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Food & Confectionary Social Video Insight

Welcome to VAN’s monthly insight report on what’s hot in the world of social video in
the food and confectionary sector.
The insights in this document are comprised of:
• Brand insights
• Viral video case studies
• UGC insights
• YouTuber insights
• Blogger insights
• Search stats & insights
VAN’s social video insights are collated with the help of our TubeRank app
Flickr photo: APM Alex

Key brand observations
Read all about it! The rise of the eco-conscious consumer.
The rise in popularity of the food blogging community has given
consumers a massive platform on which to share their opinions and
make their voices heard. There are now thousands of recipes, reviews,
videos and images being uploaded to the web every day, meaning that
information relating to the food industry is more accessible than ever.
This has lead to a rise in consumer concerns about food, with increasing
emphasis being placed on healthy eating, organic produce and
sustainable farming.
As a result, brands like Chipotle and McDonald’s are trying to shake off
their junk food image, highlighting eco-friendly projects and community
initiatives in an attempt to appeal to a new generation of socially-aware,
uber-informed internet veterans who have access to a plethora of
information about what they’re putting into their mouths.

Source: Flickr - Pam Loves Pie

Key brand observations
Are you snacking comfortably? Then we’ll begin...
2013 has seen a rise in branded storytelling, with ads often
being released in installments as part of a wider campaign to
build on a branded concept. This trend is particularly true of
confectionary companies, which tend to be amongst the
most playful sectors of the food industry.
Less concerned with pushing nutritional benefits,
confectionary brands are marketed as fun treats for the
whole family. As such there is a stronger emphasis on
gimmicks, humour and youth / internet culture. We’ve seen
incredibly successful campaigns this year from the likes of
Oreo, (who focused on generating a mass social debate
over which part of the biscuit was better, the cookie or the
crème) and KitKat, who partnered with Google, tapping into
the popular YouTube trend of spoof Apple iPhone videos.
CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the food sector in 2013
Chipotle: The Scarecrow
(Sep 2013)

Shares: 138,787 | Views: 6,264,084

Share Ratio = 1:45


Conversation Triggers:


Mexican food chain, Chipotle, released a beautifully animated short film designed
to highlight the brand’s concern for sustainable farming. Set to the haunting
soundtrack of Willy Wonka’s ‘Pure Imagination’ and featuring a fantastical vision
of a dystopian future, the video has all the right cues to tug on the heartstrings
and get your emotions flowing.
The ad was designed to promote the launch of a free iOS game where users
could save the scarecrow from the factory on their smart phone or tablet.

The high production values and epic nature of the ad appeals to film fans and
makes it a pleasure to watch and share. Plus, the moving storyline plays on
topical concerns around animal cruelty, factory farming and sustainable living,
creating plenty of conversation triggers.
Music plays a powerful role in viral sharing and by giving a new lease of life to a
classic song and making the track available for fans to download from iTunes,
Chipotle broadened the appeal of the ad making it accessible to a wider audience
demographic of pop culture fans.

Communities of Interest:


The Campaign:


The anti-industrial food theme is somewhat at odds with the Chipotle brand, which
despite stressing its emphasis on sustainable farming, is still ultimately a mass
chain restaurant.
The message conveyed by the video appears to endorse vegetarianism and
independent, local eating establishments – a concept that doesn’t fit with the
Chipotle brand. For this reason the video attracted a large amount of criticism with
some accusing it of being a flagrant attempt by advertisers to manipulate the
emotions of viewers and present the brand as something it’s not, giving rise to
such parody videos as ‘Honest Scarecrow’.
CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the food sector in 2013
Wonderful Pistachios:
Psy | Get Crackin (Feb 2013)

Shares: 31,776 | Views: 3,993,532

Share Ratio = 1:125

Pop culture

Conversation Triggers:

Internet culture

As part of its 2013 Super bowl campaign, the Wonderful Pistachios brand
released ‘Get Crackin’, a music video parody of Gangnam Style. The video
featured Psy donning a sequined jacket in the brand’s trademark pistachio
green shade, strutting his stuff to a remix of the K-pop classic in front of a
group of backing dancers dressed as giant nuts!

The brand managed to ride on the back of the viral wave of the most
popular YouTube video of all time. Gangnam Style became a historic piece
of pop culture and the existing buzz around the song, not to mention the
huge number of UGC tributes gave the video a massive kick to get it
The catchy song, complete with its topicality and the random WTF nature of
the video provided some key sharing triggers and generated a huge twitter
buzz around the ad.

Communities of Interest:


The Campaign:


It’s not the first time Wonderful Pistachios has capitalised on topical memes
either. The brand name has become synonymous with trending YouTube
virals with tributes to Keyboard cat, Honey Badger and more recently the
Prancercise Lady.

When piggybacking on a viral trend timing is everything and unfortunately
for Wonderful Pistachios, the brand’s Gangnam Style tribute was just too
little too late. With the official video being released in July, the Superbowl ad
came nearly 7 months after K-pop first took the web by storm, significantly
reducing its viral impact.
CASE STUDIES - A snapshot of viral ads in the food sector in 2013
End Marmite Neglect (Aug 2013)


Shares - 21,291 | Views - 502,538 | Share ratio - 1:24

• General interest

• Referential

McDonald's: Minion Madness (Jun 2013)


• Film
• Pop Culture

• Referential
• Topical

Cheerios: Just Checking (May 2013)


• Parenting

• Kawaii

Marmite launched a spoof video featuring rescue squads visiting homes to remove
neglected jars hidden away in kitchen cupboards.The humorous ad parodied the
work of animal protection teams like the RSPCA, causing numerous complaints
from viewers claiming the video was making a joke of animal cruelty.
The controversy acted as an effective conversation and sharing trigger, dividing
public opinion and cleverly playing on the brand’s ‘Love it, or Hate it’ slogan.

Shares - 20,780 | Views - 4,924,966 | Share ratio - 1:237
McDonald’s has a long history of using upcoming children’s films to promote its
Happy Meals and Minion Madness provides a good example of the mutual benefits
of such partnerships to both brands and film distributors.
The plastic toy based on the cute yellow side kicks from Despicable Me 2 became
highly collectable, with customers lining up down the road hoping to get their hands
on the latest figurine and the frenzy became a viral talking point for the video
across social media channels and online news sites.

Shares - 47,801 | Views - 4,508,269 | Share ratio - 1:94
Cheerios released an ad featuring an interracial family. Despite the fact at the ad
itself wasn’t controversial it demonstrates the impact that YouTube comments can
have on a campaign.
The string of racist posts on the video channel triggered a storm of debate that was
picked up by media outlets word wide, leading to extensive coverage across social
media channels and giving rise to a string of UGC reaction videos and spoof
CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the confectionary sector in 2013
OREO Separator Machine
(February-March 2013)

The Campaign:


Following the success of its "Whisper Fight" Super Bowl spot, Oreo
continued the Cookie Vs Crème debate by launching the ‘Separator
Machine’ campaign. The brand produced a four-part series of YouTube
mockumentaries that followed the invention of ingenious cookie separation
devices, clocking up a combined total of over 5 million views. The first
installment told the story of a genius inventor and his one-man-mission to
create a machine to remove the crème from his precious cookie.


Shares: 174,482* | Views: 5,402,632*

Share Ratio = 1:31

Communities of Interest:

Internet culture


Conversation Triggers:


Oreo tapped into insight that consumers tended to fall into two categories,
those who prefer the cookie part of the Oreo biscuit, and those who
preferred the crème.
By building on the cookie vs crème debate they generated conversations
across social media channels, encouraging people to pick a side. The
campaign formed part of an integrated social media push asking consumers
to upload photos to Instagram and Twitter and tag them with #cookiethis or
#cremethis. The brand’s creative team then recreated and sculpted their
photo submissions using actual OREO cookies or creme.
The separator machine series worked so well because it’s comedy concept
and the obsessive attention to details of the machines appealed to the geek
community. And by creating a series of ads that were released in
installments over a month long period, the brand was able to get extra
mileage from the campaign, keeping fans looking for the next installment.

*across all videos in series
KitKat: Android KITKAT 4.4

Shares: 30,194 | Views: 2,334,162

Share Ratio = 1:77

The Campaign:
In September 2013, Google announced a somewhat unlikely partnership
with Nestle, revealing that it will be calling its next Android operating
system KitKat.
The KitKat Facebook, Google+ and Twitter pages were rebranded to
feature the little Android mascot covered in chocolate and KitKat
released a hilarious spoof video promoting the launch of the new
Android KITKAT 4.4.
The ad spot featured the “Chief Breaks Officer” excitedly talking through
all the design features that went into making the chocolate bar the
ultimate snack product, cleverly poking fun at Apple’s well-known
product introduction videos.

Communities of Interest:


Conversation Triggers:

Internet culture

With the imminent release of the new iPhone 5s just weeks away, the
internet was rife with news stories speculating about the new handset,
making the timing of the ad particularly relevant and capitalising on the
existing media hype.
The newsworthy nature of the unlikely partnership between the
chocolate brand and Google acted as a conversation point for the ad,
generating over 30,000 shares for the video in the first 24 hours of its
release. This, combined with the fact that Apple parodies were trending
in the weeks leading up to the release of the latest phone provided
plenty of conversation triggers around the amusing parody.
CASE STUDIES - A snap shot of viral ads in the confectionary sector in 2013
Cadbury: Marriage Proposal Gone Wrong (Aug 2013)


• Internet Culture

Skittles Figurines (June 2013)


As part of its ‘Not So Sweet’ campaign, Cadbury released a hoax video of a marriage
proposal gone wrong. The clip of an unfortunate young man getting hit over the head in
a public mall after his would-be fiancée cruelly rejected his proposal was uploaded to
YouTube with many believing, thanks in part to the terrible quality and shaky recording
skills, that it was a genuine proposal gone wrong.
In fact the hilarious clip was part of a clever viral marketing stunt by Cadbury, the only
clue being the Bournville branding on the side of a mall train that drove through the

Shares - 1,472 | Views - 196,762 | Share ratio - 1:134
• Internet Culture

M&M'S "Love Ballad" (February 2013)


Shares - 7,546 | Views - 1,000,102 | Share ratio - 1:132

• Pop Culture
• Music

The Skittles brand is famed for its quirky ad campaigns including the ‘Sorting Machine’,
(a device designed to sort the candies by colour that went viral after being picked up on
Reddit) and ‘Touch: Cat’ (a video video featuring a cat that licks a viewers finger once it
is placed on screen).
The brand continued the interactive theme with ‘Smash the Rainbow’, another video
designed to encourage audience engagement by asking viewers to choose objects from
a table to smash in the hope that they might reveal some skittles.

Shares - 44,235 | Views - 2,821,160 | Share ratio - 1:64
M&M’s have become well known for comedic ads involving personified chocolate
characters and the brand continued the popular theme with its 2013 Super Bowl
The video featured Glee star, Naya Rivera, being wooed by the red member of the
candy family. Set to the soundtrack of ‘I would do Anything for Love’, the little chocolate
character embarks on ever more complicated missions to impress her, but it turns out
that she’s using him for just one thing… his body.

Key UGC Observations
Online hacks = IRL snacks
‘How to’, ‘Life hacks’ and fun educational videos have become
a popular UGC theme in the food and drinks sector on
Packed full of interesting random facts and fun tips on how to
get creative with everyday kitchen items, these videos work well
because they are easily accessible and encourage viewer
interaction. They appeal to a wide range of online communities
and have plenty of viral triggers because they prompt people to
try things out at home or share ideas with friends.
Many popular viral sites like BuzzFeed now have dedicated
channels that specialise in this type of content. As opposed to
traditional cookery videos, which provide practical ‘how to’ tips
for the kitchen, the focus of this new viral food trend is on the
novelty factor. The emphasis being to share funny, quirky, food
based experiments that make amusing party tricks and act as
conversation triggers across the social video sphere.

Key UGC Observations
With great power comes great shareability
The power of UGC content on brands is not something to be
underestimated. 2013 has seen a wide range of YouTube
commentary, spoof videos and comedy mashups. Whatever the
format, user-generated content extends the reach of an original
advert and, in some cases, can significantly impact on the success of
a campaign.
The inadvertent online debate caused by the Cheerios ad, ‘Just
Checking’ makes for an interesting case in point. There was nothing
controversial about the ad itself, but the string of racist YouTube
comments reacting to the fact that the video featured a biracial
couple prompted a barrage of reactionary videos on YouTube. The
most significant of which was, ‘Kids React to Controversial Cheerios
Commercial’, by The Fine Brothers, which to a large extent was
responsible for the viral reach of the original ad.
A similar effect was seen when the Funny or Die team released a
parody video highlighting some of the overtly exploitative advertising
messaging in Chipotle’s Scarecrow ad. The remix significantly
contributed to the amount of media coverage the brand’s campaign
received, prolonging its viral impact , (although possibly not in a way
that was beneficial for the Chipotle brand).
MisterEpicMann: How Animals Eat Their Food

Kbcreativelab: Porn Sex vs Real Sex

Mark Rober: Watermelon Smoothie Hack

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Views = 84,031,188 | Shares = 1,459,051 | (1:57)

Views = 84,031,188 | Shares = 1,459,051 | (1:57)

Views = 2,636,814 | Shares = 11,736 | (1: 244)

Viral triggers = LOL/ WTF/

Viral triggers = LOL/ WTF/ NSFW

Viral triggers = LOL

John Adamson: Spinning Chocolate Joy

Sesame Street: Me Want It (But Me Wait)

BuzzFeedVideo: The Guide To Trading Candy

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Views = 2,291,850 | Shares = 15,691 | (1: 146)

Views = 1,463,223 | Shares = 40271 | (1: 36)

Views = 2,286,966 | Shares = 60,638 | (1:38)

Viral triggers = Epic / Talent

Viral triggers = LOL

Viral triggers = LOL






A Canadian YouTube cooking show known for creating extremely
high-calorie meals, most popularly from meat (with particular
emphasis on bacon) and including alcohol (especially Jack

One of the biggest online cookery communities in the world started
by personable Aussie, Rob Nixon. Self-named the home of
YouTube cooking. Huge channel with food tips, handy hints and
recipe ideas.

An informative guide on how to decorate Cupcakes and Cake
Pops like the professionals in free, easy to follow tutorials. With
cute, fun frosting techniques and ideas for all kinds of occasion,
this probably one for the ladies out there.







A demonstration of techniques, tips and recipes from Stephanie
Jaworski, an American-Canadian baker with a passion for all
things baking.

Working hand in hand with the website of the same name,
Buzzfeed Food mainly concerns itself with food trends and crazy
experiments as well as exploring food around the world, nutrition
and lots and lots of eggs.

Serious Eats

Bakers Royale

Honey and Jam

Thug Kitchen

A food blog focused on
sharing food enthusiasm
through online conversation,
multiple blogs, and video.

A cozy corner where baking
meets random thoughts and

Photos, repipe ideas and
general foodie chit chat from
22 year old Hannah Queen.

Where your narrow dietary
minded ass gets thinking
about healthy food.
Education and

Top with Cinnamon


Chasing Delicious

Finger, Fork + Knife

An awesome teenage
baking blog with recipes,
food photography and food

Recipes, cooking techniques,
and news, updated daily.
Utterly devoted to the
pleasure of food and drink.

Food + science + more. Your
one stop shop for everything
in your kitchen.

Recipes that excite, nourish
and inspire with a focus on
wholesome ingredients and
A round up of some of the most influential Twitter personalities in the Food and
Confectionary sector worth a follow!




Food, Facts, & Fun. Guaranteed to pepper your day with fun food
facts! Impress others with your food knowledge!


The ultimate food site for people who love to eat.


All about making and decorating beautiful cakes, sweet cupcakes
and delicious cookies.


Food Blogger. Recipe Developer. Picture Taker. Lover of all things


The Good Food Network is a completely new way for you to
discover fantastic food and drink in your local area and beyond


Dom Ramsey, editor of Chocablog, Chief Chocolate Officer of
@CocoaRunners & Co-Founder of World Chocolate Guide.


Writer, baker, snapper and author.





Good Food


Dan Lepard
A comparison of the volume of food related internet searches across the web and YouTube
during the past 3 years
Data from Google Trends has shown a 30% increase in the number of food and drinks related internet searches during the
past 3 years, with noticeable annual trends related to public holidays visible in web searches.
Interest in food and drinks across the net tends to peak in both November and December, coinciding with Thanks Giving and
Christmas and reflecting a rise in searches for recipe ideas, cooking tips, restaurants and bars. Whilst YouTube search has
seen a similar rise in interest in the food and drinks sector over time, data shows that the site is less prone to seasonal peaks
and troughs.
Weekly trends are also visible in web searches across the food and drinks sector, with a noticeable peak in interest at the
weekend reflecting increased search for recipes, and food related recreational activities.


Food & Drink web search

Sep '13

Aug '13

Jul '13

Jun '13

May '13

Apr '13

Mar '13

Feb '13

Jan '13

Dec '12

Nov '12

Oct '12

Sep '12

Aug '12

Jul '12

Jun '12

May '12

Apr '12

Mar '12

Feb '12

Jan '12

Dec '11

Nov '11

Oct '11

Sep '11

Aug '11

Jul '11

Jun '11

May '11

Apr '11

Mar '11

Feb '11

Jan '11

Dec '10


Nov '10

Oct '10

Interest over time *


Food & Drink Youtube search

* See Google Trends for details on how this is calculated
VAN is a social video platform, providing technology and services to agencies and brands to create
awesome shareable video. VAN’s 4 core services are: #KittenCamp (providing learning), TubeRank
(providing insight and inspiration), Creator Network (providing content creation services) and Viral
Ad Network (providing video distribution).
VAN’s platform is used by leading agencies and brands across the world, and was created by the
founders of award-winning viral agency Rubber Republic in 2013. To find out more about VAN’s
work, read this Forbes review or visit


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Contact us!

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Viral Marketing Insight into the Food & Confectionary Sector

  • 1. Food & Confectionary Social Video Insight 2013
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Welcome to VAN’s monthly insight report on what’s hot in the world of social video in the food and confectionary sector. The insights in this document are comprised of: • Brand insights • Viral video case studies • UGC insights • YouTuber insights • Blogger insights • Search stats & insights VAN’s social video insights are collated with the help of our TubeRank app Flickr photo: APM Alex
  • 3. BRAND TRENDS: FOOD Key brand observations Read all about it! The rise of the eco-conscious consumer. The rise in popularity of the food blogging community has given consumers a massive platform on which to share their opinions and make their voices heard. There are now thousands of recipes, reviews, videos and images being uploaded to the web every day, meaning that information relating to the food industry is more accessible than ever. This has lead to a rise in consumer concerns about food, with increasing emphasis being placed on healthy eating, organic produce and sustainable farming. As a result, brands like Chipotle and McDonald’s are trying to shake off their junk food image, highlighting eco-friendly projects and community initiatives in an attempt to appeal to a new generation of socially-aware, uber-informed internet veterans who have access to a plethora of information about what they’re putting into their mouths. Source: Flickr - Pam Loves Pie
  • 4. BRAND TRENDS: CONFECTIONARY Key brand observations Are you snacking comfortably? Then we’ll begin... 2013 has seen a rise in branded storytelling, with ads often being released in installments as part of a wider campaign to build on a branded concept. This trend is particularly true of confectionary companies, which tend to be amongst the most playful sectors of the food industry. Less concerned with pushing nutritional benefits, confectionary brands are marketed as fun treats for the whole family. As such there is a stronger emphasis on gimmicks, humour and youth / internet culture. We’ve seen incredibly successful campaigns this year from the likes of Oreo, (who focused on generating a mass social debate over which part of the biscuit was better, the cookie or the crème) and KitKat, who partnered with Google, tapping into the popular YouTube trend of spoof Apple iPhone videos.
  • 5. CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the food sector in 2013 Chipotle: The Scarecrow (Sep 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shares: 138,787 | Views: 6,264,084 Share Ratio = 1:45 Film Conversation Triggers: Epic Moving Topical Educational Gaming Mexican food chain, Chipotle, released a beautifully animated short film designed to highlight the brand’s concern for sustainable farming. Set to the haunting soundtrack of Willy Wonka’s ‘Pure Imagination’ and featuring a fantastical vision of a dystopian future, the video has all the right cues to tug on the heartstrings and get your emotions flowing. The ad was designed to promote the launch of a free iOS game where users could save the scarecrow from the factory on their smart phone or tablet. #Wins: The high production values and epic nature of the ad appeals to film fans and makes it a pleasure to watch and share. Plus, the moving storyline plays on topical concerns around animal cruelty, factory farming and sustainable living, creating plenty of conversation triggers. Music plays a powerful role in viral sharing and by giving a new lease of life to a classic song and making the track available for fans to download from iTunes, Chipotle broadened the appeal of the ad making it accessible to a wider audience demographic of pop culture fans. Communities of Interest: Music The Campaign: Activist #Fails: The anti-industrial food theme is somewhat at odds with the Chipotle brand, which despite stressing its emphasis on sustainable farming, is still ultimately a mass chain restaurant. The message conveyed by the video appears to endorse vegetarianism and independent, local eating establishments – a concept that doesn’t fit with the Chipotle brand. For this reason the video attracted a large amount of criticism with some accusing it of being a flagrant attempt by advertisers to manipulate the emotions of viewers and present the brand as something it’s not, giving rise to such parody videos as ‘Honest Scarecrow’.
  • 6. CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the food sector in 2013 Wonderful Pistachios: Psy | Get Crackin (Feb 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shares: 31,776 | Views: 3,993,532 Share Ratio = 1:125 Pop culture Conversation Triggers: Referential Topical LOL WTF Internet culture As part of its 2013 Super bowl campaign, the Wonderful Pistachios brand released ‘Get Crackin’, a music video parody of Gangnam Style. The video featured Psy donning a sequined jacket in the brand’s trademark pistachio green shade, strutting his stuff to a remix of the K-pop classic in front of a group of backing dancers dressed as giant nuts! #Wins: The brand managed to ride on the back of the viral wave of the most popular YouTube video of all time. Gangnam Style became a historic piece of pop culture and the existing buzz around the song, not to mention the huge number of UGC tributes gave the video a massive kick to get it noticed. The catchy song, complete with its topicality and the random WTF nature of the video provided some key sharing triggers and generated a huge twitter buzz around the ad. Communities of Interest: Music The Campaign: Geek It’s not the first time Wonderful Pistachios has capitalised on topical memes either. The brand name has become synonymous with trending YouTube virals with tributes to Keyboard cat, Honey Badger and more recently the Prancercise Lady. #Fails: When piggybacking on a viral trend timing is everything and unfortunately for Wonderful Pistachios, the brand’s Gangnam Style tribute was just too little too late. With the official video being released in July, the Superbowl ad came nearly 7 months after K-pop first took the web by storm, significantly reducing its viral impact.
  • 7. CASE STUDIES - A snapshot of viral ads in the food sector in 2013 End Marmite Neglect (Aug 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shares - 21,291 | Views - 502,538 | Share ratio - 1:24 Communities • General interest Triggers • LOL • Referential McDonald's: Minion Madness (Jun 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Communities • Film • Pop Culture Triggers • LOL • Referential • Topical Cheerios: Just Checking (May 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Communities • Parenting Triggers • LOL • Kawaii Marmite launched a spoof video featuring rescue squads visiting homes to remove neglected jars hidden away in kitchen cupboards.The humorous ad parodied the work of animal protection teams like the RSPCA, causing numerous complaints from viewers claiming the video was making a joke of animal cruelty. The controversy acted as an effective conversation and sharing trigger, dividing public opinion and cleverly playing on the brand’s ‘Love it, or Hate it’ slogan. Shares - 20,780 | Views - 4,924,966 | Share ratio - 1:237 McDonald’s has a long history of using upcoming children’s films to promote its Happy Meals and Minion Madness provides a good example of the mutual benefits of such partnerships to both brands and film distributors. The plastic toy based on the cute yellow side kicks from Despicable Me 2 became highly collectable, with customers lining up down the road hoping to get their hands on the latest figurine and the frenzy became a viral talking point for the video across social media channels and online news sites. Shares - 47,801 | Views - 4,508,269 | Share ratio - 1:94 Cheerios released an ad featuring an interracial family. Despite the fact at the ad itself wasn’t controversial it demonstrates the impact that YouTube comments can have on a campaign. The string of racist posts on the video channel triggered a storm of debate that was picked up by media outlets word wide, leading to extensive coverage across social media channels and giving rise to a string of UGC reaction videos and spoof tributes.
  • 8. CASE STUDIES - Insight into trending ads in the confectionary sector in 2013 OREO Separator Machine (February-March 2013) The Campaign: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Following the success of its "Whisper Fight" Super Bowl spot, Oreo continued the Cookie Vs Crème debate by launching the ‘Separator Machine’ campaign. The brand produced a four-part series of YouTube mockumentaries that followed the invention of ingenious cookie separation devices, clocking up a combined total of over 5 million views. The first installment told the story of a genius inventor and his one-man-mission to create a machine to remove the crème from his precious cookie. #Wins: Shares: 174,482* | Views: 5,402,632* Share Ratio = 1:31 Communities of Interest: Internet culture Student Conversation Triggers: LOL Epic Geek Oreo tapped into insight that consumers tended to fall into two categories, those who prefer the cookie part of the Oreo biscuit, and those who preferred the crème. By building on the cookie vs crème debate they generated conversations across social media channels, encouraging people to pick a side. The campaign formed part of an integrated social media push asking consumers to upload photos to Instagram and Twitter and tag them with #cookiethis or #cremethis. The brand’s creative team then recreated and sculpted their photo submissions using actual OREO cookies or creme. The separator machine series worked so well because it’s comedy concept and the obsessive attention to details of the machines appealed to the geek community. And by creating a series of ads that were released in installments over a month long period, the brand was able to get extra mileage from the campaign, keeping fans looking for the next installment. WTF *across all videos in series
  • 9. TOP VIRAL VIDEOS - CONFECTIONARY KitKat: Android KITKAT 4.4 (September  2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shares: 30,194 | Views: 2,334,162 Share Ratio = 1:77 The Campaign: In September 2013, Google announced a somewhat unlikely partnership with Nestle, revealing that it will be calling its next Android operating system KitKat. The KitKat Facebook, Google+ and Twitter pages were rebranded to feature the little Android mascot covered in chocolate and KitKat released a hilarious spoof video promoting the launch of the new Android KITKAT 4.4. The ad spot featured the “Chief Breaks Officer” excitedly talking through all the design features that went into making the chocolate bar the ultimate snack product, cleverly poking fun at Apple’s well-known product introduction videos. #Wins: Communities of Interest: Geek Conversation Triggers: Referential Topical LOL Internet culture With the imminent release of the new iPhone 5s just weeks away, the internet was rife with news stories speculating about the new handset, making the timing of the ad particularly relevant and capitalising on the existing media hype. The newsworthy nature of the unlikely partnership between the chocolate brand and Google acted as a conversation point for the ad, generating over 30,000 shares for the video in the first 24 hours of its release. This, combined with the fact that Apple parodies were trending in the weeks leading up to the release of the latest phone provided plenty of conversation triggers around the amusing parody.
  • 10. CASE STUDIES - A snap shot of viral ads in the confectionary sector in 2013 Cadbury: Marriage Proposal Gone Wrong (Aug 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Communities • Internet Culture Triggers • LOL • WTF Skittles Figurines (June 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii As part of its ‘Not So Sweet’ campaign, Cadbury released a hoax video of a marriage proposal gone wrong. The clip of an unfortunate young man getting hit over the head in a public mall after his would-be fiancée cruelly rejected his proposal was uploaded to YouTube with many believing, thanks in part to the terrible quality and shaky recording skills, that it was a genuine proposal gone wrong. In fact the hilarious clip was part of a clever viral marketing stunt by Cadbury, the only clue being the Bournville branding on the side of a mall train that drove through the scene. Shares - 1,472 | Views - 196,762 | Share ratio - 1:134 Communities • Internet Culture Triggers • WTF • LOL M&M'S "Love Ballad" (February 2013) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shares - 7,546 | Views - 1,000,102 | Share ratio - 1:132 Communities • Pop Culture • Music Triggers • LOL The Skittles brand is famed for its quirky ad campaigns including the ‘Sorting Machine’, (a device designed to sort the candies by colour that went viral after being picked up on Reddit) and ‘Touch: Cat’ (a video video featuring a cat that licks a viewers finger once it is placed on screen). The brand continued the interactive theme with ‘Smash the Rainbow’, another video designed to encourage audience engagement by asking viewers to choose objects from a table to smash in the hope that they might reveal some skittles. Shares - 44,235 | Views - 2,821,160 | Share ratio - 1:64 M&M’s have become well known for comedic ads involving personified chocolate characters and the brand continued the popular theme with its 2013 Super Bowl commercial. The video featured Glee star, Naya Rivera, being wooed by the red member of the candy family. Set to the soundtrack of ‘I would do Anything for Love’, the little chocolate character embarks on ever more complicated missions to impress her, but it turns out that she’s using him for just one thing… his body.
  • 11. UGC TRENDS Key UGC Observations Online hacks = IRL snacks ‘How to’, ‘Life hacks’ and fun educational videos have become a popular UGC theme in the food and drinks sector on YouTube. Packed full of interesting random facts and fun tips on how to get creative with everyday kitchen items, these videos work well because they are easily accessible and encourage viewer interaction. They appeal to a wide range of online communities and have plenty of viral triggers because they prompt people to try things out at home or share ideas with friends. Many popular viral sites like BuzzFeed now have dedicated channels that specialise in this type of content. As opposed to traditional cookery videos, which provide practical ‘how to’ tips for the kitchen, the focus of this new viral food trend is on the novelty factor. The emphasis being to share funny, quirky, food based experiments that make amusing party tricks and act as conversation triggers across the social video sphere.
  • 12. UGC TRENDS Key UGC Observations With great power comes great shareability The power of UGC content on brands is not something to be underestimated. 2013 has seen a wide range of YouTube commentary, spoof videos and comedy mashups. Whatever the format, user-generated content extends the reach of an original advert and, in some cases, can significantly impact on the success of a campaign. The inadvertent online debate caused by the Cheerios ad, ‘Just Checking’ makes for an interesting case in point. There was nothing controversial about the ad itself, but the string of racist YouTube comments reacting to the fact that the video featured a biracial couple prompted a barrage of reactionary videos on YouTube. The most significant of which was, ‘Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial’, by The Fine Brothers, which to a large extent was responsible for the viral reach of the original ad. A similar effect was seen when the Funny or Die team released a parody video highlighting some of the overtly exploitative advertising messaging in Chipotle’s Scarecrow ad. The remix significantly contributed to the amount of media coverage the brand’s campaign received, prolonging its viral impact , (although possibly not in a way that was beneficial for the Chipotle brand).
  • 13. TRENDING UGC VIDEOS - FOOD & CONFECTIONARY MisterEpicMann: How Animals Eat Their Food Kbcreativelab: Porn Sex vs Real Sex Mark Rober: Watermelon Smoothie Hack iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Views = 84,031,188 | Shares = 1,459,051 | (1:57) Views = 84,031,188 | Shares = 1,459,051 | (1:57) Views = 2,636,814 | Shares = 11,736 | (1: 244) Viral triggers = LOL/ WTF/ Viral triggers = LOL/ WTF/ NSFW Viral triggers = LOL John Adamson: Spinning Chocolate Joy Sesame Street: Me Want It (But Me Wait) BuzzFeedVideo: The Guide To Trading Candy iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Views = 2,291,850 | Shares = 15,691 | (1: 146) Views = 1,463,223 | Shares = 40271 | (1: 36) Views = 2,286,966 | Shares = 60,638 | (1:38) Viral triggers = Epic / Talent Viral triggers = LOL Viral triggers = LOL
  • 14. TOP FOOD AND CONFECTIONARY YOUTUBE CHANNELS Vertical Channel iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii Stats EPIC MEAL TIME Subscribers: 5,726,754 Views: 613,737,995 NICKO’S KITCHEN Subscribers: 505,415 Views: 91,880,555 MY CUPCAKE ADDICTION Subscribers: 279,832 Views: 29,242,009 Description A Canadian YouTube cooking show known for creating extremely high-calorie meals, most popularly from meat (with particular emphasis on bacon) and including alcohol (especially Jack Daniels). One of the biggest online cookery communities in the world started by personable Aussie, Rob Nixon. Self-named the home of YouTube cooking. Huge channel with food tips, handy hints and recipe ideas. An informative guide on how to decorate Cupcakes and Cake Pops like the professionals in free, easy to follow tutorials. With cute, fun frosting techniques and ideas for all kinds of occasion, this probably one for the ladies out there. JOY OF BAKING iiiiiii Subscribers: 189,986 Views: 39,222,401 BUZZFEED FOOD iiiiiii Subscribers: 279,832 Views: 29,242,009 A demonstration of techniques, tips and recipes from Stephanie Jaworski, an American-Canadian baker with a passion for all things baking. Working hand in hand with the website of the same name, Buzzfeed Food mainly concerns itself with food trends and crazy experiments as well as exploring food around the world, nutrition and lots and lots of eggs.
  • 15. TOP FOOD AND CONFECTIONARY BLOGS IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Serious Eats Bakers Royale Honey and Jam Thug Kitchen A food blog focused on sharing food enthusiasm through online conversation, multiple blogs, and video. A cozy corner where baking meets random thoughts and musings. Photos, repipe ideas and general foodie chit chat from 22 year old Hannah Queen. Where your narrow dietary minded ass gets thinking about healthy food. Education and entertainment. IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Top with Cinnamon Chow Chasing Delicious Finger, Fork + Knife An awesome teenage baking blog with recipes, food photography and food styling. Recipes, cooking techniques, and news, updated daily. Utterly devoted to the pleasure of food and drink. Food + science + more. Your one stop shop for everything in your kitchen. Recipes that excite, nourish and inspire with a focus on wholesome ingredients and high-nutrition.
  • 16. TOP TWITTER FEEDS - FOOD & CONFECTIONARY A round up of some of the most influential Twitter personalities in the Food and Confectionary sector worth a follow! iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii @Foodimentary Followers: 861,640 Food, Facts, & Fun. Guaranteed to pepper your day with fun food facts! Impress others with your food knowledge! Followers: 433,198 The ultimate food site for people who love to eat. Followers: 18,386 All about making and decorating beautiful cakes, sweet cupcakes and delicious cookies. Followers: 16,088 Food Blogger. Recipe Developer. Picture Taker. Lover of all things beautiful. Followers: 2,730 The Good Food Network is a completely new way for you to discover fantastic food and drink in your local area and beyond Followers: 9,516 Dom Ramsey, editor of Chocablog, Chief Chocolate Officer of @CocoaRunners & Co-Founder of World Chocolate Guide. Followers: 22,995 Writer, baker, snapper and author. Foodimentary @epicurious epicurious @CakeJournal Louise @bakingaddiction Jamie @GoodFoodNet Good Food @chocablog Chocablog @dan_lepard Dan Lepard
  • 17. SEARCH TRENDS IN THE FOOD & CONFECTIONARY SECTOR A comparison of the volume of food related internet searches across the web and YouTube during the past 3 years Data from Google Trends has shown a 30% increase in the number of food and drinks related internet searches during the past 3 years, with noticeable annual trends related to public holidays visible in web searches. Interest in food and drinks across the net tends to peak in both November and December, coinciding with Thanks Giving and Christmas and reflecting a rise in searches for recipe ideas, cooking tips, restaurants and bars. Whilst YouTube search has seen a similar rise in interest in the food and drinks sector over time, data shows that the site is less prone to seasonal peaks and troughs. Weekly trends are also visible in web searches across the food and drinks sector, with a noticeable peak in interest at the weekend reflecting increased search for recipes, and food related recreational activities. 40% 30% 20% 10% Food & Drink web search Sep '13 Aug '13 Jul '13 Jun '13 May '13 Apr '13 Mar '13 Feb '13 Jan '13 Dec '12 Nov '12 Oct '12 Sep '12 Aug '12 Jul '12 Jun '12 May '12 Apr '12 Mar '12 Feb '12 Jan '12 Dec '11 Nov '11 Oct '11 Sep '11 Aug '11 Jul '11 Jun '11 May '11 Apr '11 Mar '11 Feb '11 Jan '11 Dec '10 -10% Nov '10 0% Oct '10 Interest over time * 50% Food & Drink Youtube search * See Google Trends for details on how this is calculated
  • 18. ABOUT VAN VAN is a social video platform, providing technology and services to agencies and brands to create awesome shareable video. VAN’s 4 core services are: #KittenCamp (providing learning), TubeRank (providing insight and inspiration), Creator Network (providing content creation services) and Viral Ad Network (providing video distribution). VAN’s platform is used by leading agencies and brands across the world, and was created by the founders of award-winning viral agency Rubber Republic in 2013. To find out more about VAN’s work, read this Forbes review or visit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii