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Unit 1: Task 3 - Collaborative Activity 1
Fernando Libreros Code: 14.894.909
Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez González Code: 1.121.902.854
Diana Yamile Romero Code: 1.119.890.884
Gloria Gissela Acosta Code: 1.122.649.979
Jennifer Daniela Medina code:
GROUP: 551037_24
Universidad Nacional a Distancia UNAD
Marzo 24, 2019
According to the guidelines established in the current task´s guide, the aim is to
develop the disciplinary and the communicative competences(both interpretative and
argumentative), in connection with the concept of translation and its complexity, the
translation techniques, and their difference with strategy and method.
The different parts apported by all co-eds will be enclosed following the paragraph´s
sequence. The same order with our concomitant attached reflections and charts.
PARAGRAPH 1 (Fernando Libreros)
The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used. In some major oil
producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing fears of global
warming. Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This
transition will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity. Firstly, there will be an
increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to power their homes
and vehicles. Secondly, there will be an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how much is
generated, but also how it is generated, as there is growing electricity generation from renewable
sources. To meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid technology. This system aims
to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation and demand, and to
use this information to create a more efficient power network.
Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la manera como la energía es provista y usada. En
algunas de las naciones productoras de petróleo mas grandes, el “pico de la gasolina” ya ha sido
alcanzado y hay crecientes temores de calentamiento global. En consecuencia, muchos países se están
enfocando en cambiar hacia una economía baja en carbono. Esta transición conducirá a grandes
cambios en la provisión de electricidad y su uso. Primeramente, habrá un incremento de la demanda
general, cuando los consumidores se cambien de gasolina y gas a electricidad para generar energía en
sus casas y vehículos. En segundo lugar, habrá un incremento en la generación de poder, no sólo en
términos de cuánto es generado sino también de cómo es generado, puesto que hay una creciente
generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables. Para enfrentar estos retos, los países están
invirtiendo en tecnología de Red Inteligente (Smart Grid Tech). Este sistema tiene como objetivo
proveer a la industria de la electricidad con un mejor entendimiento de la generación de poder y de su
demanda, para usar esta información para crear una red de poder más eficiente.
(Fernando Libreros)
With all humbleness, I think that after almost 30 years in contact with the anglosaxon world,
included the English language; in which I read (or strived to read with the extraordinary Big
Webster´s help), Shakespeare in folio, Browne´s The Religio Medici, Marlowe´s Damnation
of Dr Faustus, from old; and Joyce (Ulysses and Finn´s wake), and Stein from just today; I
guess it would be improbable or strange that I could hunt down successfully some unknown
words in such a standardly-written English text.
The next slide shows a
scheme which dissects
paragraph one, line by
line. It requires zoom 400
to be seen
Used Techniques or Procedures
The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la manera como la energía es provista y usada Word-for-word
In some major oil producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing
fears of global warming
En algunas de las naciones productoras de petróleo mas grandes, el “pico de la gasolina” ya ha sido alcanzado y hay crecientes temores de
calentamiento global.
Global warming/calentamiento global
Oil-producing nations/naciones productoras de petróleo
Peak oil/pico de la gasolina
Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy En consecuencia, muchos países se están enfocando en cambiar hacia una economía baja en carbono Transposition:
low carbon economy/economía baja en carbono
This transition will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity Esta transición conducirá a grandes cambios en la provisión de electricidad y su uso Word-for-word
Firstly, there will be an increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to
electricity to power their homes and vehicles.
Primeramente, habrá un incremento de la demanda general, cuando los consumidores se cambien de gasolina y gas a electricidad para
generar energía en sus casas yvehículos
Over all demand/demanda general
Secondly, there will be an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how much is generated,
but also how it is generated, as there is growing electricity generation from renewable sources. To
meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid technology.
En segundo lugar,habrá un incremento en la generación de poder, no sólo en términos de cuánto es generado sino también de cómo es
generado, puesto que hay una creciente generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables. Para enfrentar estos retos, los países
están invirtiendo en tecnología de Red Inteligente (SmartGrid Tech).
Calque :
Smart Grid technology: tecnología de Red Inteligente
Power generation/generación de poder
Electricity generation/generación de electricidad
Renewable sources/ fuentes renovables
This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation
and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power network.
Este sistema tiene como objetivo proveer a la industria de la electricidad con un mejor entendimiento de la generación de poder y de su
demanda, para usar esta información para crear una red de poder más eficiente
Transposition: electricity industry/industria de la electricidad
Power generation/generación de poder
Power network/red de poder
Method According to Newmark, ,
"[w]hile translation methods
relate to whole texts,
translation procedures are used
for sentences and the smaller
units of language"
 Word-for-word translation
 Literal translation
 Faithful translation
 Semantic translation
 Adaptation.
 Free translation
 Idiomatic translation
 Communicative translation
(all by Newmark)
Technique Procedure, which Newmark,
quoted by T-M, applies just to
a fraction, shall be made here
equal to technique, which is the
conceptual category of the
Unad´s guide
 Transference (an SL word to a TL text)
Naturalization (it adapts the SL word first to the
normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology
of the TL) Cultural equivalent (replacing a cultural
word in the SL with a TL one)Functional equivalent
(it requires the use of a culture-neutral word)
Descriptive equivalent (the meaning of the CBT is
explained in several words)Componential analysis
("comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a
similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one
equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and
then their differing sense components.") Synonymy
(a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps
accuracy)Through-translation (literal translation of
common collocations, names of organizations and
components of compounds. It can also be called:
calque or loan translation)Shifts or transpositions (
it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL,
for instance, (i) change from singular to plural, (ii)
the change required when a specific SL structure
does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to
a TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun
and so forth)Modulation ( it occurs when the
translator reproduces the message of the original
text in the TL text in conformity with the current
norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear
dissimilar in terms of perspective)Recognized
translation ("normal uses of the official or the
generally accepted translation of any institutional
term.") Compensation (when loss of meaning in one
part of a sentence is compensated in another part)
Paraphrase (the meaning of the CBT is explained in
a much more detailed way than that of descriptive
equivalent) Couplets (when the translator
combines two different procedures)Notes (are
additional information in a translation.
(all by Newmark)
(There are
"a series of competencies, a
set of steps or processes that
favor the acquisition, storage,
and/or utilization of
information.“ Jaaskelainen
"a potentially conscious
procedure for solving a
problem faced in translating a
text, or any segment of it.“
"translator's potentially
conscious plans for solving
concrete translation problems
in the framework of a
concrete translation
"involve the basic tasks of
choosing the foreign text to
be translated and developing
a method to translate it."
It has been considered a
 Use of a standard translation,
 Minimum change, that is, a literal translation, without
regard to connotative or contextual meaning,
 Extra allusive guidance added in the text,
 The use of footnotes, endnotes, translator's notes and
other explicit explanations not supplied in the text but
explicitly given as additional information,
 Stimulated familiarity or internal marking, that is, the
addition of intra-allusive allusion ,
 Replacement by a TL item,
 Reduction of the allusion to sense by rephrasing,
 Re-creation, using a fusion of techniques: creative
construction of a passage which hints at the
connotations of the allusion or other special effects
created by it,
 Omission of the allusion.
(all by Leppihalme)
TASK 4. FEED BACK (Fernando Libreros)
On Diana Yamile Romero´s paragraph 4. 1)renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar
2)energía renovable, como la eólica, la del viento y la solar. Again, the problem here is related to L1 (mother tongue)
and not with L2 (In this case, English). The most elemental sources of renewable energy are “wind” (viento), “wave”
(olas, flujos ondulatorios canalizables) and “sun”. In a collateral manner, in Spanish, “eolic energy” and “energy which
comes from the wind” are synonyms and putting both terms together is a redundance. I´d say that this line should go:
“fuentes de energia renovable como los vientos, las olas y el sol…” o “los vientos, el agua de mares y ríos, y el sol”
1)encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times.
2)animar a los consumidores a utilizar la electricidad en tiempos de poca demanda.
Following the logic of the over-all style of Paragraph 4, I´d change the text to read: “animar a los consumidores a
utilizar la electricidad por fuera de las horas y periodos pico”
such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure.
como las tierras altos vientos y las regiones costeras, donde actualmente hay una falta de infraestructura eléctrica
Just two notes: a) windy uplands cannot be translated by juxtapositioning tierras-altos-vientos but by “mesetas ventosas”
b) The expression “ there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure” is perfect in English but when translated into
Spanish literally it appears a logic contradiction, not exactly constituting a mistake but causing epistemic discomfort:
“hay una falta” (!). In Spanish, lo que falta, no lo hay; y si no lo hay, falta; but it sounds strange that we might say “Hay
falta”, id est, “there is” something of what there is nothing at all”. My option: “tales como mesetas ventosas y regiones
costeras, donde actualmente no existe (se carece de) infraestructura eléctrica”
On paragraph 2
Dear co-ed: My only comment is that "Smart Grid" can be translated easy and meaningfully as "Red
Inteligente". I cannot see any justifiable reason to keep the original term. But, as I have said, every
decision is matter of the personal purview. Cordial.
On paragraph 3
Dear Yeldi Tatiana: You have ruined my possibilities to correct your text by writing a perfect translation.
Congratulations. 10+
On paragraph 5
Dear co-ed: good translation. I´ve got just two minor commentaries. The first one, that “utilize” is British
English while “utilize” is American English. You have to decide whether you are translating for the Bull
Dog country or Uncle Sam. The second one is that notwithstanding that I´m against the silly madurist
theory of grammatical gender (remember “millones y millonas”?) I am quite certain that in the case of
the statement “Cities are prime candidates” it should be translated according to the Spanish´s
concordance regime, with feminine gender, as “city” is feminine: “Las ciudades son las principales
candidatas”. I am enclosing your comments in the PP and hope that YTR will post it on time.
PARAGRAPH 2 (Gloria Gissela Acosta)
Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the
electricity network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and
demand and improve engineer's ability to manage the system. With better information about
electricity demand, the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per
unit generated, leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover,
the computer system will assist in reducing operational and maintenance costs.
La tecnología Smart Grid implica básicamente la aplicación de un sistema informático a la red
eléctrica. El sistema informático se puede utilizar para recopilar la información sobre la
oferta y la demanda y mejorar la capacidad del ingeniero para administrar el sistema. Con una
mejor información sobre la demanda de electricidad, la red podrá aumentar la cantidad de
electricidad entregada por unidad generada, lo que llevará a posibles reducciones en las
necesidades de combustible y las emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema informático
ayudará a reducir los costos operativos y de mantenimiento.
(Gloria Gissela Acosta)
I was a little familiar with the vocabulary of this paragraph there were not as many unknown
words as I thought. However, I believe that the literal translation could not be applied since it
can only be applied between languages ​​whose cultural proximity is greater and is acceptable
only if the translated text retains the same syntax, the same sense and the same style as the
original text.
Therefore, the oblique translation technique of transposition helped me a lot, which consists
in passing from one grammatical category to another without altering the meaning of the text.
This technique introduces a change in the grammatical structure.
(Gloria Gissela Acosta)
A method (from the Greek methodos,
meaning "way" is a means used for the
purpose of achieving an end of some kind.
The methods can be ways, ways or ways of
carrying out an activity in a sequential and
organized way, through a series of rules or
procedures that guide how the task in
question should be performed correctly.
Sometimes it is also called that the method
is the usual way in which a person does
something, by doing it routinely.
The word method can refer to various
concepts. For example, to the methods of
scientific classification. This is the discipline
that allows biologists to group and
separate into categories the various
organisms and groups.
Strategy is a plan to address an issue. A
strategy is composed of a series of planned
actions that help to make decisions and
achieve the best possible results. The
strategy is aimed at achieving an objective
following a pattern of action.
A strategy includes a series of tactics that
are more concrete measures to achieve
one or several objectives.
Example of a corporate strategy: it is what
defines the scope of the company with
respect to the industry in which it
This notion serves to describe a type of actions governed by
norms or a certain protocol that has the purpose of arriving
at a specific result, both scientifically and technologically,
artistically or in any other field. In other words, a technique is
a set of regulated procedures and guidelines that is used as a
means to reach a certain end.
Example The technique to make an oil painting.
Hello Yeldy Good evening
I find interesting the translation technique that you used to translate your
paragraph since the direct translation (literal) that in which the elements that
make up the text, both structure and conceptual, in its source language can
be translated into the language of destination without problems and without
losing its original meaning. and the oblique one (transposition and
reformulation) where sometimes the elements that make up a text can not be
translated as they are, since we would alter the meaning of the
sentences. This can be given for two reasons, the first is its grammatical
structure and the second is the multiplicity of meanings.
(Gloria Gissella Acosta)
PARAGRAPH 3 (Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez)
Smart Grid technology offers benefits to the consumer too. They will be able to collect real-time
information on their energy use for each appliance. Varying tariffs throughout the day will give
customers the incentive to use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds demand, leading to
great reductions in bills. For example, they may use their washing machines at night. Smart meters can
also be connected to the internet or telephone system, allowing customers to switch appliances on or off
remotely. Furthermore, if houses are fitted with the apparatus to generate their own power, appliances
can be set to run directly from the on-site power source, and any excess can be sold to the grid.
La tecnología Red Inteligente también ofrece beneficios para el consumidor. Ellos serán capaces de
recopilar información en tiempo real sobre su uso de energía para cada aparato. La variación de las
tarifas a lo largo del día dará a los clientes el incentivo para usar electrodomésticos en momentos en que
la oferta supera ampliamente la demanda, llevando a grandes reducciones en las facturas. Por ejemplo,
ellos pueden usar sus lavadoras en la noche. Los medidores inteligentes también se pueden conectar a
Internet o al sistema telefónico, permitiendo a los clientes encender o apagar aparatos de forma remota.
Además, si las casas están equipadas con el aparato para generar su propia energía, los dispositivos se
pueden configurar para que funcionen directamente desde la fuente de energía en el sitio, y cualquier
exceso puede ser vendido a la red.
(Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez)
Initially I tried to solve it on my own, I managed to translate a couple of lines but I had to
resort to the dictionary of, I translated the words and sometimes the
sentences when translating it literally did not fit the content of the paragraph so I adapted
them to the context of the paragraph. I did not know terms like bills, fitted, grid. The text
really was not that complicated, I checked what types of translation techniques I could apply
to the text, I used direct translation (literal) and oblique (transposition and reformulation)
techniques as necessary.
(Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez)
The methods are used to achieve an objective, so
it can be deduced that in the pedagogical process
methods must contribute to the achievement of
the end of education. That is, it is the set of
logically coordinated moments and techniques to
direct the student's learning towards certain
objectives. Example: Gamification, possibly the
most listened to concept. It is also known as
'ludification', since its fundamental principle is to
incorporate the structure of the game as a means
of learning. Gamification uses, specifically, the
mechanics of games, and extrapolates it to the
education environment, generating some
significant advantages, such as commitment and
the desire to excel. This is achieved in part by
linking learning to a positive experience as it
happens when playing.
A strategy is composed of a series
of planned actions that help to
make decisions and achieve the
best possible results. The strategy
is aimed at achieving an objective
following a pattern of action. In
the area of ​​education, teaching and
learning strategies are used to refer
to the set of techniques that help
improve the educational process.
For example, you can talk about
content organization strategy to
talk about a way of acting in front
of a task using different techniques
such as underlining, summarizing
or making schemes.
Is a procedure or set of rules, standards or protocols, which aim
to obtain a specific result, whether in the field of science,
technology, art, education or any other activity. The specificity of
the technique is that it affects a specific sector or a phase of the
course or subject that is taught, such as the presentation at the
beginning of the course, the content analysis, the synthesis or the
criticism of it. There is a great amount of didactic techniques,
just as there are different ways to classify them. The technique
usually affects a phase or theme of the course that is taught but
can also be adopted as a strategy if its design impacts the course
in general Example: Exegetical Technique or Commented
Reading: It is based on reading texts related to the topic or
author to be treated. The objective of this technique is for the
student to understand and understand what the author wants to
communicate and to look for the meaning implicit in the text, as
well as their circumstances.
(Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez)
 Fernando. I highlight your interest and responsibility with each of the activities, I have
evidenced that you have a high level of English which allows you to develop in an easy and fast
way the tasks of the course. Its translation is coherent and I consider that it does not present
errors, it took into account different aspects for the translation of the text, from my point of
view, to understand what it means to translate accurately it is important to know that in order to
carry out a good change from one language to another, either automatically or in a conventional
way, the linguistics of that language must be taken into account, since all languages have a
grammar, a syntax and many other structures of the language that define that language and that
on the other hand they make it so difficult to pass it another language successfully, since the
target language also has a linguistic one. Good job Fernando.
 Partner Diana. I reviewed the text, you did a good translation, sometimes it is complicated to
translate a text because we do not know the words or the target language, a rigorous word-to-
word (translation would not be successful, since apart from that cultural influences would be
lost but also because Some linguistic factors such as proverbs or popular sayings would not be
well translated, so the phrase would be meaningless. For a good translation, we must take into
consideration two ideals that are fidelity and authenticity.
By fidelity, we understand the fact that when carrying out the translation, no part of its meaning is
removed from the text, nor, on the contrary, it is not given more, and by authenticity we understand that
if a native reads the translated text he has to think that It has been directly written in your language, and
not that it has been translated.
 Dear Gloria. You took into account some techniques that are important when translating a text
evidencing appropriation of the theme of the activity. Translation is a creative process. It is much
more than the conversion of words or groups of words. It is the adaptation to foreign cultures, to
uses, behaviors, manners and more. we must be very careful when translating to not affect the
meaning or coherence of the text, personally, I did not know the term of transposition until I started
this course. Well done, Gloria.
 Jennifer, did a correct translation of the paragraphs, understood the theme and used the translation
techniques, gave clear examples of each concept, I hope that next time I can participate in a timely
PARAGRAPH 4 (Diana Yamile Romero)
With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and demand. Sources of
renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is also set to
increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. With oil and gas, it is relatively simple to
increase the supply of energy to match the increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative
sources, this is far more difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential solutions include
investigating new and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times. A
second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such as windy
uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore
must be built. Thankfully, with improved smart technology, this can be done more efficiently by reducing the
reinforcement or construction costs.
Con estos cambios vienen una serie de desafíos. El primero implica la gestión de la oferta y la demanda. Las fuentes
de energía renovable, como la eólica, la del viento y la solar, son notoriamente impredecibles, y la energía nuclear,
que también aumentará a medida que las naciones cambien a fuentes de energía alternativas, es inflexible. Con el
petróleo y el gas, es relativamente fácil aumentar el suministro de energía para adaptarse a la creciente demanda
durante los períodos del día o del año. Con fuentes alternativas, esto es mucho más difícil, y puede conducir a
apagones o colapso del sistema. Las soluciones potenciales incluyen investigar nuevas y eficientes maneras de
almacenar la energía y animar a los consumidores a utilizar la electricidad en tiempos de poca demanda. Un segundo
problema es el hecho de que muchas fuentes renovables de generación de energía se encuentran en zonas remotas,
como las tierras altos vientos y las regiones costeras, donde actualmente hay una falta de infraestructura eléctrica. Por
lo tanto, deben construirse nuevas infraestructuras. Afortunadamente, con una tecnología inteligente mejorada, esto se
puede hacer más eficientemente mediante la reducción de los costos de refuerzo o construcción.
(Diana Yamile Romero)
In this text that I chose, it was very difficult to translate because I still have difficulties with
grammatical structures, When it comes to translating a text, grammar times are very important,
translation as a means of intralinguistic communication is the technical and methodological based
where it is necessary to apply in a practical way the knowledge acquired and the skills developed in the
English language to each word that contained the text had many meanings and look for the most
coherent form for the translation in Spanish, for that process use a dictionary since as we all know the
dictionary is a really necessary tool, since without the use of the dictionary you can generate many
misspellings and loss of coherence of the writings, for that reason I used the dictionary as one of my
tools for the translation of the text, of course the internet could find many online dictionaries and
websites of translators that help when translating a text that does not give the correct translation but
help translate some words to create a text.
(Diana Yamile Romero)
method They are proceduresthat obey some criterion or principlecomputerof a course of actions. Regardingthe order that should be followed in a process,it is preferableto use the
term method when reference is made to guidelines,research guidesor the acquisition of knowledge that is well defined is also a logical process through which to obtain
knowledge Logical succession of steps or stages that lead to achieving a predetermined goal.
An example of methods are the methods of:
Research Methods: These are methodsthat seek to increase or deepenour knowledge.
Methodsof Organization: They work on known facts and seek to order and discipline efforts so that there is efficiency in what you want to do.
Methodsof Transmission: Destined to transmit knowledge,attitudesor ideals also receive the name of teachingmethods,are the
intermediariesbetween the teacherand the student in the educationalaction that is exercised on the latter.
Strategy The strategy is flexibleand can take shape based on the goals you want to reach. You can also say that the strategy is a planning system applied to an articulated set of actions that
allows achievingan objective; it serves to obtain certain results, so that one can not talk about using strategies when there is no goal towards where actions are oriented. Unlike the
method, the strategy is flexibleand can take shape based on the goals you want to reach.
The pedagogicalstrategy refers to a planning of the teaching - learning process, implyinga range of decisions that the teacher must take, in a conscious and reflectivemanner, in
relation to the techniques and activities that can be used to reach the goals of your course
The pedagogicalstrategy is, then, the set of procedures, supported by teaching techniques, which aim to bring the didacticaction to a successful conclusion, that is, to achieve the
learning objectives.
A clear example is the teaching strategy: it is done by the teacher and the learning strategy: the student does it.
Technique This technique is considered as a didacticprocedure that lends itself to helping to carry out a part of the learningthat is pursued with the strategy.
The Technique is also a logical procedure with a psychologicalbasis, aimed at guiding the student's learning; The specificityof the technique is that it affects a specific sector or a
phase of the course or subject that is taught, such as the presentation at the beginning of the course, the content analysis, the synthesis or the criticism of it. The didactic technique
refers, in synthesis, to the particularresources that the teacher uses to carry out the purposes planned from the strategy.
In its application, the strategy can make use of a series of techniques to achieve the objectives it pursues. The technique is limitedto the orientationof learning in limited areas of
the course, while the strategy covers more general aspects of the course or a completetraining process.
An example of a learning technique is how the students will give their classes to their students.
(Diana Yamile Romero)
Hello mate Gissela I like your paragraph because you used important words that we can understand
I never know about the Smart Grid technology because refers to the electric grid, a network of
transmission lines, substations, transformers and more that deliver electricity from the power plant
to your home or business. It’s what you plug into when you flip on your light switch or power up
your computer.
Hello Fernando Libreros you have a good paragraph you use the correct words and its easy to
understand the text because you added the correct grammatical structures.
(Jennifer Medina)
Paragraph 5
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway. Consumers are
currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use. There are also a number of
demonstrations being planned to show how the smart technology could practically work, and trials are in place to test the new
electrical infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods which will provide
initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into
smart energy, due to the high population density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be
promoted first, utilising a range of sustainable power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically
powered vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in the energy supply will have
transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour.
Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y probarla ya están en marcha. Los
consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que se pueden usar en sus hogares para
administrar el uso de la electricidad. También se está planificando una serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnología
inteligente podría funcionar prácticamente, y se están realizando pruebas para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica. Es
probable que la tecnología se agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia rápida" que proporcionarán
ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en una fecha posterior. Las ciudades son los
principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y al alto uso de energía.
Es aquí donde es probable que primero se promocione la tecnología inteligente, utilizando una gama de fuentes de energía
sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructura ya está
cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía habrán transformado nuestros hogares,
nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento.
When I began to read the paragraph, there were words that I did
not know, but I searched it in the online dictionary. In addition, I
read the context and some words I related with it, because it´s an
(Jennifer Medina)
Used Techniques or Procedures
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes
to promote and test it are already underway.
Aunque la tecnología inteligenteaún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y probarla ya están en
Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which
can be used in their homes to manage electricity use
Los consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que se pueden
usar en sus hogares para administrar el uso de electricidad.
Smart meters: medidores inteligentes
Electricyuse: uso de la electricidad
There are also a numberof demonstrationsbeing plannedto show how the
smart technologycould practically work, and trials are in place to test the
new electrical infrastructure.
También se está planificandouna serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnologíainteligentepodría funcionar
prácticamente, y se están realizandointentos para probar la nueva infraestructuraeléctrica.
smart technology
It is likely that technology will be addedin 'layers', startingwith 'quickwin'
methods,which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more
advancedsystems later.
Es probable que la tecnologíase agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia rápida" que
proporcionaránahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en una fecha posterior.
'quick win'
Ganancias rápidas
Cities are prime candidatesfor investment into smart energy, due to the high
population densityand high energy use.
Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de
población y al alto uso de energía.
Word for word
It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a
range of sustainablepower sources,transport solutions and an infrastructure
for charging electrically powered vehicles. The infrastructureis already
changing fast. By the year 2050, changesin the energy supply will have
transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour.
Es aquí donde es probable que primero se promocionela tecnologíainteligente,utilizandouna gama de fuentes de
energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructuraya
está cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía habrán transformado nuestros
hogares, nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento.
Word for word

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Unit 1 task 3 collaborative activity 1

  • 1. TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES Unit 1: Task 3 - Collaborative Activity 1 Present: Fernando Libreros Code: 14.894.909 Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez González Code: 1.121.902.854 Diana Yamile Romero Code: 1.119.890.884 Gloria Gissela Acosta Code: 1.122.649.979 Jennifer Daniela Medina code: GROUP: 551037_24 Universidad Nacional a Distancia UNAD Marzo 24, 2019
  • 2. INTRODUCTION According to the guidelines established in the current task´s guide, the aim is to develop the disciplinary and the communicative competences(both interpretative and argumentative), in connection with the concept of translation and its complexity, the translation techniques, and their difference with strategy and method. The different parts apported by all co-eds will be enclosed following the paragraph´s sequence. The same order with our concomitant attached reflections and charts.
  • 3. TASK 1. TRANSLATION SMART ENERGY PARAGRAPH 1 (Fernando Libreros) The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used. In some major oil producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing fears of global warming. Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This transition will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity. Firstly, there will be an increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to power their homes and vehicles. Secondly, there will be an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how much is generated, but also how it is generated, as there is growing electricity generation from renewable sources. To meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid technology. This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power network. Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la manera como la energía es provista y usada. En algunas de las naciones productoras de petróleo mas grandes, el “pico de la gasolina” ya ha sido alcanzado y hay crecientes temores de calentamiento global. En consecuencia, muchos países se están enfocando en cambiar hacia una economía baja en carbono. Esta transición conducirá a grandes cambios en la provisión de electricidad y su uso. Primeramente, habrá un incremento de la demanda general, cuando los consumidores se cambien de gasolina y gas a electricidad para generar energía en sus casas y vehículos. En segundo lugar, habrá un incremento en la generación de poder, no sólo en términos de cuánto es generado sino también de cómo es generado, puesto que hay una creciente generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables. Para enfrentar estos retos, los países están invirtiendo en tecnología de Red Inteligente (Smart Grid Tech). Este sistema tiene como objetivo proveer a la industria de la electricidad con un mejor entendimiento de la generación de poder y de su demanda, para usar esta información para crear una red de poder más eficiente.
  • 4. TASK 2. REFLECTION (Fernando Libreros) With all humbleness, I think that after almost 30 years in contact with the anglosaxon world, included the English language; in which I read (or strived to read with the extraordinary Big Webster´s help), Shakespeare in folio, Browne´s The Religio Medici, Marlowe´s Damnation of Dr Faustus, from old; and Joyce (Ulysses and Finn´s wake), and Stein from just today; I guess it would be improbable or strange that I could hunt down successfully some unknown words in such a standardly-written English text. The next slide shows a scheme which dissects paragraph one, line by line. It requires zoom 400 to be seen
  • 5. Used Techniques or Procedures The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la manera como la energía es provista y usada Word-for-word In some major oil producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing fears of global warming En algunas de las naciones productoras de petróleo mas grandes, el “pico de la gasolina” ya ha sido alcanzado y hay crecientes temores de calentamiento global. Transposition: Global warming/calentamiento global Oil-producing nations/naciones productoras de petróleo Calque: Peak oil/pico de la gasolina Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy En consecuencia, muchos países se están enfocando en cambiar hacia una economía baja en carbono Transposition: low carbon economy/economía baja en carbono This transition will lead to major changes in the supply and use of electricity Esta transición conducirá a grandes cambios en la provisión de electricidad y su uso Word-for-word Firstly, there will be an increase in overall demand, as consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to power their homes and vehicles. Primeramente, habrá un incremento de la demanda general, cuando los consumidores se cambien de gasolina y gas a electricidad para generar energía en sus casas yvehículos Transposition: Over all demand/demanda general Secondly, there will be an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how much is generated, but also how it is generated, as there is growing electricity generation from renewable sources. To meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid technology. En segundo lugar,habrá un incremento en la generación de poder, no sólo en términos de cuánto es generado sino también de cómo es generado, puesto que hay una creciente generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables. Para enfrentar estos retos, los países están invirtiendo en tecnología de Red Inteligente (SmartGrid Tech). Calque : Smart Grid technology: tecnología de Red Inteligente Transposition: Power generation/generación de poder Electricity generation/generación de electricidad Renewable sources/ fuentes renovables This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power network. Este sistema tiene como objetivo proveer a la industria de la electricidad con un mejor entendimiento de la generación de poder y de su demanda, para usar esta información para crear una red de poder más eficiente Transposition: electricity industry/industria de la electricidad Power generation/generación de poder Power network/red de poder .
  • 6. Method According to Newmark, , "[w]hile translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language"  Word-for-word translation  Literal translation  Faithful translation  Semantic translation  Adaptation.  Free translation  Idiomatic translation  Communicative translation (all by Newmark) Technique Procedure, which Newmark, quoted by T-M, applies just to a fraction, shall be made here equal to technique, which is the conceptual category of the Unad´s guide  Transference (an SL word to a TL text) Naturalization (it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL) Cultural equivalent (replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL one)Functional equivalent (it requires the use of a culture-neutral word) Descriptive equivalent (the meaning of the CBT is explained in several words)Componential analysis ("comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components.") Synonymy (a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps accuracy)Through-translation (literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds. It can also be called: calque or loan translation)Shifts or transpositions ( it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL, for instance, (i) change from singular to plural, (ii) the change required when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to a TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun and so forth)Modulation ( it occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective)Recognized translation ("normal uses of the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term.") Compensation (when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part) Paraphrase (the meaning of the CBT is explained in a much more detailed way than that of descriptive equivalent) Couplets (when the translator combines two different procedures)Notes (are additional information in a translation. (all by Newmark) Strategy (There are different approaches) "a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information.“ Jaaskelainen "a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it.“ Loescher "translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task,"Krings "involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it." Venuti It has been considered a “process-related” procedure  Use of a standard translation,  Minimum change, that is, a literal translation, without regard to connotative or contextual meaning,  Extra allusive guidance added in the text,  The use of footnotes, endnotes, translator's notes and other explicit explanations not supplied in the text but explicitly given as additional information,  Stimulated familiarity or internal marking, that is, the addition of intra-allusive allusion ,  Replacement by a TL item,  Reduction of the allusion to sense by rephrasing,  Re-creation, using a fusion of techniques: creative construction of a passage which hints at the connotations of the allusion or other special effects created by it,  Omission of the allusion. (all by Leppihalme) 3. CHART
  • 7. TASK 4. FEED BACK (Fernando Libreros) On Diana Yamile Romero´s paragraph 4. 1)renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar 2)energía renovable, como la eólica, la del viento y la solar. Again, the problem here is related to L1 (mother tongue) and not with L2 (In this case, English). The most elemental sources of renewable energy are “wind” (viento), “wave” (olas, flujos ondulatorios canalizables) and “sun”. In a collateral manner, in Spanish, “eolic energy” and “energy which comes from the wind” are synonyms and putting both terms together is a redundance. I´d say that this line should go: “fuentes de energia renovable como los vientos, las olas y el sol…” o “los vientos, el agua de mares y ríos, y el sol” 1)encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times. 2)animar a los consumidores a utilizar la electricidad en tiempos de poca demanda. Following the logic of the over-all style of Paragraph 4, I´d change the text to read: “animar a los consumidores a utilizar la electricidad por fuera de las horas y periodos pico” such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. como las tierras altos vientos y las regiones costeras, donde actualmente hay una falta de infraestructura eléctrica Just two notes: a) windy uplands cannot be translated by juxtapositioning tierras-altos-vientos but by “mesetas ventosas” b) The expression “ there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure” is perfect in English but when translated into Spanish literally it appears a logic contradiction, not exactly constituting a mistake but causing epistemic discomfort: “hay una falta” (!). In Spanish, lo que falta, no lo hay; y si no lo hay, falta; but it sounds strange that we might say “Hay falta”, id est, “there is” something of what there is nothing at all”. My option: “tales como mesetas ventosas y regiones costeras, donde actualmente no existe (se carece de) infraestructura eléctrica”
  • 8. On paragraph 2 Dear co-ed: My only comment is that "Smart Grid" can be translated easy and meaningfully as "Red Inteligente". I cannot see any justifiable reason to keep the original term. But, as I have said, every decision is matter of the personal purview. Cordial. On paragraph 3 Dear Yeldi Tatiana: You have ruined my possibilities to correct your text by writing a perfect translation. Congratulations. 10+ On paragraph 5 Dear co-ed: good translation. I´ve got just two minor commentaries. The first one, that “utilize” is British English while “utilize” is American English. You have to decide whether you are translating for the Bull Dog country or Uncle Sam. The second one is that notwithstanding that I´m against the silly madurist theory of grammatical gender (remember “millones y millonas”?) I am quite certain that in the case of the statement “Cities are prime candidates” it should be translated according to the Spanish´s concordance regime, with feminine gender, as “city” is feminine: “Las ciudades son las principales candidatas”. I am enclosing your comments in the PP and hope that YTR will post it on time.
  • 9. TASK 1. TRANSLATION PARAGRAPH 2 (Gloria Gissela Acosta) Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and improve engineer's ability to manage the system. With better information about electricity demand, the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover, the computer system will assist in reducing operational and maintenance costs. La tecnología Smart Grid implica básicamente la aplicación de un sistema informático a la red eléctrica. El sistema informático se puede utilizar para recopilar la información sobre la oferta y la demanda y mejorar la capacidad del ingeniero para administrar el sistema. Con una mejor información sobre la demanda de electricidad, la red podrá aumentar la cantidad de electricidad entregada por unidad generada, lo que llevará a posibles reducciones en las necesidades de combustible y las emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema informático ayudará a reducir los costos operativos y de mantenimiento.
  • 10. TASK 2. REFLECTION (Gloria Gissela Acosta) I was a little familiar with the vocabulary of this paragraph there were not as many unknown words as I thought. However, I believe that the literal translation could not be applied since it can only be applied between languages ​​whose cultural proximity is greater and is acceptable only if the translated text retains the same syntax, the same sense and the same style as the original text. Therefore, the oblique translation technique of transposition helped me a lot, which consists in passing from one grammatical category to another without altering the meaning of the text. This technique introduces a change in the grammatical structure.
  • 11. TASK 3. CHART (Gloria Gissela Acosta) METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE A method (from the Greek methodos, meaning "way" is a means used for the purpose of achieving an end of some kind. The methods can be ways, ways or ways of carrying out an activity in a sequential and organized way, through a series of rules or procedures that guide how the task in question should be performed correctly. Sometimes it is also called that the method is the usual way in which a person does something, by doing it routinely. The word method can refer to various concepts. For example, to the methods of scientific classification. This is the discipline that allows biologists to group and separate into categories the various organisms and groups. Strategy is a plan to address an issue. A strategy is composed of a series of planned actions that help to make decisions and achieve the best possible results. The strategy is aimed at achieving an objective following a pattern of action. A strategy includes a series of tactics that are more concrete measures to achieve one or several objectives. Example of a corporate strategy: it is what defines the scope of the company with respect to the industry in which it competes. This notion serves to describe a type of actions governed by norms or a certain protocol that has the purpose of arriving at a specific result, both scientifically and technologically, artistically or in any other field. In other words, a technique is a set of regulated procedures and guidelines that is used as a means to reach a certain end. Example The technique to make an oil painting.
  • 12. TASK 4-FEEDBACK Hello Yeldy Good evening I find interesting the translation technique that you used to translate your paragraph since the direct translation (literal) that in which the elements that make up the text, both structure and conceptual, in its source language can be translated into the language of destination without problems and without losing its original meaning. and the oblique one (transposition and reformulation) where sometimes the elements that make up a text can not be translated as they are, since we would alter the meaning of the sentences. This can be given for two reasons, the first is its grammatical structure and the second is the multiplicity of meanings. (Gloria Gissella Acosta)
  • 13. TASK 1. TRANSLATION PARAGRAPH 3 (Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez) Smart Grid technology offers benefits to the consumer too. They will be able to collect real-time information on their energy use for each appliance. Varying tariffs throughout the day will give customers the incentive to use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds demand, leading to great reductions in bills. For example, they may use their washing machines at night. Smart meters can also be connected to the internet or telephone system, allowing customers to switch appliances on or off remotely. Furthermore, if houses are fitted with the apparatus to generate their own power, appliances can be set to run directly from the on-site power source, and any excess can be sold to the grid. La tecnología Red Inteligente también ofrece beneficios para el consumidor. Ellos serán capaces de recopilar información en tiempo real sobre su uso de energía para cada aparato. La variación de las tarifas a lo largo del día dará a los clientes el incentivo para usar electrodomésticos en momentos en que la oferta supera ampliamente la demanda, llevando a grandes reducciones en las facturas. Por ejemplo, ellos pueden usar sus lavadoras en la noche. Los medidores inteligentes también se pueden conectar a Internet o al sistema telefónico, permitiendo a los clientes encender o apagar aparatos de forma remota. Además, si las casas están equipadas con el aparato para generar su propia energía, los dispositivos se pueden configurar para que funcionen directamente desde la fuente de energía en el sitio, y cualquier exceso puede ser vendido a la red.
  • 14. TASK 2. REFLECTION (Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez) Initially I tried to solve it on my own, I managed to translate a couple of lines but I had to resort to the dictionary of, I translated the words and sometimes the sentences when translating it literally did not fit the content of the paragraph so I adapted them to the context of the paragraph. I did not know terms like bills, fitted, grid. The text really was not that complicated, I checked what types of translation techniques I could apply to the text, I used direct translation (literal) and oblique (transposition and reformulation) techniques as necessary.
  • 15. TASK 3. CHART (Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez) METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE The methods are used to achieve an objective, so it can be deduced that in the pedagogical process methods must contribute to the achievement of the end of education. That is, it is the set of logically coordinated moments and techniques to direct the student's learning towards certain objectives. Example: Gamification, possibly the most listened to concept. It is also known as 'ludification', since its fundamental principle is to incorporate the structure of the game as a means of learning. Gamification uses, specifically, the mechanics of games, and extrapolates it to the education environment, generating some significant advantages, such as commitment and the desire to excel. This is achieved in part by linking learning to a positive experience as it happens when playing. A strategy is composed of a series of planned actions that help to make decisions and achieve the best possible results. The strategy is aimed at achieving an objective following a pattern of action. In the area of ​​education, teaching and learning strategies are used to refer to the set of techniques that help improve the educational process. For example, you can talk about content organization strategy to talk about a way of acting in front of a task using different techniques such as underlining, summarizing or making schemes. Is a procedure or set of rules, standards or protocols, which aim to obtain a specific result, whether in the field of science, technology, art, education or any other activity. The specificity of the technique is that it affects a specific sector or a phase of the course or subject that is taught, such as the presentation at the beginning of the course, the content analysis, the synthesis or the criticism of it. There is a great amount of didactic techniques, just as there are different ways to classify them. The technique usually affects a phase or theme of the course that is taught but can also be adopted as a strategy if its design impacts the course in general Example: Exegetical Technique or Commented Reading: It is based on reading texts related to the topic or author to be treated. The objective of this technique is for the student to understand and understand what the author wants to communicate and to look for the meaning implicit in the text, as well as their circumstances.
  • 16. TASK 4. FEEDBACK (Yeldy Tatiana Rodríguez)  Fernando. I highlight your interest and responsibility with each of the activities, I have evidenced that you have a high level of English which allows you to develop in an easy and fast way the tasks of the course. Its translation is coherent and I consider that it does not present errors, it took into account different aspects for the translation of the text, from my point of view, to understand what it means to translate accurately it is important to know that in order to carry out a good change from one language to another, either automatically or in a conventional way, the linguistics of that language must be taken into account, since all languages have a grammar, a syntax and many other structures of the language that define that language and that on the other hand they make it so difficult to pass it another language successfully, since the target language also has a linguistic one. Good job Fernando.  Partner Diana. I reviewed the text, you did a good translation, sometimes it is complicated to translate a text because we do not know the words or the target language, a rigorous word-to- word (translation would not be successful, since apart from that cultural influences would be lost but also because Some linguistic factors such as proverbs or popular sayings would not be well translated, so the phrase would be meaningless. For a good translation, we must take into consideration two ideals that are fidelity and authenticity.
  • 17. By fidelity, we understand the fact that when carrying out the translation, no part of its meaning is removed from the text, nor, on the contrary, it is not given more, and by authenticity we understand that if a native reads the translated text he has to think that It has been directly written in your language, and not that it has been translated.  Dear Gloria. You took into account some techniques that are important when translating a text evidencing appropriation of the theme of the activity. Translation is a creative process. It is much more than the conversion of words or groups of words. It is the adaptation to foreign cultures, to uses, behaviors, manners and more. we must be very careful when translating to not affect the meaning or coherence of the text, personally, I did not know the term of transposition until I started this course. Well done, Gloria.  Jennifer, did a correct translation of the paragraphs, understood the theme and used the translation techniques, gave clear examples of each concept, I hope that next time I can participate in a timely manner.
  • 18. TASK 1. TRANSLATION PARAGRAPH 4 (Diana Yamile Romero) With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. With oil and gas, it is relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative sources, this is far more difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential solutions include investigating new and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times. A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore must be built. Thankfully, with improved smart technology, this can be done more efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction costs. Con estos cambios vienen una serie de desafíos. El primero implica la gestión de la oferta y la demanda. Las fuentes de energía renovable, como la eólica, la del viento y la solar, son notoriamente impredecibles, y la energía nuclear, que también aumentará a medida que las naciones cambien a fuentes de energía alternativas, es inflexible. Con el petróleo y el gas, es relativamente fácil aumentar el suministro de energía para adaptarse a la creciente demanda durante los períodos del día o del año. Con fuentes alternativas, esto es mucho más difícil, y puede conducir a apagones o colapso del sistema. Las soluciones potenciales incluyen investigar nuevas y eficientes maneras de almacenar la energía y animar a los consumidores a utilizar la electricidad en tiempos de poca demanda. Un segundo problema es el hecho de que muchas fuentes renovables de generación de energía se encuentran en zonas remotas, como las tierras altos vientos y las regiones costeras, donde actualmente hay una falta de infraestructura eléctrica. Por lo tanto, deben construirse nuevas infraestructuras. Afortunadamente, con una tecnología inteligente mejorada, esto se puede hacer más eficientemente mediante la reducción de los costos de refuerzo o construcción.
  • 19. TASK 2. REFLECTION (Diana Yamile Romero) In this text that I chose, it was very difficult to translate because I still have difficulties with grammatical structures, When it comes to translating a text, grammar times are very important, translation as a means of intralinguistic communication is the technical and methodological based where it is necessary to apply in a practical way the knowledge acquired and the skills developed in the English language to each word that contained the text had many meanings and look for the most coherent form for the translation in Spanish, for that process use a dictionary since as we all know the dictionary is a really necessary tool, since without the use of the dictionary you can generate many misspellings and loss of coherence of the writings, for that reason I used the dictionary as one of my tools for the translation of the text, of course the internet could find many online dictionaries and websites of translators that help when translating a text that does not give the correct translation but help translate some words to create a text.
  • 20. TASK 3. CHART (Diana Yamile Romero) method They are proceduresthat obey some criterion or principlecomputerof a course of actions. Regardingthe order that should be followed in a process,it is preferableto use the term method when reference is made to guidelines,research guidesor the acquisition of knowledge that is well defined is also a logical process through which to obtain knowledge Logical succession of steps or stages that lead to achieving a predetermined goal. An example of methods are the methods of: Research Methods: These are methodsthat seek to increase or deepenour knowledge. Methodsof Organization: They work on known facts and seek to order and discipline efforts so that there is efficiency in what you want to do. Methodsof Transmission: Destined to transmit knowledge,attitudesor ideals also receive the name of teachingmethods,are the intermediariesbetween the teacherand the student in the educationalaction that is exercised on the latter. Strategy The strategy is flexibleand can take shape based on the goals you want to reach. You can also say that the strategy is a planning system applied to an articulated set of actions that allows achievingan objective; it serves to obtain certain results, so that one can not talk about using strategies when there is no goal towards where actions are oriented. Unlike the method, the strategy is flexibleand can take shape based on the goals you want to reach. The pedagogicalstrategy refers to a planning of the teaching - learning process, implyinga range of decisions that the teacher must take, in a conscious and reflectivemanner, in relation to the techniques and activities that can be used to reach the goals of your course The pedagogicalstrategy is, then, the set of procedures, supported by teaching techniques, which aim to bring the didacticaction to a successful conclusion, that is, to achieve the learning objectives. A clear example is the teaching strategy: it is done by the teacher and the learning strategy: the student does it. Technique This technique is considered as a didacticprocedure that lends itself to helping to carry out a part of the learningthat is pursued with the strategy. The Technique is also a logical procedure with a psychologicalbasis, aimed at guiding the student's learning; The specificityof the technique is that it affects a specific sector or a phase of the course or subject that is taught, such as the presentation at the beginning of the course, the content analysis, the synthesis or the criticism of it. The didactic technique refers, in synthesis, to the particularresources that the teacher uses to carry out the purposes planned from the strategy. In its application, the strategy can make use of a series of techniques to achieve the objectives it pursues. The technique is limitedto the orientationof learning in limited areas of the course, while the strategy covers more general aspects of the course or a completetraining process. An example of a learning technique is how the students will give their classes to their students.
  • 21. TASK 4. FEEDBACK (Diana Yamile Romero) Hello mate Gissela I like your paragraph because you used important words that we can understand I never know about the Smart Grid technology because refers to the electric grid, a network of transmission lines, substations, transformers and more that deliver electricity from the power plant to your home or business. It’s what you plug into when you flip on your light switch or power up your computer. Hello Fernando Libreros you have a good paragraph you use the correct words and its easy to understand the text because you added the correct grammatical structures.
  • 22. (Jennifer Medina) Paragraph 5 Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use. There are also a number of demonstrations being planned to show how the smart technology could practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to the high population density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of sustainable power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in the energy supply will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour. Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y probarla ya están en marcha. Los consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que se pueden usar en sus hogares para administrar el uso de la electricidad. También se está planificando una serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnología inteligente podría funcionar prácticamente, y se están realizando pruebas para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica. Es probable que la tecnología se agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia rápida" que proporcionarán ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en una fecha posterior. Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y al alto uso de energía. Es aquí donde es probable que primero se promocione la tecnología inteligente, utilizando una gama de fuentes de energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructura ya está cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía habrán transformado nuestros hogares, nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento. TASK 1. TRANSLATION
  • 23. TASK 2- REFLECTION- When I began to read the paragraph, there were words that I did not know, but I searched it in the online dictionary. In addition, I read the context and some words I related with it, because it´s an easy. (Jennifer Medina)
  • 24. TASK 3- CHART Used Techniques or Procedures Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway. Aunque la tecnología inteligenteaún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y probarla ya están en marcha. Word-for-word Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use Los consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que se pueden usar en sus hogares para administrar el uso de electricidad. Transposition: Smart meters: medidores inteligentes Electricyuse: uso de la electricidad There are also a numberof demonstrationsbeing plannedto show how the smart technologycould practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical infrastructure. También se está planificandouna serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnologíainteligentepodría funcionar prácticamente, y se están realizandointentos para probar la nueva infraestructuraeléctrica. Word-for-word Transposition: smart technology tecnologíainteligente It is likely that technology will be addedin 'layers', startingwith 'quickwin' methods,which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advancedsystems later. Es probable que la tecnologíase agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia rápida" que proporcionaránahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en una fecha posterior. Calque 'quick win' Ganancias rápidas “layers” capas Cities are prime candidatesfor investment into smart energy, due to the high population densityand high energy use. Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y al alto uso de energía. Word for word It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of sustainablepower sources,transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered vehicles. The infrastructureis already changing fast. By the year 2050, changesin the energy supply will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour. Es aquí donde es probable que primero se promocionela tecnologíainteligente,utilizandouna gama de fuentes de energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructuraya está cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía habrán transformado nuestros hogares, nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento. Word for word