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Weight Loss
By Diet
High Quality – Only For
Serious Reader
Presented By
( December 2015)
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( )
Topic Page No.
Important information from author ........ 4 - 5
Reason of Excess weight ........ 5-11
Effect of overweight on body ........ 11- 15
Treatment ........ 15 - 17
Exercise for lose weight ......... 17 - 20
Diet to lose weight ......... 20 - 22
Full treatment ......... 22-23
Important Information From The
Hey Guys , I am writing this ebook for those people who
are really perplexed by excess weight or obesity. After
reading this ebook I am sure that you will find the solution of
your problem from given content of this ebook and also from
given referral link.But you have some limitation for using this
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Before Giving any suggestion about your diet to you in this ebook
firstly I am going to tell you about many reason of overweight so
that if you found any reason in yourself you could avoid them and
be cured. Later I will also give the brief introduction of many
disease which is result of overweight then you will be able to
know the weight reducing diet and some referral link of ebooks
also by which you could know more about your diet and some
exercise . Books has been written by many medical expert and by
given method of treatment in the ebook many person has been
loses their weight and given respond to us.
Reason of excess weight
Here I am introducing the various resaon of excess weight
so that according to your problem you can know what is
the reason of excess weight in yourself. Excess weight is
termed as obesity also. Excess weight in any person is
produced by many reason. Each person has one or more
reason for overweight. According to their reason they need
to follow different - different way for treatment. Here is
the some of reason for excess weight -
➔ Lack of Energy Balance
A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight
and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN
equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of
energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy
OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things
like breathing , working and for other physical activities.
To maintain a healthy weight , your energy IN and OUT
have to balance exactly every day. It's the balance over
time that helps you maintain a healthy weight.
➢The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over
time = weight stays the same
➢More energy IN than energy OUT over time= weight
➢More energy OUT than energy IN over time = weight
Overweight and obesity happen over time when in more
calories than you use.
➔ High Calorie Food
In all the cases of overweight high calorie food is the
measure cause of obesity. High calorie food produces
more energy in your body but your body become able to
consumpt only require amount of energy and remaining
energy stored in your body which give result to fattiness. It
is also reason of lack of energy balance which has been
demonstrated in above paragraph. So the food with
balanced calorie our body get fitness. For different -
different age group the energy requirement for body is
different from each other .
➔ Pregnancy
This reason of overweight is produced in only women
and this reason is not measure problem of overweight.
During pregnancy , woman gained weight to support their
babies growth and development. After giving birth , some
women find it hard to lose their weight. This may lead to
overweight or obesity , specially after a few pregnacies.
➔ Lack of Sleep
Research shows that lack of sleep increases the risk of
obesity . For example , one study of teenagers showed
that with each each hour of sleep lot , the odds of
becoming obese went up. Lack of sleep increases the
risk of obesity in other age groups as well.
➔ People who sleep fewer hours also seem to prefer
eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates,
which can lead to overeating , weight gain and obesity.
Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones
that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When
you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up
and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel
hungrier than when you're well-rested. Sleep also affects
how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls
your blood glucose (sugar) level. Lack of sleep results in a
higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase
your risk for diabetes.
➔ Emotional Effects
Some people eat more than usual when they're bored ,
angry or stressed. Overtime , overeating will lead to
weight gain and may cause overweight or obesity.
➔ Medicine
Certain medicines may cause you to gain weight. These
medicines include some corticosteroids, antidepressants,
and seizure medicines. These medicines can slow the rate
at which your body burns calories, increase your appetite,
or cause your body to hold on to extra water. All of these
factors can lead to weight gain.
➔ Age
As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if
you're less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate
at which your body burns calories. If you don't reduce
your calorie intake as you get older, you may gain weight.
Midlife weight gain in women is mainly due to aging and
lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women
gain about 5 pounds during menopause and have more
fat around the waist than they did before.
Except that above mention the causes of excess weight
there may be other causes of fattiness such genetics,
hyperthorid or any diseases but if we analyse the reason
of excess weight then “Lack of Energy Balance” and “High
calorie Food” is the measure cause of the overweight. If
we take the balanced food according to our age and our
requirement the weight can be reduced.
Effect of “OVERWEIGHT” on body
The problem of fattiness does not seems very dangerous
but if we analyse very seriously to this disease then we
found that it is the mother of many diseases. When any
person body become overweight then organ of body does
not work like healthy body . Due to excess amount of
calories ,energy, Carbohydrates and fat the body organ
function become unbalanced which give result to many
disease. The problem of overweight raised many disease
in your body. Following are the some disease which may
be produced in your body due to the problem of excess
➢Coronary Heart Disease
As your body mass index rises, so does your risk for
coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in
which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up
inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply
oxygen-rich blood to your heart.
Plaque can narrow or block the coronary arteries and
reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause
againa (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) or a heart attacks.
(Angina is chest pain or discomfort.) Obesity also can lead
to heart failure. This is a serious condition in which your
heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's
➢High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the
walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this
pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the
body in many ways. Your chances of having high blood
pressure are greater if you're overweight or obese.
➢ Stroke
Being overweight or obese can lead to a buildup
of plaque in your arteries. Eventually, an area of
plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form.
If the clot is close to your brain, it can block
the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and
cause a stroke. The risk of having a stroke rises
as BMI increases.
➢Abnormal Blood Fats
If you're overweight or obese, you're at increased
risk of having abnormal levels of blood fats.
These include high levels of triglycerides and LDL
("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL ("good")
cholesterol . Abnormal levels of these blood fats
are a risk factor for CHD. For more information
about triglycerides and LHL and HDL cholestrol , go
to the Health Topics High Blood Cholestrolarticle.
Osteoarthritis is a common joint problem of the knees,
hips, and lower back. The condition occurs if the tissue
that protects the joints wears away. Extra weight can put
more pressure and wear on joints, causing pain. This
disease is mostly seen in that person who are fat.
Being overweight or obese raises your risk for
colon, breast, endometrial , and gallbladder cancers.
➢Reproductive Problems
Obesity can cause menstrual issues and infertility
in women .
➢ Gallstones
Gallstones are hard pieces of stone-like material that
form in the gallbladder. They're mostly made of cholestrol.
Gallstones can cause stomach or back pain . People who
are overweight or obese are at increased of risk having
gallstones. Also, being overweight may result in an
enlarged gallbladder that doesn't work well.
➢Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which
you have one or more pauses in breathing or
shallow breaths while you sleep .
After familiarizing to many disease which is produced by
excess weight . Now you will be able to know that if any
person is pestered by overweight and he gets rid of from
overweight then he/she may be cured from many other
disease also. Actually I have mentioned a few disease
resulting from overweight Now its time to give treatment
by your diet to you.
In the modern age of science the medical science has
been progressed very rapidly and has been given the
treatment of many disease which are very dangerous.
But if we talk about the problem of excess weight then
there is a lot of medicine also by which excess weight can
be cured. If we think the survey of WHO ( World Health
Organization ) in 2014 on the people who are facing the
problem of excess weight , this survey says that “ About
65% population of world is facing the problem of
overweight ” . What is the reason that people are not
being free from excess weight although medicine are also
available in market. Are you understanding the reason ?
Reason is that we are taking only medicine and not
maintaining our diet when people take the medicine some
people become cured but after some time they again
become victim of excess weight because of they do'nt
care towards his/her diet. Balanced diet is the panacea
for those person who are facing the problem of excess
weight. If you are not taking the medicine but you are
taking diet with balanced calorie definitely you will get rid
from excess weight.
The two way by which not only you will get rid from
excess weight but also you will be cured from many
disease also.
✔ Take balance diet
✔ Daily Exercise
Now here I am going to introduced to with some exercise
and diet by which you can lose your weight.
Exercise for lose weight
People who want to know about some exercise by which
they can reduce their weight they make exercise
according to given figure below
Make try your nose touches to knee of feet
Firstly you seat comfortably on the plain surface and after
feeling relax hold both toe of foot by both hand. Then
doing this procedure make try that your nose touches to
the knee of your foot. In earlier day when you are making
this exercise your nose will not touch to the knee of your
But after daily by daily practice you will be comfortable
towards this exercise.
Note – You will be able to do this exercise after very
much practice so never overdo this exercise in the starting
stage unless it may harmful at the place of benefit.
As you can see in figure do the exercise one by one using
both hand.
NOTE - You need to do exercise in the care of expert
person because of they know that which exercise
beneficial for you according to your age group and
condition. When making daily exercise you need to care
some condition also unless exercise may be harmful for
your body. Many medical expert has been written many
ebooks on exercise and they have mentioned also which
type of diet you need to take when practicing for exercise
and which condition you need to care. you can access to
those ebooks by the mentioned referral link which has
been given at the end of this ebook.
In this part I am going to tell you for avoiding some food and
also I will mention some food by which you can lose your weight.
➢ avoid artificial sweeteners
Many people replace sugar with artificial sweeteners and they
belief that this will reduce their calorie intake and cause weight
loss. It sounds plausible. Several studies, however, have failed to
show any positive effect on weight loss by consuming artificial
sweeteners instead of plain sugar.
➢ Eat low carbohydratre diet
If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and
starch (like bread) and also avoid to those food which have high
carbohydrate because of food with high carbohydrate have
higher amount of calorie. Higher the calorie in your food higher
the possibility of become fatty. Dozen of modern scientific
studies have proven that low carbohydrate in your food is
effective way to lose your weight.
➢ Eat when you are hungry
Eat the food when you are hungry because if you are hungry, it
means energy produced in your body has been conusmpted and
need to take food for fulfill your body energy demand.
Here are some food name has been given which can help you
to reduce your weight.
Green Tea
Healthy diet not only solve your problem of excess weight it will
solve of your many problem also. Above I have given only some
food name and don't know how much quantity you need to take
according to your age group and weight condition. For more and
detail knowledge about your diet you can refer to those ebook
which has been written by many DIET EXPERT. If you are
taking medicine then you need to care towards your diet also
because of weight loss is such type of problem which cannot be
solved without your energy balanced diet.
You can refer the below given links to find those ebooks which
can solve your problem. Users of these ebooks have been given
responds to the writer of this ebooks. You can go to the site
page after clicking any one link given below.
Full Treatment
You can use any one link according to your requirement
Link 1 -
Link 2-
Link 3 -
Link 4 -
If you have any other problem then you can message to me by
my Email ID . I will give the the best solution of your problem to
you as soon as will be possible. Thanks....
( )
-------: END :-------

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Weight loss by diet and exercise

  • 1. Weight Loss By Diet High Quality – Only For Serious Reader Presented By MANIRAM YADAV ( December 2015)
  • 2. DISCLAIMER The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This manual is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This publication is not intended for use as any source of advice such as legal, medical, or accounting. The publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying international, federal, state, and/or local laws or regulations. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including international, federal, state and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the EU, US, Canada or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. Neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional. This book is for personal use only. It should serve as a reference only with no guarantee to any personal or financial gains. Results from usage of materials described in this book may vary. By reading this material, you agree that the author is not liable on any consequences arising from usage of this book. MANIRAM YADAV ( )
  • 3. INDEX Topic Page No. Important information from author ........ 4 - 5 Reason of Excess weight ........ 5-11 Effect of overweight on body ........ 11- 15 Treatment ........ 15 - 17 Exercise for lose weight ......... 17 - 20 Diet to lose weight ......... 20 - 22 Full treatment ......... 22-23
  • 4. Important Information From The Author Hey Guys , I am writing this ebook for those people who are really perplexed by excess weight or obesity. After reading this ebook I am sure that you will find the solution of your problem from given content of this ebook and also from given referral link.But you have some limitation for using this ebook which have been given below- Your Rights - I am offering following rights to use this PDF ✔ Share this on Facebook. ✔ Give it away to your subscribers. ✔ Distribute it free of cast. ✔ Share it on any forms to earn reputation. ✔ Offer as a bonus. ✔ Distribute to those people who are worried with
  • 5. his/her excess weight or obesity. ✔ Share it on your website. Please Note , You do'nt have any Right to Edit This Ebook. Before Giving any suggestion about your diet to you in this ebook firstly I am going to tell you about many reason of overweight so that if you found any reason in yourself you could avoid them and be cured. Later I will also give the brief introduction of many disease which is result of overweight then you will be able to know the weight reducing diet and some referral link of ebooks also by which you could know more about your diet and some exercise . Books has been written by many medical expert and by given method of treatment in the ebook many person has been loses their weight and given respond to us. Reason of excess weight Here I am introducing the various resaon of excess weight so that according to your problem you can know what is the reason of excess weight in yourself. Excess weight is
  • 6. termed as obesity also. Excess weight in any person is produced by many reason. Each person has one or more reason for overweight. According to their reason they need to follow different - different way for treatment. Here is the some of reason for excess weight - ➔ Lack of Energy Balance A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing , working and for other physical activities. To maintain a healthy weight , your energy IN and OUT have to balance exactly every day. It's the balance over time that helps you maintain a healthy weight. ➢The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over time = weight stays the same ➢More energy IN than energy OUT over time= weight
  • 7. gain. ➢More energy OUT than energy IN over time = weight loss. Overweight and obesity happen over time when in more calories than you use. ➔ High Calorie Food In all the cases of overweight high calorie food is the measure cause of obesity. High calorie food produces more energy in your body but your body become able to consumpt only require amount of energy and remaining energy stored in your body which give result to fattiness. It is also reason of lack of energy balance which has been demonstrated in above paragraph. So the food with balanced calorie our body get fitness. For different - different age group the energy requirement for body is different from each other . ➔ Pregnancy
  • 8. This reason of overweight is produced in only women and this reason is not measure problem of overweight. During pregnancy , woman gained weight to support their babies growth and development. After giving birth , some women find it hard to lose their weight. This may lead to overweight or obesity , specially after a few pregnacies. ➔ Lack of Sleep Research shows that lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity . For example , one study of teenagers showed that with each each hour of sleep lot , the odds of becoming obese went up. Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity in other age groups as well.
  • 9. ➔ People who sleep fewer hours also seem to prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating , weight gain and obesity. Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested. Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Lack of sleep results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes. ➔ Emotional Effects Some people eat more than usual when they're bored , angry or stressed. Overtime , overeating will lead to weight gain and may cause overweight or obesity. ➔ Medicine Certain medicines may cause you to gain weight. These
  • 10. medicines include some corticosteroids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines. These medicines can slow the rate at which your body burns calories, increase your appetite, or cause your body to hold on to extra water. All of these factors can lead to weight gain. ➔ Age As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if you're less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate at which your body burns calories. If you don't reduce your calorie intake as you get older, you may gain weight. Midlife weight gain in women is mainly due to aging and lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women gain about 5 pounds during menopause and have more fat around the waist than they did before. Except that above mention the causes of excess weight there may be other causes of fattiness such genetics, hyperthorid or any diseases but if we analyse the reason of excess weight then “Lack of Energy Balance” and “High calorie Food” is the measure cause of the overweight. If
  • 11. we take the balanced food according to our age and our requirement the weight can be reduced. Effect of “OVERWEIGHT” on body The problem of fattiness does not seems very dangerous but if we analyse very seriously to this disease then we found that it is the mother of many diseases. When any person body become overweight then organ of body does not work like healthy body . Due to excess amount of calories ,energy, Carbohydrates and fat the body organ function become unbalanced which give result to many disease. The problem of overweight raised many disease in your body. Following are the some disease which may be produced in your body due to the problem of excess weight. ➢Coronary Heart Disease As your body mass index rises, so does your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in
  • 12. which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. Plaque can narrow or block the coronary arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause againa (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) or a heart attacks. (Angina is chest pain or discomfort.) Obesity also can lead to heart failure. This is a serious condition in which your heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs. ➢High Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways. Your chances of having high blood pressure are greater if you're overweight or obese. ➢ Stroke Being overweight or obese can lead to a buildup
  • 13. of plaque in your arteries. Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form. If the clot is close to your brain, it can block the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain and cause a stroke. The risk of having a stroke rises as BMI increases. ➢Abnormal Blood Fats If you're overweight or obese, you're at increased risk of having abnormal levels of blood fats. These include high levels of triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol . Abnormal levels of these blood fats are a risk factor for CHD. For more information about triglycerides and LHL and HDL cholestrol , go to the Health Topics High Blood Cholestrolarticle. ➢Osteoarthiritis Osteoarthritis is a common joint problem of the knees,
  • 14. hips, and lower back. The condition occurs if the tissue that protects the joints wears away. Extra weight can put more pressure and wear on joints, causing pain. This disease is mostly seen in that person who are fat. ➢Cancer Being overweight or obese raises your risk for colon, breast, endometrial , and gallbladder cancers. ➢Reproductive Problems Obesity can cause menstrual issues and infertility in women . ➢ Gallstones Gallstones are hard pieces of stone-like material that form in the gallbladder. They're mostly made of cholestrol. Gallstones can cause stomach or back pain . People who are overweight or obese are at increased of risk having gallstones. Also, being overweight may result in an enlarged gallbladder that doesn't work well.
  • 15. ➢Sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep . After familiarizing to many disease which is produced by excess weight . Now you will be able to know that if any person is pestered by overweight and he gets rid of from overweight then he/she may be cured from many other disease also. Actually I have mentioned a few disease resulting from overweight Now its time to give treatment by your diet to you. ➢Treatment
  • 16. In the modern age of science the medical science has been progressed very rapidly and has been given the treatment of many disease which are very dangerous. But if we talk about the problem of excess weight then there is a lot of medicine also by which excess weight can be cured. If we think the survey of WHO ( World Health Organization ) in 2014 on the people who are facing the problem of excess weight , this survey says that “ About 65% population of world is facing the problem of overweight ” . What is the reason that people are not being free from excess weight although medicine are also available in market. Are you understanding the reason ? Reason is that we are taking only medicine and not maintaining our diet when people take the medicine some people become cured but after some time they again become victim of excess weight because of they do'nt care towards his/her diet. Balanced diet is the panacea for those person who are facing the problem of excess weight. If you are not taking the medicine but you are taking diet with balanced calorie definitely you will get rid
  • 17. from excess weight. The two way by which not only you will get rid from excess weight but also you will be cured from many disease also. ✔ Take balance diet ✔ Daily Exercise Now here I am going to introduced to with some exercise and diet by which you can lose your weight. Exercise for lose weight People who want to know about some exercise by which they can reduce their weight they make exercise according to given figure below First
  • 18. Make try your nose touches to knee of feet Procedure Firstly you seat comfortably on the plain surface and after feeling relax hold both toe of foot by both hand. Then doing this procedure make try that your nose touches to the knee of your foot. In earlier day when you are making this exercise your nose will not touch to the knee of your foot. But after daily by daily practice you will be comfortable towards this exercise. Note – You will be able to do this exercise after very much practice so never overdo this exercise in the starting
  • 19. stage unless it may harmful at the place of benefit. Second Procedure As you can see in figure do the exercise one by one using both hand. NOTE - You need to do exercise in the care of expert person because of they know that which exercise beneficial for you according to your age group and condition. When making daily exercise you need to care some condition also unless exercise may be harmful for your body. Many medical expert has been written many ebooks on exercise and they have mentioned also which
  • 20. type of diet you need to take when practicing for exercise and which condition you need to care. you can access to those ebooks by the mentioned referral link which has been given at the end of this ebook. DIET TO REDUCE WEIGHT In this part I am going to tell you for avoiding some food and also I will mention some food by which you can lose your weight. ➢ avoid artificial sweeteners Many people replace sugar with artificial sweeteners and they belief that this will reduce their calorie intake and cause weight loss. It sounds plausible. Several studies, however, have failed to show any positive effect on weight loss by consuming artificial sweeteners instead of plain sugar. ➢ Eat low carbohydratre diet If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread) and also avoid to those food which have high carbohydrate because of food with high carbohydrate have higher amount of calorie. Higher the calorie in your food higher the possibility of become fatty. Dozen of modern scientific
  • 21. studies have proven that low carbohydrate in your food is effective way to lose your weight. ➢ Eat when you are hungry Eat the food when you are hungry because if you are hungry, it means energy produced in your body has been conusmpted and need to take food for fulfill your body energy demand. DIEt FOR WeIgHT LOSS Here are some food name has been given which can help you to reduce your weight. Beans Soup Eggs Nut Grapefruit Almonds Green Tea Pistachios Healthy diet not only solve your problem of excess weight it will solve of your many problem also. Above I have given only some
  • 22. food name and don't know how much quantity you need to take according to your age group and weight condition. For more and detail knowledge about your diet you can refer to those ebook which has been written by many DIET EXPERT. If you are taking medicine then you need to care towards your diet also because of weight loss is such type of problem which cannot be solved without your energy balanced diet. You can refer the below given links to find those ebooks which can solve your problem. Users of these ebooks have been given responds to the writer of this ebooks. You can go to the site page after clicking any one link given below. Full Treatment You can use any one link according to your requirement Link 1 - Link 2- Link 3 - Link 4 - If you have any other problem then you can message to me by
  • 23. my Email ID . I will give the the best solution of your problem to you as soon as will be possible. Thanks.... ( ) -------: END :-------