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May 10, 2011

Uas News Digest
      Northrop Grumman Unveils

      Fir ebi rd

                  Photo: Courtesy Northrop Grumman
UAS News Digest

COL Grant Webb, USA

Creative Director
Ms. Sue Boozer

The UAS News Digest is a weekly
compilation of published items and
commentary concerning defense
related Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(UAS) issues. The UAS News
Digest is an internal management         EXSUM: This week’s UAS News Digest features several new aircraft.
tool intended to serve the               Northrop Grumman announced its new optionally piloted Firebird
informational needs of DoD officials     aircraft. Turkish Aerospace Industries showcased their new rotary
in the continuing assessment of
defense policies, programs and           aircraft at this year’s International Defense Industry Fair in Turkey.
actions. Further reproduction or
redistribution for private use or gain
is subject to original copyright
restrictions.                            Contents
The UAS News Digest is compiled
                                         5        News Breaks
by the Joint Unmanned Systems
Center of Excellence (JUAS COE)
at Creech AFB, Nevada.                   8        Miniature Liquid Level Sensors Improve Mission
                                                  Optimization for UAVs
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The UAS News Digest is also
available on the USJFCOM Portal.
Site access requires a user account.
Please contact Sue Boozer for
USJFCOM sponsorship information.
Web Articles

    Alenia Aeronautica Plans to Go It Alone With MALE UAV Project
    Alenia Aeronautica is looking for a partner to develop a medium-altitude, long-endurance
    unmanned air system to rival the Franco-British venture announced earlier this year by
    BAE Systems and Dassault Aviation.

    Photo Gallery: Stealth Drone’s First Flight
    (Wired Magazine – Danger Room)
    Boeing announced Tuesday that its stealthy killer drone the “Phantom Ray” had flown for
    the first time. The flight, from Edwards Air Force Base, California, lasted just 17 minutes.

    Improved AirMule Resumes Flight Testing
    The prototype of Urban Aeronautics' AirMule ducted-fan unmanned air vehicle has
    resumed flight testing after the company completed a four-month systems and structural
    upgrade. According to the Israeli company, the AirMule is now flying with an expanded
    suite of sensors and a new, energy-absorbing wheeled landing gear.

    China Targets UAS as Growth Sector
    (Aviation Week)
    The display of dozens of unmanned-aircraft models at last November’s Zhuhai air show
    made it clear that China, industrially and militarily, is moving rapidly to catch up—and
    perhaps ultimately overtake—the West in this burgeoning sector of aerospace.

    A Drone for the Air Force is What They Are Aiming For
    (Gulf News)
    Abu Dhabi: Designing an unmanned aircraft for the UAE Air Force is topmost on the
    minds of five Emirati students who will travel to the US later this year for an international
    convention on unmanned aircraft. The five-member team won an all-expense-paid trip to
    the US to participate in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
    (AUVSI) convention by winning a competition to design, build, and pilot a remote-
    controlled unmanned aircraft.

    Arlington Police to Keep Aerial Drone for Surveillance
    (KRISTV - NBC)
    An unmanned drone may soon help Arlington, Texas police provide a watchful eye over
    the city. Grant money from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security brought the city's
    first unmanned drone for the Super Bowl, but Arlington hopes to put it to use full time.

    Predator Drone Program Seen as Valuable Weapon Against Terror
    (The Press-Enterprise)
    Inland Rep. Jerry Lewis could never have given the foundering Predator program the
    $400 million boost it needed 15 years ago under the nation's current policy against
    earmarks, the oft-criticized spending directives that congressional members, until
    recently, slipped into federal spending bills. "While earmarks are off board at this
    moment, they are not the center of original sin," said Lewis, R-Redlands. "Predator has
    played a major role in the challenges we've faced in the (Middle East) region."
    IDEF 2011: New Turkish Rotary UAV Unveiled
    Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) used the IDEF 2011 exhibition in Istanbul to unveil a
    new rotary UAV aimed at army and navy requirements. The project, which was launched
    in 2010, initially saw the company take a manned Mosquito XE ultralight helicopter and
    convert it for autonomous use.
Web Articles

    Experts Warn the Free Ride for UAVs is Ending as Spending Constraints Loom
    (Foreign Policy)
    The most important aspect of the comfortable environment for UAVs has been financial,
    experts said at the Institute of International Strategic Studies conference, "The Future of
    Unmanned Air Power." Air Force Col. Dean Bushey warned that because of the weak
    economy and looming defense budget cuts, the "fiscally permissive" environment will no
    longer exist and said that "we can no longer just say 'buy more and send it to theater'; we
    now have to be efficient and effective in our use."

    Exclusive: Northrop Unveils Firebird MALE Aircraft
    (Aviation Week)
    Northrop Grumman will unveil its Firebird aircraft during Empire Challenge. Despite
    mature work in the unmanned rotorcraft, airship and high-altitude UAS markets,
    company officials have remained unsatisfied at the dominance of General Atomics in the
    medium-altitude, long-endurance UAS market with their Predator, Reaper and Gray
    Eagle designs.

    Follow-Up: Will Firebird Hit the Market Suite Spot?
    (Aviation Week)
    The biggest advantage of the new design could be easier integration of payloads.
    Firebird has a payload architecture designed for "plug and play", with a payload bay
    located on the center of gravity, making it less sensitive to payload mass. Combined with
    the piloted option (avoiding airspace restrictions and cumbersome regulations) this could
    make a huge difference to the money and time required to get new sensors off the test
    bench and into combat.

    Video: Famed Spaceship-Maker Gives Spy Drones a Try
    (Wired Magazine – Danger Room)
    The legendary aerospace designers at Scaled Composites are unveiling a new spy plane
    that can snoop on the unsuspecting four different ways, and it doesn’t need a human in
    the cockpit to fly. Scaled Composites is best-known for its private spacecraft, but Scaled
    is also a division of the giant defense contractor Northrop Grumman.

    DRC’s Twin Wins Prop Up Air Force Unmanned Aircraft Program
    (Washington Technology)
    Dynamics Research Corp. will continue to provide engineering and technology services
    to the Air Force, having won a pair of two-year delivery orders worth a combined $24.5
    million. These contracts allow DRC to continue its efforts supporting mission-critical
    services in conjunction with the Air Force’s Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
    Predator/Reaper program, according to a May 9 company announcement.
    China Succeeds Its Largest Unmanned Helicopter’s Debut
    (International Business Times)
    An unmanned helicopter, model number "V750" , the largest in China so far, on Saturday
    successfully completed its debut in Weifang, a city in east China's Shandong Province,
    according to Xinhua. The V750 unmanned helicopter is the first medium-sized unmanned
    helicopter in China.

    IDEF 2011: TAI Eyes Anka Production Contract
    Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is confident of securing a production contract for its
    Anka MALE UAV from the Turkish Air Force by the end of the year. TAI has developed
    three prototypes of the Anka UAV under an initial development contract.
                                                             secretary and Air Force chief of staff, who will then
  Officials Announce Eglin as MQ-1                           select one location as a preferred alternative.
      Squadron Candidate Base                                   Based on the results of these efforts, officials
                                                             expect to announce the preferred alternative in
                                                             summer 2011.
   Air Force officials announced May 3 the Eglin
                                                                                      May 4, 2011   |   US Air Force
Air Force Base complex in Florida as a candidate
for an Air Force Reserve Command MQ-1 Remote
                                                              Brüel & Kjaer Surface Microphones
Split-Operations squadron.
                                                                     Selected for nEUROn
   "The selection of this candidate is the result of
a deliberate, measured and transparent process,"
said Kathleen Ferguson, the deputy assistant                    Brüel & Kjær has been selected by Dassault
secretary for installations. "The Air Force looks            Aviation    to    provide    high-pressure         surface
forward   to     working    with      the     communities    microphones for the development of the nEUROn
surrounding this location to ensure all concerns             experimental Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
are addressed."                                              (UCAV).
   This base complex is the candidate to accept a               Led     by    France's   Dassault   Aviation,        the
single MQ-1 RSO squadron consisting of 140                   nEUROn is an experimental UCAV demonstrator
personnel and associated equipment. There are                being developed with the international cooperation
no remotely-piloted aircraft associated with this            of six European countries. Dassault chose Brüel &
action, only ground control systems.                         Kjær to supply high-pressure versions of their
   The candidate location was selected using                 surface    microphones      to   conduct       flight   test
basing criteria announced by Air Force officials             measurements.
Nov. 21, 2010.                                                  Surface       microphones     provide   information
   The primary mission of an MQ-1 RSO                        about the true pressure load on components
squadron is to support the MQ-1 Predator aircraft            during flight. The microphones are typically flush-
operations that conduct close air support, air               mounted on flat and curved surfaces, for example
interdiction, and intelligence, surveillance and             on aircraft fuselages. They must be capable of
reconnaissance. Remote split-operations consist              withstanding both high pressures and the harsh
of launching an RPA via line-of-sight operations             environments       experienced      during         in-flight
from one location, and controlling the aircraft              measurements. Importantly, the microphones must
remotely from a mission control element that is              be able to perform in the presence of high velocity
operated at another location beyond line-of-site.            airflow, whilst producing minimal wind-generated
   Air Force Reserve Command officials will                  noise.
begin     conducting       detailed         on-the-ground,                               May 4, 2011    |     Shephard
evaluations of the candidate complex covering a
range of operational and facility issues. The results
of the surveys will be briefed to the Air Force

   Kamikaze UAV Breaks the Bank                                IDEF 2011: Turkish Armed Forces to
                                                                       Receive New TUAV

   Last    year,   the     U.S.   Army        bought     ten
Switchblade UAVs for testing and evaluation. The                  Turkish company Vestal Defence has begun
tests were successful, and now the army wants to               development of the upgraded version of its Karayel
buy and deploy them. The only problem is tight                 tactical UAV (TUAV), under a contract to deliver
budgets and the cost of this one-use system.                   six airframes to the Turkish armed forces by mid-
Depending     on   the      number       ordered,      each    2013.
Switchblade round (the UAV in its storage/launch                  Publicly displaying the Karayel prototype for
container) will still cost over $10,000. If it becomes         the first time at the IDEF 2011 exhibition in
popular with the troops, demand for more would                 Istanbul on 10 May, the company is currently
have to be filled, and that could put a dent in the            working on the upgraded ‘Version II’ of the aircraft,
shrinking army budget.                                         which will have an increased maximum take-off
   The Switchblade is a one kilogram (2.2 pound)               weight of 500kg and be capable of carrying a 70kg
expendable (used only once) UAV that can be                    payload.
equipped with explosives. The Switchblade is                      Vestal spokesman Gokhan Koyuncu said the
launched from its shipping and storage tube, at                company had been developing the UAV since
which point wings flip out, a battery powered                  2005     and   completed     a    series   of   flight
propeller starts spinning and a vidcam begins                  demonstrations for the Turkish armed forces at the
broadcasting images to the controller.                         end of 2009.
   The Switchblade is operated using the same                     However, after the demonstrations, the army
gear the larger (two kg) Raven UAV employs. The                determined it needed a slightly bigger, more
Switchblade can be launched from the 70mm                      capable aircraft and placed an order instead for six
rocket tubes used on army helicopters. Moving at               of the upgraded aircraft, with the delivery schedule
up to a kilometer a minute, the Switchblade can                commencing in March 2011 and running for two
stay in the air for 20-40 minutes (depending on                years.
whether or not it is armed with explosives.) The                  The slightly longer Version II features an
armed version can be flown to a target and                     increase in wing span to 11.5m and a more
detonated, having about the same explosive effect              powerful 95hp engine, which raises the endurance
as a hand grenade. Thus the Switchblade could be               to 20 hours and operational altitude to 22,500 feet.
useful for ground troops, to get at an enemy taking               Vestal      has    developed      the    airframe,
cover in a hard to see location. Switchblade                   avionics/autopilot and ground control station but is
completed its development tests two years ago.                 looking to various third parties for the electro-optic
Technically   a    guided     missile,       the   use    of   payload.
Switchblade as a reconnaissance tool encouraged                   Koyuncu said the aircraft was capable of fully
developers to refer to it as a UAV.                            autonomous, conventional take-off and landing,

                         May 6, 2011     |   Strategy Page
                                                               but could also be employed with a launcher and
                                                               recovery system in unprepared areas.

      The company also used IDEF to publicly unveil
its    Efe   mini   UAV,   which   has    also   been
demonstrated to the Turkish Army. With an
endurance of 1.5 hours and a cruise speed of 27
knots, the 2.6m x 1.6m airframe can carry a
payload of 600g.
      Koyuncu said the UAV had been designed for
quick assembly and could be broken down in less
than a minute. Negotiations with the Turkish Army
for a production contract are ongoing.
                           May 10, 2011   |   Shephard
by the new miniature level sensors can be used to
                                                          increase   the      performance        and    reliability      of

Miniature Liquid
                                                          unmanned systems, offering engineers greater
                                                          scope for tactical decisions based on reliable

Level Sensors                                             sensor data.
                                                             The Gill Sensors range of miniature fuel, oil

Improve Mission                                           and coolant level sensors incorporate micro-
                                                          electronics making them especially suited to

Optimization for                                          smaller unmanned systems applications. Utilizing
                                                          advanced solid-state capacitive technology, the

U A Vs                                                    integrated electronics provide a fully configurable
                                                          analogue output accurate to 0.25% of the tank
                                                          depth. A data logger uses the output from the
   Mission optimization is a key factor for both
                                                          sensor and the tank profile mapping to convert
military and commercial users of Unmanned Aerial
                                                          level into volume. Information on the actual volume
Vehicles (UAV). This could mean maximizing
                                                          of fuel available is then sent to the operator as part
payload, flying further or flying longer. A critical
                                                          of the flight communications.
factor in mission optimization is fuel management.
                                                             Each sensor is custom-designed to suit the
Operators need precise fuel level information
                                                          specific requirements of the application to ensure
otherwise missions may have to be completed
                                                          optimum    performance        without        the       need    to
earlier than necessary. With some UAV's costing
                                                          extensively modify existing system components.
in excess of $35M, losing a vehicle due to lack of
                                                          This makes the sensors equally suited to vehicle
fuel is not a desirable outcome.
                                                          upgrades       or    for     specification             on     new
   While most manufacturers have incorporated
the latest satellite communications and computer
                                                             Keeping the overall vehicle weight to a
aided navigation systems into their UAV's, fuel
                                                          minimum is important and the sensors typically
management is one area that has not always kept
                                                          feature titanium and carbon-fibre components to
pace with technology. For example, some UAV's
                                                          ensure that the mass of the sensor has minimal
use commercially available automotive sensors to
                                                          impact on the vehicle operation. Sensor length can
manage fuel. These sensors were not designed for
                                                          be as little as 20mm, allowing for precision
challenging UAV applications and as a result, the
                                                          monitoring of small reservoirs.
data   they   provide   is    often   inaccurate    and
                                                             Environmentally         protected    to     IP68,        Gill's
unreliable, resulting in critical missions being
                                                          miniature sensors are suitable for full-submersion
unnecessarily compromised.
                                                          in aviation-grade fuel, oil or coolant and are rated
   Borrowing    from    the    technology    used    in
                                                          for operation from -40ºC to +125ºC. Sensors can
Formula 1 racing cars, Gill Sensors has developed
                                                          be ordered with an integral connector or flying
a range of highly accurate and reliable sensors
                                                          leads, and will meet the most stringent military
that provide the vehicle operator with precise
                                                          EMC requirements.
information about fuel availability. Data provided

                                                                                        May 4, 2011          |    Shephard
                                                                                          Article courtesy of Shephard

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Uas news digest (10 may 11)

  • 1. May 10, 2011 Uas News Digest Northrop Grumman Unveils Fir ebi rd Photo: Courtesy Northrop Grumman
  • 2. UAS News Digest Director COL Grant Webb, USA Creative Director Ms. Sue Boozer The UAS News Digest is a weekly compilation of published items and commentary concerning defense related Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) issues. The UAS News Digest is an internal management EXSUM: This week’s UAS News Digest features several new aircraft. tool intended to serve the Northrop Grumman announced its new optionally piloted Firebird informational needs of DoD officials aircraft. Turkish Aerospace Industries showcased their new rotary in the continuing assessment of defense policies, programs and aircraft at this year’s International Defense Industry Fair in Turkey. actions. Further reproduction or redistribution for private use or gain is subject to original copyright restrictions. Contents The UAS News Digest is compiled 5 News Breaks by the Joint Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence (JUAS COE) at Creech AFB, Nevada. 8 Miniature Liquid Level Sensors Improve Mission Optimization for UAVs Subscriptions Subscriber requests and comments may be sent to: Website The UAS News Digest is also available on the USJFCOM Portal. Site access requires a user account. Please contact Sue Boozer for USJFCOM sponsorship information. Default.aspx
  • 3. Web Articles Alenia Aeronautica Plans to Go It Alone With MALE UAV Project (Flightglobal) Alenia Aeronautica is looking for a partner to develop a medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned air system to rival the Franco-British venture announced earlier this year by BAE Systems and Dassault Aviation. Photo Gallery: Stealth Drone’s First Flight (Wired Magazine – Danger Room) Boeing announced Tuesday that its stealthy killer drone the “Phantom Ray” had flown for the first time. The flight, from Edwards Air Force Base, California, lasted just 17 minutes. Improved AirMule Resumes Flight Testing (Flightglobal) The prototype of Urban Aeronautics' AirMule ducted-fan unmanned air vehicle has resumed flight testing after the company completed a four-month systems and structural upgrade. According to the Israeli company, the AirMule is now flying with an expanded suite of sensors and a new, energy-absorbing wheeled landing gear. China Targets UAS as Growth Sector (Aviation Week) The display of dozens of unmanned-aircraft models at last November’s Zhuhai air show made it clear that China, industrially and militarily, is moving rapidly to catch up—and perhaps ultimately overtake—the West in this burgeoning sector of aerospace. A Drone for the Air Force is What They Are Aiming For (Gulf News) Abu Dhabi: Designing an unmanned aircraft for the UAE Air Force is topmost on the minds of five Emirati students who will travel to the US later this year for an international convention on unmanned aircraft. The five-member team won an all-expense-paid trip to the US to participate in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) convention by winning a competition to design, build, and pilot a remote- controlled unmanned aircraft. Arlington Police to Keep Aerial Drone for Surveillance (KRISTV - NBC) An unmanned drone may soon help Arlington, Texas police provide a watchful eye over the city. Grant money from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security brought the city's first unmanned drone for the Super Bowl, but Arlington hopes to put it to use full time. Predator Drone Program Seen as Valuable Weapon Against Terror (The Press-Enterprise) Inland Rep. Jerry Lewis could never have given the foundering Predator program the $400 million boost it needed 15 years ago under the nation's current policy against earmarks, the oft-criticized spending directives that congressional members, until recently, slipped into federal spending bills. "While earmarks are off board at this moment, they are not the center of original sin," said Lewis, R-Redlands. "Predator has played a major role in the challenges we've faced in the (Middle East) region." IDEF 2011: New Turkish Rotary UAV Unveiled (Shephard) Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) used the IDEF 2011 exhibition in Istanbul to unveil a new rotary UAV aimed at army and navy requirements. The project, which was launched in 2010, initially saw the company take a manned Mosquito XE ultralight helicopter and convert it for autonomous use.
  • 4. Web Articles Experts Warn the Free Ride for UAVs is Ending as Spending Constraints Loom (Foreign Policy) The most important aspect of the comfortable environment for UAVs has been financial, experts said at the Institute of International Strategic Studies conference, "The Future of Unmanned Air Power." Air Force Col. Dean Bushey warned that because of the weak economy and looming defense budget cuts, the "fiscally permissive" environment will no longer exist and said that "we can no longer just say 'buy more and send it to theater'; we now have to be efficient and effective in our use." Exclusive: Northrop Unveils Firebird MALE Aircraft (Aviation Week) Northrop Grumman will unveil its Firebird aircraft during Empire Challenge. Despite mature work in the unmanned rotorcraft, airship and high-altitude UAS markets, company officials have remained unsatisfied at the dominance of General Atomics in the medium-altitude, long-endurance UAS market with their Predator, Reaper and Gray Eagle designs. Follow-Up: Will Firebird Hit the Market Suite Spot? (Aviation Week) The biggest advantage of the new design could be easier integration of payloads. Firebird has a payload architecture designed for "plug and play", with a payload bay located on the center of gravity, making it less sensitive to payload mass. Combined with the piloted option (avoiding airspace restrictions and cumbersome regulations) this could make a huge difference to the money and time required to get new sensors off the test bench and into combat. Video: Famed Spaceship-Maker Gives Spy Drones a Try (Wired Magazine – Danger Room) The legendary aerospace designers at Scaled Composites are unveiling a new spy plane that can snoop on the unsuspecting four different ways, and it doesn’t need a human in the cockpit to fly. Scaled Composites is best-known for its private spacecraft, but Scaled is also a division of the giant defense contractor Northrop Grumman. DRC’s Twin Wins Prop Up Air Force Unmanned Aircraft Program (Washington Technology) Dynamics Research Corp. will continue to provide engineering and technology services to the Air Force, having won a pair of two-year delivery orders worth a combined $24.5 million. These contracts allow DRC to continue its efforts supporting mission-critical services in conjunction with the Air Force’s Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Predator/Reaper program, according to a May 9 company announcement. China Succeeds Its Largest Unmanned Helicopter’s Debut (International Business Times) An unmanned helicopter, model number "V750" , the largest in China so far, on Saturday successfully completed its debut in Weifang, a city in east China's Shandong Province, according to Xinhua. The V750 unmanned helicopter is the first medium-sized unmanned helicopter in China. IDEF 2011: TAI Eyes Anka Production Contract (Shephard) Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is confident of securing a production contract for its Anka MALE UAV from the Turkish Air Force by the end of the year. TAI has developed three prototypes of the Anka UAV under an initial development contract.
  • 5. NEWS BREAKS secretary and Air Force chief of staff, who will then Officials Announce Eglin as MQ-1 select one location as a preferred alternative. Squadron Candidate Base Based on the results of these efforts, officials expect to announce the preferred alternative in summer 2011. Air Force officials announced May 3 the Eglin May 4, 2011 | US Air Force Air Force Base complex in Florida as a candidate for an Air Force Reserve Command MQ-1 Remote Brüel & Kjaer Surface Microphones Split-Operations squadron. Selected for nEUROn "The selection of this candidate is the result of a deliberate, measured and transparent process," said Kathleen Ferguson, the deputy assistant Brüel & Kjær has been selected by Dassault secretary for installations. "The Air Force looks Aviation to provide high-pressure surface forward to working with the communities microphones for the development of the nEUROn surrounding this location to ensure all concerns experimental Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle are addressed." (UCAV). This base complex is the candidate to accept a Led by France's Dassault Aviation, the single MQ-1 RSO squadron consisting of 140 nEUROn is an experimental UCAV demonstrator personnel and associated equipment. There are being developed with the international cooperation no remotely-piloted aircraft associated with this of six European countries. Dassault chose Brüel & action, only ground control systems. Kjær to supply high-pressure versions of their The candidate location was selected using surface microphones to conduct flight test basing criteria announced by Air Force officials measurements. Nov. 21, 2010. Surface microphones provide information The primary mission of an MQ-1 RSO about the true pressure load on components squadron is to support the MQ-1 Predator aircraft during flight. The microphones are typically flush- operations that conduct close air support, air mounted on flat and curved surfaces, for example interdiction, and intelligence, surveillance and on aircraft fuselages. They must be capable of reconnaissance. Remote split-operations consist withstanding both high pressures and the harsh of launching an RPA via line-of-sight operations environments experienced during in-flight from one location, and controlling the aircraft measurements. Importantly, the microphones must remotely from a mission control element that is be able to perform in the presence of high velocity operated at another location beyond line-of-site. airflow, whilst producing minimal wind-generated Air Force Reserve Command officials will noise. begin conducting detailed on-the-ground, May 4, 2011 | Shephard evaluations of the candidate complex covering a range of operational and facility issues. The results of the surveys will be briefed to the Air Force
  • 6. NEWS BREAKS Kamikaze UAV Breaks the Bank IDEF 2011: Turkish Armed Forces to Receive New TUAV Last year, the U.S. Army bought ten Switchblade UAVs for testing and evaluation. The Turkish company Vestal Defence has begun tests were successful, and now the army wants to development of the upgraded version of its Karayel buy and deploy them. The only problem is tight tactical UAV (TUAV), under a contract to deliver budgets and the cost of this one-use system. six airframes to the Turkish armed forces by mid- Depending on the number ordered, each 2013. Switchblade round (the UAV in its storage/launch Publicly displaying the Karayel prototype for container) will still cost over $10,000. If it becomes the first time at the IDEF 2011 exhibition in popular with the troops, demand for more would Istanbul on 10 May, the company is currently have to be filled, and that could put a dent in the working on the upgraded ‘Version II’ of the aircraft, shrinking army budget. which will have an increased maximum take-off The Switchblade is a one kilogram (2.2 pound) weight of 500kg and be capable of carrying a 70kg expendable (used only once) UAV that can be payload. equipped with explosives. The Switchblade is Vestal spokesman Gokhan Koyuncu said the launched from its shipping and storage tube, at company had been developing the UAV since which point wings flip out, a battery powered 2005 and completed a series of flight propeller starts spinning and a vidcam begins demonstrations for the Turkish armed forces at the broadcasting images to the controller. end of 2009. The Switchblade is operated using the same However, after the demonstrations, the army gear the larger (two kg) Raven UAV employs. The determined it needed a slightly bigger, more Switchblade can be launched from the 70mm capable aircraft and placed an order instead for six rocket tubes used on army helicopters. Moving at of the upgraded aircraft, with the delivery schedule up to a kilometer a minute, the Switchblade can commencing in March 2011 and running for two stay in the air for 20-40 minutes (depending on years. whether or not it is armed with explosives.) The The slightly longer Version II features an armed version can be flown to a target and increase in wing span to 11.5m and a more detonated, having about the same explosive effect powerful 95hp engine, which raises the endurance as a hand grenade. Thus the Switchblade could be to 20 hours and operational altitude to 22,500 feet. useful for ground troops, to get at an enemy taking Vestal has developed the airframe, cover in a hard to see location. Switchblade avionics/autopilot and ground control station but is completed its development tests two years ago. looking to various third parties for the electro-optic Technically a guided missile, the use of payload. Switchblade as a reconnaissance tool encouraged Koyuncu said the aircraft was capable of fully developers to refer to it as a UAV. autonomous, conventional take-off and landing, May 6, 2011 | Strategy Page but could also be employed with a launcher and recovery system in unprepared areas.
  • 7. NEWS BREAKS The company also used IDEF to publicly unveil its Efe mini UAV, which has also been demonstrated to the Turkish Army. With an endurance of 1.5 hours and a cruise speed of 27 knots, the 2.6m x 1.6m airframe can carry a payload of 600g. Koyuncu said the UAV had been designed for quick assembly and could be broken down in less than a minute. Negotiations with the Turkish Army for a production contract are ongoing. May 10, 2011 | Shephard
  • 8. by the new miniature level sensors can be used to increase the performance and reliability of Miniature Liquid unmanned systems, offering engineers greater scope for tactical decisions based on reliable Level Sensors sensor data. The Gill Sensors range of miniature fuel, oil Improve Mission and coolant level sensors incorporate micro- electronics making them especially suited to Optimization for smaller unmanned systems applications. Utilizing advanced solid-state capacitive technology, the U A Vs integrated electronics provide a fully configurable analogue output accurate to 0.25% of the tank depth. A data logger uses the output from the Mission optimization is a key factor for both sensor and the tank profile mapping to convert military and commercial users of Unmanned Aerial level into volume. Information on the actual volume Vehicles (UAV). This could mean maximizing of fuel available is then sent to the operator as part payload, flying further or flying longer. A critical of the flight communications. factor in mission optimization is fuel management. Each sensor is custom-designed to suit the Operators need precise fuel level information specific requirements of the application to ensure otherwise missions may have to be completed optimum performance without the need to earlier than necessary. With some UAV's costing extensively modify existing system components. in excess of $35M, losing a vehicle due to lack of This makes the sensors equally suited to vehicle fuel is not a desirable outcome. upgrades or for specification on new While most manufacturers have incorporated developments. the latest satellite communications and computer Keeping the overall vehicle weight to a aided navigation systems into their UAV's, fuel minimum is important and the sensors typically management is one area that has not always kept feature titanium and carbon-fibre components to pace with technology. For example, some UAV's ensure that the mass of the sensor has minimal use commercially available automotive sensors to impact on the vehicle operation. Sensor length can manage fuel. These sensors were not designed for be as little as 20mm, allowing for precision challenging UAV applications and as a result, the monitoring of small reservoirs. data they provide is often inaccurate and Environmentally protected to IP68, Gill's unreliable, resulting in critical missions being miniature sensors are suitable for full-submersion unnecessarily compromised. in aviation-grade fuel, oil or coolant and are rated Borrowing from the technology used in for operation from -40ºC to +125ºC. Sensors can Formula 1 racing cars, Gill Sensors has developed be ordered with an integral connector or flying a range of highly accurate and reliable sensors leads, and will meet the most stringent military that provide the vehicle operator with precise EMC requirements. information about fuel availability. Data provided May 4, 2011 | Shephard Article courtesy of Shephard