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A mysterious dream keeps coming back to me every night, it tells me to “Find the one I need.” I
don’t know why I’m having this dream or even who he is.
In this dream, I am fishing, the fog coils around me like a cold snake, and the bite of the late
autumn air ripples across my skin. I see a grave next to me, a tall one, belonging to a boy. He died
by fire like my mother did, his life was cut short before he could find his purpose. I feel compelled
to cast a spell, a dark spell, the Reanimation Ritual. Why would I turn this boy into a zombie if I
need him? And then I see a ball of light in the sky it looks like the sun. I remember that the
Sunlight Charm is a way to cure any magical affliction like being a zombie, I use it on the boy.
And then I wake up.
Seeing the boy gets clearer every time I have it because it keeps coming back every night. Mother
believed in the gypsies telling her about the future, I guess my thing is to believe in dreams telling
me the future.
Because a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.
That boy is Fricorith Tricou. I found him and I offered him a place under my roof. He
became my ward because I was the one who resurrected him so it was my responsibility
to take care of him. It was like having a house full of people again and I didn’t realize
how much I missed that.
He turned himself into a fairy with an elixir that was in our cabinet. I don’t know why
mother collected them, she never learned alchemy. I asked him why he did it and he said:
“I need to be around until the end. I’m a Guardian.” I have no idea what that means and
Cori, as he liked to be called, didn’t know either.
With Philip and Tiana growing up, I am glad for the help. I love to keep busy running
the household and the legacy mother gave to me, but it’s also nice to have a break every
now and then too. I recently found out I’m pregnant again so it’s a relief to have Cori
here with us.
Tiana got her father’s white hair and the family’s green eyes. So again my princess
won’t look like her namesake for another generation. But that’s okay, she’s still going to
be the heiress. I just hope my luck holds out in the matriarchy department, using
watermelons to alter genders doesn’t work anymore in my game.
Philip got his own lime green gladiator outfit and a new trait of Adventurous to go
with it. As a spare he’s free from the trait requirements of Workaholic and Ambitious so
he can do whatever he wants to.
Fricorith: I hear you’re the looking glass with all the answers around here. I have some
questions of my own. Such as, why am I alive again? What do I have to do?
Mirror: You know you’re the legacy Guardian right? That is the answer to both your
Fricorith: Yeah but WHY am I this legacy’s Guardian? Who would even trust some
random kid with their family? I don’t understand. No one knows me here, I have no
living family or friends who know who I was—am…
Mirror: I once told Prince Nimetz that I only read the stars, I do no control them. The
stars told me this was your purpose, you have a higher power looking out for you.
Fricorith: What, like a god? Why would a god care about me? I’m nobody
special. I had to become immortal with alchemy, I wasn’t born this way.
Mirror: Someone thinks you are special, I do not know who it is though.
Mirror: Everyone has someone who cares about them, Princess Ella and Prince Nimetz
care about you. They gave you a home here. Is that not good enough for you?
Fricorith: I never said it wasn’t good enough, I just don’t think I’m worth their trouble. I
died young, no one saved me before, why would they now?
Mirror: Humility is a good trait Fricorith. But so is having a little pride that you above
everyone else was chosen for this. Give it a chance, you may find a wonderful purpose
here with the White family.
Fricorith: Alright…if you say so. I certainly don’t want to be out on the streets.
Ella: A full house again, I can’t wait to meet you little one. If only mother could
see this now, she’d be so happy. I know she would love Cori too, just like
another grandchild if she met him.
Yes, a full house again means doubling up rooms. Four bedrooms is not enough for seven people. I
am sorely tempted to move again so everyone can have their own room, but I like this Victorian
house a lot and it doesn’t lag. Neither does the hood but it’s filling up again and with seven White
households already and some with kids, porting them along with the main family is just a pain in
the ass…but it’s Tiana’s childhood birthday and she can get her first required trait.
Tiana now gets her Ambitious trait as per requirement of her generation. I also don’t want to
leave this hood because a family I made for the Boolprop 12th birthday challenge, the Baby Boom is
doing just what they were made for, breeding like rabbits in a one bed house. They have the green
genetics I also need for Tiana’s generation. Eve and Evan Majoux are a fairy/genie couple with
rainbow genetics. Though they do favour girls more than boys it seems…hmm. We’ll see.
Prince Nimetz: Is it time?!
Ella: What do you think!?
Prince Nimetz: I’ll get dressed.
Ella: You couldn’t have let mommy have a few more hours of sleep could you
little one? It’s cold and pouring rain out here…
And Ella’s last baby is another girl, meet Odette White. Odette is a Virtuoso and
Loves the Outdoors. Her faves include Egyptian music, PB&J, and the colour
Spice Berry. Odette is named after the Swan Princess which is also not a Disney
movie but I still liked the three movies for it.
Tiana: So you’re like a knight then? You protect us?
Fricorith: I guess I am like a knight. A princess should have a knight by her side right?
Philip: I’m just glad to have a big brother. I don’t care if you’re a knight or whatever.
Fricorith: Princes can have knights too Philip. But I am happy you think of me like a big
Philip: Mom has three brothers, I wanted one too. But she said after Odette she doesn’t
want anymore kids.
Ella: I missed you big brother. Why don’t you ever call father or come see us?
You have two nieces and a nephew who want to see you.
Fieval: Ella, it’s not like you ever came to see YOUR nephew Sergio either. It’s a
two way street you know.
Ella: Eldest sister, I don’t like the idea of you living all alone here. Why did you never
Emma: I can’t have children and that became a deal breaker for any potential mate. I
wasn’t raised the same as you six were, times were different where I was born, and being
born a witch back then…wasn’t any better. I’m alright Ella, don’t worry about me.
Fieval: Ella don’t bother Emma, she’s perfectly happy the way she is. We didn’t come here
to give her the third degree.
Ella: I can’t help it, I feel like I have to be mom now. I could use some stress relief though,
want to duel?
Fieval: Hey I wasn’t ready! You’re worse than Charming is!
Ella; You snooze you lose big brother!
Faith: Oh, good form there Ella.
Ella: Thank you Faith, but I’m not done yet!
Fieval: I really need to duel more…this is embarrassing.
Fieval: Damnit! I thought this would work, it works on Charming.
Ella: Ice Blasts? I love those, easy to deflect. Nimetz tries them all the time on me.
Fieval: I can see that…
Fieval: We’re Fire Clan witches, we should use our best element. Fire always works.
Ella: Except on me! I’ve been practicing a counter for that, I got singed enough times as
teen by it.
Ella: Haha! See? I’m good!
Fieval: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I think we should head on home, Emma’s
apparently gone to sleep.
Ella: But seriously for a moment, you can always come home big brother. It’s not a secret
that you and Frieda are always fighting, I don’t want you to be unhappy.
Fieval: Thank you, but what’s between Frieda and I is something we need to work out on
our own. Sergio deserves at least that much from his parents.
Maybe Ella did have a point, something was wrong and she could sense it. She is a lot
like their mother in that way. Sergio was a son of the Fire Clan as well and there was so
little he knew about his magic. Perhaps it was time to reconnect with his son over it.
In the meantime, it was also Odette’s birthday. She got her father’s white hair as well.
The Spice Berry colour really works with her features I think. She’s adorable for a spare.
Fricorith: I should get to know my charges if I’m going to be this family’s Guardian. I
don’t really know how to teach but I’ll give it a try so just bear with me Odette okay?
Odette: *smiles*
Prince Caspian: This used to be your uncles’ and aunt’s room Odette. It’s not changed in
all the years we’ve owned this house. Unlike me…one day I hope you’ll embrace your
witchcraft and use it to help the family. You have two powerful bloodlines inside you to
draw from.
Tiana: Yay big brother! You can get a job now!
Philip: Who said I wanted a job?
Tiana: What do you mean? Everyone should have a job, in order to become more
productive people.
Philip: Tiana can get a job if she wants to, I don’t want to. I’m happy without one.
His fourth trait is Frugal and he looks a lot like Eric. Anyway, next time the conclusion of
Cinderella’s chapters and the beginning of a new heiress’s reign.

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Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge, Cinderella 4

  • 1.
  • 2. A mysterious dream keeps coming back to me every night, it tells me to “Find the one I need.” I don’t know why I’m having this dream or even who he is. In this dream, I am fishing, the fog coils around me like a cold snake, and the bite of the late autumn air ripples across my skin. I see a grave next to me, a tall one, belonging to a boy. He died by fire like my mother did, his life was cut short before he could find his purpose. I feel compelled to cast a spell, a dark spell, the Reanimation Ritual. Why would I turn this boy into a zombie if I need him? And then I see a ball of light in the sky it looks like the sun. I remember that the Sunlight Charm is a way to cure any magical affliction like being a zombie, I use it on the boy. And then I wake up. Seeing the boy gets clearer every time I have it because it keeps coming back every night. Mother believed in the gypsies telling her about the future, I guess my thing is to believe in dreams telling me the future. Because a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.
  • 3. That boy is Fricorith Tricou. I found him and I offered him a place under my roof. He became my ward because I was the one who resurrected him so it was my responsibility to take care of him. It was like having a house full of people again and I didn’t realize how much I missed that.
  • 4. He turned himself into a fairy with an elixir that was in our cabinet. I don’t know why mother collected them, she never learned alchemy. I asked him why he did it and he said: “I need to be around until the end. I’m a Guardian.” I have no idea what that means and Cori, as he liked to be called, didn’t know either.
  • 5. With Philip and Tiana growing up, I am glad for the help. I love to keep busy running the household and the legacy mother gave to me, but it’s also nice to have a break every now and then too. I recently found out I’m pregnant again so it’s a relief to have Cori here with us.
  • 6. Tiana got her father’s white hair and the family’s green eyes. So again my princess won’t look like her namesake for another generation. But that’s okay, she’s still going to be the heiress. I just hope my luck holds out in the matriarchy department, using watermelons to alter genders doesn’t work anymore in my game.
  • 7. Philip got his own lime green gladiator outfit and a new trait of Adventurous to go with it. As a spare he’s free from the trait requirements of Workaholic and Ambitious so he can do whatever he wants to.
  • 8. Fricorith: I hear you’re the looking glass with all the answers around here. I have some questions of my own. Such as, why am I alive again? What do I have to do? Mirror: You know you’re the legacy Guardian right? That is the answer to both your questions.
  • 9. Fricorith: Yeah but WHY am I this legacy’s Guardian? Who would even trust some random kid with their family? I don’t understand. No one knows me here, I have no living family or friends who know who I was—am… Mirror: I once told Prince Nimetz that I only read the stars, I do no control them. The stars told me this was your purpose, you have a higher power looking out for you.
  • 10. Fricorith: What, like a god? Why would a god care about me? I’m nobody special. I had to become immortal with alchemy, I wasn’t born this way. Mirror: Someone thinks you are special, I do not know who it is though.
  • 11. Mirror: Everyone has someone who cares about them, Princess Ella and Prince Nimetz care about you. They gave you a home here. Is that not good enough for you? Fricorith: I never said it wasn’t good enough, I just don’t think I’m worth their trouble. I died young, no one saved me before, why would they now?
  • 12. Mirror: Humility is a good trait Fricorith. But so is having a little pride that you above everyone else was chosen for this. Give it a chance, you may find a wonderful purpose here with the White family. Fricorith: Alright…if you say so. I certainly don’t want to be out on the streets.
  • 13. Ella: A full house again, I can’t wait to meet you little one. If only mother could see this now, she’d be so happy. I know she would love Cori too, just like another grandchild if she met him.
  • 14. Yes, a full house again means doubling up rooms. Four bedrooms is not enough for seven people. I am sorely tempted to move again so everyone can have their own room, but I like this Victorian house a lot and it doesn’t lag. Neither does the hood but it’s filling up again and with seven White households already and some with kids, porting them along with the main family is just a pain in the ass…but it’s Tiana’s childhood birthday and she can get her first required trait.
  • 15. Tiana now gets her Ambitious trait as per requirement of her generation. I also don’t want to leave this hood because a family I made for the Boolprop 12th birthday challenge, the Baby Boom is doing just what they were made for, breeding like rabbits in a one bed house. They have the green genetics I also need for Tiana’s generation. Eve and Evan Majoux are a fairy/genie couple with rainbow genetics. Though they do favour girls more than boys it seems…hmm. We’ll see.
  • 16. Prince Nimetz: Is it time?! Ella: What do you think!? Prince Nimetz: I’ll get dressed.
  • 17. Ella: You couldn’t have let mommy have a few more hours of sleep could you little one? It’s cold and pouring rain out here…
  • 18. And Ella’s last baby is another girl, meet Odette White. Odette is a Virtuoso and Loves the Outdoors. Her faves include Egyptian music, PB&J, and the colour Spice Berry. Odette is named after the Swan Princess which is also not a Disney movie but I still liked the three movies for it.
  • 19. Tiana: So you’re like a knight then? You protect us? Fricorith: I guess I am like a knight. A princess should have a knight by her side right? Philip: I’m just glad to have a big brother. I don’t care if you’re a knight or whatever.
  • 20. Fricorith: Princes can have knights too Philip. But I am happy you think of me like a big brother. Philip: Mom has three brothers, I wanted one too. But she said after Odette she doesn’t want anymore kids.
  • 21. Ella: I missed you big brother. Why don’t you ever call father or come see us? You have two nieces and a nephew who want to see you. Fieval: Ella, it’s not like you ever came to see YOUR nephew Sergio either. It’s a two way street you know.
  • 22. Ella: Eldest sister, I don’t like the idea of you living all alone here. Why did you never marry? Emma: I can’t have children and that became a deal breaker for any potential mate. I wasn’t raised the same as you six were, times were different where I was born, and being born a witch back then…wasn’t any better. I’m alright Ella, don’t worry about me.
  • 23. Fieval: Ella don’t bother Emma, she’s perfectly happy the way she is. We didn’t come here to give her the third degree. Ella: I can’t help it, I feel like I have to be mom now. I could use some stress relief though, want to duel?
  • 24. Fieval: Hey I wasn’t ready! You’re worse than Charming is! Ella; You snooze you lose big brother!
  • 25. Faith: Oh, good form there Ella. Ella: Thank you Faith, but I’m not done yet! Fieval: I really need to duel more…this is embarrassing.
  • 26. Fieval: Damnit! I thought this would work, it works on Charming. Ella: Ice Blasts? I love those, easy to deflect. Nimetz tries them all the time on me. Fieval: I can see that…
  • 27. Fieval: We’re Fire Clan witches, we should use our best element. Fire always works. Ella: Except on me! I’ve been practicing a counter for that, I got singed enough times as teen by it.
  • 28. Ella: Haha! See? I’m good! Fieval: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I think we should head on home, Emma’s apparently gone to sleep.
  • 29. Ella: But seriously for a moment, you can always come home big brother. It’s not a secret that you and Frieda are always fighting, I don’t want you to be unhappy. Fieval: Thank you, but what’s between Frieda and I is something we need to work out on our own. Sergio deserves at least that much from his parents.
  • 30. Maybe Ella did have a point, something was wrong and she could sense it. She is a lot like their mother in that way. Sergio was a son of the Fire Clan as well and there was so little he knew about his magic. Perhaps it was time to reconnect with his son over it.
  • 31. In the meantime, it was also Odette’s birthday. She got her father’s white hair as well. The Spice Berry colour really works with her features I think. She’s adorable for a spare.
  • 32. Fricorith: I should get to know my charges if I’m going to be this family’s Guardian. I don’t really know how to teach but I’ll give it a try so just bear with me Odette okay? Odette: *smiles*
  • 33. Prince Caspian: This used to be your uncles’ and aunt’s room Odette. It’s not changed in all the years we’ve owned this house. Unlike me…one day I hope you’ll embrace your witchcraft and use it to help the family. You have two powerful bloodlines inside you to draw from.
  • 34. Tiana: Yay big brother! You can get a job now! Philip: Who said I wanted a job? Tiana: What do you mean? Everyone should have a job, in order to become more productive people.
  • 35. Philip: Tiana can get a job if she wants to, I don’t want to. I’m happy without one. His fourth trait is Frugal and he looks a lot like Eric. Anyway, next time the conclusion of Cinderella’s chapters and the beginning of a new heiress’s reign. ******