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                                            Learning From
                                            The Mistakes Of
                                            Lot & Achan

                                                    ne of the great
                                                      discoveries of life is to
                                                     see how often we can
    CONTENTS                                do things we will never regret.
                                                Think about what would
    Defining Moments . . . . . 2            happen if a group of us got
    The Tragic Tale Of                      together and spent a day talking
    An Empty Lot . . . . . . . . . 3        about the best decisions we ever
    Achan’s                                 made—and the worst.
    Fatal Attraction . . . . . . . 16           Such a conversation would
    Our Greatest Need . . . 31              not be far from stories of the
                                            Bible that show men and women
                                            at the crossroads of their lives.
                                                Those are the kinds of
                                            decisions Dan Schaeffer helps
                                            us to think through in this
                                            excerpt of his book Defining
                                            Moments: When Choices
                                            Matter Most.        Mart De Haan

    Managing Editor: David Sper                           Cover Photo & Design:Terry Bidgood
    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard
    Bible®. Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman
    Foundation. Used by permission.
    This booklet is based on a portion of Defining Moments:When Choices Matter Most by Dan
    Schaeffer, published by Discovery House Publishers, a member of the RBC Ministries family.
    © 2009 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan                             Printed in USA
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    DEFINING                        testing ground for the
    MOMENTS                         heroic is the mundane.
                                    The only preparation for

             ne morning you         that one profound decision
              wake up, totally      which can change a life,
              unaware that today    or even a nation, is those
    you will make a decision        hundreds of half-conscious,
    that will define your           self-defining, seemingly
    life for years to come,         insignificant decisions made
    perhaps forever. If you         in private. Habit is the daily
    had known this moment           battleground of character”
    was approaching, you            (Reader’s Digest, June 1996).
    would have prepared                 Our character is the
    for it. But you didn’t.         scene of great battles.
        Each of us will             In the last analysis, it will
    experience moments              nudge us in one direction
    that are far more important     or another. Fortunately, we
    than all the others. In these   can learn from those who
    moments we will say or do       have gone before us. The
    something because such          Bible is full of defining
    behavior has become             moments, both good and
    second nature to us. But        bad. Real people in real-life
    the consequences will be        situations, just like us.
    drastically different.          From their examples we can
        Senator Dan Coates          learn how to prepare for our
    said, “Character cannot         own defining moments.
    be summoned at the                  Are you ready? In the
    moment of crisis if it          following pages you will
    has been squandered by          meet two people from the
    years of compromise and         Bible who weren’t ready for
    rationalization. The only       their defining moment. And
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    you will see the terrible        creature; either into a
    tragedy that ensued. (For        creature that is in harmony
    examples of people who           with God, and with other
    were ready and made good         creatures, and with itself,
    choices, see the book from       or else into one that is in a
    which this excerpt was           state of war and hatred with
    derived.)                        God, and with its fellow-
         Most of us embrace wise     creatures, and with itself.”
    principles for living as well
    as habits that are unwise.       THE TRAGIC
    These two are in constant
    conflict within us, each
                                     TALE OF AN
    vying for privileged status.     EMPTY LOT

    In that pivotal moment, we               here’s a winding
    will choose between the                 mountain road leading
    two, and our lot will be                up to the High Sierra
    irretrievably cast.              Mountains on the way to
         In Mere Christianity        Yosemite National Park.
    C. S. Lewis wrote, “Every        The road passes through
    time you make a choice, you      several small towns and an
    are turning the central part     occasional home or small
    of you, the part of you that     business. I recall that when
    chooses, into something a        I first started making that
    little different from what it    drive, I saw a large steak
    was before. And taking your      house that had closed
    life as a whole, with all your   recently. “For Sale” signs
    innumerable choices, all         were everywhere, along
    your life long you are slowly    with the name of the
    turning this central thing       restaurant. The building
    either into a heavenly           was still in good repair,
    creature or into a hellish       nicely painted, and
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    pleasant to look at. I           look at the true-life story of
    wondered what restaurant         a real empty Lot. His story
    would be there the next          is found in Genesis 13, 14,
    time I came through.             and 19. Lot was the nephew
        It has been 16 years,        of Abram, whom the Lord
    and that building is still       later called Abraham, the
    empty. The paint is old          father of the Jewish race.
    and faded, the windows           In those chapters we
    boarded up, the parking          read about Lot’s defining
    lot overgrown with weeds.        decision—the decision
    When this restaurant             that mirrored his whole life
    first opened, it must have       and set the tone for the
    bustled with activity: plates,   rest of it.
    silverware, and glasses              Both Abram and Lot
    clinking; wait-staff scurrying   were wealthy men who
    to get food; music playing;      resided in a foreign country.
    people talking, laughing,        It was a land that belonged
    and socializing. I’ve often      to the Canaanites and the
    wondered what caused it          Perizzites. The area where
    to close its doors.              Abram and Lot were living
        This restaurant had been     could no longer support
    someone’s dream. But now         two great herds of animals.
    the dream has died. The          With no fences or borders
    building stands vacant and       to determine where one’s
    lonely. No one goes there        grazing rights began and
    except for the occasional        another’s ended, the
    vagrant looking for shelter.     herdsmen of the two
    It’s a sad picture. It’s also    relatives began to fight.
    the tragic story of many         So Abram stepped in and
    people’s lives.                  made a wise decision.
        In this section, we will     There was enough room
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    for both of them if they        him to be, in several ways,
    went in different directions.   an empty Lot.
        Abram was the patriarch        Lot’s life can teach
    of the two, and the one to      us four dangers to beware
    whom God had promised           of when making defining-
    all this land (Gen. 12:6-7).    moment decisions—four
    As the proper recipient of      dangers that will keep you
    the entire region, Abram        from becoming an empty
    could have chosen the land      Lot yourself. The first
    he wanted and left the rest     danger is:
    to Lot. But Abram showed          The Danger Of
    his godliness by trusting       Deceiving Yourself.
    God to keep His promise in      From Lot’s tragic life we
    His own way. He graciously      learn that there are no
    allowed Lot to choose           harmless character flaws.
    which land he wanted.           When we read Genesis
        Humanly speaking, it        13:10-13, it’s clear that self-
    wasn’t a hard decision for      interest and greed drove
    Lot. The Jordan Valley was      Lot’s decision. Although
    a lush green place, and         Abram could rightfully
    Sodom and Gomorrah              have chosen where he
    were beautiful and              would live, he humbled
    desirable places to live.       himself and allowed Lot
    Lot didn’t think twice. He      to choose. Furthermore,
    saw the fertile land of the     Abram initiated the
    plains and chose it.            solution to the problem.
        While this decision            Significantly, the Bible
    seemed shrewd for Lot,          does call Lot a righteous
    it turned out badly. His        man. In 2 Peter 2:6-8,
    shallow choice reflected his    Peter reminds us that God
    true character and revealed     “condemned the cities of
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    Sodom and Gomorrah                  One of Lot’s flaws was
    to destruction by reducing      that he struggled with greed
    them to ashes, having made      and selfishness. He desired
    them an example to those        the best of the land for
    who would live ungodly          himself, and he was in a
    lives thereafter; and if He     position to get it. Sodom
    rescued righteous Lot,          and Gomorrah were
    oppressed by the sensual        wealthy enclaves—places
    conduct of unprincipled         of great riches because
    men (for by what he saw         of the fertileness of the
    and heard that righteous        region. People like to
    man, while living among         live in beautiful places,
    them, felt his righteous soul   and usually only the
    tormented day after day         wealthiest can afford to.
    with their lawless deeds).”         Lot’s greed is evident
        Lot was a righteous man     in other passages as well.
    because he believed God,        When we read that God sent
    expressed his faith in God,     judgment upon Sodom and
    and did not approve of the      Gomorrah, we gain valuable
    horrible sins of Sodom          insight into Lot’s character.
    and Gomorrah. In 2 Peter,       God had determined to
    however, it seems that Lot’s    obliterate the towns for their
    righteousness is contrasted     sin and unrepentance. Yet,
    not with Abram’s but with       even though Lot knew this,
    that of the citizens of         he didn’t want to leave. God
    Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s        sent angels in the form of
    possible to appear to be        men to protect Lot from the
    morally upstanding but          judgment. But the men of
    have one or two tragic          Sodom demanded that Lot
    character flaws that            hand them over so they
    eventually surface.             could rape them. That’s
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    how perverse the people of      still have a defective
    Sodom had become.               character? Yes! Greed,
        In spite of this horrible   desire, envy, and jealousy
    decadence, Lot still didn’t     don’t go away just because
    want to leave. The angels       you become a Christian.
    literally had to drag him and   Sooner or later, God
    his family out of Sodom.        makes us face those
    The scriptural account says,    issues and brings them
    “But he hesitated. So the       to our attention. It cost Lot
    men [angels] seized his         everything he had before
    hand and the hand of his        God got his attention.
    wife and the hands of his           If not dealt with
    two daughters, for the          properly, a single weak
    compassion of the Lord          character trait can have a
    was upon him; and they          negative effect on the rest
    brought him out, and put        of our lives. In Lot’s life,
    him outside the city”           greed and self-interest were
    (Gen. 19:16).                   present, even though he
        Hesitated! Why? The         appeared to be a morally
    reason is simple. Everything    upstanding individual.
    Lot had attained was about          The heart of the
    to be destroyed—all his         Christian is like a garden.
    wealth, his business            When we are born again,
    contacts, his home, his         God plants His fruit, the
    job, everything but his         fruit of the Spirit: love, joy,
    very life. He still didn’t      peace, patience, kindness,
    want to give it up.             goodness, faithfulness,
        You may be thinking,        gentleness, and self-control
    “But I thought he was a         (Gal. 5:22-23). But at the
    righteous man?” Can a           same time, Satan keeps
    person be a Christian and       trying to replant his
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    own garden in our heart.        in order to grow, but a
        Character flaws are like    spiritual “weed” will
    weeds—they grow fastest         flourish with inattention.
    when they are ignored and       What weed, or character
    become increasingly difficult   flaw, are you ignoring? If
    to pull out. We need to deal    you ignore it long enough,
    with such weeds when they       one day that flaw will grow
    first appear, because by the    so large it will be the only
    time we see the plants, the     thing that people can see
    roots are already formed        in you. All your good
    and growing.                    qualities will be hidden
        My wife Annette and I       behind that one character
    planted a little garden. We     flaw you have ignored.
    planted corn, pumpkins,             You may be there right
    cantaloupe, watermelon,         now. Caring people may
    beans, herbs, squash, and       have already discussed this
    sunflowers. We planted          flaw with you. They have
    all those on purpose; we        seen how it has taken over
    wanted them to grow. We         your life. When you try to
    watered them carefully and      point out all your good
    cultivated them. But weeds      qualities, they can’t seem
    popped up without any           to see them. Your character
    attention whatsoever.           flaw is now so blatant that
    They grew marvelously.          it overshadows all your
    We had to pull the weeds        other good qualities. If so,
    continually. We never           you may be on your way to
    tended the weeds; the           becoming an empty Lot.
    more we neglected them,             Some Christians joke
    the better they grew.           about their character flaws.
        The spiritual garden        “That’s just who I am,”
    we want must be tended          they will tell you with a
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    grin. They seem to think          The Danger Of
    a character flaw is just a      Altering God’s Price
    personality trait. But the      Tags. Genesis 13:10 tells
    Bible never treats them         us, “Lot lifted up his eyes
    that way.                       and saw all the valley of
        I heard of a pastor who     the Jordan, that it was
    was cursing in his sermons      well watered everywhere—
    and criticizing people he       this was before the Lord
    was angry with from the         destroyed Sodom and
    pulpit. He got into a           Gomorrah—like the garden
    fistfight with an elder from    of the Lord, like the land of
    his church at a basketball      Egypt as you go to Zoar.”
    game. When confronted                Everything Lot could see
    with this sin, his excuse       with his eyes looked good.
    was “Hey, that’s just me.       He was smitten with the
    That’s my personality. It’s     great lust spoken of in
    the way I am. It’s no big       1 John 2:16, “For all that is
    deal.”                          in the world, the lust of the
        He equated his activity     flesh and the lust of the eyes
    with a personality trait that   and the boastful pride of life,
    was supposedly beyond           is not from the Father, but is
    his control. Shyness is a       from the world.”
    personality trait. Being             One commentator
    gregarious is a personality     pointed out that the
    trait. But sin is sin! And      Hebrew word for sin means
    sins are weeds that must        “to miss the mark.” He then
    be pulled. Don’t deceive        went on to say: “So a sinner
    yourself. There are no          is one who is ever aiming at
    harmless character flaws.       happiness and constantly
        There’s also a second       missing his mark; because
    danger to consider:             . . . he seeks for happiness
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    where it can never be           The result? His righteous
    found” (Adam Clark,             soul was constantly
    The Bethany Parallel            offended, oppressed, and
    Commentary: Old Testament,      influenced by the sinful
    p.45). Lot didn’t look          lifestyle around him.
    beyond what his eyes could          In chapter 14, we’re told
    see. He knew that Sodom         that enemies captured Lot,
    was an immoral town. Its        and that Abram had to
    reputation was well-known.      rescue him. He no doubt
    But it was an attractive        lived a compromised
    place. While Lot never          lifestyle in Sodom, one that
    adopted the religion of         likely contributed to the low
    the people of Sodom             moral standards of his
    and Gomorrah, nor their         daughters (see Gen. 19:30-
    immoral practices, he was       38). Not only did he have
    smitten with their culture,     to be rescued by angels, he
    their “stuff.” They were a      also lost his wife, his sons-
    people who were looking for     in-law, and his livelihood,
    happiness where it couldn’t     and he barely escaped with
    be found, and Lot seemed        his own life. Lot paid dearly
    to have the same weakness.      for his poor choice.
        God places the price tags       Recently, my wife and
    in life where they belong.      I struck up a conversation
    He tells us what is valuable    with a clerk in our local
    and what is worthless.          Barnes & Noble bookstore.
    When God’s price tags don’t     She seemed despondent
    seem to make sense to us,       and mentioned that her
    we’re tempted to change         house had recently burned
    them. Lot chose Sodom           down. She sadly shared
    and Gomorrah, the capital       how she had lost some
    cities of the “good life.”      75,000 baseball cards she
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    had been collecting as part     scores of people who are
    of a business venture. All      unhappy in their jobs but
    the plaques and honors she      are now trapped. The things
    had accumulated over the        that bring them fulfillment
    years were also destroyed.      don’t make them enough
         When I asked her if        money, and they are too
    anyone was hurt, she            attached to their lifestyle
    nonchalantly shook              to make the necessary
    her head no, as if the          changes. Work becomes
    question were ultimately        a grind, and they grow
    unimportant. She obviously      miserable.
    derived no comfort from it.         I know men and women
    Her stuff, which was of great   who married their spouses
    value to her, was destroyed     primarily for their looks.
    in much the same way that       This is what they valued
    Lot’s things were—by fire.      most in a mate. But now—
    Bible commentator F. B.         5, 10, 15 years later—the
    Meyer wrote, “The world         luster has worn off.
    is full of Lots—shallow,        They wish they had
    impulsive, doomed to be         married someone more
    revealed by their choice.”      understanding, thoughtful,
         Have you exchanged         and considerate—qualities
    price tags in your life?        their spouses lack, which
    The things we value             now cause them such pain.
    become the basis for            All around them they see
    our most important and          couples who are physically
    defining decisions. If we       less attractive but are
    value money and prestige,       fulfilled in marriage.
    we will chase a job that            When we value all the
    brings us these things but      status possessions of our
    little else. We all know        world—bigger, more
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    expensive homes, and more           The Jordan Valley was
    expensive and newer cars—       more beautiful than the
    we can find ourselves           territory Lot left to Abram.
    sacrificing everything to get   It was a desirable place
    them. Spending beyond our       to live. Think of the Napa
    means, we end up in debt        Valley in California, or
    and unable to enjoy the         the South of France,
    very possessions we have        where vines and orchards
    sacrificed so much to have.     grow abundantly and the
    In these and many other         countryside is picturesque.
    decisions like them, we can         Second, there was
    find that our choices reveal    wealth. Ample water and
    who we really are.              pasture meant additional
       What do your choices         grazing areas and increased
    reveal about what you           flocks. More flocks meant
    value? We see this thought      more wealth, because in the
    developed more fully in the     ancient East, livestock had
    third danger:                   value, not currency.
      The Danger Of                     Third, Lot saw ease.
    Long-term Decisions             It would be much easier
    Based On Temporary              to make a living in Sodom
    Attractions. Lot’s              and Gomorrah than where
    decision was based on           Abram was going. When
    what he saw, what appealed      the water is there, and the
    to him through his physical     grass is in abundance, and
    senses. What did Lot see        the fruit trees are already
    when he looked at the           planted, you simply don’t
    beautiful Jordan Valley and     have to work as hard.
    Sodom and Gomorrah? He          Caring for the animals
    saw three things: beauty,       is much easier.
    wealth, and ease.                   Beauty, wealth, and
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    ease. Lot, like so many of       woman named Della
    us, was sure that the things     Britteon through a dating
    he now found so attractive       service. He saw a young,
    would always be that way.        quiet, eye-catching woman,
    People are sure their looks      and evidently thought she
    and youth will last, their job   would be everything his
    will be secure, their talent     previous wife had not been.
    will always be in demand.            He married her only
        So what happened?            4 months after his divorce.
    Let’s start with the beauty      What he didn’t know,
    of Sodom and Gomorrah.           however, was that Della
    It was utterly destroyed         had been previously
    by a volcanic-like eruption,     married three times
    never to be anything but         and was not at all what
    a desolate plain. And            she seemed. She was
    Lot’s great wealth? His          dangerous! Each of her
    flocks were destroyed, his       former husbands had
    business and his customers       been lucky to escape their
    were gone, and he barely         marriage with their lives.
    escaped with his life. And       Della was vicious and
    what about the ease of his       mean, and when rejected,
    life? With his livelihood and    she acted violently. Less
    his home removed, Lot was        than a year after marrying
    destined to live in a cave.      this “beauty,” Dr. Sutorius
        Several years ago, there     wanted a divorce. But he
    was a sensational story in       never got the chance. Della
    the news about Della and         killed him with a .38-caliber
    Darryl Sutorius. Darryl was      revolver she had bought
    a heart surgeon who had          only 2 days earlier.
    divorced his wife of 30              Are you making long-
    years and met a striking         term decisions based on
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    temporary attractions? That    glance. It was a long look of
    is one of the quickest ways    desire, a reluctance to leave
    to become an empty Lot.        her home and possessions.
    Finally we come to the last        She, like her husband,
    and greatest danger:           was hesitating, lingering,
      The Danger                   because she didn’t really
    Of Assuming Your               want to go. God had sent
    Decisions Won’t Affect         angels to save them from
    Others. We infuse those        destruction, and she didn’t
    around us with our values,     want to leave Sodom. She
    especially those closest to    had a severe case of the
    us. Let’s follow the results   same greed that Lot had.
    of Lot’s decision on his           Lot’s sons-in-law didn’t
    family. When they were         take his warnings seriously
    escaping Sodom and             and were destroyed. But
    Gomorrah’s judgment,           what of his daughters?
    the angels warned them             When Sodom and
    in Genesis 19:17, “Escape      Gomorrah were annihilated,
    for your life! Do not look     Lot took his daughters and
    behind you, and do not         hid in a cave with them.
    stay anywhere in the valley;   His daughters decided they
    escape to the mountains,       wanted to have children, so
    or you will be swept away.”    they got their father drunk
    But what happened to Lot’s     and slept with him (Gen.
    wife? Genesis 19:26 says,      19:30-38). These incestuous
    “But his wife, from behind     acts resulted in the Moabites
    him, looked back, and she      and the Ammonites, two
    became a pillar of salt.”      tribes who were a perpetual
    Don’t misunderstand. The       thorn in the side of
    Hebrew word suggests this      Abraham’s descendants.
    was not a casual backward          This story shocks our
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    sensibilities. Where           call from an 11-year-old
    was their faith in God’s       boy that rendered her
    provision? Where did           speechless. He told her he
    Lot’s daughters learn to       had a problem. He liked a
    debase themselves with         certain girl at school, but
    such horribly immoral          another one was “making
    decisions? Think about this:   eyes” at him and letting him
    How much time had Lot’s        know she liked him. Should
    daughters spent in the city    he drop his present girlfriend
    Daddy picked to be their       to chase the new one?
    home? With whom had they           Dr. Laura asked the
    grown up, and from whom        boy, “Well, how would
    had they been learning?        you feel if your daddy
    Who was influencing them       went off with some new
    day after day, night after     lady every time one showed
    night? What lifestyle was      interest?” “He did,” was his
    their culture bombarding       matter-of-fact reply. Since
    them with continually?         no loyalty and fidelity was
       How are our decisions       modeled at home, what
    affecting our loved ones?      could Dr. Laura say?
    Lot’s faith in God remained,       Our values will affect—
    but his decisions had          or infect—those we love.
    destroyed everything he        A very enlightening project
    valued because he had          might be to poll your
    invested his life in things    spouse, children, and close
    of no value.                   friends, and ask them to
       Dr. Laura Schlessinger,     share what they feel you
    a radio talk-show host,        value most in life from
    related how she was once       what they see in your life.
    at a loss for words during     Warning: This is not a
    her call-in show. It was a     project for the faint of heart.
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       If you heed this advice,     related to it, and ask
    your defining moment can        God continually for
    be a wonderful one, a           His power to overcome
    moment that will positively     it. Don’t expect immediate
    affect your family and          changes. Actions are the
    everyone else. Give your        result of our heart’s
    own story a happy ending!       desires—and the heart
    Don’t become an empty Lot.      changes slowly. But start
                                    now, and don’t stop!
    Personal Reflection
    We all have character flaws,
    but it’s tempting to justify    ACHAN’S FATAL
    them or joke about them,        ATTRACTION

    instead of dealing with                 here’s a sport that a
    them. The longer we wait              few daring souls have
    to deal with these flaws, the         begun to embrace
    worse they become and the       called BASE, or extreme
    closer we are to becoming       jumping. Its name is
    an empty Lot. Will your         derived from the acronym
    most defining moment            for buildings, antennas,
    be a result of an ignored       spans, and earth. Instead
    character flaw? What might      of jumping out of a plane
    you do to prevent it? Now       and parachuting, these folks
    go do it—while there’s time!    jump off tall buildings, high
                                    antennas, bridges, and
    Follow-through                  cliffs—tempting fate and
    Write down what you             danger for the thrill of it.
    believe to be your greatest     Because of its inherent
    character flaw. Determine       danger, it’s banned in
    to make it a daily matter of    most places.
    prayer. Look up Scriptures          Jan Davis was one of
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    five BASE jumpers prepared          Like Jan Davis, each
    to challenge one such ban       one of us has our own fatal
    in Yosemite National Park.      attraction. While we may
    The group had climbed to        not consider ours nearly
    the 3,200-foot peak of          so dangerous, our fatal
    Yosemite’s El Capitan.          attractions can ruin our
    Their jump was going to         reputation, marriage, career,
    be a public protest to          friendships, and dreams.
    demonstrate that the jumps      Perhaps there’s no more
    could be made safely.           vivid example in the Bible
        Davis was 60 years old      of this danger than Achan.
    and a veteran of countless          Achan’s story is found
    jumps made over 16 years.       in Joshua 6. Israel had
    She was the fourth of           crossed the Jordan River
    five jumpers, and used          and marched around
    borrowed gear because           Jericho for 7 days as God
    she didn’t want hers to         had commanded them. The
    be confiscated by rangers       story is familiar. Perhaps
    waiting to arrest her on the    not quite as familiar are
    valley floor. As her friends    God’s specific instructions.
    and family watched from         Before the people were
    below, she jumped, but          commanded to shout,
    her chute never opened.         which would bring down
    She fell to her death. The      the walls of Jericho, they
    newspaper headline of           were reminded:
    her death read, “Chutist            The city shall be under
    dies in ironic tragedy.”            the ban, it and all that is
    BASE-jumping is inherently          in it belongs to the Lord;
    dangerous. That is part of          only Rahab the harlot
    its allure. But for Jan Davis       and all who are with her
    it was a fatal attraction.          in the house shall live,
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       because she hid the          have been an easy
       messengers whom we           victory turned into an
       sent. But as for you, only   inglorious defeat, and 36
       keep yourselves from the     men of Israel were killed.
       things under the ban, so     Ai remained defiant and
       that you do not covet        unconquered. Joshua 7:16-
       them and take some of        26 relates the dramatic way
       the things under the ban,    that God exposed Achan’s
       and make the camp of         sin to Israel, and his
       Israel accursed and bring    resulting confession.
       trouble on it. But all           From Achan’s example
       the silver and gold and      we can discern seven
       articles of bronze and       symptoms of a fatal
       iron are holy to the Lord;   attraction that may be
       they shall go into the       evident in our own lives.
       treasury of the Lord         If ignored, they could lead
       (Josh. 6:17-19).             to a defining moment not
       Achan was there, and         unlike Achan’s—terrible,
    he heard the ban. But the       shameful, and destructive.
    temptation proved too           But if we can identify them,
    great for him, and he           there’s great hope that we
    broke it. Unfortunately         can disarm the ticking time
    for all of Israel, the divine   bomb before it explodes in
    consequence of Achan’s          our lives.
    sin was that God would no           The first and most
    longer go before them and       obvious symptom is:
    lead them to victory.             A Fatal Attraction
       Unaware of what              Never Lies Dormant.
    Achan had done, Israel          A fatal attraction is nothing
    attacked a small outpost        more than a secret sin or
    called Ai. What should          sinful attitude or activity
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    that we have allowed to               Let no one say when he
    bloom. It is something we             is tempted, “I am being
    find ourselves drawn to               tempted by God”; for God
    that we know is dangerous             cannot be tempted by
    and sinful, yet we have               evil, and He Himself does
    convinced ourselves that              not tempt anyone. But
    it’s safe for us. Perhaps             each one is tempted when
    we’ve even cultivated this            he is carried away and
    attraction in private.                enticed by his own lust.
        How long had Achan                Then when lust has
    struggled with this problem           conceived, it gives birth
    of greed? This was not a              to sin; and when sin is
    momentary character lapse             accomplished, it brings
    for Achan, but the natural            forth death (1:13-15).
    result of a fatal attraction he       How graphically this is
    had nurtured. Unfortunately,      revealed in Achan’s defining
    it was an attraction needing      moment! But beyond
    only the right opportunity—       James’ words there is, in
    a defining moment—to              Achan’s own confession,
    prove his undoing. Achan’s        the clear downward spiral
    fatal attraction was a glaring    of temptation and sin:
    chink in his spiritual armor          When I saw among the
    that he had ignored. His              spoil a beautiful mantle
    desire for wealth had                 from Shinar and two
    hideously devolved into               hundred shekels of silver
    greed of the first order.             and a bar of gold fifty
        Achan’s motivations are           shekels in weight, then I
    common to all of us. James            coveted them and took
    exposed the process of                them; and behold, they
    temptation in every human             are concealed in the
    heart when he wrote:                  earth inside my tent
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        with the silver underneath   opportunity. At some
        it (Josh. 7:21).             point, Satan will be given
        He saw, he coveted,          permission to tempt us
    he took, he concealed.           again, and the opportunity
        Before we leave this         will be presented.
    scene, it’s good to remember         Each of us has a
    that thousands of Hebrew         sensitivity to different
    soldiers saw what Achan          temptations. Some of us
    saw when they invaded            are extremely susceptible to
    Jericho, but their own greed     financial temptations, others
    had not degenerated to the       to sexual temptations, while
    level of Achan’s.                others are vulnerable to
        There is an enlightening     temptations of fame or
    equation we can derive           power. As you review the
    from Achan’s life:               downward progression that
         A FATAL ATTRACTION +        led Achan to ruin, can you
        OPPORTUNITY = SHAME,         identify your own position
          DISGRACE, AND LOSS         on the continuum? I saw.
        There is latent within all   I coveted. I took. I hid. How
    of us a fatal attraction. We     close to danger are you?
    can ignore it and assure             Achan’s defining moment
    ourselves that we have it        came when he first laid
    under control. Or we can         eyes on the treasure he had
    fear it, terrified that it may   discovered, because at that
    one day be our undoing.          critical moment something
        We often mistake the         happened that even he
    lack of opportunity with         didn’t understand. An
    self-control. But as Achan       unaddressed perverted
    shows, by God’s mercy            passion had grown too
    we may never have been           strong for him to control.
    exposed to the right             Did it surprise even him?
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        The movie Little Shop         within us. They do not
    Of Horrors is the story of        remain dormant. They will
    a small alien flower that         demand attention, and we
    comes into the life of a          must either deny them—
    young employee at a plant         sending them back into the
    store. While the flower           shadows—or feed them,
    looks strange to him at           making them stronger still.
    first, he does his best to           I saw. I coveted. I took.
    try to keep it alive. But         I hid. One unaddressed evil
    despite his best efforts and      passion in our lives is all it
    all conventional care, it         takes. Remember, a fatal
    continues to die. It’s only       attraction never lies
    when he accidentally cuts         dormant. Second:
    his finger and a drop of            A Fatal Attraction
    blood dribbles on the plant       Deafens Us To God’s
    that it perks up. He is           Work And Voice.
    shocked to discover that          A quick review of the book
    it subsists on blood.             of Joshua reminds us that
        Each day the young man        Achan had been part of two
    pricks his finger and feeds       tremendous miracles of God
    the ravenous plant. And           within a short period of
    each day the strange plant        time. First, he had walked
    grows bigger and stronger,        across the Jordan River on
    demanding more and more           dry ground as the water
    blood. It finally grows to fill   was miraculously held back
    the whole shop and even           in a heap. Second, he had
    commits murder to fulfill its     witnessed an amazing
    unquenchable desire.              miracle when the walls
        This is an apt picture        of Jericho came tumbling
    of what happens to                down.
    unaddressed passions                  Just before this miracle,
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    Joshua had told everyone        When we embrace a sinful
    not to touch anything that      passion and allow it to grow
    was under the ban. So           strong in our lives, one of
    Achan knew exactly what         its first debilitating attacks
    he was doing when he took       is on our spiritual focus.
    the loot. He showed no          To reach any goal—
    concern that God was            even an evil one—takes
    active in Israel, ignoring      concentration and focus.
    the miracles performed          We work, think, and
    right before his eyes.          strategize to reach what
        Additionally, Joshua 5      we want most. When that
    indicates that Achan must       happens, we lose sight of
    have been one of the men        everything else. It’s
    who had been circumcised.       inevitable.
    Circumcision was a sign             Achan’s greed was all
    of the Hebrews’ covenant        he focused on in the end.
    relationship with God.          He had stopped listening to
    Had Achan forgotten the         God and appreciating His
    implications of this so         mighty works because all
    soon? How can a man             his senses were trained
    witness such miracles           on one thing—greed. An
    of God and then let his         unaddressed passion will
    greed run amok? Didn’t          slowly but surely deaden
    he believe God would see        us to God’s work and His
    what he was doing?              Word in our life. We will
        Achan’s story highlights    begin to tune out God’s
    the devastating effect of an    voice because it will present
    unaddressed sinful passion.     an unwanted obstacle to
    Our desire to listen to God’s   our sin. And we don’t want
    Word wanes. We lose our         our sin challenged; we want
    appreciation for His works.     it fulfilled.
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        This is why Paul warned     of behavior. A slow
    the young pastor Timothy,       exchange of passions,
    “The love of money is a         developed over time, causes
    root of all sorts of evil,      people to lose interest in
    and some by longing for         God’s work and voice. It
    it have wandered away           often happens slowly, so
    from the faith and pierced      confident of their spiritual
    themselves with many            convictions that they fail to
    griefs” (1 Tim. 6:10). We       address the danger properly.
    can insert any number of        Gradually they become
    passions in that verse and      oblivious to the danger. And
    the result would be the         then, in what appears to be
    same. The love of power,        just a moment, they fall.
    fame, and lust are also            One evening I was
    roots of all sorts of evil.     watching a documentary
        As Paul noted, some of      about strange creatures.
    us wander away from the         The episode dealt with a
    faith. It’s a slow defection    predatory fish that had
    rather than an abrupt           the extraordinary ability
    departure. We don’t just        to burrow into the ocean
    turn our backs on God           floor, becoming completely
    one day; it takes time for a    camouflaged. While this
    sinful desire to develop the    odd fish was too slow to
    level of intensity that will    catch the smaller fish on
    cause us to ignore the          which its diet depended,
    scriptural wisdom we’ve         God had given it a long
    adhered to for years.           worm-shaped appendage
        After years of counseling   on the top of its head that
    people who have been            could wiggle freely. When
    caught in various sins, I       the fish lay on the ocean
    have noticed a clear pattern    floor wiggling that
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    appendage, it looked just      which I commanded them.
    like a real worm dancing       And they have even taken
    about. The unsuspecting        some of the things under the
    prey would swim by,            ban and have both stolen
    become tantalized by the       and deceived. Moreover,
    wormlike appendage, and        they have also put them
    prepare to devour it. But in   among their own things”
    a split second, the predator   (Josh. 7:11). How frequently
    would rise up and swallow      do we traffic in one sin, and
    the smaller fish.              soon begin to “change
         Nature reminds us that    lanes” to avoid detection.
    this kind of thing happens     When we embrace one sin,
    every day. The Bible           it becomes necessary to
    reminds us that it happens     resort to another. Not only
    to people as well. Like the    did Achan steal, but he had
    little fish being tantalized   to deceive everyone into
    by the wormlike appendage,     thinking he hadn’t.
    we become oblivious to the         “Sins are like circles
    danger because we have         in the water when a stone
    stopped listening to God’s     is thrown into it; one
    warnings. But the danger       produces another,” wrote
    doesn’t end there. A third     Phillip Henry. “When anger
    symptom is that:               was in Cain’s heart, murder
       A Fatal Attraction          was not far off.”
    Stimulates The Growth              When someone becomes
    Of Other Sins Within           involved in scandal, drugs,
    Us. Listen to God’s            alcohol, or any kind of
    assessment of Achan’s          immoral activity, how often
    activity. “Israel has          does lying and deception
    sinned, and they have also     enter the picture? Deception
    transgressed My covenant       becomes necessary to hide
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    the first sin already             and self-preservation had
    committed. For example,           been cultivated in his life, to
    when President Clinton was        the exclusion of compassion
    accused of immorality with        and conscience.
    Monica Lewinsky, what was             The great aircraft carriers
    his immediate reaction? He        of World War II were vital
    lied to try to cover up his       war weapons. They were
    sin. But before we throw          always escorted by other
    too many stones, is he so         ships to protect them. In
    different from the rest of us?    the same way, our fatal
    Who among us has not lied         attraction requires other
    to cover up another sin? Did      sinful “escorts” to keep
    not King David try to cover       itself safe.
    up his sin with Bathsheba?            We must not deceive
    One fatal attraction              ourselves. One nurtured
    stimulates the growth             sin waters other seeds of
    of other sins within us.          sin that have fallen into
        Did Achan exhibit any         the fertile ground of our
    concern for the 36 men who        wavering faith, and they
    died? (Josh. 7:5). Did he         will quickly bloom. The
    care for their families, or for   idea that we can isolate
    his responsibility in their       a particular sin in our
    deaths? The answer must           lives and restrain it from
    be no, because the lot            spreading elsewhere is a
    would have taken quite            myth. The weeds of sin will
    some time to fall to him,         always spread. Fourth:
    and he had ample time                A Fatal Attraction
    to come clean (vv.14-18).         Blinds Us To
        So why didn’t he care?        Encroaching Danger.
    He didn’t care because the        Achan’s response to the
    seeds of self-centeredness        process of the lot in Joshua
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    7:14-18 is a fascinating        Israel in every way, but
    study in human nature.          Achan’s sinful passion
    Achan clearly understood        blinded him to it. It’s
    how the lot worked, but at      conceivable that he simply
    each draw of the lot, as it     didn’t believe he would get
    drew nearer and nearer          caught. If he had an inkling
    him, he adamantly refused       he might, he was too greedy
    to confess. Achan never         to risk losing his treasure
    came forward, which leads       unless he was forced to.
    me to believe he didn’t         Remember that he now
    think he was actually going     had in his possession the
    to be caught. This shouldn’t    thing he wanted most in
    surprise us. He had already     life, the thing he had risked
    demonstrated that he was        everything to get. Maybe he
    deaf to God’s work and          even hoped the lot would
    voice.                          implicate someone else.
        The Hebrews used the            A fatal attraction blinds
    lot to determine God’s will.    us to encroaching danger.
    The lot may have been           Achan obviously had the
    stones marked with either       will to sin; he lacked only
    black or white paint, or as     the opportunity. But it’s
    others have suggested, they     doubtful he recognized
    may have been pieces of         his own weakness, for
    marked pottery. Why the         that would require
    lot? Because “the lot is cast   wisdom. Achan had
    into the lap, but its every     sacrificed wisdom on the
    decision is from the Lord”      altar of greed years earlier.
    (Prov. 16:33).                      The Illinois Department
        There were mountains        of Natural Resources
    of evidence that God was        reports that more than
    carefully watching over         17,000 deer die each year
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    after being struck by            covenant with God. They
    motorists. According to the      had willingly agreed to be
    state wildlife director, the     His people, to be faithful
    peak season for road kills is    and obedient to Him. It was
    in late fall. Why? Because       a unique arrangement. God
    in November, the bucks are       looked at them as part of a
    in rut. He tells us, “They’re    unit. Each one’s sin affected
    concentrating almost             the whole. They had
    exclusively on reproductive      entered this agreement
    activities, and are a lot less   willingly and freely, and
    wary than they normally          God had taken it seriously.
    would be.” Those words are           When we read that his
    so instructive: “a lot less      family was killed with him,
    wary than they normally          we are further prompted to
    would be.”                       shout, “No fair!” The law
        But we are not islands.      said, after all, “Fathers shall
    And the activities we            not be put to death for their
    become involved in, for          sons, nor shall sons be put
    good or evil, start ripples      to death for their fathers;
    that touch all those around      everyone shall be put to
    us. Tragically, our fatal        death for his own sin” (Dt.
    attraction will not affect       24:16). Since this was part
    only us. Fifth:                  of the law, which Joshua
       A Fatal Attraction            knew thoroughly, it seems
    Infects And Destroys             to indicate that Achan’s
    Those Nearest Us. We             family was complicit in
    sense a twinge of injustice      his scheme.
    when we see all Israel               It would have been
    punished for one man’s           difficult for Achan to dig
    sin, but we must remember        a hole in his tent, deposit
    that they had all entered a      several large objects, and
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    then cover them up              armies who would gain
    without his family              courage from Ai’s victory
    knowing. Apparently, they       over Israel. God’s protection
    were part of the conspiracy     had been removed from
    to remain silent. Here we       them. An entire nation was
    see another tragic outcome      now in great danger. Why?
    of refusing to address a        Because one man refused to
    fatal attraction—it infects     address a sinful passion in
    those around us.                his life. It destroyed not
       The values of parents are    only his own life and
    learned by their children.      family, but also 36 others.
    Achan’s newfound wealth             When we lose control
    couldn’t help but make life     of our lives, our friends and
    better for everyone involved,   loved ones are often injured
    could it? Is it possible to     in the crash. Achan was not
    believe that Achan’s greed      the last person to lose far
    was not noticed by his          more than gold when his
    family? His own covetous        life careened madly out
    passions were being             of control. Far more than
    conveyed daily to his           just our own family and
    own children.                   reputation are at stake.
       Before we dismiss            Sixth, we also know that:
    the offense as petty theft,       A Fatal Attraction
    remember that as a result of    Shames God And His
    Achan’s sin, as many as 36      People. God’s assessment
    daddies didn’t come home        of the situation was clear
    and 36 families lost sons,      and unequivocal: “He has
    fathers, and husbands.          committed a disgraceful
    An entire army was              thing in Israel” (Josh. 7:15).
    demoralized and in danger       Not only was Israel
    of being attacked by other      disgraced by Achan’s
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    action, God was shamed by            As we approach our
    it as well. Achan never even     own defining moments, we
    considered the shame his         need to ask ourselves an
    action would bring. Perhaps      important question. Is there
    this is the most tragic of all   something in our life that, if
    the characteristics of Achan     not addressed and brought
    and all those who are in the     to light, could bring shame
    grip of a fatal attraction—he    to our family, our church,
    didn’t care. His sinful desire   and our God? There may
    was far more important to        be an even more important
    him than God’s reputation.       question: Does the thought
        Years ago, one of the        that our life could shame
    large churches in our area       God and His church even
    was rocked by a public           bother us very much? If it
    scandal. A former president      doesn’t, we may be further
    of a large parachurch            along in our fatal attraction
    organization, who was an         than we think.
    elder in the church and a            The seventh and most
    Sunday school teacher, was       serious of all the symptoms
    accused of molesting young       of a fatal attraction is:
    girls at his home. The             A Fatal Attraction
    disgrace was intense.            Steals From God
        What is worse is that        What Belongs To
    this same man had been           Him. Achan never saw the
    accused of similar activity      seriousness of the sin he
    20 years earlier, but nothing    was harboring in his heart,
    had been done about it.          but Joshua did. Remember
    His fatal attraction had         God’s instructions? “The
    remained buried until it         city shall be under the
    finally bloomed and could        ban, it and all that is in it
    no longer be hidden.             belongs to the Lord” (Josh.
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    6:17). Now look again at         relationships, talents,
    Joshua 7:23. “They took          family, position, and
    them from inside the tent        finances—but they are His.
    and brought them to Joshua       When we court any sinful
    and to all the sons of Israel,   passion within us, we are
    and they poured them out         secretly conspiring to take
    before the Lord.” Why did        more than God has allotted
    they pour Achan’s treasures      to us. To conspire to take
    out before the Lord?             what God has not given
    Because they were not            is to steal from Him.
    Achan’s, or Israel’s, or             Could a fatal attraction
    Joshua’s—they were God’s!        in your life be a plan to
        Every one of us,             steal from God? It’s difficult
    regardless of whether we         in our consumer-conscious,
    consider ourselves poor or       materialistic society to
    rich, will want something        believe that God may not
    we don’t or can’t have. The      want us to have what
    Bible reminds us that this       someone else has, but it’s
    is an essential part of our      true. If we can accept this
    fallen nature. “Sheol            truth, it can be one of the
    and Abaddon are never            most freeing things we’ve
    satisfied, nor are the           ever learned—relieving us
    eyes of man ever satisfied”      of the drive to accumulate
    (Prov. 27:20). We may want       and compare with everyone
    someone else’s popularity,       else. If we can’t accept this
    income, possessions,             truth, it may be the last
    spouse, reputation, job,         warning we are given.
    authority, girlfriend, or            A secret sin, a fatal
    boyfriend. God, from His         attraction, can be the
    heavenly treasury, gives to      determinative factor in
    each of us precious gifts of     a tragic defining-moment
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    decision—unless we              bomb or waiting for the
    realize it and address          explosion. Which is it?
    it beforehand.
        I saw. I coveted. I took.   Follow-through
    I hid. This was a defining      Confess to God your secret
    moment tragically caught        fatal attraction and your
    on divine film for eternity.    feelings of powerlessness to
    Will we address our own         overcome it. Be honest. Ask
    fatal attraction before it’s    Him to strengthen you to
    too late? Achan let the         resist this temptation and to
    process go too far. We can      send His servants to you to
    still stop it. We must—and      help you overcome it before
    the sooner the better. May      it’s too late. Actively seek
    our legacy read: I saw.         out a pastor, or a wise and
    I was tempted. I resisted.      godly mentor or counselor,
    I escaped.                      to help you defuse your
                                    bomb before it explodes.
    Personal Reflection
    Is there an attraction in
    your life that is growing       OUR GREATEST
    so strong that, if given the    NEED

    right opportunity, you might            he most defining
    indulge it? Ask yourself how          moment in anyone’s
    this decision would affect            life is the decision
    your loved ones and the         to surrender to God by
    reputation of Jesus Christ.     accepting Christ as personal
    A fatal attraction is a         Savior. God’s Word, the
    ticking time bomb that          Bible, tells us that our
    must be defused, or it will     greatest need is not simply
    eventually explode. You are     guidance in life; it’s a
    either actively defusing the    relationship with God. We
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    can have this relationship       Him. If you do that, you will
    through Jesus Christ alone,      become a child of the living
    resulting in peace with our      God and an heir of eternal
    heavenly Father and the gift     life. As a suggestion, pray
    of eternal life with Him.        something like this:
                                         Lord, I believe that
                                         Jesus is the Son of God.
        The Bible tells                  I believe that He came
           us that our                   and died to pay the
                                         penalty for the sins I
         greatest need                   have committed. I ask
          is not simply                  You to forgive me, and to
       guidance in life,                 give me the gift of eternal
                                         life You promised. Come
      it’s a relationship                into my life, and cause
            with God.                    me to be born again.

        If you’ve never taken this                   h
                                     This booklet is excerpted from
    step of faith, remember that     Defining Moments: When Choices
                                     Matter Most by Dan Schaeffer, which
    faith is not something you       is published by Discovery House
    wait for like a letter in the    Publishers, a member of the RBC
    mail. Rather, faith is           Ministries family. Dan is the pastor
                                     of Shoreline Community Church in
    something you step out on,       Santa Barbara, California. He is also
    like a bridge over a raging      an award-winning writer whose
    river. Jesus Christ paid the     articles have appeared in Reader’s
                                     Digest and A Third Serving of Chicken
    penalty for our sins by dying    Soup for the Soul.
    on the cross. After 3 days,         Dan has also written other books
    He rose from the dead and        for DHP, including In Search of the
                                     Real Spirit of Christmas,When Faith and
    is now preparing a place for     Decisions Collide, and A Better Country:
    those who put their faith in     Preparing for Heaven.
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Dangerous Decisions

  • 1. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 1 DANGEROUS DECISIONS Learning From The Mistakes Of Lot & Achan O ne of the great discoveries of life is to see how often we can CONTENTS do things we will never regret. Think about what would Defining Moments . . . . . 2 happen if a group of us got The Tragic Tale Of together and spent a day talking An Empty Lot . . . . . . . . . 3 about the best decisions we ever Achan’s made—and the worst. Fatal Attraction . . . . . . . 16 Such a conversation would Our Greatest Need . . . 31 not be far from stories of the Bible that show men and women at the crossroads of their lives. Those are the kinds of decisions Dan Schaeffer helps us to think through in this excerpt of his book Defining Moments: When Choices Matter Most. Mart De Haan Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo & Design:Terry Bidgood Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®. Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. This booklet is based on a portion of Defining Moments:When Choices Matter Most by Dan Schaeffer, published by Discovery House Publishers, a member of the RBC Ministries family. © 2009 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
  • 2. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 2 DEFINING testing ground for the MOMENTS heroic is the mundane. The only preparation for O ne morning you that one profound decision wake up, totally which can change a life, unaware that today or even a nation, is those you will make a decision hundreds of half-conscious, that will define your self-defining, seemingly life for years to come, insignificant decisions made perhaps forever. If you in private. Habit is the daily had known this moment battleground of character” was approaching, you (Reader’s Digest, June 1996). would have prepared Our character is the for it. But you didn’t. scene of great battles. Each of us will In the last analysis, it will experience moments nudge us in one direction that are far more important or another. Fortunately, we than all the others. In these can learn from those who moments we will say or do have gone before us. The something because such Bible is full of defining behavior has become moments, both good and second nature to us. But bad. Real people in real-life the consequences will be situations, just like us. drastically different. From their examples we can Senator Dan Coates learn how to prepare for our said, “Character cannot own defining moments. be summoned at the Are you ready? In the moment of crisis if it following pages you will has been squandered by meet two people from the years of compromise and Bible who weren’t ready for rationalization. The only their defining moment. And 2 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 3. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 3 you will see the terrible creature; either into a tragedy that ensued. (For creature that is in harmony examples of people who with God, and with other were ready and made good creatures, and with itself, choices, see the book from or else into one that is in a which this excerpt was state of war and hatred with derived.) God, and with its fellow- Most of us embrace wise creatures, and with itself.” principles for living as well as habits that are unwise. THE TRAGIC These two are in constant conflict within us, each TALE OF AN vying for privileged status. EMPTY LOT T In that pivotal moment, we here’s a winding will choose between the mountain road leading two, and our lot will be up to the High Sierra irretrievably cast. Mountains on the way to In Mere Christianity Yosemite National Park. C. S. Lewis wrote, “Every The road passes through time you make a choice, you several small towns and an are turning the central part occasional home or small of you, the part of you that business. I recall that when chooses, into something a I first started making that little different from what it drive, I saw a large steak was before. And taking your house that had closed life as a whole, with all your recently. “For Sale” signs innumerable choices, all were everywhere, along your life long you are slowly with the name of the turning this central thing restaurant. The building either into a heavenly was still in good repair, creature or into a hellish nicely painted, and 3 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 4. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 4 pleasant to look at. I look at the true-life story of wondered what restaurant a real empty Lot. His story would be there the next is found in Genesis 13, 14, time I came through. and 19. Lot was the nephew It has been 16 years, of Abram, whom the Lord and that building is still later called Abraham, the empty. The paint is old father of the Jewish race. and faded, the windows In those chapters we boarded up, the parking read about Lot’s defining lot overgrown with weeds. decision—the decision When this restaurant that mirrored his whole life first opened, it must have and set the tone for the bustled with activity: plates, rest of it. silverware, and glasses Both Abram and Lot clinking; wait-staff scurrying were wealthy men who to get food; music playing; resided in a foreign country. people talking, laughing, It was a land that belonged and socializing. I’ve often to the Canaanites and the wondered what caused it Perizzites. The area where to close its doors. Abram and Lot were living This restaurant had been could no longer support someone’s dream. But now two great herds of animals. the dream has died. The With no fences or borders building stands vacant and to determine where one’s lonely. No one goes there grazing rights began and except for the occasional another’s ended, the vagrant looking for shelter. herdsmen of the two It’s a sad picture. It’s also relatives began to fight. the tragic story of many So Abram stepped in and people’s lives. made a wise decision. In this section, we will There was enough room 4 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 5. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 5 for both of them if they him to be, in several ways, went in different directions. an empty Lot. Abram was the patriarch Lot’s life can teach of the two, and the one to us four dangers to beware whom God had promised of when making defining- all this land (Gen. 12:6-7). moment decisions—four As the proper recipient of dangers that will keep you the entire region, Abram from becoming an empty could have chosen the land Lot yourself. The first he wanted and left the rest danger is: to Lot. But Abram showed The Danger Of his godliness by trusting Deceiving Yourself. God to keep His promise in From Lot’s tragic life we His own way. He graciously learn that there are no allowed Lot to choose harmless character flaws. which land he wanted. When we read Genesis Humanly speaking, it 13:10-13, it’s clear that self- wasn’t a hard decision for interest and greed drove Lot. The Jordan Valley was Lot’s decision. Although a lush green place, and Abram could rightfully Sodom and Gomorrah have chosen where he were beautiful and would live, he humbled desirable places to live. himself and allowed Lot Lot didn’t think twice. He to choose. Furthermore, saw the fertile land of the Abram initiated the plains and chose it. solution to the problem. While this decision Significantly, the Bible seemed shrewd for Lot, does call Lot a righteous it turned out badly. His man. In 2 Peter 2:6-8, shallow choice reflected his Peter reminds us that God true character and revealed “condemned the cities of 5 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 6. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 6 Sodom and Gomorrah One of Lot’s flaws was to destruction by reducing that he struggled with greed them to ashes, having made and selfishness. He desired them an example to those the best of the land for who would live ungodly himself, and he was in a lives thereafter; and if He position to get it. Sodom rescued righteous Lot, and Gomorrah were oppressed by the sensual wealthy enclaves—places conduct of unprincipled of great riches because men (for by what he saw of the fertileness of the and heard that righteous region. People like to man, while living among live in beautiful places, them, felt his righteous soul and usually only the tormented day after day wealthiest can afford to. with their lawless deeds).” Lot’s greed is evident Lot was a righteous man in other passages as well. because he believed God, When we read that God sent expressed his faith in God, judgment upon Sodom and and did not approve of the Gomorrah, we gain valuable horrible sins of Sodom insight into Lot’s character. and Gomorrah. In 2 Peter, God had determined to however, it seems that Lot’s obliterate the towns for their righteousness is contrasted sin and unrepentance. Yet, not with Abram’s but with even though Lot knew this, that of the citizens of he didn’t want to leave. God Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s sent angels in the form of possible to appear to be men to protect Lot from the morally upstanding but judgment. But the men of have one or two tragic Sodom demanded that Lot character flaws that hand them over so they eventually surface. could rape them. That’s 6 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 7. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 7 how perverse the people of still have a defective Sodom had become. character? Yes! Greed, In spite of this horrible desire, envy, and jealousy decadence, Lot still didn’t don’t go away just because want to leave. The angels you become a Christian. literally had to drag him and Sooner or later, God his family out of Sodom. makes us face those The scriptural account says, issues and brings them “But he hesitated. So the to our attention. It cost Lot men [angels] seized his everything he had before hand and the hand of his God got his attention. wife and the hands of his If not dealt with two daughters, for the properly, a single weak compassion of the Lord character trait can have a was upon him; and they negative effect on the rest brought him out, and put of our lives. In Lot’s life, him outside the city” greed and self-interest were (Gen. 19:16). present, even though he Hesitated! Why? The appeared to be a morally reason is simple. Everything upstanding individual. Lot had attained was about The heart of the to be destroyed—all his Christian is like a garden. wealth, his business When we are born again, contacts, his home, his God plants His fruit, the job, everything but his fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, very life. He still didn’t peace, patience, kindness, want to give it up. goodness, faithfulness, You may be thinking, gentleness, and self-control “But I thought he was a (Gal. 5:22-23). But at the righteous man?” Can a same time, Satan keeps person be a Christian and trying to replant his 7 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 8. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 8 own garden in our heart. in order to grow, but a Character flaws are like spiritual “weed” will weeds—they grow fastest flourish with inattention. when they are ignored and What weed, or character become increasingly difficult flaw, are you ignoring? If to pull out. We need to deal you ignore it long enough, with such weeds when they one day that flaw will grow first appear, because by the so large it will be the only time we see the plants, the thing that people can see roots are already formed in you. All your good and growing. qualities will be hidden My wife Annette and I behind that one character planted a little garden. We flaw you have ignored. planted corn, pumpkins, You may be there right cantaloupe, watermelon, now. Caring people may beans, herbs, squash, and have already discussed this sunflowers. We planted flaw with you. They have all those on purpose; we seen how it has taken over wanted them to grow. We your life. When you try to watered them carefully and point out all your good cultivated them. But weeds qualities, they can’t seem popped up without any to see them. Your character attention whatsoever. flaw is now so blatant that They grew marvelously. it overshadows all your We had to pull the weeds other good qualities. If so, continually. We never you may be on your way to tended the weeds; the becoming an empty Lot. more we neglected them, Some Christians joke the better they grew. about their character flaws. The spiritual garden “That’s just who I am,” we want must be tended they will tell you with a 8 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 9. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 9 grin. They seem to think The Danger Of a character flaw is just a Altering God’s Price personality trait. But the Tags. Genesis 13:10 tells Bible never treats them us, “Lot lifted up his eyes that way. and saw all the valley of I heard of a pastor who the Jordan, that it was was cursing in his sermons well watered everywhere— and criticizing people he this was before the Lord was angry with from the destroyed Sodom and pulpit. He got into a Gomorrah—like the garden fistfight with an elder from of the Lord, like the land of his church at a basketball Egypt as you go to Zoar.” game. When confronted Everything Lot could see with this sin, his excuse with his eyes looked good. was “Hey, that’s just me. He was smitten with the That’s my personality. It’s great lust spoken of in the way I am. It’s no big 1 John 2:16, “For all that is deal.” in the world, the lust of the He equated his activity flesh and the lust of the eyes with a personality trait that and the boastful pride of life, was supposedly beyond is not from the Father, but is his control. Shyness is a from the world.” personality trait. Being One commentator gregarious is a personality pointed out that the trait. But sin is sin! And Hebrew word for sin means sins are weeds that must “to miss the mark.” He then be pulled. Don’t deceive went on to say: “So a sinner yourself. There are no is one who is ever aiming at harmless character flaws. happiness and constantly There’s also a second missing his mark; because danger to consider: . . . he seeks for happiness 9 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 10. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 10 where it can never be The result? His righteous found” (Adam Clark, soul was constantly The Bethany Parallel offended, oppressed, and Commentary: Old Testament, influenced by the sinful p.45). Lot didn’t look lifestyle around him. beyond what his eyes could In chapter 14, we’re told see. He knew that Sodom that enemies captured Lot, was an immoral town. Its and that Abram had to reputation was well-known. rescue him. He no doubt But it was an attractive lived a compromised place. While Lot never lifestyle in Sodom, one that adopted the religion of likely contributed to the low the people of Sodom moral standards of his and Gomorrah, nor their daughters (see Gen. 19:30- immoral practices, he was 38). Not only did he have smitten with their culture, to be rescued by angels, he their “stuff.” They were a also lost his wife, his sons- people who were looking for in-law, and his livelihood, happiness where it couldn’t and he barely escaped with be found, and Lot seemed his own life. Lot paid dearly to have the same weakness. for his poor choice. God places the price tags Recently, my wife and in life where they belong. I struck up a conversation He tells us what is valuable with a clerk in our local and what is worthless. Barnes & Noble bookstore. When God’s price tags don’t She seemed despondent seem to make sense to us, and mentioned that her we’re tempted to change house had recently burned them. Lot chose Sodom down. She sadly shared and Gomorrah, the capital how she had lost some cities of the “good life.” 75,000 baseball cards she 10 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 11. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 11 had been collecting as part scores of people who are of a business venture. All unhappy in their jobs but the plaques and honors she are now trapped. The things had accumulated over the that bring them fulfillment years were also destroyed. don’t make them enough When I asked her if money, and they are too anyone was hurt, she attached to their lifestyle nonchalantly shook to make the necessary her head no, as if the changes. Work becomes question were ultimately a grind, and they grow unimportant. She obviously miserable. derived no comfort from it. I know men and women Her stuff, which was of great who married their spouses value to her, was destroyed primarily for their looks. in much the same way that This is what they valued Lot’s things were—by fire. most in a mate. But now— Bible commentator F. B. 5, 10, 15 years later—the Meyer wrote, “The world luster has worn off. is full of Lots—shallow, They wish they had impulsive, doomed to be married someone more revealed by their choice.” understanding, thoughtful, Have you exchanged and considerate—qualities price tags in your life? their spouses lack, which The things we value now cause them such pain. become the basis for All around them they see our most important and couples who are physically defining decisions. If we less attractive but are value money and prestige, fulfilled in marriage. we will chase a job that When we value all the brings us these things but status possessions of our little else. We all know world—bigger, more 11 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 12. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 12 expensive homes, and more The Jordan Valley was expensive and newer cars— more beautiful than the we can find ourselves territory Lot left to Abram. sacrificing everything to get It was a desirable place them. Spending beyond our to live. Think of the Napa means, we end up in debt Valley in California, or and unable to enjoy the the South of France, very possessions we have where vines and orchards sacrificed so much to have. grow abundantly and the In these and many other countryside is picturesque. decisions like them, we can Second, there was find that our choices reveal wealth. Ample water and who we really are. pasture meant additional What do your choices grazing areas and increased reveal about what you flocks. More flocks meant value? We see this thought more wealth, because in the developed more fully in the ancient East, livestock had third danger: value, not currency. The Danger Of Third, Lot saw ease. Long-term Decisions It would be much easier Based On Temporary to make a living in Sodom Attractions. Lot’s and Gomorrah than where decision was based on Abram was going. When what he saw, what appealed the water is there, and the to him through his physical grass is in abundance, and senses. What did Lot see the fruit trees are already when he looked at the planted, you simply don’t beautiful Jordan Valley and have to work as hard. Sodom and Gomorrah? He Caring for the animals saw three things: beauty, is much easier. wealth, and ease. Beauty, wealth, and 12 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 13. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 13 ease. Lot, like so many of woman named Della us, was sure that the things Britteon through a dating he now found so attractive service. He saw a young, would always be that way. quiet, eye-catching woman, People are sure their looks and evidently thought she and youth will last, their job would be everything his will be secure, their talent previous wife had not been. will always be in demand. He married her only So what happened? 4 months after his divorce. Let’s start with the beauty What he didn’t know, of Sodom and Gomorrah. however, was that Della It was utterly destroyed had been previously by a volcanic-like eruption, married three times never to be anything but and was not at all what a desolate plain. And she seemed. She was Lot’s great wealth? His dangerous! Each of her flocks were destroyed, his former husbands had business and his customers been lucky to escape their were gone, and he barely marriage with their lives. escaped with his life. And Della was vicious and what about the ease of his mean, and when rejected, life? With his livelihood and she acted violently. Less his home removed, Lot was than a year after marrying destined to live in a cave. this “beauty,” Dr. Sutorius Several years ago, there wanted a divorce. But he was a sensational story in never got the chance. Della the news about Della and killed him with a .38-caliber Darryl Sutorius. Darryl was revolver she had bought a heart surgeon who had only 2 days earlier. divorced his wife of 30 Are you making long- years and met a striking term decisions based on 13 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 14. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 14 temporary attractions? That glance. It was a long look of is one of the quickest ways desire, a reluctance to leave to become an empty Lot. her home and possessions. Finally we come to the last She, like her husband, and greatest danger: was hesitating, lingering, The Danger because she didn’t really Of Assuming Your want to go. God had sent Decisions Won’t Affect angels to save them from Others. We infuse those destruction, and she didn’t around us with our values, want to leave Sodom. She especially those closest to had a severe case of the us. Let’s follow the results same greed that Lot had. of Lot’s decision on his Lot’s sons-in-law didn’t family. When they were take his warnings seriously escaping Sodom and and were destroyed. But Gomorrah’s judgment, what of his daughters? the angels warned them When Sodom and in Genesis 19:17, “Escape Gomorrah were annihilated, for your life! Do not look Lot took his daughters and behind you, and do not hid in a cave with them. stay anywhere in the valley; His daughters decided they escape to the mountains, wanted to have children, so or you will be swept away.” they got their father drunk But what happened to Lot’s and slept with him (Gen. wife? Genesis 19:26 says, 19:30-38). These incestuous “But his wife, from behind acts resulted in the Moabites him, looked back, and she and the Ammonites, two became a pillar of salt.” tribes who were a perpetual Don’t misunderstand. The thorn in the side of Hebrew word suggests this Abraham’s descendants. was not a casual backward This story shocks our 14 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 15. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 15 sensibilities. Where call from an 11-year-old was their faith in God’s boy that rendered her provision? Where did speechless. He told her he Lot’s daughters learn to had a problem. He liked a debase themselves with certain girl at school, but such horribly immoral another one was “making decisions? Think about this: eyes” at him and letting him How much time had Lot’s know she liked him. Should daughters spent in the city he drop his present girlfriend Daddy picked to be their to chase the new one? home? With whom had they Dr. Laura asked the grown up, and from whom boy, “Well, how would had they been learning? you feel if your daddy Who was influencing them went off with some new day after day, night after lady every time one showed night? What lifestyle was interest?” “He did,” was his their culture bombarding matter-of-fact reply. Since them with continually? no loyalty and fidelity was How are our decisions modeled at home, what affecting our loved ones? could Dr. Laura say? Lot’s faith in God remained, Our values will affect— but his decisions had or infect—those we love. destroyed everything he A very enlightening project valued because he had might be to poll your invested his life in things spouse, children, and close of no value. friends, and ask them to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, share what they feel you a radio talk-show host, value most in life from related how she was once what they see in your life. at a loss for words during Warning: This is not a her call-in show. It was a project for the faint of heart. 15 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 16. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 16 If you heed this advice, related to it, and ask your defining moment can God continually for be a wonderful one, a His power to overcome moment that will positively it. Don’t expect immediate affect your family and changes. Actions are the everyone else. Give your result of our heart’s own story a happy ending! desires—and the heart Don’t become an empty Lot. changes slowly. But start now, and don’t stop! Personal Reflection We all have character flaws, but it’s tempting to justify ACHAN’S FATAL them or joke about them, ATTRACTION T instead of dealing with here’s a sport that a them. The longer we wait few daring souls have to deal with these flaws, the begun to embrace worse they become and the called BASE, or extreme closer we are to becoming jumping. Its name is an empty Lot. Will your derived from the acronym most defining moment for buildings, antennas, be a result of an ignored spans, and earth. Instead character flaw? What might of jumping out of a plane you do to prevent it? Now and parachuting, these folks go do it—while there’s time! jump off tall buildings, high antennas, bridges, and Follow-through cliffs—tempting fate and Write down what you danger for the thrill of it. believe to be your greatest Because of its inherent character flaw. Determine danger, it’s banned in to make it a daily matter of most places. prayer. Look up Scriptures Jan Davis was one of 16 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 17. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 17 five BASE jumpers prepared Like Jan Davis, each to challenge one such ban one of us has our own fatal in Yosemite National Park. attraction. While we may The group had climbed to not consider ours nearly the 3,200-foot peak of so dangerous, our fatal Yosemite’s El Capitan. attractions can ruin our Their jump was going to reputation, marriage, career, be a public protest to friendships, and dreams. demonstrate that the jumps Perhaps there’s no more could be made safely. vivid example in the Bible Davis was 60 years old of this danger than Achan. and a veteran of countless Achan’s story is found jumps made over 16 years. in Joshua 6. Israel had She was the fourth of crossed the Jordan River five jumpers, and used and marched around borrowed gear because Jericho for 7 days as God she didn’t want hers to had commanded them. The be confiscated by rangers story is familiar. Perhaps waiting to arrest her on the not quite as familiar are valley floor. As her friends God’s specific instructions. and family watched from Before the people were below, she jumped, but commanded to shout, her chute never opened. which would bring down She fell to her death. The the walls of Jericho, they newspaper headline of were reminded: her death read, “Chutist The city shall be under dies in ironic tragedy.” the ban, it and all that is BASE-jumping is inherently in it belongs to the Lord; dangerous. That is part of only Rahab the harlot its allure. But for Jan Davis and all who are with her it was a fatal attraction. in the house shall live, 17 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 18. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 18 because she hid the have been an easy messengers whom we victory turned into an sent. But as for you, only inglorious defeat, and 36 keep yourselves from the men of Israel were killed. things under the ban, so Ai remained defiant and that you do not covet unconquered. Joshua 7:16- them and take some of 26 relates the dramatic way the things under the ban, that God exposed Achan’s and make the camp of sin to Israel, and his Israel accursed and bring resulting confession. trouble on it. But all From Achan’s example the silver and gold and we can discern seven articles of bronze and symptoms of a fatal iron are holy to the Lord; attraction that may be they shall go into the evident in our own lives. treasury of the Lord If ignored, they could lead (Josh. 6:17-19). to a defining moment not Achan was there, and unlike Achan’s—terrible, he heard the ban. But the shameful, and destructive. temptation proved too But if we can identify them, great for him, and he there’s great hope that we broke it. Unfortunately can disarm the ticking time for all of Israel, the divine bomb before it explodes in consequence of Achan’s our lives. sin was that God would no The first and most longer go before them and obvious symptom is: lead them to victory. A Fatal Attraction Unaware of what Never Lies Dormant. Achan had done, Israel A fatal attraction is nothing attacked a small outpost more than a secret sin or called Ai. What should sinful attitude or activity 18 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 19. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 19 that we have allowed to Let no one say when he bloom. It is something we is tempted, “I am being find ourselves drawn to tempted by God”; for God that we know is dangerous cannot be tempted by and sinful, yet we have evil, and He Himself does convinced ourselves that not tempt anyone. But it’s safe for us. Perhaps each one is tempted when we’ve even cultivated this he is carried away and attraction in private. enticed by his own lust. How long had Achan Then when lust has struggled with this problem conceived, it gives birth of greed? This was not a to sin; and when sin is momentary character lapse accomplished, it brings for Achan, but the natural forth death (1:13-15). result of a fatal attraction he How graphically this is had nurtured. Unfortunately, revealed in Achan’s defining it was an attraction needing moment! But beyond only the right opportunity— James’ words there is, in a defining moment—to Achan’s own confession, prove his undoing. Achan’s the clear downward spiral fatal attraction was a glaring of temptation and sin: chink in his spiritual armor When I saw among the that he had ignored. His spoil a beautiful mantle desire for wealth had from Shinar and two hideously devolved into hundred shekels of silver greed of the first order. and a bar of gold fifty Achan’s motivations are shekels in weight, then I common to all of us. James coveted them and took exposed the process of them; and behold, they temptation in every human are concealed in the heart when he wrote: earth inside my tent 19 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 20. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 20 with the silver underneath opportunity. At some it (Josh. 7:21). point, Satan will be given He saw, he coveted, permission to tempt us he took, he concealed. again, and the opportunity Before we leave this will be presented. scene, it’s good to remember Each of us has a that thousands of Hebrew sensitivity to different soldiers saw what Achan temptations. Some of us saw when they invaded are extremely susceptible to Jericho, but their own greed financial temptations, others had not degenerated to the to sexual temptations, while level of Achan’s. others are vulnerable to There is an enlightening temptations of fame or equation we can derive power. As you review the from Achan’s life: downward progression that A FATAL ATTRACTION + led Achan to ruin, can you OPPORTUNITY = SHAME, identify your own position DISGRACE, AND LOSS on the continuum? I saw. There is latent within all I coveted. I took. I hid. How of us a fatal attraction. We close to danger are you? can ignore it and assure Achan’s defining moment ourselves that we have it came when he first laid under control. Or we can eyes on the treasure he had fear it, terrified that it may discovered, because at that one day be our undoing. critical moment something We often mistake the happened that even he lack of opportunity with didn’t understand. An self-control. But as Achan unaddressed perverted shows, by God’s mercy passion had grown too we may never have been strong for him to control. exposed to the right Did it surprise even him? 20 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 21. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 21 The movie Little Shop within us. They do not Of Horrors is the story of remain dormant. They will a small alien flower that demand attention, and we comes into the life of a must either deny them— young employee at a plant sending them back into the store. While the flower shadows—or feed them, looks strange to him at making them stronger still. first, he does his best to I saw. I coveted. I took. try to keep it alive. But I hid. One unaddressed evil despite his best efforts and passion in our lives is all it all conventional care, it takes. Remember, a fatal continues to die. It’s only attraction never lies when he accidentally cuts dormant. Second: his finger and a drop of A Fatal Attraction blood dribbles on the plant Deafens Us To God’s that it perks up. He is Work And Voice. shocked to discover that A quick review of the book it subsists on blood. of Joshua reminds us that Each day the young man Achan had been part of two pricks his finger and feeds tremendous miracles of God the ravenous plant. And within a short period of each day the strange plant time. First, he had walked grows bigger and stronger, across the Jordan River on demanding more and more dry ground as the water blood. It finally grows to fill was miraculously held back the whole shop and even in a heap. Second, he had commits murder to fulfill its witnessed an amazing unquenchable desire. miracle when the walls This is an apt picture of Jericho came tumbling of what happens to down. unaddressed passions Just before this miracle, 21 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 22. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 22 Joshua had told everyone When we embrace a sinful not to touch anything that passion and allow it to grow was under the ban. So strong in our lives, one of Achan knew exactly what its first debilitating attacks he was doing when he took is on our spiritual focus. the loot. He showed no To reach any goal— concern that God was even an evil one—takes active in Israel, ignoring concentration and focus. the miracles performed We work, think, and right before his eyes. strategize to reach what Additionally, Joshua 5 we want most. When that indicates that Achan must happens, we lose sight of have been one of the men everything else. It’s who had been circumcised. inevitable. Circumcision was a sign Achan’s greed was all of the Hebrews’ covenant he focused on in the end. relationship with God. He had stopped listening to Had Achan forgotten the God and appreciating His implications of this so mighty works because all soon? How can a man his senses were trained witness such miracles on one thing—greed. An of God and then let his unaddressed passion will greed run amok? Didn’t slowly but surely deaden he believe God would see us to God’s work and His what he was doing? Word in our life. We will Achan’s story highlights begin to tune out God’s the devastating effect of an voice because it will present unaddressed sinful passion. an unwanted obstacle to Our desire to listen to God’s our sin. And we don’t want Word wanes. We lose our our sin challenged; we want appreciation for His works. it fulfilled. 22 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 23. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 23 This is why Paul warned of behavior. A slow the young pastor Timothy, exchange of passions, “The love of money is a developed over time, causes root of all sorts of evil, people to lose interest in and some by longing for God’s work and voice. It it have wandered away often happens slowly, so from the faith and pierced confident of their spiritual themselves with many convictions that they fail to griefs” (1 Tim. 6:10). We address the danger properly. can insert any number of Gradually they become passions in that verse and oblivious to the danger. And the result would be the then, in what appears to be same. The love of power, just a moment, they fall. fame, and lust are also One evening I was roots of all sorts of evil. watching a documentary As Paul noted, some of about strange creatures. us wander away from the The episode dealt with a faith. It’s a slow defection predatory fish that had rather than an abrupt the extraordinary ability departure. We don’t just to burrow into the ocean turn our backs on God floor, becoming completely one day; it takes time for a camouflaged. While this sinful desire to develop the odd fish was too slow to level of intensity that will catch the smaller fish on cause us to ignore the which its diet depended, scriptural wisdom we’ve God had given it a long adhered to for years. worm-shaped appendage After years of counseling on the top of its head that people who have been could wiggle freely. When caught in various sins, I the fish lay on the ocean have noticed a clear pattern floor wiggling that 23 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 24. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 24 appendage, it looked just which I commanded them. like a real worm dancing And they have even taken about. The unsuspecting some of the things under the prey would swim by, ban and have both stolen become tantalized by the and deceived. Moreover, wormlike appendage, and they have also put them prepare to devour it. But in among their own things” a split second, the predator (Josh. 7:11). How frequently would rise up and swallow do we traffic in one sin, and the smaller fish. soon begin to “change Nature reminds us that lanes” to avoid detection. this kind of thing happens When we embrace one sin, every day. The Bible it becomes necessary to reminds us that it happens resort to another. Not only to people as well. Like the did Achan steal, but he had little fish being tantalized to deceive everyone into by the wormlike appendage, thinking he hadn’t. we become oblivious to the “Sins are like circles danger because we have in the water when a stone stopped listening to God’s is thrown into it; one warnings. But the danger produces another,” wrote doesn’t end there. A third Phillip Henry. “When anger symptom is that: was in Cain’s heart, murder A Fatal Attraction was not far off.” Stimulates The Growth When someone becomes Of Other Sins Within involved in scandal, drugs, Us. Listen to God’s alcohol, or any kind of assessment of Achan’s immoral activity, how often activity. “Israel has does lying and deception sinned, and they have also enter the picture? Deception transgressed My covenant becomes necessary to hide 24 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 25. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 25 the first sin already and self-preservation had committed. For example, been cultivated in his life, to when President Clinton was the exclusion of compassion accused of immorality with and conscience. Monica Lewinsky, what was The great aircraft carriers his immediate reaction? He of World War II were vital lied to try to cover up his war weapons. They were sin. But before we throw always escorted by other too many stones, is he so ships to protect them. In different from the rest of us? the same way, our fatal Who among us has not lied attraction requires other to cover up another sin? Did sinful “escorts” to keep not King David try to cover itself safe. up his sin with Bathsheba? We must not deceive One fatal attraction ourselves. One nurtured stimulates the growth sin waters other seeds of of other sins within us. sin that have fallen into Did Achan exhibit any the fertile ground of our concern for the 36 men who wavering faith, and they died? (Josh. 7:5). Did he will quickly bloom. The care for their families, or for idea that we can isolate his responsibility in their a particular sin in our deaths? The answer must lives and restrain it from be no, because the lot spreading elsewhere is a would have taken quite myth. The weeds of sin will some time to fall to him, always spread. Fourth: and he had ample time A Fatal Attraction to come clean (vv.14-18). Blinds Us To So why didn’t he care? Encroaching Danger. He didn’t care because the Achan’s response to the seeds of self-centeredness process of the lot in Joshua 25 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 26. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 26 7:14-18 is a fascinating Israel in every way, but study in human nature. Achan’s sinful passion Achan clearly understood blinded him to it. It’s how the lot worked, but at conceivable that he simply each draw of the lot, as it didn’t believe he would get drew nearer and nearer caught. If he had an inkling him, he adamantly refused he might, he was too greedy to confess. Achan never to risk losing his treasure came forward, which leads unless he was forced to. me to believe he didn’t Remember that he now think he was actually going had in his possession the to be caught. This shouldn’t thing he wanted most in surprise us. He had already life, the thing he had risked demonstrated that he was everything to get. Maybe he deaf to God’s work and even hoped the lot would voice. implicate someone else. The Hebrews used the A fatal attraction blinds lot to determine God’s will. us to encroaching danger. The lot may have been Achan obviously had the stones marked with either will to sin; he lacked only black or white paint, or as the opportunity. But it’s others have suggested, they doubtful he recognized may have been pieces of his own weakness, for marked pottery. Why the that would require lot? Because “the lot is cast wisdom. Achan had into the lap, but its every sacrificed wisdom on the decision is from the Lord” altar of greed years earlier. (Prov. 16:33). The Illinois Department There were mountains of Natural Resources of evidence that God was reports that more than carefully watching over 17,000 deer die each year 26 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 27. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 27 after being struck by covenant with God. They motorists. According to the had willingly agreed to be state wildlife director, the His people, to be faithful peak season for road kills is and obedient to Him. It was in late fall. Why? Because a unique arrangement. God in November, the bucks are looked at them as part of a in rut. He tells us, “They’re unit. Each one’s sin affected concentrating almost the whole. They had exclusively on reproductive entered this agreement activities, and are a lot less willingly and freely, and wary than they normally God had taken it seriously. would be.” Those words are When we read that his so instructive: “a lot less family was killed with him, wary than they normally we are further prompted to would be.” shout, “No fair!” The law But we are not islands. said, after all, “Fathers shall And the activities we not be put to death for their become involved in, for sons, nor shall sons be put good or evil, start ripples to death for their fathers; that touch all those around everyone shall be put to us. Tragically, our fatal death for his own sin” (Dt. attraction will not affect 24:16). Since this was part only us. Fifth: of the law, which Joshua A Fatal Attraction knew thoroughly, it seems Infects And Destroys to indicate that Achan’s Those Nearest Us. We family was complicit in sense a twinge of injustice his scheme. when we see all Israel It would have been punished for one man’s difficult for Achan to dig sin, but we must remember a hole in his tent, deposit that they had all entered a several large objects, and 27 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 28. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 28 then cover them up armies who would gain without his family courage from Ai’s victory knowing. Apparently, they over Israel. God’s protection were part of the conspiracy had been removed from to remain silent. Here we them. An entire nation was see another tragic outcome now in great danger. Why? of refusing to address a Because one man refused to fatal attraction—it infects address a sinful passion in those around us. his life. It destroyed not The values of parents are only his own life and learned by their children. family, but also 36 others. Achan’s newfound wealth When we lose control couldn’t help but make life of our lives, our friends and better for everyone involved, loved ones are often injured could it? Is it possible to in the crash. Achan was not believe that Achan’s greed the last person to lose far was not noticed by his more than gold when his family? His own covetous life careened madly out passions were being of control. Far more than conveyed daily to his just our own family and own children. reputation are at stake. Before we dismiss Sixth, we also know that: the offense as petty theft, A Fatal Attraction remember that as a result of Shames God And His Achan’s sin, as many as 36 People. God’s assessment daddies didn’t come home of the situation was clear and 36 families lost sons, and unequivocal: “He has fathers, and husbands. committed a disgraceful An entire army was thing in Israel” (Josh. 7:15). demoralized and in danger Not only was Israel of being attacked by other disgraced by Achan’s 28 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 29. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 29 action, God was shamed by As we approach our it as well. Achan never even own defining moments, we considered the shame his need to ask ourselves an action would bring. Perhaps important question. Is there this is the most tragic of all something in our life that, if the characteristics of Achan not addressed and brought and all those who are in the to light, could bring shame grip of a fatal attraction—he to our family, our church, didn’t care. His sinful desire and our God? There may was far more important to be an even more important him than God’s reputation. question: Does the thought Years ago, one of the that our life could shame large churches in our area God and His church even was rocked by a public bother us very much? If it scandal. A former president doesn’t, we may be further of a large parachurch along in our fatal attraction organization, who was an than we think. elder in the church and a The seventh and most Sunday school teacher, was serious of all the symptoms accused of molesting young of a fatal attraction is: girls at his home. The A Fatal Attraction disgrace was intense. Steals From God What is worse is that What Belongs To this same man had been Him. Achan never saw the accused of similar activity seriousness of the sin he 20 years earlier, but nothing was harboring in his heart, had been done about it. but Joshua did. Remember His fatal attraction had God’s instructions? “The remained buried until it city shall be under the finally bloomed and could ban, it and all that is in it no longer be hidden. belongs to the Lord” (Josh. 29 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 30. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 30 6:17). Now look again at relationships, talents, Joshua 7:23. “They took family, position, and them from inside the tent finances—but they are His. and brought them to Joshua When we court any sinful and to all the sons of Israel, passion within us, we are and they poured them out secretly conspiring to take before the Lord.” Why did more than God has allotted they pour Achan’s treasures to us. To conspire to take out before the Lord? what God has not given Because they were not is to steal from Him. Achan’s, or Israel’s, or Could a fatal attraction Joshua’s—they were God’s! in your life be a plan to Every one of us, steal from God? It’s difficult regardless of whether we in our consumer-conscious, consider ourselves poor or materialistic society to rich, will want something believe that God may not we don’t or can’t have. The want us to have what Bible reminds us that this someone else has, but it’s is an essential part of our true. If we can accept this fallen nature. “Sheol truth, it can be one of the and Abaddon are never most freeing things we’ve satisfied, nor are the ever learned—relieving us eyes of man ever satisfied” of the drive to accumulate (Prov. 27:20). We may want and compare with everyone someone else’s popularity, else. If we can’t accept this income, possessions, truth, it may be the last spouse, reputation, job, warning we are given. authority, girlfriend, or A secret sin, a fatal boyfriend. God, from His attraction, can be the heavenly treasury, gives to determinative factor in each of us precious gifts of a tragic defining-moment 30 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 31. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 31 decision—unless we bomb or waiting for the realize it and address explosion. Which is it? it beforehand. I saw. I coveted. I took. Follow-through I hid. This was a defining Confess to God your secret moment tragically caught fatal attraction and your on divine film for eternity. feelings of powerlessness to Will we address our own overcome it. Be honest. Ask fatal attraction before it’s Him to strengthen you to too late? Achan let the resist this temptation and to process go too far. We can send His servants to you to still stop it. We must—and help you overcome it before the sooner the better. May it’s too late. Actively seek our legacy read: I saw. out a pastor, or a wise and I was tempted. I resisted. godly mentor or counselor, I escaped. to help you defuse your bomb before it explodes. Personal Reflection Is there an attraction in your life that is growing OUR GREATEST so strong that, if given the NEED T right opportunity, you might he most defining indulge it? Ask yourself how moment in anyone’s this decision would affect life is the decision your loved ones and the to surrender to God by reputation of Jesus Christ. accepting Christ as personal A fatal attraction is a Savior. God’s Word, the ticking time bomb that Bible, tells us that our must be defused, or it will greatest need is not simply eventually explode. You are guidance in life; it’s a either actively defusing the relationship with God. We 31 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 32. HP093 Lot & Achan.pp 5/18/09 2:10 PM Page 32 can have this relationship Him. If you do that, you will through Jesus Christ alone, become a child of the living resulting in peace with our God and an heir of eternal heavenly Father and the gift life. As a suggestion, pray of eternal life with Him. something like this: Lord, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. The Bible tells I believe that He came us that our and died to pay the penalty for the sins I greatest need have committed. I ask is not simply You to forgive me, and to guidance in life, give me the gift of eternal life You promised. Come it’s a relationship into my life, and cause with God. me to be born again. Amen. If you’ve never taken this h This booklet is excerpted from step of faith, remember that Defining Moments: When Choices Matter Most by Dan Schaeffer, which faith is not something you is published by Discovery House wait for like a letter in the Publishers, a member of the RBC mail. Rather, faith is Ministries family. Dan is the pastor of Shoreline Community Church in something you step out on, Santa Barbara, California. He is also like a bridge over a raging an award-winning writer whose river. Jesus Christ paid the articles have appeared in Reader’s Digest and A Third Serving of Chicken penalty for our sins by dying Soup for the Soul. on the cross. After 3 days, Dan has also written other books He rose from the dead and for DHP, including In Search of the Real Spirit of Christmas,When Faith and is now preparing a place for Decisions Collide, and A Better Country: those who put their faith in Preparing for Heaven. 32 © 2009 RBC Ministries
  • 33. More than 200 different booklets available FREE CATALOG! Visit us on the Web or write for your copy of the Discovery Series Resource catalog today. USA: PO Box 2222, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222 Canada: Box 1622, Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7