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CONTENTS                                    HOW CAN A
A Wonderful But
Difficult Challenge . . . . . . . . 2
                                            PARENT FIND
Marks Of A                                  PEACE OF
Lost Perspective . . . . . . . . . 3
Does The Bible                              MIND?
Promise Good Results? . . . . 4
How Can A Parent

Find Peace Of Mind? . . . . . . 6                 ew experiences are more
    Accepting A Limited                            wonderful and difficult
    Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . 6          than raising children.
    Learning How To Play                    Solomon recognized both
    The Game . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                            sides when he said, “A wise
    Going Back To School . . . 10
    Learning From                           son makes a glad father, but
    The Family Pet . . . . . . . . 12       a foolish son is the grief of his
    Living By A Contract . . . . 14         mother” (Prov. 10:1).
    Bringing Our Children                       For this challenge, the
    To Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16   Bible offers wisdom. Nowhere is
    Working Like
    A Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . 18     there more realism than in the
    Accepting The Role                      experiences of Abraham, Sarah,
    Of A Priest . . . . . . . . . . . 20    David, the father and mother
    Growing Like Grapes                     of the prodigal son, and others.
    On A Vine . . . . . . . . . . . . 22    Nowhere is there more
    Looking For Teachable
    Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . 24      understanding and comfort
    Dying A Thousand                        than in the Father of heaven
    Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26     who patiently loves and waits
    Preparing For                           in the lives of His own growing
    An Empty Nest . . . . . . . 28          children.
    Being Late Rather
    Than Never . . . . . . . . . . 30                    Martin R. De Haan II
Whose Child Are You?. . . . 32
Managing Editor: David Sper                    Cover Photo: Mark Gervase/Getty Images
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas
Nelson, Inc., Publishers
Copyright © 1991, 2001 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan          Printed in USA

                      © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
A WONDERFUL                      • SUCCESS AS A PARENT IS
                                     BE A PROBLEM TO YOUR
CHALLENGE                            CHILDREN.
                                     Behind the humor there

    ooking back, few             is heartbreak, sleepless
      grandparents will say      nights, and broken dreams.
       that being a parent           The tough part of this
was easy. Many, however,         subject for any parent is
will say that parenting has      that our children are so
been and continues to be         close to our hearts. Many of
one of the most rewarding        us will quickly acknowledge
experiences of their life.       that nothing is as important
   Others have said that         as our children. More than
knowing what they know           a few moms and dads will
now, they wouldn’t have          say that nothing else
children again. Some             matters if their children are
well-known surveys have          not happy. Nothing else
shown that parental              matters if a son or daughter
disillusionment is fairly        is sick, or hurt, or afraid.
widespread. Newspaper                Much of this parental
columns and radio and            concern is healthy. It goes
television talk programs         with the territory of loving
continue to show that            enough to care about your
there’s probably more than       children. At some point,
a smile behind the following     however, the care can also
bumper stickers:                 become unhealthy. At some
• HAPPINESS IS SPENDING          point the worry over a
   YOUR CHILDREN’S               difficult child can become
   INHERITANCE BEFORE            consuming—and a warning
   THEY DO.                      of a lost perspective.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
MARKS OF                          understandable, it’s not
A LOST                            healthy when a troubled
                                  parent lives with the
PERSPECTIVE                       following convictions:
                                      It Wasn’t Supposed To

      lthough all mothers         Be This Way. All too often,
        and fathers experience    parents idealize what it
         moments of parental      means to be a good mom or
frustration and anger, many       dad. Many of us have
have said they’d be willing       unrealistic expectations of
to do anything to assure          the parenting process. We
their children’s happiness.       assume that if we are good
It’s not uncommon for             parents we will have good
parents to wish they could        children—now. Such hopes
give their own lives for the      and assurances are not
                                  what wise and loving
  So much of our                  parenting is all about.
 parental anxiety is                  Nothing Else Is
                                  Important. It is possible not
rooted in unrealistic             only to idealize the process
   expectations.                  of parenting, but also to
                                  idolize our children. As
sake of their child. These        important as our sons and
are often well-meant              daughters are, they are not
expressions of love, and go       all-important. We cannot
with the territory of being a     allow them to become the
mom or dad.                       consuming focus of our
   At some point, though,         lives. We cannot afford to
perspective can be lost.          let our children’s immature
Although the concern              choices come between
and heartbreak is                 our relationship with our
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
spouse, or our own Father        would be a mistake to think
in heaven.                       that when we change our
   Our Children’s                ways our children will
Problems Reflect Our             change as well.
Mistakes. While we all              All Hope Is Lost. The
bequeath to our children         experience of Job helps us
our own human nature, it is      in another way. In time, he
unwise to assume that our        learned that his moments of
children’s problems are          darkness and despair did
always in proportion to our      not write the last chapter of
own mistakes.                    his life. In time, the God
   In the Old Testament          who had been so silent—for
story of Job, a troubled         His own reasons—did
man’s three friends wrongly      speak. And He spoke with
assumed that what had            great affection.
happened to Job and his
children was the result of           There is no rule
Job’s own sin. His friends         that our children’s
understood the moral
principle that “what we              problems are in
plant, we harvest.” But they        proportion to our
were wrong in assuming                own mistakes.
that the problems that came
on Job’s family were in             Many parents have
proportion to Job’s sin.         discovered that the difficult
   If, in our concern for our    times are not forever. In
children, we become aware        time, they have learned the
of our own wrongs, we can        value of waiting on God
do nothing better than to        while relying on His
admit our failures and           strength to love and to
commit to change. But it         care with wisdom.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
DOES THE BIBLE                    of influence a parent has
PROMISE GOOD                      on an impressionable child.
                                  There is some truth in each
RESULTS?                          view. At the very least, this
                                  proverb reflects that if

        ne of the most            you give a child a good
         quoted parenting         beginning by training him
         principles of the        in a manner appropriate to
Bible is found in Proverbs        his own distinct needs, then
22:6. There Solomon, the          the positive influence of this
wise King of Israel said,         early training will remain
“Train up a child in the way      with him for the rest of his
he should go, and when he         life. He will never be able
is old he will not depart         to get away from what the
from it.” In the Hebrew           parent has impressed on
language this literally says      him. That doesn’t mean
that if you train up (initiate,   the adult child will always
imbue, consecrate, or             comply with his parents’
dedicate) a child in his          influence, but he will carry
own way (with regard for          the memory of their training
his own temperament               with him until the day he
and individual needs at           dies.
each stage of growth or               Overall, the Bible shows
development), when he is          that a mature approach to
old (from a word that meant       parenting will follow the
“bearded” or “mature”) he         example of our heavenly
will not depart from it.          Father. He loved as no other
    Some take this as a           parent has ever loved, while
promise. Others believe it is     also giving His children
a general rule of wisdom          enough room to make their
that expresses the amount         own choices and mistakes.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
HOW CAN A                       ACCEPTING
PARENT FIND                     A LIMITED

      s parents who
        sometimes find
wondering about the
future, we may find
ourselves wishing that
God had assured us of
more predictable results.
It is actually more loving,
however, to parent our          Good parenting doesn’t
children without such a         guarantee good children.
confidence. By looking at       It only assures that our
the way our heavenly            children will have the
Father has loved us, we’ll      tremendous advantage of
see that parenting is worth     having had a good parent.
the effort—not because our      Think about the God of the
children always make the        Bible. He was a perfect
right choices but because       parent. But look at His
we’ve had the opportunity       children. Adam and Eve
and privilege and peace         were raised in the best of
of loving them the way          environments. Yet they
our heavenly Father has         threw it all away, went the
loved us.                       way of the snake, and gave
                                birth to a murderer.
                                    Then came Israel, a
                                dearly loved nation who
            © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
repeatedly and chronically       homes and turn out great?
became the incorrigible,         Are we as quick to think
rebellious child.                that there must have been
   Then came the church,         some redeeming and
who time after time has          determining parental virtue
given her Father a bad           that we didn’t see? Or are
name all over the earth.         we inclined to think that
   Ezekiel the prophet           the child rose above his
assumed that a good parent       roots and decided that he
can have a child who turns       was going to be different?
out bad. He also reminded            It is painful enough to
us that a bad parent can         bear the concern that loving
have a child who turns           parents feel for the well-
out good. He argued              being of their children. It is
long and hard against a          enough to know that we
deterministic relationship       haven’t given our children
between parent and child         as much love and patience
(Ezek. 18:1-28).                 and wisdom as we wish
   This “tension of the          we had. It is all the more
exception” runs against          pathetic, therefore, when
the grain of what we often       we are robbed of our peace
expect in parent-child           by wrong thinking. It is
relationships. When we see       regrettable when parents
a child from a good family       experience false guilt
turn out bad, we are             because they believe that
inclined to think that there     if they do the right things
must have been a dark side       their children will always
of parental neglect              turn out well. The truth
somewhere. That might be.        is that if we do well, our
But what about the children      children will be blessed
who come from troubled           with a good foundation.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
LEARNING HOW                      try to divert attention from
TO PLAY THE GAME                  their own weaknesses by
                                  blaming others for their
                                  problems. With the latter
                                  approach, parenting
                                  crumbles into excuses like,
                                  “These kids are driving me
                                  crazy. They make me so
                                  mad. Sometimes I think I’m
                                  losing my mind. I know I
                                  shouldn’t yell and scream,
                                  but I can’t help it. They
                                  bring out the worst in me.
Tennis can be played two          Besides, I think a lot of my
ways. It can be played with       problem is that I came from
the kind of sportsmanship         a dysfunctional home. I
that is gracious in winning       can’t stop yelling and
and gracious in losing. Or        hitting and arguing with
tennis can be played merely       those brats. I just don’t
for the win and money. The        have it in me.”
latter is the legacy of some         Our first parents started
of the young pros who have        the ball of blame rolling.
marred the dignity of the         Adam blamed Eve. Eve
game with their center-court      blamed the snake. The
tantrums, profanity, officials    devil-snake undoubtedly
bashing, and bitter excuses.      blamed God. But God held
    Parents have similar          Adam responsible for his
options. They can                 choices. He made Eve
concentrate on developing         accountable for what she
their own self-control, skill,    decided to do. The snake
and reactions. Or they can        didn’t get off the hook either.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Today we are inclined             The Scripture also
to say that our parenting         shows, however, that being
problems are the result of        under the influence of our
our own parents’ mistakes.        own parents does not
There may be a lot of truth       suspend responsibility for
to that. But a long time ago,     how we choose to respond
the Lord taught His people        to that influence. It is up to
not to blame others for           us to choose whether we
their own choices. He             will unconsciously follow
objected to a proverb             the example of our parents,
used to diminish a sense          consciously aspire to it, or
of personal responsibility        deliberately choose another
for one’s own actions:            path.
   The fathers have eaten
   sour grapes, and the              It’s not whether
   children’s teeth are set         we eventually win
   on edge (Ezek. 18:2).
   Again, that’s not to
                                         or lose our
say that God denies the             children, but how
problems we inherit from            we play the game
our parents. The Scriptures
certainly allow for the
                                        that counts.
existence of learned or               An immature adolescent
biologically inherited            son may push us to the
predispositions. God said:        limits. An alcoholic father or
   I . . . am a jealous God,      neurotic mother may hover
   visiting the iniquity of the   in our memories. But none
   fathers on the children        of them gives us an excuse
   to the third and fourth        to be adolescent, angry,
   generations of those who       argumentative, or abusive
   hate Me (Ex. 20:5).            in our own behavior.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
GOING BACK                       slate” view of childhood.
TO SCHOOL                        As we pick up the chalk of
                                 parental wisdom, we find
                                 that the blackboard has
                                 become greasy and
                                 unaccepting of our
                                 enthusiastic desire to
                                 write and teach something
                                 wonderful. This resistance
                                 to our teaching will last for
                                 as long as we have our
                                 children. We will find, to
                                 our disappointment, that
Just about the time              with few exceptions they
we think we have our             learn best when we are
education behind us, along       looking the other way.
comes a strong-willed, 25-
pounds-and-growing toddler           “The value of
who quickly pushes us to
our wits’ end. Suddenly             marriage is not
we find ourselves “back in        that adults produce
school” again. We begin to            children but
realize that parenting isn’t
just a matter of slowly               that children
dumping our accumulated             produce adults.”
knowledge into fresh,                   Peter De Vries
receptive, moldable, hungry
minds. Once again we begin          This isn’t the way we
looking for more answers.        wanted it. We thought a
   We develop a new              child should be a fresh
perspective of “the blank        and empty document onto
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
which we could transfer all      worst isn’t all bad. Our
of the knowledge we wish         frayed nerves, anxiety, and
we had taken to heart when       anger can do the same thing
we were their age.               for us as a headache or a
    Yet learning is occurring    fever. The temptation to
whether we realize it or         shout and scream, or throw
not. We are finally learning     around our parental
to understand our own            authority (“Because I said
parents. We are finding out      so, that’s why!) are symptoms
what it’s like to desperately    that must not be ignored.
love a little one who seems
determined to mimic                 “We never know
our faults while resisting            the love of a
our values, expectations,
and dreams.                          parent until we
    We are learning                 become parents
something about the heart              ourselves.”
of God, which overflows                 H.W. Beecher
with love for the little ones
bearing His name and                These reactions tell us
likeness. We are learning        that we still have much to
something about His joy. We      learn about what God can
are learning about the pain      do in us. We need to grow
He feels when He sees His        in His insight, His self-
children turn away from His      control, His ability to move
loving correction (Isa. 1:2).    us with dignity through the
    We are learning a lot        challenges of leading a little
about ourselves. We find         “center of the universe” to
that these little ones are       maturity. In the knowledge
bringing out the best in us,     that this is good for us,
and the worst. But even the      there is peace.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
LEARNING FROM                    a hug, or warm approval.
THE FAMILY PET                      Training a child is
                                 similar. Laying down the
                                 law, threatening with
                                 punishment, and pulling
                                 rank by saying, “Because I
                                 said so, and I’m your father.
                                 That’s why!” only works for
                                 a while. After that, all the
                                 threats in the world are
                                 not apt to make your child
                                 mind. They may incite him
                                 to rebel in your face, and
Before resenting the             certainly behind your back.
comparison, think about it.
What does it take to teach          There is no peace
a dog to sit up and beg?
How many times would you             in merely laying
have to swat a dog with a             down the law.
rolled-up newspaper, yell,
argue, or tear him down              Children cannot be
with insults? Chances are        forced to be good—not
that while you might be          indefinitely. In time they
able to keep your dog off        will begin doing what they
the couch with a few swats       want to do whether you like
of newsprint, the tactic         it or not. The key is to help
would fail to get him to sit     them want to do the right
up, roll over, or bring your     thing so as to adhere to
slippers to you. Even a          God’s standards and also
dog won’t learn new tricks       to meet their own needs.
unless you give him a treat,     Everyone wants to be free,
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
to be important, to             just appeal to His authority,
experience pleasure, and        He doesn’t. He gives us
to be appreciated. Begin by     insight and incentive.
helping them to feel really        As a parent, you will
cared for. Encourage them.      avoid much frustration by
Spend time with them.           realizing the importance of
Do what they enjoy doing.       giving your children good
Hold them. Hug them. Do         reasons and incentives for
things for them that will       right choices. They need to
show them that they are in      see how these reasons and
your heart, and that they       incentives fit their need
are in your heart for their     for pleasure, importance,
good.                           freedom, and appreciation.
   Don’t just give them         To withhold them is to
love. Give them boundaries      “provoke your children to
designed to protect their       wrath” (Eph. 6:4) and to
freedom. Show them what         lose your own peace of
happens to people who           mind.
refuse to live under the
wise and loving rule of              Law minus love
God. Find creative ways
of showing them that the
                                    equals rebellion.
counsel of the Word of               Love minus law
God has been given to us            equals insecurity.
to meet our deepest needs
and wants.
                                      Love plus law
   Help them to discover              equals insight
the wisdom of the Proverbs,           and incentive.
which show over and over
again in many different
ways that while God could
            © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
LIVING BY A                      are exceptions, especially
CONTRACT                         in the early years.
                                     One of the most
                                 important lessons to be
                                 learned as a parent is
                                 mirrored in the way God
                                 deals with His children.
                                 He is a contract-making
                                 God. He tells us what will
                                 happen if we do what He
                                 tells us to do. Then He
                                 tells us, with sufficient
                                 specificity, what will
Wise parents try not to          happen if we refuse. He
make their children behave.      offers to help us make good
They realize that they           choices if we ask Him for
cannot force their children      wisdom and readily offers
to be good any more than a       to help us do anything He
horse can be forced to drink     wants done that we cannot
water. You can lead the          do on our own.
child to be good, but you            Central to the whole
can’t make him. That’s the       relationship with His
power of the human spirit.       children is the matter of
Children who are sitting         choice. If His children go
down on the outside can          bad, it is their choice to do
still be standing up on the      so. When they suffer the
inside.                          consequences, it is because
    This is not to say that      they knowingly chose to go
you don’t have to make           against His will.
children do things they              Put this in a parenting
don’t want to do. There          relationship. This is the
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
opposite of trying to             bed an hour early, or if they
make all of our children’s        are not allowed to go with
decisions for them, and           the family to a ballgame—
then trying to jump in and        it’s because of their choice,
protect them when they            not ours.
have made bad choices.                Teaching our children
It is also the opposite of        to choose their own path,
just trying to make our           and then letting them
children do what we               experience the pleasurable
want them to do.                  or painful results of their
                                  own choices, is one of the
      This means                  most important things we
      we can stop                 can do—not only for them
                                  but also for our own peace
 yelling, threatening,            of mind.
    and repeating                     To the extent that we do
       ourselves.                 this, we can stop yelling,
                                  threatening, and repeating
   The best we can do is to       ourselves. It means we
show them clearly what we         can stop complaining and
expect, and within what           nagging to pick up the pile
period of time. Tell them         of clothes in their room. It
what will happen if they          means we can lower our
obey. Tell them what will         voice and be civilized about
happen if they don’t.             our expectations. It is to say,
Then let them choose the          “From now on, children, you
consequences. If they end         choose how it will be with
up being grounded, if they        you. As God fathers us, so
lose television privileges, if    we will parent you. We’re
they are not allowed to use       here for you, but on these
the car, if they have to go to    terms. It’s your move.”
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
BRINGING OUR                     will not be afraid to bring
CHILDREN TO                      his child to tears when
TEARS                            necessary. The timeless
                                 wisdom of Scripture
                                 is clear:
                                 • He who spares his rod
                                     hates his son, but he who
                                     loves him disciplines him
                                     promptly (Prov. 13:24).
                                 • Chasten your son while
                                     there is hope, and do not
                                     set your heart on his
                                     destruction (Prov. 19:18).
                                 • Foolishness is bound up
We live in a day of rampant          in the heart of a child,
child abuse. So we have              but the rod of correction
been rightly sensitized to           will drive it far from him
the dangers of hitting a             (Prov. 22:15).
child in anger or using any      • The rod and reproof give
instrument, including the            wisdom, but a child left to
hand, which might cause              himself brings shame to
serious physical injury. It’s        his mother (Prov. 29:15).
just as important to realize     • Correct your son, and he
that as a child grows older,         will give you rest; yes, he
he can be corrected by the           will give delight to your
use of previously stated             soul (Prov. 29:17).
consequences of his own          • Now no chastening
choosing (see pp.14-15).             seems to be joyful for the
   That is one side of the           present, but grievous;
coin. The other side is that         nevertheless, afterward it
a wise and loving parent             yields the peaceable fruit
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
of righteousness to those      bring a child to tears out of
   who have been trained by       their own selfishness.
   it (Heb. 12:11).                  This means that
   These can be hard words        parents should not give
for a mom or dad to hear.         their children reason to say,
In the short run, it is much      “You are not being fair with
easier to indulge our             me. You aren’t listening to
children than to put up           me. You are demanding
with the fury of their tears      more than I can give. You
and complaints. In the            are never satisfied. You
short run, it is painful. But     overreact to what I have
in the long run, lovingly         done wrong. You refuse to
appropriate and timely            admit when you are wrong.
correction is necessary           I can’t reason with you. You
both for our child’s well-        keep changing your mind.
being and for our own
peace of mind. Often, our            “Fathers, do not
children are much like the
servant described in the
                                       provoke your
book of Proverbs:                   children to wrath.”
   A servant will not                     Ephesians 6:4
   be corrected by mere
   words; for though he           You just use your authority
   understands, he will           as a parent. You are mean
   not respond (29:19).           and unpredictable. I never
   Let’s pray that when we        know when you are going to
bring our children to tears it    blow up in anger. I’m afraid
will be because of our love       of you. You are supposed to
rather than our anger.            protect me, but I need
There is no peace of mind         protection from you. I hate
promised to parents who           you for making me cry.”
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
WORKING LIKE                      planting. It’s weeding and
A FARMER                          cultivating and irrigating,
                                  and then waiting on the
                                  heavens until harvest time.
                                  Depending on the year, you
                                  might have a bumper crop.
                                  Other harvests could be
                                  wiped out by bugs,
                                  or disease, or too much
                                  rain, or not enough rain, or
                                  too much heat, or too much
                                      That’s not to say that
Parenting is more like            farming is just a game of
farming than cooking. Good        chance. Farming can be very
meals can be prepared in a        scientific. Put a loafer or a
couple of hours. And by           playboy on the farm and
following a recipe, you           you’re almost sure of being
can be fairly certain of the      hungry in the fall. A good
outcome. But formulas don’t       farmer is a hard worker who
work very well with children.     knows what to do with the
    To get a model for child-     specific crops or animals
rearing, you need to track        he’s raising. He doesn’t raise
the bread and beef all the        chickens like turkeys, nor
way back to the farm where        corn like alfalfa. Above all,
they came from. Now you’re        you don’t see him trying
closer to parenting. Parenting    quick-recipe formulas with
is far more “barnyard and         a “sure thing, can’t miss”
back 40” than sugar and           attitude. A good farmer is a
spice. Parenting is plowing       humble man. He knows his
and digging and raking and        cash crop, but he doesn’t
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
presume upon the outcome.             might have ten thousand
All he knows is what his              instructors in Christ, yet
responsibility is at each step        you do not have many
of the way. If he gets a              fathers; for in Christ
bumper crop, it’s because             Jesus I have begotten
he did the right things that          you through the gospel.
were under his control, and           Therefore I urge you,
also because the things that          imitate me (3:5-6,8;
weren’t under his control fell        4:12,14-16).
in line.                              Paul was thinking of
    The apostle Paul alluded      spiritual parenting, which is
to this farming model in his      different from raising your
first New Testament letter to     own children. But there are
the Corinthians:                  strong parallels. In both
    Who then is Paul, and         cases you must do the right
    who is Apollos, but           thing, work hard, wait on
    ministers through whom        God for the harvest, and
    you believed, as the          realize that you will be
    Lord gave to each one?        rewarded— not for the
    I planted, Apollos            results but for the loving
    watered, but God gave         nurturing you have given.
    the increase. . . . Now he        Peace of mind is found
    who plants and he who         not in trying to force quick
    waters are one, and each      growth but in realizing that
    one will receive his own      parenting is a long process
    reward according to his       of providing what our little
    own labor. . . . And we       ones need, while waiting
    labor, working with our       on them and God for the
    own hands. . . . as my        results. There is no peace
    beloved children I warn       or productivity in trying to
    you. For though you           speed up the harvest.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
ACCEPTING THE                        In some ways, the
ROLE OF A PRIEST                 thought that our children
                                 are not our own isn’t very
                                 comforting. We know what
                                 it feels like to be concerned
                                 about returning a borrowed
                                 car or lawnmower that is
                                 worse for the wear. On the
                                 other hand, realizing that
                                 our children are the Lord’s
                                 is a very liberating thought.
                                 It means that the child’s
                                 rightful owner will make
The Old Testament priest         sure that I have all the
Eli raised a child who           resources I need to care for
was not his own (1 Sam.          the child in God’s behalf.
1:24–2:21). For several              Parents are also like Eli
years, Eli acted as a parent     in that they are like priests.
to a young boy named             In Hebrews 5:1-4 we are
Samuel. But Samuel was           shown that a priest
only a trust placed in           intercedes in behalf of his
Eli’s care. In a sense, we       people, and that he does so
have a similar relationship      in the awareness of his own
to our children. They are        weakness. Because he
like everything else we          knows his own problems,
have in our possession.          he can be sympathetic and
In reality, they are not our     compassionate in dealing
own. Our children have           with those who come to
been placed in our care          him for help. The author of
temporarily by the Lord          Hebrews wrote this about
to be raised for Him.            the high priest:
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
He can have compassion         our children to be better
    on those who are               than we were. We might
    ignorant and going             long for them to make good
    astray, since he himself       choices. We might pray that
    is also beset by weakness.     they will be wiser than their
    Because of this he is          years. But we haven’t
    required as for the people,    always been wise and
    so also for himself, to        wonderful. We’ve been
    offer for sins (Heb. 5:2-3).   where our children now are.
    Since this was spoken          We’ve been just as foolish,
about priests who served           just as shortsighted, just as
prior to the coming of             naive. What we have to
Christ, our great High             offer them is not a perfect
Priest, some might think
it outdated. Yet, the
same author also said                  Parents can have
of Christ:                              peace of mind
    We do not have a High
    Priest who cannot
                                        when they have
    sympathize with our                 prayed for the
    weaknesses, but was in              children placed
    all points tempted as we
    are, yet without sin
                                         in their care.
    (Heb. 4:15).
    The New Testament              example, but sympathetic,
now calls the children of          compassionate hearts that
God a kingdom of priests           continually go out to them
(1 Pet. 2:5,9).                    in love and to God their
    Think of the implications      heavenly Father—and
for a parent. It doesn’t           rightful owner—on their
make sense for us to expect        behalf.
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
GROWING LIKE                          goodness, faithfulness,
GRAPES ON A VINE                      gentleness, self-control.
                                      Against such there is no
                                      law. And those who are
                                      Christ’s have crucified
                                      the flesh with its passions
                                      and desires. If we live
                                      in the Spirit, let us
                                      also walk in the Spirit
                                      (Gal. 5:22-25).
                                      The reason Paul’s words
                                  are so important for parents
                                  is that they not only reflect
The secret of the fruit is in     the qualities that assure
the branch and root. Good         good parenting, but they
parenting is the fruit of         also point to resources of
good character that is            the Spirit we don’t have to
rooted and growing in God         find in ourselves or in our
Himself. The Bible calls this     own experience. If Paul is
character the fruit of the        right, then our own sense
Spirit. That is to say that it    of inadequacy and our own
comes from the Holy Spirit        history in dysfunctional
of God rather than from           relationships can actually
our own natural ability or        be put to work for us. Those
energy. Listen to what the        can be the needs that drive
apostle Paul wrote, and           us to find in the Spirit of
think about how it assures        our heavenly Father the
good parenting:                   parenting qualities that
   But the fruit of the           are not natural to us.
   Spirit is love, joy, peace,        Listen to what Paul
   longsuffering, kindness,       wrote to Christians who
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
had been trying to live in        Christ and His Word (Jn.
their own strength:               15:1-14), then we will be
   Are you so foolish?            growing in our experience
   Having begun in the            of the fruit of the Spirit:
   Spirit, are you now being       • supernatural love vs.
   made perfect by the flesh?         sheer effort and fatigue
   Have you suffered so            • good sense of humor
   many things in vain—               (joy) vs. pessimism
   if indeed it was in vain?       • calm spirit vs. anxiety
   Therefore He who                • patient attitude vs. quick
   supplies the Spirit to             anger
   you and works miracles          • kindness vs. meanness
   among you, does He do           • good motives and
   it by the works of the law,        intentions vs. selfishness
   or by the hearing of faith?     • promise-keeping vs.
   (Gal. 3:3-5).                      breaking your word
   The spiritual resources of      • gentleness vs. harshness
character Paul was talking         • self-control vs. addictive
about are not the result of           behavior
trying to live by the ideals
of God. They come when
we believe and trust what
God says He is willing and
able to do in us.                      We can’t afford
   We need to remind one               to forget where
another continually that the
secret to good parenting is
                                       good parenting
like fruit that is rooted in             comes from.
the branches and roots of
the Spirit of Christ. When
we are in agreement with
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
LOOKING FOR                        shall let your children
TEACHABLE                          know (Josh. 4:21-22).
MOMENTS                            The parent-teachers
                                of Israel were not to be
                                boring. They were to
                                do things that would
                                encourage their children
                                to ask, “Dad, Mom, why
                                do we do this? Why do
                                we always have an empty
                                place-setting at our table?”
                                (See also Dt. 6:6-9,20-25.)

In the Old Testament, God            What was the
taught His people to build          primary method
rock piles so that their          Jesus used to teach
children would one day ask
why the stones were there.           His disciples?
When the children asked,
the parents were to be             The father who wrote
ready to tell the story of      the Proverbs for his son
how the Lord of Israel had      realized the power of a
wonderfully met their needs     word spoken at just the
in that place. The secret       right moment (Prov. 15:23;
was in being ready for          25:11). He came from a
teachable moments.              tradition that used creative
   When your children ask       ways to open the hearts of
   their fathers in time to     children to life-changing
   come, saying, “What are      perspectives. The Jews used
   these stones?” then you      education by rockpiles, by
            © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
riddles, by object lessons,      or a tender Bible story
by drama, by word pictures,      and prayer at bedtime are
and by seeing children, over     usually far better received
all, as being willing and        (Dt. 6:6-9) and much more
active participants in their     effective. The challenge
own learning.                    is that you can’t teach
    Such child-ready object      children this way without
lessons are different from       a lot of involvement and
the kind of family devotions     creative time spent with
that are forced, ritualistic,    them.
and academic. These
seldom have the desired
spiritual effect. Unless our
                                    Making the most
words come at teachable               of teachable
moments, they are not                moments takes
likely to draw our children’s
hearts toward their God.
                                   time and creativity.
About all forced devotions
do is help a parent feel less       Now, I’m not saying
guilty about something that      that we should not have
he feels he should do.           mealtime devotions with
    Planning for and taking      our children. If it is working
advantage of teachable           well and doing what you
moments is far better.           hoped it would do, then
Tender discussions about         continue. But if all you are
life while enjoying an           doing is trying to force your
afternoon in a fishing boat,     children to learn something,
a walk along a wooded            chances are they may be
field, a drive through the       learning to resent not only
countryside, a spontaneous       Bible reading and prayer,
discussion during mealtime,      but also you and your Lord.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
DYING                             bringing children to
A THOUSAND                        maturity would be easy.
DEATHS                            It’s hard for a mother to go
                                  through the contractions of
                                  labor. It’s hard for her to
                                  give years of her life to
                                  infants and toddlers who
                                  constantly demand
                                  attention. It’s hard for a
                                  wife and husband to give
                                  up the freedoms they
                                  enjoyed before children.
                                  It’s hard for a father to put
                                  aside his strong will and
The most effective parents        give his son the space he
die a thousand deaths.
Sometimes it is the result           “Unless a grain of
of being embarrassed by
the actions of their children.      wheat falls into the
Sometimes it is the result of         ground and dies,
utter frustration and fatigue.     it remains alone; but
Sometimes it is over the
deep concern of a son or           if it dies, it produces
daughter’s shortsighted                 much grain.”
and self-destructive choices.           Jesus (Jn. 12:24)
But often these parents
voluntarily die to their own      needs to make his own
desires just because this is      decisions. It’s hard to give
what it takes to bring            your children more and
children into the world.          more freedom with less and
   No one said that               less control so that they
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
can begin to feel the             whatever it takes to bring
responsibilities of maturity.     my children to You and to
It’s hard not to jump in and      maturity of faith and love.
rescue them when they get         Lord, do whatever it takes.”
themselves in trouble. It’s
hard to remain firm in               “Now My soul is
providing reasonable
boundaries and controls
                                    troubled, and what
so that they are not left           shall I say? ‘Father,
entirely on their own. It           save Me from this
would be easier, sometimes,
to give in and get them off
                                    hour’? But for this
your back. It’s hard to               purpose I came
continually help them to               to this hour.”
see that the real issue is not          Jesus (Jn. 12:27)
what you want them to do
but what they are going to            Ironically, we are
choose and with what              inclined to think that taking
consequences. It’s hard           an easier path will result in
not to jump in and take           less pain and more joy.
control. It’s hard to be          Good parenting, however,
patient enough to give them       is the result of Christlike
as much time as they need         character. And unless we
to grow up. It’s like dying       follow Christ’s lead and that
to let them go out into the       of the apostle Paul (2 Cor.
cold, cruel world.                4:1-12), we will never see
    It’s hard to pray for them    the difference Christ’s Spirit
daily. It’s harder yet to pray    can make in us. Only when
in a way that reflects our        we die to ourselves do our
surrender to God. It’s hard       children get the benefit of
to say to the Lord, “Do           Christ parenting through us.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
PREPARING FOR                     parents and their marriage,
AN EMPTY NEST                     it should also be seen as
                                  the mark of success and
                                  hope for the child.
                                      Children are not born
                                  to be children. The highest
                                  good is not to be protected
                                  and directed by a hovering,
                                  smothering parent. From
                                  the day a baby is born, his
                                  parents should understand
                                  that their mission is to
                                  prepare this child to fly.
Empty-nest syndrome has
established itself as a real              “The most
dimension of mid-life crisis.
Life after children is now             important thing
recognized as another                 that parents can
threat to marriages that            teach their children
have survived earlier tests.
Parents who have lived all          is how to get along
their lives for their children          without them.”
suddenly find themselves                 Frank A. Clark
rattling around in an
empty house. They become              Maturity is better than
restless, unsatisfied, and        immaturity, independence
irritable. Anxiety, anger,        is better than dependence,
and depression can come           and the day of departure
in slowly like a fog.             is better than the day of
    If empty-nest syndrome        arrival.
marks yet another test for            If after working through
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
the normal pains of              miraculous signs and
departure, parents are           wonders to assure them
still apt to be overinvolved,    of His presence. In time,
overprotective, and              He withdrew the obvious
meddlesome in their              presence of the miraculous
adult children’s lives, then     and forced His children
there is a need for some         to sink or swim in the
housecleaning. It might be       disciplines of faith.
time to acknowledge and              God has made man
discard a pattern of selfish     and woman to leave their
control and smothering. It       parents and cleave to a
might be time to accept the      new mate of their own.
fact that we have been           It is in this new sphere of
overinvolved, not for the        independent living that a
child’s good but to indulge      person is the freest to learn
our own selfish needs. It is     to love God, parents, mate,
difficult to let our children    children, and friends.
go, especially if we have        It is here that we can find
become dependent on              the peace of mind God
them. Dependence signals         provides.
the child in us, and is a
warning that we are not           “There are only two
finding our satisfaction
and peace in God Himself.          lasting bequests we
    It is interesting to note     can hope to give our
the way God parents His              children. One of
children. In both Old and
New Testament times, the            these is roots; the
heavenly Father temporarily            other, wings.”
nurtured His children with             Hodding Carter
a heavy provision of
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
BEING LATE                           There is no way of
RATHER THAN                      changing the wrongs
NEVER                            of a lifetime. The human
                                 consequences of selfish,
                                 alcoholic, adulterous,
                                 abusive, workaholic
                                 parenting cannot be
                                 wiped away like unwanted
                                 chalk on a blackboard. But
                                 you can know the joys of
                                 the Teacher who taught His
                                 followers to live one day
                                 at a time, confess their
                                 wrongs, make restitution
Saying I’m sorry is better       where possible, and thereby
late than never saying it at     know God’s peace.
all. Saying I love you is
better said on a deathbed            To finally have
than to die without ever             the blessing of
having said it. Finding ways
to encourage your children             a parent can
late in life is better than         be like a soothing
letting them come to their           drink of water
own end wondering, “Did
Mom or Dad ever really              so satisfying that
care about me?” One of the         you remember that
most amazing experiences             drink every day
is to see the good that a few
words of encouragement                for the rest of
can do even at the end of                your life.
that parent’s life.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
But what if the child        wisdom, his example, and
dies before the parent has       his prayers.
a chance to show that care?         After finding out how
You can still dignify and        much God loved him, after
honor the life and memory        a change of heart, and after
of that child. You can put       experiencing the redeeming
your mistakes to work for
someone else who could                It’s not too late
benefit by being cared for                 to honor
by you.
    The apostle Paul                        the life
illustrated the possibility              or memory
of putting our mistakes to                of a child.
work for others. He became
like a father to many after      strength of Christ, Paul
having made many violent         became known for his
mistakes. In his early years,    example, his advice,
he was an angry and              his correction, and his
abusive man (Acts 8:1-3).        warm, affirming words of
His actions left memories        encouragement. He learned
that weighed heavily on          to provide the gentleness of
him (1 Tim. 1:15). Yet he        a mother and the strong
didn’t give up. He went on       comfort and challenge of a
to become one of the most        father (1 Th. 2:7-12). His
important parent figures of      “adopted” children would
all time. Driven by the          certainly say, “Better late
mistakes of his past, and        than never.”
by the forgiving love of
God, he went on to be like
a father to those who
soaked up his love, his
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
WHOSE CHILD                      will acknowledge your
ARE YOU?                         sins and trust Christ
                                 for forgiveness and life
                                 (Eph. 1:3-12; 1 Jn. 5:1).

       ou don’t have to be          In this new relationship
      the adult child of a       to God, a parent can find
      divorce, or of an          a love, a security, and a
alcoholic, a workaholic,         confidence that God alone
or a physically, verbally,       can give. It begins as we
or sexually abusive mom or       trust Christ as Savior from
dad to have doubts about         sin’s eternal penalty. It
yourself as a parent. All of     continues as we rely on
us have questions about          Him for wisdom and
what we are going to pass        enablement.
along to our children. Some
of us wonder whether we
are going to be able to be as
                                        Not only can
good for our children as our           you be a child
parents were for us. The              of God, but He
good news is that we don’t
have to pass along a legacy
                                      can enable you
of parental inadequacy.               to live like one!
   The God of the Bible
has offered to adopt, raise,         This is the only way that
and live His life through        “children having children”
you if you will allow Him        really works in our favor.
to parent you. The God           When we trust God and
and Father of the Lord           live as His children, He
Jesus Christ has offered to      will develop within us the
adopt and name you in His        character that is the secret
eternal inheritance if you       of good parenting.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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How Can A Parent Find Peace Of Mind

  • 1. CONTENTS HOW CAN A A Wonderful But Difficult Challenge . . . . . . . . 2 PARENT FIND Marks Of A PEACE OF Lost Perspective . . . . . . . . . 3 Does The Bible MIND? Promise Good Results? . . . . 4 How Can A Parent F Find Peace Of Mind? . . . . . . 6 ew experiences are more Accepting A Limited wonderful and difficult Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 than raising children. Learning How To Play Solomon recognized both The Game . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sides when he said, “A wise Going Back To School . . . 10 Learning From son makes a glad father, but The Family Pet . . . . . . . . 12 a foolish son is the grief of his Living By A Contract . . . . 14 mother” (Prov. 10:1). Bringing Our Children For this challenge, the To Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bible offers wisdom. Nowhere is Working Like A Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 there more realism than in the Accepting The Role experiences of Abraham, Sarah, Of A Priest . . . . . . . . . . . 20 David, the father and mother Growing Like Grapes of the prodigal son, and others. On A Vine . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nowhere is there more Looking For Teachable Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 understanding and comfort Dying A Thousand than in the Father of heaven Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 who patiently loves and waits Preparing For in the lives of His own growing An Empty Nest . . . . . . . 28 children. Being Late Rather Than Never . . . . . . . . . . 30 Martin R. De Haan II Whose Child Are You?. . . . 32 Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo: Mark Gervase/Getty Images Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers Copyright © 1991, 2001 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 2. A WONDERFUL • SUCCESS AS A PARENT IS BUT DIFFICULT LIVING LONG ENOUGH TO BE A PROBLEM TO YOUR CHALLENGE CHILDREN. Behind the humor there L ooking back, few is heartbreak, sleepless grandparents will say nights, and broken dreams. that being a parent The tough part of this was easy. Many, however, subject for any parent is will say that parenting has that our children are so been and continues to be close to our hearts. Many of one of the most rewarding us will quickly acknowledge experiences of their life. that nothing is as important Others have said that as our children. More than knowing what they know a few moms and dads will now, they wouldn’t have say that nothing else children again. Some matters if their children are well-known surveys have not happy. Nothing else shown that parental matters if a son or daughter disillusionment is fairly is sick, or hurt, or afraid. widespread. Newspaper Much of this parental columns and radio and concern is healthy. It goes television talk programs with the territory of loving continue to show that enough to care about your there’s probably more than children. At some point, a smile behind the following however, the care can also bumper stickers: become unhealthy. At some • HAPPINESS IS SPENDING point the worry over a YOUR CHILDREN’S difficult child can become INHERITANCE BEFORE consuming—and a warning THEY DO. of a lost perspective. 2 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 3. MARKS OF understandable, it’s not A LOST healthy when a troubled parent lives with the PERSPECTIVE following convictions: It Wasn’t Supposed To A lthough all mothers Be This Way. All too often, and fathers experience parents idealize what it moments of parental means to be a good mom or frustration and anger, many dad. Many of us have have said they’d be willing unrealistic expectations of to do anything to assure the parenting process. We their children’s happiness. assume that if we are good It’s not uncommon for parents we will have good parents to wish they could children—now. Such hopes give their own lives for the and assurances are not what wise and loving So much of our parenting is all about. parental anxiety is Nothing Else Is Important. It is possible not rooted in unrealistic only to idealize the process expectations. of parenting, but also to idolize our children. As sake of their child. These important as our sons and are often well-meant daughters are, they are not expressions of love, and go all-important. We cannot with the territory of being a allow them to become the mom or dad. consuming focus of our At some point, though, lives. We cannot afford to perspective can be lost. let our children’s immature Although the concern choices come between and heartbreak is our relationship with our 3 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 4. spouse, or our own Father would be a mistake to think in heaven. that when we change our Our Children’s ways our children will Problems Reflect Our change as well. Mistakes. While we all All Hope Is Lost. The bequeath to our children experience of Job helps us our own human nature, it is in another way. In time, he unwise to assume that our learned that his moments of children’s problems are darkness and despair did always in proportion to our not write the last chapter of own mistakes. his life. In time, the God In the Old Testament who had been so silent—for story of Job, a troubled His own reasons—did man’s three friends wrongly speak. And He spoke with assumed that what had great affection. happened to Job and his children was the result of There is no rule Job’s own sin. His friends that our children’s understood the moral principle that “what we problems are in plant, we harvest.” But they proportion to our were wrong in assuming own mistakes. that the problems that came on Job’s family were in Many parents have proportion to Job’s sin. discovered that the difficult If, in our concern for our times are not forever. In children, we become aware time, they have learned the of our own wrongs, we can value of waiting on God do nothing better than to while relying on His admit our failures and strength to love and to commit to change. But it care with wisdom. 4 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 5. DOES THE BIBLE of influence a parent has PROMISE GOOD on an impressionable child. There is some truth in each RESULTS? view. At the very least, this proverb reflects that if O ne of the most you give a child a good quoted parenting beginning by training him principles of the in a manner appropriate to Bible is found in Proverbs his own distinct needs, then 22:6. There Solomon, the the positive influence of this wise King of Israel said, early training will remain “Train up a child in the way with him for the rest of his he should go, and when he life. He will never be able is old he will not depart to get away from what the from it.” In the Hebrew parent has impressed on language this literally says him. That doesn’t mean that if you train up (initiate, the adult child will always imbue, consecrate, or comply with his parents’ dedicate) a child in his influence, but he will carry own way (with regard for the memory of their training his own temperament with him until the day he and individual needs at dies. each stage of growth or Overall, the Bible shows development), when he is that a mature approach to old (from a word that meant parenting will follow the “bearded” or “mature”) he example of our heavenly will not depart from it. Father. He loved as no other Some take this as a parent has ever loved, while promise. Others believe it is also giving His children a general rule of wisdom enough room to make their that expresses the amount own choices and mistakes. 5 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 6. HOW CAN A ACCEPTING PARENT FIND A LIMITED GUARANTEE PEACE OF MIND? A s parents who sometimes find ourselves wondering about the future, we may find ourselves wishing that God had assured us of more predictable results. It is actually more loving, however, to parent our Good parenting doesn’t children without such a guarantee good children. confidence. By looking at It only assures that our the way our heavenly children will have the Father has loved us, we’ll tremendous advantage of see that parenting is worth having had a good parent. the effort—not because our Think about the God of the children always make the Bible. He was a perfect right choices but because parent. But look at His we’ve had the opportunity children. Adam and Eve and privilege and peace were raised in the best of of loving them the way environments. Yet they our heavenly Father has threw it all away, went the loved us. way of the snake, and gave birth to a murderer. Then came Israel, a dearly loved nation who 6 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 7. repeatedly and chronically homes and turn out great? became the incorrigible, Are we as quick to think rebellious child. that there must have been Then came the church, some redeeming and who time after time has determining parental virtue given her Father a bad that we didn’t see? Or are name all over the earth. we inclined to think that Ezekiel the prophet the child rose above his assumed that a good parent roots and decided that he can have a child who turns was going to be different? out bad. He also reminded It is painful enough to us that a bad parent can bear the concern that loving have a child who turns parents feel for the well- out good. He argued being of their children. It is long and hard against a enough to know that we deterministic relationship haven’t given our children between parent and child as much love and patience (Ezek. 18:1-28). and wisdom as we wish This “tension of the we had. It is all the more exception” runs against pathetic, therefore, when the grain of what we often we are robbed of our peace expect in parent-child by wrong thinking. It is relationships. When we see regrettable when parents a child from a good family experience false guilt turn out bad, we are because they believe that inclined to think that there if they do the right things must have been a dark side their children will always of parental neglect turn out well. The truth somewhere. That might be. is that if we do well, our But what about the children children will be blessed who come from troubled with a good foundation. 7 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 8. LEARNING HOW try to divert attention from TO PLAY THE GAME their own weaknesses by blaming others for their problems. With the latter approach, parenting crumbles into excuses like, “These kids are driving me crazy. They make me so mad. Sometimes I think I’m losing my mind. I know I shouldn’t yell and scream, but I can’t help it. They bring out the worst in me. Tennis can be played two Besides, I think a lot of my ways. It can be played with problem is that I came from the kind of sportsmanship a dysfunctional home. I that is gracious in winning can’t stop yelling and and gracious in losing. Or hitting and arguing with tennis can be played merely those brats. I just don’t for the win and money. The have it in me.” latter is the legacy of some Our first parents started of the young pros who have the ball of blame rolling. marred the dignity of the Adam blamed Eve. Eve game with their center-court blamed the snake. The tantrums, profanity, officials devil-snake undoubtedly bashing, and bitter excuses. blamed God. But God held Parents have similar Adam responsible for his options. They can choices. He made Eve concentrate on developing accountable for what she their own self-control, skill, decided to do. The snake and reactions. Or they can didn’t get off the hook either. 8 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 9. Today we are inclined The Scripture also to say that our parenting shows, however, that being problems are the result of under the influence of our our own parents’ mistakes. own parents does not There may be a lot of truth suspend responsibility for to that. But a long time ago, how we choose to respond the Lord taught His people to that influence. It is up to not to blame others for us to choose whether we their own choices. He will unconsciously follow objected to a proverb the example of our parents, used to diminish a sense consciously aspire to it, or of personal responsibility deliberately choose another for one’s own actions: path. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the It’s not whether children’s teeth are set we eventually win on edge (Ezek. 18:2). Again, that’s not to or lose our say that God denies the children, but how problems we inherit from we play the game our parents. The Scriptures certainly allow for the that counts. existence of learned or An immature adolescent biologically inherited son may push us to the predispositions. God said: limits. An alcoholic father or I . . . am a jealous God, neurotic mother may hover visiting the iniquity of the in our memories. But none fathers on the children of them gives us an excuse to the third and fourth to be adolescent, angry, generations of those who argumentative, or abusive hate Me (Ex. 20:5). in our own behavior. 9 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 10. GOING BACK slate” view of childhood. TO SCHOOL As we pick up the chalk of parental wisdom, we find that the blackboard has become greasy and unaccepting of our enthusiastic desire to write and teach something wonderful. This resistance to our teaching will last for as long as we have our children. We will find, to our disappointment, that Just about the time with few exceptions they we think we have our learn best when we are education behind us, along looking the other way. comes a strong-willed, 25- pounds-and-growing toddler “The value of who quickly pushes us to our wits’ end. Suddenly marriage is not we find ourselves “back in that adults produce school” again. We begin to children but realize that parenting isn’t just a matter of slowly that children dumping our accumulated produce adults.” knowledge into fresh, Peter De Vries receptive, moldable, hungry minds. Once again we begin This isn’t the way we looking for more answers. wanted it. We thought a We develop a new child should be a fresh perspective of “the blank and empty document onto 10 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 11. which we could transfer all worst isn’t all bad. Our of the knowledge we wish frayed nerves, anxiety, and we had taken to heart when anger can do the same thing we were their age. for us as a headache or a Yet learning is occurring fever. The temptation to whether we realize it or shout and scream, or throw not. We are finally learning around our parental to understand our own authority (“Because I said parents. We are finding out so, that’s why!) are symptoms what it’s like to desperately that must not be ignored. love a little one who seems determined to mimic “We never know our faults while resisting the love of a our values, expectations, and dreams. parent until we We are learning become parents something about the heart ourselves.” of God, which overflows H.W. Beecher with love for the little ones bearing His name and These reactions tell us likeness. We are learning that we still have much to something about His joy. We learn about what God can are learning about the pain do in us. We need to grow He feels when He sees His in His insight, His self- children turn away from His control, His ability to move loving correction (Isa. 1:2). us with dignity through the We are learning a lot challenges of leading a little about ourselves. We find “center of the universe” to that these little ones are maturity. In the knowledge bringing out the best in us, that this is good for us, and the worst. But even the there is peace. 11 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 12. LEARNING FROM a hug, or warm approval. THE FAMILY PET Training a child is similar. Laying down the law, threatening with punishment, and pulling rank by saying, “Because I said so, and I’m your father. That’s why!” only works for a while. After that, all the threats in the world are not apt to make your child mind. They may incite him to rebel in your face, and Before resenting the certainly behind your back. comparison, think about it. What does it take to teach There is no peace a dog to sit up and beg? How many times would you in merely laying have to swat a dog with a down the law. rolled-up newspaper, yell, argue, or tear him down Children cannot be with insults? Chances are forced to be good—not that while you might be indefinitely. In time they able to keep your dog off will begin doing what they the couch with a few swats want to do whether you like of newsprint, the tactic it or not. The key is to help would fail to get him to sit them want to do the right up, roll over, or bring your thing so as to adhere to slippers to you. Even a God’s standards and also dog won’t learn new tricks to meet their own needs. unless you give him a treat, Everyone wants to be free, 12 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 13. to be important, to just appeal to His authority, experience pleasure, and He doesn’t. He gives us to be appreciated. Begin by insight and incentive. helping them to feel really As a parent, you will cared for. Encourage them. avoid much frustration by Spend time with them. realizing the importance of Do what they enjoy doing. giving your children good Hold them. Hug them. Do reasons and incentives for things for them that will right choices. They need to show them that they are in see how these reasons and your heart, and that they incentives fit their need are in your heart for their for pleasure, importance, good. freedom, and appreciation. Don’t just give them To withhold them is to love. Give them boundaries “provoke your children to designed to protect their wrath” (Eph. 6:4) and to freedom. Show them what lose your own peace of happens to people who mind. refuse to live under the wise and loving rule of Law minus love God. Find creative ways of showing them that the equals rebellion. counsel of the Word of Love minus law God has been given to us equals insecurity. to meet our deepest needs and wants. Love plus law Help them to discover equals insight the wisdom of the Proverbs, and incentive. which show over and over again in many different ways that while God could 13 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 14. LIVING BY A are exceptions, especially CONTRACT in the early years. One of the most important lessons to be learned as a parent is mirrored in the way God deals with His children. He is a contract-making God. He tells us what will happen if we do what He tells us to do. Then He tells us, with sufficient specificity, what will Wise parents try not to happen if we refuse. He make their children behave. offers to help us make good They realize that they choices if we ask Him for cannot force their children wisdom and readily offers to be good any more than a to help us do anything He horse can be forced to drink wants done that we cannot water. You can lead the do on our own. child to be good, but you Central to the whole can’t make him. That’s the relationship with His power of the human spirit. children is the matter of Children who are sitting choice. If His children go down on the outside can bad, it is their choice to do still be standing up on the so. When they suffer the inside. consequences, it is because This is not to say that they knowingly chose to go you don’t have to make against His will. children do things they Put this in a parenting don’t want to do. There relationship. This is the 14 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 15. opposite of trying to bed an hour early, or if they make all of our children’s are not allowed to go with decisions for them, and the family to a ballgame— then trying to jump in and it’s because of their choice, protect them when they not ours. have made bad choices. Teaching our children It is also the opposite of to choose their own path, just trying to make our and then letting them children do what we experience the pleasurable want them to do. or painful results of their own choices, is one of the This means most important things we we can stop can do—not only for them but also for our own peace yelling, threatening, of mind. and repeating To the extent that we do ourselves. this, we can stop yelling, threatening, and repeating The best we can do is to ourselves. It means we show them clearly what we can stop complaining and expect, and within what nagging to pick up the pile period of time. Tell them of clothes in their room. It what will happen if they means we can lower our obey. Tell them what will voice and be civilized about happen if they don’t. our expectations. It is to say, Then let them choose the “From now on, children, you consequences. If they end choose how it will be with up being grounded, if they you. As God fathers us, so lose television privileges, if we will parent you. We’re they are not allowed to use here for you, but on these the car, if they have to go to terms. It’s your move.” 15 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 16. BRINGING OUR will not be afraid to bring CHILDREN TO his child to tears when TEARS necessary. The timeless wisdom of Scripture is clear: • He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly (Prov. 13:24). • Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction (Prov. 19:18). • Foolishness is bound up We live in a day of rampant in the heart of a child, child abuse. So we have but the rod of correction been rightly sensitized to will drive it far from him the dangers of hitting a (Prov. 22:15). child in anger or using any • The rod and reproof give instrument, including the wisdom, but a child left to hand, which might cause himself brings shame to serious physical injury. It’s his mother (Prov. 29:15). just as important to realize • Correct your son, and he that as a child grows older, will give you rest; yes, he he can be corrected by the will give delight to your use of previously stated soul (Prov. 29:17). consequences of his own • Now no chastening choosing (see pp.14-15). seems to be joyful for the That is one side of the present, but grievous; coin. The other side is that nevertheless, afterward it a wise and loving parent yields the peaceable fruit 16 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 17. of righteousness to those bring a child to tears out of who have been trained by their own selfishness. it (Heb. 12:11). This means that These can be hard words parents should not give for a mom or dad to hear. their children reason to say, In the short run, it is much “You are not being fair with easier to indulge our me. You aren’t listening to children than to put up me. You are demanding with the fury of their tears more than I can give. You and complaints. In the are never satisfied. You short run, it is painful. But overreact to what I have in the long run, lovingly done wrong. You refuse to appropriate and timely admit when you are wrong. correction is necessary I can’t reason with you. You both for our child’s well- keep changing your mind. being and for our own peace of mind. Often, our “Fathers, do not children are much like the servant described in the provoke your book of Proverbs: children to wrath.” A servant will not Ephesians 6:4 be corrected by mere words; for though he You just use your authority understands, he will as a parent. You are mean not respond (29:19). and unpredictable. I never Let’s pray that when we know when you are going to bring our children to tears it blow up in anger. I’m afraid will be because of our love of you. You are supposed to rather than our anger. protect me, but I need There is no peace of mind protection from you. I hate promised to parents who you for making me cry.” 17 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 18. WORKING LIKE planting. It’s weeding and A FARMER cultivating and irrigating, and then waiting on the heavens until harvest time. Depending on the year, you might have a bumper crop. Other harvests could be wiped out by bugs, or disease, or too much rain, or not enough rain, or too much heat, or too much cold. That’s not to say that Parenting is more like farming is just a game of farming than cooking. Good chance. Farming can be very meals can be prepared in a scientific. Put a loafer or a couple of hours. And by playboy on the farm and following a recipe, you you’re almost sure of being can be fairly certain of the hungry in the fall. A good outcome. But formulas don’t farmer is a hard worker who work very well with children. knows what to do with the To get a model for child- specific crops or animals rearing, you need to track he’s raising. He doesn’t raise the bread and beef all the chickens like turkeys, nor way back to the farm where corn like alfalfa. Above all, they came from. Now you’re you don’t see him trying closer to parenting. Parenting quick-recipe formulas with is far more “barnyard and a “sure thing, can’t miss” back 40” than sugar and attitude. A good farmer is a spice. Parenting is plowing humble man. He knows his and digging and raking and cash crop, but he doesn’t 18 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 19. presume upon the outcome. might have ten thousand All he knows is what his instructors in Christ, yet responsibility is at each step you do not have many of the way. If he gets a fathers; for in Christ bumper crop, it’s because Jesus I have begotten he did the right things that you through the gospel. were under his control, and Therefore I urge you, also because the things that imitate me (3:5-6,8; weren’t under his control fell 4:12,14-16). in line. Paul was thinking of The apostle Paul alluded spiritual parenting, which is to this farming model in his different from raising your first New Testament letter to own children. But there are the Corinthians: strong parallels. In both Who then is Paul, and cases you must do the right who is Apollos, but thing, work hard, wait on ministers through whom God for the harvest, and you believed, as the realize that you will be Lord gave to each one? rewarded— not for the I planted, Apollos results but for the loving watered, but God gave nurturing you have given. the increase. . . . Now he Peace of mind is found who plants and he who not in trying to force quick waters are one, and each growth but in realizing that one will receive his own parenting is a long process reward according to his of providing what our little own labor. . . . And we ones need, while waiting labor, working with our on them and God for the own hands. . . . as my results. There is no peace beloved children I warn or productivity in trying to you. For though you speed up the harvest. 19 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 20. ACCEPTING THE In some ways, the ROLE OF A PRIEST thought that our children are not our own isn’t very comforting. We know what it feels like to be concerned about returning a borrowed car or lawnmower that is worse for the wear. On the other hand, realizing that our children are the Lord’s is a very liberating thought. It means that the child’s rightful owner will make The Old Testament priest sure that I have all the Eli raised a child who resources I need to care for was not his own (1 Sam. the child in God’s behalf. 1:24–2:21). For several Parents are also like Eli years, Eli acted as a parent in that they are like priests. to a young boy named In Hebrews 5:1-4 we are Samuel. But Samuel was shown that a priest only a trust placed in intercedes in behalf of his Eli’s care. In a sense, we people, and that he does so have a similar relationship in the awareness of his own to our children. They are weakness. Because he like everything else we knows his own problems, have in our possession. he can be sympathetic and In reality, they are not our compassionate in dealing own. Our children have with those who come to been placed in our care him for help. The author of temporarily by the Lord Hebrews wrote this about to be raised for Him. the high priest: 20 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 21. He can have compassion our children to be better on those who are than we were. We might ignorant and going long for them to make good astray, since he himself choices. We might pray that is also beset by weakness. they will be wiser than their Because of this he is years. But we haven’t required as for the people, always been wise and so also for himself, to wonderful. We’ve been offer for sins (Heb. 5:2-3). where our children now are. Since this was spoken We’ve been just as foolish, about priests who served just as shortsighted, just as prior to the coming of naive. What we have to Christ, our great High offer them is not a perfect Priest, some might think it outdated. Yet, the same author also said Parents can have of Christ: peace of mind We do not have a High Priest who cannot when they have sympathize with our prayed for the weaknesses, but was in children placed all points tempted as we are, yet without sin in their care. (Heb. 4:15). The New Testament example, but sympathetic, now calls the children of compassionate hearts that God a kingdom of priests continually go out to them (1 Pet. 2:5,9). in love and to God their Think of the implications heavenly Father—and for a parent. It doesn’t rightful owner—on their make sense for us to expect behalf. 21 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 22. GROWING LIKE goodness, faithfulness, GRAPES ON A VINE gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-25). The reason Paul’s words are so important for parents is that they not only reflect The secret of the fruit is in the qualities that assure the branch and root. Good good parenting, but they parenting is the fruit of also point to resources of good character that is the Spirit we don’t have to rooted and growing in God find in ourselves or in our Himself. The Bible calls this own experience. If Paul is character the fruit of the right, then our own sense Spirit. That is to say that it of inadequacy and our own comes from the Holy Spirit history in dysfunctional of God rather than from relationships can actually our own natural ability or be put to work for us. Those energy. Listen to what the can be the needs that drive apostle Paul wrote, and us to find in the Spirit of think about how it assures our heavenly Father the good parenting: parenting qualities that But the fruit of the are not natural to us. Spirit is love, joy, peace, Listen to what Paul longsuffering, kindness, wrote to Christians who 22 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 23. had been trying to live in Christ and His Word (Jn. their own strength: 15:1-14), then we will be Are you so foolish? growing in our experience Having begun in the of the fruit of the Spirit: Spirit, are you now being • supernatural love vs. made perfect by the flesh? sheer effort and fatigue Have you suffered so • good sense of humor many things in vain— (joy) vs. pessimism if indeed it was in vain? • calm spirit vs. anxiety Therefore He who • patient attitude vs. quick supplies the Spirit to anger you and works miracles • kindness vs. meanness among you, does He do • good motives and it by the works of the law, intentions vs. selfishness or by the hearing of faith? • promise-keeping vs. (Gal. 3:3-5). breaking your word The spiritual resources of • gentleness vs. harshness character Paul was talking • self-control vs. addictive about are not the result of behavior trying to live by the ideals of God. They come when we believe and trust what God says He is willing and able to do in us. We can’t afford We need to remind one to forget where another continually that the secret to good parenting is good parenting like fruit that is rooted in comes from. the branches and roots of the Spirit of Christ. When we are in agreement with 23 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 24. LOOKING FOR shall let your children TEACHABLE know (Josh. 4:21-22). MOMENTS The parent-teachers of Israel were not to be boring. They were to do things that would encourage their children to ask, “Dad, Mom, why do we do this? Why do we always have an empty place-setting at our table?” (See also Dt. 6:6-9,20-25.) In the Old Testament, God What was the taught His people to build primary method rock piles so that their Jesus used to teach children would one day ask why the stones were there. His disciples? When the children asked, the parents were to be The father who wrote ready to tell the story of the Proverbs for his son how the Lord of Israel had realized the power of a wonderfully met their needs word spoken at just the in that place. The secret right moment (Prov. 15:23; was in being ready for 25:11). He came from a teachable moments. tradition that used creative When your children ask ways to open the hearts of their fathers in time to children to life-changing come, saying, “What are perspectives. The Jews used these stones?” then you education by rockpiles, by 24 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 25. riddles, by object lessons, or a tender Bible story by drama, by word pictures, and prayer at bedtime are and by seeing children, over usually far better received all, as being willing and (Dt. 6:6-9) and much more active participants in their effective. The challenge own learning. is that you can’t teach Such child-ready object children this way without lessons are different from a lot of involvement and the kind of family devotions creative time spent with that are forced, ritualistic, them. and academic. These seldom have the desired spiritual effect. Unless our Making the most words come at teachable of teachable moments, they are not moments takes likely to draw our children’s hearts toward their God. time and creativity. About all forced devotions do is help a parent feel less Now, I’m not saying guilty about something that that we should not have he feels he should do. mealtime devotions with Planning for and taking our children. If it is working advantage of teachable well and doing what you moments is far better. hoped it would do, then Tender discussions about continue. But if all you are life while enjoying an doing is trying to force your afternoon in a fishing boat, children to learn something, a walk along a wooded chances are they may be field, a drive through the learning to resent not only countryside, a spontaneous Bible reading and prayer, discussion during mealtime, but also you and your Lord. 25 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 26. DYING bringing children to A THOUSAND maturity would be easy. DEATHS It’s hard for a mother to go through the contractions of labor. It’s hard for her to give years of her life to infants and toddlers who constantly demand attention. It’s hard for a wife and husband to give up the freedoms they enjoyed before children. It’s hard for a father to put aside his strong will and The most effective parents give his son the space he die a thousand deaths. Sometimes it is the result “Unless a grain of of being embarrassed by the actions of their children. wheat falls into the Sometimes it is the result of ground and dies, utter frustration and fatigue. it remains alone; but Sometimes it is over the deep concern of a son or if it dies, it produces daughter’s shortsighted much grain.” and self-destructive choices. Jesus (Jn. 12:24) But often these parents voluntarily die to their own needs to make his own desires just because this is decisions. It’s hard to give what it takes to bring your children more and children into the world. more freedom with less and No one said that less control so that they 26 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 27. can begin to feel the whatever it takes to bring responsibilities of maturity. my children to You and to It’s hard not to jump in and maturity of faith and love. rescue them when they get Lord, do whatever it takes.” themselves in trouble. It’s hard to remain firm in “Now My soul is providing reasonable boundaries and controls troubled, and what so that they are not left shall I say? ‘Father, entirely on their own. It save Me from this would be easier, sometimes, to give in and get them off hour’? But for this your back. It’s hard to purpose I came continually help them to to this hour.” see that the real issue is not Jesus (Jn. 12:27) what you want them to do but what they are going to Ironically, we are choose and with what inclined to think that taking consequences. It’s hard an easier path will result in not to jump in and take less pain and more joy. control. It’s hard to be Good parenting, however, patient enough to give them is the result of Christlike as much time as they need character. And unless we to grow up. It’s like dying follow Christ’s lead and that to let them go out into the of the apostle Paul (2 Cor. cold, cruel world. 4:1-12), we will never see It’s hard to pray for them the difference Christ’s Spirit daily. It’s harder yet to pray can make in us. Only when in a way that reflects our we die to ourselves do our surrender to God. It’s hard children get the benefit of to say to the Lord, “Do Christ parenting through us. 27 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 28. PREPARING FOR parents and their marriage, AN EMPTY NEST it should also be seen as the mark of success and hope for the child. Children are not born to be children. The highest good is not to be protected and directed by a hovering, smothering parent. From the day a baby is born, his parents should understand that their mission is to prepare this child to fly. Empty-nest syndrome has established itself as a real “The most dimension of mid-life crisis. Life after children is now important thing recognized as another that parents can threat to marriages that teach their children have survived earlier tests. Parents who have lived all is how to get along their lives for their children without them.” suddenly find themselves Frank A. Clark rattling around in an empty house. They become Maturity is better than restless, unsatisfied, and immaturity, independence irritable. Anxiety, anger, is better than dependence, and depression can come and the day of departure in slowly like a fog. is better than the day of If empty-nest syndrome arrival. marks yet another test for If after working through 28 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 29. the normal pains of miraculous signs and departure, parents are wonders to assure them still apt to be overinvolved, of His presence. In time, overprotective, and He withdrew the obvious meddlesome in their presence of the miraculous adult children’s lives, then and forced His children there is a need for some to sink or swim in the housecleaning. It might be disciplines of faith. time to acknowledge and God has made man discard a pattern of selfish and woman to leave their control and smothering. It parents and cleave to a might be time to accept the new mate of their own. fact that we have been It is in this new sphere of overinvolved, not for the independent living that a child’s good but to indulge person is the freest to learn our own selfish needs. It is to love God, parents, mate, difficult to let our children children, and friends. go, especially if we have It is here that we can find become dependent on the peace of mind God them. Dependence signals provides. the child in us, and is a warning that we are not “There are only two finding our satisfaction and peace in God Himself. lasting bequests we It is interesting to note can hope to give our the way God parents His children. One of children. In both Old and New Testament times, the these is roots; the heavenly Father temporarily other, wings.” nurtured His children with Hodding Carter a heavy provision of 29 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 30. BEING LATE There is no way of RATHER THAN changing the wrongs NEVER of a lifetime. The human consequences of selfish, alcoholic, adulterous, abusive, workaholic parenting cannot be wiped away like unwanted chalk on a blackboard. But you can know the joys of the Teacher who taught His followers to live one day at a time, confess their wrongs, make restitution Saying I’m sorry is better where possible, and thereby late than never saying it at know God’s peace. all. Saying I love you is better said on a deathbed To finally have than to die without ever the blessing of having said it. Finding ways to encourage your children a parent can late in life is better than be like a soothing letting them come to their drink of water own end wondering, “Did Mom or Dad ever really so satisfying that care about me?” One of the you remember that most amazing experiences drink every day is to see the good that a few words of encouragement for the rest of can do even at the end of your life. that parent’s life. 30 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 31. But what if the child wisdom, his example, and dies before the parent has his prayers. a chance to show that care? After finding out how You can still dignify and much God loved him, after honor the life and memory a change of heart, and after of that child. You can put experiencing the redeeming your mistakes to work for someone else who could It’s not too late benefit by being cared for to honor by you. The apostle Paul the life illustrated the possibility or memory of putting our mistakes to of a child. work for others. He became like a father to many after strength of Christ, Paul having made many violent became known for his mistakes. In his early years, example, his advice, he was an angry and his correction, and his abusive man (Acts 8:1-3). warm, affirming words of His actions left memories encouragement. He learned that weighed heavily on to provide the gentleness of him (1 Tim. 1:15). Yet he a mother and the strong didn’t give up. He went on comfort and challenge of a to become one of the most father (1 Th. 2:7-12). His important parent figures of “adopted” children would all time. Driven by the certainly say, “Better late mistakes of his past, and than never.” by the forgiving love of God, he went on to be like a father to those who soaked up his love, his 31 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 32. WHOSE CHILD will acknowledge your ARE YOU? sins and trust Christ for forgiveness and life (Eph. 1:3-12; 1 Jn. 5:1). Y ou don’t have to be In this new relationship the adult child of a to God, a parent can find divorce, or of an a love, a security, and a alcoholic, a workaholic, confidence that God alone or a physically, verbally, can give. It begins as we or sexually abusive mom or trust Christ as Savior from dad to have doubts about sin’s eternal penalty. It yourself as a parent. All of continues as we rely on us have questions about Him for wisdom and what we are going to pass enablement. along to our children. Some of us wonder whether we are going to be able to be as Not only can good for our children as our you be a child parents were for us. The of God, but He good news is that we don’t have to pass along a legacy can enable you of parental inadequacy. to live like one! The God of the Bible has offered to adopt, raise, This is the only way that and live His life through “children having children” you if you will allow Him really works in our favor. to parent you. The God When we trust God and and Father of the Lord live as His children, He Jesus Christ has offered to will develop within us the adopt and name you in His character that is the secret eternal inheritance if you of good parenting. 32 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 33. Get your free Bible Resources catalog! Discovery Series booklets can be valuable guides to help you learn what the Bible says about a broad range of topics. Each 32-page booklet can be used in your personal Bible study or in a small-group setting. Your free Bible Resources catalog includes a brief description of each Discovery Series booklet. To get your copy, write to us at the address below and ask for a catalog. Or follow the link below to request your copy today. USA: PO Box 2222, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222 Canada: Box 1622, Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7