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Using Tumblr, The Radio, And The Papers App
I have always thought of myself as a mild user of media outlets. Over the years, I have found my usual circle of media that pertains to what I desire
to get out from the usage. I am not relatively a social media junkie, but I do cater to the apps Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook to stay connected
with others, Soundcloud to listen to music, and the "Today" tab standard on iPhone's to check weather, stocks, and current events. I find these
media outlets useful because they are all accessible on one single device, making it easy to access quickly and efficiently. I rarely pick up a
newspaper, listen to the radio, watch the news, or access other social media apps because I simply feel that I am achieving everything I would like
to know or do through what I am used to. For this assignment, I will be using Tumblr, the radio, and the Papers app. I am excited to have eye
opening experience that helps me understand other media and why people would use it. After googling Tumblr to be directed to the home page, the
description of the page is a "microblogging platform and social networking website that allows user to post multimedia and other content to a
short–form blog". I skipped the sign up page I was directed to and jumped my browser to the trending page. There, three columns of pictures were
nicely organized on the page. The boxes contained funny and inspiring quotes, beautiful photography including cats and cities, and screenshots of
famous people's tweets and pictures. With
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Social Media On Project Management
This chapter will carry out a literature review and hence will explore a variety of literature connected with Social Media in Project Management.
All relevant information connected with this topic of social media in project management will be closely studied and extracted from various
sources such as books, journals and websites. Throughout this literature review a wide number of topics will be looked at such as, the growth of
social media, the rise of social media, how exactly these social media tools are being used in businesses and simply how this trend is simply a growing
success. I will also establish what these tools are being used for in many organizations as well as ... Show more content on ...
The final section, "Overall Thoughts and Hypothesis" will look at the overall picture, make assumptions and therefore give any predictions or
recommendations about the future of social media in project management.
List of Social Media Tools and its uses
Majority of people see Social Media as a marketing tool.(Harrin 2010) Many companies are all eagerly searching for customers and simply
captivating their attention by participating in online conversations. Most companies and businesses tend to communicate with customers through
social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook. This hands on approach of communicating is also being adopted in the common workplace,
especially by Project Managers and their dispersed teams. Social Media is not only simply used to communicate with customers but can effectively be
used to manage teams in a workplace as well as any projects you are working on. There are many Social Media tools, which are widely available to
Project Managers and each and every tool can be used to manage and deliver projects. Social Media tools, which can be used, are listed below.
1. Blogs
2. Collaboration Tools
3. Instant Messaging
4. Microblogs
5. Podcasts
6. Real Simple Syndication
7. Social Networks
8. Vodcasts
9. Webinars
10. Wiki
Throughout this chapter I will demonstrate how these tools listed above, can be used by Project Managers in a workplace. I
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Social Media
Social Media I chose to do my research paper on social media because I have an interest of the many different ways people can interact with each
other worldwide. Whether you live in the United States of America, or in the Middle East, there are many ways we can communicate with one
another, with social media being the most popular way of doing so. In this paper I will discuss the meaning of social media, as well as the different
types of social media one can use, the purpose of using it, the effects it can have on us, and lastly, who owns these social media sites. Social Media
can be defined as websites and applications used for social networking and interactive forms of media, that allows users to interact with and publish...
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Its tools are generally available to the public at little or no cost. It is also widely usable by anyone with access to operate these sites. It is capable
of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response and can be altered almost instantaneously by
comments or editing. Social media has been recognized for the way it has changed how public relations professionals conduct their jobs. It has
provided an open arena where people are free to exchange ideas on companies, brands and products. As stated by Doc Searls and David Wagner,
two authorities on the effects of Internet on marketing, advertising, and PR, "the best of the people in PR are not PR Types at all. They understand
that there aren't censors, they're the company's best conversationalists" (R. Levine, C. Locke, D. Searls, & D. Weinberger). Social media provides
an environment where users and PR professionals can engage in conversation, where PR professionals can promote their brand and improve their
company's image, be listening and responding to what the public is saying about their product. On to the effects that social media can have on an
individual. A study done by the University of Maryland, suggests that social media may be addictive and that by using these social media sites for a
great period of time, may lead a person to have the "fear of missing out". It has also been stated that Facebook is the primary method of
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How do Companies Manage Their Brands Using Social Media?
How do companies manage their brands using social media? Social media poses significant obstacles and opportunities for companies. As Qualman
(2010, p. xiii) states, social media pervades literally every facet of a company's existence, yet despite this (or perhaps because of this) social media
seems to resist easy definition. For the purposes of this paper, social media refers to the ways in which a company communicates using digital media.
On the one hand, there are a number of ways in which a company can now market themselves to the public; on the other hand, a company accustomed
to traditional marketing strategies will be negatively affected if they do not integrate social media strategies. In this paper, a number of strategies are
provided for online marketing, relating to advertisement, customer service, and communication within the company itself. In today's digital age,
companies are tasked with advertising on a nonstop basis; it is not enough to place a weekly advertisement in a newspaper or a television commercial.
A typical company manages a number of social marketing initiatives: these include photosharing, podcasting, Facebook, and Twitter. Given the varied
social networking manifestations, it is imperative that people are employed whose principal task is operating their social media outlets. Since
customers are constantly dialed in to the internet, it is incumbent on the company to adapt to the shifting (and expanding) technology. There are a
number of
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The Internet : Social Media, And The Internet
Since the launch of Myspace in 2003, the internet landscape has never been the same. Mirriam–Webster defines social media as "forms of electronic
communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas,
personal messages, and other content (such as videos)" (Social Media, n.d.). Myspace was arguably the first significant social media platform, and it
allowed users to share text, photos, videos, and web links. It did not take long for companies to join the new platform. Before long, companies were
engaging with their market and communicating directly with their users.
The Internet is known as the world wide web for a reason: it is used by 47% of the world's population, according to the United Nations (Taylor, 2016).
This fact is not without its consequences. Every culture has different practices and customs. If businesses and individuals are not cautious during
international communication and social media marketing, they could potentially upset or offend their target market. A mishap like this could result in
lost revenue and lead to extra resources being spent to mend damaged relationships.
Different people groups respond better to different products, imagery, and marketing styles. An advertisement for a Ford F–150 truck might not receive
as positive a response in Guatemala as it would in the United States. Users in countries with slow internet speeds are not as likely
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Social Media And The Media Essay
Social Media: Social Media can be defined as any tool that uses the internet to facilitate conversations. It allows people to create, share or exchange
ideas and information. Social media consists of a number of applications that are built on technological foundations and allow creation and
exchange of user content. Advantages of Social media: Relatively cheaper as compared to traditional media used in advertising. Customers have
unlimited access to the social media and it caters to larger audience. Marketers can deliver improved customer service and respond effectively to
feedback, it allows direct and more open communication with the consumers It's flexible. Social Media makes content management very flexible
Social media can communicate information in a flash and is very quick. Social Media allow marketers to listen to their customers and make the
required amendments in their product and service. Disadvantages of Social Media Marketers cannot control the information posted on social media.
Hence, it not only important to have an effective ad campaign but it's equally important to have a great product or service. Social Media has hidden
costs involved, since companies need to post updates on a regular basis, they would probably need to higher resources who would perform this task
effectively. Social Media also poses legal risks in terms of false advertising and leaking confidential information on the internet. In case the social media
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Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health
Effects of social media on mental health Overview Social media is described, by the Merriam–Webster dictionary (2015), as "forms of electronic
communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas,
personal messages, and other content (as videos)". As few as 10 years ago the term social media was yet to be coined, but within that decade the use
of these blogs, websites and sharing platforms has increased exponentially with no plateau in sight. From creating Instagram accounts for household
pets, to sharing Halloween themed baking ideas over Pinterest, people today have access to social media outlets for almost everything. Today about
74% of people ages 18–65 use some form of a social networking site (Pew, 2014). Facebook takes the lead in social media usage with about 71% of
those adults. LinkedIn and Pinterest are tied for second at 28% of users, 26% use Instagram, and Twitter falls last in the top 5 most used social
medias with 23% of users (Pew, 2014). In September of 2013 the Pew Research Center measured that 90% of adults ages 18–29 used these social
media outlets on a daily basis, which is an astonishing increase from the 9% that was measured in February 2005 (Pew, 2014). Due to the fact that
young adults are increasingly involving themselves in these online platforms, it is very important to understand the long term and psychological effects
(such as depression, social anxiety,
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Digital Technology And Its Impact On The Classroom Essay
In and of themselves, wikis, blogs, podcasts and microblogging will do very little to transform digital writing or learning in general. It 's really not the
tool or digital space that can transform or enhance learning. It is what is done there and how the tool is used by teachers and students alike. However,
as I think the articles captured, when used effectively these digital tools have the potential to develop critical digital literacies.
In Wikis as Learning Environments, Forte and Buckman report their findings of using a wiki to represent traditional research. The students in the study
reported enjoying using the wiki and publishing their work even though they struggled with the translation of the traditional research paper to that of
creating a public website. They seemed to realize that they were involved in something bigger than "just writing a paper for the teacher", knowing the
site could be a resource that lives on after the class. Forte and Buckman stress "when the research paper went online it became something different."
The "genre" changed and the students initially struggled to understand what that meant. Throughout the process of creating the wiki the students were
able to learn from each other. The nature of the wiki 's collaborative editing and revision history allowed the students to look at each other 's work all
throughout the process. In doing so, they began to create a shared vision of what this public space should be. This ability to apply our
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David Foster Wallace Total Noise Essay
Kids used to ask each other: If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears, does it make a sound? Now there's a microphone in every tree and a
loudspeaker on every branch, not to mention the video cameras, and we've entered the condition that David Foster Wallace called Total Noise: "the
tsunami of available fact, context, and perspective." This week was a watershed for Total Noise. When terrible things happen, people naturally reach
out for information, which used to mean turning on the television. The rewards (and I use the word in its Pavlovian sense) can be visceral and
immediate, if you want to see more bombs explode or towers fall, and plenty of us do. But others are learning not to do that. The Boston bombings,
shootings, car chase,
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Taking a Look at Twitter
Twitter can greatly influence people's social behaviour as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on
twitter as well as the influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. In my experience, it is very common especially for
younger individuals to be greatly influenced by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks.
As far as I am concerned, social networks play an increasingly important role in shaping the behavior of Web users. Twitter stands out from the
others, not only for the platform's simplicity but also for the great influence that ''tweets'' can have (Del Campo et al. 2013). Twiter can greatly
influence people's social behavior as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on twitter as well as the
influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. It is very common especially for younger individuals to be greatly influenced
by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks. Despite twitter's increased popularity, very little
is known about its effect on one's personality and social behaviour (Qui et al. 2012). Taking into consideration the millions of twitter users daily, it can
be said that microblogging constitutes a written record of people's behavior (Qui et al. 2012). By studying microblogging, understanding of an
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Online Research : The Microblogging And Public Sphere
1.Research Topic and Question
The topic of this Online Research is about the Microblogging and Public Sphere. Microblogging is a new type of online social platform appeared
in recent year. An example of such case is Weibo in China, which was released in October, 2006 and now it is an ideal tool of public communication
among the Chinese netizens (Mou, 2014). Ma (2013) mentioned that, different from the traditional social networking, such as Facebook, in which
users are more likely to link back to their real life. This means Microblogging makes its users focus more on things they are interested in which might
be less connected to their daily life. Besides, according to a statistics, the proportion of Weibo users occupied more than 50% of the total internet
population (CNNIC, 2013, cited in Mou, 2014).
Therefore, it is worth to discuss the consequences brought by Microblogging for its users to disseminate the information in public sphere. In this case,
one research question can be 'Do people can improve their political participation through scanning and commenting on Weibo'. This question aims to
explore the effects of Microblogging, especially Weibo, that whether such platform can let people discuss about politics more freely in order to
generate positive influences.
2.Research Method
The method has been chosen for this Online Research is interview bases on online radio/video software, such as Skype. This is because the research is
consists of several open–ended questions.
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Breitbart Twitter Analysis
What do you write when you have no more than 140 characters available, and a story or event you want people to read and respond to on social
media? The answer is a Twitter post. Twitter is the second most popular social media site with over 310 million viewers monthly, second only to
Facebook (eBizMBA, n.d.). As a microblogging site that melds blogging, social networking and news resourcing, it is by far the most popular social
networking site globally (Quora, n.d., eBizMBA, n.d.). I chose to look at the Breitbart News website and Twitter posts to see what was "tweeted"
under the digital news organizations umbrella to find what type of content was posted, or reposted. Breitbart's twitter posts appear to be a mix of
Breitbart News stories, reposted tweets from other news organizations, professional news commentators/political pundit tweets, and individual tweets
about a story or event. I didn't see any responses to the tweets, it appears to be an outlet for information without debate, only comments and news links.
Brietbart's Twitter posts are mediated public communication by definition, in that it is "one to many communication" with some questioning and
response observed (Wrench, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008. P. 310).
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This is how Breitbart News Twitter site operates, but there is very little feedback, and feedback is an important part of the twitter experience. The
reader engagement aspect is minimal at best, and if I made only one recommendation to the organization, it would be to engage the reading audience
through synchronous and asynchronous communication via the twitter feed (Wrench, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008. P.
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The Emergence Of Social Web Essay
The emergence of social web has changed the World Wide Web. This new concept was introduced in 1996 by Rheingold. In addition of the principle
aim of the web that consists of an open access to information, the second generation of Web applications, Web 2.0 applications, has allowed for users
to communicate effectively with each other. Hence, the web transformed from a web where most users were consumers passively viewing website
(i.e. information) to a more active and participatory actors. Users are now consumers and contributors of information, so, the web has been
transformed from a hypertext environment to a "web of people" environment that connects family, friends and colleagues enabling them to share
different type of information. This paradigm has resulted to a new medium of communication known as User Generated Content (UGC) where users
made together a substantial effort to publish and produce their own content in different ways and with various formats to enrich the web experience.
This content can be produced with various formats that depends on the social media stream used, it cover (i) materials that users make available
through blog, wiki and social media sharing services (e.g. YouTube , Instagram , etc); (ii) feedback such as comments, review, rates; (iii) andsocial
network data including public profiles, social network structure and user interactions. Given the amount of information produced in social media
platforms, new challenges were raised, which are
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Nt1310 Unit 1 Research Paper
1.1The main social networking sites up to date are; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 1.2Facebook Allows you to post; photos for others to see, to view
users walls/timelines, as well as news feed (up to date news) being available, the 'like' button, Facebook messenger, relationship status, turn off push
notifications, and embed–in post and events. Twitter Allows you to; send/read other users updates, with a limit of only 140 characters
(microblogging), being able to send/ receive updates by SMS message, RSS; email or a third party applications restrict delivery to your circle of friends
(delivery to everyone is the default) and allows you to search for people by name or user name, import friends from other networks, or invite friends
via email.... Show more content on ...
1.3The main reasons for all social networking sites is that you can stay connected with friends all around the world, however different social media
networks have different reasons such as the use of Facebook, allows you to share moments with many people at once, view photos/videos, receive
updates/comments, keep up with current news/updates and learn about ways to help others etc. The main reason for the use of YouTube is that you
are able to use videos which are more visually appealing rather than reading and therefore is all in front of your eyes, making it much easy to see for
entertainment purposes, business advertisements and many more. The main reasons for the use of twitter are that you able to "follow" interesting
people, follow trends, good for promoting brands/companies, plenty of celebrity access, and "to the point tweets" as you are limited to type less than
140 characters and finally, a good source for breaking
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Exoplanet Research Paper
The buzz yesterday about a second Earth was answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler , had found. The
exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age comparable to Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the goldilox zone of its Sun–like star,
ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life.
Known as Kepler 452b , the new planet is the smallest exoplanet yet discovered within this necessary habitable zone of a G2 star, which is our own Sun
's classification. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter sixty percent that of the Earth, and is located in the constellation Cygnus,
roughly 1,400 light–years away from us. ... Show more content on ...
Kepler 452b orbits its sun–like star in a year lasting 385 days, which puts it undoubtedly within the habitable zone, which means it is very likely it will
have liquid water.
"Today the Earth is a little less lonely, because there's a new kid on the block," joked Jon Jenkins , Kepler data analysis lead at NASA's Ames
Research Center in Moffett Field, California, at a Thursday news conference announcing the discovery. "We believe ... that this is the nearest thing
we've found to an Earth system analogue, a twin system to our own."
The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b
a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet larger, its gravity may be of a greater magnitude
sufficient to preclude human survival for any duration of time. Imagine stepping on the scale and weighing five times as usual. You probably wouldn't
even lift that
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Personal Ethnography Report
I have a confession: I used to be racist. It wasn't intentional or conscious in any way; I didn't even realize it. I was merely an impressionable little
girl, and when my parents made sly comments that implied black people are somehow genetically predispositioned for a life of crime and drug
addiction, or that Muslims are misogynists and terrorists, or when they spewed any other number of atrocious stereotypes, I considered it fact. At that
point in my life, my parents had supreme authority over me. They fed me, clothed me, sheltered me, and so their word was law. If they said black people
were criminals, then surely black people must be criminals. If they said Muslims were terrorists, then surely they all were. My parents were basically
gods; ... Show more content on ...
I was unaware that many of the site's users are very liberal in their political views. Having been raised in a fairly conservative household (FOX
News was the only news channel we ever watched), I wasn't exactly familiar with Democratic viewpoints. On tumblr I often found myself coming
into contact with political opinions that stood in direct opposition of what I'd always been told. With this new influx of ideas I soon realized that
the assumptions I had been trained to keep in the back of my head about minorities were offensive and racist. I was even being introduced to issues
I had been young enough and privileged enough to be blind to, like the wage gap and victim blaming in rape cases. My eyes were opened to a
whole new world of beliefs, and, at fourteen, I was struggling to process it all. I became increasingly confused about what was actually true, so I
turned to research. Every new issue I came across, I made sure to inform myself on the topic instead of relying solely on one source of information. I
found myself questioning everything and striving to view issues from all sides before making decisions. More and more often my views came into
conflict with those of my parents. Today, when my mom bristles at homosexuality, when my dad argues that if we allow Syrian refugees into the
country, they will try to create a government of Sharia law, when I am told to act less
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Cons And Cons Of Social Media
Pros and cons of social media – Cheat Sheet At this point we all know that social media is a major asset to marketers, but what exactly are the pros
and cons of each? In this post I talk about just that, for the big 6 social media platforms! Instagram Instagram has 400+ million active monthly users
which is 20% of internet users and the vast majority (90%) of these are under 35. IT's a mobile app that lets users share photos and short videos. Pros:
Easy and intuitive UI, minimal text on posts and no links to outside content. It also has very high user engagement on average, when compared to
Facebook and Twitter. Cons: Less personal engagement that other networks, and as mentioned in a previous post– They have a dire lack of social
sharing available for content, making it difficult for your content to be spread. Twitter Twitter has an average of 307 million monthly users and is a
microblogging site that allows users to write posts up to 140 characters and include videos, images, and links. Twitter is rather unique as it allows you
to easily connect with celebrities and influencers. Pros: Instant news source and live feed which is constantly updating, as well as allowing easy
access to public icons. Cons: If you are following a large amount of users then the amount of content which is constantly being thrown at you can be
hard to sift through for actually valuable content. Facebook The oldest social network on this list – but by no means the worst. Facebook has many
years of
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How Can Sina Weibo Help The Jyh Cafe?
How can Sina Weibo help the JYH CafГ©? JYH CafГ© is a small company that I just invented, and this cafГ© provides brunch and dinner every day.
The JYH CafГ© is located in the Sino–Ocean Taikoo Li in Chengdu, Sichuan, which is one of the largest and international city in China. To increase
the revenue of the JYH CafГ©, I make a proposal about creating an account on Sina Weibo to appeal more customers. Sina Weibo is a Chinese
microblogging website, and it is one of the most popular social tools in China. Sina Weibo was launched on August 14, 2009, and it has 222
million subscribers and 100 million daily users by the third season of 2015. Sina Weibo provides many ways to access it, for example, users can
post word messages or upload photos through online website, WAP, mobile applications, and mobile phone text. There are five type of posts on
Weibo, original words, picture, video, music and article. And users can share their feeling, thinking and even their daily life on Weibo anywhere and
anytime. On this microblogging websites, people can follow others, discuss with others, and share their opinions with everyone. Sina Weibo also has
its identification policy. Because there are many famous people and organization users create their official account on Sina Weibo, once those users
who get through the verification on the internet, a blue or gold 'V' will be added behind their user name. Moreover, there is a list called HOT TOPIC
on Weibo, people always are attracted by those topics.
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When the Internet Attacks! : Cyber Bullying and Blogging
When the Internet Attacks! : Cyber Bullying and Blogging
Engagement in internet attacks is a disturbing way in which individuals seek attention at the cost of another person's self worth. With the use of
bullying to make others feel small, snark to increase their own self importance, and distortions of the truth to make things more "interesting", this is a
large issue that effects many lives in different ways. The internet has become a large part of most daily lives in the United States, according theUnited
States census 74.8 % of households now have access to internet, compared to 17 years ago when only 18.2% of households. The number of houses
with a device which has access to the internet is 78.9%.(U.S. Census Bureau, 2014) With ... Show more content on ...
Victims of cyber bullying often exhibit psychosocial behaviors of: depression, anxiety, severe isolation, and in some cases suicide.(O'Keeffe &
Clarke–Pearson, 2011) Victims however still feel the residual results of online attacks frequently offline. The person causing the issues may not be
relentless offline; however others that saw the online attack will bring up issues again and again, leaving the individual with no escape from attacks.
When it comes to larger or more professional blogs it isn't defined as bullying, but as it is called "snark". Ryan Holiday explains snark as: "you
know you are dealing with snark when you try to respond to a comment and realize there is nothing you can say."(Holiday, 2012, p. 197) The
definition of bullying that was earlier had the same sort of definition, a long standing violence in which an individual is unable to defend themselves
from the attacks. Many bloggers take bullying roles in order to gain more engagement with their viewers, at the cost of another's self esteem. This isn't
much different from the bully's on Facebook, the main difference being the blogger is hiding behind be clever.
What a blogger is really doing is eliciting a degradation ceremony. The purpose of these ceremonies is to single out and denounce one of its members,
to lower their status or take
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Unit 9 P3
Explaining a range of social media services Social networking is a website which can be used to interact with other people on the same platform.
This can be used to meet new people and keep in contract with friends and families. In this report I will be explaining different social medias and their
purposes. Also I will be giving real examples of the social media webpages. Social networks – Facebook Purpose The main purpose of social networks
will be to allow people across the network to interact with others and socialise. People would use social networks to share pictures and videos with
their friends on the social network, so people would be able to see what the person has posted and comment under the post. This would be used to get
a message... Show more content on ...
The short texts would be posted onto the page which will allow other users to see. This could short posts on events that are planned to take place.
Another purpose would be to make the micro posts public so that all of the users on the website on see them or they can be made private so that
the followers of the person can only see them. Also another purpose of this would be to publish photos and videos so that they can be seen by the
followers of the user. This would be done to make the video more known to people and could be news updates or other videos of past events. The
purpose of this will be to allow people to stay up to date on what other people are doing as they would be using the microblogging on a daily
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Essay on Study Guide: Information Technology
ISM 3011 Test 2 Study Guide
Know the following terms and concepts from Chapters 5 – 7
Moore's Law (and constraints on it) – (Intel co–founder) Chips performance per dollar doubles every 18 months. Data storage will double every 12
months. With an optical cable it can double every 9 months.
Microprocessor – The brain of any computing device.
Volatile memory– When power goes out, all that was not saved is lost.
Non–volatile – storage that will retain data even when power goes out (hard disc, flash memory, DVD)
RAM – Random access Memory – temporary storage that provides fast access for executing computer programs and files. When you "load" or
"launch" a program, it usually moves from your hard drive to those RAM chips, where it can ... Show more content on ...
Customers who are tied to a company
Complimentary benefits – Products or services that add additional value to a network
Platforms – Products or services that allows for the integration of other software (iphones, the wii).
One–sided markets – a market that derives its value from a single type of user
Two–sided markets – network markets comprised of two distinct categories of participant, both of which that are needed to deliver value for the
network to work (ex. video game console owners and the developers of the video game)
Monopoly – a market where there are many buyers but only one dominant seller
Oligopoly – a market dominated by a small number of powerful sellers
Envelopment – where a firm seeks to make an existing market a subset of its product offering. Separate product categories for media players,
cameras, gaming devices, phones, and global positioning systems (GPS) are all starting to merge. Rather than cede its dominance as a media player,
Apple leveraged a strategy known as
Congestion effects – occur when increasing numbers of users lower the value of a product or service
Industry standards –
Difference between Web 1.0 andWeb 2.0 sites/services –
Peer production
Blogs – Online journals in chronological order. People can comment on your blog. Short for web log.
Micho–blogs – or microblogging, Tweeter. The difference is that you will not know if they see your stuff.
A Wiki– a Web site anyone can edit directly within
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Kemo 452b Research Paper
Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like
telescope Kepler, had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent of Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the
Goldilocks zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life.
Size, age, and other specs of second earth
Known as Kepler 452b, it's the smallest exoplanet we've discovered existing within that coveted circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the
Goldilocks zone. G2 is a category of star–luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter ...
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Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development.
But we shouldn't get too excited to leap into our planet's family's arms.
The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt
description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet smaller, the difference in gravity could do more harm than good.
Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather misfortunate runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what
happened to Venus long ago, which is why the planet is so hot and antagonistic to life.
But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn't stop the Chinese from getting excited, whom after hearing about the new planet flooded social
media with over 44 million posts about the planet's "substantial opportunity" to host life. China's microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag
#AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly 90,000 participants in the
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News Writing Style Ethics And Journalism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Blogger" redirects here. For the Google service with same name, see Blogger (service). For other uses, see Blog (disambiguation).
Simons Perskaart DOM.jpg
News Writing style Ethics Objectivity News values Attribution Defamation Editorial independence Journalism school Index of journalism articles
Arts Business Data Entertainment Environment Fashion Medicine Politics Science Sports Technology Trade Traffic Weather World
Advocacy Analytic Blogging Broadcast Citizen Civic Collaborative Comics–based Community Database Gonzo Immersion Investigative Literary
Muckraking Narrative "New Journalism" Non–profit Online Opinion Peace Photojournalism Scientific Sensor Underground Visual Watchdog
Social impact
Fourth Estate Fifth Estate Freedom of the press Infotainment Media bias Public relations Press service Propaganda model Yellow journalism
News media
Newspapers Magazines TV and radio Internet News agencies Alternative media
Journalists (reporters) Columnist Blogger Editor Copy editor Meteorologist Presenter (news) Photographer Pundit / commentator
Journalism Portal
Category: Journalism v t e
A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries
("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single
individual[citation needed],
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Life Improvement Project
Gaining Traction When I first started this project, I wanted to improve on something that doesn't have a lasting impact on my life. If I failed, I failed,
and wouldn't have to feel the shame of not completing my goals, or have the hit to my self–confidence as I outlined and wrote about my lack of
success. For my life improvement project, I decided on improving my blog, namely, my following count. Tumblr is amicroblogging site in which my
blog is one of the millions of blogs one can visit. My blog is where I frequently post my newest artwork and writing, and at the start of my project, I
had 96 followers. My ambitious goal was 50 new while my modest goal was 20 new followers by the second week of March. My blog has always been
important to me, however I never really focused on the success of my blog, but more on the fun I had doing it. I decided that focusing on my blog
for improvement would work the best for me because if I failed my goal, my blog would still give me joy, and if I succeeded I would have new
people to experience my blog! Like all social media sites, Tumblr has peak times that posts at the most successful. According to Union Metrics, Tumblr
users are most active on Sunday afternoons, and are generally more active during the later hours of the weekend. I ... Show more content on ...
The strategy of creating connections allows for your blog to exposure from not only your follower's blog, but their followers as well. I branched
out to the types of blogs that I knew are typically attracted to mine. I also began looking into blogs that acted as what I call a "poetry federation" as
several users united to form one larger blog. These are very popular so submitting to them or becoming friendly with a member or two is a great way
to garner more attraction for your blog. Using these methods, I was sure I would gain plenty of new
... Get more on ...
Facebook Essay
Former president, Barack Obama began the very first Twitter campaign for the presidential race in April 2007 which successfully displayed the power
of the social–media platform. Twitter is one of the fastest growing, free–messaging service for people. It is a microblogging service which allows users
to write short messages up to140 characters long and are generally public. Tweets can be totally text–based or contain multimedia like images or links
to videos. It connects diverse groups of people and promotes interaction in real–time. Librarians have made impressive use of this social networking
tool without spending too much time or effort. They can write a post that conveys a great deal of information without taking a lot of time to read... Show
more content on ...
This information can be used to discuss how the interactions were answered, which tools were accessed and the possible alternative methods for
answering the question. The article showed that librarians tend to use Twitter as a broadcast platform by encouraging followers to interact with them
by asking questions, sharing links, re–Tweet interesting posts, and replying to them. A best practice is not to tell followers stuff but to have them ask
about stuff. Students regularly use Twitter for homework and assignments. This is a service that librarians should act upon by promoting homework
assistance through Twitter. It is another good avenue for assisting international students. The article stressed the need to take advantage "of this new
trend and enhance the library experiences of international students." (Vassilakaki & Garoufallou, 2014, p. 800). Time is of the essence. Social media
is a gray area for some students thinking that "live help" will be instantaneous like chat or phone support. There is the potentional for "live help" if
Twitter is constantly monitored but more than likely, library staff will provide it hours later. Studies show that most users feel that they should receive
a response from social media in the same day. Twitter has affected different aspects of libraries as with any new technology. It impacted the way
online discussions occur and exposed new privacy concerns. It has helped with the overload of
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Curiosity And Interpersonal Curiosity
2.1 Curiosity Curiosity reflects an essential desire for new information to inspire interest and/or ignore uncertainty, which is aroused by novel, complex,
and therefore can motivate exploratory behavior (Litman et al., 2005). There are four type diverse type of curiosity that had found from researchers
which is perceptual, epistemic, sensory, and interpersonal. According to Malone (1981), perceptual curiosity is induced by complex or uncertain
patterns of sensory stimulation such as sounds and sights that can encourage behaviors in obtain a new information. Epistemic curiosity is defined as
the desire that inspires individuals to learn new ideas, eliminate information gaps, and solve rational problems (Litman, 2008). However, sensory
curiosity is defined as the changes in light, sound, or other sensory stimuli of an environment to attract value (Malone, 1981). Finally, interpersonal
curiosity is the fundamental intention for looking personal detail, such as that about people's public and emotion in order to reduce uncertainty about
people (Litman and Pezzo, 2007). This study focusses on "interpersonal curiosity" in investigate more accurately described as a state than trait. From
the previous research, state curiosity is to measure the curiosity in specific situations, while trait curiosity is the measurement of a... Show more content
on ...
One of the same authors further observed that the relationship between a favourable or an unfavourable attitude and the strength of the behavioural
beliefs are direct proportion to each other. Furthermore this relationship can be expressed with an expectancy–value model (Ajzen, 1991). Therefore
every user of twitter may start to use the microblog through their subjective norms which is the opinion from friends and family. Therefore, we
hypothesize as
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The Importance Of Censorship On Social Media
Censorship On Social Media
Social media should not moderate the comments or points of views from society due to the fact that everyone has the right to express what is on their
mind. The U.S. created the First Amendment which protects the freedom of expression in essence, giving society the ability to state their opinion
without fear of retribution. It is difficult to think of negative, hurtful, and spiteful comments being protected by the freedom of speech. The information
and posts on social media has such a great influence over the population of the world, however it is important to remember that trolls as well as their
comments should be taken lightly yet respected because it is their own opinion. Nonetheless people have become highly sensitive to trolls or any
comments in which they might not agree with. Additionally it seems that trolls have a strong hold in social media yet, who are these trolls? Trolls
make heinous comments on social media and are thrilled to keep anonymity as their profile. People who are behind an electronic screen are not always
the most transparent and credible commentators. Many will argue that censorship is needed in social media as it could prevent excessive negativity
online. Although this may have a case, if people allowed censorship of harsh and hateful believes what else will be censored in the future. Censorship
in social media has the potential to create a deceitful view of society.
The United States protects freedom of speech as long as it does not inflict physical damage to anyone. The first amendment states "Congress shall
make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press"(Stone and Volokh, 2017). There are a few reasons why the government can restrict
freedom of speech which are considered unconstitutional yet comments that are mean and distasteful are not restricted by the government. No
individual should face retribution for sharing and expressing their perspectives. Social media comments have all sorts of outlook some are positive, and
unfortunately others are negative. Not all comments on social media should align to a specific way of thinking. Censorship should not be an option for
disliked comments or unarguable comments.
Trolls are people
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Blocking Social Media
Governments have historically employed social stratification as a form of enforcing discriminatory policies. For instance, the Rwandan genocide
began with the classification of citizens as Tutsi or Hutus, and evolved into a bloody civil war based on these classifications. We may be tempted to
say that such atrocities are merely in the past, and classification is no longer used in such horrendous ways. Perhaps, the reality is that the violence is
turning from the physical world to the internet. Recent data collected in 2016 indicates that nearly 43% of kids have experienced cyberbullying.("11
Facts About Cyberbullying," 2016). It may be tempting to claim that this data has nothing to do with classification in any matter. The truth, however,...
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However, social media's classification schemes play a large roll in contributing to small scale interpersonal conflicts. This is done through the
"weaponization" of categories in an attempt to gain unique advantages of anonymity and alienation not found in merely physical conflicts. Designers
must keep these facts in mind, and choose to monitor or to implement special categories in an attempt to curb such dangerous interaction. While
violence perpetrated on social media is not to the degree of that perpetrated against the people of Rwanda, any violence that can be eliminated should
be. Therefore, designers should consider how classification on social media play an important part in
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A Machine Learning Approach For Emotions Classification
A machine learning approach for emotions classification in Micro blogs ABSTRACT Micro blogging today has become a very popular
communication tool among Internet users. Millions of users share opinions on different aspects of life every day. Therefore micro blogging web–sites
are rich sources of data for opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Because micro blogging has appeared relatively recently, there are a few research
works that are devoted to this topic.In this paper, we are focusing on using Twitter, which is an amazing microblogging tool and an extraordinary
communication medium for text and social web analyses.We will try to classify the emotions in to 6 basic discrete emotional categories such as anger,
disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. Keywords : Emotion Analysis; Sentiment Analysis; Opinion Mining; Text Classification 1.INTRODUCTION
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study of opinions, sentiments and emotions expressed in text. Sentiment analysis refers to
the general method to extract subjectivity and polarity from text.It uses a machine learning approach or a lexicon based approach to analyse human
sentiments about a topic..The challenge for sentimental analysis lies in identifying human emotions expressed in these text. The classification of
sentiment analysis goes as follows: Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Machine learning explores the
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News Writing Style Ethics And Journalism
Blogger" redirects here. For the Google service with same name, see Blogger (service). For other uses, see Blog (disambiguation).
Simons Perskaart DOM.jpg
News Writing style Ethics Objectivity News values Attribution Defamation Editorial independence Journalism school Index of journalism articles
Arts Business Data Entertainment Environment Fashion Medicine Politics Science Sports Technology Trade Traffic Weather World
Advocacy Analytic Blogging Broadcast Citizen Civic Collaborative Comics–based Community Database Gonzo Immersion Investigative Literary
Muckraking Narrative "New Journalism" Non–profit Online Opinion Peace Photojournalism Scientific Sensor Underground Visual Watchdog
Social impact
Fourth Estate Fifth ... Show more content on ...
More recently "multi–author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. MABs from
newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic.
The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single–author blogs into societal newstreams. Blog can also be used
as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by
non–technical users. (Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web.)
A majority are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs, and it is this interactivity
that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2] In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers do
not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers.[3] However, there are
high–readership blogs which do not allow comments, such as Daring Fireball.
Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand
advertising of a particular
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INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 1.1PROJECT SUMMARY: пѓ Unstructured data on opinions, emotions, and attitudes contained in sources like
social media, blogs, online product reviews and customer support interactions is called the sentiment data. пѓ An enterprise may analyze sentiment
about products, services, competitors and reputation. In twitter people post real time messages about their opinions on a variety of topics and express
sentiments for products they use in daily life. пѓ Each tweet is 140 character in length.Twitter generates around 250 million tweets daily. пѓ It is a
challenge to gather all such relevant data, detect and summarize the overall sentiment on a topic. пѓ For this purpose, all the... Show more content on ...
Starting from being a document level classi–п¬Ѓcation task, it has been handled at the sentence level and more recently at the phrase level. Microblog
data like Twitter, on which users post real time reactions to and opinions about "every– thing", poses newer and different challenges. The platform used
for this system is the R language. Features of R: пѓ It is easier to create graphics and animations. пѓ R is capable of working with big–data. Matrix
manipulation and sorting becomes easier. пѓ It is open source. пѓ R is an interactive programming language. пѓ Statistical analytics becomes easier
with R. SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 2 2.1 STUDY OF EXISTING SYSTEM: пѓ Currently, there are many offline software for analysis wherein
we need to provide the data to be analyzed пѓ The user needs to manually get the data related to specific hash tags from twitter. It is a cumbersome
process. пѓ The accuracy of the sentiment analysis done on such analytics software is about 30–40% as these software are not dedicated for analysis
of microblogs. 2.2 PROBLEM WITH EXISTING SYSTEM: пѓ Data is to be gathered manually. пѓ It is time consuming. пѓ Format of the gathered
data must be converted as required by the software. 2.3 REQUIREMENT OF NEW SYSTEM: пѓ The task of retrieving the tweets can be made
automatic пѓ The task of formatting the tweets can be reduced пѓ The accuracy
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Prediction Of Product Sales Based On Online Customer...
Prediction of product sales based on online customer reviews using sentiment analysis
Priyanka Sharma and Bijith Marakarkandy
Department of information Technology, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai
Purpose – Due to their high popularity, Weblogs and other social media sites provide a wealth of information that can be very helpful in evaluating the
customers' sentiments and opinions. It is therefore imperative to analyze them and filter out useful information that could be of economic values to
vendors and other interested parties. The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze online customer reviews about the products and thereby
predicting the sales of the products.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper employs a sentiment analysis approach by extracting online customer reviews from twitter using twitter
API. The extracted reviews have been classified as negative, positive and neutral based on their sentiment polarity and a conceptual model is developed
to analyse the customers purchase intentions.
Findings – The online customer reviews, both positive and negative, can affect the customers' opinion about the product. Purchase intentions of the
customer after reading the product reviews depends on the factors like customer's attitude towards the brand and consumer–based brand equity. While
consumer–based brand equity and customer's attitude are directly affected by customer's persuasiveness for online reviews and prior
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Social Media Marketing Note On Smo Marketing Essay
Social Media Optimization can be defined as a process of achieving Marketing Communication and Branding goals through the use of various Social
Media Websites. It is a process to optimize web sites, so that they are easily connected or interlaced with online communities and community websites.
Primarily the Focus of Social Media Optimization is to drive traffic from Sources other than the Search Engines. Social media can take many different
forms, including Internet forums, web logs, social blogs, wikis, pod casts, pictures and videos. It is an important aspect of WebMarketing which helps
you in building your Company Image, Identification and Online Communication strategy. Orkut, ... Show more content on ...
We can also automate the actual Tweeting process so that it doesn't involve much of your time.
When correctly managed, Twitter can give excellent results and quality traffic with very little time input.
Find out how we can help you to prosper online with targeted Twitter Management Services.....
Twitter is a very popular social networking and microblogging service. Updates on Twitter, which are known as tweets, cannot be longer than 140
characters. We offer a unique blend of services for our customers. Dimakh Consultants twitter services include Setup and maintenance of Twitter
accounts, Twitter Graphic Setup, high quality related followers fast and effectively added, twitter consultation, Integrating your website, blog,
Facebook, and other marketing efforts into your Twitter account. We also offer– Corporate Reputation Management, Event Activation , Product
Promotion and Sales.
SNM (Social Network Marketing): MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a host of smaller niche social networking sites have become extraordinarily
popular. These sites allow their users to connect to one another in a myriad of ways, allowing similar and like–minded people to find one another
based on geography, interests, industries, or schools. These sites offer extraordinary opportunities to communicate with very specifc groups of people.
And social networking isn't just for kids anymore: the older–than–25 crowd is the fastest growing segment for
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Five Personality Ultimate Apple Marketing Strategy
Five personality ultimate Apple marketing strategy
1. have not the first marketing campaign
Often the more unknown things coming, the more people will want desperately to know the truth. "Curiosity killed the cat," said that this human
nature, good people and enterprises to take advantage of this crowd and watch the mind, can you also can do that using low–cost publicity. For
example, singer Faye Wong, the singer has a number of days after the amazing and ultra–loyal fans, and not to please her fans, her proud and
independent, and often makes the collapse of personality emerge remarks. But this is her character, attracting many loyal fans chase worship.
Filled with commercial promotion in the world, to create a momentum of its ... Show more content on ...
Jobs are trying to make innovative products are in line with the eyes of Apple 's consumer culture imprint, each are almost ecstatic to consumers: This
is my apple!
In fact, customers do not want to be flattering to meet, and sometimes tried to please but to make them their loss, it would tempt the appetite to
stimulate their interest. Modern marketing claims: "As long as the customer needs, to the number of how many." And human nature is the intentional
control of the marketing supply, allow customers to easily be met: "You want it? Out of stock, next time try. "Many Apple products before and after
the release of its launch, there will be a lot of shortages. This way the hunger caused by the market, but its use reached a pinnacle. Agree with my
values, is to my customers, please follow me. Apple 's marketing has been used to call the spirit and values, and guide consumers, and beyond the pure
product level, which is the highest level of brand marketing to pursue it. The difference is real, others to educate consumers, Steve Jobs is to attract,
"take the bait."
5 .word of mouth marketing – the mobile phone from the era of communication tools into toys
Marketing must be amused, so people have the joy of spontaneous voluntary participation. In normalizing the current microblogging network, iPhone,
entertainment and popular fashion as a tool. High popularity on the microblogging entrepreneurs, celebrities are amused with the iPhone send a
message, the
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Business 2202 Unit 2 Business
Written Assignment Unit 3
Business 2202
University of the People
I will compare, in this paper, the use of search engines, social media, and blogging. I will use examples to show the potential of each approach.
So you've started a business. Now what? You've heard about branding, but what does that all mean in the world of e–commerce.
Search engines, social media and blogging may have plenty in common on the surface but after some research I will compare their uses in branding
your business and selling your product or service.
Let's begin with search engines, particularly Google and YouTube. Yes, that's correct, YouTube is considered a search engine! What can search engines
do for you? For example, search engines ... Show more content on ...
Potential customers can find your business easily and organically just by searching keywords on Google or YouTube.
Social media gives you the amazing potential of finding your target market and sell directly to them in a mutually satisfying relationship. Social media
is also a great place to watch and learn from your competition and your industry.
Blogging has the potential to bring your branding a cohesiveness by presenting your businesses's "personality", your blog is a place to provide relevant
content and expertise to your customers.
Most businesses find a flow and balance between search engines, social media, and blogging. It's best to set your website for the best practices of search
engine optimization, SEO. Most businesses blog and then promote their blog on social media channels such as, via text on Twitter and visually on
In conclusion, the use of search engines, social media and blogging is vital to new and older businesses. The potential for each to be a good channel to
sell through must be tested and retested to make sure your are gleaning their full potential. The Internet changes so quickly you need to stay up on all
the trends of search engines, social media and blogging.
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Defining Collaborative Virtual Workspaces Essay
Hamilton Beazley once said "Knowledge is the new capital, but it's worthless unless it's accessible, communicated, and enhanced" (Beazley cited in
Field, 2003). With the advent of all the possible tools and technologies available, especially on the internet today, accessing, communicating and
enhancing knowledge has become so much easier.
This paper aims to discuss two of these tools and technologies, namely collaborative virtual workspaces and microblogging. These tools and
technologies will be defined, how they are used, some of their advantages and disadvantages as well as how they can be utilised in Knowledge
Management and Knowledge Management processes.
2.Collaborative Virtual Workspaces
2.1Defining Collaborative ... Show more content on ...
2.2Using Collaborative Virtual Workspaces
Using collaborative virtual workspaces will generally benefit an organisation by allowing the most skilled groups to work on projects no matter where
they are. This also means that expensive travel costs can be cut, since groups can work together at any time of the day and don't need to physically
meet up with one another. It also has the effect that group members can work at times that suit them best as they will have access to the information
when they need it (ed. Young, 2010).
Group members thus aren't tied to conventional business working hours, which is especially helpful if members are working together internationally.
They decide when it is most convenient for them and don't have to worry about the availability of others.
These virtual workspaces can also provide users with a sense of accomplishment, since they get recognition for their work and efforts as well as allow
them to be part of the decision–making process. If tasks are to be completed interdepartmentally, group members can their creativity, ideas, and
knowledge with members of other departments. The virtual workspaces thus allow for information to be shared more freely (Lesko, Russel &
Hollingsworth, 2012).
Whilst these workspaces can be of great benefit to organisations, it is also very important to know when it is best not to resort to collaborating via
these virtual workspaces. Factors which may affect the appropriateness
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Social Psychological Research Methods: Social Psychological
Social Psychological Research Methods: Social Psychological Measurement Harvesting and Harnessing Social Media Data for Psychological Research
Social media, also termed social networking sites, comprise websites, web–based services, platforms, and applications that allow individuals to "(1)
construct a public or semi–public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3)
view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system" (, Boyd & Ellison, 2007, p. 211), as well as (4) "create and
share content or to participate in social networking" (Boyd & Ellison, 2007; Oxford University, 2017). Nowadays, social media use has become
extremely... Show more content on ...
Researchers can now collect a wide range of information about a population, including non–semantic and semantic features, on social media platforms.
The analysis of social media data has allowed researchers to uncover numerous aspects about its users at the individual, community, and national levels.
In fact, an emerging field of scholars has analyzed social media data to understand a wide range of behaviors and attitudes, including but not limited to
consumer decisions, influenza infections, and political opinions. The procedures to use social media data for research include data harvesting and
harnessing. In the following sections, we first provide a detailed overview of common platforms and different harvesting methods and then review the
latest harnessing techniques, including the identification of non–semantic and semantic features and the corresponding analytical techniques. We also
provide a discussion of important semantic features, including topics and the use for sentiment analysis and opinion spam detection. In the last
section, we present an example to illustrate how social media data can be utilized for predictive and explanatory models. Finally, we end this chapter
by describing ongoing challenges and future directions of measuring social media data in psychological research. 1.Social Media Platforms With about
a dozen social media platforms and over 100 million active users worldwide (Statista, 2016; Mangukiya,
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Basics Journalism
The term "journalism" has taken on many definitions in the past two decades. It is no longer about television, print and radio content, but the
digitalization of content. Today's journalists are expected to go beyond traditional journalistic practices. They need to know how to be experts in
digital reporting and publishing. By providing tips on how to organize data digitally, build websites, build an audience, create video, audio and
photographed content, editing and publishing this content, Briggs covers all areas of digital journalism. Briggs book, consisting of 11 chapters, is
divided into three sections including basics, multimedia storytelling and editing/decision making in journalism.
News companies started using digital technologies nearly 20 years ago. This required professionals in the industry to change their traditional practices
and evolve to the new way of producing content. This change has not been immediate, but according to Briggs, online technologies allow us to gather
information better, communicate better and create better journalism.
All journalists should have a basic understanding of web design including HTML, CSS and XML coding. Those who know learn how do this have
control over how information is displayed and distributed on the Web.
All journalists should have a blog. A blog should consist of a good headline, several links, photos and screen shots. Bloggers should also read and
comment on other people's blogs in
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Negative Effects Of Social Media
In today 's society we fail to realize how easy we can access social media sites without any precautions. The accessibility may be different depending
on not only the location, but it can very well differentiate through different states. The effects in which social media from the basic functions of social
media websites, how sex offenders can access these websites without there being any type of consequences and how other countries can have access
to their own social media. Starting with Facebook which was created in 2004, gives you the ability to blog, establish private networks, share photos,
and locate friends. You can post brief status updates, as you might do on Twitter. Facebook is a dynamic and vibrant Web community that is
... Show
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In most countries, such as China, they do not have the ability to the freedom to use social media freely. By 2013, there were 618 million Chinese
internet users, which is approximately 46 percent of the population. This rate is slightly higher than the global average of 39 percent (China Internet
Network Information Center 2014; International Telecommunication Union 2013). Of China's internet users, 281 million (45 percent) actively
participated in microblogging, which refers to social media outlets. However, social media also provide authoritarian governments with new
opportunities for political control as noted by Egorov, Guriev, and Sonin (2009), Shirky (2011), Morozov (2012), and Lorentzen (2014). Social media
messages are transmitted in electronic form through an infrastructure that is typically controlled by the government. Recent advances in automated text
analysis, machine learning techniques, and high–powered computing have substantially reduced the costs of identifying critical users and censoring
messages (Edmond 2013). Governments can use these methods to track and analyze online activities, to gauge public opinion, and to contain threats
before they spread. The popularity of microblogs is a recent phenomenon. In 2006, Chinese people became aware of Twitter; the next year, major
Chinese counterparts–Fanfou, Digu, and Jiwai–were launched. The number of micro bloggers grew slowly
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Using Tumblr, The Radio, And The Papers App

  • 1. Using Tumblr, The Radio, And The Papers App I have always thought of myself as a mild user of media outlets. Over the years, I have found my usual circle of media that pertains to what I desire to get out from the usage. I am not relatively a social media junkie, but I do cater to the apps Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook to stay connected with others, Soundcloud to listen to music, and the "Today" tab standard on iPhone's to check weather, stocks, and current events. I find these media outlets useful because they are all accessible on one single device, making it easy to access quickly and efficiently. I rarely pick up a newspaper, listen to the radio, watch the news, or access other social media apps because I simply feel that I am achieving everything I would like to know or do through what I am used to. For this assignment, I will be using Tumblr, the radio, and the Papers app. I am excited to have eye opening experience that helps me understand other media and why people would use it. After googling Tumblr to be directed to the home page, the description of the page is a "microblogging platform and social networking website that allows user to post multimedia and other content to a short–form blog". I skipped the sign up page I was directed to and jumped my browser to the trending page. There, three columns of pictures were nicely organized on the page. The boxes contained funny and inspiring quotes, beautiful photography including cats and cities, and screenshots of famous people's tweets and pictures. With ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Social Media On Project Management 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter will carry out a literature review and hence will explore a variety of literature connected with Social Media in Project Management. All relevant information connected with this topic of social media in project management will be closely studied and extracted from various sources such as books, journals and websites. Throughout this literature review a wide number of topics will be looked at such as, the growth of social media, the rise of social media, how exactly these social media tools are being used in businesses and simply how this trend is simply a growing success. I will also establish what these tools are being used for in many organizations as well as ... Show more content on ... The final section, "Overall Thoughts and Hypothesis" will look at the overall picture, make assumptions and therefore give any predictions or recommendations about the future of social media in project management. List of Social Media Tools and its uses Majority of people see Social Media as a marketing tool.(Harrin 2010) Many companies are all eagerly searching for customers and simply captivating their attention by participating in online conversations. Most companies and businesses tend to communicate with customers through social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook. This hands on approach of communicating is also being adopted in the common workplace, especially by Project Managers and their dispersed teams. Social Media is not only simply used to communicate with customers but can effectively be used to manage teams in a workplace as well as any projects you are working on. There are many Social Media tools, which are widely available to Project Managers and each and every tool can be used to manage and deliver projects. Social Media tools, which can be used, are listed below. 1. Blogs 2. Collaboration Tools 3. Instant Messaging 4. Microblogs 5. Podcasts 6. Real Simple Syndication 7. Social Networks 8. Vodcasts
  • 3. 9. Webinars 10. Wiki Throughout this chapter I will demonstrate how these tools listed above, can be used by Project Managers in a workplace. I ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Social Media Social Media I chose to do my research paper on social media because I have an interest of the many different ways people can interact with each other worldwide. Whether you live in the United States of America, or in the Middle East, there are many ways we can communicate with one another, with social media being the most popular way of doing so. In this paper I will discuss the meaning of social media, as well as the different types of social media one can use, the purpose of using it, the effects it can have on us, and lastly, who owns these social media sites. Social Media can be defined as websites and applications used for social networking and interactive forms of media, that allows users to interact with and publish... Show more content on ... Its tools are generally available to the public at little or no cost. It is also widely usable by anyone with access to operate these sites. It is capable of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response and can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. Social media has been recognized for the way it has changed how public relations professionals conduct their jobs. It has provided an open arena where people are free to exchange ideas on companies, brands and products. As stated by Doc Searls and David Wagner, two authorities on the effects of Internet on marketing, advertising, and PR, "the best of the people in PR are not PR Types at all. They understand that there aren't censors, they're the company's best conversationalists" (R. Levine, C. Locke, D. Searls, & D. Weinberger). Social media provides an environment where users and PR professionals can engage in conversation, where PR professionals can promote their brand and improve their company's image, be listening and responding to what the public is saying about their product. On to the effects that social media can have on an individual. A study done by the University of Maryland, suggests that social media may be addictive and that by using these social media sites for a great period of time, may lead a person to have the "fear of missing out". It has also been stated that Facebook is the primary method of ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How do Companies Manage Their Brands Using Social Media? How do companies manage their brands using social media? Social media poses significant obstacles and opportunities for companies. As Qualman (2010, p. xiii) states, social media pervades literally every facet of a company's existence, yet despite this (or perhaps because of this) social media seems to resist easy definition. For the purposes of this paper, social media refers to the ways in which a company communicates using digital media. On the one hand, there are a number of ways in which a company can now market themselves to the public; on the other hand, a company accustomed to traditional marketing strategies will be negatively affected if they do not integrate social media strategies. In this paper, a number of strategies are provided for online marketing, relating to advertisement, customer service, and communication within the company itself. In today's digital age, companies are tasked with advertising on a nonstop basis; it is not enough to place a weekly advertisement in a newspaper or a television commercial. A typical company manages a number of social marketing initiatives: these include photosharing, podcasting, Facebook, and Twitter. Given the varied social networking manifestations, it is imperative that people are employed whose principal task is operating their social media outlets. Since customers are constantly dialed in to the internet, it is incumbent on the company to adapt to the shifting (and expanding) technology. There are a number of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Internet : Social Media, And The Internet Introduction Since the launch of Myspace in 2003, the internet landscape has never been the same. Mirriam–Webster defines social media as "forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)" (Social Media, n.d.). Myspace was arguably the first significant social media platform, and it allowed users to share text, photos, videos, and web links. It did not take long for companies to join the new platform. Before long, companies were engaging with their market and communicating directly with their users. The Internet is known as the world wide web for a reason: it is used by 47% of the world's population, according to the United Nations (Taylor, 2016). This fact is not without its consequences. Every culture has different practices and customs. If businesses and individuals are not cautious during international communication and social media marketing, they could potentially upset or offend their target market. A mishap like this could result in lost revenue and lead to extra resources being spent to mend damaged relationships. Different people groups respond better to different products, imagery, and marketing styles. An advertisement for a Ford F–150 truck might not receive as positive a response in Guatemala as it would in the United States. Users in countries with slow internet speeds are not as likely ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Social Media And The Media Essay Social Media: Social Media can be defined as any tool that uses the internet to facilitate conversations. It allows people to create, share or exchange ideas and information. Social media consists of a number of applications that are built on technological foundations and allow creation and exchange of user content. Advantages of Social media: Relatively cheaper as compared to traditional media used in advertising. Customers have unlimited access to the social media and it caters to larger audience. Marketers can deliver improved customer service and respond effectively to feedback, it allows direct and more open communication with the consumers It's flexible. Social Media makes content management very flexible Social media can communicate information in a flash and is very quick. Social Media allow marketers to listen to their customers and make the required amendments in their product and service. Disadvantages of Social Media Marketers cannot control the information posted on social media. Hence, it not only important to have an effective ad campaign but it's equally important to have a great product or service. Social Media has hidden costs involved, since companies need to post updates on a regular basis, they would probably need to higher resources who would perform this task effectively. Social Media also poses legal risks in terms of false advertising and leaking confidential information on the internet. In case the social media generates ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health Effects of social media on mental health Overview Social media is described, by the Merriam–Webster dictionary (2015), as "forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)". As few as 10 years ago the term social media was yet to be coined, but within that decade the use of these blogs, websites and sharing platforms has increased exponentially with no plateau in sight. From creating Instagram accounts for household pets, to sharing Halloween themed baking ideas over Pinterest, people today have access to social media outlets for almost everything. Today about 74% of people ages 18–65 use some form of a social networking site (Pew, 2014). Facebook takes the lead in social media usage with about 71% of those adults. LinkedIn and Pinterest are tied for second at 28% of users, 26% use Instagram, and Twitter falls last in the top 5 most used social medias with 23% of users (Pew, 2014). In September of 2013 the Pew Research Center measured that 90% of adults ages 18–29 used these social media outlets on a daily basis, which is an astonishing increase from the 9% that was measured in February 2005 (Pew, 2014). Due to the fact that young adults are increasingly involving themselves in these online platforms, it is very important to understand the long term and psychological effects (such as depression, social anxiety, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Digital Technology And Its Impact On The Classroom Essay In and of themselves, wikis, blogs, podcasts and microblogging will do very little to transform digital writing or learning in general. It 's really not the tool or digital space that can transform or enhance learning. It is what is done there and how the tool is used by teachers and students alike. However, as I think the articles captured, when used effectively these digital tools have the potential to develop critical digital literacies. In Wikis as Learning Environments, Forte and Buckman report their findings of using a wiki to represent traditional research. The students in the study reported enjoying using the wiki and publishing their work even though they struggled with the translation of the traditional research paper to that of creating a public website. They seemed to realize that they were involved in something bigger than "just writing a paper for the teacher", knowing the site could be a resource that lives on after the class. Forte and Buckman stress "when the research paper went online it became something different." The "genre" changed and the students initially struggled to understand what that meant. Throughout the process of creating the wiki the students were able to learn from each other. The nature of the wiki 's collaborative editing and revision history allowed the students to look at each other 's work all throughout the process. In doing so, they began to create a shared vision of what this public space should be. This ability to apply our ... Get more on ...
  • 10. David Foster Wallace Total Noise Essay Kids used to ask each other: If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears, does it make a sound? Now there's a microphone in every tree and a loudspeaker on every branch, not to mention the video cameras, and we've entered the condition that David Foster Wallace called Total Noise: "the tsunami of available fact, context, and perspective." This week was a watershed for Total Noise. When terrible things happen, people naturally reach out for information, which used to mean turning on the television. The rewards (and I use the word in its Pavlovian sense) can be visceral and immediate, if you want to see more bombs explode or towers fall, and plenty of us do. But others are learning not to do that. The Boston bombings, shootings, car chase, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Taking a Look at Twitter Twitter can greatly influence people's social behaviour as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on twitter as well as the influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. In my experience, it is very common especially for younger individuals to be greatly influenced by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks. As far as I am concerned, social networks play an increasingly important role in shaping the behavior of Web users. Twitter stands out from the others, not only for the platform's simplicity but also for the great influence that ''tweets'' can have (Del Campo et al. 2013). Twiter can greatly influence people's social behavior as it affects the way people communicate with others, the type of information they share on twitter as well as the influence this information has on their way of thinking and behavior. It is very common especially for younger individuals to be greatly influenced by the trends of their time and follow specific examples which are suggested by such social networks. Despite twitter's increased popularity, very little is known about its effect on one's personality and social behaviour (Qui et al. 2012). Taking into consideration the millions of twitter users daily, it can be said that microblogging constitutes a written record of people's behavior (Qui et al. 2012). By studying microblogging, understanding of an individual's ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Online Research : The Microblogging And Public Sphere 1.Research Topic and Question The topic of this Online Research is about the Microblogging and Public Sphere. Microblogging is a new type of online social platform appeared in recent year. An example of such case is Weibo in China, which was released in October, 2006 and now it is an ideal tool of public communication among the Chinese netizens (Mou, 2014). Ma (2013) mentioned that, different from the traditional social networking, such as Facebook, in which users are more likely to link back to their real life. This means Microblogging makes its users focus more on things they are interested in which might be less connected to their daily life. Besides, according to a statistics, the proportion of Weibo users occupied more than 50% of the total internet population (CNNIC, 2013, cited in Mou, 2014). Therefore, it is worth to discuss the consequences brought by Microblogging for its users to disseminate the information in public sphere. In this case, one research question can be 'Do people can improve their political participation through scanning and commenting on Weibo'. This question aims to explore the effects of Microblogging, especially Weibo, that whether such platform can let people discuss about politics more freely in order to generate positive influences. 2.Research Method The method has been chosen for this Online Research is interview bases on online radio/video software, such as Skype. This is because the research is consists of several open–ended questions. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Breitbart Twitter Analysis What do you write when you have no more than 140 characters available, and a story or event you want people to read and respond to on social media? The answer is a Twitter post. Twitter is the second most popular social media site with over 310 million viewers monthly, second only to Facebook (eBizMBA, n.d.). As a microblogging site that melds blogging, social networking and news resourcing, it is by far the most popular social networking site globally (Quora, n.d., eBizMBA, n.d.). I chose to look at the Breitbart News website and Twitter posts to see what was "tweeted" under the digital news organizations umbrella to find what type of content was posted, or reposted. Breitbart's twitter posts appear to be a mix of Breitbart News stories, reposted tweets from other news organizations, professional news commentators/political pundit tweets, and individual tweets about a story or event. I didn't see any responses to the tweets, it appears to be an outlet for information without debate, only comments and news links. Brietbart's Twitter posts are mediated public communication by definition, in that it is "one to many communication" with some questioning and response observed (Wrench, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008. P. 310). ... Show more content on ... This is how Breitbart News Twitter site operates, but there is very little feedback, and feedback is an important part of the twitter experience. The reader engagement aspect is minimal at best, and if I made only one recommendation to the organization, it would be to engage the reading audience through synchronous and asynchronous communication via the twitter feed (Wrench, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008. P. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Emergence Of Social Web Essay The emergence of social web has changed the World Wide Web. This new concept was introduced in 1996 by Rheingold. In addition of the principle aim of the web that consists of an open access to information, the second generation of Web applications, Web 2.0 applications, has allowed for users to communicate effectively with each other. Hence, the web transformed from a web where most users were consumers passively viewing website (i.e. information) to a more active and participatory actors. Users are now consumers and contributors of information, so, the web has been transformed from a hypertext environment to a "web of people" environment that connects family, friends and colleagues enabling them to share different type of information. This paradigm has resulted to a new medium of communication known as User Generated Content (UGC) where users made together a substantial effort to publish and produce their own content in different ways and with various formats to enrich the web experience. This content can be produced with various formats that depends on the social media stream used, it cover (i) materials that users make available through blog, wiki and social media sharing services (e.g. YouTube , Instagram , etc); (ii) feedback such as comments, review, rates; (iii) andsocial network data including public profiles, social network structure and user interactions. Given the amount of information produced in social media platforms, new challenges were raised, which are ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nt1310 Unit 1 Research Paper 1.1The main social networking sites up to date are; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 1.2Facebook Allows you to post; photos for others to see, to view users walls/timelines, as well as news feed (up to date news) being available, the 'like' button, Facebook messenger, relationship status, turn off push notifications, and embed–in post and events. Twitter Allows you to; send/read other users updates, with a limit of only 140 characters (microblogging), being able to send/ receive updates by SMS message, RSS; email or a third party applications restrict delivery to your circle of friends (delivery to everyone is the default) and allows you to search for people by name or user name, import friends from other networks, or invite friends via email.... Show more content on ... 1.3The main reasons for all social networking sites is that you can stay connected with friends all around the world, however different social media networks have different reasons such as the use of Facebook, allows you to share moments with many people at once, view photos/videos, receive updates/comments, keep up with current news/updates and learn about ways to help others etc. The main reason for the use of YouTube is that you are able to use videos which are more visually appealing rather than reading and therefore is all in front of your eyes, making it much easy to see for entertainment purposes, business advertisements and many more. The main reasons for the use of twitter are that you able to "follow" interesting people, follow trends, good for promoting brands/companies, plenty of celebrity access, and "to the point tweets" as you are limited to type less than 140 characters and finally, a good source for breaking ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Exoplanet Research Paper The buzz yesterday about a second Earth was answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler , had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age comparable to Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the goldilox zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life. KEPLER 452B: HER NAME, HER AGE, HER WAIST SIZE Known as Kepler 452b , the new planet is the smallest exoplanet yet discovered within this necessary habitable zone of a G2 star, which is our own Sun 's classification. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter sixty percent that of the Earth, and is located in the constellation Cygnus, roughly 1,400 light–years away from us. ... Show more content on ... WHY THIS EXOPLANET IS SIMILAR TO EARTH Kepler 452b orbits its sun–like star in a year lasting 385 days, which puts it undoubtedly within the habitable zone, which means it is very likely it will have liquid water. "Today the Earth is a little less lonely, because there's a new kid on the block," joked Jon Jenkins , Kepler data analysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, at a Thursday news conference announcing the discovery. "We believe ... that this is the nearest thing we've found to an Earth system analogue, a twin system to our own." DON'T JUMP THE SHARK, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet larger, its gravity may be of a greater magnitude sufficient to preclude human survival for any duration of time. Imagine stepping on the scale and weighing five times as usual. You probably wouldn't even lift that
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  • 18. Personal Ethnography Report I have a confession: I used to be racist. It wasn't intentional or conscious in any way; I didn't even realize it. I was merely an impressionable little girl, and when my parents made sly comments that implied black people are somehow genetically predispositioned for a life of crime and drug addiction, or that Muslims are misogynists and terrorists, or when they spewed any other number of atrocious stereotypes, I considered it fact. At that point in my life, my parents had supreme authority over me. They fed me, clothed me, sheltered me, and so their word was law. If they said black people were criminals, then surely black people must be criminals. If they said Muslims were terrorists, then surely they all were. My parents were basically gods; ... Show more content on ... I was unaware that many of the site's users are very liberal in their political views. Having been raised in a fairly conservative household (FOX News was the only news channel we ever watched), I wasn't exactly familiar with Democratic viewpoints. On tumblr I often found myself coming into contact with political opinions that stood in direct opposition of what I'd always been told. With this new influx of ideas I soon realized that the assumptions I had been trained to keep in the back of my head about minorities were offensive and racist. I was even being introduced to issues I had been young enough and privileged enough to be blind to, like the wage gap and victim blaming in rape cases. My eyes were opened to a whole new world of beliefs, and, at fourteen, I was struggling to process it all. I became increasingly confused about what was actually true, so I turned to research. Every new issue I came across, I made sure to inform myself on the topic instead of relying solely on one source of information. I found myself questioning everything and striving to view issues from all sides before making decisions. More and more often my views came into conflict with those of my parents. Today, when my mom bristles at homosexuality, when my dad argues that if we allow Syrian refugees into the country, they will try to create a government of Sharia law, when I am told to act less ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Cons And Cons Of Social Media Pros and cons of social media – Cheat Sheet At this point we all know that social media is a major asset to marketers, but what exactly are the pros and cons of each? In this post I talk about just that, for the big 6 social media platforms! Instagram Instagram has 400+ million active monthly users which is 20% of internet users and the vast majority (90%) of these are under 35. IT's a mobile app that lets users share photos and short videos. Pros: Easy and intuitive UI, minimal text on posts and no links to outside content. It also has very high user engagement on average, when compared to Facebook and Twitter. Cons: Less personal engagement that other networks, and as mentioned in a previous post– They have a dire lack of social sharing available for content, making it difficult for your content to be spread. Twitter Twitter has an average of 307 million monthly users and is a microblogging site that allows users to write posts up to 140 characters and include videos, images, and links. Twitter is rather unique as it allows you to easily connect with celebrities and influencers. Pros: Instant news source and live feed which is constantly updating, as well as allowing easy access to public icons. Cons: If you are following a large amount of users then the amount of content which is constantly being thrown at you can be hard to sift through for actually valuable content. Facebook The oldest social network on this list – but by no means the worst. Facebook has many years of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Can Sina Weibo Help The Jyh Cafe? How can Sina Weibo help the JYH CafГ©? JYH CafГ© is a small company that I just invented, and this cafГ© provides brunch and dinner every day. The JYH CafГ© is located in the Sino–Ocean Taikoo Li in Chengdu, Sichuan, which is one of the largest and international city in China. To increase the revenue of the JYH CafГ©, I make a proposal about creating an account on Sina Weibo to appeal more customers. Sina Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website, and it is one of the most popular social tools in China. Sina Weibo was launched on August 14, 2009, and it has 222 million subscribers and 100 million daily users by the third season of 2015. Sina Weibo provides many ways to access it, for example, users can post word messages or upload photos through online website, WAP, mobile applications, and mobile phone text. There are five type of posts on Weibo, original words, picture, video, music and article. And users can share their feeling, thinking and even their daily life on Weibo anywhere and anytime. On this microblogging websites, people can follow others, discuss with others, and share their opinions with everyone. Sina Weibo also has its identification policy. Because there are many famous people and organization users create their official account on Sina Weibo, once those users who get through the verification on the internet, a blue or gold 'V' will be added behind their user name. Moreover, there is a list called HOT TOPIC on Weibo, people always are attracted by those topics. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. When the Internet Attacks! : Cyber Bullying and Blogging When the Internet Attacks! : Cyber Bullying and Blogging Engagement in internet attacks is a disturbing way in which individuals seek attention at the cost of another person's self worth. With the use of bullying to make others feel small, snark to increase their own self importance, and distortions of the truth to make things more "interesting", this is a large issue that effects many lives in different ways. The internet has become a large part of most daily lives in the United States, according theUnited States census 74.8 % of households now have access to internet, compared to 17 years ago when only 18.2% of households. The number of houses with a device which has access to the internet is 78.9%.(U.S. Census Bureau, 2014) With ... Show more content on ... Victims of cyber bullying often exhibit psychosocial behaviors of: depression, anxiety, severe isolation, and in some cases suicide.(O'Keeffe & Clarke–Pearson, 2011) Victims however still feel the residual results of online attacks frequently offline. The person causing the issues may not be relentless offline; however others that saw the online attack will bring up issues again and again, leaving the individual with no escape from attacks. When it comes to larger or more professional blogs it isn't defined as bullying, but as it is called "snark". Ryan Holiday explains snark as: "you know you are dealing with snark when you try to respond to a comment and realize there is nothing you can say."(Holiday, 2012, p. 197) The definition of bullying that was earlier had the same sort of definition, a long standing violence in which an individual is unable to defend themselves from the attacks. Many bloggers take bullying roles in order to gain more engagement with their viewers, at the cost of another's self esteem. This isn't much different from the bully's on Facebook, the main difference being the blogger is hiding behind be clever. What a blogger is really doing is eliciting a degradation ceremony. The purpose of these ceremonies is to single out and denounce one of its members, to lower their status or take ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Unit 9 P3 Explaining a range of social media services Social networking is a website which can be used to interact with other people on the same platform. This can be used to meet new people and keep in contract with friends and families. In this report I will be explaining different social medias and their purposes. Also I will be giving real examples of the social media webpages. Social networks – Facebook Purpose The main purpose of social networks will be to allow people across the network to interact with others and socialise. People would use social networks to share pictures and videos with their friends on the social network, so people would be able to see what the person has posted and comment under the post. This would be used to get a message... Show more content on ... The short texts would be posted onto the page which will allow other users to see. This could short posts on events that are planned to take place. Another purpose would be to make the micro posts public so that all of the users on the website on see them or they can be made private so that the followers of the person can only see them. Also another purpose of this would be to publish photos and videos so that they can be seen by the followers of the user. This would be done to make the video more known to people and could be news updates or other videos of past events. The purpose of this will be to allow people to stay up to date on what other people are doing as they would be using the microblogging on a daily ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on Study Guide: Information Technology ISM 3011 Test 2 Study Guide Know the following terms and concepts from Chapters 5 – 7 Moore's Law (and constraints on it) – (Intel co–founder) Chips performance per dollar doubles every 18 months. Data storage will double every 12 months. With an optical cable it can double every 9 months. Microprocessor – The brain of any computing device. Volatile memory– When power goes out, all that was not saved is lost. Non–volatile – storage that will retain data even when power goes out (hard disc, flash memory, DVD) RAM – Random access Memory – temporary storage that provides fast access for executing computer programs and files. When you "load" or "launch" a program, it usually moves from your hard drive to those RAM chips, where it can ... Show more content on ... Customers who are tied to a company Complimentary benefits – Products or services that add additional value to a network Platforms – Products or services that allows for the integration of other software (iphones, the wii). One–sided markets – a market that derives its value from a single type of user Two–sided markets – network markets comprised of two distinct categories of participant, both of which that are needed to deliver value for the network to work (ex. video game console owners and the developers of the video game) Monopoly – a market where there are many buyers but only one dominant seller Oligopoly – a market dominated by a small number of powerful sellers Envelopment – where a firm seeks to make an existing market a subset of its product offering. Separate product categories for media players, cameras, gaming devices, phones, and global positioning systems (GPS) are all starting to merge. Rather than cede its dominance as a media player, Apple leveraged a strategy known as Congestion effects – occur when increasing numbers of users lower the value of a product or service Industry standards – XML Difference between Web 1.0 andWeb 2.0 sites/services – Peer production Blogs – Online journals in chronological order. People can comment on your blog. Short for web log.
  • 24. Micho–blogs – or microblogging, Tweeter. The difference is that you will not know if they see your stuff. A Wiki– a Web site anyone can edit directly within ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Kemo 452b Research Paper Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler, had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent of Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the Goldilocks zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life. Size, age, and other specs of second earth Known as Kepler 452b, it's the smallest exoplanet we've discovered existing within that coveted circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the Goldilocks zone. G2 is a category of star–luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter ... Show more content on ... Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development. But we shouldn't get too excited to leap into our planet's family's arms. DON'T JUMP THE SHARK, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet smaller, the difference in gravity could do more harm than good. Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather misfortunate runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what happened to Venus long ago, which is why the planet is so hot and antagonistic to life. COLLECTIVE FERVER & SENTIMENTALITY But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn't stop the Chinese from getting excited, whom after hearing about the new planet flooded social media with over 44 million posts about the planet's "substantial opportunity" to host life. China's microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag #AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly 90,000 participants in the
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  • 27. News Writing Style Ethics And Journalism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Blogger" redirects here. For the Google service with same name, see Blogger (service). For other uses, see Blog (disambiguation). Journalism Simons Perskaart DOM.jpg News Writing style Ethics Objectivity News values Attribution Defamation Editorial independence Journalism school Index of journalism articles Areas Arts Business Data Entertainment Environment Fashion Medicine Politics Science Sports Technology Trade Traffic Weather World Genres Advocacy Analytic Blogging Broadcast Citizen Civic Collaborative Comics–based Community Database Gonzo Immersion Investigative Literary Muckraking Narrative "New Journalism" Non–profit Online Opinion Peace Photojournalism Scientific Sensor Underground Visual Watchdog Social impact Fourth Estate Fifth Estate Freedom of the press Infotainment Media bias Public relations Press service Propaganda model Yellow journalism News media Newspapers Magazines TV and radio Internet News agencies Alternative media Roles Journalists (reporters) Columnist Blogger Editor Copy editor Meteorologist Presenter (news) Photographer Pundit / commentator Journalism Portal Category: Journalism v t e A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual[citation needed], ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Life Improvement Project Gaining Traction When I first started this project, I wanted to improve on something that doesn't have a lasting impact on my life. If I failed, I failed, and wouldn't have to feel the shame of not completing my goals, or have the hit to my self–confidence as I outlined and wrote about my lack of success. For my life improvement project, I decided on improving my blog, namely, my following count. Tumblr is amicroblogging site in which my blog is one of the millions of blogs one can visit. My blog is where I frequently post my newest artwork and writing, and at the start of my project, I had 96 followers. My ambitious goal was 50 new while my modest goal was 20 new followers by the second week of March. My blog has always been important to me, however I never really focused on the success of my blog, but more on the fun I had doing it. I decided that focusing on my blog for improvement would work the best for me because if I failed my goal, my blog would still give me joy, and if I succeeded I would have new people to experience my blog! Like all social media sites, Tumblr has peak times that posts at the most successful. According to Union Metrics, Tumblr users are most active on Sunday afternoons, and are generally more active during the later hours of the weekend. I ... Show more content on ... The strategy of creating connections allows for your blog to exposure from not only your follower's blog, but their followers as well. I branched out to the types of blogs that I knew are typically attracted to mine. I also began looking into blogs that acted as what I call a "poetry federation" as several users united to form one larger blog. These are very popular so submitting to them or becoming friendly with a member or two is a great way to garner more attraction for your blog. Using these methods, I was sure I would gain plenty of new ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Facebook Essay Former president, Barack Obama began the very first Twitter campaign for the presidential race in April 2007 which successfully displayed the power of the social–media platform. Twitter is one of the fastest growing, free–messaging service for people. It is a microblogging service which allows users to write short messages up to140 characters long and are generally public. Tweets can be totally text–based or contain multimedia like images or links to videos. It connects diverse groups of people and promotes interaction in real–time. Librarians have made impressive use of this social networking tool without spending too much time or effort. They can write a post that conveys a great deal of information without taking a lot of time to read... Show more content on ... This information can be used to discuss how the interactions were answered, which tools were accessed and the possible alternative methods for answering the question. The article showed that librarians tend to use Twitter as a broadcast platform by encouraging followers to interact with them by asking questions, sharing links, re–Tweet interesting posts, and replying to them. A best practice is not to tell followers stuff but to have them ask about stuff. Students regularly use Twitter for homework and assignments. This is a service that librarians should act upon by promoting homework assistance through Twitter. It is another good avenue for assisting international students. The article stressed the need to take advantage "of this new trend and enhance the library experiences of international students." (Vassilakaki & Garoufallou, 2014, p. 800). Time is of the essence. Social media is a gray area for some students thinking that "live help" will be instantaneous like chat or phone support. There is the potentional for "live help" if Twitter is constantly monitored but more than likely, library staff will provide it hours later. Studies show that most users feel that they should receive a response from social media in the same day. Twitter has affected different aspects of libraries as with any new technology. It impacted the way online discussions occur and exposed new privacy concerns. It has helped with the overload of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Curiosity And Interpersonal Curiosity 2.1 Curiosity Curiosity reflects an essential desire for new information to inspire interest and/or ignore uncertainty, which is aroused by novel, complex, and therefore can motivate exploratory behavior (Litman et al., 2005). There are four type diverse type of curiosity that had found from researchers which is perceptual, epistemic, sensory, and interpersonal. According to Malone (1981), perceptual curiosity is induced by complex or uncertain patterns of sensory stimulation such as sounds and sights that can encourage behaviors in obtain a new information. Epistemic curiosity is defined as the desire that inspires individuals to learn new ideas, eliminate information gaps, and solve rational problems (Litman, 2008). However, sensory curiosity is defined as the changes in light, sound, or other sensory stimuli of an environment to attract value (Malone, 1981). Finally, interpersonal curiosity is the fundamental intention for looking personal detail, such as that about people's public and emotion in order to reduce uncertainty about people (Litman and Pezzo, 2007). This study focusses on "interpersonal curiosity" in investigate more accurately described as a state than trait. From the previous research, state curiosity is to measure the curiosity in specific situations, while trait curiosity is the measurement of a... Show more content on ... One of the same authors further observed that the relationship between a favourable or an unfavourable attitude and the strength of the behavioural beliefs are direct proportion to each other. Furthermore this relationship can be expressed with an expectancy–value model (Ajzen, 1991). Therefore every user of twitter may start to use the microblog through their subjective norms which is the opinion from friends and family. Therefore, we hypothesize as ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Importance Of Censorship On Social Media Censorship On Social Media Social media should not moderate the comments or points of views from society due to the fact that everyone has the right to express what is on their mind. The U.S. created the First Amendment which protects the freedom of expression in essence, giving society the ability to state their opinion without fear of retribution. It is difficult to think of negative, hurtful, and spiteful comments being protected by the freedom of speech. The information and posts on social media has such a great influence over the population of the world, however it is important to remember that trolls as well as their comments should be taken lightly yet respected because it is their own opinion. Nonetheless people have become highly sensitive to trolls or any comments in which they might not agree with. Additionally it seems that trolls have a strong hold in social media yet, who are these trolls? Trolls make heinous comments on social media and are thrilled to keep anonymity as their profile. People who are behind an electronic screen are not always the most transparent and credible commentators. Many will argue that censorship is needed in social media as it could prevent excessive negativity online. Although this may have a case, if people allowed censorship of harsh and hateful believes what else will be censored in the future. Censorship in social media has the potential to create a deceitful view of society. The United States protects freedom of speech as long as it does not inflict physical damage to anyone. The first amendment states "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press"(Stone and Volokh, 2017). There are a few reasons why the government can restrict freedom of speech which are considered unconstitutional yet comments that are mean and distasteful are not restricted by the government. No individual should face retribution for sharing and expressing their perspectives. Social media comments have all sorts of outlook some are positive, and unfortunately others are negative. Not all comments on social media should align to a specific way of thinking. Censorship should not be an option for disliked comments or unarguable comments. Trolls are people ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Blocking Social Media Governments have historically employed social stratification as a form of enforcing discriminatory policies. For instance, the Rwandan genocide began with the classification of citizens as Tutsi or Hutus, and evolved into a bloody civil war based on these classifications. We may be tempted to say that such atrocities are merely in the past, and classification is no longer used in such horrendous ways. Perhaps, the reality is that the violence is turning from the physical world to the internet. Recent data collected in 2016 indicates that nearly 43% of kids have experienced cyberbullying.("11 Facts About Cyberbullying," 2016). It may be tempting to claim that this data has nothing to do with classification in any matter. The truth, however,... Show more content on ... However, social media's classification schemes play a large roll in contributing to small scale interpersonal conflicts. This is done through the "weaponization" of categories in an attempt to gain unique advantages of anonymity and alienation not found in merely physical conflicts. Designers must keep these facts in mind, and choose to monitor or to implement special categories in an attempt to curb such dangerous interaction. While violence perpetrated on social media is not to the degree of that perpetrated against the people of Rwanda, any violence that can be eliminated should be. Therefore, designers should consider how classification on social media play an important part in ... Get more on ...
  • 33. A Machine Learning Approach For Emotions Classification A machine learning approach for emotions classification in Micro blogs ABSTRACT Micro blogging today has become a very popular communication tool among Internet users. Millions of users share opinions on different aspects of life every day. Therefore micro blogging web–sites are rich sources of data for opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Because micro blogging has appeared relatively recently, there are a few research works that are devoted to this topic.In this paper, we are focusing on using Twitter, which is an amazing microblogging tool and an extraordinary communication medium for text and social web analyses.We will try to classify the emotions in to 6 basic discrete emotional categories such as anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. Keywords : Emotion Analysis; Sentiment Analysis; Opinion Mining; Text Classification 1.INTRODUCTION Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the computational study of opinions, sentiments and emotions expressed in text. Sentiment analysis refers to the general method to extract subjectivity and polarity from text.It uses a machine learning approach or a lexicon based approach to analyse human sentiments about a topic..The challenge for sentimental analysis lies in identifying human emotions expressed in these text. The classification of sentiment analysis goes as follows: Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning explores the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. News Writing Style Ethics And Journalism Blogger" redirects here. For the Google service with same name, see Blogger (service). For other uses, see Blog (disambiguation). Journalism Simons Perskaart DOM.jpg News Writing style Ethics Objectivity News values Attribution Defamation Editorial independence Journalism school Index of journalism articles Areas Arts Business Data Entertainment Environment Fashion Medicine Politics Science Sports Technology Trade Traffic Weather World Genres Advocacy Analytic Blogging Broadcast Citizen Civic Collaborative Comics–based Community Database Gonzo Immersion Investigative Literary Muckraking Narrative "New Journalism" Non–profit Online Opinion Peace Photojournalism Scientific Sensor Underground Visual Watchdog Social impact Fourth Estate Fifth ... Show more content on ... More recently "multi–author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single–author blogs into societal newstreams. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non–technical users. (Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web.) A majority are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2] In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers.[3] However, there are high–readership blogs which do not allow comments, such as Daring Fireball. Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular
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  • 36. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 1.1PROJECT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 1.1PROJECT SUMMARY: пѓ Unstructured data on opinions, emotions, and attitudes contained in sources like social media, blogs, online product reviews and customer support interactions is called the sentiment data. пѓ An enterprise may analyze sentiment about products, services, competitors and reputation. In twitter people post real time messages about their opinions on a variety of topics and express sentiments for products they use in daily life. пѓ Each tweet is 140 character in length.Twitter generates around 250 million tweets daily. пѓ It is a challenge to gather all such relevant data, detect and summarize the overall sentiment on a topic. пѓ For this purpose, all the... Show more content on ... Starting from being a document level classi–п¬Ѓcation task, it has been handled at the sentence level and more recently at the phrase level. Microblog data like Twitter, on which users post real time reactions to and opinions about "every– thing", poses newer and different challenges. The platform used for this system is the R language. Features of R: пѓ It is easier to create graphics and animations. пѓ R is capable of working with big–data. Matrix manipulation and sorting becomes easier. пѓ It is open source. пѓ R is an interactive programming language. пѓ Statistical analytics becomes easier with R. SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 2 2.1 STUDY OF EXISTING SYSTEM: пѓ Currently, there are many offline software for analysis wherein we need to provide the data to be analyzed пѓ The user needs to manually get the data related to specific hash tags from twitter. It is a cumbersome process. пѓ The accuracy of the sentiment analysis done on such analytics software is about 30–40% as these software are not dedicated for analysis of microblogs. 2.2 PROBLEM WITH EXISTING SYSTEM: пѓ Data is to be gathered manually. пѓ It is time consuming. пѓ Format of the gathered data must be converted as required by the software. 2.3 REQUIREMENT OF NEW SYSTEM: пѓ The task of retrieving the tweets can be made automatic пѓ The task of formatting the tweets can be reduced пѓ The accuracy ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Prediction Of Product Sales Based On Online Customer... Prediction of product sales based on online customer reviews using sentiment analysis Priyanka Sharma and Bijith Marakarkandy Department of information Technology, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai Abstract Purpose – Due to their high popularity, Weblogs and other social media sites provide a wealth of information that can be very helpful in evaluating the customers' sentiments and opinions. It is therefore imperative to analyze them and filter out useful information that could be of economic values to vendors and other interested parties. The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze online customer reviews about the products and thereby predicting the sales of the products. Design/methodology/approach – This paper employs a sentiment analysis approach by extracting online customer reviews from twitter using twitter API. The extracted reviews have been classified as negative, positive and neutral based on their sentiment polarity and a conceptual model is developed to analyse the customers purchase intentions. Findings – The online customer reviews, both positive and negative, can affect the customers' opinion about the product. Purchase intentions of the customer after reading the product reviews depends on the factors like customer's attitude towards the brand and consumer–based brand equity. While consumer–based brand equity and customer's attitude are directly affected by customer's persuasiveness for online reviews and prior ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Essay Social Media Marketing Note On Smo Marketing Essay Social Media Optimization can be defined as a process of achieving Marketing Communication and Branding goals through the use of various Social Media Websites. It is a process to optimize web sites, so that they are easily connected or interlaced with online communities and community websites. Primarily the Focus of Social Media Optimization is to drive traffic from Sources other than the Search Engines. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, web logs, social blogs, wikis, pod casts, pictures and videos. It is an important aspect of WebMarketing which helps you in building your Company Image, Identification and Online Communication strategy. Orkut, ... Show more content on ... We can also automate the actual Tweeting process so that it doesn't involve much of your time. When correctly managed, Twitter can give excellent results and quality traffic with very little time input. Find out how we can help you to prosper online with targeted Twitter Management Services..... Twitter is a very popular social networking and microblogging service. Updates on Twitter, which are known as tweets, cannot be longer than 140 characters. We offer a unique blend of services for our customers. Dimakh Consultants twitter services include Setup and maintenance of Twitter accounts, Twitter Graphic Setup, high quality related followers fast and effectively added, twitter consultation, Integrating your website, blog, Facebook, and other marketing efforts into your Twitter account. We also offer– Corporate Reputation Management, Event Activation , Product Promotion and Sales. SNM (Social Network Marketing): MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a host of smaller niche social networking sites have become extraordinarily popular. These sites allow their users to connect to one another in a myriad of ways, allowing similar and like–minded people to find one another based on geography, interests, industries, or schools. These sites offer extraordinary opportunities to communicate with very specifc groups of people. And social networking isn't just for kids anymore: the older–than–25 crowd is the fastest growing segment for ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Five Personality Ultimate Apple Marketing Strategy Five personality ultimate Apple marketing strategy 1. have not the first marketing campaign Often the more unknown things coming, the more people will want desperately to know the truth. "Curiosity killed the cat," said that this human nature, good people and enterprises to take advantage of this crowd and watch the mind, can you also can do that using low–cost publicity. For example, singer Faye Wong, the singer has a number of days after the amazing and ultra–loyal fans, and not to please her fans, her proud and independent, and often makes the collapse of personality emerge remarks. But this is her character, attracting many loyal fans chase worship. Filled with commercial promotion in the world, to create a momentum of its ... Show more content on ... Jobs are trying to make innovative products are in line with the eyes of Apple 's consumer culture imprint, each are almost ecstatic to consumers: This is my apple! In fact, customers do not want to be flattering to meet, and sometimes tried to please but to make them their loss, it would tempt the appetite to stimulate their interest. Modern marketing claims: "As long as the customer needs, to the number of how many." And human nature is the intentional control of the marketing supply, allow customers to easily be met: "You want it? Out of stock, next time try. "Many Apple products before and after the release of its launch, there will be a lot of shortages. This way the hunger caused by the market, but its use reached a pinnacle. Agree with my values, is to my customers, please follow me. Apple 's marketing has been used to call the spirit and values, and guide consumers, and beyond the pure product level, which is the highest level of brand marketing to pursue it. The difference is real, others to educate consumers, Steve Jobs is to attract, "take the bait." 5 .word of mouth marketing – the mobile phone from the era of communication tools into toys Marketing must be amused, so people have the joy of spontaneous voluntary participation. In normalizing the current microblogging network, iPhone, entertainment and popular fashion as a tool. High popularity on the microblogging entrepreneurs, celebrities are amused with the iPhone send a message, the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Business 2202 Unit 2 Business Written Assignment Unit 3 Business 2202 E–Commerce University of the People Introduction I will compare, in this paper, the use of search engines, social media, and blogging. I will use examples to show the potential of each approach. So you've started a business. Now what? You've heard about branding, but what does that all mean in the world of e–commerce. Search engines, social media and blogging may have plenty in common on the surface but after some research I will compare their uses in branding your business and selling your product or service. Let's begin with search engines, particularly Google and YouTube. Yes, that's correct, YouTube is considered a search engine! What can search engines do for you? For example, search engines ... Show more content on ... Potential customers can find your business easily and organically just by searching keywords on Google or YouTube. Social media gives you the amazing potential of finding your target market and sell directly to them in a mutually satisfying relationship. Social media is also a great place to watch and learn from your competition and your industry. Blogging has the potential to bring your branding a cohesiveness by presenting your businesses's "personality", your blog is a place to provide relevant content and expertise to your customers. Most businesses find a flow and balance between search engines, social media, and blogging. It's best to set your website for the best practices of search engine optimization, SEO. Most businesses blog and then promote their blog on social media channels such as, via text on Twitter and visually on Pinterest. In conclusion, the use of search engines, social media and blogging is vital to new and older businesses. The potential for each to be a good channel to sell through must be tested and retested to make sure your are gleaning their full potential. The Internet changes so quickly you need to stay up on all
  • 41. the trends of search engines, social media and blogging. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Defining Collaborative Virtual Workspaces Essay 1.Introduction Hamilton Beazley once said "Knowledge is the new capital, but it's worthless unless it's accessible, communicated, and enhanced" (Beazley cited in Field, 2003). With the advent of all the possible tools and technologies available, especially on the internet today, accessing, communicating and enhancing knowledge has become so much easier. This paper aims to discuss two of these tools and technologies, namely collaborative virtual workspaces and microblogging. These tools and technologies will be defined, how they are used, some of their advantages and disadvantages as well as how they can be utilised in Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management processes. 2.Collaborative Virtual Workspaces 2.1Defining Collaborative ... Show more content on ... 2.2Using Collaborative Virtual Workspaces Using collaborative virtual workspaces will generally benefit an organisation by allowing the most skilled groups to work on projects no matter where they are. This also means that expensive travel costs can be cut, since groups can work together at any time of the day and don't need to physically meet up with one another. It also has the effect that group members can work at times that suit them best as they will have access to the information when they need it (ed. Young, 2010). Group members thus aren't tied to conventional business working hours, which is especially helpful if members are working together internationally. They decide when it is most convenient for them and don't have to worry about the availability of others. These virtual workspaces can also provide users with a sense of accomplishment, since they get recognition for their work and efforts as well as allow them to be part of the decision–making process. If tasks are to be completed interdepartmentally, group members can their creativity, ideas, and knowledge with members of other departments. The virtual workspaces thus allow for information to be shared more freely (Lesko, Russel & Hollingsworth, 2012). Whilst these workspaces can be of great benefit to organisations, it is also very important to know when it is best not to resort to collaborating via these virtual workspaces. Factors which may affect the appropriateness ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Social Psychological Research Methods: Social Psychological Social Psychological Research Methods: Social Psychological Measurement Harvesting and Harnessing Social Media Data for Psychological Research Social media, also termed social networking sites, comprise websites, web–based services, platforms, and applications that allow individuals to "(1) construct a public or semi–public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system" (, Boyd & Ellison, 2007, p. 211), as well as (4) "create and share content or to participate in social networking" (Boyd & Ellison, 2007; Oxford University, 2017). Nowadays, social media use has become extremely... Show more content on ... Researchers can now collect a wide range of information about a population, including non–semantic and semantic features, on social media platforms. The analysis of social media data has allowed researchers to uncover numerous aspects about its users at the individual, community, and national levels. In fact, an emerging field of scholars has analyzed social media data to understand a wide range of behaviors and attitudes, including but not limited to consumer decisions, influenza infections, and political opinions. The procedures to use social media data for research include data harvesting and harnessing. In the following sections, we first provide a detailed overview of common platforms and different harvesting methods and then review the latest harnessing techniques, including the identification of non–semantic and semantic features and the corresponding analytical techniques. We also provide a discussion of important semantic features, including topics and the use for sentiment analysis and opinion spam detection. In the last section, we present an example to illustrate how social media data can be utilized for predictive and explanatory models. Finally, we end this chapter by describing ongoing challenges and future directions of measuring social media data in psychological research. 1.Social Media Platforms With about a dozen social media platforms and over 100 million active users worldwide (Statista, 2016; Mangukiya, ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Basics Journalism The term "journalism" has taken on many definitions in the past two decades. It is no longer about television, print and radio content, but the digitalization of content. Today's journalists are expected to go beyond traditional journalistic practices. They need to know how to be experts in digital reporting and publishing. By providing tips on how to organize data digitally, build websites, build an audience, create video, audio and photographed content, editing and publishing this content, Briggs covers all areas of digital journalism. Briggs book, consisting of 11 chapters, is divided into three sections including basics, multimedia storytelling and editing/decision making in journalism. UNIT 1: BASICS OF JOURNALISM News companies started using digital technologies nearly 20 years ago. This required professionals in the industry to change their traditional practices and evolve to the new way of producing content. This change has not been immediate, but according to Briggs, online technologies allow us to gather information better, communicate better and create better journalism. All journalists should have a basic understanding of web design including HTML, CSS and XML coding. Those who know learn how do this have control over how information is displayed and distributed on the Web. All journalists should have a blog. A blog should consist of a good headline, several links, photos and screen shots. Bloggers should also read and comment on other people's blogs in ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Negative Effects Of Social Media In today 's society we fail to realize how easy we can access social media sites without any precautions. The accessibility may be different depending on not only the location, but it can very well differentiate through different states. The effects in which social media from the basic functions of social media websites, how sex offenders can access these websites without there being any type of consequences and how other countries can have access to their own social media. Starting with Facebook which was created in 2004, gives you the ability to blog, establish private networks, share photos, and locate friends. You can post brief status updates, as you might do on Twitter. Facebook is a dynamic and vibrant Web community that is ... Show more content on ... In most countries, such as China, they do not have the ability to the freedom to use social media freely. By 2013, there were 618 million Chinese internet users, which is approximately 46 percent of the population. This rate is slightly higher than the global average of 39 percent (China Internet Network Information Center 2014; International Telecommunication Union 2013). Of China's internet users, 281 million (45 percent) actively participated in microblogging, which refers to social media outlets. However, social media also provide authoritarian governments with new opportunities for political control as noted by Egorov, Guriev, and Sonin (2009), Shirky (2011), Morozov (2012), and Lorentzen (2014). Social media messages are transmitted in electronic form through an infrastructure that is typically controlled by the government. Recent advances in automated text analysis, machine learning techniques, and high–powered computing have substantially reduced the costs of identifying critical users and censoring messages (Edmond 2013). Governments can use these methods to track and analyze online activities, to gauge public opinion, and to contain threats before they spread. The popularity of microblogs is a recent phenomenon. In 2006, Chinese people became aware of Twitter; the next year, major Chinese counterparts–Fanfou, Digu, and Jiwai–were launched. The number of micro bloggers grew slowly ... Get more on ...