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How Party Works
Here is how the party works: -
Everything will be taking place on THIS
event page. -Once the party starts,
refresh your page every 2-3 minutes to
get the latest information. Party will
last approx. 45min to an hour. -If you
would like to participate and ask
questions please feel free to comment
under any of the photos we will be
posting and we will answer your
questions as soon as possible!
Post 1
1. Welcome EVERYONE to this
ONLINE ONLY Wrap Party! I am
very excited to share these
incredible products and income
potential with you all. Please
follow the numbers, and if you
come in late just read all the posts
to see what we have to offer!
Post 2
2. What area do you need to target??
What is that one or more areas that no
matter how much you exercise, no
matter how well you diet, just doesn’t
seem to shape up? DONT lie... I know
ya'll have a little flab that isn't so fab! I
(*Reminder to keep refreshing your
page every couple minutes for the
newest information!)
Post 3
3. Would you believe that there is a
product that can tighten, tone, and
firm that troublesome area
NATURALLY in as little as 45 minutes?
Not only improving that area but your
overall health as well? And you are
NOT losing water weight! These are
MY results after just 3
wraps! Everyone has their own
insecurities... and our wrap works just
for that because it is site-specific so it
can be placed anywhere! Yep, I turned
fat into fab .... Ya'll know what I mean..
right??? AMAZING! Keep tuned in to
see just how It Works!
Post 4
4. I get a LOT of questions like “What is
in the wrap?” or “How does it work?”
Well it’s simple! The all natural
botanical lotion that is infused into the
wrap will penetrate your skin and
provide you with tighter, firmer, and
more toned results in as little as 45
min with results progressively getting
better over the next 72 hours! 7 out of
11 ingredients are an anti-
inflammatory! It improves cellulite,
stretch marks, and extra skin.
Remember that spot you wanted to
wrap first? Imagine the possibilities!!
THIS COMPANY!!! Ladies... I know you
are feeling me right now!!! YOU FEEL
Post 5
5. So THIS is what it looks like! It comes
with the botanical lotion already
infused into it and pre-packaged in a
little baggie ready to be applied! The
wrap can be cut to fit ANY body part
from the chin down! One wrap is
considered a sample and 4 is
considered a FULL treatment! *4
wraps Retail for $99 -- Loyal Customers
can get those exact same wraps for
only $59(We will go over what a loyal
customer is in a few minutes, make
sure you are refreshing your screen)
Post 6
6. The wrap is SO simple to use in the
comfort of your own home! It only takes
a minute or two to apply and in 45
minutes you can start seeing results! It's
not water weight you are losing. Results
will last 2 to 6 months after a full
treatment (4 wraps is a full treatment). -
Take a before picture, very
important!!!! -Take wrap out of
packaging -Apply to desired area -
Secure with saran wrap, spandex, or our
new Fab Wrap -Set your timer for 45 min
(you can wear it longer if you want, but
45 minutes is all that is necessary) -
Remove wrap, rub in extra lotion, and
discard used wrap -Take after picture! -
Continue to drink ½ your body weight in
ounces of water for the next 72 hours
(example: if you weigh 140 lbs. drink 70
ounces of water each day for 3 days) -
Take 72 hour after photo
Photos don't lie!
Post 7
7. This is what it does! It is a FIRST to
market product, meaning there is
nothing like this out there, let alone
THIS affordable! The wrap was
originally a spa service performed in
Europe for upwards of $300 before It
Works! bought the rights to it!
Post 8
8. Men Wrap, they use our
Supplements and they use our Facials
too!!! It could be a family WRAP night!
Post 9
9. Now we are going to introduce you
to what else It Works! has to offer you!
With our Loyal Customer Program you
save up to 45% on products and get
the same wholesale pricing I do! Here
are a few perks. This company treats
it's Loyal Customers as well as it's
Distributors! You don't have to be a
Distributor to get the exact same
awesome pricing!!
Post 10
10. The Defining Gel is best described
as the “sister” product to the wrap! It
is a less concentrated formula of the
wrap that can be used DAILY and is
great for maintaining results between
It can be used anywhere from the
neck down! The uses are limitless... -
Cellulite -Vericose and Spider veins -
Eczema -Psoriasis -Scars -sunburns -
tattoos -Feet (it is finally sandal
weather here!) ... help me out ladies,
what else? cracked heels, dry elbows
Post 11
11. Fat Fighters are great for that pizza
and beer kind of night, or any high
carb/fatty meal. Simply take two
supplements after your heaviest meal
of the day and it will block 30% - 60%
of the fat and carbs in your meal so
your body... DOESN’T EVEN KNOW IT'S
THERE! The perk with ours is that it
works in your stomach and NOT your
colon so you won’t find yourself
running to the bathroom. (Sorry for
the visual!) No side effects!! Wanna
see how it works? Check out this Fat
Fighter Demo:
GK36yZj1s& WHO
Post 12
12. Two tiny scoops of our Greens will
give you 38 super foods, 8+ servings of
fruits and veggies, PLUS pro-biotics. It
helps boost your immune system, give
you a naturally energy, and detoxes! Best
part? They cost about $1 a DAY. Less than
a soda and SO MUCH better for you!
Instead of reaching for a snickers, I drink
the Greens... yum!! -Balance pH and
acidity -Curbs cravings -Probiotic for
digestive health
It can be mixed with juice, water, yogurt,
in a smoothie, the possibilities are
endless!! The best part they don't taste
like grass. We have Berry flavor and
Orange flavor. My favorite is Orange I
their pediatrician approved!!)
Post 13
13.Hello gluten free goodness!!! 2
chews has the antioxidant strength of
20 cartons of blueberries....are you
kidding me?! You can't get this type of
nutrition from any other product on
the market!!! Clinically tested to
reduce blood pressure. KIDS LOVE
them-which means MOMS AND
GRANDMAS LOVE them, they taste like
an amazing blue raspberry
Post 14
14. Our ProFit can be used as a post
workout recovery or meal
replacement. It builds lean muscle
mass with fewer calories, it’s mood
elevating, supports healthy digestion,
and so much more! It is also Non-
GMO, Gluten Free, and sweetened
with less than a gram of Stevia!! The
reaction I get to customers sampling
this product is that it mixes well and is
much less "chalky" than others they
have tried. Smells GREAT, tastes GREAT
and comes in...Chocolate and Vanilla!
Mix, shake, or bake with it! Yummy!
I'm Team Vanilla IT TASTES LIKE
Post 15
15. You can put "fake lashes" on your
eye that fall out and poke you in the
eyeball half way through the day...OR
you can make them thick and healthy
from the INSIDE out!!!!!! Hair, Skin,
and Nails is CRAZY amazing….Check
out the biotin in this stuff!! It
noursishes, moisturizes, and
strengthens your hair, skin, and nails
from the inside out with support of
healthy cell growth. MY HAIR GREW 2
5,000mcg OF BIOTIN!!!!
Post 16
16. Just a little overview.. we already
went over but again.. This is where our
Loyal Customer Program comes into
place! You receive our products at OUR
wholesale pricing, same as what we as
Distributors pay!! And it's even FREE to
join!! All you have to do is purchase
one product a month for a minimum of
3 months. There is no $ minimum and
you can switch up the products each
month if you want! YOU CAN'T BEAT
Post 17
17. Confianza! It helps improve focus,
fight fatigue, and is an incredible anti-
stress formula! Many of my clients
have been able to get off of
prescription medications for anxiety,
stress and depression!!!ONE OF MY
Post 18
18. Did you know we have a wrap just
for your face?? Our Facial Applicator’s
are truly amazing! They help with fine
lines and wrinkles on the face by giving
you a mini face lift! Also made with all
natural ingredients. Wear for 45 min as
well and start seeing results! I do these
about 1/week! I personally have
incredibly sensitive acne prone skin
and have had AMAZING results with
our entire skin care line and was able
to get off of prescription medicated
creams and pills!! BETTER THAN ANY
Post 19
19. Any pregnant girls on here, we
have many products that are safe for
pregnant and breastfeeding
mamas!?!? Our Stretch Mark Cream is
cocoa butter on STEROIDS!! Check out
theses results after just 6 weeks!!!!
Awesome huh?
Post 20
20. It’s Vital Core Nutrition is made out
of WHOLE FOOD, pesticide free, plant
based ingredients…nothing synthetic,
no fillers and 100% all natural. You
know you’ve got a great multivitamin
when you read the ingredients and
you see; broccoli, raspberry, beet root,
brussel sprout, carrot, etc.!!! IS the
multivitamin you are taking helping or
hurting you? Are you getting your
moneys worth or just literally flushing
your $$$ down the toilet by taking a
synthetic vitamin your body will not
fully absorb? I promise you, you will
not find any other multivitamin on the
market for this quality at this price!!!!!
FEED your body with what it needs!
Post 21
21. Need to shed your “winter fur”
and shed some LB’s? Fire up your
metabolism with this naturally based,
thermogenic weight loss formula!
Ultimate ThermoFit helps you burn an
extra 238 calories and it does not give
you the jitters at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post 22
22. We have something for everyone!!
All natural, non GMO, no
preservatives, artificial flavors, colors,
or sweeteners - it doesn't get any
better!!!! This is YOUR year to look and
feel your best!!! Anyone have any
questions so far? If not, I will move
right along, the best is yet to come!!
Post 23
23. I have never been more excited about
a J-O-B or had a more rewarding one than
here with It Works! By far the best
decision I ever made. When it's time to
decide what kind of "work from home"
job you want, consider the following. -
exclusive product. You don't want to be
offering something that people can
honestly go down to Target and get a
cheaper version of, do you? - broad
market. The more people that can use
what you offer, the better. - an "in
demand" product line. What's in
demand? Health and wellness, all natural,
safe, healthy. - a stable company. It
Works Global was founded in 2001 and
became debt free in 2008. We TEACH
debt free. It's our life. - flexibility. you want to be running around
delivering product all the time or having
to keep stock? No....Me either.
Post 24
24. It only costs $99 to join the It Works
party! This includes a FREE box of wraps,
a folder filled with marketing materials to
get you started on your journey! Sell the
4 wraps from your kit @ $25-$30/each
(depending on your area) and earn your
investment $$ back INSTANTLY to make
this a risk free opportunity! Cha-ching!
As a Distributor you get access to tons of
free marketing material, training videos,
and everything you need to build a
successful business is at your fingertips!
You don't carry an inventory! Your
customers order from your website. It
doesn't get much easier than this !If you
think $99 is a lot to start a business.. I
don't know what type of business you are
after.. I mean that is the smallest
investment and you can get it back
IMMEDIATELY!!! If you could use $300 or
$30,000 a month, I am here to help you
each step of the way... My team is on
fiyahhhhhhhhh! What is your WHY? Is
your WHY important.. I know mine is.. My
WHY was to be at home with my kids..
Not have someone else raise them.. not
miss theirmilestones.. not have to worry
about daycare and for sure be with them
every moment I can!!!
Post 25
25. The way we build our business is by
following 3 very simple “Steps to
Success” Step 1: Join the Party and set up
your 80BV autoship (so you get paid). This is
your monthly product commitment. We
suggest to put two boxes of wraps on it and
sell them, once again covering the cost to
you, and putting instant WRAP CASH straight
in your pocket! If you would rather purchase
product for yourself, you can! It is
COMPLETELY up to you! Step 2: Wrap FREE!
When you get 4 Loyal Customers in your first
30 days you get $120 in FREE product and 2
boxes of wraps for only $25!! Use this on
yourself OR sell, again, putting Wrap Cash
straight in your pocket! $$ Step 3:
Guarantee! Find 3 friends that want to earn
some extra cash with you and help them
complete steps 1 & 2 and you will get a
GUARANTEED $500 in income for your first
60 days!! What would you do with
$500? GUARANTEED It’s that simple! If you
have 4 friends that you think would love the
products and three that would love to work
with you, earn extra cash, and have a blast
then being a distributor is your way to
Post 26
26. Ok, it’s business time! I'm going to
show you what you can make - SIMPLY
by following 3 steps. This is for REAL
people. These charts show the average
earnings of an It Works! Distributor
based on rank. and what is CRAZY...
BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have until
September to claim it. All you gotta do
is reach DIAMOND level.. hard to
explain, but I am here for you to show
you how to get there!
Who is ready to turn $99 into $10,000.
Here to help you every step of the
Post 27
27. Most people tend to shrink their
dreams to fit inside their income, but
with It Works! they want you to GROW
your income to achieve your
dreams. So the choice is simply
yours... do you want to shrink your
dreams? Or grow your income? We’ve
had so many on our team paying off
massive amounts of debt ranging from
$30,000+ in debt. Holy smokes! School
loans, car payments, mortgages, credit
cards all with ZERO balances. Do you
know what that kind of debt free
brings? FREEDOM of your TIME and
FREEDOM Financially....yes please!
Post 28
28. Not sure whether you want to be a
Customer or a Distributor? Here is a
comparison chart. Let us know what
questions you have and we would be
glad to answer them. We want you to
be 100% comfortable in whatever
decision you make. Please contact the
person who invited you tonight to help
you get going. Guests, do you see
yourself as a Loyal Customer or joining
the party as a Distributor? I am here
to help you for whichever one you
choose! Please post below so I know
which direction to send you in. Just
know whatever you choose to do, we
are here for you every step of the
way!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love what I do, I am
very passionate about it, and I want to
help change you, your life, and your
Post 29
29. THANK YOU! To everyone who
attended tonight! If you are still on the
fence... check it out!! Also, please
check out the website of the person
whom invited you and if you decide to
sign up, please message her/him so
they can give you the directions on
how to earn FREE boxes of wraps!
*This event page will be open for a few
days for anyone that missed it!

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Virtual party

  • 1. How Party Works Here is how the party works: - Everything will be taking place on THIS event page. -Once the party starts, refresh your page every 2-3 minutes to get the latest information. Party will last approx. 45min to an hour. -If you would like to participate and ask questions please feel free to comment under any of the photos we will be posting and we will answer your questions as soon as possible! STARTING IN 5 MINUTES!! CHECKIN HERE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PRIZES!!! DISTRIBUTORS PLEASE DO NOT CHECK IN!!! AND PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR WEBSITE!!!!
  • 2. Post 1 1. Welcome EVERYONE to this ONLINE ONLY Wrap Party! I am very excited to share these incredible products and income potential with you all. Please follow the numbers, and if you come in late just read all the posts to see what we have to offer! REFRESH YOUR SCREEN EVERY 2 MINUTES ALSO THE MORE YOU PARTICIPATE THE MORE LIKELY YOU ARE TO WIN A PRIZE PRIZES WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE END OF THE PARTY!
  • 3. Post 2 2. What area do you need to target?? What is that one or more areas that no matter how much you exercise, no matter how well you diet, just doesn’t seem to shape up? DONT lie... I know ya'll have a little flab that isn't so fab! I know I do ANYWHERE FROM THE CHIN DOWN!!! START NAMING IT!!! (*Reminder to keep refreshing your page every couple minutes for the newest information!)
  • 4. Post 3 3. Would you believe that there is a product that can tighten, tone, and firm that troublesome area NATURALLY in as little as 45 minutes? Not only improving that area but your overall health as well? And you are NOT losing water weight! These are MY results after just 3 wraps! Everyone has their own insecurities... and our wrap works just for that because it is site-specific so it can be placed anywhere! Yep, I turned fat into fab .... Ya'll know what I mean.. right??? AMAZING! Keep tuned in to see just how It Works! YOU LADIES ARE CRACKING ME UP TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WE JUST GOT STARTED!!!!!!!
  • 5. Post 4 4. I get a LOT of questions like “What is in the wrap?” or “How does it work?” Well it’s simple! The all natural botanical lotion that is infused into the wrap will penetrate your skin and provide you with tighter, firmer, and more toned results in as little as 45 min with results progressively getting better over the next 72 hours! 7 out of 11 ingredients are an anti- inflammatory! It improves cellulite, stretch marks, and extra skin. Remember that spot you wanted to wrap first? Imagine the possibilities!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS WITH THIS COMPANY!!! Ladies... I know you are feeling me right now!!! YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT????
  • 6. Post 5 5. So THIS is what it looks like! It comes with the botanical lotion already infused into it and pre-packaged in a little baggie ready to be applied! The wrap can be cut to fit ANY body part from the chin down! One wrap is considered a sample and 4 is considered a FULL treatment! *4 wraps Retail for $99 -- Loyal Customers can get those exact same wraps for only $59(We will go over what a loyal customer is in a few minutes, make sure you are refreshing your screen)
  • 7. Post 6 6. The wrap is SO simple to use in the comfort of your own home! It only takes a minute or two to apply and in 45 minutes you can start seeing results! It's not water weight you are losing. Results will last 2 to 6 months after a full treatment (4 wraps is a full treatment). - Take a before picture, very important!!!! -Take wrap out of packaging -Apply to desired area - Secure with saran wrap, spandex, or our new Fab Wrap -Set your timer for 45 min (you can wear it longer if you want, but 45 minutes is all that is necessary) - Remove wrap, rub in extra lotion, and discard used wrap -Take after picture! - Continue to drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water for the next 72 hours (example: if you weigh 140 lbs. drink 70 ounces of water each day for 3 days) - Take 72 hour after photo Photos don't lie!
  • 8. Post 7 7. This is what it does! It is a FIRST to market product, meaning there is nothing like this out there, let alone THIS affordable! The wrap was originally a spa service performed in Europe for upwards of $300 before It Works! bought the rights to it! THANK YOU IT WORKS!
  • 9. Post 8 8. Men Wrap, they use our Supplements and they use our Facials too!!! It could be a family WRAP night! MEN LOVEEEEEEE THESE PRODUCTS JUST AS MUCH AS US WOMEN DO!!
  • 10. Post 9 9. Now we are going to introduce you to what else It Works! has to offer you! With our Loyal Customer Program you save up to 45% on products and get the same wholesale pricing I do! Here are a few perks. This company treats it's Loyal Customers as well as it's Distributors! You don't have to be a Distributor to get the exact same awesome pricing!!
  • 11. Post 10 10. The Defining Gel is best described as the “sister” product to the wrap! It is a less concentrated formula of the wrap that can be used DAILY and is great for maintaining results between wraps. It can be used anywhere from the neck down! The uses are limitless... - Cellulite -Vericose and Spider veins - Eczema -Psoriasis -Scars -sunburns - tattoos -Feet (it is finally sandal weather here!) ... help me out ladies, what else? cracked heels, dry elbows
  • 12. Post 11 11. Fat Fighters are great for that pizza and beer kind of night, or any high carb/fatty meal. Simply take two supplements after your heaviest meal of the day and it will block 30% - 60% of the fat and carbs in your meal so your body... DOESN’T EVEN KNOW IT'S THERE! The perk with ours is that it works in your stomach and NOT your colon so you won’t find yourself running to the bathroom. (Sorry for the visual!) No side effects!! Wanna see how it works? Check out this Fat Fighter Demo: GK36yZj1s& WHO ARE MY CARB QUEENS???? DON’T FEEL SO BAD NOW????
  • 13. Post 12 12. Two tiny scoops of our Greens will give you 38 super foods, 8+ servings of fruits and veggies, PLUS pro-biotics. It helps boost your immune system, give you a naturally energy, and detoxes! Best part? They cost about $1 a DAY. Less than a soda and SO MUCH better for you! Instead of reaching for a snickers, I drink the Greens... yum!! -Balance pH and acidity -Curbs cravings -Probiotic for digestive health It can be mixed with juice, water, yogurt, in a smoothie, the possibilities are endless!! The best part they don't taste like grass. We have Berry flavor and Orange flavor. My favorite is Orange I GIVE THESE TO MY 3 AND 5 YEAR OLD AND AM SO HAPPY TO KNOW THEY ARE GETTING ALL THEIR FRUITS AND VEGGIES THEY NEED TO STAY HEALTHY! (of course their pediatrician approved!!)
  • 14. Post 13 13.Hello gluten free goodness!!! 2 chews has the antioxidant strength of 20 cartons of blueberries....are you kidding me?! You can't get this type of nutrition from any other product on the market!!! Clinically tested to reduce blood pressure. KIDS LOVE them-which means MOMS AND GRANDMAS LOVE them, they taste like an amazing blue raspberry starburst!SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DELICIOUS!
  • 15. Post 14 14. Our ProFit can be used as a post workout recovery or meal replacement. It builds lean muscle mass with fewer calories, it’s mood elevating, supports healthy digestion, and so much more! It is also Non- GMO, Gluten Free, and sweetened with less than a gram of Stevia!! The reaction I get to customers sampling this product is that it mixes well and is much less "chalky" than others they have tried. Smells GREAT, tastes GREAT and comes in...Chocolate and Vanilla! Mix, shake, or bake with it! Yummy! I'm Team Vanilla IT TASTES LIKE VANILLA ICE CREAM!!
  • 16. Post 15 15. You can put "fake lashes" on your eye that fall out and poke you in the eyeball half way through the day...OR you can make them thick and healthy from the INSIDE out!!!!!! Hair, Skin, and Nails is CRAZY amazing….Check out the biotin in this stuff!! It noursishes, moisturizes, and strengthens your hair, skin, and nails from the inside out with support of healthy cell growth. MY HAIR GREW 2 INCHES IN THREE WEEKS! THIS HAS 5,000mcg OF BIOTIN!!!!
  • 17. Post 16 16. Just a little overview.. we already went over but again.. This is where our Loyal Customer Program comes into place! You receive our products at OUR wholesale pricing, same as what we as Distributors pay!! And it's even FREE to join!! All you have to do is purchase one product a month for a minimum of 3 months. There is no $ minimum and you can switch up the products each month if you want! YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY!! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN
  • 18. Post 17 17. Confianza! It helps improve focus, fight fatigue, and is an incredible anti- stress formula! Many of my clients have been able to get off of prescription medications for anxiety, stress and depression!!!ONE OF MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS EVER, KEEPS ME SOOOOO CALM!
  • 19. Post 18 18. Did you know we have a wrap just for your face?? Our Facial Applicator’s are truly amazing! They help with fine lines and wrinkles on the face by giving you a mini face lift! Also made with all natural ingredients. Wear for 45 min as well and start seeing results! I do these about 1/week! I personally have incredibly sensitive acne prone skin and have had AMAZING results with our entire skin care line and was able to get off of prescription medicated creams and pills!! BETTER THAN ANY FACIAL AT A SALON, THAT'S FOR SURE!!
  • 20. Post 19 19. Any pregnant girls on here, we have many products that are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mamas!?!? Our Stretch Mark Cream is cocoa butter on STEROIDS!! Check out theses results after just 6 weeks!!!! Awesome huh?
  • 21. Post 20 20. It’s Vital Core Nutrition is made out of WHOLE FOOD, pesticide free, plant based ingredients…nothing synthetic, no fillers and 100% all natural. You know you’ve got a great multivitamin when you read the ingredients and you see; broccoli, raspberry, beet root, brussel sprout, carrot, etc.!!! IS the multivitamin you are taking helping or hurting you? Are you getting your moneys worth or just literally flushing your $$$ down the toilet by taking a synthetic vitamin your body will not fully absorb? I promise you, you will not find any other multivitamin on the market for this quality at this price!!!!! FEED your body with what it needs!
  • 22. Post 21 21. Need to shed your “winter fur” and shed some LB’s? Fire up your metabolism with this naturally based, thermogenic weight loss formula! Ultimate ThermoFit helps you burn an extra 238 calories and it does not give you the jitters at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 23. Post 22 22. We have something for everyone!! All natural, non GMO, no preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners - it doesn't get any better!!!! This is YOUR year to look and feel your best!!! Anyone have any questions so far? If not, I will move right along, the best is yet to come!!
  • 24. Post 23 23. I have never been more excited about a J-O-B or had a more rewarding one than here with It Works! By far the best decision I ever made. When it's time to decide what kind of "work from home" job you want, consider the following. - exclusive product. You don't want to be offering something that people can honestly go down to Target and get a cheaper version of, do you? - broad market. The more people that can use what you offer, the better. - an "in demand" product line. What's in demand? Health and wellness, all natural, safe, healthy. - a stable company. It Works Global was founded in 2001 and became debt free in 2008. We TEACH debt free. It's our life. - flexibility. you want to be running around delivering product all the time or having to keep stock? No....Me either.
  • 25. Post 24 24. It only costs $99 to join the It Works party! This includes a FREE box of wraps, a folder filled with marketing materials to get you started on your journey! Sell the 4 wraps from your kit @ $25-$30/each (depending on your area) and earn your investment $$ back INSTANTLY to make this a risk free opportunity! Cha-ching! As a Distributor you get access to tons of free marketing material, training videos, and everything you need to build a successful business is at your fingertips! You don't carry an inventory! Your customers order from your website. It doesn't get much easier than this !If you think $99 is a lot to start a business.. I don't know what type of business you are after.. I mean that is the smallest investment and you can get it back IMMEDIATELY!!! If you could use $300 or $30,000 a month, I am here to help you each step of the way... My team is on fiyahhhhhhhhh! What is your WHY? Is your WHY important.. I know mine is.. My WHY was to be at home with my kids.. Not have someone else raise them.. not miss theirmilestones.. not have to worry about daycare and for sure be with them every moment I can!!!
  • 26. Post 25 25. The way we build our business is by following 3 very simple “Steps to Success” Step 1: Join the Party and set up your 80BV autoship (so you get paid). This is your monthly product commitment. We suggest to put two boxes of wraps on it and sell them, once again covering the cost to you, and putting instant WRAP CASH straight in your pocket! If you would rather purchase product for yourself, you can! It is COMPLETELY up to you! Step 2: Wrap FREE! When you get 4 Loyal Customers in your first 30 days you get $120 in FREE product and 2 boxes of wraps for only $25!! Use this on yourself OR sell, again, putting Wrap Cash straight in your pocket! $$ Step 3: Guarantee! Find 3 friends that want to earn some extra cash with you and help them complete steps 1 & 2 and you will get a GUARANTEED $500 in income for your first 60 days!! What would you do with $500? GUARANTEED It’s that simple! If you have 4 friends that you think would love the products and three that would love to work with you, earn extra cash, and have a blast then being a distributor is your way to go!!! THIS IS SOOOOO SIMPLE GUYS! MY PAYCHECKS INCREASE EVERY MONTH SIMPLY BY FOLLOWING THESE THREE SIMPLE STEPS!
  • 27. Post 26 26. Ok, it’s business time! I'm going to show you what you can make - SIMPLY by following 3 steps. This is for REAL people. These charts show the average earnings of an It Works! Distributor based on rank. and what is CRAZY... is....IF YOU SIGN UP BY THE 30th OF THIS MONTH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE $10,000 GET OUT OF DEBT BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have until September to claim it. All you gotta do is reach DIAMOND level.. hard to explain, but I am here for you to show you how to get there!
  • 28. Who is ready to turn $99 into $10,000. Here to help you every step of the way!!
  • 29. Post 27 27. Most people tend to shrink their dreams to fit inside their income, but with It Works! they want you to GROW your income to achieve your dreams. So the choice is simply yours... do you want to shrink your dreams? Or grow your income? We’ve had so many on our team paying off massive amounts of debt ranging from $30,000+ in debt. Holy smokes! School loans, car payments, mortgages, credit cards all with ZERO balances. Do you know what that kind of debt free brings? FREEDOM of your TIME and FREEDOM Financially....yes please!
  • 30. Post 28 28. Not sure whether you want to be a Customer or a Distributor? Here is a comparison chart. Let us know what questions you have and we would be glad to answer them. We want you to be 100% comfortable in whatever decision you make. Please contact the person who invited you tonight to help you get going. Guests, do you see yourself as a Loyal Customer or joining the party as a Distributor? I am here to help you for whichever one you choose! Please post below so I know which direction to send you in. Just know whatever you choose to do, we are here for you every step of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love what I do, I am very passionate about it, and I want to help change you, your life, and your future!!!!!!!!!!
  • 31. Post 29 29. THANK YOU! To everyone who attended tonight! If you are still on the fence... check it out!! Also, please check out the website of the person whom invited you and if you decide to sign up, please message her/him so they can give you the directions on how to earn FREE boxes of wraps! *This event page will be open for a few days for anyone that missed it!