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Social Media in a Modern Business Context
Peter Machinist
Communication Seminar Dr. MacDougall
May 5, 2015
What are some types of social media and how are business uses affecting a company
Social media refers to a form of communication using computers. Social media has a
global reach, which is significant for a business context. Since the late 20th century the forms
of social media have grown, as have the uses and applications. In a business context it is
extremely important to build and maintain connections. Social media makes this possible on
a global level. Recently, businesses have started using social media to help build such
connections. The type of social media, the ways business use social media on a company
performance will be addressed. The forms of social media that business are using such as
LinkedIn Facebook and twitter. In today’s completive business world being under pressure
from the digital revolution, the corporate brands- with its identity image and reputation is the
center of gravity for valuable and durable relationships between the firm and the interested
parties. (Vernuccio, M, 2014 pg 1) Some businesses are not as accepting of social media.
For example my sister job which at a literary agency does not let employees use her own
Gmail at the office.
Methods used to gather a data needed for this project included Interviews, Survey and a
content analysis. From the surveys charts and graphs have been included in the project in
order to show how the participants are answering questions. Another form of data collection
begging applied is interviews. My interviews subjects are professionals and work in the
business field and or even own and operate companies or work in the academic institution.
The main point of this project is to show the importance of this type of media and how this
type of media is making a contribution to the business world. Social media is now a major
media in the modern business world. Social media sites like LinkedIn have become huge
contributor when it comes to hiring people. Facebook is a great way for companies to use the
digital age in their favor to effectively market companies.
This study will include previous works from different sources including Rushkoff, Gumpert
and Cathcart and Amber Case. For instance, part of this study will examine Amber Case’s topic
“Humans As Cyborgs” as well as Gary Gumpert and Robert Cathcart’s study of media
generations, which is entitled, “Media Generations and Media Gaps.” Gumpert and Cathcart
discuss the media differences among people in different age groups. Case, however, discusses
humans as cyborgs needing constant use of technology. In this project or analysis the data will be
collected in a few different methods: surveys, interviews and content analysis.
A brief History of social Communication in Organizations
Since the beginning of human civilizations communication has been an extremely important
part of life. Before the invention of modern day digital technology humans communicated both
verbally and through newspapers. The Ancient Greeks invented amphitheaters, which they used
to project their voices when performing in front of crowds and for government meetings. These
ancient forms of social media have been used for thousands of years. Throughout history
primitive forms of communication have been used to send messages. Smoke signals as well as
drumbeats and bells were very early forms of ancient communication. Smoke fires could also be
used to warn people of attack on cities. There were many forms of social media that existed
before the invention of the computer, email and or Facebook. The telegraph was developed in the
1840s. The telegraph operated by sending messages using an alphabet of dots and dashes that
represented English letters and was named “Morse Code” after the inventor. In 1844 the first
telegraph was sent from Washington DC to Baltimore. The way that this new technology
transmitted messages was through telegraph lines. In 1856 the first message using this new
technology was sent from Europe to the United States using wires laid across the Atlantic Ocean
and the telegraph could also be used to send message that people were in danger.
The term social media was coined to describe these and other new platforms of digital
communication that continually appear in this electronic environment, underlining their
participative collaborative social characteristics. ( Vernuccio M , pg 213) “Today we use social
media for many things such as job recruitment, marketing. In 1990s everything seemed to be
accelerating from the speed of technology to the growth of markets.” (Douglass Rushkoff in his
Intro to Print Shock 2013 pg 9). Today, we have seen the growth of social media as a new trend
that is used by virtually everyone. Interactivity has been defined in many ways ( Alba et al 1997
,Jensen 1998 ; Liu& Shrum, 2007; Rafaeli & Sidweeks, 1997). Recent definitions have
emphasizing aspects such as active user control, two- way communication, and synchronicity(
Liu 7 Shrum, 2002; McMilliam& Hwang, 2002). Another perspective discusses the facilitation
of digital direct communication. The human animal is becoming less and less directly connected
with the world in which we live. We are using many types of media such as Instagram Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn to advertise company events. A type of social media such LinkedIn is used
to advertise jobs. From another perspective Berthon , Pitt and Watson(1996) define web
interactive by emphasizing to facilitations of direct communication between the consumers and
the organization regardless of the distance or time. LinkedIn can be used to review potential
employees rather than the traditional methods of review of paper resumes. LinkedIn doesn’t only
save companies time, but it also helps the environment and save’s them money.
There are other forms of social media that are being used. The most popular is Facebook.
Facebook attracts a lot of people and is now being used as a business tool. In the future
traditional marketing medias will no longer exist. For instance, people will use Facebook to seek
out Business. It is also able to promote events and lower companies costs. Facebook can be used
to connect with people and build up your business network.
There are two different modes of interaction that are being discussed. Social media are
charectecterized mainly by two modes of interaction, defined by Bordewijk and Van Kaam
(1986) and Jensen(1998). These two forms of interaction are “ consultation interactivity” and “
conversation interactivity”. The first consultation category describes a situation which users are
mainly the controllers of the dissemination and consumption of the content made available by
central source. Interactivity manifests it choosing the media available package, which is being
used to brand messages. This interactivity is a great way for companies to successfully brand
Despite rapid growth of social media and the rising interests in its challenges and
opportunities in branding, there is a paucity of academic research focused on the phenomenon
with regard to online corporate communication and corporate branding strategy. There is a aim
from this study to identify the primary emergency strategies in the communication that is being
used in social media.( Vernucccio, M pg 213) This means that companies that are using social
media as a form of branding most have a plan of what to do if something goes wrong.
What is a tetrad? A tetrad is a diagram that describes a certain type of media. McLuhan a
major media ecologist came up with the term, which is a tetrad in order to discuss the medias the
benefits which they poses. The tetrad show us four section. What does the media retrieve? What
is obsolete? How does this media enhance things? Now that I have explained what the McLuhan
tetrad is, examples will be given that relate to my topic.
- F2 F real time com
- good for people to stay
in contact
maintians connections
- buisness tool for
meetings with people
from different places
Virtual Office
ability to meet people
from different places
social nature of F2F
physival appearence
can only see
sholders up
F 2 F Communication
loss of traditional com
The service, Skype has very many benefits. This type of service is excellent for international
business because you are able to see other people while talking any where in the world. Skype is
a much more efficient method of communication opposed to phone due to the fact that it gives us
a virtual office and video of the other party members and you nonverbal messages. Skype does
also have another benefit to the software, which is that it is very inexpensive. People who use
such service are less inclined to visit grandma since they have talked her using the video talking
service. On the side of things Skype can also pose potential problems. Internet connection speeds
can affect the video quality.
Connecting people
picture sharing
F 2 F com
talk f2 f
Global community
need to seepeople
Global community Facebook is a form of social that has benefits and negative aspects that are
explained in the tetrad above. Facebook is a great way for people who have not talked in a long
time being able to reconnect. This form of media makes it easier for organizations to do business
on a international scale. Facebook has made the world a smaller place meaning that a person
could be in New york and could be talking with a person for example who is in Moscow Russia
and etc. Facebook also has negative aspects such as taking away peoples face-to-face
Raw Data
Over the course of Dr. MacDougall’s students are working on a research capstone project that
can be done either in groups of two or solo. In this case my project is solo. Raw data being used
in the project is in charts and statistics. We will show the information’s in a percentage term as
well. The contents of this study will include academic previous research, along with research of
my own that is being collected using the interviews, surveys and content analysis. Today online
media, which include Facebook LinkedIn and other online medias, are replacing traditional
forms of marketing business methods. Using social media is both efficient for companies but is
easy to monitor and track performance.
Interviews give us 1st hand information about how social media being used professionally
in the business world. Being that this research project is about o business and their use of social
media it is important to show both uses of social media in modern business. These interviews
will be with college social media experts and with business owners. My initial interview shows
the academic side of the topic. Adam Coulter, the social media expert at Curry College gave me
a perspective of the improvements that social media is having on the college.
Curry College uses social media in a few specific ways. For example in the office of Institutional
Advancement, social media is used to connect with prospective student as well as with alumni
and parents. The different departments at the institution such as student activities, use social
media to promote events being held on campus. Social media is being used to get a good idea of
what your audience thinks and what they are saying about the college. It also gives us an
opportunity to jump in and offer information we consider essential.
With social media we are able to connect more easily and stay in touch with our large
alumni family. By sharing photos of events we encourage alumni to reconnect with the college
community. We also encourage them to come to campus to donate their time or make a financial
contribution to the college. Social media has negative components too. Smack College, a Twitter
account, makes negative comments about Curry, which reaches thousands of people. There are
also some legal issues when it comes to social media. We are unable to take pictures of children
at events without parent’s permission.
The college uses a program to track online social media performances. Melt Water Buzz
tracks the social media and works as a consumer relationship management tool. The introduction
of social media in the past couple years has improved our enrollment numbers. For instance the
2018 graduating class will be largest in our history. As a specific example the college’s online
social media presence has contributed to our online traffic. As of May 1, 2014 the national
deposit deadline we had a net of 698 deposits representing a 7.9% increase from the previous
The second interview was conducted with Mr. Machinist who is an auto and self-storage
business partner. The Collectors Car Garage was an idea that was dreamed up by Mr. Robert
Machinist 15 years ago. It would be a place for car aficionados to store their high-end cars. This
interview gave me some very important information about how social media is being used in this
type of industry. The Collectors Car Garage and Self-storage is a high-end car lover’s country
club in Bedford Hills NY, which is being operated by James Machinist, who is the business
Director of Operation. The CCG has recently made a social media appearance using different
types of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instegram which are updated on a daily
basis; However, if an event is being hosted the social media platform may be updated more
There are also negative aspects to social media. For example, posting pictures of client’s
cars could possibly anger them and possibly disenfranchise the clients. Social media is not
controlled. You are not able to only seek out only one group of people. Once something is posted
social media anyone can access this information. People who aren’t financially fortunate enough
to have high-end cars don’t help the business grow and prosper. On the legal side if a picture of
the Ferrari car logo is posted without the automobile, this could have a potential legal
ramification with Ferrari. An expert controls the social media portion because James is not
experienced enough to handle it.
Each interview, which is conducted, get a different perspective. For instance interview
differ baed on the subject profession. My next subject work at a law firm in Ny and the
information obtained will be from the perspective of someone who I working in the law field
with lawyers.
The final person who I interviewed Michael Pumpkin works as a part of the web
development team at Proskuer Rose a major law firm in New York. This department is restively
big and is made up of 50 people. The proskuer company has started using social media in the
recent past. The company primarily uses Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn as the main social
media devices. The company makes a post on social media everyday for the lawyer’s
promotion. Before making posts we have to get the lawyers permission.
How is social media making a contribution to the company? The social media is
promoting the law firm and the individual lawyers who work at the firm. By prompting the
attorneys will gain them clients, which is helpful on their behalf. Being that Proskier is a big law
firm means they have many department such as Labor Corporate. The future for this business
means that social media will continue to become a bigger and bigger form of advertisement
service with time.
Since multiple methods are being applied in this project, interviews only show a certain
side. Surveys are able to present a different form of data. Surveys present a different type of data
collection that presents qualitative data. For instance the survey can give a different perspective
to data collection, which interviews cannot present. During this section information will be
presented using bar graphs fallowed by detailed information discussing the individual results.
During the survey consisted of a variety of different question such as what a form of
social media drives the most traffic to a companies website and what media is least successful in
generating Internet traffic. For instance having to do with answering the question, which is what
drives the largest, is Facebook by a 50% compared to the other forms of social networking tools.
For a company to use social media and make sure that the goals of the organization are being
achieved. Companies use programs to track companies’ performance also called analytics. A
well known analytical software used by many companies is Google analytics.
How and why does social media benefit a business? Modern day marketing firms are
turning to digital forms of marketing channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social
media brings a new alternative perspective to marketing in a growing digital world. Social media
was even rated as the best form of marketing tool in today’s business world. Social media has
increasingly become a bigger player in todays work environment. People who took my surveys
responses varied in there own responses to the questions, which were being asked. The first
person that took the survey indicated YouTube as being the most important form of social media
for his business. This organization uses social media a lot in their own business. The business
could take role in integrating we are currently doing with traditional methods into what we are
doing on the digital side. The responses from the other participants varied, and many said that
Facebook was an extremely important form of social media.
After collecting this data as a researcher made me able to organize the information that
had been gathered. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter is becoming extremely popular in modern day
business. The majority of marketing today is done using online media. Social media marketing
is done doing a specific method starting with the initial step, is strategy. Being that when you are
doing a marketing plan coming up with a plan is the initial step in a marketing campaign.
This survey shows the amount of people that are using the different forms of social
media. Survey monkey which is the survey being used to conduct the survey distributions builds
graphs that present the percentages that people are answering. The chart above shows the
percentages visually in the form of a pie chart. Visual examples often are better more efficient
methods of presenting data then Just presenting the information in writing. This specific graph
shows the social media devices and which site generates the most Internet traffic. From the
results we are able to see that Facebook and LinkedIn are two of most effective types of social
media being used by companies.
When conducting a study and especially in a research analysis it crucial to know the age
range being a component of the studies demographic. The subjects that are being studied are part
of an age range that varies from 18 to 60. The majority of the individuals making up 69.23% of
the total participants were part of the 18-29-age range. This shows that the majority of my
subjects are in the younger range.
Social media has brought a new aspect to business operation. Now business who are
using social media as a type of media for marketing are communicating to their Target market
differently then they did in the past. Now modern day digital marketing is a two way street.
Companies are not only providing information in the form of advertisements but now people are
able to talk back about what they think is happening creating a two-dimensional communication
channel. It is two-way communication which many companies using. The digital media channel
brings us into the concept of a changing human being.
Businesses are becoming more technologically advanced in the ways that operations are
being conducted. For instance we are getting more advanced in technology. When computers
first came out, they were the size of building. Now they are extremely small and many laptops do
not have disk drives.
Let’s present the information to show why social media and digital marketing is such an
import part of today’s business world. Social gives business advantages, such as cost efficiency
and customer to business communication. The main part of this project, which is the capstone,
will show work from a variety of theorists that have been discussed in this course. How these
theorists are relevant to the topic, which is this project. For instance, Adie Clark wrote an article
that was entitled “Natural Born Cyborgs”. Adie Clark is discussing the issue of electronic
virgins. In the future we may have silicon chips in human skin. So we are becoming more like
the Terminator because of all the technology that we are using. So many in the future we will
have wires in their skin and actually become partially machines.
What does this mean about us human beings? Will we be turning into Arnold
Swartznager, the terminator? Does this notion that we are slowly becoming more machine like
mean that evolution is still occurring? Are we continuing to become more advanced? Humans
are continuing to become advanced and still are evolving. This is simply the notion of becoming
more advanced as a society. As technology gets more advanced, as humans we do too.
Will we become even more advanced? What will be next? Will the future of humans be that
every person will have a computer chip in their body. The human beings will have devices
implanted into our skin.
Content Analysis
What social media drives the most internet traffic
1. Facebook 8/13 = 61.54%
2. Bloggers 0
3. Google + 1/13 = 7.69 %
4. Pintrest 0
5. Twitter 0
6. LinkedIn 3/13=7.69
7. YouTube
Age of Subjects
18 0
18-29 69.23%
30-44 23.08
45-59 7.69
60+ 0
How often social media is used
Extremely often 15.38%
Moderately Often 23.08%
Slightly often 7.69 %
Not at all 7.69%
How does your company track your social media
Bitly 0
Google analytics 91.67%
Melt water Buzz 8.33%
The future was associated with the Grateful Dead in their playing of their first concert, “I
Dream of Jeannie” which premiered on NBC. Certain events and inventions were promising
much change so fast that Alvin Toffler was motivated to write his seminal essay “ The Future as
a way of Life,” in which he coined the term “ future shock” ( Alvin Toffler Present Shock). As
the future comes we can anticipate volcanic dislocations and twists not merely in our social
structure, but also in our hierarchy of values or the ways that individuals perceive reality. These
massive changes increase velocity while it bewilders and crushes many people. Toffler believed
that these things were changing fast and soon we would lose the ability to adapt. Medical drugs
make us livelonger and techniques in medical field would alter our body’s genetic makeup.
These extreme changes made Toffler think that “ a form of functional illiteracy in the
contemporary world. “ (Toffler Narrative Collapse Pg 15). With these extreme changes people in
the future may be unable to read as we can now.
There were also negative aspects foretold from all the new technology. Computers
presented negative problems such as viruses and bugs in the system. Certain industries benefited
from the Internet making their business simpler. What do I really own? With the Internet you
don’t own much. For instance the stock markets imitate expansion was one of many stories of
the future focused culture. Trading stocks became easier because it could be done using the
Internet, which made things a lot faster. The Internet also brought people news in a modern
digital way.
What is the future of social media? In the future will all businesses use social media for
marketing platforms? The future will bring a lot more social technological progress. Maybe it
means that people will have devices implanted in their bodies. For instance instead of having cell
phones, images of cell phone screen will be projected human skin.
What are ways that the theorists that we have been talking about apply to the topic?
Being an academic project information needs to be given from the experts in the communication
field. The society, which experiencing is a technological time meaning the world leading search
engine is customized and being presented as a flow of data branded “ Google Now.” (Rushkofff
Present Shock 2013). Before the beginning of the 21-century people were looking forward to the
advancements in developing technology such as the ability to pay medical bills using the internet
and or trading stocks. People who were looking forward to the future were called trend caster
and “ cool hunters” became the highest paid consultants. The future started to bring forward new
technologies with types of business models and approaches which not only promised more of the
same but something different: ( Rushkoff Present Shock 2013 pg 10). This type of shift brought
faster. Many companies are reluctant to use social media. For example the company my sister
works at a literary agency doesn’t let its employees use their own Gmail accounts at the office.
Going back to the theorists that are being used in my paper were there examples still relevant or
will they be relevant in the future. What meyorwitz said about media space and what he said his
writing is true today.
Over the course of this senior seminar course, has given me the opportunity to explore a
topic that interested me. During this capstone project we had to come up with a research question
about are set topic. The research question, which was used in my project, was how social media
and the types of social media are being used in business and how these medias are helping
organizations performance. During the data collection stage showed me that the introduction of
social media into a business platform increased companies overall performance. The field, which
is social media in business, is by no ways done and with time business will continue to be using
these types of media. In the future companies will really on digital communication rather than
traditional print advertising.
This project has shown me how important social media is business. How the use of this
technology makes communication simpler and less expensive more organization. On the side
certain industries such as the financial industry are not able to use social media because of
government regulations.
The future brings a variety of new technologies that we have seen in science fiction
movies. Such as the hologram computer a invisible car. Maybe in the future we will have
technologies that haven’t even started to explore. The future could mean that time travel is
possible or that are bodies have continued to evolve that we are able to speak with other people
using are minds throughout large spaces meaning that we could talk with people internationally
without even using a computer or a telephone. Or for traveling we may not be traveling plane but
rather teleporting. The future wills a time of technological innovation, so if you can think and
imagine it you can make it.
The future tetrad was a tricky one because you had to think out of the box. The example chosen
was time machine since in the future we will be much more advanced when it comes to
technology. Having all these notions of technology invasions makes me think we are going to
eventually have time machines. Time travel will enhance the ability to meet important historical
figures from the past along with seeing what life was like in the. Time on the other hand may be
negative because there are certain things that you would rather not see. Time travel will also give
us information from first hand experience that we would not learn from a history book. Or the
time machine will also let you go in the other direction, which is into the future. So we can use
this future technology in order to prevent major catastrophic events from happening.
- ability to see
things from past
- meet
gives us to much
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capstone paper

  • 1. 1 Social Media in a Modern Business Context Peter Machinist Communication Seminar Dr. MacDougall May 5, 2015
  • 2. 2 What What are some types of social media and how are business uses affecting a company performance? Social media refers to a form of communication using computers. Social media has a global reach, which is significant for a business context. Since the late 20th century the forms of social media have grown, as have the uses and applications. In a business context it is extremely important to build and maintain connections. Social media makes this possible on a global level. Recently, businesses have started using social media to help build such connections. The type of social media, the ways business use social media on a company performance will be addressed. The forms of social media that business are using such as LinkedIn Facebook and twitter. In today’s completive business world being under pressure from the digital revolution, the corporate brands- with its identity image and reputation is the center of gravity for valuable and durable relationships between the firm and the interested parties. (Vernuccio, M, 2014 pg 1) Some businesses are not as accepting of social media. For example my sister job which at a literary agency does not let employees use her own Gmail at the office. How Methods used to gather a data needed for this project included Interviews, Survey and a content analysis. From the surveys charts and graphs have been included in the project in order to show how the participants are answering questions. Another form of data collection begging applied is interviews. My interviews subjects are professionals and work in the business field and or even own and operate companies or work in the academic institution.
  • 3. 3 The main point of this project is to show the importance of this type of media and how this type of media is making a contribution to the business world. Social media is now a major media in the modern business world. Social media sites like LinkedIn have become huge contributor when it comes to hiring people. Facebook is a great way for companies to use the digital age in their favor to effectively market companies. Who This study will include previous works from different sources including Rushkoff, Gumpert and Cathcart and Amber Case. For instance, part of this study will examine Amber Case’s topic “Humans As Cyborgs” as well as Gary Gumpert and Robert Cathcart’s study of media generations, which is entitled, “Media Generations and Media Gaps.” Gumpert and Cathcart discuss the media differences among people in different age groups. Case, however, discusses humans as cyborgs needing constant use of technology. In this project or analysis the data will be collected in a few different methods: surveys, interviews and content analysis. A brief History of social Communication in Organizations Since the beginning of human civilizations communication has been an extremely important part of life. Before the invention of modern day digital technology humans communicated both verbally and through newspapers. The Ancient Greeks invented amphitheaters, which they used to project their voices when performing in front of crowds and for government meetings. These ancient forms of social media have been used for thousands of years. Throughout history primitive forms of communication have been used to send messages. Smoke signals as well as drumbeats and bells were very early forms of ancient communication. Smoke fires could also be used to warn people of attack on cities. There were many forms of social media that existed
  • 4. 4 before the invention of the computer, email and or Facebook. The telegraph was developed in the 1840s. The telegraph operated by sending messages using an alphabet of dots and dashes that represented English letters and was named “Morse Code” after the inventor. In 1844 the first telegraph was sent from Washington DC to Baltimore. The way that this new technology transmitted messages was through telegraph lines. In 1856 the first message using this new technology was sent from Europe to the United States using wires laid across the Atlantic Ocean and the telegraph could also be used to send message that people were in danger. The term social media was coined to describe these and other new platforms of digital communication that continually appear in this electronic environment, underlining their participative collaborative social characteristics. ( Vernuccio M , pg 213) “Today we use social media for many things such as job recruitment, marketing. In 1990s everything seemed to be accelerating from the speed of technology to the growth of markets.” (Douglass Rushkoff in his Intro to Print Shock 2013 pg 9). Today, we have seen the growth of social media as a new trend that is used by virtually everyone. Interactivity has been defined in many ways ( Alba et al 1997 ,Jensen 1998 ; Liu& Shrum, 2007; Rafaeli & Sidweeks, 1997). Recent definitions have emphasizing aspects such as active user control, two- way communication, and synchronicity( Liu 7 Shrum, 2002; McMilliam& Hwang, 2002). Another perspective discusses the facilitation of digital direct communication. The human animal is becoming less and less directly connected with the world in which we live. We are using many types of media such as Instagram Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to advertise company events. A type of social media such LinkedIn is used to advertise jobs. From another perspective Berthon , Pitt and Watson(1996) define web interactive by emphasizing to facilitations of direct communication between the consumers and the organization regardless of the distance or time. LinkedIn can be used to review potential
  • 5. 5 employees rather than the traditional methods of review of paper resumes. LinkedIn doesn’t only save companies time, but it also helps the environment and save’s them money. There are other forms of social media that are being used. The most popular is Facebook. Facebook attracts a lot of people and is now being used as a business tool. In the future traditional marketing medias will no longer exist. For instance, people will use Facebook to seek out Business. It is also able to promote events and lower companies costs. Facebook can be used to connect with people and build up your business network. There are two different modes of interaction that are being discussed. Social media are charectecterized mainly by two modes of interaction, defined by Bordewijk and Van Kaam (1986) and Jensen(1998). These two forms of interaction are “ consultation interactivity” and “ conversation interactivity”. The first consultation category describes a situation which users are mainly the controllers of the dissemination and consumption of the content made available by central source. Interactivity manifests it choosing the media available package, which is being used to brand messages. This interactivity is a great way for companies to successfully brand themselves. Despite rapid growth of social media and the rising interests in its challenges and opportunities in branding, there is a paucity of academic research focused on the phenomenon with regard to online corporate communication and corporate branding strategy. There is a aim from this study to identify the primary emergency strategies in the communication that is being used in social media.( Vernucccio, M pg 213) This means that companies that are using social media as a form of branding most have a plan of what to do if something goes wrong. Tetrad
  • 6. 6 What is a tetrad? A tetrad is a diagram that describes a certain type of media. McLuhan a major media ecologist came up with the term, which is a tetrad in order to discuss the medias the benefits which they poses. The tetrad show us four section. What does the media retrieve? What is obsolete? How does this media enhance things? Now that I have explained what the McLuhan tetrad is, examples will be given that relate to my topic. Skype enhances - F2 F real time com - good for people to stay in contact maintians connections - buisness tool for meetings with people from different places Reversal Virtual Office ability to meet people from different places Retrievel social nature of F2F com physival appearence can only see sholders up Obsolesced F 2 F Communication loss of traditional com
  • 7. 7 The service, Skype has very many benefits. This type of service is excellent for international business because you are able to see other people while talking any where in the world. Skype is a much more efficient method of communication opposed to phone due to the fact that it gives us a virtual office and video of the other party members and you nonverbal messages. Skype does also have another benefit to the software, which is that it is very inexpensive. People who use such service are less inclined to visit grandma since they have talked her using the video talking service. On the side of things Skype can also pose potential problems. Internet connection speeds can affect the video quality. Facebook Enhances Connecting people communication picture sharing Obsolece F 2 F com peopledont talk f2 f Retrievel Global community Reversals need to seepeople
  • 8. 8 Global community Facebook is a form of social that has benefits and negative aspects that are explained in the tetrad above. Facebook is a great way for people who have not talked in a long time being able to reconnect. This form of media makes it easier for organizations to do business on a international scale. Facebook has made the world a smaller place meaning that a person could be in New york and could be talking with a person for example who is in Moscow Russia and etc. Facebook also has negative aspects such as taking away peoples face-to-face communication. Raw Data Over the course of Dr. MacDougall’s students are working on a research capstone project that can be done either in groups of two or solo. In this case my project is solo. Raw data being used in the project is in charts and statistics. We will show the information’s in a percentage term as well. The contents of this study will include academic previous research, along with research of my own that is being collected using the interviews, surveys and content analysis. Today online media, which include Facebook LinkedIn and other online medias, are replacing traditional forms of marketing business methods. Using social media is both efficient for companies but is easy to monitor and track performance. Interviews Interviews give us 1st hand information about how social media being used professionally in the business world. Being that this research project is about o business and their use of social media it is important to show both uses of social media in modern business. These interviews will be with college social media experts and with business owners. My initial interview shows
  • 9. 9 the academic side of the topic. Adam Coulter, the social media expert at Curry College gave me a perspective of the improvements that social media is having on the college. Curry College uses social media in a few specific ways. For example in the office of Institutional Advancement, social media is used to connect with prospective student as well as with alumni and parents. The different departments at the institution such as student activities, use social media to promote events being held on campus. Social media is being used to get a good idea of what your audience thinks and what they are saying about the college. It also gives us an opportunity to jump in and offer information we consider essential. With social media we are able to connect more easily and stay in touch with our large alumni family. By sharing photos of events we encourage alumni to reconnect with the college community. We also encourage them to come to campus to donate their time or make a financial contribution to the college. Social media has negative components too. Smack College, a Twitter account, makes negative comments about Curry, which reaches thousands of people. There are also some legal issues when it comes to social media. We are unable to take pictures of children at events without parent’s permission. The college uses a program to track online social media performances. Melt Water Buzz tracks the social media and works as a consumer relationship management tool. The introduction of social media in the past couple years has improved our enrollment numbers. For instance the 2018 graduating class will be largest in our history. As a specific example the college’s online social media presence has contributed to our online traffic. As of May 1, 2014 the national deposit deadline we had a net of 698 deposits representing a 7.9% increase from the previous year.
  • 10. 10 The second interview was conducted with Mr. Machinist who is an auto and self-storage business partner. The Collectors Car Garage was an idea that was dreamed up by Mr. Robert Machinist 15 years ago. It would be a place for car aficionados to store their high-end cars. This interview gave me some very important information about how social media is being used in this type of industry. The Collectors Car Garage and Self-storage is a high-end car lover’s country club in Bedford Hills NY, which is being operated by James Machinist, who is the business Director of Operation. The CCG has recently made a social media appearance using different types of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instegram which are updated on a daily basis; However, if an event is being hosted the social media platform may be updated more often. There are also negative aspects to social media. For example, posting pictures of client’s cars could possibly anger them and possibly disenfranchise the clients. Social media is not controlled. You are not able to only seek out only one group of people. Once something is posted social media anyone can access this information. People who aren’t financially fortunate enough to have high-end cars don’t help the business grow and prosper. On the legal side if a picture of the Ferrari car logo is posted without the automobile, this could have a potential legal ramification with Ferrari. An expert controls the social media portion because James is not experienced enough to handle it. Each interview, which is conducted, get a different perspective. For instance interview differ baed on the subject profession. My next subject work at a law firm in Ny and the information obtained will be from the perspective of someone who I working in the law field with lawyers.
  • 11. 11 The final person who I interviewed Michael Pumpkin works as a part of the web development team at Proskuer Rose a major law firm in New York. This department is restively big and is made up of 50 people. The proskuer company has started using social media in the recent past. The company primarily uses Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn as the main social media devices. The company makes a post on social media everyday for the lawyer’s promotion. Before making posts we have to get the lawyers permission. How is social media making a contribution to the company? The social media is promoting the law firm and the individual lawyers who work at the firm. By prompting the attorneys will gain them clients, which is helpful on their behalf. Being that Proskier is a big law firm means they have many department such as Labor Corporate. The future for this business means that social media will continue to become a bigger and bigger form of advertisement service with time. Survey Since multiple methods are being applied in this project, interviews only show a certain side. Surveys are able to present a different form of data. Surveys present a different type of data collection that presents qualitative data. For instance the survey can give a different perspective to data collection, which interviews cannot present. During this section information will be presented using bar graphs fallowed by detailed information discussing the individual results. During the survey consisted of a variety of different question such as what a form of social media drives the most traffic to a companies website and what media is least successful in generating Internet traffic. For instance having to do with answering the question, which is what drives the largest, is Facebook by a 50% compared to the other forms of social networking tools. For a company to use social media and make sure that the goals of the organization are being
  • 12. 12 achieved. Companies use programs to track companies’ performance also called analytics. A well known analytical software used by many companies is Google analytics. How and why does social media benefit a business? Modern day marketing firms are turning to digital forms of marketing channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social media brings a new alternative perspective to marketing in a growing digital world. Social media was even rated as the best form of marketing tool in today’s business world. Social media has increasingly become a bigger player in todays work environment. People who took my surveys responses varied in there own responses to the questions, which were being asked. The first person that took the survey indicated YouTube as being the most important form of social media for his business. This organization uses social media a lot in their own business. The business could take role in integrating we are currently doing with traditional methods into what we are doing on the digital side. The responses from the other participants varied, and many said that Facebook was an extremely important form of social media. After collecting this data as a researcher made me able to organize the information that had been gathered. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter is becoming extremely popular in modern day business. The majority of marketing today is done using online media. Social media marketing is done doing a specific method starting with the initial step, is strategy. Being that when you are doing a marketing plan coming up with a plan is the initial step in a marketing campaign.
  • 13. 13 This survey shows the amount of people that are using the different forms of social media. Survey monkey which is the survey being used to conduct the survey distributions builds graphs that present the percentages that people are answering. The chart above shows the percentages visually in the form of a pie chart. Visual examples often are better more efficient methods of presenting data then Just presenting the information in writing. This specific graph shows the social media devices and which site generates the most Internet traffic. From the results we are able to see that Facebook and LinkedIn are two of most effective types of social media being used by companies. When conducting a study and especially in a research analysis it crucial to know the age range being a component of the studies demographic. The subjects that are being studied are part of an age range that varies from 18 to 60. The majority of the individuals making up 69.23% of the total participants were part of the 18-29-age range. This shows that the majority of my subjects are in the younger range. Body
  • 14. 14 Social media has brought a new aspect to business operation. Now business who are using social media as a type of media for marketing are communicating to their Target market differently then they did in the past. Now modern day digital marketing is a two way street. Companies are not only providing information in the form of advertisements but now people are able to talk back about what they think is happening creating a two-dimensional communication channel. It is two-way communication which many companies using. The digital media channel brings us into the concept of a changing human being. Businesses are becoming more technologically advanced in the ways that operations are being conducted. For instance we are getting more advanced in technology. When computers first came out, they were the size of building. Now they are extremely small and many laptops do not have disk drives. Let’s present the information to show why social media and digital marketing is such an import part of today’s business world. Social gives business advantages, such as cost efficiency and customer to business communication. The main part of this project, which is the capstone, will show work from a variety of theorists that have been discussed in this course. How these theorists are relevant to the topic, which is this project. For instance, Adie Clark wrote an article that was entitled “Natural Born Cyborgs”. Adie Clark is discussing the issue of electronic virgins. In the future we may have silicon chips in human skin. So we are becoming more like the Terminator because of all the technology that we are using. So many in the future we will have wires in their skin and actually become partially machines. What does this mean about us human beings? Will we be turning into Arnold Swartznager, the terminator? Does this notion that we are slowly becoming more machine like mean that evolution is still occurring? Are we continuing to become more advanced? Humans
  • 15. 15 are continuing to become advanced and still are evolving. This is simply the notion of becoming more advanced as a society. As technology gets more advanced, as humans we do too. Will we become even more advanced? What will be next? Will the future of humans be that every person will have a computer chip in their body. The human beings will have devices implanted into our skin. Content Analysis What social media drives the most internet traffic 1. Facebook 8/13 = 61.54% 2. Bloggers 0 3. Google + 1/13 = 7.69 % 4. Pintrest 0 5. Twitter 0 6. LinkedIn 3/13=7.69 7. YouTube Age of Subjects 18 0 18-29 69.23% 30-44 23.08 45-59 7.69 60+ 0 How often social media is used Extremely often 15.38% Moderately Often 23.08% Slightly often 7.69 % Not at all 7.69% How does your company track your social media Bitly 0 Google analytics 91.67% Melt water Buzz 8.33% Conclusion
  • 16. 16 The future was associated with the Grateful Dead in their playing of their first concert, “I Dream of Jeannie” which premiered on NBC. Certain events and inventions were promising much change so fast that Alvin Toffler was motivated to write his seminal essay “ The Future as a way of Life,” in which he coined the term “ future shock” ( Alvin Toffler Present Shock). As the future comes we can anticipate volcanic dislocations and twists not merely in our social structure, but also in our hierarchy of values or the ways that individuals perceive reality. These massive changes increase velocity while it bewilders and crushes many people. Toffler believed that these things were changing fast and soon we would lose the ability to adapt. Medical drugs make us livelonger and techniques in medical field would alter our body’s genetic makeup. These extreme changes made Toffler think that “ a form of functional illiteracy in the contemporary world. “ (Toffler Narrative Collapse Pg 15). With these extreme changes people in the future may be unable to read as we can now. There were also negative aspects foretold from all the new technology. Computers presented negative problems such as viruses and bugs in the system. Certain industries benefited from the Internet making their business simpler. What do I really own? With the Internet you don’t own much. For instance the stock markets imitate expansion was one of many stories of the future focused culture. Trading stocks became easier because it could be done using the Internet, which made things a lot faster. The Internet also brought people news in a modern digital way. What is the future of social media? In the future will all businesses use social media for marketing platforms? The future will bring a lot more social technological progress. Maybe it means that people will have devices implanted in their bodies. For instance instead of having cell phones, images of cell phone screen will be projected human skin.
  • 17. 17 What are ways that the theorists that we have been talking about apply to the topic? Being an academic project information needs to be given from the experts in the communication field. The society, which experiencing is a technological time meaning the world leading search engine is customized and being presented as a flow of data branded “ Google Now.” (Rushkofff Present Shock 2013). Before the beginning of the 21-century people were looking forward to the advancements in developing technology such as the ability to pay medical bills using the internet and or trading stocks. People who were looking forward to the future were called trend caster and “ cool hunters” became the highest paid consultants. The future started to bring forward new technologies with types of business models and approaches which not only promised more of the same but something different: ( Rushkoff Present Shock 2013 pg 10). This type of shift brought faster. Many companies are reluctant to use social media. For example the company my sister works at a literary agency doesn’t let its employees use their own Gmail accounts at the office. Going back to the theorists that are being used in my paper were there examples still relevant or will they be relevant in the future. What meyorwitz said about media space and what he said his writing is true today. Over the course of this senior seminar course, has given me the opportunity to explore a topic that interested me. During this capstone project we had to come up with a research question about are set topic. The research question, which was used in my project, was how social media and the types of social media are being used in business and how these medias are helping organizations performance. During the data collection stage showed me that the introduction of social media into a business platform increased companies overall performance. The field, which is social media in business, is by no ways done and with time business will continue to be using
  • 18. 18 these types of media. In the future companies will really on digital communication rather than traditional print advertising. This project has shown me how important social media is business. How the use of this technology makes communication simpler and less expensive more organization. On the side certain industries such as the financial industry are not able to use social media because of government regulations. The future brings a variety of new technologies that we have seen in science fiction movies. Such as the hologram computer a invisible car. Maybe in the future we will have technologies that haven’t even started to explore. The future could mean that time travel is possible or that are bodies have continued to evolve that we are able to speak with other people using are minds throughout large spaces meaning that we could talk with people internationally without even using a computer or a telephone. Or for traveling we may not be traveling plane but rather teleporting. The future wills a time of technological innovation, so if you can think and imagine it you can make it.
  • 19. 19 The future tetrad was a tricky one because you had to think out of the box. The example chosen was time machine since in the future we will be much more advanced when it comes to technology. Having all these notions of technology invasions makes me think we are going to eventually have time machines. Time travel will enhance the ability to meet important historical figures from the past along with seeing what life was like in the. Time on the other hand may be negative because there are certain things that you would rather not see. Time travel will also give us information from first hand experience that we would not learn from a history book. Or the time machine will also let you go in the other direction, which is into the future. So we can use this future technology in order to prevent major catastrophic events from happening. Time Machinie Enhances - ability to see things from past - meet important hisorical individuals Reversals Obsolesced gives us to much information Retrievel imagination
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