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White side co. had been established in 2008 in Dubai by Mr.Usman
Bashir a biuionaire in Dubai. Mr. Usman is basically an industrialist.
In the year of 2008in the month of July, he felt a great need
forgetter infrastructure of health soap for health purpose boom in his
country. So he decided to launch VALENCIA SOAP.

In the start, it was a single person company but afterward general
public from all over the world was invited for subscription. Many
Pakistani now has a reasonable share in White side co.

In the earlier stages, it only worked in UAE states successfully, but
as time passes, Mr.Usman with the consultation of his Directors of
the company agreed that Pakistan is Worlds best place at that time

So now VALENCIA SOAP is in Pakistan since Sep 2008. It is working
in almost all the cities of Pakistan with best available packages and


VALENCIA SOAP. We always tried to arrange best possible services
to our customer which any other company does not offer. We really
value the customer. A right word is customer have the status of
order perception is that we are contribution in the health progress of
Pakistan. We will be all the time with Pakistan this process as our
motto is
“Sari Zindgi Sath Sath”

The mystery of soap making

Suggestions & Feedback:       Valencia
                                                           Health Comes

I always wanted to be one of those Suzy homemakers that did a lot
of Canning and jarring and making my own soap and candles! All
that stuff sounded so great to me. I never tried because I thought it
was too hard! As of late however at the ripe old age of 45 I have
decided it's now or never so I am going on some exploits and I am
taking you with me (if you want to come!)We are now entering the
twilight zone of 'Country gal 101' Today’s lesson is Wonderful and
healthy soap making made easy! There is a list of 'soap making'
sites at the end visit them for soap making in different degrees of
difficulty. I don't know about you but the easy way works for me! I
think I might advance one day but not today! I am a beginner
myself but soap making, like I said, has always interested me!

Add some Spice to your soap!

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                                                           Health Comes

                Ways to make your soap great!

As shown below there are many ways to make your soap uniquely

Scented oils and healthy skin oils and butters herbs such as
eucalyptus and

Mint, Cinnamon, Aloe and Green tea just to name a few. You can
scent with

Fragrance oils and molds them into anything you want with soap
molds! You can

Even add sand or crunched up nuts to give the soap texture and
'scrub' qualities :)


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                                                          Health Comes

Put them in the freezer for an hour and they will come out of the
molds easier!

It works well to spray your mold with cooking spray! You can also
add color to

Make the soap beautiful! This stuff makes GREAT gifts! People love

Unit Price Qty. Cost


[Remove] $5.49 $5.49


[Remove] $4.99 $4.99


[Remove] $4.99 $4.99

Subtotal: $15.47

Total: $15.47

Keep Shopping

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Price: $1.99

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Price: $18.99


Price: $1.99

An Easy Soap recipe!

This should be a family affair! Get yo' Mama or Yo' Granny
and get in that kitchen together! Nothing brings a family
closer than making something together!

What you'll need:
•   Glycerin soap, clear or white (This only works with glycerin soap
    - transparent Neutrogena bars will work fine.)
•   Soap dye in colors or your choice
•   Soap or candy molds
•   Microwave safe liquid measuring cup
•   Spoon
•   Popsicle stick or coffee stirrer
•   Knife (adults only)

How to make it:
1. If using bars of soap, cut into three pieces. If using purchased
   glycerin blocks, cut off 2-3 pre-measured chunks.
2. Put glycerin soap into a measuring cup, microwave according to
   package directions (or 20 seconds), then in 10-second intervals
   until melted.
3. If you want colors, this is the time to add the dye. Add a few
   drops and stir with a spoon. If you want the color darker, simply
   add more dye. If you want fragrance add fragrance oil. If you

Suggestions & Feedback:       Valencia
                                                           Health Comes

    want a 'scrubbing side' to your soap add sand or crushed nuts. If
    you want healthy soap add aloe or olive oil now!
4. Slowly pour the liquid soap into the mold. Set aside to harden for
   45 minutes to an hour. Some soap may harden sooner than
5. Rinse out measuring cup and repeat process for other colors.
6. After soap has cooled completely, pop them out of the molds. If
   you find this difficult, you can place the soap into the freezer for
   ten minutes and try again.

•   For a tie dye effect, don't add dye until after you have poured
    white soap into the molds. Add random drops of dye into white
    soap in mold and swirl with a coffee stick or toothpick.
•   For multicolor layers, pour the first color in and allow it to cool
    enough to form a skin (about 5 minutes). Carefully and very
    slowly add the second color over that.
•   For pastel shades, add only a couple drops of dye. For more bold
    colors, add more drops.
•   Make your own colors by mixing the dyes, or create a tie dye
    effect by using two or more colors instead of just one.
Have fun with it! That’s what life is about discovering and inventing!


INTRODUCTION: What we are seeing here is that within the
some general market there are groups or customers __marker
segments __ with different wants, buying preferences, of product-
use behavior. In some markets these differences are relatively
minor, and the benefits sought by consumers can be satisfied with a

Suggestions & Feedback:          Valencia
                                                              Health Comes

single marketing mix. In other markets, some customers are
unwilling to make the compromises necessitated by a single
marketing mix. As a result, the segments must be targeted
individually with different marketing mixes. A specific market
segment (people or organizations) for which the seller designs a
particular marketing mix is a target market. Using the marketing
mix, a firm attempts to attractive position for offering in the minds
of the target market.

SEGMENTATION                   The variation in customers’ responses to
  a marketing mix can be traced to differences in buying habits, in
ways in which the good or services is used, or in motives for buying.

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                                                            Health Comes

      Customer oriented marketers take these differences into
 considerations, but they usually cannot afford to design a different
 marketing mix for every customer. Consequently, most marketers
  operate between the extremes of one marketing mix for all and a
      different one for each customer. To do so involves market
 segmentation. A process of dividing the total market for a good or
  service into several smaller, internally homogeneous groups. The
  essence of segmentation is that the members of each group are
 similar with respect to the factors that influence demand. A major
element in a company’s success is the ability to segment its market
        effectively. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

 Segmentation, targeting, and positioning together comprise a three
stage process. We first (1) determine which kinds of customers
exist, then (2) select which ones we are best off trying to serve and,
finally, (3) implement our segmentation by optimizing our
products/services for that segment and communicating that we have
made the choice to distinguish ourselves that way.

Segmentation involves finding out what kinds of consumers with
different needs exist. In the auto market, for example, some

Suggestions & Feedback:       Valencia
                                                           Health Comes

consumers demand speed and performance, while others are much
more concerned about roominess and safety. In general, it holds
true that “You can’t be all things to all people,” and experience has
demonstrated that firms that specialize in meeting the needs of one
group of consumers over another tend to be more profitable.

Generically, there are three approaches to marketing. In the
undifferentiated strategy, all consumers are treated as the same,
with firms not making any specific efforts to satisfy particular
groups. This may work when the product is a standard one where
one competitor really can’t offer much that another one can’t.
Usually, this is the case only for commodities. In the concentrated
strategy, one firm chooses to focus on one of several segments that
exist while leaving other segments to competitors. For example,
Southwest Airlines focuses on price sensitive consumers who will
forego meals and assigned seating for low prices. In contrast, most
airlines follow the differentiated strategy: They offer high priced
tickets to those who are inflexible in that they cannot tell in advance
when they need to fly and find it impractical to stay over a
Saturday. These travelers—usually business travelers—pay high
fares but can only fill the planes up partially. The same airlines then
sell some of the remaining seats to more price sensitive customers
who can buy two weeks in advance and stay over.

Note that segmentation calls for some tough choices. There may be
a large number of variables that can be used to differentiate
consumers of a given product category; yet, in practice, it becomes
impossibly cumbersome to work with more than a few at a time.
Thus, we need to determine which variables will be most useful in
distinguishing different groups of consumers. We might thus decide,
for example, that the variables that are most relevant in separating
different kinds of soft drink consumers are (1) preference for taste
vs. low calories, (2) preference for Cola vs. non-cola taste, (3) price
sensitivity—willingness to pay for brand names; and (4) heavy vs.
light consumers. We now put these variables together to arrive at
various combinations.
Several different kinds of variables can be used for segmentation.

   •   Demographic variables essentially refer to personal statistics
       such as income, gender, education, location (rural vs. urban,

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 10

       East vs. West), ethnicity, and family size. Campbell’s soup, for
       instance, has found that Western U.S. consumers on the
       average prefer spicier soups—thus, you get a different product
       in the same cans at the East and West coasts. Facing flat
       sales of guns in the traditional male dominated market, a
       manufacturer came out with the Lady Remington, a more
       compact, handier gun more attractive to women. Taking this a
       step farther, it is also possible to segment on lifestyle and
   •   Some consumers want to be seen as similar to others, while a
       different segment wants to stand apart from the crowd.
   •   Another basis for segmentation is behavior. Some consumers
       are “brand loyal”—i.e., they tend to stick with their preferred
       brands even when a competing one is on sale. Some
       consumers are “heavy” users while others are “light” users.
       For example, research conducted by the wine industry shows
       that some 80% of the product is consumed by 20% of the
       consumers—presumably a rather intoxicated group.
   •   One can also segment on benefits sought, essentially
       bypassing demographic explanatory variables. Some
       consumers, for example, like scented soap (a segment likely to
       be attracted to brands such as Irish Spring), while others
       prefer the “clean” feeling of unscented soap (the “Ivory”
       segment). Some consumers use toothpaste primarily to
       promote oral health, while another segment is more interested
       in breathe freshening.

In the next step, we decide to target one or more segments. Our
choice should generally depend on several factors. First, how well
are existing segments served by other manufacturers? It will be
more difficult to appeal to a segment that is already well served than
to one whose needs are not currently being served well. Secondly,
how large is the segment, and how can we expect it to grow? (Note
that a downside to a large, rapidly growing segment is that it tends
to attract competition). Thirdly, do we have strengths as a company
that will help us appeal particularly to one group of consumers?
Firms may already have an established reputation. While
McDonald’s has a great reputation for fast, consistent quality, family
friendly food, it would be difficult to convince consumers that
McDonald’s now offers gourmet food. Thus, Mud’s would probably

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                                                            Health Comes
| 11

be better off targeting families in search of consistent quality food in
nice, clean restaurants.

Positioning involves implementing our targeting. For example,
Apple Computer has chosen to position itself as a maker of user-
friendly computers. Thus, Apple has done a lot through its
advertising to promote itself, through its unintimidating icons, as a
computer for “non-geeks.” The Visual C software programming
language, in contrast, is aimed a “techies.”

Michael Treaty and Fred Wiremen suggested in their 1993 book The
Discipline of Market Leaders that most successful firms fall into one
of three categories:

   •   Operationally excellent firms, which maintain a strong
       competitive advantage by maintaining exceptional efficiency,
       thus enabling the firm to provide reliable service to the
       customer at a significantly lower cost than those of less well
       organized and well run competitors. The emphasis here is
       mostly on low cost, subject to reliable performance, and less
       value is put on customizing the offering for the specific
       customer. Wal-Mart is an example of this discipline. Elaborate
       logistical designs allow goods to be moved at the lowest cost,
       with extensive systems predicting when specific quantities of
       supplies will be needed.

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   •   Customer intimate firms, which excel in serving the specific
       needs of the individual customer well. There is less emphasis
       on efficiency, which is sacrificed for providing more precisely
       what is wanted by the customer. Reliability is also stressed.
       Nordstrom’s and IBM are examples of this discipline.
   •   Technologically excellent firms, which produce the most
       advanced products currently available with the latest
       technology, constantly maintaining leadership in innovation.
        These firms, because they work with costly technologies that
       need constant refinement, cannot be as efficient as the
       operationally excellent firms and often cannot adapt their
       products as well to the needs of the individual customer. Intel
       is an example of this discipline.

Tracy and Wireman suggest that in addition to excelling on one of
the three value dimensions, firms must meet acceptable levels on
the other two. Wal-Mart, for example, does maintain some level of
customer service. Nordstrom’s and Intel both must meet some
standards of cost effectiveness. The emphasis, beyond meeting the
minimum required level in the two other dimensions, is on the
dimension of strength.
Repositioning involves an attempt to change consumer perceptions
of a brand, usually because the existing position that the brand
holds has become less attractive. Sears, for example, attempted to
reposition itself from a place that offered great sales but unattractive
prices the rest of the time to a store that consistently offered
“everyday low prices.” Repositioning in practice is very difficult to
accomplish. A great deal of money is often needed for advertising
and other promotional efforts, and in many cases, the repositioning

To effectively attempt repositioning, it is important to understand
how one’s brand and those of competitors are perceived. One
approach to identifying consumer product perceptions is
multidimensional scaling. Here, we identify how products are
perceived on two or more “dimensions,” allowing us to plot brands
against each other. It may then be possible to attempt to “move”
one’s brand in a more desirable direction by selectively promoting
certain points. There are two main approaches to multi-dimensional
scaling. In the a priori approach, market researchers identify

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                                                             Health Comes
| 13

dimensions of interest and then ask consumers about their
perceptions on each dimension for each brand. This is useful when
(1) the market researcher knows which dimensions are of interest
and (2) the customer’s perception on each dimension is relatively
clear (as opposed to being “made up” on the spot to be able to give
the researcher a desired answer). In the similarity rating approach,
respondents are not asked about their perceptions of brands on any
specific dimensions. Instead, subjects are asked to rate the extent
of similarity of different pairs of products (e.g., How similar, on a
scale of 1-7, is Snicker’s to Chitchat, and how similar is Tolerance to
Three Musketeers?) Using a computer algorithm, the computer then
identifies positions of each brand on a map of a given number of
dimensions. The computer does not reveal what each dimension
means—that must be left to human interpretation based on what the
variations in each dimension appears to reveal. This second method
is more useful when no specific product dimensions have been
identified as being of particular interest or when it is not clear what
the variables of difference are for the product category.

MARKETING          SEGMENTATION:              Dividing   a   market    into
distinct groups of users with different needs, characteristic, or
behavior who might require separate products or marketing mixes.
      Dividing a market into distinct group of buyers with different
needs, characteristics and behavior who might require separate
product or marketing mix. The company identifies different way to
segment the market and develops profiles of the resulting market

MARKET TARGETING: The second step is market targeting –
evaluating each markets segment’s attractiveness and selecting one
or more of the market segments to enter.

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                                                               Health Comes
| 14

      The    process     of   evaluating     each   market   segment’s
attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.

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                                                             Health Comes
| 15

MARKET         POSITIONING:                 The    third   step   is   market
positioning – setting the competitive positioning for the product and
creating   a   detailed   marketing         mix.   Formulating    competitive
positioning for a product and a detailed marketing mix

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                                                                  Health Comes
| 16


 6. Develop marketing mix for each
 target segment

 5. Develop positioning for each
 target segment                                    Market

 4. Select the target segments
                                                   Market Targeting
 3. Develop measures of segment
 2. Develop profiles of resulting

 1. Identify bases for segmenting the

Suggestions & Feedback:   Valencia
                                                       Health Comes
| 17

               BENEFITS OF MARKET

      Market segmentation is customer-oriented, and thus it is
consistent with the marketing concept. In segmenting, we first
identify the wanes of customers within a submarket and then decide
if it is practical to develop a marketing mix to satisfy those wants.

      By   tailoring   marketing     programs     to   individual   market
segments, and company can do a better marketing fob and make
more efficient use of its marketing resources. Market segmentation
is customer-oriented, and thus it is consistent with the marketing
concept. In segmenting, we first identify the wants of customers
within a submarket and then decide if it is practical to develop a
marketing mix to satisfy those wants.

BENEFIT SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into groups
according to the different benefits that consumers seed from the


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                                                               Health Comes
| 18


BENEFIT SOUGHT: A powerful form of segmentation is to
group buyers according to the different benefits that they seed from
the product. Benefit segmentation requires finding the major
benefits people look for in the product class, the kinds of people who
look for each benefit, and the major brands that deliver each befit.

USER STATUS: Markets can be segmented into groups of
nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular
users of a product.
      A company’s market position also influences its focus. Market
share leaders focus on attracting potential users, whereas smaller
firms focus on attracting current users away from the market leader.

USAGE RATE: Markets can also be segmented into light,
medium, and heavy product users. Heavy users are often a small
percentage of the market but account for a high percentage of total

LOYALTY STATUS: A market can also be segmented by
consumer loyalty. Consumers can be loyal to brands (Tide), stores
(Wal-Mart), and companies (Ford). Buyers can be divided into
groups according to their degree of loyalty. Some consumers are
completely loyal __ they buy one brand all the time. Others are

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                                                           Health Comes
| 19

somewhat loyal __ they are loyal to two or three brands of a given
product or favor one brand while sometimes buying others. Still
other buyers show no loyalty to and brand. They either want
something different each time they buy or they buy whatever’s on

              HEALTH SOAP MARKET

 Benefits       Demographic Behavior Psychographics Favored
Segments                                                                       Brands
Economy         Women                Heavy        High        Autonomy Brand          on
(Low Price)                          Users        (Value Oriented)      Sale
Medicinal       Large Family         Smokers      High     Sociability, Crest
(Decay                                            Active
Cosmetics   Teens,          Young Heavy           Hypochondriacally            Alovera,
(Bright         Adults               Users        Conservatives                Aqua
Face)                                                                      fresh
Fragrance       Children             Spearmint    High                Self Pearl,
                                     Lovers       Involvement,                 Aim

Suggestions & Feedback:            Valencia
                                                               Health Comes
| 20



      Markets are sometimes segmented intuitively; that is, a
marketer relies on experience and judgment to make a decision
about the segments that exist in a market and how much potential
each offers. Others follow the lead of competitors or earlier market

1.    IDENTIFY         THE       CURRENT          AND   POTENTIAL
carefully examines the market to determine the specific needs being
satisfied by current offerings, the needs current offerings fail to
adequately satisfy, and the needs that may not yet be recognized.
This step may involve interviewing and/or observing consumers or
firms to determine their behavior, levels of satisfaction, and

2.    IDENTIFY                CHARACTERISTICS                      THAT
focus is on what prospects who share a particular want have in
common to distinguish them from other segments in the market that
have different wants. Among business firms it could be a physical
feature (like size or location). Among consumers it might be an

Suggestions & Feedback:         Valencia
                                                               Health Comes
| 21

attitude or a behavior pattern. From the results of this step,
potential marketing mixes (including product ideas) for the various
segments can be geed. These alternatives can then be further

3.      Determine the size of the segments and how
well they are being satisfied: The final step is to estimate
how much demand (or potential sales) each segment rep- resents
and the strength of the competition. These forecasts will determine
which segments are worth pursuing. American Express launched an
internet banking service that allows customers to make deposits,
purchase certificates of deposit, and pay bills online. Despite the fact
that online competition from conventional banks and other credit
card companies is fierce, American Express’ existing cardholders
make up an attractive initial market segment.


      Because buyers have unique needs and wants, each buyer is
potentially a separate market. Ideally, then, a seller might design a
separate marketing program for each buyer. However, although
some companies attempt to serve buyers individually, many others
face larger numbers of smaller buyers and do not find complete
segmentation worthwhile. Instead, they look for broader classes of

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 22

buyers who differ in their product needs or buying response. Thus,
market segmentation can be carried out at many different levels.


MASS MARKETING: Companies have not always practiced
target marketing. In fact, for most of the twentieth century, major
consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing __ mass
producing, mass distributing, and mass promoting about the same
product in about the same way to all consumers. Henry Ford
epitomized this marketing strategy when he offered the Model T Ford
to all buyers; they could have the car “in any color as long as it is
black”. Similarly, Coca Cola at one time produced only one drink for
the whole market, hoping it would appeal to everyone.

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                                                          Health Comes
| 23

      The traditional argument for mass marketing is that it creates
the largest potential market, which leads to the lowest costs, which
in turn can translate into either lower prices or higher margins.

SEGMENT MARKETING: Isolating broad segments that make
up a market and adapting the marketing to match the needs of one
or more segments. A company that practices segment marketing
recognizes that buyers differ in their needs, perceptions, and buying

      Segment     marketing     offers      several   benefits   over    mass
marketing. The company can market more efficiently, targeting its
products or services, channels, and communications programs
toward only consumers that it can serve best. The company can also
market more effectively by fine-tuning its products, prices, and
programs to the needs of carefully defined segments. The company
may face fewer compete- tours if fewer competitors are focusing on
this market segment.

NICHE MARKETING: Focusing on sub segments or niches
with distinctive traits that may seek a special combination of
Market segments are normally large identifiable groups within a
market __ for ex- ample, luxury car buyers, performance car buyers,
utility car buyers, and economy car buyers. Niche marketing or
inching focuses on subgroups within these segments. A niche is a

Suggestions & Feedback:             Valencia
                                                                  Health Comes
| 24

more narrowly defined group, usually identified by dividing a
segment into sub segments or by defining a group with a distinctive
set of traits who may seek a special combination of benefits.
      Whereas segments are fairly large and normally attract several
competitors, niches are smaller and normally attract only one or a
few competitors.

MICROMARKETING: The practice of tailoring Products and
marketing programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and
Locations __ includes local marketing and individual marketing.
      Segment and niche marketers tailor their offers and marketing
programs to meet the needs of various market segments. At the
same time, however, they do not customize their offers to each
individual customer. Thus, segment marketing and niche marketing
fall between the extremes of mass marketing and micromarketing.
Micromarketing is the practice of tailoring products and marketing
programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and location.
Micromarketing includes Local mar-keting and individual marketing.

LOCAL MARKETING: Tailoring brand and promotions to the
needs and wants of local customer groups. Local marketing involves
tailoring brands and promotions to the need and wants of local
customer groups – cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores.
Thus, retailers such as Sears and Wal-Mart routinely customize each
stores merchandise and promotions to match its specific clientele,
and Citibank provides different mixes of banking services in its

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                                                           Health Comes
| 25

branches depending on neighborhood demographics. Kraft helps
supermarket chains identify the specific cheese assortments and
shelf positioning that will optimize cheese sales in low income,
middle income, and high income stores, and in different ethnic

INDIVIDUAL MARKETING:                         Tailoring products and
marketing programs to the needs and preferences of individual
customer __ also labeled markets of one marketing, customized

There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try
different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find
the best way to view the market structure. Table outlines the major
variables that might be used in segmenting consumer markets. Here
we look at the major geographic, demographic, psychographic, and
behavioral variables.

We will discuss four bases for segmenting consumer markets that
are used separately or in combination


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                                                              Health Comes
| 26


                      CONSUMER MARKETS.

World           North America, Western Europe, Middle East, Pacific Rim,
region      or China, India, Canada, Mexico
Country         Pacific, Mountain, West North Central, Wet South Central,
region          East North Central, East South Central, South Atlantic, Middle
               Atlantic, New England.
City        or Under 5,000; 5,00 – 20,000; 20,000 – 50,000 – 100,000;
metro           100,000 – 250,000; 250,000 – 500,000;
Size            500,000 – 1,000,000; 1,000,000 – 4,000,000; 4,000,000 or
Density         Urban, suburban, rural
Climate         Northern, Southern
Age             Under 6, 6-11, 12 -19, 20-34, 35-49, 50-64, 65+
Gender          Male, female
Family size     1-2, 3-4, 5+
Family life     Young, single; young, married, no children; young, married
                with children;
Cycle           Older, married with children; older, married, no children
                under 18; older, single; other
Income          Under $ 10,000; $ 10,000-20,000;                 $20,000-$30,000;
                $30,000-$50,000; $50,000-$100,000; $100,000 and over
Occupation Professional and technical; managers, officials, and proprietors; clerical,
                sales; craftspeople; foremen; operatives; farmers; retired; students;

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                                                                 Health Comes
| 27

                 homemakers; unemployed
Education        Grad school or less; some high school; high school graduate;
                 some college; college graduate
Religion         Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, other
Race             Asian, Hispanic, black, white
Nationality      North American, South American, British, French, German,
                 Italian, Japanese
Social           Lower lowers, upper lowers, working class, middle class,
class       upper middles, lower uppers, upper uppers
Lifestyle   Achievers, strivers, strugglers
Personality Compulsive, gregarious, authoritarian, ambitious
Occasions   Regular occasion, special occasion
Benefits    Quality, service, economy, convenience, speed
User        Nonuser, ex-user, potential user, first-time user, regular user
Usage rate       Light user, medium user, heavy user
Loyalty          None, medium, strong, absolute
Readiness        Unaware, aware, Informed, interested, desirous, intending to
Attitude         Enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile

GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENT: Dividing a market into different
geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities,
or neighborhoods.
            Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into
different    geographical units such        as nations,   regions,   states,
counties, cities, or neighborhoods. A company may decide to operate

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in one or a few geographical areas, or to operate in all area but pay
attention to geographical differences in needs and wants.

DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into
groups based on demographic variables such as age, sex, family size
family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and
         DEMOGRAPHIC        SEGMENTATION           divides   the   market      into
groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family
life     cycle,   income,   occupation,       education,   religion,   race,   and
nationality. Demographic factors are the most popular bases for
segmenting customer groups largely because consumer needs,
wants and usage rates often vary closely with demographic
variables. Also, demographic variables are easier to measure than
most other types of variables. Even when market segments are first
defined using other bases, such as personality or behavior, their
demographic characteristics must be known in order to assess the
size of the target market and to reach it efficiently.

       o Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle groups

       o Dividing a market into different groups based on


Suggestions & Feedback:                 Valencia
                                                                       Health Comes
| 29

   o Dividing a market into different income groups

into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality
      Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different
groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics.
People in the same demographic group can have very different
      Marketers also have used personality variables to segment
markets, giving their products personalities that correspond to
consumer personalities. Successful market segmentation strategies
based on personality have been used for products such as cosmetics,
cigarettes, insurance, and liquor.16

BEHAVIORAL SEGMENTATION: Dividing a market into
groups based on consumer knowledge, attitude, use, or response to
a product.
      Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into groups based on
their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses to a product. Many
marketers believe that behavior variables are the best starting point
for building market segments.

OCCASION SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into groups
according to occasions when buyers get the idea to buy, actually
make their purchase, or use the purchased item.

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 30


Even though the number of buyers in a business market may be
relatively few com- pared to a consumer market, segmentation
remains important. The reason is quite simple a highly focused
marketing effort directed at meeting the specific needs of a group of
similar customers is both more efficient and more likely to be


    Segmentation Bases                      Possible Market Segments
Customer Location
    Region                                 South East Asia, Central America,
    Location                               Upper Midwest, Atlantic Seaboard
                                            Single buying site, multiple buying
Customer Type
    Industry                               Selected NAICS Codes
    Size                                   Sales    Volume,      Number           of
    Organization Structure                 Employees
                                            Centralized   or      Decentralized,
    Purchase Criteria                      Group or Individual Decision
                                            Quality , Price, Durability, Lead

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| 31

Transaction Condition
    Buying Situation                         Straight Rebury, Modified Rebury,
    Usage Rate                               New Buy
    Purchasing Procedure                     Nonuser,      Light    Users,   or    High
    Order Size                               Users
    Service Requirements                     Small, Medium or Large
                                              Light, Moderate or Heavy

CUSTOMER LOCATION: Business markets are frequently
segmented        on   a   geographic          basis.   Some         industries     are
geographically concentrated. For example, businesses that process
natural resources locate close to the source to minimize shipping
costs. Other industries are geographically concentrated simply
because newer firms either spun off from of chose to locate near the
industry pioneers.
      Companies also segment international markets geographically.
In considering developing countries, for example, a firm might
consider   the    reliability   of public      utilities,   the     quality   of   the
transportation system, and the sophistication of the distribution
structure in deciding where to expand its operation.

Customer Types includes the following:

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                                                                         Health Comes
| 32

   o SIZE

INDUSTRY: Any firm that sells to business customers in a
variety of industries may want to segment its market on the basis of
industry. For example, a company that sells small electric motors
would have a broad potential market among many different
industries. However, this firm will d better by segmenting its
potential market by type of customer and then specializing in order
to more completely meet the needs of organizations in a limited
number of these segments.

SIZE: Business customer size can be estimated using such factors
as sales volume, number of employees, number of production
facilities, and number of sales offices. Many sellers divide their
potential mar into large and small accounts, using sep- aerate
distribution channels to reach each segment. The seller’s sales force
may con- tact large-volume accounts directly, but to reach the
smaller accounts, the seller may use a middleman or rely on the
Internet or telemarketing.

ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE: Firms approach buying in
different ways. Some rely heavily on their purchasing departments

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| 33

to control the inflow of information, reduce the number of potential
alternatives, and conduct negotiations. Selling to such companies
would require a strong personal selling effort directed specifically at
purchasing executives. It would also need excellent supporting
materials if the product exceeded the technical expertise of the
purchasing managers.
       Other buyers opt for greater involvement in the purchase
process by the people who will be directly affected by the purchase.
These buyers tend to include many people in their decisions, hold
meetings over a long period of time, and engage in a lot of internal

PURCHASE CRITERIA: All buyers want good quality, low
prices, and on-time delivery. However, within a market there are
groups for which one of these or some other purchase criterion is
particularly significant.

TRANSACTION CONDITIONS: The circumstances of the
transaction can also be a basis for segmenting a market. Sellers may
have to modify their marketing efforts to deal with different buying
situations, usage rates, purchasing procedures, order sizes, or
service requirements. To illustrate, three o these transaction
conditions are described below.
Transaction Conditions include the following:


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| 34


BUYING SITUATION: When United Airlines is faced with the
decision of whether or not to buy Boeing’s Sonic Cruiser, a plane
that will hold 300 passengers and fly at near the speed of sound, it
is making a new buy. The decision is quite different from the
modified rebury that occurs when United purchases additional 737s,
a plane it has flown successfully for years. These buying situations,
along with the straight rebury, are sufficiently unique that a business
seller might well segment its market into these three buy-class

USAGE RATE: Markets for most products can be divided among
heavy users, light users, and nonusers (prospects). Heavy users
appear to be the most attractive because of the volume they
purchase, but they also generate the most competition. As an
alternative to pursuing heavy users, some firms have found it
profitable to avoid the competition by concentrating on light users.

PURCHASE PROCEDURE: Products can be leased, financed, or
purchased outright. Rice can be simply stated, negotiated, or
submitted in a sealed bid. Consider how a bidding system affects a
seller. Government agencies often by on the basis of sealed bids;
that is, each prospective seller submits a confidential bid in response
to a detailed description of what the agency wants to buy. When the
bids are opened, the agency is typically bound by law to accept the
lowest bid unless it is clearly inappropriate.

Suggestions & Feedback:       Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 35

      Segmentation identifies the opportunities that exist in a
market. The next step is for a firm to decide which of those
opportunities to target with a marketing effort.

segmented a market, management must next select one or more
segments as its target markets.

TARGET MARKET: A set of buyers sharing common needs or
characteristics that the company decides to serve

Suggestions & Feedback:     Valencia
                                                        Health Comes
| 36



Suggestions & Feedback:   Valencia
                                                      Health Comes
| 37

strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment
differences and go after the whole market with one offends. By
adopting a market-aggregation strategy-also known as a mass-
market strategy or an undifferentiated-market strategy__ a seller
treats its total market as a single segment. An, aggregate market’s
members are considered to be alike with respect to demand for the

DIFFERENTIATED               MARKETING:                  A    market-coverage
strategy in which a firm decides to target several market segments
and designs separate offers for each. Under a multiple-segment
strategy, two or more different groups of potential customers are
identified as target markets. A separate marketing mix is developed
to reach each targeted segment. For example, the maker of Bayer
aspirin offers seven variations of its pain relief product, each with its
own marketing program. In a multiple segment strategy.
      A multiple-segment strategy normally results in a greater sales
volume than a single-segment strategy. It also is useful for a
company facing seasonal demand.

CONCENTRATED                MARKETING:               A       market     coverage
strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or if you
      A    single-segment    strategy,      also   called     a   concentration
strategy, involves selecting one segment from within the total

Suggestions & Feedback:                Valencia
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| 38

market as the target market. One marketing mix is developed to
reach this single segment. A company may want to concentrate on a
sin- glue market segment rather than take on many competitors in
the broader market.

         Marketing                                 Market

                     A. Undifferentiated Market

       Company Marketing
       Mix 1
                                                  Segment 1
       Company Marketing                          Segment 2
       Mix 2
       Company Marketing                          Segment 3
       Mix 3

                      B. Differentiated Market

         Company                                  Segment 1
                                                  Segment 2
                                                  Segment 3

                      C. Concentrated Market

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| 39


Many factors need to be considered when choosing a market-
coverage strategy. Which strategy is best depends on company
resources. When the firm’s resources are limited, concentrated
marketing makes the most sense. The best strategy also depends on
the degree of product variability. Undifferentiated marketing is more
suited for uniform products such as grapefruit or steel. Products that
can vary in design, such as cameras and automobiles, are more
suited to differentiation or con- contraction. The Product’s lifecycles
stage also must be considered. When a firm introduces a new
product,   it   is   practical   to    launch     only   one     version   and
undifferentiated marketing or concentrated marketing makes the
most sense. In the mature stage of the product life cycle, however,
differentiated marketing begins to make more sense. Another factor
is market variability. If most buyers have the same tastes, buy the
same amounts, and react the same way to marketing efforts, under
important. When competitors use segmentation, undifferentiated
marketing can be suicidal. Conversely, when competitors use,
undifferentiated marketing, a firm can gain an advantage by using
differentiated or concentrated marketing.

POSITIONING: Having identified the potential segments and
selected one or more to target, the marketer must next decide what
position to pursue. A position is the way a firm’s producer, brand, or

Suggestions & Feedback:                Valencia
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| 40

organization is viewed relative to the competition by current and
prospective customers. To establish itself in a market that was
dominated by firms appealing primarily to the preferences of
children,     Wendy’s        positioned          its   burgers       as
”hot and juicy,” and therefore primarily for adults. If a position is
how a product is viewed, then positioning is a firm’s use of all the
elements at its disposal to create and maintain in the minds of a
target market a particular image relative to competing products.


   o DESIGN       THE     DIMENSION         OR     FEATURE    THAT      MOST

product or an organization, a marketer needs to first determine what
is important to the target market. Marketers can then conduct
positioning studies to see how members target market view
competing products or stores on the important dimensions. The
results of this research can be portrayed in a perceptual map that
locates the brand or organization relative to alternatives on the
dimensions of interest.

Suggestions & Feedback:              Valencia
                                                                 Health Comes
| 41

position can be communicated with a brand name, a slogan, the
appearance or other features of the product, the place where it is
sold, the appearance of employees, and in many other ways.
However, some features are more effective than others. It is
important to not overlook details. According to a consultants chairs
for customers are vital in upscale retail environments because they
signal that the seller”Cates”. Because the marketer has limited
resources, decisions have to be making on how best to convey the
desired positioning concept.

COORDINATE                   THE            MARKETING                  MIX
COMPONENTS               TO      CONVEY            A    CONSISTENT
POSITION:          When though one or two dimensions may be the
primary position communicators, all the elements of the marketing
mix   the   product,    price,   promotion,       and   distribution   should
complement the intended position. Many product failures are the
result of inconsistent positioning that confuses consumers.

                       AND SERVICE?

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| 42

PRODUCT:          Anything that can be offered to a market for
attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want
or need.

SERVICE:        Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to
another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the
ownership of anything.

THE PRODUCT SERVICE CONTINUUM:                          A company’s
offer to the marketplace often includes both tangible goods and
services. Each component can be a minor or a major part of the total
offer. At one extreme, the offer may consist of a pure tangible good,
such as soap, toothpaste, or salt __ no services accompany the
product. At the other extreme are pure services, for which the offer
consists primarily of a service. Examples include a doctor’s exam or
financial services. Between these two extremes, however, many
goods and services combinations are possible.


   Products and services fall into two broad classes based on the
types of consumers that use them consumer and industrial products.

Suggestions & Feedback:      Valencia
                                                          Health Comes
| 43

Broadly defined, products also include other marketable entities such
as organizations, persons, places and ideas.


                 CONSUMER PRODUCTS

      Product bought by final consumer for personal consumption.

   CONVENIENCE PRODUCT:                       Consumer product that the
    customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a
    minimum of comparison and buying clot.

                 CONSUMER PRODUCTS

                      Type of Consumer Product
    Marketing       Convenience             Shopping   Specialty     Unsought

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                                                              Health Comes
| 44

Customer            Frequent            Less            Strong            Little
Buying              purchase,        frequent           brand             product
Behavior            Little planning, Purchase,          Preference        Awareness,
                    little              much            and
                    Comparison or       Planning        Loyalty,          Knowledge
                                        and             special           (or if
                    Shopping            Effort,         Purchase          Aware, little
                    effort, low         comparison      effort, little    or even
                    Customer            Brands       on Comparison Negative
                    involvement         price,          of brands,   interest)
                                        Quality,        Low    price
                                        style           sensitivity
Price               Low price           Higher price    High price        Varies
Distribution        Widespread          Selective       Exclusive         Varies
                                        distribution  distribution
                    Distribution,       In      fewer In only one
                                        butlers         or a few
                    Convenient                          Outlets per
                    locations                           market
Promotion           Mass                Advertising     More              Aggressive
                    promotion by        and             carefully         advertising
                    The producer        Personal        Targeted          And
                                        selling by      promotion         personal
                                                        by                selling
                                        Both            Both              By producer
                                        producer        producer          and
                                        and             and
                                        resellers       resellers         Resellers
Examples            Toothpaste,         Major           Luxury            Life

Suggestions & Feedback:             Valencia
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| 45

                                          appliances,         Goods such insurance,
                                                              as                Red
                      Magazines,          Television,         Rolex             Cross blood
                      laundry             furniture           watches or donations
                      Detergent           Clothing            Crystal

   SHOPPING             PRODUCT:                  Consumer      good    that    the
    customer,    in     the     process       of     selection   and     purchase,
    characteristically compares on such bases as suitability, quality,
    price, and style.

   SPECIALTY PRODUCT:                        Consumer product with unique
    characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group
    of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.

   UNSOUGHT PRODUCT:                              Consumer product that the
    consumer either does not know about or knows about but does
    not normally think of buying.

                 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT

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                                                                        Health Comes
| 46

      Product bought by individuals and organizations for further
processing or for use in conducting a business.

      Industrial products are those purchased for further processing
or for use in conducting a business. Thus, the distinction between a
consumer product and an industrial product is based on the purpose
for which the product is bought. If a consumer buys a lawn mower
for use around home, the lawn mower is a consumer product. If the
same consumer buys the same lawn mower for use in a landscaping
business, the lawn mower in an industrial product.

      The three groups of industrial products and services include
materials and parts, capital items, and supplies and services.
Materials   and   parts   include   raw     materials   and    manufactured
materials and parts. Raw materials consist of farm products (wheat,
cotton, livestock, fruits, vegetables) and natural products (fish,
lumber, crude petroleum, iron ore). Manufactured materials and
parts consist of component materials (iron, yarn, cement, wires) and
component parts (small motors, tires, castings). Most manufactured
materials and parts are sold directly to industrial users. Price and
service are the major marketing factors; branding and advertising
tend to be less important.

Suggestions & Feedback:               Valencia
                                                                  Health Comes
| 47

MACHINES                      USED                IN             SOAP
These are the machines which are used in product development of

                                   Soap. This machine is known as

                                   This machine is known as Roll-mill-

                                 This       machine    is     known       as

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                                                                Health Comes
| 48

                     This machine is known as atomizer_mazzoni_pq.

                                                  This machine is
known as cutter_mazzoni_tva_pq.

This machine is known as logoimj.

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                                                         Health Comes
| 49

                               This           machine   is     known       as

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| 50

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| 51

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                                                      Health Comes
| 52

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| 53

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                                                      Health Comes
| 54

 PERSONS, PLACES, AND IDEAS:                             In recent years
marketers have broadened the concept of a product beyond tangible
products and services, to include other marketable entities __
namely, organizations, person’s places; and ideas.

      Organizations often carry out activities to sell the organization
itself. Organization marketing consists of activities undertaken to
create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behavior of target
consumers toward an organization. Both profit and nonprofit
organizations    practice   organization    marketing.   Business    firms
sponsor public relations or corporate advertising campaigns to polish
their images. Nonprofit organizations __ such as churches, colleges,
charities, museums, and performing arts groups’ __ market their
organizations in order to raise funds and tract members or patrons.

Suggestions & Feedback:          Valencia
                                                              Health Comes
| 55

Corporate image advertising is a major tool company’s use to
market themselves to various publics.

   PERSON MARKETING:                        People can also be thought of as
    products. Person marketing consists of activities undertaken to
    create,   maintain,    or    change      attitudes   or     behavior    toward
    particular people. All kinds of people and organizations practice
    person    marketing.    Presidents       Reagan      and    Clinton    skillfully
    marketed themselves, their parties, and their platforms to get
    needed votes and program support. Entertainers and sports
    figures such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods use marketing to
    promote their careers and improve their impact and incomes.
    Professionals   such    as    doctors,      lawyers,       accountants,     and
    architects market themselves in order to build their reputations
    and increase business. Business leaders use person marketing as
    a strategic tool to develop their companies’ fortunes as well as
    their won. Businesses, charities, sports marketing. Creating or
    associating with well know personalities often helps these
    organizations achieve their goals better.

   SOCIAL MARKETING:                     The design, implementation, and
    control of programs seeking to increase the acceptability of a
    social idea, cause, or practice among a target group.

   PACE MARKETING:                   Involves activities undertaken to
    create,   maintain,    or    change      attitudes   or     behavior    toward

Suggestions & Feedback:                  Valencia
                                                                      Health Comes
| 56

   particular places. Examples include business site marketing and
   tourism marketing. Business site marketing involves developing,
   selling, or renting business sites or for factories, stores, offices,
   warehouses, and conventions. For example, most states operate
   industrial development offices that try to sell companies on the
   advantages of locating new plants in their states. Even entire
   nations __ such as Canada, Ireland, Greece, Mexico, and Turkey
   __ gave marketed themselves as good locations for business


PRODUCT QUALITY:                 The ability of a product to perform its
functions; it includes the product’s overall durability, reliability,
precision, case of operation and repair, and other valued attributes.

PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES:                         Developing a product or service
involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are
communicated and delivered by product attributes such as quality,
features, and design.

PRODUCT FEATURES:                     A product can be offered with
varying features. A “stripped down “model, one without any extras,

Suggestions & Feedback:             Valencia
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| 57

is the starting point. The company can create higher level models by
adding    more   features.   Features       are   a   competitive     tool    for
differentiating the company’s product from competitors’ products.
Being the first producer to introduce a needed and valued new
feature is one of the most effective ways to compete.

PRODUCT DESIGN:                 Another way to add customer value is
through    distinctive   product    design.       Some    companies          have
reputations for outstanding design, such as Black & Decker in
cordless appliances and tools, Steel case in office furniture and
systems, Bose in audio equipment, and Ciba Corning in medical
equipment. Design cab be one of the most powerful competitive
weapons in a company’s marketing arsenal.

Demographics are clearly tied to subculture and segmentation. Here,
however, we shift our focus from analyzing specific subcultures to
trying to understand the implications for an entire population of its

Some articles of possible interest:

Several issues are useful in the structure of a population. For
example, in some rapidly growing countries, a large percentage of
the population is concentrated among younger generations. In
countries such as Korea, China, and Taiwan, this has helped
stimulate economic growth, while in certain poorer countries; it puts
pressures on society to accommodate an increasing number of
people on a fixed amount of land. Other countries such as Japan and
Germany, in contrast, experience problems with a "graying" society,
where fewer non-retired people are around to support an increasing
number of aging seniors. Because Germany actually hovers around
negative population growth, the German government has issued

Suggestions & Feedback:             Valencia
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| 58

large financial incentives, in the forms of subsidies, for women who
have children. In the United States, population growth occurs both
through births and immigration. Since the number of births is not
growing, problems occur for firms that are dependent on population
growth (e.g., Gerber, a manufacturer of baby food).

Social class is a somewhat nebulous subject that involves stratifying
people into groups with various amounts of prestige, power, and
privilege. In part because of the pioneering influence in American
history, status differentiations here are quite vague. We cannot, for
example, associate social class with income, because a traditionally
low status job as a plumber may today come with as much income
as a traditionally more prestigious job as a school teacher. In certain
other cultures, however, stratification is more clear-cut. Although
the caste system in India is now illegal, it still maintains a
tremendous influence on that society. While some mobility exists
today, social class awareness is also somewhat greater in Britain,
where social status is in part reinforced by the class connotations of
the accent with which one speaks.

Textbooks speak of several indices that have been used to
"compute" social class in the United States, weighing factors such as
income, the nature of one’s employment, and level of education.
Taken too literally, these indices are not very meaningful; more
broadly speaking, they illustrate the reality that social status is a
complex variable that is determined, not always with consensus
among observers, by several different variables.

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 59


      A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of
these intended to identify the goods or services of one seller of
group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

      Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is
their ability to create, maintain, Protect, and enhance brands of its
products and services. A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or
design, or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller
of a product or service. Consumers view a brand as an important
part of a product, and branding can add value to a product. For
example, most consumers would perceive a bottle of White Linen
perfume as a high quality, expensive product. But the same perfume
in an unmarked bottle would likely be viewed as lower in quality,
even if the fragrance were identical.

Suggestions & Feedback:      Valencia
                                                           Health Comes
| 60

BRAND EQUITY:              The value of a brand, based on the extent
to which it has on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty,
name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and
other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships.

      Brands vary in the amount of power and value they have in
the marketplace. A powerful brand has high brand equity. Brands
have higher brand equity to the extent that they have higher brand
loyalty,   name    awareness,      perceived      quality,   strong     brand
associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and
channel relationships.

BRAND NAME SELECTION:                       A good name can add greatly
to a product’s success. However, finding the best brand name is a
difficult task. It begins with a careful review of the product and its
benefits, the target market, and proposed marketing strategies.

      Desirable qualities for a brand name include:


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                                                                 Health Comes
| 61


PRIVATE BRAND (OR STORE BRAND):                                A brand
created and owned by a reseller of a product or service.

BRAND SPONSOR:                  A manufacturer has four sponsorship
options. The product may be launched as a manufacturer’s brand (or
national brand), as when Kellogg and IBM sell their output under
their own manufacturer’s brand names. Or the manufacturer may
sell to resellers who give it a private brand (also called a store brand
or distributor brand). Although most manufacturers create their own
brand names, others market licensed brands. Finally, two companies
can join forces and co brand a product.

    BRANDS:        Manufactures’ brands have long dominated the
    retail scene. In recent times, however, and increasing number of
    retailers and wholesalers have created their own private brands.

   LICENSING:          Most manufacturers take years and spend
    millions to create their own brand names. However, some
    companies’ license names or symbol previously created by other
    manufacturers, names of well known celebrities, characters from
    popular movies and books __ for a fee, any of these can provide

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 62

    an instant and proven brand name. Apparel and accessories
    sellers pay large royalties to adorn their products __ from blouses
    to ties, and linens to luggage __ with the names or initials of
    fashion innovators such as Bill Blass, Calvin Klein, Pierre Cardin,
    Gucci, and Houston. Sellers of children’s products attach an
    almost endless list of character names to clothing, toys, school
    supplies, linins, dolls, lunch boxes, cereals, and other items. The
    character names range from classics such as Disney, Peanuts,
    Barbie, and Dr. Seuss characters, to the Muppets, Garfield, and

   CO-BRANDING:               Although     companies      have    been     co
    branding products for many years, there has been a recent
    resurgence in co branded products. Co branding occurs when two
    established brand names of different companies are used on the
    same product. For example, Pillsbury joined Nabisco to create
    Pillsbury Oreo Bars Baking Mix. Ford and Eddie Bauer co branded
    a sport utility vehicle __ the Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer edition.
    Mattel   teamed   with   coca    Cola   to    market   Soda     Fountain
    Sweetheart Barbie. Kellogg joined forces with Con Agra to co
    brand Healthy Choice from Kellogg’s cereals. In most co branding
    situations, one company licenses another company’s well known
    brand to use in combination with its own.

BRAND STRATEGY:                 A company has four choices when it
comes to brand strategy (see Figure 8-4). It can introduce line

Suggestions & Feedback:            Valencia
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| 63

extensions (existing brand names extended to new forms, sizes, and
flavors of an existing product category), brand extensions (existing
brand names extended to new product categories), multi brands
(new brand names introduced in the same product category), or new
brands (new brand names in new product categories).

   LINE EXTENSIONS:                  Line extensions occur when a
    company introduces additional items in a given product category
    under the same brand name, such as new flavors, forms, colors,
    ingredients, or package sizes. Thus, DANONE recently introduced
    several line extensions, including seven new yogurt flavors, a fat
    free yogurt, and a large economy size yogurt. The vast majority
    of new product activity consists of line extensions. Using a
    successful brand name to introduce additional items I given
    product category under the same brand name, such as new
    flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients, or package sizes.

   BRAND EXTENSION:                  Using a successful brand name to
    launch a new or modified product in a new category.
       A brand extension involves the use of a successful brand name
to launch new or motioned products in a new category. Fruit of the
Loom took advantage of its very high name recognition to launch
new lines of socks, men’s fashion underwear, women’s underwear,
athletic apparel, and even baby clothes. Honda uses its company
name    to   cover   different   products   such   as   its   automobiles,
motorcycles, snow blowers, lawn mowers, marine engines, and
snowmobile. This allows Honda to advertise that it can fit six Hondas

Suggestions & Feedback:          Valencia
                                                                Health Comes
| 64

in a two car garage.” Swiss Army Brand Sunglasses, Disney cruise
Lines,   Snack    well’s   Snack     bars,   and     Century     21    Home
Improvements, Brinks home security systems __ all are brand

   MULTIBRANDS:              Companies      often   introduce    additional
    brands in the same category. Thus, Procter & Gamble markets
    many different brands in each of its product categories. Multi
    branding offers a way to establish different features and appeal to
    different buying motives. It also allows a company to lock up
    more reseller shelf space.
A major drawback of multi branding is that each brand might obtain
only a small market share, and none may be very profitable. The
company may end up spreading its resources over many brands
instead of building a few brands to a highly profitable level. These
companies should reduce the number of brands they sell in a given
category and set up tighter screening procedures for new brands.

   NEW BRANDS:             A company may create a new brand name
    when it enters a new product category for which none of the
    company’s current brand names are appropriate. For example,
    Japan’s Matsushita uses separate names for its different families
    of products: Techniques, Panasonic, National, and Quasar. Or, a
    company might believe that the power of its existing brand name
    is waning and a new brand name is needed. Finally, the company
    may obtain new brands in new categories through acquisitions.

Suggestions & Feedback:           Valencia
                                                                 Health Comes
| 65

The activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper
for a product. Packaging involves designing and producing the
container or wrapper for a product. The package may include the
product’s primary container (the tube holding Colgate toothpaste); a
secondary package that is thrown away when the product is about to
be used (the cardboard box containing the tube of Colgate); and the
shipping package necessary to store, identify, and ship the product
(a corrugated box carrying six dozen tubes of Colgate toothpaste).
Labeling, the printed information appearing on or with the package,
is also part of packaging.

Labels my range from simple tags attached to products to complex
graphics that are part of the package. They perform several
functions. At the very least, the label identifies the product or brand,
such as the name Sunkist stamped on oranges. The label might also
describe several things about the product __ who made it where it
was made, when it was mad, its contents, how it is to be used, and
how to use it safely. Finally, the label might promote the product
through attractive graphics.


Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 66

We have looked at product strategy decisions such as branding,
packaging, labeling, and support services for individual products and
services. Bust product strategy also calls for building a product line.
A product line is a group of products that are closely related because
they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer
groups are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall
within given price ranges.

      The major product line decision involves product line length __
the number of items in the product line. The line is too short if the
manager can increase profits by adding items; the line is too long if
the manager can increase profits by dropping items. Product line
length is influenced by company objectives and resources.

      Product lines tend to lengthen over time. The sales force and
distributors may pressure the product manager for a more complete
line to satisfy their customers. Or, the manager may want to add
items to the product line to create growth in sales and profits.
However, as the manager adds items, several costs rise: design and
engineering costs, inventory cost, manufacturing changeover costs,
transportation costs, and promotional costs to introduce new items.
Eventually top management calls a halt to the mushrooming product
line. Unnecessary or unprofitable items will be pruned from the line
in a major effort to increase overall profitability. This pattern of
uncontrolled product line growth followed by heavy pruning is typical
and may repeat itself many times.

Suggestions & Feedback:       Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 67

PRODUCT LINE:              A group of products that are closely related
because they function in a similar. Manner, are sold to the same
customer groups, are marketed through the same, types of outlets,
or fall within given price ranges.

An organization with several product lines has a product mix. A
product mix (or product assortment) consists of all the product lines
and items that a particular seller offers for sale. Avon’s product mix
consists of four major product lines: cosmetic, jewelry, fashions, and
household items. Each product line consists of several sub lines. For
example, a cosmetic breaks down into lipstick, eyeliner, powder, and
so on. Each line and sub line has many individual items. Altogether,
Avon’s product mix includes 1,300 items. In contrast, a typical
Kmart stocks 15,000 item, 3M markets more than 60,000 products,
and General Electric manufactures as many as 250,000 items.
          A company’s product mix has four important dimensions:
width, length, depth, and consistency. Product mix width refers to
the number of different product lines the company carries. For
example, Procter & Gamble markets a fairly wide product mix
consisting of many product lines, including paper, food, household
cleaning, medicinal, cosmetics, and personal care products. Product
mix length refers to the total number of items the company carries
within its product lines. Procter & Gamble typically carries many
brands within each line. For example, it sells eleven laundry
detergents, eight hand soaps, six shampoos, and four dishwashing

Suggestions & Feedback:        Valencia
                                                            Health Comes
| 68

                      SERVICE MARKETING

Activities such as renting a hotel room, depositing money in a bank,
traveling on an airplane, getting a haircut, having a car repaired,
watching a professional sport, seeing a movie, and getting advice
from a lawyer all involve buying a service.


         Intangibility                                 Inseparability
         Services cannot
         be seen, tasted,                              Services cannot be
         felt, heard or                                separated from
         smelled before                                their providers

        Variability                                    Perish ability
        Quality of
        services                                       Services cannot be
        depends on who                                 stored for later
        provides them                                  sale or use
        and when,
        where, and how

   SERVICE INTANGIBILITY:                        A major characteristic of
    services __ they cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled
    before they are bought.

Suggestions & Feedback:              Valencia
                                                                     Health Comes
| 69

   SERVICE INSEPARABILITY:                       A major characteristic of
    services __ they are produced and consumed at the same time
    and cannot be separated from their providers, whether the
    providers are people or machines.

   SERVICE VARIABILITY:                     A major characteristic of
    services __ their quality may vary greatly, depending on who
    provides them and when, where, and how.

   SERVICE PERISHES ABILITY:                        A major characteristic
    of services __ they cannot be stored for later sale or use.

                     SERVICE FIRMS
Just   like   manufacturing    businesses,    good     service   firms    use
marketing to position themselves strongly in chosen target markets.
Southwest Airlines positions itself as Just Plane Smart for commuter
flyers __ as a no frills, short haul airline charging very low fares. The
Ritz Carlton Hotel positions itself as offering a memorable experience
that enlivens the senses, instills well being, and fulfills even the
unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests. “These and other
service firms establish their positions through traditional marketing
mix activities.

Suggestions & Feedback:            Valencia
                                                                 Health Comes
| 70

SERVICE PROFIT CHAIN:                       The chain that links service
firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction.
Successful service companies focus their attention on both their
customers and their employees. They understand the service profit
chain, which links service firm profits with employee and customer
satisfaction. This chain consists of five links:

o    INTERNAL SERVICE QUALITY:                            superior selection
     and training, a quality work environment, and strong support for
     those dealing with customers, which results in …

o    SATISFIED           AND        PRODUCTIVE                   SERVICE
     EMPLOYEES:           more    satisfied,   loyal,    and    hard   working
     employees, which results in . . .

o    GREATER SERVICE VALUE:                             more    effective   and
     efficient customer value creation and service delivery, which
     results in . . .

o    SATISFIED AND LOYAL CUSTOMERS:                                    satisfied
     customers who remain loyal, repeat purchase, and refer other
     customers, which result in . . .

     superior service firm performance:

     INTERNAL MARKETING:                      Marketing by a service firm
     to train and effectively motivate its customer contact employees

Suggestions & Feedback:                Valencia
                                                                   Health Comes
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Pp make home-made-soap

Valencia Soap By White Sight Co.

  • 1. |1 WHITE SIDE COMPANY INTRODUCTION White side co. had been established in 2008 in Dubai by Mr.Usman Bashir a biuionaire in Dubai. Mr. Usman is basically an industrialist. In the year of 2008in the month of July, he felt a great need forgetter infrastructure of health soap for health purpose boom in his country. So he decided to launch VALENCIA SOAP. In the start, it was a single person company but afterward general public from all over the world was invited for subscription. Many Pakistani now has a reasonable share in White side co. In the earlier stages, it only worked in UAE states successfully, but as time passes, Mr.Usman with the consultation of his Directors of the company agreed that Pakistan is Worlds best place at that time for VALENCIA SOAP Boom. So now VALENCIA SOAP is in Pakistan since Sep 2008. It is working in almost all the cities of Pakistan with best available packages and services. COMPANY OBJECTIVES TRUST OF THE CUSTOMER ON OWN SERVICES IS the pride of the VALENCIA SOAP. We always tried to arrange best possible services to our customer which any other company does not offer. We really value the customer. A right word is customer have the status of order perception is that we are contribution in the health progress of Pakistan. We will be all the time with Pakistan this process as our motto is “Sari Zindgi Sath Sath” The mystery of soap making Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 2. |2 I always wanted to be one of those Suzy homemakers that did a lot of Canning and jarring and making my own soap and candles! All that stuff sounded so great to me. I never tried because I thought it was too hard! As of late however at the ripe old age of 45 I have decided it's now or never so I am going on some exploits and I am taking you with me (if you want to come!)We are now entering the twilight zone of 'Country gal 101' Today’s lesson is Wonderful and healthy soap making made easy! There is a list of 'soap making' sites at the end visit them for soap making in different degrees of difficulty. I don't know about you but the easy way works for me! I think I might advance one day but not today! I am a beginner myself but soap making, like I said, has always interested me! Add some Spice to your soap! Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 3. |3 Ways to make your soap great! As shown below there are many ways to make your soap uniquely yours! Scented oils and healthy skin oils and butters herbs such as eucalyptus and Mint, Cinnamon, Aloe and Green tea just to name a few. You can scent with Fragrance oils and molds them into anything you want with soap molds! You can Even add sand or crunched up nuts to give the soap texture and 'scrub' qualities :) ((((TIP)))) Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 4. |4 Put them in the freezer for an hour and they will come out of the molds easier! It works well to spray your mold with cooking spray! You can also add color to Make the soap beautiful! This stuff makes GREAT gifts! People love it! Unit Price Qty. Cost COCONUT SOAP BASE, 1 LB BLOCK [Remove] $5.49 $5.49 LIQUID SOAP SCENTS: GARDENIA, LIQUID SOAP SCENT [Remove] $4.99 $4.99 LIQUID SOAP SCENTS: LAVENDER, LIQUID SOAP SCENT [Remove] $4.99 $4.99 Subtotal: $15.47 Total: $15.47 Keep Shopping Related items: LIQUID SOAP COLORS: BLUE, LIQUID SOAP COLOR Price: $1.99 Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 5. |5 GLYCERIN SOAP BASE, 5 LB BLOCK Price: $18.99 LIQUID SOAP COLORS: YELLOW, LIQUID SOAP COLOR Price: $1.99 An Easy Soap recipe! This should be a family affair! Get yo' Mama or Yo' Granny and get in that kitchen together! Nothing brings a family closer than making something together! What you'll need: • Glycerin soap, clear or white (This only works with glycerin soap - transparent Neutrogena bars will work fine.) • Soap dye in colors or your choice • Soap or candy molds • Microwave safe liquid measuring cup • Spoon • Popsicle stick or coffee stirrer • Knife (adults only) How to make it: 1. If using bars of soap, cut into three pieces. If using purchased glycerin blocks, cut off 2-3 pre-measured chunks. 2. Put glycerin soap into a measuring cup, microwave according to package directions (or 20 seconds), then in 10-second intervals until melted. 3. If you want colors, this is the time to add the dye. Add a few drops and stir with a spoon. If you want the color darker, simply add more dye. If you want fragrance add fragrance oil. If you Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 6. |6 want a 'scrubbing side' to your soap add sand or crushed nuts. If you want healthy soap add aloe or olive oil now! 4. Slowly pour the liquid soap into the mold. Set aside to harden for 45 minutes to an hour. Some soap may harden sooner than others. 5. Rinse out measuring cup and repeat process for other colors. 6. After soap has cooled completely, pop them out of the molds. If you find this difficult, you can place the soap into the freezer for ten minutes and try again. Tips: • For a tie dye effect, don't add dye until after you have poured white soap into the molds. Add random drops of dye into white soap in mold and swirl with a coffee stick or toothpick. • For multicolor layers, pour the first color in and allow it to cool enough to form a skin (about 5 minutes). Carefully and very slowly add the second color over that. • For pastel shades, add only a couple drops of dye. For more bold colors, add more drops. • Make your own colors by mixing the dyes, or create a tie dye effect by using two or more colors instead of just one. Have fun with it! That’s what life is about discovering and inventing! MARKET SEGMENTATION INTRODUCTION: What we are seeing here is that within the some general market there are groups or customers __marker segments __ with different wants, buying preferences, of product- use behavior. In some markets these differences are relatively minor, and the benefits sought by consumers can be satisfied with a Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 7. |7 single marketing mix. In other markets, some customers are unwilling to make the compromises necessitated by a single marketing mix. As a result, the segments must be targeted individually with different marketing mixes. A specific market segment (people or organizations) for which the seller designs a particular marketing mix is a target market. Using the marketing mix, a firm attempts to attractive position for offering in the minds of the target market. SEGMENTATION The variation in customers’ responses to a marketing mix can be traced to differences in buying habits, in ways in which the good or services is used, or in motives for buying. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 8. |8 Customer oriented marketers take these differences into considerations, but they usually cannot afford to design a different marketing mix for every customer. Consequently, most marketers operate between the extremes of one marketing mix for all and a different one for each customer. To do so involves market segmentation. A process of dividing the total market for a good or service into several smaller, internally homogeneous groups. The essence of segmentation is that the members of each group are similar with respect to the factors that influence demand. A major element in a company’s success is the ability to segment its market effectively. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Segmentation, targeting, and positioning together comprise a three stage process. We first (1) determine which kinds of customers exist, then (2) select which ones we are best off trying to serve and, finally, (3) implement our segmentation by optimizing our products/services for that segment and communicating that we have made the choice to distinguish ourselves that way. Segmentation involves finding out what kinds of consumers with different needs exist. In the auto market, for example, some Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 9. |9 consumers demand speed and performance, while others are much more concerned about roominess and safety. In general, it holds true that “You can’t be all things to all people,” and experience has demonstrated that firms that specialize in meeting the needs of one group of consumers over another tend to be more profitable. Generically, there are three approaches to marketing. In the undifferentiated strategy, all consumers are treated as the same, with firms not making any specific efforts to satisfy particular groups. This may work when the product is a standard one where one competitor really can’t offer much that another one can’t. Usually, this is the case only for commodities. In the concentrated strategy, one firm chooses to focus on one of several segments that exist while leaving other segments to competitors. For example, Southwest Airlines focuses on price sensitive consumers who will forego meals and assigned seating for low prices. In contrast, most airlines follow the differentiated strategy: They offer high priced tickets to those who are inflexible in that they cannot tell in advance when they need to fly and find it impractical to stay over a Saturday. These travelers—usually business travelers—pay high fares but can only fill the planes up partially. The same airlines then sell some of the remaining seats to more price sensitive customers who can buy two weeks in advance and stay over. Note that segmentation calls for some tough choices. There may be a large number of variables that can be used to differentiate consumers of a given product category; yet, in practice, it becomes impossibly cumbersome to work with more than a few at a time. Thus, we need to determine which variables will be most useful in distinguishing different groups of consumers. We might thus decide, for example, that the variables that are most relevant in separating different kinds of soft drink consumers are (1) preference for taste vs. low calories, (2) preference for Cola vs. non-cola taste, (3) price sensitivity—willingness to pay for brand names; and (4) heavy vs. light consumers. We now put these variables together to arrive at various combinations. Several different kinds of variables can be used for segmentation. • Demographic variables essentially refer to personal statistics such as income, gender, education, location (rural vs. urban, Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 10. | 10 East vs. West), ethnicity, and family size. Campbell’s soup, for instance, has found that Western U.S. consumers on the average prefer spicier soups—thus, you get a different product in the same cans at the East and West coasts. Facing flat sales of guns in the traditional male dominated market, a manufacturer came out with the Lady Remington, a more compact, handier gun more attractive to women. Taking this a step farther, it is also possible to segment on lifestyle and values.” • Some consumers want to be seen as similar to others, while a different segment wants to stand apart from the crowd. • Another basis for segmentation is behavior. Some consumers are “brand loyal”—i.e., they tend to stick with their preferred brands even when a competing one is on sale. Some consumers are “heavy” users while others are “light” users. For example, research conducted by the wine industry shows that some 80% of the product is consumed by 20% of the consumers—presumably a rather intoxicated group. • One can also segment on benefits sought, essentially bypassing demographic explanatory variables. Some consumers, for example, like scented soap (a segment likely to be attracted to brands such as Irish Spring), while others prefer the “clean” feeling of unscented soap (the “Ivory” segment). Some consumers use toothpaste primarily to promote oral health, while another segment is more interested in breathe freshening. In the next step, we decide to target one or more segments. Our choice should generally depend on several factors. First, how well are existing segments served by other manufacturers? It will be more difficult to appeal to a segment that is already well served than to one whose needs are not currently being served well. Secondly, how large is the segment, and how can we expect it to grow? (Note that a downside to a large, rapidly growing segment is that it tends to attract competition). Thirdly, do we have strengths as a company that will help us appeal particularly to one group of consumers? Firms may already have an established reputation. While McDonald’s has a great reputation for fast, consistent quality, family friendly food, it would be difficult to convince consumers that McDonald’s now offers gourmet food. Thus, Mud’s would probably Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 11. | 11 be better off targeting families in search of consistent quality food in nice, clean restaurants. Positioning involves implementing our targeting. For example, Apple Computer has chosen to position itself as a maker of user- friendly computers. Thus, Apple has done a lot through its advertising to promote itself, through its unintimidating icons, as a computer for “non-geeks.” The Visual C software programming language, in contrast, is aimed a “techies.” Michael Treaty and Fred Wiremen suggested in their 1993 book The Discipline of Market Leaders that most successful firms fall into one of three categories: • Operationally excellent firms, which maintain a strong competitive advantage by maintaining exceptional efficiency, thus enabling the firm to provide reliable service to the customer at a significantly lower cost than those of less well organized and well run competitors. The emphasis here is mostly on low cost, subject to reliable performance, and less value is put on customizing the offering for the specific customer. Wal-Mart is an example of this discipline. Elaborate logistical designs allow goods to be moved at the lowest cost, with extensive systems predicting when specific quantities of supplies will be needed. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 12. | 12 • Customer intimate firms, which excel in serving the specific needs of the individual customer well. There is less emphasis on efficiency, which is sacrificed for providing more precisely what is wanted by the customer. Reliability is also stressed. Nordstrom’s and IBM are examples of this discipline. • Technologically excellent firms, which produce the most advanced products currently available with the latest technology, constantly maintaining leadership in innovation. These firms, because they work with costly technologies that need constant refinement, cannot be as efficient as the operationally excellent firms and often cannot adapt their products as well to the needs of the individual customer. Intel is an example of this discipline. Tracy and Wireman suggest that in addition to excelling on one of the three value dimensions, firms must meet acceptable levels on the other two. Wal-Mart, for example, does maintain some level of customer service. Nordstrom’s and Intel both must meet some standards of cost effectiveness. The emphasis, beyond meeting the minimum required level in the two other dimensions, is on the dimension of strength. Repositioning involves an attempt to change consumer perceptions of a brand, usually because the existing position that the brand holds has become less attractive. Sears, for example, attempted to reposition itself from a place that offered great sales but unattractive prices the rest of the time to a store that consistently offered “everyday low prices.” Repositioning in practice is very difficult to accomplish. A great deal of money is often needed for advertising and other promotional efforts, and in many cases, the repositioning fails. To effectively attempt repositioning, it is important to understand how one’s brand and those of competitors are perceived. One approach to identifying consumer product perceptions is multidimensional scaling. Here, we identify how products are perceived on two or more “dimensions,” allowing us to plot brands against each other. It may then be possible to attempt to “move” one’s brand in a more desirable direction by selectively promoting certain points. There are two main approaches to multi-dimensional scaling. In the a priori approach, market researchers identify Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 13. | 13 dimensions of interest and then ask consumers about their perceptions on each dimension for each brand. This is useful when (1) the market researcher knows which dimensions are of interest and (2) the customer’s perception on each dimension is relatively clear (as opposed to being “made up” on the spot to be able to give the researcher a desired answer). In the similarity rating approach, respondents are not asked about their perceptions of brands on any specific dimensions. Instead, subjects are asked to rate the extent of similarity of different pairs of products (e.g., How similar, on a scale of 1-7, is Snicker’s to Chitchat, and how similar is Tolerance to Three Musketeers?) Using a computer algorithm, the computer then identifies positions of each brand on a map of a given number of dimensions. The computer does not reveal what each dimension means—that must be left to human interpretation based on what the variations in each dimension appears to reveal. This second method is more useful when no specific product dimensions have been identified as being of particular interest or when it is not clear what the variables of difference are for the product category. MARKETING SEGMENTATION: Dividing a market into distinct groups of users with different needs, characteristic, or behavior who might require separate products or marketing mixes. Dividing a market into distinct group of buyers with different needs, characteristics and behavior who might require separate product or marketing mix. The company identifies different way to segment the market and develops profiles of the resulting market segments. MARKET TARGETING: The second step is market targeting – evaluating each markets segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more of the market segments to enter. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 14. | 14 The process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 15. | 15 MARKET POSITIONING: The third step is market positioning – setting the competitive positioning for the product and creating a detailed marketing mix. Formulating competitive positioning for a product and a detailed marketing mix Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 16. | 16 STEPS IN MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND POSITIONING 6. Develop marketing mix for each target segment 5. Develop positioning for each target segment Market Positioning 4. Select the target segments Market Targeting 3. Develop measures of segment attractiveness Market Segmentation 2. Develop profiles of resulting segments 1. Identify bases for segmenting the market Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 17. | 17 BENEFITS OF MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is customer-oriented, and thus it is consistent with the marketing concept. In segmenting, we first identify the wanes of customers within a submarket and then decide if it is practical to develop a marketing mix to satisfy those wants. By tailoring marketing programs to individual market segments, and company can do a better marketing fob and make more efficient use of its marketing resources. Market segmentation is customer-oriented, and thus it is consistent with the marketing concept. In segmenting, we first identify the wants of customers within a submarket and then decide if it is practical to develop a marketing mix to satisfy those wants. BENEFIT SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into groups according to the different benefits that consumers seed from the product. o BENEFIT SOUGHT Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 18. | 18 o USER STATUS o USAGE RATE o LOYALTY STATUS BENEFIT SOUGHT: A powerful form of segmentation is to group buyers according to the different benefits that they seed from the product. Benefit segmentation requires finding the major benefits people look for in the product class, the kinds of people who look for each benefit, and the major brands that deliver each befit. USER STATUS: Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users of a product. A company’s market position also influences its focus. Market share leaders focus on attracting potential users, whereas smaller firms focus on attracting current users away from the market leader. USAGE RATE: Markets can also be segmented into light, medium, and heavy product users. Heavy users are often a small percentage of the market but account for a high percentage of total consumption. LOYALTY STATUS: A market can also be segmented by consumer loyalty. Consumers can be loyal to brands (Tide), stores (Wal-Mart), and companies (Ford). Buyers can be divided into groups according to their degree of loyalty. Some consumers are completely loyal __ they buy one brand all the time. Others are Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 19. | 19 somewhat loyal __ they are loyal to two or three brands of a given product or favor one brand while sometimes buying others. Still other buyers show no loyalty to and brand. They either want something different each time they buy or they buy whatever’s on sale. BENEFITS SEGMENTATION OF HEALTH SOAP MARKET Benefits Demographic Behavior Psychographics Favored Segments Brands Economy Women Heavy High Autonomy Brand on (Low Price) Users (Value Oriented) Sale Medicinal Large Family Smokers High Sociability, Crest (Decay Active Prevention) Cosmetics Teens, Young Heavy Hypochondriacally Alovera, (Bright Adults Users Conservatives Aqua Face) fresh Fragrance Children Spearmint High Self Pearl, Lovers Involvement, Aim Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 20. | 20 Hedonistic THE PROCESS, OF MARKET SEGMENTATION Markets are sometimes segmented intuitively; that is, a marketer relies on experience and judgment to make a decision about the segments that exist in a market and how much potential each offers. Others follow the lead of competitors or earlier market entrants. 1. IDENTIFY THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL WANTS THAT EXIST WITHIN A MARKET: The marketer carefully examines the market to determine the specific needs being satisfied by current offerings, the needs current offerings fail to adequately satisfy, and the needs that may not yet be recognized. This step may involve interviewing and/or observing consumers or firms to determine their behavior, levels of satisfaction, and frustration. 2. IDENTIFY CHARACTERISTICS THAT DISTINGUISH AMONG THE SEGMENTS: In this step the focus is on what prospects who share a particular want have in common to distinguish them from other segments in the market that have different wants. Among business firms it could be a physical feature (like size or location). Among consumers it might be an Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 21. | 21 attitude or a behavior pattern. From the results of this step, potential marketing mixes (including product ideas) for the various segments can be geed. These alternatives can then be further analyzed. 3. Determine the size of the segments and how well they are being satisfied: The final step is to estimate how much demand (or potential sales) each segment rep- resents and the strength of the competition. These forecasts will determine which segments are worth pursuing. American Express launched an internet banking service that allows customers to make deposits, purchase certificates of deposit, and pay bills online. Despite the fact that online competition from conventional banks and other credit card companies is fierce, American Express’ existing cardholders make up an attractive initial market segment. LEVELS OF MARKETING SEGMENTATION Because buyers have unique needs and wants, each buyer is potentially a separate market. Ideally, then, a seller might design a separate marketing program for each buyer. However, although some companies attempt to serve buyers individually, many others face larger numbers of smaller buyers and do not find complete segmentation worthwhile. Instead, they look for broader classes of Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 22. | 22 buyers who differ in their product needs or buying response. Thus, market segmentation can be carried out at many different levels. DIAGRAM OF COMPLETE SEGMENTATION MASS MARKETING: Companies have not always practiced target marketing. In fact, for most of the twentieth century, major consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing __ mass producing, mass distributing, and mass promoting about the same product in about the same way to all consumers. Henry Ford epitomized this marketing strategy when he offered the Model T Ford to all buyers; they could have the car “in any color as long as it is black”. Similarly, Coca Cola at one time produced only one drink for the whole market, hoping it would appeal to everyone. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 23. | 23 The traditional argument for mass marketing is that it creates the largest potential market, which leads to the lowest costs, which in turn can translate into either lower prices or higher margins. SEGMENT MARKETING: Isolating broad segments that make up a market and adapting the marketing to match the needs of one or more segments. A company that practices segment marketing recognizes that buyers differ in their needs, perceptions, and buying behaviors. Segment marketing offers several benefits over mass marketing. The company can market more efficiently, targeting its products or services, channels, and communications programs toward only consumers that it can serve best. The company can also market more effectively by fine-tuning its products, prices, and programs to the needs of carefully defined segments. The company may face fewer compete- tours if fewer competitors are focusing on this market segment. NICHE MARKETING: Focusing on sub segments or niches with distinctive traits that may seek a special combination of benefits. Market segments are normally large identifiable groups within a market __ for ex- ample, luxury car buyers, performance car buyers, utility car buyers, and economy car buyers. Niche marketing or inching focuses on subgroups within these segments. A niche is a Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 24. | 24 more narrowly defined group, usually identified by dividing a segment into sub segments or by defining a group with a distinctive set of traits who may seek a special combination of benefits. Whereas segments are fairly large and normally attract several competitors, niches are smaller and normally attract only one or a few competitors. MICROMARKETING: The practice of tailoring Products and marketing programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and Locations __ includes local marketing and individual marketing. Segment and niche marketers tailor their offers and marketing programs to meet the needs of various market segments. At the same time, however, they do not customize their offers to each individual customer. Thus, segment marketing and niche marketing fall between the extremes of mass marketing and micromarketing. Micromarketing is the practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to suit the tastes of specific individuals and location. Micromarketing includes Local mar-keting and individual marketing. LOCAL MARKETING: Tailoring brand and promotions to the needs and wants of local customer groups. Local marketing involves tailoring brands and promotions to the need and wants of local customer groups – cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores. Thus, retailers such as Sears and Wal-Mart routinely customize each stores merchandise and promotions to match its specific clientele, and Citibank provides different mixes of banking services in its Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 25. | 25 branches depending on neighborhood demographics. Kraft helps supermarket chains identify the specific cheese assortments and shelf positioning that will optimize cheese sales in low income, middle income, and high income stores, and in different ethnic communities. INDIVIDUAL MARKETING: Tailoring products and marketing programs to the needs and preferences of individual customer __ also labeled markets of one marketing, customized marketing. BASES FOR SEGMENTING CONSUMER MARKETING There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find the best way to view the market structure. Table outlines the major variables that might be used in segmenting consumer markets. Here we look at the major geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral variables. We will discuss four bases for segmenting consumer markets that are used separately or in combination o GEOGRAPHIC Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 26. | 26 o DEMOGRAPHIC o PSYCHOGRAPHIC o BEHAVIORAL TABLE MAJOR SEGMENTATION VARIABLES FOR CONSUMER MARKETS. GEOGRAPHC World North America, Western Europe, Middle East, Pacific Rim, region or China, India, Canada, Mexico County Country Pacific, Mountain, West North Central, Wet South Central, region East North Central, East South Central, South Atlantic, Middle Atlantic, New England. City or Under 5,000; 5,00 – 20,000; 20,000 – 50,000 – 100,000; metro 100,000 – 250,000; 250,000 – 500,000; Size 500,000 – 1,000,000; 1,000,000 – 4,000,000; 4,000,000 or over Density Urban, suburban, rural Climate Northern, Southern DEMOGRAPHIC Age Under 6, 6-11, 12 -19, 20-34, 35-49, 50-64, 65+ Gender Male, female Family size 1-2, 3-4, 5+ Family life Young, single; young, married, no children; young, married with children; Cycle Older, married with children; older, married, no children under 18; older, single; other Income Under $ 10,000; $ 10,000-20,000; $20,000-$30,000; $30,000-$50,000; $50,000-$100,000; $100,000 and over Occupation Professional and technical; managers, officials, and proprietors; clerical, sales; craftspeople; foremen; operatives; farmers; retired; students; Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 27. | 27 homemakers; unemployed Education Grad school or less; some high school; high school graduate; some college; college graduate Religion Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, other Race Asian, Hispanic, black, white Nationality North American, South American, British, French, German, Italian, Japanese PSYCHOGRAPHIC Social Lower lowers, upper lowers, working class, middle class, class upper middles, lower uppers, upper uppers Lifestyle Achievers, strivers, strugglers Personality Compulsive, gregarious, authoritarian, ambitious BEHAVIOAL Occasions Regular occasion, special occasion Benefits Quality, service, economy, convenience, speed User Nonuser, ex-user, potential user, first-time user, regular user status Usage rate Light user, medium user, heavy user Loyalty None, medium, strong, absolute status Readiness Unaware, aware, Informed, interested, desirous, intending to buy Stage Attitude Enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile toward Product GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENT: Dividing a market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, states, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. A company may decide to operate Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 28. | 28 in one or a few geographical areas, or to operate in all area but pay attention to geographical differences in needs and wants. DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables such as age, sex, family size family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationally DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION divides the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, and nationality. Demographic factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups largely because consumer needs, wants and usage rates often vary closely with demographic variables. Also, demographic variables are easier to measure than most other types of variables. Even when market segments are first defined using other bases, such as personality or behavior, their demographic characteristics must be known in order to assess the size of the target market and to reach it efficiently.  AGE AND LIFE-CYCLE SEGMENTATION o Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle groups  GENDER SEGMENTATION o Dividing a market into different groups based on  INCOME SEGMENTATION Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 29. | 29 o Dividing a market into different income groups PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION: Dividing a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics. People in the same demographic group can have very different psychographic. Marketers also have used personality variables to segment markets, giving their products personalities that correspond to consumer personalities. Successful market segmentation strategies based on personality have been used for products such as cosmetics, cigarettes, insurance, and liquor.16 BEHAVIORAL SEGMENTATION: Dividing a market into groups based on consumer knowledge, attitude, use, or response to a product. Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses to a product. Many marketers believe that behavior variables are the best starting point for building market segments. OCCASION SEGMENTATION: Dividing the market into groups according to occasions when buyers get the idea to buy, actually make their purchase, or use the purchased item. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 30. | 30 SEGMENTING BUSINESS MARKETS Even though the number of buyers in a business market may be relatively few com- pared to a consumer market, segmentation remains important. The reason is quite simple a highly focused marketing effort directed at meeting the specific needs of a group of similar customers is both more efficient and more likely to be successful. SEGMENTATION BASES FOR BUSINESS MARKET Segmentation Bases Possible Market Segments Customer Location  Region South East Asia, Central America,  Location Upper Midwest, Atlantic Seaboard Single buying site, multiple buying sites. Customer Type  Industry Selected NAICS Codes  Size Sales Volume, Number of  Organization Structure Employees Centralized or Decentralized,  Purchase Criteria Group or Individual Decision Quality , Price, Durability, Lead Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 31. | 31 Time Transaction Condition  Buying Situation Straight Rebury, Modified Rebury,  Usage Rate New Buy  Purchasing Procedure Nonuser, Light Users, or High  Order Size Users  Service Requirements Small, Medium or Large Light, Moderate or Heavy CUSTOMER LOCATION: Business markets are frequently segmented on a geographic basis. Some industries are geographically concentrated. For example, businesses that process natural resources locate close to the source to minimize shipping costs. Other industries are geographically concentrated simply because newer firms either spun off from of chose to locate near the industry pioneers. Companies also segment international markets geographically. In considering developing countries, for example, a firm might consider the reliability of public utilities, the quality of the transportation system, and the sophistication of the distribution structure in deciding where to expand its operation. CUSTOMER TYPE Customer Types includes the following: Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 32. | 32 o INDUSTRY o SIZE o ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE o PURCHASE CRITERIA INDUSTRY: Any firm that sells to business customers in a variety of industries may want to segment its market on the basis of industry. For example, a company that sells small electric motors would have a broad potential market among many different industries. However, this firm will d better by segmenting its potential market by type of customer and then specializing in order to more completely meet the needs of organizations in a limited number of these segments. SIZE: Business customer size can be estimated using such factors as sales volume, number of employees, number of production facilities, and number of sales offices. Many sellers divide their potential mar into large and small accounts, using sep- aerate distribution channels to reach each segment. The seller’s sales force may con- tact large-volume accounts directly, but to reach the smaller accounts, the seller may use a middleman or rely on the Internet or telemarketing. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE: Firms approach buying in different ways. Some rely heavily on their purchasing departments Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 33. | 33 to control the inflow of information, reduce the number of potential alternatives, and conduct negotiations. Selling to such companies would require a strong personal selling effort directed specifically at purchasing executives. It would also need excellent supporting materials if the product exceeded the technical expertise of the purchasing managers. Other buyers opt for greater involvement in the purchase process by the people who will be directly affected by the purchase. These buyers tend to include many people in their decisions, hold meetings over a long period of time, and engage in a lot of internal communication. PURCHASE CRITERIA: All buyers want good quality, low prices, and on-time delivery. However, within a market there are groups for which one of these or some other purchase criterion is particularly significant. TRANSACTION CONDITIONS: The circumstances of the transaction can also be a basis for segmenting a market. Sellers may have to modify their marketing efforts to deal with different buying situations, usage rates, purchasing procedures, order sizes, or service requirements. To illustrate, three o these transaction conditions are described below. Transaction Conditions include the following: o BUYING SITUATION o USAGE RATES Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 34. | 34 o PURCHASE PROCEDURES BUYING SITUATION: When United Airlines is faced with the decision of whether or not to buy Boeing’s Sonic Cruiser, a plane that will hold 300 passengers and fly at near the speed of sound, it is making a new buy. The decision is quite different from the modified rebury that occurs when United purchases additional 737s, a plane it has flown successfully for years. These buying situations, along with the straight rebury, are sufficiently unique that a business seller might well segment its market into these three buy-class categories. USAGE RATE: Markets for most products can be divided among heavy users, light users, and nonusers (prospects). Heavy users appear to be the most attractive because of the volume they purchase, but they also generate the most competition. As an alternative to pursuing heavy users, some firms have found it profitable to avoid the competition by concentrating on light users. PURCHASE PROCEDURE: Products can be leased, financed, or purchased outright. Rice can be simply stated, negotiated, or submitted in a sealed bid. Consider how a bidding system affects a seller. Government agencies often by on the basis of sealed bids; that is, each prospective seller submits a confidential bid in response to a detailed description of what the agency wants to buy. When the bids are opened, the agency is typically bound by law to accept the lowest bid unless it is clearly inappropriate. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 35. | 35 Segmentation identifies the opportunities that exist in a market. The next step is for a firm to decide which of those opportunities to target with a marketing effort. TARGET-MARKET STRATEGIES: After a company has segmented a market, management must next select one or more segments as its target markets. TARGET MARKET: A set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 37. | 37 UNDIFFERENTIATED MARKETING: A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offends. By adopting a market-aggregation strategy-also known as a mass- market strategy or an undifferentiated-market strategy__ a seller treats its total market as a single segment. An, aggregate market’s members are considered to be alike with respect to demand for the product. DIFFERENTIATED MARKETING: A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to target several market segments and designs separate offers for each. Under a multiple-segment strategy, two or more different groups of potential customers are identified as target markets. A separate marketing mix is developed to reach each targeted segment. For example, the maker of Bayer aspirin offers seven variations of its pain relief product, each with its own marketing program. In a multiple segment strategy. A multiple-segment strategy normally results in a greater sales volume than a single-segment strategy. It also is useful for a company facing seasonal demand. CONCENTRATED MARKETING: A market coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or if you submarket. A single-segment strategy, also called a concentration strategy, involves selecting one segment from within the total Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 38. | 38 market as the target market. One marketing mix is developed to reach this single segment. A company may want to concentrate on a sin- glue market segment rather than take on many competitors in the broader market. Company Marketing Market Mix A. Undifferentiated Market Company Marketing Mix 1 Segment 1 Company Marketing Segment 2 Mix 2 Company Marketing Segment 3 Mix 3 B. Differentiated Market Company Segment 1 Marketing Segment 2 Mix Segment 3 C. Concentrated Market Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 39. | 39 CHOOSING A MARKET-COVERAGE STRATEGY Many factors need to be considered when choosing a market- coverage strategy. Which strategy is best depends on company resources. When the firm’s resources are limited, concentrated marketing makes the most sense. The best strategy also depends on the degree of product variability. Undifferentiated marketing is more suited for uniform products such as grapefruit or steel. Products that can vary in design, such as cameras and automobiles, are more suited to differentiation or con- contraction. The Product’s lifecycles stage also must be considered. When a firm introduces a new product, it is practical to launch only one version and undifferentiated marketing or concentrated marketing makes the most sense. In the mature stage of the product life cycle, however, differentiated marketing begins to make more sense. Another factor is market variability. If most buyers have the same tastes, buy the same amounts, and react the same way to marketing efforts, under important. When competitors use segmentation, undifferentiated marketing can be suicidal. Conversely, when competitors use, undifferentiated marketing, a firm can gain an advantage by using differentiated or concentrated marketing. POSITIONING: Having identified the potential segments and selected one or more to target, the marketer must next decide what position to pursue. A position is the way a firm’s producer, brand, or Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 40. | 40 organization is viewed relative to the competition by current and prospective customers. To establish itself in a market that was dominated by firms appealing primarily to the preferences of children, Wendy’s positioned its burgers as ”hot and juicy,” and therefore primarily for adults. If a position is how a product is viewed, then positioning is a firm’s use of all the elements at its disposal to create and maintain in the minds of a target market a particular image relative to competing products. THERE ARE THREE STEPS IN A POSITIONING STRATEGY: o SELECT THE POSITIONING CONCEPT o DESIGN THE DIMENSION OR FEATURE THAT MOST EFFECTIVELY CONVEYS THE POSITION o COORDINATE THE MARKETING MIX COMPONENTS TO CONVEY A CONSISTENT POSITION SELECT THE POSITIONING CONCEPT: To position a product or an organization, a marketer needs to first determine what is important to the target market. Marketers can then conduct positioning studies to see how members target market view competing products or stores on the important dimensions. The results of this research can be portrayed in a perceptual map that locates the brand or organization relative to alternatives on the dimensions of interest. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 41. | 41 DESIGN THE DIMENSION OR FEATURE THAT MOST EFFECTIVELY CONVEYS THE POSITION: A position can be communicated with a brand name, a slogan, the appearance or other features of the product, the place where it is sold, the appearance of employees, and in many other ways. However, some features are more effective than others. It is important to not overlook details. According to a consultants chairs for customers are vital in upscale retail environments because they signal that the seller”Cates”. Because the marketer has limited resources, decisions have to be making on how best to convey the desired positioning concept. COORDINATE THE MARKETING MIX COMPONENTS TO CONVEY A CONSISTENT POSITION: When though one or two dimensions may be the primary position communicators, all the elements of the marketing mix the product, price, promotion, and distribution should complement the intended position. Many product failures are the result of inconsistent positioning that confuses consumers. WHAT IS PRODUCT DEVLOPEMENT AND SERVICE? Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 42. | 42 PRODUCT: Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. SERVICE: Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. THE PRODUCT SERVICE CONTINUUM: A company’s offer to the marketplace often includes both tangible goods and services. Each component can be a minor or a major part of the total offer. At one extreme, the offer may consist of a pure tangible good, such as soap, toothpaste, or salt __ no services accompany the product. At the other extreme are pure services, for which the offer consists primarily of a service. Examples include a doctor’s exam or financial services. Between these two extremes, however, many goods and services combinations are possible. PRODUCT CLASSIFICATIONS Products and services fall into two broad classes based on the types of consumers that use them consumer and industrial products. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 43. | 43 Broadly defined, products also include other marketable entities such as organizations, persons, places and ideas. o CONSUMER PRODUCTS o INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CONSUMER PRODUCTS Product bought by final consumer for personal consumption.  CONVENIENCE PRODUCT: Consumer product that the customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of comparison and buying clot. MARKETING CONSIDERATIONS FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS Type of Consumer Product Marketing Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought Consideration Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 44. | 44 Customer Frequent Less Strong Little Buying purchase, frequent brand product Behavior Little planning, Purchase, Preference Awareness, little much and Comparison or Planning Loyalty, Knowledge and special (or if shopping Shopping Effort, Purchase Aware, little effort, low comparison effort, little or even of Customer Brands on Comparison Negative involvement price, of brands, interest) Quality, Low price style sensitivity Price Low price Higher price High price Varies Distribution Widespread Selective Exclusive Varies distribution distribution Distribution, In fewer In only one butlers or a few Convenient Outlets per locations market Area Promotion Mass Advertising More Aggressive promotion by and carefully advertising The producer Personal Targeted And selling by promotion personal by selling Both Both By producer producer producer and and and resellers resellers Resellers Examples Toothpaste, Major Luxury Life Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 45. | 45 appliances, Goods such insurance, as Red Magazines, Television, Rolex Cross blood laundry furniture watches or donations fine Detergent Clothing Crystal  SHOPPING PRODUCT: Consumer good that the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price, and style.  SPECIALTY PRODUCT: Consumer product with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.  UNSOUGHT PRODUCT: Consumer product that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think of buying. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 46. | 46 Product bought by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting a business. Industrial products are those purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business. Thus, the distinction between a consumer product and an industrial product is based on the purpose for which the product is bought. If a consumer buys a lawn mower for use around home, the lawn mower is a consumer product. If the same consumer buys the same lawn mower for use in a landscaping business, the lawn mower in an industrial product. The three groups of industrial products and services include materials and parts, capital items, and supplies and services. Materials and parts include raw materials and manufactured materials and parts. Raw materials consist of farm products (wheat, cotton, livestock, fruits, vegetables) and natural products (fish, lumber, crude petroleum, iron ore). Manufactured materials and parts consist of component materials (iron, yarn, cement, wires) and component parts (small motors, tires, castings). Most manufactured materials and parts are sold directly to industrial users. Price and service are the major marketing factors; branding and advertising tend to be less important. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 47. | 47 MACHINES USED IN SOAP MANUFACTURING These are the machines which are used in product development of health Soap. This machine is known as stamper-mazzoni-duplo-pq. This machine is known as Roll-mill- bulhre-pq. This machine is known as plodder_mazzoni_dtm300_4024_pq. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 48. | 48 This machine is known as atomizer_mazzoni_pq. This machine is known as cutter_mazzoni_tva_pq. This machine is known as logoimj. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 49. | 49 This machine is known as vacuum_pump_pq. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 50. | 50 Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 51. | 51 Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 52. | 52 Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 53. | 53 Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 54. | 54 PERSONS, PLACES, AND IDEAS: In recent years marketers have broadened the concept of a product beyond tangible products and services, to include other marketable entities __ namely, organizations, person’s places; and ideas. Organizations often carry out activities to sell the organization itself. Organization marketing consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behavior of target consumers toward an organization. Both profit and nonprofit organizations practice organization marketing. Business firms sponsor public relations or corporate advertising campaigns to polish their images. Nonprofit organizations __ such as churches, colleges, charities, museums, and performing arts groups’ __ market their organizations in order to raise funds and tract members or patrons. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 55. | 55 Corporate image advertising is a major tool company’s use to market themselves to various publics.  PERSON MARKETING: People can also be thought of as products. Person marketing consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes or behavior toward particular people. All kinds of people and organizations practice person marketing. Presidents Reagan and Clinton skillfully marketed themselves, their parties, and their platforms to get needed votes and program support. Entertainers and sports figures such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods use marketing to promote their careers and improve their impact and incomes. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and architects market themselves in order to build their reputations and increase business. Business leaders use person marketing as a strategic tool to develop their companies’ fortunes as well as their won. Businesses, charities, sports marketing. Creating or associating with well know personalities often helps these organizations achieve their goals better.  SOCIAL MARKETING: The design, implementation, and control of programs seeking to increase the acceptability of a social idea, cause, or practice among a target group.  PACE MARKETING: Involves activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes or behavior toward Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 56. | 56 particular places. Examples include business site marketing and tourism marketing. Business site marketing involves developing, selling, or renting business sites or for factories, stores, offices, warehouses, and conventions. For example, most states operate industrial development offices that try to sell companies on the advantages of locating new plants in their states. Even entire nations __ such as Canada, Ireland, Greece, Mexico, and Turkey __ gave marketed themselves as good locations for business investment. INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT DECISIONS PRODUCT QUALITY: The ability of a product to perform its functions; it includes the product’s overall durability, reliability, precision, case of operation and repair, and other valued attributes. PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES: Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by product attributes such as quality, features, and design. PRODUCT FEATURES: A product can be offered with varying features. A “stripped down “model, one without any extras, Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 57. | 57 is the starting point. The company can create higher level models by adding more features. Features are a competitive tool for differentiating the company’s product from competitors’ products. Being the first producer to introduce a needed and valued new feature is one of the most effective ways to compete. PRODUCT DESIGN: Another way to add customer value is through distinctive product design. Some companies have reputations for outstanding design, such as Black & Decker in cordless appliances and tools, Steel case in office furniture and systems, Bose in audio equipment, and Ciba Corning in medical equipment. Design cab be one of the most powerful competitive weapons in a company’s marketing arsenal. Demographics Demographics are clearly tied to subculture and segmentation. Here, however, we shift our focus from analyzing specific subcultures to trying to understand the implications for an entire population of its makeup. Some articles of possible interest: Several issues are useful in the structure of a population. For example, in some rapidly growing countries, a large percentage of the population is concentrated among younger generations. In countries such as Korea, China, and Taiwan, this has helped stimulate economic growth, while in certain poorer countries; it puts pressures on society to accommodate an increasing number of people on a fixed amount of land. Other countries such as Japan and Germany, in contrast, experience problems with a "graying" society, where fewer non-retired people are around to support an increasing number of aging seniors. Because Germany actually hovers around negative population growth, the German government has issued Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 58. | 58 large financial incentives, in the forms of subsidies, for women who have children. In the United States, population growth occurs both through births and immigration. Since the number of births is not growing, problems occur for firms that are dependent on population growth (e.g., Gerber, a manufacturer of baby food). Social class is a somewhat nebulous subject that involves stratifying people into groups with various amounts of prestige, power, and privilege. In part because of the pioneering influence in American history, status differentiations here are quite vague. We cannot, for example, associate social class with income, because a traditionally low status job as a plumber may today come with as much income as a traditionally more prestigious job as a school teacher. In certain other cultures, however, stratification is more clear-cut. Although the caste system in India is now illegal, it still maintains a tremendous influence on that society. While some mobility exists today, social class awareness is also somewhat greater in Britain, where social status is in part reinforced by the class connotations of the accent with which one speaks. Textbooks speak of several indices that have been used to "compute" social class in the United States, weighing factors such as income, the nature of one’s employment, and level of education. Taken too literally, these indices are not very meaningful; more broadly speaking, they illustrate the reality that social status is a complex variable that is determined, not always with consensus among observers, by several different variables. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 59. | 59 BRANDING A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these intended to identify the goods or services of one seller of group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create, maintain, Protect, and enhance brands of its products and services. A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service. Consumers view a brand as an important part of a product, and branding can add value to a product. For example, most consumers would perceive a bottle of White Linen perfume as a high quality, expensive product. But the same perfume in an unmarked bottle would likely be viewed as lower in quality, even if the fragrance were identical. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 60. | 60 BRAND EQUITY: The value of a brand, based on the extent to which it has on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. Brands vary in the amount of power and value they have in the marketplace. A powerful brand has high brand equity. Brands have higher brand equity to the extent that they have higher brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. BRAND NAME SELECTION: A good name can add greatly to a product’s success. However, finding the best brand name is a difficult task. It begins with a careful review of the product and its benefits, the target market, and proposed marketing strategies. Desirable qualities for a brand name include: o IT SHOULD SUGGEST SOMETHING ABOUT THE PRODUCT’S BENEFITS AND QUALITIES. EXAMPLES: DIE HARD, EASY OFF CRAFTSMAN SUNKIST, SPIC AND SPAN, SNUGGLES MERRY MAIDS, NATIONSBANK. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 61. | 61 o IT SHOULD BE EASY TO PRONOUNCE, RECOGNIZE, AND REMEMBER. SHORT NAMES HELP. PRIVATE BRAND (OR STORE BRAND): A brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service. BRAND SPONSOR: A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. The product may be launched as a manufacturer’s brand (or national brand), as when Kellogg and IBM sell their output under their own manufacturer’s brand names. Or the manufacturer may sell to resellers who give it a private brand (also called a store brand or distributor brand). Although most manufacturers create their own brand names, others market licensed brands. Finally, two companies can join forces and co brand a product.  MANUFACTURE’S BRANDS VERSUS PRIVATE BRANDS: Manufactures’ brands have long dominated the retail scene. In recent times, however, and increasing number of retailers and wholesalers have created their own private brands.  LICENSING: Most manufacturers take years and spend millions to create their own brand names. However, some companies’ license names or symbol previously created by other manufacturers, names of well known celebrities, characters from popular movies and books __ for a fee, any of these can provide Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 62. | 62 an instant and proven brand name. Apparel and accessories sellers pay large royalties to adorn their products __ from blouses to ties, and linens to luggage __ with the names or initials of fashion innovators such as Bill Blass, Calvin Klein, Pierre Cardin, Gucci, and Houston. Sellers of children’s products attach an almost endless list of character names to clothing, toys, school supplies, linins, dolls, lunch boxes, cereals, and other items. The character names range from classics such as Disney, Peanuts, Barbie, and Dr. Seuss characters, to the Muppets, Garfield, and batman.  CO-BRANDING: Although companies have been co branding products for many years, there has been a recent resurgence in co branded products. Co branding occurs when two established brand names of different companies are used on the same product. For example, Pillsbury joined Nabisco to create Pillsbury Oreo Bars Baking Mix. Ford and Eddie Bauer co branded a sport utility vehicle __ the Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer edition. Mattel teamed with coca Cola to market Soda Fountain Sweetheart Barbie. Kellogg joined forces with Con Agra to co brand Healthy Choice from Kellogg’s cereals. In most co branding situations, one company licenses another company’s well known brand to use in combination with its own. BRAND STRATEGY: A company has four choices when it comes to brand strategy (see Figure 8-4). It can introduce line Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 63. | 63 extensions (existing brand names extended to new forms, sizes, and flavors of an existing product category), brand extensions (existing brand names extended to new product categories), multi brands (new brand names introduced in the same product category), or new brands (new brand names in new product categories).  LINE EXTENSIONS: Line extensions occur when a company introduces additional items in a given product category under the same brand name, such as new flavors, forms, colors, ingredients, or package sizes. Thus, DANONE recently introduced several line extensions, including seven new yogurt flavors, a fat free yogurt, and a large economy size yogurt. The vast majority of new product activity consists of line extensions. Using a successful brand name to introduce additional items I given product category under the same brand name, such as new flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients, or package sizes.  BRAND EXTENSION: Using a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a new category. A brand extension involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or motioned products in a new category. Fruit of the Loom took advantage of its very high name recognition to launch new lines of socks, men’s fashion underwear, women’s underwear, athletic apparel, and even baby clothes. Honda uses its company name to cover different products such as its automobiles, motorcycles, snow blowers, lawn mowers, marine engines, and snowmobile. This allows Honda to advertise that it can fit six Hondas Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 64. | 64 in a two car garage.” Swiss Army Brand Sunglasses, Disney cruise Lines, Snack well’s Snack bars, and Century 21 Home Improvements, Brinks home security systems __ all are brand extensions.  MULTIBRANDS: Companies often introduce additional brands in the same category. Thus, Procter & Gamble markets many different brands in each of its product categories. Multi branding offers a way to establish different features and appeal to different buying motives. It also allows a company to lock up more reseller shelf space. A major drawback of multi branding is that each brand might obtain only a small market share, and none may be very profitable. The company may end up spreading its resources over many brands instead of building a few brands to a highly profitable level. These companies should reduce the number of brands they sell in a given category and set up tighter screening procedures for new brands.  NEW BRANDS: A company may create a new brand name when it enters a new product category for which none of the company’s current brand names are appropriate. For example, Japan’s Matsushita uses separate names for its different families of products: Techniques, Panasonic, National, and Quasar. Or, a company might believe that the power of its existing brand name is waning and a new brand name is needed. Finally, the company may obtain new brands in new categories through acquisitions. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 65. | 65 PACKAGING The activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. Packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. The package may include the product’s primary container (the tube holding Colgate toothpaste); a secondary package that is thrown away when the product is about to be used (the cardboard box containing the tube of Colgate); and the shipping package necessary to store, identify, and ship the product (a corrugated box carrying six dozen tubes of Colgate toothpaste). Labeling, the printed information appearing on or with the package, is also part of packaging. LABELING Labels my range from simple tags attached to products to complex graphics that are part of the package. They perform several functions. At the very least, the label identifies the product or brand, such as the name Sunkist stamped on oranges. The label might also describe several things about the product __ who made it where it was made, when it was mad, its contents, how it is to be used, and how to use it safely. Finally, the label might promote the product through attractive graphics. PRODUCT LINE DECISIONS Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 66. | 66 We have looked at product strategy decisions such as branding, packaging, labeling, and support services for individual products and services. Bust product strategy also calls for building a product line. A product line is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges. The major product line decision involves product line length __ the number of items in the product line. The line is too short if the manager can increase profits by adding items; the line is too long if the manager can increase profits by dropping items. Product line length is influenced by company objectives and resources. Product lines tend to lengthen over time. The sales force and distributors may pressure the product manager for a more complete line to satisfy their customers. Or, the manager may want to add items to the product line to create growth in sales and profits. However, as the manager adds items, several costs rise: design and engineering costs, inventory cost, manufacturing changeover costs, transportation costs, and promotional costs to introduce new items. Eventually top management calls a halt to the mushrooming product line. Unnecessary or unprofitable items will be pruned from the line in a major effort to increase overall profitability. This pattern of uncontrolled product line growth followed by heavy pruning is typical and may repeat itself many times. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 67. | 67 PRODUCT LINE: A group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar. Manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same, types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges. PRODUCT MIX DECISIONS An organization with several product lines has a product mix. A product mix (or product assortment) consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale. Avon’s product mix consists of four major product lines: cosmetic, jewelry, fashions, and household items. Each product line consists of several sub lines. For example, a cosmetic breaks down into lipstick, eyeliner, powder, and so on. Each line and sub line has many individual items. Altogether, Avon’s product mix includes 1,300 items. In contrast, a typical Kmart stocks 15,000 item, 3M markets more than 60,000 products, and General Electric manufactures as many as 250,000 items. A company’s product mix has four important dimensions: width, length, depth, and consistency. Product mix width refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. For example, Procter & Gamble markets a fairly wide product mix consisting of many product lines, including paper, food, household cleaning, medicinal, cosmetics, and personal care products. Product mix length refers to the total number of items the company carries within its product lines. Procter & Gamble typically carries many brands within each line. For example, it sells eleven laundry detergents, eight hand soaps, six shampoos, and four dishwashing detergents. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 68. | 68 SERVICE MARKETING NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF A SERVICE: Activities such as renting a hotel room, depositing money in a bank, traveling on an airplane, getting a haircut, having a car repaired, watching a professional sport, seeing a movie, and getting advice from a lawyer all involve buying a service. FOUR SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS Intangibility Inseparability Services cannot be seen, tasted, Services cannot be felt, heard or separated from smelled before their providers purchased Service s Variability Perish ability Quality of services Services cannot be depends on who stored for later provides them sale or use and when, where, and how  SERVICE INTANGIBILITY: A major characteristic of services __ they cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 69. | 69  SERVICE INSEPARABILITY: A major characteristic of services __ they are produced and consumed at the same time and cannot be separated from their providers, whether the providers are people or machines.  SERVICE VARIABILITY: A major characteristic of services __ their quality may vary greatly, depending on who provides them and when, where, and how.  SERVICE PERISHES ABILITY: A major characteristic of services __ they cannot be stored for later sale or use. MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SERVICE FIRMS Just like manufacturing businesses, good service firms use marketing to position themselves strongly in chosen target markets. Southwest Airlines positions itself as Just Plane Smart for commuter flyers __ as a no frills, short haul airline charging very low fares. The Ritz Carlton Hotel positions itself as offering a memorable experience that enlivens the senses, instills well being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests. “These and other service firms establish their positions through traditional marketing mix activities. Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first
  • 70. | 70 SERVICE PROFIT CHAIN: The chain that links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction. Successful service companies focus their attention on both their customers and their employees. They understand the service profit chain, which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction. This chain consists of five links: o INTERNAL SERVICE QUALITY: superior selection and training, a quality work environment, and strong support for those dealing with customers, which results in … o SATISFIED AND PRODUCTIVE SERVICE EMPLOYEES: more satisfied, loyal, and hard working employees, which results in . . . o GREATER SERVICE VALUE: more effective and efficient customer value creation and service delivery, which results in . . . o SATISFIED AND LOYAL CUSTOMERS: satisfied customers who remain loyal, repeat purchase, and refer other customers, which result in . . . o HEALTHY SERVICE PROFITS AND GROWTH: superior service firm performance:  INTERNAL MARKETING: Marketing by a service firm to train and effectively motivate its customer contact employees Suggestions & Feedback: Valencia SOAP Health Comes first