind of like the random flowers, myself.” Keika
admitted, “Wanna hang out here awhile, let the place be
decorated for free?”
“Fine, I’ll plant a garden…” Ivy grumbled. “It had better
“Well that takes of that, anyone want a soda?”
“Oh I do!” Several simselves exclaimed.
Ivy merely sighed and looked at her shoes and the
flower growing out of the hardwood.
“We’ll figure it out Ivy.” Pony said giving Ivy a hug.
“Will I have to give up being a witch? I mean Tara never comes to see me, I
think she’s disappointed in my lack of ambition.”
“I know she is. I’m not though, I like you just the way you are. Have Venu
help you in the garden, and don’t cast any spells on Mel, last thing we need
are random fires.”
“Thanks Pony.”
While the Pokémon children
had been growing Thai’s
children with his wife, Hollie
had been growing as well. The
youngest Polama was now a
child and Salbatore a handsome
teen. Salbatore won the heart
of young Athena, Ani-Mei’s
“Hi!’ Paloma said waving excitedly.
“Hi, I’m Squirtle.”
“Paloma, Daddy says we’re sisters.”
“I have a sister? A real sister?”
“That’s what Daddy says.” Paloma nodded happily, “Are
you going to be my friend? Daddy said you would.”
“I’d love to.”
“Dad. Do we have to go home?” Tortie asked at six.
“You were here all day, your mother said you had to be home for dinner.”
“She could stay here too.”
“I don’t think Hollie would like that very much.”
“Why not? Hollie and Momma could be friends.”
“Well they could, but your mom is a legacy sim, she has to stay at her house.”
“Oh, then you should move in with us.”
“I can’t, there aren’t enough beds for all of us there.” Thai hugged his son, “Now off
you go before it’s dark. I’ll come over in a few days.”
Monday was a Snow day. Squirtle had actually wanted
to go and see Paloma. Her sister was in a class behind
her, but that didn’t matter. They could still play at recess.
She couldn’t believe she had a little sister, now being left
out of her brothers’ games didn’t sting so much. She
hummed to herself as she painted. Maybe she’d give it
to Paloma.
Tortie and Toise spent the day playing chess.
“Hey Tortie look at that huge bug on the wall!” Toise
exclaimed excitedly.
“Ah man, it flew away.” Toise said quietly switching the
chess pieces, Tortie was smarter than him. Cheating was
the only way to win.
Hex was the first pet to become a Star. Charrie lavished
praise on the feline. She was a little closer to her LTW. She
planned to breed Hex to Snow this week so they could
have a five out of the six cats she needed.
Cleve also came home with a promotion.
“Just one more Anna.” He said to himself, “Then
I’ve reached my goal. Wish you were here to see
Cleve stayed up all night to get the last logic point he
needed to get a promotion. He couldn’t believe he
was so close. Only if Anna was here to see it.
Hex and Snow had taken quite a liking to each other.
Despite Hex and Snow’s parents generally hated each
other. Charrie hoped that soon she would be able to
breed the pair. She was still two pets short of her
needed six.
As soon as her father and kids left for school. Charrie
had the house to herself. She basked in the silence, it
was nice to have some time to herself.
“Whose the bestest white cat in the house? Hex is!”
Charrie cooed, in a rare fit of indulgence. She’d never
hear the end of it if she did this in front of the kids.
Snow came home from her first day of work with a
promotion. She was still full of energy. Charrie
decided it was time.
A kitten was soon on the way.
Squirtle and Wartortle came home cheering.
“Momma! We got straight As” Squirtle said with bubbling
excitement, “Can I play on the podium now?”
“Whoo!” Charrie cheered, she nearly burst with pride, “Finished
your homework first, dear. You want to keep that A right?”
She patted Wartortle on the head fondly, he wouldn’t appreciate
the loud cheering, but she was proud on him none the less.
Charrie found Blastoise just sitting on the couch, “And what about you young man? How did
you do today?”
Blastoise turned away, “School is stupid.” He said sourly.
“Yeah, the teacher expects us to remember the book we read last week. Stupid girly book.”
“What book?”
“A Girl and her Pony, silly right?”
“Not as much as you think.”
“Here I’ll help you with your homework.” Charrie
said leading him over, “That book was written by
your Gran, Toise.”
“Really?” Toise asked, “I guess it isn’t as silly then.”
“I thought you might see it that way.”
“And that’s why Paloma should move in with me!”
Squirtle said loudly into the podium.
“I don’t think Hollie would let her move in with us, I
already asked Dad if he’d move in with us.”
“I can hope.” Squirtle retorted.
“If anyone moves in with us, Sal should.”
“Sal’s a teenager” Squirtle sighed, “He’s going to be
thinking all about Athena. And her kisses.”
Toise for once did not want to play with his brother. He
instead, called Ginger Solei, she was alright for a girl he
had decided.
Cleve came home in triumph. He finally was
voted Mayor of Laguna Isle and achieving his life
time dream.
Bethany and Dalen also both came home with
promotions, putting Charrie even closer to her lifetime
Cleve found himself with ample spare time on his hands.
He decided to start painting another portrait of Charrie
to give to Pony. A tradition in the making.
He was able to finish it before going to bed.
The next morning the gypsies left a surprise gift at on
the front porch. Toise waved at her before running to
catch the school bus. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends
that they got a genie lamp.
Charrie snuck in some time to work on her novel. The
kids teen birthday was tonight and she had the party to
get ready for. But she could at least get a chapter
She couldn’t believe they were already going to
be teens.
Charrie called everybody in the extended family,
including simselves. With a little flattery Thai convinced
Hollie to come as well.
Squirtle, being her father’s
daughter, decided to seek pleasure
in life.
Wartortle was dedicated to his
Blastoise wanted to romance to be
the focus of his life. Whether with
one partner or multiple partners.
Charrie sat down for breakfast with her children. They
were old enough to tell them about the legacy.
“How will you decide whose the heir?” Wartortle asked.
“Will there be a vote? I have the most best friends?”
Squirtle blurted.
“No one wants to girl to be heir.” Blastoise muttered.
“Excuse me, young man, I was the heir.” Charrie scolded,
“I will decide when the time comes.”
Snow gave birth to a tiny kitten. Charrie named him, Leo.
Now she only needed one more cat to complete her
Wartortle brought Foxglove home from school. She was
Ginger and Geranium’s old sister. She was older than
him, but was sweet and kind.
Even though he knew it wouldn’t work as a lasting
relationship. He snuck his first kiss from Foxglove.
“Laguna Isle adoption center? I would like to adopt a
Wartortle adopted the last kitten his mom needed. A
little girl named Rose. Tortie couldn’t wait until see what
she grew up into.
“Oh look a new kitty!” Squirtle exclaimed scooping up
Rose. “Good morning to you Rosie Posie!”
Cleve woke up after the kids had left for school. He was
beginning to feel all his years. Charrie never cooked
much so he spent the day making his favorite food to
stock the fridge. All his grandchildren and hopefully
great grandchildren would have homemade grilled
cheese sandwiches.
“You know Mom is going to choose me to be heir!”
Blastoise teased.
“Lalalala I can’t hear you!” Squirtle retorted.
“Mrr.” Dalen meowed anxiously.
“It’s alright Dalen, poor Toise just doesn’t understand that
I’m going to be heir.” Squirtle stuck her tongue out at her
brother, “Congratulations on becoming a star! Mom’s going
to be thrilled.”
Squirtle didn’t want to waste time getting her LTW. Her
mother was patiently waiting on the cats, but Squirtle
took matters into her own hands.
“I want a blind date.” She said handing the matchmaker
over five thousand dollars.
“Of course dear.” Trista smiled.
A young man fell from the sky.
“Very cool.” Squirtle grinned. “Hi I’m Squirtle!”
“Pong, where am I?”
“Laguna Isle, you’re kinda cute.”
Pong and Squirtle had a nice date. One first date down
forty nine to go.
Sunday morning Charrie cooked breakfast for her family.
Today was the day to announce her heir. It was a hard
choice. Pony had wanted her to do a poll amongst the
simselves, but Charrie decided to select her own heir.
“I’m all packed up when are we leaving?” Toise said
“This evening, your dad’s going to take you.” Charrie
sighed, they were so eager to leave her. Thai was taking
them to college that evening.
Cleve, Squirtle, and Wartortle sat down at the other end
of the table. It was now or never Charrie sighed.
“Kids, Dad, I have an important announcement to make.”
Charrie began, “Tonight you kids leave for college to start
your journeys into adulthood. When I was young no one
told me I would be heir. To be honest, I wasn’t prepared
for the responsibility. I think I have done okay, but I
didn’t want of you to go through the same thing.”
“So I decided to pick my heir, instead of leaving it up to
you three. This isn’t me picking a favorite, I love you all.
It’s what will be best for the legacy.”
“Squirtle you’re the heir.” Charrie said explosively.
“WHAT?” Squirtle blurted, “Me?
“Grats Squirtle!” Tortie exclaimed excitedly.
“Aww Mom, I knew you would pick her.” Toise whined.
“I’m proud of you dear.” Cleve smiled, Charrie wasn’t
sure if he meant her or Squirtle.
“Grandpa, I’m not sure I can be the heir. Would Tortie be
better he’s the family sim. What about my LTW?”
“You’ll do fine dear, just be yourself. You’ll have lots of
time in college to get your 50 1st dates.”
“Think so?”
“Yep, enjoy college, do your wild thing. Then you can
come home and continue the legacy.”
After breakfast Squirtle called her sister.
“Paloma? Will you come over I’ve something important to
tell you.”
“Sure I’ll tell Dad I’m heading over.”
“Congratulations!” Paloma squeed when Squirtle told
her the news. “I bet that poke a hole in Toise’s balloon.”
“I don’t think he’s too happy.” Squirtle grinned.
“Would needs him anyway.” Paloma smiled back, “You’re
going to do great!”
Charrie called Pony over too.
“Here Pony, I’ve been meaning to give you this for a
while now.”
“Aww thank you Charrie.” Pony smiled.
“Charrie this is heavier than a painting.” Pony said the
box warm in her hands.
“It’s a pot I made when the kids were at school. Mom
gave a piece of herself with her painting. Dad painted
mine so I figured you would want something I made for
“Thank you, Charrie, I’ll cherish this forever.”
“Blastoise.” Cleve stopped his grandson in the living
room. “Don’t be too upset about the heirship.”
“I’m not.” Toise admitted.
“You’re not?”
“I don’t want it. Mom would want me to get married
and raise a family.” Toise wrinkled his nose, “I’m going to
move in with Aunt Ivy and Aunt Venu, they don’t have to
worry about all that stuff.”
Pony headed upstairs, “So you’re my heir.” she said
sitting next to Squirtle.
“I guess so.” Squirtle said softly.
“You’ll do fine.” Pony smiled, “Now I know you’ve had it
a little rough with only two brothers. I’m sending Mia to
college with you so you’ll have a friend. And she help
keep an eye on things in case certain someone’s start
pressuring you.”
“So you’ll be staying with me at the dorm?”
“And the Greek House.” Mia nodded.
“Who is Pony talking about, certain someones?”
“The witches.”
“Grandpa’s crazy old lady friend?”
“Yep. Pony will tell you more when the time comes. I’m
to make sure you she leaves you alone at least while
you’re in school.”
Thai arrived to pick up the kids.
“Thanks for taking them.”
“No problem, I was going to visit Sal, he’s staying in the
dorm with them.”
The air in the room chilled. Charrie glanced up the stairs.
“It can’t be!” She said in a stricken voice, “It’s too soon.”
“Dad is here.” Squirtle told her grandpa, giving him a
“I know, honey.” He squeezed her arm, “Just be yourself
you’ll do great.”
“I love you, Grandpa.”
“I love you too, Squirt.”
A cloaked figure appeared between him and Squirtle.
It’s time, Cleve Pokémon.
“I know, I’m ready, Reias.”
You’re not supposed to know it’s me.
“You’re my neighbor it’s not hard to recognize your
Anna is waiting.
“Take me too her.”
Goodbye Cleve. Rest in peace with Anna.
Teary-eyed Charrie planted flowers on her father’s grave.
She placed the wooden model in their midst. Her
mother’s paintbrushes untouched by rain or snow. She
didn’t know what to say or do. Thai offered to pick up
the kids tomorrow, but she told him to go ahead. The
school wouldn’t appreciate them starting late. The
sooner they left the sooner Squirtle would come home.
~At Charizard’s house~
“GORDON!!!!!” Rizzi screamed, “WHY ARE YOU AT
A few more screams later and Charizard held a tiny baby
in her arms.
“Hey there Ash.” Charizard said. “you’re a big boy.”
“Your Aunt Charrie thinks she so perfect.” Rizzi
whispered to her baby boy, “Well my legacy is going to
last as long as hers. Pony will regret her championing
Charrie as heir.”
Thanks for reading. I actually had this chapter in the works for a
long long time. But now I have finally finished it. I wasn’t ready for
Cleve to leave me just yet. His insurance benefited all his kids and
most of the grandkids. Kaylynn is going to join the triplets in college
along with Mia.
I left a few things out of the chapter there’s no room in the story
line. Baby Ash is actually a toddler now with four siblings, Brock was
adopted, Misty, May and Tracy are triplets. And Mel gave birth to a
boy name Ryan. I was going to have him start a challenge of his
own, but with Silver Bend I’m just going to set that idea aside. I’ll try
to squeeze some pictures of all the spare kidlet’s in the next chapter.
I just want to wrap up this update. HAPPY SIMMING!

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Chapter 9

  • 2. Squirtle welcomes you came to the NEW Pokémon Legacy! Where we’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg for Pokémon names.
  • 3. A lot happened last chapter, Anna managed to put an end to the Charrie and Rizzi feud before passing away the next day. And Ivy woke up to a room well full of ivy. Could this be the mysterious powers Pony was talking about?
  • 4. “I call this League of Totally Awesome Simselves to order.” “Totally Awesome? Pony can’t we be Completely Mysterious?” Mia asked. “No. Totally Awesome is way better.” Pony said quickly, wishing she had come up with Mia’s idea. “Anyways our first task on the agenda is to welcome the new simselves to the League.”
  • 5. “Everybody welcome Shannyj, Miri, and Jenny to our humble home!” “Welcome to Laguna Isle!” The simselves cheered and clapped. “It’s very nice to meet everyone.” Miri said blushing a little.
  • 6. “Moving on” Pony continue after the cheers quieted,” Let’s discuss Ivy’s plant problem.” “It’s only a little problem, Pony. You didn’t have to gather everyone.” “Of course she did, she likes to makes us do as much of her work as possible.” Mia quipped brightly. Pony stuck her tongue out, “I just want to keep you all involved, why else would I bring you here?”
  • 7. “Ivy do notice the plants growing at any particular time?” “I never see them grow, they’re just there every time I turn around. It’s driving Venu nuts.”
  • 8. “Look behind her, it’s happening now!” Miri cried out in alarm. “You’d think having enough simselves around would damper the effect.” Shanny said her voice a little shaky.
  • 9. “See the plants are just magically there.” “Magically? Hm…” Keika said, “What about when your practicing your witchcraft?”
  • 10. “Well the other day when I was making regents. The plants exploded into the hall. Before that they seemed to be confined to my room.”
  • 11. “Pony, I haven’t heard of such a thing, what if it spreads to Mel and Venu. Plants are one thing but Mel's named after a fire pokémon, her son could be in danger.” “That’s what I’m worried about..” Pony agreed, “there must be someway to curb the effect.”
  • 12. “I got it!” Gabie exclaimed, “What if Ivy channel the power into something useful, like planting a garden?” “That’s excellent, Gabie!” Thai said, “She’s right, if Ivy channels the power if might not leech out and cause random plants to grow every where.”
  • 13. “Come on, guys you know how much work planting and maintaining a large garden is?” Ivy whined.
  • 14. “I kind of like the random flowers, myself.” Keika admitted, “Wanna hang out here awhile, let the place be decorated for free?” “Fine, I’ll plant a garden…” Ivy grumbled. “It had better work.”
  • 15. “Well that takes of that, anyone want a soda?” “Oh I do!” Several simselves exclaimed. Ivy merely sighed and looked at her shoes and the flower growing out of the hardwood.
  • 16. “We’ll figure it out Ivy.” Pony said giving Ivy a hug. “Will I have to give up being a witch? I mean Tara never comes to see me, I think she’s disappointed in my lack of ambition.” “I know she is. I’m not though, I like you just the way you are. Have Venu help you in the garden, and don’t cast any spells on Mel, last thing we need are random fires.” “Thanks Pony.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • 17. While the Pokémon children had been growing Thai’s children with his wife, Hollie had been growing as well. The youngest Polama was now a child and Salbatore a handsome teen. Salbatore won the heart of young Athena, Ani-Mei’s daughter.
  • 18. “Hi!’ Paloma said waving excitedly. “Hi, I’m Squirtle.” “Paloma, Daddy says we’re sisters.” “I have a sister? A real sister?” “That’s what Daddy says.” Paloma nodded happily, “Are you going to be my friend? Daddy said you would.” “I’d love to.”
  • 19. “Dad. Do we have to go home?” Tortie asked at six. “You were here all day, your mother said you had to be home for dinner.” “She could stay here too.” “I don’t think Hollie would like that very much.” “Why not? Hollie and Momma could be friends.” “Well they could, but your mom is a legacy sim, she has to stay at her house.” “Oh, then you should move in with us.” “I can’t, there aren’t enough beds for all of us there.” Thai hugged his son, “Now off you go before it’s dark. I’ll come over in a few days.”
  • 20. Monday was a Snow day. Squirtle had actually wanted to go and see Paloma. Her sister was in a class behind her, but that didn’t matter. They could still play at recess. She couldn’t believe she had a little sister, now being left out of her brothers’ games didn’t sting so much. She hummed to herself as she painted. Maybe she’d give it to Paloma.
  • 21. Tortie and Toise spent the day playing chess. “Hey Tortie look at that huge bug on the wall!” Toise exclaimed excitedly. “Where?” “Ah man, it flew away.” Toise said quietly switching the chess pieces, Tortie was smarter than him. Cheating was the only way to win.
  • 22. Hex was the first pet to become a Star. Charrie lavished praise on the feline. She was a little closer to her LTW. She planned to breed Hex to Snow this week so they could have a five out of the six cats she needed.
  • 23. Cleve also came home with a promotion. “Just one more Anna.” He said to himself, “Then I’ve reached my goal. Wish you were here to see it.”
  • 24. Cleve stayed up all night to get the last logic point he needed to get a promotion. He couldn’t believe he was so close. Only if Anna was here to see it.
  • 25. Hex and Snow had taken quite a liking to each other. Despite Hex and Snow’s parents generally hated each other. Charrie hoped that soon she would be able to breed the pair. She was still two pets short of her needed six.
  • 26. As soon as her father and kids left for school. Charrie had the house to herself. She basked in the silence, it was nice to have some time to herself.
  • 27. “Whose the bestest white cat in the house? Hex is!” Charrie cooed, in a rare fit of indulgence. She’d never hear the end of it if she did this in front of the kids.
  • 28. Snow came home from her first day of work with a promotion. She was still full of energy. Charrie decided it was time.
  • 29. A kitten was soon on the way.
  • 30. Squirtle and Wartortle came home cheering. “Momma! We got straight As” Squirtle said with bubbling excitement, “Can I play on the podium now?” “Whoo!” Charrie cheered, she nearly burst with pride, “Finished your homework first, dear. You want to keep that A right?” She patted Wartortle on the head fondly, he wouldn’t appreciate the loud cheering, but she was proud on him none the less.
  • 31. Charrie found Blastoise just sitting on the couch, “And what about you young man? How did you do today?” Blastoise turned away, “School is stupid.” He said sourly. “Oh?” “Yeah, the teacher expects us to remember the book we read last week. Stupid girly book.” “What book?” “A Girl and her Pony, silly right?” “Not as much as you think.”
  • 32. “Here I’ll help you with your homework.” Charrie said leading him over, “That book was written by your Gran, Toise.” “Really?” Toise asked, “I guess it isn’t as silly then.” “I thought you might see it that way.”
  • 33. “And that’s why Paloma should move in with me!” Squirtle said loudly into the podium. “I don’t think Hollie would let her move in with us, I already asked Dad if he’d move in with us.” “I can hope.” Squirtle retorted. “If anyone moves in with us, Sal should.” “Sal’s a teenager” Squirtle sighed, “He’s going to be thinking all about Athena. And her kisses.”
  • 34. Toise for once did not want to play with his brother. He instead, called Ginger Solei, she was alright for a girl he had decided.
  • 35. Cleve came home in triumph. He finally was voted Mayor of Laguna Isle and achieving his life time dream.
  • 36. Bethany and Dalen also both came home with promotions, putting Charrie even closer to her lifetime wish.
  • 37. Cleve found himself with ample spare time on his hands. He decided to start painting another portrait of Charrie to give to Pony. A tradition in the making.
  • 38. He was able to finish it before going to bed.
  • 39. The next morning the gypsies left a surprise gift at on the front porch. Toise waved at her before running to catch the school bus. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends that they got a genie lamp.
  • 40. Charrie snuck in some time to work on her novel. The kids teen birthday was tonight and she had the party to get ready for. But she could at least get a chapter finished.
  • 41. She couldn’t believe they were already going to be teens.
  • 42. Charrie called everybody in the extended family, including simselves. With a little flattery Thai convinced Hollie to come as well.
  • 43. Squirtle, being her father’s daughter, decided to seek pleasure in life. Wartortle was dedicated to his family. Blastoise wanted to romance to be the focus of his life. Whether with one partner or multiple partners.
  • 44. Charrie sat down for breakfast with her children. They were old enough to tell them about the legacy. “How will you decide whose the heir?” Wartortle asked. “Will there be a vote? I have the most best friends?” Squirtle blurted. “No one wants to girl to be heir.” Blastoise muttered. “Excuse me, young man, I was the heir.” Charrie scolded, “I will decide when the time comes.”
  • 45. Snow gave birth to a tiny kitten. Charrie named him, Leo. Now she only needed one more cat to complete her LTW.
  • 46. Wartortle brought Foxglove home from school. She was Ginger and Geranium’s old sister. She was older than him, but was sweet and kind.
  • 47. Even though he knew it wouldn’t work as a lasting relationship. He snuck his first kiss from Foxglove.
  • 48. “Laguna Isle adoption center? I would like to adopt a kitten.”
  • 49. Wartortle adopted the last kitten his mom needed. A little girl named Rose. Tortie couldn’t wait until see what she grew up into.
  • 50. “Oh look a new kitty!” Squirtle exclaimed scooping up Rose. “Good morning to you Rosie Posie!”
  • 51. Cleve woke up after the kids had left for school. He was beginning to feel all his years. Charrie never cooked much so he spent the day making his favorite food to stock the fridge. All his grandchildren and hopefully great grandchildren would have homemade grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • 52. “You know Mom is going to choose me to be heir!” Blastoise teased. “Lalalala I can’t hear you!” Squirtle retorted.
  • 53. “Mrr.” Dalen meowed anxiously. “It’s alright Dalen, poor Toise just doesn’t understand that I’m going to be heir.” Squirtle stuck her tongue out at her brother, “Congratulations on becoming a star! Mom’s going to be thrilled.”
  • 54. Squirtle didn’t want to waste time getting her LTW. Her mother was patiently waiting on the cats, but Squirtle took matters into her own hands. “I want a blind date.” She said handing the matchmaker over five thousand dollars. “Of course dear.” Trista smiled.
  • 55. A young man fell from the sky. “Very cool.” Squirtle grinned. “Hi I’m Squirtle!” “Pong, where am I?” “Laguna Isle, you’re kinda cute.”
  • 56. Pong and Squirtle had a nice date. One first date down forty nine to go.
  • 57. Sunday morning Charrie cooked breakfast for her family. Today was the day to announce her heir. It was a hard choice. Pony had wanted her to do a poll amongst the simselves, but Charrie decided to select her own heir.
  • 58. “I’m all packed up when are we leaving?” Toise said excitedly. “This evening, your dad’s going to take you.” Charrie sighed, they were so eager to leave her. Thai was taking them to college that evening.
  • 59. Cleve, Squirtle, and Wartortle sat down at the other end of the table. It was now or never Charrie sighed.
  • 60. “Kids, Dad, I have an important announcement to make.” Charrie began, “Tonight you kids leave for college to start your journeys into adulthood. When I was young no one told me I would be heir. To be honest, I wasn’t prepared for the responsibility. I think I have done okay, but I didn’t want of you to go through the same thing.”
  • 61. “So I decided to pick my heir, instead of leaving it up to you three. This isn’t me picking a favorite, I love you all. It’s what will be best for the legacy.”
  • 62. “Squirtle you’re the heir.” Charrie said explosively. “WHAT?” Squirtle blurted, “Me? “Grats Squirtle!” Tortie exclaimed excitedly. “Aww Mom, I knew you would pick her.” Toise whined. “I’m proud of you dear.” Cleve smiled, Charrie wasn’t sure if he meant her or Squirtle.
  • 63. “Grandpa, I’m not sure I can be the heir. Would Tortie be better he’s the family sim. What about my LTW?” “You’ll do fine dear, just be yourself. You’ll have lots of time in college to get your 50 1st dates.” “Think so?” “Yep, enjoy college, do your wild thing. Then you can come home and continue the legacy.”
  • 64. After breakfast Squirtle called her sister. “Paloma? Will you come over I’ve something important to tell you.” “Sure I’ll tell Dad I’m heading over.”
  • 65. “Congratulations!” Paloma squeed when Squirtle told her the news. “I bet that poke a hole in Toise’s balloon.” “I don’t think he’s too happy.” Squirtle grinned. “Would needs him anyway.” Paloma smiled back, “You’re going to do great!”
  • 66. Charrie called Pony over too. “Here Pony, I’ve been meaning to give you this for a while now.” “Aww thank you Charrie.” Pony smiled.
  • 67. “Charrie this is heavier than a painting.” Pony said the box warm in her hands. “It’s a pot I made when the kids were at school. Mom gave a piece of herself with her painting. Dad painted mine so I figured you would want something I made for you.” “Thank you, Charrie, I’ll cherish this forever.”
  • 68. “Blastoise.” Cleve stopped his grandson in the living room. “Don’t be too upset about the heirship.” “I’m not.” Toise admitted. “You’re not?” “I don’t want it. Mom would want me to get married and raise a family.” Toise wrinkled his nose, “I’m going to move in with Aunt Ivy and Aunt Venu, they don’t have to worry about all that stuff.”
  • 69. Pony headed upstairs, “So you’re my heir.” she said sitting next to Squirtle. “I guess so.” Squirtle said softly. “You’ll do fine.” Pony smiled, “Now I know you’ve had it a little rough with only two brothers. I’m sending Mia to college with you so you’ll have a friend. And she help keep an eye on things in case certain someone’s start pressuring you.”
  • 70. “So you’ll be staying with me at the dorm?” “And the Greek House.” Mia nodded. “Who is Pony talking about, certain someones?” “The witches.” “Grandpa’s crazy old lady friend?” “Yep. Pony will tell you more when the time comes. I’m to make sure you she leaves you alone at least while you’re in school.”
  • 71. Thai arrived to pick up the kids. “Thanks for taking them.” “No problem, I was going to visit Sal, he’s staying in the dorm with them.” The air in the room chilled. Charrie glanced up the stairs. “It can’t be!” She said in a stricken voice, “It’s too soon.”
  • 72. “Dad is here.” Squirtle told her grandpa, giving him a kiss. “I know, honey.” He squeezed her arm, “Just be yourself you’ll do great.” “I love you, Grandpa.” “I love you too, Squirt.”
  • 73. A cloaked figure appeared between him and Squirtle. It’s time, Cleve Pokémon. “I know, I’m ready, Reias.” You’re not supposed to know it’s me.
  • 74. “You’re my neighbor it’s not hard to recognize your voice.” Anna is waiting. “Take me too her.”
  • 75. Goodbye Cleve. Rest in peace with Anna.
  • 76. Teary-eyed Charrie planted flowers on her father’s grave. She placed the wooden model in their midst. Her mother’s paintbrushes untouched by rain or snow. She didn’t know what to say or do. Thai offered to pick up the kids tomorrow, but she told him to go ahead. The school wouldn’t appreciate them starting late. The sooner they left the sooner Squirtle would come home.
  • 77. ~At Charizard’s house~ “GORDON!!!!!” Rizzi screamed, “WHY ARE YOU AT WORK!!!!!”
  • 78. A few more screams later and Charizard held a tiny baby in her arms. “Hey there Ash.” Charizard said. “you’re a big boy.”
  • 79. “Your Aunt Charrie thinks she so perfect.” Rizzi whispered to her baby boy, “Well my legacy is going to last as long as hers. Pony will regret her championing Charrie as heir.”
  • 80. Thanks for reading. I actually had this chapter in the works for a long long time. But now I have finally finished it. I wasn’t ready for Cleve to leave me just yet. His insurance benefited all his kids and most of the grandkids. Kaylynn is going to join the triplets in college along with Mia. I left a few things out of the chapter there’s no room in the story line. Baby Ash is actually a toddler now with four siblings, Brock was adopted, Misty, May and Tracy are triplets. And Mel gave birth to a boy name Ryan. I was going to have him start a challenge of his own, but with Silver Bend I’m just going to set that idea aside. I’ll try to squeeze some pictures of all the spare kidlet’s in the next chapter. I just want to wrap up this update. HAPPY SIMMING!