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                                       What Can We
                                       Agree On?

                                               own through history, the
CONTENTS                                         rite of water baptism
                                                has been widely regarded
                                       as a symbolic entry into the
A Time For Clarity . . . . . 2         church. Some baptize infants,
Baptism Foreshadowed                   and others baptize people only
In The Old Testament . . . 5           after their confession of belief.
Baptism As                             Some see baptism as essential
Practiced By John . . . . . . 8        for salvation, but others see it
Baptism As                             as far less important than being
Practiced By Christ                    spiritually immersed into Christ.
And The Apostles . . . . . 14              Then there is the mode of
Baptism As                             baptism. Some sprinkle, some
Practiced Throughout                   pour, and some immerse. Some
Church History. . . . . . . 22
                                       baptize in the name of the
What Is The                            Father, Son, and Spirit, while
Point Of Baptism? . . . . 25
                                       others do so in Jesus’ name only.
Does Baptism Still                         Because of these many
Matter Today? . . . . . . . . 32
                                       differences, pastor-teacher
                                       Bill Crowder takes a look in
                                       the following pages at the story
                                       and meaning of baptism, and
                                       what we can all agree on.
                                                     Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper                         Cover Photo & Design:Terry Bidgood
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 2008 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan                             Printed in USA
A TIME FOR                        2.8 million in 2004. But the
CLARITY                           total number of baptisms
                                  by immersion in water . . .

    n the April 12, 2006,         has hovered from around
     issue of USA Today, I        175,000 to 200,000 yearly.”
     read that “statistics find      With these trends in
Americans slowly drifting         view, the article’s writer
away from the ancient             asked, “If baptism is the
baptismal ritual.” The article    door into a faith, where
contends that a major             did all those people go?”
Baptist denomination “has            Yes, where did all the
seen its rate of baptism fall     people go? Apparently
about 35% from 1972 to            fewer are going into the
1985.” Then the article           waters of baptism. It’s a
went on to say that “the rate     growing reality in the
stalled for the next 20 years,    world of Christendom that
even though Baptists are          baptism is both ignored
pledged to heed the Bible’s       and misunderstood—a
‘great commission’ in             misunderstanding that
Matthew 28:19-20:                 I can personally relate to.
‘Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all nations,         A FOG OF
baptizing them in the name        CONFUSION
of the Father, the Son, and       I was born into a family
the Holy Spirit, and teaching     that attended a church that
them to obey everything that      practiced infant baptism. As
I have commanded you.’ ”          a result, I was sprinkled as
    USA Today added that          a baby. At age 12, following
another large denomination        extended catechism classes,
grew “from nearly 1.8             I was re-sprinkled as
million in 1980 to nearly         confirmation of that earlier
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
sprinkling. After high school,   of immersion—did not result
however, I found myself          in my life being changed.
wandering aimlessly both             When I was in my
personally and spiritually.      twenties, after I at last heard
A well-meaning friend            a clear explanation of what
encouraged me to become a        it means to enter the family
Christian as the solution for    of God, I received Christ as
the drifting that was marking    my Lord and Savior. After
                                 trusting Christ, I was told
                                 that, once again, I needed
    It’s a growing               to be baptized. But this time
 reality in the world            it was as a public testimony
                                 of my profession of faith in
of Christendom that              Christ. So, I was baptized
   baptism is both               by immersion yet again.
     ignored and                     I look back over those
                                 events with very mixed
   misunderstood.                emotions. After two
                                 sprinklings and two
out my life. I assumed that,     immersions, believe
given my church upbringing,      me when I say that I
I was already a Christian.       understand people’s
He explained, however, that      confusion on the matter
I needed to come to church       of water baptism, what it
with him and talk to the         represents, and what it
pastor after the service. I      accomplishes. I’m pretty
did. The pastor’s counsel?       sure many other folks have
“In 2 weeks we will baptize      a story similar to mine in
you, and you will be a           which the matter of baptism
Christian.” Unfortunately,       is surrounded by a thick fog
that event of baptism—one        of confusion.
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
AN IMPORTANT                        words lift up baptism as an
DISCUSSION                          important matter that needs
Some might say that                 to be carefully thought
baptism is insignificant—           through and discussed.
an ancient ritual without           But where do we begin?
any modern relevance.
But I disagree. The level               Jesus Himself
of confusion surrounding
the subject merely amplifies            made baptism
the need for a careful                     an issue.
understanding of the issue,
if for no other reason than             Perhaps the best
that Jesus Himself made it          place to start is by trying
an issue:                           to reconstruct the setting in
    When He had been                which Jesus’ audience heard
    baptized, Jesus came            what He said about baptism.
    up immediately from the         Though the events of the
    water; and behold, the          Gospels are recorded in
    heavens were opened to          the New Testament, Jesus’
    Him, and He saw the             audience was made up of
    Spirit of God descending        people who were still living
    like a dove and alighting       in a period of Old Testament
    upon Him (Mt. 3:16).            culture and national law.
        [Jesus said], “Go           Therefore, we must
    therefore and make              begin with what people
    disciples of all the nations,   understood baptism to mean
    baptizing them in the           in their time if we are to
    name of the Father and          grasp the framework in
    of the Son and of the           which they would have
    Holy Spirit” (Mt. 28:19).       heard and understood Jesus’
    Yes, Christ’s example and       command to baptize.
                     © 2008 RBC Ministries
BAPTISM                       THE PICTURE OF
                              From the time of Abram,
IN THE OLD                    circumcision was a physical
TESTAMENT                     sign of a chosen people’s

             illiam           covenant relationship with
             Shakespeare,     God (Gen. 17:11). Although
            in The Tempest    other nations also practiced
(Act 2, Scene 1), wisely      circumcision, the rite took
said, “What is past is        on a special meaning for the
prologue.” He was             Jewish people. At the very
extolling the value of        least, it showed that God
seeing the events and         had a right to order even the
practices of yesterday        most intimate and personal
as the seeds of today.        areas of their lives.
This is especially helpful        Some believe that, in a
in wrestling with the         similar way, baptism later
issue of baptism.             became a sign of a New
    From a first-century      Covenant for followers of
Jewish point of view,         Christ.
many Bible scholars believe       It must be understood,
that two practices prepared   however, that these two
the way for baptism and       pictures (circumcision and
help to explain its nature    baptism) are not exact
and purpose. One was          equivalents. Circumcision
the practice of the mikvah    was to be performed only
(the ceremonial bath),        on males. Baptism is not
and the other was             gender-specific.
the rite of circumcision,         In addition, circumcision
which we will consider        was done on male infants
first.                        on the eighth day after their
                  © 2008 RBC Ministries
birth. Baptism, as described        As we toured this
in the New Testament, was       ancient community, one
a public profession of          of the places we examined
personal faith in Christ.       was an ancient mikvah.
Circumcision was a mark         In their purification
of national identity. New       ceremonies, the Jews
Testament baptism was a         would descend a set of
sign of entrance into the       seven steps into the water,
international body of Christ.   then exit by a different set
    Because of these            of steps. This signified that
distinctions, the most we       the sins of which they had
can safely say is that          been cleansed had been
circumcision foreshadowed       left behind in the waters.
the significance of baptism.    It was a strategic part
    It’s also important to      of the community life
see how water baptism was       of the Essenes.
practiced in Jewish culture         Today within Judaism,
prior to its New Testament      the purification ceremony
meaning.                        of the mikvah (immersion
                                in a ritual bath) is still
THE PRACTICE                    practiced. Online
OF THE MIKVAH                   encyclopedia Wikipedia
While I was on a trip to        says this of the mikvah:
Israel, our study group             Its main use nowadays
spent several hours at              is by Jewish women to
Qumran. An archaeological           achieve ritual purity
dig is underway there to            after menstruation or
unearth the life and culture        childbirth, by Jewish men
of the Essene sect, a               to achieve ritual purity,
conservative, ascetic Jewish        as part of a traditional
group in the first century.         procedure for conversion
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
to Judaism, and (in some       Wikipedia further
    cases) for utensils used   states:
    for eating and cooking.        The Hebrew word
    This ancient practice of       mikvah also means
ceremonial cleansing is also       “hope.” The prophet
used as a rite of spiritual        Jeremiah repeatedly
conversion. According to           refers to this dual
Rabbi Maurice Lamm in              meaning in using rain,
Becoming A Jew:                    living water, and the
    Immersion, tevillah,           mikvah itself as a
    is the common core             symbol of hope in
    component of every             and from God (see
    [traditional] Jewish           Jer. 14:22; 17:13).
    conversion process,            Above all, the mikvah
    for male and female,       expressed the hope that
    adult and child,           the provider God would
    ignoramus and scholar.     care for and meet the
    It is sine qua non, and    needs of His people.
    a conversion ceremony          For the first-century
    without immersion is       Jewish community, all
    unacceptable to the        of these ideas could
    traditional religious      have converged in their
    community and simply       understanding of baptism.
    not Jewish in character.   New Testament followers of
    In addition to the         Christ would eventually
mikvah’s use for ceremonial    conclude that when it came
cleansing and conversion,      to baptism, what was past
a metaphorical use of the      was simply a prologue.
word links the mikvah to       From a Christian point of
the aspirations and hopes      view, one era was coming
of Judaism.                    to an end.
                  © 2008 RBC Ministries
BAPTISM AS                           Bridge personalities
PRACTICED                         become human transition
                                  points at critical times in
BY JOHN                           history—and John the

        hroughout history,        Baptizer was one of the
      there are individuals       most strategic “bridge
      who have bridged            personalities” in the Bible.
one era to another. These
transitional personalities        BRIDGING FROM
lived in times of drastic         OLD TESTAMENT TO
change and were often             NEW TESTAMENT
part of the reason for the        John the Baptizer was
change itself.                    a prophetic voice in the
    In the 1960s, the Beatles     wilderness who had been
had that kind of influence,       raised according to strict
bridging the conservative         Nazirite law (Lk. 1:15; Num.
days of the “Ozzie and            6:1-21). His message was an
Harriet” 1950s to the             uncompromising, radical call
turmoil-filled 1970s of           for personal and national
Vietnam and Watergate.            repentance.
Their music drew young                At the same time,
people into radically different   John was the emissary
ways of thinking, helping to      and forerunner of the long-
feed the whitewater rapids of     awaited Messiah King. His
change that were being felt       calling was to announce
in the culture. The Beatles       the arrival of the One who
not only reflected that           would bring grace not only
season of change, they also       to the nation of Israel but to
contributed to it, building a     citizens of the whole world.
bridge from yesterday to              In this transitional role,
tomorrow.                         John stood on the platform
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
of his own national and               and of their readiness to
cultural heritage—even                welcome Him when He
as he announced the                   appeared. The baptism
arrival of a radically new            itself startled, and was
day. His use of baptism               intended to startle,
as a point of identification          them. They were
for the kingdom, therefore,           familiar enough with
must be seen in this light.           the baptism of proselytes
    Notice how John himself           from heathenism; but
explained his baptismal               this baptism of Jews
ministry:                             themselves was quite
    I indeed baptize you with         new and strange to them.
    water unto repentance,            John’s baptism
    but He who is coming          would have been to
    after me is mightier than     his countrymen both
    I, whose sandals I am not     understandable and
    worthy to carry. He will      mysterious. With the history
    baptize you with the Holy     of the mikvah bath, they
    Spirit and fire (Mt. 3:11).   would have seen in John’s
    What significance did         baptism all that was
John intend for his baptism,      pictured in the mikvah—
and how did it relate to his      spiritual cleansing,
message of repentance?            conversion, and, perhaps
The Jamieson, Fausset, And        most of all, spiritual hope.
Brown Bible Commentary                The unsettling mystery
says:                             of John’s baptism, however,
    This baptism was at once      was signaled in his words
    a public seal of their felt   that the One who followed
    need of deliverance from      him would baptize them
    sin, of their expectation     “with the Holy Spirit and
    of the coming Deliverer,      fire.” With these words he
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
showed a nation that his       of baptism. It was not
mission went beyond the        merely about ritual—it
moment, beyond the ritual,     was about anticipation.
and beyond the waters of          A Public Confession
baptism. It pointed them           Then Jerusalem, all
to the coming of their long-       Judea, and all the region
predicted Messiah.                 around the Jordan went
                                   out to him and were
A POWERFUL                         baptized by him in the
MESSAGE                            Jordan, confessing their
John’s baptism expressed the       sins (vv.5-6).
hopes of prior generations—        John’s baptism was
and even more. Matthew 3       an occasion for public
helps us to understand the     confession of personal and
scope of John’s message        national sin. Those who
and his baptism:               stepped into the waters with
  A Messianic                  him showed their willingness
Announcement                   to prepare themselves
   In those days John the      spiritually for the coming
   Baptist came preaching in   of their King.
   the wilderness of Judea,       A Call For Change
   and saying, “Repent, for        Therefore bear fruits
   the kingdom of heaven is        worthy of repentance
   at hand!” (Mt. 3:1-2).          (v.8).
   The any-moment                  John’s message of the
appearance of the long-        kingdom and the King
awaited Messiah and            reflected a personal
kingdom of God was to be       readiness not only for a new
both the motivator and the     day but for new ways. His
aspiration of the people as    baptism signaled the need
they submitted to the waters   for a spiritual revolution.
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
That’s why John’s                of John (Acts 18:25).
baptism created such a                   [Paul] said to them,
stir—it called people to a           “Into what then were you
transformation of life, and          baptized?” So they said,
marked them out as those             “Into John’s baptism.”
committed to such change.            Then Paul said, “John
To that end, Mark described          indeed baptized with a
the people’s response to that        baptism of repentance,
call:                                saying to the people that
    Then all the land of Judea,      they should believe on
    and those from Jerusalem,        Him who would come
    went out to him and were         after him, that is, on
    all baptized by him in the       Christ Jesus” (19:3-4).
    Jordan River, confessing         Perhaps nearly
    their sins (Mk. 1:5).         3 decades later, these
    The launching point           individuals were still living
of spiritual development          out the commitments and
for many in the first century     decisions made in the
came from John’s baptism          Jordan River with John.
in the waters of the Jordan
River. It was a beginning         JOHN’S BAPTISM
that some of them continued       OF JESUS
to embrace decades later.         Because John’s baptism is
Notice:                           linked to confession of sin,
    [Apollos] had been            one of the surprising events
    instructed in the way         of the New Testament is that
    of the Lord; and being        Jesus asked John to baptize
    fervent in spirit, he spoke   Him. Matthew tells us:
    and taught accurately the         Then Jesus came from
    things of the Lord, though        Galilee to John at the
    he knew only the baptism          Jordan to be baptized
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
by him. And John tried             coming to John for baptism.
    to prevent Him, saying,               But why would Jesus
    “I need to be baptized             submit to this “baptism of
    by You, and are You                repentance”? Historically,
    coming to me?” But                 conservative Bible teachers
    Jesus answered and                 have explained that Jesus’
    said to him, “Permit it            baptism was not an
    to be so now, for thus it          acknowledgment of
    is fitting for us to fulfill all   personal wrongdoing but
    righteousness.” Then he            an act by which He showed
    allowed Him. When He               His willingness to identify
    had been baptized, Jesus           with those He came to save.
    came up immediately from           Within this view, Jesus’
    the water; and behold, the         humility gave the Father
    heavens were opened to             in heaven an opportunity
    Him, and He saw the                to declare that Jesus was
    Spirit of God descending           unique among those who
    like a dove and alighting          asked John to baptize them.
    upon Him. And suddenly                Recent studies have
    a voice came from heaven,          offered additional insight.
    saying, “This is My                Robert L. Webb, for
    beloved Son, in whom               instance, sees John’s
    I am well pleased”                 baptism as having national
    (Mt. 3:13-17).                     implications for Israel. He
    The voice from heaven              suggests that John’s baptism
is important. Together with            was signaling the need for a
John’s own declaration of              radical national change in
Jesus’ greatness (Jn. 1:29-            view of the coming of God’s
36), the voice from heaven             Messiah. Then he adds:
separates Jesus from                      If this is so, then John
everyone else who was                     was calling for the people
                       © 2008 RBC Ministries
to respond to who they            If Webb is right, then
were as a nation, not         Jesus stepped into the
really who they were          Jordan River with John
as individuals. Of course,    to join his generation in
it was individuals who        a recognition of the need
had to respond, and           for national repentance.
many could respond out        His submission to John’s
of a personal sense of        baptism, then, showed
responsibility for Israel’s   His own commitment to
state. But equally, many      personally do something
of those in Israel who        about the sins of the
would be considered
faithful could respond          Jesus’ submission
out of a belief in and
desire for John’s               to John’s baptism
reconstituted Israel.            showed His own
Thus, without having to           commitment to
speculate about Jesus’
personal state of mind,             personally do
we can conclude that            something about
Jesus did indeed                   the sins of the
participate in John’s
baptism, and it was                  nation—a
for Him a baptism of                commitment
repentance. Jesus was              He fulfilled . . .
acknowledging Israel’s sin
and need to turn around,            on the cross.
and He was committing
Himself to do what He         nation—a commitment
could to bring this about     He fulfilled for Jew and
(              Gentile alike on the cross.
                © 2008 RBC Ministries
Regardless of where we       BAPTISM AS
land on the issue of defining
the scope of John’s baptism,
                                 PRACTICED BY
however, one thing is
                                 CHRIST AND
indisputable. As the voice       THE APOSTLES

from heaven confirmed,               n the days after John’s
Jesus did not ask John                ministry, Jesus and
to baptize Him as an                  His apostles included
admission of personal            baptism in their own public
sin but rather to stand          ministries. As we seek to
with John in anticipation        understand the meaning
of great spiritual change.       of baptism for ourselves, it’s
    Looking back, we can         important for us to follow
now see that, in fulfillment     the unfolding story of what
of John’s message, this was      it meant to them.
a time of spiritual transition
from law to grace, from the      CHRIST’S USE
Old to the New, from the         OF BAPTISM
sacrifices of priests to the       Jesus’ Practice Of
sacrifice of the Christ.         Baptism. After His baptism
John’s ministry bridged the      by John, Jesus, through His
eras of God’s work, leading      disciples, baptized those
from the Old Testament           who came to Him:
understanding of the need           After these things Jesus
for forgiveness—whether             and His disciples came
national or personal—to             into the land of Judea,
the New Testament focus             and there He remained
on spiritual cleansing and          with them and baptized
personal wholeness for              (Jn. 3:22; see 4:2).
individuals, and perhaps,           While we might
eventually, even the nation.     speculate that Christ,
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
like John, baptized in               witness, that I said,
anticipation of the need             “I am not the Christ,”
for personal and national            but, “I have been sent
repentance, no details are           before Him.” He who
given about His baptismal            has the bride is the
message or methods.                  bridegroom; but the friend
    Nevertheless, it was such        of the bridegroom, who
a significant part of His early      stands and hears him,
ministry, that some of the           rejoices greatly because
followers of John were so            of the bridegroom’s voice.
disturbed and threatened             Therefore this joy of
by Jesus’ practice of baptism        mine is fulfilled. He
that they called it to the           must increase, but I must
prophet’s attention:                 decrease (vv.27-30).
    They came to John and           Jesus’ Picture Of
    said to him, “Rabbi,          Baptism. Jesus did
    He who was with you           not just practice baptism,
    beyond the Jordan, to         however. He used the word
    whom you have testified—      picture of baptism and the
    behold, He is baptizing,      principle behind it when
    and all are coming to         dealing with a problem
    Him!” (v.26).                 among His followers.
    John’s response was a             Two of His disciples
beautiful expression of the       (James and John) sent their
change of heart he was            mother to Jesus to request
asking of the nation. He          that, in the kingdom, they be
replied:                          allowed to sit on either side
    A man can receive             of Christ the King. It was
    nothing unless it has been    an audacious request that
    given to him from heaven.     outraged the other disciples.
    You yourselves bear me        In dealing with the question,
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
however, Christ did not        them to think about whether
speak in terms of their        they could embrace that
audacity—He spoke in           baptism. What was it?
terms of the broader           According to Bible scholar
spiritual meaning behind       William Hendriksen:
the physical act of baptism.      The word “to be
    Jesus said to them,           baptized” is probably
    “You do not know what         used here in the
    you ask. Are you able         figurative sense of “to be
    to drink the cup that I       overwhelmed” by agony.
    drink, and be baptized        Jesus must be plunged
    with the baptism that I       into distress (The Gospel
    am baptized with?”            Of Mark, p.412).
    (Mk. 10:38).                  Could they be fully and
    Here it is clear that      completely involved with
Christ was using baptism,      Him in His suffering?
along with the cup, as         Certainly not. In fact, of the
a picture of being fully       two brothers, James did not
involved and immersed          even stand with Christ at
in what awaited Him. The       the cross—let alone allow
cup points to Christ’s words   himself to be “overwhelmed
at the Last Supper in which    by agony.” In reality, they
He took in His hand the        were making a promise that
cup and told His men           could not withstand the test
that His very life-blood was   of being “baptized” into
going to be “shed for many     the consequences of that
for the remission of sins”     promise.
(Mt. 26:28).                     Jesus’ Command To
    He then told them          Baptize. Interestingly, as
about a coming “immersion”     Jesus’ personal baptism
He would face—challenging      began His earthly ministry,
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some of His final commands          the Father and of the Son
include the challenge to His        and of the Holy Spirit.”
followers to baptize and be            Pastor James M. Boice
baptized:                           said this of the baptism
    Go therefore and make           Christ called for in this
    disciples of all the nations,   commission:
    baptizing them in the              This does not mean that
    name of the Father and of          empty rites or ceremonies
    the Son and of the Holy            are to take the place of
    Spirit (Mt. 28:19).                a vital relationship with
                                       Christ. Rather, first,
 “Go therefore and                     at some point one’s
                                       commitment to Jesus
  make disciples of                    as Savior and Lord
   all the nations,                    must become public, for
 baptizing them in                     baptism is a public act
                                       (it is a declaration before
  the name of the                      the world that a person
 Father and of the                     intends to follow Jesus);
   Son and of the                      and, second, the person
                                       is uniting with the
    Holy Spirit.”                      church, which is Christ’s
    —Jesus (Mt. 28:19)                 visible body. This is both
                                       natural and necessary.
   As part of Christ’s                 If a person is truly
Great Commission to                    converted, he or she
His followers, Jesus regarded          will want to join with
baptism as being part of the           other similarly converted
discipling process. He told            people (The Gospel Of
His disciples to baptize               Matthew, Volume 2,
converts in the “name of               pp.648-649).
                     © 2008 RBC Ministries
THE APOSTLES’                      the external mark of
USE OF BAPTISM                     identification for those who
When Christ ascended into          had committed their lives
heaven from the Mount of           to Christ. The imagery of
Olives (Acts 1), He left           cleansing from the mikvah
behind a cadre of followers        and the transformational call
who were committed to the          pictured in John’s baptism
message of the cross. But          were foundational to the
they were also committed to        baptismal practices of the
obeying Christ’s instruction       fledgling church.
about baptism.                         Verse 38, however, raises
  Baptism In The                   a huge question. What does
Book Of Acts. In the               it mean to be baptized “for
early church, new believers        the remission of sins”? And
were baptized. This practice       what are the implications of
began on the Day of                that statement on salvation
Pentecost:                         by grace through faith?
   Peter said to them,                 There’s no question
   “Repent, and let every one      that Peter linked repentance
   of you be baptized in the       and conversion, and then
   name of Jesus Christ for the    linked baptism to both.
   remission of sins; and you      The question that has been
   shall receive the gift of the   debated for centuries is how
   Holy Spirit.” . . . Then        those three relate to one
   those who gladly received       another.
   his word were baptized;             While there continues to
   and that day about three        be much disagreement about
   thousand souls were added       Peter’s intended meaning in
   to them (Acts 2:38,41).         Acts 2:38, Bible scholar
   On the day the church           George Ladd gives us some
was born, baptism became           helpful thinking:
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
Baptism would be the         every case it seems to have
    public evidence of [a]       been the outward public
    repentant spirit . . . The   response of those who
    reception of the Holy        looked to Christ and His
    Spirit is not dependent      rescue as the source of their
    upon baptism, but it         forgiveness and new life.
    follows baptism which is       Baptism In Paul’s
    an outward and visible       Letters. More than
    sign of a penitent spirit.   any other apostle, Paul
    In the early church,         presented his perspectives
    converts were baptized       on baptism when he wrote
    without delay. So            about this practice in his
    being baptized and           own public ministry.
    receiving the Spirit were       Paul’s Own View Of
    practically simultaneous     Ministry. While recognizing
    (The Wycliffe Bible          the important spiritual
    Commentary, p.1128).         significance of baptism,
    Others have pointed out      Paul apparently did not
that when Peter said, “Let       make baptism a priority of
every one of you be baptized     his own public ministry. We
in the name of Jesus Christ      see this in his letter to the
for the remission of sins,”      Corinthians, where he asked
the word for can refer to        those who had developed
being baptized “with a view      an unhealthy identification
toward” the forgiveness that     with their own leaders:
comes through Christ.               Is Christ divided? Was
    The record of the early         Paul crucified for you? Or
church’s practice of baptism        were you baptized in the
continues throughout the            name of Paul? I thank
book of Acts (8:36; 10:47-48;       God that I baptized none
16:15; 18:8; 19:5), and in          of you except Crispus and
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
Gaius, lest anyone should        free—and have all been
    say that I had baptized          made to drink into one
    in my own name. Yes,             Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13).
    I also baptized the              Here Paul sees baptism
    household of Stephanas.      as more than a public rite
    Besides, I do not know       involving water. If he was
    whether I baptized any       referring to water baptism
    other (1 Cor. 1:13-16).      at all in this passage, he was
    Paul baptized only a few     referring to a baptism that
people himself. Apparently,      physically and publicly
he did not want to confuse       illustrated how the Spirit
the grace and salvation of       of God has placed us into
God with the physical act        the body of Christ. His
of baptism. His priority was     focus was not about being
preaching the gospel, not        immersed in water or in the
baptizing new believers          Spirit. Rather, his focus was
(v.17).                          on the fact that we come
    At the very least, this      into relationship with one
shows us that Paul did not       another by the same Spirit as
view baptism as a work           we place our faith in Christ.
necessary for salvation. He          Paul’s Teaching On
saw it as an act of obedience    “Baptism Into Christ.”
for the redeemed, not as a           Or do you not know that
part of the redemptive               as many of us as were
transaction.                         baptized into Christ Jesus
    Paul’s Words On                  were baptized into His
“Spirit Baptism.”                    death? (Rom. 6:3).
    For by one Spirit we             For as many of you
    were all baptized into one       as were baptized into
    body—whether Jews or             Christ have put on
    Greeks, whether slaves or        Christ (Gal. 3:27).
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
When Paul wrote to           thought about baptism
the Corinthians about            when he wrote:
Spirit baptism, he was                Otherwise, what will they
clearly speaking of the               do who are baptized for
believer being placed into            the dead, if the dead do
one body—the body of                  not rise at all? Why then
Christ. In a similar way,             are they baptized for the
in his letter to the Galatians        dead? (1 Cor. 15:29).
he referred to being baptized         This statement has been
“into Christ.” Here Paul was     taken by some to imply that
not primarily speaking of        we can be baptized not only
being identified with Christ     as an expression of our own
in the eyes of men. Instead,     faith but also in behalf of
he was emphasizing that          those who have already
in God’s eyes those who          died.
have been “baptized                   In reality, however, Paul
into Christ” actually            didn’t tell us what he was
died with Christ when            referring to when he spoke
He became our substitute         of baptism for the dead. So
in His death.                    it’s dangerous to build a
    Paul’s Statement On          theological position on such
Baptism For The Dead.            an obscure passage.
While Paul wrote to clarify           Because Paul made the
the nature of what it meant      comment while emphasizing
to be immersed and washed        the importance of a future
“in Christ,” sometimes he        resurrection of the dead,
made statements that are         it’s likely that he was
difficult to understand in       referring to a pagan practice
our own day and culture.         to illustrate belief in an
For instance, Paul raised        afterlife, without intending
an interesting and confusing     to affirm the practice itself.
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
BAPTISM AS                      accommodate the nuances
PRACTICED                       of the different groups. This
                                resulted in three basic
THROUGHOUT                      modes of baptism:
HISTORY                         BAPTISM BY

    have already shared         Baptism by immersion is
    my own story of being       practiced in a variety of
    sprinkled twice and         ways, but all with one
immersed twice. In each         significant common thread—
case, I was baptized by         the person being baptized is
sincere individuals who         placed into the water, then
believed in both the            brought out again.
importance of baptism and           Adherents of immersion
in the significance of how      point to the fact that in its
and why it was performed.       original language, the word
    These practices, however,   baptize means literally “to
have come down to us            place into.” Additionally,
through the filters of church   they declare that immersion
history. The New Testament      is the mode of baptism that
itself doesn’t give explicit    most completely portrays the
details on the process or       story of our salvation. They
technique that is to be used    explain that being placed
in baptizing. As a result,      into the water pictures our
when the church splintered      death and burial with Christ,
and divided into sects and      just as coming up out of
denominations over the          the water illustrates our
centuries, the practice and     resurrection with Him to
purpose of baptism was          a new life and relationship
repeatedly reinvented to        with God.
                  © 2008 RBC Ministries
BAPTISM BY                      among those that practice
POURING                         infant baptism. For support
In pouring, those being         of this position, some see
baptized stand in water         evidence in Isaiah 52:13-15,
(often a natural setting of a   which reads:
creek, pond, or river), and         Behold, My Servant shall
have water poured over their        deal prudently; He shall
heads. Here the picture is          be exalted and extolled
one of being washed and             and be very high. Just as
cleansed by the Spirit and          many were astonished at
work of Christ on our behalf.       you, so His visage was
    Excavations of ancient          marred more than any
baptistries and the artwork         man, and His form more
of third-century Christian          than the sons of men; so
catacombs show early                shall He sprinkle many
Christians being baptized           nations. Kings shall shut
in just that way. Many today        their mouths at Him; for
hold this archaeological            what had not been told
evidence as the definitive          them they shall see, and
reason for practicing               what they had not heard
baptism by pouring.                 they shall consider.
                                    Baptism by sprinkling
BAPTISM BY                      is also used in parts of the
SPRINKLING                      world where lack of water
Sprinkling seems to have        is a critical issue.
the most recent history. It
appears to have originated      BAPTISMAL
following the apostolic         VARIATIONS
era and continues               The differences in baptismal
today in many Christian         practices go beyond the
denominations, especially       mode of baptism, however.
                  © 2008 RBC Ministries
In some traditions, warm         baptistic in tradition and
water is preferred to cold       conviction. I practiced
water (or vice versa); in        baptism by immersion,
others, the water must be        however, not because I
moving. In some practices,       pastored baptistic churches.
the baptismal candidate          Rather, I pastored baptistic
wears a robe; in others,         churches because I felt
they are required to wear        that immersion is the mode
regular street clothes. Some     that best pictures baptism
of these practices have to       according to the New
do with practical concerns       Testament descriptions.
(such as modesty), while
others seem more connected         Out of a genuine
to convenience than
conviction.                           desire to be
    There seems to be             thoroughly biblical,
no end to the nuances and            we could find
intricacies of method, yet
quite often each group           ourselves becoming
implicitly or explicitly         slaves to the “letter
believes that they are             of the law” while
following the New
Testament pattern.                potentially missing
    Admittedly, I have also        the “spirit of the
followed a similar pattern of    law” in our practice
conviction. Over a period of
more than 20 years, I served          of baptism.
as a pastor in three different
churches in three different          But I must say that while
regions of the United States.    I still hold that view, I do
All of those churches were       not believe that all followers
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
of Christ must be held               burial, and resurrection
to the standard of my                so that he becomes one
own convictions. My                  of Christ’s faithful. Most
fear is that out of a genuine        Christian groups practice
desire to be thoroughly              some form of literal
biblical, we could find              water-based baptism and
ourselves becoming slaves            agree that it is important,
to the “letter of the law”           yet strongly disagree with
while potentially missing            other groups regarding
the “spirit of the law” in           any or all of several
our practice of baptism.             aspects of baptism,
    So then, what would be           such as:
“the spirit of the law”?             • form of the baptism
                                     • recipients of baptism
WHAT IS                              • meaning/effects of
                                         the act of baptism
THE POINT                                However, a few
OF BAPTISM?                          Christian groups assert

        he online                    that water-based baptism
      encyclopedia                   has been supplanted
      AllExperts gives               by the promised baptism
us an interesting analysis           of the Holy Spirit, and
of the current Christian             water baptism was
perspective on baptism:              unnecessarily carried
    Today, water baptism is          over from the early
    most readily identified          Jewish Christian practice.
    with Christianity, where it      I find this to be a good
    symbolizes the cleansing      summary of the present
    (remission) of sins, and      state of Christendom
    the union of the believer     when it comes to our
    with Christ in His death,     modern approach to the
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
ancient practice of baptism.    we are to practice the Lord’s
If nothing else, it helps us    Table, but the meaning of
to see that there is a need     the bread and cup of that
for both personal integrity     celebration is to proclaim
and shared grace in the         the Lord’s death until He
way we practice or do not       returns (1 Cor. 11:23-26).
practice baptism.                  Likewise, Jesus used a
    Regardless of our           series of “I am” statements
view, it should be clear        to make word pictures of
that baptism has a rich         the various aspects of His
history and is tied to the      coming: a door (picturing
truths of our life in Christ.   the way to the Father), living
                                water (that which satisfies),
A PICTURE                       and the bread of life (that
IS WORTH A                      which feeds our deepest
THOUSAND                        needs), to name just a few.
WORDS                              This use of a word
Without question, few           picture also applies to our
books are as committed          understanding of baptism.
to using picture and imagery    We need to understand the
as the Bible. From Jesus’       words, but we must also see
use of parables to the          the picture that was being
vast array of metaphor and      painted by those words.
imagery, the Bible is without
question a book of pictures.    WHAT
   For that reason, we often    BAPTISM MEANS
find ourselves not asking,      In the New Testament,
“What does the Bible say?”      Koine Greek (the universal
but “What does the Bible        language of the day) was
mean by what it says?” For      used to communicate the
example, the Bible says that    truths of the gospel. It is
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
helpful to notice that baptizo       Notice that while the
was the word from which we       defined mode is seen as
get the term baptize.            immersion, the point of the
                                 definition is that baptism
    “Those who                   is clearly a declaration of
                                 faith by someone who has
   gladly received               already trusted Christ. In
   his word were                 the New Testament, this is
 baptized; and that              the critical point in every
                                 case. For example:
  day about three                    Those who gladly received
  thousand souls                     his word were baptized;
     were added                      and that day about three
                                     thousand souls were
      to them.”                      added to them (Acts 2:41).
       —Acts 2:41                        When they believed
                                     Philip as he preached the
   Strong’s Exhaustive               things concerning the
Concordance gives this               kingdom of God and the
definition of baptizo:               name of Jesus Christ, both
   A rite of immersion in            men and women were
   water as commanded                baptized. . . . Now as they
   by Christ, by which one           went down the road, they
   after confessing his sins         came to some water. And
   and professing his faith          the eunuch said, “See,
   in Christ, having been            here is water. What
   born again by the Holy            hinders me from being
   Spirit unto a new life,           baptized?” Then Philip
   identifies publicly with          said, “If you believe with
   the fellowship of Christ          all your heart, you may.”
   and the church.                   And he answered and
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
said, “I believe that Jesus   conveniences of indoor
   Christ is the Son of God.”    baptistries, baptisms almost
   So he commanded the           always occurred outside.
   chariot to stand still.       Today we still speak of
   And both Philip and the       baptism as being a public
   eunuch went down into         declaration of faith in Christ.
   the water, and he baptized    In many ways, though, our
   him (Acts 8:12,36-38).        practice is less public and
   Repeatedly, the book of       more of a private declaration
Acts indicates that, above all   given within the family
else, baptism is the public      of faith. In either case,
act by which individuals         however, baptism is a way
declare their personal           of proclaiming our personal
confidence in the saving         faith to others.
work of Christ. Though the           Admittedly, baptism is
New Testament does not           not the only way of making
give us clear procedures for     a public declaration of faith.
baptism, it does give us clear   Church membership,
understanding of what the        catechism, confirmation,
picture of baptism means.        and a variety of other
                                 denominational variations
WHAT THE PICTURE                 on the theme are used as
OF BAPTISM MEANS                 “virtual equivalents” that
So what is actually being        can fulfill the need for a
displayed or pictured when       public declaration.
a follower of Christ submits         What we can all agree
to baptism?                      on is that Jesus asked us
  Public Declaration             to declare our faith publicly.
Of Faith. I find it              We see this clearly when He
interesting that in the early    said, “Whoever confesses
church, lacking the modern       Me before men, him I will
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
also confess before My             A Heart Of
Father who is in heaven”         Personal Trust. We
(Mt. 10:32).                     have already seen that
  Portrayal Of The               Christ instructed His
Gospel. In 1 Corinthians         disciples to baptize those
15:3-4, Paul wrote:              who embrace Him by faith
    I delivered to you first     (Mt. 28:19-20). When
    of all that which I also     we submit to baptism as
    received: that Christ died   believers, we are following a
    for our sins according to    custom that for 2,000 years
    the Scriptures, and that     has set Christians apart. It’s
    He was buried, and that      a simple yet profound act by
    He rose again the third      which we declare to Christ
    day according to the         and to the world that we
    Scriptures.                  have given ourselves to the
    In a sense, when             One who loved us and gave
combined with the Lord’s         Himself for us.
Table, baptism helps to           Identification
present a rich picture of the    With Resurrection.
message that was delivered       In the traditions where
to Paul and has been             immersion is practiced, this
handed down to us. In            is graphically seen. Notice
the elements of the Lord’s       what we find in the apostle
Supper we have a visual          Peter’s first New Testament
reminder of how Christ died      letter:
for our sins. In baptism,            There is also an antitype
especially with immersion,           which now saves us—
Christ’s burial and                  baptism (not the removal
resurrection is pictured             of the filth of the flesh,
when new life is declared            but the answer of a good
in the child of God.                 conscience toward God),
                    © 2008 RBC Ministries
through the resurrection      disability issues. In my own
   of Jesus Christ, who has      experience, I have seen
   gone into heaven and is       cases where individuals in
   at the right hand of God,     wheelchairs were carried—
   angels and authorities        sometimes wheelchair and
   and powers having been        all—into the baptistry so the
   made subject to Him           new follower of Christ could
   (1 Pet. 3:21-22).             be baptized. But this pastor
   In baptism, we identify       wisely asked, “Is that
with and proclaim our            necessary?” He was
confidence in the truth          wondering whether the
of Christ’s resurrection. It’s   method was as important
a powerful demonstration of      as the heart. I think he was
what Christ has done for us      wise to remember that the
in conquering death, hell,       point of baptism is to be a
and the grave for all who        public identification with
come to Him by faith.            Christ that needs to be
                                 practiced with consideration
A TEST CASE                      for those who choose to
A friend of mine pastors         declare their faith in Jesus.
a church that practices              After careful and
baptism by immersion.            prayerful consideration,
Recently, however, friends       this pastor and his
who attend his church told       leadership team agreed that
me of a baptismal service        the importance of the heart
that was, for them, very         and spirit surpassed the
unusual.                         importance of the mode. The
   A man had come to             result was that a baptism by
Christ and had asked to          sprinkling took place in a
be baptized. But he had          church that was committed
significant health and           to baptism by immersion.
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
Some would see this         that this same application
as compromise. I saw it as      of wisdom can also give us
refreshing. It seems to be      counsel in considering our
a wise and appropriate          differences in the area of
application of Paul’s ancient   baptism. We have seen that
words of instruction to the     baptism is not an issue that
Roman church:
    Who are you to judge
    another’s servant? To his           Baptism is
    own master he stands or           not an issue
    falls. Indeed, he will be
    made to stand, for God         that determines
    is able to make him             eternity. It’s an
    stand. One person esteems         act of public
    one day above another;
    another esteems every           faith and trust
    day alike. Let each be             in Christ—
    fully convinced in his             an outward
    own mind (Rom. 14:4-5).
    Paul wrote those                  symbol of an
words in a day when                  inner change.
there probably was
agreement about the
practice of baptism. But        determines eternity. It’s
some had become involved        an act of public faith
in divisive debates about       and trust in Christ—an
whether followers of Christ     outward symbol of an
should participate in the       inner change. We can
holy days and festivals         celebrate that intent if
of ancient Israel.              we will “let each be fully
    I have become convinced     convinced in his own mind.”
                  © 2008 RBC Ministries
DOES BAPTISM                     been baptized since your
STILL MATTER                     conversion, I encourage you
                                 to talk with your pastor or a
TODAY?                           spiritual mentor and discuss

        oday, the practice       this important issue. Christ
       of baptism has often      was baptized with suffering
       become disconnected       and death for us. Now we
from its ancient intent.         are given the privilege of
    Nevertheless, the            responding to His gift
principle and truth behind       with our own personal
baptism still matters for        declaration of faith.
many reasons. Perhaps
most specifically, it matters
because, as in the first          “Those who gladly
century, if we accept Christ      received his word
as our personal Savior and         were baptized.”
Lord, we are called upon to             —Acts 2:41
declare our personal faith.
It’s more than a duty or an
act of obedience, it’s an            The book of Acts
opportunity to declare our       declares that on the Day
gratitude for the love and       of Pentecost, “Those who
grace of Christ.                 gladly received his word
    If you have trusted Jesus    were baptized” (2:41).
as your own Savior, baptism      You can join them
gives you an opportunity to      in this joyful act of
tell others that your life has   obedience, identification,
been changed. You can say        and proclamation of Christ’s
of Christ, “I am His and He      salvation. Yes, the real
is mine.”                        meaning and message of
    If you have not              baptism still matters today.
                   © 2008 RBC Ministries
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  • 1. BAPTISM What Can We Agree On? D own through history, the CONTENTS rite of water baptism has been widely regarded as a symbolic entry into the A Time For Clarity . . . . . 2 church. Some baptize infants, Baptism Foreshadowed and others baptize people only In The Old Testament . . . 5 after their confession of belief. Baptism As Some see baptism as essential Practiced By John . . . . . . 8 for salvation, but others see it Baptism As as far less important than being Practiced By Christ spiritually immersed into Christ. And The Apostles . . . . . 14 Then there is the mode of Baptism As baptism. Some sprinkle, some Practiced Throughout pour, and some immerse. Some Church History. . . . . . . 22 baptize in the name of the What Is The Father, Son, and Spirit, while Point Of Baptism? . . . . 25 others do so in Jesus’ name only. Does Baptism Still Because of these many Matter Today? . . . . . . . . 32 differences, pastor-teacher Bill Crowder takes a look in the following pages at the story and meaning of baptism, and what we can all agree on. Martin R. De Haan II Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo & Design:Terry Bidgood Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved. © 2008 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
  • 2. A TIME FOR 2.8 million in 2004. But the CLARITY total number of baptisms by immersion in water . . . I n the April 12, 2006, has hovered from around issue of USA Today, I 175,000 to 200,000 yearly.” read that “statistics find With these trends in Americans slowly drifting view, the article’s writer away from the ancient asked, “If baptism is the baptismal ritual.” The article door into a faith, where contends that a major did all those people go?” Baptist denomination “has Yes, where did all the seen its rate of baptism fall people go? Apparently about 35% from 1972 to fewer are going into the 1985.” Then the article waters of baptism. It’s a went on to say that “the rate growing reality in the stalled for the next 20 years, world of Christendom that even though Baptists are baptism is both ignored pledged to heed the Bible’s and misunderstood—a ‘great commission’ in misunderstanding that Matthew 28:19-20: I can personally relate to. ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, A FOG OF baptizing them in the name CONFUSION of the Father, the Son, and I was born into a family the Holy Spirit, and teaching that attended a church that them to obey everything that practiced infant baptism. As I have commanded you.’ ” a result, I was sprinkled as USA Today added that a baby. At age 12, following another large denomination extended catechism classes, grew “from nearly 1.8 I was re-sprinkled as million in 1980 to nearly confirmation of that earlier 2 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 3. sprinkling. After high school, of immersion—did not result however, I found myself in my life being changed. wandering aimlessly both When I was in my personally and spiritually. twenties, after I at last heard A well-meaning friend a clear explanation of what encouraged me to become a it means to enter the family Christian as the solution for of God, I received Christ as the drifting that was marking my Lord and Savior. After trusting Christ, I was told that, once again, I needed It’s a growing to be baptized. But this time reality in the world it was as a public testimony of my profession of faith in of Christendom that Christ. So, I was baptized baptism is both by immersion yet again. ignored and I look back over those events with very mixed misunderstood. emotions. After two sprinklings and two out my life. I assumed that, immersions, believe given my church upbringing, me when I say that I I was already a Christian. understand people’s He explained, however, that confusion on the matter I needed to come to church of water baptism, what it with him and talk to the represents, and what it pastor after the service. I accomplishes. I’m pretty did. The pastor’s counsel? sure many other folks have “In 2 weeks we will baptize a story similar to mine in you, and you will be a which the matter of baptism Christian.” Unfortunately, is surrounded by a thick fog that event of baptism—one of confusion. 3 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 4. AN IMPORTANT words lift up baptism as an DISCUSSION important matter that needs Some might say that to be carefully thought baptism is insignificant— through and discussed. an ancient ritual without But where do we begin? any modern relevance. But I disagree. The level Jesus Himself of confusion surrounding the subject merely amplifies made baptism the need for a careful an issue. understanding of the issue, if for no other reason than Perhaps the best that Jesus Himself made it place to start is by trying an issue: to reconstruct the setting in When He had been which Jesus’ audience heard baptized, Jesus came what He said about baptism. up immediately from the Though the events of the water; and behold, the Gospels are recorded in heavens were opened to the New Testament, Jesus’ Him, and He saw the audience was made up of Spirit of God descending people who were still living like a dove and alighting in a period of Old Testament upon Him (Mt. 3:16). culture and national law. [Jesus said], “Go Therefore, we must therefore and make begin with what people disciples of all the nations, understood baptism to mean baptizing them in the in their time if we are to name of the Father and grasp the framework in of the Son and of the which they would have Holy Spirit” (Mt. 28:19). heard and understood Jesus’ Yes, Christ’s example and command to baptize. 4 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 5. BAPTISM THE PICTURE OF FORESHADOWED CIRCUMCISION From the time of Abram, IN THE OLD circumcision was a physical TESTAMENT sign of a chosen people’s W illiam covenant relationship with Shakespeare, God (Gen. 17:11). Although in The Tempest other nations also practiced (Act 2, Scene 1), wisely circumcision, the rite took said, “What is past is on a special meaning for the prologue.” He was Jewish people. At the very extolling the value of least, it showed that God seeing the events and had a right to order even the practices of yesterday most intimate and personal as the seeds of today. areas of their lives. This is especially helpful Some believe that, in a in wrestling with the similar way, baptism later issue of baptism. became a sign of a New From a first-century Covenant for followers of Jewish point of view, Christ. many Bible scholars believe It must be understood, that two practices prepared however, that these two the way for baptism and pictures (circumcision and help to explain its nature baptism) are not exact and purpose. One was equivalents. Circumcision the practice of the mikvah was to be performed only (the ceremonial bath), on males. Baptism is not and the other was gender-specific. the rite of circumcision, In addition, circumcision which we will consider was done on male infants first. on the eighth day after their 5 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 6. birth. Baptism, as described As we toured this in the New Testament, was ancient community, one a public profession of of the places we examined personal faith in Christ. was an ancient mikvah. Circumcision was a mark In their purification of national identity. New ceremonies, the Jews Testament baptism was a would descend a set of sign of entrance into the seven steps into the water, international body of Christ. then exit by a different set Because of these of steps. This signified that distinctions, the most we the sins of which they had can safely say is that been cleansed had been circumcision foreshadowed left behind in the waters. the significance of baptism. It was a strategic part It’s also important to of the community life see how water baptism was of the Essenes. practiced in Jewish culture Today within Judaism, prior to its New Testament the purification ceremony meaning. of the mikvah (immersion in a ritual bath) is still THE PRACTICE practiced. Online OF THE MIKVAH encyclopedia Wikipedia While I was on a trip to says this of the mikvah: Israel, our study group Its main use nowadays spent several hours at is by Jewish women to Qumran. An archaeological achieve ritual purity dig is underway there to after menstruation or unearth the life and culture childbirth, by Jewish men of the Essene sect, a to achieve ritual purity, conservative, ascetic Jewish as part of a traditional group in the first century. procedure for conversion 6 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 7. to Judaism, and (in some Wikipedia further cases) for utensils used states: for eating and cooking. The Hebrew word This ancient practice of mikvah also means ceremonial cleansing is also “hope.” The prophet used as a rite of spiritual Jeremiah repeatedly conversion. According to refers to this dual Rabbi Maurice Lamm in meaning in using rain, Becoming A Jew: living water, and the Immersion, tevillah, mikvah itself as a is the common core symbol of hope in component of every and from God (see [traditional] Jewish Jer. 14:22; 17:13). conversion process, Above all, the mikvah for male and female, expressed the hope that adult and child, the provider God would ignoramus and scholar. care for and meet the It is sine qua non, and needs of His people. a conversion ceremony For the first-century without immersion is Jewish community, all unacceptable to the of these ideas could traditional religious have converged in their community and simply understanding of baptism. not Jewish in character. New Testament followers of In addition to the Christ would eventually mikvah’s use for ceremonial conclude that when it came cleansing and conversion, to baptism, what was past a metaphorical use of the was simply a prologue. word links the mikvah to From a Christian point of the aspirations and hopes view, one era was coming of Judaism. to an end. 7 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 8. BAPTISM AS Bridge personalities PRACTICED become human transition points at critical times in BY JOHN history—and John the T hroughout history, Baptizer was one of the there are individuals most strategic “bridge who have bridged personalities” in the Bible. one era to another. These transitional personalities BRIDGING FROM lived in times of drastic OLD TESTAMENT TO change and were often NEW TESTAMENT part of the reason for the John the Baptizer was change itself. a prophetic voice in the In the 1960s, the Beatles wilderness who had been had that kind of influence, raised according to strict bridging the conservative Nazirite law (Lk. 1:15; Num. days of the “Ozzie and 6:1-21). His message was an Harriet” 1950s to the uncompromising, radical call turmoil-filled 1970s of for personal and national Vietnam and Watergate. repentance. Their music drew young At the same time, people into radically different John was the emissary ways of thinking, helping to and forerunner of the long- feed the whitewater rapids of awaited Messiah King. His change that were being felt calling was to announce in the culture. The Beatles the arrival of the One who not only reflected that would bring grace not only season of change, they also to the nation of Israel but to contributed to it, building a citizens of the whole world. bridge from yesterday to In this transitional role, tomorrow. John stood on the platform 8 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 9. of his own national and and of their readiness to cultural heritage—even welcome Him when He as he announced the appeared. The baptism arrival of a radically new itself startled, and was day. His use of baptism intended to startle, as a point of identification them. They were for the kingdom, therefore, familiar enough with must be seen in this light. the baptism of proselytes Notice how John himself from heathenism; but explained his baptismal this baptism of Jews ministry: themselves was quite I indeed baptize you with new and strange to them. water unto repentance, John’s baptism but He who is coming would have been to after me is mightier than his countrymen both I, whose sandals I am not understandable and worthy to carry. He will mysterious. With the history baptize you with the Holy of the mikvah bath, they Spirit and fire (Mt. 3:11). would have seen in John’s What significance did baptism all that was John intend for his baptism, pictured in the mikvah— and how did it relate to his spiritual cleansing, message of repentance? conversion, and, perhaps The Jamieson, Fausset, And most of all, spiritual hope. Brown Bible Commentary The unsettling mystery says: of John’s baptism, however, This baptism was at once was signaled in his words a public seal of their felt that the One who followed need of deliverance from him would baptize them sin, of their expectation “with the Holy Spirit and of the coming Deliverer, fire.” With these words he 9 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 10. showed a nation that his of baptism. It was not mission went beyond the merely about ritual—it moment, beyond the ritual, was about anticipation. and beyond the waters of A Public Confession baptism. It pointed them Then Jerusalem, all to the coming of their long- Judea, and all the region predicted Messiah. around the Jordan went out to him and were A POWERFUL baptized by him in the MESSAGE Jordan, confessing their John’s baptism expressed the sins (vv.5-6). hopes of prior generations— John’s baptism was and even more. Matthew 3 an occasion for public helps us to understand the confession of personal and scope of John’s message national sin. Those who and his baptism: stepped into the waters with A Messianic him showed their willingness Announcement to prepare themselves In those days John the spiritually for the coming Baptist came preaching in of their King. the wilderness of Judea, A Call For Change and saying, “Repent, for Therefore bear fruits the kingdom of heaven is worthy of repentance at hand!” (Mt. 3:1-2). (v.8). The any-moment John’s message of the appearance of the long- kingdom and the King awaited Messiah and reflected a personal kingdom of God was to be readiness not only for a new both the motivator and the day but for new ways. His aspiration of the people as baptism signaled the need they submitted to the waters for a spiritual revolution. 10 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 11. That’s why John’s of John (Acts 18:25). baptism created such a [Paul] said to them, stir—it called people to a “Into what then were you transformation of life, and baptized?” So they said, marked them out as those “Into John’s baptism.” committed to such change. Then Paul said, “John To that end, Mark described indeed baptized with a the people’s response to that baptism of repentance, call: saying to the people that Then all the land of Judea, they should believe on and those from Jerusalem, Him who would come went out to him and were after him, that is, on all baptized by him in the Christ Jesus” (19:3-4). Jordan River, confessing Perhaps nearly their sins (Mk. 1:5). 3 decades later, these The launching point individuals were still living of spiritual development out the commitments and for many in the first century decisions made in the came from John’s baptism Jordan River with John. in the waters of the Jordan River. It was a beginning JOHN’S BAPTISM that some of them continued OF JESUS to embrace decades later. Because John’s baptism is Notice: linked to confession of sin, [Apollos] had been one of the surprising events instructed in the way of the New Testament is that of the Lord; and being Jesus asked John to baptize fervent in spirit, he spoke Him. Matthew tells us: and taught accurately the Then Jesus came from things of the Lord, though Galilee to John at the he knew only the baptism Jordan to be baptized 11 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 12. by him. And John tried coming to John for baptism. to prevent Him, saying, But why would Jesus “I need to be baptized submit to this “baptism of by You, and are You repentance”? Historically, coming to me?” But conservative Bible teachers Jesus answered and have explained that Jesus’ said to him, “Permit it baptism was not an to be so now, for thus it acknowledgment of is fitting for us to fulfill all personal wrongdoing but righteousness.” Then he an act by which He showed allowed Him. When He His willingness to identify had been baptized, Jesus with those He came to save. came up immediately from Within this view, Jesus’ the water; and behold, the humility gave the Father heavens were opened to in heaven an opportunity Him, and He saw the to declare that Jesus was Spirit of God descending unique among those who like a dove and alighting asked John to baptize them. upon Him. And suddenly Recent studies have a voice came from heaven, offered additional insight. saying, “This is My Robert L. Webb, for beloved Son, in whom instance, sees John’s I am well pleased” baptism as having national (Mt. 3:13-17). implications for Israel. He The voice from heaven suggests that John’s baptism is important. Together with was signaling the need for a John’s own declaration of radical national change in Jesus’ greatness (Jn. 1:29- view of the coming of God’s 36), the voice from heaven Messiah. Then he adds: separates Jesus from If this is so, then John everyone else who was was calling for the people 12 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 13. to respond to who they If Webb is right, then were as a nation, not Jesus stepped into the really who they were Jordan River with John as individuals. Of course, to join his generation in it was individuals who a recognition of the need had to respond, and for national repentance. many could respond out His submission to John’s of a personal sense of baptism, then, showed responsibility for Israel’s His own commitment to state. But equally, many personally do something of those in Israel who about the sins of the would be considered faithful could respond Jesus’ submission out of a belief in and desire for John’s to John’s baptism reconstituted Israel. showed His own Thus, without having to commitment to speculate about Jesus’ personal state of mind, personally do we can conclude that something about Jesus did indeed the sins of the participate in John’s baptism, and it was nation—a for Him a baptism of commitment repentance. Jesus was He fulfilled . . . acknowledging Israel’s sin and need to turn around, on the cross. and He was committing Himself to do what He nation—a commitment could to bring this about He fulfilled for Jew and ( Gentile alike on the cross. 13 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 14. Regardless of where we BAPTISM AS land on the issue of defining the scope of John’s baptism, PRACTICED BY however, one thing is CHRIST AND indisputable. As the voice THE APOSTLES I from heaven confirmed, n the days after John’s Jesus did not ask John ministry, Jesus and to baptize Him as an His apostles included admission of personal baptism in their own public sin but rather to stand ministries. As we seek to with John in anticipation understand the meaning of great spiritual change. of baptism for ourselves, it’s Looking back, we can important for us to follow now see that, in fulfillment the unfolding story of what of John’s message, this was it meant to them. a time of spiritual transition from law to grace, from the CHRIST’S USE Old to the New, from the OF BAPTISM sacrifices of priests to the Jesus’ Practice Of sacrifice of the Christ. Baptism. After His baptism John’s ministry bridged the by John, Jesus, through His eras of God’s work, leading disciples, baptized those from the Old Testament who came to Him: understanding of the need After these things Jesus for forgiveness—whether and His disciples came national or personal—to into the land of Judea, the New Testament focus and there He remained on spiritual cleansing and with them and baptized personal wholeness for (Jn. 3:22; see 4:2). individuals, and perhaps, While we might eventually, even the nation. speculate that Christ, 14 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 15. like John, baptized in witness, that I said, anticipation of the need “I am not the Christ,” for personal and national but, “I have been sent repentance, no details are before Him.” He who given about His baptismal has the bride is the message or methods. bridegroom; but the friend Nevertheless, it was such of the bridegroom, who a significant part of His early stands and hears him, ministry, that some of the rejoices greatly because followers of John were so of the bridegroom’s voice. disturbed and threatened Therefore this joy of by Jesus’ practice of baptism mine is fulfilled. He that they called it to the must increase, but I must prophet’s attention: decrease (vv.27-30). They came to John and Jesus’ Picture Of said to him, “Rabbi, Baptism. Jesus did He who was with you not just practice baptism, beyond the Jordan, to however. He used the word whom you have testified— picture of baptism and the behold, He is baptizing, principle behind it when and all are coming to dealing with a problem Him!” (v.26). among His followers. John’s response was a Two of His disciples beautiful expression of the (James and John) sent their change of heart he was mother to Jesus to request asking of the nation. He that, in the kingdom, they be replied: allowed to sit on either side A man can receive of Christ the King. It was nothing unless it has been an audacious request that given to him from heaven. outraged the other disciples. You yourselves bear me In dealing with the question, 15 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 16. however, Christ did not them to think about whether speak in terms of their they could embrace that audacity—He spoke in baptism. What was it? terms of the broader According to Bible scholar spiritual meaning behind William Hendriksen: the physical act of baptism. The word “to be Jesus said to them, baptized” is probably “You do not know what used here in the you ask. Are you able figurative sense of “to be to drink the cup that I overwhelmed” by agony. drink, and be baptized Jesus must be plunged with the baptism that I into distress (The Gospel am baptized with?” Of Mark, p.412). (Mk. 10:38). Could they be fully and Here it is clear that completely involved with Christ was using baptism, Him in His suffering? along with the cup, as Certainly not. In fact, of the a picture of being fully two brothers, James did not involved and immersed even stand with Christ at in what awaited Him. The the cross—let alone allow cup points to Christ’s words himself to be “overwhelmed at the Last Supper in which by agony.” In reality, they He took in His hand the were making a promise that cup and told His men could not withstand the test that His very life-blood was of being “baptized” into going to be “shed for many the consequences of that for the remission of sins” promise. (Mt. 26:28). Jesus’ Command To He then told them Baptize. Interestingly, as about a coming “immersion” Jesus’ personal baptism He would face—challenging began His earthly ministry, 16 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 17. some of His final commands the Father and of the Son include the challenge to His and of the Holy Spirit.” followers to baptize and be Pastor James M. Boice baptized: said this of the baptism Go therefore and make Christ called for in this disciples of all the nations, commission: baptizing them in the This does not mean that name of the Father and of empty rites or ceremonies the Son and of the Holy are to take the place of Spirit (Mt. 28:19). a vital relationship with Christ. Rather, first, “Go therefore and at some point one’s commitment to Jesus make disciples of as Savior and Lord all the nations, must become public, for baptizing them in baptism is a public act (it is a declaration before the name of the the world that a person Father and of the intends to follow Jesus); Son and of the and, second, the person is uniting with the Holy Spirit.” church, which is Christ’s —Jesus (Mt. 28:19) visible body. This is both natural and necessary. As part of Christ’s If a person is truly Great Commission to converted, he or she His followers, Jesus regarded will want to join with baptism as being part of the other similarly converted discipling process. He told people (The Gospel Of His disciples to baptize Matthew, Volume 2, converts in the “name of pp.648-649). 17 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 18. THE APOSTLES’ the external mark of USE OF BAPTISM identification for those who When Christ ascended into had committed their lives heaven from the Mount of to Christ. The imagery of Olives (Acts 1), He left cleansing from the mikvah behind a cadre of followers and the transformational call who were committed to the pictured in John’s baptism message of the cross. But were foundational to the they were also committed to baptismal practices of the obeying Christ’s instruction fledgling church. about baptism. Verse 38, however, raises Baptism In The a huge question. What does Book Of Acts. In the it mean to be baptized “for early church, new believers the remission of sins”? And were baptized. This practice what are the implications of began on the Day of that statement on salvation Pentecost: by grace through faith? Peter said to them, There’s no question “Repent, and let every one that Peter linked repentance of you be baptized in the and conversion, and then name of Jesus Christ for the linked baptism to both. remission of sins; and you The question that has been shall receive the gift of the debated for centuries is how Holy Spirit.” . . . Then those three relate to one those who gladly received another. his word were baptized; While there continues to and that day about three be much disagreement about thousand souls were added Peter’s intended meaning in to them (Acts 2:38,41). Acts 2:38, Bible scholar On the day the church George Ladd gives us some was born, baptism became helpful thinking: 18 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 19. Baptism would be the every case it seems to have public evidence of [a] been the outward public repentant spirit . . . The response of those who reception of the Holy looked to Christ and His Spirit is not dependent rescue as the source of their upon baptism, but it forgiveness and new life. follows baptism which is Baptism In Paul’s an outward and visible Letters. More than sign of a penitent spirit. any other apostle, Paul In the early church, presented his perspectives converts were baptized on baptism when he wrote without delay. So about this practice in his being baptized and own public ministry. receiving the Spirit were Paul’s Own View Of practically simultaneous Ministry. While recognizing (The Wycliffe Bible the important spiritual Commentary, p.1128). significance of baptism, Others have pointed out Paul apparently did not that when Peter said, “Let make baptism a priority of every one of you be baptized his own public ministry. We in the name of Jesus Christ see this in his letter to the for the remission of sins,” Corinthians, where he asked the word for can refer to those who had developed being baptized “with a view an unhealthy identification toward” the forgiveness that with their own leaders: comes through Christ. Is Christ divided? Was The record of the early Paul crucified for you? Or church’s practice of baptism were you baptized in the continues throughout the name of Paul? I thank book of Acts (8:36; 10:47-48; God that I baptized none 16:15; 18:8; 19:5), and in of you except Crispus and 19 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 20. Gaius, lest anyone should free—and have all been say that I had baptized made to drink into one in my own name. Yes, Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13). I also baptized the Here Paul sees baptism household of Stephanas. as more than a public rite Besides, I do not know involving water. If he was whether I baptized any referring to water baptism other (1 Cor. 1:13-16). at all in this passage, he was Paul baptized only a few referring to a baptism that people himself. Apparently, physically and publicly he did not want to confuse illustrated how the Spirit the grace and salvation of of God has placed us into God with the physical act the body of Christ. His of baptism. His priority was focus was not about being preaching the gospel, not immersed in water or in the baptizing new believers Spirit. Rather, his focus was (v.17). on the fact that we come At the very least, this into relationship with one shows us that Paul did not another by the same Spirit as view baptism as a work we place our faith in Christ. necessary for salvation. He Paul’s Teaching On saw it as an act of obedience “Baptism Into Christ.” for the redeemed, not as a Or do you not know that part of the redemptive as many of us as were transaction. baptized into Christ Jesus Paul’s Words On were baptized into His “Spirit Baptism.” death? (Rom. 6:3). For by one Spirit we For as many of you were all baptized into one as were baptized into body—whether Jews or Christ have put on Greeks, whether slaves or Christ (Gal. 3:27). 20 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 21. When Paul wrote to thought about baptism the Corinthians about when he wrote: Spirit baptism, he was Otherwise, what will they clearly speaking of the do who are baptized for believer being placed into the dead, if the dead do one body—the body of not rise at all? Why then Christ. In a similar way, are they baptized for the in his letter to the Galatians dead? (1 Cor. 15:29). he referred to being baptized This statement has been “into Christ.” Here Paul was taken by some to imply that not primarily speaking of we can be baptized not only being identified with Christ as an expression of our own in the eyes of men. Instead, faith but also in behalf of he was emphasizing that those who have already in God’s eyes those who died. have been “baptized In reality, however, Paul into Christ” actually didn’t tell us what he was died with Christ when referring to when he spoke He became our substitute of baptism for the dead. So in His death. it’s dangerous to build a Paul’s Statement On theological position on such Baptism For The Dead. an obscure passage. While Paul wrote to clarify Because Paul made the the nature of what it meant comment while emphasizing to be immersed and washed the importance of a future “in Christ,” sometimes he resurrection of the dead, made statements that are it’s likely that he was difficult to understand in referring to a pagan practice our own day and culture. to illustrate belief in an For instance, Paul raised afterlife, without intending an interesting and confusing to affirm the practice itself. 21 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 22. BAPTISM AS accommodate the nuances PRACTICED of the different groups. This resulted in three basic THROUGHOUT modes of baptism: CHURCH HISTORY BAPTISM BY IMMERSION I have already shared Baptism by immersion is my own story of being practiced in a variety of sprinkled twice and ways, but all with one immersed twice. In each significant common thread— case, I was baptized by the person being baptized is sincere individuals who placed into the water, then believed in both the brought out again. importance of baptism and Adherents of immersion in the significance of how point to the fact that in its and why it was performed. original language, the word These practices, however, baptize means literally “to have come down to us place into.” Additionally, through the filters of church they declare that immersion history. The New Testament is the mode of baptism that itself doesn’t give explicit most completely portrays the details on the process or story of our salvation. They technique that is to be used explain that being placed in baptizing. As a result, into the water pictures our when the church splintered death and burial with Christ, and divided into sects and just as coming up out of denominations over the the water illustrates our centuries, the practice and resurrection with Him to purpose of baptism was a new life and relationship repeatedly reinvented to with God. 22 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 23. BAPTISM BY among those that practice POURING infant baptism. For support In pouring, those being of this position, some see baptized stand in water evidence in Isaiah 52:13-15, (often a natural setting of a which reads: creek, pond, or river), and Behold, My Servant shall have water poured over their deal prudently; He shall heads. Here the picture is be exalted and extolled one of being washed and and be very high. Just as cleansed by the Spirit and many were astonished at work of Christ on our behalf. you, so His visage was Excavations of ancient marred more than any baptistries and the artwork man, and His form more of third-century Christian than the sons of men; so catacombs show early shall He sprinkle many Christians being baptized nations. Kings shall shut in just that way. Many today their mouths at Him; for hold this archaeological what had not been told evidence as the definitive them they shall see, and reason for practicing what they had not heard baptism by pouring. they shall consider. Baptism by sprinkling BAPTISM BY is also used in parts of the SPRINKLING world where lack of water Sprinkling seems to have is a critical issue. the most recent history. It appears to have originated BAPTISMAL following the apostolic VARIATIONS era and continues The differences in baptismal today in many Christian practices go beyond the denominations, especially mode of baptism, however. 23 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 24. In some traditions, warm baptistic in tradition and water is preferred to cold conviction. I practiced water (or vice versa); in baptism by immersion, others, the water must be however, not because I moving. In some practices, pastored baptistic churches. the baptismal candidate Rather, I pastored baptistic wears a robe; in others, churches because I felt they are required to wear that immersion is the mode regular street clothes. Some that best pictures baptism of these practices have to according to the New do with practical concerns Testament descriptions. (such as modesty), while others seem more connected Out of a genuine to convenience than conviction. desire to be There seems to be thoroughly biblical, no end to the nuances and we could find intricacies of method, yet quite often each group ourselves becoming implicitly or explicitly slaves to the “letter believes that they are of the law” while following the New Testament pattern. potentially missing Admittedly, I have also the “spirit of the followed a similar pattern of law” in our practice conviction. Over a period of more than 20 years, I served of baptism. as a pastor in three different churches in three different But I must say that while regions of the United States. I still hold that view, I do All of those churches were not believe that all followers 24 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 25. of Christ must be held burial, and resurrection to the standard of my so that he becomes one own convictions. My of Christ’s faithful. Most fear is that out of a genuine Christian groups practice desire to be thoroughly some form of literal biblical, we could find water-based baptism and ourselves becoming slaves agree that it is important, to the “letter of the law” yet strongly disagree with while potentially missing other groups regarding the “spirit of the law” in any or all of several our practice of baptism. aspects of baptism, So then, what would be such as: “the spirit of the law”? • form of the baptism • recipients of baptism WHAT IS • meaning/effects of the act of baptism THE POINT However, a few OF BAPTISM? Christian groups assert T he online that water-based baptism encyclopedia has been supplanted AllExperts gives by the promised baptism us an interesting analysis of the Holy Spirit, and of the current Christian water baptism was perspective on baptism: unnecessarily carried Today, water baptism is over from the early most readily identified Jewish Christian practice. with Christianity, where it I find this to be a good symbolizes the cleansing summary of the present (remission) of sins, and state of Christendom the union of the believer when it comes to our with Christ in His death, modern approach to the 25 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 26. ancient practice of baptism. we are to practice the Lord’s If nothing else, it helps us Table, but the meaning of to see that there is a need the bread and cup of that for both personal integrity celebration is to proclaim and shared grace in the the Lord’s death until He way we practice or do not returns (1 Cor. 11:23-26). practice baptism. Likewise, Jesus used a Regardless of our series of “I am” statements view, it should be clear to make word pictures of that baptism has a rich the various aspects of His history and is tied to the coming: a door (picturing truths of our life in Christ. the way to the Father), living water (that which satisfies), A PICTURE and the bread of life (that IS WORTH A which feeds our deepest THOUSAND needs), to name just a few. WORDS This use of a word Without question, few picture also applies to our books are as committed understanding of baptism. to using picture and imagery We need to understand the as the Bible. From Jesus’ words, but we must also see use of parables to the the picture that was being vast array of metaphor and painted by those words. imagery, the Bible is without question a book of pictures. WHAT For that reason, we often BAPTISM MEANS find ourselves not asking, In the New Testament, “What does the Bible say?” Koine Greek (the universal but “What does the Bible language of the day) was mean by what it says?” For used to communicate the example, the Bible says that truths of the gospel. It is 26 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 27. helpful to notice that baptizo Notice that while the was the word from which we defined mode is seen as get the term baptize. immersion, the point of the definition is that baptism “Those who is clearly a declaration of faith by someone who has gladly received already trusted Christ. In his word were the New Testament, this is baptized; and that the critical point in every case. For example: day about three Those who gladly received thousand souls his word were baptized; were added and that day about three thousand souls were to them.” added to them (Acts 2:41). —Acts 2:41 When they believed Philip as he preached the Strong’s Exhaustive things concerning the Concordance gives this kingdom of God and the definition of baptizo: name of Jesus Christ, both A rite of immersion in men and women were water as commanded baptized. . . . Now as they by Christ, by which one went down the road, they after confessing his sins came to some water. And and professing his faith the eunuch said, “See, in Christ, having been here is water. What born again by the Holy hinders me from being Spirit unto a new life, baptized?” Then Philip identifies publicly with said, “If you believe with the fellowship of Christ all your heart, you may.” and the church. And he answered and 27 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 28. said, “I believe that Jesus conveniences of indoor Christ is the Son of God.” baptistries, baptisms almost So he commanded the always occurred outside. chariot to stand still. Today we still speak of And both Philip and the baptism as being a public eunuch went down into declaration of faith in Christ. the water, and he baptized In many ways, though, our him (Acts 8:12,36-38). practice is less public and Repeatedly, the book of more of a private declaration Acts indicates that, above all given within the family else, baptism is the public of faith. In either case, act by which individuals however, baptism is a way declare their personal of proclaiming our personal confidence in the saving faith to others. work of Christ. Though the Admittedly, baptism is New Testament does not not the only way of making give us clear procedures for a public declaration of faith. baptism, it does give us clear Church membership, understanding of what the catechism, confirmation, picture of baptism means. and a variety of other denominational variations WHAT THE PICTURE on the theme are used as OF BAPTISM MEANS “virtual equivalents” that So what is actually being can fulfill the need for a displayed or pictured when public declaration. a follower of Christ submits What we can all agree to baptism? on is that Jesus asked us Public Declaration to declare our faith publicly. Of Faith. I find it We see this clearly when He interesting that in the early said, “Whoever confesses church, lacking the modern Me before men, him I will 28 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 29. also confess before My A Heart Of Father who is in heaven” Personal Trust. We (Mt. 10:32). have already seen that Portrayal Of The Christ instructed His Gospel. In 1 Corinthians disciples to baptize those 15:3-4, Paul wrote: who embrace Him by faith I delivered to you first (Mt. 28:19-20). When of all that which I also we submit to baptism as received: that Christ died believers, we are following a for our sins according to custom that for 2,000 years the Scriptures, and that has set Christians apart. It’s He was buried, and that a simple yet profound act by He rose again the third which we declare to Christ day according to the and to the world that we Scriptures. have given ourselves to the In a sense, when One who loved us and gave combined with the Lord’s Himself for us. Table, baptism helps to Identification present a rich picture of the With Resurrection. message that was delivered In the traditions where to Paul and has been immersion is practiced, this handed down to us. In is graphically seen. Notice the elements of the Lord’s what we find in the apostle Supper we have a visual Peter’s first New Testament reminder of how Christ died letter: for our sins. In baptism, There is also an antitype especially with immersion, which now saves us— Christ’s burial and baptism (not the removal resurrection is pictured of the filth of the flesh, when new life is declared but the answer of a good in the child of God. conscience toward God), 29 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 30. through the resurrection disability issues. In my own of Jesus Christ, who has experience, I have seen gone into heaven and is cases where individuals in at the right hand of God, wheelchairs were carried— angels and authorities sometimes wheelchair and and powers having been all—into the baptistry so the made subject to Him new follower of Christ could (1 Pet. 3:21-22). be baptized. But this pastor In baptism, we identify wisely asked, “Is that with and proclaim our necessary?” He was confidence in the truth wondering whether the of Christ’s resurrection. It’s method was as important a powerful demonstration of as the heart. I think he was what Christ has done for us wise to remember that the in conquering death, hell, point of baptism is to be a and the grave for all who public identification with come to Him by faith. Christ that needs to be practiced with consideration A TEST CASE for those who choose to A friend of mine pastors declare their faith in Jesus. a church that practices After careful and baptism by immersion. prayerful consideration, Recently, however, friends this pastor and his who attend his church told leadership team agreed that me of a baptismal service the importance of the heart that was, for them, very and spirit surpassed the unusual. importance of the mode. The A man had come to result was that a baptism by Christ and had asked to sprinkling took place in a be baptized. But he had church that was committed significant health and to baptism by immersion. 30 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 31. Some would see this that this same application as compromise. I saw it as of wisdom can also give us refreshing. It seems to be counsel in considering our a wise and appropriate differences in the area of application of Paul’s ancient baptism. We have seen that words of instruction to the baptism is not an issue that Roman church: Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his Baptism is own master he stands or not an issue falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God that determines is able to make him eternity. It’s an stand. One person esteems act of public one day above another; another esteems every faith and trust day alike. Let each be in Christ— fully convinced in his an outward own mind (Rom. 14:4-5). Paul wrote those symbol of an words in a day when inner change. there probably was agreement about the practice of baptism. But determines eternity. It’s some had become involved an act of public faith in divisive debates about and trust in Christ—an whether followers of Christ outward symbol of an should participate in the inner change. We can holy days and festivals celebrate that intent if of ancient Israel. we will “let each be fully I have become convinced convinced in his own mind.” 31 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 32. DOES BAPTISM been baptized since your STILL MATTER conversion, I encourage you to talk with your pastor or a TODAY? spiritual mentor and discuss T oday, the practice this important issue. Christ of baptism has often was baptized with suffering become disconnected and death for us. Now we from its ancient intent. are given the privilege of Nevertheless, the responding to His gift principle and truth behind with our own personal baptism still matters for declaration of faith. many reasons. Perhaps most specifically, it matters because, as in the first “Those who gladly century, if we accept Christ received his word as our personal Savior and were baptized.” Lord, we are called upon to —Acts 2:41 declare our personal faith. It’s more than a duty or an act of obedience, it’s an The book of Acts opportunity to declare our declares that on the Day gratitude for the love and of Pentecost, “Those who grace of Christ. gladly received his word If you have trusted Jesus were baptized” (2:41). as your own Savior, baptism You can join them gives you an opportunity to in this joyful act of tell others that your life has obedience, identification, been changed. You can say and proclamation of Christ’s of Christ, “I am His and He salvation. Yes, the real is mine.” meaning and message of If you have not baptism still matters today. 32 © 2008 RBC Ministries
  • 33. More than 200 different booklets available FREE CATALOG! Visit us on the Web or write for your copy of the Discovery Series Resource catalog today. USA: PO Box 2222, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222 Canada: Box 1622, Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7