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Context 5
Reasons for the
development of the
Civil Rights Campaign
after 1945
Key Q –
What caused the CRM to grow in size after 1945 (not
what it achieved)
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Today’s lesson
We are developing our knowledge and understanding of
reasons for the development of the Civil Rights Campaign after
Today will be able to:
1) Explain why the Civil Rights Campaign grew after 1945.
Today’s lesson will involve:
1) Build up notes on the topic.
2) Plan a 20 mark essay.
3) Pass a 20 mark timed essay.
Growth of CRM
‘The Factors’
1. Continued prejudice & discrimination
2. Experience of Black servicemen in WWII
3. Role of Martin Luther King
4. Emergence of other effective black leaders
5. Role of black Civil Rights organisations
You should aim to cover 4 of these in your essay
Past Paper Essay Questions
Civil Rights Movement
Before 1945 black Americans had few civil rights, they lacked any political
influence, were divided on how to achieve civil rights and suffered terrible
discrimination as a result of Jim Crow laws and the KKK…………. (Essay 2)
HOWEVER after 1945 the civil rights movement gained momentum and
grew quickly to work towards reform.
This was partly due to the continuation of racial discrimination (1) but there
were other factors that led to the growth of the movement…
The emergence of effective black leaders such as Martin Luther King,
Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael (2). The emergence of effective black
organisations led to a co-ordinated mass movement for civil rights (3) and
the experiences of black servicemen brought many to the movement after
WWII (4).
Individual Research Project – Use
worksheet Task
This grew the CRM because …………….
This showed there was a growth in demand for equal civil rights because……..
Key Themes of the essay
Publicity & sympathy
Microphone & Cameras
Live TV broadcasts (not confined to the South)
Shown around the world (Cold War)
Success showed that more could be achieved
Non violent protests effective
Economic/financial strength of black communities
Federal intervention showed help was available
Growth in belief of blacks that they were not 2nd class citizens
WWII soldiers returning home
Message of Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael (Black Power)
Why did it grow the
Why did it encourage
people to join the
Key Question – Why did this cause a growth in
the civil rights movement?
“The Experience of Black Service Men in the second
World War was the most important factor to the growth
of the Civil Rights Campaign after 1945.”
How valid is this view? 22
1 – Read the key links on the reading list, this will give you an overview of the Civil
Rights Movement (CRM) and explain what you should include
2 – Independently write an essay. You know by now how a higher essay is structured.
Ask me if you need anything and follow the guidance of the PP in your own time.
Experience of Black Soldiers
WWII: Knowledge
Despite the US army being segregated (troops blood supply), black servicemen in
Europe had freedoms they had never experienced in America. Even in prisoner of
war camps, black airmen were treated as officers regardless of their colour.
This led to the development of the Double V campaign. Black Americans were
fighting for a victory against the racism and hatred of Hitler in Germany AND
victory in the battle for Civil Rights at home in America.
Furthermore, During the Second World War, A. Philip Randolph threatened a mass protest
march in Washington unless discrimination in defence industry jobs and in the armed forces
was ended. In 1941 Randolph and other black leaders met President Roosevelt with three
demands: an end to segregation and discrimination in federal government jobs, an end
to segregation of the armed forces and government support for an end to
discrimination and segregation in all jobs in the USA.
Experience of Black Soldiers
WWII: Analysis
Black Soldiers discovered that racial discrimination
was not nearly as oppressive in European countries
like Great Britain and France. This grew the CRM
because …for the first time, many people realized
that the United States could become a land without
racial discrimination.
As a response to Randolph’s strike President
Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802
(desegregating the armed forces and setting up of
the Fair Employment Practice Committees). This
action showed how important Federal (National) and
Presidential support would be and that some
Presidents were willing to take action on Civil Rights
The issues raised by the Double V campaign helped
set up the Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE)
created by James Farmer which went on to be one of
the main Civil Rights Organisations of the 1950s &
Experience of Black Soldiers
Analysis (+)
Even though Executive Order 8802 was an important
step in the growth of the CRM, because a President
had taken action, it was largely ignored. 2/3 of
Randolph’s demands were ignored and many claim the
first was only put in place because the government
was desperate for workers during the War. This
showed that the battle for equal civil rights was
going to be tough with limited federal support.
Despite this WWII is often referred to as the seed that saw the Civil
Rights Movement grow. Black people hoped to promote change and joined the
NAACP (membership grew from 50,000 to 450,000). One black soldier said
“After the end of the war we just kept on fighting, its just that simple”
Task: write your paragraph on Experience of
Black Soldiers WWII
(10 min)
Success Criteria
A topic sentence i.e. ‘A starting point in the growth of the
Civil Rights Movement (CRM) came as black soldiers returned home from
fighting in WWII’.
At least two points of knowledge (R.A.D)
One point of basic analysis
One point of Analysis + ‘On the one
hand…however on the other hand
Prejudice & Discrimination:
Knowledge 1 – 1954 Supreme Court
Continuing racial discrimination pushed many black
Americans to demand civil rights. The experience of
war emphasised freedom, democracy and human rights
yet in the USA Jim Crow laws still existed and lynching
went unpunished. (Topic sentence)
One of the first sparks that gave the Civil Rights
Movement hope was the 1954 Supreme Court Decision
in Brown vs Board of Education. With the help of
Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP, Linda Browns father
took the Topeka Board of Education to court for not
allowing his 7 year old daughter to go to a (better &
closer) white only school.
The Supreme Court ruled unanimously (9-0) that
‘separate but equal’ had no place in education and
that segregation in schools would be deemed illegal.
Prejudice &
Discrimination: Analysis
This was a huge boost for the Civil Rights Movement. If
segregation was unlawful in the field of education the same
could be argued for all areas. Furthermore this showed that
the highest court in the land was willing to rule in favour of
blacks. The NAACP knew that further cases in relation to
cafes, bus etc. a victory was achievable.
(Analysis +)
Despite the legal victory, full segregation of schools in
America was far from a reality. By 1956 not a single black
student went to a white school in the South.
Furthermore, many argue that the Supreme Court decision was
more of a propaganda stunt to look like a free and fair country
during the Cold War with the USSR.
Prejudice & Discrimination
Knowledge 2 – Little Rock
• As a response to the 1954 Supreme Court decision, the NAACP tried to get 9 black
students in to Little Rock Central High School, Arkansas.
• These 9 were specially selected by the NAACP as they were the brightest in the
state so the school could not complain they were lowering their standards.
• However, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubas was against integration. He sent state
soldiers to the school to stop the black students entering. An angry mob of white
people also surrounded the school.
• The NAACP called off the pupils from going to preserve their safety. But one pupil,
Elizabeth Eckford, did not receive the call.
Prejudice &
Discrimination: Analysis
The events at Little Rock grew the CRM due to the media attention and
news cameras present. People from within and outwith the USA were
shocked at the treatment of children for just trying to go to school.
It also gave Roosevelt a difficult decision – a state was actively going
against federal law. As a response he brought in paratroopers to defend the
black pupils and even escorted them from class to class for a full year. This
showed that a President was willing to stand up to Southern politicians
and it was a huge boost for all involved in the Civil Rights Campaign
Analysis (+)
Despite this, Faubus was re-elected and instead of integrating schools he
decided to close them all together. This was a better option for
Southerners than integration. Even when they re-opened by 1964 only 3% of
black children went to integrated schools.
Prejudice & Discrimination
Knowledge 3 – Emmett Till 1955
In 1955 a brutal example of Southern ‘justice’ shocked the world
and put the Civil Rights Campaign on the worlds stage.
• 14 year old Emmett Till was visiting family in Mississippi
(South) from his home Chicago (North).
• Emmett bragged to his cousins that his girlfriend in the North
was white. On the way out of a shop he allegedly flirted with a
white shopkeeper. (actions that wouldn’t be a big deal in his home in the North)
• As a punishment, the woman's husband and brother brutally
killed young Emmitt.
• A Mississippi court cleared both men of murder in a trial that
lasted just 67 minutes.
Prejudice &
Discrimination: Analysis
The Emmett Till case had a big effect on the development of the civil
rights movement due to the publicity of the trial. Despite being
virtually unrecognisable due to being beaten up so badly, Emmett’s
mother insisted on showing her son’s corpse in an open coffin which
shocked both local people and the nation.
Lynching's were no longer confined to the South,
even if the Mississippi jury did nothing about
the Murder the widespread media attention
meant that the world knew and the Civil Rights
movement gained support from many as a result.
Prejudice & Discrimination:
Knowledge 4 – 1955 Montgomery Bus
The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the first
successes of the Civil Rights Movement.
Buses in Montgomery were segregated, one day NAACP
member Rosa Parks was sat on the bus and asked to
move back to allow a white member of the public to sit.
She was arrested and fined for her act.
The NAACP had anticipated this and organised a one
day boycott of all the buses. Led by local minister
Martin Luther King the bus boycott eventually lasted 13
months. Throughout the bus boycott, Martin Luther
King inspired the black population of Montgomery to
keep up the pressure for their civil rights. The black
population ‘pooled’ or shared their car instead of using
the local buses.
Prejudice &
Discrimination: Analysis
In the face of continued prejudice & discrimination the bus boycott had
a huge effect on the ensuing Civil Rights Movement.
1.It showed how effective peaceful, non violent protests could be. This is the
tactics blacks used throughout the CRM.
2.It showed the financial and economic power that blacks had. 70% of the
riders were black and yet they were treated as 2nd class. The company had an
important decision to make, desegregate or go out of business.
3.It brought Martin Luther King to the forefront of the CRM. In 1957 the
South Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was set up.
In December 1956, the Supreme Court declared that segregation on
Alabama’s buses was unconstitutional. However, the bus companies had
already begun desegregating due to loss of revenue.
The success of the Bus Boycott in Montgomery had wide reaching
consequence and led to important protests elsewhere.
Prejudice &
Discrimination: Analysis
Analysis (+)
• However, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was only a
limited success as there was still segregation in
theatres, poolrooms and restaurants. Rosa Parks
received death-threats and was forced to leave
Montgomery; it became harder for African-Americans
to find employment in Montgomery; homes of leading
black people were destroyed, including King’s home,
where his wife and seven-week old baby narrowly
escaped injury. Unfortunately, by 1963 it was reported
that most African-Americans had accepted their
inferior position in society and had returned to sitting
at the back of the bus as they had prior to the
• Despite these obstacles, the bus boycott led to the
growth of the civil rights movement because it
achieved a small success and encouraged campaigners
to continue and to keep going in their fight for
Task: write your paragraph on
Prejudice & Discrimination
Success Criteria
 A topic sentence i.e. A series of events in the 1950s motivated by
prejudice and discrimination also sparked huge growth in the Civil
Rights Movements gaining publicity and sympathy from blacks,
whites and people from around the world thanks to the media
 At least two points of knowledge (RAD)
 At least one point of basic analysis
 At least one point of Analysis + ‘On the one hand…however on the
other hand
Option A –
Brown vs
Education & Little
Option B – Till &
Bus Boycott
(Save others for
Use slides, Kerr textbook & Essay 5 booklet to write a
perfect paragraph for this factor.
Martin Luther King: Knowledge
King became the most well-known and effective spokesperson of the civil
rights protest.
King was an inspirational speaker and leader who was prepared to be
arrested, criticised and even put his own life at risk for the cause of civil
rights. MLK believed that non-violent, peaceful civil disobedience was the
best weapon in the fight for civil rights. King felt that if a law was wrong
then the citizens of a country had both the right and responsibility to
protest about it. He believed in endless protests to wear down the
resistance of white racists.
In the early 1960s, he led many demonstrations in the South aimed at
ending segregation and allowing black Americans to vote freely.
• 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott (p15)
• 1963 March on Birmingham (p27)
• 1963 March on Washington (I have a dream) (p29)
• 1965 March on Selma (p30)
Martin Luther King Knowledge
King was a very good organiser and planner. He was able to draw a crowd when
he spoke and also carefully chose the best places to hold protests. He needed
a reaction from whites and was even arrested on a number of occasions. The
fact that a high profile celebrity was being arrested captured headlines and
gave the Civil Rights Campaign much needed media coverage.
March on Birmingham 1963 (Project C)
March on Washington 1963
March on Selma 1965
MLK: Analysis (how he grew the CRM?)
Analysis (basic)
MLK won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for his
campaigning. This was a huge international
recognition and it gave the Civil Rights Campaign
global support. This continued to put pressure on
the US Government to make changes as the
world was watching (particularly during ideological struggle with
MLK was able to gain universal support for his non-
violent methods and showed what blacks could
achieve. White people joined the movement
alongside blacks and marched, sat and rallied in
support of equal civil rights. 250,000 people of all
races were present for MLK’s I have a Dream
Analysis (+)
In 1961 King led a March in Albany. Firstly, many opposed
his involvement as groups like SNCC wanted it to be led by
local protesters. At the march King was arrested but no one
was charged and everyone released. There was no violent
reaction and the media were not interested. King returned
to Atlanta and this showed that the reaction of whites was
much more significant to the CRM than MLK.
Furthermore, many blacks, and other groups within the
CRM did not agree with Kings non-violent methods and slow
progress. Members of the SNCC (Student Non-violent
Coordinating Committee) were eager to break away from
Kings strategy.
Task: write your paragraph
on the role of MLK(10 min)
Success Criteria
A topic sentence –
At least two points of knowledge (RAD)
One point of basic analysis
One point of Analysis + ‘On the one
hand…however on the other hand
Save spares for evaluation
1955 Montgomery Bus
1963 March on Birmingham
1963 March on Washington
(I have a dream)
1965 March on Selma
Recap Task – without notes
Describe the following (in particular the impact it
had on growth of CRM)
1954 Supreme Court – Brown vs Board of Education
1957 – Little Rock 9
1955 – Emmet Till murder
1955-56 – Montgomery Bus Boycott
1963 – March on Birmingham
1963 – March on Washington
Think about;
• Publicity & sympathy
• Success showed that more
could be achieved
• Growth in belief of blacks
that they were not 2nd
class citizens
Black Civil Rights Groups (K)
NAACP (1909) – legal victories in the courtroom that
huge impact on Civil Rights Movement (1954 brown vs
Board of Education)
CORE (1942) – Organised the March on Washington and
Freedom Rides (encouraged white members to join
Although new groups were emerging both the NAACP and CORE continued to operate
and enjoyed increasing membership. For many people these organisations with their
long history of campaigning offered the most clearly defined path to involvement
with the Civil Rights Movement and particularly appealed to whites who wanted to
help the campaign.
Congress of Racial Equality
Black Civil Rights Groups (K)
SCLC 1957 (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) –
The SCLC began to co-ordinate the work of civil rights groups in various parts of the
country and gained a great deal of national attention and support through King’s
regular appearances on television. The key aspect of the campaigns of the SCLC was
the continued and consistent use of non-violent protests.
*Read work
booklet for key (K)
Black Civil Rights Groups (K)
SNCC 1960 (Student Non-violent Coordination Committee) –
Appealing to younger, aspirational black Americans who wanted a better future for
themselves than their parents had, the group enjoyed most of its support in the
major northern cities and university towns where restrictions on black entry to
higher education were much less strict and, in some cases, had disappeared
Action – Organised the Sit Ins & took part in Freedom Rides (p22-25*)
*Read work booklet for
key (K)
Black Civil Rights Groups : Analysis
Each of the Civil Rights Groups brought there own
success to the campaign – but they all showed how
successful blacks could be if they worked together.
The Growth of the Civil Rights Movement can be clearly
seen by the Growth of Membership in each of the
organisations. More people, both black and white,
were willing to get involved with protest’s and stand
up for the rights of blacks.
The combined actions of these organisations
breathed new life into the Civil Rights movement and
ended discrimination in many public places including
restaurants, hotels, and theatres. These successes
furthered encouraged the development of the Civil
Rights campaign to demand more.
Black Civil Rights Groups :
Successes of the groups (how they grew Civil Rights Movement)
SNCC – Sit Ins created huge media attention (TV), blacks and whites were being
assaulted for sitting at a table and this shocked the world. Over 70,000 protesters in 55
cities took part showing how quickly they could mobilise people. Lunch counters were
desegregated in the South.
Freedom Rides were met with extreme violence, blacks and whites proved they were
willing to risk their life for the campaign for equal Civil Rights. Again the media captured
the brutal events and this grew sympathy and support for the movement.
The Freedom Rides and the Sit-Ins demonstrated that anyone who opposed segregation could take direct action
themselves to bring about the end of discrimination. This grew the Civil Rights campaign because it meant anyone
could take action
SCLC - MLK led the March on Birmingham which saw police dogs and water cannons used on black
protesters. This image was broadcast worldwide, and King who was now a national and international
celebrity was in prison. This put huge pressure on the US government to take action and led to the
desegregation of the most segregated town in America.
( A+ However, the white south did not respond well and reacted with the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing showing
that segregation was not always going to be accepted)
Emergence of effective black leaders:
The Civil Rights Campaigns was led by many other great speakers and
motivators who often held different beliefs to MLK.
• Malcom X (pp34-36)
Malcolm X was an articulate although confrontational speaker who became a preacher
for the Nation of Islam and spoke against King’s belief in non-violence. Malcolm X
believed non-violence meant being defenceless and stated that black people had to work
out their own futures without relying on white help. Malcolm X was one of the first
black Civil Rights activists to draw attention to the problems of crime, and
unemployment in the ghettos of American cities.
• Stokely Carmichael (pp37-38)
Many young black Americans living in the ghettos were attracted to the more extreme
ideas of Stokely Carmichael and ‘Black Power ’A direct ideas descendant of Marcus
Garvey and his Back to Africa ’movement. Many black Americans no longer believed that
non-violence was the way forward
• Black Panthers (pp39-40)
The Black Panthers attracted attention and headline news contributing to the Civil
Rights campaign. The Black Panther Party for Self- Defence was founded in 1966 by
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The Black Panthers represented the opposite of
Martin Luther King’s ideas and supported the anti-white, black separatist ideas of
Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X. The Black Panthers became very popular among
young black Americans in the big cities and gained a lot of publicity for their support
and help programmes in the city which actually made a difference to black lives.
Emergence of effective black leaders:
On one hand, the more radical leaders showed that
black people were no longer willing to put up with the
violence that they were receiving. This undoubtedly
scared white politicians into action. They also had the
support of thousands of blacks who wanted to be proud
of their black heritage and stand up for themselves
and their families.
Analysis (+)
However, on the other hand, the black radicals also
split opinions across the nation. Because many did not
support violence and hatred as preached by Malcom X
& the Black Panthers many (including whites) were put
off and it can be argued they had a negative effect on
the Civil Rights Campaign.
Essay Question
“The Experience of Black Service Men in the second World War
was the most important factor to the growth of the Civil
Rights Campaign after 1945.”
How valid is this view?
Writing the essay;
Use the slides and the booklet to get RAD facts. The content on these slides are not
enough alone to gain knowledge marks (especially for MLK and CR groups). Need to find good
examples to support your K. (slides have page numbers to look for).
We are going to do a period on peer marking next Monday. You will compare essays
with someone else in class and give them feedback. If you can mark an essay you
can write an essay.
Background (2 points)
Lack of Civil Rights – despite federal support after civil war
blacks still 2nd class citizens.
Jim Crow laws and KKK made it impossible to fight back.
Lack of unity in black organisations also stopped progress.
Combination of Factors were significant including.
However combination of factors after WWII began to allow the Civil Rights movement to grow
and gain support including – ___________________________
Line of Argument
This essay will argue that the experience of soldiers in WII
was not the most important reason for the growth but
instead __________________
Clear line of Argument
Overall the most important growth of the Civil Rights Movement was the work of Civil Rights Groups.
Compare each factor back to the line of argument
Although Racism and prejudice continued to shock the nation, it was groups like the NAACP at Little Rock
and SNCC at Sit Ins that got the whites to react and gained the media attention.
Also MLK was significant face of the movement but he relied on the groups like CORE putting on buses
and trains to get the 250,000 people to the march on Washington that put MLK on the global stage.
Two overall reasons why it was most significant
This clearly shows that the Civil Rights Groups were key to the growth as they mobilised every day
Americans and proved they could make the difference too. By taking part in protests whites were
encouraged to join and the vast numbers of protesters is what ultimately encouraged other Americas to
take action and stand for what is right instead of ignoring it as not their problem.

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  • 1. USA: Context 5 Reasons for the development of the Civil Rights Campaign after 1945 Key Q – What caused the CRM to grow in size after 1945 (not what it achieved)
  • 2. KEY If you see this symbol you must take notes If you see this symbol you must not take notes
  • 3. Today’s lesson We are developing our knowledge and understanding of reasons for the development of the Civil Rights Campaign after 1945. Today will be able to: 1) Explain why the Civil Rights Campaign grew after 1945. Today’s lesson will involve: 1) Build up notes on the topic. 2) Plan a 20 mark essay. 3) Pass a 20 mark timed essay.
  • 4. Growth of CRM ‘The Factors’ 1. Continued prejudice & discrimination 2. Experience of Black servicemen in WWII 3. Role of Martin Luther King 4. Emergence of other effective black leaders 5. Role of black Civil Rights organisations You should aim to cover 4 of these in your essay
  • 5. Past Paper Essay Questions 2016 2015
  • 6. Civil Rights Movement (Intro) Before 1945 black Americans had few civil rights, they lacked any political influence, were divided on how to achieve civil rights and suffered terrible discrimination as a result of Jim Crow laws and the KKK…………. (Essay 2) HOWEVER after 1945 the civil rights movement gained momentum and grew quickly to work towards reform. This was partly due to the continuation of racial discrimination (1) but there were other factors that led to the growth of the movement… The emergence of effective black leaders such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael (2). The emergence of effective black organisations led to a co-ordinated mass movement for civil rights (3) and the experiences of black servicemen brought many to the movement after WWII (4).
  • 7. Individual Research Project – Use worksheet Task This grew the CRM because ……………. This showed there was a growth in demand for equal civil rights because……..
  • 8. Key Themes of the essay Publicity & sympathy Microphone & Cameras Live TV broadcasts (not confined to the South) Shown around the world (Cold War) Success showed that more could be achieved Non violent protests effective Economic/financial strength of black communities Federal intervention showed help was available Growth in belief of blacks that they were not 2nd class citizens WWII soldiers returning home Message of Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael (Black Power) Why did it grow the CRM? Why did it encourage people to join the CRM?
  • 9. Key Question – Why did this cause a growth in the civil rights movement? “The Experience of Black Service Men in the second World War was the most important factor to the growth of the Civil Rights Campaign after 1945.” How valid is this view? 22 1 – Read the key links on the reading list, this will give you an overview of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) and explain what you should include 2 – Independently write an essay. You know by now how a higher essay is structured. Ask me if you need anything and follow the guidance of the PP in your own time.
  • 10. Experience of Black Soldiers WWII: Knowledge Despite the US army being segregated (troops blood supply), black servicemen in Europe had freedoms they had never experienced in America. Even in prisoner of war camps, black airmen were treated as officers regardless of their colour. This led to the development of the Double V campaign. Black Americans were fighting for a victory against the racism and hatred of Hitler in Germany AND victory in the battle for Civil Rights at home in America. Furthermore, During the Second World War, A. Philip Randolph threatened a mass protest march in Washington unless discrimination in defence industry jobs and in the armed forces was ended. In 1941 Randolph and other black leaders met President Roosevelt with three demands: an end to segregation and discrimination in federal government jobs, an end to segregation of the armed forces and government support for an end to discrimination and segregation in all jobs in the USA.
  • 11. Experience of Black Soldiers WWII: Analysis Black Soldiers discovered that racial discrimination was not nearly as oppressive in European countries like Great Britain and France. This grew the CRM because …for the first time, many people realized that the United States could become a land without racial discrimination. As a response to Randolph’s strike President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 (desegregating the armed forces and setting up of the Fair Employment Practice Committees). This action showed how important Federal (National) and Presidential support would be and that some Presidents were willing to take action on Civil Rights Issues. The issues raised by the Double V campaign helped set up the Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE) created by James Farmer which went on to be one of the main Civil Rights Organisations of the 1950s & 60s.
  • 12. Experience of Black Soldiers WWII Analysis (+) Even though Executive Order 8802 was an important step in the growth of the CRM, because a President had taken action, it was largely ignored. 2/3 of Randolph’s demands were ignored and many claim the first was only put in place because the government was desperate for workers during the War. This showed that the battle for equal civil rights was going to be tough with limited federal support. Despite this WWII is often referred to as the seed that saw the Civil Rights Movement grow. Black people hoped to promote change and joined the NAACP (membership grew from 50,000 to 450,000). One black soldier said “After the end of the war we just kept on fighting, its just that simple”
  • 13. Task: write your paragraph on Experience of Black Soldiers WWII (10 min) Success Criteria A topic sentence i.e. ‘A starting point in the growth of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) came as black soldiers returned home from fighting in WWII’. At least two points of knowledge (R.A.D) One point of basic analysis & One point of Analysis + ‘On the one hand…however on the other hand
  • 14. Prejudice & Discrimination: Knowledge 1 – 1954 Supreme Court Continuing racial discrimination pushed many black Americans to demand civil rights. The experience of war emphasised freedom, democracy and human rights yet in the USA Jim Crow laws still existed and lynching went unpunished. (Topic sentence) One of the first sparks that gave the Civil Rights Movement hope was the 1954 Supreme Court Decision in Brown vs Board of Education. With the help of Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP, Linda Browns father took the Topeka Board of Education to court for not allowing his 7 year old daughter to go to a (better & closer) white only school. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously (9-0) that ‘separate but equal’ had no place in education and that segregation in schools would be deemed illegal.
  • 15. Prejudice & Discrimination: Analysis This was a huge boost for the Civil Rights Movement. If segregation was unlawful in the field of education the same could be argued for all areas. Furthermore this showed that the highest court in the land was willing to rule in favour of blacks. The NAACP knew that further cases in relation to cafes, bus etc. a victory was achievable. (Analysis +) Despite the legal victory, full segregation of schools in America was far from a reality. By 1956 not a single black student went to a white school in the South. Furthermore, many argue that the Supreme Court decision was more of a propaganda stunt to look like a free and fair country during the Cold War with the USSR.
  • 16. Prejudice & Discrimination Knowledge 2 – Little Rock • As a response to the 1954 Supreme Court decision, the NAACP tried to get 9 black students in to Little Rock Central High School, Arkansas. • These 9 were specially selected by the NAACP as they were the brightest in the state so the school could not complain they were lowering their standards. • However, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubas was against integration. He sent state soldiers to the school to stop the black students entering. An angry mob of white people also surrounded the school. • The NAACP called off the pupils from going to preserve their safety. But one pupil, Elizabeth Eckford, did not receive the call.
  • 17. Prejudice & Discrimination: Analysis The events at Little Rock grew the CRM due to the media attention and news cameras present. People from within and outwith the USA were shocked at the treatment of children for just trying to go to school. It also gave Roosevelt a difficult decision – a state was actively going against federal law. As a response he brought in paratroopers to defend the black pupils and even escorted them from class to class for a full year. This showed that a President was willing to stand up to Southern politicians and it was a huge boost for all involved in the Civil Rights Campaign Analysis (+) Despite this, Faubus was re-elected and instead of integrating schools he decided to close them all together. This was a better option for Southerners than integration. Even when they re-opened by 1964 only 3% of black children went to integrated schools.
  • 18. Prejudice & Discrimination Knowledge 3 – Emmett Till 1955 In 1955 a brutal example of Southern ‘justice’ shocked the world and put the Civil Rights Campaign on the worlds stage. • 14 year old Emmett Till was visiting family in Mississippi (South) from his home Chicago (North). • Emmett bragged to his cousins that his girlfriend in the North was white. On the way out of a shop he allegedly flirted with a white shopkeeper. (actions that wouldn’t be a big deal in his home in the North) • As a punishment, the woman's husband and brother brutally killed young Emmitt. • A Mississippi court cleared both men of murder in a trial that lasted just 67 minutes.
  • 19. Prejudice & Discrimination: Analysis Analysis The Emmett Till case had a big effect on the development of the civil rights movement due to the publicity of the trial. Despite being virtually unrecognisable due to being beaten up so badly, Emmett’s mother insisted on showing her son’s corpse in an open coffin which shocked both local people and the nation. Lynching's were no longer confined to the South, even if the Mississippi jury did nothing about the Murder the widespread media attention meant that the world knew and the Civil Rights movement gained support from many as a result.
  • 20. Prejudice & Discrimination: Knowledge 4 – 1955 Montgomery Bus boycott The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the first successes of the Civil Rights Movement. Buses in Montgomery were segregated, one day NAACP member Rosa Parks was sat on the bus and asked to move back to allow a white member of the public to sit. She was arrested and fined for her act. The NAACP had anticipated this and organised a one day boycott of all the buses. Led by local minister Martin Luther King the bus boycott eventually lasted 13 months. Throughout the bus boycott, Martin Luther King inspired the black population of Montgomery to keep up the pressure for their civil rights. The black population ‘pooled’ or shared their car instead of using the local buses.
  • 21. Prejudice & Discrimination: Analysis Analysis In the face of continued prejudice & discrimination the bus boycott had a huge effect on the ensuing Civil Rights Movement. 1.It showed how effective peaceful, non violent protests could be. This is the tactics blacks used throughout the CRM. 2.It showed the financial and economic power that blacks had. 70% of the riders were black and yet they were treated as 2nd class. The company had an important decision to make, desegregate or go out of business. 3.It brought Martin Luther King to the forefront of the CRM. In 1957 the South Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was set up. In December 1956, the Supreme Court declared that segregation on Alabama’s buses was unconstitutional. However, the bus companies had already begun desegregating due to loss of revenue. The success of the Bus Boycott in Montgomery had wide reaching consequence and led to important protests elsewhere.
  • 22. Prejudice & Discrimination: Analysis Analysis (+) • However, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was only a limited success as there was still segregation in theatres, poolrooms and restaurants. Rosa Parks received death-threats and was forced to leave Montgomery; it became harder for African-Americans to find employment in Montgomery; homes of leading black people were destroyed, including King’s home, where his wife and seven-week old baby narrowly escaped injury. Unfortunately, by 1963 it was reported that most African-Americans had accepted their inferior position in society and had returned to sitting at the back of the bus as they had prior to the boycott. • Despite these obstacles, the bus boycott led to the growth of the civil rights movement because it achieved a small success and encouraged campaigners to continue and to keep going in their fight for equality.
  • 23. Task: write your paragraph on Prejudice & Discrimination Success Criteria  A topic sentence i.e. A series of events in the 1950s motivated by prejudice and discrimination also sparked huge growth in the Civil Rights Movements gaining publicity and sympathy from blacks, whites and people from around the world thanks to the media coverage.  At least two points of knowledge (RAD)  At least one point of basic analysis &  At least one point of Analysis + ‘On the one hand…however on the other hand Option A – Brown vs Education & Little Rock Option B – Till & Bus Boycott (Save others for evaluation potentially) Use slides, Kerr textbook & Essay 5 booklet to write a perfect paragraph for this factor.
  • 24. Martin Luther King: Knowledge King became the most well-known and effective spokesperson of the civil rights protest. King was an inspirational speaker and leader who was prepared to be arrested, criticised and even put his own life at risk for the cause of civil rights. MLK believed that non-violent, peaceful civil disobedience was the best weapon in the fight for civil rights. King felt that if a law was wrong then the citizens of a country had both the right and responsibility to protest about it. He believed in endless protests to wear down the resistance of white racists. In the early 1960s, he led many demonstrations in the South aimed at ending segregation and allowing black Americans to vote freely. • 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott (p15) • 1963 March on Birmingham (p27) • 1963 March on Washington (I have a dream) (p29) • 1965 March on Selma (p30)
  • 25. Martin Luther King Knowledge King was a very good organiser and planner. He was able to draw a crowd when he spoke and also carefully chose the best places to hold protests. He needed a reaction from whites and was even arrested on a number of occasions. The fact that a high profile celebrity was being arrested captured headlines and gave the Civil Rights Campaign much needed media coverage. March on Birmingham 1963 (Project C) March on Washington 1963 March on Selma 1965 *handouts
  • 26. MLK: Analysis (how he grew the CRM?) Analysis (basic) MLK won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning. This was a huge international recognition and it gave the Civil Rights Campaign global support. This continued to put pressure on the US Government to make changes as the world was watching (particularly during ideological struggle with USSR) MLK was able to gain universal support for his non- violent methods and showed what blacks could achieve. White people joined the movement alongside blacks and marched, sat and rallied in support of equal civil rights. 250,000 people of all races were present for MLK’s I have a Dream
  • 27. MLK: Analysis (+) In 1961 King led a March in Albany. Firstly, many opposed his involvement as groups like SNCC wanted it to be led by local protesters. At the march King was arrested but no one was charged and everyone released. There was no violent reaction and the media were not interested. King returned to Atlanta and this showed that the reaction of whites was much more significant to the CRM than MLK. Furthermore, many blacks, and other groups within the CRM did not agree with Kings non-violent methods and slow progress. Members of the SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) were eager to break away from Kings strategy.
  • 28. Task: write your paragraph on the role of MLK(10 min) Success Criteria A topic sentence – At least two points of knowledge (RAD) One point of basic analysis & One point of Analysis + ‘On the one hand…however on the other hand Save spares for evaluation 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott 1963 March on Birmingham 1963 March on Washington (I have a dream) 1965 March on Selma
  • 29. Recap Task – without notes Describe the following (in particular the impact it had on growth of CRM) 1954 Supreme Court – Brown vs Board of Education 1957 – Little Rock 9 1955 – Emmet Till murder 1955-56 – Montgomery Bus Boycott 1963 – March on Birmingham 1963 – March on Washington Think about; • Publicity & sympathy • Success showed that more could be achieved • Growth in belief of blacks that they were not 2nd class citizens
  • 30. Black Civil Rights Groups (K) NAACP (1909) – legal victories in the courtroom that huge impact on Civil Rights Movement (1954 brown vs Board of Education) CORE (1942) – Organised the March on Washington and Freedom Rides (encouraged white members to join CRM) Although new groups were emerging both the NAACP and CORE continued to operate and enjoyed increasing membership. For many people these organisations with their long history of campaigning offered the most clearly defined path to involvement with the Civil Rights Movement and particularly appealed to whites who wanted to help the campaign. Congress of Racial Equality
  • 31. Black Civil Rights Groups (K) SCLC 1957 (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) – The SCLC began to co-ordinate the work of civil rights groups in various parts of the country and gained a great deal of national attention and support through King’s regular appearances on television. The key aspect of the campaigns of the SCLC was the continued and consistent use of non-violent protests. *Read work booklet for key (K)
  • 32. Black Civil Rights Groups (K) SNCC 1960 (Student Non-violent Coordination Committee) – Appealing to younger, aspirational black Americans who wanted a better future for themselves than their parents had, the group enjoyed most of its support in the major northern cities and university towns where restrictions on black entry to higher education were much less strict and, in some cases, had disappeared altogether. Action – Organised the Sit Ins & took part in Freedom Rides (p22-25*) *Read work booklet for key (K)
  • 33. Black Civil Rights Groups : Analysis Each of the Civil Rights Groups brought there own success to the campaign – but they all showed how successful blacks could be if they worked together. The Growth of the Civil Rights Movement can be clearly seen by the Growth of Membership in each of the organisations. More people, both black and white, were willing to get involved with protest’s and stand up for the rights of blacks. The combined actions of these organisations breathed new life into the Civil Rights movement and ended discrimination in many public places including restaurants, hotels, and theatres. These successes furthered encouraged the development of the Civil Rights campaign to demand more.
  • 34. Black Civil Rights Groups : Analysis Successes of the groups (how they grew Civil Rights Movement) SNCC – Sit Ins created huge media attention (TV), blacks and whites were being assaulted for sitting at a table and this shocked the world. Over 70,000 protesters in 55 cities took part showing how quickly they could mobilise people. Lunch counters were desegregated in the South. Freedom Rides were met with extreme violence, blacks and whites proved they were willing to risk their life for the campaign for equal Civil Rights. Again the media captured the brutal events and this grew sympathy and support for the movement. The Freedom Rides and the Sit-Ins demonstrated that anyone who opposed segregation could take direct action themselves to bring about the end of discrimination. This grew the Civil Rights campaign because it meant anyone could take action SCLC - MLK led the March on Birmingham which saw police dogs and water cannons used on black protesters. This image was broadcast worldwide, and King who was now a national and international celebrity was in prison. This put huge pressure on the US government to take action and led to the desegregation of the most segregated town in America. ( A+ However, the white south did not respond well and reacted with the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing showing that segregation was not always going to be accepted)
  • 35. Emergence of effective black leaders: Knowledge The Civil Rights Campaigns was led by many other great speakers and motivators who often held different beliefs to MLK. • Malcom X (pp34-36) Malcolm X was an articulate although confrontational speaker who became a preacher for the Nation of Islam and spoke against King’s belief in non-violence. Malcolm X believed non-violence meant being defenceless and stated that black people had to work out their own futures without relying on white help. Malcolm X was one of the first black Civil Rights activists to draw attention to the problems of crime, and unemployment in the ghettos of American cities. • Stokely Carmichael (pp37-38) Many young black Americans living in the ghettos were attracted to the more extreme ideas of Stokely Carmichael and ‘Black Power ’A direct ideas descendant of Marcus Garvey and his Back to Africa ’movement. Many black Americans no longer believed that non-violence was the way forward • Black Panthers (pp39-40) The Black Panthers attracted attention and headline news contributing to the Civil Rights campaign. The Black Panther Party for Self- Defence was founded in 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The Black Panthers represented the opposite of Martin Luther King’s ideas and supported the anti-white, black separatist ideas of Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X. The Black Panthers became very popular among young black Americans in the big cities and gained a lot of publicity for their support and help programmes in the city which actually made a difference to black lives.
  • 36. Emergence of effective black leaders: Analysis On one hand, the more radical leaders showed that black people were no longer willing to put up with the violence that they were receiving. This undoubtedly scared white politicians into action. They also had the support of thousands of blacks who wanted to be proud of their black heritage and stand up for themselves and their families. Analysis (+) However, on the other hand, the black radicals also split opinions across the nation. Because many did not support violence and hatred as preached by Malcom X & the Black Panthers many (including whites) were put off and it can be argued they had a negative effect on the Civil Rights Campaign.
  • 37. Essay Question 22 “The Experience of Black Service Men in the second World War was the most important factor to the growth of the Civil Rights Campaign after 1945.” How valid is this view? Writing the essay; Use the slides and the booklet to get RAD facts. The content on these slides are not enough alone to gain knowledge marks (especially for MLK and CR groups). Need to find good examples to support your K. (slides have page numbers to look for). We are going to do a period on peer marking next Monday. You will compare essays with someone else in class and give them feedback. If you can mark an essay you can write an essay.
  • 38. Background (2 points) Lack of Civil Rights – despite federal support after civil war blacks still 2nd class citizens. Jim Crow laws and KKK made it impossible to fight back. Lack of unity in black organisations also stopped progress. Combination of Factors were significant including. However combination of factors after WWII began to allow the Civil Rights movement to grow and gain support including – ___________________________ Line of Argument This essay will argue that the experience of soldiers in WII was not the most important reason for the growth but instead __________________
  • 39. Clear line of Argument Overall the most important growth of the Civil Rights Movement was the work of Civil Rights Groups. Compare each factor back to the line of argument (balance) Although Racism and prejudice continued to shock the nation, it was groups like the NAACP at Little Rock and SNCC at Sit Ins that got the whites to react and gained the media attention. Also MLK was significant face of the movement but he relied on the groups like CORE putting on buses and trains to get the 250,000 people to the march on Washington that put MLK on the global stage. Two overall reasons why it was most significant (judgement) This clearly shows that the Civil Rights Groups were key to the growth as they mobilised every day Americans and proved they could make the difference too. By taking part in protests whites were encouraged to join and the vast numbers of protesters is what ultimately encouraged other Americas to take action and stand for what is right instead of ignoring it as not their problem.