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Using Cascalog
to build an app with
City of Palo Alto
Open Data
Paco Nathan
1Sunday, 28 July 13
GitHub repo for the open source project:
This project began as a Big Data workshop
for a graduate seminar at CMU West
Many thanks to:
Stuart Evans
CMU Distinguished Service Professor
Jonathan Reichental
City of Palo Alto CIO
Peter Pirnejad
City of Palo Alto Dev Center Director
Diego May
Junar CEO & Co-founder
2Sunday, 28 July 13
 Cascading, a workflow abstraction
 Cascalog ➟ 2.0
 Palo Alto case study
 Open Data insights
3Sunday, 28 July 13
Cascading – origins
API author Chris Wensel worked as a system architect
at an Enterprise firm well-known for many popular
data products.
Wensel was following the Nutch open source project –
where Hadoop started.
Observation: would be difficult to find Java developers
to write complex Enterprise apps in MapReduce –
potential blocker for leveraging new open source
4Sunday, 28 July 13
Cascading – functional programming
Key insight: MapReduce is based on functional programming
– back to LISP in 1970s. Apache Hadoop use cases are
mostly about data pipelines, which are functional in nature.
To ease staffing problems as “Main Street” Enterprise firms
began to embrace Hadoop, Cascading was introduced
in late 2007, as a new Java API to implement functional
programming for large-scale data workflows:
•leverages JVM and Java-based tools without any
need to create new languages
•allows programmers who have J2EE expertise
to leverage the economics of Hadoop clusters
5Sunday, 28 July 13
Cascading – functional programming
• Twitter, eBay, LinkedIn, Nokia, YieldBot, uSwitch, etc.,
have invested in open source projects atop Cascading
– used for their large-scale production deployments
• new case studies for Cascading apps are mostly based
on domain-specific languages (DSLs) in JVM languages
which emphasize functional programming:
Cascalog in Clojure (2010)
Scalding in Scala (2012)
Why Adopting the Declarative Programming PracticesWill ImproveYour Return fromTechnology
Dan Woods, 2013-04-17 Forbes
6Sunday, 28 July 13
tap sink
profile DBsCustomer
Modeling PMML
Cascading – integrations
• partners: Microsoft Azure, Hortonworks,
Amazon AWS, MapR, EMC, SpringSource,
• taps: Memcached, Cassandra, MongoDB,
HBase, JDBC, Parquet, etc.
• serialization: Avro, Thrift, Kryo,
JSON, etc.
• topologies: Apache Hadoop,
tuple spaces, local mode
7Sunday, 28 July 13
Cascading – deployments
• case studies: Climate Corp, Twitter, Etsy,
Williams-Sonoma, uSwitch, Airbnb, Nokia,
YieldBot, Square, Harvard, Factual, etc.
• use cases: ETL, marketing funnel, anti-fraud,
social media, retail pricing, search analytics,
recommenders, eCRM, utility grids, telecom,
genomics, climatology, agronomics, etc.
8Sunday, 28 July 13
Cascading – deployments
• case studies: Climate Corp, Twitter, Etsy,
Williams-Sonoma, uSwitch, Airbnb, Nokia,
YieldBot, Square, Harvard, Factual, etc.
• use cases: ETL, marketing funnel, anti-fraud,
social media, retail pricing, search analytics,
recommenders, eCRM, utility grids, telecom,
genomics, climatology, agronomics, etc.
workflow abstraction addresses:
• staffing bottleneck;
• system integration;
• operational complexity;
• test-driven development
9Sunday, 28 July 13
Workflow Abstraction – pattern language
Cascading uses a “plumbing” metaphor in Java
to define workflows out of familiar elements:
Pipes, Taps, Tuple Flows, Filters, Joins, Traps, etc.
Stop Word
Data is represented as flows of tuples. Operations
in the flows bring functional programming aspects
into Java
A Pattern Language
Christopher Alexander, et al.
10Sunday, 28 July 13
Workflow Abstraction – literate programming
Cascading workflows generate their own visual
documentation: flow diagrams
in formal terms, flow diagrams leverage a methodology
called literate programming
provides intuitive, visual representations for apps –
great for cross-team collaboration
Stop Word
Literate Programming
Don Knuth
11Sunday, 28 July 13
Workflow Abstraction – business process
following the essence of literate programming, Cascading
workflows provide statements of business process
this recalls a sense of business process management
for Enterprise apps (think BPM/BPEL for Big Data)
Cascading creates a separation of concerns between
business process and implementation details (Hadoop, etc.)
this is especially apparent in large-scale Cascalog apps:
“Specify what you require, not how to achieve it.”
by virtue of the pattern language, the flow planner then
determines how to translate business process into efficient,
parallel jobs at scale
12Sunday, 28 July 13
 Cascading, a workflow abstraction
 Cascalog ➟ 2.0
 Palo Alto case study
 Open Data insights
13Sunday, 28 July 13
14Sunday, 28 July 13
For the process used with this Open Data app,
we chose to use Cascalog
by Nathan Marz, Sam Ritchie, et al., 2010
a DSL in Clojure which implements
Datalog, backed by Cascading
Some aspects of CS theory:
• Functional Relational Programming
• mitigates Accidental Complexity
• has been compared with Codd 1969
15Sunday, 28 July 13
Accidental Complexity:
Not O(N) complexity, but the costs of software
engineering at scale over time
What happens when you build recommenders,
then go work on other projects for six months?
What does it cost others to maintain your apps?
“Out of theTar Pit”, Moseley & Marks, 2006
Cascalog allows for leveraging the same framework,
same code base, from ad-hoc queries… to modeling…
to unit tests… to checkpoints in production use
This focuses on the process of structuring data:
specify what you require, not how it must be achieved
Huge implications for software engineering
16Sunday, 28 July 13
• most of the largest use cases for Cascading
• 10:1 reduction in code volume compared to SQL
• Leiningen build: simple, no surprises, in Clojure itself
• test-driven development (TDD) for Big Data
• fault-tolerant workflows which are simple to follow
• machine learning, map-reduce, etc., started in LISP
years ago anywho...
• learning curve, limited number of Clojure developers
• aggregators are the magic, those take effort to learn
17Sunday, 28 July 13
Who uses Cascalog, other than Twitter?
• Climate Corp
• Factual
• Nokia
• Telefonica
• Harvard School of Public Health
• YieldBot
• uSwitch
• etc.
18Sunday, 28 July 13
token Count
1 map
1 reduce
18 lines code
WordCount – conceptual flow diagram
19Sunday, 28 July 13
WordCount – Cascading app in Java
String docPath = args[ 0 ];
String wcPath = args[ 1 ];
Properties properties = new Properties();
AppProps.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Main.class );
HadoopFlowConnector flowConnector = new HadoopFlowConnector( properties );
// create source and sink taps
Tap docTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), docPath );
Tap wcTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), wcPath );
// specify a regex to split "document" text lines into token stream
Fields token = new Fields( "token" );
Fields text = new Fields( "text" );
RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( token, "[ [](),.]" );
// only returns "token"
Pipe docPipe = new Each( "token", text, splitter, Fields.RESULTS );
// determine the word counts
Pipe wcPipe = new Pipe( "wc", docPipe );
wcPipe = new GroupBy( wcPipe, token );
wcPipe = new Every( wcPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL );
// connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().setName( "wc" )
.addSource( docPipe, docTap )
 .addTailSink( wcPipe, wcTap );
// write a DOT file and run the flow
Flow wcFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef );
wcFlow.writeDOT( "dot/" );
token Count
20Sunday, 28 July 13
Hfs['TextDelimited[[UNKNOWN]->['token', 'count']]']['output/wc']']
Hfs['TextDelimited[['doc_id', 'text']->[ALL]]']['data/rain.txt']']
[{2}:'token', 'count']
[{2}:'doc_id', 'text']
[{2}:'doc_id', 'text']
[{2}:'token', 'count']
[{2}:'token', 'count']
WordCount – generated flow diagram
token Count
21Sunday, 28 July 13
(ns impatient.core
  (:use [cascalog.api]
        [cascalog.more-taps :only (hfs-delimited)])
  (:require [clojure.string :as s]
            [cascalog.ops :as c])
(defmapcatop split [line]
  "reads in a line of string and splits it by regex"
  (s/split line #"[[](),.)s]+"))
(defn -main [in out & args]
  (?<- (hfs-delimited out)
       [?word ?count]
       ((hfs-delimited in :skip-header? true) _ ?line)
       (split ?line :> ?word)
       (c/count ?count)))
; Paul Lam
WordCount – Cascalog / Clojure
token Count
22Sunday, 28 July 13
 Cascading, a workflow abstraction
 Cascalog ➟ 2.0
 Palo Alto case study
 Open Data insights
23Sunday, 28 July 13
Palo Alto is quite a pleasant place
•temperate weather
•lots of parks, enormous trees
•great coffeehouses
•walkable downtown
•not particularly crowded
On a nice summer day, who wants to be stuck
indoors on a phone call?
Instead, take it outside – go for a walk
24Sunday, 28 July 13
1. Open Data about municipal infrastructure
(GIS data: trees, roads, parks)
2. Big Data about where people like to walk
(smartphone GPS logs)
3. some curated metadata
(which surfaces the value)
4. personalized recommendations:
“Find a shady spot on a summer day in which to walk
near downtown Palo Alto.While on a long conference call.
Sipping a latte or enjoying some fro-yo.”
Stop Word
25Sunday, 28 July 13
The City of Palo Alto recently began to support Open Data
to give the local community greater visibility into how
their city government operates
This effort is intended to encourage students, entrepreneurs,
local organizations, etc., to build new apps which contribute
to the public good
26Sunday, 28 July 13
GIS about trees in Palo Alto:
27Sunday, 28 July 13
"Tree: 29 site 2 at 203 ADDISON AV, on ADDISON AV 44 from pl"," Private: -1 Tree ID: 29
Street_Name: ADDISON AV Situs Number: 203 Tree Site: 2 Species: Celtis australis
Source: davey tree Protected: Designated: Heritage: Appraised Value:
Hardscape: None Identifier: 40 Active Numeric: 1 Location Feature ID: 13872
Provisional: Install Date: ","37.4409634615283,-122.15648458861,0.0 ","Point"
"Wilkie Way from West Meadow Drive to Victoria Place"," Sequence: 20 Street_Name: Wilkie Way
From Street PMMS: West Meadow Drive To Street PMMS: Victoria Place Street ID: 598 (Wilkie
Wy, Palo Alto) From Street ID PMMS: 689 To Street ID PMMS: 567 Year Constructed: 1950
Traffic Count: 596 Traffic Index: residential local Traffic Class: local residential
Traffic Date: 08/24/90 Paving Length: 208 Paving Width: 40 Paving Area: 8320
Surface Type: asphalt concrete Surface Thickness: 2.0 Base Type Pvmt: crusher run base
Base Thickness: 6.0 Soil Class: 2 Soil Value: 15 Curb Type: Curb Thickness:
Gutter Width: 36.0 Book: 22 Page: 1 District Number: 18 Land Use PMMS: 1
Overlay Year: 1990 Overlay Thickness: 1.5 Base Failure Year: 1990 Base Failure
Thickness: 6 Surface Treatment Year: Surface Treatment Type: Alligator Severity:
none Alligator Extent: 0 Block Severity: none Block Extent: 0 Longitude and
Transverse Severity: none Longitude and Transverse Extent: 0 Ravelling Severity: none
Ravelling Extent: 0 Ridability Severity: none Trench Severity: none Trench Extent: 0
Rutting Severity: none Rutting Extent: 0 Road Performance: UL (Urban Local) Bike Lane:
0 Bus Route: 0 Truck Route: 0 Remediation: Deduct Value: 100 Priority:
Pavement Condition: excellent Street Cut Fee per SqFt: 10.00 Source Date: 6/10/2009
User Modified By: mnicols Identifier System: 21410 ","-122.1249640794,37.4155803115645,0.0
-122.124661859039,37.4154224594993,0.0 -122.124587720719,37.4153758330704,0.0
-122.12451895942,37.4153242300888,0.0 -122.124456098457,37.4152680432944,0.0
-122.124399616238,37.4152077003122,0.0 -122.124374937753,37.4151774433318,0.0 ","Line"
(unstructured data…)
28Sunday, 28 July 13
(defn parse-gis [line]
"leverages parse-csv for complex CSV format in GIS export"
(first (csv/parse-csv line))
(defn etl-gis [gis trap]
"subquery to parse data sets from the GIS source tap"
(<- [?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind]
(gis ?line)
(parse-gis ?line :> ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind)
(:trap (hfs-textline trap))
(specify what you require,
not how to achieve it…
80:20 cost of data prep)
29Sunday, 28 July 13
(ad-hoc queries get refined into
composable predicates)
Identifier: 474
Tree ID: 412
Tree: 412 site 1 at 115 HAWTHORNE AV
Tree Site: 1
Situs Number: 115
Private: -1
Species: Liquidambar styraciflua
Source: davey tree
Hardscape: None
30Sunday, 28 July 13
(curate valuable metadata)
31Sunday, 28 July 13
(defn get-trees [src trap tree_meta]
"subquery to parse/filter the tree data"
(<- [?blurb ?tree_id ?situs ?tree_site
?species ?wikipedia ?calflora ?avg_height
?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt ?geohash
(src ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind)
(re-matches #"^s+Private.*Tree ID.*" ?misc)
(parse-tree ?misc :> _ ?priv ?tree_id ?situs ?tree_site ?raw_species)
((c/comp s/trim s/lower-case) ?raw_species :> ?species)
(tree_meta ?species ?wikipedia ?calflora ?min_height ?max_height)
(avg ?min_height ?max_height :> ?avg_height)
(geo-tree ?geo :> _ ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt)
(read-string ?tree_lat :> ?lat)
(read-string ?tree_lng :> ?lng)
(geohash ?lat ?lng :> ?geohash)
(:trap (hfs-textline trap))
?blurb! ! Tree: 412 site 1 at 115 HAWTHORNE AV, on HAWTHORNE AV 22 from pl
?tree_id! " 412
?situs" " 115
?tree_site" 1
?species" " liquidambar styraciflua
?tree_lat" 37.446001565119
?tree_lng" -122.167713417554
?tree_alt" 0.0
?geohash" " 9q9jh0
32Sunday, 28 July 13
// run analysis and visualization in R
dat_folder <- '~/src/concur/CoPA/out/tree'
data <- read.table(file=paste(dat_folder, "part-00000", sep="/"),
sep="t", quote="", na.strings="NULL", header=FALSE, encoding="UTF8")
t <- head(sort(table(data$V5), decreasing=TRUE)
trees <-, n=20))
colnames(trees) <- c("species", "count")
m <- ggplot(data, aes(x=V8))
m <- m + ggtitle("Estimated Tree Height (meters)")
m + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density.., fill = ..count..)) + geom_density()
par(mar = c(7, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
plot(trees, xaxt="n", xlab="")
axis(1, labels=FALSE)
text(1:nrow(trees), par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt=45, adj=1,
labels=trees$species, xpd=TRUE)
33Sunday, 28 July 13
analysis of the tree data:
34Sunday, 28 July 13
(flow diagram, gis tree)
35Sunday, 28 July 13
(defn get-roads [src trap road_meta]
"subquery to parse/filter the road data"
(<- [?blurb ?bike_lane ?bus_route ?truck_route ?albedo
?min_lat ?min_lng ?min_alt ?geohash
?traffic_count ?traffic_index ?traffic_class
?paving_length ?paving_width ?paving_area ?surface_type
(src ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind)
(re-matches #"^s+Sequence.*Traffic Count.*" ?misc)
(parse-road ?misc :> _
?traffic_count ?traffic_index ?traffic_class
?paving_length ?paving_width ?paving_area ?surface_type
?overlay_year ?bike_lane ?bus_route ?truck_route)
(road_meta ?surface_type ?albedo_new ?albedo_worn)
?overlay_year ?albedo_new ?albedo_worn :> ?albedo)
(bigram ?geo :> ?pt0 ?pt1)
(midpoint ?pt0 ?pt1 :> ?lat ?lng ?alt)
;; why filter for min? because there are geo duplicates..
(c/min ?lat :> ?min_lat)
(c/min ?lng :> ?min_lng)
(c/min ?alt :> ?min_alt)
(geohash ?min_lat ?min_lng :> ?geohash)
(:trap (hfs-textline trap))
36Sunday, 28 July 13
?blurb"" " " Hawthorne Avenue from Alma Street to High Street
?traffic_class"local residential
?surface_type" asphalt concrete
?albedo" " " 0.12
?min_lat"" " 37.446140860599854"
?min_lng "" " -122.1674652295435
?min_alt "" " 0.0
?geohash"" " 9q9jh0
(another data product)
37Sunday, 28 July 13
The road data provides:
•traffic class (arterial, truck route, residential, etc.)
•traffic counts distribution
•surface type (asphalt, cement; age)
This leads to estimators for noise, reflection, etc.
38Sunday, 28 July 13
(flow diagram, gis road)
39Sunday, 28 July 13
GIS data from Palo Alto provides us with geolocation about each
item in the export: latitude, longitude, altitude
Geo data is great for managing municipal infrastructure as well as
for mobile apps
Predictive modeling in our Open Data
example focuses on leveraging geolocation
We use spatial indexing by creating
a grid of geohash values, for efficient
parallel processing
Cascalog queries collect items with the
same geohash values – using them as keys
for large-scale joins (Hadoop)
40Sunday, 28 July 13
geohash with 6-digit resolution
approximates a 5-block square
centered lat: 37.445, lng: -122.162
41Sunday, 28 July 13
Each road in the GIS export is listed as a block between two
cross roads, and each may have multiple road segments to
represent turns:
" -122.161776959558,37.4518836690781,0.0
" -122.161390381489,37.4516410983794,0.0
" -122.160786011735,37.4512589903357,0.0
" -122.160531178368,37.4510977281699,0.0
( lat0, lng0, alt0 )
( lat1, lng1, alt1 )
( lat2, lng2, alt2 )
( lat3, lng3, alt3 )
NB: segments in the raw GIS have the order of geo coordinates
scrambled: (lng, lat, alt)
42Sunday, 28 July 13
Filter trees which are too far away to provide shade. Calculate a sum
of moments for tree height × distance, as an estimator for shade:
43Sunday, 28 July 13
(defn get-shade [trees roads]
"subquery to join tree and road estimates, maximize for shade"
(<- [?road_name ?geohash ?road_lat ?road_lng
?road_alt ?road_metric ?tree_metric]
(roads ?road_name _ _ _
?albedo ?road_lat ?road_lng ?road_alt ?geohash
?traffic_count _ ?traffic_class _ _ _ _)
?traffic_class ?traffic_count ?albedo :> ?road_metric)
(trees _ _ _ _ _ _ _
?avg_height ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt ?geohash)
(read-string ?avg_height :> ?height)
;; limit to trees which are higher than people
(> ?height 2.0)
?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?road_lat ?road_lng :> ?distance)
;; limit to trees within a one-block radius (not meters)
(<= ?distance 25.0)
(/ ?height ?distance :> ?tree_moment)
(c/sum ?tree_moment :> ?sum_tree_moment)
;; magic number 200000.0 used to scale tree moment
;; based on median
(/ ?sum_tree_moment 200000.0 :> ?tree_metric)
44Sunday, 28 July 13
(flow diagram, shade)
45Sunday, 28 July 13
46Sunday, 28 July 13
(defn get-gps [gps_logs trap]
"subquery to aggregate and rank GPS tracks per user"
(<- [?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit]
?date ?uuid ?gps_lat ?gps_lng ?alt ?speed ?heading
?elapsed ?distance)
(read-string ?gps_lat :> ?lat)
(read-string ?gps_lng :> ?lng)
(geohash ?lat ?lng :> ?geohash)
(c/count :> ?gps_count)
(date-num ?date :> ?visit)
(c/max ?visit :> ?recent_visit)
?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit
cf660e041e994929b37cc5645209c8ae 9q8yym 7 1972376866448
342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9htz 4 1972376690969
32cc09e69bc042f1ad22fc16ee275e21 9q9hv3 3 1972376670935
342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hv3 3 1972376691356
342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hwn 13 1972376690782
342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hwp 58 1972376690965
482dc171ef0342b79134d77de0f31c4f 9q9jh0 15 1972376952532
b1b4d653f5d9468a8dd18a77edcc5143 9q9jh0 18 1972376945348
47Sunday, 28 July 13
Recommenders often combine multiple signals, via weighted
averages, to rank personalized results:
•GPS of person ∩ road segment
•frequency and recency of visit
•traffic class and rate
•road albedo (sunlight reflection)
•tree shade estimator
Adjusting the mix allows for further personalization at the end use
(defn get-reco [tracks shades]
"subquery to recommend road segments based on GPS tracks"
(<- [?uuid ?road ?geohash ?lat ?lng ?alt
?gps_count ?recent_visit ?road_metric ?tree_metric]
(tracks ?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit)
(shades ?road ?geohash ?lat ?lng ?alt ?road_metric ?tree_metric)
48Sunday, 28 July 13
(defproject cascading-copa "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "City of Palo Alto Open Data recommender in Cascalog"
:url ""
:license {:name "Apache License, Version 2.0"
:url ""
:distribution :repo
:uberjar-name "copa.jar"
:aot [copa.core]
:main copa.core
:source-paths ["src/main/clj"]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[cascalog "1.10.0"]
[cascalog-more-taps "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT"]
[clojure-csv/clojure-csv "1.3.2"]
[org.clojars.sunng/geohash "1.0.1"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
[date-clj "1.0.1"]
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[midje-cascalog "0.4.0"]]}
:provided {:dependencies [
[org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "0.20.2-dev"]
49Sunday, 28 July 13
‣ addr: 115 HAWTHORNE AVE
‣ lat/lng: 37.446, -122.168
‣ geohash: 9q9jh0
‣ tree: 413 site 2
‣ species: Liquidambar styraciflua
‣ est. height: 23 m
‣ shade metric: 4.363
‣ traffic: local residential, light traffic
‣ recent visit: 1972376952532
‣ a short walk from my train stop ✔
50Sunday, 28 July 13
Could combine this with a variety of data APIs:
• Trulia neighborhood data, housing prices
• Factual local business (FB Places, etc.)
• CommonCrawl open source full web crawl
• Wunderground local weather data
• WalkScore neighborhood data, walkability
• US federal open data
• NASA open data
• DBpedia datasets derived fromWikipedia
• GeoWordNet semantic knowledge base
• Geolytics demographics, GIS, etc.
• Foursquare,Yelp, CityGrid, Localeze,YP
• various photo sharing
51Sunday, 28 July 13
 Cascading, a workflow abstraction
 Cascalog ➟ 2.0
 Palo Alto case study
 Open Data insights
52Sunday, 28 July 13
Trends in Public Administration
late 1880s – late 1920s (Woodrow Wilson)
as hierarchy, bureaucracy → only for the most educated, elite
late 1920s – late 1930s
as a business, relying on “Scientific Method”, gov as a process
late 1930s – late 1940s (Robert Dale)
relationships, behavioral-based → policy not separate from politics
late 1940s – 1980s
yet another form of management → less “command and control”
1980s – 1990s (David Osborne,Ted Gaebler)
New Public Management → service efficiency, more private sector
1990s – present (Janet & Robert Denhardt)
Digital Age → transparency, citizen-based “debugging”, bankruptcies
The Roles,Actors, and Norms Necessary to
Institutionalize Sustainable Collaborative Governance
Peter Pirnejad
USC Price School of Policy
53Sunday, 28 July 13
Trends in Public Administration
late 1880s – late 1920s (Woodrow Wilson)
as hierarchy, bureaucracy → only for the most educated, elite
late 1920s – late 1930s
as a business, relying on “Scientific Method”, gov as a process
late 1930s – late 1940s (Robert Dale)
relationships, behavioral-based → policy not separate from politics
late 1940s – 1980s
yet another form of management → less “command and control”
1980s – 1990s (David Osborne,Ted Gaebler)
New Public Management → service efficiency, more private sector
1990s – present (Janet & Robert Denhardt)
Digital Age → transparency, citizen-based “debugging”, bankruptcies
The Roles,Actors, and Norms Necessary to
Institutionalize Sustainable Collaborative Governance
Peter Pirnejad
USC Price School of Policy
Drivers, circa 2013
• governments running out of money,
cannot increase staff and services
• better data infra at scale (cloud, OSS, etc.)
• machine learning techniques to monetize
• viable ecosystem for data products,APIs
• mobile devices enabling use cases
54Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data notes
Successful apps incorporate three components:
•Big Data (consumer interest, personalization)
•Open Data (monetizing public data)
•Curated Metadata
Most of the largest Cascading deployments leverage some
Open Data components: Climate Corp, Factual, Nokia, etc.
Notes about Open Data use cases:
Consider, aggregate building permits:
•pricing data for home owners looking to remodel
•sales data for contractors
•imagine joining data with building inspection history,
for better insights about properties for sale…
55Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Data feeds structured for
public private partnerships
56Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem – caveats
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Required Focus
• respond to viable use cases
• not budgeting hackathons
57Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem – caveats
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Required Focus
• surface the metadata
• curate, allowing for joins/aggregation
• not scans as PDFs
58Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem – caveats
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Required Focus
• make APIs consumable by automation
• allow for probabilistic usage
• not OSS licensing for data
59Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem – caveats
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Required Focus
• supply actionable data
• track data provenance carefully
• provide feedback upstream,
i.e., cleaned data at source
• focus on core verticals
60Sunday, 28 July 13
Open Data ecosystem – caveats
data product
end use
e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc.
e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc.
e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc.
e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc.
e.g., Facebook
Required Focus
• address consumer needs
• identify community benefits
of the data
61Sunday, 28 July 13
newsletter for updates:
62Sunday, 28 July 13

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OSCON 2013: Using Cascalog to build an app with City of Palo Alto Open Data

  • 1. Using Cascalog to build an app with City of Palo Alto Open Data Paco Nathan 1Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 2. GitHub repo for the open source project: This project began as a Big Data workshop for a graduate seminar at CMU West Many thanks to: Stuart Evans CMU Distinguished Service Professor Jonathan Reichental City of Palo Alto CIO Peter Pirnejad City of Palo Alto Dev Center Director Diego May Junar CEO & Co-founder 2Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 3.  Cascading, a workflow abstraction  Cascalog ➟ 2.0  Palo Alto case study  Open Data insights 3Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 4. Cascading – origins API author Chris Wensel worked as a system architect at an Enterprise firm well-known for many popular data products. Wensel was following the Nutch open source project – where Hadoop started. Observation: would be difficult to find Java developers to write complex Enterprise apps in MapReduce – potential blocker for leveraging new open source technology. 4Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 5. Cascading – functional programming Key insight: MapReduce is based on functional programming – back to LISP in 1970s. Apache Hadoop use cases are mostly about data pipelines, which are functional in nature. To ease staffing problems as “Main Street” Enterprise firms began to embrace Hadoop, Cascading was introduced in late 2007, as a new Java API to implement functional programming for large-scale data workflows: •leverages JVM and Java-based tools without any need to create new languages •allows programmers who have J2EE expertise to leverage the economics of Hadoop clusters 5Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 6. Cascading – functional programming • Twitter, eBay, LinkedIn, Nokia, YieldBot, uSwitch, etc., have invested in open source projects atop Cascading – used for their large-scale production deployments • new case studies for Cascading apps are mostly based on domain-specific languages (DSLs) in JVM languages which emphasize functional programming: Cascalog in Clojure (2010) Scalding in Scala (2012) Why Adopting the Declarative Programming PracticesWill ImproveYour Return fromTechnology Dan Woods, 2013-04-17 Forbes practices-will-improve-your-return-from-technology/ 6Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 7. Hadoop Cluster source tap source tap sink tap trap tap customer profile DBsCustomer Prefs logs logs Logs Data Workflow Cache Customers Support Web App Reporting Analytics Cubes sink tap Modeling PMML Cascading – integrations • partners: Microsoft Azure, Hortonworks, Amazon AWS, MapR, EMC, SpringSource, Cloudera • taps: Memcached, Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase, JDBC, Parquet, etc. • serialization: Avro, Thrift, Kryo, JSON, etc. • topologies: Apache Hadoop, tuple spaces, local mode 7Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 8. Cascading – deployments • case studies: Climate Corp, Twitter, Etsy, Williams-Sonoma, uSwitch, Airbnb, Nokia, YieldBot, Square, Harvard, Factual, etc. • use cases: ETL, marketing funnel, anti-fraud, social media, retail pricing, search analytics, recommenders, eCRM, utility grids, telecom, genomics, climatology, agronomics, etc. 8Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 9. Cascading – deployments • case studies: Climate Corp, Twitter, Etsy, Williams-Sonoma, uSwitch, Airbnb, Nokia, YieldBot, Square, Harvard, Factual, etc. • use cases: ETL, marketing funnel, anti-fraud, social media, retail pricing, search analytics, recommenders, eCRM, utility grids, telecom, genomics, climatology, agronomics, etc. workflow abstraction addresses: • staffing bottleneck; • system integration; • operational complexity; • test-driven development 9Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 10. Workflow Abstraction – pattern language Cascading uses a “plumbing” metaphor in Java to define workflows out of familiar elements: Pipes, Taps, Tuple Flows, Filters, Joins, Traps, etc. Scrub token Document Collection Tokenize Word Count GroupBy token Count Stop Word List Regex token HashJoin Left RHS M R Data is represented as flows of tuples. Operations in the flows bring functional programming aspects into Java A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander, et al. 10Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 11. Workflow Abstraction – literate programming Cascading workflows generate their own visual documentation: flow diagrams in formal terms, flow diagrams leverage a methodology called literate programming provides intuitive, visual representations for apps – great for cross-team collaboration Scrub token Document Collection Tokenize Word Count GroupBy token Count Stop Word List Regex token HashJoin Left RHS M R Literate Programming Don Knuth 11Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 12. Workflow Abstraction – business process following the essence of literate programming, Cascading workflows provide statements of business process this recalls a sense of business process management for Enterprise apps (think BPM/BPEL for Big Data) Cascading creates a separation of concerns between business process and implementation details (Hadoop, etc.) this is especially apparent in large-scale Cascalog apps: “Specify what you require, not how to achieve it.” by virtue of the pattern language, the flow planner then determines how to translate business process into efficient, parallel jobs at scale 12Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 13.  Cascading, a workflow abstraction  Cascalog ➟ 2.0  Palo Alto case study  Open Data insights 13Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 15. For the process used with this Open Data app, we chose to use Cascalog by Nathan Marz, Sam Ritchie, et al., 2010 a DSL in Clojure which implements Datalog, backed by Cascading Some aspects of CS theory: • Functional Relational Programming • mitigates Accidental Complexity • has been compared with Codd 1969 15Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 16. Accidental Complexity: Not O(N) complexity, but the costs of software engineering at scale over time What happens when you build recommenders, then go work on other projects for six months? What does it cost others to maintain your apps? “Out of theTar Pit”, Moseley & Marks, 2006 Cascalog allows for leveraging the same framework, same code base, from ad-hoc queries… to modeling… to unit tests… to checkpoints in production use This focuses on the process of structuring data: specify what you require, not how it must be achieved Huge implications for software engineering 16Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 17. pros: • most of the largest use cases for Cascading • 10:1 reduction in code volume compared to SQL • Leiningen build: simple, no surprises, in Clojure itself • test-driven development (TDD) for Big Data • fault-tolerant workflows which are simple to follow • machine learning, map-reduce, etc., started in LISP years ago anywho... cons: • learning curve, limited number of Clojure developers • aggregators are the magic, those take effort to learn 17Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 18. Q: Who uses Cascalog, other than Twitter? A: • Climate Corp • Factual • Nokia • Telefonica • Harvard School of Public Health • YieldBot • uSwitch • etc. 18Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 19. Document Collection Word Count Tokenize GroupBy token Count R M 1 map 1 reduce 18 lines code WordCount – conceptual flow diagram 19Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 20. WordCount – Cascading app in Java String docPath = args[ 0 ]; String wcPath = args[ 1 ]; Properties properties = new Properties(); AppProps.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Main.class ); HadoopFlowConnector flowConnector = new HadoopFlowConnector( properties ); // create source and sink taps Tap docTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), docPath ); Tap wcTap = new Hfs( new TextDelimited( true, "t" ), wcPath ); // specify a regex to split "document" text lines into token stream Fields token = new Fields( "token" ); Fields text = new Fields( "text" ); RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( token, "[ [](),.]" ); // only returns "token" Pipe docPipe = new Each( "token", text, splitter, Fields.RESULTS ); // determine the word counts Pipe wcPipe = new Pipe( "wc", docPipe ); wcPipe = new GroupBy( wcPipe, token ); wcPipe = new Every( wcPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL ); // connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().setName( "wc" ) .addSource( docPipe, docTap )  .addTailSink( wcPipe, wcTap ); // write a DOT file and run the flow Flow wcFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef ); wcFlow.writeDOT( "dot/" ); wcFlow.complete(); Document Collection Word Count Tokenize GroupBy token Count R M 20Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 21. mapreduce Every('wc')[Count[decl:'count']] Hfs['TextDelimited[[UNKNOWN]->['token', 'count']]']['output/wc']'] GroupBy('wc')[by:['token']] Each('token')[RegexSplitGenerator[decl:'token'][args:1]] Hfs['TextDelimited[['doc_id', 'text']->[ALL]]']['data/rain.txt']'] [head] [tail] [{2}:'token', 'count'] [{1}:'token'] [{2}:'doc_id', 'text'] [{2}:'doc_id', 'text'] wc[{1}:'token'] [{1}:'token'] [{2}:'token', 'count'] [{2}:'token', 'count'] [{1}:'token'] [{1}:'token'] WordCount – generated flow diagram Document Collection Word Count Tokenize GroupBy token Count R M 21Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 22. (ns impatient.core   (:use [cascalog.api]         [cascalog.more-taps :only (hfs-delimited)])   (:require [clojure.string :as s]             [cascalog.ops :as c])   (:gen-class)) (defmapcatop split [line]   "reads in a line of string and splits it by regex"   (s/split line #"[[](),.)s]+")) (defn -main [in out & args]   (?<- (hfs-delimited out)        [?word ?count]        ((hfs-delimited in :skip-header? true) _ ?line)        (split ?line :> ?word)        (c/count ?count))) ; Paul Lam ; WordCount – Cascalog / Clojure Document Collection Word Count Tokenize GroupBy token Count R M 22Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 23.  Cascading, a workflow abstraction  Cascalog ➟ 2.0  Palo Alto case study  Open Data insights 23Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 24. Palo Alto is quite a pleasant place •temperate weather •lots of parks, enormous trees •great coffeehouses •walkable downtown •not particularly crowded On a nice summer day, who wants to be stuck indoors on a phone call? Instead, take it outside – go for a walk 24Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 25. 1. Open Data about municipal infrastructure (GIS data: trees, roads, parks) ✚ 2. Big Data about where people like to walk (smartphone GPS logs) ✚ 3. some curated metadata (which surfaces the value) 4. personalized recommendations: “Find a shady spot on a summer day in which to walk near downtown Palo Alto.While on a long conference call. Sipping a latte or enjoying some fro-yo.” Scrub token Document Collection Tokenize Word Count GroupBy token Count Stop Word List Regex token HashJoin Left RHS M R 25Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 26. The City of Palo Alto recently began to support Open Data to give the local community greater visibility into how their city government operates This effort is intended to encourage students, entrepreneurs, local organizations, etc., to build new apps which contribute to the public good discovery 26Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 27. GIS about trees in Palo Alto: discovery 27Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 28. Geographic_Information,,, "Tree: 29 site 2 at 203 ADDISON AV, on ADDISON AV 44 from pl"," Private: -1 Tree ID: 29 Street_Name: ADDISON AV Situs Number: 203 Tree Site: 2 Species: Celtis australis Source: davey tree Protected: Designated: Heritage: Appraised Value: Hardscape: None Identifier: 40 Active Numeric: 1 Location Feature ID: 13872 Provisional: Install Date: ","37.4409634615283,-122.15648458861,0.0 ","Point" "Wilkie Way from West Meadow Drive to Victoria Place"," Sequence: 20 Street_Name: Wilkie Way From Street PMMS: West Meadow Drive To Street PMMS: Victoria Place Street ID: 598 (Wilkie Wy, Palo Alto) From Street ID PMMS: 689 To Street ID PMMS: 567 Year Constructed: 1950 Traffic Count: 596 Traffic Index: residential local Traffic Class: local residential Traffic Date: 08/24/90 Paving Length: 208 Paving Width: 40 Paving Area: 8320 Surface Type: asphalt concrete Surface Thickness: 2.0 Base Type Pvmt: crusher run base Base Thickness: 6.0 Soil Class: 2 Soil Value: 15 Curb Type: Curb Thickness: Gutter Width: 36.0 Book: 22 Page: 1 District Number: 18 Land Use PMMS: 1 Overlay Year: 1990 Overlay Thickness: 1.5 Base Failure Year: 1990 Base Failure Thickness: 6 Surface Treatment Year: Surface Treatment Type: Alligator Severity: none Alligator Extent: 0 Block Severity: none Block Extent: 0 Longitude and Transverse Severity: none Longitude and Transverse Extent: 0 Ravelling Severity: none Ravelling Extent: 0 Ridability Severity: none Trench Severity: none Trench Extent: 0 Rutting Severity: none Rutting Extent: 0 Road Performance: UL (Urban Local) Bike Lane: 0 Bus Route: 0 Truck Route: 0 Remediation: Deduct Value: 100 Priority: Pavement Condition: excellent Street Cut Fee per SqFt: 10.00 Source Date: 6/10/2009 User Modified By: mnicols Identifier System: 21410 ","-122.1249640794,37.4155803115645,0.0 -122.124661859039,37.4154224594993,0.0 -122.124587720719,37.4153758330704,0.0 -122.12451895942,37.4153242300888,0.0 -122.124456098457,37.4152680432944,0.0 -122.124399616238,37.4152077003122,0.0 -122.124374937753,37.4151774433318,0.0 ","Line" discovery (unstructured data…) 28Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 29. (defn parse-gis [line] "leverages parse-csv for complex CSV format in GIS export" (first (csv/parse-csv line)) )     (defn etl-gis [gis trap] "subquery to parse data sets from the GIS source tap" (<- [?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind] (gis ?line) (parse-gis ?line :> ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind) (:trap (hfs-textline trap)) )) discovery (specify what you require, not how to achieve it… 80:20 cost of data prep) 29Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 30. discovery (ad-hoc queries get refined into composable predicates) Identifier: 474 Tree ID: 412 Tree: 412 site 1 at 115 HAWTHORNE AV Tree Site: 1 Street_Name: HAWTHORNE AV Situs Number: 115 Private: -1 Species: Liquidambar styraciflua Source: davey tree Hardscape: None 37.446001565119,-122.167713417554,0.0 Point 30Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 32. (defn get-trees [src trap tree_meta] "subquery to parse/filter the tree data" (<- [?blurb ?tree_id ?situs ?tree_site ?species ?wikipedia ?calflora ?avg_height ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt ?geohash ] (src ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind) (re-matches #"^s+Private.*Tree ID.*" ?misc) (parse-tree ?misc :> _ ?priv ?tree_id ?situs ?tree_site ?raw_species) ((c/comp s/trim s/lower-case) ?raw_species :> ?species) (tree_meta ?species ?wikipedia ?calflora ?min_height ?max_height) (avg ?min_height ?max_height :> ?avg_height) (geo-tree ?geo :> _ ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt) (read-string ?tree_lat :> ?lat) (read-string ?tree_lng :> ?lng) (geohash ?lat ?lng :> ?geohash) (:trap (hfs-textline trap)) )) discovery ?blurb! ! Tree: 412 site 1 at 115 HAWTHORNE AV, on HAWTHORNE AV 22 from pl ?tree_id! " 412 ?situs" " 115 ?tree_site" 1 ?species" " liquidambar styraciflua ?wikipedia" ?calflora ?avg_height"27.5 ?tree_lat" 37.446001565119 ?tree_lng" -122.167713417554 ?tree_alt" 0.0 ?geohash" " 9q9jh0 32Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 33. // run analysis and visualization in R library(ggplot2) dat_folder <- '~/src/concur/CoPA/out/tree' data <- read.table(file=paste(dat_folder, "part-00000", sep="/"), sep="t", quote="", na.strings="NULL", header=FALSE, encoding="UTF8")   summary(data) t <- head(sort(table(data$V5), decreasing=TRUE) trees <-, n=20)) colnames(trees) <- c("species", "count")   m <- ggplot(data, aes(x=V8)) m <- m + ggtitle("Estimated Tree Height (meters)") m + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density.., fill = ..count..)) + geom_density()   par(mar = c(7, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1) plot(trees, xaxt="n", xlab="") axis(1, labels=FALSE) text(1:nrow(trees), par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt=45, adj=1, labels=trees$species, xpd=TRUE) grid(nx=nrow(trees)) discovery 33Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 34. discovery sweetgum analysis of the tree data: 34Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 36. (defn get-roads [src trap road_meta] "subquery to parse/filter the road data" (<- [?blurb ?bike_lane ?bus_route ?truck_route ?albedo ?min_lat ?min_lng ?min_alt ?geohash ?traffic_count ?traffic_index ?traffic_class ?paving_length ?paving_width ?paving_area ?surface_type ] (src ?blurb ?misc ?geo ?kind) (re-matches #"^s+Sequence.*Traffic Count.*" ?misc) (parse-road ?misc :> _ ?traffic_count ?traffic_index ?traffic_class ?paving_length ?paving_width ?paving_area ?surface_type ?overlay_year ?bike_lane ?bus_route ?truck_route) (road_meta ?surface_type ?albedo_new ?albedo_worn) (estimate-albedo ?overlay_year ?albedo_new ?albedo_worn :> ?albedo) (bigram ?geo :> ?pt0 ?pt1) (midpoint ?pt0 ?pt1 :> ?lat ?lng ?alt) ;; why filter for min? because there are geo duplicates.. (c/min ?lat :> ?min_lat) (c/min ?lng :> ?min_lng) (c/min ?alt :> ?min_alt) (geohash ?min_lat ?min_lng :> ?geohash) (:trap (hfs-textline trap)) )) discovery 36Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 37. ?blurb"" " " Hawthorne Avenue from Alma Street to High Street ?traffic_count"3110 ?traffic_class"local residential ?surface_type" asphalt concrete ?albedo" " " 0.12 ?min_lat"" " 37.446140860599854" ?min_lng "" " -122.1674652295435 ?min_alt "" " 0.0 ?geohash"" " 9q9jh0 (another data product) discovery 37Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 38. The road data provides: •traffic class (arterial, truck route, residential, etc.) •traffic counts distribution •surface type (asphalt, cement; age) This leads to estimators for noise, reflection, etc. discovery 38Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 40. GIS data from Palo Alto provides us with geolocation about each item in the export: latitude, longitude, altitude Geo data is great for managing municipal infrastructure as well as for mobile apps Predictive modeling in our Open Data example focuses on leveraging geolocation We use spatial indexing by creating a grid of geohash values, for efficient parallel processing Cascalog queries collect items with the same geohash values – using them as keys for large-scale joins (Hadoop) modeling 40Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 41. 9q9jh0 geohash with 6-digit resolution approximates a 5-block square centered lat: 37.445, lng: -122.162 modeling 41Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 42. Each road in the GIS export is listed as a block between two cross roads, and each may have multiple road segments to represent turns: " -122.161776959558,37.4518836690781,0.0 " -122.161390381489,37.4516410983794,0.0 " -122.160786011735,37.4512589903357,0.0 " -122.160531178368,37.4510977281699,0.0 modeling ( lat0, lng0, alt0 ) ( lat1, lng1, alt1 ) ( lat2, lng2, alt2 ) ( lat3, lng3, alt3 ) NB: segments in the raw GIS have the order of geo coordinates scrambled: (lng, lat, alt) 42Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 43. 9q9jh0 X X X Filter trees which are too far away to provide shade. Calculate a sum of moments for tree height × distance, as an estimator for shade: modeling 43Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 44. (defn get-shade [trees roads] "subquery to join tree and road estimates, maximize for shade" (<- [?road_name ?geohash ?road_lat ?road_lng ?road_alt ?road_metric ?tree_metric] (roads ?road_name _ _ _ ?albedo ?road_lat ?road_lng ?road_alt ?geohash ?traffic_count _ ?traffic_class _ _ _ _) (road-metric ?traffic_class ?traffic_count ?albedo :> ?road_metric) (trees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?avg_height ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?tree_alt ?geohash) (read-string ?avg_height :> ?height) ;; limit to trees which are higher than people (> ?height 2.0) (tree-distance ?tree_lat ?tree_lng ?road_lat ?road_lng :> ?distance) ;; limit to trees within a one-block radius (not meters) (<= ?distance 25.0) (/ ?height ?distance :> ?tree_moment) (c/sum ?tree_moment :> ?sum_tree_moment) ;; magic number 200000.0 used to scale tree moment ;; based on median (/ ?sum_tree_moment 200000.0 :> ?tree_metric) )) modeling 44Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 47. (defn get-gps [gps_logs trap] "subquery to aggregate and rank GPS tracks per user" (<- [?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit] (gps_logs ?date ?uuid ?gps_lat ?gps_lng ?alt ?speed ?heading ?elapsed ?distance) (read-string ?gps_lat :> ?lat) (read-string ?gps_lng :> ?lng) (geohash ?lat ?lng :> ?geohash) (c/count :> ?gps_count) (date-num ?date :> ?visit) (c/max ?visit :> ?recent_visit) )) modeling ?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit cf660e041e994929b37cc5645209c8ae 9q8yym 7 1972376866448 342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9htz 4 1972376690969 32cc09e69bc042f1ad22fc16ee275e21 9q9hv3 3 1972376670935 342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hv3 3 1972376691356 342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hwn 13 1972376690782 342ac6fd3f5f44c6b97724d618d587cf 9q9hwp 58 1972376690965 482dc171ef0342b79134d77de0f31c4f 9q9jh0 15 1972376952532 b1b4d653f5d9468a8dd18a77edcc5143 9q9jh0 18 1972376945348 47Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 48. Recommenders often combine multiple signals, via weighted averages, to rank personalized results: •GPS of person ∩ road segment •frequency and recency of visit •traffic class and rate •road albedo (sunlight reflection) •tree shade estimator Adjusting the mix allows for further personalization at the end use (defn get-reco [tracks shades] "subquery to recommend road segments based on GPS tracks" (<- [?uuid ?road ?geohash ?lat ?lng ?alt ?gps_count ?recent_visit ?road_metric ?tree_metric] (tracks ?uuid ?geohash ?gps_count ?recent_visit) (shades ?road ?geohash ?lat ?lng ?alt ?road_metric ?tree_metric) )) apps 48Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 49. (defproject cascading-copa "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "City of Palo Alto Open Data recommender in Cascalog" :url "" :license {:name "Apache License, Version 2.0" :url "" :distribution :repo } :uberjar-name "copa.jar" :aot [copa.core] :main copa.core :source-paths ["src/main/clj"] :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"] [cascalog "1.10.0"] [cascalog-more-taps "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT"] [clojure-csv/clojure-csv "1.3.2"] [org.clojars.sunng/geohash "1.0.1"] [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"] [date-clj "1.0.1"] ] :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[midje-cascalog "0.4.0"]]} :provided {:dependencies [ [org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "0.20.2-dev"] ]}} ) apps 49Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 50. ‣ addr: 115 HAWTHORNE AVE ‣ lat/lng: 37.446, -122.168 ‣ geohash: 9q9jh0 ‣ tree: 413 site 2 ‣ species: Liquidambar styraciflua ‣ est. height: 23 m ‣ shade metric: 4.363 ‣ traffic: local residential, light traffic ‣ recent visit: 1972376952532 ‣ a short walk from my train stop ✔ apps 50Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 51. Could combine this with a variety of data APIs: • Trulia neighborhood data, housing prices • Factual local business (FB Places, etc.) • CommonCrawl open source full web crawl • Wunderground local weather data • WalkScore neighborhood data, walkability • US federal open data • NASA open data • DBpedia datasets derived fromWikipedia • GeoWordNet semantic knowledge base • Geolytics demographics, GIS, etc. • Foursquare,Yelp, CityGrid, Localeze,YP • various photo sharing apps 51Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 52.  Cascading, a workflow abstraction  Cascalog ➟ 2.0  Palo Alto case study  Open Data insights 52Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 53. Trends in Public Administration late 1880s – late 1920s (Woodrow Wilson) as hierarchy, bureaucracy → only for the most educated, elite late 1920s – late 1930s as a business, relying on “Scientific Method”, gov as a process late 1930s – late 1940s (Robert Dale) relationships, behavioral-based → policy not separate from politics late 1940s – 1980s yet another form of management → less “command and control” 1980s – 1990s (David Osborne,Ted Gaebler) New Public Management → service efficiency, more private sector 1990s – present (Janet & Robert Denhardt) Digital Age → transparency, citizen-based “debugging”, bankruptcies The Roles,Actors, and Norms Necessary to Institutionalize Sustainable Collaborative Governance Peter Pirnejad USC Price School of Policy 2013-05-02 53Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 54. Trends in Public Administration late 1880s – late 1920s (Woodrow Wilson) as hierarchy, bureaucracy → only for the most educated, elite late 1920s – late 1930s as a business, relying on “Scientific Method”, gov as a process late 1930s – late 1940s (Robert Dale) relationships, behavioral-based → policy not separate from politics late 1940s – 1980s yet another form of management → less “command and control” 1980s – 1990s (David Osborne,Ted Gaebler) New Public Management → service efficiency, more private sector 1990s – present (Janet & Robert Denhardt) Digital Age → transparency, citizen-based “debugging”, bankruptcies The Roles,Actors, and Norms Necessary to Institutionalize Sustainable Collaborative Governance Peter Pirnejad USC Price School of Policy 2013-05-02 Drivers, circa 2013 • governments running out of money, cannot increase staff and services • better data infra at scale (cloud, OSS, etc.) • machine learning techniques to monetize • viable ecosystem for data products,APIs • mobile devices enabling use cases 54Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 55. Open Data notes Successful apps incorporate three components: •Big Data (consumer interest, personalization) •Open Data (monetizing public data) •Curated Metadata Most of the largest Cascading deployments leverage some Open Data components: Climate Corp, Factual, Nokia, etc. Notes about Open Data use cases: Consider, aggregate building permits: •pricing data for home owners looking to remodel •sales data for contractors •imagine joining data with building inspection history, for better insights about properties for sale… 55Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 56. Open Data ecosystem municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Data feeds structured for public private partnerships 56Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 57. Open Data ecosystem – caveats municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Required Focus • respond to viable use cases • not budgeting hackathons 57Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 58. Open Data ecosystem – caveats municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Required Focus • surface the metadata • curate, allowing for joins/aggregation • not scans as PDFs 58Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 59. Open Data ecosystem – caveats municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Required Focus • make APIs consumable by automation • allow for probabilistic usage • not OSS licensing for data 59Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 60. Open Data ecosystem – caveats municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Required Focus • supply actionable data • track data provenance carefully • provide feedback upstream, i.e., cleaned data at source • focus on core verticals 60Sunday, 28 July 13
  • 61. Open Data ecosystem – caveats municipal departments publishing platforms aggregators data product vendors end use cases e.g., Palo Alto, San Francisco, etc. e.g., Junar, Socrata, etc. e.g., OpenStreetMap,WalkScore, etc. e.g., Factual, Marinexplore, etc. e.g., Facebook Required Focus • address consumer needs • identify community benefits of the data 61Sunday, 28 July 13