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Northeast PHP August 12, 2012

Varnish, The Good, The
  Awesome, and the
   Downright Crazy
        By Mike Willbanks
    Sr. Web Architect Manager
        NOOK Developer

    • Talk
       Slides will be online later!

    • Me
       Sr. Web Architect Manager at NOOK Developer

       Prior MNPHP Organizer

       Open Source Contributor (Zend Framework and various others)

       Where you can find me:
        • Twitter: mwillbanks          G+: Mike Willbanks
        • IRC (freenode): mwillbanks   Blog:
        • GitHub:


    • What is Varnish
    • The Good : Why…
       The quick, easy and hardly informed way…

    • The Awesome : How…
       VCL’s, Directors and more…

    • The Crazy : Go…
       ESI, Purging, VCL C, and VMOD…

    • Varnish Command Line Apps
       varnishtop, varnishstat, etc.

What is Varnish?
Official Statement
What the hell it means
Graphs, oh my!
Official Statement

     “Varnish is a web application accelerator. You install it in
        front of your web application and it will speed it up

What The Hell? Tell me!

    • Varnish allow you to accelerate your website
       By using memory and keeping in mind cookies, request headers
       and more…
    • It caches pages so that your web server can RELAX!
       What about my apache, tomcat, nginx and (mongrel|thin|
       Generally caching by TTL + HTTP Headers (cookies too!)

    • A load banancer, proxy and more…
       What? …. Yes, it can do that!

A General Use Case

    • CaringBridge Status Server
       Getting a message to mobile users.

       The system is down, or we want to be able to communicate a
       message to them about some subject… maybe a campaign.
       The apps and mobile site rely on an API
        • Trouble in paradise? Few and far in between.
       Let an API talk to a server…

       A story on crashing and burning before varnish.

The Graph - AWS

                  Req/s                                              Peak Load
700                                                14
600                                                12
500                                                10
400                                                 8
300                                       Req/s                                                  Peak Load
200                                                 4
        Small   X-Large   Small Varnish
                                                            Small    X-Large    Small Varnish

                  Time                                                Requests
500                                               80000
450                                               70000
300                                               50000
250                                               40000
                                          Time                                                    Requests
200                                               30000
 50                                               10000
  0                                                     0
 8      Small   X-Large   Small Varnish                      Small    X-Large    Small Varnish
The Raw Data


The Good – Listen Up!
Finding Existing VCL’s

     • RTM :
        Debian: sudo apt-get install varnish

        EPEL: yum install varnish
         • only 6.x otherwise you’ll be out of date!
        WOOT Compiling #git
         • git clone git://
         • cd varnish-cache
         • sh
         • ./configure
         • make && make install

Varnish Daemon

     • varnishd
        -a address[:port]   listen for client
        -b address[:port]   backend requests
        -T address[:port]   administration http
        -s type[,options]   storage type (malloc, file, persistence)
        -P /path/to/file    PID file
        Many others; these are generally the most important. Generally
        the defaults will do with just modification of the default VCL
        (more on it later).


     • Reference Manual

     • Tutorial – more like a book version of the reference manual

     • Knock yourselves out! There is a ton of documentation
         • Yes, this makes happy developers.
        Documentation is very accurate, read carefully.

        Focus heavily on VCL’s, that is generally what you need.

        I’m attempting to show you some of how this works but you will
        require the documentation to assist you.

Existing VCL’s – The truly lazy…

     • VCL’s are available for common open source projects
        Hi wordpress and drupal!
        Examples of all sorts of crazy

Wordpress = Bad Slashdot Bad!!!

      backend default {
        .host = "“;
        .port = "8080";
      sub vcl_recv {
          if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) {
              unset req.http.cookie;
      sub vcl_fetch {
          if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) {
              unset beresp.http.set-cookie;

The Awesome – Going Places
A Few Examples
VCL’s by Diagram…

VCL – Varnish Configuration Language

     • VCL State Engine
        Each Request is Processed Separately & Independently

        States are Isolated but are Related

        Return statements exit one state and start another

        VCL defaults are ALWAYS appended below your own VCL

     • VCL can be complex, but…
        Two main subroutines; vcl_recv and vcl_fetch

        Common actions: pass, hit_for_pass, lookup, pipe, deliver

        Common variables: req, beresp and obj

        More subroutines, functions and complexity can arise dependent
        on condition.
VCL – Subroutines – breaking it down.

     • vcl_init – VCL is loaded, no request yet; VMOD initialization
     • vcl_recv – Beginning of request, req is in scope
     • vcl_pipe – Client & backend data passed unaltered
     • vcl_pass – Request goes to backend and not cached
     • vcl_hash – call hash_data to add to the hash
     • vcl_hit – called on request found in the cache
     • vcl_miss – called on request not found in the cache
     • vcl_fetch – called on document retrieved from backend
     • vcl_deliver – called prior to delivery of cached object
     • vcl_error – called on errors

     • vcl_fini – all requests have exited VCL, cleanup of VMOD’s
VCL - Variables

     • Always Available              • Backend Req Prepartion
        now – epoch time               bereq – backend request

     • Backend Declarations          • Retrieved Backend Request
        .host – hostname / IP          beresp – backend response
        .port – port number         • Cached Object
     • Request Processing               obj – Cached object, can only
        client – ip & identity         change .ttl

        server – ip & port          • Response Preparation
        req – request information      resp – http stuff

VCL - Functions

     • hash_data(string) – adds a string to the hash input.
        Request host and URL is default from the default vcl.

     • regsub(string, regex, sub) – substitution on first occurance
        sub can contain numbers 0-n to inject matches from the regex.

     • regsuball(string, regex, sub) – substitution on all occurances
     • ban(expression) – Ban all objects in cache that match
     • ban(regex) – Ban all objects in cache that have a URL match


     • Directors allow you to talk to the backend servers
     • Directors are a glorified reverse proxy
        Allows for certain types of load balancing

        Allows for talking to a cluster

            “A director is a logical group of backend servers
          clustered together for redundancy. The basic role of
          the director is to let Varnish choose a backend server
            amongst several so if one is down another can be

Directors – The Types

     • Random Director – picks a backend by random number
     • Client Director – picks a backend by client identity
     • Hash Director – picks a backend by URL hash value
     • Round-Robin Director – picks a backend in order
     • DNS Director – picks a backend by means of DNS
        Random OR Round-Robin

     • Fallback – picks the first “healthy” backend

Director - Probing

     • To ensure healthy backends, you need to use probing.
        It really sounds like a colonoscopy for servers; which it is.

     • Variables
        .url

        .request

        .window

        .threshold

        .intial

        .expected_response

        .interval

        .timeout
Example VCL Configuration

The Crazy
ESI – Edge-Side Includes
ESI – Edge Side Includes

     • ESI is a small markup language much like SSI (server side
       includes) to include fragments (or dynamic content for that
     • Think of it as replacing regions inside of a page as if you
       were using XHR (AJAX) but single threaded.
     • Three Statements can be utilized.
        esi:include – Include a page

        esi:remove – Remove content

        <!-- esi --> - ESI disabled, execute normally

ESI – By Diagram

Using ESI

     • In vcl_fetch, you must set ESI to be on
        set beresp.do_esi = true;

        By default, ESI will still cache, so add an exclusion if you need it
         • if (req.url == “/show_username.php”) {
               return (pass);
         • This is a good thing, you may want to cache user information to the
           right people (aka by cookie value) so that you don’t reload it on every
        Varnish refuses to parse content for ESI if it does not look like XML
         • This is by default; so check varnishstat and varnishlog to ensure that it
           is functioning like normal.

ESI – By Example

         <head><title>Rock it with ESI</title></head>
                   <esi:include src="/user_header.php" />
                   <!-- Don't do this as you'd lose the advantage of varnish -->
                   <?php include 'user_header.php'; ?>
               <section id="main"></section


     • The various ways of purging
        varnishadm – command line utility
         • It’s the ole finger in the back of the throat
        Sockets (port 6082) – everyone likes a good socket wrench
         • Sure, Ipecac is likely overkill.
        HTTP – now that is the sexiness
         • A few headers, nothing forced.

Purging Examples

     varnishadm -T purge req.url == "/foo/bar“

     telnet localhost 6082
     purge req.url == "/foo/bar

     telnet localhost 80
     Connected to localhost.
     Escape character is '^]'.

     PURGE /foo/bar HTTP/1.0

Distributed Purging

     • Distributed Purging… like a sorority party.
        Use a message queue (or gearman job server)

        Have a worker that knows about the varnish servers

        Submit the request to clear the cache in the asynchronously or
        synchronously depending on your use case.
         • Have enough workers to make this effective at purging the cache
        This will make it far easier to scale; you can either store the
        servers in a config file, database or anything else you think is

Embedding C in VCL – you must be crazy

     • Before getting into VMOD; did you know you can embed C
       into the VCL for varnish?
     • Want to do something crazy fast or leverage a C library for
       pre or post processing?
     • I know… you’re thinking that’s useless..
        On to the example; and a good one from the Varnish WIKI!

VCL - Embedded C for syslog – uber sexy

           #include <syslog.h>

     sub vcl_something {
                syslog(LOG_INFO, "Something happened at VCL line XX.");
     # Example with using varnish variables
           syslog(LOG_ERR, "Spurious response from backend: xid %s request %s %s
         "%s" %d "%s" "%s"", VRT_r_req_xid(sp), VRT_r_req_request(sp),
         VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_REQ, "005host:"), VRT_r_req_url(sp),
         VRT_r_obj_status(sp), VRT_r_obj_response(sp), VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_OBJ,
VMOD – Varnish Modules / Extensions

     • Taking VCL embedded C to the next level
     • Allows you to extend varnish and create new functions
     • Now, if you are writing modules for varnish you have a
       specialty use case!
        Go read up on it!


VMOD - std

     • The VMOD std is shipped with varnish; it provides some
       useful commands
        toupper           syslog

        tolower           fileread

        set_up_tos        duration

        random            integer

        log               collect

Varnish Command Line Apps
varnish        varnishadm    varnishhist
varnishlog     varnishncsa   varnishreplay
varnishsizes   varnishstat   varnishtest
What is Varnish doing…

     • What is varnish doing right now?
     • How do I debug what is happening?
        varnishtop

What is Varnish doing…


     • Many times people want to log the requests to a file
        By default Varnish only stores these in shared memory.

        Apache Style Logs
         • varnishncsa –D –a –w log.txt
        This will run as a daemon to log all of your requests on a separate


Cache Warmup

     • Need to warm up your cache before putting a sever in the
       queue or load test an environment?
        varnishreplay –r log.txt

     • Replaying logs can allow you to do this. This is great for
       when you are going to be deploying code to check for
       performance issues.
        Although… be careful so that you don’t POST data or create data
        on peoples accounts. Maybe cat the file and remove anything that
        executes on data.

Cache Hit Ratios? No Problem

     • How to see your cache hit ratios…
        varnishstat

     • Want to parse them from XML so you can create a sexy
       administration panel?
        varnishstat –x

Cache Hit Ratios? No Problem

These slides will be posted to SlideShare & SpeakerDeck.
  SpeakerDeck:

  Slideshare:

  Twitter: mwillbanks

  G+: Mike Willbanks

  IRC (freenode): mwillbanks

  Blog:

  GitHub:

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Varnish Cache

  • 1. Northeast PHP August 12, 2012 Varnish, The Good, The Awesome, and the Downright Crazy By Mike Willbanks Sr. Web Architect Manager NOOK Developer
  • 2. Housekeeping… • Talk   Slides will be online later! • Me   Sr. Web Architect Manager at NOOK Developer   Prior MNPHP Organizer   Open Source Contributor (Zend Framework and various others)   Where you can find me: • Twitter: mwillbanks G+: Mike Willbanks • IRC (freenode): mwillbanks Blog: • GitHub: 2
  • 3. Agenda • What is Varnish • The Good : Why…   The quick, easy and hardly informed way… • The Awesome : How…   VCL’s, Directors and more… • The Crazy : Go…   ESI, Purging, VCL C, and VMOD… • Varnish Command Line Apps   varnishtop, varnishstat, etc. 3
  • 4. What is Varnish? Official Statement What the hell it means Graphs, oh my!
  • 5. Official Statement “Varnish is a web application accelerator. You install it in front of your web application and it will speed it up significantly.” 5
  • 6. What The Hell? Tell me! • Varnish allow you to accelerate your website   By using memory and keeping in mind cookies, request headers and more… • It caches pages so that your web server can RELAX!   What about my apache, tomcat, nginx and (mongrel|thin| goliath….)   Generally caching by TTL + HTTP Headers (cookies too!) • A load banancer, proxy and more…   What? …. Yes, it can do that! 6
  • 7. A General Use Case • CaringBridge Status Server   Getting a message to mobile users.   The system is down, or we want to be able to communicate a message to them about some subject… maybe a campaign.   The apps and mobile site rely on an API • Trouble in paradise? Few and far in between.   Let an API talk to a server…   A story on crashing and burning before varnish. 7
  • 8. The Graph - AWS Req/s Peak Load 700 14 600 12 500 10 400 8 300 Req/s Peak Load 6 200 4 100 2 0 0 Small X-Large Small Varnish Small X-Large Small Varnish Time Requests 500 80000 450 70000 400 60000 350 300 50000 250 40000 Time Requests 200 30000 150 20000 100 50 10000 0 0 8 Small X-Large Small Varnish Small X-Large Small Varnish
  • 9. The Raw Data Small   X-­‐Large   Small  Varnish   Concurrency   10   150   150   Requests   5000   55558   75000   Time   438   347   36   Req/s   11.42   58   585   Peak  Load   11.91   8.44   0.35   19,442   Comments   failed  reqs   9
  • 10. The Good – Listen Up! Installment Documentation Finding Existing VCL’s
  • 11. Installment • RTM :   Debian: sudo apt-get install varnish   EPEL: yum install varnish • only 6.x otherwise you’ll be out of date!   WOOT Compiling #git • git clone git:// • cd varnish-cache • sh • ./configure • make && make install 11
  • 12. Varnish Daemon • varnishd   -a address[:port] listen for client   -b address[:port] backend requests   -T address[:port] administration http   -s type[,options] storage type (malloc, file, persistence)   -P /path/to/file PID file   Many others; these are generally the most important. Generally the defaults will do with just modification of the default VCL (more on it later). 12
  • 13. Documentation • Reference Manual  • Tutorial – more like a book version of the reference manual  • Knock yourselves out! There is a ton of documentation • Yes, this makes happy developers.   Documentation is very accurate, read carefully.   Focus heavily on VCL’s, that is generally what you need.   I’m attempting to show you some of how this works but you will require the documentation to assist you. 13
  • 14. Existing VCL’s – The truly lazy… • VCL’s are available for common open source projects   Hi wordpress and drupal! • •   Examples of all sorts of crazy • 14
  • 15. Wordpress = Bad Slashdot Bad!!! backend default { .host = "“; .port = "8080"; } sub vcl_recv { if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) { unset req.http.cookie; } } sub vcl_fetch { if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) { unset beresp.http.set-cookie; } } 15
  • 16. The Awesome – Going Places VCL Directors A Few Examples
  • 18. VCL – Varnish Configuration Language • VCL State Engine   Each Request is Processed Separately & Independently   States are Isolated but are Related   Return statements exit one state and start another   VCL defaults are ALWAYS appended below your own VCL • VCL can be complex, but…   Two main subroutines; vcl_recv and vcl_fetch   Common actions: pass, hit_for_pass, lookup, pipe, deliver   Common variables: req, beresp and obj   More subroutines, functions and complexity can arise dependent on condition. 18
  • 19. VCL – Subroutines – breaking it down. • vcl_init – VCL is loaded, no request yet; VMOD initialization • vcl_recv – Beginning of request, req is in scope • vcl_pipe – Client & backend data passed unaltered • vcl_pass – Request goes to backend and not cached • vcl_hash – call hash_data to add to the hash • vcl_hit – called on request found in the cache • vcl_miss – called on request not found in the cache • vcl_fetch – called on document retrieved from backend • vcl_deliver – called prior to delivery of cached object • vcl_error – called on errors 19 • vcl_fini – all requests have exited VCL, cleanup of VMOD’s
  • 20. VCL - Variables • Always Available • Backend Req Prepartion   now – epoch time   bereq – backend request • Backend Declarations • Retrieved Backend Request   .host – hostname / IP   beresp – backend response   .port – port number • Cached Object • Request Processing   obj – Cached object, can only   client – ip & identity change .ttl   server – ip & port • Response Preparation   req – request information   resp – http stuff 20
  • 21. VCL - Functions • hash_data(string) – adds a string to the hash input.   Request host and URL is default from the default vcl. • regsub(string, regex, sub) – substitution on first occurance   sub can contain numbers 0-n to inject matches from the regex. • regsuball(string, regex, sub) – substitution on all occurances • ban(expression) – Ban all objects in cache that match • ban(regex) – Ban all objects in cache that have a URL match 21
  • 22. Directors • Directors allow you to talk to the backend servers • Directors are a glorified reverse proxy   Allows for certain types of load balancing   Allows for talking to a cluster “A director is a logical group of backend servers clustered together for redundancy. The basic role of the director is to let Varnish choose a backend server amongst several so if one is down another can be used.” 22
  • 23. Directors – The Types • Random Director – picks a backend by random number • Client Director – picks a backend by client identity • Hash Director – picks a backend by URL hash value • Round-Robin Director – picks a backend in order • DNS Director – picks a backend by means of DNS   Random OR Round-Robin • Fallback – picks the first “healthy” backend 23
  • 24. Director - Probing • To ensure healthy backends, you need to use probing.   It really sounds like a colonoscopy for servers; which it is. • Variables   .url   .request   .window   .threshold   .intial   .expected_response   .interval   .timeout 24
  • 26. The Crazy ESI – Edge-Side Includes Purging VMOD
  • 27. ESI – Edge Side Includes • ESI is a small markup language much like SSI (server side includes) to include fragments (or dynamic content for that matter). • Think of it as replacing regions inside of a page as if you were using XHR (AJAX) but single threaded. • Three Statements can be utilized.   esi:include – Include a page   esi:remove – Remove content   <!-- esi --> - ESI disabled, execute normally 27
  • 28. ESI – By Diagram 28
  • 29. Using ESI • In vcl_fetch, you must set ESI to be on   set beresp.do_esi = true;   By default, ESI will still cache, so add an exclusion if you need it • if (req.url == “/show_username.php”) { return (pass); } • This is a good thing, you may want to cache user information to the right people (aka by cookie value) so that you don’t reload it on every request.   Varnish refuses to parse content for ESI if it does not look like XML • This is by default; so check varnishstat and varnishlog to ensure that it is functioning like normal. 29
  • 30. ESI – By Example <html> <head><title>Rock it with ESI</title></head> <body> <header> <esi:include src="/user_header.php" /> <!-- Don't do this as you'd lose the advantage of varnish --> <!--esi <?php include 'user_header.php'; ?> --> </header> <section id="main"></section <footer></footer> </body> </html> 30
  • 31. Purging • The various ways of purging   varnishadm – command line utility • It’s the ole finger in the back of the throat   Sockets (port 6082) – everyone likes a good socket wrench • Sure, Ipecac is likely overkill.   HTTP – now that is the sexiness • A few headers, nothing forced. 31
  • 32. Purging Examples varnishadm -T purge req.url == "/foo/bar“ telnet localhost 6082 purge req.url == "/foo/bar telnet localhost 80 Response: Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. PURGE /foo/bar HTTP/1.0 Host: 32
  • 33. Distributed Purging • Distributed Purging… like a sorority party.   Use a message queue (or gearman job server)   Have a worker that knows about the varnish servers   Submit the request to clear the cache in the asynchronously or synchronously depending on your use case. • Have enough workers to make this effective at purging the cache quickly.   This will make it far easier to scale; you can either store the servers in a config file, database or anything else you think is relevant. 33
  • 34. Embedding C in VCL – you must be crazy • Before getting into VMOD; did you know you can embed C into the VCL for varnish? • Want to do something crazy fast or leverage a C library for pre or post processing? • I know… you’re thinking that’s useless..   On to the example; and a good one from the Varnish WIKI! 34
  • 35. VCL - Embedded C for syslog – uber sexy C{ #include <syslog.h> }C sub vcl_something { C{ syslog(LOG_INFO, "Something happened at VCL line XX."); }C } # Example with using varnish variables C{ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Spurious response from backend: xid %s request %s %s "%s" %d "%s" "%s"", VRT_r_req_xid(sp), VRT_r_req_request(sp), VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_REQ, "005host:"), VRT_r_req_url(sp), VRT_r_obj_status(sp), VRT_r_obj_response(sp), VRT_GetHdr(sp, HDR_OBJ, "011Location:")); }C 35
  • 36. VMOD – Varnish Modules / Extensions • Taking VCL embedded C to the next level • Allows you to extend varnish and create new functions • Now, if you are writing modules for varnish you have a specialty use case!   Go read up on it!  36
  • 37. VMOD - std • The VMOD std is shipped with varnish; it provides some useful commands   toupper   syslog   tolower   fileread   set_up_tos   duration   random   integer   log   collect 37
  • 38. Varnish Command Line Apps varnish varnishadm varnishhist varnishlog varnishncsa varnishreplay varnishsizes varnishstat varnishtest varnishtop
  • 39. What is Varnish doing… • What is varnish doing right now? • How do I debug what is happening?   varnishtop 39
  • 40. What is Varnish doing… 40
  • 41. Logging • Many times people want to log the requests to a file   By default Varnish only stores these in shared memory.   Apache Style Logs • varnishncsa –D –a –w log.txt   This will run as a daemon to log all of your requests on a separate thread. 41
  • 43. Cache Warmup • Need to warm up your cache before putting a sever in the queue or load test an environment?   varnishreplay –r log.txt • Replaying logs can allow you to do this. This is great for when you are going to be deploying code to check for performance issues.   Although… be careful so that you don’t POST data or create data on peoples accounts. Maybe cat the file and remove anything that executes on data. 43
  • 44. Cache Hit Ratios? No Problem • How to see your cache hit ratios…   varnishstat • Want to parse them from XML so you can create a sexy administration panel?   varnishstat –x 44
  • 45. Cache Hit Ratios? No Problem 45
  • 46. Questions? These slides will be posted to SlideShare & SpeakerDeck.  SpeakerDeck:  Slideshare:  Twitter: mwillbanks  G+: Mike Willbanks  IRC (freenode): mwillbanks  Blog:  GitHub: