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The contents of this eBook belong to Mialei J. Iske as the author.
©Rhapsody in Prose 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written consent from
the copyright owner.
The Author has made every effort to be accurate and complete in
the writing of this book, notwithstanding the fact that she does not
warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are
accurate do to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.
This book is a common sense guide. There are no guarantees of
income made. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment
about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly.
This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,
accounting or financial advices. All readers are advised to seek
services of competent professionals in the relevant fields.
Any perceived slights of specific people or organization are
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Table of Contents
What Boring People Do During Interactions ...................................................................5
10 Signs That You Are a Crashing Bore...............................................................................6
How Boring Are You? ...................................................................................................................9
Your Audience Says – “You Are a Crashing Bore!”........................................................10
Are You a Crashing Bore As a Teacher?.............................................................................11
Specific Actions: Create Material That Is Interesting................................................13
So What’s the Verdict: Are You a Crashing Bore? .......................................................15
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 4
Learning a new business has been a fascinating adventure that has included a great deal of pain
as I have endured videos and written material that are horribly boring. Maybe that sounds
arrogant. I spent 16 years in school and had to endure countless teachers who could not
teach a housefly to die on the windowsill. I no longer tolerate poor training materials. I turn
off the video and delete the eBook that causes agony to extract the meaning to learn
something that could be stated in fewer words.
The best teachers I ever had could challenge me to learn and excel in my work. Little did I
know at the time that one of my passions as an adult would be to teach other people. I have
taught in many settings where all I wanted to do was fascinate the people who had come to
listen. I will use any means necessary to cause that billionth of a volt to cross that newly
formed crevice in the human brain.
One rewarding experience was in a tutoring program for children. These
youngsters were not grasping the written English language. Attentive teachers
identify them in their early primary school years. Working one-to-one, the
adults strive to find the means to reach that young mind. My first student was
considered “impossible.” He was 8 years old and reminded me of my nephew,
incorrigible. This young person had more challenges than I ever faced. His dad
was sitting in jail, and his grandparents were raising him.
He told me one day that all of his previous reading tutors were “mean.” We
met in September and by March he was ready to graduate. That billionth of a
volt went off in his mind in December. Words came to life as we read books
about war, transportation and ammunition because those subjects fascinated
him. His life goal is to be a “sergeant in the army.” Imagine his surprise when I
told him my niece is a brave American hero.
I never taught Augie to read. I taught Augie to LOVE reading because I loved
Augie. Why do my feelings about my students matter? Because, people are
more important than information.
Success in Internet Marketing and selling information products rests on retaining the interest of
the people who buy your products. Investment of their money must be closely followed with
an investment of time to read and watch your materials. Boring people to death will cause an
early end to your business venture.
Maybe you don’t believe me. Or, more likely, you are reading this eBook because you want
to make sure you are not a crashing bore!
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What Boring People Do During Interactions
Chances are pretty good that you know exactly what causes you to sigh and roll your eyes
when certain people start rambling on about something. Are you able to identify the various
characteristics of a really boring person? Many times, we know that we are irritated, but we
cannot name the problem. Labeling each technique is required to avoid using the same boring
practices on other people.
Consider these traits of boring people according to the article “The 9 Ways Boring People Can
Bore You,” which was published in Psychology Today.
 Egocentrism – This negative expression of complaints includes constant
discussion of life’s problems while displaying disinterest in other people.
 Dullness – Rambling on about superficial topics, having interest in one topic and
repeating the same old stories, over and over.
 Boring tone – Little enthusiasm, monotone voice, without eye contact and
having an unexpressive demeanor.
 Tedious pace – Talking too slowly in every sentence and taking long pauses
before responding. Dragging conversations out in an effort to make one’s
 Passive approach – Never offers an opinion or a comment in the conversation.
Conforms to the comments others have made with total predictability.
 Self-preoccupation – Talks about oneself constantly.
 Serious disposition – Rarely smiles and sounds completely serious at all times.
 False ingratiation – Attempts to be funny, or nice, to impress other people.
 Distractions – Taking actions that interrupt the conversation, getting sidetracked
easily and engaging in small talk.
You might be able to write the name of a boring person next to each of these traits.
My question is: Do you recognize any of these traits in yourself?
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 6
10 Signs That You Are a Crashing Bore
Interacting with other people might be a duty for you. Maybe you don’t even like most
people. You might be surprised to find out that they already know that you are not a people
person. Certain professions do not require interactions with other people for success. Internet
Marketing is one of those professions where your first impression might be your last. You
have only a few seconds to engage your listener or reader.
Ask another person to tell you demonstrate these signs of a crashing bore are present in you:
1. Your conversation reveals your obsession with your interests.
Do you . . . talk non-stop without looking for any response from another person? A
crashing bore is not interested in the other person in the room. Maybe other people
ask you questions that you do not even hear.
Solve this through determination to pause and allow other people to participate in your
discussion. Ask others questions and wait for a real answer. If silence persists, allow
someone else to redirect the conversation.
2. Your statements are depressing to others.
Do you . . . point out the negative side of every situation? People with a “glass is half
empty” perspective on life are exhausting to people who try to cheer them up. An
occasional statement of the obvious can be a conversation starter.
Solve this by adding a positive comment after your negative statement. Refuse to be
the person who people avoid because of your attitude. Listen to the person who is
willing to tell you that your negative perspective drains her energy.
3. Your demeanor is strained and too serious.
Do you . . . maintain perfect composure in every setting regardless of the tone and
occasion? In groups, people like to enjoy great stories where people are able to laugh
and express some emotion. Boring people refuse to join in for fear of expressing too
much about their personality, values or beliefs.
Solve this when you spend time with the people you trust most. Learn to enjoy people
when you feel safe enough to tell stories and listen to other people. Laugh and enjoy
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 7
4. You complain about everything.
Do you . . . mention every negative thought that crosses your mind? At times, your
verbal editor should be turned on and firmly in place. This practice used to be called
etiquette, or good manners. Other people do not need to hear your thoughts if they
should be doing something different according to your opinion. Negativity, or
criticism, kills more friendships than any other trait.
Solve this through continuous effort to filter your own negative thoughts and find
something positive to say. Follow the old advice, “If you do not have anything nice to
say, don’t say anything!”
5. You never have new experiences.
Do you . . . stay in the center of your comfort zone without any exploration into the
unknown? Some individuals can still be interesting without experiencing new places,
people and adventures. For the rest of us, you ability to express yourself requires
venturing out some.
Solve this through a monthly venture with a friend, or family member. You might not
be able to afford an African safari, but eat at a new restaurant or take a day trip close
to your home. Your writing and conversations will take on new depth.
6. You refuse to smile.
Do you . . . refuse to smile even when something is hilarious? I know a couple of
people who refuse to smile, and I never have built a rapport with either one of them.
A smile is the universal language of acceptance.
Solve this by spending time with people you trust and allowing yourself to express your
pleasure at listening to their conversation and just being together. Listen to their stories
and ask questions while you concentrate on smiling in response.
7. You lack spontaneity.
Do you . . . have to schedule every event months in advance? Does your calendar live
your life for you? Predictability is just another form of safety. Living a predictable life
does not mean you have to be boring.
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 8
Solve this issue by agreeing to meet someone at the last minute for coffee or a walk in
the park. Enlist other people to help you to embrace a spontaneous approach to life
this week. Refuse to be predictable today!
8. You work constantly.
Do you . . . avoid coming home or leaving your desk in your home office? Do you
know why? Sometimes work replaces a need from a loss in your personal life. Other
times your workload has changed, but your work habits have not. Anyone who cannot
shift from work to personal interests will become stuck.
Solve this by setting a time when work stops every day. A firm date for dinner each
evening will provide the incentive you need to change this habit. Sometimes we need
the help of other people to break old habits. Enlist the help of a child for this
9. You have no hobbies.
Do you . . . spend your “free” time lounging in front of the television? People who do
not expand their interests will have more struggles when interacting with people.
Hobbies can fall into countless categories that challenge your thoughts.
Solve this by following your interests and spend your time on something you find
enjoyable. You will find that life is much more interesting for you. In addition, your
conversations with others will be sprinkled with your new hobbies.
10. You are a hermit.
Do you . . . spend all of your time alone without any interaction in person, on the
phone, over the Internet or any other way to speak to other humans? Few people
have a real reason to stay at home all the time. Avoiding all social contact prevents
you from learning about other people and events.
Solve this by reaching out to people you have known for years. Life events can cause
us to change routines. Make every effort to get out of the house each week and seek
interaction with people you enjoy!
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 9
How Boring Are You?
Your interactions with other people might not be as interesting as you assume. Have you ever
considered the thought that you are not holding their attention because of the way you talk
and carry on conversations? Maybe you have never really wanted to spend much time talking
to people. You will find areas of your life where holding conversations does matter. You
might want to consider these questions before engaging in meaningful interactions.
Answer each of these questions with a “yes” or “no.”
Do you . . .
_____ -- . . . spend a great deal of time getting started when you have something to say?
_____ -- . . . say the same sentence and words multiple time when making a point?
_____ -- . . . talk about yourself constantly without listening to the other person?
_____ -- . . . drone on about unimportant subjects: your kids, sports, weather, etc?
_____ -- . . . carry on conversations that do not contain any useful information?
_____ -- . . . brag about yourself or those closest to you?
_____ -- . . . complain about your problems every chance you get?
_____ -- . . . sound like a “broken record” on the same topic in every conversation?
_____ -- . . . repeat the same stories and jokes whenever a certain word is mentioned?
_____ -- . . . conform to the thoughts and beliefs of other people?
_____ -- . . . hold your feelings close without ever allowing others to know you?
_____ -- . . . create written materials that are completely out of order?
_____ -- . . . ramble through training videos without a script?
_____ -- . . . conduct meetings without a clear plan for your time and agenda?
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 10
Your Audience Says – “You Are a Crashing Bore!”
Few people will walk up to someone and explain all of the reasons that the message is not
getting through to the audience. Communication is more than simply speaking, or writing,
words. Connection between people is one of the most rewarding aspects of life. Learning to
make those connections is possible when we care about other people more than the
information we are sending.
Answer these questions with “yes” or “no.”
Do other people . . .
_____ -- . . . passively listen to you while saying “uh, huh” repeatedly without hearing you?
_____ -- . . . ask simple questions that do not require thought? – “oh really?” – “how is
_____ -- . . . allow long periods of silence without interrupting you?
_____ -- . . . appear to understand even the most complex thoughts you share, without
_____ -- . . . allow you to dominate the entire conversation without saying anything?
_____ -- . . . sit in an unfriendly posture that is meant to tell you to be quiet?
_____ -- . . . never ask questions, or respond, to your request for feedback?
_____ -- . . . exit the room at the first opportunity, or end an online session immediately?
People will give you signals that you are boring without being rude. Strong interaction with
your audience is required if you are going to be an effective communicator. Your ability to
connect with others is an indication that you are sending interesting messages in every
conversation, written note and recorded session.
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 11
Are You a Crashing Bore As a Teacher?
In any role, you will attempt to share the knowledge you have with someone else. Boring
teachers caused all of us pain because we were captive and unable to simply walk out. As
adults, few of us will endure torture from boring teachers. Recorded training materials are
easily switched off during the first few seconds if you waste time getting started. All of your
hard work will be a waste of your time if you do not grab your student’s attention.
Many students had to sit through the most complex courses in school while some lousy
teacher made the material more important than the students. Boring teachers seem to fill the
halls of academia at every level. Memories of our worst teachers are still the subject of
discussion whenever we encounter former schoolmates. Few people want to relive their worst
memories when so many sources of training are available.
Each year of school brought us closer to the end of having to endure painful learning
situations. Today, I will not tolerate more than 30 seconds of poor training material. I am
the world’s most critical student because I absolutely love to teach. I want to connect with
every student and ensure that he, or she, understands every word of my written, or verbal,
communication. Creating great training material requires hard work and the investment of my
As an adult student, I expect that same personal connection with every instructor I encounter
in any form. Great teachers are able to determine exactly where the student is on the road to
maturity. Adjustment is the responsibility of the teacher. Methods and techniques work
together to translate material into understandable form. Your delivery communicates your
care for your student. Even as adults, we want connections with the people who are teaching
Boring teachers talk at students while moving through a series of thoughts, or statements,
which are supposed to be connected. Facts are delivered in rapid succession without any
explanation or meaningful illustrations. Students are different and require unique approaches
to comprehend the meaning of the material.
Great teachers employ many important techniques to create meaningful connections with
every student through any means necessary.
Effective teaching includes the ability to:
Share personal information that creates familiarity;
Employ applicable stories that illustrate the nuances of the facts;
Create pictures, puzzles and programs to convey points in the material;
Go to great lengths to cover the material in memorable ways to create a learning
In what ways are you using your creativity to reach your students through any means possible?
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 12
In his book “The 7 Laws of the Learner,” Dr. Bruce Wilkinson shares a story about his
personal mentor, Dr. Howard Hendricks. As a student, Bruce was fascinated with Dr.
Hendricks’ ability to connect with every student in the room. He observed the ways this
master teacher would change his delivery if he saw a furrowed brow or a distracted glance.
One day, Bruce decided to see what would happen if he ignored the good professor. He
positioned himself to look out the window from the outset of the lecture and set his watch on
the desk in front of him. After three minutes and 37 seconds, Dr. Hendricks left his desk
abruptly, walked down the aisle and demanded to know what had Bruce’s attention.
The experiment revealed this all-important fact, the master teacher cannot tolerate one bored
In just 217 seconds, Dr. Hendricks tried every possible means to regain Bruce’s attention to
his lecture. He told a joke. He shared a funny story. He changed his posture. He even
cleared his throat more than once. Today, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson is a master teacher who is able
to connect with people all around the globe in every culture because he loves people.
What is your highest priority in your teaching? Does it bother you if no one learns what you
are teaching? Are you aware when students are disconnected and disinterested?
Adult students are unwilling to endure boredom. Your success as a teacher is dependent on
your ability to retain your students.
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Specific Actions: Create Material That Is Interesting
Great training materials, such as eBooks, videos, slides and webinars, have common
characteristics that retain interest in every student. Your ability to create excellent materials
will reduce the risk of being a crashing bore! Review your most recent offering and see if
these traits are present in every facet.
1. Interesting materials are useful and interactive.
Intriguing content includes illustrations, which might be in words, graphics or music.
Your student wants to use the information you provide for a specific purpose.
Applicable insight will be useful in many situations long after the first exposure.
2. Interesting material contains surprises.
Your audience wants you to say, or do, something that drives the point home in an
intriguing way. I will never forget the illustration of a layered cake to explain the
meaning of a composite computer program. This massive corporation was resorting to
anything necessary to train young programmers. It worked!
3. Interesting material has many dimensions.
An eBook can convey concepts through various means. Your additional effort to
record the text might reach a broader audience. As you develop slides for your
presentation, use different words to convey your meaning. Depth is required to reach
your audience, which consists of novices and experts.
4. Interesting material is well-developed.
Your own understanding of the material is far less important than the thoughts you
convey to your students. If you did not learn anything during the process of creating
your material, continue working and enhancing the material until you learn something.
5. Interesting material expands the student’s horizons.
Anyone who reads an eBook is looking for answers of some sort. Your eBook, video
or webinar should cause people to pause and think about your statements. Gathering
information requires thought, and your new thoughts must be included in your course.
6. Interesting material draws from many sources.
Internet searches might not be the best sources for innovative ways to present your
material. At times, printed books have better information for your materials. In depth
knowledge is easier to find when you break out of the norm and find other avenues for
information. Always remember to learn from the experts.
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 14
7. Interesting material includes fascinating repetition.
Repeating the same thought ensures that you students will glean the most important
concepts from your training materials. Use of different words, stories, illustrations and
images drives home the most important thoughts you are attempting to convey.
Questions at the end of each section will remind the student that they should be
8. Interesting material challenges the student.
Without something to say, save your time and avoid frustrating future students. Every
word you write and speak should emphasize the importance of the other person. If no
one is asking the question, do not take the time to share your opinion. Challenging
course material creates interest in the audience to learn more.
9. Interesting material challenges the student’s mind to explore the possibilities.
Intentional gaps in your course material will cause the student to explore
independently. Imagination is developed when the audience must think independently
about the ideas presented. Your ability to challenge others to think beyond your words
will ensure that your audience follows you to your next venture.
10. Creating interesting material requires expression of yourself and interest in other
Students, and other audience members, must be more important than the information
you are sharing. Your interest in them as people will determine whether they choose
to participate in your courses. Your personality will come through without trying. The
question is whether or not you care about those who are listening.
©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 15
So What’s the Verdict: Are You a Crashing Bore?
You have spent some time reading an eBook that was designed to challenge your perception of
yourself. Maybe you skipped half the pages because your feelings were hurt back on page 5
because you recognized some traits in yourself. Learning that other people are not receiving
your messages is an important step that might salvage your success!
Many times, we simply feel pressure to make money and get finished with our products. That
rush to the end is conveyed to everyone we contact. Investment in the success of others
requires selflessness and an awareness that there is a great big world out there. Crashing bores
are not interested in other people.
Your first step is to write down the names of people who hold your interest. Can you name
anyone who is more interesting to you than you are to yourself? If you have a long list, you
are probably not a crashing bore. Consider the ways in which you convey your care for others
in your actions and conversations.
One other way to determine if others find you boring is to conduct some serious conversations
with people you trust most. Give those important people permission to tell you if you have
some of those traits on page 5. Acknowledge the truth and choose one to change -- starting
Your students will thank you for caring enough to embrace the truth and employ new tactics
that will transform your training efforts into fun interactions where your message is loud and
clear. People will begin to listen more intently to your words.
In this business, people are far more important than anything we have to say. Their success is
an important factor in our own journey toward the life we choose to live.
In Closing . . . .
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the crashing bores that have tried to teach me in
the past. To all of the teachers who never got over themselves, I give a hearty “thank you”
for making me so uncomfortable that I promised to never be like you. Thank you for showing
me the ways in which I could avoid crashing bores and learn something new every single day
of my life!
To the people who read this eBook, I wish you the best in everything you do. May you find a
couple of gems in these pages to make your training materials the best they can be for
everyone who embraces your message.

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Are you boring_ebook

  • 1. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 1
  • 2. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 2 The contents of this eBook belong to Mialei J. Iske as the author. ©Rhapsody in Prose 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written consent from the copyright owner. The Author has made every effort to be accurate and complete in the writing of this book, notwithstanding the fact that she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate do to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. This book is a common sense guide. There are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advices. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the relevant fields. Any perceived slights of specific people or organization are unintentional.
  • 3. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 3 Table of Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................................4 What Boring People Do During Interactions ...................................................................5 10 Signs That You Are a Crashing Bore...............................................................................6 How Boring Are You? ...................................................................................................................9 Your Audience Says – “You Are a Crashing Bore!”........................................................10 Are You a Crashing Bore As a Teacher?.............................................................................11 Specific Actions: Create Material That Is Interesting................................................13 So What’s the Verdict: Are You a Crashing Bore? .......................................................15
  • 4. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 4 Introduction Learning a new business has been a fascinating adventure that has included a great deal of pain as I have endured videos and written material that are horribly boring. Maybe that sounds arrogant. I spent 16 years in school and had to endure countless teachers who could not teach a housefly to die on the windowsill. I no longer tolerate poor training materials. I turn off the video and delete the eBook that causes agony to extract the meaning to learn something that could be stated in fewer words. The best teachers I ever had could challenge me to learn and excel in my work. Little did I know at the time that one of my passions as an adult would be to teach other people. I have taught in many settings where all I wanted to do was fascinate the people who had come to listen. I will use any means necessary to cause that billionth of a volt to cross that newly formed crevice in the human brain. One rewarding experience was in a tutoring program for children. These youngsters were not grasping the written English language. Attentive teachers identify them in their early primary school years. Working one-to-one, the adults strive to find the means to reach that young mind. My first student was considered “impossible.” He was 8 years old and reminded me of my nephew, incorrigible. This young person had more challenges than I ever faced. His dad was sitting in jail, and his grandparents were raising him. He told me one day that all of his previous reading tutors were “mean.” We met in September and by March he was ready to graduate. That billionth of a volt went off in his mind in December. Words came to life as we read books about war, transportation and ammunition because those subjects fascinated him. His life goal is to be a “sergeant in the army.” Imagine his surprise when I told him my niece is a brave American hero. I never taught Augie to read. I taught Augie to LOVE reading because I loved Augie. Why do my feelings about my students matter? Because, people are more important than information. Success in Internet Marketing and selling information products rests on retaining the interest of the people who buy your products. Investment of their money must be closely followed with an investment of time to read and watch your materials. Boring people to death will cause an early end to your business venture. Maybe you don’t believe me. Or, more likely, you are reading this eBook because you want to make sure you are not a crashing bore!
  • 5. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 5 What Boring People Do During Interactions Chances are pretty good that you know exactly what causes you to sigh and roll your eyes when certain people start rambling on about something. Are you able to identify the various characteristics of a really boring person? Many times, we know that we are irritated, but we cannot name the problem. Labeling each technique is required to avoid using the same boring practices on other people. Consider these traits of boring people according to the article “The 9 Ways Boring People Can Bore You,” which was published in Psychology Today.  Egocentrism – This negative expression of complaints includes constant discussion of life’s problems while displaying disinterest in other people.  Dullness – Rambling on about superficial topics, having interest in one topic and repeating the same old stories, over and over.  Boring tone – Little enthusiasm, monotone voice, without eye contact and having an unexpressive demeanor.  Tedious pace – Talking too slowly in every sentence and taking long pauses before responding. Dragging conversations out in an effort to make one’s points.  Passive approach – Never offers an opinion or a comment in the conversation. Conforms to the comments others have made with total predictability.  Self-preoccupation – Talks about oneself constantly.  Serious disposition – Rarely smiles and sounds completely serious at all times.  False ingratiation – Attempts to be funny, or nice, to impress other people.  Distractions – Taking actions that interrupt the conversation, getting sidetracked easily and engaging in small talk. You might be able to write the name of a boring person next to each of these traits. My question is: Do you recognize any of these traits in yourself?
  • 6. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 6 10 Signs That You Are a Crashing Bore Interacting with other people might be a duty for you. Maybe you don’t even like most people. You might be surprised to find out that they already know that you are not a people person. Certain professions do not require interactions with other people for success. Internet Marketing is one of those professions where your first impression might be your last. You have only a few seconds to engage your listener or reader. Ask another person to tell you demonstrate these signs of a crashing bore are present in you: 1. Your conversation reveals your obsession with your interests. Do you . . . talk non-stop without looking for any response from another person? A crashing bore is not interested in the other person in the room. Maybe other people ask you questions that you do not even hear. Solve this through determination to pause and allow other people to participate in your discussion. Ask others questions and wait for a real answer. If silence persists, allow someone else to redirect the conversation. 2. Your statements are depressing to others. Do you . . . point out the negative side of every situation? People with a “glass is half empty” perspective on life are exhausting to people who try to cheer them up. An occasional statement of the obvious can be a conversation starter. Solve this by adding a positive comment after your negative statement. Refuse to be the person who people avoid because of your attitude. Listen to the person who is willing to tell you that your negative perspective drains her energy. 3. Your demeanor is strained and too serious. Do you . . . maintain perfect composure in every setting regardless of the tone and occasion? In groups, people like to enjoy great stories where people are able to laugh and express some emotion. Boring people refuse to join in for fear of expressing too much about their personality, values or beliefs. Solve this when you spend time with the people you trust most. Learn to enjoy people when you feel safe enough to tell stories and listen to other people. Laugh and enjoy life.
  • 7. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 7 4. You complain about everything. Do you . . . mention every negative thought that crosses your mind? At times, your verbal editor should be turned on and firmly in place. This practice used to be called etiquette, or good manners. Other people do not need to hear your thoughts if they should be doing something different according to your opinion. Negativity, or criticism, kills more friendships than any other trait. Solve this through continuous effort to filter your own negative thoughts and find something positive to say. Follow the old advice, “If you do not have anything nice to say, don’t say anything!” 5. You never have new experiences. Do you . . . stay in the center of your comfort zone without any exploration into the unknown? Some individuals can still be interesting without experiencing new places, people and adventures. For the rest of us, you ability to express yourself requires venturing out some. Solve this through a monthly venture with a friend, or family member. You might not be able to afford an African safari, but eat at a new restaurant or take a day trip close to your home. Your writing and conversations will take on new depth. 6. You refuse to smile. Do you . . . refuse to smile even when something is hilarious? I know a couple of people who refuse to smile, and I never have built a rapport with either one of them. A smile is the universal language of acceptance. Solve this by spending time with people you trust and allowing yourself to express your pleasure at listening to their conversation and just being together. Listen to their stories and ask questions while you concentrate on smiling in response. 7. You lack spontaneity. Do you . . . have to schedule every event months in advance? Does your calendar live your life for you? Predictability is just another form of safety. Living a predictable life does not mean you have to be boring.
  • 8. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 8 Solve this issue by agreeing to meet someone at the last minute for coffee or a walk in the park. Enlist other people to help you to embrace a spontaneous approach to life this week. Refuse to be predictable today! 8. You work constantly. Do you . . . avoid coming home or leaving your desk in your home office? Do you know why? Sometimes work replaces a need from a loss in your personal life. Other times your workload has changed, but your work habits have not. Anyone who cannot shift from work to personal interests will become stuck. Solve this by setting a time when work stops every day. A firm date for dinner each evening will provide the incentive you need to change this habit. Sometimes we need the help of other people to break old habits. Enlist the help of a child for this challenge. 9. You have no hobbies. Do you . . . spend your “free” time lounging in front of the television? People who do not expand their interests will have more struggles when interacting with people. Hobbies can fall into countless categories that challenge your thoughts. Solve this by following your interests and spend your time on something you find enjoyable. You will find that life is much more interesting for you. In addition, your conversations with others will be sprinkled with your new hobbies. 10. You are a hermit. Do you . . . spend all of your time alone without any interaction in person, on the phone, over the Internet or any other way to speak to other humans? Few people have a real reason to stay at home all the time. Avoiding all social contact prevents you from learning about other people and events. Solve this by reaching out to people you have known for years. Life events can cause us to change routines. Make every effort to get out of the house each week and seek interaction with people you enjoy!
  • 9. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 9 How Boring Are You? Your interactions with other people might not be as interesting as you assume. Have you ever considered the thought that you are not holding their attention because of the way you talk and carry on conversations? Maybe you have never really wanted to spend much time talking to people. You will find areas of your life where holding conversations does matter. You might want to consider these questions before engaging in meaningful interactions. Answer each of these questions with a “yes” or “no.” Do you . . . _____ -- . . . spend a great deal of time getting started when you have something to say? _____ -- . . . say the same sentence and words multiple time when making a point? _____ -- . . . talk about yourself constantly without listening to the other person? _____ -- . . . drone on about unimportant subjects: your kids, sports, weather, etc? _____ -- . . . carry on conversations that do not contain any useful information? _____ -- . . . brag about yourself or those closest to you? _____ -- . . . complain about your problems every chance you get? _____ -- . . . sound like a “broken record” on the same topic in every conversation? _____ -- . . . repeat the same stories and jokes whenever a certain word is mentioned? _____ -- . . . conform to the thoughts and beliefs of other people? _____ -- . . . hold your feelings close without ever allowing others to know you? _____ -- . . . create written materials that are completely out of order? _____ -- . . . ramble through training videos without a script? _____ -- . . . conduct meetings without a clear plan for your time and agenda?
  • 10. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 10 Your Audience Says – “You Are a Crashing Bore!” Few people will walk up to someone and explain all of the reasons that the message is not getting through to the audience. Communication is more than simply speaking, or writing, words. Connection between people is one of the most rewarding aspects of life. Learning to make those connections is possible when we care about other people more than the information we are sending. Answer these questions with “yes” or “no.” Do other people . . . _____ -- . . . passively listen to you while saying “uh, huh” repeatedly without hearing you? _____ -- . . . ask simple questions that do not require thought? – “oh really?” – “how is that?” _____ -- . . . allow long periods of silence without interrupting you? _____ -- . . . appear to understand even the most complex thoughts you share, without comment? _____ -- . . . allow you to dominate the entire conversation without saying anything? _____ -- . . . sit in an unfriendly posture that is meant to tell you to be quiet? _____ -- . . . never ask questions, or respond, to your request for feedback? _____ -- . . . exit the room at the first opportunity, or end an online session immediately? People will give you signals that you are boring without being rude. Strong interaction with your audience is required if you are going to be an effective communicator. Your ability to connect with others is an indication that you are sending interesting messages in every conversation, written note and recorded session.
  • 11. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 11 Are You a Crashing Bore As a Teacher? In any role, you will attempt to share the knowledge you have with someone else. Boring teachers caused all of us pain because we were captive and unable to simply walk out. As adults, few of us will endure torture from boring teachers. Recorded training materials are easily switched off during the first few seconds if you waste time getting started. All of your hard work will be a waste of your time if you do not grab your student’s attention. Many students had to sit through the most complex courses in school while some lousy teacher made the material more important than the students. Boring teachers seem to fill the halls of academia at every level. Memories of our worst teachers are still the subject of discussion whenever we encounter former schoolmates. Few people want to relive their worst memories when so many sources of training are available. Each year of school brought us closer to the end of having to endure painful learning situations. Today, I will not tolerate more than 30 seconds of poor training material. I am the world’s most critical student because I absolutely love to teach. I want to connect with every student and ensure that he, or she, understands every word of my written, or verbal, communication. Creating great training material requires hard work and the investment of my heart. As an adult student, I expect that same personal connection with every instructor I encounter in any form. Great teachers are able to determine exactly where the student is on the road to maturity. Adjustment is the responsibility of the teacher. Methods and techniques work together to translate material into understandable form. Your delivery communicates your care for your student. Even as adults, we want connections with the people who are teaching us. Boring teachers talk at students while moving through a series of thoughts, or statements, which are supposed to be connected. Facts are delivered in rapid succession without any explanation or meaningful illustrations. Students are different and require unique approaches to comprehend the meaning of the material. Great teachers employ many important techniques to create meaningful connections with every student through any means necessary. Effective teaching includes the ability to: Share personal information that creates familiarity; Employ applicable stories that illustrate the nuances of the facts; Create pictures, puzzles and programs to convey points in the material; Go to great lengths to cover the material in memorable ways to create a learning environment. In what ways are you using your creativity to reach your students through any means possible?
  • 12. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 12 In his book “The 7 Laws of the Learner,” Dr. Bruce Wilkinson shares a story about his personal mentor, Dr. Howard Hendricks. As a student, Bruce was fascinated with Dr. Hendricks’ ability to connect with every student in the room. He observed the ways this master teacher would change his delivery if he saw a furrowed brow or a distracted glance. One day, Bruce decided to see what would happen if he ignored the good professor. He positioned himself to look out the window from the outset of the lecture and set his watch on the desk in front of him. After three minutes and 37 seconds, Dr. Hendricks left his desk abruptly, walked down the aisle and demanded to know what had Bruce’s attention. The experiment revealed this all-important fact, the master teacher cannot tolerate one bored student. In just 217 seconds, Dr. Hendricks tried every possible means to regain Bruce’s attention to his lecture. He told a joke. He shared a funny story. He changed his posture. He even cleared his throat more than once. Today, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson is a master teacher who is able to connect with people all around the globe in every culture because he loves people. What is your highest priority in your teaching? Does it bother you if no one learns what you are teaching? Are you aware when students are disconnected and disinterested? Adult students are unwilling to endure boredom. Your success as a teacher is dependent on your ability to retain your students.
  • 13. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 13 Specific Actions: Create Material That Is Interesting Great training materials, such as eBooks, videos, slides and webinars, have common characteristics that retain interest in every student. Your ability to create excellent materials will reduce the risk of being a crashing bore! Review your most recent offering and see if these traits are present in every facet. 1. Interesting materials are useful and interactive. Intriguing content includes illustrations, which might be in words, graphics or music. Your student wants to use the information you provide for a specific purpose. Applicable insight will be useful in many situations long after the first exposure. 2. Interesting material contains surprises. Your audience wants you to say, or do, something that drives the point home in an intriguing way. I will never forget the illustration of a layered cake to explain the meaning of a composite computer program. This massive corporation was resorting to anything necessary to train young programmers. It worked! 3. Interesting material has many dimensions. An eBook can convey concepts through various means. Your additional effort to record the text might reach a broader audience. As you develop slides for your presentation, use different words to convey your meaning. Depth is required to reach your audience, which consists of novices and experts. 4. Interesting material is well-developed. Your own understanding of the material is far less important than the thoughts you convey to your students. If you did not learn anything during the process of creating your material, continue working and enhancing the material until you learn something. 5. Interesting material expands the student’s horizons. Anyone who reads an eBook is looking for answers of some sort. Your eBook, video or webinar should cause people to pause and think about your statements. Gathering information requires thought, and your new thoughts must be included in your course. 6. Interesting material draws from many sources. Internet searches might not be the best sources for innovative ways to present your material. At times, printed books have better information for your materials. In depth knowledge is easier to find when you break out of the norm and find other avenues for information. Always remember to learn from the experts.
  • 14. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 14 7. Interesting material includes fascinating repetition. Repeating the same thought ensures that you students will glean the most important concepts from your training materials. Use of different words, stories, illustrations and images drives home the most important thoughts you are attempting to convey. Questions at the end of each section will remind the student that they should be learning. 8. Interesting material challenges the student. Without something to say, save your time and avoid frustrating future students. Every word you write and speak should emphasize the importance of the other person. If no one is asking the question, do not take the time to share your opinion. Challenging course material creates interest in the audience to learn more. 9. Interesting material challenges the student’s mind to explore the possibilities. Intentional gaps in your course material will cause the student to explore independently. Imagination is developed when the audience must think independently about the ideas presented. Your ability to challenge others to think beyond your words will ensure that your audience follows you to your next venture. 10. Creating interesting material requires expression of yourself and interest in other people. Students, and other audience members, must be more important than the information you are sharing. Your interest in them as people will determine whether they choose to participate in your courses. Your personality will come through without trying. The question is whether or not you care about those who are listening.
  • 15. ©Rhapsody in Prose All Rights Reserved. Page 15 So What’s the Verdict: Are You a Crashing Bore? You have spent some time reading an eBook that was designed to challenge your perception of yourself. Maybe you skipped half the pages because your feelings were hurt back on page 5 because you recognized some traits in yourself. Learning that other people are not receiving your messages is an important step that might salvage your success! Many times, we simply feel pressure to make money and get finished with our products. That rush to the end is conveyed to everyone we contact. Investment in the success of others requires selflessness and an awareness that there is a great big world out there. Crashing bores are not interested in other people. Your first step is to write down the names of people who hold your interest. Can you name anyone who is more interesting to you than you are to yourself? If you have a long list, you are probably not a crashing bore. Consider the ways in which you convey your care for others in your actions and conversations. One other way to determine if others find you boring is to conduct some serious conversations with people you trust most. Give those important people permission to tell you if you have some of those traits on page 5. Acknowledge the truth and choose one to change -- starting today! Your students will thank you for caring enough to embrace the truth and employ new tactics that will transform your training efforts into fun interactions where your message is loud and clear. People will begin to listen more intently to your words. In this business, people are far more important than anything we have to say. Their success is an important factor in our own journey toward the life we choose to live. In Closing . . . . I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the crashing bores that have tried to teach me in the past. To all of the teachers who never got over themselves, I give a hearty “thank you” for making me so uncomfortable that I promised to never be like you. Thank you for showing me the ways in which I could avoid crashing bores and learn something new every single day of my life! To the people who read this eBook, I wish you the best in everything you do. May you find a couple of gems in these pages to make your training materials the best they can be for everyone who embraces your message.