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What’s My Thing?
What’s My Thing?
Clarity Commitment
What’s My Thing?
Clarity CommitmentCalling
What’s My Thing?
Who is this chick anyway?
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Teaching
 Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Teaching
 Non-Profit
 Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Teaching
 Non-Profit
 Executive Recruiting Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Who is this chick anyway?
Wife and Mama
 Teaching
 Non-Profit
 Executive Recruiting
 Coaching
 Record Store
 Dog Trainer
 Restaurants
 Caterer
 Defense Contractor
Why are you here today?
Why are you here today?
with current situationDissatisfied
Why are you here today?
with current situationDissatisfied
to do more
Why are you here today?
with current situationDissatisfied
to make a change
to do more
What you’ll leave with today…
to get started on deep inquiry
What you’ll leave with today…
of necessary commitments
What you’ll leave with today…
to get started on deep inquiry
What you’ll leave with today…
that it is within your power to discover
your calling
of necessary commitments
to get started deep inquiry
clar·i·ty |klaritē|
Clearness or lucidity as to
perception or understanding;
freedom from indistinctness
or ambiguity.
Questions Actions
Questions Actions Evaluation
You’re looking for clues
You’re looking for clues
Become an investigator
You’re looking for clues
Become an investigator
Master the Art of Inquiry
You’re looking for clues
Become an investigator
Master the Art of Inquiry
Try on fresh perspectives
You’re looking for clues
Become an investigator
Master the Art of Inquiry
Try on fresh perspectives
Leave your inner critic
at the door
You’re looking for clues
Become an investigator
Master the Art of Inquiry
Try on fresh perspectives
Keep an open mind
Leave your inner critic
at the door
Questions: Lifestyle
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
What do you want your
daily life to look like?
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
What do you want your
daily life to look like?
How do you want to
feel on a daily basis?
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
What do you want your
daily life to look like?
How do you want to
feel on a daily basis?
What do you want to
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
What do you want your
daily life to look like?
How do you want to
feel on a daily basis?
What do you want to
What do you want to
Questions: Lifestyle
What kind of lifestyle do
you want to have?
What do you want your
daily life to look like?
How do you want to
feel on a daily basis?
What do you want to
What do you want to
Who have you already
always been?
Questions: Work Style
Questions: Work Style
What does meaningful
work mean to you?
Questions: Work Style
What does meaningful
work mean to you?
What kind of impact do
you want to make?
Questions: Work Style
What does meaningful
work mean to you?
What kind of impact do
you want to make?
What type of work
environment brings out
the best in you?
Questions: Work Style
What does meaningful
work mean to you?
What kind of impact do
you want to make?
What type of work
environment brings out
the best in you?
How do you want to
interact with people?
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Research your clues
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Research your clues
Stretch your comfort zone
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Research your clues
Stretch your comfort zone
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Start journaling
Research your clues
Stretch your comfort zone
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Take a class
Start journaling
Research your clues
Stretch your comfort zone
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Take a class
Travel solo
Start journaling
Research your clues
Stretch your comfort zone
Big and small
actions will create clarity
Take a class
Travel solo
Start journaling
Ask for support
When resistance comes up,
ask why?
When resistance comes up,
ask why?
Watch for clues that show
you where you’re hiding,
and uncover yourself.
When resistance comes up,
ask why?
Watch for clues that show
you where you’re hiding,
and uncover yourself.
Take baby steps,
but take steps!
Look for patterns
in the answers and clues you’re
finding, pieces that fit together
Look for patterns
in the answers and clues you’re
finding, pieces that fit together
and a throughline that connects
your feelings, needs,
interests and
| kəmitmənt |
1. To give in trust or consign; to
pledge oneself.
2. Dedication; application.
pro·cess |prä·ses|
A continuous action, operation,
or series of changes taking
place in a definite manner.
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
for roadblocks/setbacks.
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
for roadblocks/setbacks.
your commitment to something
important to you
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
for roadblocks/setbacks.
your commitment to something
important to you
what you are already committed to
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
for roadblocks/setbacks.
your commitment to something
important to you
what you are already committed to
fear as a way of life
CallingClarity Commitment
Commit to the Process
for roadblocks/setbacks.
your commitment to something
important to you
what you are already committed to
fear as a way of life
like-minded support
Commit To Yourself
self doubt.
Commit To Yourself
self doubt.
Commit To Yourself
Be tough
but gentle
self doubt.
Commit To Yourself
Find or create
a like-minded community.
Be tough
but gentle
self doubt.
Commit To Yourself
asking yourself “Why?”
Find or create
a like-minded community.
Be tough
but gentle
Commit to the Outcome
your goal
Commit to the Outcome
your goal
If it’s vague, make it specific.
Commit to the Outcome
your goal
If it’s vague, make it specific.
Create small, short-term milestones.
Commit to the Outcome
your goal
If it’s vague, make it specific.
Create small, short-term milestones.
Focus on your accomplishments.
Commit to the Outcome
your goal
If it’s vague, make it specific.
Create small, short-term milestones.
Focus on your accomplishments.
call·ing |kôliNG|
1. A strong urge toward a
particular way of life or career;
a vocation.
2. I define it as the work you were
meant to do.
Calling – What it is not.
Calling – What it is not.
It is not a fantasy,
fairytale, or easy
Calling – What it is not.
It is not a fantasy,
fairytale, or easy
It is not
Calling – What it is not
It is not a fantasy,
fairytale, or easy
It is not
It is not necessarily
Calling – What it is
Calling – What it is
Calling – What it is
Calling – What it is
It doesn’t feel like
Feels natural,
It doesn’t feel like
Feels natural,
What you’ve
already always
It doesn’t feel like
Feels natural,
What you’ve
already always
When you’re doing
the work, you are
present – in the
Your creativity
increases and
You can share yourself
with the world without
Clarity CommitmentCalling
What’s My Thing?
What’s My Thing?
8 week Group Coaching Program
What’s My Thing?
8 week Group Coaching Program
Begins September 9
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
Probably not if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You are not ready to
do the necessary
Probably not if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
Probably not if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if… Absolutely if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
You are ready to
commit to do
whatever it takes.
Absolutely if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
You are excited to
join a community of
like minded success
You are ready to
commit to do
whatever it takes.
Absolutely if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
You are excited to
join a community of
like minded success
You are ready to
commit to do
whatever it takes.
You are willing and
able to listen to
viewpoints different
than your own.
Absolutely if…
What’s My Thing?
Is this for you?
You cannot support
other members of
the group.
You are not ready to
do the necessary
You are a
complainer, whiner,
bitcher and
You are not open to
new perspectives.
Probably not if…
You are excited to
join a community of
like minded success
You are ready to
commit to do
whatever it takes.
You are an intuitive
action taker – or are
ready to become
You are willing and
able to listen to
viewpoints different
than your own.
Absolutely if…
What’s My Thing?
What You’ll Receive:
What’s My Thing?
 30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call
− Prior to beginning of the program
What You’ll Receive:
What’s My Thing?
 30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call
− Prior to beginning of the program
 4 in depth modules
− Two weeks each
What You’ll Receive:
What’s My Thing?
 2 calls per week
− First to deliver module
− Second for open group coaching
− Recordings delivered within 24 hours
 30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call
− Prior to beginning of the program
 4 in depth modules
− Two weeks each
What You’ll Receive:
What’s My Thing?
Module 1: Discovery
Week 1
Deep Self Inquiry – Feelings,
Passions, Values
Week 2
Deep Self Inquiry – Hidden
Desires, Lost Dreams, Peak
What’s My Thing?
Module 2: Refinement
Week 3
Evaluation – Through lines
and patterns
Week 4
Evaluation – Connections
and roadblocks
What’s My Thing?
Module 3: Management
Week 5
Strategies – Noticing and
Week 6
Strategies – Acceptance
and surrender
What’s My Thing?
Module 4: Action
Week 7
Decisions – Making and
keeping commitments
Week 8
Decisions – Action Planning
What’s My Thing?
In Just Two Months You Will:
What’s My Thing?
 Have complete clarity on the must-have
elements of your right work.
In Just Two Months You Will:
What’s My Thing?
 Have complete clarity on the must-have
elements of your right work.
 Have simple, easy to implement strategies for
kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and
dealing with the naysayers in your life.
In Just Two Months You Will:
What’s My Thing?
 Have a co-created, step-by-step action plan for
making the career of your dreams a reality.
 Have complete clarity on the must-have
elements of your right work.
 Have simple, easy to implement strategies for
kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and
dealing with the naysayers in your life.
In Just Two Months You Will:
What’s My Thing?
 Have a co-created, step-by-step action plan for
making the career of your dreams a reality.
 Have complete clarity on the must-have
elements of your right work.
 Have simple, easy to implement strategies for
kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and
dealing with the naysayers in your life.
In Just Two Months You Will:
 FINALLY be on the road to doing the work you
were meant to do!
What’s My Thing?
My Commitment to You
I am 100 % committed to the success of the people I work with
and I expect a 100% commitment in return. I only work with
people who are action takers and who are serious about
doing the work necessary to reach their goals. No excuses, no
drama, no BS. Our work together will be difficult and maybe
even painful at times, but it will also be lots of fun and will
absolutely change your life.
I will totally be in this with you – we’ll work hard together. I’ll
support you every step of the way. Your success is my success,
and I will settle for nothing less.
What’s My Thing?
 2 calls per week
− First to deliver module
− Second for open group coaching
− Recordings delivered within 24 hours
 30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call
− Prior to beginning of the program
 4 in depth modules
− Two weeks each
What’s My Thing?
Health and Wellness Call with Parisa Golestani Banks
Parisa is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, formerly known as the
Raw Food Mama. She is an expert at helping people lead more
healthy and balanced lives, gain more energy and achieve a state
of overall wellness.
Self care is of utmost importance when embarking on big, bold life
changes. Parisa will help you to thrive as you take on this important
work. (Valued at $250)
What’s My Thing?
Networking Mentoring Call with Marsha Shandur
Having spent 17 years as a successful radio presenter, musician
manager and music supervisor for hit TV shows, Marsha knows a lot
about networking. Through years of experience, Marsha learnt that
there are ways to network that DON’T involve walking up to people
and immediately selling yourself.
She’ll share some of her best tips and techniques to help you get
started on networking for your new career. (Valued at $250)
What’s My Thing?
What’s My Thing?
Make your investment in “What’s My Thing?” by
12:00am Pacific on Saturday, August 17 and receive
a 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any
time during the second half of the program. (Valued
at $250)
What’s My Thing?
Make your investment in “What’s My Thing?” by
12:00am Pacific on Saturday, August 17 and receive
a 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any
time during the second half of the program. (Valued
at $250)
Pay in full for “What’s My Thing?” by 12:00am Pacific
on Saturday, August 17 and receive an additional 60
minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any time
during the second half of the program. (Valued at
What’s My Thing?
Your Investment:
What’s My Thing?
Your Investment:
Pay In Full
What’s My Thing?
Your Investment:
Pay In Full
$367 per month
Three Payment Option
What’s My Thing?
Register here:
Your Investment:
Pay In Full
$367 per month
Three Payment Option

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What's My Thing? How to Discover the Work You Were Meant to Do

  • 5. Calling Who is this chick anyway?
  • 6. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama
  • 7. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 8. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama  Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 9. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 10. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama  Teaching CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 11. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama  Teaching CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Non-Profit  Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 12. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama  Teaching CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Non-Profit  Executive Recruiting Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 13. Calling Who is this chick anyway? Wife and Mama  Teaching CAREER HIGHLIGHTS  Non-Profit  Executive Recruiting  Coaching  Record Store  Dog Trainer  Restaurants  Caterer  Defense Contractor MULTI-PASSIONATE/SCANNER
  • 14. Why are you here today?
  • 15. Why are you here today? with current situationDissatisfied
  • 16. Why are you here today? with current situationDissatisfied Longing to do more
  • 17. Why are you here today? with current situationDissatisfied Longing Ready to make a change to do more
  • 18. What you’ll leave with today…
  • 19. Questions to get started on deep inquiry What you’ll leave with today…
  • 20. Understanding of necessary commitments What you’ll leave with today… Questions to get started on deep inquiry
  • 21. What you’ll leave with today… Trust that it is within your power to discover your calling Understanding of necessary commitments Questions to get started deep inquiry
  • 23. Clarity clar·i·ty |klaritē| noun Clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
  • 29. Questions: You’re looking for clues Become an investigator
  • 30. Questions: You’re looking for clues Become an investigator Master the Art of Inquiry
  • 31. Questions: You’re looking for clues Become an investigator Master the Art of Inquiry Try on fresh perspectives
  • 32. Questions: You’re looking for clues Become an investigator Master the Art of Inquiry Try on fresh perspectives Leave your inner critic at the door
  • 33. Questions: You’re looking for clues Become an investigator Master the Art of Inquiry Try on fresh perspectives Keep an open mind Leave your inner critic at the door
  • 35. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have?
  • 36. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? What do you want your daily life to look like?
  • 37. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? What do you want your daily life to look like? How do you want to feel on a daily basis?
  • 38. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? What do you want your daily life to look like? How do you want to feel on a daily basis? What do you want to learn?
  • 39. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? What do you want your daily life to look like? How do you want to feel on a daily basis? What do you want to learn? What do you want to experience?
  • 40. Questions: Lifestyle What kind of lifestyle do you want to have? What do you want your daily life to look like? How do you want to feel on a daily basis? What do you want to learn? What do you want to experience? Who have you already always been?
  • 42. Questions: Work Style What does meaningful work mean to you?
  • 43. Questions: Work Style What does meaningful work mean to you? What kind of impact do you want to make?
  • 44. Questions: Work Style What does meaningful work mean to you? What kind of impact do you want to make? What type of work environment brings out the best in you?
  • 45. Questions: Work Style What does meaningful work mean to you? What kind of impact do you want to make? What type of work environment brings out the best in you? How do you want to interact with people?
  • 47. Actions: Big and small actions will create clarity
  • 48. Research your clues Actions: Big and small actions will create clarity
  • 49. Research your clues Actions: Stretch your comfort zone Big and small actions will create clarity
  • 50. Research your clues Actions: Stretch your comfort zone Big and small actions will create clarity Start journaling
  • 51. Research your clues Actions: Stretch your comfort zone Big and small actions will create clarity Take a class Start journaling
  • 52. Research your clues Actions: Stretch your comfort zone Big and small actions will create clarity Take a class Travel solo Start journaling
  • 53. Research your clues Actions: Stretch your comfort zone Big and small actions will create clarity Take a class Travel solo Start journaling Ask for support
  • 55. When resistance comes up, ask why? Actions:
  • 56. When resistance comes up, ask why? Actions: Watch for clues that show you where you’re hiding, and uncover yourself.
  • 57. When resistance comes up, ask why? Actions: Watch for clues that show you where you’re hiding, and uncover yourself. Take baby steps, but take steps!
  • 59. Look for patterns in the answers and clues you’re finding, pieces that fit together Evaluation
  • 60. Look for patterns in the answers and clues you’re finding, pieces that fit together Evaluation and a throughline that connects your feelings, needs, interests and strengths.
  • 62. Commitment com·mit·ment | kəmitmənt | noun 1. To give in trust or consign; to pledge oneself. 2. Dedication; application.
  • 68. Process pro·cess |prä·ses| noun A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner.
  • 70. CallingClarity Commitment Commit to the Process Prepare for roadblocks/setbacks.
  • 71. CallingClarity Commitment Commit to the Process Prepare for roadblocks/setbacks. Connect your commitment to something important to you
  • 72. CallingClarity Commitment Commit to the Process Prepare for roadblocks/setbacks. Connect your commitment to something important to you Notice what you are already committed to
  • 73. CallingClarity Commitment Commit to the Process Prepare for roadblocks/setbacks. Connect your commitment to something important to you Notice what you are already committed to Accept fear as a way of life
  • 74. CallingClarity Commitment Commit to the Process Prepare for roadblocks/setbacks. Connect your commitment to something important to you Notice what you are already committed to Accept fear as a way of life Seek like-minded support
  • 77. Manage self doubt. Commit To Yourself Be tough but gentle
  • 78. Manage self doubt. Commit To Yourself Find or create a like-minded community. Be tough but gentle
  • 79. Manage self doubt. Commit To Yourself Practice asking yourself “Why?” Find or create a like-minded community. Be tough but gentle
  • 80. Commit to the Outcome Know your goal
  • 81. Commit to the Outcome Know your goal If it’s vague, make it specific.
  • 82. Commit to the Outcome Know your goal If it’s vague, make it specific. Create small, short-term milestones.
  • 83. Commit to the Outcome Know your goal If it’s vague, make it specific. Create small, short-term milestones. Focus on your accomplishments.
  • 84. Commit to the Outcome Know your goal If it’s vague, make it specific. Create small, short-term milestones. Focus on your accomplishments. Celebrate!
  • 86. Calling call·ing |kôliNG| noun 1. A strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation. 2. I define it as the work you were meant to do.
  • 87. Calling – What it is not.
  • 88. Calling – What it is not. It is not a fantasy, fairytale, or easy street.
  • 89. Calling – What it is not. It is not a fantasy, fairytale, or easy street. It is not emotionally draining.
  • 90. Calling – What it is not It is not a fantasy, fairytale, or easy street. It is not emotionally draining. It is not necessarily forever.
  • 92. Calling – What it is Ease
  • 93. Calling – What it is FamiliarityEase
  • 94. Calling – What it is Familiarity Flow Ease
  • 95. Calling Ease It doesn’t feel like “work.” Feels natural, normal.
  • 96. Calling Ease It doesn’t feel like “work.” Feels natural, normal. Familiarity What you’ve already always done.
  • 97. Calling FamiliarityEase It doesn’t feel like “work.” Feels natural, normal. What you’ve already always done. Flow When you’re doing the work, you are present – in the moment. Your creativity increases and flourishes. You can share yourself with the world without barriers.
  • 100. What’s My Thing? 8 week Group Coaching Program
  • 101. What’s My Thing? 8 week Group Coaching Program Begins September 9
  • 102. What’s My Thing? Is this for you?
  • 103. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? Probably not if…
  • 104. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You are not ready to do the necessary work. Probably not if…
  • 105. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. Probably not if…
  • 106. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if…
  • 107. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if…
  • 108. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if… Absolutely if…
  • 109. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if… You are ready to commit to do whatever it takes. Absolutely if…
  • 110. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if… You are excited to join a community of like minded success seekers. You are ready to commit to do whatever it takes. Absolutely if…
  • 111. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if… You are excited to join a community of like minded success seekers. You are ready to commit to do whatever it takes. You are willing and able to listen to viewpoints different than your own. Absolutely if…
  • 112. What’s My Thing? Is this for you? You cannot support other members of the group. You are not ready to do the necessary work. You are a complainer, whiner, bitcher and moaner. You are not open to new perspectives. Probably not if… You are excited to join a community of like minded success seekers. You are ready to commit to do whatever it takes. You are an intuitive action taker – or are ready to become one! You are willing and able to listen to viewpoints different than your own. Absolutely if…
  • 113. What’s My Thing? What You’ll Receive:
  • 114. What’s My Thing?  30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call − Prior to beginning of the program What You’ll Receive:
  • 115. What’s My Thing?  30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call − Prior to beginning of the program  4 in depth modules − Two weeks each What You’ll Receive:
  • 116. What’s My Thing?  2 calls per week − First to deliver module − Second for open group coaching − Recordings delivered within 24 hours  30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call − Prior to beginning of the program  4 in depth modules − Two weeks each What You’ll Receive:
  • 117. What’s My Thing? Module 1: Discovery Week 1 Deep Self Inquiry – Feelings, Passions, Values Week 2 Deep Self Inquiry – Hidden Desires, Lost Dreams, Peak Events
  • 118. What’s My Thing? Module 2: Refinement Week 3 Evaluation – Through lines and patterns Week 4 Evaluation – Connections and roadblocks
  • 119. What’s My Thing? Module 3: Management Week 5 Strategies – Noticing and uncovering Week 6 Strategies – Acceptance and surrender
  • 120. What’s My Thing? Module 4: Action Week 7 Decisions – Making and keeping commitments Week 8 Decisions – Action Planning
  • 121. What’s My Thing? In Just Two Months You Will:
  • 122. What’s My Thing?  Have complete clarity on the must-have elements of your right work. In Just Two Months You Will:
  • 123. What’s My Thing?  Have complete clarity on the must-have elements of your right work.  Have simple, easy to implement strategies for kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and dealing with the naysayers in your life. In Just Two Months You Will:
  • 124. What’s My Thing?  Have a co-created, step-by-step action plan for making the career of your dreams a reality.  Have complete clarity on the must-have elements of your right work.  Have simple, easy to implement strategies for kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and dealing with the naysayers in your life. In Just Two Months You Will:
  • 125. What’s My Thing?  Have a co-created, step-by-step action plan for making the career of your dreams a reality.  Have complete clarity on the must-have elements of your right work.  Have simple, easy to implement strategies for kicking your self saboteur to the curb, and dealing with the naysayers in your life. In Just Two Months You Will:  FINALLY be on the road to doing the work you were meant to do!
  • 126. What’s My Thing? My Commitment to You I am 100 % committed to the success of the people I work with and I expect a 100% commitment in return. I only work with people who are action takers and who are serious about doing the work necessary to reach their goals. No excuses, no drama, no BS. Our work together will be difficult and maybe even painful at times, but it will also be lots of fun and will absolutely change your life. I will totally be in this with you – we’ll work hard together. I’ll support you every step of the way. Your success is my success, and I will settle for nothing less.
  • 127. What’s My Thing?  2 calls per week − First to deliver module − Second for open group coaching − Recordings delivered within 24 hours  30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call − Prior to beginning of the program  4 in depth modules − Two weeks each Features
  • 128. What’s My Thing? Bonuses! Health and Wellness Call with Parisa Golestani Banks Parisa is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, formerly known as the Raw Food Mama. She is an expert at helping people lead more healthy and balanced lives, gain more energy and achieve a state of overall wellness. Self care is of utmost importance when embarking on big, bold life changes. Parisa will help you to thrive as you take on this important work. (Valued at $250)
  • 129. What’s My Thing? Bonuses! Networking Mentoring Call with Marsha Shandur Having spent 17 years as a successful radio presenter, musician manager and music supervisor for hit TV shows, Marsha knows a lot about networking. Through years of experience, Marsha learnt that there are ways to network that DON’T involve walking up to people and immediately selling yourself. She’ll share some of her best tips and techniques to help you get started on networking for your new career. (Valued at $250)
  • 131. What’s My Thing? Bonuses! Make your investment in “What’s My Thing?” by 12:00am Pacific on Saturday, August 17 and receive a 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any time during the second half of the program. (Valued at $250)
  • 132. What’s My Thing? Bonuses! Make your investment in “What’s My Thing?” by 12:00am Pacific on Saturday, August 17 and receive a 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any time during the second half of the program. (Valued at $250) Pay in full for “What’s My Thing?” by 12:00am Pacific on Saturday, August 17 and receive an additional 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching call to be used any time during the second half of the program. (Valued at $250)
  • 133. What’s My Thing? Your Investment:
  • 134. What’s My Thing? Your Investment: $997 Pay In Full
  • 135. What’s My Thing? Your Investment: $997 Pay In Full $367 per month Three Payment Option
  • 136. What’s My Thing? Register here: Your Investment: $997 Pay In Full $367 per month Three Payment Option