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W hat Am I?
USI Review
Vir ginia SOL’s
6TH Grade Review
All SOL’S 1.2 -1.9
Portsmouth Public Schools
What Am I?
    Alabama            South Carolina
   Arkansas            Tennessee
   Florida             Texas
   Georgia             Virginia
   Louisiana
   Mississippi
   North Carolina
I Am…
   Slave States
   The South
   The Confederate
    States of America

What Am I?

 Powerful empires
 Located in West Africa
 Became powerful by controlling trade
I Am…
 Ghana, Mali, and

What Am I?

 Provided a weak national government
 Gave Congress no power to tax or
  regulate commerce
 Provided for no common currency
 Gave each state one vote regardless of
 Provided for no executive or judicial
I Am…
 The Articles of

What Am I?

 Battle during the Civil War
 Occurred in the first state to secede from
  the Union
 Confederate forces won
 First battle of the Civil War
I Am…
 The Battle of Fort

What Am I?

 Written by James Madison
 Written guarantee of individual freedoms
 The first ten amendments to the
I Am…
 The Bill of Rights

What Am I?

   Poor maps and navigational tools
   Disease/starvation
   Fear of the unknown
   Lack of adequate supplies
I Am…
 Obstacles to
What Am I?

 Located west of the Interior Lowlands
  and east of the Rocky Mountains
 Flat land that gradually increases in
  elevation westward
 Grasslands
I Am…
 The Great Plains

What Am I?

 Worked the land according to region
 Relied on family members for labor
I Am…
 A farmer in Colonial

What Am I?

 Economic venture
 Also called the Lost Colony
I Am…
 Roanoke Island

What Am I?

 Occurred in 1774
 Delegates from all the colonies met
 The delegates discussed problems with
  England and promoted independence
I Am…
 The First Continental

      Carpenters Hall, where the first
      Continental Congress took place.

What Am I?

 War between England and France
 Fought over land in the Ohio River Valley
 England would go on to tax the colonists
  to pay for this war
I Am…
 The French and
  Indian War

What Am I?

 Holds some of the oldest rock formations
  in North America
 Hills worn by erosion
 Hundreds of lakes carved by glaciers
 Wrapped around Hudson Bay in a
  horseshoe shape
I Am…
 Canadian Shield

What Am I?

 Occurred in 1775
 Happened in Massachusetts
 Site of the first armed conflict of the
  Revolutionary War
I Am…
 Lexington and

What Am I?

 Occurred in 1803
 Bought from France
 Happened when Thomas Jefferson was
 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
  explored it
I Am…
 The Louisiana

What Am I?

 Settled by a group of people who wanted
  freedom to practice their faith without
 William Penn was the founder
I Am…
 Pennsylvania

What Am I?

 Occurred in 1863
 Divided the South
 The North gained control of the
  Mississippi River
I Am…
 Battle of Vicksburg

What Am I?
 Appalachian Mountains        Fishing
 Boston Harbor                Shipbuilding
 Hilly terrain                Industry and naval
 Rocky soil                    supplies
 Jagged coastline             Trade and port cities
 Moderate summers and         Skilled craftsmen
  cold winters                 Shopkeepers
 Religious reformers and      Village and church are
  separatists                   center of life
 Town meetings
I Am…
 New England
  Colonial Region

What Am I?

 One of the 5 territories acquired by the
 Acquired with the Onis-Adams Treaty of
 Acquired it from Spain
I Am…
 Florida
What Am I?

 There are four
 Slave states
 Remained in the Union
I Am…
 Border States


                       Striped states are the four border states.
What Am I?

   Economic: gold, natural resources, trade
   Religious: spread of Christianity
   Competitions for empire
   Belief in the superiority of their own
I Am…
 Motivating forces for
  European exploration
What Am I?

 Located along the Atlantic Ocean and
  Gulf of Mexico
 Broad lowland providing many excellent
I Am…
 Coastal Plain
What Am I?

 Men and women who did not have
  money for passage to the colonies
 Agreed to work without pay for the
  person who paid for their passage
 Were free at the end of their contract
I Am…
 Indentured Servant
What Am I?
 States that people establish government to
  protect their rights
 Government derives power from the people
 People have a right to change a government
  that violates their rights
 States people have unalienable rights to life,
  liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
 Inspired by John Locke
 Thomas Jefferson was the major author
I Am…
 The Declaration of

What Am I?

 Order issued in 1862
 Issued by Abraham Lincoln
 Freed enslaved people in areas
  controlled by the Confederacy
 Made ending slavery a new goal for the
I Am…
 The Emancipation

What Am I?

   Economic venture
   Virginia Company of London
   1607
   First permanent English settlement in
    North America
I Am…
 Jamestown

What Am I?

   Occurred in 1865
   Happened in Virginia
   Courthouse
   Lee surrendered to Grant
   Ended the Civil War
I Am…
 Surrender at

What Am I?
   Appalachian Mountains        Cash crops
   Piedmont                     Wood products
   Atlantic Ocean               Small farms
   Coastal Plain                Slavery
   Good harbors                 Indentured servants
   Rivers                       Few cities/schools
   Humid Climate                Church of England
   Large farms/plantations      Counties
I Am…
 Southern Colonial

What Am I?
   California         New Hampshire
   Connecticut        New York
   Illinois           New Jersey
   Indiana            Ohio
   Iowa               Oregon
   Kansas             Pennsylvania
   Maine              Rhode Island
   Massachusetts      Vermont
   Michigan           West Virginia
   Minnesota          Wisconsin
I Am…
   North
   Free states
   Union

What Am I?

 Exchanged goods and ideas
 Improved navigational tools and ships
 Claimed territories
I Am…
 Accomplishments of
  European exploration
What Am I?

 Worked as caretakers, house workers,
 Could not vote
 Had few chances for education
I Am…
 Women in Colonial

What Am I?
 Led by strong women who began their
  campaign before the Civil War and continued
  after the war ended
 Declared “all men and women were created
 Believed women were denied basic rights such
  as the right to vote, educational opportunities,
  equal opportunities in business, and limited in
  rights to own property
I Am…
 The Suffrage

           Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
           Susan B. Anthony

Who Am I?

 Relied on geography and climate for
  food, clothing, and shelter
 Lived in a rainy, mild climate
 Inhabited the Pacific Northwest Coast
I Am…
 Kwakiutl

             Kwakiutl Fisherman

Who Am I?

 Located west of the Rocky Mountains
  and east of the Sierra Nevadas and the
 Area of varying elevation containing
  isolated mountain ranges and Death
  Valley, the lowest point in North America
I Am…
 The Basin and
  Range Region

What Am I?

   Happened during the Revolutionary War
   Boston
   1770
   Colonists were shot after taunting British
I Am…
 Boston Massacre

What Am I?
 Appalachian            Unskilled and skilled
  Mountains               workes and
 Coastal lowlands        fishermen
  (harbors and bays)     Villages and cities
 Rich farmlands         Varied and diverse
 Moderate climate        lifestyles
 Livestock and grain    Diverse religions
 Trading                Market towns
I Am…
 Mid-Atlantic/Middle

What Am I?

 Relied on geography and environment
  for food, clothing, and shelter
 Inhabited the southwest in present day
  New Mexico and Arizona
 Lived in desert areas bordering cliffs and
I Am…
 Pueblo

What Am I?

 Battle during the Civil War
 Confederate forces won
 First major battle of the war
I Am…
 Battle of
  Manassas/Bull Run
What Am I?

   Occurred during the Revolutionary War
   1773
   Led by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere
   Patriots threw tea into Boston Harbor to
    protest tea taxes
I Am…
 The Boston Tea

What Am I?

 Located west of the Appalachian
  Mountains and east of the Great Plains
 Rolling flat lands with many rivers, broad
  river valleys, and grassy hills
I Am…
 Interior Lowlands
What Am I?

 Leaders included both men and women
 Demanded immediate freeing of slaves
 Felt slavery was morally wrong, cruel,
  inhumane, and a violation of democracy
I Am…
 Abolitionist

What Am I?

 One of the thirteen colonies
 Settled by people who wanted a new life
  and economic freedom
 Settled by people who had been in
  debtor’s prisons in England
I Am…
 Georgia
What Am I?

   Battle during the Revolutionary War
   1777
   Turning point of the war
   Americans won
I Am..
  Battle of Saratoga

What Am I?

 Civil War battle
 July 1863
 North repelled Lee’s invasion
 The South lost so many men that Lee’s
  army would never have the strength to
  invade the North again
 Turning point of the Civil War
I Am…
 Battle of Gettysburg

What Am I?

 Relied on geography and climate for
  food, clothing, and shelter
 Inhabited present day Alaska and
  Northern Canada
 Lived in Arctic areas where the
  temperature is below freezing much of
  the year
I Am…
 Inuit

What Am I?

 Located west of the Great Plains and
  east of the Basin and Range
 Rugged mountains stretching from
  Alaska to Mexico
 High elevations
 Contain the Continental Divide, which
  determines the directional flow of rivers
I Am…
 Rocky Mountain

What Am I?

 Revolutionary War event
 1781
 Happened in Virginia
 American and French forces defeated
  the forces of Lord Cornwallis
 Marked the end of the Revolutionary War
I Am…
 Surrender at

What Am I?

 One of the new territories gained by the
  U.S. after 1801
 Became an independent republic
I Am…
 Texas
What Am I?

 Located west of the Coastal Plain
 Extends from eastern Canada to western
 Old, eroded mountains
 Oldest mountain range in North America
I Am…
 Appalachian
  Mountains region

What Am I?

 Lived predominately in the South
 Relied on indentured servants or slaves
  for labor
 Were educated in some cases
 Had a rich social culture
I Am…
 Large landowner in
  Colonial America

       Great Hopes Plantation in

What Am I?

 Relied on geography and climate for
  food, clothing, and shelter
 Inhabited the interior of the United States
 Great Plains
 Dry grasslands
I Am…
 Sioux

What Am I?

 Settled by separatists from the Church of
 Colonists wanted to avoid religious
I Am…
 Plymouth Colony

        Pilgrims landing at
        Plymouth Rock

What Am I?

 1783
 Document
 England recognized American
 Treaty
I Am…
 Treaty of Paris

What Am I?

   Were captured in Africa
   Shipped to the colonies
   Owned as property for life with no rights
   Often born into their situation
I Am…
 Slaves

What Am I?

 Interacted with the Native Americans
  during the European Exploration Era
 Established settlements and claimed
  ownership of land
 Learned farming techniques from the
  American Indians
 Traded
I Am…
 English/England
What Am I?

 Rugged mountains along the Pacific
 Stretch from California to Canada
 Contains fertile valleys
I Am…
 The Coastal Range

What Am I?

 Worked as craftsmen in towns and on
 Lived in small villages and cities
I Am…
 Artisans in Colonial

What Am I?

 Relied on geography and climate for
  food, clothing, and shelter
 Inhabited Northeast North America
 Heavily forested
 Eastern Woodland
I Am…
 Iroquois

What Am I?

 New England colony
 Settled by people seeking religious
 Puritans
I Am…
 Massachusetts Bay

           John Winthrop, the first
           Governor of the Massachusetts
           Bay Colony

What Am I?

 Time period
 Many people migrated during this time
 The Abolitionist and Suffrage Movements
 The U.S. acquired 5 new territories
  during this time frame
I Am…
 Westward Expansion

What Am I?

 Interacted with the Native Americans
  during the European Exploration Era
 Brought European diseases
 Brought Christianity to the New World
 Conquered and enslaved Native
I Am…
 Spanish/Spain

What Am I?

 Structure of the government
 Based on James Madison’s “Virginia
 Consists of the Legislative, Executive,
  and Judicial
I Am…
 The Three Branches
  of Government

What Am I?

 Increased the production of cotton
 Increased the need for slave labor
 Invented by Eli Whitney
I Am…
 Cotton gin

What Am I?

 European Explorers
 Did not explore North America
 Explored along the coast of West Africa
I Am…
 Portugal
What Am I?

 Provided faster river transportation
 Connected Southern farms and
  plantations to Northern industries
 Invented by Robert Fulton
I Am…
 Steamboat

What Am I?

 Allows each branch of government to
  check the power of the other
 Prevents any one branch from gaining
  too much power
I Am…
 Checks and
What Am I?

 One of the 5 territories added to the U.S.
  after 1801
 Located in the northwest
 Divided between the U.S. and Great
I Am…
 Oregon Territory

What Am I?

 Specific time period
 War
 1861-1865
 Disagreements over cultural issues,
  constitutional issues, and economic
 Country was divided in two
 Disagreements over slavery
I Am…
 The Civil War

What Am I?

 Increased the productivity of the
  American farmer
 Invented by Cyrus McCormick and Jo
I Am…
 The reaper

What Am I?

 Explored North America
 Had the best relationship with the Native
 Established trading posts
I Am…
 French/France

What Am I?

 One of the 5 territories added to the U.S.
  after 1801
 Gained this territory as a result of a war
  with Mexico
I Am…
 California and the
  Southwest Territory

What Am I?

 Invention
 Provided faster land transportation
I Am…
 Steam locomotive

What Am I?

   Specific time period
   War
   1775-1781
   Americans fought against the British
   Fought for independence
I Am…
 Revolutionary War

What Am I?

 Overland trails
 Allowed people to migrate westward
I Am…
          Oregon and Santa
           Fe Trails

What Am I?

 Many people flocked to California
 Earned the nickname “49ers”
 In search of a precious metal
I Am…
 California Gold Rush


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Powerpoint 1.5cPowerpoint 1.5c
Powerpoint 1.5c
5d colonial relationships
5d colonial relationships5d colonial relationships
5d colonial relationships
5b colonial regions
5b colonial regions5b colonial regions
5b colonial regions

What am i usi review

  • 1. W hat Am I? USI Review Vir ginia SOL’s 6TH Grade Review All SOL’S 1.2 -1.9 Portsmouth Public Schools
  • 2. What Am I?  Alabama  South Carolina  Arkansas  Tennessee  Florida  Texas  Georgia  Virginia  Louisiana  Mississippi  North Carolina
  • 3. I Am…  Slave States  The South  The Confederate States of America
  • 4. What Am I?  Powerful empires  Located in West Africa  Became powerful by controlling trade
  • 5. I Am…  Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
  • 6. What Am I?  Provided a weak national government  Gave Congress no power to tax or regulate commerce  Provided for no common currency  Gave each state one vote regardless of size  Provided for no executive or judicial branch
  • 7. I Am…  The Articles of Confederation
  • 8. What Am I?  Battle during the Civil War  Occurred in the first state to secede from the Union  Confederate forces won  First battle of the Civil War
  • 9. I Am…  The Battle of Fort Sumter
  • 10. What Am I?  Written by James Madison  Written guarantee of individual freedoms  The first ten amendments to the Constitution
  • 11. I Am…  The Bill of Rights
  • 12. What Am I?  Poor maps and navigational tools  Disease/starvation  Fear of the unknown  Lack of adequate supplies
  • 13. I Am…  Obstacles to exploration
  • 14. What Am I?  Located west of the Interior Lowlands and east of the Rocky Mountains  Flat land that gradually increases in elevation westward  Grasslands
  • 15. I Am…  The Great Plains
  • 16. What Am I?  Worked the land according to region  Relied on family members for labor
  • 17. I Am…  A farmer in Colonial America
  • 18. What Am I?  Economic venture  Also called the Lost Colony
  • 19. I Am…  Roanoke Island
  • 20. What Am I?  Occurred in 1774  Delegates from all the colonies met  The delegates discussed problems with England and promoted independence
  • 21. I Am…  The First Continental Congress Carpenters Hall, where the first Continental Congress took place.
  • 22. What Am I?  War between England and France  Fought over land in the Ohio River Valley  England would go on to tax the colonists to pay for this war
  • 23. I Am…  The French and Indian War
  • 24. What Am I?  Holds some of the oldest rock formations in North America  Hills worn by erosion  Hundreds of lakes carved by glaciers  Wrapped around Hudson Bay in a horseshoe shape
  • 25. I Am…  Canadian Shield
  • 26. What Am I?  Occurred in 1775  Happened in Massachusetts  Site of the first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War
  • 27. I Am…  Lexington and Concord
  • 28. What Am I?  Occurred in 1803  Bought from France  Happened when Thomas Jefferson was President  Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored it
  • 29. I Am…  The Louisiana Purchase
  • 30. What Am I?  Settled by a group of people who wanted freedom to practice their faith without interference  William Penn was the founder
  • 31. I Am…  Pennsylvania (Quakers)
  • 32. What Am I?  Occurred in 1863  Divided the South  The North gained control of the Mississippi River
  • 33. I Am…  Battle of Vicksburg
  • 34. What Am I?  Appalachian Mountains  Fishing  Boston Harbor  Shipbuilding  Hilly terrain  Industry and naval  Rocky soil supplies  Jagged coastline  Trade and port cities  Moderate summers and  Skilled craftsmen cold winters  Shopkeepers  Religious reformers and  Village and church are separatists center of life  Town meetings
  • 35. I Am…  New England Colonial Region
  • 36. What Am I?  One of the 5 territories acquired by the U.S.  Acquired with the Onis-Adams Treaty of 1819  Acquired it from Spain
  • 38. What Am I?  There are four  Slave states  Remained in the Union
  • 39. I Am…  Border States Striped states are the four border states.
  • 40. What Am I?  Economic: gold, natural resources, trade  Religious: spread of Christianity  Competitions for empire  Belief in the superiority of their own culture
  • 41. I Am…  Motivating forces for European exploration
  • 42. What Am I?  Located along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico  Broad lowland providing many excellent harbors
  • 44. What Am I?  Men and women who did not have money for passage to the colonies  Agreed to work without pay for the person who paid for their passage  Were free at the end of their contract
  • 46. What Am I?  States that people establish government to protect their rights  Government derives power from the people  People have a right to change a government that violates their rights  States people have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness  Inspired by John Locke  Thomas Jefferson was the major author
  • 47. I Am…  The Declaration of Independence
  • 48. What Am I?  Order issued in 1862  Issued by Abraham Lincoln  Freed enslaved people in areas controlled by the Confederacy  Made ending slavery a new goal for the North
  • 49. I Am…  The Emancipation Proclamation
  • 50. What Am I?  Economic venture  Virginia Company of London  1607  First permanent English settlement in North America
  • 51. I Am…  Jamestown
  • 52. What Am I?  Occurred in 1865  Happened in Virginia  Courthouse  Lee surrendered to Grant  Ended the Civil War
  • 53. I Am…  Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
  • 54. What Am I?  Appalachian Mountains  Cash crops  Piedmont  Wood products  Atlantic Ocean  Small farms  Coastal Plain  Slavery  Good harbors  Indentured servants  Rivers  Few cities/schools  Humid Climate  Church of England  Large farms/plantations  Counties
  • 55. I Am…  Southern Colonial Region
  • 56. What Am I?  California  New Hampshire  Connecticut  New York  Illinois  New Jersey  Indiana  Ohio  Iowa  Oregon  Kansas  Pennsylvania  Maine  Rhode Island  Massachusetts  Vermont  Michigan  West Virginia  Minnesota  Wisconsin
  • 57. I Am…  North  Free states  Union
  • 58. What Am I?  Exchanged goods and ideas  Improved navigational tools and ships  Claimed territories
  • 59. I Am…  Accomplishments of European exploration
  • 60. What Am I?  Worked as caretakers, house workers, homemakers  Could not vote  Had few chances for education
  • 61. I Am…  Women in Colonial America
  • 62. What Am I?  Led by strong women who began their campaign before the Civil War and continued after the war ended  Declared “all men and women were created equal”  Believed women were denied basic rights such as the right to vote, educational opportunities, equal opportunities in business, and limited in rights to own property
  • 63. I Am…  The Suffrage Movement Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
  • 64. Who Am I?  Relied on geography and climate for food, clothing, and shelter  Lived in a rainy, mild climate  Inhabited the Pacific Northwest Coast
  • 65. I Am…  Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Fisherman
  • 66. Who Am I?  Located west of the Rocky Mountains and east of the Sierra Nevadas and the Cascades  Area of varying elevation containing isolated mountain ranges and Death Valley, the lowest point in North America
  • 67. I Am…  The Basin and Range Region
  • 68. What Am I?  Happened during the Revolutionary War  Boston  1770  Colonists were shot after taunting British soldiers
  • 69. I Am…  Boston Massacre
  • 70. What Am I?  Appalachian  Unskilled and skilled Mountains workes and  Coastal lowlands fishermen (harbors and bays)  Villages and cities  Rich farmlands  Varied and diverse  Moderate climate lifestyles  Livestock and grain  Diverse religions  Trading  Market towns
  • 71. I Am…  Mid-Atlantic/Middle Colonies
  • 72. What Am I?  Relied on geography and environment for food, clothing, and shelter  Inhabited the southwest in present day New Mexico and Arizona  Lived in desert areas bordering cliffs and mountains
  • 73. I Am…  Pueblo
  • 74. What Am I?  Battle during the Civil War  Confederate forces won  First major battle of the war
  • 75. I Am…  Battle of Manassas/Bull Run
  • 76. What Am I?  Occurred during the Revolutionary War  1773  Led by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere  Patriots threw tea into Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes
  • 77. I Am…  The Boston Tea Party
  • 78. What Am I?  Located west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Great Plains  Rolling flat lands with many rivers, broad river valleys, and grassy hills
  • 79. I Am…  Interior Lowlands Region
  • 80. What Am I?  Leaders included both men and women  Demanded immediate freeing of slaves  Felt slavery was morally wrong, cruel, inhumane, and a violation of democracy
  • 81. I Am…  Abolitionist Movement
  • 82. What Am I?  One of the thirteen colonies  Settled by people who wanted a new life and economic freedom  Settled by people who had been in debtor’s prisons in England
  • 84. What Am I?  Battle during the Revolutionary War  1777  Turning point of the war  Americans won
  • 85. I Am..  Battle of Saratoga
  • 86. What Am I?  Civil War battle  July 1863  North repelled Lee’s invasion  The South lost so many men that Lee’s army would never have the strength to invade the North again  Turning point of the Civil War
  • 87. I Am…  Battle of Gettysburg
  • 88. What Am I?  Relied on geography and climate for food, clothing, and shelter  Inhabited present day Alaska and Northern Canada  Lived in Arctic areas where the temperature is below freezing much of the year
  • 89. I Am…  Inuit
  • 90. What Am I?  Located west of the Great Plains and east of the Basin and Range  Rugged mountains stretching from Alaska to Mexico  High elevations  Contain the Continental Divide, which determines the directional flow of rivers
  • 91. I Am…  Rocky Mountain Region
  • 92. What Am I?  Revolutionary War event  1781  Happened in Virginia  American and French forces defeated the forces of Lord Cornwallis  Marked the end of the Revolutionary War
  • 93. I Am…  Surrender at Yorktown
  • 94. What Am I?  One of the new territories gained by the U.S. after 1801  Became an independent republic
  • 96. What Am I?  Located west of the Coastal Plain  Extends from eastern Canada to western Alabama  Old, eroded mountains  Oldest mountain range in North America
  • 97. I Am…  Appalachian Mountains region
  • 98. What Am I?  Lived predominately in the South  Relied on indentured servants or slaves for labor  Were educated in some cases  Had a rich social culture
  • 99. I Am…  Large landowner in Colonial America Great Hopes Plantation in Williamsburg
  • 100. What Am I?  Relied on geography and climate for food, clothing, and shelter  Inhabited the interior of the United States  Great Plains  Dry grasslands
  • 101. I Am…  Sioux
  • 102. What Am I?  Settled by separatists from the Church of England  Colonists wanted to avoid religious persecution
  • 103. I Am…  Plymouth Colony (Pilgrims) Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock
  • 104. What Am I?  1783  Document  England recognized American independence  Treaty
  • 105. I Am…  Treaty of Paris
  • 106. What Am I?  Were captured in Africa  Shipped to the colonies  Owned as property for life with no rights  Often born into their situation
  • 107. I Am…  Slaves
  • 108. What Am I?  Interacted with the Native Americans during the European Exploration Era  Established settlements and claimed ownership of land  Learned farming techniques from the American Indians  Traded
  • 110. What Am I?  Rugged mountains along the Pacific Coast  Stretch from California to Canada  Contains fertile valleys
  • 111. I Am…  The Coastal Range region
  • 112. What Am I?  Worked as craftsmen in towns and on plantations  Lived in small villages and cities
  • 113. I Am…  Artisans in Colonial America
  • 114. What Am I?  Relied on geography and climate for food, clothing, and shelter  Inhabited Northeast North America  Heavily forested  Eastern Woodland
  • 115. I Am…  Iroquois
  • 116. What Am I?  New England colony  Settled by people seeking religious freedom  Puritans
  • 117. I Am…  Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop, the first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • 118. What Am I?  Time period  Many people migrated during this time  The Abolitionist and Suffrage Movements began  The U.S. acquired 5 new territories during this time frame
  • 119. I Am…  Westward Expansion Era
  • 120. What Am I?  Interacted with the Native Americans during the European Exploration Era  Brought European diseases  Brought Christianity to the New World  Conquered and enslaved Native Americans
  • 121. I Am…  Spanish/Spain
  • 122. What Am I?  Structure of the government  Based on James Madison’s “Virginia Plan”  Consists of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
  • 123. I Am…  The Three Branches of Government
  • 124. What Am I?  Increased the production of cotton  Increased the need for slave labor  Invented by Eli Whitney
  • 125. I Am…  Cotton gin
  • 126. What Am I?  European Explorers  Did not explore North America  Explored along the coast of West Africa
  • 128. What Am I?  Provided faster river transportation  Connected Southern farms and plantations to Northern industries  Invented by Robert Fulton
  • 129. I Am…  Steamboat
  • 130. What Am I?  Allows each branch of government to check the power of the other  Prevents any one branch from gaining too much power
  • 131. I Am…  Checks and balances
  • 132. What Am I?  One of the 5 territories added to the U.S. after 1801  Located in the northwest  Divided between the U.S. and Great Britain
  • 133. I Am…  Oregon Territory
  • 134. What Am I?  Specific time period  War  1861-1865  Disagreements over cultural issues, constitutional issues, and economic issues  Country was divided in two  Disagreements over slavery
  • 135. I Am…  The Civil War
  • 136. What Am I?  Increased the productivity of the American farmer  Invented by Cyrus McCormick and Jo Anderson
  • 137. I Am…  The reaper
  • 138. What Am I?  Explored North America  Had the best relationship with the Native Americans  Established trading posts
  • 139. I Am…  French/France
  • 140. What Am I?  One of the 5 territories added to the U.S. after 1801  Gained this territory as a result of a war with Mexico
  • 141. I Am…  California and the Southwest Territory
  • 142. What Am I?  Invention  Provided faster land transportation
  • 143. I Am…  Steam locomotive
  • 144. What Am I?  Specific time period  War  1775-1781  Americans fought against the British  Fought for independence
  • 145. I Am…  Revolutionary War collage.jpg/800px-American_Revolutionary_War_collage.jpg
  • 146. What Am I?  Overland trails  Allowed people to migrate westward
  • 147. I Am…  Oregon and Santa Fe Trails
  • 148. What Am I?  Many people flocked to California  Earned the nickname “49ers”  In search of a precious metal
  • 149. I Am…  California Gold Rush