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Free Sheet Newspaper
Free Sheet newspaper- this is simply a free newspaper
The way these type of newspapers make their money to be able to run they have high advertisement costs.
This because thousands of people look at these newspapers everyday. These papers will be around the city in
stands for anyone to take a copy. The are mainly outside and inside busy train stations around London.
Some examples of these newspapers would be Metro, London Evening Standard and City A.M
This is the print analysis for the Metro
which is free sheet newspaper and is
probably one of the most well known
free sheet newspapers.
Red Top Tabloid
A red top tabloid is a newspaper which has its masthead in a red box,
for example ‘The Sun’. These newspapers are usually very cheap to buy
in shops. Typically this newspaper covers soft news which is about
celebrities and gossip. Sometime these newspapers will cover hard
news however they may put a play on words on it.
This is the print analysis of “Daily
Mirror’ which is a big red top
tabloid newspaper out there.
A broadsheet newspaper is a newspaper with a large format, regarded
as more serious and less sensationalist than tabloids. This type of
newspaper will cover mainly hard news from around the world. These
newspapers tend to be expensive as they cover a lot of stories and
include a TV guide. This is the print analysis of ‘The
guardian’ which is a well known
broadsheet newspaper.
Chosen Newspaper
Production Process
As well as knowing the production
process for my magazine of choice, I
tired to research the production
process for my newspaper of choice.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything
on the internet to find information
about this. I emailed the ‘Daily
Mirror’ to try and find out the
production process, however they
haven’t replied to me.
Chosen Newspaper
Connotations behind the name/colour scheme/font style
‘Daily Mirror’ colour scheme is a red background and the bold white writing contrast each other so it stands out more then other
newspaper in shops. The font style of the newspaper is a very blocky font and big, so this stands out on the shop selves from all the other
newspaper out there today.
The publisher for the ‘The Daily Mirror’ is Trinity Mirror. The news corporation that owns the Daily Mirror is Rupert Murdoch
History of the paper
The ‘Daily Mirror’ was launch on the 2nd November 1903 by Alfred Harmsworth. The newspaper was launched for women and had
success in its first year, on its first day the circulation was 276,000. However in 1904 this dropped to 24,801. Then the newspaper became
unisex for men as well as women.
Circulation figures
The ‘Daily Mirror’ circulation figure is 687,000.
News Selection
The ‘Daily Mirror’ covers mainly soft news ( information that is primarily entraining or personally useful) as in the newspaper the stories
are about celebrities which is a ‘Personality’ – Galtung & Ruge news value when stories are centred around a particular person because
they can be presented from ‘human interest’ and gossip rather then news about world politics.
Deconstruction of newspaper front cover
Masthead: The masthead for the
‘Daily Mirror’ is a red
background with the white
writing which is a contrast in
colour so it stands out to people.
It nearly covers the whole of the
top of the newspaper as it is big
and bold which is in people faces
getting there attention.
Advertisement: In the corner of the page there is a
free advertisement. This denotes that the newspaper is
targeting the working class. Furthermore it is a good
way to get people to buy your newspaper.
Main Image: The main image on
the front of the newspaper is
important as this is what the
reader in seeing first. The main
image needs to be interesting and
bold so the reader is drawn to it.
Also the main image is very large
on the front cover so it is more
eye-catching for the reader.
Main Headline: The main headline is very bold
and covers most of the front page. The main
headline was to be attractive and easy to read.
This headline is a play on words as ‘Kung Fuel
Fighting’ and the song Kung Foe Fighting’ which is
a well known song. This will entice the reader as
they have something they can relate too.
Cover lines: These are over articles in the newspaper and
sometimes can be over exaggerated. This particular cover line
is soft news as it is about a TV program.
Secondary Image: This could be used
to tell the reader more about the
News Values: The news values (Galtung &
Ruge) that apply to this front cover as it is
‘personality’ as it says ‘everybody’ this
means that it is evolving everyone that is
reading the newspaper. This will make it
personal to the reader of the newspaper.
Deconstruction of newspaper DPS
Headline: The headline
‘World Adoption
Record’ would make the
reader think that the
article has importance
as it is the ‘World’. This
headline is also meant
to shock the reader and
draw attention to the
Page Number: There is a page number in
the top right of the page. This indicates
to the reader hat page they are on. Next
to the page number it has the masthead
of the newspaper.
The Copy: These gives the reader
a little bit of the main article.
This is normally a quote from the
person being interviewed. This
one is emotional and will make
the reader feel the same
Main Image: The main image tends to connote for is being interviewed and
conveys what the article is about. The image tells the whole article in its self
as it shows the number the children and the parents and information about
News Values (Galtung and Ruge)
The ‘Daily Mirror’ news values tend to include proximity which is involving
people and places that readers know- things close to home or relevant to our
culture. The Daily Mirror normally covers stories that happen nationally
rather then stories about overseas. An example of this would be an article
the royal family or English culture.
Also the ‘Daily Mirror’ covers a genre is the new which is called ‘Personality’-
Galtung & Ruge which are stories which involving famous people. This is
usually covered in the ‘Daily Mirror’ as it covers more soft news than hard
Lastly, the ‘Daily Mirror’ covers a news value named as visual imperatives
which is stories with good pictures. This is evident as the ‘Daily Mirror’ is
more pictures then writing and most of page is covered by images rather
then writing.
News Selection Slide – Newspaper vs. Online
Soft news is information that is entertaining or personally useful whereas
hard news is a lot different to this hard news is stories that deal with
topics like business, politics and international news. These two types of
news are considered the two major types of news. The soft news is
normally covered in red top tabloids, free sheet and hard news in
normally covered in broadsheet newspapers.
In todays world more people have smartphones and tablet devices and
work long hours. So it would be easier for the reader to get the
newspaper on their phone as it is quicker and easier to access. This is why
there is a fall in print sales and circulation.
How the Daily Mirror is marketed
The newspaper markets itself by having a coupon that can get you
something for free. This is in bold so it stands out on the self, offering a
free item to the people that buy their newspaper. This is unique form
other newspapers as a lot of other newspapers do not offer this to
their readers. They newspaper does this to try and get people to
choose to buy their newspaper over other ones.
Daily mirror relationship with brand
The ‘Daily Mirror’ has had loads of different brands in the
newspaper celebrating Star Wars day. This is good as loads of
people know what Star Wars and would be more attracted to look
at the adverts when reading the newspaper. This means the the
newspaper has a relationship with the people who put together
Star Wars Day as they have loads of adverts that are celebrating it.
This piece of advertisement is in ‘The Daily Mirror’ and it is advertising
McLean betting and the world cup. This is good as millions of people
watch the world cup and follow it. This is visual advertisement as it has
the logo of McLean and the world cup logo. People are more likely to
recognize the logo of the company then anything else, this is called
branding. The betting company is using the world cup as a betting
object as they know this is one of the biggest sporting events. There is
also verbal advertisement as they have the slogan of the betting
company under the logo of it. Hoping this will bring more people to
there website to spend their money. Also it is in the mirror as this is a
‘working class’ newspaper and these people are more targeted in the
gambling scene rather then readers of ‘the guardian’
This is another piece of advertisement in the ‘Daily Mirror’, but this is
targeting women. It is advertising skirts form the website ‘Your Life’
from a very cheap price of £8. In the advertisement they use
alliteration which is very catchy. They also have a model modeling the
skirt to show that is look amazing and wonderful. It has the website
URL at the bottom of the advertisement incase the reader wants to buy
more from that site.
Advertisement pricing
The ‘Daily Mirror’ work with Rate card Scc (per single column centimeter)
• Daily Mirror has the following rate card:
• - If the client wants to go in display (front half paper): £142 Scc
• - If the client wants to be in classified (back half paper): £75 Scc
However, the ‘Daily Mirror’ offer a discount based on the volume (number of ads they will run) and in previous rates we gave them in the past.
With this rates the price will be as follow:
• Full Page:
• - Display, 34cm Height x 7 column: 34x7x£142= £33,796
• - Classified, 34x8x£75= £17,850
• Half Page:
• - Display, 17cm Height x 7 column: 17x7x£142= £16,898
• - Classified, 17x8x£75= £10,200
Demographics of the newspaper
The image on the left illustrates the total numbers, age and
social demographics of the print (hard copy) of the daily
mirror. The circulation of the daily mirror is 724,888 which
connote that this is a very popular newspaper. The highest
percentage of readers is 65+, this could be because older
people have more time to go out and buy it and there is a
lot less writing on the age then other newspaper and is
mainly images. The social demographics covers all parts of
the social area apart form the D1 as this could be students
and prefer free newspapers.
The image on the right denotes the PC version of
the print. The circulation is 5,453,722 which
demonstrates they do have more subscriptions
then retail stores. The main age is 35+ and these
people will be in work all day and wont have time
to go out so it is easer to get it on their PC to read
on the go or at work.
The ‘Daily Mirror’ style is a red top tabloid, it has
its masthead in the top left corner of every
newspaper. This is because the reader can quickly
and easily recognise the newspaper. To the right
of the masthead it will always have a advert, also
it will have adverts down the left side of the main
image and headline. The main headline is always
in bold large font and the main image covers
most of the page.
Target Audience
The target audience for the ‘Daily Mirror’ is stereotypically is a working class person who is not
willing to spend a lot of money on a newspaper. One of the main phrases used to describe the
target audience for the red top tabloid is ‘White man van’ which is a builder for example who is
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs- Explorers- The readers of daily mirror newspaper would
stereotypically be classed as ‘explorers’ as the newspaper includes new stories everyday in their
new issues. The reader would want to know this because then they can become more interested in
new articles and want to enjoy new stories.
Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory- this newspaper’s aim is to ‘inform and educate’ the reader in all
their issues as every issue has different and interesting content in it. Through the use of language
such as ‘Exclusive’ – they aim to ‘inject’ (Hypodermic needle theory – Katz & Lazarfeld – 1955) the
reader with the latest coverage of that particular articles and stories etc.
Hartley- The target audience for ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper is the older generation, of main males as
the newspaper can have images of women in a sexual way (Hartley) which are put there to try and
get attention from people when they see it on the selves to try and get more sales, this could make
women feel discriminated, however the majority of the magazine readers are female who want to
read about the stories.
Target Audience (Continued)
Socio-economic needs
Is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped
by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate,
or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.
The readership the ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper is ABC1 (Higher management,
bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals, Middle management,
teachers, creative and media people and office supervisors, junior managers,
nurses, specialist clerical staff.) and C2DE (Skilled manual workers, plumber
and builders). These sort of people don’t really have a lot of time sit down
and read a newspaper like ‘the guardian’ as they have a lot of writing,
whereas the ‘daily mirror’ doesn’t but the reader can still read the story but
in a shorter form.
‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper has it’s own website which focuses on information
on their newspaper. On it’s website they have videos for the latest news
which is good as you can’t have a video in a hard copy newspaper. This is so
the newspaper can reach a much bigger audience as millions have access to
the internet. They also have a Facebook page which also gives you
information about its newspaper but it also provides you with other people’s
comments on what they enjoy about ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper and
supporting the newspaper, this is important as ‘Daily Mirror’ will have a
wider audience not just in the UK but worldwide. The ‘Daily Mirror’ has
74.4K followers which demonstrates that I lot of its readers are loyal to
newspaper. Furthermore the ‘Daily Mirror’ YouTube has just over 15K
subscribers which combined with the Instagram the ‘daily mirror’ has a social
media following for a newspaper.
Website Analysis
The ‘Daily Mirror’ has its
masthead in the top left
corner like it does on
everyone of its
newspapers to make sure
people recognise the
brand of newspaper
when on the website.
The tab bar along the top of
the website connotes the
different sections that the
newspaper covers; news, sport,
showbiz, what’s on and female.
Furthermore when you hove
hover click over a heading it
turns into the colour scheme
of the masthead which is red
and white. This is a good way of
branding the newspaper.
This is the main article
that the newspaper
would have covered from
that day. This is evident
as the main image covers
most of the page and the
main headline is in a
white box and using two
colours that contrast
each other so its stands
out more for the reader.
On the website it also has the
other articles that are
covered in the newspaper
underneath and one next to
the main headline as the
reader is more likely to see
these once read the main
Complaint Procedure (Publisher)
This is the complaint procedure for the ‘Daily Mirror’ publisher
‘Trinity Mirror’. If you wish to compline about any of Trinity
mirror newspapers you have to follow the procedure that is
stated in the images on the right. People may complain about
some of the content that is is the newspapers or how some of
the stories are worded. The publisher has to follow certain rules
when publishing a newspaper and if it doesn't’t follow these it
an get shutdown or heavily fined.
IPSO Editors code of practise
The Code- It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they have made a binding
contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
Accuracy- This is when the media company has to make sure that what they are publishing is accurate towards
the IPSO guidelines. However if the company is inaccuracy when this must be corrected or they have to write
an apology. However the publisher could be sewed by the person they have accused if they have no evidence
of what they say.
Privacy- This is when the editor has to be careful about what they are writing about someone and they don’t
expose any sensitive information. The code says that ‘Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and
family life, home, health and including digital communications’ so this means that if an editor mentions any of
this they can take action against them. For example ‘The Daily Mirror’ magazine cannot expose any of this
private information when writing about an artists without their permission. However if the editor has consent
from the person they are allowed to mention these topics.
Harassment- This is when the editor or journalists cannot engage in any form of intimidation or harassment.
This includes not persist in asking questions, telephoning and if they are on someone's property and they are
asked to leave they have to leave. For example a ‘The Daily Mirror’ magazine journalist cannot force someone
into doing an interview with them otherwise they could be persecuted.
Daily Mirror failed accuracy
This says here that the Daily Mirror has failed
to accurately portray Corbyn’s views. This is
misleading information to the public and
could cause the Daily Mirror a lot of money as
they could be sued. This is also conveying
Corbyn in a way that he does not want to be
and is inaccurate.
The ‘Daily Mirror’ has another inaccuracy when it
published misleading information. This is bad as
the reader would be reading the wrong
Citizen journalism (Gillmor – 2004)
On the ‘Daily Mirror’ website it has a contact us page which includes how to contact them. However
it also has a section called ‘Citizen journalist’ this is when citizens can write an article or send in
photos to the newspaper so they can publish it into their newspaper if they are detailed enough and
if they are relevant to the news in that day. This will make the relationship with the reader and the
newspaper stronger as they can contribute to it. This is a unique as not every newspaper would
have this option to their readers. However if it is invalid information from the citizen then it will not
be published. For example on Monday 21st May there was a terror attack in Manchester and most of
the footage and images provided to the newspaper would have been from the members of the
public that were there when it happened.
Focus Publisher and Product
They have made up to 2 billion euros and have over 300 digital products. This
business was started about 138 years ago by the Bauer family. They have
offices located in Europe and in Australia. They have a slogan ‘We think
popular’ which connotes that they are popular and aim to be the most popular.
The verbal code ‘we’ is addressing the reader which brings the reader into the
magazine. Furthermore the verbal code ‘popular’ connotes that Bauer Media
only want their products to be popular with their target audience.
They also have 11,000 employees worldwide.
It was first issued in October 1986 and the founders were
Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. They chose the single letter
Q as they thought it would stand out the most on
newsstands, the letter ‘Q’ connotes that the magazine is of
high quality. The publishers Bauer brought this magazine of
EMAP in 2008. It is based in the UK and come out monthly.
The denotation of Bauer’s slogan is ‘we think popular’, which connotes
that Bauer media want their magazines to be the most popular on the
market by covering the top listened to music. The verbal code ‘We’
connotes that their audience and the institution are together in making
them popular. It also makes the reader think they are part of something
‘popular’ and well known.
Genre http://www.bauermedia.
Q magazine provides rock ‘n’ roll and pop music coverage. Bauer Media state on their website
“Providing a daily pass into the world of rock ’n’ roll” The image on the right denotes The Foo
Fighters on the front cover, who are a rock and roll band. The image on the left denotes Ed
Sheeran who is a pop music artist.
‘Pop music overtakes rock as UK’s most popular genre’ This indicates that ‘Q’ magazine are
covering 2 of the biggest music genres in the UK. This is the reason why ‘Q’ magazine are very
‘Hip-Hop is the most listened to genre in the world’ This mans that ‘Q’ magazine is missing out on
a huge target audience.
The langue used on the front cover of the ‘Q’ magazines is quite formal which indicates that the
magazine is professional about its audience and still cover the leading music genres.
Ownership Structure
In the UK Bauer products reach over 25 million consumers and have groups that operate in 19 countries
including the UK, Germany, Poland, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. The breadth of their portfolio
gives them an advantage over the other competitors.
One of Bauer Media’s biggest products is 4music as they attract:
The company Bauer is selling about 800,00 copies per week which makes it one of the most successful
media companies in the world.
Operating Model
These are
the most
people at
The most important
person in Bauer Media
is the CEO Paul Keenan
a hey developing and
implementing high-
level strategies, making
major corporate
decisions, managing
the overall operations
and resources of a
Product Analysis
Purpose = Q magazine has a strapline of ‘Discover Great Music’ which
connotes that Q magazine is the right one to find out new and interesting
music. Also ‘great’ conveys that its not just any old music it’s the best.
Genre = The genre of Q magazine is rock ‘n’ roll and pop. The competitors
of Q magazine are; NME, XXL, Mojo and Kerrang! Q magazine has to keep
unique to keep their buyers buying their magazine.
Form =The magazine is printed in A4 size (210 x 297 mm, also they have a
YouTube channel where you can watch he interviews instead of reading it.
The colour scheme of the magazine is red and white like their masthead,
the masthead in at the top left corner of every magazine they print as this
is how the reader recognizes the magazine on the shelf, it is also on their
digital copies. The main image on the magazines a normally all mid-shots.
The magazine is 30.6 x 22.2 x 1.2 cm.
Brand Ideology/Ethos
The denotation of the strapline for this magazine is ‘Discover
great music’, which connotes that Q magazine only talk about
great music which will make it stand out on the shelves
compared to other magazines. The verbal code ‘Discover’
connotes that it is educating the reader on new music.
Furthermore the verbal code ‘great’ illustrates that the music
that the magazine cover is the best and you can only find it in
this magazine.
Technological Convergence
‘Q’ magazine has it’s own website which focuses on information on their magazines. On it’s website they have
videos of interviews with artists which is good as you can’t have a video in a hard copy magazine. This is the
use of ‘Star Appeal’ by Richard Dyer and this will draw the audience in as the want to hear from these big
artists. They also have a Facebook page which also gives you information about its magazines but it also
provides you with other people’s comments on what they enjoy about ‘Q’ magazine and supporting the
magazine, this is important as ‘Q’ will have a wider audience not just in the UK but worldwide. On Twitter ‘Q’
magazine has 127K followers which conveys they are popular. This synergy with social media products such as
Twitter is important to the magazine because it is a simple and effective way to get their magazine out there as
billions use social media.
Associated Products
Bauer Media ownership model consists of 107 brands across a range of media platforms in total
such as other magazines, radio stations and TV. Bauer is associated with big radio stations like
Absolute Radio and Kiss which has millions of people listening every day which means that
Bauer Media can get their products out to the public quickly and effectively. Bauer Media has
associations with 4 music on TV which has lots of views.
Market Position
Magazines Radio TV
Bauer Media Products
This graph connotes Bauer Media mainly focus on the magazine market as they own
50 different magazines. However the second market they invest in is radio as they
own 34 radio stations. Lastly, Bauer Media are associated with 6 TV channels.
I made this chart myself using information from Bauer Media’s website.
The over Media companies like Times Inc. UK do not have as many products as Bauer
Market Position (Continued)
‘Q’ magazine has a circulation of 44,050 per year and in terms of Frequency the magazine is
issued every month. ‘Q’ magazine has had a sales decline of 16.7% as more people are starting
to use tablets to read their magazine. The cause of this is that more people have new
technology and they don’t need to leave their house to buy a magazine when they have it on
their technology.
2/aug/16/nme-q-magazine-sales-declines The image on the left connotes
that most of the readers of the
magazine are earning money and
the median age is 34. The reader
profile is ABC1 at 71.8% which
conveys that the readers have a
high income.
The image on the right
demonstrates the PR (Public
Relations) value of 4,971,476
millions pounds. The total PR
opportunities to see is
Competitors (Bauer Media)
TimeInc. UK- It was
formally known as IPC
Media and it was formed in
1963 by the UK's three
leading magazine
publishers - George
Newnes, Odhams Press and
Fleetway Publications.
We are an
publishing group
and leading
digital business.
They were set up
in 1985 with a
single magazine,
they have grown
to over 200 print
Immediate Media- are
the publishers of some
of the BBC magazines,
for example Match of
the Day.
Competitors (Q Magazine)
Mojo’s strapline is ‘the World’s best
music magazine’. Mojo’s publisher is
also Bauer Media however compared
to Q they don’t have near as much
readers. Their range is 45-54 and most
of their readers are male. On the
other hand Mojo over token Q
magazine. Mojo had an average
monthly circulation of 98,484 and Q
had 94,811.
Vibe is published by Spin
Media and is based in the
USA whereas Q is based in
the UK. It has a total
circulation of 301, 408, Q
magazine circulation is
NME is published by Time
Inc. UK and is based in the
UK. From July to December in
2014 its circulation was
15,384. July 2015 it was
confirmed that NME became
a free publication.
Kerrang! is also
published by Bauer
Media. They have a
higher percentage of
younger readers then Q
for example 15-24.
However they have a
lower readership then Q
with 293,000. Kerrang!
Has a total circulation of
24,207 which is also
lower then Q.
Front Cover analysis
Masthead- The masthead is
bold but very simple.
However this is significant
as you know that it is ‘Q’
magazine very quickly on
the shopping shelves. The
colours work well together
as they contrast with each
other. As it is called ‘Q’ this
connotes that it is aimed at
older people.
Cover lines- The cover lines are
used to attract the reader to read
more of the magazine. They are
quotes from what the artists
being covered have said which are
normally interesting and
outrageous so the reader in
drawn in by it.
Main Image- This main
image is of Jay-Z who is a
well known star across the
world. This is known ‘star
appeal’ (Richard Dyer). As
lots f people know who
Jay-Z is they are more likely
to by this magazine
especially if they have a
interview with him.
Header- This ‘informs’ (Katz) the
reader what types of articles are
within the issue of magazine. In
this particular magazine the
header denotes it is ‘The most
exciting people in music now’.
This is used to draw the reader in,
as they would like to read more
about it. The use of the
superlative ‘most’ conveys these
artists are the people to be listing
to so this also draws the reader
Strapline- The strapline for ‘Q’ magazine is
‘Discover Great Music’ which implies that you
can find out about ‘great’ music in this
magazine so this means more people will buy
Barcode- The barcode is
there so they can sell the
Main Image- The main image is of Jay-
Z who is also featured on the front
cover as he is well known and this is
called ‘star appeal’. There are two
colours used in this image. Red
connotes ‘Q’ magazine as the
company but also the red could
connote danger as he is a rapper and
they are meant to be ‘hard’. The
second colour is a light colour which
could convey Jay-Z’s “good” side.
Further more Jay-Z is wearing
sunglasses and chains as he is
conveying himself as a rapper.
Page Number- This page number is unique as it is
three digits for example 038 rather then the two digit
page numbers in other magazines. Also the ‘Q’ logo is
next to it as well as this indicates the company
throughout the magazine.
Headline- This head
line is always the
main heading on the
front cover so this
means that it is the
main story in the
magazine. This
headline is
interesting so this
will make the reader
want to read more
about it. Jay-Z’s
name is underneath
in the colour red
and bold as this is a
contrast to the
white background.
Pull-Quote from interview- This is a
quote from Jay-Z which is
inspirational which will make the
reader want to fond out more on
Jay-Z’s interview and his character.
of DPS
Drop capital- The drop capital
is a ‘J’ which is obviously the
first letter of the artist. This
reminds the reader what the
article is on and the
importance as Jay-Z is the
most exciting people in
The contents of ‘Q’ magazine includes stories, interviews and
reviews of a variety of different artists. They don’t just talk
about their main artist that features on the front cover, they
also talk about other artists and bands which may feature on
the front cover as a cover line. Furthermore the magazine also
includes competitions to win various things, for example
concert tickets, also it advertises new albums, singles and
upcoming concerts. ‘Q’ magazine also talks about their social
media links as social media is used by billions for example 1.23
billion monthly active users on Facebook. It is important for
them to keep giving the reader new information so they buy
the magazine the next month.
Throughout the magazine it has the same house styles and
layout, which is important because it looks aesthetically
pleasing on the readers eyes. Also they use the same image as
on the front cover when talking about the artist as this
conveys how important he or she is. Furthermore the house
style and layout is simple so this means the customer can
clearly indicate that it is ‘Q’ magazine as it stands out.
Contents page analysis
Masthead- The masthead is
bold but very simple.
However this is significant
as you know that it is ‘Q’
magazine very quickly on
the shopping shelves. The
colours work well together
as they contrast with each
other. As it is called ‘Q’ this
connotes that it is aimed at
older people.
Main Image- The main
image on the content
page is very big and
dominating. This is
because the editor wants
the reader to see the
image first when
opening the magazine.
This straight away gives
the reader an idea of
what the magazine is
about and what is
featured in it. On the
image is a number in
bold so the reader
clearly knows what page
it is on.
Content of magazine- The
page number and titles are
all down the left side of the
page. Each title has a brief
description of what it is on
that certain page.
Images- The smaller image at the bottom
of the page shows the reader what other
artists are on the music magazine and
what page there are on
Issue Number- This
just tells the reader
what issue the
magazine is.
Page Number- The page
numbers are big in some of
the pictures to illustrate
that this is a main article.
Text below story- This text
below the story is an overview
of the article so it gives the
reader something to go along.
Deconstruction of website
Social Media links-
‘Q’ magazine have
links to; twitter,
Pinterest, Youtube
and Facebook. This
shows that ‘Q’
magazine is well
up to date and can
advertise their
magazine all over
the web. This is
good as 2.34
billion people have
social network
Content- On their website they have videos
which is unique as obviously on a magazine
you cant have videos. It also has all the
information on the newest issue on the
home page. Further more it has information
on interviews, columns and competitions.
Layout- The layout of
the page is quite
simple and has the
magazine’s house
styles as this makes it
recognizable. Further
more it could be
simple as the
magazine is aimed at
the older generation
who typically may
not know how to get
around a website.
Finally, it has the logo
in the left corner like
on all its magazines it
Navigation bar- The navigation bar is from
the left the most important pages for the
readers to look at. Furthermore when you
hoover over a section it changes to the same
colour scheme as the masthead.
Form and Style
‘Q’ magazine has a continuous simple form and style on all of
their magazines. For example on the from cover the
masthead is always in the top left corner and they have the
same font is used.
Also on the front cover will usually have a large image of the
main artist that they are talking about which covers most of
the page with the artists name in large on the picture.
Inside the magazine they will always have the page number
and web address for their advertising all the time.
Overall every ‘Q’ magazine will always present the same
basic and simple layout as this is what the reader knows and
is appealing to them so they can clearly see it.
Every ‘Q’ magazine has a picture of a famous artist on the
front of the magazine to get the readers attention to look
and buy the magazine. This is called ‘Star Appeal’ by Richard
Dyer. Normally the picture on the front is the artist that they
have used for the main DPS.
Production Process
The image on the left
demonstrates that I
have sent Bauer
Media an email asking
if they can send me
some information
about their
production process. I
did not get a reply but
I found a production
process which you
can see on the next
Production Process (Continued)
1. Date of publication- This is the date of when the magazine is going to be published.
2. Managing the schedule- This is important as if you want the magazine to be successful you must properly manage the
schedule and making sure everything is ready to be published.
3. Editorial and budgetary decision- This is when you decide what topics will be covered in the next issue of the magazine.
4. Content Acquisition- This is the most important as without the content there cannot be a magazine in the first pace.
5. Sub-editing- This is basically quality of control, this involves; Checking of the accuracy of all facts in the articles, making sure
that words are properly spelled, making sure that grammar and punctuation are used correctly, making sure that all articles
follow the house-style and working on the layout.
6. Page Layout- Their job is to typeset and layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine.
7. Proofreading- This is when the editorial department will read though it and find and correct any mistakes in it.
8. File emailed to printer- The entire magazine is sent to the printer and will be printed.
9. Pre-press- Process of checking to make sure that you are sending all the fonts and images needed for the magazine with in
your file.
10. Distribution- The printing company will package the magazines and send them to a warehouse, from there they will be
distributed and sold to the public.
Synergy means working together, in this case ‘Q’ magazine working
with a social media site. The origin of the word is Greek sunergos
‘working together’, from sun- ‘together’ + ergon ‘work’.
‘Q’ magazine has links to; twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Youtube this is
good as you can watch an interview rather then reading it and
Facebook. This shows that ‘Q’ magazine is well up to date and can
advertise their magazine all over the web. This is good as 2.34 billion
people have social network accounts worldwide.
Retail Outlet
The shops that sell ‘Q’ magazine are very popular and well known.
This means that lots of people shop here and will see the magazine.
There are 479 Tesco Superstores in the UK, there are 1,374
Sainsbury's grocery stores in the UK, 773 of which were
convenience stores. Which means that their magazine are all over
the UK.
Retail Outlet (Continued)
On the ‘Q’ magazine website you are able to subscribe to the magazine.
This means you can get a printed copy of the magazine to your address.
Also you can get a digital copy sent to you via email. Furthermore you
can get this magazine to a different so it’s tied to just the UK.

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Unit 30 LO1

  • 1.
  • 2. Free Sheet Newspaper Free Sheet newspaper- this is simply a free newspaper The way these type of newspapers make their money to be able to run they have high advertisement costs. This because thousands of people look at these newspapers everyday. These papers will be around the city in stands for anyone to take a copy. The are mainly outside and inside busy train stations around London. Some examples of these newspapers would be Metro, London Evening Standard and City A.M This is the print analysis for the Metro which is free sheet newspaper and is probably one of the most well known free sheet newspapers. 2/ap02-205.html
  • 3. Red Top Tabloid A red top tabloid is a newspaper which has its masthead in a red box, for example ‘The Sun’. These newspapers are usually very cheap to buy in shops. Typically this newspaper covers soft news which is about celebrities and gossip. Sometime these newspapers will cover hard news however they may put a play on words on it. This is the print analysis of “Daily Mirror’ which is a big red top tabloid newspaper out there. 2073782
  • 4. Broadsheet A broadsheet newspaper is a newspaper with a large format, regarded as more serious and less sensationalist than tabloids. This type of newspaper will cover mainly hard news from around the world. These newspapers tend to be expensive as they cover a lot of stories and include a TV guide. This is the print analysis of ‘The guardian’ which is a well known broadsheet newspaper.
  • 6. Production Process As well as knowing the production process for my magazine of choice, I tired to research the production process for my newspaper of choice. Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything on the internet to find information about this. I emailed the ‘Daily Mirror’ to try and find out the production process, however they haven’t replied to me.
  • 7. Chosen Newspaper Connotations behind the name/colour scheme/font style ‘Daily Mirror’ colour scheme is a red background and the bold white writing contrast each other so it stands out more then other newspaper in shops. The font style of the newspaper is a very blocky font and big, so this stands out on the shop selves from all the other newspaper out there today. Publisher The publisher for the ‘The Daily Mirror’ is Trinity Mirror. The news corporation that owns the Daily Mirror is Rupert Murdoch corporation. History of the paper The ‘Daily Mirror’ was launch on the 2nd November 1903 by Alfred Harmsworth. The newspaper was launched for women and had success in its first year, on its first day the circulation was 276,000. However in 1904 this dropped to 24,801. Then the newspaper became unisex for men as well as women. Circulation figures The ‘Daily Mirror’ circulation figure is 687,000. News Selection The ‘Daily Mirror’ covers mainly soft news ( information that is primarily entraining or personally useful) as in the newspaper the stories are about celebrities which is a ‘Personality’ – Galtung & Ruge news value when stories are centred around a particular person because they can be presented from ‘human interest’ and gossip rather then news about world politics.
  • 8. Deconstruction of newspaper front cover Masthead: The masthead for the ‘Daily Mirror’ is a red background with the white writing which is a contrast in colour so it stands out to people. It nearly covers the whole of the top of the newspaper as it is big and bold which is in people faces getting there attention. Advertisement: In the corner of the page there is a free advertisement. This denotes that the newspaper is targeting the working class. Furthermore it is a good way to get people to buy your newspaper. Main Image: The main image on the front of the newspaper is important as this is what the reader in seeing first. The main image needs to be interesting and bold so the reader is drawn to it. Also the main image is very large on the front cover so it is more eye-catching for the reader. Main Headline: The main headline is very bold and covers most of the front page. The main headline was to be attractive and easy to read. This headline is a play on words as ‘Kung Fuel Fighting’ and the song Kung Foe Fighting’ which is a well known song. This will entice the reader as they have something they can relate too. Cover lines: These are over articles in the newspaper and sometimes can be over exaggerated. This particular cover line is soft news as it is about a TV program. Secondary Image: This could be used to tell the reader more about the story. News Values: The news values (Galtung & Ruge) that apply to this front cover as it is ‘personality’ as it says ‘everybody’ this means that it is evolving everyone that is reading the newspaper. This will make it personal to the reader of the newspaper.
  • 9. Deconstruction of newspaper DPS Headline: The headline ‘World Adoption Record’ would make the reader think that the article has importance as it is the ‘World’. This headline is also meant to shock the reader and draw attention to the article. Page Number: There is a page number in the top right of the page. This indicates to the reader hat page they are on. Next to the page number it has the masthead of the newspaper. The Copy: These gives the reader a little bit of the main article. This is normally a quote from the person being interviewed. This one is emotional and will make the reader feel the same emotion. Main Image: The main image tends to connote for is being interviewed and conveys what the article is about. The image tells the whole article in its self as it shows the number the children and the parents and information about them.
  • 10. News Values (Galtung and Ruge) The ‘Daily Mirror’ news values tend to include proximity which is involving people and places that readers know- things close to home or relevant to our culture. The Daily Mirror normally covers stories that happen nationally rather then stories about overseas. An example of this would be an article the royal family or English culture. Also the ‘Daily Mirror’ covers a genre is the new which is called ‘Personality’- Galtung & Ruge which are stories which involving famous people. This is usually covered in the ‘Daily Mirror’ as it covers more soft news than hard news. Lastly, the ‘Daily Mirror’ covers a news value named as visual imperatives which is stories with good pictures. This is evident as the ‘Daily Mirror’ is more pictures then writing and most of page is covered by images rather then writing.
  • 11. News Selection Slide – Newspaper vs. Online Soft news is information that is entertaining or personally useful whereas hard news is a lot different to this hard news is stories that deal with topics like business, politics and international news. These two types of news are considered the two major types of news. The soft news is normally covered in red top tabloids, free sheet and hard news in normally covered in broadsheet newspapers. In todays world more people have smartphones and tablet devices and work long hours. So it would be easier for the reader to get the newspaper on their phone as it is quicker and easier to access. This is why there is a fall in print sales and circulation.
  • 12. How the Daily Mirror is marketed The newspaper markets itself by having a coupon that can get you something for free. This is in bold so it stands out on the self, offering a free item to the people that buy their newspaper. This is unique form other newspapers as a lot of other newspapers do not offer this to their readers. They newspaper does this to try and get people to choose to buy their newspaper over other ones.
  • 13. Daily mirror relationship with brand The ‘Daily Mirror’ has had loads of different brands in the newspaper celebrating Star Wars day. This is good as loads of people know what Star Wars and would be more attracted to look at the adverts when reading the newspaper. This means the the newspaper has a relationship with the people who put together Star Wars Day as they have loads of adverts that are celebrating it.
  • 14. Advertisement This piece of advertisement is in ‘The Daily Mirror’ and it is advertising McLean betting and the world cup. This is good as millions of people watch the world cup and follow it. This is visual advertisement as it has the logo of McLean and the world cup logo. People are more likely to recognize the logo of the company then anything else, this is called branding. The betting company is using the world cup as a betting object as they know this is one of the biggest sporting events. There is also verbal advertisement as they have the slogan of the betting company under the logo of it. Hoping this will bring more people to there website to spend their money. Also it is in the mirror as this is a ‘working class’ newspaper and these people are more targeted in the gambling scene rather then readers of ‘the guardian’
  • 15. Advertisement This is another piece of advertisement in the ‘Daily Mirror’, but this is targeting women. It is advertising skirts form the website ‘Your Life’ from a very cheap price of £8. In the advertisement they use alliteration which is very catchy. They also have a model modeling the skirt to show that is look amazing and wonderful. It has the website URL at the bottom of the advertisement incase the reader wants to buy more from that site.
  • 16. Advertisement pricing The ‘Daily Mirror’ work with Rate card Scc (per single column centimeter) • Daily Mirror has the following rate card: • - If the client wants to go in display (front half paper): £142 Scc • - If the client wants to be in classified (back half paper): £75 Scc However, the ‘Daily Mirror’ offer a discount based on the volume (number of ads they will run) and in previous rates we gave them in the past. With this rates the price will be as follow: • Full Page: • - Display, 34cm Height x 7 column: 34x7x£142= £33,796 • - Classified, 34x8x£75= £17,850 • Half Page: • - Display, 17cm Height x 7 column: 17x7x£142= £16,898 • - Classified, 17x8x£75= £10,200
  • 17. Demographics of the newspaper The image on the left illustrates the total numbers, age and social demographics of the print (hard copy) of the daily mirror. The circulation of the daily mirror is 724,888 which connote that this is a very popular newspaper. The highest percentage of readers is 65+, this could be because older people have more time to go out and buy it and there is a lot less writing on the age then other newspaper and is mainly images. The social demographics covers all parts of the social area apart form the D1 as this could be students and prefer free newspapers. The image on the right denotes the PC version of the print. The circulation is 5,453,722 which demonstrates they do have more subscriptions then retail stores. The main age is 35+ and these people will be in work all day and wont have time to go out so it is easer to get it on their PC to read on the go or at work.
  • 18. Style The ‘Daily Mirror’ style is a red top tabloid, it has its masthead in the top left corner of every newspaper. This is because the reader can quickly and easily recognise the newspaper. To the right of the masthead it will always have a advert, also it will have adverts down the left side of the main image and headline. The main headline is always in bold large font and the main image covers most of the page.
  • 19. Target Audience The target audience for the ‘Daily Mirror’ is stereotypically is a working class person who is not willing to spend a lot of money on a newspaper. One of the main phrases used to describe the target audience for the red top tabloid is ‘White man van’ which is a builder for example who is patriotic. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs- Explorers- The readers of daily mirror newspaper would stereotypically be classed as ‘explorers’ as the newspaper includes new stories everyday in their new issues. The reader would want to know this because then they can become more interested in new articles and want to enjoy new stories. Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory- this newspaper’s aim is to ‘inform and educate’ the reader in all their issues as every issue has different and interesting content in it. Through the use of language such as ‘Exclusive’ – they aim to ‘inject’ (Hypodermic needle theory – Katz & Lazarfeld – 1955) the reader with the latest coverage of that particular articles and stories etc. Hartley- The target audience for ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper is the older generation, of main males as the newspaper can have images of women in a sexual way (Hartley) which are put there to try and get attention from people when they see it on the selves to try and get more sales, this could make women feel discriminated, however the majority of the magazine readers are female who want to read about the stories.
  • 20. Target Audience (Continued) Socio-economic needs Is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy. The readership the ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper is ABC1 (Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals, Middle management, teachers, creative and media people and office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff.) and C2DE (Skilled manual workers, plumber and builders). These sort of people don’t really have a lot of time sit down and read a newspaper like ‘the guardian’ as they have a lot of writing, whereas the ‘daily mirror’ doesn’t but the reader can still read the story but in a shorter form.
  • 21. Media ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper has it’s own website which focuses on information on their newspaper. On it’s website they have videos for the latest news which is good as you can’t have a video in a hard copy newspaper. This is so the newspaper can reach a much bigger audience as millions have access to the internet. They also have a Facebook page which also gives you information about its newspaper but it also provides you with other people’s comments on what they enjoy about ‘Daily Mirror’ newspaper and supporting the newspaper, this is important as ‘Daily Mirror’ will have a wider audience not just in the UK but worldwide. The ‘Daily Mirror’ has 74.4K followers which demonstrates that I lot of its readers are loyal to newspaper. Furthermore the ‘Daily Mirror’ YouTube has just over 15K subscribers which combined with the Instagram the ‘daily mirror’ has a social media following for a newspaper.
  • 22. Website Analysis The ‘Daily Mirror’ has its masthead in the top left corner like it does on everyone of its newspapers to make sure people recognise the brand of newspaper when on the website. The tab bar along the top of the website connotes the different sections that the newspaper covers; news, sport, showbiz, what’s on and female. Furthermore when you hove hover click over a heading it turns into the colour scheme of the masthead which is red and white. This is a good way of branding the newspaper. This is the main article that the newspaper would have covered from that day. This is evident as the main image covers most of the page and the main headline is in a white box and using two colours that contrast each other so its stands out more for the reader. On the website it also has the other articles that are covered in the newspaper underneath and one next to the main headline as the reader is more likely to see these once read the main article.
  • 23. Complaint Procedure (Publisher) This is the complaint procedure for the ‘Daily Mirror’ publisher ‘Trinity Mirror’. If you wish to compline about any of Trinity mirror newspapers you have to follow the procedure that is stated in the images on the right. People may complain about some of the content that is is the newspapers or how some of the stories are worded. The publisher has to follow certain rules when publishing a newspaper and if it doesn't’t follow these it an get shutdown or heavily fined.
  • 24. IPSO Editors code of practise The Code- It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know. Accuracy- This is when the media company has to make sure that what they are publishing is accurate towards the IPSO guidelines. However if the company is inaccuracy when this must be corrected or they have to write an apology. However the publisher could be sewed by the person they have accused if they have no evidence of what they say. Privacy- This is when the editor has to be careful about what they are writing about someone and they don’t expose any sensitive information. The code says that ‘Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and including digital communications’ so this means that if an editor mentions any of this they can take action against them. For example ‘The Daily Mirror’ magazine cannot expose any of this private information when writing about an artists without their permission. However if the editor has consent from the person they are allowed to mention these topics. Harassment- This is when the editor or journalists cannot engage in any form of intimidation or harassment. This includes not persist in asking questions, telephoning and if they are on someone's property and they are asked to leave they have to leave. For example a ‘The Daily Mirror’ magazine journalist cannot force someone into doing an interview with them otherwise they could be persecuted.
  • 25. Daily Mirror failed accuracy This says here that the Daily Mirror has failed to accurately portray Corbyn’s views. This is misleading information to the public and could cause the Daily Mirror a lot of money as they could be sued. This is also conveying Corbyn in a way that he does not want to be and is inaccurate. The ‘Daily Mirror’ has another inaccuracy when it published misleading information. This is bad as the reader would be reading the wrong information.
  • 26. Citizen journalism (Gillmor – 2004) On the ‘Daily Mirror’ website it has a contact us page which includes how to contact them. However it also has a section called ‘Citizen journalist’ this is when citizens can write an article or send in photos to the newspaper so they can publish it into their newspaper if they are detailed enough and if they are relevant to the news in that day. This will make the relationship with the reader and the newspaper stronger as they can contribute to it. This is a unique as not every newspaper would have this option to their readers. However if it is invalid information from the citizen then it will not be published. For example on Monday 21st May there was a terror attack in Manchester and most of the footage and images provided to the newspaper would have been from the members of the public that were there when it happened. definition/2386/citizen- journalism
  • 27. Focus Publisher and Product Bauer They have made up to 2 billion euros and have over 300 digital products. This business was started about 138 years ago by the Bauer family. They have offices located in Europe and in Australia. They have a slogan ‘We think popular’ which connotes that they are popular and aim to be the most popular. The verbal code ‘we’ is addressing the reader which brings the reader into the magazine. Furthermore the verbal code ‘popular’ connotes that Bauer Media only want their products to be popular with their target audience. They also have 11,000 employees worldwide. Q It was first issued in October 1986 and the founders were Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. They chose the single letter Q as they thought it would stand out the most on newsstands, the letter ‘Q’ connotes that the magazine is of high quality. The publishers Bauer brought this magazine of EMAP in 2008. It is based in the UK and come out monthly.
  • 28. Bauer The denotation of Bauer’s slogan is ‘we think popular’, which connotes that Bauer media want their magazines to be the most popular on the market by covering the top listened to music. The verbal code ‘We’ connotes that their audience and the institution are together in making them popular. It also makes the reader think they are part of something ‘popular’ and well known.
  • 29. Genre http://www.bauermedia. Q magazine provides rock ‘n’ roll and pop music coverage. Bauer Media state on their website “Providing a daily pass into the world of rock ’n’ roll” The image on the right denotes The Foo Fighters on the front cover, who are a rock and roll band. The image on the left denotes Ed Sheeran who is a pop music artist. ‘Pop music overtakes rock as UK’s most popular genre’ This indicates that ‘Q’ magazine are covering 2 of the biggest music genres in the UK. This is the reason why ‘Q’ magazine are very popular. ‘Hip-Hop is the most listened to genre in the world’ This mans that ‘Q’ magazine is missing out on a huge target audience. The langue used on the front cover of the ‘Q’ magazines is quite formal which indicates that the magazine is professional about its audience and still cover the leading music genres.
  • 30. Ownership Structure In the UK Bauer products reach over 25 million consumers and have groups that operate in 19 countries including the UK, Germany, Poland, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. The breadth of their portfolio gives them an advantage over the other competitors. One of Bauer Media’s biggest products is 4music as they attract: 1.7 MILLION VIEWERS 11 MILLION VIEWERS A MONTH 54% OF ALL TV VIEWERS OVER THE YEAR The company Bauer is selling about 800,00 copies per week which makes it one of the most successful media companies in the world.
  • 31. Operating Model http://www.bauerme These are the most important people at Bauer Media. The most important person in Bauer Media is the CEO Paul Keenan a hey developing and implementing high- level strategies, making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company.
  • 32. Product Analysis Purpose = Q magazine has a strapline of ‘Discover Great Music’ which connotes that Q magazine is the right one to find out new and interesting music. Also ‘great’ conveys that its not just any old music it’s the best. Genre = The genre of Q magazine is rock ‘n’ roll and pop. The competitors of Q magazine are; NME, XXL, Mojo and Kerrang! Q magazine has to keep unique to keep their buyers buying their magazine. Form =The magazine is printed in A4 size (210 x 297 mm, also they have a YouTube channel where you can watch he interviews instead of reading it. The colour scheme of the magazine is red and white like their masthead, the masthead in at the top left corner of every magazine they print as this is how the reader recognizes the magazine on the shelf, it is also on their digital copies. The main image on the magazines a normally all mid-shots. The magazine is 30.6 x 22.2 x 1.2 cm.
  • 33. Brand Ideology/Ethos The denotation of the strapline for this magazine is ‘Discover great music’, which connotes that Q magazine only talk about great music which will make it stand out on the shelves compared to other magazines. The verbal code ‘Discover’ connotes that it is educating the reader on new music. Furthermore the verbal code ‘great’ illustrates that the music that the magazine cover is the best and you can only find it in this magazine.
  • 34. Technological Convergence ‘Q’ magazine has it’s own website which focuses on information on their magazines. On it’s website they have videos of interviews with artists which is good as you can’t have a video in a hard copy magazine. This is the use of ‘Star Appeal’ by Richard Dyer and this will draw the audience in as the want to hear from these big artists. They also have a Facebook page which also gives you information about its magazines but it also provides you with other people’s comments on what they enjoy about ‘Q’ magazine and supporting the magazine, this is important as ‘Q’ will have a wider audience not just in the UK but worldwide. On Twitter ‘Q’ magazine has 127K followers which conveys they are popular. This synergy with social media products such as Twitter is important to the magazine because it is a simple and effective way to get their magazine out there as billions use social media.
  • 35. Associated Products Bauer Media ownership model consists of 107 brands across a range of media platforms in total such as other magazines, radio stations and TV. Bauer is associated with big radio stations like Absolute Radio and Kiss which has millions of people listening every day which means that Bauer Media can get their products out to the public quickly and effectively. Bauer Media has associations with 4 music on TV which has lots of views.
  • 36. Market Position 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Magazines Radio TV Bauer Media Products This graph connotes Bauer Media mainly focus on the magazine market as they own 50 different magazines. However the second market they invest in is radio as they own 34 radio stations. Lastly, Bauer Media are associated with 6 TV channels. I made this chart myself using information from Bauer Media’s website. The over Media companies like Times Inc. UK do not have as many products as Bauer Media. Source: http://www.bauermedia.c
  • 37. Market Position (Continued) ‘Q’ magazine has a circulation of 44,050 per year and in terms of Frequency the magazine is issued every month. ‘Q’ magazine has had a sales decline of 16.7% as more people are starting to use tablets to read their magazine. The cause of this is that more people have new technology and they don’t need to leave their house to buy a magazine when they have it on their technology. 2/aug/16/nme-q-magazine-sales-declines The image on the left connotes that most of the readers of the magazine are earning money and the median age is 34. The reader profile is ABC1 at 71.8% which conveys that the readers have a high income. The image on the right demonstrates the PR (Public Relations) value of 4,971,476 millions pounds. The total PR opportunities to see is 43,180,100. uploads/QMediaPack2016.pdf
  • 38. Competitors (Bauer Media) TimeInc. UK- It was formally known as IPC Media and it was formed in 1963 by the UK's three leading magazine publishers - George Newnes, Odhams Press and Fleetway Publications. We are an international publishing group and leading digital business. They were set up in 1985 with a single magazine, they have grown to over 200 print titles. Immediate Media- are the publishers of some of the BBC magazines, for example Match of the Day.
  • 39. Competitors (Q Magazine) Mojo’s strapline is ‘the World’s best music magazine’. Mojo’s publisher is also Bauer Media however compared to Q they don’t have near as much readers. Their range is 45-54 and most of their readers are male. On the other hand Mojo over token Q magazine. Mojo had an average monthly circulation of 98,484 and Q had 94,811. Vibe is published by Spin Media and is based in the USA whereas Q is based in the UK. It has a total circulation of 301, 408, Q magazine circulation is 44,050. NME is published by Time Inc. UK and is based in the UK. From July to December in 2014 its circulation was 15,384. July 2015 it was confirmed that NME became a free publication. Kerrang! is also published by Bauer Media. They have a higher percentage of younger readers then Q for example 15-24. However they have a lower readership then Q with 293,000. Kerrang! Has a total circulation of 24,207 which is also lower then Q. Source:
  • 40. Front Cover analysis Masthead- The masthead is bold but very simple. However this is significant as you know that it is ‘Q’ magazine very quickly on the shopping shelves. The colours work well together as they contrast with each other. As it is called ‘Q’ this connotes that it is aimed at older people. Cover lines- The cover lines are used to attract the reader to read more of the magazine. They are quotes from what the artists being covered have said which are normally interesting and outrageous so the reader in drawn in by it. Main Image- This main image is of Jay-Z who is a well known star across the world. This is known ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer). As lots f people know who Jay-Z is they are more likely to by this magazine especially if they have a interview with him. Header- This ‘informs’ (Katz) the reader what types of articles are within the issue of magazine. In this particular magazine the header denotes it is ‘The most exciting people in music now’. This is used to draw the reader in, as they would like to read more about it. The use of the superlative ‘most’ conveys these artists are the people to be listing to so this also draws the reader in. Strapline- The strapline for ‘Q’ magazine is ‘Discover Great Music’ which implies that you can find out about ‘great’ music in this magazine so this means more people will buy it. Barcode- The barcode is there so they can sell the magazine
  • 41. Main Image- The main image is of Jay- Z who is also featured on the front cover as he is well known and this is called ‘star appeal’. There are two colours used in this image. Red connotes ‘Q’ magazine as the company but also the red could connote danger as he is a rapper and they are meant to be ‘hard’. The second colour is a light colour which could convey Jay-Z’s “good” side. Further more Jay-Z is wearing sunglasses and chains as he is conveying himself as a rapper. Page Number- This page number is unique as it is three digits for example 038 rather then the two digit page numbers in other magazines. Also the ‘Q’ logo is next to it as well as this indicates the company throughout the magazine. Headline- This head line is always the main heading on the front cover so this means that it is the main story in the magazine. This headline is particularly interesting so this will make the reader want to read more about it. Jay-Z’s name is underneath in the colour red and bold as this is a contrast to the white background. Pull-Quote from interview- This is a quote from Jay-Z which is inspirational which will make the reader want to fond out more on Jay-Z’s interview and his character. Deconstruction of DPS Drop capital- The drop capital is a ‘J’ which is obviously the first letter of the artist. This reminds the reader what the article is on and the importance as Jay-Z is the most exciting people in music.
  • 42. Content The contents of ‘Q’ magazine includes stories, interviews and reviews of a variety of different artists. They don’t just talk about their main artist that features on the front cover, they also talk about other artists and bands which may feature on the front cover as a cover line. Furthermore the magazine also includes competitions to win various things, for example concert tickets, also it advertises new albums, singles and upcoming concerts. ‘Q’ magazine also talks about their social media links as social media is used by billions for example 1.23 billion monthly active users on Facebook. It is important for them to keep giving the reader new information so they buy the magazine the next month. Throughout the magazine it has the same house styles and layout, which is important because it looks aesthetically pleasing on the readers eyes. Also they use the same image as on the front cover when talking about the artist as this conveys how important he or she is. Furthermore the house style and layout is simple so this means the customer can clearly indicate that it is ‘Q’ magazine as it stands out.
  • 43. Contents page analysis Masthead- The masthead is bold but very simple. However this is significant as you know that it is ‘Q’ magazine very quickly on the shopping shelves. The colours work well together as they contrast with each other. As it is called ‘Q’ this connotes that it is aimed at older people. Main Image- The main image on the content page is very big and dominating. This is because the editor wants the reader to see the image first when opening the magazine. This straight away gives the reader an idea of what the magazine is about and what is featured in it. On the image is a number in bold so the reader clearly knows what page it is on. Content of magazine- The page number and titles are all down the left side of the page. Each title has a brief description of what it is on that certain page. Images- The smaller image at the bottom of the page shows the reader what other artists are on the music magazine and what page there are on Issue Number- This just tells the reader what issue the magazine is. Page Number- The page numbers are big in some of the pictures to illustrate that this is a main article. Text below story- This text below the story is an overview of the article so it gives the reader something to go along.
  • 44. Deconstruction of website Social Media links- ‘Q’ magazine have links to; twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and Facebook. This shows that ‘Q’ magazine is well up to date and can advertise their magazine all over the web. This is good as 2.34 billion people have social network accounts worldwide. Content- On their website they have videos which is unique as obviously on a magazine you cant have videos. It also has all the information on the newest issue on the home page. Further more it has information on interviews, columns and competitions. Layout- The layout of the page is quite simple and has the magazine’s house styles as this makes it recognizable. Further more it could be simple as the magazine is aimed at the older generation who typically may not know how to get around a website. Finally, it has the logo in the left corner like on all its magazines it is. Navigation bar- The navigation bar is from the left the most important pages for the readers to look at. Furthermore when you hoover over a section it changes to the same colour scheme as the masthead.
  • 45. Form and Style ‘Q’ magazine has a continuous simple form and style on all of their magazines. For example on the from cover the masthead is always in the top left corner and they have the same font is used. Also on the front cover will usually have a large image of the main artist that they are talking about which covers most of the page with the artists name in large on the picture. Inside the magazine they will always have the page number and web address for their advertising all the time. Overall every ‘Q’ magazine will always present the same basic and simple layout as this is what the reader knows and is appealing to them so they can clearly see it. Every ‘Q’ magazine has a picture of a famous artist on the front of the magazine to get the readers attention to look and buy the magazine. This is called ‘Star Appeal’ by Richard Dyer. Normally the picture on the front is the artist that they have used for the main DPS.
  • 46. Production Process The image on the left demonstrates that I have sent Bauer Media an email asking if they can send me some information about their production process. I did not get a reply but I found a production process which you can see on the next slide.
  • 47. Production Process (Continued) 1. Date of publication- This is the date of when the magazine is going to be published. 2. Managing the schedule- This is important as if you want the magazine to be successful you must properly manage the schedule and making sure everything is ready to be published. 3. Editorial and budgetary decision- This is when you decide what topics will be covered in the next issue of the magazine. 4. Content Acquisition- This is the most important as without the content there cannot be a magazine in the first pace. 5. Sub-editing- This is basically quality of control, this involves; Checking of the accuracy of all facts in the articles, making sure that words are properly spelled, making sure that grammar and punctuation are used correctly, making sure that all articles follow the house-style and working on the layout. 6. Page Layout- Their job is to typeset and layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. 7. Proofreading- This is when the editorial department will read though it and find and correct any mistakes in it. 8. File emailed to printer- The entire magazine is sent to the printer and will be printed. 9. Pre-press- Process of checking to make sure that you are sending all the fonts and images needed for the magazine with in your file. 10. Distribution- The printing company will package the magazines and send them to a warehouse, from there they will be distributed and sold to the public. production-process/
  • 48. Synergy Synergy means working together, in this case ‘Q’ magazine working with a social media site. The origin of the word is Greek sunergos ‘working together’, from sun- ‘together’ + ergon ‘work’. ‘Q’ magazine has links to; twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Youtube this is good as you can watch an interview rather then reading it and Facebook. This shows that ‘Q’ magazine is well up to date and can advertise their magazine all over the web. This is good as 2.34 billion people have social network accounts worldwide. Source: m/browse/synergy
  • 49. Retail Outlet The shops that sell ‘Q’ magazine are very popular and well known. This means that lots of people shop here and will see the magazine. There are 479 Tesco Superstores in the UK, there are 1,374 Sainsbury's grocery stores in the UK, 773 of which were convenience stores. Which means that their magazine are all over the UK.
  • 50. Retail Outlet (Continued) On the ‘Q’ magazine website you are able to subscribe to the magazine. This means you can get a printed copy of the magazine to your address. Also you can get a digital copy sent to you via email. Furthermore you can get this magazine to a different so it’s tied to just the UK.

Editor's Notes

  1. More detail Source: …...... Needed
  2. More detail Source: …...... Needed
  3. More detail Source: …...... Needed
  4. Source: …...... Needed Neater format (bold sub-headings) and images needed
  5. 1) Give examples – how does the coverage of each platform differ?
  6. Advertising – relationship with a brand and how this reflects the readership
  7. Source needed and (ideally) a screenshot of the pricing £ as well
  8. Theories – Katz, Maslow, Hartley, socio-economic needs, psychographics etc. are needed
  9. Example of an article/story that caused controversy in ‘The Daily Mirror’ – did people OR why did people complain about it?
  10. X1 more slide – where have ‘The Daily Mirror’ failed to be accurate?
  11. X1-2 more examples needed – including screen shot examples
  12. Manchester attacks – images needed
  13. Format – on a separate slide – e.g. colour scheme and connotations, print layout (masthead in the top left, main image shot type, cross media convergence), Dimensions of the magazine, availaility on line (digital edition)
  14. Screen shot of this
  15. Sources needed
  16. Dimensions of the magazine Format of the magazine – Digital and Hard copy
  17. Photographic evidence of the magazines availability in these shops