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Block 2 Unit 5 Buying Wisely
Action Plan
In this unit you will learn:
‱ To read informative text (articles).
‱ To identify main and supporting ideas.
‱ To use preposition + verb expressions.
‱ To use Wh- question words with certain verbs.
‱ To use words for talking about advertisements
and media literacy.
1. What are these things?
2. Which companies make them?
3. In what ways do the companies try to sell these things?
2. Coca-Cola, Nike, Sony, Motorola, Apple,
Honda, McDonald’s, EsteĂ© Lauder,
Christian Dior.
1. Soda, tennis, cell phones, iPod,
motorcycle, hamburger, makeup,
3. Radio, TV, newspapers, stores, Internet.
brand advertisement advertise product
consumer spontaneously purchase on sale
Lesson A Can’t Help Myself
Vocabulary Advertising
Complete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your answers.
1. If you do something spontaneously, you do it whithout planning to do it.
2. If something is on sale, it is being sold at a lower than normal price.
3. A consumer, is a person who buys things.
4. To purchase, something is another way of saying to buy something.
5. An advertisement, is an announcement on TV or in newspaper about a
6. A product, is something you buy such as a music player, car, or a book.
7. If you advertise something, you promote a product in a magazine or on a
8. A brand is the name of something you buy.
Speaking Discuss the questions with your partner. Agree on three examples for
each question.
1. What are the most famous brands in MĂ©xico? Jumex, Cemex,
Telmex, Gamesa, Maseca, Pemex.
2. Which of them are famous throughout the world? Jumex,
Cemex, Maseca.
3. Do you often buy things spontaneously? What kinds of things?
Yes, I buy clothes and makeup spontaneously.
a) Look at the title of the article
on page 53. Predict what you
think the article will be about.
I couldn’t help myself
b) Quickly read the article on the
next page. Then answer the
Skim 1. What is the article about? Spontaneous or impulse buying.
Scan 2. What is “spontaneous buying”? Buying things wilthout planning to.
3. What may people do for emotional reasons? Buy things they don’t need.
4. What does Professor Catlett warn us to do? Think when shopping.
5. What should we do if we feel the need to buy something we don’t need?
stop and think.
Read the statements. Write T for True, F for False or Dk for Don t know.
T 1. Most people are impulse buyers.
Dk 2. Professor Catlett works for an advertising company.
T 3. She reports that many people waste their money.
T 4. She says we must think before making purchases.
F 5. Companies don t know how to persuade shoppers to
make emotional purchases.
Dk 6. Most comapanies are not good at advertising their
Skills work Identifying main and supporting information
Texts often have main ideas that tell us what the topic is about. These are
followed by supporting information that gives us more details about the topic
by giving examples.
Study the difference between the main ideas and supporting information.
Main idea
John got a new job.
Martha was late for school.
Supporting information
He s going to work as an accountant.
Her bus was late.
a) Read the statements. Write M for main and S for supporting information.
1. M a. Someone may buy brand-name goods.
S b. They may want to look good.
2. M a. Companies sometimes try to trick people.
S b. Companies may put things on sale at a higher price.
3. S a. Supermarkets put chocolates or candies near where we pay for our
M b. Spontaneous or impulse buying is somethings consumers all do.
4. M a. Consumers believe that the more of something you buy, the cheaper
it will be per item.
S b. Buying ten of something should get you a discount.
5. S a. They may use strong lighting to sell everything from clothes to meat.
M b. Companies advertise to affect our emotions rather than to tell us
what s good about the product.
6. M a. When shopping, we need to be aware of what we are buying and why.
S b. We need to think carefully and logically when buying things such as
b) Write supporting information that is true for you for each statement.
1. I’m very busy most weekends doing lots things.
For example, I play soccer on the weekends and I
watch my sister’s tennis games.
2. When I buy things I try yo buy things cheaply.
I seach the offers.
3. I love giving presents on birthdays.
I buy things you like the person’s birthday.
4. At school, I'm good at a few subjects.
I help my peers who have problems in these area.
Language work Preposition + verb expressions
Study the way the sentences use preposition + -ing to avoid using the subject twice.
Then rewrite the sentences below using a preposition + -ing.
1. Since she moved to Tampico, she’s made many new friends.
Since moving to Tampico, she’s made many new friends.
2. After she left the store,she caught the bus home.
After leaving the store, she caught the bus home.
3. Since she went to the party, she has been sick.
Since going to the party, she’s been sick.
4. He owns two cars and he also owns a boat.
Besides owning two cars, he also owns a boat.
5. After he spend so much money, he had to go to the bank.
After spending so much money, he had to go to the bank.
6. Before we got to MĂ©xico City, we stopped in Celaya.
Before getting to MĂ©xico City, we stopped in Celaya.
Subject used twice Subject used once
Since we bought the car, we’ve used it a lot.
After I went home, I went to bed.
Before She goes to sleep, She likes to read.
She worked so hard, she finished on time.
Since buying the car, we haven’t used it
After going home, I went to bed.
Before going to sleep, she likes to read.
By working hard, she finished on time.
Complete these sentences using the correct verb from the box.
I like to plan my shopping carefully. Before (1) going shopping, I make a
list of the things I want. After (2) making the list, I decide which things are
most important to spend my money on. By deciding in advance, I can
spend the little money I have carefully. While (4) shopping I refer to the
list and make sure I buy only things I need. Since (5) doing this in advance
I’ve saved a lot of money. My friends think I’m crazy but after (6) trying it,
they too saved money.
Organizing vocabulary is a useful tool to help you learn it. Try some of the
ideas and see which ones work best for you.
‱ Write new words in a word diary or notebook.
‱ Organize words into categories, for example words for food or furniture, the
environment, science, and so on. Learn them as a set.
‱ Make lists of words to carry with you to study on the bus, or when you’re
waiting for someone.
Vocabulary Media
Complete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your answer.
broadcast slogan be biased media literacy
sponsor print media mass media ad (ads)
1. Mass media refers to communication enterprises such as TV news, radio,
magazines, and newspaper.
2. Ad is a short word for an advertisement.
3. When a person is biased, they preffer one opinion to another and behave
4. unfairly because of it.
5. When a Tv or radio company broadcast its programs, it send them using radio
6. The print media are companies that use the written word to communicate, such as
new spapers and magazines.
7. A slogan is a short sentence that identifies a product, such as “buy cola, buy
8. A sponsor is a company that pays money to support someone or somethings.
9. Media literacy means understanding how the media affect our opinions and
Lesson B Media Literacy
Listening Match the question halves. Then listen and circle which questions were
mentioned in the conversation.
b 1.what product or point of view
e 2. who made
a 3. what is the reason for
d 4.what is the purpose
c 5.who is the ad
f 6.what lefestyle or values
a. Using this style of advertisement?
b. Is being advertised?
c. Aimed at?
d. Of this advertisement?
e. The ad?
f. Does the article promote?
a. Look at the title of the text on page 57. Predict what you think text will be about.
Hidden messages
b. Quickly read the text on the next page. Then answer the questions.
Skim 1. What is the topic of the web page? Media literacy.
Scan 2. What is the web site called? Today’s psychology.
3. What is media literacy? A way to understand messages in the media.
4. How many things do you need to know to become media literate? Three.
5. What three examples of media bias are given in the text? Stereotypes,
gender roles, ethnic bias.
Comprehension Circle the answer which is NOT correct to complete the sentence.
1. Media literacy means understanding
a. the mass media’s message b. groups c. how people react
to messages
2. Stereotypes
a. can be harmful b. are always true c. expect people to
act in certain ways
3. Ethnic bias means
a. being rich and smart b. treating one ethnic c. not having an
group differently from accurate mix of
another ethnic groups
Skills work Deciding the topic of a next from headings.
Many articles and web pages have heading to indicate the main parts of the text.
When reading a text, look at the heading and ask yourself, “What will this
paragraph be about?” “What will be the main point?”
a. Look the text on page 57 and match the paragraphs with the headings.
4 Gender roles 1What is media literacy? 5 Ethnic bias
6 Thinking critically 3 Stereotypes 2 How to become
media literate
b. Match the heading with the texts.
Mass media and the Internet 2 What is mass media? 3
Influence of the mass media 4 History of the mass media 1
1. The first use the them mass media was
in the 1920s when nation wide
newspaper and radio Networks
appaered and in the 1950s television
sent around the world very quickly
using satellites in space. The biggest
change in mass media recently has been
the groeth of the Internet.
2. The Internet functions differently from
traditional mass media. Most of the
Internet involves people controlling the
information they receive by selecting
which web sites and blogs to read.
However, the traditional mass media
differs because the user cannot control
what programs the radio and TV
stations broadcast.
3. The mass media refers to the section of
the media designed to reach a very
wide number of people. The mass
media in a country or region includes
the print media, which includes the
leading newspapers and magazines.
There is also the broadcast media,
which are the radio or TV stations.
4. Most of the news and information we
receive comes through the mass media
such as the TV news and so on. The
mass media decide what we need to
listen to, read, or watch when they
choose what to broadcast to us or print
in the newspapers, so society has to
trust the mass media to be balanced.
In Mexico
What kinds of advertisements are popular in Mexico? What kind of
advertisements would not work well in Mexico?
Language work Verbs with wh- questions
a. Study the wh- words and the verbs that precede them. Then circle the correct
word to complete the sentences below.
I think I understand what you men. I can’t decide which book to buy.
She didn’t know how she’d get there. I think that explains why he’s so happy.
I can’t imagine where he’s gone. We talked about who came to the party.
You can use all the wh- words with each of these verbs depending on the situation. We can
say, I don’t know who
 We talked about where
 I can’t decide how
1. Let’s consider (which/why) way to go.
2. I don’t understand (who/why) he did that. It’s not like him!
3. He can’t decide (which/how) newspaper to read.
4. That explains (what/who) did it. It must be Pablo!
5. Do you know (when/where) the train leaves from?
6. Oh no, I've forgotten (when/what) the class starts.
I don’t know who came to the party.
Mary can’t decide why to go.
Joe didn’t remember what he’s always tired.
I don’t understand when TV show to watch.
We told them how to do.
He didn’t explain where to get tickets for the concert.
I can’t choose which I have to do the homework again.
b. Make as many sentences as possible using the prompts. There is more than one answer
for each.
Think about one of the products on pages 50 and 51 and make an
advertisement for it in English. You need to decide the selling points, a slogan,
and what kind of image you want the advertisement to show. Then show it to
other members of your class.
When you write reports, it’s a good idea to use headings
in the text so the reader can notice what topics you will
be writing about. Use big headings for when there’s a
major topic change and smaller headings for important
points within a topic.
Real-life reading Read this resume. Then answer the questions.
Resume for Laura RamĂ­rez Heredia
Addres: Tamesí No. 107 colonia Sierra Morena – Tampico,
Tamaulipas, MĂ©xico.
Contac information: 01 (833) 219 38 65
Date of birth: May 16, 1992
2007 – present: Miguel Hidalgo high school, Tampico, Tamaulipas
2005- 2007: Benito JuĂĄrez Middle school, Morelia, MichoacĂĄn
April 2009 to present: Cashier (part-time) at supermex supermarket Tampico, Tamaulipas.
February 2009 to march 2009: Office assistent (part-time) Autla Chemicals, Tamaulipas.
May 2008 to september 2009: Volunteer at “Piña palmera”, centro de AtenciĂłn infantil A.C.
Football, reading, Volunteering
TOESFL IBT English test – 78 points (May 2009);
1. Whose resume is this? Laura RamĂ­rez Heredia
2. Has she finished high school? No
3. Did she go to a middle school in the same town she lives in now? No
4. Does she have one or two part-time jobs at the moment? One
5. Where did she volunteer? Piña Palmera
My Learning Experience
Look at the list of language objetives in the unit. Draw  ,  or .
Language Agree? ,  or 
I can read informative text. 
I can identify main and supporting ideas 
I can use preposition + verb expressions. 
I can use wh- question words with certain verbs. 
I can use words for talking about advertisements
and media literacy.
Closing Task
Look at the pictures again on pages 50 and 51. Guess the brands.
Decide why some brands become more popular than others.
Word builder Suffixes: -ize - ise
Study how we can use –ize or –ise to turn a noun or adjetive into verb.
Advert advertise apology apologize memory memorize
Advice advise global globalize economy economize
a. Change the nouns into verbs.
1. computer computerize 3. local localize 5. final finalize
2. category categorize 4. energy energize 6. popular popularize
b. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1. I don’t know what to do. Would you please advise me?
2. That was very rude. Please apologize.
3. I wasn’t able to memorize all the words for the test.
4. We’re spending too much money, we have to economize.
5. I need the report soon. Please finalize it before tomorrow’s meeting.
6. How can I categorize all these books into groups?
Write the words in
English. Look for
them in the unit.
Spanish English
alfabetizaciĂłn mediĂĄtica
comprar algo
engañar a alguien
medios de comunicaciĂłn de masas
medios de comunicaciĂłn impresos
poder darse el lujo de comprar algo
promover una idea
ser parcial
transmitir algo
media literacy
to advertise
to purchase something
a consumer
to trick someone
a slogan
a brand
mass media
print media
a sponsor
to be able to afford something
a product
to promote an idea
be biased
to broadcast something
Chapman, J. (2009). Sequences, Teacher’s Resource Book 5. MĂ©xico: Heinle
Cengage Learning.
Waring, R., Woodall, P. y Thomlinson, J. (2009). Sequences, Student Book 5.
MĂ©xico: Heinle Cengage Learning.
Elaborado por: Ing. Sonia Margarita Osuna RodrĂ­guez

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Unit 5 Buying Wisely

  • 1. Block 2 Unit 5 Buying Wisely Action Plan In this unit you will learn: ‱ To read informative text (articles). ‱ To identify main and supporting ideas. ‱ To use preposition + verb expressions. ‱ To use Wh- question words with certain verbs. ‱ To use words for talking about advertisements and media literacy.
  • 2. 1. What are these things? 2. Which companies make them? 3. In what ways do the companies try to sell these things? 2. Coca-Cola, Nike, Sony, Motorola, Apple, Honda, McDonald’s, EsteĂ© Lauder, Christian Dior. 1. Soda, tennis, cell phones, iPod, motorcycle, hamburger, makeup, jeans. 3. Radio, TV, newspapers, stores, Internet.
  • 3. brand advertisement advertise product consumer spontaneously purchase on sale Lesson A Can’t Help Myself Vocabulary Advertising Complete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your answers. 1. If you do something spontaneously, you do it whithout planning to do it. 2. If something is on sale, it is being sold at a lower than normal price. 3. A consumer, is a person who buys things. 4. To purchase, something is another way of saying to buy something. 5. An advertisement, is an announcement on TV or in newspaper about a product. 6. A product, is something you buy such as a music player, car, or a book. 7. If you advertise something, you promote a product in a magazine or on a TV. 8. A brand is the name of something you buy.
  • 4. Speaking Discuss the questions with your partner. Agree on three examples for each question. 1. What are the most famous brands in MĂ©xico? Jumex, Cemex, Telmex, Gamesa, Maseca, Pemex. 2. Which of them are famous throughout the world? Jumex, Cemex, Maseca. 3. Do you often buy things spontaneously? What kinds of things? Yes, I buy clothes and makeup spontaneously.
  • 5. Pre-reading a) Look at the title of the article on page 53. Predict what you think the article will be about. I couldn’t help myself b) Quickly read the article on the next page. Then answer the questions. Skim 1. What is the article about? Spontaneous or impulse buying. Scan 2. What is “spontaneous buying”? Buying things wilthout planning to. 3. What may people do for emotional reasons? Buy things they don’t need. 4. What does Professor Catlett warn us to do? Think when shopping. 5. What should we do if we feel the need to buy something we don’t need? stop and think.
  • 6. Comprehension Read the statements. Write T for True, F for False or Dk for Don t know. T 1. Most people are impulse buyers. Dk 2. Professor Catlett works for an advertising company. T 3. She reports that many people waste their money. T 4. She says we must think before making purchases. F 5. Companies don t know how to persuade shoppers to make emotional purchases. Dk 6. Most comapanies are not good at advertising their products.
  • 7. Skills work Identifying main and supporting information Texts often have main ideas that tell us what the topic is about. These are followed by supporting information that gives us more details about the topic by giving examples. Study the difference between the main ideas and supporting information. Main idea John got a new job. Martha was late for school. Supporting information He s going to work as an accountant. Her bus was late.
  • 8. a) Read the statements. Write M for main and S for supporting information. 1. M a. Someone may buy brand-name goods. S b. They may want to look good. 2. M a. Companies sometimes try to trick people. S b. Companies may put things on sale at a higher price. 3. S a. Supermarkets put chocolates or candies near where we pay for our purchases. M b. Spontaneous or impulse buying is somethings consumers all do. 4. M a. Consumers believe that the more of something you buy, the cheaper it will be per item. S b. Buying ten of something should get you a discount. 5. S a. They may use strong lighting to sell everything from clothes to meat. M b. Companies advertise to affect our emotions rather than to tell us what s good about the product. 6. M a. When shopping, we need to be aware of what we are buying and why. S b. We need to think carefully and logically when buying things such as food.
  • 9. b) Write supporting information that is true for you for each statement. 1. I’m very busy most weekends doing lots things. For example, I play soccer on the weekends and I watch my sister’s tennis games. 2. When I buy things I try yo buy things cheaply. I seach the offers. 3. I love giving presents on birthdays. I buy things you like the person’s birthday. 4. At school, I'm good at a few subjects. I help my peers who have problems in these area.
  • 10. Language work Preposition + verb expressions Study the way the sentences use preposition + -ing to avoid using the subject twice. Then rewrite the sentences below using a preposition + -ing. 1. Since she moved to Tampico, she’s made many new friends. Since moving to Tampico, she’s made many new friends. 2. After she left the store,she caught the bus home. After leaving the store, she caught the bus home. 3. Since she went to the party, she has been sick. Since going to the party, she’s been sick. 4. He owns two cars and he also owns a boat. Besides owning two cars, he also owns a boat. 5. After he spend so much money, he had to go to the bank. After spending so much money, he had to go to the bank. 6. Before we got to MĂ©xico City, we stopped in Celaya. Before getting to MĂ©xico City, we stopped in Celaya. Subject used twice Subject used once Since we bought the car, we’ve used it a lot. After I went home, I went to bed. Before She goes to sleep, She likes to read. She worked so hard, she finished on time. Since buying the car, we haven’t used it much. After going home, I went to bed. Before going to sleep, she likes to read. By working hard, she finished on time.
  • 11. Writing shop try go decide make do Complete these sentences using the correct verb from the box. I like to plan my shopping carefully. Before (1) going shopping, I make a list of the things I want. After (2) making the list, I decide which things are most important to spend my money on. By deciding in advance, I can spend the little money I have carefully. While (4) shopping I refer to the list and make sure I buy only things I need. Since (5) doing this in advance I’ve saved a lot of money. My friends think I’m crazy but after (6) trying it, they too saved money.
  • 12. Organizing vocabulary is a useful tool to help you learn it. Try some of the ideas and see which ones work best for you. ‱ Write new words in a word diary or notebook. ‱ Organize words into categories, for example words for food or furniture, the environment, science, and so on. Learn them as a set. ‱ Make lists of words to carry with you to study on the bus, or when you’re waiting for someone. Skill Builder Organizing Vocabulary
  • 13. Vocabulary Media Complete the definitions with words from the box. Then listen and check your answer. broadcast slogan be biased media literacy sponsor print media mass media ad (ads) 1. Mass media refers to communication enterprises such as TV news, radio, magazines, and newspaper. 2. Ad is a short word for an advertisement. 3. When a person is biased, they preffer one opinion to another and behave 4. unfairly because of it. 5. When a Tv or radio company broadcast its programs, it send them using radio signals. 6. The print media are companies that use the written word to communicate, such as new spapers and magazines. 7. A slogan is a short sentence that identifies a product, such as “buy cola, buy happiness.” 8. A sponsor is a company that pays money to support someone or somethings. 9. Media literacy means understanding how the media affect our opinions and thoughts. Lesson B Media Literacy
  • 14. Listening Match the question halves. Then listen and circle which questions were mentioned in the conversation. b 1.what product or point of view e 2. who made a 3. what is the reason for d 4.what is the purpose c 5.who is the ad f 6.what lefestyle or values a. Using this style of advertisement? b. Is being advertised? c. Aimed at? d. Of this advertisement? e. The ad? f. Does the article promote?
  • 15. Pre-reading a. Look at the title of the text on page 57. Predict what you think text will be about. Hidden messages b. Quickly read the text on the next page. Then answer the questions. Skim 1. What is the topic of the web page? Media literacy. Scan 2. What is the web site called? Today’s psychology. 3. What is media literacy? A way to understand messages in the media. 4. How many things do you need to know to become media literate? Three. 5. What three examples of media bias are given in the text? Stereotypes, gender roles, ethnic bias.
  • 16. Comprehension Circle the answer which is NOT correct to complete the sentence. 1. Media literacy means understanding a. the mass media’s message b. groups c. how people react to messages 2. Stereotypes a. can be harmful b. are always true c. expect people to act in certain ways 3. Ethnic bias means a. being rich and smart b. treating one ethnic c. not having an group differently from accurate mix of another ethnic groups
  • 17. Skills work Deciding the topic of a next from headings. Many articles and web pages have heading to indicate the main parts of the text. When reading a text, look at the heading and ask yourself, “What will this paragraph be about?” “What will be the main point?” a. Look the text on page 57 and match the paragraphs with the headings. 4 Gender roles 1What is media literacy? 5 Ethnic bias 6 Thinking critically 3 Stereotypes 2 How to become media literate b. Match the heading with the texts. Mass media and the Internet 2 What is mass media? 3 Influence of the mass media 4 History of the mass media 1
  • 18. 1. The first use the them mass media was in the 1920s when nation wide newspaper and radio Networks appaered and in the 1950s television sent around the world very quickly using satellites in space. The biggest change in mass media recently has been the groeth of the Internet. 2. The Internet functions differently from traditional mass media. Most of the Internet involves people controlling the information they receive by selecting which web sites and blogs to read. However, the traditional mass media differs because the user cannot control what programs the radio and TV stations broadcast. 3. The mass media refers to the section of the media designed to reach a very wide number of people. The mass media in a country or region includes the print media, which includes the leading newspapers and magazines. There is also the broadcast media, which are the radio or TV stations. 4. Most of the news and information we receive comes through the mass media such as the TV news and so on. The mass media decide what we need to listen to, read, or watch when they choose what to broadcast to us or print in the newspapers, so society has to trust the mass media to be balanced. In Mexico What kinds of advertisements are popular in Mexico? What kind of advertisements would not work well in Mexico?
  • 19. Language work Verbs with wh- questions a. Study the wh- words and the verbs that precede them. Then circle the correct word to complete the sentences below. I think I understand what you men. I can’t decide which book to buy. She didn’t know how she’d get there. I think that explains why he’s so happy. I can’t imagine where he’s gone. We talked about who came to the party. You can use all the wh- words with each of these verbs depending on the situation. We can say, I don’t know who
 We talked about where
 I can’t decide how
 etc. 1. Let’s consider (which/why) way to go. 2. I don’t understand (who/why) he did that. It’s not like him! 3. He can’t decide (which/how) newspaper to read. 4. That explains (what/who) did it. It must be Pablo! 5. Do you know (when/where) the train leaves from? 6. Oh no, I've forgotten (when/what) the class starts.
  • 20. I don’t know who came to the party. Mary can’t decide why to go. Joe didn’t remember what he’s always tired. I don’t understand when TV show to watch. We told them how to do. He didn’t explain where to get tickets for the concert. I can’t choose which I have to do the homework again. b. Make as many sentences as possible using the prompts. There is more than one answer for each.
  • 21. Writing Think about one of the products on pages 50 and 51 and make an advertisement for it in English. You need to decide the selling points, a slogan, and what kind of image you want the advertisement to show. Then show it to other members of your class. When you write reports, it’s a good idea to use headings in the text so the reader can notice what topics you will be writing about. Use big headings for when there’s a major topic change and smaller headings for important points within a topic. Using headers
  • 22. Real-life reading Read this resume. Then answer the questions. Resume for Laura RamĂ­rez Heredia Addres: TamesĂ­ No. 107 colonia Sierra Morena – Tampico, Tamaulipas, MĂ©xico. Contac information: 01 (833) 219 38 65 Date of birth: May 16, 1992 EDUCATION 2007 – present: Miguel Hidalgo high school, Tampico, Tamaulipas 2005- 2007: Benito JuĂĄrez Middle school, Morelia, MichoacĂĄn WORK EXPERIENCIE April 2009 to present: Cashier (part-time) at supermex supermarket Tampico, Tamaulipas. February 2009 to march 2009: Office assistent (part-time) Autla Chemicals, Tamaulipas. ACTIVITIES May 2008 to september 2009: Volunteer at “Piña palmera”, centro de AtenciĂłn infantil A.C. INTERESTS Football, reading, Volunteering SKILLS TOESFL IBT English test – 78 points (May 2009); 1. Whose resume is this? Laura RamĂ­rez Heredia 2. Has she finished high school? No 3. Did she go to a middle school in the same town she lives in now? No 4. Does she have one or two part-time jobs at the moment? One 5. Where did she volunteer? Piña Palmera
  • 23. My Learning Experience Look at the list of language objetives in the unit. Draw  ,  or . Language Agree? ,  or  I can read informative text.  I can identify main and supporting ideas  I can use preposition + verb expressions.  I can use wh- question words with certain verbs.  I can use words for talking about advertisements and media literacy.  Closing Task Look at the pictures again on pages 50 and 51. Guess the brands. Decide why some brands become more popular than others.
  • 24. Word builder Suffixes: -ize - ise Study how we can use –ize or –ise to turn a noun or adjetive into verb. Advert advertise apology apologize memory memorize Advice advise global globalize economy economize a. Change the nouns into verbs. 1. computer computerize 3. local localize 5. final finalize 2. category categorize 4. energy energize 6. popular popularize b. Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1. I don’t know what to do. Would you please advise me? 2. That was very rude. Please apologize. 3. I wasn’t able to memorize all the words for the test. 4. We’re spending too much money, we have to economize. 5. I need the report soon. Please finalize it before tomorrow’s meeting. 6. How can I categorize all these books into groups?
  • 25. My Dictionary Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit. Spanish English alfabetizaciĂłn mediĂĄtica anunciar comprar algo consumidor emocional engañar a alguien eslogan espontĂĄneamente estereotipo gĂ©nero marca medios de comunicaciĂłn de masas medios de comunicaciĂłn impresos patrocinador poder darse el lujo de comprar algo producto promover una idea publicidad ser parcial transmitir algo media literacy to advertise to purchase something a consumer emotional to trick someone a slogan spontaneously stereotype gender a brand mass media print media a sponsor to be able to afford something a product to promote an idea advertisement be biased to broadcast something
  • 26. Fuentes BibliogrĂĄficas: Chapman, J. (2009). Sequences, Teacher’s Resource Book 5. MĂ©xico: Heinle Cengage Learning. Waring, R., Woodall, P. y Thomlinson, J. (2009). Sequences, Student Book 5. MĂ©xico: Heinle Cengage Learning. ElectrĂłnicas: =&start=0 Elaborado por: Ing. Sonia Margarita Osuna RodrĂ­guez