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When	GitHub	meets	CRAN	:	
An	Analysis	of	Inter-Repository	
Package	Dependency	Problems	
Alexandre	Decan 		Tom	Mens	
Maelick	Claes 	Philippe	Grosjean	
So5ware	Engineering	Lab	
University	of	Mons,	Belgium	
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
• A	so5ware	ecosystem	is:	
•  “a	collec@on	of	so5ware	products	that	have	some	given	degree	of	
symbio@c	rela@onships.”	[Messerschmi<	&	Szyperski	2003]	
•  “a	collec@on	of	so5ware	projects	that	are	developed	and	evolve	
together	in	the	same	environment.”	[Lungu	2008]	
• A	package-based	ecosystem	
•  is	composed	of	interdependent	so5ware	packages	…	
•  …	that	can	be	installed	and	distributed	using	a	package	manager	
• Examples	
So5ware	Ecosystems
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
The	R	ecosystem	
•  R	=	popular	open	source	language	and	so5ware	
environment	for	sta@s@cal	compu@ng	
•  Language	popularity	
(IEEE	Spectrum)	
2015	 2014
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
The	R	ecosystem	
Where	can	we	find	R	packages?	
Number	of	packages	
(March	2015)	
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
distribu@on	plakorm	
•  But…	
–  “It	used	to	be	that	puDng	your	package	on	CRAN	also	
gave	it	some	exposure,	but	with	>6000	packages,	
that’s	no	longer	quite	true.”		[Broman	2015]	
–  “The	non-transparent	nature	of	the	CRAN	submission	/	
rejecUon	process	is	parUcularly	at	issue.	
The	main	advantage	to	geDng	your	package	on	CRAN	
is	that	it	will	be	easier	for	users	to	install.	
Your	package	will	also	be	tested	daily	on	mulUple	systems.	
“R	package	primer:	a	minimal	tutorial”,2015.	Karl	Broman
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
distribu@on	plakorm	
Credits:	h<p://	
Package	dependency	graph	of	CRAN	
6,706	unarchived	packages	
on	June	1,	2015
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
distribu@on	plakorm	
•  Con@nuous	integra@on	process	based	on	
R	CMD	Check	to	ensure	overall	consistency	
– Daily	check,	on	mul@ple	OS,	of	all	CRAN	packages	
– Looks	for	common	problems	in	package	structure,	
metadata,	code,	documenta@on,	data,	…	
– Packages	not	passing	the	check	need	to	be	
updated	to	avoid	gepng	archived	
– Packages	can	only	depend	on	the	latest	version	of	
another	package	è	if	they	depend	on	a	failed	
package	they	may	also	fail	the	check
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
distribu@on	plakorm	
Automated	daily	CRAN	package	Check	(2016-02-23):	Summary	of	results
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
distribu@on	plakorm	
Automated	daily	CRAN	package	Check	(2016-02-23):	Results	by	package
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
R	on	GitHub	 Q4,	2014
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
How	important	is	GitHub	
for	R	packages?	
•  CRAN	used	to	be	the	main	distribu@on	
plakorm	for	R	packages	
•  With	the	appearance	of	GitHub,	this	is	no	
longer	the	case	
Is	GitHub	star@ng	to	replace	or	complement	
CRAN	as	package	distribu@on	medium?
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
How	important	is	GitHub	
for	R	packages?	
•  GitHub	hosts	many	R	packages	
•  Increasing	number	of	new	R	packages	on	GitHub	
June	1,	2015	
monthly	number	of	new	packages
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
How	important	is	GitHub	
for	R	packages?	
Is	GitHub	being	used	as	a	distribu(on	pla/orm	
for	R	packages?	
•  GitHub	hosts	thousands	of	R	packages	
•  >40%	of	GitHub	R	packages	are	intended	to	be	distributed	
as	they	contain	instruc@ons	to	install	them	from	GitHub.	
•  An	increasing	number	of	R	packages	on	GitHub	is	not	
distributed	elsewhere	
•  Packages	like	devtools	facilitate	distribu@on	from	GitHub
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
Managing	R	
package	dependencies	
Jeff	Leek	
The	number	of	packages	on	CRAN	and	other	repositories	has	
increased	beyond	what	might	have	been	foreseen,	and	is	revealing	
some	limitaUons	of	the	current	design.	One	such	problem	is	the	
general	lack	of	dependency	versioning	in	the	infrastructure.		
“Possible	direc@ons	for	improving	dependency	versioning	in	R,”	
R	Journal	5(1):	197–206,	June	2013	
One	of	the	best	things	about	the	R	ecosystem	is	being	able	to	
rely	on	other	packages	so	that	you	don’t	have	to	write	
everything	from	scratch.	But	there	is	a	hard	balance	to	strike	
with	keeping	the	dependency	list	small.	
“How	I	decide	when	to	trust	an	R	package,”,	November	2015.
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
Managing	R	
package	dependencies	
In	which	repository	are	package	dependencies	saUsfied?	
around R’s
allation of R
available R
ojects filled
uages. Even
with the R
R package.
nts devtools
s hosted on
cy problems
of packages
by GitHub
t frequently.
on GitHub depend on at least one package in CRAN, while
85.3% of all declared dependencies in R packages on GitHub
are satisfied by CRAN packages. Note that, if a package is
hosted by both CRAN and GitHub, we count it as a CRAN
package, because for dependency satisfaction we privilege
the officially distributed package over its development ver-
Other repositories
Figure 5. Inter-repository package dependencies for CRAN and GitHub.
In blue: percentage of packages. In red: percentage of dependencies.
Because of the constraints imposed by CRAN’s daily
R CMD check, CRAN is self-contained. 98.0% of its
Blue	=	%	of	packages	in	repository	A	that	
have	a	dependency	sa@sfied	by	a	package	
in	repository	B		
Red	=	%	of	dependencies	of	packages	in	
repository	A	that	are	sa@sfied	by	a	package	
in	repository	B		
(BioConductor,	OmegaHat,	…)	
CRAN	is	self-contained,	so	it	does	
not	suffer	from	inter-repository	
dependency	problems.	
But	what	about	GitHub?
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
Managing	R	
package	dependencies	
In	which	repository	are	package	dependencies	saUsfied?	
around R’s
allation of R
available R
ojects filled
uages. Even
with the R
R package.
nts devtools
s hosted on
cy problems
of packages
by GitHub
t frequently.
on GitHub depend on at least one package in CRAN, while
85.3% of all declared dependencies in R packages on GitHub
are satisfied by CRAN packages. Note that, if a package is
hosted by both CRAN and GitHub, we count it as a CRAN
package, because for dependency satisfaction we privilege
the officially distributed package over its development ver-
Other repositories
Figure 5. Inter-repository package dependencies for CRAN and GitHub.
In blue: percentage of packages. In red: percentage of dependencies.
Because of the constraints imposed by CRAN’s daily
R CMD check, CRAN is self-contained. 98.0% of its
Blue	=	%	of	packages	in	repository	A	that	
have	a	dependency	sa@sfied	by	a	package	
in	repository	B		
Red	=	%	of	dependencies	of	packages	in	
repository	A	that	are	sa@sfied	by	a	package	
in	repository	B		
(BioConductor,	OmegaHat,	…)
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
Managing	R	
package	dependencies	
Conclusions	:	
•  Most	packages	on	GitHub	rely	on	packages	in	CRAN	…	
•  …	but	the	number	of	packages	on	GitHub	that	rely	on	
packages	outside	of	CRAN	is	increasing	
Do	R	packages	on	GitHub	suffer	from	
inter-repository	dependency	problems?
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
•  CRAN’s	policy	requires	to	depend	on	the	most	recent	
package	version	
•  GitHub	packages	frequently	depend	on	CRAN	packages	
•  They	cannot	benefit	from	CRAN’s	daily	check	
•  But	can	use	other	con@nuous	integra@on	processes	
such	as	Travis	CI	
•  Although	less	than	25%	actually	do	this…	
I	personally	think	it’s	REALLY	relevant	to	at	least	be	ABLE	to	be	
very	specific	and	rigid	with	regard	to	your	dependencies.	
And	I	think	the	R	universe	could	provide	beaer	tools	to	fit	the	
needs	of	developers	and	professionals	out	there	in	a	beaer	way.
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
•  CRAN’s	policy	requires	to	depend	on	the	most	recent	
package	version	
•  GitHub	packages	frequently	depend	on	CRAN	packages	
•  They	cannot	benefit	from	CRAN’s	daily	check	
•  But	can	use	other	con@nuous	integra@on	processes	
such	as	Travis	CI	
•  Although	less	than	25%	actually	do	this…	
I	personally	think	it’s	REALLY	relevant	to	at	least	be	ABLE	to	be	
very	specific	and	rigid	with	regard	to	your	dependencies.	
And	I	think	the	R	universe	could	provide	beaer	tools	to	fit	the	
needs	of	developers	and	professionals	out	there	in	a	beaer	way.		
è	CRAN	package	updates	more	likely	to	lead	
to	problems	for	GitHub	than	for	CRAN	
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
CRAN	package	updates	more	likely	to	lead	to	problems	
for	GitHub	than	for	CRAN	packages	
Survival	Analysis:	
Probability	that	a	CRAN	
package	is	NOT	updated	
period	12/2014	–	6/2015	
3,740	considered	packages	
If	a	CRAN	package	is	required	
by	a	GitHub	package,	it	is	more	
likely	to	be	updated.
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
How	ocen	do	package	updates	cause	
backward	incompaUble	changes	on	CRAN?
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
How	ocen	do	package	updates	cause	
backward	incompaUble	changes	on	CRAN?	
•  41%	of	the	errors	in	CRAN	packages	are	caused	by	
backward	incompa@ble	changes	
(analysis	based	on	daily	R	CMD	Check	results	over	2-year	period)	
•  We	observed	backward	incompa@ble	changes	
on	average	once	every	20	updates	
(period	december	2014	à	June	2015)
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
How	ocen	do	package	updates	cause	
backward	incompaUble	changes?	
R	package	maintainers	share	this	concern:	
It	is	more	and	more	of	a	pain	if	the	
package	I’m	depending	on	breaks	
If	I	have	to	load	a	Depends	package,	it	adds	a	significant	burden:	
I	have	to	check	for	conflicts	every	Ume	I	take	a	dependency	
on	a	new	package.
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
dependency	problems	
How	ocen	do	package	updates	cause	
backward	incompaUble	changes?	
R	package	maintainers	share	this	concern:	
The	risk	of	things	breaking	at	some	point	due	to	the	
fact	that	a	version	of	a	dependency	has	changed	
without	you	knowing	about	it	is	immense.	
I	had	one	case	where	my	package	heavily	depended	
on	another	package	and	acer	a	while	that	package	
was	removed	from	CRAN	and	stopped	being	maintained.
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
•  GitHub	is	becoming	increasingly	used	to	
develop	and	distribute	R	packages	
•  Package	updates	o5en	lead	to	incompa@bili@es	
in	depending	packages	
•  GitHub	packages	cannot	benefit	from	CRAN’s	
con@nuous	integra@on	process	
One	recent	example	was	the	forced	roll-back	of	the	ggplot2	update	to	version	
0.9.0,	because	the	introduced	changes	caused	several	other	packages	to	break.	
“Possible	direc@ons	for	improving	dependency	versioning	in	R,”	
R	Journal	5(1):	197–206,	June	2013
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
•  R	community	needs	be<er	tool	support	for	
managing	dependencies	and	dealing	with	package	
•  Such	tools	are	star@ng	to	emerge:	
–  devtools,	drat,	packrat,	miniCRAN,	checkpoint,	…	
–  R-Hub:	ongoing	project	accepted	by	R	consor@um	
•  Infrastructure	for	developing,	building,	tes@ng,	valida@on,	
distribu@on,	con@nuous	integra@on	of	R	packages.		
•  A	service	that	is	complementary	to	CRAN	and	R-Forge
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
•  On	the	maintainability	of	CRAN	packages	
	[CSMR-WCRE	2014]	
•  maintaineR,	a	web-based	dashboard	for	maintainers	of	CRAN	
	[ICSME	2015]	
•  An	empirical	study	of	idenUcal	funcUon	clones	in	CRAN	
	[IWSC	2015	@	SANER]	
•  Anonymized	e-mail	interviews	with	R	package	maintainers	
acUve	on	CRAN	and	GitHub	
	[Technical	Report]	
SANER	–	Osaka,	Japan,		March	2016	
The Evolution of the R Software Ecosystem
Daniel M. German
University ofVictoria
Bram Adams
École Polytechnique
de Montréal
Ahmed E. Hassan
Queen's University
CSMR	2013

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